Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, January 30, 1861, Image 3

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I.ATEHT N KWN. WisWHcmii, Jan Bon. Mr. Iverson's, from Georg**, ■ithJrjal s *•*•!• Tte? Preeiilcßt ttirloird to V e Senate |wac |.ropnfi'.Gn from Virginia anJ urged Congress to carry out their recom inri.dation*. The Hun Mr. Hemphill defended the right of ttreHioa Hotss—The Virginia resolutions with the Prt~Ul. tit’a recommendation was received, and they will l-e cuaiMrrtd to-morrow. \4r. Pryor made an eloquent speech iu t< half of the “ :• Ths rules were -asperdrd and the Senate’s amendments ts the Kansas bill were adopted. The kill only awaits the Presidents signature to become a law. Mr Lincoln has written private letters here, urging con iihstiun itnd compromise. He Indicates that the border fuu resolutions afford a reasonable basis of adjustment Immediately after the Lie* tr ial Tote is counted by Con gress, be will announce his view fully on crisis. The friends of the Union are gieatiy en>-ourrged by the responses to Virginia’s propositions. Iu tiie Senate to-day Mr Doaglas Introduced amend ments to the fugitive slave law, which, it is considered, will thotougty and effectually obviate all objections to the statute. Secretary Dix has instructed the commanders of T. S. revi-nue cutters, if their vessels are attacked, to make the t est possible defence, but if overpoweted, they must run their vessels ashore arul blow them up. He h*s also sfcd.ed u the Governor of Louisiana in be half of the patients, asking him to revoke the act of seising the Government Hospital at New Orleans, and demonttrat- Irtg the act as barbarous and disgraceful. I.ouislnna Meet tied. Baton Ron if, .Tan. 26.—1n tlio State Convention tii-tiuv, at 10 minutes part l o.look, the f.>l - was ilet-lurt-tl to he the result of’ ilw vote on the adoption of the Ordinance of Inmitsliate St-- Rrjtitrings In \cw Otleaui. Nr.w Ort.raxs. La., Jan. 26.—Thorp i*i eonsUlora ble roj< here at the pAS**fre of ihe OrJinuniv ol Seoeesion hy the State Convention. Cannons are firing and the Pelican flag has buen unfurled amidst great excitement. A Ifttiuius Male t onrcntlon MdXTflOkSir'. Jan. -li. —Hon. Tho-s J. Judge haa been appointed Comnn-si..ner to Washington, by the Governor ot Alabama. to trout with the Federal Government in relation to the forts, arsenals custom Louse*. Ac , in Alabama. The t’ invention will adjourn on Tuesday next until the ith of March. fifteen Uuni for l.ouiwiana. Jan 26—Fifteen guns were fired this evening in honor of the passage of the ordinance of secession by Louisiana. LonUlniin Stair Contention. Baton, Jan. 2C.—The -Convention ad journed to New Orleans. *• • - —- Missouri. St. Louis, Jan. 21.—The Democratic caucus, last night, adopted a series of resolutions similar to those ot Mr. Crittenden. The indications are that the State Convention will be strongly conserva tive. Kentucky. LorwvttLK. J\n. 21.—1 he Legislature have ap pointed < ‘otnmissioners to go to Washington on the 4th of February. Among them are Bell, Guthrie, Wyckliffe. Morehcad and J. B. Clay. Charleston, Jan. 23.—The Scoatc to-day passed the tax bill, which increases the taxes twenty per cent over the year 18i9, to meet the demand of $1 500,000 necessary for all South Carolina’s pur pose* , treasury notes issued for $700,000, and bills receivable of the State for $350,000 for military contingencies. t roui Florida—Fort Pickens. Pensacou, Fla., January 26. — The volunteers are making every preparation for storming Fort Pickens. It is known that the steamer Brooklyn Is on ber way to this place with reinforcements. It is stated that Ex-President Tyler, the Virgin ia Commissioner, on learning the departure of the with sealed orders, returned to the Pres ident and charged it as a breech of faith, as a pre vious and recent interview had resulted in a tem porary truce. It is also stated that a /special messenger from Washington for Pensacola passed Kingsville on Saturday, bearing orders designed to anticipate the arrival of the Brooklyn at Pensacola, and diveit her f roiu the original order. TiieOriuin of Seceshiox. —The first disunion speech ever made iu the United States House of Representatives, says the Richmond Whig. was by Joeinh Quincy, of Massachusetts, in regard to the Louisiana enabling act, January 14. 1811. He said: ” I am compelled to declare it as my deliberate opinion that if this bill passes the bonds of this Union are virtually dissolved; that the States which com pose it are free from their moral obligations, and that (>•, U leiU be the right of all, so it trill be the duty ot some to prepare definitely for a separation—amica bly if they na, violently if they mast.” A Southern member of the Senate, Mr. Poindex ter. of Mississippi, considered this declaration of “ the right of all, as it was the duty of s*me. to pre pare to£ separation—peaceably if they could, forcibly if they must, as very nearly akin to treason, and called the New England inventor to order. The inventor of disunion repeated hie assertion, committed it to writing, and left the matter to the Speaker, who decided it out of order. Mr. Quincy appealed from the decision of the Speaker, and was sustained by a vote of 56 to 63 in his right, as the rrpresentative of New England to invent disunion. Selling Arms to be Used Against the Gov- BRNMKNt. —A bill haa been introduced into the New York Legislature to regulate the sale of fire-arms and munit.ons of war. Selling anus to States which resist the revenue laws will be punished with con finement in the State Prison. UjtCLK Sam's Treasury in *‘aFix\” —Tlte Sec retary of the Treasury, Mr. Dix. informs tliMlouse Committee that- $20,000,000 will be needed over an l above the revenues from all sources, by next July, to meet the expenses 1 of the Government.— This will increase the debt of the Government to $100,000,000. Proposition’ is the Massachusetts Legislature to send Provisions to South Carolina.— Boston, Jon. 1 o —Mr.’Tyler has introduced in the House of Assembly a resolution to make an appropriation for the purchase of provisions and stores for the relief of our surleriog eountrymen of South Carolina. A n intelligent lady, writing from Mount Hawley, Illinois, December 25th. says: “ The times are very haul here since the election. Corn is doers to fifteen or twenty cents a bushel. The snow is now a foot deep, say nothing of the drifts of three to live feet; but snow drills are uot so troublesome to the people a< the political quagmire into which the country has ran. Oh that some mighty engine would draw ns from the slough of slime into which sectional parti sanship haft enguljdied us! Could we be encouraged bv its shrill whistle, tin* whole Union would shout in hojie of deliverance. ’’ The Way to do <;od. F.verjr farmer and planter, if he be wise, can do much this year to prevent distress and soften the “bard times,” by planting largely of grain, and by directing his attention to the raisiug of hogs. It is impossible to say, with any approximation to correctness, what may be our condition aa a people one year from to-day. We may be prosperous, and in the enjoyment of our usual peace. Hut we may be in the midst of a war. So eye can pene hate the veil that hangs between us and the future. It is then the part of wisdom and of policy to provide against the calamities which the State of r.orid* may have to meet in defence of her honor •“d the rights and property of her citizens. — |f *h abundant cereal crops, and an average cotton crop, our people will be independent and *-f°ng in one great element of prosperity—bread. ” Pieters will be wise, they will make less cotton. I forisions grew higher and higher every year, *‘ide cotton maintains about the same position. ‘ in the present year there should be short crops ? S r atn, distress will prevail all over the South, ■our people, then, prepare their land for crops om, \\ heat. Oats, Birley, Rye, Ac., and not be *■ t dependent on the North West, which has jo*t P *"• the country an Abolition President. Let us “ 7 * nt * “Aether peaoe or war i> our portion, the providence of God, we will be able to **•*■ ‘’ Our wethers are uqwrung.”—/7a/td< oh, A < bang* in tbs * orm ot J uAirini Oat tin. The following circular has been transmitted from the State Executive Department to the Justices of ihe Interior lo irti ol the irn-rd cocu’ic-* t.i ilm. Slate : EXECUTIVE DEPARTMK >1 r. j iIILJ kiiGkTiLLK, Ga., J in. 2*-’lid, 1861. j To the Uom. the -1“ ‘tter of the Inferior (heart : Georgia liAtieg seceded from the, thereby di-solving the tel tli.ins hereto foie eli-lillg between Ibis Stale and the I nited Slates, ii is no longer tie cessury or pioper, ihat officers ol Geo*gi*, civil or military, should take the oath lo support the Con stitution of the United States. As Com missions have already been sent to the Justice of Ihe Inferior Court of the various counties hi the Slate, for Tax Collectors, Receivers of Tax Returns, and Justices of the Inferior Court, (and in some instances, for Justices of the Peace,j elected at the late elections, accompanied by the usual dedimmaeg and official oaths as heretolore administered, this is to author ize and request von, before administering tlic offi cial oath, in any rase her, after, to strike out that part “to support ihe Constitution of the United Siatea.” All forms of oflicial oaths hereafter sent out from this Deparlnient, ill be issued without that clause. H. If. WATERS. Secretary Executive Department. Resignation of (lie Georgia Delegation. The Speaker laid the following letter before the House : The lion. William Pennington, Speaker of the House of lleprexentatirek. Sir: We have received official information that the people of Georgia, in Convention assembled, on the 1 *.lth of January instant adopted and pass ed an ordinance, of which the following is a copy : “We, the |>eople of Georgia, in Convention us sembied, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, that the ordinance adopted bv the people of Geotgia in 1768, whereby the Constitution of the United States was signed, and ratified, and adopted, and all ads and pat ti of acts o! the Getieral Assembly ratifying and adopting the amendments of said Constitution are hereby repealed ami rescinded. And we hereby declare and ordain that the Union now subsisting between the State es Georgia and the other States, under the name of the United States, is hereby dissolved,” Ac. In view of the foregoing we hereby announce that we are no longer members of the United States Congress. Martin J. Crawford. Lcncs J. Gartrell. Thomas Hardeman, Jr. J. JaCESON. John J. Jones, TeterE. Love. John W. H. l'sntßtroo. The following letter was also read ;• To the Hon. W. Pennington. * •• Sir : Satisfied as I am that a majority of the (.onventioo of the people of (ieorgin, now sitting, desires that that State should no longer be rep resented on this floor, and in obedience to that will of the people, 1 hereby resign the seal I hold as a member of the House. Joshua llill. Virginia ano Sew York. —Gov. Letcher, of Virginia in his message laying before the Legisla Cure ol that State the resolutions of the Legisla ture of Sew York, tendering the services of men and money to the Federal Government to coerce the Southern States, says: The Governor and Legislature of New York ought to know that the sword has never reconciled i differences of opinion. Military coercion can I never perpetuate the existence of this Union.— When the affections of the people are withdrawn from the government, an attempt at coercion can have no other effect than to exasperate the people threatened to be coerced. Bloodshed in civil strife can only enrich the soil that must speedily produce “a harvest of woe.” * * * * Nothing that has occurred in the progress of this controversy has been worse timed and less excusable. If the Governor and Legislature of New York desire to preserve the Union, a tender of men and money under promptings ol passion, prejudice and excitement, will not produce the result. At a time like this, when the horizon is overcast with clouds, when darkness and gloom arc gather ing cloee around us, and when we behold nothing but danger on all sides, some little wisdom, discre tion and prudence are expected from the repre sentatives of the people. They ought, at least, to refrain from adding fuel to the flame that burns with the utmost intensity now. It would have been far bolter that these resolutions had never been adopted. Joint Kewol tit ions Adopted by the Legis lature of llexedred hi, the General Assembly of the State oj Jennexsee. That this General assembly has hoard with profound regret of the resolutions recently adopted by the State of New York, tendering men and money to the President of the United States, to be used in coercing certain sovereign States of the South into obedience to the Federal Govern ment. Bfxolred , That this General Assembly receives the action of the Legislature of New York, as the indication of a purpose upon the part of the peo ple of that State to further complicate Existing difficulties, by forcing the people of the South to the extremity us submission or resistance, and so regarding it, the Governor of the State of Tennes see is hereby requested to inform the Executive of the State of New York, that it is the opinion of this General Assembly that whenever the authorities ol that State shall send armed forces to the South for the purpose indicated in said resolutions, the peo ple of Tennessee, uniting with their brethren of the South, will, as one man, resist such invasion of the soil at the South at all hazards, and to the last extremity. Thc X'ew York World contains a letter from Hon. Henry W. Hilliard, of Alabama, from which the following is an extract: “ Now that some of the States have dissolved their connection with the Union, force is not to be employed against them. The whole theory of our government is opposed to it. Force may be employed against masses of individuals, however numerous; never against political communities or States. “The Southern people are unconquerable. The race which peoples these States can never be held in bondage. X’ew poluical systems must now be constructed, and let us hope that, under the guid ance of Him who sitteth upon the circle of the Heavens, the South and the North may yet dwell together in peace.” AnjorßXF.n Forever.— Judge Jones, of the United Slates District Court, y< sterdav afternoon announced from the windows of the Court Room in the Custom House Building, that the United Suites Court, for the Southern District of Alabama has adjourned forever!” We presume that the next mail if a previous one has not done that duty, will bear to Washing ton the honorable gentleman’s resignation of the ermine. —Mobile Advertiser, 12 th. The Deluge. —The Tennessee is higher at this time that it has been since the year 1847. The freshest has occasioned heavy losses. Manv farm ers residing near the river have been forced to leave tlieir residences. It has not been an unusu al sight to fee houses, Larues and in some cases even reiidetces borne aw ay by he almo-t irresisli fde current. The large brick block known as the Stevenson block of this city is almost a total wreck, having (alien in. Hay, corn, fences, houses, Ac., having been swept away. A great many cattle ano hogs, we understand, have leea drowned. The have been heavy. The abundance of water and the scarcity of money are playing “ fearful h.v voc’’ with the people. We hope however, for bet ter things.— Chattanootja Advertiser. Thf. River.—The Tennessee is higher than at any time since 1847. Much damage is sustained by persons living near it hr the washing away ot hay, corn, fences, Ac. Many have been driven from their houses bv the water. The Old Steven son Warehouse has fallen in from the effects of the water surrounding it. —Chattanooga Gazette. HAit it ii: D, In Bibb county, on the 83d Inst., hv Rev. Charles P. B. Mtrtin, Mr. N. B. Powf.h.-—eldest ion of the late Judge Power*—and Mis* Joskfhixs 11. Fiwtkb—youngest daughter of Capt. Arthur Foster. On the ttth lut., in Katonton. Ga ,by Rev. A. M Wynn, Dr. O. W. Axhftaws anj Mis* G. Harwell. On the 13th iust., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Elder Jacob Kinz, Mr. Jxo. A. Cochran and Miss Martha Stepiu vs, all of Upson county, Ga. NOTICE. The Committee appointed to provhle supplies for needy families of the Jackson Artillery, have elected Emory Win ship disbursing agent, to whom money contributions will be made. Provisions for the wse of such families will be left at McCaOle A Jc nes’ Ware-house. By order of the Committee. Jan J. H. B WASHINGTON,Chairman. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bead and Believe. ’ : Xrw Yiiss, April 10, ’S.V. . 1 llacin'. K q.— Dar Sir : Aiwui live* months since 1 buujilil t*u t.>ia-r <>t jmir l(e-tormi.c mu now desirous nfobtiiu ny m.ire, and would inquire where it may ■>e t.MinJ l.ere. A|y ,i nf when quit j ynuue turned grey, i have end a riuaVr ..f ardetr- for tip- purp-i-e of irftwHnv it, but did ii-c. rJ uotii I obtained ilii-r, wltii-bpri Uaetd the desired effect. I bave been rtqwe*itd ly a number ol niv them s.-vcral lud it/ lo piortne it it pos .-‘iMe lam much > leased •ilkit.lnrit has made a great improvement iu n>j per-oi-'al appearame. l'y answering i this you wili much oblige, Vouisvciy rispcitiul v, II O. LOObKlCtl, Steamer Bridgeport, Peck Slip, New York. Remember that this result was product'! hy Ueinrstreet’s inimitable, the original aud only reliable Hair Restorative. Price,to) cents and $1 a bottle gold everywhere. Porsale by ZRII.IN & HUNT, Macon, Georgia. W. R. HAHAN k 00., Propritors, jan2-1m Troy, N. Y. ty* The peculiarities of the female constitution and the various trials to which the sex is subjected, demand an oc casional recourse to stimulants. It is important, however, that these sliall iu-of a harmless nature, and ul the same time accomplish the desired, end. Hosteller’s Celebrated Stoinsca Ititiers is rhe very.artlrle. Its etfects in all cases of debility are almost magical. It restores the tone of the digestive orgAns, infuses fresh vitality into the whole system, and gives that cheerfulness to the temperament, w hich is the most valuable of feminine attraction's. The proprietors feel flattered from the fact that many of the most prominent medical gentlemen in the Union have bestowed encomiums upon the Fitters, the virtues of which they have frequently teue l aud acknowledged. There are numerous counterfeits offered -or sale, all of which are ilestijute o( merit, and posi tively injurious to the system. jan2-lm V n \V ADI £ R T I S E M £ M T 8 . IMnnt Corn! PLANT CORN! WITH A VIEW TO THE PRESENT SCARCITY OF THE STAFF OF J.IFF,, ZEILIN & HUNT HIVE ON HAND A LARGE LOT OF Extra Early Seed Corn! rsr Purchase In thee, or the supply may be exhausted if you wait. jan 30 TEKMH CASH ! riIME uruleraiiroed are determined to change their mode JL business, and to adhere Strictly to the CASH SVSrEM! In buying and selling from this date. We offer our pres ent large stock of DRY GOODB SHOES, HATS, READY HADE CLOTHING aud GROCERIES, at reduced prices, and intend to prove that this plan is to the advantage of both seller and buyer. Ai i. orders must he accompanied by the ( AMI to in sure attention. N. It.— \VhoUsa/e j/ur, haters of Pry Goons, Fuols, Hats and Ready Made Ciotiiinu are invited to call, as we are prepared to offer them Unprecedented Inducements to Purchase , Being desirous to reduce our stock. J. B. k W. A. UOSS. Macon, Ist January, IS6l—jan 80-45 8m Citizen copy three months. The Belgian-American DIRECT THAIS COMPANY WILI. sell their Goods imported hy the hark Henry, from Antwerp, at private sale, in Macon. The sale to commeuce on the -24th January, and to end on the 9tli February, at the Warehouse of F. S. Bloom, on 3rd Street. After that, by special request of Ilia Excellency Governor Brown, and ’he Honorable Legislature of the State of Geor fa, there will he an Auction Sale of the Goods on the 2dth Februrary. Goods for this Bale ready for inspection the two days previous. I.IST OF GOODS. LINEN GOODS —Towels, Napkins, Handkerchiefs, Shirt ings, Sheetings, Unbleached, all kinds. COTTON GOOD*.—Prints, Ginghams, Cambric, Velvets, Quilts, Sheetings, Handkerchiefs, Blankets. AVOOLEN GOODS.—Cloths, Flannels, Reps, Barege, Ca i-heiuir, Saiinette, Under Garments, Blankets, Patent Velvet Carpets, Brussels Carpets, Rugs, Shawls. siNimiiiK. Marble Mantles, Zinc, Lea I anil Iron, TANARUS, hies, Earthen Ware, Indian Rubber Goods, Clay Pi|>es, Hosiery, Ciga’s, Thread, Candles, Harness, Guns, Carriage, Brushes, Chocolate, Mats, Silk Drapery, Leather Manufactured Articles Application Laces, Furniture, Brussels Laces, Inlaid Tables, Matches, Looking t: “mo are, Wines and Liquors, Rail K<>ad Iron, Vinegar, Writing Paper, Perfumery, Paper Hangings, Playing Cards, Glass Ware, Paints, 0.1 and Dye, Porcelain, Minium. For further particulars apply to O. EYROND, Planter’s House, Macon, Ga., Or, to Miller & Michels, Agents for Savannah, jan 28 -1 at FANCY DRY GOODS. Y. S. PRIDDLX A: CO. Have replenished tlieir stock, and can now supply their customers with many articles that have been scarce in this market. DRESS TRIMMINGS, Gimps, Braids, Black Laces & Buttons. Reduction in the price of DRESS GOODS, Some of them just arrived. CLOTH AIMD VELVET CLOAKS! Mimics* and Childrens* CI.GAKH, RICH EMBROIDERIES, PLAIN RIBBONS, COKSBTB, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, AND 8 t a j> 1 e o o tl s , 2 gether with almost everything required for a complete stock of Dry Goods. dec 5 IM. H. PHUDDEN A (. NOTICE. SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD CO., i M tens, Ga., January 9th, lb<sl. ( rfyil IC Annual Election for President and f Kle Directors 1 of this Company, will be held at their Ofllcefn this city, on Thursday, 14th February next. JOHN T. BOIFEUILLET, Sev’y and Traas. jan 16 43-tfebl4 AGENCY OK PICK. REMOVAL. THE undersigned having opened an office in the city of Macon, for the purpose of RENTING HOUSES , HIRING OUT NEGROES, SELLING STOCKS, and all other kinds of property, settling and collecting rH claims, taking interrogatories and securing Xjoaus of Money, and attend to all business that may he entrusted to him ; and lie would especially invite all who may have any busi ness to entrust to an agent, to give him a call. I am also agent for the long established New York I.ifc liikiiriiucc Comp'y. This subject I would Invite every thinking man to consider before it is too late to make provisions for his family after death. I am also Justice of the Peace for the 716ih District, G. VI., city of Macon B*r Office in the Granite Hall Building, entrance from the alley in the rear of V. W. Skiff A Co.’s store. K. C. GRANNISB. Rv.raakvcrs: —Judge E. A Nisbet, Judge 11. G Lamar, Judge Clifford Anderson, Lewis N. Whittle, Esq., E. L Strohecker, Esq , and Elijah Bond, Esq. (oct IW-If) MACON SEED STOKE. r.V \ IHtIVI’II’S FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. — W. S. 1 ELLIS has just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, From Landreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. SrW* Also, a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Macon, Ga., Jaw. 16, ts W. 8 PLUS. MONEY LOST. I HEREBY give notice that I have lost tho right half of a silty dollar ti ll on the Mechanic’s Bank, Au gusta, payable to W. E. Pemberton, No. 104, letter B , stgir ed by Carhart, Cashier, and Bibley, President, and I will apply to said hank fur the amount at the end of thrae months. J. BLAKELY SMITH. jan‘2 ts FINE ARTS! rifllE Photographic-Portraits colored in Oil, produced l>y X J- A. I’UvJH k liRO , Triangular Block, Macon, Ga., are still considered the best to be attained in thc State. We were awarded the premium again this year, at the Slate Fair, which has just closed, for the best Photographs. With our new process for enlarging Photographs to life size from Daguerreotypes of deceased persons, and with the aid of two first class Artists employed by us, we are producing Portraits as perfect and as much like the original as it Is possible Aonmvi to be made. Call at PUGH’S and see the Photographs by their new procese, which are the largest ever made In the State, none Use them can be seen else where. AMBRQTYFE3 at very low prices. (oct 81 GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. JNG. N. KEIN. P.OB’T KETN. JNO. N KEIN ii CO.. iVrn<*oii 9 (xuoroia. WILL OFFER Groat Inducements tocash buyers of DRY GOODS CARPETING, &c. DRESS GOODS, Silks! Silks!! BRIDAL and EVENING SILKS, LACE and EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, ■Mil WOODS. SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, TABLE DAMASKS, LINENS, &c. CARPETING, BRUSSELS, VELVET, THREE PLY, and INGRAIN. NOTICE. All persons indebted to us either by note or account, will please come forward and settle the same, as we are compelled to have the money to pay our indebtedness, jan 10) ’ JNO. N- KEIN & CO. MRS. HOW LJKJSJP HAS returned from New York, and <*3?^. invites the attention of the Ladies to her elegant asortrnent of ajSjCVWwg MILLI N E R v, mm Bonnets and Hats, of Velvets, Leghorn, Bgfi a Fine fetraw, Misses and Ladies Zouave Hats, ” BIS M*W Nets,Head Dresses, Hair Ornament*,Gloves, w7l\J| Kn.hroideries, Laces, Evening Dresses, tie- fit gant Cloth and \ civet Cloaks, Coraetts, to- w w ’ gether with a stock of i’-A-isro y qoods too numerous to mention. The ladies are respectfully solici ted to call and examine the stock. Orders promptly attend ed to. S-tf mTl~l Ink r y. Fall and Winter, 1860. MUS. A. DAMOI R has just • akfWffi returned from New York with a /*&, Jjatg. new and unusually large assortment Mlrf I; of Millinery and Fancy Goods, consist- Jl ing of the latest styles of Paris Hats, Misses’ Flats', Straw and Leghorn Hon- jSE’ nets,Ribbons and Flowers,Silk Dresses, -3^ Robes, Evening Dresses,Beal Lace Setts French Embroideries, and new styles of Dead Dresses; also, a fine stock of / / Velvet and Cloth Cloaks, Basques, Fur Capes and Muffs, Zephyr and Worsted Shaxvls, Scarfs, Neck Ties,Silk and Kid Gloves, Ac., Ac. octß-tf REMOVAL. ]Vtrs. Dessau HAVING removed to Mr. Ayres’ new building, on Mulberry street, (next IfcnK door to Mr J. L. Jones)invites her old eua tomers and the public generally to give her a call. She has on hand aud is constantly receiving a fresh and Fashionable supply of all articles in the Mtjpffifsj m MILLINERY LINE, Wf and will be able to meet the taste and wish- 4 es of customers generally. ( Jan 18-ts) Spi'ing’ Hank Scliool. fill lie fifth term of this School for Young Ladies, com- A mences on the first ol Fi-b. next. The undersigned pledges himself to parents patronising this school that their daughters shall enjoy opportunities of both solid and ele gant education, including physical, mental and moral cul ture, not surpassed elsewhere at the South. Circulars will be forwarded to those desiring them. C. W HOWARD. Near Kingston, Cats county, Ga.—jan 10 43-41* I LMPia.V LAW SCHOOL rrxff §£ next term of this Institution will begin on the first I day of MARCH, 1301. jan 23 +I 4t AVOODS PHOTOGRAPHIC Palace of Act! ])ROH lIILY the largest and best appointed Estab lishment iu the South, it not in the United States. Is one of the most popular and interesting places of resort In Mauon, and is daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi tors. The Oolleetion of Hietvires is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Ambrotype to the life-size Portrait Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expense, that hi* GALLE RY shall continue to be the ■lend (luiirtcrK ot Fine Arts, in the South. Employing permanently the best talent to lie procured to color his Photographs,in ereep etylr, true to nature, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. A large collection of the celebrities of the day on exhibition, to which has just been added a splendid Picture of the Prince of Wales and suit, Bloudiu, Judge Douglas, and others too numerous to mention, but which the public are respectfully invited to call and examine. As Wood uses nona but the best materials in his business, persons in want of a good Picture will find it to their advantage to patron ize this establishment, as Pictures can > bail here at price, as low as elsewhere, an.l <.r superior style. Auibrotypes, l)aguerreoty|ies and Plain Photographs of every size at low prices. Call and see R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oct 31 Lanier House, Macon, Ga. Superior to Peruvian Guano. L. Ij. HOYT’S AMMONIATED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. Tlios. 13.I 3 . Stovall Cos., Augusta, Ga., General Agents for Georgia. THIS Super-Phosphate, composed of BONE, SULPHU RIC and PHOSPHORIC ACIDS, AMMONIA, SODA and POTASH, has been extensively used during the pest two seasons in Georgia, and lias given the most complete satisfaction in COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, OATS, RYE TURNIPS and POTATOES. We are permitted to give the following gentlemen as re ferences, besides numerous others, who have used it: Owen P. Fitzsimmons, Esq Burke county. Robert F. Connolly, Esq.... ... “ “ 11. J.Ogilby, Esq .....Morgan county. Hon. I. T. Irvin, Wilkes “ John A. Jones, Esq Polk “ D Dickson, Esq ...Newton “ Dr. E. M. Pendleton .Hancock “ Wilson Bird, F.sq •* • J. A. Bell, Esq Oglethorpe “ Thomas W. Whatley, E5q........8each Island. Jonathan M. Miller, Esq “ “ PAMPHLETS containing analysis, letters, Ac., furnished or application. Price, per Ton, in Augusta SSO 00 Discount made to purchasers of five tons, or more. THOM. P. STOVALL A CO., Augusta, Ga. N. 11.— Being Agents for all Georgia, we will furnish to Planters below Augusta, or in the direction of the Central and connecting Roads, Hoyt’s Super-Phosphate, at $45 per Ton in New York—expenses to their station added. For this reason, early orders are solicited, that the Super-Phos phate may be sent to them direct from New York. Same discount made from New York price to purchasers of five tons or more. TIIOS. P. STOVALL A: CO. dec 14 88-ts 256 Broad-street, Augusta, Ga OPPOSITE I.AXIER ’ HOUSE, MACON. SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 TO $5.00.| The Commercial Straw is eaay, SI.OO. “ Senate is not bad, “ Planter's Hat is very light, 1.45. “ English Is Finest. Wool Hats, Children’s Straws. junso C, a STONE dt BRO, Try on* of our New Bl’k Pocket Hats. Buy one NEW STYLE BROAD BRIM. The X ZUAYE ■(LACK Till VI’D Will BECOME you! So will the TS/LA. ROON And the Ev. Nat. Nutria. So will the LIGHT BL’K BROAD BOUND SOFT HATS. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. ! Ittentioii! Citizr-ns and Siiaugeis ! DO YOU KNOW THAT AT HORACE FITCH & CO.’S YOU CAN AT ALL TIMES FIND THE Largest Assortment —OF— jc-a o ran mm m w w FOR MEN AND YOUTH In any one Store in the State ? AND AS THIfY SELL AI.MOST KXCLC3IYELT FOR CASH, AT PRICES AS LOW A S NEW YORK CITY! YOU WILL THERE FIND A A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, UMBRELLAS, MERINO SIITRTS, Ami in fact every thing appertaining to a Gentleman’s Wardrobe ! Mr. Win. T. Fitch has taken the personal charge of the establishment, and will always be found to give his attention to the customers of the old linn. He assured that the repu tation which Horace Fitch & Cos. have enjoyed for the past twenty-five years, will he fully sustained. Come then, one and all, to the 01.D AND MODEL CLOTH IN(i HOUSE. Triangular Bloct — Entrance, Second Street and Cotton Avenue. (oet 12 29-tjanlst’6i) Fall Trade of 1800! —AT IIOSS & COLEMAN’S IJazaar oi Fashion.” WK arc now in the full tide of successful operation, with the largest and most < hoice stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods that it has ever beet* our pleasure to ..BVr to the public. It is impossible to convey the slightest Idea of our rich foreign fabrics in Ladies’ Dress Groods, would be superfluous ; suffice It to say that styles were never so elaborate, and that we have them In all their grades and colors. We append a list of a few rich Goods, entirely new in this market. Ottoman Valours, Droquet De Brocades, Minnlvers in full setts, Velvet Embroidered Soles, Brocade Velours, Violets Des Alps, Plaid Lance, in all colors, Gro D’Epsom, in vari ous hues, Zouave Burnons, Kept Robe De Chaml.res, Kept Persians ala Mazaona, Snow Flake Isadoras, Madapitans in chintx colors, Diamond and Magic Ruftlings, Zephyr Sontags, Cape Broche Fancy Colors, Gold Belts and Gilded Dress Trimmings, Velvet Cloaks, Cloth Arabs, Cloth Cloaks, Carpetings from the Richest Medallion V'elvet Tapestry down to the lower grades. Our stock is unusually full and we invite the public to an examination of the same. oet 8 ICONS A’ COLEMAN* Cotton Avenue. NOW IS THE TIME. A. G. BOSTICK, OPPOSITE Lanier House, has a splendid Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, and is ANXIOUS to ex change them lor MANUFACTURER'S BANK BILLS. nov 28 A. G. BOSTICK. : SPRING ANDSDMMER STOCK J)HY GOODS, NOW receiving In Store, In large quantities, having been bought at reduced prices, for cash, we are prepard to offer great Inducements to large purchasers, and solicit an exa ninatlon of our goods. The following comprise a por tion of the articles we are offering : 25 Cases Prints, new styles, 15 “ Ginghams, new styles, 5 “ Printed Muslins, 25 Bales Tickings, 50 Cases Spool Thread, 150 Bales brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 20 Cases bleached “ “ 10 “ tirown and bleached Janes, 1000 Bolts Summer Pants Goods, all qualities, 5000 Hoop Skirts, all qualities, 100 Hales Osnaburgs, ooa ii-.V..H8, 300 Hales Georgia Kerseys, all Wool Ailing. Also a large stock of House Furnishing Goods, Linens, Table DamHßk, Towelling, Linen, llleached and Hrown Sheetings, Pillow Casing, together with a full and complete Stockof nearly every article olferedin Wholesale Dry Goods Houses. J. B. A W. A. ROSS june 13 W inter Clothing! 3C. WINBHIP Hum now in Store an Large a Stork of CLOTHING as can be found in the State, and it is useless to say that he is anxious to sell them. Buyers, especially CASH buyers, will find bargains at E. WINSIfIP’3. Gent's Furnishing Goods! GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, MERINO UNDER SHIRTS, ALL WOOL UNDERSHIRTS, SILK UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SUN RENDERS, HALF HOSE, GLOVES, TRUNKS AND VALISES, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, Just received, at E. WIN SHIP’S, oct 17 REMOVAL rfIHE subscriber has removed to the gs, X store opposite the Lauier House, and Yfa next door to Ells’, where lie will be glad to M&L. .jK see his old friends and patrons. jHa He has on hand a large and superior BmOßi stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERKB, VEST -INUS, Ac. Also, FURNISHING GOODS, Wf ‘M and is prepared to manufacture them in H| f Thankful for past favors, he hopes for a Ilf/ Vu I continuance of public patronage. ( [fl oct 10-8 m JULIUS PETER. QaiMiMk Telegraph and Citizen will please copy. 1860. FILL STYLES! 1860. B A I R l ) HAS JCSX OPENED jV Hhpei* io i- Lot o 1 Cloths, Cassi meres, And testings, which cannot be excelled in beauty and durability. Having engaged Mons. Uousse, an experienced cutter, from New Y’ork, customers may rely on having something Superior in the style and fit of new garments. NEW STYLES Ready .Made Clothing, Shirts, Nt ok Ties.CollargjGloveSjSußpenilerSjShawls, Socks, Straps, Canes Umbrellas, Ac., Ac. CHAS. H. BAIRD, oct 3 Cor. of Cherry and Second Streets. Dress C v oo< is ! A LARGE ASSCKTMEFT of the latest Styles, now opened at the Palace of Fashion, At oct 17 BOSTICK’S. Carpetings and Hugs ! OVER Five Thousiid Dollars worth of theNBWKS'r dbioM; embracing Velvets, Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain. This day opened at (oct i7) BOSTICK’ri. A. M. BLACK SHE AH & CO. ARE NOW OFFERING A LARGE AN CHOICE STOCK OF SPRING AND RUMMER FOR BOTH MEN AND BOVS, TOGETHER WITH FURNISHING GOODS In targe variety. Also TRUNKS, VALIOER, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, Ac. apr 18 DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. J USX JiliCElVlX GEORGE PAINE’S CHEMICAL AND DRT'd STORE. rpitE Articles mentioned here, which arc of Superior A quality, and sold at Fair Prices : Kerosene and Coal Oil, inferior to none st.ld, Winter, Sperm and Linseed Oil, Raw and Boiled Lir.seed OH, Olive Oil in Bottles and hy the Gallon, White Lead in Kegs and assorted size cans, from 1 lb. to 100 lbs. Zinc, White in kegs and cans, Colors, in cans and boxes, oil and in water. Paint Brushes and all kinds of Artists Tools, Sponges, Putty, Palet Knives and Tins, Potash, in kegs, bulk and iron boxes, French Glass, and all kinds of Glass Ware, Bye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Turpentine, Lamp Wick, bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Bell Cologne Water, arid Rose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring KxiractsjFresh Hops and Fresh Honey, Corks, all sizes, Hard Rubber Trusses, and all other In strmneut*, Hedgmans Ricine Oil,and Lublns Antique Oil for the Hair, | Fine Tooth Brushes and Fine Toilet Soap, best citrate j Magnesia, Burnett’s Cocoine and Kaliston and Woo’d Hair Restora- , ti ves, Mrs Allen’s Hair Restoratives, and her TyU Balsamuin, Fresh Vaccine Matter, and fresh Congress Water, Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, Chemical, Medicinal Herbs and Genuine Medicines. Macon, fit., April 18th, 1560 —y I and Medicines, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Corner Cherry Strert and Cotton Avenue. TIT ST received, a fresh supply of Drugs anil Medicines, Perfumery, Paint and Varnish Brushes. Superior Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Camphene, Alcohol and Potash; Jaynes Ayres’, Wright’s, Moffat’s, and Strong’s Pills ; Hewboldt’s Extract of Buchu, Sanford’s Liver Invigorator, Mrs Wins low’s Soothihg Syrup, Degrath’s Eclectrlc Oil, Mustang Liniment, Indian Cholagogue, Jaynes’, McLean s, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge; Seltzer Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, warranted genuine. june 20 lfl-’6ti— ELLIS, Agent. F. G. CA3TI.EN. H - T * YIfcDKLL HEW FIRM. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG STORE I CAST LILY & VARDELL, DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES, WOI I.D respectfully invite the attentior of Physicians, Merchants and Planters to their stock of Tnn i Itvra t-l Ur MS** YOF ledieiiHS. Chemical** Ac,, At. They ltd assured that no house 111 this city /J§ \ can offer a stock superior In quality or lower in price. A supply of DENTAL an.l SURGICAL Instru ments, Ac., will be kept constantly on hand. GARDEN SEED, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, from the best houses in the United States. There wilt also be found, in our assortment FINE BRAN DIES and WINES of the purest quality, purchased express ly for medicinal purposes. Every article usually kept by Druggists can be obtained at reasonable prices. Physicians Prescriptions prepared with great care, may 9-’60 —y F. H. BURGHARD, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN PANCY WARES, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLES OF VERTU, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT ED AND AMERICAN WATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, Ac., Ac., Cherry St, Macon, Second door below the Telegraph Printing House- THANKFCL for past favors, reminds p the public that all the most fashionable, //T/5bW elegant and desirable goods in this line will /£_l -jay continue to be found at this elegant stand in the greatest variety. No trouble to show Goods. feb 29-’6O-y Boots and Shoes. the Sign of tlie The Subscribers would re turn their thanks for the very liberal and long con tlnued patronage extended to them,and would most res pectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have now in store a large assortment of Boots Lund Slioes, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patters usually called for in a shoe store, and wculd Invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, oct 6-y MIX A KIRTLAND. NEW FIRM! Messrs. T. & Gr. WOOL), IJAVB ftaoon, Georgia. notice. Having associated with us in the Furniture business, Seth G. Wood, we are particularly desirous of closing up the old business as soon as possible, and respectfully request all in debted, either by note or account, to call and make payment at an early day. T. A G. WOOD. Macon, 2d Jauuary, 1860. (feb 22) 18. A. WISE IS NOW RECEIVING His full stock of House Furnishing Goods, comprising a (OJIPLETF. ASSORTMENT OF TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, Silver plated Castors, Forks and Spoons, Stoves, Grates and Ranges, Fine Planished and Brittania Ware, Cooking Utensils of every description ; Brushes, Brooms, and Willow Ware. ALSO A LARGE AND Splendid Assortment of Fenders, Walters and Ten Trays, Brass Andirons, Tea and Coffee Urns, Brittania Tea and Coffee Pots, Beef Steak and Oyster Dishes, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Ohandelieis and Lamps, Wick and Shades, Willow Chairs, Traveling and Market Baskets, Hat and Umbrelia Stands, Pots, Ovens, Spiders, Common and Brass Top Fire Dogs, Painted and Cedar Tubs, Brass Bound Buckets, Cocoa, Brittania and Plated Dip|>ers, Shovel and Tongs, Wafer and Waffle Irons, Ac. Having purchased my Goods in person, and ttirect from Head Quarters, I am prepared to offer them on THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Purchasers respectfully Invited to examine ‘.hem, and orders solicited. B- A. WIBE, 9t .j, 13 Cherry street, Macon. Reform Medical College of Georgia. THE TruAeps have the pleasure of announcing that the TWENTY SECOND Annual course of Lecture* in the Institution wiil lie commenced on the first MONDAY in No vember next, and continue till the first of March thereaf ter. The chairs are occupied respectively by LANIER BANK STON, M. D , Prof, of Physiology anil Pathology. J.T. COXE,M. D., Prof, of Principles and Practice Medicine. M. S. THOMSON, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics, Diseases of Women anil children. Therapeutics, and Materia Medica. I. N. LOOMIS, M. D., Prof, of Chemistry, Botany, Phar macy, and Microscopy. O. A LOCHKANE, Esq., M.D., Prof, of Medical Juris prudence. T. W. BRENTS, M. D., Prof, of Anatomy and Surgery. W C. JONES, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. Entire fees furtickets to Lectures SICO 00 Anatomical Ticket 10 00 Matriculation “ once only SOO Graduation fee if successful . 25 00 Good board can be had in the city at reasotable rates. For particulars apply to either of the members “it the Faculty, at Macon, Ga. aug 15-21tf tIEKTILIZERS.— 100 tons Rhodes’ Supsr-PLos phate. 100 tons Reese’s Manipulated Guano. To tons Mape’s Super-Phosphate of Lime. 50 tons American Guano. 150 bbs. Sand Plaster, for sale at manufacturer’s pri ces, for cash jan 16 ASHER AY Km. To Ibe Public*. THE City Sexton has removed from his former resi dence, to the Corner of Walnut and the street leading to Rose Hill Cemetery. AH orders for Monuments from Philip'Alarble X ard, will be thankfully received and prompt ly attended to. A. BRIDIE, City Sexton. ’ Yl*c an, Oct. 8rd,1666,— 1t DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINT, OIL, As M ASSEMU IIG k SON, (Successors to E. L. Strohecker ) Corner 3rd and Multeity Streets, DtlLUi IN CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS , WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS, Patont Modiolnos* FRESH GARDEN SEED. Merchants au<i Physicians, WHO PRIiIB TtfENaCLVES On Dealing in Article* of the FIRST GiTJA-X.l’nr, AND AT tow PBICSO, *IA V KEL Y Upon BEING SUITED. nov 28 OROYrS PROMPTLY ATT! VOID ToT” E ST A B LIB IT ED 16 25. z eili \ & iiuart , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, GEORGIA. feb 29-’60 —y Latest News by the Atlantic Telegraph. rO all whom it may concern, this is to notify the public that I3AACS is at home again, and begs to assure his •atronsthat his Saloon is not a thing of a Jay Citisena ind the traveling public will find their establishment open, :ot for the Season only, but at all Seasons of the year, and hose calling on us, will at all hours , find our larder sup .lied with all the delicacies that the New York and other uarkets will afford, in the way of eatables and something ’ood to drink, and six days out of seven, more thau can be ound in any other house in town. E> ISAACS & BRO\ Under Ralston’s Hall, Clierry St. His Bill of Fare will every day, Be just the thing for little pay; And those, who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete— And going once, they then will know. That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to see our friend,, ensuring them that t will be our unremitting care to pleas* In every respect, .a we flatter ourselves, we have done till now. It may not be generally known that we have, to meet the vishes of the Medical faculty, imported by ourselves, a very uperior quality of Pale Brandy, fine Old Port, Sherry and dadeira, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much cle ared by them. Look at this Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself OYSTERS, from New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the shell or ,y the measure, raw, fried, stewed, or in any way you want hem Also, Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, Venison and Beef Steaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Devil Ham and lzevlled Teraplns, Mountain Oysters, CWTOY, TURTLE SOUP, Hr Wood-Cock, Grouse, Hm Mountain Geese, Squirrel*, Vild Ducks, Fish, and everything that an epicure want*,c&Q ilways be had when in season. Confectioneries and Fruit. ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good assort •nantof CONFECTIONERIES, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NCTf, CAKES, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be ure and call at E. ISAACS A BRO. oct 6-ts LIQUORS AND CIGARS Directly Imported! EiYIAUSSENET Is constantly receiving the finest • qualities of Liquors, Wines and Cigars, which he offers to the public on as, reasonable terms as h* an afford. Invalids and others, wishing a superior article of Wines >r other Liquors, will find it greatly to their advantage to tire him a call, as they may rely on the genuineness of eve ■y article sold. Liquors can be purchased In bottle or by the gallon, as it -nav suit purchasers. Cigars of the very best brands, by wholesale or retail, ind of direct importation, can always be found at my itore, at the house formerly occupied by Mr. James f. Winier a* an Exchan e and Lottery Office. Mr. Maussenet, In retiring from his old established busi ness, embraces this opportunity to tender bis grateful ac cnowledgments to his old friends and customers, from all of vhom he solicits a share of patronage,in his new enterprise. Macon, June 18, 1860.—12-y JUST RECEIVED: no. ii, cotton averi e. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF .TELLY MOLDS, AND SELF-SEALING FRUIT JARS. SEVERAL STYLES, FOR SALE CHEAP, Always on hand, their usual suppiy of Staple and Fancy CHINA, GLASS, CROCKERY, LAMPS, Table Cutlery, &c. BOLSHAW & HERZOG, tug 15 Macon, Georgia. Blacksmith Shop—Removal. GRIER & MASTERSON HAVE removed to their new Brick building nearly op posite to their Livery Stable, on Third Street, where they are well prepared, with the best workmen, to accom modate all their old, and as many new customers as may call. They would also notify all persons who have had work done at their old shop on Fourth Street, since the Ist October, 1857, to make payment to no one, except the suh scribers or their Authorised agents. dec S ’s9—tf GRIER it MASTERSON. •‘Thai” Tobacco. THE choicest brand of Chewing Tobacco, manufactured in this country, just received and for sale by MASENBCRG A SON, dec 5 Successors to E. L. Strohecker. Pianos at Drivate Bale. lIIANDSOME 7 Octavo ciirved Rosewood Piano ; 1 “ 7 “ plain “ “ These Pianos are from first hands and will be sold at Manufacturers prices, Those in want will please call and see them. J. J. MILLER, oct. 31-88tf Auction A Com. Mer. Macon, Ga. Bagging:, Rope, dec. -| AA BALLS heavy Gunny Bagging, JUJU 300 Rolls “ 800 Coils Kentucky Rope, 60 “ Manilla “ suu lbs. Twine, Sugar, Coffee, and Flour, just received and for ra-’e by sepft ArtWKR AVTtFS. Rope. 500 I ' SaDdnalfColl * Rlcha,dionV ' HempLfaf,> 250 CHs Machine Rope, other brands, 100 “ Hand Made Rope, for sale by Mp BOWDRE A ANDERSON. Wheat* Rye* Barley and Oats. SELECTED especially for seed. In store and sq, slTby GA 10) McCALUE A JONES. Examine onrGooda and Prices before ouytng elsewhere