Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, March 26, 1856, Image 3

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On the Death of an Infant. A H.*t of angflU flying, Through cloudless skies impelled, fpoa the earth beheld A pearl of beauty lying Worthy to glitter bright In heaven's vast halls ol light. Xb*v sa' r . with glances fendor, An iotaut newlv born. O’er whom life’s earliest morn Jo-t ojietiinjr *pVndor; Virtue it ciu!J not know, Nor vic<\ nr joy, nor wo, The blest angelic legion Greeted its birth above. And came with looks of love. From heaven’s enchanting region; Beading their winged way To where the infant lay. Tbev spread their pinions o'er it That little pearl which shone With lustre all its own— And then on high they bore it. Where glory has its birth— But left the shell on earth. Tk* Othkr Side.—Once, in a happy home, a sweet, b- ght baby died. On the evening ot the day, when t,e children gathered round their mother, all sitting Terr sorrowful, Alice, the eldest, said’ “Mother, you took all the care of baby while she was here, and you carried and held her in your arms all the while she was ill; now mother, tcho took her on the other side*” j® the other side of what, Alice?” asked the mother. •On the other side of death who took the baby on ( other side, mother; she was so little she could not .j alooe?” “Jesus met her there,’’ answered the r.iotber. “It is he who took little children in his arms 11 bless them, and said, ‘Suffer them to come unto tne. tad foi bid them not, for of such is the kingdom ot beaveu!’ He took the baby on the other side.” nood must have had our present weather in b,s mind, if not its Boat in his fingers, when he wrote the celebrated song, of which the following is a coup let: “ Icy, and windy, and cold, And windy, and icy, and cold.” Thinking Hard Word.—“llans.'’’said a Dutchman to his urchin son, whom he had just been thrashing ~r swearing at bis mother “Vat’s dat you’re linkin’ so \ ekidabout, in the corner dare?” “I ain’t tink nott’n.” You li. J ou fagabone—you tinks cot dam—and now I'll vip you for dat.” Sacm*.—A man in Michigan not long since com mitted suicide by drowniug. As the body could not be found, the coroner held an inquest on his bat and jacket, found on the bank of the lake. A’erdict— *• Found empty.” Bids of Promise.— Gentleman, from the Interior (totally unacquainted with the Daguerrean art.)—- ‘■Look a’ here, mister, couldn’t ye just throw in a pair Imoustaches ? I’m going to raise some in the fail.” Cotton Jlarkct. Macon, March 26. There is a moderate demand for Cotton at 7% to cents for Ordinary to Middling Fair. The Ocmulgee in good boating order. Savannah —On Friday sales only 99 bales at 9%, c'^ t 10 and On Saturday an active market ai unchanged prices. Sales 1,476 bales. .MARRIED. In this city on the 20th iost., bv the Rev. S. Lan drum, Mr. James M. Armor, to Miss Sarah J. Wil u ■ as. M*rch the ISth, bv the Rev. J. W. Hinton, Mr. Lv. nvidas N. Rains, of Marion county, Ga., to Miss Na.n cr Wright, of Lee county, Ga. On the 18th inst., by the Rev. Charles R. Jewett, Mr. M E Gardner, to Miss Martha E., daughter of Mr. Wm. C. Lawehe, all of Atlanta, Ga. DIED, On the 4th of March, at the house of his son Mr It. F Chamberlain, near Decatur, DeKalb county, Ga.. Rev. Rkmkmbsance Chamberlain, in the 67th year ot lungs. At Barnesville, on the 25th February, Charles G. Tcrnee, Esq., aged about 46 years. He was among tiie early settlers of that vicinity, and to whom it is :such indebted for his public spirit and enterprise, as , -naected with the growth and improvements of that vjlage —and also for the aid of his influence and exam jieio the early days of *ur railroad enterprises. SPECIAL NOTICES. Messers Editors: Please announce the name of W .11. L. A. ELLIS, FSQIi., as a candidate for the office t City Attorney, and oblige MANY CITIZENS. mar 19 51-tde. ifa.-rs Editor: Please annouce the name of THOM AS P. STUBBS, as a candidate for theofficeof City soicitior, and oblige. MANY VOTERS. mar 19 51-tde- Messrs. Editors:— Please announce the name ol ( LIFFORD ANDERSON, ESQ., as a candi date for the office of JUDGE OF THE CITY COURT, and oblige MANY’ VOTERS. City papers copy. [mar 12 tde] §tte .Hedical Society. J-y The Seventh Annual Meeting of the Medical So ciety of the State of Georgia, will be held in the city .f Macon, on the 2nd Wednesday, (9th April) next, Aad the Annual Address will be delivered at 12 o’clock, M. on that day. D. C. O’KEEFE, M. D., mar 12 50-4t] Recording Secretary. ir For Bronchitis, Throat Diseases, Cough, and the efleets of imprudent use of Mercury, no medicine has ever been discovered which has effected saeh cures as Carter’s Spanish Mixture. • Throat diseases produced by salivation. Hacking Cougn, Bronchial Affections, Liver Disease, Neuralgia wd Rheumatism, have all been relieved and cured in s wonderful manner, by the great purifier of the blood. Carter’s Spanish Mixture. The case of Mr. T. H. Ramsey alone should satisfy who doubt. Call on the Agent and procure a pamph let containing, cures, which will astound you. For sale by E. L. Sthohkcker A Cos., Macon; James 3. Carter, Savannah ; and Dy druggists generally, feb 27-1 m [From the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette.] A PERFUMED BREATH.—What lady or gentle asn would remain under the curse of a disagreeable 9eathwhen bv using the “Balm of a Thousand Flow. ‘fas a dentifrice would not only render it sweet but * T ethe teeth white as alabaster? Many persons do i know their breath is bad, and the subject is so del site their friends wijl never mention it. Pour a single ‘ Balm” on your tooth-brush and wash the **'h sight and morning A fifty pent bottle will last 1 far. A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION may easily be ac- Jaired by using the “Balm fa Thousand Flowers.” will remove tan, pimples, and freckles from the skin, ar mg it of a soft and roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour 1 two or three drops, and wash the face night and soruing. SHAVING MADE EASY—Wet your shaving ttsh in either warm or cold water, pour on two or drops of‘Halm of a Thousand Flowers,” rub the well and it will make a beautiful soft lathei jjed facilitating the operation of shaving. Price ouly •‘•■tv Cents. For sale by feb IS-6na J. M. BOARDM AN, Macon. f'HECKS on NEW YORK cau always be ob- V tamed, at the MANUFACTURERS’ BANK of I ‘ SCR n. mar 29—52-tl jew ADVERTISEMENTS. PIUI’S MGIERREAA GALLERY, ‘luiberry St,, over Day’s Jewelry Store. pBE libera! patronage Mr. Pugh has received, and . last .ncreasing business has induced him to locate in Macon, ae is now producing those beautiful and imperish pictures on glass* Amtorotypes, .‘. caused so much excitement with the lovers .Arc throughout the county. Those desiring facsini , ®f themselves or friends, can still obtain at his t best of pictures at the lowest prices, which “• he from $1 50, upwards. [mar26 52-y ,i: *uk Cheeks for Wale Cheap, ( / Agency of the State of (feorgia Bank, Macon, „ “ “ Planters’ ” “ „ “ “ Mechanics’ “ “ „ “ “ Savannah “ “ The r. “ “ Marine “ “ Btnlr v 0 °f Middle Georgia and Manufacturers’ ’ b J DAVID ROBS, Book binder, . Cor. 3rd and Cherry streets, *SO Reward. || Y’AWaT from Scofield’s Fouudry, in Ma-jL I tboat the Ist of March, my negro man 5? 9 y ‘^ au * n eg r ° is atNiut 28 years old, dark\^L 9 I'o ® **** f® inches high, weighs about ■ Kooh!. tl<t ** a sca f on his chest, and was raised in I ‘tan.; Paschal Watts, and has a wife in I Misery I will pay the above reward for his ■ ' n Macon, and anv information concern- I V!S aS/I* thank ‘ ul, y received. | R y. OUSLEY. I -|, for safe. I S^rT Y ‘ ONE Shares of MACON FACTORY ■ keß which will be sold low it applied for I ‘Uesnn. . . I. C. PLANT. March 26, 1856 52 It* MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B . A. WISE, DEALER IN IfOrSE FIRMSHING HARD-WARE, table a pocket cutlery', silver plated AND BRITANIA W ARE, STOVES AND GRATES, Cooking Utensils of every kind, Tin Plate, Sheet-Iron, Wire, and Zinc. I HAVE now the best workmen engaged in manu facturing Tin Ware, to which I invite the attention of wholesale purchasers. Tin, Sheet-Iron and Copper work of all kinds, done at the shortest notice. Prices moderate. Terms Gish. B. A. W’ISE. mar2o 52-3 m Cherry-st., Macon, Ga. NEW GOODS. \FINE lot of Silver Plated Castors, Tea and Table- Spoons, Dinner and Desert Forks, Fruit Baskets, Teaand Table K-iives, all plated on the best material ana warranted. [tuar26 52-3m] B. A. WISE. C ANARY & MOCKING BIRD CAGES— For sale by B. A. WISE, mar 26 52-£m riIAIILE AND POCKET CUTLERY.—A A tine assortment just received and for sale by iuar26 52-3 m B. A. W’ISE. 1 LEATHER DUSTERS.— A fine assortment for a. le by [ raar*>6 52-3m] B. A. WISE. Water < ooltT.! Water Coolers*!! JUST received a variety of sizes with stone lining, which preferable is to metal. B. A. WISE. mar 26 52-3 m -■ Wine, Cigars anl Liquors. Q/\ BASKETS Heidsick A Cos. Champaigne Wine, ) U 20-1,000 Cigars of all gnules, some very choice, 100 Bbls. Corn and Rye Whiskey, 50 “ Phelps Gin, 20 “ N. E. Rum, 50 “ Old Monongahela Whiskey, 5 “ Bourbon “ 5 “ Old Peach Brandy, 5 “ Malaga Wine, 5 “ Maderia “ 10 Casks Champaigne and Cognac Brandy, for sale by ASHER AYRES. mar 26-52 Bacon. Corn and Oal*. CASKS Bacon, 1,000 Bushels Corn, 1,000 Bush els Oats, for sale bv ASHER AY'RES. mar 26-52 Jiihl Ueeived i CASKS Ginger Wine IvJlO “ Blackberry Brandy, 10 “ Raspberry “ 10 “ Claret W’ine, 25 Casks Porter and Ale, for sale bv naar26-52 ASHER AYRES. I I.VDER ! LUMBER ! ! — 300,000 feet Lum -1 j ber. Plank and Scantling, for sale bv man(6-52 ASHER AYRES. Just ltceeived V A A BARRELS Mess Pork in first rate order, 50 Barrels refined X. O Syrup, 15 Hogsheads X. O. and Cuba Sugar. mar 26-52 ASHER AY'RES. Coffee, Sugar and Flour. | I Y A Sacks Rio, Laguira, Cuba and Java Coffee, 1 V/” 50 Barrels Crushed and Refined Sugar, 500 Sacks Family and S. F. Flour, 50 Barrels “ “ “ For sale by ASHER AYRES. mar 26-52 Goshen Butter,Haekereland Yails. O I V KEGS aud Cuckets best quality of Butter, 110 Packages No. 1, 2 aud 3 Mackerel, 200 Kegs Nails, for sale by mar 26-52 ASHER AYRES. City papers copy. HARD-WARE, IRON, &C 7. WHOLESALE & RETAIL At the Old Stand o E, B. H BED, I SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, On Mulberry Street, two Doors above the Lauier House, MACON, GEORGIA. Where may be found a full assortment of lIOISIIkI’LPIXG GOODS, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Sauce pans, Tea-Kettles, Gridirons, Waffle-Irons, Ac., Ac. 3leeliauie6 Tools. Bench and Moulding Planes, Hand and Tenon-Saws, Firmer and Socket Chisels, Braces and Bins, Drawing Knives, Augers, Boring Machines, Mortising Machines, Ac., Ac. Carriage Trimming*. Patent Dash and Collar Leather, Knammoiled Leather and Cloth of all Colors, Brass Plated Bands, Lining Nails, Spokes, Rims, Hubs, Sbalts, Dash Frames and Props, Ac. Blaeksmitli* Tool*. ANY'ILS and Y'ices, Hummers, Tongs, Screw Plates, Smiths Bellows, - 26 to 40 inches, Ac., Ac. Iron. Steel. Ac. Swedes Iron, English Iron, Plow and Cast Steel, Horse Shoes, and Nails, Axes, Shovel, Spades, Ac. Planter*! IVoe*. Scovil’s, Brade’s Patent and Crown, Phoenix, and American Hoe Cos., Cast Steel Hoes, which are offered for sale at the lowest market rates for cash or approved credit, by NATHAN WEED, jan 2 40-y BUGGY MATERIALS. - SPRINGS, Axles, Spokes, Hubs, Rims,Shafts, Wbip ple-trees. Dash Frames. Dash Props and Handles, Arm Rests, Patent Dash Leather, Enamelled Leather and Cloth, Collar Leather, Lining Nails, Brass and Sil ver bands, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Seat Sticks, Shaft Sockets, Axle Clips, Mailable Castings, Tire Iron, Ac., Ac. AI of which are offered for sale at the lowest mar ket rates, by NATHAN WEED, mar 26-52 Macon, Ga. Grand Jury Presentment*. IT7E the Grand Jurors sworn, chosen and selected \ V for the March Term, 1856, of Twiggs Superior Court, beg leave to make thefollowinggeneral present ments : We have closely examined the office and records of the Superior and Inferior Courts, and find them cor rectly and neatly kept, doing credit to theCleik as well as to'the county. We also, upon examination, find the books of the county Treasurer properly and neatly kept, with a balance in his bands, as appears from his books and vouchers, oi $224 03, In consequence of the illness of the Ordinary, we have been unable to ascertain the number of children entitled to the benefit of the |>oor school fund. We have examined the Jail and Und that it is in good repair with the exception ot the want of a lock to the outside door and one of the dun geon doors that is neediug repairs. We find that the Court-house is in good repair with the exception of the waut of some glass in the windows and some chairs for the Court aud Jury Rooms—and we hereby recom mend aud request the Inferior Court to see to having the repairs herein recommended wade, aud the chairs furnished. We regret to fiud the Roads in the county vety much in ueed of work, aud call special attention of the proper authorities to the same. We specially call the attention of the Inferior Court to the great necessity of having auew and good bridge built over Savag • Creea, on the River Road from Haw kmsville to Macon. The bridge that is now there be ing unsafe and almost impassable. We recommend to the Inferior Court to assess a Tax of twentv-five per cent on the tjtate Tax, lor the education of the poor children of the countv. We have in accot dance with the request of the Comp, troller General of State, examined the books of the Tax Collector of this couoty for the year 1855, and fiud upon said examination, that there was due to the State the amount of $4,152 38 on the amount aud value of property, together with the specific Tax in this county and recommend to said Comptroller to return to the said Tax Collector any excess that he may have paid over and above the above amount. Upon examination of the insolvent list of the Tax Collector of this county, find that he is entitled to fifiy seven 12-100 dollars, which we request the Inferior Court to allow ; also twenty-eight dollars twelve and a half cents cost on executions. In taking leave ®f his Honor, Abner P. Powers, we beg leave to tender to him ur thanks for the ability, impartiality and promptness wiih which he has dis chaiged his duty in the administration of the law. We also tender to ihe Solicitor General, T. W. Montfort, E-q., our thanks for bis promptness, attention and couitesv to this body. ROBERT R. SLAPFEY, Foreman. Acton E. Nash, William S. Lingo, Andrew F. Fraser, Henry Land, Gustav us McCrea, Lemuel S. Taylor, Levi Gallenuire, Hugh L. Bunn, Bryant Asbill, Thomas H Jones, John Mai tin, John Davis, Daniel Bullard, John A Nelson, Thomas N. Arrington, James Hammock, Haywood Hughes, Hardy Solomon, James C. Burns, Thomas B. Pace, Theopilus Pearce, Henry H. Perry. Twiggs Superior Court, March Tkum, 1856. .It is ordered by the Court that the General Present ments of the Grand Jury at this term, be placed upon the minutes ol this Court, and that the Clerk of this Court send a copy of the same to the Journal A Messen ger and Georgia Telegraph for publication. A true extract from the minutes of Twiggs Superior Court, March Term, 1856. W. NEEL, Cl’k. mar 26-lt GENERAL ADVERTIEMENTS. GREAT ATTRACTION FOR THE LADIES! Latest Paria Fashion* at MRS. S A. M. JACKSON’S NEW MILLINERY STORE, Porsytli, Georgia. — ‘IK Mrs. jackson is now receiving daily, and open ing her Fancy Slock of Milliuerie*, Dress Goods, and would be pleased to have her Lady frieuds call immediately and examine tor themselves. She feels confident that all may be pleased;—the plain, the fushionulle , the guy, and eren the most fastidious taste can be gratified. Ladies wishing Fashionable Bonnets, tasty Trim mings, and other rice things for Ladies’ Dress and Toilet would do well to call early and look at the pret ty things. Her Stock consists of Bonnets, Head Dresses, Ribbons, Ruse, Mantillas, Flow ers, Dress Trimmings, Necklaces, Bracelets, W ork Boxes, Perfumery, and various other ar ticles used by the Ladies in Dkkss, and at the Toilet Table. Dresses, Mantillas, Ac., cut aud made to order. Bon nets trimmed oft’in any style desired. Ou the corner opposite James B. Sharp’s Store. Forsyth, .March 26, 1856. 52-51* GEORGIA, Bibb County.—Whereas Mrs. YJ Ann M. Reddle applies to me tor letters of ad ministration on the estate of Wellington Reddle, late ot said county, deceased : These are iherefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of dec’d., to be and ap pear at my office wi'hin the time nreacribcd bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this March 24th, 1856. mar 26 52-st] WM. T. MASSEY, Ord’y. Houston sheriff sale for may. Will be sold at the Court-house in Perry, Hous ton county, on the Ist Tuesday in May next: One negro man named lsam, about 50 years old; levied on as the property of Henry H. Lumpkin, to sat isfy one fi fa in favor of'Asher Ayres. mar 26 52 W. F. LILLY, Dep. Sh’ff. mbuicaxj cA.:nxj. DR. I. N. LOOMIS having made his arrange raents for settling permanently in Macon, offers his services in the practice of the Reform System of Medicine Having studied both systems, and having spent some time in the Hospitals of New Y’ork, and of Europe, he hopes, by a faithful attention to the welfare of those entrusted to his professional care, to secure the confidence of the ci'izens of Macou and its Tic : nity. J-jU* Office first Room in the west end of the College Building. mar 26 52-ts ALEXANDER M. SHEER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Office over Store of Messrs. Cater A Bowdre, Cotton Avenue. [mar26-?y WEEDING HOES. ~i A(\ BOZEN BrndeN Patent Hoes, 100 Scovil’s C. S. “ 40 “ Phoenix Cos. “ 40 “ American Hoe Cos. bright Cast Steel Hoes, lor sale by mar 26-52 NATHAN WEED. Important to Custouer*. W. W. PARKER & CO. Have received their New and Splendid SPRING Slork ol’ Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, At the old Stand ; and which they offer at g it§\it mar 12 CASH STORE.” NEW SPRING GOODS. THE subscriber is now receiving anew and hand some Stock of Fancy and Staple Dll IT HOODS, suitable for the Spring and Summer Trade, among which will be found almost every article in that line, which he intends to offer on the best terms. Also a good Stock of CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, PAPER hangings, window shades, &c. His friends aud the public are requested to give him a call. GEO. W. PRICE, mar 12 50-ts Macon, Ga. Opening Day March loth, 1856. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS!! BOSTICK A KCI.I. r jPHE subscribers will open on the 10th inst., at the A New Store on Cotton Avenue, three doors below Messrs. Winship, Ross A Coleman’s, an entire New aud Fresh Stock of Fancy and Staple I>ry CJood*, which will be found unusually attractive, and sold at the lowest market rates for rash or approved credit. DRESS GOODS. Rich Colored Silks, new styles; Black Gro Deßhine all widths; Black and Colored Chally, Alpaca, Bom bazine, Famcie Cloth, Printed Jacouets, Organdees, Muslins, Lawns, Berages, Tissues, Grenadines, Ac.. Ac. Lineus, White Goods, Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, Haberdashery, Ac., Ac. Brown and Bleached Sheeting aud Shirting; Brown, Bleached and Siriped Homespun for servants; with many other styles of Goods, too numerous to meution. Our Stock having been purchased by Mr. Bostick ol the firm of Bostick A Johns, and exclusively for cash, our friends and tormei patrons may rest assured of re ceiving every advantage in the way of buying new and good Goods at lew puces. A. G. BOSTICK, mar 51 JNO. N. KEIN. LAW CARD. T. P. Stubbs, B. Hill, P. Tkact. Stubbs, Hill A Tracy. ATTQR N E YS AT LAW. MACON, GEORGIA. WILL practice in the Superior Courts of Bibb, Crawford, Twiggs, Marion, Monroe, Dooly, Houston, Jones, Muscogee, Talbot, Macon, Taylor, Up son, Sumter, Lee, and Dougherty ; and also in the Cir cuit Courts of the United States at Marietta and Savan nah. mar 19 51-ts, YVIXSHIP, ROSS, A COLEMAN. WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL -DEALERS IN FANt V & STAPLE DRI GOODS, CARPETS, AC. mar 19. YTEW SPRING GOODS.-A general assort- X * ment of every description, just received and of sering low by mar 19 WINSHIP, ROSS, A COLEMAN. / lARPETS, RUGS, MATTINGS, V ) Just received bv mar 19 WINSHIP, ROSS, A COLEMAN. WINDOW SHADES.-A handsome assort ment just received bv mar 19 WINSHIP, ROSS, A COLe'MAN. SILKS ! SILKS ! I —A large and elegant lot just received by mar 19 WINSHIP, ROSS, A COLEMAN. WlWftlUP, itos*/& colemaF INVITE prompt and responsible parlies, to open ac counts with them on the usual time, mar 19. Tennessee Bacon a net l^artl. AnA Prime Tennessee Bacon, lUU.wUU 100 Kegs Prime Tennessee Lard, In storeand for sale by MCALLIE A JONES. March 19. Georgia anti Tennessee Tlour. 10/IA SACKS Superfine and Extra Flour. Ke n-1 Mills, and other favorite brands, just received on consignment and for sale by MCALLIE A JONES. March 19. Corny Dais anti Meal. 1 I ini) BU. Corn ; 2500 bit. Oats; 350 biu Corn I UVIVvMeal, in storeand for sale by MCALLIE k JONES. March 19. I‘*! let*! ! !•<> !! ! „ ICE received and for sale in small or large quantities, by STEPHEN CLARK A CO., Mulberry street, next to mar 12 Day's Jewelry Store. BACON, Flour. Sugar, Coffee, Caudles, Potatoes, Sugar-cured Hams, Cod Fish, Mackerel, Soap, Starch, Ac., fur sale by STEPHEN CLARK A CO., Mulberry street, next to mar 12 Day’s Jewelry Store. SHAD AND OYSTERS, received dailyTand for sale at wholesale and retail, bv STEPHEN CLARK A CO., Mulberry street, next to mar 12 Day’s Jewelry Store. ORANGES, Apples, Banuauas, Nuts, Candies, Ac., always on hand, and for sale by STEPHEN CLARK A CO., Mulberry street, next to mat 12 . Day’s Jewelry Store. f HILTON MARKET BEEF, Smoked Salmon, Pig Pork, Pig Hams, Split Peas, White Beans, Ac., always on hand and for sale by * STEPHEN CLARK A CO., Mulberry street, next to mar 12 Day’s Jewelry Store. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, &c, FITZGERALD & NOTTINGHAM, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Go ner of Clerry dt 2d Streets, Macon, Ga. S. FirZQEß, M. D., C. B. NOTTINGHAM, M. D. IN STORE, and for sale at the lowest prices, for Cash of good city reference, a large and well as sorted stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Dye S tufts, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes. ire f Spring)a, Saddle-Bags, Shop Furniture, Surgical Instrument*, Perfumery, Garden Seeds, Ac. Ac. dec 5 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. OILS.— Tanners’, Whale and Castor Oil, just to hand. mar 12 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. Trusses. TRUSSES, Supporters, Suspensories, and Sh’ ulder Braces, in great variety, just received, dec 26_ FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. Electro-Magnetic Machines. A FEW of these instruments, of superior quality. d ec26_ FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. Syringes. A LARGE lot of Glass and* Metal Syringes, of every kind; also Patent Svrinjjes of various patterns, just to hand. FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. Pocket Cases. IYOCKET CASES, Cupping Cases, Tooth Instru ments, Stethoscopes, Speculutns Breast Pumps, Nursing Bottles, Scales and Weights, Saddlebags Ac for sale FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. ’ tUnl Liver Oil. \ FRESII SUPPLY just received, ll dec 26 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. Tor Physicians. T)URE and unadulterated Powders and Extracts, se- L lected with special reference to purity—such as may be relied upon to produce their full and proper effect, when administered in such doses as are directed by standard authors on Materia Media/. Jlec 5 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. (CHEMICALS. —Quinine, Morphine, Calomel, J Blue Mass, Nitrate of Silrcr, lodine; lodides of Mercury, Lead. Zinc, and Sulphur, Bismuth, Magnesia, Ac., from the best manufacturers—English, German, French and American. dec 5 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. Fo r I amities. STARCH, Indigo, Soda, Salajratus, Sal Soda, Potash, Copperas, Madder, Salt Petre, Blue Stone, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil. Ac. dec 6 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM.'! FLAVORING EXTRACTS. rEMON, Orange, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Strawberry, j Raspberry, Ac. dec 5 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. PERFUMERY. IT'RENGH and American Extracts, including Upper Ten, Jockey Club, Patchouly, Ac., for the hand erchief; Painadts. on Marrow; Bear’s Oil; Bear’s Grease; Eau I.ustrale, Rose Oil, Chrystaline Pomatum, Ac., for the Hair; Colognes, French, German, and American; Puff Boxes and Powders; Rouge, Lily White, Cream of Beauty, Ac., for the complexion; Tooth Powders, Pastes, and Washes of every descrip tion; Cold Cream, Lip Salve, and Soaps in great vari ety; FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM. Garden Seeds. Q/'A nOn PAPERS fresh SEEDS, from the Wethersfield Gardens, just received and for sale. The trade supplied at reduced rates, nov 14-33 FITZGERALD A NOTTINGHAM REFORN MEDICAL DEPOT, AT MACON, GA. THE proprietor of this establishment have just received, and will constantly keep on hand, a large assortment of fresh A Lffpr-Tf pure Botanic Medicines. Ex- )ip*i tracts . Essential and other Oils, Glassware, instruments. G unis. Spices. Balsams. Boots. Barks. Sha ker Herbs. Pitts, Family Medicines, and Shop Furniture generally; Concentrated Medicines and Cases, Dr. Mattson’s Improved and other Syringes, Fine Wines (for medicul purposes only,) aud other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold for Ga*h at much lower rates than they have ever been offered in this market, and every article warranted. In order to get the southern patronage concentrated on Macon, we offer to sell Botanic and Concentrated Medicines, Ac., to Physicians at New York prioes, for Caoh. New supplies will be received monthly and semi-monthly, throughout the seasons, that our stock may always be freth&nA genuine. Those who administer medicines should remember that their reputation and success, aud the life of the patient, de pend more on the quality of the medicines they use than on their skill in the healing art; and shodld ours not grove to be as we represent them, they can be re turned at our expense, and the money refunded. Orders promptly filled, (under the'immediate super vision of ne of the proprietors,) and forwarded with despatch, and on precisely the same terms as though thepurchaser were present. Letters containing money should be registered. Communications promptly an swered. For particulars address feb 20y I. N. SHANNON A Cos. ggsgg aaEgaißß^m Bruu*xvi<‘k and Florida Railroad. OTICE is hereby given, that the Annual Meeting JA of the Stockholders of this Company will be held at the Oglethorpe House, in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, on Thursday, May 15th, 1856, at It) o’clock, A. M., for the election ol Directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented. The Company propose to open the lirst division ol their Road, from Brunswick to the St. Ilia River, on the day above named. By order of the Board of Directors. H. G. WHEELER, Secretary B. A F. R. R. Cos. mar 19 01-st. BRUNSWICK CITY, GEORGIA. Peremptory Sale of Building Lots. THE Proprietors of the city of Brunswick hereby give notice, that a peremptory sale of 300 eligible Building Lots will take place, by Public Auotion, at the Oglethorpe House, in said city, on Thursday, May 15tb, 1856, at 12 o’clock, noon. Sale positive, to the highest bidder. Terms, 10 per cent, cash, on the day ot sale ; balance in annual payments of 10 per cent.— Payments, with interest, secured on the property. Warrantee deeds given. Title perfect. The Port of Brunswick lies about midway on the coast of Georgia, in latitude 31° north, longitude 81°- 30. The harbor affords the best anchorage, and is accessible at all times to merchantmen of the largest class. Surveys have been made by order of the Navy Department, preliminary to the establishment of a Naval Depot. The port and city of Brunswick hold out commercial and martime advantages superior to those possessed by any other south of the Chesapeake Bay. The climate is healthy at all seasons. The Brunswick and Florida Railroad Cos. propose te open the first division of their road from Brunswick to the St Ilia River, on the day of sale—being the day on which the stockholders of that company will hoid their annual meeting. Further particulars may be had at the office of the Company, 4 Wall Street, New-York ; or of Col. Charles L. Schlatter, Chief Engineer B. and F. R. R., Bruns wick, Georgia. H. G. Wheeler, Secretary, P. C. B. New-York, March 3d. 1856. (mar 19 51-5 t.) 130,000. Improved Havana Plan Lottery. BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA. Southern Military Academy Lottery. Class B.—New Series. To be drawn in the City of Montgomery, April 3,1856. Capital Prize SB,OOO PRICE OF TICKETS—WhoIes, $5; Halves, $2 50; Quarters, $1 25. Prizes in this Lottery are paid thirty days after the drawing, in bills of specie-paying Banks, without de duction—only on the presentation of the Ticket drawing the Prize. Bills of all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential SAM L SWAN, Manager, mar 19 51- Montgomery, Ala. If *h iske y. | /Arv BBLS. Chattanooga Whiskey ; 45 bbls. Wilt- IvU shire Whiskey, now receiving and for sale by MCALLIE A JONES. March 19. To Kniltler* and C’ontrarlor*. SEALED proposals will be received until the Ist of April next, for bnilding a BAPTIST CHURCH, in the town of La Grange, Ga., according to a plan and specifications in the handsof the Committee. The House is to be 45 h7O feet, walls of brick, with base ment, tin roof, &c.—everything to be furnished by the Contractor. Persons wishing to examine the Drawings, will find them at theofficeof Thomas J. Bacon, Esq., LuGrange, Georgia. Building Committee.— B. B. Amoss, James H. Cal laway, E- Carlton, J. p. Culberson, P. H. Greene, Thomas J. Bacon, W. P. Burks. [naarl2 50-3 t HOUSE AMD EOT FOB SALE. THE subscriber offers fer sale his House and A i Lot in the town of Hawkiusville. The iai- Jj(}S prove meats are all quite new, well arranged, in good repair, aud in the most phasant part ot the village, with conveuieuoes to suit any person; having seven acres of laud attached to it. Any person wishing to purchase will do well to come and examine. The ob ject of wishing to sell is to move to my plantation in thecountrv. Information caß be obtained bv applying to ‘ THOMAS L. TAYLOR, P. F. D. SCARBOROGH. Hawkinsviile, Ga., Feb. 25, 1856. 48tf Macaulay's History of England. THE 3d and 4th volumes of the above work for sale jan 30 by J- M. BOARDMAN. IHU/GB, 1856. MACON DBEGSTORK. 1856. SPRING AND SUMMER l’H VDE. r FHE Proprietor in rendering thanks torthe liberal j- patronage bestowed, would assure his friends that no exertion shall be wanting to merit the continuance of their favors. His connection with direct Importers and Manufacturer*, is such, that he is enabled to furnish RELIABLE nr tides as low as any dealer South. My Chemicals are invariably purchased from Manufactures direct, thus enabling me to warrant them free from adultera tion. I am now receiving and opening a full and select stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES. DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY', FANCY ami TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PAINTS and COLORS, PAINT and VARNISH BRUSHES, together with the best assortment of Instruments ever offered in this market. Planters, Physicians, and Merchants will consult their interest bv examining mv stock before purchasing. E. L. STROHECKER, Opposite Redding House, feb 13 46-y Macon, Ga. Finch's .tnti-Hheumatic Powders. WONDERFULLY EFFICACIOUS IN Rheumatism, Rheumatic-Gout, Ac Sciatica. EpOR the above diseases, a safe, speedy, and radical cure is found in LINCH’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC POWDERS—-the most successful remedy for Rheuma tism now known, in any of its forms. Among the many nostrums of the dar, so lauded as cures for Rheumatism, none hare ever vet been dis covered to be possessed of half the curative powers of these powders. If relief from suffering be desired, you have only to procure a box or two of these invaluable powders, and follow strictly the directions, and their magic effect wil 1 soon be felt, in a total absence of pain. Put up in tin boxes of sixty (60) powders each, bv B. W. ADAMS, ot Katonton, Putnam county, Ga.— Orders directed to him will meet with prompt atten tion, provided the Cash accompany the order. Price $5 per Box. Sold by E. L. Stkoueckkr and Dr. G. Harrtsox, Macon; Haviland, Risley A Cos., Augusta ; C. C. Nor ton, Greeusboro’; Hurd A Hungerford, Monticello; Jas. Ilerty, Milledgeville; C. IU lleyw r ood, Perrv; Dr. Wm. A. Wright, Barnesville; abd Hurbert A Cul. ver, Warrenton. May 23, 1855. $ Garden seed —garden seed.— 0,000 papers of Seed, just received—warranted growth of this year (1855.) Orders from the trade filled at liberal prices, for cash. E. L. STROHECKER, nov 14 opposite Redding House. DAVIS’ EXTRA ADHESIVE MUCI LAGE PASTE.- Avery superior article for Os fice use, for sale at the Drug Store of _ggpj._ K L. STROHECKER. INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING. MONROE FEMALE UNIVERSITY'. FACULTY FOR SCHOLASTIC YEAR, 1856. REV. W. C. YVILKES. a. M., President, Prof, of Natural and Moral Sciences. Richard T. Asbury, A. M., Prof, of Matakmatics. Son Carlos W. Chandler, Prof, of Ancient Languages. Mrs. Mary XL Chandler, Instructress in French and Higher English. Mrs. Mary A. Wilkes, Instructress in History and Botany. Miss Martha A. Smith, Preparatory Department. Miss Martha J. Janies, Assistant in Preparatory Department. Miss Ziaura Fisher, Primary Department. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Prof. William Fisher, Principal. MISS M. J. JAMES, ) . MRS. M. A. WILKES, j Assistants - ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Mrs. Myra Fairlev, Embroiueay, Crape Wore, Wax, Shekl Work, Ac. Mrs. Mary F. Chandler, Drawing, Penciling, and Painting in Oil and Wa ter Colors. The next term will begin on Monday, the 14th day of Jan’ry. and end on Tuesday, the loth day of July, which will be Commencement Day. Board, #9 (for 5 days in the week, $7,) and washing II to #2 per month. Any additional information desired, can be obtained on application to any member of the Faculty. R. T. ASBURY, Sec’y. of Faculty. Forsyth, Ga. Nov. 28th, 1855. [35-tf| TO THE PUBLIC, THE undersigned has given up the practiced his profession iu thecoun ty of Bibb, and recommends to his old friends and the patrons of the late firm of Gallager Seger, Drs. Seger A Peltee, Dentists of the city of Macon. They will complete all of his unfinished work. He has no hesitation iu saying to his friends, that they are skillful and competent to the discharge of any work in the line of their profession. M. J. GALLAGER, mar 19 51 —ts Dental Surgeon. .Yotice. THE undersigned wishing to leave the City, offors for sale all his property in Macon, including the House and Lot where he now resides and several va cant lots. Terms liberal. Applv in mv absence to Mr. W. P. Goodall DAVID JAMESON. Macon, March 19, 1856. 51—2 t Dissolution of Copiirtiiersliip. THE firm of Bostick & Johns is this day dissolved by mutual consent, I. D. N. Johus having pur chased the entire business of the concern, and is the proper party to liquidate all notes and accounts. A. G. BOSTICK, I. D, N. JOHNS. feb 13 46-ts. South-Western Bail Road Bonds. South-Western Rail Road Cos., ( Macon, February 15, 1856. j NOTICE is hereby given to the holders of any of the Bonds of the Company, that all or any por tion of the Company’s Bonds may be surrendered and converted into stock of the Company. luterest on auv bonds converted is to cease on the date of the dividend day next preceding the convertion. By order of the Board. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLET, Treas. feb 20 47-3 m South-western Railroad Company. Macon, February 14th, 1856. DIVIDEND NO. B.—The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of (|4) Four Dollars per share on the capital stock of the Company, from the earnings of the Road for the six months end ing Junuarv 31st, payable on and after the 15th inst. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their dividends at the Central Railroad Bank- JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, feb 27 48-lm Treasurer. COTTON SEED PLANTER. Price Reduced. HAVING made more favorable arrangements with the Patentees of Randall A Mercer’s Patent COT TON SEED DRILL, the undersigned has reduced the price from £ls to sl2, cash, which will enable every man that wishes, to purchase this valuable machine to do so. Orders enclosing the money will reoeive prompt attention. They are kept for sale by James M. Hays, Thomas ville; Wm. Beasley, Albany; P. H. Oliver, Americus ; A. G. Slappey, Fort Valley; Bray A Carhart, Macon ; I). H Moore, Forsyth ; H. A J. Moore A Cos., Augusta, and F. W. Cornwell, Savannah. J. H. WATSON. Palmyra, Leeco., March 8, 1856 50-ts “BROWN’S” Vr*iBHMJTG %M ./(’ II1.I’#;, manufactured by CLEMONS, BROWN & CO., COLUMBUS, GA. I N introducing these Machines the Manulacturers desire to say, that over two hundred have been sold in Columbus and vicinity, during ihe last three mouths, and not one complaint or expression of dissatisfaction has been mude against the Machine, but all who have purchased, without an exception, speak of it in the high est terms. The Machines combine in,a greater degree, simplicity in construction,'ease in operating, economy in time, and less damage to clothes, than auy invention ever offered to the public. All fine clothes are more injured iu washing by hand, than in wearing; this Ma chine cleans them without the least injurv to the artic les, or in any manner interfering with the buttons. A half grown lad, can operate it, and from one to two hours is ample time to do the washing for an ordinary sized family. It is equally good for tine and coarse cloths. Quilts, Counterpanes and Carpets can be washed with as much ease as smaller articles. Every family should be supplied with one of these Machines- The price is such as to place them within the reach of all. _ Planters especially, will hud it to their interest to furnish their Plantations with them, as a great saving in time will thereby be gained. Price at the Factory sl3. All orders must be accompanied with the Cash. Printed directions furnished. feb 13 46-3 m CLEMONS, BROWN A CO. DISSOLUTION. rWTHE Co-partnership heretofor existing between L Reese A Corbitt, was dissolved by limitation, on the Bth of November last. B. F. REESE, marl 2 50-tf] W, W. CORBITT. SEEDS, HARDWARE, JEWELRY, Ao I RESH GARDEN SEEDS, Just received a u . ™ L ! RL< * ANC U. KMIC L STORE of GEO. A Y Nt, opposite I he W anhinqton Hall - tli-’ trade supplied on reasonable terms-prices v ,rv aecordmtr tc quantity: 6 Artichoke, globe. ; Lettuce, ear l v cabbage head t Asparagus, giant. “ brown dutch, j Bett, extra early or bassona, Melon, nutmeg, . “ early blood turnip, “ cantel<rpe, “ long blood, “ citron. “ white sugar, \Almtard, brown and white “ early scarcity, \ Nasturtium. “ Swiss chard. Onion, large red. Beans, early mohawk or six “ white silver skin, week, j “ yellow dutch. “ early yellow or 6 week, Okra, long and short green “ white dutch runners, Bartley, plain and curled. “ early white marrow, Parsnip, sugar. “ early valentine, I‘*as, extra earlv, “ refugee or 1,000 to 1,: “ early Washington, “ white cranberry, “ “ dwarf marrowfat, ; “ large white lima, “ bishop dwarf prolific, i ** small lima or se-wee, “ dwart blue imperial, ; Brussels, Sprouts. “ large marrowfat, Cabbage, early york, sugar or eat pod. “ large york, Pepper, large sweet, j “ early drumhead, j •• bell or bull nose, “ early sugar loaf, “ tomatto or squash “ early ox heart, shaped, “ early turnip root’d, “ cayenne. “ early hattersea, Pumpkin , mammoth. “ large drumhead, Radish, long scarlet flat dutch, “ earlv scarlet turnip “ drumhead savoy, rooted, ! “ red dutch, “ earlv white turnip “ green glazed, rooted, “ large bergin, “ long white summer. Coleworts or true CoUards, “ black winter, California, early eoglish, “ white winter. “ late. Rhubarb, mammoth. Celery, white solid. Salsify or vegetable oyster. Carrot, long orange, Spinach, round. “ biood-red. Squash, early white bush. Corn, early sugar, “ early yellow bush, “ earlv flint, “ long crookneck vel “ early tuscarora, j low. Cress, broad leaved. “ potatoe. Cucumber, eat 1 y frame, Sorrel, french. “ early cluster, Tomatto, large red, “ long green. “ large yellow, Egg Plant, long purple. “ pear shaped. Kale, sea and scotch. Tar nip, early white flat i Leek, large London. dutch, j lettuce, ice head, “ red top, “ early curled, “ rutabaga. I Onion setts, onion buttons, and pot herb seeds, dec 19 38- JUST RECEIVED, A FULL SUPPLY OF CHINA, GLASS, CROCKERY WARE. ALSO, Willow Baskets, Wooden Ware, all sizes, wTfj Tubs, Bucket- B ROOMS, / Ac., Door Mats, Fchi,a? £5 Japanneti Ware. Willow do. Toy Wagons, Silver Plated “CABS, CASTOR Table Cutlery, Waiters and Ladies’ Work BASKET S, Boxes, a fine lot. Reticules, Ac., Waiters, in setts or single. nor 17 R. p. McEVOY. WATCHES, Diamonds, Pearl, Cameo, Mosaic Swiss PAINTINGS AND OTHER KINDS OF OF THE LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. SILVER and Silver Plated Ware, Oil Painting, Fancy Goods for presents and many other purposes, TxSC* “Pyx Gas Fixtures, Guns and Equipments, sass-—/ j) Colts and other Pistols, Fine Cutlery, Daguerotype Stock, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Tea Trays, Military Goods, Surveyors Compases, Land Chains, Mathematical Instruments, Water Colors, Walking Canes, Cabas assorted, Toys, Gaines, Dolls, Ac., Ac., all of which we will sell on the best Terms PIsI.VO FORTES , gaefjjE&wwn Os Chickering A Sons, Nunns A Clark, a nd A. H. Gale A. Co.’s Manufacture, all : f # I I* of which will be sold at Factory price and fully Warranted; Piano Stools, Bay State, Eng lish, French, and India Rubber Covers; Guitars. Vio lins, Flutes, Accordeons, Ac., of the finest and best qualities. Our customers and the public generally, are respect fully invited to call and look through our stock, even if they do not design purchasing. Watch work and Jewelry, promptly attended to and warranted. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Mulberry St., 3d door above Lanier House, Macon, Ga. Telegraph and Citizen copy. [oct 31] The Sign of the Two Large Watches. WATCHES 7 clocks, AND mm me ms AT NEW YORK PRICES, FOR CASH. MERCHANTS and Dealers will do well to call and examine the stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, at 219 King Street, be- jf tore they purchase elsewhere. .fey*. y’ lj, A Every Article Warranted. 1 A stock always on baud peculiarly adapted to coun try dealers. Save twenty per cent, bv calling on WM. MASTERM AN, 249 KING-ST., CHARLESTON, oct 10-ts Four Doors from Wentworth st. RAP! RAP!! RAP!!! WHEREAS, C. A. & 11. N. ELLS, has been the MEDIUM for several years in furn ishing their numerous customers with all the luxuries of Ihe Sea-board, and the substantials from our Stores Now to reciprocate favors, we wish to be put iu direct COMMUNICATION with their Pocket-books and Purses, before the first of February next, as we have a great crisis to pass. We have often Rapped unheeded, but if our customers do not beed this Rap they may ex pect to bo Rapped, and into that AWFUL or lawful state where we regret to see our friends. C. A. ELLS, jan 9 H. N. ELLS. NEW BUSINESS! OUR business hereafter will be done in the name of C. A. ELLS Ar SON, on anew plan. We intend to sell GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH, and ail accounts made with us after this date must be .settled MONTHLY or QUARTERLY’, and must be consider ed by our customers, due at any time we call upon them for a settlement. jan 9-3 m C. A. ELLS A SON. Gareten Seeds — Fargc lot ! jmper warranted fresh, put up in one-third j larger than the usual size. Country Merchants and largie dealers supplied on the most favorable terms. -ALSO- Drugs Paint* and Pure Ylediciue*, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Window Glass, Varnishes, Colored Paints ground in Oil, Turpentine, Paint and. Varnish Brushes, Patent Medicines and Do mestic Remedies, general stock, suitable for supplying Country Merchants. Families and planters supplied with especial care. In order to supply all on the lowest terms, have adopted the CASH system. LEONARD LITTLE, Macon, Ga. N. B.—Superior Black Ink, put up iu packages of va rious sizes, desirable for Country dealers, for sale very low. [jan 23 43-tfj FOR SALE. rT'HREE beautiful building lots in the back of Find* lay’s Iron Foundry; Nos. 5,6, and 7, Block z3. — Those who wish to purchase, will do well to call, as I will sell on reasonable terras. There is a comfortable dwelling on lot No. 5, which will be for rent if not sold. For particulars apply to RICH’D. CURD, feb 13-ts . Infirmary for Negroes. r pUE undersigned have opened in this city, and In -1 firmary for the reception of negroes who may need medical or surgical treatmeut. It is conveniently situated in a house just across the Alley from the New Passenger Depot, and is now ready to receive patients. The charges for Board will be merely sufficient to cover expenses, those for Medical treatment and Surgi cal Operations, such as customary. Planters and others who mav send us patients from a distance, may depend on their servants receiving every attention that may be required. JAMES MERCER GREEN, M. D. HENRY’ L. BATTLE, M. D. Macon, Jan. 9th, 1556. 41-3 m. manufacturers* Bank. | MACON, Ist January, 1856. J 111 IE Board of Directors of this Bank have thisdav j ! declared a Dividend of Five (5) per cent, on the I operations of the last six months. Payable on demaud. ! GEO. W. II All DIE, jan 2 40- * Acting Cashier. I A CARD. lUHE undersigned having withdrawn from tbecen- I. cern of Bostick A Johus, aud associated Jno. N. Kkin with him, begs leave to iuform bis uumerous friends and former patrons that he has taken the Store 2nd door below Messrs. Winship, Ross A Cole man, aud will there open on the 3rd of March, an en tire Nkw and Fkksu Stock of Ettncy and Staple Dry Goods, which will be offered at the very lowest market price. A. G. BOSTICK, feb 20 47 Sacred Plains. JUST RECEDED by Boarduian, Headley’s new book, a companion to his Sacred Mountains. I jan o J. M BOARDMAN. • PBV GOODS, GROCERIES, PROPUCK. I IMPORTATIONS forSPRINGof 1856. J r P IIE subscribers beg leave to call the attention ®f > JL their friends and the trade generally, to their at- I rangements for Spring sales. We shall be prepared ’ by ihe loth of February to shew a large and attractive ’ i slock. Our Foreign Department will be supplied with i almost an entire NEW STOCK, selected with great ; care by one of the partners in Kt rope. We invite particular attention to our DRESS . GOODS DEPA RTMEMT. We shall be able o how all the NEWEST DESIGNS o fabrics— Hie It Silks, Bareges, Bareges tit Laine, Chatties, Tissues. Elegant Robe Hr esses. Brillianfes, Grenadines, tie Baizes , French, English ts scotch .Bus tins. Cambrics S’ lie f.nines. Bomhaiznes , .11 pace as, Shenc Is, ’ Scarfs, .Jleintles , .Want Was, Talmas, Ac. Ac. Also a very large stock of IVrnr/fc, Stofelk &’ Irish Embroideries ,f Crootl J’ l inens, Linen Goods, /lib bo ns. Lares, Edgings, Trim mings, ,Sc. Sc. . Also, in the Hosiery Department, au unusually lam* ! Stock, embracing every variety of j English and German Cotton. Silk, Lisle Thread Hots & Under Garments,Gloves, Mitts. Small Wares, ate. fee. Also, a choice assortment of French and Enolu \ Fabric* for Genth men's Wiarand Tailor's uses, Also in the Carpet Department, every variety of rich Uelct, Taprstry, Brussel*, 8 py and Ingrain Carpet-, GtnUjn Matting. Floor Oil Cv-ths, Buys, Rich Curttu * StuJFs r atul house.kttping Coeds in ijrcut variety. Also, in the Domestic Goods Department, a full as sortment of American Cotton and llootßn Goods. AN e repeat what we have often said before, that it is our intention to offer the Southern Trade one of the. Largest Stocks of Goods, and to sell them a sliu) , as they are sold in any mart ! in this country. Otir foreign fabrics me tdl of our own. iiu.porta.tion, ; and particularly adapted to Southern markets. AY e shall bo glad to see the Southern (rude iu our market the coming season, and show them our stock, ■ with the assurance, that it will bo much to the iutere.-* ’ of close layers to examine it. Our terms ate Cash, or yoo-i notes, payable inmroiLla J> lank. \\ e shall also adhere to the system which | has worked well the past sekson, of selling Bleached, J Brown and Colored (X-t U-n Girds, for nett Cash at man i nfact-urers’ cost prices. I! AN CROFT, BETTS A MARSHALL, 204> and 211 King street. Charleston, S. C., January, iB6O. 41-y new Front. lee. Fruit, I ’ egetahtes , and Fish. ’ I tHE subscribers beg leave to inform the citizens of I Macon and vicinity, that they will open a store in i a few days, lbr the sale of Ice, Fruit, Vegetables, Fish, | Ac., to which they call the attention ot consumers.— They vvill ai all limes have a supply of the above named atticles, which they will sell at a small advance on eust, at wholesale and retail, i hev will pay particular at tention to putting up orders for Ice, Fruit, Ac. Coun try merchants and others in need of Ihe above named articles will ilo well to give us a call, as our motto will be small proh's and quick returns. We will have a constant supply of Norfolk Oysters next season, put up in two gallon tin cans, and ten gullon kegs, to which we call the attention of the country trade. We wili also keep a supply of Spiced Norfolk Oysters through the summer. STEPHEN CLARK A CO., feb 20v Mulberry st., next to Strohecker’s. Woottoii A Holloway HAVING again associated themselves together in the Commission Business at their old stand, next door below Messrs. Cater A Bowdre, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., would say to their o.d friends and the public generally, that their motto is, still Bound te Trade. We are just receiving and in store 800 Sacks Flour, various brands. 100 “ Meal, 10,000 Bushels Oats, 1,000 “ Cora, 150,000 libs. Tennessee Bacon, 150 Bbls. Choice L af Lard, 100 Cans “ “ 1,000 Bushels Peas, 60 “ Tennessee Beans, 100 Sacks Rye, Irish Potatoes, Tennessee Butter, Krout, Ac. NO HUMBUG r Selling off at Cost, lor C ash ! ! r T'MIE undersigned, intending to change his business, i will, from ibis date, sell off his large and handsome Slock of STAPLE AND FANCY n n i • g ii o ns, at COST, for Gi- L,ot at very reduced prices to his potut and reliable credit customers. No false statements or artful puffs hate tier emanated from him, and the pub lic may rely upon the above. COUNTRY 31ERCHANTS, and the public geuC-’Hy, will do well to call soon, and command good bargains at WM. W. PARKER’S, Macon, October Ist, 1855. 28tf N. B. All those previously indebted to him, by note or account, are respectfully requested to mak e early payment of the same. The importance of this is evi ; deuced by the above announcement, AV. \V. P. FAMILY PROVISION STORE. rpliE subscriber is receiving, and will continue tode i l so nearly every day during the winter season, * : tine lot of dressed TURKEYS AN I) CHICKENIS, from Tennessee. Also from Savannah, fish ,#.v/> orsTE ns. Constantly on bund, a good stock of Ba‘on. I.anl, Kiitler. Flour, Ylcal, Corn. i*eas. Beans, Oats, Bye, • lpples, Onions, and every other kind of Tennessee Produce. Having made arrangements to keep up a full supply of Provisions, he expects to be able to furnish all who I may call on him. A large lot of new lIACON in store, and conslaut j ly receiving. $3?” Those wishing for Turkeys, Chickens, Oysters, j and Fish, would do well to applv'early alter the arrival ol the trains. These ai tides can be sold for Gish ordv. J. T. AVOOTTON. v Jan. SO, 1850. 44 Cotton Avenue SUNDRIES. £7 A COILS Kentucky Rope * )*) V* 45 bales Gunny Bagging . 10 bhds St Croix Sugar 20 do New Orleans do 40 bbls Stuart’s crushed and ground Sugar 20 hlids Cuba Molasses 60 bags prime Rio and Java Coffee 8<)0 lbs pure White Lead and Zinc White 250 gollons Linseed Oil 90000 lbs Tennessee and Ohio Bacon Together with a variety of articles usually found at | ihe Old Stand, corner ol Mulberry and Second street, aug 1 18-ts C. CAMPBELL A SON. BACON SIDES. A ~ HHDS. CINCINNATI BACON SIDES. 85,000 *’•) lbs. Tennessee Bacon, Hog Round, just received and for sale by C. CAMPBELL A SON. June 6,’55. nlO SUGAR, COFFEE, &c 7 | ~ A BBLS. Stuarts ABAC Sugar, .)U 12 “ “ Crashed * 12 Uhds St. Croix and PR “ 70 Bags Rio and Java Coffee, 30 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 10 “ Sj>erm “ with a large assort ment of Groceries for sale by oct 25 CHAS. pAMPBELL. AT NEW YORK COST\ |>ICH ENGLISH VELVET CARPETING for tw# 11 setts of Parlors, for sale at New York Coat, oct 11 GEO. W. PRICE. Cut .Vails. In a a Kegs Nails, assorted 4d. to 40d. and 4 to 6 , U U U inch Stakes, tor sale bv fan 23 NATHAN WEED. DR. A. AA\ ARD, at Lougstreet, Pulaski Cos. Ga., will trade for A acant Lands, in the 21st aud 24th Districts, Old Wilkinson, and in the 11th and 12th Districts of Houston county. Also would sell some line bodies of farming lands in the lower counties of Georgia. A. W. ARD. March 21st. 1855. Sly NugHir and Molasses. I OJd HHDS. Prime and choice N. O. Sugars ; 25 do. ! .j.) Prime Cuba Molasses, new crop; 50 bbls. and I lull bbls. N. O. Syrup ; for sale bv mar 5] CATER A BOWDRE. I feeding Hoes. r~ n DOZ. Cast Steel Hoes of Stevens’ and other ma s) u kero, lor sale by CATER A BOWDRE. teb 6 . CAR PE TING JUST received, a large stock of fine, superfine, three piv aud velvet CARPETING. Also a handsome assortment of KUGGS. GEO. W. PRICE, sept 20 Matting. JUST received, a lot of 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 white and colored Matting. GEO. W. PRICE, apr 4 Flint Kivei’ Osiiabiirgs aud ‘Yarn®. BALES above superior Goods, for sale at Facto .)(/ ry prices by CATER A BOWDRE. mar 5 • Karon and Lard. ‘>n Ann LBS. Prime Tennessee Bacon j 4.000 O'“ “ Lard ;in store and to ar rive, lor sale by CATER A BOWDRE. mar 5 _ Tennessee Hay. Oe\ BALES Prime Timothy Hay, for sale, to ar Ot) rive, by CATER A BOWDRE. ar 8