Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 22, 1847, Image 1

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BY S. ROSE & CO. s T. C’DAPMAN Ac S. HOSE, Editors. ~~ T E RMS. ‘• puWished weekly, on Thur*dy morning, Three b.Ur, if pW within the year, aud Four Duller* il ut |,l ’^ l rt*w/i P w”V>” line, will lie in.eru.l for „ ’ i. r the lint iuwrlian,and Kifiy Out. foreotl,yumiiiiiuiirr. 0 “"r".. t l,u * Bmited wlieu handrdin, will lie inirrud till IhHjW- ,r T and and Werrow, by KMcntor., Ailmini.trutor. and - .mli.ii. arc ri quirnl b> low t br advt rlUtd ill public gazette, Java lireviom to the day tlf aale. Tlif mb'. ol IVrional Property muat be advertned in like manner ft s? t i!; > .o Debtor, and Creditor! of an eitate muat be published appliration will be made to the Court f Ordinary for ,eT.o ll Loll'd and Negroes muat be and week ly lor lour mon'lia- |vi>rt j t , nwnt a.Olie Dollnr per nquore foreacll inwrtioll. Adverlising a. Candidate., I hree Dollar.. LETTERS on business mutt be post paid. jo si \ .V. .1 <Vu * , ASIORNE7 AT LAW, MACON, Cit.O. Wil l, praeliae in the l•ollnliea of Hilib, Jnnea, Ralilwin, Twitrff", Houaton, Cranliml anil Monroe, nnd alao in the rnnntv of Burke. Any buoiness intrueled to hi. care will receive prompt attention, office over J. & C. SuuUbiiiy’a Clothing More. Man-li 17,11147. 2,115 GIBSON CLARK. ATTORNEY AT X.AW. lUucon, Ocoi'Kia. April I- 6m ■ 7 | <oAI\Ei: V IJililfUi 101, attorneys at la vv, Ounces ut Fori Gaines ami t^iillibcrl.CJn. flttlK undersigned having associated themselves in tlie I practice of Law, will attend to ull i usings# enti net* ed to them in the counties of Randolph, I Raker, Early * | ftvd Situ art, of Georgia, nnd Henry and llarhvur, of A lehomn. iTThettera nil.Ereared in the firm at eiilier of llie above pla cer, will nice! prompt attention. SVMCEI. IiAINKIt. EDGAR C. ELLINGTON. I April 25,131fi dll if MILLI.UI |i- IMJKAin.MJIII*. attorney at law. Rlsikely, EarlyCoiinty >Gco. > .lan 5. _ !• | LUCIUS Q. C. LA.ll i!t, iITTOItNEY AT LAW, Dkc. I 9 if CoVintflon, On. A CAAO. I HAVE this day witnessed the administration of MOR TON’S LETH'kON, to a friend of mine, nnd under its in fluence a to'ft# eye moth whs extracted by Dr. PUTNAM, with out the least pain. I then look the chair and requestsd to have the gass administered to myself.- It was accordingly dune, nnd the sensations* were, very pleasant and highly grati fying As far ms lam able, to determine from what 1 have wit nessed and experienced, I hid induced to believe that the I.e fheon ift perfectly harmless in its eff cts uii the constitution, ! and is an etheient agent, in judicious‘hands, in ’ relieving hu* j man suffering. W. V. Maksh’ill, M. I). , O* We Imre had “ MORTON’S LETHEON” administer- I ed in our families by Dr. PUTNAM, and in no instance have we discovered any tii* g objectionable to use it. Peter J. Williams, Charles Cotton, J,. J. Groce, Richard Benson, W. T. Wilson, 11 11. Moultrie, k R, Carver, Joseph Adams. ’ S. Rose and I. G. Seymour, Editors Messenger. I have'administered the above antidote for pain in over 200 • rases within a few weeks past, and from the.most flattering testimony of patients and ils sure lemedy. I mm now prepared in confidence to lecommcud its use for the public ut Urge. I C. ts. PUTNAM. Office directly opposite (i. M. Logan’s Store. Macon, \fnr*h 12, 11147. 5 K.IWLV, B.lf OvV. CANVASSED HAWES, - ; * At AtlnillH. THE subscriber is receiving witli bis splendid lod of Bacon, i a few superior Nashville Canvassed Hums* Hotel kefrp- j ers and otheis wishing to lest this Article (ran have small bits j forwarded to auv Railroad Agent designated, who will be re- i quested to receive the. pay. I Also lors of excellent Sides and Shoulders, will In* forward ded as stated above. * J. NO-KUIIOSS, Dec 3 42 Commission Merchant. ! ICU % tV COTTON HAVE removed to W. B. Parker’* etore. on Colton A veil* lie, nearlvoppoite J Cow lee’Fire Proof Ware Mouse, they have in More and offer Tor sale on accommodating terms : 290 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bugging, 175 “ -“ Dundee “ 85 “ slightly damaged “ “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Hone, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, ‘2O Tons Iron, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 Ihe Tank and Boiler Iron, - 300 lbs Spring Steel, r 800 Sacks Salt, ‘2O Boxes Tobacco, TO “ ‘ileuderson Candles, Baskets.’CHafnpaigne Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy “ 8 Casks Bacon. Macon. Sept. 2 1846. 59 OPC4 I HMDS. Cuba Molasses. f 35 trills; do. lii store ami at riving, for sale by M:. rob 33 c. DAY K CO. NOTICE. I . f r llargaiiu! A plnce for <I'.KA I llai'Kain! fill IE undersigned having taken the store on the corner of JL Colton Avenue and Cherry street, (brine 1 1 yea Bed Ross s ** store, but recently having been changed to that of thu RIO GRANDE HOUSE, liegs leave to inform the citizens of Macon, and planters, that he will constantly keep on hand un EXCELLENTSTOCK of ■>i y Bonds, Groceries A Provisions, . of all kinds, which he will fell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES, being pcifectlv contented with quick SALE anil SMALL public generally are reaped fully ( fequcfieo, if they want CHEAT BAKU A INS, to drop into Hat* RH> UKANf)E HOUSE. ” Gouda of any kind given in exchange for all kinds of pro duce at taah prices. if. n. pilSNifer, PROPRIETOR of U.e RIO GRANDE HOUSE. ; At the RIO GRANDE HOUSE can he found at all timea TEA, AiOFFEE, SUGAR, SYRUP, MOLASSES, RICE, BA-| CON. I. A III), BUTTER, CORN MEAL, GRITS, FLOUR, IIACKkHEL, Sl SHAD of the heat quality in quantities to suit puichasers, AT the LOWEST RATES, and Hut to any part of the city FREE of CHARGE. Macon, Sept 16, 1846, 31 ADW GKOCKIIV 1* HO VIRION! ITOIIIS Mulberry Street* W. FREEMAN IS now receiving a large aaa.rtuieiU of FAMILY’ GRO . CL KIES AND PROVISIONS, which, he will m-II a* low i lor CASH, aa can he furnished by any utuer eatsfof!aliment in | the city. Mb will ho coiialanny receiving from New York, supplies of the beat and fraaheat that can be had io the mar ket Ilia supplier conaial in part of the following arfipltta ( Sugar, 4JoffVler, Molasses, Svrup, Tea Fiali, Sperm Oil, Snap, 1 Tobaccd, Spif‘ea, Ntn'*,’ KaiWiiirf. Crackera, of all kind*. Pic- Xlea by thd Jar or Gallon, Butter, (’liefApple*. Ac. Al*o. a fide aaaortuiHiit nf Sluart'a celebrated Steam Refi- ( lied Gaudies, ami Sluart'a Vanilla Cream Caody, IVrsnm any of the above articles, are respect- j fully invited to call ami aee him. wacntf/Oel, 28, IH|6. *l7 NEW SPRING GOODS. riYty, Mib'rriht-r ha* jut opt n* and anew •ml complete asMirtment 1 f Staple Mird Tansy Dry bank lor ib** spring trade, which . “Til b. iH red at jiri r that caiiMl tail of iii.uring tin at H*itk slr. prisons in waul of Dry (loinli would do well to rail end exam ine the ato*k and pri*ea, To my Mud a m the country, I would just ay. rail and see m you ahull have good Good* at the lowest iiricra. Among the stock are rich Embroidered lit rage*: rich vnibroidn d Silk Moliua mid tllogbama j hue print* and JsennH ; tine printed 4u4|iiiand l.awna ; Seoteh, English mid French Ginghams ; Linen • Ingham*. A beautiful aasortntt lit of embroid* red good a, consist ngof Uobea. Collars, rhemi*ett*, Cap* s, Edgings and t-aertinga, ‘inbroidenit Lave lluMU'relm tX. fcc Iko Jaihipet Mttw| Swiss laalina, plaid and “tri ped ( In ah Linens t 1 abled*v, 4u inch pillow eae Limn ; Scutch and Ht**ia Diaper; Muckabtn k Towelling: otton Diaper ; Daina ts *1 able Ctntha ; Damask Nankins ; colored ••lien ‘table lover*; Carded Skirt*, lira** do.; Check Linens; . ioiitervir Stripe Caaaimer \ Kenturkv J an*; Copt n Casslmtri • *arliea mill Drown Homespuns. Bonnets, Hihbona, AttiWcial t ‘wen i I'm Ur* lint, Paruls, Sun-Shade*, and a thousand and one *d or article*, wLivh evtiy anc wait*. A'l of which :halt bn an Id le* h.r rah. JOB. MV HBOC It. April i 7 Georgia Journal and Messenger. FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE. O f | IMi inuh mir iiml, grateful for past / A L ■ favorrt, takes this method of infer- M miug his patrons, and those who may give him their business, that he has (for the better scorning their interests) ob tained the beautiful and well arranged . JFlre Proof I fare-House, on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by J. Cowles, for the pmpofteol storing Colton and al! kind* of t ‘onulry Produce. He will, us heretofose, give his personal attention to the Waffs House, and pledges himself to use every exertion to promote the interest of those who may confide business to hischnrgo. Macon, June 24, IB4fi. N. DUDLEY. fi Eo b /; .##; lire / t WILL CONTINUE THE Warr-llouse nml Commission Rnsiitrss, n A Nl) solicits the patronage of his fr-cmls and f . gs tm. the public generally. He will occupy the L v* wire-house on Cotton A venue, adjoining .lotus tk. l’^ yv “ V YJ Holt, ami marl) nppoMif Hom Ik Brother*'Store. v.fflfrjCgpjr In connection with the above, he ha* alto rented another near to tin one übove mentioned. From long experience in the above butinesN, he hopes to giveatii faction to those who may favor him with their business. He will be assisted in the übove busintau by Mr. M. D. C. JOHNSON, of Cul loden. Geo. Macon, August 11, 184S. WARE-HOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS. GKAVEB, WOOD A CO. this method of informing planters 7 a 1 I and others, that in addition to their I W ■ wholesale and retail DRY GOODS ANI) . J —JR GROCERY BUSINESS. tjgTi tu&&&h,dH£r They w ill contmut to transact a Rnernl * w WARE-HOUSE & COMMISSION BUSI NESS, at the old stand, (long known aa Graves’ Corner,) on the corner of second street and Commerce Row, and would respectfully renew the tender of tlieir services to their plaining friends, and oth er-, with the assurance, that those who may patronize us in tins line of business, shall have our best endeavors to do thi m justice ami pro mote their interest. Our Ware House is convene ntly situated ; and Cotton stored with ns, shall be well takn care of, ami protected from the weather. We willalso asaistwith pleasure, our friends in selling their cotton, and without charge ; ami wr are at all times pn - pared to make advances on the same hi Cash or Merchandize. VVe respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage ot the public. GRAVES, WOOD & CO. Edwin Graves, Y Thomas Wood, > J. M. Kirbke, ) Maeon, July 29, 1840. 34 FUELER'S JYE ll* DAGUERRIAN GALLERY. . ROOMS IX APOLLO HALL. IS7HERE he will be happv to exhibit specimens of his skill in y y the above Art, to those who may favor him with a call Per sons wishing Daguerreotype Portraits or Miniatures, can beaccoin- i mod a ted to their satisfaction, or no nay will be received. Mr F. uses one of Voightlander's celebrated German Camera*, 1 which is probably superior to any instrument of the kind in this country. Portraits copied in the b< stmanntr, and likenesses of de ceased pers.-hs or invalids taken at short notice. The subscriber would assure the public that no pains will he wani ng on his part to merit a share of their patronage, which is jespect fully solicited. . fcj* To Parents.— Ptetirre* of Children taken by anew process, in from one to three seconds. Macon, March 10. FZtE&H cmCERIES Just received at W. Free mans. m BOXES Rdiaina, F 25 drums exlra fine Fie*; * 12 boxes do. do. (‘runes, 25 tlo. Orange*, 2,000 Went India Ornugoii, very sweet, Citron, Currants, Date*, Tamarinds, Sugars, Teas and Coffee, Spices of nil kinds, Urackers of till kinds. Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Patent Yeast Powders. Also a very large and fine assorment of Stuart’s steam re fined CANDIES. March 24 fi It'll | LBS. extra fine Flour at •9\ M f March 24 fi \V. FREEMAN. Nails, Iron and flollow Ware. •JVM “ J 5 tons Iron, assorted l to 10 inches, 2.000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 10,000 lbs. Hollow Ware, 2.000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 German and Blister Steel, 2,000 Hoop and Baud Iron, 50 dnz. Hoes, L!0 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for suit-by % E. B. WEED. i Deo 17 44 Fashionable Millinery, mies. a. da nor it HAS just received anew and splendid assortment efGoods m the Millinery line, such sr Pattern, Velvet, Satin and Plush Hats of the latest styles; j ?*lr w..Leghorn,Pamela Pear 4& Dunstable Bonnets; A full assortment of Ribbons; Flow- rs, Feathers,and all kinds of Bonnet materials; Silk,Cashmere,and white and colored Muslin Rohes; A fioe assortment of .Silk, Cushinere and Brochn dhaw lfl • New stylos ,fCaiw itnil Hstal Dresses®; t*apes. Collars, Cnemisetteß, Hosieiy ; Laces of all descriptions; Bombazines, Aipnccas, MotUilin de Laine, Silks, Merinos and Cashmere, for dress goods. Macon, Oct 15,1846. v 35 i tJlilliuery anti Dress blinking. Nil’s. Powell A Mrs. Bur<liiic, VVfI.L oafry on the tibove business, mid execute all orders I V in the best and most fashionable style were i I required. I BLEACHING AND REPAIRING BONNETS, will al {so be done at abort notice. Their residence in on the coiner of I i College hired, near the Female College. Macon. Oct 28,1316. W 37 GItOCIIRIKS. | f3*l HE subscribers continue to keep a general assortment of I HKOCKKIKS A.NIJ STAPI.f. I)liV GOODS, i their old Maud, cornet of Second and Mulberry afreet*, opposite tiie YVunhington Hall: they have just received with other article** the following: 21 hhtfa. St. Croix ami l*. R. Sugars, 119 bags Green Rio <OTffee, 25 do. old Gov. Java do. 200(kvards Negro Kerseys, JOOO t)uffe. Blankets 3 und 9 quarter, 1000 yards Cotton Oanaburgs, 15 tona.Sweedeg Iron, 700 Hacks Liverpool Salt, 1500 pair Riisswt Brogans, wi'.ii a general assi intw iit in their line l , nil which is offered at i the lowest Cash prices. They respectfully Invite nil wishir.e i ito purchase, to examine stock—believing they cannot fail to be suited in price and quulitv. ‘ CIIAS.CAMPBELL & CO. j Nov 4. 1846. 38 CUllM*'CMMlMcn, Vestftag* Ac. SUPRK West of Budaiwl black, Him-black, Blue, Invisible (irtvn, Drown,and Cloiba, an excellent assortnu ut. I.omlitn, Twtrdn, Kiench a*: 1 sgit-rican Caaaimer*. , Velvet, aaiin,Marseille*, and i icy Veating*. just received by N. McKINNON k CO. Sept 30, 1840. 33 I NEW SPRING GOODS. riYIIE aubscrilier i<* now receiving from New York, his Udtf* A a I aupnly of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing nl- j moat every desirable style for bo|h Indies’ and gentlemen’s | wear. Also a greul variety of goods suitable tor bovs’ cloth- ! in?. ’ GEO. W. PRICE. Macon, March 54, 1847. 6 CHARLES XZ. FRBBMAN. Cotton Avenue, next door above the “ Rio Grande House,'* , Hus just opened u good stock of Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Flpur, Bacon, < hctple mid Fancy Dry fjaoods. i Macon. Match 10, 1847 4 F*.vKF rD “' w ‘ mc ■ March 10 ‘ EtliiVrbx mThTckt hki k, *..i, .mu..- F ahr n Huitrr, always n baud, and warranted go**d. “March 10 4 t HAS. H KH F. KM AN j j | k - I. t- TS~* k w t It o! u la autifuTatyM. |{ M.m h lii 4 I’ll AS. H. rwy.ltM AN. ! a yiw iiwnvla In A . ntM*it,iiin.’lit by S* t. .INOWCIti i Mirah 10, 147. _____ N * ‘ • 4 I 4 ViT •ONV \l* N'i “ N ' ; 1 M.S ... ...] 1 ) frum M.uul'..tbriHK Cumi>.ny, fur *.!*■ in tf liirt,.. . S.. KKNUKKK. M^rrh 1. IXT , ■ ■ - 0v,,'7":o v, ,'7" : " i,;vi ’ sairtiMSiAa?*’ March IT. P 47. j PI\NO FOR .\IaK-A seeund hand Piaaoof.wert tune I and in ginid order, ibr sslc. Apply st the Messenger 0(8ee. j M.rfh W 1_ I I) % li A Mi I AliV-Ju.l rre-ll . I.* pivot Paper I lane mi’s, Borders end Fire-bosnl Punts: . |J,, I’ t'i.r D,r Wilirtim Bh'U*M, bo.uliful rlicl. Al.u, Mol. >if .o.rriiidifl-rrnt kind.. ::i r_ _ r,o. w. rntcr.. llllS l. H. MH.I.Kit'S IHKWINU TOBACCO—!*• [WI , ir.-if .„<! fur ..I. by CKAS. It rHfcKMASI. 1 sCri'h 17, 1547. * i|. ai'kkhh- sod., ‘M'.r";,,",\"n u f fvn a uc bak-Tjr. Lit AH. It. I iltcnAS. March IT 9 MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1817 !%ew nml llenutiliil Good*. JUST received and now opening, h v.iriety of •)’!?■ of new, fancy and “tuple DBA’ GOODS. Amuug Hum may be found plain owle Black Silk*, Satin Stripe Silk", 40 pieces Balzariue* and Bern -• * from to 5 cts. pr ya'd, 40 piec*” Gingham", very cheap, 100 piece” Calico, from 6J to 25 cents per yard, Brown Sheetings, 20 yards for 01. 100 Parasols, Parasolett* and Sun Shades, horn 75 cts. to fl. White Cotton Hosiery, at 12.Jet*. per pair, 30 do/. Linen Cambric IfundkertniHa from to 50 rent", PI in white Swis Muslins at 25 cl*, per yard, * Plaid and striped do. very low , Lace striped do. at 3t c< nt". Jaconet, Nuusook. Book and Mult Muslin*, Cambric amt Furniture Dimity, anew si) |r, Gras* Cloth Skirt", Summer Cu*"iinerr, Cottonage", Gnmbroons, White and ttn.wn Linen Drills for Pant-, Plaid Linen for Coat*, Cross Bar Mbquito Netting, I.a e do. do. ‘Fable and Lowell Diapers of many qualities and price", Muslin Collars, Chemist*! ts, &c. Nic. The subscriber dee in it uuuecesNary to enumerate article", as all who Will give him a call, will find almost every article iiNtialiy ki pt in a Dry Good Store, ami at as low prices FOR CASH, as at ain other store iu (he State. Store next door to the Po*) Office. Ph ase rome aml see. E. WOODRU Y F. April 14 Faints, Oils, A'r. JUrfT rncefv<*'l from the “New York anti Brooklyn White Lend Coinpuny,” A r o. I, No. 2, Extra and Pure White Lead. ALSO IN STORE,*ee.l mid Tannei’sOil, Spirit* Tnrpentine, Varniah, Lampblack, Putty, Faint, Brti*h*p. See. &. W 27 PATTEN & TAYLOR, 1 PUBLIC IM’VSTATIOW. JOSEPH CtU RHOCK HAVING taken the Store formerly occupied bv G. I. Shep ard. next door to Whiting & Mix’* Shoe Store, reeved fully invite* the public to examine hi*JW/ stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, being one of the richest and most desirable assortments of Fnahionable Dry Good* ever offered in this city, and which shall be sold for CASH, at un precedented low prices. A few of (he many articles lie has just opened are Rich Dress Silks, Black Mantilla and Apron do. Rich Cashmeres, Ombre striped do., Oregon Fluids, Gala Plaid for Children, Plaid Alpaccts, Black Silk Warp Alpaccae, very line. Super Bombazines, Beautiful Cashmere Shawls, Scotch Plaid, Wool Net, and splendid Silk Shawls, Jaconet, Mull and Swiss Muslins, Splendid Embroidered Muslin Rohes, French worked Capes, Collar* and Shemi/.ettes, Thread, Lisle, Swiss,and Cambric Edging* and Inserting*, Chantilla Veils, Green Rerage, Kid Gloves, Twisted Mitts, Silk and Cotton Hosiery, Gimp*, Fringes. Silk Buttons, Zephyr VVor*teds, Also, a beautiful lot of Straw, Tuscan, Leghorn, Adelaide, : Victoria and China Pearl Braid Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Neck Ties, &c. Together with a good slock of Broadcloths, Cossitners, S’dtihßts, Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, Plaid Linse* *, Red ami * While Flannels. Printed Salisbury do., Calicoes, bleached and Sheetings and Shirtings, with every article usually kept in the Dry Goods lino.’ As he is determined’ to give Orvat bargains, it will be for the interest ofhuyers io examine his stuck before purchasing. Oct 14. 1840 35 MOBS NSW GOODS. GEORGE IM. IJjGAN ft CO have just received the finest and b**st assorted stock of • ‘ Fitii4*y IH y Goods. that they hive ever offered for sale iu this market. They are Heterulined to sell every article on as reasonable teims as any house in the city,* and will not he undersold bv any. Their motto iu future r hall be, “Quick Sales and Small Prof : its,” —“Cheap Goods, M the watch Word. Great Inducements ofleretl for Cash. | The following are a few of the many articles on hand. Paris embroidered Cashmere Rohes—very fine, French embroidered Cashmere*. | Super plaid, and shaded Cashmeres, i Plain Motts, de Lnines—all colors, New style Polka Rohe*—for Evening Dresses, Exlra fine embroidered Muslin Robes, ( Fancy Dress Silk, rich and splendid, j French Worked Capes, Collars and Chemizettes, Kid Gloves, Twisted Mitts,Silk Hosiery, Ac., Flannels, Al | paccas, Figured Dimity, Blackßomhazincs, Alpacca Lutre, j Irish Linentt, i'ulde Dutnask, Pliad Ginghams, etc. etc. Cloths, Cassikiicfcs, unit Vediugs. Fine Cashmere Shawls, | Rich Brocade, 44 Illitek emhroideied Thibet Sh twls and Handk’a. Fine embroidered Linen Cambric llandk’s, ( Purse, Twist ami Steel Beads, Silk. Buttons, and Trimming*—of every quality. ALSO, A splendid nrtsorlment of CARPETING and RUGS low for I CASH. ! Also, e very large and handsome selection of Cliiuu. Glass, ami Crockery-Ware, 1 which will he sold much lovvei than usual—us we are auxiou* to set! cut and dim orrtit ne t'.ie business. | Cati'fr Rnd examine Hicse Good* before purchasing, and i vou can obtain GREAT BARGAINS. I ‘ Oct. 7 *1846. ?4 GUO CURIES. IflT HIIDS. St. Croix, Porto Rico and N. O. Sugar, yJ 12 boxes and barr els crushed, pulv. and loaf Sugar, 25 lilids. Molasses, 1 do. Siewatp* reflned Sugur House Mulasaca, 100 bags Rio Coffee, 20 “ Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 25 Loxes >p rni Candies, 20 44 Tallow ** 50 44 Soap, 20 4 * Starch. 4 chest* choice Imperial and Hyson Tea, IU (jtintter cltesis Imperial and Hyson Tea, Saleratus, lud>go. Madder, Spanish Brown, Blue Vitriol, Copperas, Alum, Borax, Sui Nitre, Powder, Shot Lead, 25 hhls. N. E Rum. 25 bills. Northern Citi, 50 bids. Whiskey, Cognac and American Brandy, 11 oil aml Gin. Cordials. Madeira, Port and Malnga Wine, Lemon Svrup. Raisins. 100 boxea Tobacco, a great variety, 30,000 Segars: Macohov ami Seotcli Snuff, With a great variety of other Groceries, whk h will be sold at 14 Bnigaina.” AMOS BENTo.N. April 1 7 . j*jj ok*i*iu's sttun:. Or Mulberry Street, opposite the Washington Ilolt. riIHE nndertigued takea pteusurc* in nmiuimeing to his in* t m. numerable friends ami cuaiomers ihioughout the State, I that he has commenced hid business operations tor 1847, and , that he is now Biting his store with a moM extensive and mag nificent stock of ne v SPRING DRV GOODS. It is toy determitrUinn I tin coining year, by the beauty nf ! *rv good a, ami the uuiloi ui cheujiocaa ul the prices, to make this establishment Tin* most l*4|>tilm’ Store in the Suite. I therefore chwerfu’lv and cordially invite p rchusers ot Dry Goods young and old. trom all paiU of the to visit my sUtre, liojiirg that I shrill he able to malte Iheir visits both u gr eeableai.d protitnble to lUein, brj setting tore tor Cash. Respectfully, JOHN W. CLARK. I*. S,—The iimleraigosd’nne of the late 6fm of Kendrick At (Murk, would also respectfully solicit a call from his liiemla and acquaintances, at the Peotde’s where he will ever j he found ready to uid them to their interest in the purchase of ! goodfl. JAMES M. CLARK- March 31,1847. 7 CO-PAKTiVmiSUIP. aubatrlber having take* hit brother. Reuben // I parimr-bip, the basin* a* will h< realur be coi.Hmu.i un*> i ihv I ftrmnf A. J. WHITE & CO. A. J, WHITE. Macun. July 1, 184* - The kiibacribera bare in store, aud w ill be receiving during the ! •uiunier and fall, A k< > i4 , i , ul iißortitu 4 ni of Goods, Adapted to the season, consisting in part of Bt. Croix and l.oaf Sugar, j Staple Dry tinod*, Min, l.agnira and Java Coffee, Ha do ry, Irop of all kind*, | | iquora of all kind*, Hollow ware and Wait*, I T< a-some very tine, t .ctiiimii, Cast H lllrtured Steal, I S* gay*, ‘l obarro, Salt, Molaa-tw, j. Paints, (JiU, G la** r tkc. Hnesins, Ttrine nntl WKh their tck of Magging, they off. r some Kentucky 33i uha w ide, wrH adapt* and to square bales, whull was highl) Mpproxd I of the past *aaon by plantt rs. Comprising moat articles in the ripheety Line, wtiirh they off r at the lowest market prim, and respectfully solicit a call fnm their fro nds anti the public, A. J. WHITE Ik CO dP After tlte first of October, they will remove tw the brick corn r | store two ilrnirs atwivetheir pr*s*nt kaatkai, form* rly •teuph and by ’ Chapman, Run Ik To Msmii, iwtv t, >4d, v ’3 vi:itv CIIB4P DBT UOODSt %T McKINNON Ik CO. would invite all person* in want of |N. D GO O^S p o rail and examine their Sere antt Sratsttuble .ttscl, comiMisf of Hmwn and It leached Shirting* and Sheetings, Tlrktngs, Check*, (iinghaiu*, Prints, Linen*. I inen Di tiling#, Par andewmmdnCkrtha, Mnshns, l.awn*, Silks and Dress t.ooita gen* rally, together with al most every other article usually kept In the Dry Good* line. All *f which will be sold at the lowest prices tor t'ibli,ur tu punctual cus tomer ‘ tin the tl<ual tune. Macon, March 10, 1847. 4 IfflWUi I'ltlMK CIO AllS, for ss by n M P Keb 17 I WAHBrN I ‘ 1 I apple CHESE-Aftw bo*ea jus* r* etved l y I March 17 I CHAS. H. FREEMAN. RICH STOI IS uc NEW SPRING GOODS AT REDUCED PKICKS. rITHE !üb*criber, On Dyson’s Brick Corner, is now receiving from 1 New York a large am! “pleiulid assortment of Spring and Sum mer Good* of the latest styles and patterns, consisting m part of the following articles : English and American Print", Fancy Silk Lawn Shawls, Kim raid do. Uich. lie rage Scarfii, Furniture do. j Black & White Lair Net Shawl- Black and Whste do. I i.adtes rich Kmhroid. Pdkfw. Pink, Check Ik Strip'd Gingliam*| Laces and KUging*, Plaid Karlston do. (Gloves and Ho"iei \, 1 laid Lawn Muslin*, Bonnets and Ribbons, Black do. do ! While t'ambrics and Muslids, Mourning Lappett Muslins, Gimps and Fringes, Fancy Printed and IMmd Lawns, Black and Colored Alpacca", i Paris Printed Jaconet", t Hlcu -Hed and Unblraebed Sheet- Embroidered 6t Graduated Swiss inp* an i h urting , Robes, 10-4 Linen Sheetings Marquesas and C'alifornia Rolits,i Super bik. French Broadcloth", Printed Halzttrine do. EUgant Ink H< fancy Uassirntrs, Rich Pans Silk do. t'otton and Linen Dulls, Black S.uin I ies and Shaw l", | Doim stic Goods of all kinds. Black Silk Lawn do. j Aho receiving a targe stock of CLOTHING* HATS, SHOES, Crockery Ware, Glass Ware, AII of which will lie sold a* low as can be purchased at any other house in the city. The public are respectfully invited to cull and examine my stock, which ha* been selected with much car*- wttlt ref erence to the w ants of both city and country. Macon, March 17, 1847 f S S. KK.V RICK. Valuable Lands lor *alc. following valuable, tract* of Land, eligibly situated, in ! ■ iur 111')!! lHVor*blft Colton region, Hndjpitmr of tln'tn etn j brm’injf rlie ri. l first cotion landriu file Stall-, are otVt-red fur eule ’ on Kccimiimwiel N]<( lerm,. Count,*. Lri.-I. Acre.r. Ilurlv new } 201) 10 250 li-kcr lot JO 250 271 l! 250 “ JJ > 9 250 - “ 196 Jl 250 I “ 44 7 250 :)l 7 250 i “ 221 7 250 ‘ “ 232 7 250 “ 313 7 250 ” 319 7 250 “ 320 7 250 •’ 127 II 250 365 9 250 “ 90 11 250 “ 111! II 250 “ 63 12 250 “ 112 7 250 305 II fell “ 393 H 2>o 1 “ 2.14 7 250 | “ 283 7 250 “ 200 7 250 “ 33 11 250 “ 2TB II 250 “ 31 11 2311 “ :0I 11 250 “ 30 11 250 ” 219 II 250 “ 196 7 250 Earlv. 275 13 250 ’ 253 13 250 1 ** 251 13 250 “ 255 13 250 “ 231 13 250 i “ 220 13 250 - “ 2-13 1 3 250 i “ 218 13 250 i - 101 13 250 “ 129 13 250 “ -13 1 3 250 “ 207 13 250 i “ 235 23 250 ! “ 184 28 250 ; “ 59 28 250 : “ 23 28 250 “ 20 28 250 i “ 300 13 250 j “ 124 1 3 250 ; if 287 C 250 “ 122 13 250 “ 131 13 250 132 13 250 ! “ 64 26 250 •* 181 26 250 1 ” 63 26 250 ! •< 202 26 250 *• 59 26 250 “ 58 26 850 I “ 228 13 250 “ 237 28 250 <• 223 28 250 ! 245 28 250 ! “ 108 13 250 ; “ 1811 13 950 48 13 250 : “ 40 13 250 •* TBB 13 250 “ 153 13 250 j “ 50 13 250 j •• 284 13 250 361 13 250 “ 200 26 250 “ ‘ 56 26 250 Enrly navv ? 316 17 250 J hoinu. \ 317 17 250 •• 311 17 250 “ 290 17 250 “ 269 17 250 “ 268 17 250 “ 65 13 250 “ 143 18 250 “ 253 13 250 “ 26 18 250 109 17 250 “ 154 17 250 “ 175 17 3150 “ 179 17 250 I “ 287 17 250 Irwin new? 157 13 490 Ttiurnua 319 8 490 •• 293 It 499 “ 391 13 490 •• 159 13 490 *• 258 13 490 “ 18 13 490 i Any perron wiahiug to ncgotisti* for nny or nil of t. c above Lunds, vvill applv to THOMAS F. STE\ ENS, Agert. Macon, Lch. H>, 1 5-> vil Si I It Vi IsASUS FOB KALE. MTIIE'iiboi It a* tug determined to move tu the Wert,tto-v ori'eta the following lamia for ulc,to *|oo A acrea in the county of Jtnra, w hrrron the Subscri ber lives. T he improvement# are a good dwelling.hoiiae.and oui-htmaes, all trunied ; ct'Uoii screw,gin-housw, nrgio houa e§ atid cribs, all gttod. | ,11 | acres in fwigga county, near Tarvc rsvii'e. Ibis plitlllution is im*l inferi*trto auv in ll e county. In inv a hue nets, Mr. JOHN KELLY’ will dhow th* plant*- •on in jtmea ; ‘lr THOM AN HOGAN the one in Twiggs I nave priced the places low, in Older to make quick sales Anv perron who may wish to purchase Linda in this aaetion ofGeorgi t, w ill do well to call uutl examine the land* iiome dla"’ljf‘ JOHN \V. GORDON. S.ri t, Ifllfi. _ 11 ro& SALE. f |IHK subaeriber ff. r htr i|k*n aecotniodring term*, the Iteau- I tifal r> aids uec he now occupies situate tu the centre of Vint vtlle, immediate in thef.rhsuf the tyut road*, one hading into the city at Million y Street, tod the thi into Cotto.i Avenue, only a quarter nf a mile firm the line of Die city, in fu|l view and o*4y half i a mil) from the K- male College t only oi.e mile from the bu>im **| part of the ri* y. lki< i about t*u acre* attayjw dtu th lot. ‘I be location ••, le and healthy—gsod, j-tm water an I ph ..ty j of it. The bunas a are large and atr> : well a.ap.d lor entertain-J mint and boarding, and it would lie u good stand for anv person de •iroot of going into such burnt , In in* m ar the Hatlrwad Depot and Workshop, and ala convenient to theTollegf. Possession would would be given immediaul) if salt were made ami **• miuii rqmr ,.u * Spencer eiley. April 14 t _ for Male. rSlttr. .' to ..w iu-r nf nr* pit* 1 nr <lfa.-N.kHI., M- Iti-ir Sl-.ili UeN-Xlilt, UM n<l lttilf un fa l . from tfa- citv of >l n: lik-wlw ill- nr fr.mln( timh-r ihfv will fil .1 itiir Mill or will rf-li*-r in M: n or viriui tv, on *. f.vor.fal. trm .. il can b procured fiuM uny olh *rmil ‘ JOHN D. <1 RAY Sc rn. Mncrin. w cpt 9, 1846. * . II nsiotloll 4 44111011 Nl’l*4l. . - fls 11 f ’ undersigned bus two or litre** httrulrod bushels n. I M ASTODON Cos l’ TON HEED, whiHt he wilt rtcjH w f for cash. The *ml si* raised tipoir u v ulatifAihur Ip Craw ford eonntv. and ia the product* ot ae#*d thafl pureu/iseil ttfM r. Abbe v’* agent, Uhl winter,ill Nme ‘ h lyt'is. Fltltll'ullnn pro duces ftttrlv, ami yielils ai much *s other Cll'*n. and cum niNtids a fur lie ter p-ci* than nlher Upland (*ottoii Ferauna desirous of puichasiiir the seed can obtain il by apnlioutiou in A J. Will I E At CO., Macun, Ga, whaieit ran h* found in sacks. S. I J . CORBIN Cra*vfir*lc*'iiutv,Jan. 25. 1817. I* m Mb Mtodon Cotton Seed. \ FK'V Mark., fair ..Irfav M.ralt 17. r> CHAS. CAMSSr.t.I. *On i , - ■ • SIU..V lit*.—'JW Mhd*. M..ov.d 8(r, U(l Hul.oaf dn 411 HI,I. frothed .ml i'uwd-rtd do Jti.i rfrf iv-d, .ud tar rat* tiv L't, >H <! Of-OTT. rAtlll M!T ft rn acA.Hr*. a rtvß lot nf nrr.rr.nrt Hills Serf.—. Oru <*u’ |,4 ttiair \ * ■*■>nf- ANT> “and Cll HON, far*’ “I ja-<.< .wl V, }VtraSiTr i Cno>. ii ruancMAN. Tiwin new > 2 m l 13 490 Thomas ) 0!7 8 41)0 “ 35J 13 409 “ 511 8 498 Irwin new / I II 490 Lowmti s. J 109 fO 490 “ 3i2 10 490 “ 371 10 490 ” 359 10 490 j “ 231 !0 4!>o “ 230 10 490 “ 203 12 490 “ 277 12 490 ! “ 325 12 490 “ Till 12 490 j “ Sol 12 490 i ‘ 420 12 490 I “ 127 9 490 ! •• 138 11 490 ; “ fill II 490 •• 303 10 490 ; “ 4CO 10 490 Irwin 973 T 490 | “ 127 7 490 1 Appling. 267 4 41K) Apphrlg ) ( . 8 8 j. J 0 new Warn ) Enrly new / 270 1 5 250 IlMviur. \ 253 13 250 “ 256 15 250 183 15 250 185 13 250 9 (81 15 250 11 172 15 250 “ 149 15 250 “ 51 15 230 •• 41 H 250 •• 89 15 250 “ 173 I 1 250 “ 175 I 1 259 •< 300 14 2io “ 314 1 l 250 “ 313 II 230 ” 316 14 250 106 14 250 “ 81 16 250 “ 95 16 250 203 21 250 “ 233 21 250 “ 190 21 260 1 21 2-50 “ 147 21 250 “ 101 16 2.50 “ 110 21 250 5 115 21 250 “ 173 27 250 “ 153 16 2.50 164 16 250 14 n*f .-Irani 153 13 250 j “ 65 13 260 1 “ If. 13 250 Rabun. 55 1 49(1 ! “ 47 1 490 i “ 51 1 490 | “ 46 1 490 i “ 113 5 160 “ 75 3 381 “ 106 3 364 r.arlv now ) 1 16 490 , Low udc*. ] r 29 n 4% ! “ 17ti 10 400 I “ m io ill *• 267 10 400 i Early now ) 515 8 490 Tlrouiaa S 1578 “■ 4)0 “ 375 a 490 . “ 127 17 490 Fnrlv no.. ) 71 21 250 Decatur J 132 21 250. “ 152 21 250 ! 281 14 250 1 Karlv. 57 2 6 250 •’> 65 26 250 i Appling. 81 3 490 1 - 136 3 490 , “ 137 3 490 : “ 138 a 490 “ 178 3 490 “ 202 3 490 | “ 230 3 490 I 235 3 490 | “ 241 3 490 i “ 423 a 490 I *• 424 3 490 * - 43! 3 490 367 4 490 llti'rahnni 15 13 250 MISCELLANY. THE 60UKCE3 OF NATIONAL WEALTH. RT it EV. Mil. BURN AP, OF BALTIMORE. What in weulih ? In what dtte* it consist ? Wealth is everything that supplies Ihe human wania, nat ural or artificial. Here is, of course, no end to Its multipli cation. The artificial wants of mankind have no limits, of j . couise wealth ha* no bounds, but the productiveness of na ture, and the capwciiirs f human industry; And what are I i human wants? The first is food. This Can bo procured on- ’ ily from the soil. IL nce, ibe first and rnoul universal of hu man pursuit* is agriculture. ‘l’he first item, in a nation’s | | wealth in u cultivated land. 15 fore this every othet specie* of property and wind leu into umignf caiice, tnd strange as it : may seem, the greufest investment tn ibi# country, the mo t I costly production of human industry, is the common fences | which divide the fields from the highlands, and separate (hern | from eAch other. No men dreams, that, when compet'd to. the outlay monuments of humsu art, : our cities and our towns, with all their wealth, are ielt far be hind. Vou will scarcely believe me, when I rsy that Ihe fences of this country cost more than twenty (line* the spo j cie there is in it. In many of the counties iu the Northern States, the fi ner* have cost more than the (arms and fence* | are worth. It is this enormous fiu den, there cun be no doubt, which keep* down the agricultural interests of thi* country, and it is freedom from it which enables the North of Europe, • i w ith r\ wars** climate, end an ind Herein system of cultivation to undersell us in the markets of England. There, traveller* tell u*. fence* me oho. si unknown. The herda and fiocki me under the cure of herdsmen nnd shepherds, and thu* an j untold *■ xjx'jk! ll uit) h saved, beside* the |os of the kind which ! flic fence* occupy, ami the accumulation of aoil, that, with . the moat careful management la apt to he thrown up around j them by the plough. The hunter contribute* to the wealth of a country by his peipetual toil, livery thing begin* with him. livery day ol the year ha* it* vmi >u* and it* Continued* operator)*—all di rected, however. to this one point, to bring the greatest quan , tity of produce from a given number of acres. Such is the nature of his work, that litile can bo doit* to expedite or shor ! ten the process, livery font of every field must be parsed ! over by the plough. ‘I here are no tire-horses yet invented to ido this ul the rate of twenty miles an hour, ibe ploughman, ’ I therefore, must ihw early and work late. Hi* In bur a too, j I must be generally cm.fmed to the houis when the sun is a bova the horizon, in autumn aod in winter these me few'. He must woik the harder dunug that pint of the year when lire days are long. Every tndmonous farmer is continually adding to the substantial and permanent wealth of a nation. He is continually adding to Hie productive power, which is j the heat specie* of weulth, llis saving*, if any he make, go bock into the soil, to increase its fertility, or they‘go into fix* , tu>es, which add comfort or diminish the labors of all coming years. Tne savings of the farmer—and lie cannot make any tiling only by the mint aaAduou* labor—increase the fund ; that is most wanting, especially in such a country ae this; i. e. agricultural capital. The farmers of this country can do nothing, they nay, for the want of money. Ho ware they I ever to pet hut hy the improvement of their farms ? A* thing* have been managed in tills country hitherto, ibeic has been a ten deucy to deterioration. J- • ! The ladica! mistake his been committed of supposing that the best investment for the farmer is the pu<chase of moie land, w hereas, in most instances, the better pdicy would have i een, the bitter ccltivation cl that which he a'heady had.— The plan has been to exhauat one field and then turn to another. Much a plan can result in nothing hut rum: No-, thing has been move Reflected in this country than agricul ture. The soil of the United Slates is capable of sustaining j two hunched million* of inhabitants belter than it sustain* se venteen . E'ghty years ago the population of England and Walea was only six million*, and a uniat miserable living did they ! gel. black bread, barley cakes arid oatmeal porridge, were Ibe main food of the rural j opulaiion. Wince lhat lime, the popu- j ludon lias more than doubled, and, in ordinar y times, they fare better than half the number did then. Their annual agricul tural productions have increased more than two hundred mil lions of dollars, and yet the productive powcis ol the whole island are scarcely us great as thus* of the single State ol Il linois. But agriculture, to flourish, must have a market for its sur plus productions. And what is s market 1 Hoes that mag ’ ic word reside in any place T Most people seem to think so. i A market it every where. It is people,Hot a place—people not ’ engaged in agriculture, but employed in something else that supplies human wauls. Arid the uearei it is iouud to the farmer’s door the better, the less of his production* ere spent 111 gelling thrill to market. Agriculture can flourish, then, only where there is a large population engaged m manufac tures and commerce. ‘ ! The second source of notional wealth is m inuf during in ’ dus'ry. No nation ever hei aiue wealthy by raising the law m aterial, ami then exchanging it foi the manufactured article The inanufacluimg people always have the advantage. They work day anti night, summer and winter, in fair and stormy ’ weather. An agricultural population woik only in the day ’ tune, when ihe earth la free from fro* s, and worn ‘he clouds are disburd umg thejisr lves upon the earth. A manufactur ing population can avail themselves In any extent of the aid of machinery.’ The fall of ‘waier in the town of Lowell is | made to do the work ot a million of human beings. Every : thing t 1 e fanner raises mul t e brought not of the earth by 1 main force, by hard work. Tne farmer’s production* are > bulky, and are ullen almost- consumed in getting them to ma ket. Thu manufactured article Is t.suaily comparatively I light in proportion to ini value. The farmer, moreover, is j obliged to take ihe chances of unpropillous Mason*, and of* | fttsionally a shoit cmp. ftiul no vauatioii of the seasuiishas ever been kuown to produce a abort crop ul b mis and a!***•• and drought has never been so gicat as to bbghl the labors ol the loom. With these advantage*, a manufactur mg people will alnod always continue lo keep an agiicullu'sl people m debt. Towns and cilies will spring op among the ■ , ami die very fact of a condensed population gives ibem great advantage*. An ex cluaivrlv agricufr oral people. in *he present age of I lias world, will alwavs be poor, i hey wwiit cities and towns, they want a diversity of employmt-nt. They want the coirrprise and at tivity, which is eiigMiden and merely by bunging masse** of the people to act on each other by mutual stimulation and excitement. Why i* tbo balance ol trade continually mta voi of Ibe North * Because our labor is not all Hi. i sx.iy di versified, be* a use ibe raw material goes from till-very u<y to ilia Norih to be mmufactuted, and Cornea back to be worn by our citizens, wild* we have among us thnn*nJs and thous and* who might work it up, but who are lying here idle, ma ny of (hem supported by public charily f One of the pwlu)ateaof national wedth i ‘duration uni versally diffused. It is this alone lhat can give skill lo th liund, and wisdom hi the g* terl conduct of sffurs. With- | out lhat, (he strength of the physical power of an tlion is like • the sightless Oytlnpa, working lit the daf*. Bhy-iral strength j is generally available in proportion to ihe intelligence hy ; which il is guided. Moat ot our lerrdere have heard of the , Lowell Otfciidg. a periodical written exduaively by tbeguL | who arc engaged very and y in carding, spinning and weaving Mr. Hickciia tell* us lhat he cairied fiome lo LikgUnd a number of that work as one of ihe roost wond rlu! phanotn- I cna of ihe Waateni World. I was h>td lhat place, j by one of Ihe supeinilendcnts, that die pimcip-tl writers in j that publication weia the nfM| prufiubl* operators in the sev | eral etahlihr:eiii*, obtain*d die lugheai wages, and made j die best use of (heir money. Bo after all die sneerti cal up on literary LJiee, to them, bjue stocking, i no disqualification j Iv ihe moat summon employments of tile. Mo n is, all the ‘ woild over. iUe achoulriuiNiei'a wages is an in v#im*in, | which yields, in an economical point of view, ttia highest par centum. It is to enlightened nf oration lhat w mnel look foi the et duct ion of thut ial a sen t irnem, ao advarsem the true pros perity of an ilion, Iha JagrisdaZldb which sum* tnnee altsches ! lo peisonal toil. No (oininiiuity can ever g*oW rich, where m is ihoughf to ba rnora repeci*bla to be a genic* I loafrr, > than to gat an hone-l living by die labor qt die hands. No nation cau he propnuus end rich without a RHid ghv eminent. And what it good government ? It la one whuh protects, instead of nuking war upon prnpi-riy. it is one which hallows (he inarnegr between capital and labor—two ihmga. which God s provulen # h join -d logethar, nnd uo thing but human folly will ever put asunder—a union from which proceeds die lair family ul lodnafty, wraith, harmony ’ and peace, Once d.vide them, and Iha whole aliuclura ol | society is hiokvn up. ’ Monratr or Of*. Txilox* A pentleman, after tending firn Taylor’* and ‘-piuch©*, remarked dial one ot hisgreiitcbar actaristicA *u* hi* modesty “Vm,” re| lied a wag, who was s'asulhig by, 1 that's trus, but Be one can say he is a retiring man.'* i VOL. XXV.—Nu. 3. From the Ntu> York Tnnts FE V OMJ- VI ON ABY IN Cl U ENTM. The Devil* Huff Acre. Acroi-a (ba whole length of New Jersey extends a plio of br*ken yet perdsiiy conuecTd mountains, called the Eidge ” a bianch of the Aliejhaniea, Through die county of Bemeraet luno u lateral spur of rocky and isolated hills, covered for the most part wild a sparse growth of chcsnul, oak. and stunted cedars. | On the very to}* of one of the largest of these, called *Bhon nock Mountain,’ is -a large apace, covering nearly lhce acres, j barren of tree or shrub; me *uifee of which appear* to be formed of a single rough *ioin\ ’Tin railed the •*Devil’* half , acre. ’ Near the centre is a ragged opening or pit, about VM I feet in dram*?ter, which appears to penetruie into the very I bowels of me earth. It has been- sounded to the depth of a I thousand feci, and no indications of bottom found. A stonn | thrown into ‘ ihe Well,” a* it is r ailed, can he heard rattling i fur h long time against the rugged “rides, until, with a tmibfo und unearthly leverberation, it plunges into the water. A i no so like that of a seething cauldron is heard, and sunn them issu's lions t c in->uth *f the pit a column of damp vapour, possessing ;*u Uncommonly, fcs'id anuHl. fw vapour ui *’• Mxnewhat n.t! unmab| ami that fact provoK the presence nf carburettt-d yd**g*n ga\ or what is called by minora “firo and imp.” Aloinog'i at a il'viance of three hundred loot f<om the surface, it ha* been proved hy expatitneuU with quadru ped* (b it trio cun be smtamed ! The incident l ant ah<*4i lo telafe occurred sometime after the passage of U.-n. W.h'! ig-'m. with his army* across tho New Jersey, in Ihe *f4rir> l? 77. Tbo h firiHM-". c'-neltics of the ui.iratiding parti a of British | aoldicrvhed jvv fkei.ed every leebng of rasentmerif, end aroo i *)‘d in every b om an haired, which only the ex teTrnifuitinii of t e iiikurnah asonater* c*old alliy. Taking advantage of tha al>wnceof their natural protect j or a. a parly of dcrni-brutes, Under the ccrrtmind of (Jsptair* | Bniith, hid coimn tted outrage-* upon the unprotected feuiala* which wo it I -n une ihe very n nne of man ! Every able budied pmn, and many wlpo w* re scarcely aide, hid flocked to the nUrnl irdcf V/a*<hington. and had gone f • him lo hia victorious expednion, leaving their wives and daughter*, their homes and propetty, to the protec tion of the aged nu n and boys. At length, a cowardly upon a family, composed of nn aged widow and her three lovely daUghieiv, who, after ! being cruelly outraged by tin? Irtutal soldiers, were beaten nearly to death, and the old widow and a greyheaded m gr<* killed and thrown into the *VVell** of the “UevilVtialf aertf,’* o exaepv'ial'jJ the young nmn, thn they resolved upon ven geance. A a**eet ireptMig was lield. an*s they resolved to meet iha next evening at the f>*i of the ridge, lo punith the coward", i wlio were enea nped, in fancied security, about a (pi alter of a mile fmm the scene of outrage. The greater part of th i day wa* spent in m ml.ling UulMa/xnd preparing their weap ons, a Inch being accomplisiied, they with fuveriih anxiety Hie appointed hour. a lovely eve; auch un one as we rarely ace in one [ too changeable climtte. The sun, bathed in u halo of golden j light, slowly *ie-ee ded behind the towering steep of Bhan j nock. ‘J’l'.e bright aijrs looked dviwn from tho pure ether, i wi h a se -niingly enc*urjuiog smile, upon tbo band of youth- ItuI heroea, who had silently gathered in n copse at the base of the m uirtf 1 . Each mouiehl some brave boy would noise lessly approach, with hie rifle upon b a shoulder,- and. with tt simple nod of recognition, take bis place, and (-uietly await the orji-r of the ptnaon wht* was to be their leader. ‘Tirt* one chosen to command them, was a sturdy youh of about 18 years of age; a ironic ly built and very athletic; ho 1 carried a long rifle, and was dad in a plain rustic uit of grey 1 “homespun.” His quick movement* and hurriedly whisper : ed instiunion--, showed that he kit the importance, and un *Jcr>t.O(J the danger t itie attempt they were about to make; n*l the fire that flashed from hi* dark, eye, proved that ho wus equal to the emergency. A length the party, numbering 15, was ail assembbd ; the ages us Done exceeded eighteen, where major.ty were still younger. The o;tier to march wia given, and the young band followed lhair leader hi profound silence, ’Twa* a noble sight! those brave young spirits setting out to avenge the wrongs of their mothers and sister", at the risk ! *f their own lives, and agam-t fearful odds of numbers and experience, buVstem resolve sat upon every brow, and firmly : beat each heart ! Moon they approached the spot where lay encamped the objects of their hatred; the British numbered twenty, and wete all wrapped in a profound slumber. Slow ly and stealthily they neared the enemy, their hearts beating violently as they saw in their power—but not a word escaped their lips—their calculations had been well made, and limy continued to advance cautiously until they wero within about thn tv feet of Ihe r*d coats, when a gesture from th. ir le i.le*- brought them to a stand. Each’ boy singled out his man— the command wa give'll in a low tone, and the ah up report of fifteen tides broke upon the splines* of lb** night, end re-echoed along the hills and craigs of Mhannock ! in aiamly, under cover of the sin >kc, they rushed in upon tbo Hurvivors, and pinioned them ©re they could recover from tho t-udden *urpii*e ! The atm of the buys bad been fatally truo —tiheeu soldiers (among them Copt. Mmitb,) lay welter ing in their blood, groaning and mingling curses and execra tion* wilt) their departing branth ! The five prisoner*, securely bound, were mirchpd at one* to the copaw from which the youthful band had set out; iheiti u consuha'iun was held to Jeteiinine their fate. Mud.© who had individual wrong* to avenge were uesirotH to h*. them m orue upon the nearest tree. Others, mor* feni< n f .. wisded in m|low them a sv-ldier'* death. Many an;! varum* whu rhe opinrioua end methods proposed—but they ell agreed to bo gunieJ by the decision of their loader, Dui L-ount. Hurini! the who'e affair, Dtn bad scarcely spoken, except to cm* i tu* iit-irsMd.y rurnmanUs, and now when appealed to in d-otle id© hale ul die piitoneia, he ir.creiy said—•*7<? the i. a HAt r Actt J” A uspnnsiv# “aya*’ hurst simufr iiieou-iy from all. and in a lew linn.ties they sio.*| near the mouth of *ib •rll!'* • In wnh ih*m,” cued the excited h- ys, “here they buried the widow Crele, aid nid I'omn! In wnh them,” aa<f *pii the struggle* rf tilt mpnves, they were ahfady upon the ve rv verge ul the yawning nil, when the if leader exchiimtd, “MnU* ’ ** N*,i vet, boys,’* said Dan, *I wish to say a few word* be hue vun lliruw ihetl in;” and when die pn.on©ts had been’ led b*. K a t* vv fe*|, he c> uHi.U*d if) a voice trembling With eiuo ion: • Yuu ad knew the widow Gale—you know her lively is—tl.ihcsume, aniiable, light-heailed happy girl*, k ‘iii so *w in*hi, but not as Ido ; you love th* ru, hut not t w.ti a* I. i lie ©idea i* my a Ilia need bride J Mr whole soul is wriipprtd p lit her—ati, in niv guiding ►tar—l I ,v lo r 1< Her, belter than my ! !-, and ihe w r u i. t* *h ha* •cJb'ied Wfuig* mjT very #Hil ! Betora you, you see sh gu Uv perpeilahvia. L Hfe ul them are they tit lo fiva”!” “.No, no! ’ egclaiimd each ami every one. *• Then un frtend*, they are m>t Jit to rfie 1 We have l* ! ready spill .1 blond enough lor no nigtii, it no ih death of I these men will mil repair ihe wioog* already cmmiited.— V\ Uat -av yoi ’ V*'ul it not be nobler far It) spire (lien lives! Lei u* li tt'e turiher veng ance to the laws, or in Hun aha lias said • Vrng.-ttiice is Mine!” Kifreen have already tuifeit cd their hvea; may we uo( ap>,re the five?” Though every heart w. still bu ning for revenge, tbs et | ample abown by pour Hon, who hid sutiered inoru than any j pr|*rt. ul. aolttiiud their Leant, and they allowed thcmselvis to he persua led. The prisoners weia le*l d<*wn the m auniain side, and tho ! next in omng uk<-n in Momervillo and delivered toacuaipanr 1 ot C onuiautais wuo were fta'ioned there. I Ihe a< lore in ihe ere a a have ail parsed to that “bourn* I ,rom wfonre no traveller laiurn*,” but the recollection* of . “Id Dsiiirl Louut and hie miirunly wtfa, aia stilt fiesh in the ; memory ol itxe writer. tsf w*ig fMsyiD Irien.”— A lecture was given in New \ oik * .me days ago in aid of liie sutler era in Ire-land, arid at ns vitncluaion, Mr. Philip Hone, after mentioning that j throe dnpa had lhat day sailed fm Ireland, alated, for the pul | pus© nf ►bowing how welfrthe Irith, hi that cify, had donu their pari, -thitt ihe hooka nl a th© unprecedented fact that the d'alt* upon ita funds, fur tha quarter, far exceeded ihe deposit**!—some SBO,OOO having h-en wiilnlrawn t.y the Irfdi pupuLtioß to be aeul tu lbir sta.viug fiieoda abioad.”— I'lulu. (/. iS>. Gttz. The population nf Mi. IVraisburg, which is now c ni;*o#e<! and 410,U0y -“Ufa, present* this singular ftrcuimdancr, whirh is certainly unique in Europe, that it counts nearly twice a* ma iy men as women. f i.UOt) men, acd only t liTOO wo men. I lit* number ol marriage* in this city is p'opreamvely > and en *<i g, and that of birtlii f iiahirai c!itld*eo re on itv* in- Icreas©. B’ i.veen fur ind five ltn>usaii<f ehfftf* r j's ©adf| yeer depowitnl m ihe fouadimti hospiiaf. twice a* many cum ax in Faria, which hat nearly thuuu its pcpuludoßi ■ *