Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, October 13, 1847, Image 4

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SONS OF TEMPERINC KG rpMi VmualS* ->n*noiihe Grand Division of tins I S.. . will be held at Temperance Hall, in tlu* Ci ty of M o n, on Wednesday, the 13th October, com a'll’ iff HI 1 oY'jch, l*. M O.lii* .id R ..resmuntiv**# ar** requested to Ik* punc rnl in ndance as th:* Election of Officer# will take t ,. i r and oilier important business will b** transacted. ‘I n-* attention ot Subordinate Divisions is particular ly calk-d to Rule Second, Constitution for Grand Divi sion. Byordr, WILLIAM DIBBLE, Grand Scribe. The Deputy G. \V. P.’s of the several districts arc requested to be prompt in having their reports nmi the return** of the Subordinate Divisions tbrwnrded to the G. W. P. ns eariv in Octoberas practicable. W. s. WILLIFORD, G \V. P. Sept. 29, 1817. 26 3t OSZKA. iriilTi; and Got l band French China Dining and W Ten S'*ts. White aad Gold band French China Cups and Sau cers, (by the dozen.) Ric h Gold band sprig and painted Cups and Saucers, large size, sold separately. RtchG M band sprig mid painted Vase** White ami Gold band Pitchers and .M •. #—various sizes HYDE iW, JONES. Mac* n Sept 29 !** 11 LATH.n IMPROVEMENT IN COTTON OI ft 117 E ■ j-e tfully inlortn our friends at and the pli.nt**is VY 1 v, of Alnhnmn and; liiat the GI RARD l > 1 TON gl\ MANUFACTORY is in full operatic n. It is amply supplied with the very best materials i which could be selected. The machinery is all new, i and constructed on tlu* most approved plans for the manufacture ot Cotton Gins. ‘The machinists and workmen employed in the cstab- 1 lishme it are skillful and experienced in the business; 1 and we have made such improvements in the meehan- I ism and construction of our Gina that we feel certain, in ! every case, to furnish n Gm which will perform admi rably well, and give the purchaser entire satisfaction. In the way of recommendation, we need only say, that we furnished several hundred of our late improved Gin# to planters in various parts of the country during the u *ason, and not one of that number has tailed to give general satisfaction, both in speed and the sample ol Cotton. i. /* ORDERS can be sent to us by mail, or contracts made with our Agents who are travelling through the country. GiNS will be sent to tiny part of the country, and in uses warranted to perform well. 1 sons addressing the Proprietors by mail, will di irii letters to Columbus, Ga. N * IfsLEY, Macon, is our Agent for Central Georgia. K. T TAYLOR Sl CO : f 22 25tf Girard. Ala. Ari 9EASAN &. HAMILTON, -House unci Commission Merchants, MACON, ITKILTON Sc HARDEMAN, ’ ‘ s tuul Commn-sion .llerchauts, SAVANNAH, WILL give prompt attention to the sale ol lotion and Country produce, ns well ns to ; 3CK ‘ 4 the tilling of orders for Bagging, Rojm*, and family supplies. Sept. 29. 26 ts RICH SILKS AND CASHMERES. fTMIEu.i isigned have received n new’ and beauti- I tul siock of Rich fall Dress Silk* and Cashmeres, consist ii ti port of plain changeable, striped and plaid. Cro de Rh i \iir-Mlc Royale, (Iro de Algi**r, Gro de Pekin. S:it..i and • Chine, Ottoman and other Dress Silks black Tali: ts. Poult de Soule, ;St*ll Kus****, Gio Grain, plain, striped and watered Silks, lor Scurfs, &c* new stvl ■ n i printed < ashm res-, striped and plaid .Vims- j tieline de Lai tie , in various patterns; super plaid Can't meres: Lupin's h**st qualities Flench Met mors ot all ab ide#; Gal *. Clarence and Oregon Viauls; Worked Collars and Capes, embroidud, revere, b< mstitUhrJ and corded Lnv.i an I L.nen Cambric ildk’l# ; Silk’ *t n Hosiery. Glne. .*, &c , All of which wdi b LOGAN He ATKINSON HOUSE KEF~*" T '> ARTICLES. )OG \N’ & ATt-. n ’ have ju?t received and _j . -ini* Carpetings, Hugs; Blanket*, Tick -10 * nr,-l I*4 L.ivm S. ting and pillow rase !. •• , . CU I Linen line in ana Ena h Long Cloths; tali - Linen tab Cl : ■ .m Napkins; h . r Calico n . ii litun- Dinmv; l < < goring of vari ous kin 1 ! : 1. 11-ia >1 1 1 1 Blankets, ol :>est makes; Woolen i Cotton I’ianii- N, all qualities; Striped Plaid ar..l Emhroid red Curtain Muslins;colored and I Q hr usually tt> vcrietv oi Id rick ?;.• 1 *■■ ’ >1 Dress Silks, Cash* I in es, Plaid Good a % Shaic Worked Collars, Ameri ..m lPi .ri.s’.i Prints. Silk and Conor Hosiery, Glove* !,. A- . Arc to w’.ic*li they invite the attention o i their friends and the pul uc <i*•ii**railv u —Cloths, Cash mere*, SjUtinets, K mucky Jeans. K- rw-ys, Linseys. English, French and \inerican T . eds, \ e tings just received; which wo wdlMUt the very lowest price*. LOC AN A AT KIN TON. sept 29 26tf. Crockery nail Glum* Ware. DINING and Tea S. t-. suMAtfine Stone amU'hin'v W are, I verpool an I rl tin I Htto, I .a i, arv] FluitclG. - Wan- -i owiy d* - ■ iotion, Tumbler Decanters, Wines, Frim !'•. k IN tenors, Ac., a verJ large and gen -ral stock just receivd by LOGAN A ATKINSON, sept 29 26tf. Foreimi Hrandy, Wine, Gin, Ac* If~ half and quarter pip’ - >fv;*n usmi. . • . Otnrl *_} Jbtpeuy A Cos., an ! 3 pipes A- t. < mu Brandy, *■> qtartere and v • i_ r Lt pipes Madeira, Per* ;ui Malaga Wine, 5 pipes I! .land Gin, Monongahel V. pe, a Panetella S ‘d >|>o.v Lemon Syrup, a slip - article. Abo, 200 box* s (.lass,from 7by9to 12 hy 1- Just received hy T. C. DEMPSEY. Macon Sept 29. 2G - 1 llAfiEll LANDS FOR SALE. ttgi I A M! .S BON 1) oil* for sale three of the he | settlements of Land i . the county of Baker, viv. | one < pi TwoTto !• ind acres. on die K * okee creek, in the s- ond di-tiict *•! said county, <; j which th* te. ; anew w li finished Frame Dwellin’ house, and appropriate out house*, Ac , constitutin { the lw.Ht improved plantation in Baker county; sail plantation having gev n hundred a id titty urn sos cieai • ed land in tie- best ord i tor cultivation. Also, Sevt ‘ Hundred and Fnty : * n the Colawahee,con prising some ol the choicest Cotton Lands, und coritait ing three hundred acres of open laud, with all neceae ry rlantat <m buildings Also, n Woodland aettlemei of Fifteen Umpired acres, in the second district of lie kcr. on tl Colawahee creek, one of the very riche* unimproved places in the county —Apply to J AMES BOM). Baker county, Ga or JOSEPH BOND, Macon. (la. ‘*pt. 29, 1847. 26 I4t ‘ALUABLE PLANTATION IN BAKER COUNTY FOII SALE. \> iLL be sold on favorable tern is, o body of Lai. V i.sisting of eight factious. and four Lot* 25 -"s each, comprising 1740 acres, lying on and w ink of the Flint River, from four to eight npl h*. i.'onny About 300 or 350 acre* are cleared, a ll t. i cultivation by -iichael Lott. Most of and L . *v; sable, and is a very desirable location for a ex* ve < t ton planter, and it also has great advantag tor st< ek immediately below Persons wish u ..uichnse, will at ply to the subscriber, nt tli I BLMRI ROSE. Macon Sept. 1, 1817. 22 I’La TATION NEAHMACONFOR SA LE ’ fTMJE undersigned oilers lor sale his plantation,o the Ocintugee river, 21 miles below the city Macon, containing 530 acres of Land — about 130 clea: ed and improved with good ten.-, s, large barn, tie stables and negro cabin*. ’Hie w hole 1m ing rich nvt bottom land The cleared land is in line order, an with proper cultivation will yield, w ithout manure, fijt bushel* of com. and in the opinion ol competent judge: a heart/ hole of cotton, per acre The timber and pro due* 1 will find u ready market m Macon—with whir there is good connection byroad and river, and wit the aeabord, by the River and Railroad. Any one d* siroui of going into the wood or planting busmen, wT find in this plac e a mine of wealth, therebeing 400 acre of the !**• t timbered land, and n soil which is not sui t#asHe*l in the Southern States Term*liberal Apply soon to J H R WASHINGTON. Macon, August 11,1817. Btl9 LaniU iu Baker, D Lfi* 11ml Eurly lo| Kills. Nr* 33'* 7th Pis f lv-i y, now Baker, a valuablf lot, No. t*7.26tli Ds. Early 130,8 th lJis lk*oly: So 93, , 1 Dm i’ ; N G3, 13th District of !>**• ’iriit oi at Hal nuiiJiilt r 1 50 mib* -i.n. 1 C* li..’ • Rail road; Sc riven Co,(it*. )tie ig the iftiove lot*j is n* r Hnwkinsvill* ; one net) 1 \ ipi 11 lyS w ILL! 3 YOUNG NOTICE 1 \ !t, \V. W. M VRNII \ would rcanectftil \l , tii nil peraon atfticu I>% ilh * i<, ■ Wins, and a ulcer* and tumors original . iai wh .tmievurc u-• , that he will leave Marietta, < .m t , to return to hi* residence tit Macon, (It , by Ui 1 < tetobtr next. At which place he may In* found during the year, or until the l*t of June. 18H Ur. M. d< i-iiir it only necetwury to add, that hia lorni* rr indctHiiiiKied Mice**** in the management of the-e diaeuMea, jh conclumve evidence of the aupenotity of liia practice ,\ r all other* .hi wn m thin, or tiny other country. For the eorreetu tin* .’owertiuti he refer* to In l painpUh ton Cancer*, &.c , winch may be obtain* cd gratis/ hv application to hitn by letter (pout paid) or ode rwiae For the farther encouragement of the af flict il'i \l. W“UIdH* w t add, that, on their arrival t!t MWNi. ti** y will have ihe innai abutidant teatunony in ol tlio utility ol the treatment, by having aeon** t. tiv V have been made whole. audalßo. to tlioMe v, h t'i r* c .a inmlly under treatment froiu varum* part* of l.i<% it !,•> in . very at age and vunety of the com* piomt*. Hir.ii and i bia.* uudfocal. Home curioua pre- of dir* nara, roly be accti at Ida *fl*cc tial r the Floyd U*- u t Wf"* .e **tw ‘."V W*t7 > Wsl GRAND LODGE OF GEORGIA 46 Tue Annual Communica- JV h i # t ion of the Grand Lodge <1 the tate Georgia, will vLiSflt convene at the Masonic Ilall, /O. “syCui in the city ol Macon, on i' l ;’nL Tuesday the 26th October. jA/’rr- All subordinate Lodges un der its jurisdiction will take ‘ /v / due notice he * ‘ represented in the Commu nication. A public Address, it is expected, will be de livered on Thursday,l>v Brother Richard D Arnold, of Savannah. The Brethren generally are desired to nttend at that time. By order oftlie M W. Grand Master S. ROSE, Grand Secretary. Macon Sept. 15 21 DT/- The Masonic Expositor, Recorder. Federal, Union ami Athens % Whig, will give the above three ill## : tii SCIENTIFIC AND ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTlTUTE—Petersburg, \ a. rplIE first annual Course of L -dure# •>i the Medical J. Department of this Institution, chartered on the Bth ot March last, (18-47.) will commence on the first Monday in Novi mbi r i it ol February following This Institut! m offei- aiperior iidvantag* ti and inducement# to all students of medi cine who may desire to qualify themselves thoroughly as Botanic Physicians. FACULTY P.M’L West Ai r.r.N. M I), Prof of Phy. and Path. A M Bj,a* k, M I) . Prof, <>i Ynatomv. C. .1 Kknwortuv, M l> , Pr<d of Surgery. I. M. (\.vtiv, . M. 1) , Prof, of Principles and Practice of Medicine. E P. Banmno, M I) , Prof, of Obstetrics, Sir. Henry M Prick, M D., Prof, of Them peuticH Hi Ma teria Medica. J. Thom an. M. D., Prof, of Chemistry and Forensic Medicine. Feesfor theCotirse, $75. Graduation fee,9ls Board £3per week. I he text-books recommended w ill lie consulted ec lectically, and with careful discrimination ;—the funda mental, doctrines taught in this Institution bring those ot Thompson ,—that there is no necessity of < iiiploying poisons of amj kind ne remedial agents ; and that the object, in exh’biting any remedy, should be to sustain, and not to depress the vital powers. frW* An announcement oftlie Course will be scut to all who may desire it, lv communicating, post paid, with C. J. KEN WORTHY. M D , Dean of the Faculty. P. S. Pi.easants, Secretary. Petersburg, Va 8 |9B 1841 6 19 COPARTNERSHIP NOTIei: NINES & HARRIS have this day associated with . them in business Mr JAMES H* 11 WNoN.tor the purpose of doing nn AIR PION, WARK-IIUUSE and COMMISSION business, under the firm name of Hines, Harris a Hannon. We have taken the Ware- Mouse on the comer oft berry and Second Street, known aa Gen. Elias Beall’s, situated in the most central part of business. We now tender our services to our friends, andl the public generally In the above buisiness, our individual attention will lie given to all business entrust ed to our care, and the usual facilities granted to our customers. Hinf.s a Harris would take this opportu nity of returning their thanks to their former friends and customers for past fhvors, and solicit for the new con cern a continuance of their patronage. HINES, HARRIS \ HANNON. Macon Sept 1 1847 2m22 HOLT & ROBERSON, rACTORS iND GENERAL COXJfISSIOBT MFIH'fl VNTS, Savannah Grorgiu, I I ESPEC'I’FI LEY tend r their services to their I V friends and tie public. Having been actively en gaged in this branch of business lor several years past, tn ir nctunl experience and observation ha# afforded them every opportunity of becoming perfectly fimiilliar with the duties and responsibilities attending its opera tions. Their personal attention will he given to sales ot COTTON AN L> Ai.l, OTIIKII TKODI’CK c,„i- Rigned tt> their ear**, also to executing orders for BA( I GING. BALE KoPE, FAMILY AND PLANT ATION SUPPLIES, at the lowest Puces. Their charges will be as lew and reasonable as the actual cost can be made, by strict economy, with facil ities for Storing, Weighing,&c., which me not surpass ed in the city ‘I hey nojie by continued application and personal attention, 10 Dramote tin* interest. and give sat isfaction to those confiding business to their care. ASA HOLT, Septß,6m23 W. B ROBERSON WABHBUHN, WII.DER & CO. Factors an J (omniission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEO. JosErn Washburn. 1 John |{ Wilder, > Fr*\vis (1. Dana ) Sgptgmbtr 1 is it. kbm LAW SCHOOL AT AUGUSTA. rplIK Siilwr l”-rs I.k ti res will 1- rnsumed on L MONDAY , 111• ■ 18th day ot October. WS. TRACY COCLD. Ahh 1, 7d*7 19td CARVERS GINS. rpHE Subscribers are Agents for the sale of E. f’ VR- I VER Hi. COS., Patent Improved COTTON GIN. Tlu# gm ha# proved itself to be a very superior article wherever *t haa been used, nnd no better rec ommendation can be given it than the opinions of those who have tested it. They are both elegant and dura ble in their make, and arc warranted to give satisfac tion in nil eases, or they mav be returned. The former uriceahave been considerably reduced. Apply at the Ware-House ol the Subscribers. JOHN JONES Hi. SON. Macon Sept 15 CITY TAX ITf \ order <>f t ouneii, notice is hereby given, tha( l) the i : x 1* *k will be closed on tii** l.'un Oeto!*er and that Executions will iaßue againat all dahiultera day. My Office will be kept open every day (Sun days exe pi* il.) irom 9 until 12 o'clock, when*payment# canbe made. A. R. FREEMAN, Treasurer. Sept 22 6r2:7 NOTIOE. 8188 TAX COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, * Macon, Aug. 31,1847 y 13 ERGONS wishing to pay their tax**# will please call at tny office over E E. Brown's Magistrate’s ( Mlice on Mulberry street, where 1 willalways be found uii 1 * s# called to the country. Office hum# fromß A. M. until 5 P M R. BASSETT, Sept. 8 49 Tax Collector, j GREAT BARGAINS IN \ VLU \RLE COTTON LANDS. riIHE Bulmcriber would inform the upcountry plant - I eis, that if they w ish to nurchnse the b**st land# in Baker, fr nothing almost, tliey would do w . 11 to con fer with him first, Indore attempting to purchase else where. I have only two plantations for sale, w hich are respectively known a# tb** Traveller's R* t, now divi ded andoccunied by B<*'*k. Riggins nnd Bift#>, th**other, the most valuable, is occupied by Pap G. Spires and St Niehels For particulars apply to th<* anWriU-r at ‘Hiomaavill**, or to my agent and attorney, Mr F J. Wheaton, Albany, Ga. JOHN JONES. ThomaaviHe, Sept 82, 1847 85 3t SUNDRIES. F OOKING Glasaesj Britannia Castors and ('off**. I J Pots, Knives and Forks, Waiters m sets and singfe, Shovels ami Tongs, Dinner an<l Tea Bella, \ e. Ac. HYDE Hi JONES. Mneon Sept 89 4w26 LAMPB. IF ST received direct from the Mnnufaetoiy, an as sortment of SOI, AH, SIDE ami SUSPEND ING LAM PS of the latest styles and patterns These Lamps are designed lor the use cither ot I.ard or Oil Also, Lamp Shades, Tube# and Wick". HYDE A JONES. Mneon Sept 29 4w26 Georgia Houston County* AIT liURLAS Janus Sand William Ii 11 offings v ? head, apply for letters of Dismiss: n from the Guardianship of Rebecca U HolUngsliea*! These are therefore to cite, and admonish till con cenied, to be und appear at my office within th* tune ptesrnbed by law*, to shew cause (if uny they have) why said letters should not be granted Given under try band ut office, tb:B 14th day ol Mav. 1847. W. W. CORBITT, c. c o. May 19, 1847 n6m7 Leoryin—Houston ( ounty. llflliißEAS, John S Wuimiis, Adniiinatiator on ti county, deccaaed, apple** to me lor Irttei.- of dismission having fully mlnnniMeicd on the hhiuc. Ttieaa arc therefore to cite and admonish all and ain* gular the kindred and creditora of anid dec lined tt file their objection*, if any tlu*y have, at my office within the time prescribed by law, or said letter* if iliamiHHion will hr granted. . (liven under my hand ‘Jth of August I*M7. nv rant hath in, <•. 0 . Aug 11 ill 1H47 nrfunltf (JeorgiH—t rnwfortl County. I¥T HERBAS Uuvid Lockhart, ndmiuistriitor on the W estate of Llijnii M Ann-, lot,* . t aaid ounty dec uard, applies to me for letter* id diMiiiiwion from paid estate These ure therefore to cite >nnd admonish all nod singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to lie mid appear at mv ofßoe witlnn die time prescribed by law, t> show cause, if any they have, why nuid let* ter* niiould not! granted. Liven under my hand at office, this 3d May, 1H47. May V iu6nd> JAMI.S J i. \ I* ion, stock itml Corn (or Nulls rpHK Subscriber ofh 1 * lor side, his plantation. lying I on the rod firotn Macon to ri try 30 mih • from Macon Tlk'W lire Nine Hundred acre- anil about Six i open —all the open land i in i for cultivation -a good projiortfon is lre*li, and the Iwl* lance much improved bar manuring All the fields err under a guild fence, lie will alsoaellat Christmas, on the place, a large crop of corn, balder and oat*. Also Stock of Hogs and Cattle—Mules, Wagons. Horses and plantation tools and implements The ulnntation can Fm men by application to mv ihc rarer, Mr llambrick. on the place , or to me at this place. 1 K. A. NlftBET. Maeon Sept H. IHI7 33tf ROBERT A. AF.LKN, Factor and Coiniiiission Mi*reliant. No. 112, Hnv Street. Savnnnuh, <ico. 117 ILL attend strictly to the #torag'* and sale ol > \ Cotton, Corn, Flour, and other produce, and will make liberal cash advances on goods consigned to hi# House. References.—Mr. James A. Nisbet.J E. B Weed, i U/IMn J H R. Washington, p Vtfrow - Graves, Wood & Co.J Dye Roliertson, Augusta. Hranon Hi Young, Marietta. Dr. George F. Pu ree, Spaita July 21, 1817 lyl6 JOHN P. GA.VAN * < i>. Auction!and Commission lti£crchants and Forwading Agents, MACON, GA. Macon, July 21,1347. 6m 16 JOHN JONHS SON, (LATE JONES AND HOLT) iwsnt: Miot sjE ANT) COMMISSION M KRf’H.VNTS, MACON, Geo. June -13, 1817. ts 13 WAREHOUSE ASD * COMMISSION HI SI N ESS. undersigned having become sole Pro- I prietor of the Fireproof Warehouse occu pied the past season by Dyson Richardson, begs leave to inform the public flint he has associated with him in business, Mr Joseph CoorEß, and Mr. Wm. M. Roberts, whose ability and experience entitle them to the confidence of the people He therefore hopes to share u liberal patronage, as well ns maintain the confi dence reposed. All orders will receive prompt attention, and liberal advances will be made on Cotton in store. THOMAS DYSON. Macon, July 14, 1847. 6inls WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. FTMIE subscriber will continue to carry on I yPHRI Warehouse on Cotton Avenue, w here be will aiiordul! the usual facilities to planters and others in the storage of Cotton and any other kinds of country pro duce, Goods, Hie. The VV a rehouse is as safe from dan ger by fire as any other in the State, and convenient to tlie business part of the city. All orders for lus custom ers will meet with prompt attention. June 16, 1847 6mli N. OUSLEY. WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber, having removed from the WAREHOUSE occupied by him last year, and ‘7** a *** taken that long known ns ( Ira\ es’ Wareiiot se. opposite to Graves, VVonn Co’s. Store, respectfully j tenders his thanks to his former patrons and friends, and J solicits a continuance of their patronage, with the aasur- j ance that he will devote liis whole time and spare no es- ! orts to promote their interest. Liberal advances will j be made to those who require them: and orders for BAGGING. IH)PE and TWINE, anu other Merchan- | dize, promptly filled on the moot reasonable term# GEO. JEWETT, i May 18th, 1847. 7 Griswold’s Improved Cotton Gins. rplIE subscriber will continue the manufacture of I Gins on his usual extensive scale, and embraces j this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for 1 their libera! patronage heretofore. The estimation in which his Gins are held, may le known from the faet of his having sold more than two thousand during the i lust three years—probably ten to onq over any other , Factory in the State. ‘Phis evidence of the superiority of his Gins, i# accounted for by his being the first to in troduce the lute improvements, and keeping the lead j by yearly adding new ones. His first and second im- , provements made the quality of cotton perfect, though some were rather slow. His third made them sum- j cientlv fast It then only remained to make them more j durable and convenient, which has been done he be- | lieves effectually, by several new improvements the pre- ! sent year: beside#, he has the eyfusiye right for the State, with the privilege of other sections, to furnish j Reid's Patent Water Boxes, which are believed to be i ten times more durable than nny other, by those who 1 have made a fair trial of them ; and are infallibly se- | cure against fire by friction. His fine Gins will gin Mastodon Cotton as well as nny Saw Gm can. His | agents will visit planters generally, and exhibit sped- J mens of his late improvements, and point out their ad vantages in time for all to engage and he supplied be- | fore the next ginning season, or engagements can be ! made hv letter, directed to him, Clinton, Jones county, i < Jeorgia. Gins will be delivered at the purchaser’# res idence, in any part of the State except the Cherokee counties, where they will be left at ine Depot on the Railroad most convenient to the purchaser. All war- j ranted to perform well, if used according to the direc tions sent with each. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. March 84, 1841 6 SUPERIOR COTTON GINS. rpHE sub#erib*r would inform the planters of Geor gia, that he has removed hi# Cotton (fin Factory ; to Bibb county, 34 miles from Macon,on the road lead ing from Macon to Gordon, where he intends to manu- 1 faefure Cotton Gins of a quality superior to any he has ever before made, if possible. In the construction of his Gins, he will particularly guard against the possibil ity of taking fire trm the (fin. And her** he. would re- ‘ mark, that it is impossible for a Gin to take fir** from | the boxes without the grossest neglect on the part ot those who have the management o them. Gins that get burnt, in nine hundred and ninety-nine time# out ot a thousand take lire from a different cause than the box. j To this objection the Gins manufactured!) y the subscri ber. are not , and never*have been liable. His Gins will be made ot the best materials, and warranted to! perform a# well as any Gins made in th** State. He has an excellent water-power to turn Ins machinery, and a good saw-mill right it hand, which will enable him ! to sell (Jin# on as good terms as any other Factory in | th* State. 0. W. MASSEY. April 1, 1847 3tf I TO RENT. THE Dw** lling on Walnut and Third street#, now occupied. y Messis. W. Freeman and Bivins, i Uiie House is rni ge and pleasantly located. For terms, apply to A Rhuards, who will act as my agent ‘ during my absence. M. E. RYLANDIK July 28, 1847. ts-17 TO RENT* t mWO Stores and several Offices, in the Floyd Lfl- | House Range of Buildings. Apply to Jul\ 1 it C. DAY k CO TO RENT. rjNHE FRF. PROOF BRICK STORE on Com-1 JL me roe Row, between Glares. Wood Cos. and the stores of the subscribers. ‘l’h** Store is 80 feet by pO, with a spacious Cellar. For te mis apply to SCOTT, CAR HART Hi CO. Sept. 8,1847. 23 FOR SALK rOT of Land No. 44, in the sth Districtof Houston 4 county, ndioiniug lands **f (hum, N i#bet ami others; distance from Macon about eighteen miles. For terms apply to th** undersigned, und during my nlwenee from the State, John B Lamar, of Macon, is my authorized agent to dispose of the sani** ANDREW J LAMAR, Monroe, Walton county. Gn, I : 15 tltf FOR RENT \N OFFICE, and a Sleeping Room over the Store . occupied by tlie subscribers. Possrssion given ( Ist October next. C. DAY, Si CO. | TO K i:nt. THE the Stores lately occupied by .Mr J. O l|j!| Hodges, corner of Cherry anl Third streets, and JL*dhf,Y Clark & Experience, on Cherry street, and the Brick Store occupied by Mr. Valentino, on the same m.cet- nlao, the Store next to Mr. Taylor's <>n Cotton A\enu’c* and the office adjoining the store ol the sub scriber, ald the Hall occupied by Franklin Lodge No. 2 p o U. f\ on Second street, —Apply to 1). lleinp or T. C DEMPSEY,Cotton Avenue Sept gg. 1847 ‘ M] and Mfor Bnv THE Room* on the first floor of the building for innir occupied l.y thf Commercial llnnk.—Apply to Kept *)“ t ts E. ft U Eta 10R SALE. jaatk THE Rlidding on Second Street formerly oc- CU)IIU the Georgia Mcnatnger Offic^-^Agily Macon, Hrpt, SI, FOR SALE. . j, THE llonaeand Lot on t 1h- 1 Itll,tlm l l now c ’ •, ~, .ip. The Lot coni mi. ere, and la ‘• ■ H Very lirodiictive—tile Writeri* i xc. Ilent 1 UKO W PRICE. 11, 1547 t l . l FOR REN T. rp HE Dwelling at present orrupird by I Sim* *wo I tile one immediately below it, at pienent ..'oupted by H, t Erecman JOHN. J URKSHAM. Maeon. Sept. 15,1847 twil NOTICE TO DEBTORB AND CREDITORS II LI. p. r~>ll indebted to the celale of Jowph Rob | m*.m. late of Maeon eounty, deoai*il, arc re. qiteatcii to make immediate payment,and tho*. having neeouiit* ngiunel the niiine, will pr.iemt them in tciiii* ol law. JACOB BLECKLEY.I . jesseetarveK. I Ikngaal U. l s tT § 4* 18 worn i: to debtors and creditors. \LL pi'raon* imMucil to th> celat,’ of Dr Win Sn-wiiii, late of iiibhcounty, deoeaard, are bare* l.y n-ipiired to make immediate payment, and all tin** having demandaagainet *ald rafale, will pn'eeut them duly atteeled m term* of tfie law ROLAND II1V1NS; Adm’s flapt. 88. HM7. Wf> fit SALT. SALT, t SACKS halt, I DIM) Ear mb by Aapnat 4 ts-st OR AVES, WOOD It CO. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. fIE subscriber eall# the attention of Physicians, ulf I Planters, and others, to his full stork of ■■*3 DRUGS. MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, Hie., all ol which are pure, fresh and unadulterated—“being able to know when such is the caw,” having had nn experience of fifteen years in the drug business, and received License by the Medical Board ol Physicians of this State, as an Apothecary GEORGE PAYNE, March 3, 1847, 3 under Floyd House QUININE! QUININE! IUST received and for #n!*, a large lot ol the above named article. SHOT WELL Hi GILBERT. 1 I ■ i. M LEE< HESI I EECHESff LEEtHEBf! ,*r/wk FRESH LEECHES just n e. ivd, and loi *) yh * .!. . 2,1841 9 Druggist and i pothecary TAKE NOTICE, rpHAT tli* suliscribers keep constantly on hand a I large stock of Uiugs, IVXcdicincs, Chemicals, r VINTS, *>II.S, l*\ i i:\T MKDISNIIS, Fancy Articles, Perecmeiiy, (■lass, Druggists’ C*lasa*ware, and a host of articles too numerous to particularize. Their medicines are all fresh, and pure, and cheap. The public are respectfully invited to call and see. SIIOTWELL 6: GILBERT. June 23,1847 12 SHOTWELL k GILBERT [AY recent arrivals from New York, hove received a I # full and complete assortment of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals. Paints,, Dye .Stulls, Hie, all of which are now oiler* and to the public very few, lor cash. They also keep an extensive assortment of Patent Med icin* s, umong which arc Dr. Boon's justly celebrated Ague andl’Vvei I’iiis, which rarely it * verhiilto effect a cure. Also his Compound Cathartic Pills, nil invalu ble family Medicine. Macon, Bspt 1 *>*> IAOT 4811 ! POT 4811 ! 1 Ju t ret std and for sale, by SHOTWELL Hi GILBERT. M c tn, Aug. 11,1841 19 CIONGIIENS 1’ YU’K ! Just received and for j sale,by SHOTWELL Hi GILBERT. „ Macon, Aug. 11,1847. 19 Glass! Glass:: Glass::: IUST received and for sale, n large lot of Glass, o all sizes from 8 by 10 to 24 by .£). Also n lot of White I*end. Persons wishing to purchase, w*ill do well to call. SHOTWELL Hi GILBERT. Macon, June 1,1847. 9 mo TIIE lIE4I TIFIERS OF Til E COM. L PLEXION SI RPRISING EFFIC \< A 1 My EAU DIVINE DE VENUS AND NY Mi’ll SOAP, composed ol nn Eastern Botanical discovery of surpris ing efficacy for rendering the SKIN SOF'I and FAIR, as well a# imparting a DELICATE ROSEATE HUE to the compl*.xw*u. Asa creator and c )nservator of that most distinguish ing charm it. feinab* loveliness, a transparent fair skin, JULES IIAUELS NYMPH SOAP,or EAU DE VINE DE VENUS, may lx* said to exert an almost magical [tower. Composed for the most part of Orient al Balsamic plant#, to the utter exclusion of all mineral admixture, it is distinguished medicinally for it. ex tremely bland, purifying and soothing action on the skin ; and, by acting on the pores and minute secretory vessels, expels all impurities from the surface, allays ev ery tendency to inflammation, and, by this method a lone, effectually dissipates all redness, tan, pimples, frtckles, sunburn, and other unsightly cutaneous visita tions, so inimical to female loveliness. Its use will change the most bilious complexion into one of radiant whiteness; while on the neck, hands and arms it be stows a delicacy mid fairness which its continued use will happily protect, and every appearance of youthful charm, to the most advanced periods ot life For sal**, wholesale and retail, by JULES HAUEL, Practical Chemist and Perfumer, No. 120 Chesnut street, 4th door below Fourth, South side. For sale bv GEORGE PAYNE, and SHOTWELL & GILBERT, Macon. {7#** A Premium aw arded at the Franklin Institute. •Jin l# V • Bit E.VKEMItiOFW*S HEALTH RESTORATIVE: Ail Hftcctunl Remedy for Uongh* and Colds, Liver Ccmpuuiit, Gaining of Hiood—Pain in the Side and Chest —also for Purifying the a!lood—Eradicating Eruptions on the Skin—and all other complaint* arising from the want of tone in the Stomaeh. rpHE efficacy of the Health Restorative is so well _L known to the public, that the proprietor considers the publishing of certificates as useless, hut those desi rous of examining them can do so by calling on the A gent. Pamphlets may also be had of the Agent, gratis The following certificate is from Dr. Chilton, the well known New York chemist: “I have analyzed a bottle of medicine called‘C. Brink erhoft’s Health Restorative,’ and find that it does not contain Mercury, or any other m* talic preparation, nor opium in any ot its forms. It is composed of vegetable matter entirely.” James R Ciiii.ton, M. D C BRINKERHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Principal office in the stored Mess*#, iiavou* k, Cor lies Hi Cos., importers and tfealers in Drugs, Oils, &c , 218 Pearl street. For sale by SHOTWELL &. GILBERT, Agents. Macon, also, by Druggists generally throughout the U. States. May 12, 1847 6 ts Genuine Liquid Silver. I.'OR reflating Military apparatus. Carriages, Can dlestick.#, ( ustors, Hie. Slc. This article is in bottles of various sizes. The cost of a few cents will renew valuable articles, and make them equal to their first value—its Duplication is easy, any one can apply it with u cloth. P*r sale by J. H Sc W S. ELLIS. Macon, July 7, 1847. 14 3m BAILI2Y’* SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY— lor cough#.colds,asthma, influenza ,whooping cough, spittinli of blood, anti all pulmonary diseases. BAILEY’S SARSAPARILLA—For all diseases arising from an impure state ot tin* blood: salt rheum, scrofula, king's evil,chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia, dis eas *s of the skin and bones, old ulcers, etc. BAILEY’S FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY— Tile most valuable r**m*dy—entirely vegetable prepara tion—and sure cure. BAILEY S A MERICAN VERMIFUGE—A sure exterminator >! worsts from the system, in general use throughout the Unit'd States. BAILEY S I MiIVALLEDMILITARY SHAV ING CREAM—Tina article has stood the test of eight year*, and gained lor itself a high reputation throughout th** United Suites, Canada, and most parts of th* world. BAILEY'S SI PLKIOII INDELIBLE INK—with and w ithout th** preparation; warranted the best article of the kind in use. For sale by the Druggists generally throughout the country, and at wholesale ami retail by \VM. BAILEY, Proprietor, Aoothecaries’ Hall, comer of Fulton anu Sands streets. Also for sale by GR WES, WOOD & CO., Macon. Dec. 3, 1846. 42 Savannah Dying Establishment. \NT< >N IIASERICK begs leave to inform tin* citi zensof M ACON, and the up country generally, that lie has made extensive preparations tor DYING and < LEANSING Ladies’ Silk and woolen Dresw*#. Shawls Hie. Hie Hi# colors, particularly Black. Maroon and Brown, will L warranted equal to any that can Im* pro duced in tb United State#. Gentlemen's Garments Renovated. Dyed, and warranted not to soil either th** skin or the whitest linen. Price* moderate. Articles left at th** St*ire of Mr. C. A. Ells, n*xt door to th** Washington 1 fall, Macon, will be promptly forwarded, I and returned with despatch. April 21, 1847. Iyd HOUSE \M) SIG\ PAINTING: (•ruining, (Hlding,(<litziim, A Puper-liangiug OLD CHAIRS re-seated with cane, painted and gilded ; Furniture repaired, vamislied, atid polished ; Window and Blind# for wile A F SHERWOOD, Comer of Second and Dak Streets. Macon, May 10th, 1847 y 6 Macon liowling fill loon • Mulberry Street, MACON, GA rplIE above w< ‘1 known and popular establishment, j JL )giving recently undergone a thorough repair, im now un*n r pas*ed by nny thing >f th**kind iti th** Smith- I ern country, and is open for [lie reception of vkutotadu- i ring the day and evening*. To bupiiiessmen. Planters, ‘ Merchant* and otb. ,s. ;• affords a pleuwiiit and ugree alile place of imi < *nt nm hcidJiv ulaxation und a tnuseiiieiit. Th. ibov i:hfidnant is in the most convenient pari •! ‘be cit* hcr'g on Mulberiy stir*i, n*'rly umlwiiy tie tween tlie Hotel#, and in tin* inline uiat* vicinity of hiunn**## ‘I’U? propiieiir flatter# him is if that h Im* liith'iui hail tlie good fortune U> give-aat isfaetion in tlie ord**rly manng* inetit of th** csbihhsh ment, and asm ires the public that lie will strictly en lon.*** the ohaanranrr of the same g*>od ord**r l**r the * future. Tlie Proprietor hopes that w ith these reeonimenda tiona and a strict attention to business, to merit the nat nmage of the publa* K. E. BROWN. Mmkm pit, 1847 -J ED Git MBtIJA, from th* -ul*# idier at tlie UpMUiCmiqiGrmin*li th** mghtof tie 29th uit. a large <-lt #iiut serr* l horse, with flax mane and tail, mid n lump upon In* right fore foot, which cause# linn to limp A liberal reward will Is* raid f<>r the de livery of this horse to tii** suliecnber, or l# Hall, F*#q . at Knoxville. Crawford County, and any information re specting hint will be tltUiiktully r*reived. ELBERT M DAVIS. Knoxville Sept 8, 1817 6w’23 nun D ,*\ Front tlr Suliscrifs r in Viiu ville about . rv tw t weekj since, ft Black Horse rath* r l#*low / (p/ imJdk* size,and Iwvinga small whit** spot m tti< i.u* • Any informational r*j!nrdto mid horse will Imp tlumkfully received, a&tl a suitable re ward raid lor lus delivery. J V bIIANKLIN Hep ‘4p, *lfW NAUTILUS Rffutual Life Insurance Company* ,>H Wall Street, New \ ork. \FTER mature deliberation, the Trustee* have become convinced, and the experience of old es tablished companies fully w arrant the t onclusion, that the advantages of Life fncurance on tin* Mutual plan, may be extended and diffused with greater convenience too large class of contributors, and with equal security to all the aspired, by requiring no great amount of the premium to be paid in cash than the company will re quire to meet it* engagement# w ith promptitude and fidelity. It ha# accordingly been determined that in all cases where the annual premium shall amount t s.'*o, and 60 per cent, thereof shall have been paid in cash, an approv ed note may be given lor the remaining 40 percent., payable twelve months after date, beat mg six per cent, interest. The interest to be paid annually, but the prin cipal not to be culled in unless tlu* exigence! of the company require it, giving sixty day# notice, and then only by assessments pro rata to the extent that may be requited to meet the engagements of the company. It is confidently anticipated that a system, tlie opera tion of which is so fair and equitable, so well calculated to place tin* benefits and blessings of Life Insurance within the reach of ull, and at the same time enable each contributor to share equally ohd fully not only in its henificent security, but also in its profits of accumu lation, will meet, as it i believed to deserve, the favor and confidence of the public The particular advantages offered by this company nre: 1. A guarantee capital. 2. An annual participation in the profits. 3 No individual responsibility beyond the amount of , premium. 4. Those who insure for a less period than life, par i ticipate equally in the annual profits of the company. The Nautilus company confines it# business exclu sively to Insurance on Lives, and all Insurance apper -1 taining to Life*. The Rates of Insurance on One Hundred Dollars. Ii 11 | ■( I r &£.<• I >rur I years. | life. | | Afc*\ I year, lyear* I life, 15 . 88 i56 10 169J83 320 20 91 9f ,1 71 45 1 91,1 96 373 25 iOO 1 12 20 1 50 196209 460 3nj 1 31 1 36 12 36 ! 55 232321 *5 78 35 l Ml 1532 75 60 I 35| I 91|7 <k \ VR< >N M MERCHAN! . Prerideftt. ROBERT B. COLEMAN, Vice President. Trustees. A. M. Merchant, Robert B. Coleman, O. Bushnell, John M. Nixon, Richard E. Purdy, llenry A. Nelson, R. A. Reading, SamuelC. Paxon, James Harper, Jonathan K. Herrick, Lori no Andrews, William N. Seymour, M. O. Roberts, Richard Irvin, G. F. Lindsey, John S. Bussing, 111 nry K. Bogert, Morris Franklin, Spsm er S. Benedict. Actuary. Pi.iny Freeman. The company will also insure the lives of Slaves. HYDE Hl JONES, Agents, Macon. April 1, 1847. y 29 7TVr*A S\ORA\n HOUV4M, J.X.A OF HAR TFORD, CONN.—The undersigned Ag**list will tak** risk# against Fire in this city, Griffin, Forsyth and other towns in the State, on as favorable terms as any responsible Company. They will also in sure against the risks of River Navigation ; their present rates are, 3-4 per eent. to Savannah, and 7-8 to Charles ton. REA Hi COTTON. Macon, April 1,1847. 5 I in: IN &UIS ANCE. -The New York |_J Life insurance and Trust Company having estab lish'd an Agency in the city of Macon, persons may ef fect Insurance with this Company on their own Lives or the Lives of others, and either for the whole dura tion of life or fora limited jieriod, by the puyment of a small annual premium. STEPHEN ALLEN, President. CHARLES C. PALMER, Secretary. E. BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, Aqrill, 1847. ysl Mutual Life* Insurance Company of'N. York. MORRIS ROBINSON, President, Samuel JLlannay, Secretary. \CCUMULATED nett profits amount to $400,000. Application# receivedjjy C. DAY & Cos July 7, 1847 14 MA ro\ IICoY a B lt 4SS 101 4. BBT, and MACHINE SHOP—The sub scriber having recently made large and important addi tions to his former list of patterns lor Overshot, Breast and Tub Mill Gearing, is now prepared to execute or ders for Flour Mills, Cotton Factories, Horse power Mills for plantation grinding &c.i also Cotton Press es, Gin Gear,Plates and Bulls, and Mill Irons of every description ; all of which will be made of the very best material ami workmanship, on reasonable and accom modating terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon, June 17, 1816. y 18 Farmers take CToticc. Us E have th** right of a number of Counties for Gaylord’s Patent Straw-Cutter. Tins ma chine is the greatest of the day, and no humbug. It cuts coni, oats, hny, phueks, etraw, or .stalk# with great rapidity, and so easily that a boy of twelve years old can work it. It can be attached to a gin wheel without any extra expense, as the fly-wheel answers ior a pulley.— The great advantage of this machine over all others, is in the shape of the blade—it being concave and convex, parting the straw* in the middle and cutting both ways, which no other blade can do. So simple is this ma chine, than any person that can grind an axe can put the blade in order. Any black-smith can make the blade. We shall keep one on hand lor our friends to examine before purchasing. CHAS. P LEVY Hi CO. Ocmulgee Foundry, Cotton Avenue. Macon, July 14, 1847. 15tf MILL-STONES. f subscriber being agent for an extensive Mill- M. Stone Establishment in New York, will jurtush to order , french bi rr esopas, and cologne mill stones, <4 any size, and warranted of the very best quality. R(>BERT FINDLAY Macon, Nov. 13, 1846. 40 SQUARE BALES. Bullock s compound lever cotton PRESSES, being recently simplified and improv ed, are now ottered to those wishing to put up Square Bales as a superior article to any in use*. An examination of their construction and principle, by those who study true economy, and wish a good and permanent article, is solicited that they may see and iudge lor themselves. Prices, Eighty-five Dollars, delivered in Macon, which includes tfie whole of the outfit of Irons, Rope, Patent Right, Ac. Annexed is bill of Timber for Same. 4... .pieces... .22 feet long, 10 by 10. 1 “ 16 “ “ 10 by 10. 1 “ 21“ “ 10 by 10. 4 “ 13 “ “ 6by 6. 2 “ 16 “ “ 12 by 16. 1 l2“ “ 12 by 20. 1 “ 31“ “ 9by 24. 2 “ 15 “ “ 3by 8. 2 “ 15 “ 14 sby 5. 1 “ 10 “ “ 12 by 19. 1 “ 7 “ “ 12 by 14. 1 “ 9 “ “ 4by 12. 10 good plank 18 “ ** 11 by 12. 1......** 25 “ “ 4by 12. 3 scantlmgs 20 *’ “ 3by 4. Also, Gin (leering of all sizes, kept constantly on hand ; gee ring lor Merchant Mills, Cotton Factories and Mill-Stones of every description, furnished to order nt Foundnry of K. FINDLAY, Macon, Geo. Aug. 11, 1847 19 Straw Cutters. I > FINDLA Vi* now manufacturing a lot of Cuf- I L • ting Machines, which, for practical use, strength j and durability, are probably unsurpassed. They are, by , the by, no patent right attuir, but u plain und substnn j tial machine for cutting straw, corn-stalks, fodder, ! shucks, Ac with perfect cam* and despatch. Planters other* arc ruywlirtly invitmd to call at Findlay’s I Foundry,corner of Walnut and fourth streets, Macon. June 23, 1847. ts 19 Cotton Presses for Sale. j rp HE Cotton Press* s (Bullock's Patent.) heretofore | I used in the pack iigeatablishment in tlus city, will ! U* sold if immediate application m made, at centre j duced prices, including frame work, wiudlns, and every thing complete lor each press, and sold in consequence j ot the proprietors having discontinued the re inickrntt business Apply M ROBER T FINDLAY Macon, July 14, 1847. ts \.\ ACT to alter and amend the third Section of „ the second Article of the Constitution of this State. Whereas, the third Section of the second Article ol the Constitution of this Slate reads in th* 1 follow ing w**rds, to wit No peison shall br eligible to the otticr of Govermu who shall not have been arui/eti of the U. States twelve years, and an inhabitant ot this State six years, and who hath not attained to the age of Unity years, mid who does not tmorM five hundred acres of land in his own t ight within this State, and other prop erty to th*‘ amount of four thousand dollar*, mid whose estate shall not, on a reasonable * -t limit ion, lie eoiii)* - tent to the discharge of Ins just debts over and above tin* sum -and whereas, said property qualification is inconsistent with the genius ol our institutions and the popular spirit of this age— election I R* it enacted by tie* S* nnte and House ol Representatives of the State ol Georgia, In general ic s uibly ruet. and it is hereby enacted hy the authority of the same, That so soon as this Act Hinllhave passe agreeably to tin* rcouirmu nU* of th* Constitution, the billowing shall b** adopted in lieu of the section aiwv’ recited, (to wit No (M-rsoii shall Is* eligible to the ot tic -of Governor who shall not have hem a citizen i : flic United States twelve years, and an inhabitant oi tins Slate six years, and who hath not attained the age ol thirty years. Approved December 26th, 1813. i 14. HIT 2 NOTICE. \|,!, P*: ons havit g and mantis a ninst theHint.’ • I lohnCrun j I, of Wilkit son county, are requested to present tie in in terms <i tl.*- law ; “,i >t* .1 l make paynn iit. JOHN CRUMIILKY. { JLSSE CRLMBLEY.i Aa, “ ** August 9. 1847 20 LEGAL NOTICES. n-ors*roN mii:rifi*’s n \i.k—Will te sold at the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston county, on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property, to wit: Two Mack colored horse Mules, and one bay Stall ion, about 4 years old; levied on a# the property of Rich ard Westbrooks, to satisfy hi# Tax for JBI7. E K HODGES, l>p. Sli’ff'. Sept. 29. 26 V DMINIHTH ITOR’S s VLi;. By virtue < i l \ an order from the Honorable the Infertor Court of Upson eoun’v w hile suing n# a Court of Ordinary, will be sold at ihe Court House do*r of said county on the first Tuesday in N< <-mber next, betw’een tlie usual hours of sale, five negroes, viz:—Ben, n man about 47 yea*# of age ; Armstead, a man about 26 years of age : Maria, a woman aged 42 years ; and her two children, Laura, a girl six yeaisolJ, and Caroline, a girl about 18 months old. Also, on Friday the 29th day of October, w ill he sold in said county, at th** lute residence of Elizalieth Goode, deceased, a portion of the personal property belonging to the estate of the said deceased, consisting of planta tion tools, household and kitchen furniture, oats, wheat, corn, fodder, and cotton, one fine buggy, two horses, some fine cow's and calves, and other cattle, cart and oxen, and stock of hogs, besides other articles not men tioned. The whole of the above property, belonging to the estate of Elizabeth Goode, lnt** of said county, deceased, and to be Hold for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms—Purchasers buying b>s than Five Dollars worth of property, will pay Cash. Those buying more than Five Dollars worth, will give small notes with good security, due in twelve months after the sale. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. THOMAS W. GOODE, Adm'r Sept. 29, 1817. *26 tils fMH K MONTHS niter date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Jasper county, for leave to sell a Negro Child belonging to Lu cien Newton (minor.) O. 11. P. NEWTON, Guar. September 8, 1847. 4in23 fM>I It MOVl'lls after date application will be made to tlie Hon. the Inferior Court of Houston county, when sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell tw'o Negroes, Pollard, n man, and Jane, a woman, belonging to the estate of Malcolm T. Gilbert, late of said county, deceased. EDMUND GILBERT, Adm'r. July 7,1847. 4m 14 YjMJI It MONTHS after date application will lx* r made to the honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs county, when sitting as a Court of (frdinary, for leave to sell the real estate of John Worthington, deceased, late of said county. EDMUND M ROBERSON, Adm’r. Twiggs Cos., June 15, 1847. 11 J7HH It MONTHS after date application w ill he r made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Sumter county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tlie Land# anil Negroes belonging to the estate or Thomas M. Mann, late of said county, deceased, sos the benefit of the heirs and creditors. SARAH T. MANN, Adm’rx July 14,1847. 15 IjMH !t MONTHS alter date application will lx* V made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Up son county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell on** Lot of Land, lying in Baker county, belong ing to the estate of William Robertson, deceased. JOHN W. ROBERTSON, Adm’r. July 21,1847. 16 EM)I R MONTHS aft*i date, apj iication w F made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Upson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Land, number 75, in the 10th district of for merly Monroe now Upson county, as the real estate of Richard N. Smith* late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN WETHERBY, Adm’r. Sept. 15, 1847. *24 4m T?BPR MONTHS after date application will be F made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilk inson county, when sitting ns a court of ordinary, for leave to s**ll all the land belonging to the estate of John Crumbley, sr., In** of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heir# and creditors. JOHN CRUMBLEY, Jr. ) , , . JESSE CRUMBLEY \ Adm w - August 11,1847. 19 Georgia—Hare C omity. Wf HERE AS Miles J. Gue#t and Sarah Joyce, ad ministrators on the estate of Henry Joyce, late ol so and county, deceased, apply to me for letters of Dis mission from said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office, this Bth day of Sep tember, 1547. GEO. B. WILLIAMSON, c. c.o. Sept. 29, _____ 26 m6m Georgia—Monroe County. YITHEREAS James H Haynes applies for letter# Dos administration, w ith the w ill annexed,on th** estate of Charles W. Ha> tes, late of said county, de ceased , These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindled and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office w itliin the time prescribed by law, to show cause i ai.y they have, why said letters should not be granted. E. G. CABANISS, c. c. o. Sept. 29, 1847. 2w26 Georgia—Hare County. V¥ r IIEREAS David J Miller and Elizabeth Yarbo vV rough apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of William Yarborough, late ofsaid coun ty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 20th day of Sep tember, 1847. CUYLER W. HILLIARD, n. c.c.o.w.c. October 6. 27 6t Georgia—Ware County. YY7*HEREAS William Smith and Joseph Sermon, \\ administratofs on the estate of William Smith, late of said county, deceased, apply for letters of ihsniis mission. These are therefore to cite and summon all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this sth June, 1847. GEO. B WILLIAMSON,CIk CO. June 16,1847 wlwll Georgia—Monroe County. Inferior Court sitting for Ordinary purposes, July ‘ Term, 1847. William W. Hardy and James J Banks,executors of the last will and testament of Charles Hardy dec.’ having fully administered the estate of said deceased, I pray letters of dismission therefrom. It is ordered by the Court that this rule be published once a month, for six months, at the expiration of which time, said letters will be granted, unless cause to the contrary be shown. A true extract from the minutes of said ('ourt, July f, 1817. E. G. CABANISS, C. C. O. Georgia—Ui>m>n County. U7HEREAS Thomas W. Goode applies to me for Letters ol Administration on the estate of Eliza beth Goode, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite und admonish nil anil sin gular the kindred mid creditors of Haul deceased, to Im* ami ap|M*ar at my office within the time prescribed by law, to allow cause if any they have, why said letters should not hi* granted. Given under my hand nt office, ihi# Ist day of July, 1847 M H. SANDWICH, dec. t. c.o. July 7. _ ii ill ii It Georgia—Macon County. UTIIEREAS, Thomas L Rives, Administrator on the estate if Arch well Joiu-h, lute of mid coun ty. deceased, applies for letters of dismission, he lumng ! lullv administered on the same according to law : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin- ! gulai the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to ap pear at my offi**** and file their objections, if any they nave, why mid letter# should not In* granted WM. W. CORBETT, c r. o. Mneon county, July 12, 1847 ni6mls MarthaPnitinhall, Ex'rx &*• i Rule Ni#i to l’medoK* I ■ Houston John (. Clark. ) Superior Court. I T Hpj>earing to the court, that scire facia* to tnnke ‘ . names ti the above stnted case having been issued, and returned bv the Sheriff with the follow ing entry — I “John G. ( lark is not to Im* found in I loiotton county ’- I it is ordered by the Court, that **rvie** of scire tiiems Im* i iierfeeted, by tlie publication of this Rule once u month for four mouths, in the Georgia Journal A \l**s#**iig**r. A true extract lr*tn the Minute# of Houi>t*ii Siqs rir Court, June 18, 1H47. Jura 3 0 iii im 13 WM II MJLLI R( V k (■oorgin Monroe ( ouuty. ffTHKRKAH William M I’op* nppli* !.i lettei-of It estate of Wiley II Pope,late of said county, dera*n#**d, I These are therefore t*> cite and admonish all mid sin gular the kindred ami creditor# of said deceased, to lie ) und appear at my office, within th * turn* prescribed by law, to show eau#**, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. • K, * r. o. August 4, 1847. iu6mlH (•toigiu M mo* ( ouuty* Tlioma# IV#ou applies tor letters of administration on tiie estate ot ‘J'honias Brautly of Maul county, deceased . ‘i’ll**#'* are therefor*', to cite arid ndmotiish all and singular, the kindred and creditmsof I, to fx* and app'-ar at my office within the tuns pnrarrilied i.y law, to show earn *, il liny th* y have, wig said let t* rs sllould (Hit be gramed. * 4 , E. (i. CABANISS, c . O. Augii#t I. I#7 .1# NOTICE. \T the February term of tlie Superior Court to be . held in mid for Crawford County, application will he made, t**r leave to divide the estate of John King, d* ceased. JOHN T. BARNES Sept. 15 1847 mini LEUAL NOTICES^ 1 T.IXHCI TOM’S s\ Ii:. Will Vj < ourt lljmis.-iloorin Ijiiin r. \|:i ( .,„’. '■ . able to on order of th- Honorablr tl lr . , V° u,lt ’ • -i. satd county, who.. >iui. a for orJ ina „” “"“U-V first lu-hlnym .s..vnnW it-xt .hoi to-wit. Noh. ;.snd fid, ihT&'sU formerly Muscogee now Mneon coumv “ w, xi null mu on the tsanie ; nlso Lots \ u , ! h ~ 2d district of etiid county. ° B ' s “J 131, “ Abo, on the first Tuesday in Drcrmh.. sold at ,he ( our. Houmdoirin MaZZ r"■ tv, fractional Lot No. 218, in tlie • ’Hsf{* U, ly \\ ilkinson now Twiggs county Also, on the first Tuesday in Jami.,„. sold liefore tlx* Court House tloor’h” ‘{’il"'” * 1 dolph enunty, I,nt No 23U, in t|„. l",|, it. No. 65, m the iltli district of i„n u ,. uv i ~ dolph c* unti ‘• ‘ Also, on the first Tuesday in Felrum„ n the Court House door in Amkriu s ,f xi i Lot No. 242, in th** 16th district, and l it y'^V 17th district of said county. - Also on the first Tuesday in March n™ i , ! t oiiii House door in 1 aluotion, |,,\ , 1 Ist district of formerly Troun now Tiili ,‘, u , Abo, on the first ‘l'n. sday hwlor,” t,(T 1 ! 1 ( oim House door in Stuvart eminiv I,"vJ the }Bt , district of formerly Lee n0w'5,..,,; All the above property sold for the li,.|„.u, , n ”"! *• Join.', lute of .Mhcoi, , w"l' 1 : ’ J lerms made known on the days of s.i,/’ UlCt4 d.R WILLIAM RUsHiN I I s. 11. I'.x roN m . I JOHN U. KOiKitlßs i ‘-‘"l Sept. 1,1947. t ‘ Rh >) B ll\ IK I TOK’S S.\ Ii: be„ l( “ I Ii ruMduy m November m I Marion, l wiga county, seven Neu , “ 1 about forty-live years ohl, find her i w ,,',.’ S one four and the other two years old; l) in v ■ one years old, and her three female’ c ||i| l j l “ “""'g live years old, one two years old, and t|„ W tluee monllis old. Property belongine tn ii “ ‘■ Daniel Massev, deceased,and sold for the U ? I heirs mid creditors ol said estate Term.,, B sale. WM. BRYAN _ept I. IH-IT CM22 with “171 XECIJTOR’S SALE. I J Htitidreil bushels Os tom, nnd one lourlhoti .U lirowmi pm, sixteen aeresof ssi.t land Z ishnble property behingtng to the , s ,„ t< . , fl Hunt,deceased. I ermson the day f Also, the lands above mentioned I ostate may Is- fi.r at private (ale 1 D, ’ ,nß M JANIES CONN ALLY v I ALEXANDER PERRiNtt e t .B DAVID.CLEMEN October 6, 1847. 27 61 I | V\i;( I TOIUS SALE.-W,!! X-i first luesday in December next nt Lr® House in the county ot Pulaski, the followm!,.'* wit the west half of lots No. 316 nnd 301 Dist.of originally Wilkinson now |*uln#ki l, H joining James Bryan and Burr. It J0n1,.;, ,’ S th** estate of Daniel Massy late of den*M*d,So|l for ill** I’* id fit ol tii,- In-in. aiiVi-JBI Terms of sale on the day. H . WM. BRYAN Fivfl Oct. 4th, HIT. \ IMI IMSIIi V I t>IPS S \ LKiTfiTvSB an order ol the Honorable lord county. when sitting for ordinary punliw. sold nt tin* Couit House door ot said c u n fust Tursday in Noveinl#*r u.-xt. I>. tw-, , hours of sale, part of Lot of Land No district i'l turnn Ily Houston now Cimwldm . taming 112 acres, more or loss—it (K ing thr.n wher**on John Bryan, d**reas*il, ||\**iT >„ prop*rtv of s;iiil John Bryan, tor th<- tion. Terms made known on the day of sav ARTHUR BRYAN. W® a , lUI . HANNAH BRYAN.aSM Sept. 1, 18 L QpjM POSTPONED E \DMI\ISTR ATOIt’S SALE.—H’i/i * _ l>*loi e the Court House in Lee county, on & Tuesday in November n xt, during the ususnh, sal**, that valuable Lot of Land. No 32. in tbl district of Lei*, belonging to tin* estate of Sami J ins. late <d Monroe county, deceased, s UI(J (l , b*‘ii* lit <’t‘ the legatees of said <l**cea-n| . day of sale. ROLAND BIVINS GEO. W BIVINS K DMI MSTH VTOIPS S A \A). W Vj on tin* first Tuesday in Novemfier n-r tie* t “in t House door at Bninlirulg**, D'cn- . e, Lots*.! Land niiiiibrs 237 and 31# in die *ji*-. j o! Early r*<unty originally, now 1 )*entnr e*-u:-v j by order of Court, as tb** |io[ertv of’ Archik.:ij late ot Talbot county. il i*i*as**d, for tin* ietiri/.tj heirs. Term# tua.l. know n rai tii*- dav ut sup WILLIAM M. BROWN, Ai Be[t 1 . 1847 ?> -q 4 DM INIS I K \TOirs s \|,i:._\V.„> \ M‘fot** the Court Hons** door hi die eity * c*n, on tin* first Tuesday in I>< i * mln*r ik .v vi tb** usual hours of salt*: The HtU SE and W land. li’i in* ry *eeupi dby 1 Uackslu-ar llrvan. 1 ville, adjoining lands of G*n Heal I and ottui eoutmmng tlmty-s<*v.*n aon-s. won■ or loss t H woodland, watli a **• n*. •, f’oi. g.aU aw*.liD.i H ■ an order ot tin* Interior Corn t m Pulaski a u. a JH f<*r ordinary jmuj)os**s, as tli* j.ropi-ity *>f th* liR Blaeksbear Bryan deceased Terms maJ* A; I H the day ol sale. F ELLEN A. BRYAN, A,inn®! AUG. H H ANSELL, AkM ! Sept 8, 1847 % : jHI \ DMIMSTH \TOirs SVI.Ii.-W, i I on tb*- first Tuesday in ( ft*toiler next, mb Court I lon- door at ‘I a 11-otton. Talbot cou:d man. nani’- l Will, about litty-tiv** ya:s.o! St Wm tin* (Ho|i.*M\ ot Aroli:‘-aid t iray'. i;.t<*. t 1: iHi (l.*(vas**.l. tor■ tb** b*-m-tit the b**irs o| sa.. .ct I Terms made known on the day of sale HI WILLIAM M BROWN \i ■ \ i:u-t I 1841 I , \IMIINM R VTOR ssVI U -I i | an oi 1.-r of tin* MonorbU* ln;*nor (.our J H ton *.fiini\. wln-ti mium: lot on,D’.nv j .-,• •• H sold at tin- Court-house door ol c.-i -I ■ tin- lawful hours of salt*, on tin* ti;si In v. iiib**r tn \i. I. ’t ot Laud. numb, r tw*’ \- g in tin to ut, .mb 11 *l.>triet ot Ib’ii-ioiM H mg two Inin Inal two and ahailtnns jm ily ,-t James Bell, dee* as* ,1, t-.r tlie ’ 1 ra In irs and creditors of said deceased. Ter:..? mad** known on the day. h JAMES L. FULLER At W Sept 1, 1847. _ 21 1 ■ \1) >1 I > ISTK \ I OH'S > \l i:.-W on the first Tuesday in l>penil**r n<i: H t (.mt 11 ’us- door in tin- town ot Mariot ‘1 -> ty,tin* flK>w mg land to w it, lot 124 **iTra.:..j H| aero# moo* or loss, nlso s< nth west pn” “1 * - H tauuriii 138 iik-i** or I* s adiommy lai •> I” H SliJtibk* W ar** and other#, lM*Uiigiuu i-il*"H H John W *atlioiiturtoti lat** *t #:*t*l ( <>u n .*- t< : tin l ti- tit ot tin-In IIS ami . !’ • •* { HH the dn>. HI EDWARD MeROBKRSON.Aj H Get 3111, 1817 J B AdininistrntorN Sale. Will Ik* sold on the first Tuesday in before the Court House door at JacKson in l >!! v ty, Lot of land No. 65 in the 14th district as the property of Archu. Gray late of RJ* ty for the benefit ol the heirs l* know non the day ol Sale. ,j WILLIAM M. BROWN AJ Oct. 2d, 1847. \I>W IMSTR % TOR’S S\ t.K.-"-’ on Saturday, the 30th ol October J idence of Dr James My rick, in Bibb perishable property of Dr. William late ot satif county, consisting ol a stock *1 comprising all the varieties needed by a sician ; a set ol Stngical Rimtminenw pa rat us; also, about 65 vuluinei ol J wearing apparel, Middle hags. hnltb° Jl ’ fine horse, saddle and bridle, and other ar ’ incious to meiittoii, belonging to said * , for the h* nefit of the creditors.-- m on iho day of Kile. ROLAND I' lv J H,-|>l TJ, I *47 - i O 111 \IST 14 A TOR’S jj'” /V an order of the Honornhlr *l’ ‘ , Sumter county, when sitting for oru 1 i will Ik* sold ut the Court lltNise door Hi * the fust ‘l’uesday in Decemh* r next. . hours ol sale, the follow inf !*< i No. 217, in the 30th dmtricl. open land, Gin-house and daui. Screw, under good IV*rwre ; No. k-W lorty acres opi* n lainl und good , Lx ■ chasers will Ik* required to pay one j” rlftf 4 small notes with approved ns . thirds, piiyaldc the 23th Ih'cenils r, . property of the late N*wih Golding* benefit of the heirs of so l idp>HTH j Sept. 22, 1817. * IMIIMSTR \ r;>R> 1 ; 1 4 \ on the first Tuesday J* 1 r the Court Houk* door m l*'**)’ 11,l ; 4 ‘ulhsfoM House and It, lying in t.c all j t>'p4 county; the lioue* is a coiuin‘ , di _ ling, and attached to the preiiuy l . . #n( j M tinning about 170 acres, g***® . . late 4 ‘Hold ns the propsrty of Snmufl o' l county, deceased, wr the IllVlfl uuJ - Bam*JSi .Ailm r. wd* j Hrpt. HI7. v iniIYIHTK %T**n’N /V li” ll,.imrMf tti'- nam cniiniy, wlu'ii ti‘*i, 1,,r ;,c OK Ik* s*>ld ut the court-house 1,1 , ‘..-.t with*® ® the fiist Tu**slny in iN-eetiiber l * hours of sale, ‘I hree Hundred mote or less, adjoining Cogbiirn. * . Wjri*] the same being tlie real estate ** uu|ieirW ed, and to lie sold lor the G* l **’’*** k on Tcrma ofnle madr ‘JyiTR J Brpt. TJ. 1817.