Newspaper Page Text
ill TUB CA.HBHI.4.
. K . u ticl !•** *'*■‘l* the arrival of ihe tcamei
|hr following arr totb'-r particulars, re-
l f .> and pcesa ly telegraph, in N. Y
, ibrn brmgs 10 Boaion 62 passengers from
The London papers arc to me evening cf
’ o( ivcoinbor, Faris the 15th, and Liverpool
‘ |s’h- , , 4
! „, r ,.i"W" v, 'vi a f“ btfr **ihe
wnt e irpairs.
n ( j-e ot Cr**swortli & Cos., which suspended
i I't7, wi;h Iwbtlniw amounting to A‘3s,
|iml a final dividend of 7.- 6 I, making 2fr>
,y 1* ntJ-
L lll ihriu arrived at Haliiax on Friday morning
(1 fk
.Market — The money market continues
l tiero Ims liven a farther increase of bullion in
’ a dt -jitiland Notwithstanding the reduction now exceeds jE 16,300,000, and
a prospect ot that suru bring considerably aug
| he uict IS beginning to attract attention.—
! ; ihe rate ot discount is fixed at Si per cent ,
, offered that good ones are readily tlone
“ rfr 1 1 A lat£ e amount of bust nr SB has been
\*’ C
n Con* o,9 during , * le P asl fortnight. The
-(•commenced after the alteiatum ot the raie ot
i and they continued to rise, with one or two
llf ,consequent upon the spread of false reports
* ,| IC Turco Russian affair. It is believed
will reach par, before June next. Bets to this et
f,\ w been offered at Floyd's. The prices of
siocks have not panictpated in the improve*
,i lfV are firmer. Ttie (oilowmg were the cloe
.ces tor Consols in London on the 14th; the
•unsl'T account are now ex div. The ttansler
• being closed, Consols have been specially trans
<at V 7! ai, including tire January int., lor Jan.
rl Ui ieresi they have ranged from ‘J6i a i ; Bank
is firm at 23; Consols are now 964 ai.
,- K Tunes ol the !4ih inst. says tha*. in order to
date ol Mississippi to s line immediate steps,
, „, ar j io ihat portion ot her debt which consists
are called Planters’ Bank bonds, and upon
die has suspended payment of interest of the
, years, a gentleman named Weiss has been
>u ; make the necessary representations to the
r-.a:ure tpon the subject.
: I wlllioe.vce —Her Majesty Queen Ade
k ,:iri on the morning of Sunday, the 2d, in the
ir of her age. Her remains were interred on
8.... u , <t George's Chapel, Windsor.
Ia mu vs there is but little news. Numerous
■ • emii.cils have been held, and it is thought
■ h ,;,i ui.i meet about the middle ol January, lor
B ; r-..itdi ot business. The question ot the reduc-
B e rii.i'iial expenditures has assumed anew
H lne ieduction of the rate ol discount by the
...ii 3 i :i per cent, dis is, it is said, the precur
■ . • m consols to par—w hen the Chancellor
■ ii.vheq.ter will lay before holders ol stock a
■ ; ,ccept a reduced tate ol mien st, by which
■ ■ a saving <o the country of several millions.
B r expedition is about being fitted out to go to
IB • * ruts and farther to the eastward, >n search
■ j ua iianklrn. Captain i?ir Edward Beecher,
have the command.
■ Lbenei’ r Eiitott, the corn law rhymer,
■ t , N a China —Ti e express, in advance of the
■ nial | ( arrived at Liverpool on the 7th inst,
■sivifs from Bombay of the 3J of November,
■mutta of the 24t1 of October. ‘1 he whole of
■ .tan the Exception ol the small province of
B, was quite peaceable. All the Sikh chiefs
■ . j,.,i niled in the late tusuriectioll ot Cliullur
■ . Veu capiuied. The Government of Bengal
■ id ihe premium of 100 rupees for a good and
■ ai machine tor separating the cotton wool of
-:n its seed.
.-..val furnishes ns with no additional news
n U Diking models ol rail ways,locomotive
. J electric telegiaphs, have been ordered from
■ or ihe use of a Mahratta Sovereign, whose
■’ ; fy.p,, aroused by hat he has heard of
H LeltrUl llutu iiiUH Ol: ti e W(Kne le-
ratty ol the markets for manufactures. Con-
B -alt-s of dry goods and heaviest cloths had
m Bombay, at improved prices. Several
H iso been made on cargoes to arrive. With
■< non, t lie staple aiiicie of export, it was ex
it the leceipis front the Northern districts
B. uar tourtb teas Ilian tlie average yield Under
re ol tlie advices flout England, ot the 24th
prices had rather given away. The
■it g ihe tortiMght were moderate, aud prices
■b ship and consequently freights were dfii-
Bb btaiued at Jt3 2s 6d., at Calcutta The
B- 3 hi piece goods were extensive, though the
B>- aot so good as could be w ished. There
k arul steady demand lor sugar, saltpetre,
B -On the night of the 3d of December, M.
B , *,:ion for the abolition of the practice ot
H he names of political offenders condemned
H . on me pillory, was rejected by a large
ot tlie Assembly. On the evening of the
Hy ihe President attended the Theatre Des
B was loudly applauded by the audience.
of the insurgents of June arrived in
H lavre, and were liberated by the Attorney
■ -The elections have been postponed to the
Buy, 1850.
■ •pp.-ars .hat no difference whatever ha <
■ - -ii the President and Ministry. M. Buret's
■ kr reducing die contingent force, has
■-. ay the Assembly. The contingeDt de
■l- me Minister 1 War, was, alter a long
■ eed to. Subsequently a violent discus
Br- •president and the mountain arose.—
B !of electoral conscriptions having atisen,
BLjv-a.gnac aud Bc'uran denounced it as an
B >■; me constitution. Their speeches are
Bh>v ug p Ut a slop to the bill. A pamphle.
tn defence of his conduct on the 13ih
’ been seized, and ptroceedmgs instituted
B- . -ters „ n J pubiishers, lor exciting hatred
B- rouietit. The accounts received from
the tall ot Zitchu.
been sent to withdraw a portion of the
BPv ine. Measures have been taken to uu-
F : lion ot the emancipated staves in the
Bf The Government journal aunoun
B ?>: exchange drawn by Gen. Cordova
| -n* payment ol the Spanish army, hud
r non-payment, the Madrid treasury
~ ;i il ‘ ve learn that it is proposed to in-
H l! jr> °n com from sto 10 francs the 1000
■ ~‘--y two measures of the feast nnpor-
■ r< -- usseii to-day, in ihe assembly—one of
jp- .ne grant ot money to complete the tomb
J *’ * l, hdruwn by the Government. The
V eroposiiioii io have 3,000,000 francs advan
-1 1 ’ associations by the srate —refused.—
I e, 4 centimes is about lobe laid upon
1 he President or die Republic has origi-
I 1 tsla bfrshing banks under the control
I 1)e ‘means ot mutual assistance for the
I k .i Stephenson, the English engineer,
K’ li -ulol the Legion ot Hoi-or. The
H Jons hag just delivered its sentence
■ encaied in ihe affair ol tlie I3ih of
, i Condemned to five years; one to
u I*o >’ ars imprisonment. This
’" ne *°i the saiue date was read on
, O’c'i r-L- • • ,
i ie tK —hoars alter ks poLitca
i has ordered the seizure
( D|'i fSrl *iWy was occupied the whole
1 1 j *he proposition made by the
a ,ax u P°n potable
J ‘-“t the measure would be carried.
t- ■ >rt> are in k
r viol* . ** disconima<Hl v There has
it? ol| K in ihe National A* inbly,
1 hquois is not yrt finished.—
1 “ do * ri £ yesterday. Threes
ID Tt Ei a a d Flvwai 9lf 95c.
I the -is, £ ‘ ),,r advices from Constant!-
no< he-,, As *'*• *^ e extradition
U*, w . no G according to the
I* 1,1 tha, !y IO ** The Rm-
r nn <ra 0 i n *"’ pers ** l ed in his demand for
r ; hp Cai|s lhe
kt* p T " m Ottoman Empire—
ft* is. Tur£, e re8 ‘ su '> a "d so the matter
l* 1 '” iouir y IS , " a ' 11,, K every prepara-
B * dTance - Tl,e English
B[ ** Russia is increasing her
B' Ui frut. ® ‘ en 10 e *port bullion from
tsT. Peterveckg, Dec. 2.—The Minister of Finance
has been empowered to issue Exchequer bills to the
amount <d 6,000,000 of silver rubles.
AtSTtttA and Hr.SGARY— The state of siege
be removed trotn Vienna on t!ie Ist of January. The
Emperor has returned to Schoenbrnnn from Prague.—
Orders have sent to the army of observation to
appnmch ns •• re me Saxon frontier os possible.
Affnf® tn Hi’ eiry e<:it:;m- unsettled. A Pesth
,-riper say® t.uii P mice MeUeruich ia w.tUcn a teller
t<> an A us l mu Minister, in which he declares that the
Austrian Monarchy cannot enjoy lasting peace unless
Hungary is maintained in its preceding relations, as a
separate State, wi'h Austria Thirteen recent con
demnations hive been commuted with hard labor for
20, 18 and 16 years.
Vienna is completely imbeded in snow, and the rail
toads are thus rendered useless.
Advices from Frankfort of the 2nd says that serious
difficulties have arisen to prevent the installation ot the
Central nd interim Administration.
Notwulistmnding all the precautions of the police
Kossuth medals have been introduced into Hungary.
They are considered by Viagytr patriots of inestimable
value. The Cologne Gazette publishes letters from a
correspondent wiio has recently made excursions into
Hungary lie declares that lamentable desolation
and misery reigned in the land; that old men, wo
men and children are to be ieen in want of the com
monest necessaries of life, and that fertile and culti
vated lands have lallen to a lower price than the vir
gin forest of America. Many of the great proprie
tors have disposed of their estates. Letters from Vi
enna of the sth says that a .Ministerial crisis is at
hand in that capital.
Italy. —Letters from Naples announce that great
arrangements were in progress, but for what object
was unknown. The fortress of Gaeta was being re
paired and armed. The Pontifical frontier is lined
with troops, and arrests continue. The new French
chiet is resolute and firm to the cardinals. In an
address to the troops he soya, your mission is not
ended. The Treasury of the Cardinal Triumvirate
is reported to be insolvent.—No time has yet been
fixed for tlie return of the Pope.
Highly Important from Hayti.
Captain rinrthen, ol the brig Wissahickon, at New
York, from Aux Cayes, whence she sailed on the Bth
inst. gives the follow ing additional intelligence from
Aux Cayes, which he was requested ‘.by the American
and French consuls) to give on his arrival. Capt M.’s
statement ol the difficulty he experienced on account
of the unsenled state of uffurs at that place, is as fol
lows :
“ l was detained during twenty-four hours in conse
quenoe of not being able to obtain my papers from our
Consul, having my clearance from the custom house,
and tit every other respect ready to proceed on the voy
a e. Iwas at his office tour limes during that day, and
reui.iin-d therefrom thirty minutes to one hour each
time. I was told that he would be home presently. I
left his office at 3 o'c'ock.P. M. and determined to
proceed without my ship papers, in the morning. As
I was going on board, a gentleman, Mr. Shoutberg,
who keeps the American Exchange Coffee House, call
ed me and gave me a letter purporting to be from tlie
American Consul; it contained all my ship papers;
also bills of lading, which I was requested to sign, that
had been entrusted to our Consul, and open letters,
which I was also requested to seal and deliver as di
1 send you here a copy of tlie letter, as I was request
ed to do .
“ Aux Caves, Dec. 7, 1849.
Capt. J. B. MARTHE.v,of brig Wassahtckon :
D-’ar Friend—My situation and the stare of affairs
at pivsrtn in this country are such, that 1 dare not show
my head. <Since the establishment of monarchical go
vernment, the negroes have been most impudent and
insulting to all white citizens, and by the common herd
my lite, and that of the French Consul, has been re
peatrdiy threatened, but especially mine, as the Hay
liens itave a strong antipathy to the Americans. My
lite was threit-ned yesterday by high authority. The
Duke win h - d to say, “ Off with Ins head! off with
hi* h ad!— “ he whit** that keep si ave
with his lieao I —Juwu with Republics !” i wisn you to
report ihis, ass slia I take the earliest possible opportu
nity to inform < ur government how the American flag
.s treated in this part of the island, and her citizens
nnde to suffer the most wanton and scandalous insult
and abuse. I send you herewttn your papers, bills o’
lading, and other letters, which I wi.-lt you to sign,seal
and forward, as directed.
(Signed) R. LORING.”
Capt M further states—
The Dominicans had taken two villages, (which con“
tirui9 our previous advices,) burned them, and put the
inhabitants to the sword ; the villages were called Petite
Revtere and Dametnare, on the south side, and were
advancing on Aux Cayes with a body of five or six
hundred men. All the citizens were under arms. All
the stores and custom houses were closed, and business
suspended ; none but women and children in the piace ;
vessels in the harbor were lying idle. A ship of war
as seen-off the south side of the Isle of La Vache,
with all but her lower mast shot away, supposed to be
the Hay tien frigate, (the only one ;) and small coasters,
to the number of nine,oi 10, 15 and 20 tons, manned
with a most motley looking set of rabble in the shajie
of sailors, to go and fight the Dominicans by sea ; and
that without a single gun, and even without powder,
or good side arms.
Several old guns were fired from the wharf on the
eve of my departure ; at whom, I do not know, as no
enemy was in sight. They made no more report than
a pop-gun, and the General swore vengeance on the
Americans for importing such powder. Some person
present told him it was some General Taylor had used
in the Mexican war, and that be had some left to dis
pose of.
A female Miner.
The only white woman i have seen in the mines is
the wile ot a Frenchman, who came here from Calcut
ta. Bhe dresses in trowsers,ar.d wears a thin hat and
red shirt, as most of the miners do, and her hair being
cut short, is not suspected of being a woman, probably
by tie-tenth of the persons who see her. The first
utne lsaw her 1 was digging m a hole in the Mokel
may, a tew feet from where she and her husband were
wot king in a rocker. 1 noticed her feminine look and
thoughtful expression of countenance, and mentioned
it to a man who was working near me. He informed
me mat what 1 supposed to be a remarkably handsome
young man, was a woman; that she was the wife ot
the man at woik with her; (hat her husband was once
a wealthy merchant at Calcutta, and that the wife had
been accustomed to ease and luxury. Failing in busi
ness and becoming poor, the husband determined to
dig a fortune out of the earih in California, and the
wile, true to her companion, only consented w hen be
promised she should accompany him. I have seen her
at woik With ihe pick and the spade, early aud late;
tiicie is ever a thoughtlul expression on her counten
ance, but sae never seems discouraged; and yet the
unfortunate pair have liad the worst of luck, not hav
ing dug gold enough to jfoy their living. This is one
ol tint most romantic incidents that a life in the gold
diggings in Calttoi nia from time to time develops.—
Boston Times.
Scene at the Post Office in California.
On Saturday morning, at an early hour, despite the
sir-iight-tlownw ,idness ot the rain, and the muddy,
slippery, contemptible condition of the streets, a multi
tude besieged ihe Post Office for fetters, which would
hive done honor to the intelligence ot the proudest in the Union. Os course all could not he
a c. iouKxiated at once, and so “ a way ol coining at
it” was adop'ed, which reflected still more lustre on
tie American , ume. Lines were fotmed, stretching
down a dippery mil to the distance of eighty fret from
.1C KtthCtr. lo t>t OUidcl bICKM liJCll fIOUI Vt Iy
part ot the United States, and a step was gained when*
ever one h id made Ins inquiries at the window and re
tired. Alter the lines wete formed they remained un
broken. and acces-fons to the number must” fall in
behind ” Not unlrequently would persons remain iu
meir ranks for three and tour hoars. “Places” near
the window were sold for five and ten dollars. All
this was done in a rain, to hear up against which
would have tried the fortitude ot even Oregonians. —
[Alta California, Nor. 8.
From Florida.
The Oca*a Argus of the 20rh ult. says: “the ln
diaus have failed to meet Gen Twioas. A rumor goes
among us that eight teamsters have been killed by
them ”
ftT” Father Mathew was at YVilmington, N. C.,!ast
Saturday. The Commercial says;
He receives company, but dclirers no lectures. lie
disavows the slightest wish to interfere with the ques
tion of slavery. His mission is one of mercy and
philanthropy This is his single o'je ;t.
According to the Commissioner ol the Genera
Land office, during the past year upwards ol six mil
lions of acres land were advertised for sale, and more
than six and a half millions are prepared for market,
a great part ot which will be proclaimed during the
ensuing year.
The cit'zens of lacoti and all who are interested in
the prosperity of Central,South-\\ esterrt and Southern
Geu gia are r equested to meet at the Council Chamber
on Thursday Evening, the 10th inst., at 7 o’clock,!’.
M., to remonstrate against the late unjust change of
schedule on the State Road, which is calculated great
ly to injure the business prosperity of this section, and
to destroy the travel between Cherokee and the lower
part of the State. j;
The: undersigned, grateful for past paironage, would
inform their friends and the Travelling Public, that
the work upon the Laniek House is rapidly pogress
ing—that new and splendid furniture, lor the entire
buildmo has been purchased ; and that the House will
be open early in April next. The establishment will
be fitted out with every modern convenience and im
provement; will be supplied with competent and polite
servants, and no trouble or expense will be spared to
make it equal to the best Northern Houses.
Jan 9 41 -3m LANIER & SON.
A Remedy that Cutes,
Various remedies have been offered and puffed into
notice lor the cure of diseases ot the lungs, and some
have been found, no doubt, very useful; but of all that
have yet been discovered, it is admi'ted by physicians,
aud all who have witnessed its effects, that none has
proved so successful as Dr. YVistur’s Balsam of Wild
Cherry. For asthma, shortness ol breath, and similar
affections, tt may be pronounced a pos trve cure. It
has cured asthma in many cases of ten and twenty
years’ standing, alter physicians had declared the case
beyond the reach of medicine.
From the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Wherever tins medicine is introduced, it at once at
tains that high reputation which it so richly deserves.
What can stop its sale, when on every hand can be
witnessed its wonderful cures. The worst cases of
asthma, recent but dangerous coughs, (aud also those
that are ol long standing,) bronchitis and consumption,
(m its early stages,) are always cured by this remarka
ble medicine.
Be not deceived by impostors—Tlie public should be
carelui to get the genuine article, as the imitations and
counterfeits being put up by those who know nothing
of medicine, or of the diseases of the human system,
are entirely unsTc and dangerous.
None genuine unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrap
ror sale by Bruno & Virgins and George Payne,
Macon, Ga. Also,by Druggists generally.
Jan 9 _ _ _ _ __ 41—It
Just received truin the most celebrated Manufactory
at t. e North, a fresh supply ot Winter Inks, in 25 and
50 lb. kegs, w inch > ill be sold for cash at New York
retail prices, tl called for soon. Letters containing
the money, and addressed, post-paid, to the Journal
Messenger Office, will be attended to. As we purchase
these Inks under peculiar advantages, we can supply
our customers cheaper than they can import the article
from abroad.
BOOK and FANCY INKS also kept constantly on
hanJ. 30 Oct 24
THIS Company is now m very successful operation,
having issued in eleven months oil $2,500,000, and
received !5140,000 in premiums, creating a business
capital of that amount,and sustained but a bout $2,500
losses, which were natJ in ten hours after notice and
prool. The business is done upon the mutual princi
ple, by which half, and in some cases, nine-tenths ol
the expense of insurance is saved to the insurer. All
kinds of risk, Fire, Marine, Inland, Life of Ser
vants,promptly attended to. Communications should
be addressed to the Secretary.
A. HULL, President.
J. U. PARSONS, Secretary, Athens.
R S. LANIER, Agent, Macon.
Aug 29 22-ly
Macon Cotton Market.
Our market has been brisk lor a few days past, and
sales are now made principally from 10J io llcte.—
little is selling under 10. A choice lot of 19 bales, sold
yesterday at llicts. The receipts are extremely light
for the season.
Cotton Statement.
Receipts of Cotton into the Warehouses in the month
ol December, 16,450
Amount rece.ved previously 43,481
Total receipts in Warehouses, 59,931
Receipts by Macon and Western Railroad, previous
to December, and forwarded, 14,748
Received in December and forwarded, 8,335
Making entire receipts this season, 83,014
Stock on hand Ist September,. 3,628
Stock of Cotton now in the Warehouses, according
to actual count,. 21,207 bales.
Cotton shipped by Central Railroad to Savannah
from Warehouses in December, 11,393
By Steamboat, 438
Total amount shipped this season, 65,435 bales.
Receipts by Macon and Western Railroad in Dec.,
9,393 baks, ol which 8,335 were sent to the Central
Railroad, and 1058 to the Warehouses.
Comparative Iteceipts of Cotton.
The receipts of Cotton at the ports compare with the
corresponding dates last year, as follows:
Decrease at New Orleans—Jan. 1, 60,645
“ “ Mobile—Dec. 28, 39 987
“ “ Charleston—Jan. 3, 8,697
“ “ Texas—Dec. 27, 439
“ “ Virginia—Dec. 1, 550
Increase at Savannah—Jan. 1, 11,044
“ “ Florida—Dec. 19 14,033
“ “ N. Carolina—Dec. 22, 2,415
Total decrease 82,829 Bales.
Groceries Arc. Arc.
Bagging—Hemp,44 inch,.. yard (none in market.)
Gunny 21 ©22 •*
Bale Rope lb 10 (S) 11 “
Coffee—Rio (cb 13
Do. Java, (a) 14 “
Candles, Sperm 45 (S) “
Do. Adamantine, 35
Fish—Mackerel, No. 1,.... bbl. sl4 00
Do. No. 2 10 50
Do. No. 3,.... 850
Feathers, lb 30 O 85 c!s.
Glass, per box of 100 feet,... s2i 00 fa) $4 00
Gunpowder, keg 600 /}$ §7 (X)
Iron—Swedes ll> -llfl scts.
English bar,. 44
American 4ifS4l “
Hoop, 7 (S> 10 “
Sheet, 9 (® 10
Lead, _ 7 (a) 8 “
Lime—good Northern,.... hhl. ft 205
Molasses—New Orleans,.. gal. 35 ©4O “
Havanna, 27 (S) IX) “
Nails—cut W lb 51 ®sl “
Oti—Linseed gal- 90 ©sl
Spermncetti $1 30 © $1 50
Fall strained, $1 25
Osnaburgs 4P yard 7© 9 cts.
Salt—Liverpool, IF sack $ l 30 © 1 50
Soap—American yellow,. ib 5i © “
Tallow, 9© 7 “
Twine—Bagginjr 20 ©25 “
Whiskey—Northern 30 ©37 “
Western, 33 ©33 “
Baltimore,.... 35 ©37 “
j Rice, fb 4 © 5 “
Country l*ro<iuee.
Flour. S3 oo © 4 per 100 lbs
Gorn 50 © 60 cts. per bush.
Meal © 62
Bacon— hog round 5 © 64 “
Hams 7 & 124 “ per lb.
Sides 64 © 7 “ “
Shoulders 5 © 6 “ “
Lard 6 © <i
Eggs 15 per doz.
l> FiS © per 90 bushel.
Irish Potatoes, $4 00 © $1 50 tier bbl.
Sweet “ 25 ®3O per bush.
Fodder 75 ® $1 per cwt.
Hides 7 © 8
By the Rev. Dr. Ellison, on the evening of the Ist
inst., Miles L Green, Esq , ol Houston county, to
Miss Akn E. Persons, daughter of Rev. George W.
Persons, of Crawlord county.
In this county, oti the 3J inst., Daniel Wadsworth
Esq. (one of the earlieet settlers of this vicinity) aged
about 75 years.
At San Francisco, California, in October last, John
Theodore HAHBAUM.aged about 45 years. He was n
native of Prussia, And ior several yean, a resident of
this rily.
Council Cliatiiber,)
January 4,1850. $
Present—The Mayor.
Aid. Ayres, Collins, Ross, Dibble, Shinhoitcr and
Absent—Aid. Baltcock, Carhart.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and
The llrulge Keeper reported Tollsfor the week end
ing this da v, $ —
Railroad Toils for the month of December $445 26.
l'tie Finance Committee report in favor ol the pay
ment ot the following hills:
“ Georgia Telegraph,” $152 33
’■ Southern Museum,” 100 51
The Street Committee report in favor of the pay
ment of Shinholser& Whitehurst’s bill, S6O0 —lor the
Fourth Quarter’s Contract on Streets.
David Reid’s bill lor Storage on damaged Powder,
amount $9 50—passed.
The Sexton s hill for expense bury ing Six Paupers,
bv order of Members of Council, Irom August 24th, to
November 18th,amount $36 —passed.
Powers Sc Whittle’s bill for professional services in
ease Macon & Western Railroad Company, vs The
Citv of Macon, amount SSOO 00, was passed.
The Finance Committee, to whom was referred the
petition of D. Dempsey, respectfully report that they
recommend a reduction of Tax on the assessed value of
bis Real Estate of Nine Thousand Dollars.
B. F. ROSS, > n . ,
J. B. AYRES, \ Committee
On motion of Aid. Collins,
Resolved, That the Pump Committee be allowed
until next Meeting of Council to report upon A. Rich
ards’ bill.
On motion of Aid. Ayres,
Resolved, That all persons that have bepn doubled
on the Commutation and Poll Tax , be relieved from
the same, by paying the regular Tax and Cost,
before the 6th inst.
Council then adjourned until Wednesday next, at 7
o’clock, P. M.
Attest, A. R FREEMAN, c.c.
Macon & Western R. K. Cos, )
Macon, January Ist, 1850. \
UIYTDEND No. 7, of Two Dollars and fifty cents
per share, on the Capital Stock of this Company,
has this day been declared payable, on and alter the
first day of Febiuary next. IRA. FI. TAYLOR,
Jan. 9 41—4 t Treasurer.
rpHF. Exercises of the Select Female Seminary
II hereiolore announced, under charge of Mr. and
Mrs. Wise, commenced on the 7th inst.
Mr. ERNST GRIMME has been employed in tlie
departments of Music and the Modern Languages.
Parents desirous of perfecting the Musical Education ol
their daughters,under n highlv accomplished Prolessor,
will please make early application to Mr. Wise.
For particulars, see Circular.
Jan. 9 41—2 t
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post-
Office at Macon, Georgia, January Ist, 1850.
tty Persons calling for any ol them, will please say
they are advertized.
Allen,Nathaniel King, II B
At nett, Merideth Kinnaul, Win
Ashburn, John C Kissiner, John
Bayley, Robt Jr Kitchens, Bogg
Bailey, Robt M Knight, David^
Ifaitey, Jackson Lankston, Mrs Sarah
Bagget, John J Lanier, Janies
Bandy, Solomon Leach, A S
Bass, Joriah <>r C Blades 2 Leith, Major James L
Bates, Fiennng Ledbetter, John
Brewer, J K 2 Lines, Elizabeth Miss
Bell, Willis Little, Miss Sarah
Burdsong, Thomas Lipman, Moses J
Blades, Charles G Luffman. Henry A
Bostwick, Robt B Morse, Samuel R 1
Boyd, AFI 3 Mandel, George A 2
Boyle, Rebecca Mrs Marshall, Miss Virginia E
Bran, James C McLin, James G 2
Bradley, J H McWhorter, Maj R I.
Bradley, James & Jesse Miller, Timothy
Brooks, Wm F Mitchell, Frank
Brown, Miss Elliano L Mooney, Mr
Brown. William M Moony, Mrs. Sarah
Burges, John Mooney, A B
Butler, Moriah Morgan, Miss Mary
Batehelor, George H Morten, A
Cabtnes, William Murphy, William L
Campbell, Sarah R Miss Meyer, Jacob
Carle, Elbert Norton, Lewis
Carter, Miss Matilda Nevue, Caru Neuve
Casady, Miss C Madam
Cayior, G M Oglesby, George S
Chapman, Stephen B Owen, Mrs Mary
Choice, Copt Gusham Parker, James M
Clark., John Parks, WinJ 2
Clark, Enos Patterson, James
Cieek, William Peoples, Henry
Coleman, Dilsa Perdue,R II
Combs, Mrs Malvina Phillip-', Hiram
Comer, Mr. Powell, Benjamin R
Cook, Miney (colored) Partell, Rowland
Cooper, George P Reves, Wmll
Cooper, Win C H Risley, Daniel
Cornish, John I. Rockwell,Sarah Miss
Curd, Edward Roberts, Miss Surah E
Davis, John P Roberts, Mrs Mary A
Davis, Baldwin Roberts, Hiram
Davis, D 2 Roberts, Gabriel
Daniel, John Robinson, Adams A 2
Daniel, James W Rose, Milton 2
Darden, Bedford Rosen, Clem J 2
Dean, Rey Ross, Miss Amelia
Dickson, Josiah Root, Clester M
Downs, H L Russell, Dinah
Edmonds, Samuel Rylande, Washington
Edtnonds, R Samuel Carson, William or James
Edwards, Shady Ann Miss Sayers
Evans, Hezekiah Sandes, Mis’ Martha
Flvervein, D Schaffer, Carl T
Fleming, Jacob H Sowel, J S
Flewelltn, Abna H Searcy, Daniel Dr 2
Fitzgerald, Michael Shafer, Charles
Freeman, William Singleton, Jacob
F'rost, F D Shields, Robert
Gibson, H G Shipply, Washington
Gibson,O C Sibley, Samuel L 2
Gilbert, Mrs Amanda P Simpson, W E
Gilbert, John Simpson, Capt Levi
Graham, Mrs Georgean 2 Simmons, A J
Graham, Jackson 2 Sims, William H
Gresham, James L 2 Skannel, A B
Gregory, John Slater, Hope H
Griffin, Miss Malvina A Smith, William James
Griftin, James G Smith, John T
Gurganus, David Smith, Otis Rev
Haller, Edwin Smith, James S
Hall, George W Solomon, Henry T
Hamilton, L II Dr Stephenson, Margaret M
Hannah. William A 3 Stewart, YV. J
Hartal, F Stone, G W W Rev
Harris, Columbus Stow, SL
Humus, Fredrick 2 Suggs, ThosE
Iloage, Win M Swift, S G or Sterling
Hawkins, William Tucker
liny den, Julius A Swift, George P
Hill, Henry Sykes, J M.
liihver, Rev John Taylor, Samuel
Holcomb, W’tn H Taylor, Thomas W
Hollins, John Taylor, YVilliarn 3
Holliman, Rev R Taylor, Mrs James
Holmes, Janies C Tally, Virginia 2
Hudson, Sarah E Miss Thoop, Thos H. Dr
Ilubbell, YViiliam Thomas, John
Hutton, Sarah A Miss Thomas, William
Hummister, George Truinbul, John
I tins Sl Campbell, Messrs Tucker, Henry H Rev
Hyde, R T Tuggle, Jeremiah 4
Irwin, Rev C M YY’ndsworth, Daniel
Jamison, Asa tServant) Wail, Bradford
Johns, Miss Margaret Watson, Seth (J
Johnson, BenjaminF Wetboru,Caroline Miss
Johnson, T II Wells, M
Johnson, Fishery White, Clau a Mrs
Johnson, Wm L Willson, Amanda
Johnson, YVin Williams, J \Y r
Jones,o&, J Messrs YY’ilson, Adolphus Jr
Jones, ljimbert J YY’ood, Henry
Jones, Dr YV B Wyse, Benjamin
Kaneila, Jos Yowell, Harden
Jan. 9 41—3i
JUST received the largest and be9t assorted invoice
of Garden Seeds, ever offered in this market.—
They are put up in convenient sized papers, with full
directions concerning the time of planting, See.
Persons who desire choice and early vegetables are
respect lully invited to call and select from their exten
sive lot.
A liberal discount made to wholesale purchasers.
Jan 9 40 Successor to J. C. Gilbert & Cos.
IJOCKET DIARIES, for 1850,0 t all sizesaud vari
ties,for sale by j. J. <Sc S. P. RICHARDS.
Jan 9 41
NEYV POPULAR MUSIC for ihe PtumT Forte,
juri received and for sale, by
Jan 9 41 J. J.& S P. RICH ARDS.
SONS OF Tfi Ul'ilif YVt i: !
A New and beautiful style ot quarto Bible for the
Ordei ot the Sons of Temperance, with appro
priate emblematical designs, f r sale by
Jan 9 41 J. J Sc S P. RICHARDS.
CTRANBERRIES-— 15 Bushel tine, for sale by
J Jan. 9 41 C. A. ELLS fcSON.
PITATOES. —100 tibia, ol Yellow Planting,prime
order, lor sale by C. A. ELLS &, SON.
Jan 9 41
BUTTER. —40 kegs of be9i Goshen, tor sale ny
Jail 9 4d C A. ELLS & SON.
CHEESE —100 boxes of Coes English Diary, for
sale by C. A. ELLS & SON.
Jan 9 41
THIS Compound, so bland and nice,effectually pre
vents the bands and lips from chapping. When
they are thus affected, a few applications will heal and
tender them solt and smooth. A small lot Ireshly pre
pared and tor safe, by
Jan 2 40-4 t
Horse lor Sale.
fW) sale cheap. Apply to
Nov. 21 34 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Cream Ale.
£)C\ BBLS. of best CREAM ALE, made expressly
/C\J for this climate, for sale by
Dee 19 38 C. A. E1.1.S A SON.
TT7TLL be fold on Thursday, the 10th inst, at the
W store of'.Mtssrs. Clarke &, Experience, coin
tnencine half past 10 o’clock. A. M , their entire stock
of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardwire, Shoes. Hits, &c.
The Goods have been mostly bought in the Inst six
months; consequently the style and quality arc good
and desirable. We invite ail who wish to purchase
Goods to be present. Term* of sale ns follows:
All sums under fifty dollar,cadi; all sums over fifty
dollars, and under one hundred dollars, thirty days cre
dit; all sums over one hundred, and under three hun
dred dollars, sixty days; all sum? over three hundred
dollars, ninety days, for approved notes payable r.t
Bank. No goods will be delivered uu iJ the terms ol
the sale are complied with.
G. W. HINES CO., Auctioneers.
Jan. 9-11 It *
ON THURSDAY, January 10th, at 11 o’clock, in
front ol Store,
100 halt pipes Cognac Brandy,front 2 to 10years old
156 casks of white-wine Vinegar,
20 casks Claret,
Terms : S2OO. cash ; over S2OO and under $3-10, six
ty days ; over S3OO and under 500, 90 days ; over S3OO
tour months, for approved endorsed notes.
Savannah,Jan 9 41—It
f IMIE subscribers are transacting a Storage, For- ;
-I- ward ng and Commission Business, in ail the va
rious branches.
They are prepared to receive, store and forward all !
descriptions of property, and offer their services in ef
fecting sales on commission. Particularattention will ;
be given to the Cotton, Flour and Produce trade, as j
their experience in tht3 branch is entitled to confidence. I
Manufacturers and others, forwarding goods to this
Market, will find us prompt in our attention to oiders, i
and reasonable in our charges.
22 Commercial Wharf, Boston.
Jan 9 41-lv
CJ. VV ALLACE, (successor toFro.-t &, Wallace,) j
• Merchant Tailor, New York, begs leave to in- j
form his friends and patrons, that he will visit Macon, i
Geo., during ihe month of January, for the purpose of ‘’
receiving such orders for clothing, as they may be i
ed to lavor him with. Their attention is respectfully i
invited to his samples ol goods, which will be of the |
lan at and most desirable style* in market.
Jan 9 41-2 t.
SB. DAY. would i nforni his friends and the pub- ;
• lie that they will find him between his old stand
• and the Drug Store formerly occupied by H. Shotwell
& Cos., where he keeps constantly on liand a good as
sortment of Gold and Silver Watches of oil kinds and 1
prices. Also Gold Guard, Fob and Vest Chains, Seals 1
and Key, Ladies and Gems Pins,Ladies Watch Hooks
and Chains, Gold Pens and Cases. Gold Thimbles and
Spectacles, two very handsome Flower Vases. Also j
Silver Table, Tea, Desert and Mustard Spoons, Butter |
Knives, together with articles lie is constantly receiv
ing, and has on hand a fine assortment of Brass Spring
eight day and thirty hour and alarm Clocks, which he
will sell at the lowest rates, and warrant to keep good
He still continues to repair Watches at the same !
rates as formerly, and hopes by his attention to have a j
share of public patronge Jan. 9 41—tF
L THE Partnership heretofore existing between i
jL/\.tbe subscribes, under the firm of Wm. B. John- !
®***®ston & Brother, is this day dissolved by mutual •
W.m. B. Johnston, having retired from tiie business, it 1
will in future be conducted by E. J Johnston.
All persons idebted to the old concern, are requested i
to call and settle, at their earliest convenience, as we I
are desirous of closing up the old business as early as
possible. WM. B. JOHNSTON,
Jan. 9 11-ts E. J JOHNSTON. j
At the OUI Stand of Win. it. Johnston & Uro., I
DEALER in fine Watches and Jewelry of all kinds.
Silver, Silver Plated and Britannia Goods,
Porcelain Vases, 1 .amps and Girandoles,
Gold Pens in Gold and Silver cases,
Fancy Goods of all kinds,
Fine Guns, Pistols and Gunning Equipments,
Watch mukeis,Duguereotypist and Gun-Smiths’ma- j
Military Goods and Trimmings ol all kinds,
Trimmings for Masonic, Odd Fellows and S. of T i
Walking Canes, a large variety,
Razors and Razor Strops, Pocket Knives, Scissors 1
and Table Cutlery,
Gentlemen’s Dressing cases and Fancy Hardware,
“ Lubins” Genuine Extracts,Cologne Waler, dtc.
Silk and Steel Goods tor Bags and Purses,
Tea Trayi in sets and by the piece,
Port-monies, Money Belts and Pocket Books,
Tooth, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Combs,
Besides u great variety ol articles too numerous to !
He respectfully invites the customers of the old con
cern am every one wishing articles in his line to give
him a call, feeling confident he will be able to suit in
the quality and price ol Ins goods.
Jan 9 41-ts
WATCH REPAIRING and new parts made in the
most woikman-like manner and the work war
ranted. Also, Jewelry Repaired at short notice, by
Jan 9 41-4 t
ers, Checks, &.C., a fine lot on hand and lor sale,
Jan 9 41-4 t
THE subscriber has on hand a great variety of Gold
and Gilt Jewelry and Fancy Articles, that he
will sell at and under New York cost lor Cash, to per
sons wishing to make up lots to sell again. Also, Pla
ted Castors, Astral Lamps, Flow er Vases, &c.
Jan 9 41—4 t
ON Tuesday, the 15th of January next, there will be
an adjourned Meeting of those interested in the
Branch South Western Railroad to Perry, (or ihe pur
pose of taking definite and immediate measures for the
construction of said Road. All persons interested are
invited to attend By order ol the Chairman,
Perry, Jan. 2,1850. 40-2 t
THE annual election for a President,and four direc
tors of the Macon Manufacturing Company, will
be held on the second Monday in January next, at the
Office of the President. Macon, December 29, 1849.
Jan. 2 40-2 t JOHN J GRESHAM. Prest.
*■£■ -.’fcSV jgtHSSSSf r----* -?i -■- aH ‘I ~1
■*&*s*■ n.y w ■ agEgi-SsslH
South-Western Railroad, )
Macon, Dec. 27th 1849 >
THE annual meeting o| Stockholders, and election
ol President and Directors ol this Company, will
take plnce in this city, on THURSDAY, the 14th of
February, 1850. By order ot the Boar J,
Jan. 2 40—11 WM. S. HOLT, Sec’y.
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs,
Oils. Window Glass, 4fc., c .,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub
- lie, that having purchased the interest of Dr. J. j
C. Gilbert, the Drug business will be continued in his
own name. Weekly nrrivah will enable him at all
times to furnish Farmers, Pl anters and others, with
supplies of family medicines Country Mer
chants, who purchase regular stocks at the North, can
be furnished with intermediate supplies at n small ad
vance upon the Northern prices. Physicians in town
and country,favoring him with orders, may rely upon
receiving tne best and freshest Medicines. All pre
parations dispensed from the stoic shall be of standard
officinal strength.
Prescriptions put up with neatness and care, any
hour, day or night.
Thankful (or past favois, he trusts that attention to
business, with a desire to please, will insure a continu
ation and increase of patronage.
Jan 2 40-ts
BLUE RIDGE TUNNEL.—The Contractor for
the Blue Ridge Tunnel, having failed to come
forward and comply with his engagements, notice is
hereby given that Proposals will again be received at
the Office ot tne Board ot Public Works, until the 21st
of January, iB6O, tor the construction of the Tunnel
and approaches
The Tunnel will be 42G0feet long, 21 feet high and
16 feet wide, with a ditch on each side: it will pass 7UO
fpet the top of the Mountain and decline from
West to East at the rate of 70 feet to the mile. The
approaches will be in the aggregate about 200*) teei
long, and_ deep cuts, high embankments,
some waiting tfiid bridging.
Proposers wh>have not already examined the locali
ties will do well to call at the office of tin* Engineer, on
the 6pot, where they will obtain all necessary inturtna
The payments will be cash, with a reservation ol 20
per cent, till the entire completion of the work; besides
which, the contractor is required by law to give bond,
with satislactoiy bond and security, in Virginia. The
amount of the bond requited will be thirty thousand
The best testimonials and an energetic prosecution
of the work are expected : the contract and bond to be
executed within ten days alter the letting, and the
work to begin bona fide. within sixty days after the
same period.
C. CROZET, Eng’r Blue Ridge Railroad.
Terms of proposals and .specifications may be obtain
ed at both offices.
Jan 2 40-3 t
Strayed or Stolen,
/iA * nsf ■* n , * ie cl, y °* Macon, a small bay
HuRSE. chunky built, with a white spotin
his forehead, and has n small blemish in his left eye. A
reasonable reward will be paid tor his return to me, or
information so that I can get him.
Bibb county, Dec 24, 1819. Z. B. WADE.
Dec 26 32-2 t
I A received nod tor sale by J. A. NELSON.
JVC 26 39
THERE bemga number ol new towns in the vi
cinity of The Southwestern Railroad terminus, on
Flint River, established on the prospect of business
flowing to the Road, the subscriber begs leave to add
ano*her to the list, by offering a situation, the most
beautiful and healthy of them all. The location
is cailed the City of “ Liverpool,” and lies within
three miles of Oglethorpe, and one mile and a halt
from Cuyter. It contains a large spiing of pnre tree
stone water, gushing up through sand while m snow,
i and copious enough to turn maciiineiy.
; lhe t iiy •i Liverpool does not aspire to an imme
i diate equality with its sister cities of Oglethorpe and
: Cuvier, on the west side ol the river, or of Bristol and
Montezuma on the east side, in the receipts of Cotton,
I or in the sale ol merchandize ; but it honestly claims
] to be their superior tis a retreat for merchants and
’ others w ho may be oppressed by the vexation of trade,
j and who desire h-altii and tranquility. 1 invite an ex
amination of sites. Persons who may desire a res;-
I dence m Liverpool, can be accommodated with lots of
i any size, from fifty feet to one hundred yards square,
I on favorable terms, by applying to the subscriber.
i Macon County. January 1.1850 Jan 9-41 4t
$125 RE WARD.
STOLEN from the wagon ol the Subscriber at
Mims’ Mill, Bibb county,on the night of the 22 and
December, a bay Mare Muie.s years old, with a b ack
streak on the back and shoulders, and black streaks on
i the legs. The Muie i? of a good size, and appear
ance. She is supposed to have been stolen by a white
man, and taken in the direction of Thomaston. 1 will
j pay §25 reward for the recovery of the Mule, and
$!00 lor the thief with proof for his conviction. Infor
mation can be given me at Russellville P. O
Jan. 9 41—3 t J G. JORDAN.
WILL be sold on the Ist Tuesday, in April next,
at the Court House,in Marian, Twiggs County,
! seventy acres of land, parts of Lots Nos. 27 and 29, in
i the 27th District of said County, levied upon to satisfy
i a mortgage fi. fa., in favor of James Averett, admin
istrator of Samuel Pate, deceased, vs. Jesse Parker.
! Property pointed out in said fi. fa.
October 3d, 1849. H. F. SMITH, Sheriff,
i 41-ts
Lee February Sales.
TT7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in February
VV next, betore the Court-house door in Starkville,
1 Lee county, between the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing propei ty, to wit:
Lots of land Nos. 146 and 176 in the 3d district of
Lee county, levied on as the prop**riy of Thomas j
j Kuight. to satisfy a fi fa front Le • Superior Court, m
tavor of A msieii Gordeti vs. Thos. J. Knight, and one
from the Superior Court of Jasper county, in favor of
Thomas J. Irwin vs. John Knight, Jus Knight. Thos.
J. Knight, C. M. Allen, Executor’s, &c., ana others in
! my hands, vs. said Thos. J. Knight.
Also, lot of land No. 109 in the 13th district of Lee
county, levied on as the property of Daniel B. Lowe,
• to satisly a fi fa from Houston Superior Court in favor
|of Samuel B. Louden vs. Daniel B. Lowe. Fropeny
j pointed out by Win. J. Runaldson.
Also, lot of land No. 232 in the 3d district of Lee
county, levied on as the property of John E. Pittman,
i to satisfy sundry fi ias from the Justices Court ot the |
909t1i district, G M., in favor ol Win. Griffin and oth
; ers vs. said Pittman. Levy made and returned tome
1 by a Constable.
Aiso, lot ol land No. 15 in the 2d district of Lee coun
! ty, levied ou as ihe property of D. A Farmer and Uri
el Farmer, to satisfy two fi fas from the Justices Court [
of the 603d district, G. M., in favor of A. VV. Flint,
j Administrator, &.C. vs. D. A. Farmer and Uriel Far-
I msr. Levy made and relumed to me by a Constable.
A’so, the interest ot Jas. E. Heard in the real Estate
iof David Roberts, deceased, to wit: in lots of land Nos.
1 31, 32, 29and 35 in the 13tii district of Lee county,and
I No. 33 in die 16th district of said cou ty, levied on to
i satisly sundry Justices Court fi fas from the 976;h dis
i trict, G. AL, in favor of Charles P. Huckabey, Admin
istrator, and others, vs. said Heard. Levy made and
! returned to me by a Constable.
At the same time and place, wiil be sold the follow
ing property, to wit:
Lot of land No. 149 in the 13di district of Lee coun
i ty, levied on as the property ol Thomas Rogers, to sat
■ isfy a Mortgage fi ta from Lee Superior Court, in fa
vor of Wm. IleiMerson, Administrator, &,c. V3. said
Rogers Property pointed out in said fi fa.
| Also, lot of land No. 40 in the first district of Lee
county, levied on as the property ol Peter Armgton
and John A. Futci, to satisly two fi las from a Justices
j Court, in favor of William Stanley vs. said Armgton
and Futcli. Property pointed out by Plaintiff’; levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Also, one house and lot in the town of Starkville,
number not known, but known us the place whereon
John A. Bishop now lives, levied on to satisly an at
tachment fi la from the Ju-tices Court of the 915th dis
trict, G M., in favor of Joseph S Cross vs Holm s
Steel. Property pointed out in said fi ta.and levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Also, one house and the ground whereon it stands,
in the town of Starkville, formerly known as tl aeon's
Law Office, and now occupied by M. E. Williams,
levied on to satisfy a fi la Irom Bibb Superior Conn, as
the property of Jas. A. H. Macon, deceased, in lavor
of Samuel Lrndsey vs. Win. G. Macon and Jas. A. H.
Macon Property pointed out by Plaintiff.
W. W. GILMORE, D. Shff.
Jan 9 41-tds
ON the first Tuesday in April next, wifi be sold be
fore the Court House door in Perry, within the
lawful hours of sale, nine building lots, in the Village
of Fort Valley, known in the new survey ol said Vil
iam- as Lots Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20 and 22.
Sold as the property of the lute Jus A. Everett, by per
mission of the Honorable Inferior Court ol Houston
County, when silt ngas a Court of Ordinary .so: the ben
efit of the heirs of said deceased. A plan of the Vil
lage may be seen by applying to the Executors. Terms
at ihe sale. T. C. EVERETT, )
M L GREENE, 5 Executors.
Jon. 9 41-tds
TAOUR MONTHS alter date, application will be
-F made to the Inferior Court of Bibb County, when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave ’osell the House
and Lot of Dr. Abner F. Holt deceased, in the City of
Macon. C. W. RAINES, Administrator.
Jan. 9 41
FOUR MONTHS after date, application will be
made to the Infetior Court of Upson County, when
sitting for Ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell the real
estate ol John G. Raines, deceased, late of said Coun
ty. THOMAS RAINES, Executor.
Jan 9 41
Rill for Direction.
James C. Bartlett, Executor of Eliza Jnne Rohey, de
ceased, ps Mary Bartieit, Henry A. Dickinson and
his wife, Sarah A.; William H. White and his wife,
Elizabeth TANARUS.; William A. Bartlett ; John E. Bart
lett ; George T. Bartlett ; Thomas J. Bartlett; John
VV. Boswell; Wii iam Robey; Charles N. Horne
nnd his wife, Amanda Jane; Henry A Bartlett:
Mary L. Bartlett nnd Medora C. Par!, it.
IT appearing to the Court, that V.'i.iiam If. White
and his wife, Elizabeth T. White, two of the defen
dants to this Bill, reside out of the State of Georgia , and
are absent therelroin, and cannot be served with a copy
of said Bill, in the usual maimer of serving Bills in
Equity: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that ser
vice of said Bill, be perfected as to the said William H.
White and his wife, Elizab tli T. White, by a publica
tion ol this order, in the Georgia Journal &, Messen
ger. And it is further orderded, that the said William
11. White and his wife, Elizabeth T. White, be, and
they are hereby required, to be and appear .at the next
Term of this Court, to be held in and lor said county
ol Jasper, on the fourth Monday in April next, to an
swer the sai l complainants said Bill. And it is lurther
ordered bv the Court, that this order be published in
said public gazette, once a month for four several
months, before the next Term ot this Court.
GEORGIA, I A true extract from the Min-
J aster County. $ utes of the Superior Court of taid
county, at October Term, IB4‘J.
Nov 21 34-mlin
Hill for Relief an-l Interpleader, iu Jasper
Superior Court.
James C. Bartlett vs. Charles W. Roby and his wife
El za Ann Roby ; Richard R. Roby, Guardian of
Lucius P Bosweii; John W. Boswell; John T. Sims;
William Roby; Maiachi Roby ; Charles N Horne
and Ins wile, Amanda Jane Horne ; James M. Wil
tinms, Guardian of Will.unison. A L D Roby ; Wj
ley Philips, Guardian of Mary E Roby; Henry A.
B rtleti, Mary L. Bartlett and Medora C. Bartlett.
IT appearing to the Court that Charles W. Roby uud
his wife, Eliza Ann Roby, two of the Defendants to
the above stated hr//, reside out ot th • State ol Georgia
and are absent thvrefroin, and cannot be served with a I
copy ot said bill, in the usual manner oi serving bills —it i
is ordered hy the Court, that service of said bill be ef
fected as to said Charles W. Roby and Ins wife, Eliza
Ann Roby,by a publication oi this Order in the Georgia
Journal and Messenger. And it tsordered that Charles
W. Roby and his wile, be and are hereby required to
be and appear at the next Term of this Couit to be held
in and for said county of Jasper, on the 4th Monday in
April next, to answer said complainant’s bill. And it
is further ordered by the Court, that this order be pub
lished in said public Gazette,once a momh Ur four sev
eral months betore the next Term ot this Court.
GEORGIA, } A true extract from th** Minutes
Jasper County. J of the October Term, 1849, cf the j
Superior Court ol said county.
Nov 21 34-m-iin
Georgia—Lee County.
William Spence, Coiup.ainont,')
vs. I Bill for Discovery \
Washington P. Holland, Alex- )■ and Relief in Lee
andek B. Duncan and his wile Superior Court
Ellen A. Duncan, Def’nts. J
IT apnearing to the Court, that Washington P. Hol
land, one of the defendants in the above stated case,
resides out of the jurisdiction of tins State, and that
personal service cannot be h:td upon him ; it is there
fore ordeied.that the said Washington P. Holland be
served by the publication of a copy of this order in one
of the public gazettes of this State, once a month for
four months, preceding the next term ol this Court. :
I do Itersby certify, that the above is a true copy ol j
the original order as entered upou the Minutes ol Lee
Superior Court, at the November Term, 1849.
GEO. C. ‘I ICKNOR, c. s. c.
Dec-12 37-in4m
On Consignment,
QA HHDS. Bacon Sides,
OU 50 Bbls. Canal Flour,
30 do. Planting and Eating Potatoes,
50 Boxvs Cheese. J. S. RICHARDSON,
i I>.*c 26 29
np HE un Jersigned, being the owner of about 600 acre
|_ of Land, VV rsTof Flint river,on which the South-
Western Railroad will, for the present,and perhaps tor
many years to come, terminate, will soon have it sur
veyed nnd divided into Lots ot suitable size tor business
and private residences, and will offer them for safe, at
public outcry on the premises, on the 16 th day of Jan
uary next.
T he site of the contemplated town is in Macon coun
ty, about two miles above Traveller's Rest, upon high,
dry and < leva ted pine land, with good pure water, free
Irom lime. Ou the West side of the River there is but
a narrow strip ol second low ground, entirely tree from
marshes and lagoons.
The plan of the town will soon be lithographed nnd
copies distributed in the principal towns and cities of
the Slate, for inspection by those who may wish to pur
chase lots. An act ot incorporation, under the name of
ihe town of Oglethorpe, will be applied for at the ap
proaching session ot ihe Legislature. It is now certain
that the Railroad will he completed to that point in
time for the crop ol 1850. The grading is piogressing
rapidly, and the iron for the Road as far as Oglethorpe
is contracted lor, to be delivered in Savannah next
The attention ol capitalists, and of all who may wish
to share in the business which wiil spring up in a plnce
where at least 70,000 bales of cotton will be sold annu
ally, is respectfully invited to the sale of the lots as above
specified. An inspection of thp map will show that it
is the point where the business of the great cotton-grow
ing section of Georgia will concentrate It wilt be a
trade worth contending for. Not milv will the counties
West of Flint River now furnish annually 70,000 bales
of cotton to be shipped from Oglethorpe, but the open
ing of a Railroad to that point will bring that important
and growing section of Georgia into close proximity to
a market for their produce, and will be the means of
bringing into cultivation thousands of acres of land now
lying idle, and thus the quantity of cotton produced
there will be greatly increased.
The terms of the sale will be liberal,being one-fourth
ensA.and ? he remainder in twopqual instalments of
one and two years. The titles will be indisputable.—
I have a complete, unbroken chain of titles, from the
State down to myself.
Oct 24 30-ts E G CAR4NTSS.
THE undersigned, having purchased that dry nnd
elevated plnce West of Flint River, directlv on
the line of the South-Western Railroad, two and a
half miles from the River, containing about six hun
dred ue es fme Land, are now making preparations to
lay ittffin Lots of suitable size for business and private
residences, and w : ll expose the same for sale at public
outcry, on jhe premises , oh Tuesday , the 15 th city of
January next. The aoove place is the same on which
Calvin 1). Sumtnerline now resides, and is he first
high and elevated Land alter leaving the West bank
if the River. Roads from different |siints converge at
the place we design iocnting the Town, and it is im
mediately on the load leading from Lanier to Ameri
We challenge any and all competition intermedi
ately on the South-Western Railroad, as regards its
favorable locality, the purity of its water, its health
fulness, and its prospects ahead for a flourishing and
permanent business, it i believed by competent judges
that from 7t) to 80 thousand bags’of Cotton will be
brought to that |>oint for sale annivally, and it certainly
behooves all who have capital U>invest, and desire to
come in competition for the vast trade which is mm
-1 pelled to concentrate at, to examine it before
making up their minds to purchase elsewhere . All
such >ve respectfully invite to the sale of Lots ns above
Our terms of sale will be one-fonrth cash, and the
remainder in three . qual instalments of one. two, and
three years. The lilies will be indisputable We say to
all, come and examine, and be ymn own judges.
WILLIAM ti iiUi.i .ioN,
Robert f. Baldwin,
fry Macon Telegraph. ."Southern Recorder. Colum
bus Enquirer, Augusta Constitutionalist, Charleston
Courier, and Savannah Republican, will give the above
three weeklv insertions, and send accounts to this of
fice tor collection.
Dec 19 3S—it
All Operations Warranted.
TEETH Extracted nnd Temporary plates immedi
ately inserted, to be worn during the period of
absorption without extra charge.
The result of the use of New Materials. Hills
Stopping.” prepared Silver, Cadmium, k.c ) fi r plug
ging much decayed Teeth, has so far exceeded oar ex
pectations, that we now urgently recommend their use
wherever Gold cannot be firmly packed.
It is a fact conceded by all writers on the subject,
flint the prime cause of decay and irregularity in the
Teeth, originates at the time of shedding the fiist set;
therefore, we propose to give the required att-ntion to
all Children who may be placed under our eh >rge, for
flee dollars a year; this will include Polishing, Extract
ing, Arranging, Slc.
Superior Dentrifiee and Soft Brushes for diseased
gnms, constantly on hand.
Dentists Instructed in New Improvements connec
ted with the Plate depai intent on reasonable ti-rms.
Jan 2 40-ts HENRI DORION.
Factors nnd Commission Merchants,
No. 112 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga.
J. M. BALL & CO.
Liberal casli advances made on consignments ro Savan
nah, Charleston. New York and other ports.
Oct 24 30-f)in J. M. B & CO.
wm. H. Anderson’Principal. Mrs B . S Lanier,,
of the Musical Department, wiil open on the Ist uay of
January next For particulars apply to
LANIER .V ANDERSON, A tty’s at Law,
Dec. 26 39-2 t Macon, Ga.
man who received a public education in one of
the New England Colleges, and who has thoroughly’’
prepared himself ibr his profession os teacher. He has
had over ten years’ experience m teaching, and has
been, for the last five years, residing in Georgia. Cer
tificates of good moral character,scholarship,experience
in teachma. <fecwill be furnished on application.—
Address “ ri R. N-,” Savannah, Ga.
Dec 12 37-3t*
HAVING associated themselves in the Drug Busi
ness, hitherto carried on by Dr. Wm fc>. Town
jsend, would respectluiiy solicit a continuance of that
I patronage which has been so liberally afforded by the
j citizens of Houston and the adjacent Bounties,
i Their Stock will consist ol ail die articles usually
I kept by Chemists and Druggists, which will be selected
; in New York by one of the firm, and every rare will
■ he taken that all Medicines purchased from them shall
: be of the best quality.
The undersigned desires to return thanks for the
liberal patronage given his Drag Establishment in
Perry during the past two years, and cheerfully recom
! mends his successors, Messrs. Cooru; &. Heywood, to
! his former patrons. Mr. Hey wood, who will give i. in
‘entire attention to ihe concern, formerly followed the
j business of a practical Apo’hecaiy ::i>.d Druggist ior
nearly ten years. WM. S. TOWNSEND.
! Ifec 31.-fe.
ri''ilE subscriber having disposed of bisinteres? in the
I Drug Store to Dr. L .L. Stiohecser, jM itifr rri
the public, that the partnership heietoiore Misting be
tween them has th’s cay been dissolved.
In retiring fiotn the Du-me**, the subscriber would
take this ra*-itiod of acki, -Hedging his ob!f_nf ens to
I his friends, who have so liberally patroni-ed him, and
I would ask a continuance then tav<*rs to the house,
believing that they v, ill find it to their interest to do so.
Dec. 7th, 1349.
| HE undersigned having purchased the interest of
I Dr. J. C. Gilbert in the Drug Store, wiR continue
the business on his own account, and hopes by prompt
attention and the quality of h*s articles, to retain the
patronage so liberally bestowed upon the late film.
Dec 26 39 : 3t
IOUIS MUNCII respectfully informs, tire citizens
J of Macon and vicinity, that he has op, ueJ a raw
I BAKERY at the above old and populm snvnd, ami is
’ prepared to furnish Bread and all kinds of Cuke of eu-
I perior quality. Bread and Cake delivered at cauomers’
houses in any part ol the city.
Macon, Dec. 19, ltH9. RS-dia
MA HOUSE AND LOT, comaining about
six acres ol Land, about two miles lium the
Ciiy, on the Crawford road.
Nov 23 33—ts EDWIN GRAVES.
NO TICE. —AH persons having claims against the
rsnte of the late Dr. Barilett, are requested to
meet me in Macon, on the 3d and 4th days ot January
next, lor the purpose ot having them settled.
Dec 19 38-‘2t
i r | tills distressing jvlague, so prevalent in cold weath
-1 _L er, can be relieved m its woist forms, by a single
application ofGaynor’s Tooth-Ache Drops. Prepared
and sold, by E. L. STROHECKER, M. I>.,
Successor to J. C. Gilbert &. Cos.
Jan 2
PtfRfLE Every variety ofPickes, in glam.
Jailor sale. M. L GRAY BILL.
Dec 5 36 Family Provision Store
Fiesh Cumphine.
JUST Received and for sal by