Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 30, 1847, Image 4

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AGRICULTURAL. Hemp, or Bear Grass, Gen. Call's Letter to Governor Moseley. Sir —I have the honor to present to your Excellency a specimen of the Florida Hemp, produced from the plant generally known h\ the name ol “Bear Grass.” It abounds in Florida in its native, uncultivated condition, and it is believed thot it may be propagated to aa indefinite extent. Nothing feeds upon it. and it therefore requires no enclosure. It grows i.i the forest frequently to the height of three or four feet and no doubt, m ly he improved by cultivation. It loses scarcely anything by the process of manufactory ; the Hemp being about the same length as the leaf. It is found indigenous in most of the Southern States and, though being neglected and unnoticed from the successful results of experiments re cently made. I feel assured it is destined very soon to become one of the most valuable sta ples of our country. In the present depressed situation of the cotton market ov big 10 the superabundant production of that art. !e. rueh a result is greatly to bed sired. And if my anticipations are realiz <l. the Southern IJr uip [ will become more abundant uni raore profita ble than that of the North, and will contribute but little lees than cotton to the population, wealth and power of the Southern States. The resemblance of the Hemp of Florida both in its native condition and after ils in i 1- ufacturc, to that of Manilla induces a beliei that it is equal in value if not superior to that article, and that the same process may lie re quired for its cultivation and preparation lb. market. Although I an: well sati-ficd with the result of the experiments I have recently made for the hitter purpose, and am co.ivia ceil that, without any improvem • it wh iieve in the method I hav pursued the I ibor of. v ery hand engaged in its production will lie mare than twice the value of the same am mnt of labor employd in a cotton field yet it may be found, oil inquiry in the country where the Manilla Hemp has been produced lor so many years, that a much better plan lias been pro duced by long experience. Deeming this a subject highly worthy of inquiry, I would re spectfully suggest to your Excellency the .\ pediency (should you think favorably oi'the proposition) of requesting of the Government of the United States, through some of our foreign Consuls, to obtain all (lie practicable information in r, g.ird to t ie cultivation and preparation of this valuable article of com- merce. The experiments 1 have made have been as simple and expeditious as they have bee is it isfactory in their results. The leaves of the , plants nave been plucked from the bud around ‘ they cluster tied up i.i convenient bun dles. boiled,and jiou idcd. until the green b.irk } and soft vegetable matter is disni iged from tile strong fibres, when tin y are put m water, and washed out with great ease. But the apparatus I have suggested, and in which I have great conlid. iie. (suiln ie u t prepare from two to three tons per day.) is a heavy wooden wheel, to t:averse a circular platform, firmly constructed arid covered with : strong plank. The wheel to turn on a shall. :arved in the lbrin of a screw. One ind ot he shall confined and turning on a pivot in j ae center of the platform, which will cause I ic wheel in its revolutions to traverse every ’ art of the platform. The action of the boil g water for twenty-five minutes will prepare ti.e leaves for the wheel. The bundles w.ii h will then have shrunk considerably, should In 1 re-tied, to prevent the tangling ol the Hem]) placed carefully on the platform, until it is co vered, and the wheel put in motion by the an imals hitched to the outer end of the shall, a. id moving in a circle on the outer edge of tile platform. When the wheel shall have reach ed one side of the platform. by its revolution oil the screw, the animals moving it are to be turned and driven in the opposite direction round the circle, which will cause the wheel to traverse back again to the opposite side. — While the wheel is in motion, water should be frequently thrown on the plants, winch be ing permitted to escape by vents from the platform, carries it with all the surplus matter I (in a state ot solution.) disengaged from the strong fibres by the friction and pressure ol the wheel, until the Hemp is washed perfect ly clean. It should then be taken from the | platform and hung out to dry. which completes the process of preparation, and the article i.- ready to be packed up for market. This i process will succeed until a better is devise,! ! Every good plant will produce one pound j ol clean Hemp. Some have exceeded that quantity. The best specimens from the un-j cultivated plant are from three to four feet long, and the fibres coarse or finer, in propo. : tion to the age of the leaf as you will perceive by comparing ‘he smaller p reel 1 send you. (composed ol the bud leaves only ) with the larger. From five to six thousand plants may be produced from one acre, which will yi. Id as many pounds of good Hemp. The speci mens I have shown are estimated by our most intelligent merchants, as superior to the Ma nilla, tind are considered worth from eight to ten cents per pound in the New York market. At these prices there is no cultivation i:i the United States so valuable. I have made experiments on the plant known bv the name of the “Spanish Bayonet ” which abounds on our Southern sea-board, and find the fibre equally good in every oilier respe t though not so large as the “Bear Grass.” I learn from men wlir have been uccuctonicd to cut up the latter p. ■ .1 annually in the culti vation of their fields, that it is almo t inde strucible. Should this be the case it would requir tube planted but once after which it will continue through a succession of years to yield its valuable tribut without cultivation. Such results, though very imperfectly reali zed. will render the Florida Hemp a most im portant production. It will add to the pros perity of the wealthy, give profitable employ ment to the laboring classes both in Agricul ture and manufactures, but to tin* poor it will 1 be an inestimable blessing. It will invite ein-I igration. ensure i dense white imputation and make the South the richest and most power ful portion of the country. Cotton and Sugar I can never be produced in great abu ex cept by slave labor. and the employment of a capital tar beyond the reach of the poor. Th. ir culture has therefore a tendency to increase the -lumber ol’ slave, and exclude a white population. But should tiie Hetnp become a valuable staple, as I confidently anticipate it will from the simplicity and eat r of its culture,! and abundant production, it will give the rieh est and most generous reward to the laborer. There are none so pour as to In? unable to ‘ vail themselves of its advantages to some ex-, ‘lit. The bounty oi Providenre haspiaci dit •ithin their ream. The production of a few i ten will yield a sufficient support fora small h at greatly redu red prices; and where ey may not he able to procure tin* necessary pant us for boiling the Hemp, the same re s t may he produced liy steeping it in cold * ter for tile spaee of twenty nays, after which 1 * y can prepare more of it for market with i rfingers alone in one day, than they enn y., ,of cotton in two. Let the culture he once atfoihlced and it will never be abandoned while good Hemp is worth two cents per pound. I have the honor to be very respectfully, you,-obedient servant. 11 K. CALL. Weight of Corn Per Acre. Capt. Kandiill, of New Bedford, has re cently published in the N. E. Far an tie-1 Count of the weight of Ids corn sown broad cast on a couple of acres and some rods, lie says thirty-five tons of manure were spread upon each acre. Ten bushels of white. Hat. Maryland corn were sown on two acres and thirty-two rod. The whole was well plough ed and repeatedly harrowed, rind u heavy roller was applied. Three separate rods ot ’ his com were cut and weighed, and the aver age weight per rod was 3SB lbs. This gives between dl and U 2 tons per acre sown broad cunt, very highly manured and land well pr< pared. We think to tons perarre may be growl’ by sowing in drills, but the labor would b< more though the seed would not cost one quar ter as much. (Nipt. Handall says he fed ou his corn Horn two acres and thirty rods to il eows, three other cattle, and five calves, unii It kept them seven weeks and five days with what they could piek in a dry pasture. And he is satisfied that his corn iv is equal to 15 tons of the very best of English buy. But we think Cant. R. puts a wrong esti mate on his fodder from his corn field - Fif teen tons of hay would keep his stock through half the winter without any aid IV hi the ]>:■ ture ground, yet while all las stuck could bite j buslies and all, liis eorn kept his stock but one j third of the time that cattle are f 1 in I winter. Cattle will find something in the driest pas ture and will partially fill themselves t! re even though you feed out the richest products of the farm. Again, the two acres and thirty-two rodso: ground with this high manuring would have J produced this season 160 bushels of shelled corn, besides all the stalks and husks. This corn deal’ out in meal would make an allow-1 ance of 6'j bushels to each of the twenty-four j cattle lor seven weeks and five days—or did quirts of meal each. That is, aiiout three quarts of meal per day for each b'jsiie . the husks and stalks. Should we not think n ! j costly feeding to give out so much i.i addition to wiuit could I obtained in the pasture? \V,- wish to see in are exp Wiueiits made on edmg out g.ven corn and ive therefore nink’- | these rein.irks on the experiment ofCapt. Ran dall.—Mass. l , ln:iirhinan. -Much said u a small Compos*. The J'ar.iier’s Library says: “If men of in fluence in society, a id of power in gov rn menl. wouldreada .il ponder wit it luMim - il mi gut go liir toward oriiiging about a inoiv . pr.u Irani system ol instruction i.i our coiliino . schools, and of ultimately improving the fa t as well as tile morals ol die country. U liiir tu.lately, the men to whom the irrtalrsl busi ness <;t legislation is confided are too oib n men without qualification or ambition m learn ‘ any tiling beyond the readit st meansufachiev ing a -j.iiety tr iuiil/ih iVon-Imi*hovkmi:n r in Aontcr ltitre. — I h id o. c.ision to visit tlie sou ol a friend ofinine at a school of great respectability in a weal-1 thy agricultural district. The muster, a very intelligent person, showed me the details <>i his well-arranged establishment which was ; certainly a pattern in every respect. On en- 1 termg the we 1 filled school room he observed flint most of his scholars were farmer’s sons. Glancing at lus lilt ry 1 inquired what books oil agricultural subjects it contained ! Tin master seemed struck with surprise ( is if the thought of such books had never occurred to ! him ) and replied. “With sharne I acktiowl i edge nit one; but send me a list of such as i you recommend, and 1 will immediately pro cure them.” Now I apprehend this case might It ■ multiplied by a thousand or more, j Can wi wonder tnen tin t a youth who never heard the word agriculture at school, and ! who is seldom or never sent into Uitlerent dis tricts to he taught agriculture tin a science, 1 should go home to his parent, and follow his ] lail of tanning—be it good, bad or imliilercnt. ■ lu all otln r trades aml professions, an appren ticeship is considered ■ s-sential to the acquire-1 meat of knowh dge ; but farming the most ne eessary of all trades is tube left to chance. 1 or rather mischance. A system of uniformity i is essential in making a hat, coat, or shoes— | there are established educational rules for the church, the bar. and the senate; but agri- j culture, the greatest interest of all. ori which our very existence depends, economically ami politically, is to be like a ship without a com pass. tossed about by the ever-varying gale of individual opinion, without a hope af reach-1 ing the port of Perfection. Were a youth ov - er so much inclined to furnish his mi ni with comparisons and observations of the various systems of culture in our oivu difierent coun-1 tics, as well as in fori.-gn climes, there is un-1 der the present school system no opportunity for his doing so; and no doubt he would be surprised if told that we are a country at least behind the Chinese in agricultural prsetir . I hope we shall soon see every school, and in fact every farmer’s parlor, possessing a I. w | sound practical works on agriculture. I pre-! siime no man will consider he knows every j thing in agriculture—if he does, it is unfortu-! note lor him. Little as lam acquainted with the subject I am daily convinced that it is ‘ full of interest and of such extent that a | lifetime of study and practice would find us on l the wrong side of perfection. —Letters on Ag. j Improvement. ACT to alter and amend tiie third Section of! . the beoiid Article of the Constitution ol tins State. Whereas, the third Section of the second Article of, the Constitution of this State reads in the following! words, to wit No peiaon shall fie eligible to t:ic office j of Governo who shall •'*t Itavc been a citizen of the C j States twelve an inhabitant of this State six ‘ years, and who hath not attained to the age of thiity i v**ars, and win* does not possess five hundred acres of land iu his i vv.i riglit vituin this State, and oth**r prop- ; •*rty to tiie amount of lour thousand dollo.a, and wftoee , c it,tte shall iot, on a reasonable estimation, f*e coreipc- ‘ t*ut to the dischrrge of his just deats over and above 1 tins sum—ami whcicas. said property quilific ition is inconsistent with the genius of our institutions aiul the popular spirit of this age— election I Be it **ua. iby the Senate and House of Rep! -b ot the Stat. of Georgia, in general aa -8 *.ubiy m .*t, a:id it is her*vy .*u:ietei by th • authority of the aiune, That so soon **s this Act skull have pass l agreeably to th: reaui r of the Constitution, the follow, *g Fhall be adopted in lieu of th** section aljove recited, u- wit ) —No person ilinll be eligible t** the of fice of Governor who aha 11 not have been a citizen of tiie United States twelve years, and an inhabitant of this Stan* six years, and who hath not uttained the age of thirty yen is Approved December 26th, 1845. Apiil 14, 1847. 2 6tn New spring and Summer .Millinery, IHe f DESSAU ts now opening at her eatabiu . icnt *>n Muilterry street, over M -vi. J. L. Jones A. Cc's Store, up stairs, an invoice ii the newest and moat fashionable ejuing and Summer M lhne?y Gouda, consisting in part oVnllliinda of Ladies’ Bonnets, Cop*. Rililkhis, Fl*w**rs, Embroid eries, ffreiw a. Sea na, IViAiimeries. and other tancy ar ticles; and u lull assorimeiit ot Tnuumugs for Ladies Dresses. Uoimets, CajiN, Dresses, and Riding Habits made to order; also Waists cut and fitted. Mat m, Apt.i ft, 18 1* 3m3 at m:\rovs N r EVV’ and b**nutiful Muslins, 1*24 to 374 cents. 1> “ do. B**rrages,‘2s to 50 cu*. , lute Muslin Rohes, new style, Swim atid jueonet Musim, 25 to 75 cts. Sdk and lieirage Souris, v**iy low ; Corded Skirts, 1 ‘25 to 5 U* Grass ('loth, $1 25 ps . Merino, all colors, 374 ct Bonnets. 5 >ci*. to $5 , Artificials, Wreatlis, Bonnet Rib bons. 6c c Hmu oun. 6i to Hots, 11-4 Blenched Sheet ing, 50 cts. ('(imygrpancs. r ery chcai>; T odel Covers, 5J cts. j M islm Ginghams, *25 n* 371 cts Besides a large stock oi other articles, which will be sold at v v low prices. ( all and *re. May 12, 18 IT f, \T I \ 1X 4'EME VI'S )OK HKM BOM 4 MUVIN*> GOODS KOli CASH, AT B-INCSOFT’S. n’F.AV V J Shirtings 6|c , do I do sic ; 1-4 blench- ‘ ed Sun tings l‘24e ; 4 do do, 8c ; 500 pieces limits 8 to 124 c. ‘2UI do. Musiius, 25 to 37 cents; lUU do M aiming (i.nghams, 25c , Fine Jaconet (‘ambries, 25 to 374 c , fine check do. 25c ; lUO Papist>ts, 374 to gl ; line Barege Hearts, $ I 25; 10 and w-4 Silk Shawls. ‘l’li** subset i!>er is offering!! very large and select Mock of FANCY AND STAPLE I) ICV 44 00 If and is receiving additions from New York every month lie invites th*- attention of all to his nt<*ck, bring certain no one will sell Goods for entailer vrnjit VV G BANCROFT. Next do r to A .1 Whit** 6l Cos., Cotton Avenue. Macon kpril 22 1841 m* • Wwwx LBS extra fin** Flour at OUUU March 21 6 VV FRF.FMAN'S Tobacco and. Cigars. BOXES Tobact •* i, various lirmds, 40,000 PriiiciiH* Cigars, do SU/HlO Regalin do d* 20,000 Paiiat’ ltas do d*> For sale by SCOTT, CAR HART 6l CO. April 1, 1817 LI I. —Just received sud 100 bbla o| firs* rate Northern Lime at the April I, 1847 *’ RIO GRANDE HOUSE ’’ j L>KIMF. C.OSIIKN BUTTER ANDOI.I) EN(J X LISII CHEESE, for sale by April 28, 1d47. 4 C A EL US V.INMK Y4-C OF A large sup- Pi ply of thii delicious b* v**rng nut up intpiart. p in aid half piut h.itties, just received'*)’ Apt il 21. 1816 3 VV FREEMVN. * N, oil s. A V -fust p ived from It the “New York Brooklyn White I#end (’ompntiy'* No 1, No 2. l.xtra and Pare White L‘*nd Also in Store- Linseed and Tanner* Oil; Splits Turpentine ; Varnish. , Lamphhrk Putty.Paint,Brush CS. Ac . Slc PATTEN Sl TAY LOR April 1, 1847 27 - roil SAZiK. A Plantation ami Mills in Houston County, ON LON (} ( It KBIT. n'AVING rustic arr-mgi'ment* to no v.-my fomine i.r t e'her W -i, 1 now offer for sale my PLANTATION end MILLS in th oouruv, aN.nt hie ’ i;t ‘ uort|>wei from Perry roiv*isliug of /ieV /-ee Hundred a.A /■'<; 0/ fie res ol Pinrlvird tiveleej ■Ji ‘.letv. r i sre clenretl aid in fine con fitien lor far- I mine Th- great body of the Lap I is level, nod wII ! ‘n.liieens much com ind ootlon, ns pine im.ds 0.-ner i ady .il fns county There is on the plac ■ n trained House,contni n- five rooms, for the overseer, together with framed negro hous.--.frnnied gill house. c r ihs, &<■ nil w art sue ■ j for c-e-v.-uience The Mil’s consist I ol two Saws, one of which is p-ojielleii Itv “ Atkinson's , Spied Water Wheel,” and will easily saw fifteen hnn , Ire.d leer of Lmnher per dny. Th- supply of mw tim i her is g ind and eor.venient—one Com Mill w ; th n ! l tiie : neeessiry innehine-y for cleunlngthe corn, nnd Fksu Mill in eompi - m reliant order and will inak a. 1 : Flour as any Mill in Georgia. The custom is sufficient i to keep all running, sn.l ready sale in the county for Lumber, Com an I Fioar. Connecte I with the above, n l about one ■nd a half riles from tV-rv, is my msi -1 ilepc*. a framed Dwelling containing five rooms, ’ Kitchen,Carriage House an! Stabl-s, nil frunetl.w'th : all other nee -retry and convenient out- 1 nil lings This | place is well imp-ov I, omanr-nte.l with a varit'v rd -bade Ire ‘■ - ,nt’ I>e-j. flower par I. Ac., an ! is rsi/in 1 |e |-sont “f the handsomest, and tnnstt healthy sitna I ! tions in th- county. 1 I will take for said Plantation. Ml! and Residenc-, six dollars iter acre, in four annus! pey,,.ents, without | inn rest, and il desired, longer in ill: ,V’ *e ran be g ten, ! I by the ptitchnscr pitying interest, and amply securing l tlm purrhioc tnora y. ; For further tntortnat'.on, inquire of Dr A. F Holt, cir ’ | .lames Mean, L ur. ot Macon, or row dfou il*e p'aee T M FUR LOW. Houston co. Geo., June 1. y G-risv/old’s Improved Cotton Clins. r |>H x -n(*MC’i!or v\i'! rontin'i*? th- uinnutarliiro of, l (iiiw om his s M-'iFit extensive ucnle, ami iei'h**** | :'hh opiKHtimity to t!nnk liiw n I'm r< is cu-tnnuMs fr I ihfir lincriil |ntrtunffc lientofon* ‘l'lie fstiuu.iii.n in, 1 which hia (tins me he!,J, in*iy in* known frotii tin* f et j iit’llia having nolii more than two thounand iluriny the ( !:**♦ th > e yenj> —jiruhuhly ten to fine over nny other K’ietorv in i!ie Si it*. ‘liiis i*vil'*nce of the n|ei*-rity *ot Ilr (ii i l * i? nr oimteii for hy his leintt tin* first to i*'- | ‘rotluee the Hte improvements, anti kecpin the leal , I y yenrly new ot .*•<. His ami se -on I ini | iirovementfii ma le ill * quality ot coin ti |>e*f r t, thonnh I H<*me were rather slow, liis thi r d mede th* in an lit -1 rient.y fist. It then only remained tom: k* th< mm. re durable and convenient, w hich has fern done he he- ! lieves eHectuidly, hv never and new imnn-vemente the pre- • sent year: liesid.-s, he has the exclus v* for the j , State, w ith the privilege of fth*r sections, to fnrr.ish !\**id's Patent VvHter Boxes, wdiich nrc believed to In* ! ten times more durable than any other, by those who j have made n fair trial ol them and are infallibly se- , j core against (ire by friction. His fine (iins will irin Mastodon Cotton as well as any Saw (liti can. His agents will visit planters generally, and exhibit siwci- ■ mens of hia late improvements, ami point out th**ir ad vantages in time for all to engage and lie supplied he- j fore the next ginning season, or engagements can In* made hy letter, directed t. him, < Minton, Jones county. . Georgia. (Ihih will delivered at the pii'chaser’s r* s idem <*, in any part of the State except the Cherokee co'iiitiea, where they will I*e left at the I)ejH>t on the Railroad most convenient to the purchaser. All war i rame.l t perform well, if used according to the direc ! tions sent with each. SAMUCL GRISWOLD. __Mirch ‘21. IHI7 f COK'I'OZ4 •, r suhs*r l N r would inform the planters of (I r- I i’ 11, Hint he has remove I his Cotton Gill Factory to Bit© county, Mi mil s trom Macon,on the road lead ! ing from Mt< •on to Gordon, w here he intends to iimnii | lacture Cotton Gins ot a ouality superior to nny he has j ever before made, if possible In the construction of < his Gins, he w ill particularly guard .against the possibil ity of taking fire from the Gin. And here he would re i maik. that :t is impossible for a Gin to take fire from the boxes without the grossest neglect on th** part of those who have the management o them (dins that 1 get burnt, in nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of, a thousand take Ire from a different cause than the box. ) which th’ suiiscriher will completely gurr-l against in th* (tins he makes in future. His Gin# will Ts if d* , ; of the best materials, and w arrant’ and to perform as well an any Gins made in the Stan* H * has an rx -’ llent I water-power to turn his machinery, and a good saw mill right at hand, which w !i enable him to s M Gins : oil ns good terms as any other Factory in the State Ipm 1 :i'i 0 VV MASSEY X/atest Tmprovemeut in Cotton Ciiis. VI ‘ l. r< Jif.'-.-ttuily rni.Mn our friends and th** pianti’rs ? I HARD Col lOiN GIN MANUFACTORY is in full operation. It is am; !y aunplied with the very bust materials which could be selected, d’he machinery is all ivw, ! ; and constructed on the most approved plans for the I manufacture of Cotton Gins. j i The machinist ;• .1 workmen employed in the estnb- | lishinent, are sk; ilrnd experiem ed in the business;! ! and w.* have made such improvements in the median -1 ism and construct .on of our Gins that we feel certain, in : every rase, to furnish a Gin which will perform t.dmi ’ ra! ly well, and give tiie pm chaser entire satisfaction. In the way of recommendation, we need only aay, j tiiat we furnished several hundred of our late improved Gins to planters in various parts of the country during | the season, and not one of tiie number has laile f t*)give i g.*neini satisfaction, hotli in sliced and the stilimit* of i Cotton {XT’ ORDERS can be sent to us by mail,or contracts made with our Agents who are travelling through the country. GINS will lie sent to any part of the country, and in all eases warranted to |ietforui well. Persons addressing the Proprietors l y mail, will di- ‘ reel their letters to Columbus Ga. F T. TAYLOR Sl CO. April 1 Jim Girard, Ala. MILL S f iO S2O. riIHK siib-criberbting Ageitituran> \tei iveMill-Sioni 1 1 Kt*ble*t*ii* hi in N,M-Vuik. will furnish to outer, K.Nt It i.l HK KSOr* \b, AM) mil.OljNi MILi • SI ON KS, ol mu) *i Ac, ai.ti warrantee of tin v<*r\ t*t |iia I- { it). MUHKkIT H’.SDi.AV. ‘tfficoy. Nov 11, 40 laia.Tov >i tiiK'.r HKKK, Snmkt il It. •f, | Miiti Li utii eu huittr, ulwm) > mi lihmiTmiul frurraiitu. I'HAS. II HILKMAN A pnll , (■>;< AUK FKS- •Wt, iintu i, alul 1.. m..ii Crack* I j er, ir* ii trui.i tin bukery § mas it pin mw PINK ( Hit* UllW. —Att w Imim IBCt r*Ceet* fll j 17 s (HAS. H. FItMMAN 0 ‘ g■ - M> I t H KRt-KMiN. X('tS O. H. MILI.KH S VIIKWIN., lOHACCO—too 1 iT | ‘l** re inilmiaf'ir iikb. March 17. IM4T. i CM AS. H FRKF.MAN. 1 | HHI>K N * •f* w v lo (Imifltd do. In •itir aiMi foi tali b) C. DAY CO. ! March i DvUIYXU OffBHRNT BTTTJQU. % |KIi.K 1N S, ’ rtrrted , |i'i r • ivi*| lir na t|v •mo-” ‘ ll 20 4 SCO I I C\l4 f i.S K I fc Ul lAOOIMft AMS • Ojf';. K 4 I , ~ < K.s Kriui-k* go r< *.• OB” K<*r hU* by SCO | I , C* .\ H)iA l< I Ac CO /% lri 1 Z‘4 4 i Pi< | i ki || | mm. targa.ia < ian, - il>, Ju-l rciv il mill for •!* hy April 29 4 SCOT | , CAHHART Ik CO. f (■ rI V .'I ‘i —0 piece* Uiiirhani*. w hi* h ill bi g • .1 thoip Air cnh, u f.. WOODlll’y fs. I April 14 Just Come to Hand. \VH.MV U|n'riur .irutii ol'l'rrarru. il GiHger, M.ctMit*in, salad On ; Waiuut, Miikrvon, and I UIII4|.i f Mttfl.p ; Hras* *, t i|fi, I (-rmi Si at* ; Ca.iUte*, lo), and Jujubr I’hic ; M *> •** ft l iic* il. KRKFMAN. 4’lollttt. 4 aissiiii*i s. V*a(tiag Ac. Wtu ofliugUuif uUfk, Him-black, Blue, In '•■‘•hU Om ii, Mrown, audlanc) i lutb*,an • imlimi , a*nartni nt. i. i ml*>ii, t K.nich Mini >lucrieati Ca*ii*i ra. | Vilvel, satin, tl anvil lei, and KuMcy \i*tu*x Jtti r*fiiil ly N. Mr KIN MIX k CO. t April 1, IM7, jj Fifty Dollars Reward. H ANA WAY limn the i,i lenee til (HI Bmwrll , Jordan, in Puuiski touiiiy, on the 23d Juiiuury li.*t. my negro gul AM AN DA. about twenty-seven years of ag *, mtlier a d* p mulatto; tier hun nearly st.a.glit, and long. g* n.*r. ;ly worn plaited j her *y* black Siie is raluer tiefow tiie medium sue. Sl** has gctUTnlly a miiilc ou liei (*oum<*ni.uce when sjw.k* n to, and aiauiHiera a little in her speech, narticul.irly when in an ill humor, and la very smait ami inieiljg* ii. 1 fie above reward will Im* g.ven il Coutiiieii m jad so 1 gel her,or nil r asoimlnc **xj im* ► paid il d< livend ui I M m*ou, io Mr ROBERT LEAsdiiA.Jr Ainunda lias vaaou t*c*|i iii.uuom in Maoon, Cliii i t*n vloniic lio, V|h(lh.)||, and Pmaski Feb 17, Mi? iu I.LLEN A BRYAN. % nlii illc l*ltiiiniioift slur Balt% near i |4*oii 4 ouiily. r lBHK -ul* tiH* . -.* r* i In* i* >w(t, h mil* ami I i|Utr! rKdin I kmuimmimi, vmiiaiMii.x .i i*n.iir*l siul • *ii 4i i. oi . .(I oni. miml iiK-Kur) l.aug, ol h null su*st ihrir buisind minis m ('uliihlm>m, aid, ..• ir-• • llnn i* m H**"d urn Biot*) uwklhsg coHtmidnr; I*. 1 room*, ti-Mrly iu*, uu .I< ptum*. a, |og(i<*ei with u lioum , ami. ** i > .ii v (.n out Uh.h>i i| ii. g.„ i rvpsn, j with i kittle nt saitf*—sail • u uio*tcft( ucasl pEi> lira i*m 1 il) re*un i r**. AUu i tin i Mill nf the mmt impruvnl tmiitrui d-.h t;., j i i.ii>iilXv'iil ing r’lonr. slmimi . | mtk N. rih ul I Ikhiiob.i. WH ItfidUiCii - a—Willi s S *llll, HI.J HMipt* pn*ih K ,*|, limber. ! 4 i*u hit plnii *hi i.iii fiifiit hnmlricl si daixiy ncr( *,l)ii.* mnr tm* |(.mn- a *1 •! Kio.t Huir in it h.iai. Uo Moat i>f tUia land ii (try talaaiili, *h i.*| >ur|i*iM and ii) hi. hi tl< T.-UulT) li.rtbe rmtii foi **•(•(•• huh t,r. Alm.i.| x hi r. • ol it r oi cult iiihiii, alm h h.. n, • r f.ol< it m ( io • iluir kimml crop* Ih*re i* a Coml'oiahii fraH>t l>aell|i.ft kiln Hum*, hu.i oiilhuili i.iga oi. 11.• tuu.c . hUo a oil! tun* (HI a** H Hia mat IUM* lUal'Mi A i'KAIItE t pauii t u< i), Apiii id, 1J47. |u To XL SALS. \I.IK Kt. V Ni* .HO WOMA K, Mg, diO year*, and A I fiveCh /'/'**-*,. bo ** mm t'.ree ai* ll *. *(•” Tri.iti for |! u.miOi* in* t tea y*4i *. I'he amnait iair > " M l plain e • 1 ah*. . r mik) i uHir-aml health) atl liai i) I 1., i*i I •e .ml ui* lor ta*h, or oner* lo until tin Krat da) oil I • i*ln r oral Apply to Matun, April. *COIT, C AHUAH t fe CO, PTtUiifl V.M> IVES. • diseribe,- calinth*’ att-"* i uiof Physicians* t ..f I P'aatcis. cm 1 oth *rs. t 1• ‘ fil’d Muck ot a |)|*t ;„a M 1 ;'IXnS. PLRFI'MF.RIF.S. DYE STUFFS, ?q *.f w.i'ch are pure, tre**h and U'iad ‘teratc .ng nU* t lr. >w when such is tiie ca *e.” having had *i . vp-ru ice of fifteen years in the drug h iMn< *t, and * • iv< I Licens*’ hy tn>* Medical Board of Physicians of this State , ns an Apothecary. GEORGE PA YNE, 3, HIT. 3 I'll use U \ [G -IHM •*!’ ooiiM[rssior4* busmssa. r IAHE sulischber. hn\ i -:t removed from the Wark- I Hovse * ocupii and !>y him Inst year, and taken tin 1 long know’ll ns Gr\’ i: ‘ WARi'.-lI"r*-i . opposite U Grwts, Wood A( ■ Store, respecttidly tenders thanks to his former patrons and frien Is, and solicits * cootimia ice of th ir p itronnge, with the assurance that he will I vit> liis whole time and spar** no effort* to P'o*not‘* t■ ir interest Liberal advances will mad** to iu ■ wl’.t• r-piii ** them , and order** for BAGGING. ROPE and TW INE. and other Merchand ze, prompt- ] ly filled on the most reasonable terms GEO. JEWETT May 18th, HIT. 7 WARI HOI SB AND COMMISSION it< nim:ss. * * - rplIF. rii’ r .h-r Will continue to entry on ■ %*■ •>* | tiie plwive husines- r.t t! lire PrvoJ U'en rfiauni’ on CciUon Avenue, where he will i afror l nil the usual fncilities to planters and others in the storage of Cotton and nny other kinds of count:y pro duce. Goods, Slc The V\ nrehouse is ns sale from dan ger hy fire ns any other in th** St te, end^convenient to the husineaa pa it of the city All orders f< i tiia custom ers wiil meet with prompt intention. June 16,1(447 6uill OPBLE\ Cheap Tailoring Bstabliohinent, NO. 17. WItITTAKBU ‘ tR’ Ii . S.WyN.NAII, (Opjtonite W 11. May ?s C'ftt Saddlery Store.) H’ A MILTON A: SY M .MONS wa aid inform their t'inuis and tii puldit*. Unit in n idition to their iires* nl large supply oi lu’tidy Made ( ‘ of/mr*, th* y liriva* pm chased, him are now opening, a urge ami < If gnnt assoitin* lit *i Sj)i*n*y stiininei (iootls^ consisting of the very Iwst fiualitiy ot Jiiighnk at.a French (nth*. ( a** tin era. I rating*, und Fancy at tide*, suitable to gentleman's wear. All of in* v ! ’ are prepared to make to oid**r in the most elegant and fashionable style, Mid at lh • slioin st notice. Their stock isent'.n iv new. and Im*inf connected with the hiiii oi J C. Iranth (a. Iri7 i.nm Iwny, N* w* ■ York, the) wall tie imiiishe ! with the most fash.enable articles, aa they arrive in th- market. Mr S. A late vire man jar Price *\ Ven der, and w.*il known as ;i superior Cult r, wdi have cfiai ge of thi.-department ol !*u niess.sotiu.t our custom ers may reiy upon getting if” very best tils. O.tfaa from the country iife.l prompt y, and no devi ation in pnee, ns wv ai*e tc.- ‘lved toapp.uach as near as pos -iMeto Not them rates. April 21, 18 i7. tf3 JRlacon & Western Railroad, jN-J[- I UOM ->1 a\p A’l LA.MEA, O” N and after I hursdny, September 10th, the trains of this Road wdl I*** run as billows. Leave Macon daily at IH A M Leave Atlanta da: y *t 74 A M. Connecting nt Macon with the trains of the Central Railroad, and at Atlanta with those of the Georgia Rail road each way. Stag *1 lor Montgomery connect daily each way w ith the trains at BarnesvilK*. making a continuous line l r oni I Charleston, S. C. na $ .vaimuh, Macon,and Columbus, j (J corgi*a. Stages for the In linn Springs connect with the trains ( at Fojsyth daily, each w y ; and for Meriwether Springs and West Point, at Griliin. Fare lx'tween Macon and Atlanta, $1 <K) L>o. “ do. < iriffm, 25) Do. u do Barnesville, 175 Do. “ do. Foisyth, lou EMERSON FOO I’E, Superintendent. Macimi. Sept 8,1816 3(J United States TW[ail Line—Daily, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. The w il known splended Steam-Packeis Jasper Capt. J P- .Brooks, (iKn’i.. Clin( ti Capt. J. Harden Seabrok, Capt. T. Lyon Continue to run regularly between Sav..:tnnh arid j Charleston, leaving Sav.annuli every morning at 2 o’- j clock, and Charleston every morning nt 9 o’ed >ck pre cisely. forl* r. gin or Passage apply on boat I. at the Savannah and Cliariertoii Sieerr.-T.’ ‘.e? \ hart, or to A I.AT’TT'ril. Agent. N. B.—All Goods, intended for Savannah, will he forwarded hy i Laiitte & Cos.. Agents at Charleston, il’ directed to their care, tier vs cmnnisswn*. Ap’d tE, 1817. ‘ if 3 Savannah Dying \NT( )N II ASERI( K 1 egsleav** to imonii the citi zens of MACON, and the up country generally, ii ■ lias made extensive preparations t<*: HYING and ( LEANSING Ladies Silk and woolen Dresses. Shaw I; •fee. (Site. His colors, particu'ariv Black. Maroon and Brown, will be warranted equal to any that can be pri.- duced in tli * United States. G • iti<*:n -.’s (i*iriii**rts Renovated. Dyed, and wai rui t and not to noil cither the skill or the wiutent linen. Prices mo-Wate. Aiticles left at the Store of Mr. C J LU*. next door to tin Washington Hall, Macon, wdl he promptly lor warded, and returned with despatch Vrd •>!, HIT. 1)3 Util Sh AN I) SIGN FA INTINti: (.lamin ‘, Gi?iliig,<Hn/nig, A’ Pnpei-hmiginv LD CHAIRS re-s.*nt*l with cane, painted and gilded ; Furniture repaired, varnished, and polished; Window Sasli and Blinds , r sale. \ F SHERWOOD, Comer o‘ S cond and Oak Streets Macon, May lOih, 1847 j 4 DtLUACfIh i WILt’OXSON, Mauutac(urt r and Holders in tMHKIAUES —W i! Alt Ai:SS or #;rf.r w t st /e i/• iio.v, miuiLiciu *.tui:i:t, J/IAOOIM. aUfiRCIA. Dr I„ U W. have coiotaut > lor ate, on ilit-hi term*, Kli|ii* Uli'tt. hipps II 4'oaarli Luce. Pitent anil Tap Leather, Plated and lafianned Hnrttea* Mountinga f Paint*, (Hl*, Varnish, c. Mardi, 10, 1447 c www A <; i: s, (.41 the old atnnd of the late F. Wrigley .) \L \R(iE r.•‘sortm**nt of fine COAt'HES. BAR* ROl( HES, R(H KAWAYS, and TFtHHKS, , (with atul without tops.) direct from ./. M wnty'* j cele!rnt*il manufactorv . Newark, N. .1 Persons wishing emnl Carriage*, will find it to tlieir 1 interest to examine these articl*s Is’lore put chasing elae f where, as n large asse'tment will l e kept constantly on hand and offered on tiie most favorable temis. (Infers re****ived lor Carriages bifilt to any pattern, and warranted to do go. and service mid giv* snti.-liiction, both in article and price. T If PLANT, Macon, Dec 30, Isifi. 46 Agent. ’ ll>!H*l> ! - IDDLO! Y 1 ORRIS & WESTCOTT have on hand n first if I rate assortment of S \DDLES. H ARNESS and C \RRIA(;E TRIM MINGS, ol nil kmd-. winch they will sell at prices to suit the Lucs. Their facilities an* such that they can *•!! lower than nny other estab lishment ot the km i in the city. Give us a call lM*fir** you htiv, is all we risk fora re • commendation RKP \IRIN( done at reduced prices, • in a workman-like manner. Cotton Avenue, next door to A J & D VV'. Orr H e :< 1846 t-j WOOD dk BUADUY • J AT K (uo reeiivnl moihi r Imik* ll ot WlvhOVV e ■ SH AD> Sk, anm* * legaut |inM n•. • < f ditn* n,ioiir to suit any wiinlott* Al*e ■•• UK lilutk Wi li.nt WI lift In,, Bedtt*iMU,of ptn ru* mut fti.iah nhitli tunii fail to utesst-. Dee 17 44(1* Ittlf kwl Llrt*ry h ihic. rplIE umlersigned r specifully inform w’ftVwev’y* I then friends and tl • public, tiiat th* y o|M*ned a STABLE ill Moon, for the ft 111 purpose of d..i,../ . SALE AND LIV KHt BUSINESS •if resp- ‘i -tfully so licit a share of public pamm.i - • Tier St nolcs are c,n nectnl with the FIX)V I) HOI SE. and eveiy attention will Is* pnid tocuuoineis in onft.toy v. general sutis i fiction Their Stables are large, new and commodious, with fine Lots and fry convenient. P* *•*,... vv*hiM do well to give u* o call. N H AWKINS, J VV. HARRIS. Macon, April 1. IRI7 llif 0 111 Idii: IRDV rot ‘DU\ an i MACHINE SHOP. Mac*m (e The H uU*nh | c*s having * n ted anew i>tshlu4uii* nt, now offer to tl*c public, inducements that th *y have never had hehrre i t t’uit kite ol bosiiicfu—ddl \Vrights, Gin Makers, See. will find it to their advantage to give u a c?^dl we will guarsutcM nil our wotk to fie g*HJ. and nl th • low cm( price—we have a g*M.d stock ofPatios on hand. A g*od Huts** Power lot sal#* CIIAS P LI v V \ CO (*otf(.n Avenn**, near Macvn A VVisi ru R R I) t April 1, 1847. MiT \| HIM IlfllV A If IC l It.| \ .11 IM. V, and MACHINE SHOP If, -oh*. •briber having recently* Inrg'* mid uiqsirtant sddi i. *is to ii • mruier lisi jiuttcriis tor Uvcistiot, Breast ail*! Tub Mill G-aruig. ,** now prepared t* execute or ♦ers fir Flour Mill-. Cation factories. Horn** power Mills fin p nntat.on grindng kc - also Cotton Pi**sh s. (hit (t iiii'iat - ioiij Ikiils. nmi Mill Irons ofev*ry ii* script ou ; nil **| wiu*h wail hr* made o| the very le st ui’.t'MWil nod workumudfitp, on reasonable and accom modating terms. M ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon, June 17, 1846 yU STATJTXI. S Mutual liiic Insurance Company* Wall York. \FTER mo lure deliberation, the Trustee* hav • become convinced, and the experience of old es ; j tabffahed companies fttlly warrant the concision, th*i i the advnnf’g • of L4’- Insurance on tie* Mutual pic., may Ur extruded and diffused w th greater convenience to a large clntw of contributors, and with equal security to nil the assured, by requiring no great amount <l th * premium to be paid in cash than the company will re quire to meet its engagements with promptitude and fidelity. It h:ta accordingly been determined that in nil cases where the annual premium ahull amount to SSO, mid GO per cent, thereof shall have b ~e n paid in cosh, unapprov ed note nny be piven tor the remaining 4> percent., payable twelve months titter date, bearing six p< r cent, interest. The interest to lie paid annual.y, but the prin cipal not to be caked in unless the ex g rices of the company require it, giving sixty days, and then only by assessments pro rata to tlr* extent that may be requited to me* t the engagements ol the company. It is confidently antic p ted that a system, tire opera tion of which is so fair and equitable, so well calculated to place the benefits and blessings of Lip.* insurance! w thin the reach of all, and ut the wune time enable; each contributor to share equally and fully notonlv in j J its benificent security, but also in its profits of nccumu- 1 i lotion, wiil inert, us it is believed to deserve, the Jiivor j and confidence of the public. The particular advantages offered by this company are; 1 A guarantee capital. 2. An annual participation in the profits. 3 No individu dr< s|K>nsibility beyond the amount of premium. 4 Those who insure for n less period than life, par ticipate equally in the annual pre fits of the company, j The Nautilus company c< nfines its business exclu sively to Insurance on Lives, and all Insurance npper- I tainiug to Life. ! The Hat*'* of Imuran nr on Our Hundred Dollars. ‘ Mr- , i-n ,hi | Our i >. , ,i ft or X•• xmr ■ vru - Mr ; 1 Ns;*- jmi lw;*r* ‘ hi*-. t: 771 t*'< i sf mi I fij i*33 20 20 I 95 17? 15 1 II!: 1%3 73 25 iOO 1 12 2O f 5n 1W209 IGO 30 I 3| I 3< 23b 55 232321 578 35 I 30 I 53 275 *.♦ 1 35,4 ‘3l 700 A KROS W MERCH \NT, President ROBERT B tOI.KMAN, Vice President. Trustees. Asl Merchant, Robert B. Coleman, O BusiiNLLt., John M. Nixon, Rin akii E. Pi RDY, Hknrv A Nelson, R. A. Reading, SamuelC Paxn, James Harper, Jonatpaii K Hf.krick, I*orino Andrews, William N. Seymour, M. () R Herts, Richard Irv y, C. F. Lindsey, John S Bi mng, Henry K Bh.ert, Morris Franklin, Speni i r S. Benedict. Actuary. Puny Freeman. {KT"The company will nL<> insure the lives of Slaves. ; HYI)K & JONES, Agents, Macon. April 1,1847. ‘ y& a?> itrabm * I’ lipm, j OF II Merit )RD. CONN— r lTie undersigned Agciist w iil take risk- against File in this city, Griffin, Forsyth and other towns in th * State, c*a as favorable terms as any r sponsible Comwny. They wi 1 also in sure again* therit ka oi Riv Ni\ Igat on: their present rati s arc, 3-4 per cent, to Snvaimnh,and 7-81.: ( hnrleg tott. R;A COTTl>\ Macon. April 1,1847. 5 F IPR IAM * %N€F N I i l/t* nsuranee and Tru®t ( or.i;;:ny having estah j lislied an Agency in tin* city of Macon, pejscvis mnyef led Insurance with this Company or, their own Lives i or the Lives of others, and either for he whole durri tion of life or fora limited period, by the payt lent of u small annual premium. STEPHEN ALLEN, President. CHARLES C. PALMF.R, Secretary. E. BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, Aqril 1, 1847. vsl •Thonu a H Imj |>, OIGN of the Big Boot, Brick Building,opposite IO Geo. M Logan &.( u’s — \re now receiving and opening a large and splendid assortment of Boots, j Shoes. Huts and Caps, which they offer for sale at re duced prices, or ns low as they can be purchased in this ! or any other Southern market—comprising in part the I following kinds, viz —Cent’s fine French light Calfj j Sewed Boots; do. do. double sole do. do.; do. do. stout I ; do. do. ; do. do, pegged do. ; do. double poled do. do ; ! J do. light do. do do Call and K:p Napoleon tapped j do.: do. fine Calf Half Boots and Brogans: do. do. Cloth; Lasting and Goat Bro:rms of various stiles; Men s Kip un i thick Coots ; Boy's Calf, Kip and thick Boots ; \ out!.’* do. do. i.O. For l/t do ? —Fine Black Gait r Boots, thickund thin | -oic . fine coloiediio. do .variety ofcolois; fine Moroc- ‘ o, Kid, Polka and Lace Bootte. s, fine and (ioat ! Walking Shoes; fine to. do. Slippers, Tics and Bus- j kins, black and colored For Missts—Gaiter, Polka. Kid and Goat welt Boot- ! tees and Buskins; Kid Slippers, Ties and Cloth fixed Buskins, black and colored. For Children—A huge assortment of Polka, Gaiter, j Set*!, Kid, Cloth and Morocco Bootless Men’s, Women's, Boys’, Misses’, Youths’ and Chil dren’® leather pegged Boottees and Shoes, of all descrip- ! tions and qualities. Anew and beautiful article of Metallic Rubber Over Shoes, tor Gentlemen, La dies and M .-**♦•*. To Planter-—8,750 pairs ot Plantation or coarse Bro gans; a prune article ot Men’s double sole Iron ami *V ood tacked Russett and Black j do. do. single sole do. do. do.; Boys and Youths’ of the same qualities. AI-m*—ls dozen prune Calf Sk*iiß: 10 dozen Linings i ot dill* rent colors; 1000 lbs. Hemlock Sole Leather;! ?0() lbs. (dak Sole Leather. Bindings, Lasts, Pegs, i'hread. Awls, and all other I articles used in manufacturing Boots and Shoes. ii a i * a caps Anew and beautiful stock <>f ail descriptions; Men’s and Boys’ Palo Alto Hats and Caps Gentlenm s fnshionahle Beaver and V d*—kin ofdilierert qualities - : Men's W jute and Black Wool Hats; Men's,Boys’ and Youth's Caps, of all a- vriptions and qualities. ()ct 14, 1814 35 r. nu %*cm a cn. I T AVE removed from their original stand ad- J I. joining the Messenger Office, where they ! have for the last three years been constantly employed j in unking BOOTS and SHOES for their customers, I to their shop, next door to Mr. F F Lewis’ Bakery,’ j immediately opposite the Floyd House, wheie ‘ ! they will be ready to receive all orders for work in their | line, and execute them in the same satisfactoiy and j supeuor mode ns tbnucily A],nl l ’ 6,1,7 If ITS! HATS! HATS! rpHLS DAY received a complete assortment of .v I Gentlemen’s, Youth's and Boy's Hats and aps, amoiDjsj w hich an*— Black and Drab Beaver, tuslcouable and broad brim. I hack and Drab Nutria, “ “ *• Black and Drab Common “ “ •* \ outli sand Boy’s flats and Caps—i great variety. Panama, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats. ” Monte!, v’ Glazed flats Wool flats of all qualities, with many other styles, { making mv st*ck complete—all ( ,| which will be sold at • whoicsaU* or retail, at very iow pric-s r ; April 1, 1817 3 I K WRIGHT. Just Received toy Strong V : ■■■* 4 h - 1 LLN DID assortment ot Spring A Sum -1 i\ ue rll ATS. ot the lau a sty i-8, viz & *3O io/. Genii uneii's Panama Hats, usoorted, • ‘ 15 doz Gcnticuien's 15* ill Hats, . 10 do. do. Double Bran Leghorn Hats, ilO do. do. Single Brim do. do. 5 do. do. Swiss Leghorn Hats, 1 5 l tlo. Men's Palm Leaf do. 51 do. Boy a do. do. do. | j 5 do. do. do. do Pedal. ALSO. 2 Coses Geut’a Fine Dm Beaver Hats, 4 do. do. ** Black do. do. 4 do. do. “ Moleskin do. With a general i-sortmeiit < f other style of Hats, such as meti s Btoa.l Bum. Bla<k. White and Drab! . and Fash unable Fui and Silk of various qualities and prices .Vi'S)m file lot Ot (.. litlcm -H S ami Boy’st APS, |of all styles, qualities and pne -s. All o’ wha h ore of ; hied ut very tow prices. April 1. 1817 ii ha! iiArnu VI'ST ItvwivMf St “SAM'iiun •b’Vi Uuz Panama ts Ml l*; ill KnirUo; IfltNMi (sh*iui*< Msti, § . ian yssiiioi.ablt auk Hau,fl *o ; Calm Ll Main. ( ■%prii ;v 4 Julf. llaiHtl'a *>l<'hrnl( and Perminu or CUnew 1 Puwtleri UJ III( His unequ i lied lor the nursery, for restoring,’ Is-uuuiyiug. pieserving tin* complexion, rendering lii*’ -kill delicately w lut**. sui.muli mui soft, preventing cuian. ous eruptions, cliappiug, and oliviaimg too copi on* pernpimiioti 1 rave tiers and residents in wuriudi luai. s wd highly uppiectaie this grateful appendage to 1 the toilet. Pievioua to (ho iliac -very of this iin|Kirtant apfs udsge i lo tile toil! I. ladies were rom|*ell* and to n-oif tu iim >|cni, miil io soim* cases t’ mg.qous prepanuions lor wiuteniug i the -kill, wli'*li tailed hi o| •,..* * to pnshioe til’ desired * , ll- ct |ld valuable eosiiii tic, sill*'** its in-1 troducl.'on (• (lie pabi.c, has met with unUain.led sm - cess, eiinto iii w t4iai serve* only lo expound its high rcpiimtKfii. il..w limch thr liriimy Ky,j,h-ik. lurin w nnlinne t.. t.y .. i’ll l. 1.1 til It. llluiut C- Ait'll, IN lit It. An lit , lit. *rr lll<||||!l. W, and .till'l I...iiim’.i|t 1 tin HI lilt- kni. ...Cl m'llt'tl tty 111** ‘*'• *tl ,t*iwUt 1 11., tit‘ntit.ii'tl wilil j •' L. iy \\ ,iiilVtiil I'uwuer, tVr , iwiut . Uni timdr til h .1 1.-it’iitni. Mittmnnri. ‘l',.tints, w.'woui.. w’y.intikt’H 1 t*l , wiu b- inn.), mil tmnumuity cl>-r, lnu umi Itlis iniim t For si.. . v. In lit‘suit: nu.t n inn, Ity Uit’ stilt- p. inn’ll n.T I JI'I.I.S 11 \l 1.1,. I’, ilunt.’i nit i ( Ii .hum, l'< l i„ s,iui ,*lli -.•■ In kiw till. Mtutli Nil", wuin ut whiak’ n,, 1,11 • lurn mi tin. in In 1 itoiit’ m. g.-i)uini.. Fur auk- i y (ibi i'A VNK, nmi tUOTWbLL .V * ‘ii.ln.K r. Muct* , Mvy n h i£ i 11V4.1t lI . 1,4. 4 |:, t l U-nl tititi I !>e •'>, luf""!-Iy C. a i.1.1,s \|Md 28, 1 ■ 1 v | ‘* J 1$ h.o a.., in ii duu arriving, lor it by BIJ l C DA4 fc CO. f w n , IJR —y wmmm I KG A!. MiTiaiS. nOl STGN STIFHIFF’S s\L!;.—Will b ■old in the town ot Perry. Houston county, on tin: first Tuesday in July next, within the lawful tout* of sale, the following pr petty to w t; One Lot of Land No. il, n the 12th district of lloii-- tou, levied on as the icopeiiy of Luoy 1J Baldwin, ae Gunnlian lor Janie.-* P. Baldw .n, to satisfy five emrdl li fas. issue. l from a Just e Court, 713th District. G. M Randolph county, in lavor of James 11. .loht —property pointed out by plaintiff, and letuincd to me I y h ciiMai bie. E. K. HODGES, D- p. Sh'li. Jane 1. u i y i -o* KHFRIFF’N NAM!. on the tiisi Tuesday in July next,helore tlieCouu ; House door in Tbomnstoii, w’lthiu the legal hours ot’ sale, the following property A negro h.-y by the name of Chat les, levied ones the property Oi John W M t thews, to setisiy n just in s court ti fa lioin the 955th district of .Minion county,oh tain .1 in Ivor of John W. Sony, and now coiiiiolled by S inuel McDaniel vs. J. lui W . Matthews and John \V.Palinore Levy made and r turned to me by a constable, and pr \ < rtv j riut- and out I y |-!n ittiff. i Jutti 1. 18-17. ALEXANDER PALE, Sh’ff. \1))1 1 N INTR A’l fill s ** A LI . - Will be -old pursuant to un order of tlu* Comt of Ordinary of b ub c .imty. on tfic fii.-t I’m sdr.y in Ai.L’uet n* m’ at the Comt lions** il<*or in Macon, in -aid *•• unty . the t:nctot La n-ton Walnut Ci'*k, 180 acres more r !<••, the planhuion of the late John Martin, deceased, Ad joining John H. Low**. Kiipatru-k and others. Also, on tin- same day, at the Court House door in Murray county. m said State, a Lot *! Lind, No. 1, 14th district and third sectuai. of formerly Cherokee now Murray county, containing 100 acres moic or less, both tracts sold to perfect titles. ELIZA J MARTIN, Adm’x ot John Maitin, d< c< as*-d. June 1. 9 \ Dill! MS | !; VtOlfs s \ It. —Will lx sold on the liist Tu**s*l .v in August n* xt,b* iwc**n the usual hours ol sulc, h* toie the Cornt House in Coluiii* bus, that I’nict or pare l oi Land lying (consisting ol : 2r2i acres) in tie* 32*1 district, formerly Lee now Mi is- i cogee county, on which Edward O’Neal now lives, h**- longmg to the estate oi Murdock L Matt lie wson, de- j coascal—terms cash. Sold by order of the Interior I Couit of Bibb comity, when silting for Ordinary purpo- | sos. ‘\V M H CALHOUN, Adm r. i June i • 4 I>M IN IN iB \ toil HVi * \\ on th*’ 15th day <f July next, at tlu* n si<i- nee <>i J..iiii and. Gooilwm, .n Twiggs county, nil the personal ! po perty belonging to the estate <1 David Young, of unit! colli I ty, deceased, c*iisisting of one lloise and Wugon, Coi.i, Fodder, audou. tied and Furniture,and various other urticies, umi tedious to mention. Terms ol sale W'id be nun * known on ttie day. .1 une 3,i-17 3 JOHNS GOODWIN Admr \DM I NINTH V roll •** N U*l \ iat le to an *>hder of tlie Interior Court *4 Bibb county, vs'iit*u sitting tir oidiuniy purposes, will lt sold beloie the coiii t-b'sise door in Al.nion, r i w:ggs county, on the Inst Tuestiuy in August n* xt.tlu* plant itionc •i.taining eight hunilietl und icv n ncres Land, lying in Twiggs county, known as S.iiiders’ place. Also, on th* first Tuesday in S**ntember next, will b* sold tK'lorc the court-house iiooi in Ihhi* county,a Hoid and 30 acres ol Lund, lying udioining VmeviUc, und on*- hundred an i sixty-five acres Land adjoining Mrs. Cnl ht.un. Ail s* Mas tin* property belonging lo the estate <♦ iVnn.s 1). Sandora, dec'd., tor distil. utin Terms cn t lie day of Side. ELIAS BEALL, Adm’r. M y *26 de honis non with the wul annexed. i>< t “ITt >.\ i .1) r fin k ‘**.!•. — Agreeably to an onler *4 tlu* Interior Court ot Pulas ki coun y. Alien sitting for ordinaly pui|M*ses. wni be s*>bl b**t* r.- the Court house d*r in the c.tyol Mucin, on th* liist Puesvlay in (>ctd ernext, 11)7 of i itpstal Stock in the* Jit r chants Hank of .Jlacoi*. Sold as tlu* property of the estate ol John Rawles,de ceased, f**r the ben* fit of the heirs and creditors ol said estate. Terms will bo liberal. CHARLES E TAYLnR, Adm’r. CAROLINE M liAWLS,Adinx 51 nit. h mi AXDHi.Tirs Vcgefnhtc I ii\ 4* I'iiN. r IJl(Is mediviii* m xcknuu i< (|rc l<-);• oat ol tb mo-i f vu|iihlii evi-r •lixrovorod mm x porifit roi il* blooi no fl'iiiU Ii i HDpt-n* rto .xr- |an u vl.-ftt a-a mioritic or Ml*orati%t, ai*l -taint- nilinii l\ b-lor* ai tin grt-pai-M tionn out v'nnainaiion*ol’ ‘l*Tc*iry. It pnrgaiivr |iropt r ii* s *r at* n- of iiK-ulciiiahl* n*im-, tin- ihi— |nil m ) b* takni (tail- *',r *iij pt-rimi.jnti ind* ail <>f * ak* nine b* ill* ratharnc > fficl.lit * al. or* I i>tl b\ iak ii i a\* :■> tin *:m of wiikiirn I'll- y hav-Inal* •(’ the in nr abl < .1 that *1 all\ pcih*, M* ri-ury ‘ll’ t* f I ai not i*.j*irt d— rh-hone-and :’i mt art n.t para 117en—ni : tun inai.att<-l fhv-st ditr* ihi <y m|-tnm- in %I.t ,1 ii-i cnr< qu* in nnuna tiott ievident l* enrj m. v*iritH <. •h**txtj. TliMf Dill*, ffirt-olda, * 011 rH-*, tight n- 11 In i-b* *•, rln n matiHiii in h* head -r limb, u il ‘mind *np rn-r *• an> thinir I'nagined nt the pon* *r- t‘ m dicim ; mih< n biii< n ass itioi'v. lipepia. nidi* al* do* ~m*i iar in w * nn in they thotild h* r-mr* • to n * p* For •-ale *t >. ItnriiPfc* Hook Ntorp, Oh Cotton Jv> one. opposite Il'ns/.i f ,t Hal’. Inn li. IMi Os 1 I 50 Dozen Wistar's Dalsamof vj-nr.d f\ DOZ BOTTLES <4 t} *• < r. •*-ni nr'Vlp ‘*i t -e Ov ‘*eiv*'d and for sal** by PRPNO & VIRGINS. N B —Country merchant** wishing t,* pnrelnse toeM ngin,enn he puppu*d on ronsonable t*rn-s,ly applying at our Music and Jewelry Smr.* *n C otton Av* **i**.Sln con.Ga BRUNO & VTRfHNS. or Sept. 9 30 JAA S S VIRGIN. i h < I'h t; ii HEALTH *T:sTO?*A"TV^: An Effect tint Heniedv for f’on ,r h and Folds. Liver Font plaint* Pairii*** of B’ood—°nin ill thr* Sido and f’hes # —n’*o for Piivifyii* ’ ! the IVoo*’— * ndieatin rvopfion? on the Skin—and other com* faints arising front the want cf tone in tlie stomach. rriHK efficacy of the Health R eetorative is so w*’!l I known to the public, that the propri*t*r ( *.i,sillers the publishing of certificates us u.-.-k--, but th*sc desi rous of examining thenicnn do su by craliing on the A gent. Pump! lots m y also be had of the .Agent, gratis The following certificate is bom Dr. Chilton, tin well known New Yoik chemist ”1 hve analyzed a bottle of medicine called‘C Brink erhoft’s Health Restorative,’ and find that .t dins not contain Mercury, or any other mctulic preparation, nor opium in any of its forms. It is composed of vegetable matter entirely.” James R. Chilton. M. D. C BRINKEfUK>FF. Pn.p i.-tor, N Y Princmnl office in the store ot Messrs Hayim.* k, C*r lies & Cos., importeis and d'al**rs in Dings, Oils, Y* . 218 Pearl stsect Forsakby SHOTWELL & GILBERT, Agents. Macon, also, hy Druggists g nerally throughout the l States. May 19, IM7. |tf irmxo nkmi id. HE7S & CC’3 Coneentrated i uin/tot/ud Fluid Fj fraet of S< \lt% tt’\ ill. \ tor th* om ol ho •nx him s , f r.-*.iiir I rom in ••,>*ii ■ - u*< •- I'm I* .i j, . \ t -. -.|v- i im|Mo|) rw•• of -li'.vury, iiiip.aiili'iireii •>'living,* m Ifii nl dbility from i-imnti*. Xk-, rvuuvaling and itiiur inf • h<- wind* *> *n in ltn on dicine may In- had a hull a I* or ri tail vfih* A<*nis, april i ‘< o’ i N. Hi W. H m.’ is. n IV 4Hi H UH HHna Ml*— YHHMI ► t'-.k, ill* . **t i# b a*aiii and *im W.iin < mi.\ni(* M dicin*’ known.— A*niu'*< luldl'eo and Inll.iii* tin r* im.*< ilia* axe mi - low ami J* -ir*>> inir h* Worm*- i nun. ><nl • aiiim-ii'iiiil*** iitimln r it < • innli<in*. < nh. n fVwr**. bow, I ro n|loint-.cliioiii* and m-rv'.n* di *• *, \ - i>r* Ui-ownl4-' Y, rioifii|r* *x f*r pa xlina uiann* r which render-* ii j* e, pi- naut and •H* , >nal, gun n I-* tin nm-l t* ml* r infant, •rn*l by -.thou ol'jll air- * —S. Id whub unh and retail b\ ill- Aic-nm, ( It. IIV.MMOMt Ik Cos .7x Broadway, cum* rof hamtH r air* *t. N V - MAMA. A |*nI I, IMT t 0,7 I H. | \\ s | I.MS. j n:. I’* ki:ics <"mioi \ii Min, ,x I 4\t I <!• Ht’l’llL’, Diotms Creiiuin.)— An acn * - and valualil* r*n*l) tor Hum aof li blidd* r. ••'i-ii ruction, ot i la* un in, chronic iroiiorrhu-a and ,| lon< -landio|r The in* dual faculty | t iionnr* it tlficj co o* unit pt t-dvtnr a,I e*.ntplaint*, of iln nri* ar\ or* ~ •T * "**• l,*'hr**oic n-iieur, h*ea t mm bid irrilut ntii fibi urtt'a, a. id th* pr**irau gland, reuitiion and mcoiitimnc >f urin-, el* roll ii- *h- nmaiiaiii, k, VOIt I O t. \ 1)1) & CO. WIioU-ml* nrngfit itoM nl .n i..on , %'*-•* York.(c, whom or*c r will In addn•*>*d.l April I )ni7 J. H. k W.S. K 1.1.15, A-'-nta Ma-oti. 17 UM’V-S SYKIT OF W1I.I) riIKRHY— | 1 Inn .... ’ i-.c.l b.Mthim,, viflurnxo Hpiiti.ili of 1.l Mhl.on.l nil |mlm..iinry .fiwfum, [IA!I.*.\ S SAKSAi’.-VKl’ I.A—l’..r nil .Imuw, nr'hiiijlinin nn inintirp slut.- of thr Wooil “.ill iln iini, wrnluln, kinc n evif.i-hmiic rln-umntwin. ilyn|.|>in. .lia ea. ..l llm nkiu art.l bones, old ulc-r, fie UAILKY'S FEVKII AND A(H K KKMKUY— 'FI,.- nnwt vnliubl” rnrifiljf—entirely nrrpan tion—mi,l mire enr. BAII.KY S AMERICAN VF.RMIFI’OE— A*nm rxtfrininilnr nl woniinlroin tin- *y|. in, inu. n.’rnl u . thrinnilii.ui ill.- Umt.’.l Sint.‘^ HAII.EY S CNRIVAI.I.EI) MILITARY SIIAV INI. ( REAM Ml. nrik’l.'lino ntornl ilw nmol yam, no.I lor im. |f n ri’p.nation ihron.:liout tin- 1 1 Sutl’ K,, ‘nnn.ln, nn.l niont imrti, ..| ill.’ W..J 1,1 BAILEY'S ,<*| I'ERIOK INDELIiiI.E INK—w.h, and w.ihout iln- |m > |irmion , warninli .l tin- t* M auirlf ol tin- kind in im. F'or will’ l.y iln IlniiKiK, gnnrrnlly llironglnait ihn 1 country, and n< wliolcauic and retail l.y U M. HAII.EY, I’lonni lor, \|. Hr.II. contend r ultcii and San Isaiie* is Also tor wile by (tRAVEN, WOOD Cl) , Macon Dec. 3, 181(7 pj IIUI JO A VI) \GENTH l>r Sherwood s unrivalled Rotary and Vibrating M gm in M iclnu**; also tin M-gnetic or ( impound Bitumen Piaster, uud Miiuin t./ed (mid Pills We also keep n good supply of the Home* pathic M**d iciti* with the lsMks on practice. Mucnti and Culuinlms, ( h*t 29, 1845. 37 TLU-LES. DOt llt.K and Si"ifh Irtiaata, * hdoiniinil huupurtira, maul la oidtrb) ih< aub-criio r. l. V. H'XYf.kINS, npp il. t a<l Mou< , Mat on V. tl Alan SIIU.ICAI.a and • N I AI. I N|S niade to nrd* r April.** |, 4 \FEW MORE LEKP ol those Lslra in . lluiHt, at C A DLLS Vf.r.l -4-. HIT 4 I*"1 V I H I I*l ‘ . equal in i 1 . I t via- to th>- ori/.nal Coll. , nn.l on pi for a*- Itonly mqn.,.ion;|, a |i...nW i .tin hot wain, io mnka n ol liiH- Coll o. For aulttl.y April -47, 1*47 4 C A kLU i r.*;\i, ‘.o rici;^* 8 i D.II I NIS 111 VlO|f-„ >.\ | I ~ r\ annrder ol thr HottornLl'* |r t ; H oi-nntv. while “Ittiiiq ns <-, „ , ~.""'"'T,® “Id on the fimt,y in AI't.F.ST H . onjt Ileus, door in ill. town of \| a , *'• •'•■lc.i.'H v. two likely Negro ,M< t,. w,, |. ( , • *M.! S .J,r years ol am., nnrl Hill, about ti n,Hfl \ ill also I*.* sold at tl,. du e f,’ I 6vt .',! ‘:e.i and lot.y nrre, of Land, tmne •-n*'” ,h '’ “*y*it!litlt ili-tr , i ■ K ;*>:i, lut now 111 the ciu .ty of Tw-ir™ y Vv -itß known, but kmwn ns t! c nl.c.- T l ,,!n l’* i r'^B Fulton recently ltve.l i.nddud: snu ‘lniid ;J ,: “ dfl l.r.v.’d. m lucf ‘.nl,Fan, cud “a,, *-• S’ Ihe above Invd nnH **• noes w i*| | s i• * ” *>’ ! '*■ ** -i* fjintr to the .•su.tV of r l‘h'., lfll s p mf 11 ’ ■’ (-"iinry, deei t.-<|, -old ft,, n fl i ‘;"'”- 111- !>.-Slees. i 1.-r t|„. , , M . 11 I lie terms ol wile w ill i.. known , ,i “ li: .. . , ‘iHBUIT FFITov ■ May 19, l$ HnU * Mtar “ i iMiivisrir.\T<ui'N -\n , I I ■ “I dir I, ~ ri, I (, on ~ , ■ i whrn sittuit! !o, Oi’.lin.’irv inunwa ~. , ‘ the I lint House door of snid county on tlir r 11 dny in AiiLurt next, tliree fmetio ;s ol I , ll>> t ■ rule ol the t “ J tw’.'ii t!.,- lands e| | ii:,de ; .i , ~v h atie liendr.’l nnd.iel.iy |;e„ l ,', r °a hen* 111 “I the 1,, titlin’, mi.l ei.’ihio..,., it ( "r uM.I.” “I a„l . „,it„y. , Urlfl W..J.17 i miiMsrn \toh-s su.i- , . \ n:i order ,f thr hono-ahle the h’,„^f -rue count,’, whi't, sitting for onli. . r ’ wdll>,’ sold, nt th- l imrt I l„io f, H,, ”!* H •’r ‘V : ‘‘.rr-tay 1,1 rim in!, thr ol 5i11,., nil that in to, |>nrr,.| of ‘TH ‘V.l-I, ‘ll “i I” t! atatr o: Sanmal m “‘hM ceased, late of M, nr*w- c-ii?’ty Ge* rria ROLAND BIVINS > r- * r* •*■! ■ <•* ~t Mrs Sarah ho i„i,. lit|l , u ;*• ’ •.. c, used, till lilt ill rsomil P op. ,** ft x,, It., f O 1.-da mi! II r • tin- , u ,„ . ‘ 1 I m'-ep article. . f lorn*, fold ai.d hit, Il i.n'.V i I*. *pi C.lllj lilt ill lorn tl. | t in,. , | J * ‘-iIJ^H j lhjil*V 2fc HOB * HI % IMI-YKr \TOICs s •,, ‘i'i ( % mo *r*l •*4 the fi.i. cit.r C oi.n lt |-\\ Jt r -ii 1 1* if for •*) •fi r> pnri'os* s. wi<l M ,i"V V ti"iid*H*r. -n ‘lxl*oxll oiu^H ...j..i)i„x,,,0 . 7 * a ” •• I'll. .. u- 1 Mill , 11 ‘"AiM V,r. ’ ’ f Br )aM L..„,, lut. Ol “” J', ,(■ I t rm>* caali. u, "> F.IBMHI) |u p -i Kl I, Mo. [, ( |\ Al ,- ) | A.1., r) ■ t f >ll \rs-l It \TO|Vs s M , _, v . 1 on the fi's! Ti'rßilr.v l’„ ns,- a- ... at t'ulhhnl. R \Nl'('l rilroum T'""® lialtol Eel No. 110. and o,’ ; , „,.. k , „ ‘> ’ 1 ‘’ -X; 1- lny. in III” 9th Ifstriri ofoHg’n I |i"j'*H ‘• Wl* •mlolpll Cl lim\ —the wlmlp inn Ii I ■ A r .S*i V ill sold on the fust Tuesday in M'l V, .1 , *"• “'"1 house ,|. o, MV , , I ,,I’>’■! 911, in the Kl,h bis 2,| Se t. i;„w U ill is. sold on tb- first Tu-sdny ,n JF’T.Y r,..; I I, r.- the I on.l house door :. t Yen’ Wirt l’ A| Ili v H e""ty. 1...1 No SW. in the 29th lJistuct.A Sc,'■ now Paulding county * ** All of thr nl nvr lands sold ns thr rronsot. „r , hold Grsy.ln Talbot. I I ‘"■''••fi* f the hens Term. Jt ‘■ ' | c W.M M liF.OWv i “H March 2, 1847. “ l ' u .Vi4i | i DJHAIHTHATORH XAf.BP _waTsl, . \ sold on the first Tural .y in Anirist !.,■ the ( ~ mi House door at Talhoiton, Ta|h,.t I.ot No 1511, in the Hlhdist.ietof oriinnnlly M ~ o - e now rnlhot county, containing2o2l i,c.,V*,SB enroll improvement. -wuu™ A , *> 1 <? Acres in the north-west corner ol b. v, I 2- and ntl acres ‘aken (rein the east s .l. nfE.'v ■ -H “1 the h'lh District of originally ,V U ~„w , ‘“W I WTH.:. **>*{ I rAUCK MONTUX .fi, II I 1 ‘nu wti e l.nnornblc the Inf-rior (mii iTu H ..unty.Wt.ei! p.ttmg for culinary pur ponce, so, |,- iS '‘. H s’lr “*v N, 8- “i'd Land i. longing m the4£ ’ 1 ,)n ‘ * 4 “ n T ro my. deceased,foi tl, m I ”t’ <4 Haying the del ts of said deceased 1 ■ Tm- IS I? 9 JOHN 8. GOODWIN, Adtrfr. I I -*n K’*■> ’•* after .late i j... fieri'’ . I I 1,.-man, totho Honomhlo lnl. rio|Tv I ’ “."”J •‘••'iiifflor ordinaly tl., lent. .I s; I nil the lands and negroes Irrlongiig ,o tl,e 1 Itouins Fulton, lute of said conn y .17 c , -.soil ■ ROBFJRT FT'LTON. AArt I „ de lonia non, with the will anneW March H>. 1647 26 i'. , • IHOA’lHfeaf , . r lo made to the lloiioiahi, i|„. li,|ei:„rC,. u ni!B Vlontmtnery county, while sdiing Or,Jinan os for leave to s, II ~h the I; i.d I el, I,g„.g to A'ioV L ■ Me \ . thtir. minor, lying m Tattnall coutny, lor il,i wfl ent of Mid minor. J(KIN Me \RTiJI R, Natun.l Haanliu I Mount veraon, Montgomery co. Ga. March 3 Iyhl 1-01 It U4.VI. M I he made to tlio Ilonoralle the Jnt. >■ ” ‘jk.nson conety. v.ln n sittil g fin Oulinaiy ,i.u,sil ~,r loavo TO W-:I the real estate oi U i|„i„„ ,j. ol smd county, ifi'ceaseil ■ V.Y VITMEKF.DETiIT ... K 1 LI SEARS, ( Adm 11. ■ March I, 1817. ’n 3 to 1 PITK IIOVI'I'V , , L| ,, I x be mid t< the Honorable th** Tnferioi Court *-f Put- I co'*|y. hen sitting lor Ordiuary - | leave to sdl the iculcbUitc of John W yim, ilcccun-J. ■ ~ , Qlul . JOHN SMITH, Ada/t I March 9. 1817 23 4m [wn j ./ I -til I! Hllll l|s ifier I 1 made to the Honorable the lid, u,.r (i ni ,1 mb- I i eouiitv. when sitting fi.i Oulinaiy |>U'pies.fif Wn ■ t,, s. li Lot ot L.nid No. 16. m the si enini district t-tDr I count) .as the i.rc iKny ol H tu. F’. Stuttli, deevestd,4r I the benefit ot the lii c -.&.e. JOHN S. McCRARY, Guanhaa I June 1. It I L' ,M *- MONTHS after date application v'i!l I made to the Ilonorahle the lnleiior t inm „tSum- I e i county, when sitting mr,y no,iioeir, kr >rrr ■ -h Lots ot Land No. 219 and No. 248, in th. JUh I dtstnet oi oi gmally Lee, now Sim,tor county, and Ik I N gas s is longit.g to the estate ol N. tih t b.i.lii,, ,i and I June I, 1647. 9 LABQN SMiTII. Vuirr I &,*<! I* i| l |'t|> wilt | tlx* xpplicx*l'll, Milt M I ’**‘a- l***tiixb*v tin li f. ran- v .mini liix.t ■ v.-ini), w l*4*i miiiMK tor (otlimtr) pnriM-ts, nr i*** • I -I’ • rro him**, mum and ‘ ii* bc*.i.rt.g tu il„,-,!.*<■ 1 ‘cliit*xlii i.iti ut’ | xiln,i ctMiat), mc* kmu. hr.'k'b* I *■ h N* ii -II lo It. t v ..1 ~,M I .1, ~,s, i! lo ti s, im 47, 4 WILMA ‘i HtlOH S I ItNll'U ,*l,l\ CIO. *t**T IIMII Xppill'XlllU VlKk* I mMb itic Itoii.rrxnu- till- It.fri'.r C uurt *4'-iiiitir ■ i- n*i , w !•* xiiiiag for oriti*iMr> purpoM •>, lir ic \> *■ hI ■ *• i*tf*.(C • ll* txiMt* ut Jim*** M I>. Kiig,l* ■ “I •.*i*l ciiiim y *lt-c* xx* and. s 1 4al Dibl'i |i. p. K|K(>,ltoi |J JlO\T||S aft*-r *tic nbplii-xiior I iHMilt- tu I * tioiitii-.ib * *hi Inti rar C * nri *1 11** I I ‘ *•••*•> *h* ii •itling f. rur iiinry piirpno . far !* k,atl I ill, \*- rutc m > .hk“K ” ‘•** ftal* ol Willixm Hwk M"*i I t cxM *l JOHN W. I<(ltl|.l* | hu.N, A* lu’r. ■ ‘•ar | *l. IMT. 7 I I 4 >)| G ‘fUV ||s f*• lx'r • • *,*>* i* ul l*li • ||lt I *••*•" '•* ••)- Nor 'wirt af Htbhciiloi). b* *i’ ■ ‘"’l"* a Co**i dHiiHtlMrj, lit* ii4**|tt 1> lb* r*44**M* I it'll !i Hmiiil* r-. Ini* of I w ikk* *tiinl* . o* t* *••’* 1 I into,non M I AS lIr. ALL, 4.15.',. .1 I Mural, 17, ltd j viu.ik. „ ,t. •■>.-,,'4 I LVtl ll MONTHs Milt r llsil H|*11 ‘ ICBl*"*’ •” *” I I *■*.*•* In lli- fi,4iiui übb tl,t Court of Or*l*a’ )* I u* count), lit li-dti *o*4 II th* nut < ■ (.iti bt m-|"l M I Mi/.am lb Aim bttln, ■ nniitir I A|.r,il-47 JOHr.PH 1)1-It7, tiawdiw I I,'Ol'H .MONTHS nit* r ilxfi x|i|-ln i*ii' ‘•" l I Hixib to in. lof rittr Court ot I w gs inui't), I •iim g tor urtiiiiwi) puipoiM'., forliMM •a* It tin ♦*'** I iN l. tigutf tu the liUtc ot IliuoixaS. Ho.iwick,*'*^"*' 4 ’ I ‘*> JOHN V'I.ON H. i* April n M# I DToticc to Debtors and Creditors. 1 LL p i •umn indebted i<> th- * “•tat** of Jolm I .1 *l , ci-a i -i !, lnu* *4 Riickittgiumi county. NartM I oliiin, w ill pit'iit**-iiuik*’ iiiiiiH’diat’ (nyiiici:l to the UiHlrr- I nigtied, ati'l having cl no* ngan nt * aid eatut* I nl-* preaeut tln-m pi* p< tiy aiithctiticnb'd willw*ut *u* ? h rr ROUT Y LYTLE, Akr I . ™ ny 17 * 7 N< IH l l hi: ii MONTH plication win h- mad* to th* ( • ntral Rnilr**eJ ,,; ® bat I on pony oi (o-oima, toi i.-n* wnit i"* ‘l’ bU**d by tin ( oinmiKMi urin. N',i. 5 , nunl I III* 1 • ‘ * a ’ rv, \H'M t tor one ohare *t St*x k, nt n ng in tin •’ •"*"! 7. SaiMli'inun **II the InniUx *.f wiid t tn| *i )"•’ oiigmid B*m ip having In ch loat ornnalmd. , JAMES KiCII\RD.<nN.Adr. .Match 17,1M17. 3iiis of E. Batulciauf'id 1 * 1 'I*’ 1 *’ Noth IL \|l perkmiH having demand* th- 'Miir.| Divid Y* ung. ot Ton gg ®* (4t'cciiP**.d, arc tiotili.l tu render iliiiii in n i.* , w r it‘ lß th* tunc |rccril)ed by l*tw, * nd mi |x i*Yta ii.eU‘l uuto naid ratuic, will miik iiniiH'diute intNineiit JOHN. t.Di>DVV iN. Altnf Jura* 2. 1817 6r9 DbMiliition. fJ'MI E i upnitn* irinp her*‘totorci Aietit g l etwern ( ,f ’ I K U orriNti. ul N* w flavi'ti, C </iiii.. aid Mix. of Marcti.f 4.i , un.k r tlw naiiic ami fiuii®*’■ *’ riK'. St Mix. ib hereby mutually, *1 ijoih th*'a l -, nl in*- In rcof. Alb* it Mix n alone lie ail uo tea and account a in lavoi ol w*i*i liu". * ,n ’ will p *y all debt*ngw utolitie aainc cotiUacUHi wvUi ■w l * firm at their liotwc m Mac*.n, (•*>. ... o k winriNH. ALUFR'I M!* a Mnv 13, 1817. i** \*:;*o> >1 \ N tor snle. \ likely yu'm - Sr gn. Fellow. F**r terfim apply to .. Mays* 7 acuri'. CaKIUXT *