Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, October 20, 1847, Image 1

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i;y S. ROSE & CO. ■ T ,)|VI*.MVN &S. ROSE. Editors. ■ T E R >1 S . ■ „ rrV ; ” tounuil hi Messenger in published rve-, m [ Veitt lrtjy morning in tl><* city of the kkouceo rates: n ,„,d strir'ly in advance, per year $2 SO ■ in advance I! 00 H I ,mii t‘ ll th ' rnd nf lhp v '" r 100 BH l "V— terms will I”’ riaidlv rnfitreed, withemt rc *ll ..,*lll*. ns the object of the Publishers is to do 9 I*' c ' 10 as nearly *s possible upon the ensh ] >ri iK-ipli-—. V,| );l | t f, subscribers should ri'iip tin 1 profits H P r ," ,, T rl "T.„llv eo to ngentsan I collectors. In no ruse ■ “-"7 J n Rppr lie sent out ot tile. State unless lirst paid H ‘■ v: 1 , t ,i"0 satisfactory reference is giveu in Macon or its ’ !o I.M’TSKMI’.NTS insert’ ll at the usual rates— ■ limited when handed in, will he inserted til! RH those n , u( # lip,, r n| discount will be allowed to persons k ‘iverttse by the year, and who pay on demand. ■ illntarrinee iiolic-s, ttnd obituary notiees of urrr ■ , „ will be charged at the usual mtos. H tilnmouiioemeiits ot candidates tor office,to he paid ■ , A ike usual rates, when inserted. H i | ,-ral arrangements made with County Officers, ■ n “fists. Auctioneers, and others, who may wish to nktAimited contracts. 9 l> .earns advertising will please observe the following: ■ vi/fjt of liiinil and Negroes, by Executors. Admitiis -9 toan 1 (biardians, are required hy law to be mlver -9 |™!jma pnMie gaiclte, sixty days previous to the day I ul These sales must he held on the first Tuesday ill the 9 nth h tween the hours of ten in the forenoon and 9 ‘""..l in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county H ‘fhe saft tilTensma'i Property must lie advertised in 1 ivhtore and Creditors of an Estate must lie [I 1 \ 0 t l( . . that application will he made to the CourPof 9 Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must be 9 nuhleh'-’il weekly for four months. 9 t'itutims or Letters of Administration must be pub -9I V I thirty days— for Dismission from Ad mntstration, 9 timitidy sit months— for Dismission Irom (.unrdian 9sliip. forty days. 9 j.V-s for foreclosure of mortgaue. must he published 9 monttill for lour months—for estahlishing lost papers, 9 for the full space of three month*—for compelling ti 9(u from Executors or Administrators where a bond has 9 been given by the deceased, the jull space of three ■ month*. ~ I OCT* Letters on business to l>e post-paid. I BLAKE & SMITH, ■ ATTORNIES AT LAW, K , Macon, Ga. |i 11 T ILL nttrn I ,*. fill |rofossinal business entrusted I | U t, rheir rare, in iJilfo and surrounding counties. Sept. 15, iai7. 1y24 f Ltrmi j. Gi,EWi¥, ATTORETEV AT L AW. 9 McDonough, ga. I Rcferto Scott, Cariiart & Cos. May 6, 1*47. *IyT, R. K. 1,. BUCHANAN, Attorney at Law r , |i Spring Place, Murray County. ■ attend faithfully to nil professional business I \\ entrusted to his care, ill the several Courts of Itb l I September 1, 1847. 22 ts Dr. ROBERT M PATTERSON. 9 IT AVING permanently located in this plnre, ten -9 Ji ders his professional services to the citizens ofMa -9 con and its vicinity. He hopes by prompt attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. A His office is on 2d st., in the building formerly occu -9 pied by the Macon Messenger. I Macon, June 23, 1847. 12 ts PETER j. WILLIAMS I TT \S taken the \\ \SII IM.I'OV ||\|,|„ and 111 requests a nontinuance of the public patronage. I Muon, April 1, 1847. 1 IDE LOACXXE & WILCOXSON, ,1, flan n tael urn rs nnd Dealers in CARRIAGES AND HARNESS K J v/ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Mulberry Street, Macon , Georgia. ! De L Si W. have constantly for sale, on the best terms, ELIPTIC SPRINGS, AXELS, STEPS, BANDS, LAMPS, COACH LACE.—PATENT AND TOP LEATHER, Plated and Japanned Harness Mountings, Paints, Oils, Varnish, 6c c. March 10. 1847. CARRIAGES, (AT THE OLD STAND OF THE LATE F. WRIOLEY.) M | U A large assortment of fine COACHES, q!LZ2mLs BARk(>l CUES,R(K KAVVAYS,4b VST v!S” ‘BUGGIES, (with and without tops,) • direct from J. M. (JuinUy s celebrated manufactory, Newark, N J. Persons wishing good Carriages , will find it to their |fl interest to examine these articles before purchasing rise - 9 where, as a large assortment will l*e kept constantly on band and offered on the most favorable terms. B j Orders received tor Carriages built to any pattern, §9 a nd warranted to do {rood service and give satistnetion, IB both in article and price. T. If PLANT, 1 Macon, Dec* 30, 1846. 46 Agent. lAIIiCII MIDDLES! I MORRIS so WESTCOTT have on hand I LS9& a first rate assortment of SADDLES, HAR ■ NESS and CARRI AGE TRIM MINGS, ot H ail kinds, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. H Their facilities are such that they can sell lower titan ■ *ny other establishment of the kind in the city. H Give us a call before you boy, is all w’e ask fora re commendation. REPAI RING done at reduced prices, in a workman-like manner. rr’ Cotton Avenue, next door to A. J&.D. W. Orr. ■ Dec. 3, 1846. 42 Sale and Liviry Stable* rpilE under* gned respectfully inform I their friends and the public, thnt they have opened a Stablk m Macon, for the X i >r P" r l M,s ’ of doing a SALE AM) LIV UK Y BUSINESS, and resit-ctfully so licit a mare of public patronnse. Their Starnes are con nected with the FLOYD HOUSE, ami every attention faction aU l ° cu * loluers 1,1 ort^er to give generul satis -1 heir Stables are large, new and cotnmodioun, with tine Lots ami very conveiuent. Persons would do well to give us a call. N HAWKINS, ■* * ~ , , J W. HARRIS. Maeon, Apnl 1, 1817. Utf United States Mail Line—Daily* between BAVANNAU AND CHARLESTON. The well known splended Steam-PnckeH i 4 ***- C*pl. J P Mrooks, lir* L - Cuncu, Cupt. J Harden, Wm Seabrok, Capt. T Lyon Lontinue to run regularly between Savannah and vnarieston, leaving Savannah every morning at 4 o'- clock, and Charleston every morning at 9 o'clock pre s*ly For Freight or Passage apply on hoard, at the savannah and Charleston Steam-Packet Wharf , or to V ii n , A.LAFITTE, Agent, r ‘ AH <o<mls, intended tor Savannah, will Is* dim i 7 Agents at Charleston, if ncu to their care, free of commissions. Apnl SI, 1847. if 3 M WOOD AND BRAD AVE justreeeived another large lot of window ln<* ti. W | Uy Also some Black Walnut Wind* usteuds, of patterns mid finish which cannot fail p ™ e - Dec. 17; 44tf j | U, ’IO IMNUI NUN.—Just rr.viv.Ml .. fiL ,S’ “"I’ply “I Paper Hangul'*, Borders, and Fire 21. T""’. w "I'’ 1 '’ I’-'P'rfor Window s.a Ivan !’ Alan, Font Miusol several different kin,ln. Jl 7 GEO. W PRICE. WILL BE SOLD, B£i„ n” | l"ir*<ly. 23 November iirxl.lo tl.r highest -Xl l'I? . Ppeviuusly disposed of,) Ihr Inrm on Thun... . 1,1 ’‘ I ,|i| “ rii "'r now lives, lying ~u llir upper g. , ‘""” roiid, right mill'* north-west of Mar."i “t *N* acres „! Inn,l, 130 id whirh „-n IVi, tn.iiand undrr gooil tines, thr rrmaindrr , Tn. quality oak nnd hirkory ,i|ihn„l Al "II,I mute*— 20 Inti,l ~l roltlr h. f ,m '’ milk atis-k.) I ynkr >l oxen nod nliotit fdl Mo,?.* Ata ” “ lnl r wheat m. loihlrr, peas, in-w *''■ * nir, two horse horse waggon nn.l 1iar '1,,.,'.1.. I “ x ‘ , " t ; Unf.Hr.-ft arrang'd lor aittgle (ir 111,, “ ,ni '™ tnrm iiii|driiirina , I Inuscwh„l<- lunii sundries. Hi.m.n 1 r' 11 ’ “ “ ir " r "'? ,m ‘hr |or,iv. Mia a linr op. *i. Jl?i ,' r ‘T w " h ' n * “ “'""•I •inniwar Macon, “ , " 1 h'*y cheap! chop .’ lor 11 . .. R. W.JEMtBON. Uwm? ! ‘-‘'A no baby jumpe*. *I n v..ra r, ‘^ , * ,r '' , t , 'd Patent Elssiie Ikihy JumtN<r, l-v wliu.i, ‘ , * 4 hil and Mniusiiig article lor the nut* ry, | wanin ,riMn the age of three months and up when ’iU-IT 11 *! , 10 ?* Mrciß * an d Mtniw thetnaelves. 1 •wuiii..*n “ ,,|t ! ‘ of lrmg injureu, in |.„„ ~ ““'i'v m,l,irivr 10 hrnlth. and aUrulati.l I; 1 . Iminor ,and Ihr rlnl.l —Call •'‘•4ori. , 'C^7 ~y J .'UiKWfCK. #gocgift Journal ait'll iUcsscngcr. JOHN LYON, Attorney nt Law, (Os the late laic firm of Rick'd F t* J. Lynn, of Albany) \\T ‘ pmotiofs in the of Paulding, Cam, Tiftmplrin. Onion, Gatmer. Mnrrny, \V alk< r, I)ade,Chatooga and Floyd IL l.'m m Guv Chnrlt'K J. Mcl>n.W, or Marietta, ii \ ) n f*> oi Mncoil, Hon. Lott Warren, nnd Horn & McGuire, and Hunt Sc Pynchon, (Merchants) Albany, (.a. Oct. 6, 1817. 27 ts NBW GOOEC ! NEW GOODS ! ~~ r | l HE subscriber hns just received and is now otiening Ia large and well selected stock ot'S ‘PA HLK and I kN( \ I)HY GOODS, which will be sold as low nsnt any house in this city. Rich Dress Silks, Rich embroidered I hihit Dresses, (new article.) Rich “ Cashmeres, Mode colored Cashmeres and DeLnines, (jnla. Clarence nnd Oregon Plaids, English and Sooth Ginghams, Bemitiiulembroidered Cashmere Shawls, Brot •ha. Merino and ('assiineie “ Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, Checked “ “ Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, fine and superfine. Irish Linens Sheetings, Shirtings, Kerseys, Red nnd White Flannels, Lmseys, Saddle and Negro Blankets, hne Red Blankets, Tickings, Mnriners Stripe, Shirt ings Calicoes, ,fce. JOS. MURDOCK. Macon, October fi, 1847. 27 ts VERY CHEAP DRY GOODS ! N MrKINNON At. t 11 would invite nil persons • in wniitof dry uuods, to cttll and examine their New ana Seasonable Stock, consisting of Brown ami Bleached Shirtings ami Sheet ngs, Tickings, Checks Ginghams, Prints, Linens, Linen Drillings, fine and conitiion Cloths, Muslins, Lawns, Silks and Dress (tooils generally, together with almost every other arti cle usually kept in the Dry Good* line. All of which w, “ 111 the lowest prices for cash, or to punctual customers on the usual time. Macon, April 1, 1847 4 CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, &C. OLTKII West of England Black, Blue-black, Blue, kJ Invisible Green, Brown, anti Fancy Cloths, an ex cellent assortment. London Tweedes, Frnnehand American Cassimers. Velvet, Satin, Marseilles, ami Fancy Vestings, Just received by N. McKINNON & CO. April 1, 1847. 33 NEW BERAGES. _ Os) PIECES Shaded, Satin Stripe and Spotted Ber rJ\j ages, some very handsome,just received at April 11. a K. VVOODRUFPS, BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, SIC. 900 Kentucky Bagging, 250 do Gunny do 100 coils Manilla and Kentucky Rope, 1000 His Bagging Twine, 25 hhds .Nt, Croix, P. R. and N. O. Sugar. 10 boxes white Havana and Loaf do 10 bbls Crushed and Pulverised do 150 hags Java ami Rio Coffee. 15 hhtls Molasses, 100 kegs Nails, 6000 ll>s Castings, 20000 lbs Sweedes Iron, flat, round and square. 100 bbls Whiskey, Gin and Rum, f ipes and halfpipes Cog- Brandy nnd Holland Gin Madeira, Port and Malaga Wine, Sperm, Linseed, Lard and Train Oil, 50 boxes Tobacco, assorted, cut, chewing and smoking Sperm and Tallow Candles. Soap. Pepper, Spire, Gincr. Cloves, Nutmegs, Indigo, Madder, Sp Brown Copperas, Salem tus, Sal Nitre, Salts, Camphor, Blue Stone, Brimstone, Alum, Borax. ’ ‘,'l! n q nn J Hvson, Black and Imperial Teas. V\ itri many other articles, making my stock very complete. All of which will be sold nt the lowest mar ket prices. AMOS BENTON. Macon, Sept 1, 1847 22 NEW FALL GOODS. rniJE Riihscrtber ia now receiving a large and beauti- I- ful stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, to which he would call the attention of purchasers be fore buying, ‘l’his stock consists of all kinds of Worst ed and Cotton Goods suited to the season, and of the latest styles, which will be sold cheap AMOS BENTON. Sept 22, 1842. 25 DAI.YITS, OlIgN. A’C. —.lust received from the “New York Brooklyn White Lead Company” No. 1, No. 2, Extra anti Pure White Lead. Also in Store—Linseed and Tanners Oil; Spirits Turpentine ; Varnish ; Lampblack ; Putty. Paint,Brush es, &c . &lc PATTEN & TAYLOR. April 1, 1847 27 BAGGING, ROPE AND TWINE. I HO 1* ALES Gunny Bugging, lUU 100 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 150 coils Rope, 5 hales Bagging Twine. For sale by GRAVES, WOOD & CO. Aagt i. 1847 ti-ls OSNABURGS, DOMESTICS, &C. rA BALES Osnaburgs. 50” Cotton Yams, 50 “ 3-4 ami 4-4 Brown Homespuns, 5 Cases Janes, 10 “ Kerseys. For stile by GRAVES, WOOD & CO. August 4, 1817. ts-18 SUGAR, COFFEE, &C. /TA HIIDS. P. R., St. Croix and N. O. Sugar, tJU 100 sacks Rio Collie, 10 hhds. Molasses, 150 boxes Tobacco, various brands, 30 “ S<wp, 10 “ Starch, &c. &c. 10 “ Sarsaparilla and Strawlierry Syrups, For sale by GRAVES, W OOD 6l CO. August 4, 1847. ts-18 NEW GOODS. m Packages HANDSOME GINGHAMS,(New Style.) 20 “ Bnllinnts nnd French Jaconets. 5 “ 81, 91 and 101 Table Diajer, 8 doz. Linen Table Cloths. 50 Packages Bonnet Ribbons, (New Style ) Linen Comh'k Handkerchiefs, Ac. Slc. Just received by GRAVES, W< K)D, &. CO. Maeon, August 11. 1847. ly S. F. DICKINSON, & CO. TT AVEiuwt received FI 100 hds. St. Cx. and Ptirto Rico Sugar. 400 bugs Rio Coffee, 50 “ Laguira nnd Java. 150 kegs Superior Nnils. 75 packages Staple Dry Goods, which will be sola low. Macon, 11th August, 1847. 19 S. F. DICKINSON, & CO, Tobacconists, \RE now receiving 250 paekagf‘B Tofiacco, the most complete as sortment ever offered in this market. Maeon, 11th August, 1847 10 S. F. DICKINSON, &. CO. MHVE just received 5 Casks Baltimore superior sugar cured Can vassed Hams. 5 Tierces Cider Vinegar. Macon, 11th August, 184 v. 19 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. I JETER A JAUGBTATTER have justreeeived I and now offer for sale, at the lowest cash prices, a new nnd splendid st<M*k of goods in their line. Consist ing FINE ENGLISH nnd FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSI MKRS, VESTINGS, Slc , suitable for gentle mens wear. All of which they nre prepared toinnke to order,in the most fashionable style,and at the shortest notice. Macon Sept 22.1847 lin2s NEW BAKERY. fTMIE undersigned would respectfully inform his 1 friends nnd the public, that lie has <>|ieued a NEW BAKERY, in Washington'* new brick building on Mulberry street, op| smite Shot well's corner, where may be found at all times, fresh Bread. Rolls, Rusk, pound ( nke, Ft nit Cake, Tea Cake, Sponge Cake, Sugar ( akes, Jumbles, Sugar Biscuit, Butter Crackers, aic Pnstry ol all kinds made to order. He will also furn ish Balls nnd Parties on the shortest notice „ „ J W ADKRHOLD. Macon, Sept. 22, 1847. 25 ts HYDRAULIC CEMENT. /T/Y C ASKS Rosendale |lydrntihe Cement, OXt u>r Nile by scurr, CARHART Sc CO. S*pt<-n dsTi.l*; 1847 24 L. Ml >M 81 A CO. 1W I r*AVEinovr■-,! from tlieir oi iginnl stand ad- I I tevtruithe o Menm nuer OJlce, where they have for the last three years Im i-ii constantly employed in BOOTH ami SHOES for their customers, to their sriop, tiext door to Mr F’ F*. L wta’ Bakery, nnd ♦tinnedlately opposite the I'lotfd Haute, where thej will ba ready i revive all orders for work in fheir hre, and execute them in the same satisfactory and superior mod* as formerly. Apnl 1, 1847. fai7 KGMinil AMD BLANIGTIt WHOLESALE A SI) RETAIL. er BALES 8-1 Diiflil Blankets • ) 5 do 0-4 Twilled do 3 do 9-4 Du fill do 20 raises <Georgia Plains 10 tsdes VVnslmit*ioti do 10 cases heavy Kerseys, at 121 10 do Prints W C* BANCROFT. Coftnn Avenue. Oct fi 1847. <7tf MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER i>o, 1817. C. K. WENI WORTII & CO. qq T TAVE juat received and now olfer Wr,‘ ees anew nnd splendid stock of goods -d AJ in their line—-consisting of Fine Gold , y'rfflk mid Silver Lever, Lepinc, Patent ami Vcrticnl Escapement “mmr/m.r9i^9L?Ei9i Gold Guard and Fob Chains, Keys, &c. A great va riety of Ladies'and Gentlemen’s Breast Pins, Finger Rings, of all patterns; GOLD PEJVS, with Gold and Silver Holders. Gold Pencils,Gold Sleeve nnd Collar Buttons • Studs ; Gobi nnd Silver Thimbles; Bracelets nnd Bracelet Clasps; Card Cast s ; Fine Pen and Pocket Knives: Superior Scissors; Steel Beads, Rings nnd Tassels; Coral Beads; Steel Pens, &c. M ARK WTLD RAZORS. Spectacles! Spectacles !—Gold and Silver. Persons afflicted with defective or impaired vision, are respectfully invited to call nnd examine a New nnd Improved article of Spectacle Glasses—for which the subseril>ers are sole Agents. Also, N**w and Beautiful Style LAMPS ; Lamp Glasses nnd Wickflhg; Plated and Brittania Ware. Repairing.—Watches nnd Clocks of every descrip tion repaired and warranted for on? year. All Watches sold or repaired, will be warranted to keen good time or the Cash will be refunded. Watches sent from any part of the country, will re ceive the same attention and be repaired on as reasona ble terms as though the owners were present. All kinds of (.old nnd Silver work made to * Aer. Jewelry ot every description neatly repaired. DAGIJERREOTYPLYG. The undersigned having fitted up a room their Store, arc prepared to take pictures in the best possible style. A fine assortment of Gold Lockets Pins, and Bracelets, suitable for the above C. K. WENTWORTH & CO. , East Side Mulberry St. Macon June 1, 1847. 9 New Grocery and Dry Goods Store. THOMAS r, DKMPSKY, having just opened ill the Brick Store on Cotton Avenue, formerly occupied by W. A. Rohertaon, and nearly opposite Messrs. A. J. White A Cos. and Bancroft’s stores, has now on hand, and will continue to receive, an assort ment of Foreign Liquors nnd Scgars, Sugar, Coffee, and a general assorrment of Groceries and Dry Goods] which w.U be sold at New York prices for Cash only. Foreign Brandies, Wines, Ac. Otnrd, Dupuey A Co’s. Cognac Brandy, of different vintages—some very old in liottles. Goddard & Co’s. Vintage. 1825; A. Seignette’s Brandy; Meder Swan Holland Gin; Madeira Wine, in quarter casks; Port Wine: Sherry Wne. These liquors are warranted received direct from the New York Custom House. Spanish Cigars, Regalias, El Nino, El Sol, Marino, Principe and other brands—warranted genuine. TEAS son and Black Tea, of a very superior quality. Old Java Coffee, Loaf Sugar, Sperm Candles, Ada mantine Candles. 20 hhds. St. Croix, Porto Rico and N. Orleans Sugar. 50 Sacks Rio Coffee, first auality: 30 do. second do. 500 ps. American and English Calicoes, 10 cases Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, 10 hales Brown 3-4 and 4-4 do. 50 ps. Irish Linen, direct importation, &c. &c. M J dm 2 1"'? 9 1 (If I BOXES Bendy’s New York Soap, small bars. X v/l/ 30 bbls. N. O. liectified Whiskey, 25 bbls. Northern Gin—a superior article, 200 kegs White Lead—just received by Sept 15 24 T c. DEMPSEY. CHARLES H. FREEMAN, Cotton Avenue , next door above the “Rio Grande Huu*e t '’ Has just opened a good stock of Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Flour. Baron. Staple ami Fancy Dry Voods. Macon, April 1,1847. 4 FRESH GROCERIES JUST receive,! at Warren Freeman's 50 boxes Rai sins; 25 drums extra tine Fins: 12 boxes do Prunes; 25 do. Oranges; 2,000 West India Oranges, very sweet- Citrons, Currants, Oates, Tamarinds; Sugars, ‘Peas and Coffee : Spices of all kinds: ('rackets of all kinds ; Fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco; Patent Y east Pow ders. Also, a very large nnd fme assortment of Stuart’s Steam Refined Candies. * W FREEMAN. April 1,1847 6 SITUATION WANTED. ]■ N an Academy or High school, by a Gentleman nnd his I.ADy, both of whom hnvo had much experience in teaching, and who are fully prepared to instruct in all the useful and ornamental branchesof a finished Edu cation. The gentleman is a graduate of one of the best Colleges in the Union, and the Lady can present the very liest testimonials not only ofscholarship, but ofher success ns a disciplinarian and instructress. letters ad dressed to (U. Y.) care oi Journal ft Afease ngrr, will receive prompt attention. Macon Sept 22. 4t25 SITUATION WANTED AS TEACHER, lIITIIER in an Academy ar Public School, or pri- J vate family, by a graduate who lias bad several years experience in teaching, and who is fully prepared 111 all branches of education, for fitting young men for College. The most satisfactory testimonials can lie given, and reference is made to Rev R. Walker, Beau fort, South Carolina, and to Rev. C. C. Jones, 1) 1) Liberty county. Georgia Address J A’, (care of Rev. C. C. Jones, 1). D.) Rite boro’, Liberty county, ( *6O, 8 pt 8, im? 91 §| DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. JUHT RECEIVED AT THE NEW DRUG STORE. / A LARGE and complete assortment of S Fresh and Genuine Medicines, Chemi cals, Extracts, Slc. together with an ex tensive supply oi Paints, V urnuthes, line Shift, Paint Ilrut/ies, Hiatt Ware, White Lead, pure and No. 1, of the beat quality, Aw. SODA, for cooking pumoaea, a much superior arti cle vo Sal iEratus used in the same wuy, and for niuk ing light or loaf bread, the new way is unequalled MUSTARD, superfine, a large lot at wholesale and retail. WHITE VINEGAR, a superior article at retail or per barrel. BLEACHING SODA per cask and retail. POTASH and S.AL itRATI’H, wholesale and re tail. COPPERAS, a very superior article manufactured by F arr, Powers & Weightinan. BLUE VII RIOL (Blue Stone,) a large supply, re tailed at very low puce. COACH Y AK NISH of the finest quality per gallon COPAL AND JAPAN VARM ISHES per barrel and retail. M ACCOBOY SNUFF, Lomllaid’abest Rone scent ed, direct from tin* manufacturer, ut w holesale A retail SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! Ac. Pocket case liiFti uinetits, Silver Spring l*ano*t, Evnn*’ b***t Thumb do. Silver Catheters, Cupping instruments, Syringes of alt kind*, Ac STATIONERY. BLANK BOOKS, Ar a c-kh! stock of Letter ami Cap Paper, Blank Books, Inks, Steel Pens, Wafers, Ac. retailed at very low prices. SHAVING CREAMS, SOAPS. Ac An elegant article of Cream in boxes of different sixes. Shaving Soaps, Toilet Soap. Vanegated, in fairs, Ac. PATENT MEDICINES. Ac A full supply ol those tligt arc fresh, direct from the proprietor, com prising in |Mit. — i\'it tar's palsa/n \ Wild t ‘herry, Sands,Sartainn t!la, Hr Jayne's fam ily Medicines in enlarged bottles, at the same price n% heretofore.— ■( ham/'ton's Ague Medicines and Cath artic Pills, sure remedy Mafat's family Medicines, Silencer's Pills, Swam's Panacea, fa hue stock $ Ver mituge, a suie leiuedy, Cook's Pills, t\c The above, together with a great variety of article* usually kept in Drug Stores, have fe en selected in the Northern markets for cash Having Urn long engag ed hi the Drug Business, we flatter ourselves that our stock is not only of the best quality, hut that we shall ha able to w-ll them as low as any |sint South WM. G A S. LITTLE. Macon, Oct f* 1817. 27 ts f XJT For sale also of Dr. WG. Little, Milledgevillc. lliiron l ash hiorc. \\ . IJ . It A N €J If O 1’ T . rorrus .1 VKNUK. i)A| j PACK AGES F'aney ami Staple Dry Goods &\)\J now ofieninu. which will fw sold cfienjier than any other house South of New York. It .-I| Silk. Cashmere* nnd de I,nines Rich enihroidered (’ashiuctrfl Eng’ sli and French Merino** EiL’lifli nnd Scotch ((iiighuins Rich de at 2V Fine liinen llnndkeieliiefo at 121 c Cheek ( nmhrie nt 124 c Insli Lin**tis 50c IB avy 7-8 Shirtings at Cfc R**d and White Flannels nt 20 a 25c Heavy Kersr-ysat 124 a Ific Heavy I’ickmg at I24<* Fine BU*ai lied Shirting at 124 c Fine English do niOic flat licm’d witched Haiulketchiefr, Embroidered Kid Glove*, Hdk and C-orton He* . Rich Gal* Plaid*. Rloh Plaid Alimeca*. Rich Fimhroniered Muslins, new styU* ; Enihrouicr**d Rohes, Fine Bouihaxmrm, Fme Alpac<‘a*. at 371 c. ; 10 4 and 12-4 bleached Siieetmg, Fine Bed Blankets. Ac 1817 27tf .UNT RECEIVED IJY W. FK ELM AN, Some Choice Groceries, Fur jS&Hi Low. -A3AY Water, 1 J* fmret Wine, French Cordials, Chinese Catsup, something extra. Walnut do. Horseradish, in pint nnd half pint Jnrs, Chocolate nnd < ‘ocon, Bromn, a superior article of Cocon. Sardines, Lobsters, Fresh and Pickled. Salmon, Fresh. 2000 Extra Regalia Cigars, 12 Dozen Congress Water. June, 16, 1847. |j ts Cl RO€:i-:HIES.—The mdm ■ribers continue to I keep a general assortment of Groceries and Staple Dry (mods, nt their old stand, comer of Second and Mul berry streets, opposite the Washington Hall they have just received with other articles the followirc: 21 hhds. St. Croix nnd P. R. Sugars, 120 bags Green Rio Coffee, 25 “ Old Gov. JavaJJoflee, 2000 Yards Negro Kerseys. I(H)0 Duffle Blankets, 8 ami 0 quarter, 1000 Yards Cotton (fsnnburgs, 15 Tuna Sweedes Iron, 70) Sacks Liverpool Salt, 1500 Pair Russett Brogans, w ith a general asortment in tlieir line, all of which is offered nt the lowest ensh prices. They respectfully in vite all wishing to purchase, to examine their stock— believing they cannot fail to be suited in price and qual lly A , CIIAS. CAMPBELL & CO. April 1, 1847. as BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, &C. •)QQ PL 125“ 52 250 Coils Kentucky Rope. 10(H) llih. three ply Bagging Twine. 2250 Sacks Salt. For sale by CH ARLES CAMPBELL, &CO \ ; -r w,, OA COJBIGNHSIVT. 2,000 lbs G Hams, 25 bbls. Cider, 10 bales Cotton Osnaburgs, 20 bales Y ams. For sale by M CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO. May 5. 5 UFA & COTTON have removed to W. B. Par ker’s Store, 011 Cotton Avenue, nearly opposite J. Cwles Pue Proof Warrhousc. They have in store and offer for sale on accoinmodating terms: *201) Pieces heavy Kentucky Bagging, 175 “ “ Dundee 85 “ Slightly damaged “ 50 Coils Kentucky and Manilla Rope, GO Bags Rio Coffee. 20 ‘Pons Iren, 50 Kegs Nails, 1000 His Tank ami Boiler Iron, 800 lbs Spring Steel. 8(H) Sacks Salt, 20 Boxes Tobacco, 10 “ Henderson Candles, 10 Baskets Chauipaigne Wine, 5 Boxes Burgundy “ 8 Casks Bacon, Sept. 2, 1847. 29 Kails. Iron sin.l Hollow Ware. (|(| KEGS Cut Nails, 15 tons Iron, assorted 1 to 10 inches. 2,000 lbs. Sheet Iron, 10,000 lb*. Hollow Ware, 2,000 lbs. Cast Steel, 1.000 lbs. German and Blister Steel, 2,000 lbs Hoop and Band Iron, 50 doz. Hoes, 400 pairs Trace Chains, Received and for sale by E. B WEED April I, 1847 44 BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE. THE subscriber is now receiving lus full supplies of GROCERIES, which he oilers to his old friends and the public generally, at unusual low price*. We have now in store, and are receiving, 300 pieces heavy Gunny Bagging, 200 pieces heavy Kentucky do. 150 coils Kentucky Rope, 50 coils Manilla do. 100 lbs. Twine, 2,000 sacks Salt, 10.000 lbs. Sweedes Iron, 1,000 )1)8. Band, Hoop and Rod Iron, 20 hhds St. C roix nnd Porto Rico Sugars, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered do. 100 bags Rio and Java Coffee, 50 boxes Tobacco, 100 keg* Nails, 1,000 lbs. Cast, German nnd Blister Steel. Also PAINTS AND OILS of every description. Macon, April 1, 1847. £ BOND. rA BBLS Northern Whiskey, tMJ 30 do New Orleans Rectified, 10 hhds. Culm Molases, 5 do. St. Croix Sugar, 20 boxes soap, small bar,just rereived by A , Q T. C. DEMPSEY, A "g”rt 11 20 Cut lull Avenue. NOTICE. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!—The undersigned having taken the Store on the comer of Cotton Avenue uinl Cherry street, formerly (Ross’ Store,) Ih-j;s leave to inform the citizens of Macon, ami Planters, that he will constantly keep on hand an excellent stock oi Dry Goods, Groceries ,v Provisions'’ of all kinds, which he will sell nt the lowest possible JW perfectly contented with quick sales and si nail profits I he public generally are respectfully requested, if they want great bargains, to call upon him. Goods of all kinds given in exchange lor all kinds ol produce al cash prices. H. N. PULSIFER, At IT LSIFKR'S can lie iound at all umes Tea Loflee, Sugar Syrup. Molasses, Rice, Bacon, Lard. Butter, Lorn Meal,Grits, Hour, Mackerel, and Shad ol me best quality, in quantities tu suit purchasers, ut the lowest rates. April 1, 1847. 3i LI H !• —Just reeetvad and lor sale 100 bbls. of first rate Northern Lime by Sept 22,1847. 25 H. N. PULSIFF.R. 15 V( (i\ in LARS. 1 f|nn LBS, Choice Bacon Hams, 1 .17UU 2,000 lbs. Sides and Shoulders. 500 llis. Leaf Lard For sale by WHEELER & HARROI.D June 2, 1847. g FAMILY FLoTh. 1 tWWI LBS of very si|'i,.r quality, tearraaled / equal to ih*-N si Canal brand*. For sate by WHEELER ti HARROLD. June 2, 1847. g Thoinnsioti Mannftii'llirinc < omptiny’s OSNABURGS AND YARNS, ofsuperior quality juet received nnd (<>r sale at lowest market prices ‘•y REA &. COTTON, AgenU. Tkomatton Manufacturing l omi iim June, 30 13 ts Colton YntiisHiid OsiiabnigK. THE undersigned, B re Agents (or the sale of the MILLEDGEVILLE STEAM FACTORY Y ARNS. Also, lor YARNS AND OSNABURGS front the CURT RIGHT MANUFACTURING CO. limn- I'oro’. tor side b, the bale, on the usual lime, ut Munu tncturcr's prices. ■I ‘lB 7 SCOTT, C Mill \RT ACO LADIES’ KID SUPPERS. ■ UST received Eadies 1 Fine Kid SlipiK-m—for sale 1 hy MIX *. KIRTLAND Sept, 8, PSt7 o 3 FOR RENT. THE Ilriek House on the Hill, recently occur,i ;||4 ed l.y Wilhnni Sluvets —Possession given the Ist —**■"l (iciots-r. J, A. A S S VIRGIN. Sept. 22, 1847. 25 2t FIFTEEN CASES NEORO SHOES, FSOR sale low, to close a Consignment, by SCOTT, CARHART’ A CO. if* L 22 SALT, IRON AND NAILS 2000 tini.otni ills escorted lion, 200 Kegs Nails. Also, Steel, Baud and llis'p Iron, Nad Rod, and Horse Shoe Shapes. For sale l.y SCOTT, CARHART A CO. Sept 1, !W BAtmiNO, ROPE AND TWINE Iron Pieces Kentucky Bagi'iug, JUU 350 Coils do Ko|. 2000 llis Bagging Twine, In store and lor sale hy SCOTT. CARHART A CO. Sepl. 1 22 LADIES’ HALF GAITERS. I UST received, laidii-’ Colored and Bluek Half, ■ I Oniters, and for sale by Sepi 8, HI7 23 MIX A KIRTLAND. I DAiYTAUED KID ULOVEB \FKW Dozen of superior quality, sli -htlv dama ged, will be sold lot “no third their real value, hy JOS. MURDOCK. Macon, October 8, 1847 27 ts LADIES’ GAITER BOOTEES. If UST Received, lutdies’ colored and blnck Gaiter I Bootees, and for sale hy MIX A KIRTLAND. ! Aug. 18, 1847 Jo ..J.ffT WE nre nutbori/cil to nnnounen JOHN H. * r I < i q (; undid* to for Peer iter of Tax Returns at the election the first Monday in January next October 13, 1847 28 £ B. Grace is a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb County at the Election to he held in January next. * £ fT p, Gove, Esq. is a candidate for 1 nx Collector of Bibb County, at tlie coming election Sept. 1, 1847. “ 22 ‘V ,n# HO V E oilers himself ns n candidate for 1 nx Receiver of Bibb County, nt the ensuing election. 22 26 1 Off Boxes I’obacco of various brands, J JlO do. do. a superior article, jO,(XM) Principle Cigars, 60,000 Regalia do. very fine, Together with Panetellns. ‘Prahuen, foe for For sale by SCOTT, CARHART so CO. Sept 1. n SUGARS. Qk Ilbls prime St. Croix Sugars. J fX) do. Muscovado and Porto Rico do. 40 do. New Orleans do. 30 boxes white Ilavauna do. 50 bbls. Crushed and Powdered do. 20 boxes Double Refined Loaf do. For salt hy SCOTT, CARIIAUT & CO. S”Pi- 1 82 COFFEE. 9A A Bags Rio Coffee, 40 do. Prime Java do. JO do. Mocha do. For sale by SCOTT,’I ATM!ART A CO Spit- L 22 miI.DGN A Id’S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HAT AND CAr EMPORIUM a Tin- undi'rsign*'.l hnvingparelmwrl fromF. pW K WaiciiThia rntirein'rp(ii.m thu HAT ‘ AND CAP ESTABLISHMENT, on Mulbt rry street, bag leave to announce to tin- public that they nre now receiving, direct from their own Manufactory, n large and well selected stock of 11 ATS AND CAPS. CONSISTING IN PART OF MEN’S AND BOY’S Fashionable Black and Drab Beaver Hats, do do do Nutrin do do do do Hiik do do do do Brush do do do do Cosaimer do do _do do plain Russia do do do do Angola do Broad Brim Black and Drab Beaver do do do do Brush do do do do plain Russia do do do do Cassimer do Men’s Pearl Sporting Hats do Ashland do do Tampico do do Kniekerlioker do do Black Glazed do A large assortment ol Men’s nnd Boy’s Black Drab WOOL HATS, of every description. Men’s and Boy's nrem. Oiler Caps a splendid article do do fine Fur Caps, new style do do fine Nutria uo do do Muskrat do do do fine Cloth do every variety of put. do do Navy do with covers do do oil silk do do do Glazed do Infant’s Fancy do Together with every other description of Hats and Caps now extant. Possessing facilities for obtaining their supplies, equal led by no oilier establishment in i| n s unction of Georgia, and surpassed by none in the State, and devoting their exclusive attention to the lint business, the subscribers are prepared to sell every article in their line at the LOWEST PRICES, and to warrant giving satislaction to theircustomers. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and examine their stock and prices. BELDEN & CO. Store in Mulberry st sign of the Mammoth Hat. Sept. 1 22 REMOVAL. 1 AMES SEYMOUR has removed to the Store .l house occupied for S'-verui years past by D. and W. Gt'nn, where tie would be pleased to have lus cus tomers call on him. Sept 1. 22 ts Jiiint’k Heyutonr, HAS just received, a lergi and well selected stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware and Crockery, which will be sold for moderate profits oct 6 27 Biit'on mill Lsit-tl. .701 W 1 LBS aides, 2500 choice Hams, 500 lbs. Lard. For sale by J. SEYMOUR oct 6 27 Feat lie rs. 1 OH A LBS. Feathers. FOl sale by IUUU J. SEYMOUR. oct 0 27 Fine Liquors. FOR sale by J SEYMOUR, oct 6 27 ItiiKKi'iKr Hope uu<) Twine, \ I,WAYS on hand and for sale hy J SEYMOUR oct 6 27 Lout siiiil CrushedStiKnr and 1 eits, OF superior quality. For sale by J. SEYMOUR oct 6 27 NtiihiTi'iire 4 litnns ntid ties’ 7/r KEGS Nails, 100 pair Trace Chains, and fi doz rj en Axes. For sale hy J. SEYMOUR oct 6 27 Just Received by Stiong At Mood, 4 SPLENDID assortment of Sprimr A Sntw- ■ - V luerHATS.ol ihe iat■ st siyles, viz Ay—’ Jo doz. Gentlemen's Panama llais, assorted, 15 doz. Gentlemen’s Pedal Hats, 10 do. do. Double Britn Leghorn Hats, 10 do. do. Single Brim do. do. 5 do. do. Swiss Leghorn Hats, 50 do. Men's Palm leaf do. 50 do. Boy’B do. do. do. 5 do. do. do. do. Pedal. ALSU, 2 Cuses Gent's Fine Drab Beaver Hats, 4 do. do. “ Black do. do. 4 do do. “ Moleskin do With a general assortment of other style of Hats, such as men's Broad Brill 1, Black, White nnd Drab, and Fashionable Fur and Silk ol various qualities and prices Alsoa fine lot ol Gentlemen's nnd Boy ‘s CAPS, of all styles,oaalitirs and prices. All of whirh are ot lered at very low prices. April 1,1847. NTKONG A M 1)01), 10K. °f 1h” Big Boot, Brick Building. opposite Ik, kJ Geo. M. Logan A Co's.—Are now receiving and opening n large and splendio nraorunent ot Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, which they oiler lor sale at re duced prices, or os low aa lltey can he purchased in tins or any oilier Southern market—comprising in part the billowing kinds, viz —Gent’s fine f rench light Calf Sewed Boots; do. do. double sole do. do.; do Jo. atom do do,; do. do, pegged do ;do doable soled do. do do. liglit do. do ; do t all utul Kin Napoleon tappeif do ; do tine Calf Hall limits ami Brogans; do do. Cloth; Lasting and Goat Brogans ol vinmus styles; Men's Kip olid lluek Iksits j'Boy's Call, Kip and iluek Bools; \ oath's do do. do l or Lndtea—Fine Bluek Gaiter Boots, thiekand thin sole ■ fine tailored do. do .variety ot colors; fine Moroc co, Kid, Polka anti Lee Bootless, fine .to doand GOOI Walking Shoe*; tine do, d'l. Slippers, Ties and Bus kins, block 11ml tailored. For Misses—Gaiter. Polka, Kid andGoat welt Bool tees nnd Buskins ; Kin Hliupeny TVs ami Cloth fixed Buskins, black and colored. For Children—A large assortment of Polka, Gaiter, Real, Kid, Cloth and Morocco Bisittees. Men s, Women's. Boys', Misses', Youtlw’ and Chil dren's leather pegged Iwotlee* and Shoes,uiall descrip tions nnd qualities. Anew and beautiful article of Metallic Rubber Over Sines, tor CieltlJemeM. Ignites and Misa s I'o Planters—B,7so paint nl Plantation or coarse Bro gans; a prime article ol Men's double sole Iron nnd Wnod tanked Runu'tt nnd Black; do do. single sole do. do. do.; Boys’ and Yiaiths* ol the suin’ quimtica. Also—ls do/.- n prime Call Skins; 10 dozen Linings of ddll'rent colors; ltl ll*. Hemus'k Sole Leather: 700 lias. (ink Sole I/rather. Bindings, Basis. Pegs, Thread, Awls, and all other articles used ill manufacturing Boms and Sltoea. HA I * AND ( AP>, Anew ami beautiful atis k of all descriptiuns; Men's and Boys’ I’alo Alto lints uml Cups Gentlemen's fashionable lien vr nnd Moleskin of different qualities- Men's White and Bric k Wool llala; Men's,Boys and Youtli s Caps, ol all descriptions and qualities. Oct. 11, 18411 3i GENTLEMENS’ GAITERS. I UST Received. Gentlemen's colored nnd black Cnasamcre Gatcrs, and lor sab’ by , , „ MIX A KIRTLAND. Aug 18, 1H47 20 MISS AND CHILDREN GAITER BOJTLEU. I UST Received, Miivn sand Children colored and black Gaiter Mootra s, and tor nn|c liy MIX A. KIRTLAND. Aug. 18,1847 go OENT'S FIN r 800 ‘ II ST r via new rig 111 Gem's Fme | al*o Gem's acuud qualny ol U , lb-00- [or 1 sale by MIX A KIR IT,AN If Sept. 8,1*17. , 23 j POETRY. My Tjlfb is like thr Stmimrr Rose. BY THE I.ATE R. 11. WILDE. MV life is like thr summer rose, Flint open* to the morning sky, But ere the shades of evening close, Is scattered on the ground to die: Yet on that rose’s humble bed The sweetest dews ol Night are shed, As il she wept such waste to see ; But none shall weep a tear for me. Mv life is like the ftatumn leaf, riiat trembles in the moon's pale ray ; Its hold is frail—its state is brief, Restless and soon to pass nwny : Yet, ere that leaf shall bill und fade, The parent tree shall mourn its shade— The winds bewail the leafless tree ; But none shall breutbe u sigh for me. My life is like the print that feet Have left on Tampa’s desert strand ; Soon ns the rising tide shall beat ‘1 heir trnckjbha 11 vanish from the snnd : Yet, ns if grieving to efface All vestage of the human race, <)u tlint lone shore load moan* the sen; But none shall e’ere lament tor me. Truth him! Error. BY RICHARD HENRY WILD It. There is a tuneful river In Erin’s isle, When the sumbeams quiver In n silvery smile: W here the leaves that fnll ’Neath the autumn sky, Glow gem-like all, And never die— And such is the stream hy Truth enlightened, That leaves th** breast by Wisdom brightened, Where even the joys tliut storms dissever, Are turned to gems that forever, There is a darkling tide In the Indian clime, By whose herbless side There’s a sulnh'ry slime— To the flow’r tlint touches A scorching wave— To the bird that approaches A weltering grave. And such are the waters of bitterness, rising, In the desert heart of dark disguising: And the hints of joy, and the flower* of feeling Must perish wher’er that tide is stealing. MISCELLANY. The Discontented Pendulum. Alt old clock that had stood lor fifty years in a litrnter’s kitchen without giving its owner any cause of complaint, early one summer’s morning, before the family was stirring, sud denly sto|i]ted. Upon tilts the dial-plate (if we may credit thu fable) changed countenance with alarm; the hands made u vain cfllirt to continue their course; the wheels remained motionless with (apprise the weights hung aH if dead; each member felt disposed to lay the blame on the others. At length the dial in stituted a luitual inquiry as to tlie cause of the stagnation, when hands, wheels, weights, with one voice protested their innocence. But now a faint tick was heard below front tlie pendulum, who thus spoke: ‘■l confess myself to be the sole cause of the present stoppage; and l am willing, tor the general satisfaction, to assign my reasons.— I’he troth is that 1 am tired of ticking.” Upon hearing shis the old clock b came so enraged that it was on the very point of strik ing. -Lazy wire!” exclaimed the dial-plate, holding up its hands. Very good !” replied tlie pendulum ; “it is vastly easy lor you. Mistress Dial, who have always, as every body knows, set yourself up above me—it is vastly easy lor you, 1 say, to accuse other people of laziness!—you. who have had nothing to do all the days of your life but to stare people in the face, and to amuse yourself with watching all (hat goes on iu the kitchen—think, 1 beseech you, how vou would like to be shut up for life in this dark closet, and to wag backward and ami forward, year after year, as 1 do.” “ As to that.” said the dial, “is there not a window in your house on purixtse for you to look through ?” “ For ull thut,” resumed the pendulum. ‘ it is very dark here; nnd although there is a window. 1 dare not slop even liir an instant, to look out ut it. Ueeiden I am really tireil ol my way of life; and. i’ll tell you how I took tliis disgust at my employment. 1 happened this morning to be calculating how many times I should have to tick in the course of only the next twenty-four hours ; perhaps some of you above there can give me the exact sum.” The miunte-hand being quick nt figures, presently replied, ‘ Eighty six thousand tour hundred times.” “Exactly so,” replied the pendulum; “well, 1 appeal tn you all. if the very thought of this was not enough to fatigue one; ami wheal began to multiply the stroke of one day by those of months and years really ilia no won der if I felt discouraged at the prospect; so, alter a great deal of reasoning ami hesitation, thinks 1 to myself I'll stop.” The dial could scarcely keep its counte nance during this harangue; hut resuming its gravity, thus replied, “Dear Mr. Pendu lum, I am really astonished that such a ttaelul industrious person ns yourself should have been overcome by this sudden action. It is true you have done u great deal of work in your rime ;so have we u!l, and are likely to do; which, although it may fatigue us tu lAinA- of, the quest toil is whether it will fatigue us torso. Would you do me the favor to give about ball’ udogen strokes to illustrate my ar gument 7” The pendulum complied, and ticked six times in its usual pare. *• Now,” resumed the dial,“mayl he allow ed to inquire if'tlmt exertion was at all fatigu ing or disagreeable to you ?” “Not the least.” replied the pendulum, “it is not of six strokes thut 1 complain, nor of sixty, but of million,.” “ Very good.” replied the dial; “but recol lect that. though you may think of a million of strokes in mi instant, yon are required to execute hut one ; and that, however often you limy heraller have to awing, a moment will ulwuys he given you to swing in.” “T hut consideration stagger* me, l confess,” said tile pendulum. “ Then 1 hope,” resumed the dial-plutc, “we shall all immediately return to our duty, for the maids will he in bed if we stand idling thus.” Upon this the weights, who had never been ttccuasd of light conduct, used all their nitlu ence in urging hint to proceed; when, as with one consent, tile wheels began to turn, the hands began to move, the pendulum began to awing, a,nl toi tacredit ticked as loutl as ever, while a red beam of the rising sun that streamed through a hole in the kitchen shin ing full upon the dial plate, it brightened up its if nothing had been the mutter. When the liiruter came down to breakfast that morning, upon looking at the clock, he declaring that lus watch had gained half tut hour in llie night. Lazy people til ways stifl'cr more in thinking about labor than if they were to go courageous ly to work utul perlorm it. Parental Duties/ How parents ran lie so sinful its to fed no interest in the present nnd future well-being of those blooming (lowers committed to their trust, is mysterious. Ignoruitce utul intemperance no doubt l.ave hcc.ll the most prominent cause of ihiasin. I low many bright uml valuable jewels would appear in uur eonimiiliity that now tire 1 lor . am] a rttrae, only because of our neglect. May parents Ice I their responsibility, Rtiq re ■icmhor the day of fitml adjustment, when lie or de.-t of parental duty will receive its 1 and*. lit that duy (<od will sum up .e a count uad no excise will be received VOL. XXV —No. 29. ti>r the mentis were abundant and should have k. een improved. Let parents improve the va nons opportunities presented for the interests nt their children, that no guilt may be attach ed to them in the day of solemn judgment. Anticipated Action of Congress. \Vc clip the. following paragraph from the national Intelligencer, ns indicative of the acp liou of the majority of the next Congrc They are in answer to the question—"OW tr ill ('tin c ress do ?” ‘•We cannot answer for Congress, nor in deed for that portion of the two Houses with whom we most generally accord. Wo. have said, aa we believe, however, that they will not stop the supplies iu order to stop the war. II a majority oi both Houses are of opinion that it is time to put an end to the war, we do not doubt that a way will be found, in which the President himself will l*c glad to co-ope r.ite to accomplish that object. If a majoiily hall he of u different way of thinking, then of course they would not-top the supplies in or der to stop the war. By supplies, it is per haps proper to explain, (on account of a diffe rent construction we have seen put upon the phrase ac used by us.) we mean such provision of ways and means as is necessary to execute existing laws, and fulfil all contracts which have been made under them. ” fhough we cannot answer for Congress, not even tor the Whigs in the two Houses, whirl they will do, we feel entire confidence •hat if it he no sooner ended, the war will not lie suffered to continue lor the further acquisi tin of Mexican territory. That much, we think, we ettn promise for Congress.” Cotton. Georgia Sea Island cotton is of a dull but ter tint, the filament being some three times longer then that of the Indian cotton wool.— The fibres are cylindrico-spiral, and hence the ease with which they are spun into cotton thread. Georgia Upland cotton is good for coarse yarns. The Staple is short, light and leehle. it was called lor a long time “ Bowed cotton,” from the fact that it was separated lrom the seed hy tlie blows of u bow-string. Tennessee cotton is of nearly the same qual ity us the Georgia Upland, except that it is cleaner and the staple a little longer. New Orleans cotton is superior to the last two named kinds, nnd may he said to occupy a mi Idle point between Sea Island and Geor gia Upland. Pernambuco cotton has a fine long staple, clean and uniform, nnd yarns made from it are in great request among tlie cotton weav ers. Deuisrara, Berenice, and Maranham cot tons are tine and glossy, and welt cleaned.— They are spun into a lair stout yarn. Bahia cotton is better than either of the two kinds last named. •Surinam cotton has a long staple, and t* faintly tinged with yellow. It is clean and much sought alter by hosiers. West India cotton is lrom Bourbon seed ; the staple is fine and silky, but not well pre pared. Barbadoes cotton has a short staple, but is silky and strong. It appears in tlie market with much husk. —American I'armer. The Medicine we Take. Next to good food should bo good medicine— rording to the New York Journal of Medicate, we, m this latter respect, nre in a very had way. The Nev. York College of Pharmacy have found it necessary to is-iw ”a caution to druggists,” wanting them to beware of die slufls iu the market, to touch not, taste not, iisu d!” not. A quantity of Itose compositions, under the name of blue pills, they tell us, is now in market, being .nported by German and French importers, who know nothing of medicines except to buy cheaply and sell dearly. Rhubarb, invoiced from ten to eighteen pence per pound, is ground over nnd sold for genuine Turkey rhubarb, worth five shillings. Tlie Compound Extract of Colocynth, which hns been imported into this mar ket for the last year, does not contain a particle of C’ol ocjmth, but ismnde up of an interior sort oi Aloes, with some oilier worthless ingredients. A gn at proportion of the Compound Extracts are adulterated iulike man ner. More than half of the narcotics are destitute i any active properties. Volatile oils are adulteralcj wah sweet and other cheap oils. In fact, it seems that when an individual is supposing that he is taking sonic simple substance of peculiar properties, he is taking half a dozcu substnnecs of properuea of just tlie oppo site character. The surest wsy to get medicines is to obtain those which ate advertised Uy some jfruggisiot reliable char acter. Men who have fresh goods and ot a superior quality will always be certain to let the public know it. Look then to the newspapers if you wish to ascertain where the best medicines are to be found Medical Exchange A New Idea. It will be seen by the fotlowihg, from the Provuiopee Juurnal , that the Directors of the Stooington Railroad have put on the roml a “watering machine,’’ the pur- o sea and advantages of which arc fully described : “On the Stonington Railroad they carry a sprinkler, ’for the purpose of watering the track and road bed, therebydi tuiii riling the friction of the cars upon the track, pre venting the boxes and journals from being heated, by keeping awuy the dust, preserving the paint and Yam s'll by not having to clean the cars so often, relievir, the passengers from great annoyance, and taking from the biYakne-n a large share of their labor at the through nations. This improvement lias Urn fully tesied for the pas: two months on the road, and found to he very popular with traveller*. It requires about two thousand gallons of water tbr the Stoning ton road, (forty-seven # and a half miles) The machine is attached to tic- train behind the usual water tank, and i* under the control, of the engineer by a rope attached ‘o a va've, which he shuts and opens at pleasure. When it I* in operation not n particle of dust appeals inside or outside the ears In warm or dry weather the ear windows can be left open without objection.—American. Hoot Crimping Machine. Among the most useful ami ingenious labor saving in - venlious. now on cxibition at th • Mrchsi its’ Fair, is a piachtnc for crimping boots, which is pronounced by competent judges to excel, every article hitherto used ri>r similar putpuses. The inventor of this machine is M, Juhn E. Tucker, a poor, industrious, and hard wnikmg mechanic occupying a small shop 0:1 Canal street, near tile comer of Thatcher street, where he has ‘ one of them in constant operation. The expense of the machine is aliout #IOO, and is made with It) pair el ■’ yaw* ” limily fixed within a wheel, which is so eou i-lructcd as to make one revolution every five niiniil e, and’Turns out’’ at each revolution eleven pairs of “up pers,” crimped in the most perfect maimer. This in vention is well worthy the otteirtion of oil mnnulnctu rcts ut Is-ots, and the inventor will no doubt reap a rich harvest, os the fruits of lus ingenuity Hatton ji'iprr Cold lletfrooms. A person accustomed to undressing in s room with out a fire, and to seek repose in a cold bod, will not ex peri-nee the least inconvenience, even in the severest wether. The natural heat of his body wdi very speedily render him even more comfortably warm than the indi vidual who sleeps in a heated apartment, and uis bad tints artificially wanned,and who will he extremely liable to ■ aeusa'ionof chilliness aasooa as the artificial heat la dissipated. Hut this Is not all—the ranstimtion of the tenner will be rendered more robust, and inr lesaous e ptlble to the influence ot atmospherical vicuautuJc* - .an that of the latter.— Jounoil of Health J y It has hern calculated that a man who shut i . erv day ents offijcariy half a loot ot beard pel in 1,0.- .. id a man eighty yarn ofagawill have rvmoo and • tu* t me 27 feet ot hair from Ins own countsuunce !