Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 07, 1847, Image 1

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~v s, H<SK & CO. I* nr vpm Is * nosa i:,u “ >rh * •r r rms. . ,iv ’ifetn'-nci-r is published pvo the Hinncrcr* rates: vnvrar,. . ...#2 50 ‘""'“'’l ‘li'uthr mil of the year 4 (X) “' ll1 “’ u ..-ill b>’ vigi Hv enforc • ], without re 's- tibeve term „f ,h„ Publish -re is to (to. •10 pert*."!i„„ nowihle npon the ensti principle-- le* 1 * l’"? ,h,.ir s.ibscrihers shout I roup the profi is ‘ln’its wI <• .Hectors. In no cn m State unless first p: .i,| t!f l"” r’, , rv K-rence is given in Macon or ns nr n siiistaetory ■ riv , , ,r.\to'}T3 inserted nt the usual rat -s— ----"V :l!l rtwheilianlcl in, will lie insert-- I till Vi.Viheraliliseonnt will he allowed tope wins ! * ; ’ u tie- year, an I who pay on .leman ( |. ’ Ivertiw nv . ’ n.j ohitunry notices uj over l| m' rri ’ ! |> , h,™,. I lit the usual rates. r " r< -"...neats of lates for office, to Is i paid ‘I in” . ■ w i,,, q inserted. “•i,"” -it. ma le wall County Os i.-eo., ’ \ ,i. ( ione.-m. and other*, who may wish to v I ei-it-acts. ..... ■ 1 | will plea” observe ill- following ■ “""" l\-roes. 1-v v-eators. Vhirais- ■’ “' ,f | (Via'i'am. ar- r - T tir Ihy law to he n -Iv-r- Hi7 n s public ear-ttc,sixty days previous to the .lay of i 1 ” , . he hel lon the first T ies lav in the ■ uTb-tweea the hnlira of ten in the forenoon an.i 0.1 „fiem,.a. at the Court House in the co uiity Hrhieh til- n-onerty is situated. . “ i,i '| ■ of P—sonal Property must he advertised in I* fH> an 1 Creditors of an Estate must be 11-'.. ‘.Ctapal'icationwill he made to the Court of ®; irr f.„ leave f.-ll and Neemes, must he ■.h-d w -ekly for four months. ■ .- 1.-tt-'s of \ linmistmtinn must he pah dayr-firf).-mission from \ 1 in-tralion, ■,V„- r -ninth* —for Dis-.nission from OusrJian- R'.'ilfo-d'orenloanrenf mortgag". mast he published ■ h r four ino/.'Vr-mr est-ihlidiine hot papers. H. - f H il mare of C;re month*— for eompeliin” ti ■ from Kxeentore or Administrators where a bond has erven by the deceased, the full space of three letters on business to Iv* pout-paid. 1 ‘ Ktuo4‘2i!4 ill I>\ isioi >o l.s. I. 5 PI.FDGR. wf/M. • Vo Wroth* r that I Mink**, hnv.**-11, ■ - or -H 44 Au. v.TUf, nn Spintmiu* or Mull l.iu-* rs Wtie r < idfr ‘ivMl**t* “• H* r*-iriilll , l) /|Af Vvg K, VRKY K• 4 11* ‘ ‘ K V KNI \ (. itC 1 >■ ■” 1 n ‘..ueh At their HaM ttmMirUßggF W-l OIBHLE. W. P. ■ J R P. GL’YAII ... s. i Ii <->-i7 PLOT !> HOUSE, Macon, Georgia. I , rra HR subscribers have taken that well known t A I Hotel, til- Fi-oyn Hot -r.. and are nss's-ia- Kirn te I under the lion ot BID IVV NSI I.A M Lit. e ™- It will Is- ne ■ Hess to make promises. ™ one ■lie firm bus been well known askeewr ol the \V asli ■ ... Hall, an I ill- public are aripiaiiit -1 with h-s inan- .loin . business The Table and Bnrs.inl! not be by any I tli-ir Stables are airy, with Ji-t fioors, and not surpassed l.yauy in Georgia, ■lurei-s are reasonable as ilw times will permit THOM AS A BROWN, I STERLING LANIER a '. The subscriber solicits lus obi triends and patrons Itliie Washington Ilall, to give him a call at his new stt St. Lanier. ■ R —The nffiee of the Tallahassee and Columbus ■of Sta - kept at this House. ■pnl 1, Ml 7. P33TER J. WILLIAMS AS taken the WASHINGTON IIA bb, and [ requests ;i continuance of the public patronnge. j Incoa, April 1, 164*. J i I B! A SPRINGS. ■ rpHfci subscriber informs hi* friends that he j A ,% 1 has C4*mpleted very extensive and impor- | improvements upon his well known estab- j ■**-|bllsl„.ie,„. | lie ttcllitosh House, is prepare I to aeoommodate those who may visit ■ fashionable watering place ill a superior style. Ilisiiouse is conveniently situated, both tor visiting the fs ,r -and for air and comfort. His rooms are eio.-ed- convenient, being anamr -M >-; Hur lanniies ilis bedainjf is all new onil ot tne \ery H i taiity . ;md h-ing in th mi*lst ol a tine jii, his table will always l>e abun<lantly furnished i the choicest the State affords. The baths at the ng have been g*eatly improved during the season, many additional attractions have been added, which e*>noi tail to interest visitors from aboad. An elegant ltl ol tour horse P*st Coaches w II run daily during the aetloa between the Springs and Forsyth—i distance of oaip 16 miles, and horses and curriug s may at any time be iroeun and at the Springs by persons who are not pro vide with private conveyances. He deems it unneces sarrtoadd that the wateis at the above Springs are un w asse tby any in the Southern States tor their medici nal q ului -s ‘ HR VAN VV COLLIER iy 19, 1847. 7 U i The Federal Union will publish 11 weeks, the ; 8a nnnah Republican and Columbus Tunes 4 times. Indian Spring Hotel. *ENRY DILLON having mconnection with AU OUS rus OARGILE, resumed the suiß*rmtend lor the piesent season ot’ this well known Hotel, k* m iian Spring, tor m my years kept by him here mto rim ms friends and the public gene--ally, that w now open and rendy tor their accommodation Re had lings and furniture h ive been made to ren co.nioruioie who may tavor them with their pat ■ L r ‘ l'ne united and us-uduous atteiit.on of the H iMetors will be.givcn to ensure general satisiaction. H Fir rooms sh ill be neatly kept, well furnished, and H sUe.l by g *><J and linthful servants : th- ir talne H kitiimly supplied With the b-st to be procured. w.neh ■ |1 be well prepared to suit the appetite ot oil. New ■ [ nous stabl -s have been completed on the H bust's tor the accommodation ofhorses ■ Per/zm moderate and reasonable. who visit tins c ‘lebrated w itering place for health creation, are invited to give them a call. Tins Ho- conveniently situated, near the Mineral Spring, of winch ure superior to any in the coduti) fofcuany diseases. w'*“> and sire tli hen. fit of B ith'imr, wilft a 1 the nmodatioM at tins Spring equal to any in the N and the elhcacy of tne water luus used. unsur al by any. it ! • Macon and \V. -t rn Railroad Forsyth. trom the Spring, lour-horse Stage* w ill run i|y to and from the, after the hist ot June ; mIB Horses and earring*. s wul l>e lumtahod tor tint con vA icc ol those desui ig conveyance from lac Springs ÜBtlier places during the season. co., Gu., June 1. 9 1 EAGLE HOTEL*—Forsyth G. rpMK mibsciber respectfully informs tic I named Htß ousa is still open fur their reception. Great- on to pleas •. As there is no bar kepi m this house, will De sure to find it a quiet retreat Those it, will li id a bar ot choice liquors ou the op- side ofdue street. A daily line ot stages will cou l> lingers from thin house to the Indian Springs, baggage will te conveyed to and from the Depot BB ot. A BEAN ■'i i’- 9 1847. 6w [ Confectionary and Grocery. In. o i ii.i a receiving his new supply of Goods in tits line, among winch he particularly tis ait ntion of h<* customers to hnee much* ol old Urun ly, Madeira. Port and Clar ickiv'M,Spicss, Preserves. Cakes, Candies; •♦'•a li <• assortniet ol S*girs of various brands- , imtsu* i imp .ted ii tvsmta S g irs will k i p u constant supply of Oranges, Apples, J m. Potatoes, Cheese, Unller, Ramins, i 4 igs, Prunes, , ton Ih, .uni other nuts. l ib r iH.islly kept In that lin. . u Mill!) Os SPLKS.hy thekeg I uMti.Oet, I.V 1810 y 35 ——-—~ - M IMOTiCS. W “' r i” *un itie eonvt ut, n-t us t u*inin. r* I ‘iiHr tml 1 t u ifm f ~,„i Duru v g.u- i) in it..n i,■• | • • •*, niiil t i.lTii b the iiuUliil, u.itl 1..1 lurtlKli ‘) *ke <n 11 || mu t <l(t i, M iiutul hi tin N York hull l, a | 1 “tr hik I, j„ , r , t ., j vi j,„| ur , j( |, ii,v. .> I'm iisnt I. | 1 * 111 *H. IT DKvIl'hKV, tulliM Amur I ‘V M'un.i ..IMMIV - TANA- mW.i ---’ r m now reviving fr*m N *w York. !ti usual | ‘*• “ig an I Sii ii.ner f unis embrneing almost ‘• style |ur both Lillies’ mil (i.iitli iiieii's \ lSu “ gieiit variety o| Goods su.l ihie lot boys’ U 4 . GKO. W PRICE. dir-', *,l H|7 g ■ V ’ * 1 ’ s \ iihvv und heauiiful Sio. k now “ is . 017 l RKNTON'S ■ , ‘*** 1 ‘*, .Mi.lit, mid Cniiri Si ..1 Cur , , ■ 111 \i 11. ir HKKMVN. ... A ‘ I*'** >f old Brnndy.of |H*|o.frnm the reje *’ 1 •“.jiior House n| Jacob Hmder. .Ir . lor side aH Mnr m V A. ELLS. Mew btore and Ticw „ oods. f'liiiin, ;inss anti Earthen Warp. ’npT' ll ’ si . ,!,scrll *ctare now receivinganilfi?U \ f * opening a general assortment of th. ~ . a ™’ goods, nt the ore lately occupied I, JJ nr A (. Butts, corner ol Mulberry and Second sts 1 “PP'.site the Washington Hull, wliich they ofli-r at w iol-su e and retail. ’Th* stock, in purl, conswu. of tlu i ol lowing: Paris White Dining, Ten and Toilet Sm*. bight blue do. do. do d*. Flowing*’ do. do. do. do! Wluie Fieuch China Duiing Sou, t Do. do. do. Tea do. Gold hand do. do. do. do. White do. do. Juss. White Granite, light and flowing blue Jus—nil sizes • 1 kites, Dishes, Bakers, und Cover Dishes to match bi lling Wares, A general assortment of common Ware, Gut, Pressed an l Plain Tumblers, ( ui ami Pressed Goblets, W inenanil Chntnpncnes, Pressed and Plain ligg and Jelly Glasses. Cut an 1 Pressed Mirror Dishes and Nappies, (ut, Pressed and Plain Lampsatid Candlesticks, Do. do do. Salts, Cut Decanters, in sets and pairs, Solar Lamps—Uiita inia and Orman Silver Castors, Looking < vlnases of various sizes and styles, Stone B.iking Dishes, Pies, Slc. &e The subscribers deem it proper to state that they have adopted the CASH SYS I’GM, to which they intend strictly to adhere, and by which they will be enabled to furnish every description ot goods in their line at fair /wires. HYDE & JONES. . , ‘ will take orders for fancy China Dining, Tea ari l Toilet Sets, which tb*y will furnish at tin* import er’s nnces, adding only the expenses from New York. Macon, Sept ISn CO-PzikAvTitf JdJkSXfIP. r|IMK subscriber hating iuk hbr.-Hei. Reuben H. | White y Hilo |4r*iit r hip, the .iH'iii ms will in r. mlu rbe cunt limed (iiklci tin firm ol A J. VMil I I K i O Macon. July l, tB4o a. J. WHITK. The ‘tihacribrni hav* in ator, m.d vill bt- nctmiivdu ritir the •iiiumer mid full, A M>eit4r;tl nssot tireiif of Go< tls, Adapted to the sen huh , consisting in part of St Croix ml l.oilt Siifcar, j Iji"j C.ootlt, io, LnninrM mimi lu\u Colt- SmuiU r\ , Shot . Imii oI'mII kind*. | l.iquoi* ol ml kiinlr, H"llon-*iirt itiid N ali, I liM-<nm< mi* fine, • tt'i'iuHit. CmM a UUI. Steel, s. tf M ni. |.|a, V i . Salt, Moian o, | l uinti,Oil*, l^c. B'tgtfiiiK, Tut nt run/ Hope. Willi I 111 II -tuck ol nagging, they otti r *ome Kt iitnckr it iiielie* m n|e, Melt atlM|tu and to square balex, anct which *’ •n<bl> M)> roved .t the pa hi teuton by plant* r# Com |*riii*K most Mrtielr* in the ( ri>c r> tin* winch they “tt *’ ; o nielowt ki market price*, and r* >pei ifull) aoiicua rail from ilieirfricntiM uuu tl* public A. i. WHI I F. t* CO (T7* Aftertleftrat of (>ct*b-r. th* y will r• nmv* inthe inek corn* r ttore (m o •toor* above thei present location, formerly oeeiipi db> Chapman , Rust Cos. Macon, July I, *b4fi. y 23 Ls*o*lVe\vt! Unit* K<*! Not from Mexico, but from the Store. Dicv laiwnt selling lower than ever before in this market. New goods received monthly, du ring the business season, of the most desirable styles.— Please n.itice the following, now in store, which are sel lingwith a perfect rush. Hanona Silks, Fine Bcrt-gerf, selling from 25 cts to $1 “ Muslins “ “ 25 to 50 cents. “ Ginghams, “ “ 18 to 37 “ Prints, “ “ 6to 25 “ Parasols, “ “ 25 cts. to 500 “ Umbrellas “ “ 37 cts to 500 Bonnets, Artificials, Ribbons, Carpet Bags. Satch els. Carpeting, Matting, &c. &Lc. French Cassimere, (rode Ta. Linnen Drilling, and Goods for Gentlemen's wear, of all descriptions. 11 on sc-Keeping Goods* In thislim* of trade I am perfectly in town, and would particularly invite those just beginning in this branch of life, together with those who have had much exjieri ence. Also, Scnrts, Shawls, Crnvatts, Chimasets, French work Caps, Tnread and Linen Laces, Bohinett, Mos quito Netting, Nankeens, Brown Linen, Linen Sheet ing, 12-4 wide, bleached and brown Domestics, Gloves, Mitts, II ndkerchiels, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth ing, See. &c. A fete I (). (). F Grand Lodge Regalias, for sale low. Please call and examine tor yourselves--we always get paid for showing. Respectfully, JOHN VV. CLARK. Macon, May 5, 1547. 6 Irish Lines, Brown Holland, Ac. PIECES Irish Linen,direct importation, war fJ’J ranted “genuine.” 35 Pieces Brown Holland, for summer wear, received direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on t’.ie Avenue. Alsu, Pliru-ip'r gHB, I'uiionJ Oli<.itvWm< , <V.i aalc low by r l C. DEMPSEY. May Id _7 NEH QOOiMh r I AUK mib'cribt-i- has ju*t opt n< and u new and coinplci* a siriiueiit of tu|r ana fancy Dr> Ciooti* tor tlic .pniiK o*atir, whuli will It. off. rttlai price* that cannot lull of insuru g thta* quick tab. I’ ison* in *am ol Dry tiuoU* would do weil to can and* kanum the ulock and pri ce*. Tu my IrieiMl* in the Couniry, I w*,ulu just u*y, call and are in*—you *lall havt iru.d tiood* ai iht iowe*l prices. Antony ilu Mock are ricb Kmbroi .red in rag* : rich embride ed Silk M tislin*. and (iioghams ; fine print* and Jac onet ; tine print* and Mu*till- and L.iWlih; Scotch, l end French Gingham* ; l.uieii tiui(ham*. A beautitula*- mrtment of einoruidered p Nd*, coiimmii g ot Hone*, t 01-I.4rs. I.4rs. cln miNetli), Cap* *, t and I *ertili£i*. Kiobroid ered I.ace itaudk- re nil Is, fee. sic Jacou* t “unliia; Swm Mii'liii*. plaid and -tnped; Irish l.ioens; I abl* do., 40 im h pillow civ; Liu* it; Stolen and Mussia i>iap* r; Huckahin k t owelling; Cotton Diaper; Daina-k I al.l. ( otl.s; Dani a*k Napkin* , >o!or • Linen I able for* r ; Corned Skirt*, ttraaa do.; Check Lint in*; Monterey Strip** ; Kentucky J am*; C*ttoli C iiS'iiu* r* ; Bleach* <1 *. ml ilriwn Honunpous. BoiinttN. Bibnoits. A.ntieial Kl w*ri; I'm* Orel la', l*ara*o.ii, Su n-Shad* fc, ami a th>ii*Hml n on* oth er artich s, w Inch evt i) one wants. A I *l which shall Im* stiUl low f.#r tU'h. JOS. Ml'HUOt K. Aoril i 7 Uiixgtttgo Hone, l u-ine. K *uliterihers ar now receiving th* ir fall supplies >1 dltdt'KHtK , w hich tin y off* rtt* lh*ir old friends t.ttl ill public g in rally, ai unusual *uw prices. Wchave not* in store, and rectivmg— .loo pieces Heavy liunii) Bagging, 400 pieces heavy Kentucky do. 150 coils Kentucky Hop*, 50 do. Manilla do. 100 lbs. I wine, 2,000 sacks Ka It, I 1,001 iti* Sw-dtlron, I,* 00 lbs Kantl, Hoop ami Rod Iron, 40 hhtls. St Cr*n\ aol Porto Uico Sugnr*, Loaf, Crush* and and Powdered do. 100 bags Hii> ami Java Cotti e, 50 box* s i obaccti, 100 kegs Nail, t,O 0 lb’ (\**t, * •ennui and Blister Steel. 4 Iso PAIN IS AND OILS ofever) description. K. BOND M trim, April 1 !M*. 40 h H i S helps mk'i Ois, *lo V O. Whiskey, 30 do II tltimor* tb. 30 half pi|M S Otartl Brandy, J * *• C tin tu pa gut- do, 15 pip* ■ Holland tiih, 50 qr. casks Madeira Wine, 20 *• “ Port do. lo ** • alierry do. 100 ra*k London porter, pints, jo ‘ihlt. Cherry Brandy, In store, and for sale by Apt I 4 SCOTT, CAWMAIIT h CO. noth i . IT ARGAINS • BARGAINS ! —Th* umlemigncd I J h iving token the Store* on the corner of Cotton Avenue tin.! Cherry street, formerly called Rows’ Store, but recently having been changed to that of the afro fatlltl If <s* M*, begs leave to intorui the citt 7.en* ot Mae >n, and Fliintern, that he will constantly keep on hand an excellent stock of Ihry tsootl***. Groceries & Provision*, of all kinds, wliich he will sell nt the lowest tMMsihle rates, being perfectly contented with quick nal*** and Sunil profit* The public generally are respectfully re quested, it tiny want g *‘Ut bargains, to drop into the Rio Giaible lftMi*e. Goods of nil kill Is given ill ex change lor all kinds of produce nt rush prices. II N ITLSIFKR, Fronrietor of the Rio Grun ic House. At the Rio (inline House ran he found nt nil times Tea, Coffee,Sugar,Syrup, Molasses, Hire, Bacon, L'rd, llutfer, Fom Meal.firits, Flour, Maekeiel, ami Shad of 1 the l**st quality, in qunntiti**s to suit pnreliasers, nt the : lowest rates, ami sent to any p;ut of the city free of j charge K\ 1 IM7 31 SI <■ Vlt^. I ail t|ll*S. New Or cm na. 40 and. Ht Croia, 1"f * f 4Udu Mascot ado, 50 bbls CruHt.d and Pow> *Ti r* tl, 11 Imixi s White Havana, 70 H*> l.- sf, ii.rssl* by April 0 4 MOI I. CABHAHT t CO. CUBIVOIIUX) Limu. I'llF is ism and ket ps full supply th* aitove artirlr ••it hand iul a* II it at One l)uttai awlayarter \t* t hoa, fat ensh unly. .*< <) f I , C Alill AH I hi * O April l, l .7. 4T M t|f>A. f’sh* Molasst *. T 5 hhl* New “r leans iln, flip For salt by St tl 11, C A HIIA U I kl, I .1 • I*o ** * t.f. \ “("l whslsnlril If . W*o* ’ on with llnm."—fi'r fimi Ifnr.-* Xiitiljr lo *ll AS CAMPBELL St CO. M..v S I nisi: f.'TFS—■ f* w bft af a h* autiftil tyle ApHI 1 4 nui 11. FIIKKMAV, oi. wiiltun, %m in s. ■ lIIMS ph-li’. 1 and Ofii, I 2DU I'” (In N 11 Wlii.krv, 50 (1(1 N E Rum. Knr hr Fri 21 SCiTI P, CAR HAST iS MACON, GKOIIGII, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, ]S47. C. K. WENTWORTH &c ('(). G? 5 I FAV E just received and now offer J T for w ile, at the Unrest cash pri ‘aY 4 ‘“*• n new and wplend.d stock of goods Jr in their line—consisting of Fine (void ! and Silver Lever, Lepine, Patent and ‘■-iuo—pih vertical Escapement xlw /m. “ b ■ u+z 5 j Gold Guard and Fob ('hains. Key*, A c V great vn j riety of Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Breast Fin*, Finger Rings, ol all patterns; GOLD IF*YA, with Gold niul Silver Holders Gold Pencils,Gold Sleeve and Collar Buttons; Studs ; (void anl Silver Thimbles: Bracelets and Bracelet C inspa; Card Cases; Fine Pen and Pocket Knives; Superior Scissors; Steel Bends. Kings and Tassels; Coral Beads; Steel Fens, &,c. tVARRANTT;i) RAZORS. Spectacles! Spectacles!—Gold and Silver. Persons alfficted with defective or impaired vision, are respectfully invited to call and examine a New and Improved article of Spectacle Glasses—for which the subscribers are sole Agents. Also, New and Beautiful Style LAMPS ; L :11 ip Glasses and VV .eking ; Fisted and Brittnnia Ware. Repairing.—Watches nn*l (’locks of every descrip tion repaired and warranted for one year. j All Watches sold or repaired, will be warranted to keen good time or the Cash will hr refunded. Matches sent from any port of the country, will re ceive the same attention nnu be repaired on as reasona ble terms a* thou the owners were present. All kinds of Gold and Silver worn mane to order Jewelry of every description neatly repaired. I) IGUERRROTYPING. The undersigned having fitted up n room adjoining their Store, are prepared to take picture* in th- hrst i P<*iWe style. A fine assortment of Gold Lockets, I Pins, and Bracelets, suitabl- for the nbnv- C. K WENTWORTH A CO East Side Mulberry St. Macon Jtmc 1. 1847. ‘ $ \EB \N!) BEAUriFUL GOODS. JUST received and now opening, a variety of styles of new, fancy and staple DRY GOODS! Among them rosy he fonn I Pi tii wide Black Silks, Satin Stripe Silks, 40 pieces Bnlzarinesnnd Berages, from 12i to 75 cents per yard, j 40 pieces Ginghams, very cheap, 100 pieces Calico, from f>; to 25 cents |ter yard, I Brown Sheetings, 20 yards for sl, 100 Parasols, Parasoletts and Sun Shades, from 75 cents to $3. : White Cotton Hosiery, nt 123 cents per pair, 30 do 7 Linen Cambric Handkcrcliiefs from 121 to 50 cents, ! Plain W hit*’ Swiss Muslins, at 25 cents per yard, | Plaid and Striped do very low, , Lace striped do nt .1! rents. Jnc* n* t. Nnnsook. Book anti Mull Muslins, ! Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew style, ; Grass Cloth Skirts, ! Summer Cassimers, Cottonndes, Gnmhroons, White and Brown Linen I>nlls for Pants, P'aid Linen for Coats. Cross Bar Musqmto Netting, Lace do do Table and Towell D-a tiers, of many qualities and price**, Mn*lin Collars, Chemisetts, See., Sic. The subscriber deems it unnecessary to enumerate articles, as all who will give him a call, wid find almost ‘•very article usually in a Dry Good Store, and nt j ns low prices FOR CASH, as at any other store in the State. Store next door to the Post Office. PGnse eotne and see. E. WOODRUFF, j April 14. 2 FACTS ARE STI ItIIORN THINGS. M LOGAN & CO. would most respectfully V I inform the good citizens of Macon and the sur ! lounding country, that they are not quite soling off I their stock at New York cost, nor do they loudly hoasi \of under selling their neighbors. The design of this advertisement ts to disseminate extensively this unde niable tiuth, viz : that our assortment is rich and racy— rare and beautiful; comprising every desirable article of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods usually found in store on speculation. ’Tis unnecessa ry to enumerate the many, rery many extravagantly beautiful articles on hunt), and to comment upon intrin sic worth, is deemed entirely superfluous. Suffice it to say. that all our rich Fancy Dr-ss Goods. French Work ed Capes, A c were purchased of A T Stewart & Cos . New’York, and differ materially in slyle and patterns from nil others in Macon. All those who entertain the erronious impression that we hold up for high price**, can receive oceular de monstration to the contrary by popping in and looking 1 for themselves. (J’ass Ware, Chinn Ware, nntl Earthen n are, ot every and any Kind, at a very small advance ! on New* York cost. GEO. M. LOGAN & CO. j Macon, May 26, 1847 8 STew Grocery and Dry Goods Store. r pilO]HAS C. DEJIPSPY, having just opened i |_ i'i the Brick Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly I occupied by W. A. Robertson, and nearly opposite ; ; Messrs A J White Sl Cos. and Bancroft's 9tores. has j | now on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort- i i ment of Foreign Liquors and Segars. Sugar, Coffee, i j and a general assorrment of Groceries and Dry Goods. : which w.ll be sold nt New York prices for Cash only Foreign Rrnudips, Wines, Ac* Otnrd, Dupuey Sl Co's. Cognac Brandy, of different j vintages—some very old in bottles. Goddard Sl Cos s. Vintage, 1825; A Seignette’s j Brandy; Medcr Swan Holland Gin; Madeira Wine. 1 hi quarter casks; Port Wine: Sherry Wne Thes* liquors are warranted received direct from the New V ork Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino. El Sol, Marino,! I Principe and other brands—warranted genuine, i TEAS—lmperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Hy son and Black I'ea, of a very superior quality. ; Old Java Coffee, Loaf Sugar, Sperm Candles, Ada- I | rnantine Candies ! 20 hhds. St. Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar | 5) Sacks Rio Coffee, first ounlitv ; 30 do. second do. 500 jis. American and English Calicoes, [ 10 cases Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, ! 10 bales Brown 3-4 and 4-4 do 50 ps. Irish Linen, direct importation, Slc. Slc. Mieoa, Jons t, 1847. 9 VMM <lll4l* DRV GOODS! >T McKIN’NOV v l-o uiiuld invite all |ier*tiii9 in | 9 MMut n DRV GOODS, tu call ami t xaiimn their Sne an l hit asunu'jle Stork, i*un*i*iiui( ut Hrownainl Bleach- j eit Shining* Mini vim tunc*. * ickm Cheeks, . j Prims, Lit* tn, Limn 1) i lilies, fin* ami rommon t'lulhs, Umsliii-, Lawn*, Silks anti ln t ‘*intts tnreiht r I with almost rv* ry other article uusi|> k< pt m the Dr> G.hmU line. Ailttf thicli will hi st!id at ilie loieest pint's | | Im Ca li. *ir to puuvltial custom* ri on the u ual tune. Mavon, April I, 1M47. 4 Willi!!!'!-)’ nntl Him *lakliiK. ■VfliS POWELL 4. MRS BURDINE, w.ii carry i .▼ I on the above buin sk. and execute all or Its in the best manner, uud most laahtuuuble style when re quired. Bleaching and Repairing Bonnets, w ill also be done at short notice. Their residence is on the comer of College street, near the Female College. Macon, Oct 28, 1846. ly 37 NH * SBAAttX k riKt'Kx Shad* and, *>*s t* n hi ripe and Spotted 11* rages, • w triiw vi rj hsndsome, juat rest ived :it April i * fi k- WOODHUFF’t I i kl | < AK t’laret \\ me, | t/i/ 20 th. i loot. do. 100 do/. L’lid- rout’d Ik Co'*, pure LrmonSvrua. 100 “ Miller's do. do. 50 h*i%r Brand) Clitrrits, 20 •• Ptehl’ —assort! and, 30 * K* • (’tiHKMi Water, 30 “ H|ii itu ii milt s, f0 *• Hull fc Son's I allot* Cos, Fur sale low hy SCO I I', CAItII A B 1 H* CO A pri I 4 CIIARL’ b X. FKRi IVKA.2V* Cuff on Jvrnut , art f door ahsvr the ”R i fir nude //ae,” Has jitsl upetied s rimd slack of Sugars, (offcc. Teas. Flour, Bacon, Nliipli’ iiiml i'niic) Dry <;ud. Mncon. April 1,1H47. 4 tlllllintf 1 ‘lulliiiK ! J I A Will I I Maim., < l,l„,l„ 1, |.. r . 4 (la. t. i tra \tua Cu pet nig. 10 rents per fiS'd. sv. (*. b anckiip r, * “*i* *9 4 futtoM Avu iie. , I) Al* I. tS ts I\l • I Mis. large supply cl P ip-r Hangings. |i,.vdcrs, and Fire i Board Piints; wide Pu|w*r lor \vintiowSha*leH.s heau tiful article Also, Fs>t Mattud several differetti kinds Match 31 7 GKO W PRICK. IJ(M< If KC. It y* *u W'sfi to improve or preserve )” if health, call on *’ A Kid.Sami g**t a Few !m*t- I ties of his fine LON'IhIN PORTER If is iitst the tiling i to excite the spintaantl invigorate th'* whole man—and is not had to take May 5. 6 (iiiof t uiia IIJHT received nt Warren Freenmn'a, 50 boxes Rni sit's ;25 drums ext*n fine Figs .12 box do Prunes; 25d0. Oranges; 2.frw> W<*st liubaDrang *s,very sweet; Citron*, Currants, Date*. Tamarinds, B'ignrs,Teas and ('off •••; Spic**s of nil kind* Crackers of all kinds ; Fine Smoking anil Cltewmg Tobacco; Patent \ east Pow j ders Also, a very Urg * ami fine assortment of Stuart's Steam Refined Candies. W FREEMAN. ; April I, 1847 6 VI WTOIIOt Mll KK, wsrrsNtid—fitr asl hy I J?a may I #H4* H fHKMMtK DOME >TICB —2O Bales 4-4 Sheetings. 15 do. 3-4 tl> 20 tlu heavy Osnaburgs, . do. Tickings, 3 do. brown Drills, 3 do. M.trino Stripes, 50 do Cotton \ ants, 10 cases bleached goods. 3 do. tine blenched do ldo. 11-4 bleached Sheeting, 2 do. brown Drills, 2 do. Bleached, 10do. Kerseys, 3 do. Flannels, now’in store aiul for sale by „ „ GRAVES, WOOD, & CO. Macon, May 12. 1847. 6 ts 6001)8 AT COST t Bargains in Dry Booth and Clothing I \*L A I). W. OR It having determined a . change in their business, offer their entire stock of (foods at Cost for Cash The stock comprises one of the largest nn I most desirable sttx-ks in the city of Macon, viz ; Staple and Fancy Dry Goods of ah kinds ; Carpctiing, Rugs, Mats, Paper Hangings; Panama. Beaver, and Silk Hats ;Bonnets, Gloves and Hosiery, including a large stock of Ready-made Clothing, com prising ( onts, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Draweis, Glovts, Suspenders, Ha If-Hose, Cravats, &c. Country merch antH. and citizens generally, are requested to give us a call, as bargains willhe given. Also one pair of Fairbanks Patent Scales weighing from one to two thousand pounds, and one pair small Scales. won. May 11 Cu \.16 D\\ , )|!K OPRiycniILLiIKRVM Mi kJ 9 receiving her new supply of the above goods, and would respectfully request her ol I customers and the public generally, 10 give her a call and look at her stock before they purchase elsewhere. She is determined to se.l goods as low ns any one in die city, and of a supe rior article. Her stock of Bonnets, Ribbons, flowers, Embroideries, Dress Silk Goods and Shawls, cannot be equalled in this part of the country. Macon, April 21, 1847 RIHH I Rll 8. I HHDS St Croix, Porto Rico and N. O. Sugar, I 12 boxes and barrels crushed, pulv. Sl loaf Sugar 25 hlids Molatses, I do. Stewart’s refined Sugar House Molasses It*) bags Rio Coffee, 2() “ Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 25 boxes Siierin C andles, ‘-JO “ Tallow 50 “ Sonp, 2t> “ Starch, 4 Chests choice Imperial and Hyson Tea, 10 Quarter chests Imperial and Hyson Tea, Salemtas, Imligo. Matlder, S| ai sh Brown, Blm Vitri*l.Ciimieras, .Vium,Borax.Sul.Nitre Powder, Shot, Lead, 25 bbls. N. E Rum. • 25 bbls. Northern Gin, 50 bbls Wh k y, Cognac and American Brandy, Holland Gin, Cordials. Mnderin. Port, and Malaga Wine, lietiion Syrup, Raisins, 100 Boxes Totacco. a great variety, 30,(hK) Segars; Macaboy and Scotch Snuff, With a great variety of other Groceries, which will Im* sold at “Bargains *’ A MOS BENTON. . April 1 _ _____ 7 ("J. ’<•<'!■! IJl"'.—The subscribers continue to I keep n general assortment of Groceries an*l Staple D.y ( *.k) Is, at their old stand,comer ot Second and Mul ! h'*rry streets, opposite the Washington H ill: they have Fust received witli other articles the following: 24 hhds. St. Croix an I P R. Sugars, 12J bags Gr*en Rio Coffee. 25 “ Old Gov. Java Coffee, 2<XXJ Yards Negro Kinseys, KKH) Duffle Blankets. 8 aiul 9 quarter, 1000 Yards Cotton Osnaburgs, 15 Tons Sweedes Iron, 7(‘o Sacks Liverpool Sait, 15 K) Pair Russctt Brogans, ; with a general osortinent in their line, all of which is offered at in'* lowest cash prices. They respectfully in v te all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— believing they cannot fail to In- suited in pr ice ami qual ity. CHAS. CAMPBELL Sl CO. April 1, 1847. 38 NOTH L. THE subscribers respectfully invite the attention of Merchants and Planters, to their stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods now in store. We snail also he in weekly receipt of seasonable goods through out the season, ns it is our determiir.tion to render our Hock worthy the attention cf purchasers at all times, and at prices that will be satisfactory to the purchasers, —among which arc the following: 10 cases English & American prints, 2 do. Mourning do. 3 do. Furniture do. 3 do. Gingham and Lawns. 2 do. Printed Muslins,2opieci sembroidered Dressdo. 20 pieces Challeys embroidered, 20 do. Rich Berages, 3 do. Black Satin stipe Silks, 5 do. Mack dressdo. 25 do. Rich dr*sssilks.4odo.Jaconett,3odo.Cambrics, 2:5 do. Check A. lace stripe Muslins. 10 do. dress Muslins, 20 do. Victoria & Bishop Lawn. *25 Jo Col’J Jae* ncs. it) do. Col’d Cambrics. do. black & fancy C-iHsuners. 20 do. Fancycol', satinet, s vestings, 150 do. Summer stuff-, (all prices, 20 do. bl k. nntl cord \lpaccas.2odo. Table Dk|>er,sodo. Irih Lin ens, 3 rases Florence Bonnets, 1 do. Laid work, do. 2 do. Devon straw Bonnets, 10do. Lawndc, fancy do. 50 boxes Ribbons, (of all kind?,) 30 do. Flowers, Ladies & Gentlemen s kid & silk gloves, do. do. cotton do. Misses fancy neck ties, 3-case? P irauoltf, 5 do. Um brellas. 25 dozen Linen Cambric IKlk ta, he id and flag do. 25 pieces Silk and Pongee Hdk fs, 15 ) dozen sus penders. Cords, Tapes, Buttons, Trimmings, Laces, | Fringes, Gimffc,Tassels, Slc Slc GRAVES, WOOD, Sl CO. j Macon, May 12, 1847. 6tf UEA Sl COTTON have removed to W. B Bar ker’s Store, on Cotton Avenue, nearly opposite J. I Cowles’ Fire PrtHif Warehouse. They have instore and | offer tor sal** on accommodating terms: 200 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 “ •* Dundee 85 “ Slightly damaged “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons Iron, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 lbs Tank and Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Steel, 800 Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Champaigne Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy “ 8 Casks Bacon, | Sept. 2, 1H46 29 ft mi lit. Iron nntl Hollow Mare. ,TAA KEGS Cut Nails, tJUU 15 nuts Iron,as.sorted 1 to 10 inches, 2.000 His. Sheet Iron, 10,iKX) lbs Hollow Ware, 2,000 lbs Cast Steel, 1.000 lbs German and Blister Steel, 2,(KX) lbs Hoop and Band Iron, 5) doz. Hoes, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. An ii 1. 13 it 11 icri SOS!! ice::: npHE sulweriber is ready to supply all in want of the I above article in any quantity, nut the CASH must j be sent in every case, as he is determined not to charge : on** pound of it to any person—having to pay ensh tor it i himself b< f*re tlefivery Also, Blue L k>- nn*l Congress Water to be found at tlu* Washington Hail J H DAMOUR. May 19, 1847. 7 3m l Nf IN PIECES MUSLINS, new and beautiful pat • / \ / terns, this day received, and f*r saie cheap N. B Also a few pieces slightly damaged, which i will be sold at Imrg tins, by May as • AMO3 BENMON Iron 6l Steel mails, die. .1/1 ni 111 I.HS awortfil Sweedea Uron. vI'.UUU Cu#l Sled, tleruiuh utul UlistPK-d ! Slt-rl, At) K m. Nuila, 100 lluxiiu and by 10 Window Olaw, 150 du 10 by 1* do 50 do lit by II do 50 do I*/ by 18 do For —ilr by April 1 S SCOTT. ( ARIIAKT & CO (’ll*!** K LSM U CTbll. -ill Do*, (p-nmne. lor J “nlc by A. ELLS. May 18 7 Ueri'Eß. nEACTIFI’L bc'-fi \lny IJUTTER. fi ni Omni;. C'lunly. New York, juM race ved and for anle by M-iy -.81. 1817 8 c a ELLS (ii>i:i{. O/w I WOTTLER of. iiampaene cioer. OtM? Formic by i \ KLLS May 6, 18-17. m I/IM: I.OtlMlt I*o It I 1)11. by ilw Do- I *cn or Cnuk, for ml* by C A ELLS I Apnl 28, 1817 4 oa nun r *)flWl PriiH-ipk- do Formluby C A E1.1.s April it. 1817 1 / * III!. |{RIKS. -10 Hfi I. St Croix Snrnn -ill t I lib!*, do <!o. T ilibiln Mu - vßi !o nri.l Nrw Or l.-nitu do I/O bhda Molumc. ; 3<> bblx N Orli-'inaSy rn|i; 10 boxer Lmf Snipir; 10 bbt Cnir'lv-I do. 200 a rka RloCudM; tS/o dorado Mlbfila Murkrn-I; -5 ti ill do. do. 15 tiert-i-u Vun-ifar, 1:VI L)Xc. Tohor ro, ivurioiio bmtKfai - 1000 xarko Hall; 15000 Ihu Iron, i (tdl kinda;) 1000 Iba Rngllah, Ainuri'-anundCaatSj(-(‘! Now m alora and fin anlr on aommnmdatint o-rm- by (•RAVES, WOOD, A CO. Macn. May U, 1847 8 if IJII KLLTI 11 151S. *“* -. ami •r, iu |i*Ti.r,(iir *li by CIIAs, H NK.KMAN, i I* mI I 4 19 INERVEif Gl.\4 F.II l>. nor, lur ••>* by l M AS. 11. rMF.K.MAV April 1 4 New Spring and Summer JliHinery. YTRS F DESSAU is now o|>ening at her f ir’l cHtnblishment on Mulberry street, over Messrs. J. L. Jones Sl Co’s Store, up stairs, nn invoice of the newest and most fashionable spring and Summer Millinery Goods, consisting in pntt ot ail kin-la of Ladies’ Bonnets, Caps, Ribbons, Flowers, Embroid eries, Dresses, Seniih, Perfumeries, and other fancy ar ticles; and a full assortment of Trimmings for Ladies Divsses. Bonnets, Caps, Dresses, and Riding Habits made to order; also Waists cut and fitted. Macon, April 22, 1847. 3m3 AT n vrows NEW and beautifid Muslins, 124 to 374 cents. Do. “ do. Berragcs, 25 to 50 cts. White Muslin Robes, new style, Swiss nnJ Jaconet Muslin, 25 to 75 ets. Silk and B rrage Scarfs, veiy low, Corded Skirts, 1 25 to 5 (X) Grass Cloth, $1 25 ps.: Merino, all colors, 374 cts. B>n . *ts. 5 lets to $5; Artific ials, Wreaths,Bonnet Rib bons, See. Homespun, 64 to 14 cts ; 11-1 Bleached Sheeting,so cts Counterpanes, very cheap; Toilet Covers, 50 cts. Muslin Ginghams, 25 to 371 cts. Besides a large stock of other articles, which will be ■old at very low prices. Call and see. May 18, is 17 6 Siunmer Goods for Gentlemen’s Wear. FMNE I) ah De Etc, $2 per yard ;do Croton Coating, 50 cents per yard , Heavy Twilled Linen, 25 cents nyr yard; Planter’s Linen, 20 cents per yard; Fine Check Linen, 37 cents tier yard ; Brown Linen. 20 to 37eent*; White Linen Drills, 53 to 87i cents; Fancy dodo 374 to 91. READY MADE R ‘ n mm va -a_ Summer Pant*, nt ft! ; Vests Sl and 1 25 . Gingha.n Fonts, #1 50 to 82: Fine Drab !)•• Etc, French ant*’ Dress Conte, ft.); Summer Cm vats, Stocks, Suspenders. Ready-made Shirts, Summer Hats. Slc. VV G BANCROFT, April 19, 1817. 4 Cotton Avenue Premium Butter. \SV] VLL Lot (obtained as a favor) from one of . the best private dairies in New Jersey. For sale hy C. H FREEMAN. June 23,1847. 12 FftesH ARRIV Ut. CIUGAR—T, ‘ if, Pulverised anti Crushed. D CR VCKHRS—Word’s Butter, Soda, Lemon, and * Boston. M TS—Filberts, Almonds, Walnuts, and Pecan. SYRUPS—L'*mon an I Raspberry, warrant and pure. Chocolate, Guavi Jellies, Must arts. Catsup. Slc June 23. 12 C. II FREEMAN. TA I£B NOTICE, f IVHAT tic* sultscribers keep constantly on hand a X large sttck of Diugs, XVZodicincs, Chemicals, PALM I'B, Oil.S, PA ! T\T JfLDK IXLS, Fancy Articles, Perfumery, tEnss, Druggists’ (ilns-wnro, and a host of articlett too numerou* to particularize. Their medicines are all fresh, an* 1 pure, and cheap. The public arc respectfully invited to call and fv*e. SHOT WELL Sl GILBERT June 83. |.<M7 _ 12 AG LOR Ol H TRIUMPH t TVatf no boasting —Citizens of the United States, with pleasure I inform you of the great success of Humpnrcys’ Fever and Ague rills throughout Georgia, South Caro lina, Florida, Tennessee, Slc. Up to the Bth of the present month, I have had four hundred and eighty three casvs of this distressing complaint, and out of this 1 large number I have failed only ifi four cases, and I can , hj fely saf f!ie failure is on their own side, and not mine, j This medicine is now found in all parts of this and the I adjoining States, where it is recommended by the most i respect!hie families, and the best recommendation is, it j is proving itself to be nn infallible remedy for Fever and Ague. It is my own discovery, and is one of the best medicines ever invented tor this dreadful disease—cur ing iu twelve hours. Prepared an I sold only in Savan- I nah, hy W. HUMPHREYS, Jr. i Splendid commissions given to Agents who will sell ’ this infallible remedy in the Southern States, where j something of the kind is wanted, winch will prove ei- j ; feet ual. Address th** Proprietor, corner Bay aud l)iay- , j ton streets. Savannah, Ga. I t jf 9 Agents now appointed—Shotwell & Gilbert, 1 Macon; Dorsey & Knott, Griffin; P A M<ues. Ln Grange ; Wcister *i. Epping, Coiambus; VV. K. Kilch- ; cn. Augusta. June 23 4w12 M* F. Dit hJ.VSON S: CO. H AVE on hand 600 sacks Salt; 20,000 ltjs. Iron, Round, Square, Band, Hoop and j Slie* t ; Cast,German, English and American Blister Steel; I Window Glass ; Linseed Oil. Macon. June 2. 1847. 9 S. F. Dickinson A co. H'ave just received, 1,000 sacks salt, . 100 Kegs Lead No. 1 extra and pure, 500 Gallons Linseed oil, 53 Kegs Nails, 5J set 24 to 54 inch Wagon Boxes. I June 16 1817. II O’ Cf>!V*M;N ••EX'l’ —2.000 lbs Georgia Ham, 25 bbls Cider. 10 bales Cotton Osnaburgs, 20 bales Yams. For sale bv CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO. ; May 5 5 BACON AND LARD. At Atlanta. Ga. THE fubneriber is now receiving on consignment, an i will continue to receive and sell ihe above i named articles in large or small quantities throughout I the season. All orders will receive prompt attention. J NORCROSS \ ta May 13,1847 7 ■.*’ PRIME LAM I* OIL* which gives a beautiful 1 light without smell, and as clear as pure water, for sah* hy C. A ELLS. May 18 7 V. A. FLIA n'AS for sale 10 Bbls. an 1 10 Half Bbls. of No Mackerel, that the world can't beat. May 18 7 in IIASKETB CHAMPAIGN!?, 11 C. A. ttLli May 18 7 ] /v DOZ. SARD! NFS. 11l 10 do Ewence of Coffee, 10 Bills of Crashed und Powdered Sugars, 20,000 Regalia Cignra, 20,1 KM) Principe do 10 B*>xes of Tobacco, all of the right sort/or sale by C. A. ELLS. May 18 7 Co-Partnership Notice. rpHR undersigned have this day. (April 13th, 1847) | entered ml** mutual co-pnrtncr*h:p for tlie traneac -1 turn of the Watch and Jewelry business, under the , name and style ofC K WENTWORTH Sl CO. at ’ their old st*?n I, Mullierry street, Macon (’ K. Wentwobtii. B L Bubnrt. May 19, 1847 7 NOTH F. If R E KIRTLAND is our clulv authorized Agent, 1? I during our atmence from the St-t** May2s, 1*47 N WHITING Sl MIX l.os I , \ SHORT time since, between Macon ami Mont p'diei, \ (il l I'Alt nntl I ii.mi:U.\ m | a green and white woolen Iwg. on which was Hewed a cud, marked C. orC C. STILES, Moutpeher The j Umbrella which was also in the bag. directed probahly to.Mi.sf CiiAMPlox Should th*- (ftuiarnnd iJiubreiia be found, pleased-liver to St. r, Floyd House. ( Macon, who w ill pnv a suitable reward tor the same, j Macon, June 3*), 1547. • June Ist, |M|7. OPiatINO THIS DAY, AT BANcaorrs, II ICH Silk Slnwla; Rich do- Scuifr; It Hr* 1 , Sc.irfk; dor*’ ot thoae M islin Ginghams at 25cents; ! Small Cheek Gioghams; Muslins and Bereges. June 2 9 flutter, llutter. I'jNRESH May Butter, just received from New York, 4 by W FREEMAN. June 8. lo H \1 ON VM) L kR9b I AAA LBS Choice Bacon Hams, 1 ,UUU 3,olWlbs Suit**and Slioul|f*rs, 50U ilw J, nI Ltrd For wile by WHEELER Sl HARROLD June *2, 18*7 9 NOT ME. AIR VV l> BENTON, will set as my agent in If J ilw Iran suet hhi ot my htMmesN during my i 1 miy absence from die State F. LANIJt IN. Mart'll June 9 10 \ SILVER PENCIL with the initials T.C. D. ‘I he finder will confer a favor I y returning it to I < D 1 It 4 • Men Avenue. HO MAN lor saft \ mg Ne _ gro Fellow. For terms apply to r May J 7 MCOrr. CARHAHT A C#. VIiSCELLANY. First Piniio in Noithorn Illinois, During the summer followi tg the termina tion of tne Block Hawk war—being among the first of the Jowneasl emigrant* to the 101111- try then barely evacuated by the red men of the forest —Pr A., of Baltimore removed to what Ims since become a small town near the Illinois river, by the name of P . The doc toi’s family was composed of three young ladies and Itis wife all of whom were performers on the piano and one nf them the possessor of the in t. uinent in question. As ts usually the case in nil newly settled places when a -new comer” makes his appear ance the neighbors (that were to be) bad ref lected together for the purpose of seeing the doctor’s -plunder” unpacked and making the acquaintance of its possessor. Ur. A.’s “household” was stowed away in ► even large wagons —being first packed into pine boxes o:t which were painted in large black letters, the contents, address &r. One wago t after another was unloaded with out much sensation on the part of the little crowd of lookers-on. except an occasional excla mation similar totlielollowing from those who hail -‘ never seen the like before:’ ’ •‘Glass! This side up with care! Whv l thought this ere teller was a doctor. What on yearth is he going to do with that box full of winders ?” ” This side up with care!” exclaimed one. “lie’sgot lie* paragoric and ile-of-spike tixins in that. Won’t lie tizic them ugur fellows down on the river!” In the last wagon there was but one large box, anti on it were printed tlie words - I’iano Forte—Keep dry and handle carefully.” It required the assistance of till the bystanders to unload this box and the curiosity excited in the crowd upo-i re -ding the tort-going words, and hearing the inusit-inl sounds emitted as it struck the ground, can only be gathered by giving a lew ol’ the expressions that dropped 1 from tlu- spectators, •• Pine liirt!” said a talL yellow haired, fever and-aguc-looking youth; “ wonder if lie’s a feered of the injuosj He can’t scare them with a pine Ibrt.” K-ec-p tl-r-y” was spelled by a large, raw boned man who wtts evidently a liberal patron of old bald lace ” and who broke oil at the letter y’ with-lln> —n your temperance kitrttc turs —you needn’t come around here with tracts ?” He was interrupted at this point by a stout built personage who cried out: lie’s got his skeletons iu tliar. and he’s afoered login them licker. (or they’ll breakout el ite does! —Poor fellers !—they must fuller powerfully.” “ Ha mile care fully ” said a man in a red hunting shirt arid the size of whose fist” as he doubled it up was twice that of an ordinary man. “ Thar’s some live critter in thar. Don't you hear him groan ?"’ This was suid at the oox struck the ground and the concussion caused a vibration of the strings. No sooner liael all hands let goof the box. than Dr. A. was besieged by bis neighbors, ail of whom were determined to know what were its contents and what were the meaning of the words - Piano forte.” On Itis telling them that it was a musical instilment pome -reckoned that it would take a tarnal sight of wind to blow it;” others that “ it would take a I lot of men to make it go !” Ac. The doctor ; explained its operations as well as lie could but j still Itis description was any thing but sntiffac ! iory and he could only get rid of his inquisitive neighbors by a sight at an early day. Three days—days that seemed like weeks | to the persons mentioned —elapsed In-lere the 1 premises o; Dr. A. were arranged for t-.e rcccp- I tion of visitors ; mid various and curious were j tin- surmises among the settlers during this time. Dr. A and lilt • plunder’ were the only topics of convent ttion |br miles around. The doctor’s house had but one lower room, but this was one of double the ordinary size, tnd the carpets were all too sm ill tocoverthe entire floor ; hence a strip of bare floor ap] ear ed at each side of the room. Opposite to ami lacrtg the door was placed the *• Pine fort.” All was ready for the admission of visitors, and Miss E. was to act as the first performer. The doctor had but to open the door, and hall'a score of men was ready to enter. Miss F,. took her seat and at the first sounding of die instrument the whole pnrty present rush ed in. Some went directly up to the .crittur ’as it had been called on account its having four legs—some more shy. remained close 10 me door, where, if necessary, they could more easily make their escape; while others, wlto had never seen a carpet were observed walk ing round on the strip ol’ bare floor, lest by treading on the - handsome kaltker.” they might it ! The first tune Beemed to put the whole company in extacics. The raw boned man who was so much opposed to temperance tracts, pulled out a flask of whiskey, and insist ed that the -gal,” as he called Miss E. should drink. Another of the company laid u dime, and wanted “ that’s worth more of For ty pains,” ns the name of the instrument had come to him alter travelling through some five or six pronoiuiciations. Another, with it broad grin on his face, declaring that he 1 would give his claim and all the truck oa it. il' dnter could have such a cupboard!’ The “pine Ibrt” mail suggested that if that sort of music hml been iu the Black Hawk War - that would have skccred the fitgims, like all hol i lar V It in needless to say that it was late at night before Miss K. ami the otlier ladita ol’ the I louse roiihl satisfy their delighted hearers that they were all “ tireil out.” The whole country lisr twenty miles round rung with the praise of Dr. A.'s •• consarn” and the mosikle kuhhnrd I” The doctor immediately Imd any quantity of patients—all of whom, would eoine in person lor Heviee. or u few ‘ogur pills’ but none of whom would leave without nearing the “forty pains.” With an easy way and a good natured dis position. Dr. A. soon formed an extensive ac quaintance, obtained a good practice and be anie a popular man. He was elevated to some of the most resjionsible offices in the gill of the people—one of which he held at the time of his death. So much tor the charms of a Piano Forte. A (.no.l Joke. Under this head the Nashua Gazette tells tile tallowing story: ••In a certain town in this State, which shall he nameless a man who had been bereaved of his wile, had the customary ” note read in the church where lie usually worshipjied. Within six weeks after, the mourning widower took to himself another wife. A short time niter lus marriage, the clergj man of the parish “ ex changed “with a neighboring minister, who, finding this •• note” in the pulpit, nreonlingly rea l it again, much to the delight doubtless, and edification of the congregation, and the Ibrmcr mourning widower.” To friiclitcn Crows. A correspondent of the Dostnn Cultivator, says not It i ig is better than to place a few e npty barrels ill ddlclftlt parts of the Weld— that tlie crows arc ulVunl of nothing in plain View, hut the tear of an iitnbuscode is sufficient to keep thi m away. “As to placing etllgies m a Held for the above purpose it is only an insult to their common sense; it was but yester day I saw one ofthosc block coated gcntlemun, | perched on a limb of a tree to winch one of these pretended scarecrows was suspended, making the most ridiculous calvings imagina ble. either at the image or its maker, most | probably the latter. ” VOL. XXV.—No. 14. From President Resets Life, The Hattie of Princeton* The night of the 2d January. 1777—the day whose events have been just described—wai perhaps the most gloomy and anxious that our revolutionary soldiers knew. In a milita ry point of view, Washington's position was a itUe one. Separated ty a urn ill, and as was ascertained by the Adjutant General’s obser vations a fordable creek, from an enemy su perior in numbers equipment and discipline, and exasperated by recent discomfiture, with a river, impassable by floating ice, in their rear. W nshington and his Generals could not but look with extreme solicitude to the chan ces ol the next day. No sooner had night clo sed than a council of war was held at the quar ters of Mcrcor or St. Clair. Os its delibera tions little further is known, than that the bold project w is agreed to, to attempt to turn the leit flank of the enemy by n secret and Ibrced march, and full upon their rear and attack their comparatively unprotected posts at I nnceton or Brunswick. This was aetermin ed on, and the movement commenced before midnight, as appears from the following hur ried letter from the Adjutant General, the on ly contemporaneous memorial that has survi ved of the doings of that night. East side ok Trenton Crier. i January 2.1, 1777, twelve o’clock at nigbft. $ Deis General Putnam: The enemy advanced upon us to-day. We came to the east side of the river or creek which runs through Trenton, when it was re solved to make a forced march and attack the enemy at Princeton. In order to do this with the greatest security our baggage is sent off to Burlington, liis Kxccllcriey begs you will march immediately forward with aFI the force you can collect at Crosswicks where you will find a very advantageous post; your advan ced party ul Allentown. You wtil ul.-o send a good guard for our baggage wherever it may tie. 1, aus hear from you as often ns possi ble. V\ e shall do tire same by you. X™ rß > ‘ J- Reed. 1 o Mnj. Gen. Putnam, Mount Hotly. It must have been a few minutes nfter this letter was written that the midnight march ol’ the 2d ol January was commenced the first etfectoi which was to turn the tide of war and compel the enemy', :n no ill-founded panic to abandon all tlour recent conquests, and evac uate New Jersey. At rughtlall on tin* 2d, the weather was un usually mild, so much so as to thaw the roads, and indu e very reasonnlde apprehensins that they might Ire found impassable. In the ‘our*e ol the evening however, \ sudden change fucli rw ol leri occurs in ow variable climate, took place, the wind veered to the northward and it became intensely cold, the roads though rough being frozen” hard. A working party was detach, and to the lower ford near the bridge in Trenton, with orders to continue busily and noisily at work lilt day ‘reak, anti tires were lighted on the lower hunk of the Assnnpi.ok near which the Amcr ciui sentinels were to be seen during the night. Ine scheme was completely successful. The irmv was secretly withdrawn. Mercer with the flying camp in advance, and the main bo ,ly consisting principally ol the Pennsydvania troops under VVnsfiingtoa r M immediate com mand, marched by the mad to flkuultown and the Quaker Bridge, towards Princeton. About daybreak they had reached the point where the chasseurs had been captured. Here Washington paused till his column was con solidated and then pushed rapidly on. their approach being yet undiscovered. Alter cros sing Stonev Brook,* the Americans pursued its hank till they reached a blind rood at the edge of the wcod below the Meeting House, by which according to the ht&rmntir>n of the guides there was a mom direct and lets ex posed route to Princeton than by the main road still some distance in advance. The body defiled on this road to the right, white Mercer with his brigade eoinp.sed principal y* o; the remains of the Delaware and Mary land regiments pushed on nlo g the creek “to • ike possession, and if possible destroy the bridge, over Stoney Brook—by which Lord Cornwallis’ approach should lie have taken the alarm might be obstructed. The Briti h troops at Princeton consisting ol the 17th 40th, and 55th Regiments whol ly unsuspicious of the near approach of an en emy, had been put in motion at an early hour to join Lord Cornwallis at Trenton. But one regiment, (17th) commanded by Col, Maw hood had, however, aigually inarched. At laybreak it had reached Cochrane’s house a -Itort distance Irom the bridge over Stoney Book, and in the first light of the morning the two advancing parties Manhood’s regiment and Mercer’s brigade, discovered each other, Mawhood. after a moment’s halt on the hill, made a rapid retrogade movement, crossing the bridge and pushing back to join the other regiments supposed to be npproaching from Princeton, Mercer immediately moved to the right so as to intercept him. anil gain the ri sing ground near Clark’s house. The Ameri cans having a shorter distance to march reach ed their position sooner than the enemy and formed behind a hedge fence in front of the huse. The action immediately began with great spirit. At the first fire .Mercers horse was disabled. One of his colonels mortally wounded and carried to the rear. This caus al u momentary coi’iiskm and the American line broke. I'upt. Neal who was in command ol the artillery was killed and while Mercer >n foot was endeavoring to rally ins men and in form his troop* so us 10 cover his flank by < ‘lark’s house and barn, the enemy made the charge in which Mercer was bayoneted oim left on the field. Immediately on the sound of the firing reach ing Washington, who was pushing on towards Princeton, lie detaehed a body of the Penn sylvania militia to the left, and with them has tened to sustain Mercer. They reached the ri sing ground beyond the wood in time to wit ness the first retreat of this corps. The Pcnn sylvnmans were formed umier cover of the wood und becoming in the true restlessness of raw troops, impatient under the fire of Mawhood’s artillery, moved rapidly in ad vance beyond the cover. Washington rode hasiilg by them waving his hat and calling to them to maintain their ground. He then rude forward under tlm fire of the enemy*! buttery to rally the remain of Mercer’s de tachment, his artillery funning on the brow of the little i idge near the wood. At this mo ment the 7tlt Virginia regiment came rapidly up from the wood, and torming on the right ol the Pennsylvanians, the whole moved tor ward with it loud cheer. The conflict was short and severe, and the British in their turn broke and retreated. Washington leaving a party to break down the bridge and vending orders to St. Clair to continue the advance to Princeton, went with n detachment of caval ry in rapid pursuit of the fragments of *Maw - Iwssl’s regiment now completely dispersed.— The fute of the day was thus decided. The other British regiments, uftcr a moment’s stand and the interchange of a few shots with St. ('lair’s advance guard near the Col lege, fled in disorder to Brunswick. Princeton was immediately taken possession of by the Americans. Such was lb* fatigue, however,’ of the troops, they not having slept for two_ night", or had anything to eat since tlicmoru in r before, it hoeame necessary to relinquish the movement against Brunswick, and to with draw the army first to Kingston and thin to Pluekemin. whence on the sth Washington wrote hi* despatch to Congress inlbriaing them of his soocem. On the fiist retreat of Mawhood's Mercer was Ibund on the field in a state ol entire insensibility, the rombined ■ licet of the cold and his wounds, and carried by his Aid, Major Armstrong to Thomas Clark’s house in