Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, May 06, 1847, Image 4

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To Farmers. and Planter*. FITZGERALD'S PATENT PORTABLE BURR STONE MILLS, for Grinding Wheat and Coot, or any kind of Grain raised or used on any Kami or Plantation, and may be propelled by water, **am, wind ar horse power, and will do its work with great rapidity and perfection, and may be put up and kept in order by al most any person. It is a perfect Gr**t Mill in miniaiurt, well adapt ed to the wants of every Farmer and Planter, and is undoubtedly the cheapest and best Mill ever offered to tliejpublie. Persons wishing to purchase the Mill for any county in the State of Georgia, will address ROBERT FINDLAY, Macon, Ga. A perfect Mill for grinding eorn will coat uul) t- CERTIFICATES. This i to certify that I have m use on my plantation a Fitzgerald s pateni h *rse power with one of the paten Burr Stone Mills, and lam Mtistted the Mill winch can he used with an ordinary gin power, is decidedly the best kind of a Portable Mill that has yet been invented, •ml tnat the patent horse power has many advantages over the ordi nary one used by the planters for ginning Cotton. JOHN C. POYTHRESS. Waynesboro*, Burke Cos., Ga., Feb 12, 147. The undersigned have seen the Fitzgerald Patent Portable ati il and horse power,is operation on Mr. J. C. Poyihreaa* ptant}gonl and we have no doubt they will be g* neralty used by Planters, when they become acquainted witlMheir merits. We saw it grinding with two horses, and it mde flue meal, nearly as fast as an ordinary run of stones grinding by water power. E. J. CARTER. J. It. PRESCOTT, T. T. ELLISTON. W. B. DOUGLASS. Waynesboro*, Burke Cos., Go., Feb. 18, 187. I am now using one of the Fitzgerald’* Patent Mills, and am satia ted that the Mill is all that it is represented to be. Savannah, Dec. 18th, 1846. D. FLETCHER. I am running the Mill with Mr. Fletcher, and the more I use it the better I like it. It undoubtedly excels anything of the Mill kind now extant. H. GILLUM Savannah, Dec. 1846. We, the undersigned, have witnessed the operation of the Fitzger ald Wheat and Corn Mills now in use in this city, ami we feel c nli deut that those Mills cannot fail to meet the approbation of the pub lic. GEO. G. FAR IKS, Savannah, 1846. DRNSLOW fc. WEBSTER. I have one of the above Mills in use at the Eslava Steam Grist Mills, winch I will exhibit to any gentleman who may w ish to see it ia operation, and I can most cheerfully recommend it the public. It will grind corn fester and better than any other Mill I ever saw with the same power. J* ESLAVA. Mobile, Jan. 6, 1847. The undersigned having seen the above Mill in operation at Mr. Es lava's Mill, would say that it far exefeds any madune of the mill kind that we have ever seen, and would recommend it to every one in want of such an article. AARON GAGE, CAMPBELL. OWF.N CO. Mobile. 1846 J. 11. RIVERS Ik CO. Maou, F. h 17, 1847. 111- Ocmulgee Iron foundry and . Uu chine S/top. (MACON GEO.) THE subscribers bavin* erected anew Establishment, now offer to the public,inducements that they have never had before in that line of business.—Mill Wrights,Gin Makers,&c, will find it to their advantage to give us a call: we will guar antee ail our work to he good, and al the lowest price—ws have a good stock of Pullerns ou hand. A good Horse Power for sale. CIIAS. I*. LEVY Sc CO. Colton Avenue, near Macon k Western R. R. Depot. May G, 184t>. 12tf Macon iron A’ itrass foundry , AND MACHINE SHOP. riAHE subscriber having recently made large and important A. additions to his lormcr list of patterns (or Overshot, Bread and Tub Mill (ieeriug, is now prepared to execute or ders for Flour Mills,Cotton Fuctories, Horse power Mills for plantation grinding, \e.; also Cotton Presses, Gin Gear, Plates and Balls, und Mill Irons of every description : all of which will be made of the very best material and workman ship, on reasonable and accommodating terms. Macon,June 17. 1840. v!8 ROBERT FINDLAY. aKXI&-BTONEs7 riIHK subscriber being Agent for an extensive Mill Stone Katsb -1 liahuent in N w-York, wilifumirA to order. FRENCH BURR, ESOPAS, and COLOGNE MILL-STONES, or any size, and war ranted of the very bent quality. ROBERT FINDLAY. Maeoy, Nov 13, 1846. 40 SUPERIOR COTTON GINS. FI AH E subscriber would inform the planters of Georgia that he I has removed his Cotton Gin Factory to Bibb county, 3| miles from Macon, on the road leading from Macon to Gordon, where he intends to manufacture Cotton taint of a quality stipe ior to anv he kas ever before made, if possible. In the construction of his Gins, be will particularly gu.trd against the possibility of taking fire from the Gin. And here he would remark, that it is impossible for a Gin to tak fire from the boxes without the grossest neglect on the part of these who have the inngciiieiit of them. Gins that get burnt, in nine hundrt and and ninety-nine limes out of a thousand take fire from • different cause titan the box, which the subscriber will completely guard against in the Gins he makes in future. Hit Gins will be madeof tne best materials, and warranted to perform as well as any Gins made in the State, lie has an excellent water-power to turn bis machinery, and a g*od saw-mill right at hand, which will enable him to sell Gins on as good terms as any other factory in tin State. March 3, 1847. Us O W MASSEY. GRISWOLD’S IMPROVED COTTON GINS. FffAHE subscriber will continue the manufacture of Gina on his ff usual extensive scale, and embraces this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for their liberal patronage heretofore. The estimation in which his Gins are held ‘may he known from the fact of his having sold more than two thousand during the last three years—probaiil y ten to one over any other faetory in the State. This evidence of the superiority of his Gm<, is accounted for by his being the firt to introduce the late improvements, and keeping the lead by yearly adding new ones. His first and second improvements made the quality of cotton perfect, though some were rather slow. His third made them sufficiently feat. It then only remained to make them more durable ami convenient, which has heen done lie believes effectually, by several n< w improvements the present year: besides, he has the exclusive right for the State, with the privilege of other sections, to furnish Reid’s Pat, nt Water Boxes, which are believed to be ten times more durable than any other, by those who have made a lair trial of them ; amt are infallibly'secure against fire by friction. His fine Gins will gut Mastodon Cotton as well as any saw gin can. His agents will visit planters generally, and exhibit speci mens of his late improvements, aud point out their advantages in time for all to engage und lie supplied before the next ginning sea son, or engagements can be made Uy letter, directed to him, Clinton, Jones county, Georgia. Gins will be delivered at the purchaser's residence, in anv part of the State except the Cherokee counties, where they will be left at the deyot on the railroad most convenient to the purchaser. All warranted to perform well, if used according to the directions sent with each. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. March 24, 1847. 6 LATEST IMI’ROVEIfIENT IN COTTOX GISH. WE respectfully inform our friends, and the Planters generally, of Alabama and Georgia, that the GIRARD CO 11 ON GIN MANUFACTORY is m full operation. It is amply supplied with tin very best materials which could be selected. Ihe machinery is all new, and cuuttrucud ou the most Approved plans fur the manufacture of Cotton Gins. fh* machinist and workmed employed in the e*tabli-hment, are •kilnil and experienced in the business ; and we have made such im provements in the m chauism aud construction of eur Gins that we fcal certain, in every case, to furnish a Gm which w ill perform ad mirably well, and give the pare baser cut ire satisfaction. In the way of recommendation, we need only say, that we furnished several hundred of our late improv’ and Gins to Planters in various parts of the country duiug the season, and not owe < f the number bus felled to give general satisfaction, both in speed and the sample of Cotton. r ORDERS can be sent to ui by mail, or contracts made with •ur Agents who are travelling through the country. GINS will be sent to any part of the country, and in all cases war ranted to perlbrin well. Persons addressiug the Proprietors by mail, will direct their letters ta Columbus, Ga. E. T. TAYLOR & CO. April 1,4 m 7 Girard, Ala. CABXN2T FURNITURE. ¥ AS- H - C ®°K •92 Broadway, opiioiite Trinity Chunk, olTrr< fJP for sale a tull and complete assortment of Cabinet Furniture, which lie warrants to be equal to any in the city, at the following Unusual I v low rates : D Mahogany Chairs, from §2O to §ISA per dozen, “ Rocking Chairs from Sto 34 each. “ Uofas, from 18 to 174 “ “ Bureaus, from sto 50 “ 11 Card Tables, from 10 to 85 “ Centre “ from 15 to 60 ** “ Bebsteads, from 18 to 50 * Feather Beds Hair Maitrassea, and Bedding of the finest qualities and at the lowest market prices. ’ N. B.—No extra charges for packing &, shipping. Fuh 14,1847. [Telegraph copy.] I, n i Sale and fivery Stable. JW r |VHE undersigned-respectfully inform their S friendt und the public, ihm they have JB opened a Stable iu Macon, for the purpose of doing a SALE AND L I VERY h'SliNEsS.and aolieil a tdiare of public paironage. Their Stable* are connected wilh the FLOYD 1101 WE, end •very attention will be paid tocuatomera in order to give gen eral aatiefaction. * “ Their Stables are large, new and comnmdioue, wilh fine Lota and every cuutenieiiLe. Tenons would do well to give us a call. N. HAWKINS, J. W. HAKKIS. Macon. April 9* IMA jj ,f 8.10 III: n\iRD. ON the 18fli iaet. a man by the name of J. HOI.SECt.AW, hired a Horee of me. to go 14 milee into Twiggs county, since which lime neither man nor horae have heen seen. The man is about 5 feet 8 inches loth, dark hair and eyea, dreaa coat and panta of oeut homeapun, aimilar to drab anlinet. The horee is a dark bay, about 7 yeara old, a little anip on Ilia noae, one hiud foot, perhana the left, while a little above the hoof, and works finely. The above reward will he given lor man and horae delivered in Macon, wilh proof to convict the man, •r for the horae, saddle and bridle. The saddle wea rath er worn, withe quilledaeat. THUS. J. SIUNHOI.SF.R. Macon, Marsh Jtth,lH47. i; IT The Sentinel, (Tallahassee, Fla.) will publieh 3 times, end forward the account to me T. J. S, Twenty l>oll.-ir* Reward. IS ISANAWAV I'rera the residence of Col. Harwell ,Im. csuniy, un ■WIA laat, my negro girl A M AN DA, about twenty..,..,;, rear, of age.rathoa deep mulatto ; her hair nr.r #,#*. 17 •tralght, and long, generally worn plaited ; her (HI eye. black. She i. rather below thr medium iite. -.__ Alt.’ hat generally a .mileon her roouteoanre „ hen •m*- 1 — i.lioken to, .nd .tarnmen a little in her ■tH.eeh, nar* titular it whet! in an 111 humor, and ta very vniart and intelligent The- above reward will be given irconfined in jail ■ I getdter.or all re....0r hie .vpen... paid if delivered in Mseon to Mr. ROIIF.HT ■ F. AS LEY, Jr. Am I ..ds hat eerimt. aeqotintanee. in Macon, Clinton, Monticello, Medium and KL.LKN A. BHYAN. geb 17, H 47 , ls C3” The Aavnninb Hrpttbliean will puhlith llte above twice and srvsri h**ir irmunt RUNAWAY FJVIOM the subscriber on Saturday or Sunday last, a Negro Msn named THORNTON, aged shout 38 years, about five fret ten •r sieve* inch* high, bald headed nnd grey, dark complected, a Mod act of teeth, and a ple**an4 *untrance He wore off from here a dark fur hat, a black Jeans frock eoat, and pant* of <he same • lah or if lUrsey, and heavy sole se ved ■hoc*. Hr is ■•imposed to bhve Mi tr H iebmund, <Vs ) or to kavr been carried off hi sotnr A Hheval reward will tn- given for hi*eonflneim **in jail,., •ayiwAarmationin regard te him. JAMEA A. RALSTON Mason. April 1, 1847. 0 Valuable I,ami* for sole. 71 ‘ll K following valuable Irnrts of Land, eligibly aituateii, in ■ the moat favorable cotton region, nndaome of them em bracing the richest cotton lnndrin tite State,are offered foreale on accommodating terms. County. Lot. Uiat Acres. I Irwin now ? 292 13 490 Eurlv now t 200 10 200 j Thomas 5 317 8 490 Baker! J 101 10 250 I “ 352 13 409 274 8 250 “ 511 8 490 “ 82 9 250! Irwin now / 1 11 490 ** 12li 11 250 l.owodca. ) 409 10 490 “ 44 7 250 “ 37* 10 490 • ‘ ;t| 7 250 “ 371 10 490 221 7 250 “ 359 10 490 *• 232 7 250 “ 231 10 490 •• 313 7 250 “ 230 10 490 - 319 7 250 “ 2113 12 490 320 7 250 “ 277 12 490 •> 127 11 250 ! “ 325 12 490 •* 305 9 250 I “ 320 12 490 “ 90 II 250 I “ 301 12 490 “ 110 11 250 “ 420 12 490 •• 03 IS 250 | “ 127 9 490 •* 112 7 250 ; “ 138 II 490 •• 305 8 250 “ 511 11 490 393 8 250 j “ 303 10 490 “ 234 7 250 J “ 420 10 490 “ 283 7 250 1 Irwin 373 7 490 “ 200 7 250 , •* 127 7 490 - 38 II 250 Appling. 207 4 490 “ 258 II 250 j Appling ) 6g 8 490 •• 31 11 2->o ! ntiw Ware J “ 30 11 250 Early now ) 270 15 250 a 30 II 250 Drcaiur. J 258 15 250 “ 219 II 250 | “ 256 15 250 •• 190 7 250 j •• IHB 15 250 Early. 275 13 250 ** 185 15 250 253 13 250 j “ 184 15 250 “ 254 13 250 i “ 172 15 250 “ 255 13 250 “ 149 15 250 “ 231 13 250 “ 54 15 250 “ 220 13 250 “ 41 15 250 I 223 13 250 “ 39 15 2591 2lB 13 250 “ 173 14 250 1 “ 101 13 250 “ 175 14 250 “ 129 13 250 “ 300 14 250 548 13 250 “ 314 14 250 “ 207 13 250 “ 315 14 250 “ 235 28 250 •* 316 14 250 “ 184 28 250 -10 bl 4 250 “ 59 28 250 “ 81 16 250 22 28 250 “ 95 16 250 “ 20 28 250 •• 203 21 250 •• 300 13 250 “ 233 21 250 “ 124 1 3 250 “ 190 21 250 287 6 250 “ 1 21 250 “ 122 13 25# “ 147 21 250 •• 131 13 250 “ 101 16 250 “ 132 13 250 •• 110 21 250 64 26 250 “ 115 21 250 “ 181 26 250 “ 173 27 250 •< 63 26 250 “ 153 16 250 202 26 250 “ 164 16 250 h 59 26 250 j Ha’rahuin 153 1 3 250 “ 58 26 250 ! “ 65 13 250 •• 228 13 250 i “ !•* I 3 250 237 28 250 llabun. 55 1 490 • 223 28 250 “ 47 1 490 245 28 250 “ 54 1 490 “ 108 13 250 “ 46 1 490 •• 180 13 250 “ 113 5 160 “ 48 13 250 “ 75 3 381 -40 13 250 “ 106 3 364 “ 188 13 250 ! Early no* J 1 16 490 “ 153 13 259 Luwndea. J 529 II 490 “ 50 13 250 | “ 176 10 490 284 13 250 “ 221 10 490 •• 361 13 250 “ 267 10 490 “ 200 26 25U I Early now ? 515 8 490 56 26 250 t Thomas ) 378 8 490 Early now 7 316 17 250 “ 375 8 490 Thomas < 317 17 250 “ 127 17 490 •• 311 17 250 Enriy now } 71 21 250 “ 290 17 250 Uecatur 5 132 21 250 “ 269 17 250 “ 152 21 250 268 17 250 “ 281 14 250 “ 65 1 8 250 Early. 57 26 250 l4B 18 250 “ 65 26 250 •• 253 13 250 Appling. 83 3 490 “ 26 18 250 “ 136 3 490 “ 109 17 250 “ 137 3 490 “ 154 17 250 “ 138 3 490 •• 175 17 250 “ 178 3 490 179 17 250 “ 202 3 490 037 j 7 250 “ 230 3 490 Irwin now > 157 13 490 “ 235 3 490 Thomas 1 319 8 490 “ 214 3 490 “ 293 1 3 490 I “ 423 3 490 “ 392 13 490 “ 424 3 490 “ 159 13 490 “ 481 3 490 *. 258 13 490 ** 367 4 490 •< 18 13 490 Ha’rshnm 15 13 250 Any person wishing to negotiate for nnv or all of the above Lunds, will apply to THOMAS F. S TEVENS. Agent. Macon, Fell. 111, 1847. Ragging., Hope, Tiriiir. sabscribers arc now receiving their fell supplies of GRO- X SERIES, which they offer t their old friends mid the public gener*lly,ut unusual low prices. We have how iu store,and receiv ing— -300 pieces heavy Gunny Bagging, 200 pieces heavy Kentucky da. 150 coils Kentnck) Hope, 50 do. Munilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 sacks Salt, 10,00) lbs. Sweedes Iron, 1,000 lla Band, Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 hhds. St. Croix and Porto Uico Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do. 100 bags Rio and Java Coffee, 50 boxes Tobacco, 100 kegs Nail, 1,0 i0 lbs. Cast, <ierman and Blister Steel. Also PAINTS AND OILS of every desert ption. E. BOND. Macon, .Tan 1,184*. 49 MIL ;md Fancy (wOOiIm. | 4k PIECES black and colored dress Silks, |t f 3 do. changeable do. do. 3 do. Satin striped do. do. 5 do. French Merilioes, 5 do. s.iper Alpacca Lustre*, 25 do. black and cob-red Alpaccas, 25 do. Cushmere and Cashtuert d'Ecosse, 20 Cashmere Robes, graduat> and and pyramid, 25 Gingham do. do. 5.) pieces Scotch an J F.arlston < inghani, 25 do. Embroidered TANARUS illed do. 9000 do. Prints, comprising a great variety, 30 doz. Neck ‘l ies, assort! and qualities, 20 do. Hemstitched L. C.Hdkfs. 10 do. Men’s L. C. Hdkfs. Jaconet Muslin, Swiss do. f Victoria Lawns, Cambrics,&e. Cashmere, Rrochu,and Silk Shawl*, Cheap Shawls, gn-st variety, Ladies’ Kid Glove*, &>. half-haun Silk, Gimps, Fringe*, Huttons. Cords, Tapes, I.aces, Edgings, Velvet Ribbons, 2 cases Cotton Flag Hdkfs. 1 do. Pongee Silk do. 10 pieces English Silk do. 25 do. Irish Linens, 5 do. do. do. very fine, 20 do. Linen Lawn, Table Linen, Table Cloths, Linen Shei lings. Din per*, Rtc., now in store, all ofwhith are offered at wholesale or r tail, on accommoda ting terms, by GRAVES, WOOD Kt CO. Nov 11, 1346. 39 l'ota*ti. Potash. .l/utft LBd. I’otash just received and for sale by wtHFtt GEORGE PAYNE, Uruggiet. Dec 13 46 •tk HHDS. New Orleans Sugar, f|\7 5 do. Cferifiid do. hi store and for sale by C. DAY & CO. March 33 New Store A New C*oo!s. China, fit lass A’ ftirlheu-tcare. THE subscribers are now receiving aud opening a grner.*l assort nient of the above goods, at the store lately occupied by Mr. A. G. Butts, corner of Mulberry and Second sts. und opposite the Washington Hall, which the y offer at wholesale and retail. Iheir stoek in part consists of the lollowing : Parts White Dining, l ea and Toilet Sets, Light Blue do. do. ds. do. Flowing “ do. do. do. do. White French China Dining Sets, Do. do. do. Tea do. Gold band do do. do. do. White do do. Jug*, White Granite,light and flowing blue Jugs—all sizes, Plates, Dishes, llaki is, and Covir Dmhcs to match Diuing Wares, A general assortment of common Ware, Cut. Pressed ami Plain Tumblers, Cut aud Pressed Goblets. Wines and Champagnes, Pressed and Plain Kgg and Jelly Glasses, Cut and Pressed Mil ror Dishes slid Nappu *, Cut, Pressed and Plain Lamps aud Candle-sticks, Do. do. do. Salts, Cut Decanters in sets and pairs, Solar Lamps—Britannia and German Silver Castors, Looking Glasses various sires and styles, Stone baking Dishes. Pies, he. kc. Tliesubscrihersdeem it proper to state that they have adopted the CASH SYS TEM, to which tln v intend strictly t adhere, ami by which they will be enabled to furnish every description of gi*.d* in their line ml fair prim. HYDE h JONES. H. Rt J. will take orders for fancy China Dining, Tea and Toilet Sets, which they will furnish at the importer* prices, adding only the expenses from New York. Macon, Sepl. t, IMft. yto Sundries. JUST RECEIVED, Cedar nnd Pointed Tulia and Iluckeis, Covered Bucket*, Willow Mnaketa and-Broom*, Cedar Churna, Waiter*, naaortml sizes, t . do in sella, Looking (2lnane*, Knives and Fork*. Plated Fork a. (Dining nnd Deacri,) Plated and Britannia Spoon*, Brass and Iron Candlestick*, •* Curfnin Pin*, Siiovt 1 and Tnngp, Al*n, a general assortment of China, (21a** ami F.nrthenware | Feb 94 4w HYDF. At JONES. K9B EIU C EOF CO FIFE, in flavor to the original JCoffur, and very ron- Va venient foruoe. It only require* our iea-*ponnfiil ol it ; in hoi water, to make atup of flue Coffee. For*ule hy April ‘i7,1847. i C. A. ELLS. ! SOCK VlDFftt VIN Ft* Alt, of he.iTtuiitw. f or ■•I- >y C. A. ELLS, i April 08,1847. 4 •ill IUMIl ,:V, ' liA K-el;. t'lya.aj “j” et v\ V 20,000 Principle do. Fat ale by C. A. ELLS. April W, HIT * , i 4 Blew Stoflt ol Waiclicfti Jewelry br4 Fancy Ooods. ffMIF, undersigned, ha ving purehasetl thr stock in trade ofMr. C. I K. Wentworth, Watchmaker and Jeweller, and tak n the store fonuerly occupndh) him, int nt:s eui.tiiitiing the same business ni aII its braiicht * Hat lug a full ami new stock of GOODS, h solicits the attention oft h ciii/.eiis ufMacou and it* vicinity to the *awv— among which ina\ he f< iml ... Fine Gold anrt Silv-r Lev. r, Horizontal, Patent and Vertical Es caiu im nt \V A*i CHKB. Gobi Guard, Fob and Vest CHAINS, Brenst Pin*. Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Gofd Chain !<t Huir Bracelets, Gold, r and Steel Spectacles and Eye Protectors, Gold and Siher 1 • neils, Gold P *"• Gobi anil Silv r U tch h ey . Gold and Silver I nimbh *, Silver Combs, hilvrr slid I’esrl Belt Slidts. Gold Sleeve aid Collur Buttons. Gobi Studs and Chain Slid, s Gold Lockets, Hear'” nnd Crosse* ; Card Ci ses. steel, Sihler and Gill Beads; llad Ornament*. J l Combs ; Ladies’ mid Gen. b mt n's Burst s. Superior Ivn nml I’oeket KNIVES. Scis*ors, Razors and Ha/, r Strops. Tooih, Lather and Nall It RUSHES ; Shaving Cream. R. i Geiimin COLOf.NE. Fine Silver Plated CAS TORS ; Cuke Basket*. Candle Stick*., Wait, rs,Cups, Snuffers and Trays. Dixon's Fine Ware, in sei*. Al*o,Ci.flV and Tea Bots. Silver sits of Knife, Fork and Spoon. Spoons, Watch Stand*, Fan*, Perfumery, Fancy Goods,&c. oj‘ All of hirli will lie soli! at the v. r> lowest CASH prices. WA TCHES ol every and scriutiou REPAIR ED in the best manner. All Watche. sold or repair, and will lie warrant*d u* keep g..0il iin.e. or the e.tsh refunded. W utclies sent Imm any part of tin country will receive the tame attention , and be repaired on at rcatonuble tei mt as j though the owner uerrpies- nt All kinds of Gold aud Silver Work made to order. | ov* I KWKLK Y ol . very kind neatly rtpain and. SPECTACLE GLASSES adapted to all ages. IL L. BURNETT, Watchmakt r anil Jeweller, East side Mulberry Street, u the’ Ntw Brick Block. Macon, Jan. 19 1847. i WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. fee. a, S. 11. DAV would inform h>* friends and - the public that he has bought the Stock for nierly helonging to C. (. M. John, deceasul, i gQp j \j\ consi.-ting of golu and *ilv r W att h *•, Gold Fob W* Mini Guard Chains, Gold, silver and Sttvl Spec* •rfp ’ , y'lm. ta. Ics Gold Braeelots, Clasps, Gold Snaps, Gold mid Silver ‘1 hi in hies, Ladies’ Broaches, Gents’ Pins, Knives,Scitur*, Ras*irs, Itasor Strops, I'noth and Hair Brush es. Pistols, and many mare thing*, too numerous to mention He will have new stock constantly coming, and will order goods at the request of thus, who may wish any thing in hi* line. KEPAIUIKG. Watches and Clocks Cl. mu and and Repaired at the- shnr*est no tice and dune in the best po^sibl*manner, anil warrai t.*l to kt i p good lime, and done at the cheape-t price. Bing-, Fins, Brace lets repaired in the best possibb manner. Kngraiii g also matlyex- would do well to call and see w hat he will do, and there is no doubt but they will be pleased. Macon, Jan, *B, 184 q. ! (VTAIJTII.US (mutual i.ikk) |j>L 1 KAJJI'K co^‘ lI‘I'ANY,B WALL S I REF. T After maiiin ib lilts.ration, the Trustee* have bi come convinced, and the expiriince i.l old *tnl lished conipanit s fully w arrant the conclusion, that the ailvautug*# of Life Insurance on the Mutual pl-m, may be extended and diffusul with greater conv* nience to a large class ;l comril utors, ns-ri with; equal security to all the assured, by requiring n<> greater amount ol the premium to be paid in cash than the cotnnany will require to mee-t its eug ‘ge.uents with promptitude a ml fidelity It ha* accosilingly been ileterinii e. ihut in all cases where th# an nual premium -hall amount to ff.-O, and do per cent, thereof shall have been paid in cash, an approved note may he givt n for the re maining 40 per cent, payable i welve months atter ilate, b aring six per cent, interest. The interest t? be paid annually, but the prin cipal not to be call* and in uiiUm* the exigcnci* a of the company re quire it, giving sixty days notice, and then only hy assessments pro rata to th. extent that may be requir* and to meet the engagenieiits el the company. ... It is confidently anticipated that a systi m, the operation of w hich is so fair ami equitable, so well calculated to place the benefits and bles-ingsof Life Insurance within the reach ofall.and at<hc*amc time enable each cuntritmtor to share equally and fully not only in its beneficentscciiry, but also in its profltsofaccumulation, will meet, as it is believed to deserve, the favor and confidence ol the public. The particular advantages offend by this company are: 1. A guarantee capital. 2. An annua! participation in the profits. 3. No individual responsibility beyond the amount of premium. 4. Those who insure for a It s- penodthun lile,participate*equslly t in the annual profits of tin company. The Nautilus c >mpauy confines its business e xclusively to Insu rance on Lives,and all Insurance appertaining to Life. The Rates of Insurance on One Hundred Dollars. One Seveni F One iScven For Age Y :ir Years J I. Age. Year. Years Life. 15 J 77 ! 88 I5 j 40 1 #9 183 320 20 I 1 I 05 177 45 191 190 373 25 1 jO 1 12 201 50 196 209 4 *0 30 1 1 138 236 55 232 321 575 35 lI3BJ 153 295 | 60 435| 491 7CO TRUSTEES. James D. P. Ogden, Richard E. Purdy, Thn*. W. I.udlow, James Brown, O. Bushin 11, C. F. Lindsley, H. W. Hicks, Richard Irvin, A. M. Merchant, A. Norris, J). A. <, John C’rydcr, P. M. Wet more, James Harper, R. H. Morris, Robert B. Col. man. It. F. Carman, Spend t S. Benedict M. O. Roberts, Wm. 11. Aopinwall, Luring Andrew s, Henry K. Bogart. J. I). P. OGDEN, President. A. M. MERCHANT, Vice-President. LEWIS BENTON, Secretary. PLINY FREEMAN, Actuary. tfj* The compauv will also insure the lives of Slav. s. HYDE & JONES, Agent. Macon, Sept 2,1846. y-29 •Etna Insurance Company , OK HARTFORD, CONN. rfflUß underaisned Acenin will nke risks againei Fire in X this city,(iriffin, Forayili and other (owns iu the State, on an favorable term* ns nnv responsible Company. They will also insure airninM the rinks of River Navigation; their present ratesarc,3-4 per cent, to Savannah, and 7-8 toChnrles ton. REA Sc COTTON. Macon. March 20. IR4.*i. 5 LIFE IWStmAWCE. rilllE New York Lile insurance and Trust Company hav- I ing established no Agency in llte city of >1 neon, persons may effect Insurance with this Oonmpanv on their own nr the Lives of otlieis, nt:d cither for the whole duration ol life or for a limited period, by the payment of a small annuo p remit! m. STEPHEN ALLEN, President. CHARLES C. PALMER, Secretary. E. BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, F b 3, 1847. 551 DE LI) AhTl¥TTviLloXSo.\, Manufacturers nnd Dealers in 4 Clli it 1 1G E S AND w- isiatA 1: s s or Cl'CKl’ DESCSSSPTIO.X, illl’LltKßHV MACOH. UEOXCtIA. De L. & W. have constantly for side, on the be i terms, Kliplic Axles. Sli |iv, Hands, i.nui |>s, ilcli (, Patent and Tup Leather, Plated and Japanned Harnett Mmntiiigt, Paiult , (Jilt, Varnish , See. March 10,1 *47. 4 SADDLES. SADDLES. ITIOKItIS cV WESTCOTT HAVE oil hnml n fii-t r.’ - nssoMmrnt <•( s \|>DI.ES IIAU NESS mid CARKIAQG TRIM MINUS, m „11 kind., whirli lliey will aril al pri.-ea lo .uit the times. Their farili lies lire micli tlinl they run veil luiver limn htij oilier ertublish memos the kind in 1 lie citv. (live ua a rail hr6nr vuu Imy, in nil we unk for a reenm rnendntion. ItP.P.MRIMii done ul reduced prices, in a work man-like tnanner. Collou Avenue, nr*i door Iu A. J. & D. \V Orr. Dee 3, 1846 42 GAB BIASES, (At the ulti stand of the lute F. Wngley.) AI.ARUK MnrlHienl of fine CO ACHES, ItVRKOCCH topa,) direel from J . At. (Juinby't celcbruird inauufaclory, Newark, N. J. Persona wishing kood Carriages, will find it lo their interfHi to examine fh**FC article* before purchasing else where, as , Urge assortment will he kept constantly on hand aud offered on the moat favorable term*. Order* received lor Carriage* built to nnv pnltern, anti war ranted to do good service utid give satisfaction, 1 oth in article and price. T. 11. PLANT, Agent. Macon, Dec 30,1846. Carriage Repairing. f B 1!!! E itibacriber ha* procured th* rrvic* ►of g< tSt work race in the | varitMn* hraorhia of earring*- Making ; ami with a g....! Mm k ufrlio.eemsti riMl*, i* pri pared toiloull kttuUof C6i<HlA(;t< BE PAIRING at abort uotict .a* well nml •• cluap a* any min r r*Mb rn M M irarh I 7 l . II pi. \ \ i , Ag, „t. WOOD dt BRADLEY HAYE |ii*t m-cived another large lot of Wl v DOW SHADES, *•• elegant ontt* rn*, nnd of Tim> n*ioii< to amt any w imlow*. Al*o mmi Hiark Walnut WimllM*BMLt'aife,of|Mittni!>uiiilHt ---| l*h whivh cannotfkil to pica—-. D. I7 44tf XR.OW 6L STDE/i-N'AjCL, <fcC. •IU IIIHI ] V< Asaorli’d Saclfe Iron,. i’uat.Steel, (iemiun and Blinlered Steel. *k*oh Keg* Nad#, I Off IIoxhJ! by IQ Window (jinx.*, •* ’ . 150 do 10 hy 12 do .V) do 12 by I I do , 50 do PdbylM do For sal* hr ,( a mm v cakiiar r co. TOBACCO AND CXOARS. •)/W| Tobacco, various Brand*, | 40,0H0 Principe Ciifar*, do 50,ftflfl Regalia do do 20,000 Punatelbt* do ilo by HCUTT, CARHART fc CO. reh 24 MBI- n, ■' l Mew f MntaKse*. J ureceived nnd for sale hv CHEr.OI.SE LlM£. F|lH F under* i gin-4 k# p N tull *upply of tin l*ve *rtirlr on hand, j P ami *ell it at One Dollar and a quarter m r bo x.fot rath nu/u, Jan 20. I*H7. 47 M OTT, BARHAM Vfe CO. WA ’tf. JI.ST nnit for rale 109 hbln. of first rule Northern I,lm. al th. “RIOORANDF.HO. sk.” I Mnreli 17 18.7 | riOYD HOUSE, ITlaroii, Ooorgia. rpHK subscriber* have taken thal well known ! ‘’ ; arV * Hotel, the Floyh Housk, ami are associated • under the firm of BROWN At LANIER. It will he needless to make promise*, ai one of r*W&9*"U*L ihe firm has been well known as keeper of the Wuah'ngloii Hall, and tin- public me acquainted w ith his man ner of doing business Tno Table and Bar ahull not he sur passed by any one, and their Stables are airy, with firm dirt floors, and not surpassed hy any in Georgia. Ciiii tOA aio reasonable its the times w ill permit. THOMAS A. BROWN, STERLING I.ANIER. (nr The subscriber solicits his old friends and patrons at the Washington Hall, to give him a cull at hlsnew eland. St. Lanikr. N. B.—The offic e of the Tallahassee and Columbus line of Stage kept at this House. Jmlv 9,1840. ‘PUTHR J. UllilJAn^ If AS taken the WAS| 11 kg ton u all, and ri quests ! ■ ■ .t continuance of pufiln patronage, jifacon, Nov 18, 1846. 40 !>XOTICaE3. fIMIREK MONTHS after date application will he made to ‘ I the Ceii 11 a I Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, ‘ for renewal of Scrip issued by the Commissioner*, No. fiO, da ted 11 til February, 1836, for one Share of Stock, standing in the name of Z. Sundersoil on the books of said company—suid ! ot iginul Scrip having been lost or mislaid. JAMES RICHARDSON, AdinV. i Match 17 3m5 of Z. Sanderson, decM. i STATE TAXES. riIHE Tax Receiver’s Books are now opened at the Tnilor -1 ing estuhlishnient of Tho*. Mason, in Macon, a short distance from Shot well’s corner, w Imre all persons interested are solicited to call, from 10 to I o’clock WM. C. KENNEDY, Tux Receiver. March 10 ____ , DBl i* .9 TOME, DR. TM EAiITIX! r j[T r> | 9AS jnst received,at Ins Drug Store on Mill i iC’ * ■ berry street, a large stock of Drugs, Chem- | teals, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Glass-ware Win-’ g&bsJl dow Glass,Perfumery,Are.; in fact, every tiling usually kept bv Druggists. Having made bis purchases for I'ash, and from first bands, in New York and Boston, he is enabled to execute orders ul as low prices as fine, freak and unadulterated or Uc\e* can be obtained at any estuhlishnient in the southern country. Physicians, Manufacturers,Planters, and Dealers ore invited to cnll and examine his stock before they make their purcha ses. Macon, Sept 25, 1845. 32 DRUGS AND MEDICINES. fM VI I’- RiiDicrtber call* the attention of Physicians, I I'.anter* and otlu-rs, to his frill stock of DKUGS, ‘1 K DICI N KS. PKKFUMKRIKS, DYE STUK7S, fce allot’ which are pure, fresh and unadulferatutl— “being able to know when such is the case,” having A had an expern n -*e of fifteen years in the drug business, and received Licenst by the Medical Board of Physi sicians of this State, as an Apothecary. March 3, 1847. .1 GF.OHGP. I'AYNE, under Floyd Bouse. | DR. 11. BKANDRUTirS Vfgi’labß Universal Pills. f Hill IS medicine is ucknowb dgt-d to be one of the most valuable | ever iticover* das a purifier of the blood and fluids. It is su penor to Sarsapari la, whether as a sudorific or alterative, and i stands infinitely before all the preparations and combinations of! Mercury. Its purgative propertn s ore alone of incalculable value, for these pills may be taken daily for any period, and instead of weakening by the cathartic i ffect, they add strength by taking away the cause of weakness. They have nont ofthe miserable effects of that deadly specific, Mercury. The tt eth are not injured—the bones and limbs are not paralyzed-no: but insti ad of these distressing symptoms new life and coimqueni animation is evident in every movement of the body. > These Pills, for colds, coughs, tightness of the chest, rheumatism ’ in the head or will be found superior to any thingimagined of the powers of medicine; and in bilious affections, dispepsia, and in nil diseases peculiar to women, they should be resorted to at once. For sale at .L Baines’ ISook More, On Cotton Avenue Opposite Washington Hall . June 25. 1845. Pv 1 50 DOZEN WISTAR’S Rnlsnm of* XVild Cherry. rZi \ DOZ. BOTTLES of the genuine article just received * “an J for sale hy BRUNO &. VIRGINS. N. R.—Country merchants wishing to purchase to sell again, can he supplied on reasonable terms, by applying at our .Mu sic and Jewelry Store on Cotton Avenue,Macon,Ga. BRUNO At VIRGINS, or Sept 9 80 J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. 11()R BROWNLEE’S VERMIFUGE, the ’ most nltasant and sure Worm destroying Medicine known.— A niotig Children and Infants there is no disease so slow and destroying as Worms—it runs into and causes count less numbers of Complaints, csuli. a* fevers, bowel comploint*-,chronic and nervou*dieasc, Ktc. Drs Brownlee's Vermifuge is prepaid in a manner whicli renders it a'e, pleasant and effectual, giuen to the most tender infant, or used by adults of all ages Sold wholesale and retail hy the Agents, j G B. HAMMOND &. Cos. 278 Broadway, corner of Chamber street, N. Y-M ACON, J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS. April 1,1847 3m7 DU. PAIfKER’S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF HUCHU, (Diovina. Crrnata,)— \n agreeable, safe and valuable j r< medy for diseases of the bladder, obstruction, ofthe urine, chronic ! gonorrhoea and gleets of long standing. The medical faculty pro- i nounce it efficacious and speedy for all complaints ofthe urinary \ organs, gravel, chronic leucurrhwa, morbid irritation of the uretha, ! disease* of the prostrate gland, retention and incontinence of urine, ! chronic rheumatism, fcc. NORTON,!.ADD & CO. Wholesale Druggists, 130 Maiden Lane, j New York,(to whom orders will be address* *l.) April 1 3m7 J. H. Kt W. S. ELI.IS, Agents Macon. f¥T() Til U I*ll.l l n,, J articles a trial and judge for I yourself-1 warrant them alt to he as represented, or the money] 1 refunded. EY F.AU LUSTRAI. HAIR RESTORATIVE. This universally approved and admired article, fr e from ardent | spirit*, pungent essential oil,and other destructive materials, cleans > the hair expeditiously, renders it beautifully bright, and imparts to it the delicate fragrance of the flower. Hair washedwith this Ex tract so<n becomes pleasantly soft ami luxuriant in its growth, and 1 it will pi sitively bring in new hair on bald heads hy its use ; and hair that has been made harsh, and is turning gray fir falling out, by ‘ the use of spirit or other improper pn pa rations, will soon be restor ed to it* natural color and brilliancy by a few applications ofthe Eau Lust vat. It is a preservative against baldness, and an infallible cure in all affections of the skin on the lo ad, as dandruff, and for preventing the falling off of • he h • i r and turning gray. It is the simple produce ami immediate extract of some plants sal utary for the hair, endowed with properties so highly cleansing that it disengages the epidermis and capillary tubes of the corrosive ac tion ofthe perspiration, and of the dry and dead particles that it de posit eg. I Ins preparation purifies the hair, gives to it a beautiful gio* and soft in s*, and an agteeable and vivify mg perfume. EVIDENCE. Nature is in inexhmstihle mine, in which experience and study willalwats find room to excavate ; it is that source, alone, which produces all that man calls invention, and which he would do better perhaps, to namt adaptation. | For sale, wholesale amt retail, by JULES HAUEL, Chemist and Perfumer, 120 Chesnut street, l*nladelpliix, amt J March 24 2mfi GEORGE PA YN E, Macon. UUIING medicine. IICY3 &l CO’S Concentrated ( unwound b'tuid Extract of S2AHSAPAHIUV the cure of all distases arising from an unjoin state of the b.'.dy, < xcessivtt>r improp* r u*e of Mercury, imprudences of living, exposures, general debility from climate, Ktc , renovating and restoring the whole system This medicine may be had wholesale or retail ofthe Agents, April 1 3w7 J. H. & W. S. ELI.IS, Macon. I BAILEY’S SM RI P OP WIID CHERRY For J* coughs,cold*. uatiima, influenza, whooping cough, spit ting of blood, and till pulmonary diseases. DAILEY \S SARSAPARILLA For all diseases arising from an impure state of the blood: salt rlicuin, scrofula, king’s evil, chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia diseases of the skin, bones, old ulcers, etc. BAILEY S FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY—The most valuable reined.* —entirely vegetable preparation—and sure cure. DAILEY’S AMERICAN VERMIFUGE—A sure exter minator of worms from the system, in generuf use throughout the United Slates. BAILEY’S UNRIVALLED MILITARY SHAVING CREAM—Thin article hud stood the teat of eight years, ami gained for itself a high reputation throughout the U. States Canada, ami most pails ofthe world. BAILEYS SUPERIOR IN DEI IDLE INK—With and without the preparation ; warranted the best articles ofthe kind in in**. Foe sale by the Druggists generally throughout the country, and ul wholesale and r tail hv WM. DAI LEY. Proprietor, Apothecaries’ Hall, corner of Fulton and Sands streets. Also for snle hy GRAVES, WOOD & CO., Macon Dee :i. 1R46 ‘ 40 CONFECTJONARY_AND GROCERY^ J. 11. mnoni I S receiving his newnnpply of Goods in his line, nmon£ which he particularly calls (lie attention of his custom | era to. A choice article of old Rrandy 9 JMadcira, Port atul Tlur etWine*; Pickles Spices, Preserves,('nkes, Candies; ANo a fine assortment of Segura of various iirnnd*—warron- | ted imported Havana Sugar*; lie will keep a constant supply of Oranges, Apples, Oni ons, Potatoes,Cheese, Butter, Raisin*, Figs, Prune*, Almonds, and oilier nuts* All other articles usually kept in that line. PICKLED OYSTERS by tho keg. %laeon, Oft 15, 1H46 yBS DISSOLUTIONS riIHK firm us Ml I.NOH Ik CU'KKS las hil din dlaaolml Si ! I Inal tnliulil. W. CAl'KltS will ihi- mu, til. il ; builiraa or til* Utr llnu. C*KO. A. MII.NKM l Msroti, April >l, 1147. W. C. CAHKHS. The iimlrraifni and will fontlnue the btitine** on liia own account, at ‘ the Mure thrmn iy orcupn and !•> Milner Ik <apera,ai.d woliciia a on* tliiiiiition of Mlronnfemm hi* (YieiuU ami tin puhlit nerally. A t .i ■ Ii 4WI U i MIMS. roR iau. \ MKP.LV NF.l.nO WOMAN, a*. .1 30 vr.ra, anil A rr fit; rAffdtrn—lao bui.aml llin i Kill.; agi.fruni fuur monllia lu rlrvrn jrrai.. Tin wnin.ii i. a ijniiil |ilam Cl,oil, ii nail rami iron, r— ami ill hi .llhy ami likely, liny will In .old luw fur ruali.or on crrdil. until ihc first day nf’Dtcinilier m at. A|i|ily to Marini, April I 7 SCO l 1~, CAUIIAWT fc C O, imno a viiiiiivf, 4 IIRNTH fur Hhana .iml’a uniivallcil llninrv anil Vilirnlii e 71 Mas nelic \liu:hinc; ulco fliar Magnetic or Compound Bi tumen i’hiiMer,And Mug no tired Gold Bill*. We nlna keep u full aopply of the Homeopathic Medicine*, with the book* on pmetice. Mron and Colfflnhita, Oet 99,184 ft 07 LEGAL NOTICES. kjU.MTEH SHKKIFK’S SALE.-*' 111 ‘> ! first Tnesitay in June iirxi, before the court house door 111 the ’ tow not Anu*ricu, burnt! r county, within the usual hours ot sale, the following proper!), to-wit: . The east half ot Lot ofLsnd number one hundred and eighty-eight in the 26th district of originally Lee now Sumter county, levied on a* the property of Sidney Few, 10 satisfy one mortgage ti fit from Sumter Superior Court, in favor of Micajah Buchanan vs. said Few : property pointed out in i>aid ti fa. April 1.1847. 7 GR K F,N M. YVIIEKi. F.R , ShIT i’tPSONT Nil CK IFF SAFE.—WiII be sold on the U firPi Ttieatla.v in Junk next, before the court liuuee door in Thomaslon, within the legal hours of sale, One hay Mart, about eight or nine years old, and one yoke of Oxen, levied on hs the property of John M. Collins, to satisfy 11 fi fa from Pike Superior Court in favor of William Ford vs said Collins, April 29, 1847. ALEXANDER PACK, Sh’fT. YIACON SHERIFF'S SALE. \A r ill be sold before the Court House door in Maeoti county, Georgia, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday m J one next. One Lot of I.and, number eighty-nine, in the 13th district of once Muscogee, new Macon count), levitd on ns the property of Nathan M. Rodgers, by virtue of an execution from the Interior Cuwt of saul county of M icon, in favor of John Sturdivant against Harvey j Rodgers, principal, and Nathan M. Rodgers, security— pointed out j by John Murdivunt. | April 28,1847. 4 THOMAS DIXON, Sh’ff. UOUSI ON SHERIFF SALE.—WiII b sold on the first Tuesday in June next, at the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston county, w ithin the usual hours of sale, tho following property to-wit : I wo Lots of Land, Nos. 84 and 85, in the sth district of said conn i tv, levied on as the property of William 11. Calhoun to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Sup- rior Court, in favor of Prudence H. Johnson vs. said Calhoun. j Also, 150 acres of Lot No. 38. in the sth district of Houston county, levied on as the property of Stephen H. Ham, to satisfy a fi fa from Houston Superior Court hi favor of Joseph N. Seymour vs. said Ham. April IK, 1847. 4 CALVIN LEARY, Sli’ft’ IV AHKSI IE R I FF’S A UF.-w.iib, so ib. v v t ourt Hoiin (lm>r, in the tow nos Waresboro, War* county, on the first Tuesday 111 June next, within the usual hours of salt , the. following property : 1 One Lot of Land, No. 374. in the 7th district of originally Aplinp, now Ware county , containing four hundred and ninety acres, more or less, levied on as the pr pet ty of Wiley S. Whitehead, in favor of ; ‘Vili am J. Parker vs. WihyS. Whitt bead, to satisfy sundry fi fas ! issued from the Justices Court of the seven hundred and seventy -1 igbtb district, G. M.—levy made and returned to me by a constable j April 18, 1847. 4 MILES J. OUKST, Sh'tf. lUiiiTii isfrai o i's saieT VO ItF.RA 81. V in nn order ofthe Interior Court of S II In ler comity. while rilling for ordinary purponen, will In* Hold before the ('ourl-lioune door in the town of Ainericue. in mid enmity, williin Ihe moiitl hourn of Hale, on the fuel l uenduv in JUNE next Lot of Lind, Nu. 69, in the 98th Dinrictof oiiyinally Lee. now tinnier county, adjoining Met ree and other*; alao, lot No 95, or the eiiid Dietricl and county, be longing to the eatn in ol J a me* K. Mann, lute of Ha id comity, deceased. Sold for the purpose of n division among the Le galeen. WASHINGTON 1.. MANN, Adm’r Minch 4, 1847, 98 dehoniHimn. * OMIKISTK A TOR’S S y 1.K.-Will he .old on Wed /% lindii), the nth Ml.) m xl, ai the rtnidence of Mn. I.iicinda Burke, in tire count) of I witrns, all the penonal pnrperiy hclnneini; to the CUIr of I In.runs 8 lloatwick, deceased, consisting ..f t orn Cov> and Calf, two Horses, and various other articles Terms on the day of sale. JOHN GI.OVEH, Adm’r A i |ril ;wi I Adininistrsiior’s V.IKEEABLV to nu order ofthe lionorahle Inferior Court ol lal lot comity, while silling as a Court of Ordinary | will lie “old on the hist Tuesday in M Y next, within the usual hours ot sale, before the Court house door at Klmelv j K ‘ KLY county, Lot ul Land No. ‘did, iu the sth Disirict us Early county. —ALSO ! Will be sold on the first Tuesday iu JUNE next,b-fore the Court house door at Cuthbert, ItANUOLI’II county, ihe west half of Lot No. 110, ami 150 acres taken from the east part ofLotNo. 109, in the 9tlt llistrictol originally Lee, now Randolph county—lhe whole in a bodv containing 251 j acres, with about 60 ucres cleared land —known as the place where tv in. 11. Jones furuicrlv lived. —ALSO— Will he sold on the first Tuesday In JULY next, before the Court house door at Marietta, COISB county, No. 941, m the 19lh Otst. 2d Sect, now Cobb county. —ALSO— Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in JULY next .before the Court house door at Van Wirt, I*A ULDINU cminly, Lot No. All ol the above lands sold as the property of Archibald Gray, late of Talbot county,deceased, and for the benefit of th? heirs. Terms made known on the dav of sale. March 2,1847. WM. M. BROWN, Adtn'r. Heard county, Lot N°. as in the 4th district. Sold as the property ot Murdock L, Matht-son, deceasid. Term# cash. * * March 31 7 VV. H. CAI.HOUN, Adm’r. A SAI.K.-Wiii b c ,td on , he tirst 1 in s.ii, v in June next, at tne court house door in tho town * ‘.'Ty, Houston county, Ftlly Acre, of Land, lying and joining to Charles Culpepper, number not recollected. Sold as the property of Joseph Culpepper, late of Houston county, deceased. SoltUdtMh’ bent fi of the heirs ol said deceased Terms on the dav March 10, 1847 4 WILLIAM S. MOOHE, Adnfj’ F#OLMI months after date abplication will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Upson county when sitting 1.. C ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the i estate ot William Robertson, deceased. “ ° Mllr - h 81 7 JOHN W, ROBERTSON, Adm’r. .nOIV T'filS after date,applic.ilion will be made * to the Honorable Court of Ordinarv,ot Crawford county, or leave to sell all the real estate of John Bryan, decease'd late of said county. ARTHUR BRYAN, Fe()24 HANNAH BRYAN, Adntrx. — 2 CSOCR MONTHS after date application will be made to 1 the Inferior Court of Bibb county, when sitting as a court of : ordinary, for leave to sell the real estate of D. D. Senders, late of I * W, CT* county,deceased, for distribution. * March 17 1847 ELI AS BEALL, A.lm'r. de bunts non, | - J* 1 *” 11 l - 1847 5 with tin Will annexed. IjSOIJR MONTHS afterdate application will be made to the hoaorabte the Court of Ordinary, ot Upson county, for l “ “Veto .i ll the real estate belonging to Klizabrlh Ann Dtikt a m Apr , ; l j. 7. JOSEPH UL ' KK - If AIO.K 1’ IS tiler date a|i|ilicattnti will he made to rite lionorahle Inferior Court ot Iwiggsconn tv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sail U ll the lands and negroes belonging to the eslate ol l’homas lniton, bite cl stud couulv , deceased. ROBERT FULTON, Adtn’r. .. , .... de hoois non,with the will annexed. March lb, 1847. M |d> Ia’OIIR ilio N B'H*. alter tlalc, application will he made to the lionorahle t lie I hfe rior Court ol Montgomery county, while aitting for Ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell nil the laud belonging to Alexander McArthur, minor, hitm in 1 atlnull county, lor the benefit of said minor. JOHN McAR IViLR, Natural Guardian. Mourn Vernon, cuunly Ga. March 3, 1H47. IC iUONT’IIS alter date application will Le mntle to the lloiiort.ble the Inleiior Coni t of Wilkinson Cminly . when sitting lor Ordinal v pitiposes. for leave to .ell the real estate us William J. Seats, late of said count) tie ceused. WYATT MEREDITH,; . , ELI SKA Ills, fAdmrs. March Ist 1847. 2:1 <' I't’Rt.) IIOA lUN alter dale, application will he iiiaui* to the Honorable the Ihferior C nn of |el lair county ,while4itting forordmar* purposes for leave tosell Hie Land ami Negroes belonging 1.. the eslate of Duncan > iraiiHiu, line ofauid county,dec eased I). B GBAIIAM, Administrator •Dninn 11 , at * after dale, nppiiculion w || be I made lo me Honorable the Inferior Court if Fuinuiii county, while aitliug for oidiuary purposes, for leave to sell llie real estate ol John SY yun, deceased. „ . .... JOHN SMITH, Adiu'r. March 9, 1847, 23 dmjWßc 1 .VIO .Si IIM after date, application Mill be made to ihe Honorable the Inferior Uoun of Baldwin county, when silting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell tie real entitle of J aloes D. Jarrall, late ol sad count* de ist„ ISAAC BODING. Adminis rato’r Feb. 8, 1817. >IO.\TIIS after dale application will be made to ii lof nor Court ol Twiggs county, when tilting for ordinary purponen, fin’Waie lo sell the .Negroes belonging to the estate of t'honia* S. Boat w irk, deceased, by April IX owfr4 JQMW OLOVF.H, Adn.'r, GIiOUGIA, If ililwm U01111I). VV Kenan applies in me for letters of > V Adniinistrution on that portion ol the real estate f Ybram Borland, lute ol Alabama, deceased, which is situate iu the t ’oonly nud .State first afoiesaid : These are.t berelore.t ociteand admonishall and singular ill* kindredandcreditor* ol said deceased,to he and appcai al my o dice, williin the lime prescribed by I aw, to show cause if any they have, why said I tiers should not be gianted. * Given under my hand. at office,this *,9ili illn 11 li, 1K47 JOHN u . W. BNEAD, C. C. O. Ufoi'Kla- kniiiH , r roiMity. WHEREAS James W. Cannon applies to uie fur letters of tlisiiiissiuo from bis further liability ns Guardian to jibe person Hill property ol Lydia handers, minor, orphan of I William Sunders. I lusc art therefore to cite ami admonish ull and singular the kin d red and creditors of all toiut rued, |> ht sndappiar ai ny office will, 1 n the time prmcribt-il hy law, lo allow cauu if any they have why *aul letters may not he grant* and. ‘ Given under my band Ithb Mari li, 1817. ,M .1. h 17 M and . D \ \’ ‘ McCR \I!Y, i. C. r, o. Miiiiffi of Geerlia Urmn Cmtj, Inferior Court sitting fur Ordinary Purposes— March Perm, 1847, i P.-etent th< ir llouura William Lowe, Edwin C. Turner, William Ii ice, I nut it- a. petition of Joel Maihewa ream t-thill* ahrweth that hr liaa I | fully dMt-fcargcd the truat iep*"< and in him u* guardian f Kli/.a ----; belli Youifblood,and ur>the t . nrt to be ihcnipaetl th rt from Wlien-upon it ia ordered, that aaid petition lie published in the Georgia Mese:.grr in term* of the law, r< quint * all persons con* Ctrnrd, to a how came if any they have, why letter* of diamitaion should not be printed at ih> neat Min t rru of tlua Court. A true eitrnrt Irotn the minutraol aaid Court. h 10,1 17 4014 \\ M \ COMM Clt Ik. of CaCOl'krlll—T r |>SOll < <>1111(7, Inferior Court nit tin# I'or ordinnry purpose*. Jitnunru term, 111 17. pnltlon of Joel Mathew* reapertflilly aheweth that he hna | fatly administered and aetthdtlie ratal* of Joseph Youngblood, I deceased, ua the udminiatrator tin rent, and praia to In- disiniast-J tlierefhun. I It i therefore ordered, that citation he published in term* of the luw in the Georgia M aeiif r, rt quiiing till pt r*ons eoneeriied, to * low cauae if any they Imve, m *r In Core the next July term ot Court, why aaid letter* <lioiild not be fronted. A true • id-net from the minute* of a.iid Court, tin* Itth day of Jar.- n*ry, 1*47. WM. A. COMB, c;*. c. O. Jun 70 ni'*tnm I KG AL iNOTH KS. I GI OcCGIA, oaiuock tu.iliiy, I NFERIOK I'Ot’HT, silling for Ordinary Turn ox# n X uiday ,30ih January, 1317. The Court met pun adjourciueiii, i'reacui their Honors 1 UQl *l THOMAS M. TURNER Y ■ THOMAS J. LITTLE, SJu.i.v ■ TUI LT VINSON, ) llee ’ ■ iToppenring to tlieCourt, iliat lli 11. Baxter and ai 9 A. Hook, \druiiiis tutors ol Nulhaii Look . late of tbia'r * nPr d.cen-ed. hate fully ndiiiiuistered said estate, and paid ,U,h 7’H assets according to law, and now praying t liim L’ourl to be discharged from said Adminisiialion: On I Oidered,llini t De bunk do publish u citation in the n r **-* O,, I according o law, hu those interested lo Mmw can's enj,Be, I bo foie ihe next September term of this Court, iflhey fiT’ 0r H whv ihe s,lid Baxter and t.'ook should not ba dischuras I suit] Aduiinistraiiou. * ° u,ri >in l H And 11 appearing to the Court, that Jasper M. Gone! 9 iiiinisliator on the estate of .Mark Ba refield, deceaseand ly administered said estate according to law. and m,’, I ** ,,l *• 9 be discharged ilicn ftom : ll ih Oidered, ibai the Court ilo issue a citation in llie premises, and have if n 11. 1 *I*l 1 * 1 9 ed according in law, to those in interest, to show ° ’ H nny they liaie, on 01 I*, fore the m il September Terni L’ouit, why ihe said Jasper M . Guilder should not fi° l^ 11 9 chained at said Term from In* said Administration. U<3 And it bring represented to this Court bv Kenhen T l\ 9 tie, Executor of the last will and testament of El jg u | )rt i j. **• 9 uer, l aie ol said comity, deceased, (lint he has fully n/i, ,nr,i * 9 tered said estate, uud praying to he discharged therefrn 9 li is on motion, < trdcred. ihut the Clerk do i.isue n cii , *7* 9 the premises, andlmve ihe same published according to* 00 9 for all persons interesred to shew cause,on or before tha ‘**’ 9 September IVrm of this Court, if anv they have 9 should not be discharged, or that lie will at r aid Court hx 9 charged from the Executorship of said will, be du. ■ J'rue extracts from (lie minutes. I 19 dm m:\KY ROGERS. c . Cj 0 9 GEOUGIA, Klancouk < oiiuiy, “ ‘9 i NFERIOR. COURJ 1 , silting lor Ordinary Purpose* ft] H day, 11 ih J annul y, 18*17 i'reseul their Honora * fcn ’ 9 t I IIOM AS j. LITTLE, Y 9 W II.LI AVI M. BOYER, l , |ft TULLY VINBUN, >Justices, M Tii'maw m.ti knerj iJ; It appearing to the Court, that William Rachel aiH nmnstratoi of,&c. of Myles Rachel, late of said coumj and ■ ceased, lias womple it <l said Adm i nisi ration, and pray ml, 9 be dismissed llieielrom: Ordeied, I hat a cilaiion heiJ.J 9 in the premises lo all pe sons imeresied to show cause hr 9 before tbc .September IVrm ol i .is Court, (if am they 1,, 9 why the said Willi, mi Rachel should not he discharged fr ■ h “id Adminieiralioii ; uud that said citatiou be p, blisfied 9 cording to law. u uc * H Audi! beiiiK reprssHiit.d lo fits Court, lhal Heurv |{„. ■ Exey'ilm oi'.ifcc. of .■Sariili ■ ook, luie ol thiscoumv,'deer, I lull, full) adiiiinistsred iheesiafe of said derensed u,„ ‘■ oaf Hi” nsseis. and orat idk ihe discbuifred i, ■ “rdered, i11..1 Ihe Cle.k ol Him Court do is-ue and i lu b'l,.L I eiialion 111 Ihe premises, n, all persons infer".fed’ ‘ ■ cause, it any lliey have, whv Ihe said Rovers should „oi ■ ilieSepii elior I min of iliis Conn, receive leiieis ol m sion from siiideslute l>> ■ Andii lieiug leprese tiled to ihi.Cnurl, lhal Hsiirieit. u:i, I Kx.ciu.ix 111. &. “I J hi. Hill, lale ol llaucoi k . ouiu, eeaseil. has lolly lidlluinsleird Hind rslule, .nil pi id ail'll I asset'* thereat lelhu-e eull'leil lo Ihe sail,. : 11 is oideifaiL, ■ ■ lie I lerk nl this I ourl do issue slid havi puhli.hed a eti.u I in ail persons ilileresied. ID file tlieir ohjeelunn, it , n . a I have on iu before llie next >, pleuiber Teru. of tins Com, J ■ 111 ilefuull lliereol said Henrieiiu will b discharged f.j ‘■ Lxeciilorshi|i jn said Km ie. ■ And ill .mill! ri*|uese„ied h. thiiCourl, mat Joseph || r ,.. ■ 1. xeeuini ‘ll, *Vt i t ttm IL'iibarti Rohe< ihiiii. late ill iin,,.„ u ,H ly, deceased lih.fully sduuiuslered said e tale, „,„| u.u, M H “leusse succindlllg lo law-aao he now pplvins charged tromhis Haul . xecuio. hip: ii ,> mdciMf, il.m * lerk of ihisCouii do pulilii-h said ai>plictiuii tor ih lens 9 six month.-*, iind if no objection is offmed, llie sail Bm„„ “,1- receive lellers ol disilussiun ul ihe S.pleuiher leiui usual this Court. 1 01 ■ And it being represented lo ibis Court, by Alv j ■ Adininisiralor of. A.e. of Christopher C. Mnrihei, deis„„B llml lie lias fully adininisleied llie eslate of said deeet.seil J ■ pud oul nil llie assets: li is ordered, lhal llie Clerk uiVh ■ Court do issue and have published h citation iu ihe pnm.J! ■ according lo law, for all person, concerned lo show emu, il any they can, why he should uoi be dismissed from said id. I ministration at Ihe next .September Term of this Court I True extracts from the minutes. B lfl lll6 "i HENRY ROGERS, Cl.rk CO. I Georgia—,7lonroe Cowot. “ Tlu- Justices oj the Inferior Court of said Couutu.nUiueU I ordinary purposes, January term, 1847, I SANDAL O. IV ) 1 “IN, adminislralor of tht tslate of n.i— I \)al*,m, deceased, having full) administered laid cut, I itut rH of dismission tht refrom. ■ lljs ordered by the Court, lhal ihis rule be published once . mm a I for six^months, and at thefirsi regular term alter theexpiratioX? I of, said letters will be granted, unless cause to the comrarv l,e ih,i. I A trio-extract from the minutes of said Courl, January 19 is.- I 1811 20 niftnHO K. G. CABAMSS, c! C Q. I Georgia—Tloinoe l oiiniy. Ihe Justices of the Infer,or Court of said county si/tine I n ordinary purposes, March term, 1847. I n K | V O V 'a DA of the estate of | Llislm Barden, deceased, having fully administered said I eslate, prays letter, of dismission therefrom. I It is therefore ordered by ihe Courl, that this rule be pub- I lished one a inonlh lor six monlha, and at Ihe first reeuln I term ofthe Court thereafter, said letters will be granted, unlci I cau ßo to the contrary be shewn. 6 I A true extract Irom minutes of said Cosrt, March 24, 1847 I March 24 tnfimG E. (L I.’ABANISS, r.t.o.’ I t, , .■ ° e M “ ‘o* Coil illy. I he Justices of the Inferior ( ourt of said county, sittinc fu I mv ivm- “ r ‘ti , “” h purposes. March term, 1847. I TV AM I LOVET'I, adininiatrutrix on the- estate of l.emusl 11 Lovett, deceased, having fully administered said estate prays letters ot dismission therefrom. Ilia therefore ordered by the Court that this rule he anb lirvlied once n month lor six months, and nl the tirst resulw term ot the Court thereafter, said letters will be granted unless cause to the contrary be shown. A true extract from minutes of said Court March 24 1847 March 24 nifnnfi E. <L CAIIANISB, c. c. it!, Ceoigla-flacon County. HKRKAS, John It. Ilurv.y applies to tue tor letters al Dismission from the Administration of the estate ol | Creen li Brooks,luteof said county deceased. i'hcst- arr therefor* to cite and admonish all amt ainrular tbi kli- i dred and creditors of the said d< ceastd to h* and aip. ai at auts within the turn- prescribed b) law, thin and tin r. to 6 1* their objn j lions,lt any they have, whywaid letters should not bi crulilid ‘ i.iven under my hand and seol. 28th Dee. 1846. January 7. in6m47 W. W. CORBITT, C. C. 0. WGooigiu— f|;ic<>n ouiily. IIKRI* AS Mar,.it Edge apple* |„ r I. tiers ol dismisaioa fro. the adininietratiou of th* estate of Warren W kdei And when as John E. Lilly apple, for letter, of dismisaioa ftm , the estat* ot ArmigtrLilly, lau ot said count) .dic'd. ) These are Ihenlore lo cite and admonish all and sincidli Ih Kiinlri it ami <-rt ilitot sot sid ifi-ct um and. lo fit ami Honour ulna i ffirr i witiuß.ilit* nine |.'rt-*cribd fiy law, io show cauo il any din )/,. : why said Ictti , hi h-iHld not be granu-d. J I Given umlt rmy hand and mal l#i Dec mbcr, 1846 Ptc 3 VV. w. CORBIT I , C.C.O. Still.’ ol Georg in—l ptteo t oHMty. Inferior Court sitting fir ordinary purposes, January Tam , 1847. rjIHE petition of Robert Jimtwjii ami Matthew 11. Sandwicl m | 1 -p ctfully sneweili that they have executed the trust r pomtii them a# the adinini#traitrs on the estate of luaac Cooper, j by fully atlinimstering and seltlingsaid estate, ami pray to be da iniHseu then from. r I )Vhereupon 11 is order* and, thai said petition be published in linsi of ihe law in l lie Georg a Mess, nger, r. qoiriiig all p, rsons coucrraH lo show cause it an) 110 y I,are, at r before til. J„l) term ot this Court, why letters of dismission should not b* eraood 10 said li ministnlurs. A true extract from the minutes us said Court l.tli da) ol jinie ya, 147. WM. A. t'Ottit, tlk. 1.0. • lal ‘ °* 1847 - i.Pn,*) n,„„„ (it'OtliHl-hUfUII 4 <lllllll. T •* Lit r. Vb Benjainin Lanc-7ti r applies tin fi ti rot di.n>iMiog ftiin ihe udmimstralion i.fth< Mat< ol Joel i hilds,dic'd I hot*arc therefore to ti t and mini m-fi all and iuvular th kin dred ami creditors ot *aid diceanct, io hi* and upixui at n.y.ffirr J within tin time prencribtd fiy law. to hkow cuum if any they Jta*r, why said fi tier# #houbl not h granled. ’ * iveii umlt rmy hand 2Jd March, 17 7. M ,r< l 1 4 “ |>D VV W. rOHPI TANARUS, c c 0. ul pMI. I 111. }. Inji rtor t ourt sitting for ordinary purposes, January term 1847. petition of Matthew H. S.iulu icfi, administrator uiththf will annexed, on the estate of John Head, d< ceam and, respetiiiil ly shewetli that In ha# fully administered ai.dmifid s U id . -tan . m>J prays letters of ditmis-ion therfman. It is thereftire ordered that said petition be publisher once . nsad for six months in the Georgia Messengi r, n fiuinn all person i* e. rm and, to show cause if any they have, why said hit* r* of disaiMwa should not fie grant, and, at the next Just t. rin of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 12th day of Jtu ,,Vy’oi47; o „ WM. A. COHfi, Clk C. Jan 80,H4T ln 6n>4Q IsLOfifsl li k 4 o.iaaly. Ull LKi*. AsS Elijah Wells, Ailuiiinsirnfnr on tleesfal# nl iames Noblea, dereaaed uppliea lo m for lelfiri of Dismission from auid Adunniatrution : I liomp era, llierefore,locile and iidinonis li n Ila n and # ingidsi l kindredanderedilors f saidd*c*us*d • be ami appfif ul my office ,within Hie time prest*ritied |>y law’ IosIh” eniiHe, if any they have , wly snid letters should noibe granted. Given under my hand, at offie*, this llrh day 01Jnn.,1847. 1 ■ jng I . Mi ft v I*;, r o UFOIIGIA. Wllßlj—i Ul ULRICAS Gary L’ox, Ydonoistrutor on she esftile of Gilbert D. • oiiilm, lute of fins count v , deeemoul, sp I*L*m to me for l*fter*i ol Dis niH-iou from said \ iitniiiislialion • These or* ,therefore, to cite and admonish a Hand in#ul*f the kindred and creditors ol said dec on tad to be noil ip|**r ul my o lice w i I hiu I lie Ii me prescribed bv law to • bow nau*? if any they liuvc.wliv said letlors aliotild not ba grnt<"l‘ Give o unde 1 my baud at office,! hi s I I 1 h day of Jnii., I ! *d7* 17 Cm AUG. IL BAIFORD.C. U. (). HfiOKtilAt M llKsitson Uuinily. \% r HLKI.\> Saih|i Wheeler, Souiiiiistinirix on the *#• v v of >amii..| VVloeie, der* M-i*d, applies in He lot lfl* fers ol from said Administration I I hesM are, ilierefore, loeifo and admonisli nil ronrerneJ 1° lilu tlieir objm iintis, if any lliey have, said why Dismifnibi* atimild not fie granted. Given umlt rmy li’iiid ut office, this Ist dav of Jan., 1847. u* fill! Al D. li Ml <>i;l>, C. V Gi;oU(l i f WilhifisonUniiufy. nf HEREAB avail Dixon. Adiuiirialraiiix on the esfHis of Sampson Dixon d-c a#ed, applies 10 me lor leller* ofdisinissioii from said Adminiatralioii. I host* nre, f Inrefore, lo cilenlinnd singulnr, lliose ren ce nedt o be and up pen 1 n f m v tiffir e williin 1 lie l inn nre sc rib* ♦•-I bv law, 1 o show cnii*e,i ( mi y exist ,w hy said diiniirsion ah'iild nol be granted Given under my It and nl office tbi. *4 I#tda v ofNc*i I* AUG B ft4IF>RD,r C.o.