Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, December 01, 1847, Image 4

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MISS F. KENDRICK, CONGRESS STREET, PULASKI SQUARE. SA VANN AH. 11 EGS leave to inform the La die* of Macon that she 13 has received an elegant and choice awortment, carefully and specially selected, to offer inducements worthy consideration, consisting of, Colored and Black Silks Satins and Gros d’Orleans, Cashm res and Merinos, Lace Dresses, [French Moaaaelins de Laines, Muslin do. do. work] S:lk and Woollen Plaids, and anti lias,Cloaks, AtVisitea, Plaids for Cloaks, I Fine French Flowers and Ginghams, j Feathers, Vpaocaa, (Tulle Illusion, non Shnwlsand Scarfs, Ribbons ofall descriptions, R idle and Cashmere do. [Ladies Caps* made &. un- Fre ich Embroideries, made, Black and White Laces, Fancy Neck-Tics and Cra- Dci. do. Veils, vats. Bridal Long Veils, Ne'vet Ribbons, Capes and Berthas, Combs, Slides, Fringes and Trimmings, Buttons, Fans, Long ann Short Gloves, Purser, Bags, C olored Velvets 4i Plushes,;Hosiery, Fiorenc’sand Marcellines, Fancy China Articles, Sl c., At very Reasonable Prices# 21 HIT October 27 1847 6t30 STRONG rv WOOD, XL HAVE received by late arrivals from Philadel phis, New York and Boston, a large and general as sojun. nt ot BOOT.S and SHOES, consisting in part vs the following articles: Genu* fine French Ik>ote t vents calf sewed and pegged Boots and Shoes of nil qu ililn - and prices, double and single soles; Men's kin an l thick Boots, Boys and Youths’ calf, kip and thick Boots ; Ladies’ thick and thin sole Gaiters, both black and cot -red ; Ladies’ patent leather Buskins and slip ,■ - Ladies’ lustring and kid Baskins, SluawidTwai L i es Kid and Goat Lace Boots and Buskins and Walkin’ Shoes; Misses’ black and colored Gaiter B >ots ; M'.ss -s’ kid and goat Boots and Shoes of differ • ntq*ntitles', Children’s Gaiter and Morocco Boots ol al dors ;>iH) pairs Men's and Boys thick black and Rimßro g.'ins first quality, double and single soles, iron and wood tacked. iVitli other kinds of Boots and Shoes not mentioned in conclusion we have the largest and l*st se lock tliat we have ever offered in this market. on hand, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather .aimingand Bmdingekins, Lasts, Pegs. Thread, id ail articles used in manufacturing Boots and ’ ‘'' 7 ?! !J _ HATS AND CAPS. VSPLF.N DI1) as*ortm*nt of < icntlei-'en's, Boy and Children's HATri and CAPS, of the late* style* Ju~l received ami for sale by \, vjj 31 STROM? N N-Z JJ IMPROVEMENT. i T WING employed an experienced person, ‘Mr f J Gkorof. A. Smith,) I am now prepared tonianu- . : jr* Candy of every description, Cordials, Syrups.’ vc Slc —All orders promptly attended to, and Can- j lies packed in neat boxes and in a style inferior to none o! the Northern Factories. I flatter myself that in qual ity, variety and neatness, my candies cannot be exceil* eJ ’ A portion of patronage is eolieitei H CHAS H. FREEMAN. OH? 30 ‘•Variety i* the *pice ol Life.” € t JjJT received at my Store on Cotton A venae, n J little of every thing—consisting in part of, Rio, La guira, and a superior article ot Old Government Java Coffee, St. Croix, Porto Rico, New Orleans, Pulveris ed. Crashed Loaf and Coffee Crushed Sugars. Crack ers of every description, Prime Goshen selected Butter. Table and'Dairv Salt, Candles,Cocoa. Chocolate, Pre served Ginger, Cornials, Sardines, Vnchovis, Copers. Pepper Sauce, Brandy Cherries, Peach> Apricots and Pears, Prunes. Walnut, Mushroon and Tomato Cat - sup-*, Black. Hyson Sl Gunpowder Teas, Starch, Dates. Currants,Citrons. Almonds,Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Eng lish Walnuts and Pecan N Pine Apple Cheese, Du pont’ fine canister Gunpowder, &c Sir C. H FREEMAN. Oct 27 30 EIXTR ACTS of Vanilla. Lemon, Nutmeg, Rose j and Bitter Almond, lor flavoring Jellies, Pastry. vV.c. For sale by CHS. H. FREEMAN, Nov 3 31 ts Cotton Avenue. J. MURDOCK, i I"AVING determined to close his business in Ma- I I con. offers his stock of Fancy and Staple DRY j GOODS. comprising every article usually kept in a • 1 > v Goods Store, at prices lower than was ever offered ( in lies market. The stock is entirely new, having ; bee i purchased w th great care during the past three mo ttos in New York and Boston. Persons in want oi Iry goods, will do to call and examine the stock before purchasing; among the stock may be found Rich Dress Silks, Broad Cloths, Plain Black do. Cassin teres, Embroidered Cashmeres, Satiuctta, Satin Striped do. Kentucky Jeans, Rch Oriental Merinoos, •Bed Blankets, Pi un Black do. [Sheetings all widths, R ch Plaid Alpacca. Shirtings fine Satin Striped do. Thread Edgings, Plain Black do. Jaconet do. Oregon and Gold Plaids, Evening Dresses, < arolina do. Lace Capes, L) ..lines of every quality, Piano Covers, Black Bombazine, [Linen Damask, Ginghams, Calicoes, j Shaw Is of every descrip- Furniture Prims, | tion, Slc Nov 3. 1847 31 ts .Xolicc fTMlE Subscriber has taken this method to inform hi- I friends and the public that he has opened anew Blacksmith's Shop, at his old stand on Cotton Avenue, an i flatters himseil that he do work lower than can Is* procured ntnnv other shop in this City, ai. ! solicits a ‘ . of public patronage which will be thankfully re ceived. Mill work and Gin Goer Bolts, Plantation tools and P nglisofall descriptions do e to order, and a supply of Bolts, Slc., constantly on hand. LsT Home shoeing at the usual price PETER CROGHAN. Nov 17, 18-17 33 3m. i vlegrapli will copy. 1 LSBHMABLK A.\D UCAP. JAMII.TON A- SY MONS, So 17, Whitaker Street, Sarmnah, have on hand the most choice j it i extensive assortment of French, English, and Belgian loth*, Ca*simeres and Ventings can be found in the Southern States They have n selected with the greatest rare from the very e t iinpoi tations, and will l>e manufactuied to order ’‘ic nearest manner, and upon short notice, either 1 r nh or approved credit. Persons from the up-coun r particularly invited to call, as they cannot tail : e suited both in price and quality. ? V MILTON Ar SYMONS have also on hand n vd aige and extensive assortment ut BADY-MADE CLOTHING, i mu; otured in the best style, and from materials care fully selected by themaeives in the Northern markets I heee they are prepared to seil nearly, if not quite as low us a nicies oft lie same quality can be purchased in New York. Wishing to extend their business particularly in the up-country, they invite Planters ami Country Merch ants to call an>l examine for themselves. S yintnh, Oct 20,1847. 29 ts PRINTS ONLY. 14 CEDAR STREET. M l, &L BKGWSTER Established n warehouse in the year 1843, for the pur* kmm* of supplying the City and Interior Trade with PRINTED CALICOES EXCLUSIVELY, at low price*—and exhibiting, at all sea ions of the year, the Largest eissort meat in THE WORLD. They are now opening Hundred Packages, comprising every New Style of Foreign and Domestic production, many of whtch are not *•) Lt> louud else where having been Printed Exclusively for their own sales. L 11 I). respectfully solicit the particular attention es Dealer** iii Dry Hoods, to their NEW FALL ST V LEU 1817. Which aie oflerred ut tnanni • turn*’ package prices, as per printed Catalogues, which are corrected daily, tor the information of Diner* PRINT WARKHOUSE. ? New YuiL, 184? { Oct 6 2m27 NEW GOOD THE subscrilter having just received hi* Full Stork of IIHV GOOD*, would respectfully invite th< attention of the public, to examine his large and ; beautiful assortment; the following of wliich coinpri- | scs a part, viz: A large and bentiful stock of Silks. Raw Pilk Plaids, (s new article.) t ’.iledonia Plaids. Silk stripe Alpoccn, fashmeresand Delain**, (a large stock ) Coronation Plaid, Black Alpacen, Colored Alpaccn, Bttena Vista Brilliants, Plaids tor Chiidcn's clothes, Ginghams, Calicoes, Furniture Prims, of new and splendid patterns, B*’d Ticking, all ouali ties. Blue and Brown Homespuns, Lmseys, K* iMeys, Fins Blankets, Broad Cl *ths, Caasimeres, Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Gold mixed do. Carpets, Hum, Green Baize, W mists, Ribbons, Artificials, wreathes, n Tabs, &lv , Mourning Collars. K Lace Capes. Work Collar*. Black Lacr Veils, W !lT*' n Y^ I ** b,#^Ao Boys Leather belts, VV lute, red and yellow Flannels, Ca-non Flannel, Counterpanes, Toßst covers Piano rovers, Table do. Thread nnd L s!e Edgings, Ladies’ Cravats, Gentlemen’s Cravats, Hilk Hose, Worsted do C-otton Hose, Bilk. Kid and VVoilen Gloves, Gimp and Fringes, Herinaich HandKerchieft, Bordered do ‘flobuiet Lace, Hilk Handkerchiefs, HiW atnl Gnan Oil Calico. RroUons, Black Sl Colored Worsted Mitts, Ac yr’ a variety oj othsr goods too numerous to mention, whidi i woUU be pleased *o have you call and ex* I Xmi*,.MT [ M icon Howling Saloon, N. ulberiy street, MACON, GA. rpHK above well known and po|iular establishment, I having recently undergone a thorough repair, is now unsurpassed by any thing of the kind in the South ern country, and is open for the reception of vis.mis du ring the day and evenings. To business men, Planters, Merchants and others, it affords a pleasant and agree able place of innocent and healthy relaxation and a musement. The above establishment is in the most convenient part of the City, being on Mulberry street, nearly midway between the Hotels, and in the imme diate vicinity of business. The proprietor flatters him self that he has hitherto had the good fortune to give sat isfaction in the orderly management of the establish ment, and assures tlie public that he will strictly en force the observance of the same good order for the future. The Proprietor hopes that with these recommenda tions and a strict attention to business, to merit the pat ronage of the public. E. E. BROWN. Macon, Sept 1, 1847 22 DE DO ACHE &. WXLOOXSON, ,H o y Manufacturer* mid Healer, ia ?”V CARRIAGES AND HARNESS V J A?yT OF EVERY IM.srniPTlON, Mulberry Street, Macon, Georgia. De L Si W. have constantly for sale, on the beat terms. KLIPTIC SPRINGS, AXhI.S, STEPS, BANDS, LAMPS, COACH LACE.—PATENT AND Tot* LEATHER, Plated and Japanned Harness Mountings, Paints, Oils, Varnish, tyc. March 10. 1817. 9IDDLE9! NADDLI 9i A MORRIS A WESTCOTY have on hand a first rate assortment of SADDLES, HAR \ NESS and (’ \RRIAGK TRIM MINGS,of all kinds, which they will sell nt prices to suit the times Their facilities are such that they can sell lower than any other establishment of the kind in the city. Give us a call before you buy, is all we a*k fora re commendation REPAIRING done at reduced prices, in a worktnan-iike manner. Cotton Avenue,next door to A. J. Sl D W Ot ]> 3, 1846 tt *:tle anil Livery rpHE undersigned respectfully inform arura I their friends and t!e public, that they “have opened a Stabi.i in M aon. for tlw* purpose of doing nSAEE AND LIV FRY BUSINESS, and respectfully so licit n share of public patronag'’ ‘l’heir Stables are con nected with the FLOYD 111)USE, and every attention will be paid to customers in order to give general satis faction. Their Stables are large, new and commodious, with line Lots and very convenient. Persons would do well to give us a call. N H AWKINS, J W HARRIS. M.tcon, April 1, 1947 till FOR SALE rpIIE Plantation in Mac *n county, known ns thep J si Iriice of the late Mrs. Stapler, lying on Flint ri ver, eight miles nlwe Travellers Rest, containing n bout fourteen hundred acres, on the East side of the n vpr, with about six hundred acres cleared, most of i level and in good repair ; and six hundred on the Wes: side of the river The cultivated lands having been wel kept up are in n good state for producing n large crop the msning voir It is useless to say nnv thin? of it production, locality Ata: . as per? :is wisu,nu to puicli tis*. will ol course wish to look and judge for themselves Tire place will be shewn by the ovei*. • ■ < n the p.t-ini aes. THE LEGATEES Nov 3, 1813 31 ts TOT SA.LE. THE Building on Second Street, formerly oc ’ ■ cupied as the Georgia Mesaenger Office —Apply S rose Macon, Sept, 22, 1847. 25 B •*KER l \ \l)s FOR s \ LE. JAMES BOND offers for sale three of the best ™ settlements of Land in the county of Baker, viz: ” on** comprising Two Thousand acres, on the Ki okee creek, in the second district of said county, on which there is anew well finished Frame Dwelling house, and appropriate out houses. sec., constituting the best improved plantation in Baker county; said plantat on h iving seven hundred and fifty ncresof clear ed land in the best ordei for cultivation. Also, Seven Hundred and Fifty acres, lying on the Colawahee,com prising some of the choicest Cotton Lands, and contain ing three hundred acres of open land, with all necessa ry phmtalion buildings. Also, a Woodland settlement of Fifteen Hundred acres, in the second district of Ba ker, on the Colnwahee creek, one ol tlw very richest unimproved places in the county.—Apply to JAMES BOND. Baker county, Ga. or JOSEPH BOND, Macon, Ga. Sept. 29, 1817. J?!L 14 J ah viim: flint ria i;k PLANTATION FOR SALE, C CONTAINING Six Hundred acres of Pine and j Hammock Land—two hundred and fifty or three hundred cleared; situated on the main road from Ma con to Tallahassee, fifteen miles above Albany, Baker county—well improved, and one ol the best watered places in this country, and noted for its good health and tine water. Come soon, or you will loose a bargain. (let •<>. 1849 tn R- A McC(INB VALUABLE PLANTATION 1 .T . OU *IY FOR SALE. ITT ILL be sold on favorable terms, a body of Land VV consisting of eight fractions, vnd four Lots of 250 acres each, comprising 1740 acres, lying on the west hank of the Flint River, from four to eight miles lielow Albany. About 300 or 350 acres are cleared, anu 250 now in cultivation by Michael Lott Most of the Land is valuable, and is a very desirable location for an extensive cotton pinntei ,and it blm hi s gr i t m m ntoye aa range for stock iii tot o.i udy below Persons wish ing toourchase, will apply to the subscriber, i t this offiee. SI MR l ROSE. Macon, Sept. 1, 1817. ‘J2 Lands in Baker, Dooly, Lee and Lml* t>i Sale. No 339.7 th District Early, now Baker, a valuable lot; No. 67,26 th Di. Early ; No. 13*), Bth Di* Dooly; No 95, sth Dih Dooly ; No 213. 13th District of Lee. Visit or apply to the Subscriber at Halcyonanle P. O \ (30 mile station Central Railroad) Senven Co.,Ga One of the above lots is near Hawkinsvilfe ; one neur Travellers Rest; one near Starkville. Sept 8 1817 1y23 WILLIS YOUNG. JOHN JONES \ SON, (LATE JONES AND llOI.T) i wins: house AND COMMISSION MF. IK II ANTS, MACON, Geo. June 23. 1947. f!3 HARDEMAN & HAMILTON, Warc-lloiiM* and 4 ‘ommisaioii Merchant*, , MACON, HAMILTON & HARDEMAN, I'actois uiul iViiiimMiUH Meu'lmuls, SAVANNAH, WILL siw prompt attention to the wile ol | Cotton nml Country produce, tin well as to the filling of ordera for Bagging, Rope, and { tntiuly Hupplies NS. Si ■ I WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. A- H’MIF, midenogned having heeoine ante Pro- I— | prletor of the Fire Proof \V lehouaeoccu ni.d tile paal season by Os Min N Htckordum, be . Lave to inform the ptlhHC th;.t he h a aawirinted wiln him in buameaa, Mr JuMrn Conran, and Mr Wm M Roberta wlmae ahil ty and expi'rience en'itle them to the confidence of the people, lie the re lore hopee to ahare a liberal patronage, aa well aa maintain the confi dence repow-d All ofdem will receive piompt altcmion, and liberal advances will be made on Cotton in wore THOM VS DYSON. Macon. July H, 1-17 t IJ WAIO.It I DCOMMI ION Bt I auhaerilier will continue to eariy on | the aliove boaineaa at the l- ire Proof *f -Wl iV.ire/iouae on Cotton Avenue, where he will a fluid uil the liana I facilittea to plnniera and others in the ■tomge of Cotton and any other lunda of country pro duce, Good*, Ac The \V arehonaa la aa ante from dan ger by file aa any other in the State, nnd convenient to . the buainaa part of the city All orders loi hia cuati til era a*ill meet with prompt attention. June lt>, IHI7 6mll N OUBLEI WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. ■ an THE auliacrtber. having removed from the I WAMHnt’M. occupied bv him law year, and fftlWRI t ik. nthatlong knownsal.raves’ Waai.hovsi, opposite to Graves, \Vonj> fi Cos, Store, h-apeetlullv I tender* hia th <nka to lua lot mer patrona and frienda. and i aolieitaa nontinuancf of then imironage. with llle nsstir ance that he w ill devote hia whole tun. Mid apart no el ortato promote their Intereat Lisxrai, advances will he made to tlioae who reuiiire them ; and ordera for BAGGING. ROPEand TvVINK. and other Meridian dine, promptly tilled on the moat renaotiahle terma GEO JEWETT ‘ May 18th, 1847 7 SSO REWARD. dSL STOLEN from the anliacriher in Thornanton, I YfljUCin a Double llaek Go'll I.erfr \t nteh . PA-JiSfiill lewcllcd, M. J Tohiaa.maker, No I.MIOI Engraved on the cap in a circular “niade ejpreaaly tor Wm. B Johnston, Macon, Geo “ Alao. a GOLD] KEY, with Maaoniccmblemaengraved tat it. andmy j name, J \V VV |)hk I will give the above re ward for the recovery of the Watch J W W DRAKE Nov 3, 1847 U l|n iioiiw it mi L.l For Muir. MTHB pteee now occupied hy Jamea Rieh ardaon, aitaated on Second Stic, t, lie a, Judge lloli'a reaidence, oompi gang a ONE STORY i DWELLING and out hoildfrtga in g.Kal re pair, and one loutth of an acre of gmtind Apply to . Nov*l 34 ■> J S RICHARDSON kom:rt a. Factor anil Commission Mneliant. No# 112, Huy Street, Suvnumth, Geo. ITT ILL attend strictly to the storage and sale ol j \ v Cotton, Corn, Flour, and other proiluee. and will j make liberal cash advances on goods consigned to his j House. RuhßLNcts—Mr James A. Niabet.l j” H H wllihinpton, f - ]/aco ” Graves, Wood JC Cos J Dye Sc Robertson, Augusta. Branou & Young Marietta. Dr. George F. Pierce, Sparta. July 21, 1847. _ f v 10 JOHN P GAY AN A < O. Auction and Commission Merchants and Agents, * MACON, (SA. MlOlJnljf 11, IMI til 11 lfi HOLT & ROBERSON. FACTOII* YNI> GENERAL < OMMISSION MR ICC 11 WTS, SdMintiah Geoi.iu, UEBPECTFULLY tender their services to theii friends and the public. Having been actively en gaged in this branch of business tur several years past their actual experience and observation has afforded them every opportunity of becoming perfectly famillinr with the duties and resjronsihilities attending itsop>ra ti)iis Their personal attention will Im* given to sales ofCOT TON AND ALL O THER PRODUCE con signed to their care, also to executing orders for B AG GING, BALE ROPE. FAMILY AND PLANT ATION Sl PPLIES.althe lowest Prices. Their charges will Im* as few and reasonable ns th actual cost can he made, by strict economy, with facil ities for Storing, Weighing, Sic., which are not surpass- i ed in the city. They hope by continued application and j personal attention, to promote the interest,and give sat- j isfaction to those confiding business to their care. ASA HOLT, | Sept 8 6m99 WB R( IBERSf IN 1 LATEST IMPROVEMENT IN COTTON GINS. | UT E respectfully inform our friends and the planters ’ generally, of Alabama and Georgia, that the GI RARD COTTON GIN MANUFACTORY ia in full operation. It is amply supplied with the very best materials which could be selected. The machinery is all new, and constructed on the most approved plans for the ; manufacture of Cotton Gins. The machinists and workmen employed in the estab lishment are skillful and experienced in the business; ’ and we have made such improvements in the mechan ism and construction of our Gins that we feel certain, in i every case, to furnish a Gin which will perform admi- j rably well, and give the purchaser entire sattsiaction. j In the way of recommendation, we need only say, that we furnished several hundred of our late improved ! Gins to planters in various parts of the country during • the season, and not one of that number has failed togiv ( general satisfaction, both in speed and the sample of j Cotton. * ORDERS can he sent to us by mail, or contracts { made with our Agents who are travelling through the j country. GINS will be sent to any part of the country, and in all cases warranted to perform well. Persons addressing the Proprietors by mail, will di r*‘ct their letters to Columbus, Ga. N. Ousi.ey, Macon, is our Agent for Central Georgia. I E. T TAYLOR & CO. Sept 22 IM Gi Gri-wold’s Improved Cotton Gins. TITHE subscriber will continue the manufacture of t JL Gins on his usual extensive scale, and embraces 1 this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for their liberal patronage heretofore. The estimation in which his Gins are held, may be known from the fact 1 of his having sold more than two thousand during the . last three years—probably ten to one over any other j Factory in the State. This evidence of the superiority j of his Gins, is nccoifhted for by Ins i. ing the to in- ‘ troduce the late improvements, and keeping the lead by yearly adding new ones. H;s first and second im- ! provements made the quaiity of cotton perfect, though some were rather slow. His third made them sufti- ‘ ciently fast. It then only remained to make them more durable and convenient, which has been done he be lieves effectually, by several new improvements the pre sent year: besides, he has the exclusive right for the glite, with the privilege of other sections, to furnish Reid's Patent Water Boxes, which are believed to be ten times more durable than any other, by those who have made a fair trial of them : and are infallibly se- J cure against fire by friction. His fine Gins will gin Mastodon Cotton as well as any Saw Gin can. Ris agents will visit planters generally, and exhibit speci mens of his late improvements, and point out their ad vantages in time for all to engage and be supplied lie fore the next ginning season, or engagements can he made by letter, directed to him, Clinton, Jones county, Georgia. Gins will be delivered nt the purchaser’s res idence, in any part of the State except the Cherokee counties, where they will be left at the Depot on the Railroad most convenient to the purchaser. All war ranted to perform well, if used according to the direc tions sent with each. SAMUEL GRISWOLD. JVlarch 24, 1847 6 SUPERIOR COTTON GINS. TTMLE subscriber would inform the planters of (h*<>r- X gia, that he has removed his Cotton Gin F ictory to Bibb county, 34 miles from Macon, on the road lead ing front' Macon to Gordon, where lie intends to manu facture Cotton Gms of n quality sujterior to any he has ever before made, if possible. In the construction ol his Gins, he will particularly guard against the possibil- i ity of taking fire from the Gin. And here he would re mark, that it is impossible for a Gin to take tire from the boxes without the grossest neglect on the part of those who have the management o them. Gins that get burnt, in nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of a thousand take fire from a different cause than the box To this objection the (Jins manufactured!) y the subscri ber, are not , and neter hare been liable. His Gins will be made of the best materials, and warranted to perforin ns well as any Gins made in the State. He has an excellent water-power to turn his machinery, and a good saw-mill right nt hand, which will enable him to sell Gms on ns good terms as any other Factory in the State. O. VV. MASSEY. April 1, 1847. 3tf_ Farmers take Notice. \\T E have tla- right of a nuniher id Counties fin I’ Gayloed's Patlst Straw-1 ittf.r Thin ma chine is till- greatest ol the day, and no humbug. It outs corn, outs, hay, ahucks, straw, or stalks with great rapidity,and aoeaaily that u lioy ol twelve year* old can wank it It can lie nttnehed In a gin wheel w ithout any extra expense, aa the fiy-wheel answers for a pulley The great advantage of this machine over all othera, is in the sniipe of the tilade—it being concave and convex, parting the straw m the middle and cutting both ways, w hich no other blade can do. So simple is tins ma chine, than any |s-rson that can grind an axe ran put the blade in order. Any black smith can make the blade We shall keep one on hand lor our Ineuds to examine helore purchasing. I HAS r LEVY A CO. Ormulgce foundry, Cotton Avenue. Macon, July 11, I MIT ]s t f OCMULGEL FOUNDRY. I lOl.Ts A LEVY are prepared at the shortest ! II notice to fiirnish nil kinds of finished Mnr/unriy j Steam Enginrt. t datings in Iran nr 111 aim. Mill Gear ing ol all kinds, Bcvil and Spur Gearing, Gin : Gear ol all patterns and sixes, Fun (.curing, Cotton I Gm work, Press Pulleys, Hand Railing, lire Proof \ Doors and Windows, Cemetery Railings, Gudgeons, j Inks, &r VVe invite our friends mid all who are in i want ol any of the above articles, to give us a cail on Cotton Avenue, A. F HOLT WM S HOLT CHA3. P. LEVY. Mar an, Pit 13, 1847 4 JB ly Cotton dresses for Sale. riAHE Cotton Presses illullnrk'it Patent,) heretofore X used in the Puck ng eatablisiimeut m this city, will la- uidd il inline,lime applu'atiou is nude, at eery re iliu-ed inrieet including frame work.wimllus, and every thing complete for each press, and sold m consequence of the proprietors having discontinued the re tnirlinn bu.nnem Apply to ROBERT FINDLAY Macon. July 11, 1817 if SQUARE BALES. BULLOCK'S t oMPoILND LI.Vi.K COTTON PRESSES, bring Icoenlly stiupliliad and improv ed, ate now oilt-ied to those wishing to put up Square Bales ns a superior article to any in use An examination ol ihcir construction and principle, by tfi,c wito study true economy, and wish a good and lermanent article is solicited that they may see and nnlge Jnr themselves Prices, Dollars, delivered in Macon, which includes the whole of the outfit ol kuna, Rope Pateut Right, Ac. Anar red ii bill of Timber for Stmt. 4.. .pieces... .88 feet long, 10 by 10. 1 “ 16 “ “ 10 by 10 I “ *1 M “ 10 hy 10 4 “ 13 “ “ 6by t 8 “ 16 “ “ 18 by 16 I “ 18 “ “ 18 by <0 I “ 31 “ “ Bhy 84 * ** 13 •• 3hy “ 13 •• “ 3by J 1 “ 10 “ •• 18 bv I*. • I “ 7 • •• 18 hy 14 1. 0 “ “ 4b* it. 10 good plank 13 “ “ 1| by 18. I 83 “ 4 hy 18. 3 aeuntlmgs 80 *- “ 3by 4. i Alao. Gin Geering of all sues, kept e, uatantly on hand , geering lor Merchant Mills. Cotton Knctoriea , and Mid-Stones ol every description. Immslied to order at Foundary of R FINDLAY, Macon, Geo. Aug 11,1847 |g Straw (batteriT I ) FINDI.AY is now inatm Picturing a lot of Cut- I I . tmg Machines, which, figpracllral use, s-.rngtli and duiabilitv. are probuhlv iiihmupassed They are, fry the by, no patent rifbt atfinr, but a plain and substan tial machine for cutting straw, coni-staiks. fodder, sliueka. Ac with perfect ease sud despatch Planters snd other* are rcsjiertfully invited to call at Findlay's Foundry, corner of Walnut and fourth Streets, Macon June 83, 13(7 ts i* MILL-BTOmTi; ■I'HE subscriber being no lit I a mi extensive ,Mill- I Ktone Establitduni nt in New Yoik, urjjl )ui mah to order, raiacM tit nx t-orAi. avu ioluu-x mix iTottv.s, of any aixe, and warranted of the very ties! qu u lty .... ROBERT FINDLAY. Mseon, Nov. 13, 1846 qp MvroA i ;o\ <v is:ck*s ri \. IfKV, nml MACHINE SHOP.—The suh -1 s,Tiber having recently made large and important addi tions to his furmcr list of patterns tor Overshot, Breast and ’Tn!) G •orinu , l now prepared to execute or ders for Flour Mills, Cotton factories, Ilone power ■ Milltfor plantation grinding, Sic. ’• also Cotton rress | cs, Gin Gear,Platt h mil Bui!-, and Mill Irons of every j description ; ail of which will he made of the very best material and workmanship, on reasonable and accom modating terms. ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon, June 17, 184fi. ylB CARVER’S GINS. rnilE Subscribers are Agents for the sale of K 1 \R I VER Si. CO'S , patent improved COT'l ON GIN. This gin linn proved itself to fie a vriy superioi i article wherever it has been used, and no better ret [ oimnendation can be given it than the opinions of thow r who have tested it. Tfvy are both elegant and dut u [ bit* in their make, and are warranted to give satisiac t tion in all casc*, or they may le returned. The lonnei pi ices have been consitferalify reduced. Apply at the , vVan*-House ol the Suhscriheis. JOHN JONES Sl SON. Mneon 8 pt. 15 15w2l (hiiia, aiui LanLcimart*. wow THE suhserihers are now receiving (in -,. ?7J/ addition to their former Stock,) a general a- **,/J \ £ sortinent of the late-t and ino-t iushiunuMt IM styles nnd patterns, among which are (•old bnnd French ( hum Dining Sets. White Gold hand and White China Plates, Dishes, Cover 1 Dishes, Fruit Baskets, Pitchers.—Coffee and Tea Cups, by the piece or dozen. White and Flowing blue Granite Dining, Ten and Toilet Sets , Plates, Dishes, Cover Dishes. Bakers, j Soup and Sauce Tureens, Pitchers, Ewers and Basins, : Coffees and Tens, Ten Pots. Sugars, Creams, and Bowls J to match Dining and ’lVa Sen. Light Blue Dining,Tea and ‘Toilet S ts; Plates Disli . es,Cover Dishes. &r Ae. to match. J Also, a large and complete assortment of COMMON , WARE, which they offer to Country Dealers, os low j as enn be bought in any other market in the State. ()ur ST()CK OF (J LASS \V A RE, embraces every kind and variety which he longs to our branch of trade HYDE A JONES. Corner of Mulberry and Second Street and opposite the Washington Hall. Macon Sept. 29, 1847 6m26 Crockery and (Has* Ware. 1 V N,N(; n nd ‘Tea Set-, superfine Stone and Chinn JL J Ware,* Liverpool and rmin Ditto, Plum, and Fluited Glass Ware ot every description, Tumblers, j Decanters, Wines. Fruit Baskets Pitchers, Slc., a very large and general stock just received by. LOGAN A. ATKINSON. [ sept 29 26tf. I‘ IFE 1!%917 IM l !he v \ A Life insurance mi l Trust Company having estub j lished an Agency in tlo* city of Macon, persons may es- feci Insurance with this Company on their own Lives j or the Lives of others, and either for the whole dura j tion of life or fora limited period, by* the payment of a I Bimill annual premium STEPHEN ALLEN, President. CHARLES C. PALMER, Secretary. E. BOND, Agent, Macon. Macon, Aqril 1, 1847. ysl Jvi . A IVIIUVI COMPANY, OF H ARTFORD, CONN—The undersigned j Agenst will take risks against Fire in this city, Griffin, j Forsyth and other towns in the State, on as favorable ( terms as any responsible Company. They will also in sure against the risks of River Navigationtheir present rates are, 3-4 per cent, to Savannah, nnd 7-8 to Charles ton. REA & COTTON. Macon, April 1,1847. 5 Mutual Life Ins urn nee Company of X. York. MORRIS ROBINSON, President, ; Samuel Ha way. Secretary. \CCI MULATED nett profits amount to SIOO.<XX) . Applications received by C. DAY Si Cos. July 7, 1847. 14 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING: (•milling, Gilding,({lazing, & Paper-hanging OLD CHAIRS re-seated with cane, painted and gilded ; Furniture repaired, varnished, and polished ; Window tiash and Blinds tor sule A F. SHERWOOD. Comer of Second and Oak Streets. Macon, May 10th, 1447. yg Savann h Byiaf BltiUll imeat. \NTON HASERICK begs leave to inform the citi . zens ot MACON, nnd the up country generally, that h*- has made extensive preparations for DYING ami CLEANSING Ladies’ Silk and woolen Dresses, Shawls Sic Sic. His colors, particularly Black, Maroon and Brown, will be warranted equal to any that can be pro due<*d in the United States. Gentlemen's Garments Renovated, Dyed, and warranted not to soil either the skin or the whitest linen Prices moderate Articles ! left at the Store of Mr C A Ells , next door to the Washington Half, Macon,will be promptly forwarded, ami returned with despatch. April 21, 1847. Iy3 LIFE INSURANCE. The Xttutilus Mutual Life Insurance Conip’y. 58 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, • /CONFINES its hi. id-s exclusively to Insurance Y_y upon Lives and ai. oiMiran -■ npp itaining thereto, ltis organized ti|)on the mutual principle whi* h hua beep luliy t sterl and proved to hi- superioi to any other. ‘The particular advantages offered by tnis company are: i. A guarantee capital 2. An annual participation in the profits. 3 No individual responsibility beyond the amount of ’ premium. I Those who insure for a less period than life, par ticipate equally in the annual profits of the company. f> In ail cases where the annual premium shall a mount to *3O, and GO percent, thereof shall have been paid in cash, an appiuved note may be given lor the rmiHiriing 4 jk r renj., payable twelve inontlm alter date, bearing six p**r cent, interest. The interest to In* paid annually, but the principal not to be called in unless the xi# uces o| tlie company require it, giv ing sixty days notice, and then only by assessments pro rata to the extent that iuny be required to meet the engagements of the company. The Hair* of Insurance on One Hundred Dollars. , On* Vv tor ii .om he vni tnr Ai;r | year ! Agr. y*m year* I Igt. 15 77 hh i .‘a; ibyis3 :t -io 201 <3l to I 77; 45 1 ‘JI 1%3 73 25 I 00J 1 12 JOU 1 50il 06 200i 00 30 jl3lj IM 2 :n*. 55 232321 .5 78 35 l :v. l ,:t 275 60 135\ 01 7 ini AAKON M MKRCHANtF, l’reaidem. ROBERT B COLKMAN. V.ce IVsident. Truptefs—A M Merchant, Roheit B Coleman, (). Bushnell, John M Nixon, Richard L I’urdy, llen rv A No loon. K A i<eading, Samuel C. Faxon, .las lliirper. Jonathan K il- iriek. Lormu Andrews, Win. N Seymour. M O Roberts. Richard Irvin, C F. Lind sey, Joint S Bussing, Henry K Bogert, .Morris Frank lin, SpencerS Benedict. Fliny Freeman. Actuary fTT* The company will alao insure the lives ol Slaves. HYDL Si JONKS, Agents, Macon. October 27, 1817. 30 Q (ouui Mtrs. g \NL\4 discovery and certain cure for coughs, colds, croup, countmptire diseases, andui! irr>- tot on* of the lungs. Tina is a pieaaant medicine to take, producing in most cases immediate relic!, and m nine cases out of ten a prompt cure. It exerciaca the in*mt cooUoiling intluence over coughs nnd nutations ol the iungs, o! any remedy known ; often atoppmg the most violent in a tew hours, and ai most m a day or two, by a bee and easy expectoration. Frice, 50oents per bottle. NiiitfMorm ii ml I €*tter Oliiliut*nt. A certain and positive cure lor Ringworms, otters, Senul head, and lor all rough and scurvy al < ciions up on the skin Many c isea of this class ol cutaneous atTections are extremely difficult to cure with the ordinaly remedies, bui here isotie that will rarely tail even in the most ob stinate case Mo difficulty is experienced in applying it; one Untie is quite sutiicieiil in most cases, and not more than two wiii be lequiud to eflvct a cure m til liiost any case. Frice, 50 cents. Fils* Oiuttn. ait and |iXU This aflection is a *our< <* of unacii annoyance, nnd the loss ol healiii frequently with ninny individuals lew in either loilil ol the disease but could eta u|e by timely inears and attention. Unnstqmiioti nearly al ways precedes an uitiu-k. and us a matter ol course, must be obviated in its treuttiK nt To this end, here is a remedy, bused the scientific principles that esn tie fully relied m File m-t litit, rmg success will attend the use of a single package ol the modic.umc. Frice, *1 perpncknqe Tonic Bill* .Hid %c( tit Lie Fill*. For the cure ot Dyspepsia and Indigestion in nil its complies led tomi. weakness and loss us appetite, pal * pilot loan) the heart, nervous diseases, rheumatism, Hf tie These medicines arc us* and tou therforcunn thedis eases ol this ciiim , being not only and invigotnting iii tneireHrcb*, tmt g v mg h uniiv hmcuud action to the stotnucti and bowels There are ninny persons iii every coinmunily afihet- | ed with a vsuet) of symptom** atistng lioin no oi.ier cause than an impaired or enervated stale ol th** diges tive organs Asu evidence ol tin*, lei a -ingle pack age ol the medicine be used, end n g.<*at imp ovent will follow, which will lesult, limit getieraliy, maure by in rsisimg w iih tin* n inedi* s rune toi large boiih s, 81. Fill* U 5 cts pei box. Vrriiilfl'iiK**. r A *uretem*-dy to ciie cmldieu and worms, requiring! no other me icme to follow its use It is thought that mote ihsn hull theihildren thot die, ! are jot from theef)ctK ol w ngi 1 *, and why should pa- 1 rent* nml othera id gleet ft n rn* dy (iiat c •igKii do harm | In any caw* >t in;| to -urre* a nd 25 e ut (or large vial* ‘Fo be had oi Di Will ii. at Mdle’qe-i vilh and Talbot toils iud ftleo, by W .V|, G. St A. Li F LLtI - 1)01 \S|| ! I’OI'XMI !! Jusi received and for | *- # i 1**, !>y SHOTWKLL& GILBERT. Mneon, Aug. 11,1847. IV U \Tl'*f{ ! .lust received nnd for j SHOT WELL & GILBERT, j . 11. 1 s 17. If Glass: Glass!! Glass!!! IUST received nnd for sale,a large lot of Glam, o till sixes from Bby 10 to 24 by 30 Also n lot of White Lead. Persons wishing to purchase. will do well to call. ; HOI WELL k GILBERT. Macon, June 1,1847. il take srovxoiu rMIAT the sul-scribeis keep constantly on lmnd u L targe stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, PAINTS, 0i1... I'A i liVT .lIKDK INKS, Fancy Ahiiclks, Pekfumkry, G’n*-. f)ru .'gists’ Glass-ware, and a host oj articles too numerous to particularize. Their medicines nre nil fresh, nnd pure, nnd cheap. The public ure respectfully invited to call and see. SHOT WELL & GILBERT June 33,1817 is f itiit VHEiiii OFFA HEALTH r.LSTORAiIVE: \n Effect mil Itemed y lor Conch- and ( olds, i Liver Complaint. liaising of llltmd— Pnin I in 1 lie Side and ('host—also lor I’virifyiie the 11 ood— Gradient ing Lrnpfions on the shin—and all other com, hiinK nrising from the want of torn* in the Stomtteh. rTM IE efficacy of the Health Restorative is so well _l_ known to the public, that tin* proprietor considers the publishing of certificates us useless, but those desi- I runs ol examining them can do so by calling cm the A gent. Pamphlets may also be bad oi the Agent, gratis The following certificate is from Ur. Chilton, the weli j known New \ ink chemist: ‘ 1 have analyzed n bottle of medicine called‘C. Brink- ! erhofi’s Health Restorative,’ and find that it does not contain Mercury, or auy other metulic prepaiation, nor j opium m any ol its forms. It is composed ol vegetable matter entirely.” James R. Chilton, M. I). BRINKEKHOFF, Proprietor, N. Y. Principal othce in the store ol Messrs Haydock, Cor- j LIES & Cos , importers and dealers in Drugs, Oiis, &,c., 2 is Pearl street. For sale by SHOT WELL &, GILBERT, Agents, I Macon, also, by Druggists generally throughout the U. States. May 13, 1817. 6 ts _____ QUiWiNE ! QUIT* US E!! {I I received and tor sale, a large lot ot the above namedaitide. .SHUTWELL &. GILIiLRT. October 13, i947 28 siiuiwoii v CSiHiert, BY recent arrivals from New York, have received a lull and complete assortment ot Drugs, Medicines tit ‘micals, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuiis, .Ye &c., all oi which are now ottered to the public very low, lor cash 1 hey a,SO keep and extensive assortment ot PATENT MEDIt INKS, among which are Dr Boon's justly cel ebrated Auueand I’ ever Pills, which rarely, if ever tail m etiect a cure. Also, his Compound Cathartic Pills, an invaluable family Medicine. Macon, October 13, 1847 28 BAII.I: V’* SYRX P OF WILD CHERRY— ” **: e ’ asthma, influenza .whooping cough, 1 spittmnol blood, and all pulmonary diseases BAILEY S SAiISAPAK 1’ LA—tor all diseases arising non, an impure state of the blood: salt rheum scrofula,king s evil,chronic rheumatism, dyspepsia, dis eases ot the skin and bones, old ulcers etc’ DAILEY'S FEVER AND AGUE REMEDY rio'n—ami BAI LEY S A M ERIC A N VER MIFUGE—A sure extern minor of worms from the system, in general use throughout the United States 6 IV^CKEAM 1 IVAL V t i I)MILITAR YSHAV. . ° I A ‘ l- 7 1 ,lls article has stood the test of eight Jhe r’,’- 1 , i’<“ ud ?- r ltse . , ‘ a reputation throughout the l mud stat.-*, Canada, and must parts of the world 1 All ‘EY SSI PER lOR INDEIIbI.E INK-wtth and mtltoul the preparation; warranted the best article ot the kind m use. lor sale by the Druggists generally throughout the country, ami nt wholesale and retail by ” M BAILEY. Proprietor, Apothecaries’ Hall, j corner ot Fulton mid Santis streets. ‘ iVr” n'm c by ORAV Kri ’ WOOD Ac CO., Macon I I > I*> j., I M ** • * •J UBt received from ■ tht New York Brooklyn White Lead Company” A N°’ L No. 2, Extra and Pure White Lend Also in Store—Linseed and Tanners Oil; Spirits 1 urpentine ; V anush ; Lampblack : Puny. Paint,Brush es &c PATTEN & TAYLOR April 1, 1847 27 legal notices. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. \LL persona indebted to the estate of Robert Ful . ton, deceased, late ot Twiggs county, nre here by requested to make immediate payment, and all f persons having demands against said deceased, will! render them m agreeable to law*, to R >GEK i. FIJLTON ) , . i JAMES AVERETT, \ adm re I Nov 3, 1847 34 ‘• <ni:ia \\ an <!nt) . \ HEREAS James Ward, administrator on the estate Oi Joab W..rd, late ol said county, de- C"ned, applies to me to letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and ! s nguinr t ie kindred and cieditors ol said deceased, to I he and appear at my office, within t e time prescribed b\ law, t* shew ciuse (i| any they have,) why said let NTs shou and ot be gtnired. (iiven 1 rider my hand at office, this 4th dav of Oc tober, 1847, „ B. WILLIAMSON, clk co. °o I*-*? 3U 1,16111 (teuncia—Monroe County* HEREAS J hi H. Flournoy applies tome for }} letters ol administration 0:1 the estate ol Sarah A Flournoy, deceased, late of said county. Tnese are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to lie and appear nt my office witluu the time prescriled by law*, to show c iuse t any they have, wiiy said letters should not be granted. t■ 1 veil under my hand at office, this fifteenth day ol November, 1847. E. G. CABAN ISS, c. c. 0. November 17, 18-17. 33 *2w (1 MOKBIA, Epson C ounty.—Whereas Mach- J arm Buukley and James Anderson apply for let ters of administration on the estate ol John Buukley, deeeased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and sin gula. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at uiy oliice, within the tune prescribed by law, to shew cause (il any they have,) why said letters should not he grained Given under my hand at office, this 36th day of Oc tober, 1847. WM. A. COBB, c c o. N \ :< ;n Bllimhl %, jt’OIR I'D OItDEVAKY. S R Tux, HIT MU ItLEDIHKY J| ITIt It ITT, Guardian of ol John L. Tyus, having settled i j lull with his ward, pruys letters ol Dismission hour his said Guardianship It is ordered by the Court, that this Rule be published •b r y days in terms of the law, niter the expiration ol which time, said letters will be grunted, unless cause to the contrary be shewn. A true extrat from tie* Minutes of said Court. E G. CABAMBS, < c. 0. Nov 3, 1847 31 tt)d No* vio> sullen I S hILE, w ill be . soid in the town of Perry, Houston county, on the fust Tuesday in December next, the following pro lerfy, to wit (hie sorrel Ilorse and sorrel Filly, about five years old; levied 011 ns the pro|>erty ol Redding Stokes, to satisfy one fi la from Houston Superioi Court in luvor Richard Johnson, jr and William Smith, ndministra torsoir the estate of Needham Smith, deceased, ngamut said Stokes and D. W. Taylor, s*runty—property pointed out by plaintiff. r: k. Hodges, Dep. shir. Loi of Land, No (23j twenty three, m the eleventh (lltli) district of Houston county, containing two hun dred two and an hail acres, more or less ;and one hun dred and sixty acres, more or legs, of Dot No. ten (10,) in said 11th district cl Houston county, including all of said l/ot, which lie* on the north side ol the branch, thut runs down from Beavercreek Meeting House, being one of the branches of Pan creek, containing in all, 36H ncr s, more or less, all levied on as tin- prope ty ol Mr shnek Howell, to satisfy a mortgage ft la from Housion Huperu r Court, in luvor ol Hugh L IVnnard against said Mesliack Howell; property }M>iuted out 111 mud j moitgage ti la. Two unfinished Buggy bodies, with seats, one unfin ished Jersey wagon body, one s'’! ol Buggy wheels, one set two boras wagon wheels, one pair large log wli ‘els, two hundred pounds iron, more or l***,, and one ” heat thresh frame , nil levied oil ns the property of Simpson B King, to satisfy aliin I ruin Houston Supe rior Court, in lav or of ('ha ties Wi'mnn*-.ri against said Humpeon U. Kuig. propcity |<nnted out by plaintiff CALVIN LLAKY. sh IT. Nov 3 31 \ IHIIMM KAIOITS SALE.—WiII be soli | L \ at ihe court bou-e in 1 1 wel c nuiyyon the tir>-i ‘ I Tuesday n January next, Ivt So. 314, fn the Bth dis -1 rici ol -aid county, *.| I by ord-r oj ( uil <4 Twiggs county, as the pr perty ol David Young, deceased, late o4 supt county. JOHN 8. GOODWIN. Admr. l)c ber 2 . I*l7. 30 his i DMINI.s TK \ |\)K> S VLE Will be **oid on i\. ihe first 1* M's liy in F"iu.nv next, before the conn 11. • door 111 ‘Thomnsvill-. ‘i liom is county, In'n th<- usual hours ol sale. I. il ol Lund No, 310, ‘J* , ' l '’ district of Early county, originally, now 1 n* ,, iims l <unty, coiitn.imig two handled and llity a ’ ‘ ■ ) V . ■. u e I * ‘ iKinfy, J*s*ea <l, >r lie ht uefii ol th ■ iiur a. I (!• •‘ased. Terms made know non the day of sal*- . t<> WJUMAM vl. BRUWN, 4dm’r. LEGAL NOTICES. / ( I \ifl II \ \ s s \ ! i;. \ \ I • t the Honorable the In.enor Court of Sumter county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in Stiukesville in Lee county, Lot ot Land No. (|f>) sixteen, in the (2d) second disti iot ot Lee coun ty, as die property of William F. Smith, deceased, sold lor the benefit of the heirs. Terms cash. JOHN I’. McCRARY, Guardian. Nov 3, 1847. 31 ids I 14 Md\ ms afterdate application will be made to the Honorable the Interim Court of Fpson county, when sitting for ordinary purpose-, for leave to : Nl (i 1 • ii j,i |p of n-m-ly, tleeeased. JOHN FRANKLiN, ndm r. N-O ,t ! I, 30 ill tin I i rule to the Honorable the Intel tor Couit ol Jasper county, tor leave to sell a Negro ( b:l<l belonging to Lu eien N wton (minor ) O H. P. NEWTON. Guar. September 8, 1847. 4m23 i.M> U JI(N t il S a fier date application will be . made to the honorable the Interim Court mTw iggs county, when silling lor ordinalv purposes for leave to st-li all the Lauds and Negroes belonging to the estate ol 1 iioinas Fulton, lute ol said c< uniy, deceased. K L. FI'LTON JAMES AVERETT, Ulm'rs Dehorns non, With the Will annexed. 30 mini i MONTHS after date, application w ill be made to the honorable die luferioi Court ofTwiggs county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave io si II all the lands and Negroes belonging to the estate of W illinm P. Brooks, Int.• of said county, deceased. LAVINIA N. BROOKS, ndm’x. SIMuN N. BECKMAN, adm’r. Oetober 80,1847. it MONTHS alt r < te, application w ~ be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Ware county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell the real estate m Simon Howard, late of said coun ty, deceased. HARRIET HOWARD, adm’x MOSES HOWARD, adm r. (h b bei 20, 1947 . 2'. mim E4 MONTils nft**r date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bibb county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to Ml the real property belonging to the estate of Charles I England,, deceased, situated in the city of Macon, lor the benelit of the heirs nnd creditors. JOHN MYERS, AdnTr. October 20, 1847. 4m20 K MONTHS after date, application vt made to the Honorable Interior Court of Upson county, w hen sitting lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Land, number 75, in the 10th district of for merly Monroe now Upson county, ns the real estate of j Richard N. Smith, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN WETHERBY, Adm r IS* i s G 34 Im LMM 14 MONTHS alter date application will be r made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilk inson county, when sitting ns a court of ordinary, for leave to sell all the land belonging to the estate of John ( ruuibley, sr., late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JOHN CRUM BLEY, Jr. j., , JESSE CRUMBLEY \ Adm rß ‘ August 11,1847. |§ h’OI 14 MONTHS after date, application will he made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Bibb County, when setting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell one lot land No. 248 in 10 District. 4th Sectioned originally Walker, now Dade, belonging to the minors of B. Goddard, deceased. __ SARAH A. USHER,Guard. Macon, Nov. Bth 1847. 32 tv\ L< I rOR’B HALE—WiII be sold before the j court house door of Marion, Twiggs county, on the first Tuesday in January next, within the usual hours of sale, a certain negro man slave, by the name of Watt, about fifty years old ; sold as a part of the -s ----tare ol Benjamin Biyan, Sen. late of Burke county, de ceased, and sold lor the purpose of a division of said estate among the heirs. Terms ot sale made known on the day. ARTHUR BRYAN, Ex r. N..v 3. Ist;- l TOR’S SALE* ( aw I Court of Or- L A dinary, November Term, 1847. Agreeable loan 1 order ol said Court, will lie sold at the late residence ot James M. Harris, deceased, late of said county on the fourteenth day of December next, the personal probity of said deevased. consisting of mules, cuttle, hogs, sheep, corn, fodder, household nnd kitchen furniture, &.c Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. ‘1 erms made known on the day of sole. JOSEPH BRADFORD, Ex r. Nov 3, 1847 31 6t TAXE ITOIUS SALE—WiII he sold on the Tj first Tuesday in January next, at the court house m Marion, Twiggs county, the following pro erty be longing to the estate of John Everett, deceased, or so much thereof as will be necessary to pay the debts of said estate, to wit: negroes George a man, about 21 years of age, Jim a boy, about 17 ; Miles a boy, about 6; Hannah a woman, about 31 ; Crecy a girl, about 10; Rosea girl, about 8; also. Lots ol Laud Nos 61, 84. | and 70 acres, on the east ol No. 85, ail in the 28th dis- I trict ol originally Wilkinson now Twiggs county, it being the place whereon the said John Everett former [ ly lived, and adjoining Jonathan Dowden, Fulton’ses f tute and others. To t te sold for the benefit of the cred j. itoit-—Terms on the day. IRA PECK, Executor Nov 3, 1847 31 tds n XEI 1 TOR’S HALE, u , , (M yj first Tuesday 11 December next at the Court House m the county of Pulaski, the following land to wit: the west hall ot lots No. 316 and 3ul, in the 24th Dist ol originally Wilkinson now Pulaski County, ad joining Janies Bryan and Burrell Joidau belonging to the estate ot Daniel Massy late of Twiggs County decesed, Sold lor the benefit of the hens and creditors. Terms of sale on the day. WM. BRYAN, Ex r. Oct. 4th, 1847. 27ids I*l N: \ rod’s s iLE~ Wiil b aoM .... the j first Tue day in Januaiy next, at the court house oft raw ford county, hy order of the Court l Ordi ary of said county,—a n* gro man named Jes-ee, ala* t3B vean* old, s the property 01 Milly W Reeves, ate ot Fayette county, deceased, lor the purpose of a distribu tion among die heirs of said estate. Vv. C. CLEVELAND, Executor of IVm. Cl veland, dec'd and Guardian of two of the children oj said Milly IF. Reeves, deed. Ooc 27, 1847. 3u tds IjIXEC’U I’OH’S SAMIb. —Agreeable to an or der of the Honorable the Inferior Court ol Macon county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday 111 December next, ut the Court Hous** door in Marion, Twiggs county, fractional Lot No. 218. in the 28ih district ol formerly Wilkinson now Twiggs county. Also, 011 the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold before the Court House door in Uithbkrt, Ran dolph county, Lot No 239, in the 10th district, and Lot No. G 5, m the llth district of formerly Lee now Ran dolph county. Also, on the fust Tuesday in February next; before the Court House door m A.mi rihs, ,Sumter county, Lot No 242, in the 16th district,and Lot No. 91, in the 17tn district of said county. Also, on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door in Talbotton, Lot No 152, in the Ist district of formerly Troup now Talbot county. Also, on the lirst Tuesday in April next, U lore the Court House door in Stewart county, Lot No. 152, in the 18th district of formerly Lee now Stewart county. All the above property sold for the benefit of the heirs of John Kusliin, late ot Macon county, deceased. Terms made known on the days of sale. WILLIAM KUSIIIN, j H K FELTON, f Exrs. JOHN C. RODGERS,) Sept. 1, 1817. 60,122 ADMINISTRATOR’S HALE-By virtue of an . order of the Inferior Court of Sumter county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will Ik* sold at the court house door in sain county, on the first Tuesday in January next between the usual hours of sale, the following property, vir.: Mary a negro woman, about thirty years old, and Isaac, a hoy about ten years old. ami east ha If of Lot of Land, No. 119 and west halt ol lot No. 143, 111 the 15th district of originally Lee, now Sumter county , said land-* are well unproved and in a high state of cultivation also, No. 226, in the 27th dis trict of sit'd County. Sold as the propeity of 1 lie estate of Thomas M. Maun, lute of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the hens and creditors of said estate. Terum made known on the day ol sale. HAKAH T MANN. Adm’rx. N 1 If 1947 32 tils 1; \l < I J'Ott’M s\u w Tu and iy the tourth day of January next, in the town of, Feny, Houston county, to the highest bid ser, die N- j grot a that belonged to Allen B ( bastain, deceased, con sisting ol smite thirty or fbrty likely Negroes— o| men. Women and children,—and also nt the same time and I pluce, the V uluuble Pinniation on wlircli he died, being *.l one mile from Perry, and 011 the load lending j from there to'Tallahns. e, and is known aa the Den nard’s piiic<v Tins is a healthy and in many tes|tecta it most desnubie Miturition. And on the fifteenth day of Dcrombci next, Will be sold at the lute residence o| said Allen ft (Vi t iin.d ceased.tis above and m the highest bidder, the perishable property of said deceas ed, consisting ol a large ipinntit) ol corn.(odder, cotton, i I horses, mules, si.-ck and meat hogs, lurnnng utensils, household mid kuchen lurniture, and many other arti cles too tedious to mention ‘The said sale to coniimie I from day to day till nil is sold—and all sold ny rn the last will and testament of end deceased ’1 otuis, twelve months cn dii with improved security. ■ -1 ( li \ 1 \l N. / william ( has i ain.j * 1 r3, HI7 3 • - II i esid n ol Wi bum Kitchens, .8 n’r dec a ad. in Jt in s county, on ‘Tunisdny, tie* *3l day o. D e-uu* her next, all the |>e, ish-ible p opeity b< longing to the es tate of said dee. it-ed, riot dispose,l ol by Will, consist ingot cotton, cows, (odder, hogs, slicep, 4u sew g.n and running goer, buggy nud harness, two hori. • oil. x art I’lnekaimthw tools, mill-irons, and housr- I ira, with ol ous to m union. ‘Ten,is msd • known on oe day. u ILL! \ W (v. TCII ESS, ) „ UKKcN SV Km He.NK > t,xi I.F.GAI. notices 4 IMII.MIS'Ut \ roit s S \, , , oil 11... 10111 .lay ol Decembrr nrxi„ 1 ui me late U illiaiu F. Brooks. tt,. ‘hf : ■ all the puthnWr pto^,,' fc,. “x* ! ileia-nsed .state, to wit: Coin, to,|, I torses, rattle.stock nn.l meat lie.., ~in! I household and kitchen tinniiure, ~i,e u. | ha touche ana one sulk. ) , and other “'**., j coinpieied. l'ertns on the day ol sale * ,u '**’ ut> BAVIN iA N BKOOk’s SIMON N 1:1t h, October 20, 1847. A - —— & i.i, ’ l DMiNlsru A lOlt’N SAI , v Izx l,c the t ourt House door in ,uT “” I •'> last Tuesday in December n ®‘; r ‘ : tue usual Inuirs of salt*: The HuUsi. X land, ~c. u t md by Biacksb,-*, h 1 ’ * : vtlle, adjoimne lands ol Uci, Beall ‘ cohta.imm thirty-seven acres, more „ V “ ’ ‘ i woodland, with n comlortabk small and outhous s oil the pieut*. s. .. un order oi the Inferior Court oi Pulaski p , c m ° t r, V ,,n, >’ puipunea, as the im-pprtv ot , ‘"‘inr BlacKsheui Bryan deceased ’l'eiiiud', i Hie day ol sale. Ui.LUN A. BEVax . Septh, .847 ALU li I— 75 { , V ‘ XISTK.VI Oil’s s \ I,) oi, Ihe hi.-l Tuesday it, D,. . „d‘ , / ‘ t on, I I louse door in the town ol \l. 1; t wing hind to w„ In, m ucics more ot less, also south west , taming 130 more or less adjoining li, is'li/’ i l ’' 1 ‘ Shadnc Ware and others, lielcaieine A 1,8 •• John Wen thermion latent saidCouniv't'”" f fa' a 1 ! utednj *.“!*, 0l “ ,ei ~^red„o™,^::,r:- Oct.sth > 1847 DWARDMcROB^ R^N.A,ia, •>-. \ D M I MM',: \ rOR’N an order ol the Honorable the Inf, ...J” ‘ Smnter county, when sitting tor onlmin^' W "'” will be sold at the Court House door m said ’ the Inst luesday in December next, between j hours ol sale, the following Lots ol Land v * *’*• No. 217, in the 30th district, seventy-tive mten land. Gin-house and dam, for Water Screw, under good fence ; No. 248 in the atai “* l I forty acres open land and good fence and cabin,’ s’ chasers will be required to pay one third cash snia I notes with approved security tor the’otw?” thirds, payable the 25th December, 1848 O ‘ property ot the late Noah Golding, deceased i “ benelit ol the heirs otsaid <lecens'd r “* Sept. 22, 1847. SMITH. A*,,. v umiivistr v ynrs sale—w fX on the hist Tue*a\ in December ne'e ■ the ( ourt House door in’ Forsyth, .Men,* House a.t, I,ot, lying in the village ol'Cull.xleaTl county ; the house is a commodious nnd ling, and attached to the premises is aLot ofLiw „ ‘ tniiinig about DO acres, good Oak and H,ek,r’ Sold as the property of Samuel Bivins, late 0 | Nil’ county, deceased, tor the benefit ol the liens Tr- ROLAND BIVINS GEORGE \V BIVINS Adnirts. wait ihe Will Sept. 22, 1847. “wM \ DM IN IST Rr\ Toil's SAI I—v, U l der of the Honorable the Inferior Court ot c’ rsmi c.imty. vvla i. >.un.g lor onlinaiy | be sold at the court-house in ihe town of Latonto-) i the first I ueaday in December next, within the j hours of sale, Three Hundred and Fortv acre* ot Land ] more or less, adjoining Cogbum, Paschal, and otheiv ill- same being the led estate of John Wynn deem! ed, and to be sold for the benefit of his heirs and credit ors. Terms ot sale made known on th* day o JOHN SMITH, Adm> Sept. 29, 1847. 26 tds Administrator’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December ner, before the Court House door at Jackson in Butts tW ty. Lot of fond No 65 m the 14th district of origm Monroe now Butts County, containing 202i acres,mm as the property of Archil. Gray late of Talbot Coun ty decesed, for the benefit of the heirs. Terms made known on the day of Salt*. WILLIAM M. BROWN, Admr Oct. 2d, 18-47. 27 i DMINISTR ITOS’fl BALE* l\ on the first Tuesday in January next, at the cor house in Marion, Twiggs county, two negto*?. Jan a man übout 46 years dd, and l ol'y •* wtnian, abc 80 years old—sold as the property of David Young, cease*', by order of co rt of said county, l-r the beiw:, of the heiis and creditors—'Terms, a reaso able tw it for good paper. JOHN S. GOODWIN, A-fmY Octobe- 27, 1947. ai u t ß l DM IX INITIATOR’S SALE.—Wi Ibe -n,i i-'V at the court house in Mann, Twiggs in um i the first Tuesday in January next, five Negimsin Caty, about 45 or 50 years ot age—George 14 Melvm 6<r7—Melvina 13 or 14,and .Manuel jsi.ltl mic anordc of C urt, as the propeity 1 Thor as 8 B : wick,'ate 1 said county, deceased. Tern son tlit day of sale. JOHN GLOVER, A mr Oct. 27, 1847 3u nil Adm in Ist i iitoiSale* UJ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Deaiubft next, before the court-house door in Amencon, feumter county, Lot ot Land, number 92, in rh* Mh dist'ict ol Lee county ly, now Sumter coatwj, sold by order of Court, and the projie ty n Jaimrk Mann, late ot Sumter county, dec’d, forth* l**’ hi >i tile legatees. Teimsmnde know non the •!) i ** W L. MANN, Admr he uon-s non. October 6, 1847. 28 tds i DM I NISI li IVOR’S SALE \ /jL an order ol the Honorable humor Cum tot Hour ton county, will Ik* sold on ihe first Tuesday m Janua ry next, at the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston county,lk* tween the usual hours ot sale, two Ne groes belonging to the estate o| Ms,comb T (• ft, late ot said county, deceased.>-sold lor tha beurild ihe hen sand creditors of said deceased. Ter. s made known on the day ol sale EDMOND GILBERT, Adm'r. Nov 3, 31 uir \ mu mm it \ l oirs sale. _ an order of the Honorable the lnienor Cowl and Upson county, w hen sitting tor ordinary purpUK*. be sold at the eouri house door in said county, oa d* first Tuesday m Januaiy next, between the usunllw* ol sale, the slav* s belonging to the estate of Willbb Rohi-rtson, dec**ased, consisting of men, wi-inen ami children, boys, &.c. Sold for the purpose of a divans Terms made known on the day ot sale. JOHN W ROBERTSON, Admr Nov 3; 1847. 31 tds \DMINIBTR \TOirs BALI .in order af dkp tfonovbk Inforforl 1 ■ county, when sitting torordniuiy purposes, wiil b*’* l '* at Uie court house door in the towuol Marion, T*‘4* county, on the first Tuesday in Januaiy next, witbia the usual hours ot sale, Lot of Land No fifty-h * ,r in the twenty-eight district of originally VVilfonM, but now in the saul county of ‘Uwiggs, ami coin*®®*! two bundled twoand an half neras, more or let*. Also, the following Negroes, t*j wit Morris a nun, Isaac a man, Jesse a man, Richard a man, Phtll* • woman. Fanny nnd her five children, (Yney a tf lrt * John a Imv, Neptune a Isiy, Creaaey a girl, ami Nauc’ a child) Caroline and her two children (Martha*® l ieorgia Ann,) sold ns the land nnd negroes belotig'Jf lo tire estate of Caleb Hinson, deceased, and tor uie benefit of the heirs and creditors. ‘Perms made kiX®* on the day of sale. , , ELAM HINSON. Adm’ Nov 3, 1847, 31 till DMINIBTHATOM’N HALF. nn order ol the Honoiable the Inferior Cob* Crawford county, when sitting for ordinary purjxjsv* will Ik* sold on the first Tursilay in January next, fore the court house door in ihe town ol Knoxville, tween the usual hour* of sale, all the to the estate ot John Bray, deceased, the seventy acres more or less of lot No one hundrra thirty-one, (131,) as described in the deed to ty* • lying and Iwing in the 7th district, originally {^ u ’ now t’rawforu county. Hohl for the benefit jdtße* and creditoim Terma made known on the day • t 1 GEORGE W BRAY. Admr Nov 9,1947. :l1 \ lIMI NINTKATKIX’N WALE.- 1 ;V on Monday ilm I3tl day ol Dewnihei ihe houst* of the late Rob**rt Veal of Twiggs coun j ceased, all tiie perishable property belong]"*; ‘ .. ’ deceased’ estate, to wit ; Corn. Fodder, Wli ton. one llorso, one yoke ol Oxen, aleck j • jj. • and stock Hogs, Pla mat ion ‘T>ols, liouseliold ai> I en Furniture, and other articles mo tedious to uh Terms on the day of sale . Aj n ir’i MARTHA M VKAL. A I _N..v 3, lHt7 Li*—— f t U.MINIHTH WHI HAI.I .11 urikr ol tli.* H..:>orblr iln’ Ini’ vu ji Suuiirrf.Mmly wlwii ittni(i lor Orilinary P*")’ 1 ‘ ,| K l,t- mill hi Itif ('.'till Hnu’ iloor i.l -ni.l ‘* . lirt Tufwlny In Jntiunry m il. In twyen In.’ nt>p| |i ol nlf, th* 1.,1 lowing n.-gnM*. v./ I' 11 *” * in .n, tl’i , cnni old ; tin. n iiihu. *.*ty your. oM . J I ‘i'i ypumold ; Judy u woman, ‘Jd y.ara old; 1 child on* yt nr old. u, w” I’liri liuacr* willli* tvqolr*d to r'V* no "'* lv ling thitty doll.ra, with nit’' 1 ’" 1 Jj-ity th. -Jill, day Ol ‘ik-ornihri, l"C fh;h MHlrf•*-•,}„ J 11 th lnt< S'o.di t folding, dtoe—edg W** ti. i.o.i. of a.d docfiiwd. sMrni. A*n' r li,\. Uo • Nil, Ilf i IHIIMS'I lt Vl'Kir* SAI.H.-W' 1 ] ‘\ it tli* ulnn.ation ..iilm- iaw ‘’"""'I t,.... I*” cooaod, ... Hon.lof coamy, . 1 huiadoy n’ - ( poinhor lioxt. all the |-rih*l>l* j.f.prrty “ . y m |,lrr. ed, con.iating i. a u.rgo *to*k “• , i',,rh .0“ -. t'ow*. a In.go quinmr , tin., ... ok llog. Fanning utcntaJ*. olio o Ks iwowya'itnr R.anl Hngon.. and ‘nanKW"* w „on, and a vnrkty ol od. rartiolo.loo nun. ‘ :K '" UU “’ ROLAN I WVIN^., .Idmm c I