Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 18, 1847, Image 3

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’ n great portion of bnv. I .ion ‘’'"’k 0 f buttle in ntmierqys fi.fS.t--*. Norm in tl . Quitman, which will tkiubtfe*. fke ■j” *” i j my “l>’ nltimw yi Wk ’ I'l-c, much <l-1. n- ■MI - >*;• ISUIW it, til ■ ■ 6e B I ** ■ “ ...m I best npp lint-I wc 1.-v •yd h m j B M"xic 111,-lyhi alh. > ‘vllhlv if- I [ Ut uwy pl° ,v 03,1,101 I** eloabt- • ed „ gentleman who left the capital two days 1 ‘ll “wvs that *ll the Mexicans were quietly ( I’ .Vnuroach ofGenerol 3<Sbft. having all their I , |Vt ti-iiions completed The story that the 1 B L “nnrtiaily overflowed is confirmed, but the re ■ “ of inundation, and of the si, knees it have he.exacted. There was*: B belief ninong tnany of the foreigner, that’ s a perfect underaUtnilitiß betwen Gen. Scott I b!”u Anna, and that a peace would grow out of I t ‘congress was still at loggerheads with the I „i| business was completely at a stand, and IL |, | nw known was that of the militmy. . ■ H,, clop( . th iletter with n few speculations of my I [There is now every indication that the army I„ vc upon the capital in the course of the ng I ‘ a n |it is more than probable that the hardest J*® and Will be at the city of Mexico-this is the optn lif the tnajotity. Santa Anna, however much he , ■ , (l . .ueisv'to it.can lnr llv avoid a bntlle, although II I Still creep out of it if possible. No one not in I L srrets cun know anything with certainty, but 1 T_ f'nrc vet strong reasons to believe that the hhiglish I [ion is exerting every influence to keep tin- Ameri- ; I lent of the capital, and to effi-ct this Santa Anna’ tampered with, and golden showeta, of Vm4i coinage.mind you, have been made to rise before ‘Vlw English do not want to see ns in the city of they have interests of their own to subserve,! m tearful the American hold upon this shattered j,lic will soon he too strong to he shaken off except ~jr great detriment. If nit immediate peace is i ~ why then the United States can help herself to j portion of Northern Mexico ns she may covet, j England will come in nt the Southern extremity | t PV hold of territories to her heart's content. obstinacy of Congress, the deep hatred of the icans to the Americans, nnd the slight hold Santa i has upon the people, may, and probably will, pre- Ilia own schemes and those of the English from enrr ed out—the eomirg fortnight will tell the H JJ O wonder-he Eegbsh a e “t.xions to see this werlbrought to ach for it h s -Iran pw I most to their heavy rrc-ci'ible ir: -rets in the K . j- eei.tinuance must hast *n its utter rtr:r in ire'c wys til m one. to ate nipt it. tor the events ot the coming must be preinwnt wth interest. , Yours, &.c. (• W. K. |s. I might mention, ns nn item of interest to his ■ Irons friends, that General is here and in ■ | health. The health of the army continues to im p, and n large portion of the soldiers may now be to acclimated. Gen. Taylor's Army* latest intelligence from Gen. Tnvlor is from the jfo Orleans Delia. whch was ‘e-ivod from pent. sj|-. of thp2 ! Regiment Illinois Volunteers, w'io hn.l v arrived there f; m Mcntcrey Hi,-1 .f the crimp ol G*;i. Teyornt Walnut Sornc***, Monterey, on th * 17t!i uit.,and brings the latest s from ih-'t point. - heftlth of ol 1 the tin-dps is good nt Saltillo, jMrru y, CVrmlvo, M ier nnd Mata mores. ’This r nppbes to those recent’y n*riv r *'!. as w 11 r the |!kX ucr i so-T. -V * t'O •*'>• •f t the —iiuinre hslvii*’t. n ot mo*\ Ofthes*, gJ Wool has with him st Buenn Vi‘t*.t,orto orther - there are inmi-diat -ly nn W Ge. l Taylor. at Mauercy,Boo;and at Mi*r,Cennlvoand Mctamoros, are about 3.300. This statement may bn iclicd (Jen Wool 1- impatient for the wor -tv:c’i! for to San Lu -• So is Con Tey'or ; but befc she | gif ■ ihr; word. he denr nd- that n fore** of 1 •' >.ooo non, all < alto art vv eet vice, he placed under Its oom jjiy 8.(X)0 irm to adv nc w’th Ifm,nnd 2.000 t< man his garrisons Sometime ago he believed t kfger fo’ce necessaiy, nnd beueving so, he wrote to stating that if lie were not to be sent forward, he cou\d spare Gen. Scott 2,(XX) men; but ihs ifhe were to be, he would require an aggregate fori if 14,000 mm. He now rules the necessary num- - 1,000 less, for it is now known that the difficult es ofn -chingto San Luis Potosi, is no more than such as i l ordinary cases is encountered. from Camargo to Monterey Is now per- clear, as indeed is the whole country thi3 side the of any organized or guerrilla force. Canales •at Urrea are nowhere—at least it is not known there, tliey are—’-ut it is believed that they have fallen b3r ~ or advanced, whichever it may be called, towards Luis Potosi, or the district of country between and Tampico. Man’ (Gen. Taylor) keeps along in the ie easy, jog-trot fashion, so to speak. He has dolled oltfohrown coat, and now moves about in his check t sleeves, and that same shocking had hat To an r all the questions put to him in connection with the iidency by his friend* in the United States, would e a work of incessant labor, the manuscript copies inch would lorra a ponderous political catechism.” m Mr. Polk—Santa Anna. Hon. Geo. Ashmitm of Mass , introduc'd into House of Representatives at the hist session of Con* the following resolution of inquiry : H 1 Retolved, That the President of the United States Hr* quested to inform this House if any officer or agent Sh** United States was sent by him. or by his direction iavana, to advise, procure, or in any way to p omote _ i -turn nt S’/nt i Igjta is V- or whether any ii visited Washingtoti city, nnd contcred with the ‘ident or any officer of the Government upon the sub ject of said return of Santa Anna ; and, it *o, who was th \ officer or agent, what were his instinct ions, nnd I len was he sent on such mission ; or who was th’ person that visited Washington city and thus But -rred with the President or any other officer of ffi* < rovemment. and wlnt was decided upon nt such M.erences Also, that lie in ..rm tpe House Ly what ui Munnn I through what c.iann -i .Vinta Vma was in* fs ui'd that nnordei issu -.l to th • c umnaivler of f* rival lore •* in tli- (iu'j of M \<• dir■ said •tl-I i Sinm Inna's return o Sflex ci; and th .t he also t.i irui tto tli sH* us* copies ol any letters, communications or papers of any kind in tii* Executive I) -p;i'unc ut of the Government, in any Biy relating to the subject of Santa Annus return to Hc-xiro.” BTliis resolution, w’hich contained nothing offensive fthe President or his patty, but on the contrary would ve afforckvl him an oppoituuiiy to hiv.* sh. wn h.s •nd.und, if he could and t no, exculpate himself Itoni Biputed charges of gross misconduct, if not corruption, Bas rejected by almost a strict putty vote, only three B'inocrnts voting for the resolution. ■ Ton plain, practical, common sense man, this serins ■range conduct on the psit of Congress. Yet it is tru ‘ Bli** Hu*e of R >presentntivc*s, wh ch had a L> •moenit w inajonty of about seventy, refused by an almost strict Birty vote to rail for the facts, li’ the conduct of Mr ■ i k ui this matter was dictated Ly honrst or patiiot c Bioi.vf c, nr was r Iru'iited to lefloel either h**'ioi upon B>’ country or credit tifh’ii rhe A'lnna stratc-ii, w!iv was ■<i • Tsolntmn rejectee! ? ‘Phis is an iiniMi.t'im reik c- Pion.snd it L*ho/ves the* jieopleof t’ii •• uutry to jc volvc |f their m- ‘ p or } t •} v . ~ , ,c , t ntr j W‘ “ ‘ ‘ Mngistrst'* wrh t s rvitr. cringing llm .-I Btepre mutayves, may with ioipiaity p*ip t.ut<. the Igreritest outrages upon our institutions and th-* national I' l r ('.ironirlc ftj Sr nil n* l i In* Hcv. Win. M’ . nlfn’s Ntaicni ‘til. I U” P, “V,,,** , fSiti d.iy call lain.*, as’ 1 •• r “ n I hv>s i, Ci Pi Jutc. -h Umu and \ •headed as ,r /* MeCttlltinJ h Pjl/i, r,rwl‘nt •/ Me! ‘"l’ * 1 it*"*’ concerning the J.‘nmt S}>ir* to v f ,( * with the title of Chaplain to th - Arm* ■ 1 ! i* only part of this nd Irena which U*ars upon the ‘ M,on immediately at feme between the* revrend ‘•ui'*n an 1 tin* President an I lii** fri -nJs is the fol* “and part of the account oft!, .* interview which tli • i m**r held with the latter, wh**n an applicant for an “! , p"iutfiifrit ns one of th* rhaplsitis to the Army • * “ I tolj yon that tha Jesuit pucstsihemse'lvH ■ 1 pualislied their declaration that you had appointed 11 > chaplain* ; that the Roman Catholic papers had “Ufo'd their statement; that (he Protestant papers had r ‘iniiiented upon it a* on in Jiputable fact Th se w * r *‘ iiuitori *rl phenomena we Uuh c *iu *J to think [ l ’ U,eJ nn Thru ex- bn-iftm Tm g ™ ; mat you had apjiointed them under the name ox reality ns spies : n* ! that vou had < f Hi shop Hughes upon the sn’-ect, and Mtihit >2 \ a n - r u 1,11,0 ho * ! ' ul t! ‘ P P ha > originated, y,*u yo 1 wh*eh f • next minute vou were nf.nhl 1 ><*'*had no right to do. Mhe i I heard your declaration i 1 f h .hank Ij! to Providence (hat I had m i ‘ II ,l<> * n h-lie u, e fforts to from tie* Chief Mii>lr.itef n r " at nnti'K* such nn nn nomc-m. ,q—nn irniionncpincm made in a ntrangi-r. an i 1 “ tn ! ,l <"G a proft-aaion of confi Ip’nce nr a e.iarjr • and si-crecy, <liwt or in limn, in whole or in i part. As I Im.i nol and awn it from you, I trend it with j forbearing and rapwfful Bilnioe. I'a ler the pro'able imprenaion that my B’.lenee was occarioie ,I by the strength of your new position, you punned your argn- I ment with reneweil vig. r, repeating three or four times, j indifferent connexions, that you had sent litem as from the apprehension entertained by you nnd your Presbyterian counsellor that, without agents of that description, the Mexicans, jealous of their religion, nnd suspecting the present war to be made against it, would overwhelm our little army by their zeal, ferocity, nnd unanimity.” The Washington “ Union,” in reply to an article of tlie National Intelliqrncrr, denies that the Administra t on considers, or ever has considered, California and New Mexico as annexed to the United States. Now, i it the President did not, in December last, regard those territories as part of the Uuitcd States, we beg sonic of Ids organs to explain to ns exactly what he meant when lie congratulated the country in his annual message upon ‘ THE RECENT RAPID EXTENSION OP OPR TERRITORIAL limits.” If he did not mean California nnd New Mex ico, we pray some of his friends to tell us what on enrth he did menn. The truth is, the functionaries at Wash ington did consider those territories as already a portion of their political heritage, hut they were scared away from the spoils by the indignant voice of the na tion. like a vulture from nn untusted carcass—Boston Atlas. Conquering it Peace. Py “ conquering a peace” the administration means conquering n war, for peaee was effectually conquered when Mr Polk commenced, U|m his own responsibili ty, the present contest. But Ins mode of illustrating his meaning is ns singular ns the phrase hv which he ex pressed ii Peace was to he conquered in a lew months: nearly a year and a half have transpired, un i the result dies before us like a horizon, nu-1 seems more remote than when we I eg-m th s scries of u.ipn titahl- achieve ments To a p ace, \t ,i, lk .!■ hy, • Genera! Teylorupi i the Ru. Gran le until the ii Ie Ind ebbed aw y upon which the movement sh, old have | n e n em h.nk I. un i hoentem. sot g dlunt v ethos w ie oflered up to ex cut ve supinhn.ess ~r ‘f I'ditv. To conquer* pence, he still denied the hero the nten and means re qu red to advance ; and then reproached him because, having efleeted nitrides at which the world gazed with admiration, he did not efleet more. Tit conquer a peac” Mr Polk withdrew Taylor's most efficient forces, and exposed him. apparently a certain sacrifice, to Santa Anna with the liest appointed army Mexico has brought into the field, four times our number. To conquer peace- Mr Polk dismissed eattse he dared to use a soldier's frankness in giving the view - which all subsequent experience lias proved to have been wise and patriotic. To conquer pence, he a.t owards sent the Hero of Chippawa to Vera Cruz w:t!t promise! ot ample support—promises that were bud. it ulmot so soon ns made, nnd the violation of w hich h..s I ,t him niidwey in a career of triumph, ap- parently powerless, and c.-rt-inly in imminent peril— This is the military manner m wiiioh Mr. Polk conquers |tencv He s ks to effect it, how. ver, ftv other nt.-aiLS t-quitl'y extmotdnirrv ; hv engaging Sant* Anna and Qfitatc the g to rcise.otgan.ze eutl s,. f .ply vast ainn -s ; and to th ‘itt oil to t-.e dt st.act.t it of our ct untryn-en. i o to: q.l.'i peace,he off- s also to buy it—to brib..- th ■ Mexicans to grant it—as Jeg ner te Rome, towards her !, bought off th ■ hordes upon her NoithetU frontier. Three millions of dollais march, under ap prt-print ■le id.-ts, to tins scheme ot conquest. But w ..;ti sotttd pt-ace is tltat w.-hich is lobe (hue gallantly cou qt.ued t We have been t.-IJ, by tite a.luunistratt. n, tltat Mexico must pay the debt sl.e owes us ; but now we leant that Mr is authorized to remit that obliga tioi.—(lie conqueror agrees to pay it himself. We have dial .' must, as preliminary to peace, in deumify us for the expenses of the war ; hut we now hear that tin- conqueror agrees to assume that a Iso We were tolii that the wrongs of our citizens were to Im* re dressed ; hut attain the terrible conqueror assumes, in addition, that burthen. There are millions on millions, which cannot amount to much less than two hundred, for which our |>oople are made answerable by this loud- ! mouthed conqueror of peace. Hut is tins all ? No, Mr I Polk oilers, ii is said, to pay three millions upon the nail, (probably to bribe the government de facto.) and to bind the* nation to pay Mexico ninny millions more, if she will permit us to conquer upon these terms, a peace ! What a hero is our President! Yet even upon these terms, the proffer is rejected with disdain, the discomfit ed and routed enemy is again in the field, *25,000 strong* against our little army, and peace is now more remote than ever. Hut it is sail!— true, we g*t no justice from Mexico, her debt remains unpaid, our war expenses unliquidated our injuries unredressed—hut we receive a vast addition of territory. Is this, then, the secret ? At lust it is 1 avowed that all other pretexts for this one man’s war were mere pretexts; its sole, whole, only object, wa 9 conquest,acquisition, and the extension of the institu tion of slavery. Iniquitous and revolting as is the as pect thus given to the councils of the executive, their base ness does not relieve th ir imbecility. They are ‘ even more weak than wicked They have secured no thing, save the execrations and contempt ol the country which they involved in this wrong, aad the reproach of posterity. We ask the moderate of all parties to say whether our history, or any history, ever presented such a spec tacle of bold promise and imbecile execution, of tolly in during, and feebleness m doing ! With all the re sourc sos a great and willing nation, and th<* courage of leaders and soldiers like outs, at his command—such is die manner in which James h Polk “conquers peace.”— Sorth Amertcun. Dedication. Our community astounded- o.i Thursday Inst,by the .immune mi nt o* the Jccjvc y oi a ueia.c Utou in the Brain 1 i < fourteen ihour'll.l tiolinis, in *• *i.s. o< th * i.ij.n per us •oi us muds I y two a * the olnc v ::: Wm. b Aver eft, Teller,and James H. G.e<-n, IkKikeep r. The dis covery was made at the .VI other Hank from suspicions ex cited by the wet kly reports und quarterly acenunts, trans mitted from this Hnmch. We have neither the disposi- I tioii.nor the i!uta, to enlarge, nt ffic present moment, 1 upon this painful affair—-nor would it lie proper to do so, in ve*w ol impending iuv in a court of justice. Warrants were issued for th- apprehension of both par ties. Mr. Green wasarn st-d, nnd, after examination, admitted to hail—Mr. Averelt |ejft town on Thursday morning. The Hank will not lose any tiling—tin* securi ties being abundantly responsible forth** deficit. Roth gentlemen stood ns fair as it was possible for men to do m this community . both enjoyed the unlimited con* li i .: eo. till who know th *in. The sli-ck is, there, the gi ’.iter,oiid wc h .v • ? • i.i ianyoccTs<.n, a livelier ex hibition fsensibility ttiafi thesiidev. nt has culled forth. P. r l —ii.nce the was put in type *<t I more Miauling d**v l.*imout* hsv** been t< tide, by die itiv sti g iiion, wh c i inflow *. i -mi nt the H ink. Uh *ek, t ahirg *am mat, have L *•; i‘otg**d in the ..lines of some o’ inn ci’ / • is,find ih* u je nit oi di'vilt* ‘ n lit- lie, i ns ■ Ttrti.v .I, t'*) V m ten ieig ith in whs ~t first sup >•> ! To • train tctm.issp p* i, t- hav • n c* u*:. * I on for n loir? ii. i*. lie ui.*>’|U.‘iio il.c * • dac <Mur**s, .1 -o s II €; • * ill l.ieinle.l t- the v\\ 1 fr. th’ n* ;M by • his hadpeeiuiti •*. n:i lis now in jail, nuniting liisiri i; , ‘nnd it w l) eu by “.*ftTSfte* to our advertising ‘ iwd t or i tint th * P.-c.l ot an l l)i- cftli *Hn .k h iVx* offer**.! n r**war l ol (StYMo t r th • anpreln iisi* i *>fWm H Av-*re:t. Pursu.t wasalen mi f. <*f him o:t ; Sntn day inornirg— Lj/nf'i'uig Vtrgtma Ly o ijfltij, July 31, Ht 7. Since I wrote yesterday lh *rt* lmslice.i a iu rc rearoh irig invi .-ligation in'*lli* affiiiM of tlia lUauch H ink of VHrgiiiin in tin** pho* the r**stilf of which, I r**g tto say. gives a much and i k t e > i,>l *x‘. > i to th • ** >.i luct of o.i •. if nit both, of (In del aul ting * 11. •>* Tin sum ciiibexiled> is much larger than was at first supposed, though us the mvi rtiig.itioni* yet unfinished, the amount has not been aecurnn ly ascertuim-1. I shall lie agreeably disappoint ed it it does n*t finally e*h the ram of forty or filly thou dollars. A mmifs r of forged ch( * l'.Mond m(*s, in th** r * :rngU • several th-u • n I ilollurs. were this morning discovered;and it has been use* rtoiii- S I tint ,v 0I"*•■\ Mi• •! * : - (1.1 I . |IS 100, V. 1 . had b • n placed, for drp*sit *,m the hand- of tl.e defaul ting h!! V TmVe)i everlSc on entered upon the books of th* Hank. The \U an tic and the West. riiose of. ur citizens who feel interested in the project • ♦ a Railroad communication between the valley of the Miss.vppj nrd the southern Atlantic jorts,will read th-following letter fmm a prominent citizen of Ten nessee. with pleasure rmd interest: N vmy.Li.i . Tfnn , July 25. 1847. Duar Sir: Sine* r* ceiving your highly esteemed let u*r of *2*2J June, our City Corporation have agreed to lie coin** stockholders to the amount of half n mi||*m of dollars in the Nashville at, | Clintan. iga Railroad Cm- ] puny to this we h ive ahom sixty thousnnd dollars of 1 private sulwcribers. Our board of Cominissionem have j since m t and appoti.ted Governor Jones nnd myself I Agents t(* procure suhreriptions nnd we will commence 1 oil the 6th of August, I think, with good prospects, m get a million more in Tennessee from private subscrib ers. This will require an immense effo t, nn I if w * should be suc,*easful wc think wc will have given you sufficient evidence of our earnestness nn I faith, and wv hop** then to he able to call on South Carolina, vuhere the next greatest interest lies, with certainty of aid in the way of subscriptions from her and Georgia to the amount of three million of dollars. I hope and feel that we will not he disappointed , ifso.or I thought so. I for one would lay down my books nnd quit the work, for we cannot get more than the million and a half, nnd I would not b** w illing to strike a lick upon the Rond wnh lew stock taken than two and a half millions— f b ase give your opinion upon this subject, for we are working in the dork. Louisville has obtained a Railroad charter, aa I am told, to the Tennessee line; and wish so won as we start, to get Tennessee to give them a charter to Nash ville, so as to reach your markets with their immense products Cincinnati is also nnxion- to build the Road (o Louisville. Evansville, Indiana, is pressing forward to get a charter to cross Western Kentucky to Nash ville with a Railroad also to get your to market. In fact, the w hole \\ est iH looking to connections at Nashville to get the advantages of the Southern market and sea- ‘ ports. Ihe President of the Cairo Company, now re newed and in wealthy hands, addressed me a long h i rer a f*w days since, regarding the Central Railroad from Cairo to Springfield, Illinois, there to connect with tho Ciocinnati and St. Louis Railroad, and thence acros. the same to Galena, the heart ofAhc great mining country ; thus the Nnshvillr and Chntanooga Railroad he thinks will he of great advantage to the Central Rail road of and to the city of Cairo. The goods brought from New ‘i oik for the grent Volley he thinks will oil come this w-y for all points below Louisville, j Kentucky, and he distributed for the lower Valley at I Cniro ’ nnil “'' m from Illinois Ly the Central Railroad from Cairo Our Cool fields, reaching from below Chatanooga to a point eighty-five miles from Nashville, will he a source of great profit to the Road and t.i your Georgia and South Carolina Roads; for at the rate charged for carriage hy the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Coal can be taken to ( hnrleston much cheaper than yon are now paying for the same quality of Coal, and to Nashvil'e for little over one-third of what we are now paying for . it. I understand that there are -radiants of eighty t i... ♦ ; to the mile on the Baltimore nnd Ohio Road too, which j! p heavier than any on these Roads Iron afoo afioon Is m the vioinity of oar Road, nnd in the sain., hills with the Coal, The finest varieties of Marble also ito|. I had in any quantity on the line of the Road Tli,- Coal hangs over the Road atdiflerent points in passing down the Tennessee River, nnd up Crow Creek for sixty mil**. I “lull he pleased to hear from you upon this inportant si.he,; Truly, V. K. STEVENSON. Got James Gadsden. Charleston, S. C. V: <v.!..te of *• Old Zaelt.” M f! dfi nan. editor of the New York Literary On zette J •• and some years ago a personal acquaintance with (..•tl Taylor, and in noticing one of the “ Lift*,” tells iho following characteristic anecdote of the old hero: While indulging in these gossiping references, which we know will interest some of ottr readers, we may hr.o relate an anecdote of Gen Taylor, which we oner h. r!. amid the early scenes of the Blaek Hawk w-ar on Reex r.ver, and which, though never verified to our knowledge, still sremsmost characteristic of the R rough I nnd R ’ndy of later years. Some time after Stillman's defeat by Black Hqwk’s hand, Taylor, marching with a large hodv of volunteers and a handful of regulars in pursuit of th r * hos til'* Tnfflnn force, f'Hind hPun. Ts np* * proachinij Rock river, t!i *n nw**rred hy many to lie the 1 true north-westr*m boa i larv of th** State of Illinois Tlie volunteers, a? T vlor was infiimed. woul! refuse j to croflß stream. They were militia, they mid ctll eil out for the defence of the State, nnd : t w**s unconsti tutional to order them to march heyon 1 it* frontier into 1 the Indian country. Taylor thereupon halted his com mand, nnd encamped within th * acknowledged boun daries of Illinois. He woul 1 not. as ffip relator .1 the story said, budge an inch further without orders.— He had already driven Black Hawk out of the State, but the question of crossing Rock river seemed hugely to trouble his ideas of integrity to the constitution nn the one side, and military expediency on the other—l During the night, however, orders came eitiie** from Gen. Scott or Gen. Atkinson,for him to follow up Black Ilawk to th** last. The quietness of the Regular colo nel meanwhile had rather encouraged the mutinous mi litia to bring their proceedings to a bend. A sort of town-meeting was called upon t(ie prairie, and Taylor invited to attend. After listening for some time very quietly to the proceedings, it became Rough and Ready’s turn to address the chair. “He had heard,” he said. “ with much pleasure the views which several speakers had expressed of the independence ami dignity of each private American citizen. He felt that all gentlemen there present were his equals—in reality, he waspersua- * ded that many of them would in a few years be his su- ‘ periors, and perhaps, in the capacity of members of Congress, arbiters of the fortune and reputation of hum ble servants of the Republic lik*‘ himself. He expected | then to obey them as the interpreters of the will of the people ; and the bent proof he could give that he would obey them, was now to observe the orders of thnec : whom the people had already put in the placet of nu- i thority, to which many gentlemen around him justly as pired. In plain Engl sh, gentlemen nnd teffow-citizens, th* word bus been passed on from Washington to follow Black Hawk, and to take yon with me ns soldiers. 1 mean to do both. Tlrerenr* the ffathoots drawn up nn th** snore, and here are Uucie S tin's men drawn up you on the prairie. ’ “ Strange!.** add ■! t’r man v.ixo told the story, “ tin* way those militia-turn sloped into tb**so ffnthonis was n caution. Not another word was said. Had Zch Tay lor been with Van Uenretaer at Niagara river, in th** last war, 1 tnther think he’d a taught him how to get militia-men over a ferry.” r.iuthet FtglML From a letter date 1 Newton, Jnsp* r cotmty, Arkan sas, July 5. ” Mr Samuel Hudson went out into the wukhls altout I three miles loan h;.- liotute, necoinp.uiied I y hi * son, ten or twi lve yeuis old, t* cut a bee tiee, and as lie e.vpeci ed to timl Hols'ol itoiiey, lu* ilid not take U.s slioolmg iron wah him. believing h<* coaid not cariy it aud the honey too. When Ii * got to the tree, he commenced chopping, his son standing eighty or a hundred steps from linn, with u butcher kniii* ui -he Imd cut hut n t w moments when Is heard a Hums- just above him in u iio.low . he looked up, iiml saw a huge jumther walk in 41 n* in* iy, paying no attention to him. Determined j t*. m let lu n pus* thus, Hudson took up a stone or two ‘ and threw at it The pantls'r stopped, Usked saw I* i a n.I iutiile nt hint, without asking him if Ire* was 1 i* ‘*. 11 ids m* turned to take th * axe **t of the tree t totigut w.ih ; hut betbre he could g*t it and turn round, ‘ Ito t .ui a i w s on him, and la was compelled to diop ! In- ax oi l ink*- u‘list and acull.’ “iumrst * li*>it ws to lake him hytli** throat,but tluow mg lus h* aJ ii iu;,iil Inin hy the iorehentl and bit him I w . nil rue uiid rear again to g**t him hy the throat, hut no prevented u from no mg so hy sinking it underhand ed/runmog his arm in its mouth He at last caught a h could hold it w.tli one bund, and call lor hit* ktul , winch his son handed hiui and he soon dispun lied tlie monst r, hy sutlibitig it behind (h** shoulders II then made Ins way iioiu* . wi’ < i lie rerrlied Without as smtaucc, vuiy w* uk nom th loss ol blood, lie was coniined *or • lew days, hut his wound* nro doing well, lb- whs soon abte to attend to ha* bustle ‘* m usual. I • it any wonl r wv wb p the Mcxit nosso bamy, when we have plenty of ut m who can whq> a pauth'. r in u lair tight ? The Havnnnsh Republican of the i *2th inst says, there a great fresb< , t in the Ogeehce, ond that the ros*i to Darien is imps 1 -hi** ’IV loss of the Rice traps is very licavt probably not less than 75,000 bu-li **. Tmrgo Fire in UnysvillCj Kcutncky. A most destructive fire, occurred at Maysviile, (Ky.) ° n Wednesday last. The Cincinnati Commercial says: “The finmes commenced in the three larg warehouses owned by Gen. Colima, which were entirely consumed ; and such was the heat and the rapidity of the fire, in its destroying course, that three other build ings (frames) were also destroyed. The latter were owned by Mr. Newton Cooper, and occupied by several families. A quantity of hemp nnd bagging, belonging to the Maysviile Manufacturing Company, and amoun ting, in value, to about $*2*2,000, was destroyed. The entire loss hy this fire is estimated nt between thirty md thirty five thousand dollars, of which about ten 1 ilu'u and is known to be covered by insurance.” .More .Specie for the Army. The Steam Ship Galveston, Capt. Haviland, left New Orleans on the 4th inst. for Tampico, with 0520,- 000. in specie, for the Quarter Master's and Subnis tence Departments. Z ‘’ The widow of Bishop Heber is now the Count ess ile Vnlsomacli —the wife of an ignorant lonian Greek—for sake of his t tie. Sexton’s Report ol l>rm(lm /n thr City of Moron for thr month of July, 1847 White adults, ‘> do Children under 10 years of nge, 1 Blacks—Children, g Total, g ()f the \\ hites, 2 w ere drowned, nnd one died out of he (i ity, and was brought in town for interment. COMMERCIAL^ Maion Cotton tlaikut. We have to notice sales of 400 to 500 bales within the past week —classing from middling to middling fair, at 104 to 111 cents. Provision Market. Flour per hundred ; $4 r,2 ® itr> 75 J Wheat per busliel 75 ’,.J g ‘v, 001 35 © 10 “ , '* n •• v; j to ©ls •• as™* © 10 •• “ ult ' r 5 © 00 “ I ' ol 'oer 50 © 62 •’ A CABO. N. Banning respectfully gives notice that he hag re duced the price of his “Body Brails,’ (with a view of bringing their benefits within the reach of all,) at sls, lor the silver plated, and *lO for the ste l. Also, that he will furnish Planters with a substantial article for weak and inefficient servant, at $7. G. K W ENT WORTH, & CO. Act. At 18, I*l7. w I)r. Wistar’s lialsam of Wild Cherry. The extraordinary sure. * attending the use of this iiiedieiin in diseases l the lungs, and the many singular ■ Ml. Sit has effected, having 11111 orally attiicted the atten -1,01101 many physicians, ns well ns the whole fraternity u: quacks, various conjectures and surmises have at turn r- -I’ cling its composition ; some physicians have sup posed it to contain iodine, other ignorant pretenders say .1 must contain mercury, and to some such substance th. -y each attribute its singular efticsey As such ojnn 10ns are altogether erroneous, and calculated to pietjju diee m my p rsonsagamst it, w PLEIfeiE lII'KHI IN OR that 11 contains nothing ol this kind, or anything the least injin tons;on the contrary, itss eoni|iosed n? ih<‘ most simple sulietances, the principal of which are the the extracts ot tar and wild cherry lmrk, and the whole secret ol its efficacy consists 111 the mode by which they are prepared. None genuine without the written signature of I Butts For sale by BRUNO & VIRGINS, ) . GEORGE PAYNE. V Agents. Price slper bottle. .Macon, August 18. 20 Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The health of the human system depends almost en ! nrely upon the state of the blood If the vitalizing fluid which pervades every tissue, every membrane, fibre, lig -1 ament, gland, or other organ, primary or subsiciary = if I the blood be charged with the element of disease, sick ness must be the consequence—and until the causes of diseases existing in the blood arc eradicated, no perma nent relief can \>e cx|>ected It is here that the power- ! tul health-restoring properties of Bands’ Sarsaparilla are manifested : its searching operation reaches the the cau o-s cl disease, and the cures it performs are therefore rad H-al and thorough. Its potential virtues are attended by , ttiqii.cinds ol rheumatic and scrofulous patients and by all who have tuKen tins pi< r ,-,i.... r... .1,-. „r wl 1 It at once arrests the internal derangement and and eradicates the outward evidences of disease. Prepared and sold by A. B &, D.BANIM, Druggets, ltl.l Fulton street, Niw Vork.uud sold bv BRUNO iN \ IKtiiNS, Agents, Macon, Ga. and by l>tugg.tagen erally tinottgoot the Untied States. Pnc.* at 1 per both:—G bottles for $5 August 18,1847. at) | Ifol X. li.CilA ts iiv.t, 1 Auudst 6, i.447. S RET.t J.AR MEETING. Present, T. P Stubbs, Chan man Alii. Ayres, Glark, Waits an J W'ashingtnn. Absent. At J. B*iul, Cowles anJ Mix. I'tie niinutfs ot th** last regular meeting were read ! Inn I confflined. Th * Hrtuge Keeper report *.l T>lls for th” weeks end- j iritf July i6th, 80; July 23d, jjio2 72, July 30, 1 drtiC 87, and this day, *7B UU. M 1) Barnes'bill lor cleaning and winding the City Clock to July Ist—amount 0165. was p issed 1 lie Finance Committee, to whom was referred the Treasurer’s Second Quarter’s account, Repott having examined tlie same and find it correct. The Trustees of Btbb County Academy, applied to withdraw their proposition to take Bonds tor the debt • du* to them hy the city—which was granted. On motion Aid. Washington, lie solved. Tliat th** Wasnmgton and New Orleans Magnetic Telegraph Company lie authorized to extend th*- une of said Telegraph tuoui the Cemra* t the Ma | con aad Western Railroad Depots. Provided the same I oppose no oisiru*Bioii to tli- pasnage of carnages or loot passt*ngers through the streets of the city—(Adopted.) AN (>R DI NANCE, to authorise tire issuing of Tavern Licenses; Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor anJ Council of the City of Macon, and it is hereby ordained by the au : thorny of the same. That any person making .ipplica t.ou lor License to keep a Tavern m the city, snail upon giving tMMid with good security, in the sum ol Five Hun dred Dollars, conditioned to keep an orderely and de cent house, with good and smticient accommodations Lr travellers, men hors- sand ait. n.i reits i.r twetve months from the date ther*>l. ami pay nig to tfie i i* ns urer til** sum ot Twemy Five iAdlnrs utret uh usual e.*s, receive such licciis - it Ih,* xpre*>Hea in ih I face *>! said Liceus** that tfs* p i> -n so aj j y,• •>? tot sucre L’cf-ns** share not keep o|r*u u.a i> irivo ..t\.. ii I Unli ~ty oi iLL/aih mgui. *a. ■ i*l loi one n,nn ut eacii meul,uild then to Im* pemretted to st It to bouiders aDU traveilcis stopping ui ntsiiouse otny. Sec *2. Bea ordamel by th*- authority aforesaid, Thai ah Ordmancesand pails ol Oiduiaiic s, militating agaiiurt this Oidtuauce b* , and Uh* same urc hereby re pea led. The above Ordinance was read a second time and passed. John E Jeffers’ account for fees, See., amount $6 I*2 wa# passed. Janies 8. Gray bill’s account for work, Slc . on a pub lie well, wus referred to the Finance Cotuiiuin • His* Honor tin* Mayor app* iund nnd took his seat in I Council. Tue Committee on Rose Hill Cemetery to whom was r ,i m and the 8* xtoil’s bill, for burial expcuscs of the late Mr. H 8 Cutter, Report, Thut the H< xU>n is authoriz * and under the Ordnuinees of th** city, to charge a It*** of *•* ir luiuiHlmig a grave, and where th* Hearse goes j out ot the city limits, the Council isemitl* and to a further i leeolfcS. Where the Hr'xtoii furmahes extra work or materials not specified in the Ordinance, his charge 1 must be regulated by the circumstances ol the cu*t*r~ | but where pui ties turuudiexua work and mat* rials Uiem s**lves, the CouuiMltee do not recognise uny right on the i part ol the Itfrxton to charge tlM*relor. AN OKDINAN('E,to amend an Ordinance entitled | an Oi till Mil tee to icgulnte Muik*b* Stc I Ik* it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city ol Macon and it is hereby ordained by tfie au thonty ol tire- same, That froin an*l aft r tire frith met , ! it * person etml] be LM*nmtted to peddle or huckster from pin* i to yifu *, in tw* city of Macon, any corn meal or ! Hour, wittnnit lirei htaimng a License therefor from the City 1 mined of Macon. fevr ‘2 Any p4*iwm making application for a License j to peddle or huckster corn tneui *r tl* ur fmin place to pine** in tin* my .t Macon, shall pay th* Treasurer ffic 1 i HUtiiof Twenty Dollursatid the usual fees- which Li* i cense shall ih-iuwi the |s*rsou uai red therein, or ires ser vant nume.l tiierstn. and no other person, to s*-llnn<l dispose ol <-orn in* a 1 and fiour by retail from place to pli ce m the city ol Macon, for *sie year from the date of such License uiul no longer. See. 3 lk* it ordumed, ‘i Uai tins Ordinance sliall not Is* consulted i> affect any runner or Tlauter who brings his pitshure to this market, wtio is not hinisell a resident ol ilm* city of Mac*'U. S*-c. 4 Incuse of violation of this Ordinance, it is • inner ordained, That tire Clerk, u(s>n mtormution. do .khuc nn execution for the amount ol the License, to be rev red oti tire property o! lire person HO offending ; and m oa.'s* **i it” violation by a slave, that ire i*e upj n ireud* *d by tire Vturslial mid imprisoned until this U.dmancr .s c.unphed With, and all cost* paid 8 c 5 Be it Ordained, That ail Ordinance* militating igi*nisi this Oidman** be, and the same are fieri by re , a led Tfie Rules wnte suspended siui tire abov* OrdinaiU'e passed. M Hugh Kno* was allowed to crus* the Maoon fringe t* k* a week in a Buggy with tire Mail, by pay ,.g ns it the customary tales oi toll. Coni c l then adjourned Attest. A U FREEMAN, c. i. Cmwlord Superior Court, / Auousr Term, In 17 \ The Grand Jurors sworn, chosen, and selected, for the County <>f Crawford at this term of the Court, con gratulate there fellow citizens with the cheering prospects oi an abundant provision crop, and tecl gratetui to the supreme Ruler of the universe for the many blessings With which we are surrounded. It is gratifying to us as citizens of the county of Craw* to! j, to see so few case* of crime or gross immorality practised by our people. W e concur in opinion with his Honor Judge Floyd, in reference to the sitting of the Supreme Court, and tyre take occasion to recommend to our Senator and Keprr.M-ntative in the ensuing Legislature, that they win iirg- upon that honorable body the great necessity, as we conceive it, that the Supreme Court should be held at some e.riti ;i | point in the State, which would off rd the gieatest lacilities to the court, attorney:! and parties w.:o may have business m said court. In consequence ol some complaint having been made 10 this body ,w would recommend to all the Millers in I Tins county thru they be particular in not trading or cx i. ■•. mg with negroes flour tor corn, or corn lor wheat, ttitotii the permission oi the owner of said slave. 1* * u iniiiinously recommended by tins Jury, that the interior l owrt withdraw their suit that is now in pro* g • against Mr Uriah Si tippy, in tins Court. Vi ,‘ N “ u * recommend to me inferior'Court,that they w ill urge the ( ommissioneri of roads to the discharge !’! 1,1 */ Q,, d that they (the Cornu nasi one is) would nave the rouds worked on at as early a period as poeai- W e e •tigratulute our ieflow citizens of the Flint Cir cuit, that m>y have been so lbrtunate ns to obtain the y V''’ .” “n so preeminently qualitied to preside in ii'url.ourtsot Justice, ns our pudding oliicor, me i lonorabie John .1. Floyd,—his prompt ness in the aeapan-h ot business, the order ami decorum which he enforces during the session of the Court, mid also his sirtet impartiality and Ins pi mound legal erudition ren der him a Judge, seldom equalled and no where sur passed. W c should do violence to our own feelings and great injustice to such a presiding oflicer, did we withhold the expression oi on; sincere thanks ior his milesy to us ,i:- Jurois and highest commendations tor Ins able admin -Ist rat ion of the law. 1 o the Solicitor General wc return our thank i for his politeness and atnet attention to this body during the pieaviit session ot the court, and tor the abiiny and rnei ey with which he has discharg l hs duly >■ request that our prese.iiiiicms be published in the Journal Messenger ■, and Macon Telegraph. In .. , M. BROWN, Foklman, 1 hilip bcofhl, Reuben Kigi-r, Lowman,’ Talbot D iiauimock, Archibald Blue, William A Cu:bert, William Wood, John F Market, William S. Wellon, Ferry C. Carr, Andrew J. Colbert, Muriin L. Harp, Jackson J. Clark, Ebeuezer Joyner, *V ;i , Marshall, Hiram B. Troutman, Vv illiuni L Sanders, Seth Caisou, Joennl l Mootly, Mark C. Partin, Seaborn J. Sanders, Napoleon B Corbin. On motion oi R. W. McCune, Solicitor General, or dete.l that th * forgoing presentments lx* published in ihe it 0$ Messenger, and aeon Telegraph, as requested. A true extract from the minutes. JAMBS J. RAY, Clerk. DRAWING DUB THURSDAY. GE< lUiIA LITIiK.VI I’ll : r I’s: a V . $12,0001 S4 QCO! 53.0C0! Tickets —-Halves $2 —Quartets tjtl DRAWING DDK MONDAY. AUGUST C3nl $18,000: $o,uoo: $2.300 : 60 OF #500! 160 OF $100! Tickets ss—Halves $2 SO—Quarters $1 45. DRAWING DUE THURSDAY, AUGUST 2Cth. $35,000! $15,000! $10,000! 20 of $1,500! 20 of $1,000! 20 of $750! ISO of $200! 78 Number Lottery—l3 Drawn Ballots. Tickets fid—shares in proportion. For sale by J. S ARNOLD. Agent for I) PAINE 6l CO.. Managers. Office on Mulberry st., in Washington Hall building iKT* Orders from tlie country will receive prompt at tention. August 18, 18-17. 20 Riti roail Meeting in Houston. \ MEETING will lx* held at Fort Valley, on . Wednesday, the 25th of the present month, for the purpose of ascertaining the views and feelings of the citizens of the county, respecting the building ol a Rail road through the South-western portion of the State and for other purposes associated with the same. The citizens of the county are meet urgently invited to attend. August 11, 1847. 2w19 To the Justices of the Inferior Court in the | Severn! Counties in this State* TT is worth knowing, that through the mistakes mad*- , JL by Hotchkiss’ Codification ana Cobb’s Analvs ; sand I'UlM** 1.. ,1.... kt. e. .. flj‘ I , , „ 1 this State is 25 per cent , less than stated in those pub- ] lieatious The Act of 1818, increasing their fees 50 pei ccm hemp repealed by Act ol 1819. placing the increase to only 25 per cent, on the old fee, will be found in Friac<“—consequently nil Jailors have received end are ii. w daily receiving 25 per cent, more fees than allow ed ny law, caused by the inadvertence ot the authors ol pu: liettlions, ns well as the committees who ex auiAied them for publication. JAMES SMITH, j i c. THUS HARDEMAN,j i. a „ N C. MUNROE, j. i. c. Macon, August 18, 1847. PLUM STREET SEMUriIY <A I) JACF. N T TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH) rtxHK Subscriber m*p-ctfully notifying his patrons I and the citizens of Macon, that Ins vacation will j terminate this week, and lus school hr resumed on Monday next, the 23J inst. JOHN O’KEEFFE Aug 18, HIT \ I If. MiLI.I AM 11. 1111 IV is my millions.*'! j iTJ Agem dining my absence from th • Suite WM II DIBBLE. Macon, August 18, 1847. 4tJO BAGGING, ROPE, TWI..E, &5T Of\f\ PE’S Hand 15 mch Kentucky Ik ■ i g >2UU2oO- 4S “ 125“ 52 25 i Coils inch Rope. 1000 llm three ply Bagging Twine. 2250 Sacks Salt. For sale by CHARLES CAMPBELL, ACO Ug. 8, 1847 8f BBLS Northern Whisk< \. 30do New Orleans Rectified, lOhhds Cuba Molan-s, 5 do. St. Croix Sugar, 20 boxes soap, small bar, mat Received ly T (’ DEMPSEY, i A apt 18 m Cotton Avmile. GENTLEMENS’ FINE BOOTS. IUST receive I, Gentlemens’ fine French Calf Boots, tile latest style, and tor sale t y MIX Sl KIRTLAND. \:- 18 1847 80 GENTLEMENS’ GAITERB. JUST Received, Gentlemen’s colored and black Cassninere (inters,and lor sale by MIX Si KIRTLAND Aug .14,1847. 20 LALIES’ GAITER BOOTEES. I I ST R *c- iv * l, Ladies’ colored and black Gaiter Boot- e , and for bale Ly MIX Sl KIRTLAND. Aug. 13, 1847 20 MUSS AND CHILDREN GAITER BOOTEES. I UST K < rive I. Misoes and Children colored aini J black Gaiter Boot.-'**, and l< ; - I • by MIX A KIRTLAND \ 18 1841 80 LOST, ON the Central Railroad,on tie- Utli August, 1347, between Macon and Emmett, Station No 15, u sued I illfick Trunk, marked S lv B ,a little used. i wib my writing drak and ftU my payera boride*, and ( ott* i things of ininortarue to me. Any mlormutun fefltoectmg it lodged with Dr BARTi4tn , Macon,or my ■ wK at Einmett, will Le fhatiklully received, and u suit- . •ble reward given lor the Trunk S E BOWMAN. Auj. 18,1847. 8i) NOTICE. FTMIIB is to forewarn all piTsons from trading for A 1 Note given by Dr Edgwortb to Joel Met u n ion, b*r the sum of Two liundied IMiuih, my name princi- ! |w! and the >Mid Doctor and D>i\id tiiimidge, S'eurity ; | lated the 7th of August, as well sx i cun reeol leet , payable m 24) daya ftom date Whieh Note 1 1 tun d* teiiniiß'd not to pay until compelled b> law URIAH HLAITKY Houston 00., Aug. IH, IHI7 3t2U TO HE3MT. THK il'’Uw . l, ( i.u;t-h"n Bt pri’M- nl j Ljii oct'upied liy F. H Owen. , aUo, .Ui, huune uu | next to Mr fopr'a blucknmih ] ; ami n Hiniil! naunoa Wnhmt-Mrcrt. oiipumlt- ilir nwj.nw ot Mr. K I’ L>'wi. gnofn on Ur, I'.l Octotw-r IH Al I'.ir l*'in-n,*nly In I>A\ 11) KKI i>. Ay-rit A hr. IT. In 17 hit NOTICE. \LI. IVr-onF haviriK d.-mnn-ln agftmat the r.fttc ol . John, lately 4tc. ii-,,,!, ot IVnkrit. aouvoonljr, arr rrojutratatl to present th in in trrnis Ihr law . any i uwmy Mid aatat* ar.‘ r<q jr.n and to innki paymoni JOHN CHUM BLEY, F . , JO. HE LKI'.MULEY.i v,,n “"- AouMi, lAI7. HO aXcOjI ANU I.AKD. OO 000 ll ” rKI.ME BACON and LARI), 2U.UUU tut tine hy A BENTON Auj 9, 1117. 19-Iw TOMOCHICHI DIVISION NO. 1, 8. OF T. PLEDGE. No Brother shall make, buy, Wr w Dell, or use as a beverage, any Soirituous or Mult Liquora, ”* neor y/rV ITT* Titis Division meets reg ax.iunxiir ‘at,Jr* ularl* Ivsry rRiDAV ivEN' 7 o'clock, at their Hall * WM DIBBLE, W. P. R. P. GUYARD, R 3. , April LIS47. 43 FEMALE INSTITUTE, COLUMBUS. r 17HE next term willcoinnienceon the first ofOeiotwr, I ami enrl about tile middle of July, at which time there will be a public Examination. TEACHERS. Rev. THOMAS U SLADE, A M. Principal Mrs. Ann J., “1 Miss Janet E. Star*. I ... Miss Mart L. Slade, | Mias Ann L. Slade. J CLASSES AND STUDIES. The Institute isl divied into 1 Clnsscs. PupiN will be required to remain in each Class during the Scholastic year, and to stand an approved examination, before they can Iw? admitted into the next higher. To enter into the 4th Class, the candidate must be ! well prepared on the fundamental rules of Arithmetic, ■ anil possess a general knowledge of Geography and I Grammar. Studies of the Fourth Class.—Spelling, Reading, Wilting, Arithmetic, Geography, English Grammar and ComjKjsition. Studies of Tm: Third Class—Spelling, Reading, • riting. Grammar, Arithrimtic. Algefrn rv>tntv'*n'*t*a, ascot (Robes, Auc'Uit G Mirra phy ~n,| ( cmv : on Sti pies ok li: MNM C-LASi —Rending, S| -liing, V nting, Algebra, (.eothetry. History, Botany, itheto j ric. Grammar and Composition. I St* nits of -he F:r-t Ci.\ss —Moral and Mental Ili iosojihv. Natural Philof-ophy. Astronomy, M ••rrl “r ; vi Botany, History, Logo, Grammar and Com ; pooition. I ; r ’ Languages taught in extra Cl uses. Hnt**a i ♦ T*iitior ’ln fin idva.ico* Tuition. Scholastic year, (including Vocal Music 050 pp M - e. (Piano.). . .50 0U Dmw.tiL Paimitiu and Embroidery, |>er annum. .35 00 i Km broidery nlor.c 10 I*o | Contingent Expense . .2 oik ! P'jf month. (Cjindles, Sheets. Pillow-ca.-- s. I owclsan I \\ aspingexcept'* t.) in oo I August 11, 1847 7wl‘J SIUARB BALES. Bullock s compound lkver cotton PRKSSKS, b* ing recently simplified and improv ed. are now oflered to those wishing to put up Square Bales as a superior article to any in use. An examination ot their construction and principle, by those who study true economy, and wish a good ami permanent article, is solicited that they may se and m Ige for themselves. ‘ Pric.’s, Rightv-tive Dollars, deliveied in Macon, which includes trie whole of the outlit of Irons. Rope, Patent Right,&c. Annexed is biU of Timber fur Same. 4. . . .pieces.. . .22 feet long, 10 by 10. lf> “ “ 10 by 10 I “ 21 “ “ 10 by 10 1 “ 15 “ “ 6by (i. * “ 16 “ “ 12 hy ls. 1 “ 12 “ “ 12 hy 20. 1 ‘ 5| ** “ 9by 24. 2 “ 15 “ “ 3by 8. 2 “ 15 “ “ sby 5. 1 10 “ “ 12 by IJ. I ’’ 7 4 “ 12 by 14. 1 “ 9 “ “ 4hy 12. 10 good plank 18 l< • Iby 12. 1 “ 25 “ ‘ 4by 12 3 scintlmgs 20 *• “ 3by 4. Also. Gin (leering ot Ml sizes, kept constantly on ham! ; gee ring tor Meichunt Mills, Cotton Factories nil I Mill-Stones of every and -erit t n.fu tiished to order at Foundary of R I* LN DLA V , Macon, Geo. Aug 11, 1347. 1 19 Cotton Tresses for Sale. r lll IE Cotton Presses ( Hulloc/c’* Talent.) heretofore L used in the Pack ng establishment m this city, will be sold if immediate application is made, at very re duced prices including frame work. windlas, nnd every thing complete for each press, and sold in consequence of the proprietors having discontinued the re packing business Apply to ROBFRT FINDLAY. Macon, July 14, 1847. if PROPOSALS IITILL he received at the Office of the Macon and v y Western Railroad until the evening of the 18th instnnt, for drnving all the Freights passing between the Central and Macon and Western Railroads, for one year, commencing on the Ist of September next. EMERSON FOOTE, Siqierintendent. Macon August 11. 1847. 19 DE LOACHE &. WTLOOXSON, JB’ Manufacturers and Dealers in i CARRIAGES ANH uaiuuSS ! —’'VT*” F.VERY PLSiRIPTION, j Mulberry Street, Macon, Georgia. Dc L AW have conotantly for sale, on the beet terms, ELITTIC SPRINGS, AXELS. STEPS. BANDS, LAMPS, CO Al H LA’ t TATCVT AND TOP LEATHER, Plated and Japanned Harness Mountings, Paints, Oils, Varnish, btc. March 10.1847. CARRIAGES, (at the old sta.-cd of the LATE F WRIOLSr ) JM ’K; B A large assortment of fine COACHES. I B A R ROUC H LS, ROCK A W A YS, dt ; BUGGIES, (with and without topa,) •*** **— direct from J. M. Quinby s celebrated j manufactory. Newark, N .1 Persons wishing good Carriages, will find it to their ; j interest to examine these artioles before purchasing else where, ns a large assortment will be kept constantly on hand and offered on the most favorable terms Orders received for Carriages built to any pattern, ’ nnd warranted to do good service ami give satisfaction, I both in article and price T. II PLANT, Macon. I)ec 30, lB4f. 46 A; nt. .iDOi.EKi - A KORRI3 & WESTCOTT Ip.vr on hanrl fJtojfiP. s first nte of BADDLEB. ItAR- ‘ # ;s > imi CARRIAGE TRIM MIN( S. ot ’ ?, n kin ,M ,\v!iidi they will sell at prices to suit tlte i.incs. i | Ti* ir facilities are su. h and t they car se 11< jver than i any other rstahli. hinent oft’r.e kir iin the *ity Give us h call I'efo-e you hiy. is all w ?inR fora re- j commends lioi REPAIRING done at reduced pi ices, I in a work’imn-lik'* in inner. Cotton \ve iue,r.*xt door to A. J Sl I). W. Orr. Dec :< 18 1? NEW BFRING GOODS. ffIHE subscri’ er has just opened new and coni- I plefe -itu* rtment of StspL and Fai cy l'ry Goods for the spring trade, which vrill lie offered at tric*s that esnnot fail of insuring them quick sale. fVraons in j want of Dry Gomls would do well to call and examine I the stock and price* To my fricmls in the country. 1 1 would ju*t say. call and see me—you shall have good J Goods nt th** lowest prices. j Among the stock are rich Embroidered Berages;. rich embroidered Muslins nnd Ginghams; fine * printed Jaconet; fine printed Muslins and Lawns; Scotch, English and French Ginghams. Linen Ging* hams. A re attfilul assortment of embroidered grvvds, consisting •>! Robes. Col la is, Chcmisetts, Caiiea, Edg ; mgs and liurrtmgs. Embroidered Lace Handkerchiefs. ’ Sic Ac Jaconet Muslin*, Swiss Muslins, plain and striped; Irish Linens; Table do.; 40 inch pillow case Linen; Scotch nnd Russia Diaper; HnckahuCk Towel ing: Cotton Dhiper; Da mask ‘fable Cloths: Damask Napkins; colored Linen Table Covers; Corded Skirts, Grass do.; Check Linens; Monterey Striped Cussi mero Kentucky Jeans; Cotton Cossiincre ; Bleached Uptid Brown lloiii-sjmns Monn**tts, Ribbons, Artificial rlowcr • l tub * lias. Parasols, S it, Shades,and a thou sa.ll and o.- other articles, winch every om wants.— All of winch shall le- sold low fo* - cash. April I, 1847. 7 JOB MURDOCK BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE. rllilE Muh*< ibei is now his full supplies of I IJRIH’IiRiKH, which lie off*is to his old lrtends and the public generally, at unusual low prices. We have now in *:,rr, an i are receiving, 300 pieces heavy Cunny Bagging, 200 pieces heavy K Mitueky do. 150 coils Kentucky Rope, 50 coils Manilla do 100 Ilia Twine, 1 2,000 sacks Salt, 10,000 lbs Sweedes Iron, 1,000 lb*. Band. Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 hhda St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, Lord, Crush* and and Powdered do. R)0 hags Km and Java Coflee, 50 Lixes Tobacco, 100 kegs Nails, 1,000 lb? Cast, German and Bhst"r Steel. Abo PAIN PS AND OILS of every ifererintion. M.icon, April I, 13-17. E. BOND. 4UU N <1 Wtankey, 50 hhi*. Bill in tore dn 3U hall pipes • Haul Bum 1) , s** “ Champ#giu ho. r> pi|4*s J lofland (:n, 50 (jr. mak* Maileira Wine, •JO “ “ Port do. 10 ** “ Sherry do. 100 casks I/ondon rorter, pint#, ‘JO bbln. Brandy, In store. oid lor hm> by April W i KTOTT.I CRHAKT4CO. vugarS inn IKIDB NVw Orleans, *.H> do St Croix, IvU4u do Mu*covado, 5J bbk Crushed and Powdered, 15 boxes Whit*’ Hamnnn, SO do Loaf, For anie by r notice I N order to suit the MNMrnIMII ol citsmtnere. i w;U I mini the Kegiltu and Leon Dove Segura by th Joxen, the Sugar. Tea ami (’utlL-e by tie |tound ( ami the lore mu Lqimtu by the gallon. Kobnwin'i Ale, such ns ia used in the New York hotels, a superior article, just received and lor wile low by the barrel Till S C DEMPSEY, April Jo. 147. 4 Coitoa Avenue, LAW SCHOOL AT AUGUSTA. I MONDAY,the-18(1, day ofTVtgher Aue , i, 78)7, w M TKA,;Y *“: NA.WI EI. 11. BI.AKE, Attorney at law, Macon,ga., Dracticea in the Courts of Bibb, Craw.'ord, Monw, Jonca rw.ggs, Hot Lion. Dooly and Puh-ki, „ tbc Suprem, SMhSSSTi Milledgeville, Savannah, Hawkina vfile, Talboiton, Amrriena nnd D-ratur, and in thr Fed- ? r f l £ ot j rt Dt MiHedgeville and riavannah. All businesa owl M !!’ r,,r '’ will •>;’ prompt nttemwn. woU & Gi%en" ry ,lrCe '’ ° VCr “** lJr " 6ujre ot Shot Macon, July 21,15M7. y [6 i.i i ucie j. m.iAvV, ATIORKEYAJ law. _ . „ McDonough, ga Refer to Sc-orr, Cahhart Sl Cos May 6, , ]f6 Or. HOIIF.Rr .)< IMI rCRHON. ” HAVINi; petmanentjy located iu this place, ten di rs lua pr.>£’wiemal rvicea in th<‘ ciiizena cfMu con and,ta vicinity. 11, hop,, by to bnanj* to merit a ahare ofpaMi," patronage H.a other la on 2.1 st , in th, building formerly occu pied bytlie Macon Mewcnper. Macon, June 23.1847. \ i .*!*V I*. *; \\\ •, v ~, fl.ueUon'&-Ad Commission Merchants uni 3; o.'wadmj’ Aisnti, Vae.,,J,dvtn.,.U7 VC<>N fiu roiujit Factor and Cammis.- ini Mcriaaf, No. 11?, Ha • Sfic.'i, oar.-notth, Geo. W'Jd- frtr ic ,! to the- and „t \\ teuton, Com 1>:..„r,; and w make_ .iberal cafli advancea on lo hb ILmt Ejttfc,—Mr Juiiifa A. Nisbet 1 K. It. We ! ) J U R •’ v- r-Vueon. t.r .vea, VC. „,| A,Co J like Hi. kiAnsm, A,iTv*tn. 8raf1,.,, A Yo„np Mari':la. July 21, 1847. ‘ ‘ ‘ >,crw * C Telegraph copy one year JOHN JONES iV SON^ (LATE JONES AND 110 LT) wvfjrjs et ft ism: AND co w mission >i i: r chants MACON, Gko. June 23, IS 17. tfl!2 NT AGE LINE FROM THE STONE MOUIVTADf VIA TAW RENCEVILLE TO CMIWESVtLLE ■■tirta. . . underaign- and contractora, are now tPK-SyAn'nni.'g a Uy .Stage from the Gaineaville Tlw R, M °“"■ ?i” ‘ l ’ l - : ‘"reueevdle and 111 I hr rataoe will leae tli • Slone immediately upon the arrival 0f,!,, ,arr from every Monday, Wednoa lav, ami Friday n onfinc und arrive at (Jameeville game Jay. It wtll leave every Tuesday. Tliumday, al.d .Saturday arrive at the Sumo Mountain in time tor the -lepimurc SAMUEL F ALEXANDER, JOSEPH FOX, July 20, 1847 (hvl7 Contractor,. The Savannah Republican will please publiahthe a bove weekly lor six weeka. and forward ill “ir bill to the contractors at LawrcncevUle. BTEAMSHIP SOUTHERNER. ork—To leave on the 7th August next. R! "J’ AOUTHERNEk. Ml>M- -Caw. M. Berry, will leave Adgei’a wharf . Saturday Aiternoan, the 7tn August at 5 o’clock precisely. THIS WILL BE THU LAST TRIP OF THE bWriIERN EK. when she wiH J lauf up and refitted forth- brill bigness, resuming her trips early m September, of which due notice will be given, ror r rejtrht or Passage, having snlrridid stat roDm accommodations, opp'v m rfi,. nflW 0 f t h- Agen* _ r , „ nfiMiv misskoon; rk, D Lr w!!? x. v ! Bo > ri ’ &CoV. wharf Cabin Faarnge 92 > No kea ot ‘my kind to be t>aid onboard. Bertha not aoriimi until paid (or rr*r S "-“"*'J’ N\>H riIERNER, Cap-. 1 hoa. S. Build, w expected to be reedy nnd will take y I,bf denputrhed ham inch purl on errry Saturday, Auguat 4 3wlß TO RENT. THE Dwelling on M tihiut end Tmrd atreeta, .ki;ii now occupied by Memra. W. Kr. enian and Bivtna. Ihr House is large nnd pleasnmly located. For terms, apply to A Kit harps, who til riot as my agent mlkvla # wanted to hire >.A \ EEL Private Residence in some J .V plearmnt and healthy pan ol tl.i. city.wiu sl”r a dwelling ior a nudling sized family Any person having Such n house au<fUu to let, will find a tenant by a Idreaeing Box No. 111. 1’ (>ff' ice July 11. MM7 t fjs Krw ok. ! / J H r ,''u ,, flerioe-. “,■■ }* f< r- • • n f-vorble trims, Lia pioui.t.) n.n ti uso i Cos on *! • road from Mneon to i eiiy, 2d uj:.-n fnu.i tiacun a :.i o miles from Petn-. I he place contains 9) U aci scud about 600 open, 150 nc:* H fresh land, •*nJ t!i” wnolc ia exc llcnt repair and | much improved byai, ( :: -erofj -sra m:..taring. The | plantation can be &en by applying to M.. iPrrbnok, I ruy ovt tiwr, who is on t *p t. h A. NISRET. Mm cun (i o. J-i*y 2thh UvtV. luti PLANTaTIDI7 NEAR MACON FOIi SALE. r P‘J& fl S t.*ii h.T pl-intation on L tit- Ueu.-:lree river, 24 mil lm. ih,- cit} of Macon, ex .tain*og 53Macrt o[ L -id—ifaout 130 clear cd a .tl i.nptuv* * Wiiii gc .1 . i r;;c bam, new ►tab!* .ml negro cabins. The vrm ic i> rich riv ootlom Ittivl. 1 h ■* cHciued fr? i „< hue order, rp wnh proper roll*vgiro . *\ ii \. . I, wit -oat manure, fift busnels ot corn, and in tn* opinion of competent judge a heavy oalt oj cotton, per an e. ’i tu* timber and pr. I duce will find a ready market in Alsuou—wah wok | there is good connection byroad and river, and w;i | the sembord, by the River and Hnilroa Any one d< | torous ot going into the wood or planting business, wn find in tins place a mine of weal th, there lx mg 400 acre, ot the best timbered iund, and a noil which is not sur passed in the Southern States. ‘Penns liberal. Apply soon to J H. R. WASHINGTON. Macon, August 11,1817. 4t19 TO RENT. rpWO Stores and several < the Floyd House Range of Buildings. Apply to July 7, 14 C. DAY & CO. TO RENT. A two story Dwelling House, situated on the |L*B f, ast side of the C<urt lions ■ square, with all XIUIL suitable cutbuildmgp. Apply to Ma. on. Aug 4.1847 fit 18 \N M T ATKINS. TO RENT 4 N OFFICE, next door to Shetwell dt Gilbert’s T\. Drug Store, on Third Street. Apply to 8. C. GILBERT. Macon, Aug. 11, 1347. 19 FOR HENT. 4 N OFFICE, ami a Sleeping Rr>otn over the Store I\. occupied by the subscribers Porweasion given Ist October next. C. DAY, dr CO. Tor Bent. store occupier* by Mi J. O. Ilodgeo,and aLIh X recently by Messrs. Watts 6i Moulton, cor- JUkner of Cherry and ‘Phird streets. The Brick Stores occupied by Motors. J. Seymour. Hall dr. Brant ly, and L V alentitto, on Cherry t , and the Store occu pied by Messrs. Clark dt Experience, on the aanie itraet,and the Hall occupied by Franklin Lodge, No 2, f 0.0 F , on Third st —powvitoion piven on the Ist of October next. Also, the Store, corner of Cotton Avenue and Second at., and the Store next Mr. T ‘ray tor, on Colton Avenue. Poos. hsm>ii given ini mediately. Apply to T C. DEMPSEY, Cotton Avenue. July 7, 1817. 14 CONASENA LIME KILN. Mil W. 8 BROWN having withdrawn firm tin above tstublialum‘l it, tlu* business will henttier bt conducted by the mibacrilN’r. Ail orders tor Lime will meet with prompt aticntiou. Addreas O A. HOWARD Kinttiton, Ct Mf Cl., Ga Aug 4 4tlrt BLUE LICK WATER.” TIT ATEU of die t’pper Dim L- k Spring*. Kv., ? f containing more concent:; id ninlieiiialvirtu a, th'ii’ tli*’ BMMvfcbraird Spnnip’ < i the country, bein miK .i more etliciem than the celebrated (‘ongreaa Spring r. in OysiH'prttN, Li\.i t .ms, Ciunmw We append toi ih. cunoua and sci entific ati aiuilyaisaa made by an able chemist. 1 sulphurated hydrogen. 51 catbomc acid, 9 muriate ofaoda, 4 muriate ol magnesia, 5 muriate of lime, 6 sulphate otTime, 7 sulphate ofaoda, H sulphate mag nesia, ‘J carbonate of lime, and probably a trace of oar Inmate of magnesia For salt* by the bottle, or in larger quantities. by J.H- L W H. Ei.US ‘i ‘ i it*7 IMI CHEROKEE LIME. M'llE k.‘< p a full supply of the above ar- I tide on han't, ami ad lit at IIM dollar and • fkr Irr par boa, 1m M*A only jkpnil 1. 4? tiCUTT. C AKUART fc CQ, •