Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, September 29, 1847, Image 1

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15V 8. ROSK & CO. I „ r. CiIVPM \Y A: S. BOSK, Editors. TERMS. 0 Journal Messenger is publish™! eve- I ‘A>lnmly mominS in tll< ‘ *“>’ ** th ” ■ i*" v, " s nKDncKn rates: lii mid strictly in advance , per year $2 SO I ijlyaiduindraiie II i ,1 Mid till the ewl of the year tOO H n ‘wivi* (mil*will bo ritfi.lly enforced, without rc ■ Tfo' !1, n* the object of the Puhlishera i* to ilo ■ “f I ''n.Tiriy possible upon the r.usli principle— ■ bu* l " 1 " 1 '” | , their Bitlißcriborß should reap the profits M goto aßents and collectors. In no case H k “aiier be writ out of tin- Suite unless fiixt pnid ■ will^ydisfnctory reference is yiven m Macon or itfl I V|,;l 1 l , l i v fnTNE M ENTS inserted at the usual rate*— II limited when handed in, will be inserted till H ‘ ‘T e but -I liberal discount will be allowed to person* ■ foe”' 1 ! , r , t., v t he vesr. and who pay oil demand. ■ who J 1 t j,j,. n( ,tiees, nnd obituary notices of over I I J', will be e'nrr lattb - usual rates, ■ 1 . . m ,mnceinents ol candidates lor otlice.tobe paid H / , the usual rates, when inserted. I “literal arrangements made with County Officers, H Pri.vii*l-. Auctioneers, and others, who may wish to I"'f.2nilfo i!l - wtl* observe the following: ■ V, n.ofU'm t and N'egris-s, by Executor*. Adinims ■ trstnis and tluardians, are required by law to Is- ndver ■ |”!|„, a public naze lie, sixty days previous to the day H w i, s must be held on the tint Tuesday in the Id between die hours of ten m the forenoon and ■ .dtemoon, at the Court House in the county Htalfiirh the property is situated. ■' 1 i'll, W I,. S ol Personal Property must be advertised in H ‘y“"! I)’ litots'and Creditors of an Estate must be B P 'Vu're that apphcatitiu will he made to the Court of ■ (S’ -w for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must Is: weekly for four months. is,,r I.Vtti rs „f Administration nrusi tie puli ul. | . ,/ay -nor Dismission trout Administration, .„, r months -for Dismission from (iuardtati- I* 1 /ppMhirhi'-eelosureof moruia IP . must Is- published far lour months — for • staiilishinp lost Papers, full space of three months lor couipedime tl- K\e. imp- , r Administrator- where a bond has ava I,v tin deeeased, the full spare of three ■ ■ : j- 1,. tiers on business to lie post-paid. BLAKE & SMITH, ATTORN lEB AT I.AW, Macon, Ga. ■T’ ILL attend to all professional business entrusted |\V to their rare, in Bibb and surrounding counties. |Sept lb. 1847. i M/riiER J. ATTORitfEV AT X.AW. McDonough, ga. I Refer to Scott, Carhart & Cos. ■ May 6, 1847 *Jy4 J R. H. L. BUCHANAN. Attorney at Law, Spring Place, Murray County. \Y ILL attend faithfully to all professional business It entrusted to Ins care, in the severtil Courts of Br Cherokee Circuit. ■ September 1, 1847. 22 ts DENTAL CARD. fpHE undersigned respectfully acknowledge the re ■ ceipt of many urgent applications for nn immedi m return to our Operating Rooms in Macon, and ■> ..ii sincerely tender them our best thanks for former Bi-iness and unreserved patronage*—stating that pres- Hl engagements in the up country, will necessarily de- Hn ns until about the Jstli of October next. I Respectfully, LOMBARD & PUTNAM. I September 15th, 1817. 4t24 I)r. ROBERT JI PATTERSON. STAVING permanently located in this place, ten- B ‘b rs his professional services to the citizens of Ma- H) and its vicinity. He hopes by prompt attention 1 ■ h'lsine* to merit a share of public patronage. His office is on 2d st., in the building formerly occu m bvth - Macon Messenger. ■Mnron, June 23,1847. 12 ts P. MACINTYRE, XVI. D. {ESP ECT WILLY lenders his services, profesion- j ally. to the citizens of Macon and vicinity, in the ‘ pi era! irnctice ot Medicine and Surgery. Office at ■ ->i f tic >on Third Street, near Walnut. ■epiemoer I, 1847. 22 6w [ TZSE X J. WILLIAMS T] S takon the WASIIIVUTON HALE, and JJ rqui-.'is -i continuance of the public patronage i ■c,n, April 1,1817. b j I Confectionary and Grocery. I 11. DOliil n is receiving his new supply of , B Goods in his line, among which he particularly | attention of his customers to Hibio- article of old Brandy, Madeira, Port and Clar et 8 ilk-8; Spices, Preserves, Cakes, Candies; assort met of Segnrs of various brand:- imported Havanna Sugars. ■- keep a constant supply of Oranges, Apples, H>n.y otatoes. Cheese, Butter, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Ht ‘, and other nuts ■U other articles usually kept in that lina. m kbhD the keg. BS LOAOHE & WaLCOXSON. .4U Rlanafactureni anil Dealers m CARRIAGES AND HARNESS ■ or EVERY DESCRIPTION, ■ Mulberry Street, Macon, Georgia. I H\ A W have constantly for sale, on the beaMerms, ■ ELIPTIC springs, axels, steps, bands, ■ COACH LACE —patent AND TOP LEATHER, H lalc, ‘ and. Japanned Harries.-* Mountings, ■ Paints, Oils, Varnish, 6jc. CARRIAGES, the old stand of tiie late f. wriqi.ey.) .By A birgp nssortment of fine COACHES ■ > BAluli iUCHKS. ROCKA W A YS,4t UUUUIES, (with imd without toils,) Ln*,.... I ' iriTt fn> m J M. (Juinky’s colehnitvil Newark, N J kXt m iwnomf ir" 1 ’ “ ,rui nee. ill find it to their i„‘” “ artu lea before purchasing t-lse - Killl / . ‘ft’ will he kept eonstamly on K’ ‘ 1 ™ tli*- most lav oraUe term* I’Su 1 ” Carriage* hud, to any patten., K ,n'c\e !,l a nd” , a , n(f ‘ve satiable,ion, “rocie and price. ‘I ii i*i anj'i* Dee 30, 1846 Vr rLAN I, II *\ODI,Vs: KiI)DI.IA! J* “ ESTCOTT htive on hand ■ v”. r t , . r< -aasonment “I S \HOLES II \K- Hh whit i‘ it R n IA,iK TKI ” MINGS, oi It,"limes JT T"* !••••*• <••! Ilie tunes rlt i t l h’ , I h< ->/"' 1 ,*U lower than r eHtubhuhim-nt >f the kind in the city. cril! ®f}vrr y° u b,, y* n ll we ask fora re- Iv 1.1 AIIUNti done tit reduced pi tees, bite manner. „,. xt door, o A .1 & 1). \V Orr. I *•*•••* Livery mimMc. r PME “‘‘'lcrMgtird rouped fully inform ■lPf’ 1 l ' l *“ u lri* i. I**an i ilic |nil|ir, ihn( they vm for the &/ J AND Ll\ ,! Tlietr Slablia are inn , /’ l) HOUSE, and every attention tram-rain order to give geiicinl antia i,*ru r L! ar *'’ new **"l eommodioua, with y raivrntrnt. IVrantiH would Howell Ul N. HAWKINS, rtl.uw J VV HaSrl& St ates Mail X,ine--ally, ■* Vvll AND WIIAKLESTON k "" w ” TI"IkM Steam-Packru si ll Capt. J : V. ,Brook* t idu’ Capt. J Harden, o r „‘ * r ‘'• • *..Capt. T. Lyon r M ‘ wlnr b’ between fiuvannah and ,0,, I * vunn uh every murniuif nt 2 o'* , 11 morning at 9 o’clock pre* 1 tiiari,## 1 “Mv w board, ni the rk! * u,n HtcHin.Ptt. ket VVhurt, or to U'Xfch i A.LAFITTE, Ayrnt Kln .. * U V'. k,r will br J , v * ( ° • Afrma ntChartruton, if 117 ‘l l '** uj eeMMMaefevif. ,wj,L’V’ “nother large lot of winnow u,j„ w . and of diinotniona I. -L, AUI “Oine tiluck Walnut Wind I* ’rite fmrdi which cannot foil imV iW” *><•**._Jura received a wid, L* Jlanuinira, Hordern, an,l Kir* A,*, | “ mdow ShatOTa be„ t r l 1 Mataul arvcral iltAerent kuida 7 (lEO. W PRICE Georgia Mmxmd mb JUtssetigcf: Can- News I Late New! ihut tiorn Mexico, hut tram the I‘eopleo Store. DH 4i. tttlits sedlinp’ lower than ever before in tins market New Roods received monthly, du niift the busiiie** senaon, ol the most desirable styles leas.; not tee the lollowlng, now in store, which are *el hngwith a perfect rush. Manana Silkp, Kmc Bern Res, selling from 2f> els. to $1 ‘ Mnahna “ 2S to 50 cents ’ Ginghams,” “ lriio37 “ Trims, -- •• cto 25 1 urasola, “ “ 25 eta. to 500 “ Umbrella* “ “ 37 cut to SOO Bonnets, Arnfieitils, Ribbons, Carpet Bags, Suteh els, Lartietiiig, Matting, (ex Sec. 1-tench Cassimere, Grade Ta, LinnenDrilling, and boons for Gentlemen's wear, of all descriptions. House-Keeping Goods. In ibis line of trade I nm perfectly in town, and would particularly invite those just beginning in this branch ol me, together with those who have had much experi ence. Also, Scarfs, Shawls, Cravatta, Chimaaets, French work Caps, Thread ttml Linen Laces, Bobinett, Mus qittti. Nettintr. Nankeens, Brown Linen, Linen Sheet ing, 12-4 wide, bleached and brown Domestics, Gloves, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ready Made Cloth ing, Sex. Slc. A teic I. O O. F. Grand Ijulese Regalias, for nale lout. Please call and examine tor yourselves- we alw > get pnid for showing. Kespectiullv „ „ JOHN W. CLARK. Macon, May 5, 1847. 6 QHKI'G 4111.1.1NF.1f V—Mra,DAMOUR V J IS leceivnig her new supply of the above goods, and would respectfully request her old customer* and the public generally, to give hcra call ami look at her stock before they purchase elsewhere. She is determined to sell goods as low as anyone in the city, anil of a supe rior article. Her stock of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers Embroideries, Dress Silk Go<sls and Sltuwla, cannot be equalled in this part of the country. Macon, April 21, 1847. VERY CHEAP DRY GOODS ! N MeKINNON &. CO. would invite all persons , m want of dry goods, to call and examine their .\no and Seasonable Stock, consisting of Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheet ngs, Tickings, Checks, Ginghams, Prints, Linens, Linen Drillings, fine and common Cloths, Muslins, Lawns, Silks and Dress Goods generally, together with almost every other arti cle usually kept in the Dry Goods line. Ail of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash, or to punctual customers on the usual time. Macon. April 1, 1847 4 CLOTHS, CASSIMERB, VESTINGS, &C. OUPKR West of England Black, Blue-black, Blue, kj Invisible Green, Brown, and Fancy Cloths, an ex cellent assortment London Tweedes, Franch and American Cassimers. Velvet,Satin, Marseilles, and Fancy Vestings, Just received by N MeKINNON St. CO. April 1, 1847. 33 NEW BERAGES. Oz\ PIECES Shaded, Satin Stripe and Spotted Ber -O\J ages, some very handsome,just received at April 14 2 E WOODRUFFS. BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, &.C. O 0 A FCFS Kentucky Bagging, 250 lo Gunny do 100 coils Manilla nnd Kentucky Rope, 1000 lbs Bagging Twine, 25 hhds St. Croix, P. R. and N. O. Sugar. 10 boxes white Havana and Loaf do 10 bbls Crushed and Pulverised do 150 Ings Java and Rio Coflee, 15 hhds Molasses, 100 kegs Nails, 6000 lbs Castings, 20000 lbs Sweedes Iron, flat, round and square, 100 bbls Whiskey, Gin and Rum. Pipes and half pipes Cog- Brandy and Holland Gin Madeira, Port and Malaga Wine, Soerrn, Linseed, Lard and Train Oil, 50 boxes Tobacco, assorted, cut, chewing and smoking, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Soap, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Indigo, Madder, Sp. Brown, Copperas, Saleratus, Sal Nitre. Salts, Camphor, Blue Stone, Brimstone, Alum. Borax, Yountr and old Hvson, Black and Imperial Teas. With many other articles, making my stock very complete. All ol w’hich will be sold at the lowest mar ketprices. AMOS BENTON. Macon, Sept 1, 1847 22 NEW FALL GOODS rpHE subscriber is now receiving a large and bcauti- J. fill 9tock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, to which he would call the attention of purchasers be fore buying. This stock consists of alt kinds of Worst ed and Cotton Goods suited to the season, and of the latest styles, which will be sold cheap. AMOS BENTON. Sept. 22, 1842. 25 13 AI \ ‘I'S, iHI* S. A'O • —Just received from the “New York Brook Iyn White Lead Company” No. 1, No. 2, Extra and Pure White Lead. Also in Stoic—Linseed and Tanners Oil; Spirits Turpentine ; Varnish ; Lampblack ; Putty,Paint,Brush es, &.c , &e PATTEN & TAYLOR. April 1, 1847 27 BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE. 1 /\/\ BALES Gunny Bagging. IUU 100 pieces Kentucky Bagging. 150 coils Rope, 5 bales Bam'ing Twine. For sale by GRAVES, WOOD &. CO. August 4, 18-17. if. 18 OSNABURGS, DOMESTICS, AC. BALES Osnaburgs. JU 50 “ Cotton Yarns, 50 “ 3-4 anil 4-4 Brown Homespuns, 5 Cases Janes, 10 “ Kerseys. For sale by GRAVES, WOOD & CO. August 4, 1847. ts-18 SUGAR, COFFEE, AC ezfi HHDS. P. R , St Croix and N. O. Sugar, ! *JU 100 sacks Rto Coffee, 10 hhds Molasses, 150 boxes Tobacco, various brands, 30 “ SoSp, 10 “ Starch, Ac. &c. 10 “ Sawaparilla and Sirawlwrry Syrup*, For sale by GRAVES, WOOD A CO. August 4. 1847. ts-18 NEW GOODS. m Packages HANDSOME GINGHAMS,(New Style.) *2O “ Brilliants and French Jaeoßets. 5 “ 81, VI and 101 Table Diaper, 8 doz. Linen ‘fable Cloths. 50 Packages Bonnet Ribbon- 1 , (New Style.) Linen Camb'k Handkerchiefs, Ac. Ac. Just received by GRAVES, WOOD, A CO. Macon, August 11, 1847. 19 BALT, SALT\ I 1000 Tr'&l?’ | August 4 tt-lH GRAVES, W(K)D A CO. 8. F. DICKINSON, A CO. ) T J AV E lust received XI 100 lids. St. Cx and Porto Rico Sugar. 400 hags Rio Coffee, 50 “ Lnguini and Java. 150 kegs Superior Nails 75 packages Staple Dry Goods, which will be sold low. Macon, 11th August, 1847. 19 8. F. DICKINSON, A CO, TOBACCONISTS, \RE now receiving *250 packaged ’I obacco, the most complete as sortment ever ofh-rrd in this market. Macon, 11th August, 1817, 10 S. F. DICKINSON, A CO. MIIVL just received . 5 Cn-*ks Baltimore superior sugar cured Can vassed Hams. 5 Tierces Cider Vinegar. Macon, 11th August, 1847. 19 REMOVAL. I T AMES SEYMOUR has removed to the Store* • I house occupied for several years past by D. and W. ’ GtTMN, where lie would h* pieaM’d to have his cu.i- I tomera call on him. Sept I. 22 ts TANARUS/ 11 OKING IMAABI ISHSI BUT I JETER A J \UGHTATTER have just received !• ari l now ofi<*r for sale, at the lowest cash prices, a new and splendid stock f gH.Jd mth ir line Conaist ingot FINE ENGLISH ami 1 REVCII CLOTHS, ! C ASSIMERS. VESTINGS, Ac , suitable for gentle ! mens wear All of which they arc prepared to make to order, in the most fashionable style, an.l at the shortest notice. Macon S- pi 88, 17 1m25 NEW BAKERY. rpilK undersigned would rwqwcthilly inform Ids - I fri nds anti the fmhlic. that Is* hn opened n NEW BAKERY, in Washington* new bnrk building on Mulberry stoet, opp mite Shot wells corner, wher- may he tound ai nil times, fn sh Bread, Rolls, Rusk. Pound Cake, Fruit Cake, Tea Coke, Sponge Cake, Sugar Stake**, Jumbles, Sugar Biscuit, Butter Cruckers, Ac. Pastry of all kind* made to order He will also furn ish Balls and Parties oil the shortest notice. J W A PER 11 OLD. Maeon, Sept. Y 2. 1817 *25 t! HYDRAULIC CEMENT. ,*T/\ CASKS’ndnle HV*lratilir Cement. f)Ufor by SCOTT, CARHART A CO. September 15, 1*47 24 MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1847. C. K. WENTWORTH & CO. ora TT AVE just received nnd now offrr I L for unle, at the lowest ensh pri /AV cch * ncw and splendid Htook of g.Mids jjtt- - if in their line—consisting of Fine field and Silver Lever, Lepine, Patent and Vertical Kacnpement GoldGuartl and Fob Chains, Keys, Slc. A great va riety of Lndiew’ and Gentlemen’s Breast Pina, Finger Ringf*, of nil pattern*; GOL tJ PF.VS with f*dd and Silver Holder*. Gold Pencil*,Gold .Sleeve and Collar Button* ; Studs ; Gold Silver Thimble*: Braeelets and Bracelet ClafljiH; Card Cases; Fine r<*n and Poek* t Knivca: Superior Scissors; Steel Ik-ads, Kings and Tusdel*; Coral Ih.-ads ; Steel Pen*, &c. WARRANTED RAZORS. Spectacles! Spectacles!—Gold ami Silver. Persons aftlieted with defective or impaired vision, are reß|iectfiilly invited to call and examine a New nnd Improved aiticie of Spectacle Glasses—for winch the subscribers are sole Agents. Also, New and Beautiful Style LAMPS; Lamp Glasses and Wicking; Plated and Bnttania Ware. Repairing.—Watches and Clocks of every descrip tion repaired and warranted for one year. All Wstrhes sold or reoaired, wtlfbe warranted to keep good time or the Cash will be refunded Watches sent from any part of the country, will re ceive the same attention and be repaired on as reasona ble I'Tine as though the owners were present. All kinds of Gold mix! Silver worn made Jewelry ol every description neatly repaired. I> VGUEHREOTYPING. The undersigned having fitted up a room an,o..u.ig their Store, are prepared to take pictures in the lest possible style. A fine assortment of Gold Lockets, Pins, and Bracelets, suitable for the above. C. K. WENTWORTH & CO. „ Ea*t Side Mulberry St. Macon June 1, 1847. 9 Cheap Tailoring Establishment. NO. 17, WIIITTAKLR STREET, SAVANNAH, (Ojyiumte IV. H. May 5 Co's Saddlery Store ) HAMILTON & SYMMONS wouhl inform their friends ami the public, that in addition to their present large supply of Ready Made Clothing, they have purchased, and are now opening, a arge nnd ele gant assortment of Spring nnd Summer Goods, consisting ol the very best qualitiy of English and French Cloths, Cassimers, Vestings, and Fancy ar ticles, suitable to gentleman's wear. All of which they are prepared to make to order in the most elegant and fashionable style,and at the shortest notice Their stock is entirely new, and being connected w ith the finrt of J. C. Booths, Cos,, 187 Broadway, New York, they will lie furnished with flit- most fashionable articles, as they arrive in the market. Mr. S. A OLDS , late foreman for Price S Fen der, and well known as a superior Cutter, will have charge of tins department of business,so that our custom ers may rely upon getting the very best tits. Orders from the country filled promptly, anti no devi ation in price, as we arc resolved to npp sell ns near ns possible to Northern rates. April 21, 1847. ts 3 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS. JUST received and now opening, a variety of styles of new, fancy and staple DRY GOODS. Among J them may be found ! Plain wide Black Silks, i Satin Stripe Silks, ; 40 pieces Balzarmesand Bernges, from 124 to 75 cents per yard, i 40 pieces Ginghams, very cheap, 100 pieces Calico, from 64 to 25 cents per yard, i Brown Sheetings, 20 yards for sl, 100 Parasols, Parasoletts and Sim Shades, from 75 cents to S3 # White Cotton Hosiery, at 124 cents per pair, 30 doz. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs from 124 to 50 cents. Plain White Swiss Musims, at 25 cents per yard, Plaid and Striped do very low, Lace striped do Rt 31 cents. Jaconet, Nansook. Book and Mull Muslins, • Cambric and Furniture Dimity, anew style. J G rass C loth Skirts, Summer Cassimers, Cottonades. Gamhroons, White and Brown Linen Drills tor Pants, j Plaid Linen for Coats, Cross Bar Muuquiio Netting, Lace do do Table and Towell Diapers, of many qualities and prices, Muslin Collars, Chennsetts, &c ,&c. The subscriber deems it unnecessary to enumerate 1 articles, ns all who will give him a call, will find almost I every article usually kept in a Dry Good Store, and at i as low prices FOR CASH, as at any other store in the i State Store next door to the Post Office Please come and see. E. WOODRUFF. April 14. 2 New Grocery and Dry Goods Store. THOMAS C. DEMPSEY* having just opened in die Brick Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by W. A. Robertson, and nearly opposite Messrs. A. J. White A Cos. and Bancroft’s stores, has now on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort ment of Foreign Liquors and Segars, Sugar, Coffee, and a general nssomnent of Groceries and Dry Goods, which wdi be sold at New York prices for Cash only. Foreisru Brandies, Wines, Ac. Otard, Dupuey A Co’s. Cognac Brandy, of different vintage#—some very old in bottles. Goddard A Co’s. Vintage, 18*25; A. Seignette’s Brandy; Meder Bwan Holland Gin; Madeira Wine, in quarter casks; Port Wine: Sherry Wne. These liquors are warranted received direct from the New York Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Principe and other brands—'warranted genuine. TEAS.—lmperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Young Hy son and Bluck Tea, of a very superior quality Old Java Coffee, Loaf Sugar, Spenn Candles, Ada mantine Candles. *2O hh Is St Croix, Porto Rico and N Orleans Sugar. 5 > Sucks Rio Coffee, first quality • 30 do. second do. 5 H) p§ American and English Calicoes, lo cases Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, 10 bal*B Brown 3-4 and 4-4 do. 50 |h Irish Linen, direct importation, Ac. Ac. Macon, June *2, 1847. 9 Irish Linen, llrown Holland, Ac. ’i PIECES Irish Linen, direct importation, war tJVf ranted “genuine ” j 3;> Pieces Brown Holland, for summer wear, received direct from Liverpool, at the New Cash Store on the Avenue. Also, Principe Segars, Port and Sherry Wine, for sale low by T C DEMPSEY. May 18 7 NOTICE. T N order to unit the convenience of customers, 1 will ’ ‘M, retail the Regalia and Leon Doro Segars by the dozen, Ac.—the Sugar, Tea and Coffee by the pound, L and the foreign Liquors by the gallon, f Robinson s Ale, such as is used in the New York j hotels, a superior article, just received and for sale low by the barrel. THUS. C. DEMPSEY, | April 28,1847 1 Cotton A • 1 HD B< >XES Bendy’s New York Soap,mall bars. 1 I 111/ 30 bids. N O Rectified Whiskey, *25 bbls Northern Gin—a superior article, 1 900 kegs White Load—just received by Sept. 15 24 T C DEMPSEY. CHARLSS ZZ. mSBMAN. Cvtton Avenue, nex t (her n'nn e the “JIIO Gromit Hute,” ! Has just opened a good stock of Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Flour, Bacon, Maple :inl Fancy I>i y Goods. M lean, \ pm I, I8i? 4 FICFNII GROCERIES (UST recriveff at Warren Fre*inni’a, 80 box*** Rai sin*; *25 drums extrafine Figs; 12 box** do. Prunes; 25 do Oranges . *2jOIK) Went India Oranges, very sweet: Citrons,Currants. D m**, Tamarinds , Sugars,Teas and ! Coffee ; Spioea ot all kinds - Cracker* of all kinds ; Fine Smoking nnd ('hewing Tobacco; Patent Yeast pow ders. Also, a very large and fine assortment of Stuart's Steam Refined Candies. W FREEMAN April 1,1847 c j |T Miiihim I F. Gnvc, Esq. is a candidate for Tax Collector of Hilib County, at the coming election. V Sept. 1, 1847. * SITUATION WANTED ■ N an Academy or High achonl.bys ( •lntu.max and X his Lady, both **f whom Imve Had much experience m teaching, an I who are felly pfepan 1 to Inuraot in alt tfie use nil and onintneutal branches of a finished Kdu ♦cation. The gentleman i*a gradiiat** us one of the best , Colleges in the Union, nnd the Lady con present the i very b-t testimonial* not only ofselwlnrship. but oflier suce -*Mas a disripliuarinn ani instructs •** Letters sd drested to (U Y*) enre of Journal Af Siessenner, will receive prompt attention Mu on Sepl 22. 4t‘25 SITUATION WANTED AS TEACHER, 1.1 ITIIEIi in nn Academy nr Public School, or pn* Vd vat** family, by n graduate who has had several year*experience in teaching, sml who is fully prepared in all branches of education, for fitting young men for 1 College The tnost satisfactory testimonials can he given, and reference is made to Rev R Walker. Beau fort, South Carolina, and to R**v. C. C Jones, D D county, Georgia. A ldrrsi / I. R. (cart* of 1 K**v C C Jones, I> D ) Rieeboro’. Liberty county, Gen. Sept H. |M|7 23 Mt A NEW STORE, M ICON, GEORGIA. f DR VV.M G &. S. LITTLE arc now r( * ce >ving, and will open in few day*, an extensive assortment of Drugs, Mrdi- WgjLiia eines, Chemicals, Surgical Instruments, JBjrJL Dye-Stuffs, Varnishes, Paints, Glass Ware, Paint and Varnish llrushes of all kinds, Also Patent Medicines, Shaving (’reams. Soups, (a great variety,) Stationery, (letter and Cap Pa per, Blank Books, Steel Pen**, Inks, Jkc.) together with a variety of articles usual!), kept in Drug Stores. These articles have been selected in the Northern markets, for cash, by Dr Little, and will Im* sold at corresponding rnt?s wholesale or retail, as may suit purchasers. •* Having been long engaged in the Drug Business ,> we Hatter ourselves that our stock of articles are not on-. Iv of the best quality, but that we shall be able to sell them as low as at any point South. WM G. & S. Li.,Cotton Avenue. N B. Opened to-day 100 ounces Sulphate Quinine, Conch Varnish oftfe best quality, per cask, Opium, Morphines Calomel, &o. 3000 lbs White Lead from Lewis's Manufactory. Maccohy Stiuft, Lorillard’s best rose scented in bot tles, per gross. 40 dozen Paint Brushes. Macon, Sept 1.1517 22ti Jl s r HBCEIVED BY W. FBEEItfAJV, Some Choice (rroeeries, For Sale Low BAY Hater, Claret Wine, French Cordials, Chinese Catsup, something extra. Walnut do. Horseradish, in pint and half pint Jars, \ Chocolate and Cocoa, Broun, a superior article of Cocoa. Sardines, Lobsters, Fresh and Pickled. Salmon, Fresh. 20(H) Extra Regalia Cigars, 12 Dozen Congress Water. June, 16, 1847. H ts Gi HOCKUIKV-The subscribers continue to ■ keep a general assortment of Groceries and Staple Dry Goods, at their old stand, comer of Second and Mul ls*rry streets, opposite the Washington Hall; they have just received with other articles the following: 24 hhds. St. Croix and P R. Sugars, 120 bags Green Rio Coffee, 25 “ Old Gov. Java Coffee, 20U> \ ards Negro Kerseys, 1000 Duffle Blankets, 8 and 9 quarter, 1000 V ards Cotton Osnaburgs, l- r Tons Sweedes Iron, 700 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 1500 Pair Russett Brogans, with a general asortinent in their line, all of which is offered at the lowest cash prices. They respectfully in vite all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— believing they cannot fail to be suited in price and qual ity- , CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO. April I, 1847. 38 BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, &C •)QQ 125“ 52 250 Coils Kentucky Kope. 1900 lbs. three ply Bagging Twine. 2250 Sacks Salt. For sale by CHARLES CAMPBELL, &, CO. Aug. 18, 1847. 20 CJOJ\NiI4*IV’ REAT\ —2.OOO lbs. Georgia Hams, 25 hbl*. Cider, 10 bales Cotton Osnabure*. 20 bales Yams. For sale by w CHAS. CAMPBELL dt CO May 5. 5 REA <fc COTTON have removed to W. B. Par ker’s Store, on Cotton Avenue, nearly opposite J Cowles’ Fire Proof Warehouse. They have instore and offer for sale on accommodating terms: 200 Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging. 175 “ “ Dundee 85 “ Slightly damaged “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, 60 Bags Rio Coffee, 20 Tons4ron, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 lbs I'ank and Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Steel, 800 Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Ht-nderson Candles. 10 BMkc m Ctumipalgnt- \\ trie, 5 Boxes Burgundy “ 8 Casks Bacon, Sept. 2, 1846. 29 ftnils. Iron anil lloliou H ate. rn/l KEGS Cut Nails, tMJv 15 tons lion, assorted Ito 10 inches. 2,000 ihs. Sheet Iron, 10,000 lbs Hollow Ware, 2.//00 lbs. Cast Steel, 1,000 lbs German ami Blister Steel, 2,000 lbs. Hoop and Band Iron, 50 doz. Hoee, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by E. B. WEED. April 1, 1847 44 BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE. fFYirE subscriber is now receiving his full huppliea of L GROCERIES, which he offers to his old friends anil the public generally, at unusual low prices. We have now in store, and are receiving, 300 pieces heavy Gunny Bagging, 200 pieces heavy Kentucky do. 150 coils Kentucky Rope, 50 coils Manilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 sacks Salt, 10,000 lbs. Sweedes Iron, LflJJfl tb* Band, Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 hhds. St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do 100 bag Rio and Java Coflee, 50 boxes Tobacco, 100 kegs Nails, 1.000 lbs. Cast, German and Blister Steel. Also PAIN I S AND OILS of every description. Macon, April 1, 1H47. R. BOND. ;r/\ BBLS Northern Whiskey, #JU 30 do New Orleans Rectified, 10 hhds. Cuba Molasce, 5 do. St Croix Sugar, 20 boxes soap, small bar just received by A lfl T C. DEMPSEY, August 18. 20 Cotton Avenue. Nome. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!—The undersigned having taken the Store on the comer of Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, formerly (Ross Store,) begs leave to inform the citizens oi .Macon, and Planters that he will constantly keep on hand ail excellent stock l o! Dry Goods, Groceries A- Provisions* of ah kinds, which he will sell at the lowest possible rates, be mg perfectly contented with quick sales and small profits 1 he public generally are respect fully requested, if they want great bargains, to call upon him Goods of all kinds given m exchange lor all kinds of product’ at cash prices. H. N. PULSffER, At PULSIFKR'S can be found at all times. Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Molae*, Rice, Bacon. Lard, Butter, Corn Men I, Grits. Hour, Mackerel, and Shad ol the best quality, in quantities to suit purchaser* at the lowest rates April 1, 1847 . 3j LI*H; J'i-t r.-c.-ned i rate Northern Lime by Sept. 22,1847. 25 H. N. PULBIFER. HA CON A.\l LAND. 1 111 HI I-b-'’ Choice Bacon H*mt. 1 ,VM/vJ iiJKIO lbs Hides and Shoulders. SIIO llw Leaf Lard For sale by WHEELER A IIARROLD. June ii, IKI7 9 FAMILI rUM it. Inna l - Us O fv<‘7'i|-r.ori,iisliiy l u.,rr*n/ed ,t l\l\l equal to the Is-st Canal brands, 1- or sale by WHEELER A II ARROLD June 8. 1817, y 1 hoiimstou Mitnulaclurint; t'oinpany’s OSNAIII HUH AND YARNS, ofsuperior quality jut received *nd lor mlr nl lowest market prices by REA A COTTON, Aenl>, Iknmaslon Manufaeturtn* 1 urn,my June, 30. 13 ,1 t ‘utton Varus aud Osiinliuriis. Till', liudeimgncd. are Avems lor ihc sale of lh<- MILI.UIH.iEVU.LE STEAM FACTORY YARNS Also, for Y ARNS AND OSNABUROS from die 'I'RTRIOMT MANUFACTURING CO (been*. boro', lor -rile t>y the bale, on the usual lime, at Manu factorer's pricea. May W 7 SCOTT, CARH VRI I SHOES! SHOES!! 11l iUlli PAIRS best irtirb Ira IH.UI/U *d NEIiRO MHOKiK lor sal. by ISAAC WINRHIF, At A. J. A I). W Orr'a stand Cotton Avenue. Macon, Bept. 15. UM7. kt tl LADIES KID SI If! I R I ÜBT received Ladiea’ Fine Kid .Klims-r- for sale by MIX & Knur LAND. Sept, H, IHI7 kd TOR HUNT THU Brick House on lie- Hill, lecenlly occupi- Hu ed by William Shivers I’uasesaion given ibe lei -l Oci-ber J A A fl H VIHOIN. Kept kk. IS 17 kJ ki TOBACCO AND SEOARS. 1 Os) Bov.-s Tobacco ol varion.e brands, \ y'J 10 do. do. a superior article, 50.000 Principle Cipnrs, 60,000 Regnlm tin. very fine, Together with Panetellas, Tmbtteo, Sic For sale by SCOTT, CARHART & CO. Sept. 1. 2J SUGARS IT Hhtla. prime St. Croix Sugar*. * 60 do. MuHcttvado and Porto Rieo do. 40 do. New < b leatts do. 30 boxes white Havanna do 50 bbls. Cnish-d and Powdered do. 20 boxes Double Refined Loaf do. For sale by SCOTT, CARHART A CO. Sept. 1. 22 COFFEE. 1)0(1 Bag* Rio Coflee, eeUlr 40 do. Prime Java do. 10 do. Mocha do. For sale by SCOTT, CARHART & CO. •’ ,*t I. 22 FIFTEEN CASES NEGRO SHOES, l/OR sale low, to close a Consignment, by r SCOTT, CARHART & CO. Sept. 1. *2 SALT, IRON AND NAILS OHArt Saclte Sa,t --200 Kegs Nails. Also, Sted, Band and Hoop. Iron, Natl Rod, and 1 lons 1 hnoc Shapes, for sale by SCOTT, CARHART & CO. __ r i_ 22 BAGGINO/'ROPE AND TWINE 1500 &r<Z£-T%*T K ’ ’AHS) lb* Bagging Twine, In store and for sale By c . , SCOTT, CARHART & CO. Sept. 1. 22 I|4INE Ohl Olard Brandy—light nnd dark, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Chi rry BranJy, Ohl Peach do lin'’ Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine*, nnd every description of \\ ine* and Liquors, by the cask, barrel, or gallon. For sale by SCOTT, CARHART & CO Sept. I. 22 IIKLDKN A CO’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. a,Tl,eundera.gned having purchased fromF r"J, K Wrioht his entire interest, in the HAT ‘ * AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT, on Mulberry stret t, beg leave to annoance to tiie public that they are now receiving, direct from their own -MANt'FAt Tory , a targe and well selected stock of HATS AM* CAPS. CONSISTINO IN TART OF MSN'S AND BOV** Fashionable Black and Drab Beaver Hats, do do do Nutria do d° do do Silk do do do do Brush do do do do Caasuner do do do do plain Russia do do do do Angola do Broad Brim Black and Drab Beaver do do do do Brush do do do do plain Russia do do do do Cassimcr do Mm’s Pearl Sporting Hats do Ashland do do Tampico do do Kniekerboker do do Black Glazed do A large assortment of Men’s and Bor’s Black Drab WOOL HATS, of every and •scription. Men’s and Boy’s prem. Otter Caps a splendid article do do tine Fur Caps, new style do do fine Nutria do do do Muskrat do do do fine Cloth do every variety of pat do do Navy do with covers do do oil silk do do do Glazed do Infant’s Fancy do Together with every other description of Hats and Caps now extant. Possessing facilities tor obtaining their supplies, equal led hy no other establishment in tm* sretion of Georgia, and surpassed by none in th** State, and devoting their exclusive attention to the Hat business, the subscribers are prepared to sell every article in their line at the lowest prices, and to warrant giving satisfaction to their customers. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call nnd examine their stock and prices * „ 1L BELDEN A CO More m Mulberry st. sign of the Mammoth Hat Sq*. 1 22 Just Received by Strong A Wood, a \ SPLENDID assortment of Spring A Sum- A. iner HAT S, of the latest styles, viz: 30 iloz Gentlemen’s Panama Hats, assorted, 15 doz. Gentlemen’s Pedal Hats, 10 do. do. Double Brim Leghorn Hats, 10 do. do Single Brim do. do. sdo do. Swiss Leghorn Hat*, 50 do. M**n s Palm Leaf do. 50 do. Boy’s do. do. do 5 do. do. do. do. Pedal. ALSO, 2 Cases Gent’s Fine Drab Beaver Hats, 4 do. do. “ Black do. do. 4 do. do. “ Moleskin do. With a general assortment of other style of Hats, such as man’s Broad Brim, Black, White and Drab, I and Fashionable Fur and Silk of various qualities and : prices Alsoa fine lot ot Gentlemen's and Boy’sCAPS, of all styles, qualities and prices. All of which are of- ! tcred at very low pnees. April 1, 1847. L. TU VSC II A CO. I T AVE removed from their original stand ad I 1 joining tlu Messenger Office, where they have for the last three years been constantly employed in making BOOTS and SHOES lor their customers, to their shop, next door to Mr. F. F. Lewis’ Bakery, and immediately opposite the Floyd House, where they w ill be ready to receive all orders for work in their line, and execute them in the same satisfactory and superior mode as formerly. April 1, 1817. 6m7 *TKO\G A W OOD, V ~f tla I’• ii li< of, Brick Building .opposite O Geo M L >gan A Co’s—Are now receiving au I opening n large and stl*ndi>l nasortment of Boots, Sfi*H*s, flats and Caps, which they offer for sale at re duced prices, or as low us they can be purcliased iu t ins or any other Southern market—comprising in part the following kinds, viz: —Gent’s fine French light Calf Sewed BHits; do. do dimble sole do. do.; do. do. anut do. do. ; do do, pegged do.; do. double aoled do. do : do. light do. do. • do. ( alt and Kip Napoleon tapifed do. ; do. fine ('all Half Hoots and Brogans; do. do ®id Gont Broguns of various styles, Mm's Kip and thick Boots, Boy’s Calf, Kip and thick Boots; Y outh’s do. do. do. Por Indies—Fine Black Gaiter Boots, thick and thin w>le ; fine colored do. do .variety of colors ; fine Moroc co, Kid, Polka and Lace Booliees ; fine do. do and Goat Vy a Iking Shews; fine do. do. Slippers, TVs and Bus- 1 kins, black and colored. For Misses—Gaiter, Polka, Kid and Goat welt Boot tecs and Buskins; Kid Slip|*er, Ties and Cloth fixed Buskins. black and colored. Idldren—A largi* assortment of Polka, (falter, “cal, Kid, Cloth and Moroivo Bootteea. Men s, Women s, Boys*, Misses’, Youths’ and Chil- . dreu s leatlier pegged Boottees and Siloes, of all d<*scnp tions nnd qunlitirh. Anew aiid beautiful article of Metallic Rubber Over 1 Brue*, lor (JentUmcn, Ladies and Mima 1 o Planters—B,7so pairs of Plantation or coarm 800- 1 cans; a prime article of Men's double sole Iron and 1 Wood tacked Ruseett niul Black j do. do single sole do. do do.; Boys’ nnd Youths’ of the same qualities. 1 AU*—ls doz n prime Calf Skins; 10 doz<*n Linings I of different colors; !UM> lbs Hemlock Sole Leatlier; , 7UO Hm Oak Sole Ijeatlier Bindings, Lasts. Pegs, Thread, Awls, and all other ‘ articles us*J in luaiiufaeturing B<ku and Shoes. IIVI HAM) (APS, Anew and beautiful stock of ull descriptions, Men’s and Boys’ Pslo Aim Hats nnd Cans, Gentlemen's 1 fashionable Beaver and Moleskin of different qualities Mcti m W lute nnd Black Wool flats; Men's,Hoys'and 1 Y mull’s Caps, of all descriptions and qualities. Oct. 11, II LADIES* GAITER BOOTEEB. , IUHT Received, Ladies’ colored and Mack Gaiter 1 Bootees, and for sole by MIX A KIKTLAND. A ag. Iff, MM tff GENTLEMENS’ G AITEKS. I UST Received, Getitiemeu's colored and black ( Coses mere Gui>*rp, and lor •aile by MIX A RUTLAND. Aug 14,1817. go 1 MJ ; AND CHILDREN OAITKR BOOTEXa 1 I >l* nti<l Children colwrvd tiui O black Bootee*, an.} lor anlc by MIX A. KIRTLAND. An„ e, I*l7 -jo GENT'S TINE BOOTS. J received an w lot of Gcin'a Fine Calf Boot*, al-<o tient’a accond quality of Call Boot For MIX & KIRTLAND. Sept S, IK 17 S3 LADIES’ KALI’ DArrrKS | UST nl, Irftdiiy Colored and Black Half fiaiti-r-, and t*r aalc by Sept K, IKI7 s:i Mix A KIRTLAND MISCELLANY. SIEGE OF SAVANNAH. BY J. T. HEADLY. The two armies having formed n junction proccedetl to Snvnnnnh, nnd sat down before the town. with the laurels ol I Grenada fretdi on his brow, scot a haughly sumtnims in the name of the King of France to the English tfinnmandcr to surrender. I’t e vosl inevitably Inst without some little delay, protracted the correspondence its long its be could, and then demanded twenty-four hours to consider the proposition, which l>'E*taing madly granted. Had lie immediately advan ced on the place it would have been an easy conquest, fur the fort ilicntions were in bail re pair—but a few ol the cannon being mounted and the garrison small. During this interval, Prevest worked on the defences without inter mission, and at the entl of the twenty-four hours, hud nearly a hundred cannon lining the ramparts. Maitland had also arrived, with ilia choice troops, thus swelling hi* army to 1 three thousand men. He now felt himself strong —the arguments which had influenced his determination were of the most forcible kind, nnd he sent to D’Estuinga polite note, saying he had resolved to hold out to the last. To attempt to carry the works by storm, strengthend an they now were, would be mad ness; and so the French commander and Lin coln. with an army of six or seven thousand men, sat belore them in regular siege. The trenches were opened, and amid the (ire of ar tillery. the workmen toiled with such vigor, thut by the fourth of September a snp had been pushed to within three hundred yards of the ahattis. At length the batteries were completed, and the night of the iourth of Oc tober the tragedy commenced. The autumn landscape was lighted up by the constant nnd it wosa peul of thunder till morn ling. The uproar tnen became still more ter- I ritic —thirty-seven cannon nnd nine mortars ! were opened at once upon the devoted town, , while sixteen guns from the fleet —making in | tdl more than sixty pit i es —kept up their stern accompaniment. To their deluge of iron, the garrison replied with nearly a hundred can non. The earth shook under these tremendous explosions, and a vast field of billowy smoke trembled and hovered above the tumult.— Carcasses were hurled into the town which set the houses on fire ; and crackling timbers mingled in the crash of cannon balls. Shells smoked and burst along the streets, or hang ing a moment like fiery messengers in the air. and dropped with an explosion on the dwel lings. Amid the uproar and thunder without and the shrieks of women and children within. Savannah presented a strange and fearful ap pearance. And when night cumc on, and darkness shut in the landscape, the scene wits still more appalling. The smoke refused to lift the damp air, and settled like a fog over the armies,adding a deeper gloom to the midnight. Through this the artillery kept playing, making the spot on which it rcs'ed appear, like a volcano; while in the distance a rnassof flame would suddenly flash up, re vealing the tall masts and rigging of ships ami then the deep echo roll heavily by. Through this thirk and turbulent atmosphere, shells were constantly lusting and bursting, leaving long tracks ol light in their passage or meteor-iike splender in their explosion. And when the Eun rose in the morning it came struggling up through a sulphurous cloud, and at evening its golden rays strove in vain to pierce the sullen told*. Thus day ami night for five days did it thunder, and clatter, and 1 flame there on the shores of the Savannah ; but still the besieged nobly maintained their post. At length D'Estuiiig began to be concerned lor his fleet. The stormy season was coming on, and it would not he safe to ride ut unci or on the open const, and he therefore proposed to Lincoln to carry the works by storm. — This was considered hazardous; for that five days’cannonade had opened no breach and battered down scarcely a defence which had not been fully repaired. Besides if the siog. were press. .1 a little longer, the town must. nr- I render. The sufferings of the inhabiiantshau i become intolerable any the resistance could not he protracted in their confined and strait ened condition. But twenty days had now e lapscd since operations’ first commenced, and no one could tell how long the place might holdout. The season, moreover was rapidly I advancing, nnd dangers of every kind were j | thickening around the (feet, and therfore a cri sis of some sort must be hastened. D’Estamg being resolved on an assault, it only remained to determine (he manner in which it should be conducted. He and Lin coln, after a short consultation, concluded to make an attack on the right ride of the t wn. where there was a deep hollow along which the assailants could inarch pe, f i tly covered till within u few rods of the walls. The ninth of October was fixed on for the attempt, and the Americans stood in order af battle, though the French did not take their station till three hours after. At length the flower of both nr mics, in one long column, stretched forward till they reached the open space in front of the works when they brokaolf ioto their several divisions, as arranged before hand and ad vanced on the respective points to which they were destined. The French advanced in three columns—the Americans in one—lVEs taing and Linen!.i leading them on. In the darkness they got confused in the swampy hol lows but as the gray light began to dawn in the east they formed anew, and pressed for ward. D’Estatng wishing to take the garri son by surprise, immediately spurred up to the head ol the first column, and without wait ing for the others to come up. waved his sword over his head, and shouted “advance.”— Straight on the abut tin. and through it —up to the very walls, and up their sides, streamed the excited troops, while those hundred can non were opened mthr twilight, like a peal of thunder, and one fierce fire of musketry rolled down on their heads. Still, “ Advance! ad vance !”’ rung along the shattered column, nnd I still D’ cheered them on,till struck to j the earth, he was borne wounded from the ! field. But nothing could withstand that de- ■ luge of grape-shot and hall; and the first eol- I umn riddled into fragments swerved from the j horrible storm, and wheeled away into the ‘ cover ol the woods. The second, however, j coming up, passed rapidly over their dead com- j pauioiis. and with shouts that were heard a- { Dove the deafening uproar, gallantly mounted 1 the walls. Around a reduobt on tile Kberiezer rood the struggle and tile carnage were awful. Again and again did this firm-set wall of liv j mg men move on that wall of stone nnd earth, and taking tiff- loads of grape shot in their bosoms, rush shouting on the guns. Mowed down ns they advanced, and stretched in ghastly rows along the ditch, they dissolved like mist in the path of the whirlwind. In the midst of the gloom and tumult, two hundred Imrserneo were seen with a li-nrless rider ut their head gulluping straight lor the entrance to the town, in order to gain the ene my's rear. That wu* Pulaski, the noble, tin chivalrie Pole, and his strong cavalry. With their suhres shaking and Hashing amid the smoke, they rode steadily through the fiery sleet shouting as they went, until their gal hint leader, struck by a swivel shot wa hurl ed mangled ami bleeding lo the earth—when they broke and fled. The second column, too, at length recoiled, 1 luid then the third, und lust, closed in over the pavement of dead bodies ; but still that same deluge of tiro rolled over them, und the ranks shook, and reeled, and disappeared in the cov ering smoke, us if they had been mere visions winch the first breath could dissipate. Tin uproar was terrific; mid the heavy peals oft* VOL. XXV.—No 2G. artillery shaking the earth —the incessant roar ol musketry, mingled with the maddened shouts of near ten thousand warriors, and all in the morning twilight, conspired to render it a sceny of appalling grandeur. But death anil carnage are nothing to the excited pas sions of men; and that last broken column stormed on, until, at last, it. turned discom fitted hack. In the midst of this deadly con flict the American column, with tiie chival rous Laurens at its head, pressed straight, on the .spring Hill redoubt, and crowding into the ditch in the lace ol a tremendous tire, en deavored to scale the ramparts. But the par apets were too high; und hurled buck, rank after rank, and mowed down with merciless slaughter, they recoiled on each other in inex tricable confusion. I lie brave .South Carolina regiment, re gardless of the fate ot their companions and ol tli iron storm that emote them down, pressed fiercely lorward, and soon tiie two standards presented to it at Fort Moultrie, were seen waving on the ramparts. Vain val or I—the besieged, seeing the fury of the at tack had slackened, sallied lurtli with loud huzzas, arid swept the walls and ditches.— 1 in n thr ill-hited Laurens, seeing hib troops ruuti and flung awny his sword, and with his noble sou. wrung with the bitterest anguish, stretched forth his arms a” ‘ prayed for death, and refused to stir till forced away by his com panions. Close beside him, in the ditch. lay that model of a soldier—the tender, the lion hearted Jasper, hugging his standard in dentil and burying his bloody fare in its folds, lip liiid declared he would never surrender it but with his life; nud there with his heart’s blood ebbing slowly away, he stretched him self upon it. i la- strife was over and that bleeding army rolled slowly hack from the ruddy and black ened ramparts. But what a scene that Oc tober morning presented ! The conflict had lasted only a littleover an hour.and yet there lay over a thousand French and Americans, bleeding or stark and stiff in death. (Six hundred and thirty-seven French, and four hundred and fifty-seen Americans.) Here was a solitary limb—there a disembowelled body and headless corpse, while the diich looked us ii a Hood had suddenly wafted a dead multitude into it. Around the Ebenezer redoubts the blood was seen flowing in rills from out the wrecks ot the fight, and gather ing in deep pools amid the heaps of the slain, while the most pitiful groans loaded the air. And over all this like a pall, hung a cloud of smoke, which had settled down upon the field and was slowly twining itself into funtusii • el.apes above the dead. Dark, and sombre, and awful, spread the field under this sul phurous canopy. At last the bright sun rose over the sea, and the. morning wind, breaki ig from its sleep stirred the slumberous folds of that murky curtain, till they slowly lilted and rolled upward, leaving the blue sky to look down on the ghastly spectacle. The dew glistened in the early light, but the red drops ol the human heart outnumbered them a thou sand to one. AViJe piis were dug, and (lie dead crowded i hastily into them—and when the October sun went to his evening repose, nothing buttle trampled and still ruddy earth, and broken muskets and dead steeds, remained to tell of the direful struggle. D Lstuing had tailed; and precipitately . raising the siege, embarked his troops and ar tillery, and put otl to sea. Lincoln, his mili tia having disbanded, took with him his tew \ remaining regulars and crossed over the Su | vannah and retired to Charleston. Prompted 10 this undertaking hy tiie general complaint timt our allies were effecting nothing—Lt'Es , taing undertook it hastily, then became cau tious and dilatory when haste would have ! brought success, and finally crowned tin i whole by a rash act, which ended in a signal defeat and dreadful slaughter. The British. | protected hy high ramparts, suffered compar i ativcly little. The whole blame of this un lucky affair rests on D’Estaing, who hy right, j at seniority, took the supreme command.— I Lincoln seconded him ably, When he found he could not alter his plans, and rather gained than lost in public estimation by the disastrous result. Woman. i VV ornan. from her infancy to old age, is an I object o! constant interest; and is it not strange that a being so tender, and yet so lull of en dearments should have called lorth the ad ministration ot the philosopher, and the fervid praises ol the poet Iler history is but the nar rative ol good deeds —in health she is our pride, in disease our solace, and, in tire faith ful discharge of her duty to society, she is tiro idol ol every heart. Like a ministering angel, sooths us in aflietion; and under the dt pressing influences of adversity, she inspires hope, and incites to renewed ettort. Who has not felt the cheering influence of her smiles, and the encouragement of her eloquence in the dark hour ol despondency 1 Abandoned by friends, and lell to the cold charities of a selfish and heartless world, the husband ofher bosom then knows how to appreciate the depths of her love, and the sincerity of her v ows. As wife, mother sister, —in a word in every situation in life virtuous, is the kind and last friend of man. Is it therefore not due to this rtlf-siic riticing being, that we. who know so well bow to value her excellence, should labor assidu ously to diminish the suffering mid assuage those aorrowa incident to her sex. A Sentinel's Soliloquy. Mr. Polk in danger. —The Xenia (O) Torch Light*pub!ishcs a letter from a return ed volunteer who belonged to tile SJt. Louis Legion, from which we extract the following anecdote; One night during the four day's ruin, I was standing sentinel half leg deep in the water. It was a night not easily forgotten— such sheets of vivid lightning, such hursts of loud thunder, such roaring groans of wind and rain I never before experienced. It was as dark aa a recess in Orecn river cuve. About 2 o’rlork in the morning, I heard a splashing along in the water,’and hailed. It proved to be t apt. Salisbury, officer of the day. and Lieuteliunt West officer of the grand rounds. After passing me they found the next senti nel hut one engaged in enrncst conversation with hmiselt m winch he appeared so inters ted thut he did not hear them approach. They had the curiosity to listen to the soldo qay. ‘A cs.’ said !>• when I voted lor James K. Polk, had I known it would have led to this, I’d have set ii him to the and 1, mid Texas sunk first.-—But after the war was brought on | was ashamed to let the Whigg do the fight ing, arid stay at homo and he taunted bv them. I was obliged toconie ktt vonsi. tency* sake ; but if I hud you here James K. I’olk.— here he uttered an awful imprecation on him his musket to take aim. ns if he would shoot sure enough. At this moment the grand rounds made a noise mid were hailed sternly with — •Who conies there V Jmnc. K. Polk, was the reply, ‘Advanceyou cuss, nud give the counter sign. or I’ll blow vour brains out*’ ~ . The officers told the uiiccifpta the next day to the company with great gusto. ‘ Woman’s Love. * The trsssurrsof tin ilecji srejtpf m pr. noss • As th- conosilufenmforts Lock'd up in vvsnws's love. 1 scent ih- :iir (II bl-ssnigs, a-ticn | coins but u< nr die hoosr. What s delicious (grsth msrvisr- sends tank— The viols t bed's not s-..s<r r’