Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, January 30, 1861, Image 4

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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS.) M\f \ rASTPUM.iI MIKKIFI WIU kti jvlil btfore lih Court-Uc. v m: ]<■ •/ ir . t*a ol Oglethorpe. Macao county, within Th 1 4a! h< -:t * n f sulci on the first TurtiUy in March next, tir j„n,wtrig prop erty, to-il: tine hundred *.-re* of land In the *( ongtualiy Musc,„{m-. now Macon ennui v. i. :ni- r not biWn iidie plan* ait *.k “■ Atont* 4 eu* rcnju. AUo, oet- biuw *ll {th*- ‘"t jour acre* of l < ltd) m North OgleOovp'e. >u a*.it <•*Ui>. adiolfiing the ian-’.s 01 Dr. Kid*and tin- Divi-Uon place. AH levied upon (be of defendant to *a> *fv ti. fn irturil fri.n the t) duper-or x.urt of si4 county, in farr r Harvey W. Nance m. *3 1 Cady. I*r..p**tv point e.i nut by'-- Attorney. A two. tot of No. 124, it* tit— .1 sirb-l ( orl.-ii.utty Muj i>K*rt note Macon county , anJ s • much of lot ..r laud N", toe, in the Ist distr*. t 01 uric! tut By Mo.- ogev n •* Ma cao couiity, fc lira north of a rt-rtasn small rrr.-fe ruooit.*-- through said *’*• No. 108. being ui'on: .'•*> re* of ** -I lot: upon is ti property ol Bireitnud N. U: 1 >w, t . ti ll Jure- ri. fits. ij*ned from Mwcm Stjeriur I-bh, in savor . f A A. MaftiiHi v*. Sh curort N. Dawsen, maker. and F.T. buexd, endorser. V* M. L. JONf 4 , jmit if-Uif Sle-r IT. PsO\ UUHIPF Mi l . * I. th-.- Court in.use J .i:r in th: to.u n| l-muia-tur, in -jii County, within th. le„! Hour- -sir, ‘in the urn Turfib) in iVurutrj. 11*41, ui rceof th-- w nern portion ..f lot -if So. 114, in the 150, di* : rVt, formerly Monroe no* t|4na county . levied on = tttr- property of Perry Core, by 1 ti. l-'-aiJ ft out the 5 7th distf 1. t, G M. c: s*idcfit*ulv. ia favor of Jar - F. 1. *O. A sent, v. raid Iforry Core, said levy n.o.fe ek! • etamed to me b, Dudley ifr.- -, L C. of the HVtli *H*t;i r, G. M.. of : .ai-l county. He• ai-pl I.*Wi ye c MIvUMAV, r'!. C i id. v-ifc- —* a-re- of fori a. : parr ..fins \.>. ->22 In the tenth district of formerly Moiir-.e now Li peon ■ouiuy ; levied on by aa. ta. issued from the Justice's Court : the fiilst district, G. M.. of j*id county, in furor of H <V. Jack son v*. John Marshall *ul other ft. for >n uiy ha ,<l*v*.said h, o shilU raid lvy made and returned to to- i t j.,,n W. Jbeall Constsble. O. C. SH IK’-.AN, ■ice iti-td* iff. AD.*n\lvmiltHfN S U.E.-liy virt.ll - ci or i -s- from *.Ke Crurt of Ordinary of Sfa<:cn ccttc'y, v. 1 s.i- ti'’- on the ur-t TuTJ.'yp ~ March r.- cf.” ‘ C ‘ - r - -- . . 11l pale, the foSijwioc ones Tc ta* • **lf 1 - ci.l goid a the property nt W. * feionr.y.d- tor ih puroe vof oUtriom -on aa>l b ! t- m s>i th- i-fni-t'-s, j*n fit M. k. I fO.Al't'k . Adtn'r. \MfNKTBiTMfI MALI. the Court-house dour in the town of ti^leth'Tje, M aeon county uithlu the le;l hour.* of alf, on ihf tiret Tuesday in Match oe\t. One Nejro tiirl, usuirii irattces, about Id year* of aee. Sold by eirttr r. order of tin* Court cf Orvliasrj ..f ,i.t c—uu*y, is ti e property of tlie e.-tate <t AMtis N CUuatain, late of -u.d county,<tecenv-d, tor she pafpote i tfavlaioti -i.u.roj the h.-".r- of •aid e*i tie. T.-rma on the day of *hle W\l. UI KNAM. jan’r VII *ll N IS*f If \ t .% 1.K.-Uy virtr- ..1 an 30r fr-ri t*. Ci.ft at iMiiiVf of if -i-ton county, aiil h- isi l euiur irit lu. Jv in February i.-m, tu-fore *tie Court H -oF Jo.-r iu th tnsrn of Perry, tritfiin the i,--al li.o:r“ of sale, rhe : -iowln#; loss cr pstroet ov lands, to-vni: I’cnr ttrn ints lymy in the district of said t-jfi'.J of th.- town nf Perry, knowi ani Jiatlu|fntf'-d • jr tht riuiobe'S SJI, ii, 27. and SS, iu the plan cf eure.-y t> ti.- Held purchased from Mrs Arr./ K-. *y, iidc l v fMrr<l A Harvey, Surrey or. Said land sold as i.*se proper*y cf Vie late Pc-er A Humph lie- Seem*t4, fhr thehciMlt nf the heir* and aai.t tfaeeaacd. TiiO'taS it. Ht'MPrtKlr.A. did )-td. A.lri'-li-i rv'-vr. ( DKIMkIKATuK’SNILh. vt atsi.idbe fv. fore*.-:- Ctwh-fH'VK: Ir. i.-y- Macon county. With- u the usual t— or- o f saic. oti : -\e 9: Monday to I'cb rusry- next, the undivided half of *• tOl ! mi V- *.T, ;i ii,e 56th district of urthNuaH;- Hw-tas cow llo< ou <*obi>ty. ihe MUti boiiig 101 v u-*es. St. i-c or lt. ;• -ur prop .■! the estate of the late Gee. W,der’J. Terms published or the J.i>~ d*c IS-4ds m K I . POM>:Ll. y A tm r. a s liOKltl.l, .Hmpoii C'oMiiiy.-To a. .1 \T ax\ Ooscsns—Notir* i berth* ttiver- that two rr.untr.s’ from this da e I shall apply ft> the Oc<irl if Oi-f tury f said | county, for leave to reafot my tri. =: a- vi th - !at ] will and testament of 3tr.:k!aud,lar<* of ec'd cotiatv. i deceased, oa account of fnv iateu’.ioa to r - r-.ove from -aid jjtute. n. k. cki n*nFfKi.n. Tnie J.anutry 2?, 1n..--4* tlacoit County. Wh’ r,M....\,iiun ■ Bryan hawse .-ipjilicd to th- Court ..f Ordinary of sid •Miunty, for a d!a4hjr r ;e from ills Ginril’ensLipof Cic person amd property of bis ward, E-. tbeib Bryaa. This is therefore to cist and aducawh -'1 perj .ns cor r tnsd, to show caud, if any they i.tve, ■ .1 >r b. sere i*ji dr-: Monday in March rex:. :h said Xtlhvn Bryan, as Guardian, should not be dismissed liom sa 1 G-j .rdiao ahlo. Given under u; hi-id and official signature, Jan. 15,1bd1. jaa 28 4+-6t J. L. PARKER, Ordinary / * KOKOI.I. flarnu County . TT:Creae. ffra. F. mJT Flower? applying *n Die D-sirvi|nM f.r lener- 01 •ivjriiitaihip of the persons and p. - • *rry ,f l.*W!.-e Au- Ka*t* and Reubsa RUppy, irJn->r children r.f W tr. F..• Ha ppy late of said County, deceased. These arc therefore t j require a'l person-* concerned to file In tny office oa or hrfor*- t:c fir?’ Mouiiay -a Kehmary in-xt. their objections, if any luey have, of raid appointment, s?te.-rw.-*e, letier* will l*e gr-tnted t.i the apptieant. Given under my iiSoi. .U--1 o.Sicial Mgnatnre, tics, Ist ds\ cf January, TAtii. JNO. L I‘ARKLK, Or.liuarw. ‘ jan 4-.'-A /T fc )8U1.4t *litt-ou Cutiut), —ITh:,-* J. D N* Ik'ilkoa lihvmg applied to the C-mri of Ovtiitutry 01 paid county, for ,* discharge from hla Gnardiaicdiip of th< person arid pro|o;r!y of . T. Lofiey. .Iln* ward who lia.- amved at age > Tnia is tforefoi-*- to cite !I persons eon to show cause, if any Uiey isare.on nr le f -rc ihefns Mcadar In January next, ai.r the said J. I*. Wilks sh-.uln ot be dismissed from hi? Ouanlianahip of the - ii.t . T l.cfley, and receive the Uauai fetter? of atsnrhu'on. Given under uiv h:et wn-1 ..<n. ;-S cl :nsiure,Sl Drc .tMt dcr 3T-tit JNO. 1-. I’ARKFR, Ontiuorjr. VOl'K E to lb-biorsniiil t rt-dilors, -Notice 1* is hereby five** to all persons indebted to tiic estate ot Mrs. DesDcr fiiate. Ime o! ililth county, dercßvot, to rnakt insveiliatr payment; and si! ImY-r.g demands agninst said estate to ren-fer theta in Jnlv aleet*-l accord in? to law. Jan 23 41-i'it ‘ 0. C FfUS, Ex’r. .*IOMH*i offer -Jute upplieatiou will be made Jm to the t'-> >d ‘.•'-.imary of Mhcou ci-unty, f-.t !•••■ eti *eii the resi estate oe!t>cy:n to ’he eWb*of Kdatua-i S:n* key late of sai-i cotiiitv, dec<-ac-I jail -2S- itm JOSEPH STt.'GhEV, Adm’r. TW i> *lo\ rust aer date application s. uo< -.1 j.le to the erdtuary of M- 1 county, for P-wv, 1 ••-li ihi r*‘, estate of Grille IV H’-.'k:tis, ao !r,*>".-:l*- Jan It 'uc lltftXAil Hl'jt.lN.-, li .j'dijn. la. D. W XLCOXSON At CO., U-iNCIAC ‘tr.’ii ai* MlltM i> CAHRIACittS AND HAHNKSS, Os Every Description, have rcntref to their NEW AND SPACIOUS WAREHOUSE, V ■ . ■>■” iff}., tin .7. ’t iro>, va. They have iu st m- at *1! price* zrui tor *alv on the moat reatouabh trnue, a complete at.-olaitnt of Plßr Coaches, Calsthc?, Crv. Pit* **-, Mtf'iwtiii au.l B-tgiCr-, Os their own manufacture. ygr Exclusive sole if Am Mifitr s kdebraied itt. AT i LfV BOKO’ BUGGIES. Phila.L-lphio Harness. Truui ■ u.i V* r- > L.-oGicr from the best makers. Heavy and rpht ihantawu W#p.>r t Tft Jam, vxJe*, o 11 ibe*t poseibU description. tsr All woik warrauUd. u,v 01-ts Harness, <fee. PIAXX’s OLD STAND, OPPOSITE IHK P<VT OFFXCJC. yi ACO.N, OGOMOIA. T*l, Pl.i\T having iormed a connection with Mr • J. C Thornton, for many year* favoraMy inoauiu: practical ana • ipcrtenced Carriage*- maker, aou uewieir, a- Columbia, So. Ca., amiSavannah, •>.,the CarxHgtbusiaew will hereafter be conducted :u the caiue or J. C. riIOK.YTOA *V C O. It is the Intention of ih. uoJeiS : .jrn>*i aiway* keep at hand u varied and splexidid ms.irttnen, of every ..cccriptloT Os Carriage iu use, whu.h lor Klritaute. I.islunev* ntttl Mrengih, eahnot be eac /, l td. ‘Hi* iowg experience i.f both i*rf!e will at all times insure the ptrftit satis fat-iion to *1 who may farr ’item i*h their It is the intention of the auiiseribcrs. after the Isi of o<:k> Ser, to go extensively into the Manufacture & Repairing of Carriages. Competent Mevhaab-a in all branches, will be cmployw under the immediate and practiced eve of Mr. Trorr ion and customers may depend on Having every tliinit .ioce it the very beat manner, with promptnc* *ed .i-pxu*h. aagUSU-tf J. O. THORNTON A CO. Establi^iuiieiit. REPOSITO^^ O. T. WARD A C 0.. JIAKUPACTI KKKNimri IIIU.KRS, OPPOSITE THE > LOV D UOI*?E, Maws, Oa. WE would call the at'ention of the public to our ne* Stock. comprising CntsbM, Bretts. Rockaways am l**ggie, of the mwt elaborate tir.i-ii, from <Jehratoi build ers. North. Genuine BRATTLE BORO 1 HUGE IBS constantly or uov ct_ t f WILL YOU GO NORTH, WULN \or CAN DO BETTER SOUTH p CARRIAGE & IIAKAESS MAM FACTORI A N D 11 E I*oß 1 T O !i V, FORBYIH, OA HAVING p irehased the entire inter. n evtofthrum a'.n, of BANKS. *IL “* r * * vlv * n>itv the *tifat*on of I Uusens of Monroe and . irreunme. ‘W*’ Maanfm Copy \ l Ti*) TOP BLiKjIKI* f RoCR 4U KYU pi i EIAGICS, PHOTONS. A. , Ac. Addition, lit*l t'ruiu !<■ Nrt,. |, M . , / Work Shops, to a, Buggies per work, which combine elegance mr , s n ‘ Uh LghtorA, st r .. ll gth and .iorahility. Ordc V for >. nT J, r( ~f *cb(. ir,Haru."ts, A.*., are ruort reefieeifully sullcitej, which ■haii be prcuiptiy Att|.|jlU<l,ah>l ail .-nyageinenta tor wort PONCTIiALL! ruet. I have constantly on hand a Uo, assortment of HAJtWWiH. j- * k . <2l r “ Repairing done at short notice and WarrintM. auBl A > J. K. BANKS. 4 tffKSTlti liTdsHOi’K, Superior old Rye and Mo V-f nongatala WhtAkejr l ln Storean.t for sate by *. McCAlUfc A JuNKf i I, AN D S FOR SA LE . | XSAKZiV PLANTATION I'OK SALE. I\ t| * rifijr fm sfcU*, ni tJ>v tvrmi, ri¥ j*lanlation in K.h ly county, mvuHtinf of 3250 Acre* of St tong, Oak and Hickory Lime Land, 1 on dpritig Creek, nine miles friun Blakely an * fifteen from ! Fort Gaines. The place is in excellent repair, being amply I irnislied witii the necessary building*, which are good and mostly new ; the negro houses are new , framed and supplied with hrtek chimneys ; *he twi. gin h-*u?es are new and lully equipped. On ttie score of health this place will compare wetl iihany. Os tin- land Ifim) acres arc under ealtlva liofi —4<hi ncrcs of rich wamp mould, w hicii may he reduced, j readily. t* cultivation, as a part how if—and IH5* seres of j good hammock and up-laud yet uncleared and well lias- 1 t-rred. Th#e are not .Vlar-ves of waste on the jdkee. Mater j s .veil disirihuted Ihtouahout the ;da<*e. Also, IT.VI acres of pule land, on Die Culumokee Creek— j Vhi olrarcd, tlie balance “iu the woods.** There is a Grist ‘ Mill worth about #l.Vi |-r annum upon this place. The : wates abundant and excellent, the healthful ness of tin- I place aWMirpa-sed. J. T. CRAft FORD. Uiakcly, <>a.. Mar. h 21, lrtAt.—fifi if Sir- n.e a.,? usta Chronicle A Sentinel, and Constita- j isnsliftr, will publish in ihtir weeklies and send loll*. VALUABLE PLANTATIOX I’OU SALE. FJllllv -uh?’liber offer* for sale hi* desiril.fe planlali.m. A situated •;i I’m 15tli disii i. t •.f Suiuii-r county,and jln.ui 14 mil- - -* from America*, ft conl.-iins Firtitetn Hundred verrs>*renhundred of which is cleared, and in a good •tale nf cultivation I*. is undoubted!* as a plantation ** there i. iu Sumter County. A good dwelling home, negro houf -v, gin and screw, and all oilier neoe-ra. * out huihlings . on the premisi .*. an*l plenty of water. I’ adjoins the rich . I mi* of T. M. F urlow H. T. A.l*Ut*,and others. The place | tnsy Is* Seen at any titiiC. pel loot tr.: hinging to purchase will cither call on me at | the plantation, or address aie at Americot, r'uuiter county, Georgia. tec 36 40-ts A J. SCRUTCHIK. V ul tl Hbl t? t"* Iftit lcl l l• it 1 ‘Ol i S A Ia i I Mfll SLM 111 PI.tMtTION Mil* L A1 Fit in Ma.-on and !!• i*t..n . ounti. - li*e aide* fioui Winel *ter, ..11 [i.- Su:iih->Ve*iern Rail Road, and contain i 2*10(1 Ai res l.rvrl link nl llickar) I.aiul , w.ih it l.foii acres in rullit alioi!. The place is healthy. tGth gnod water, and well improved, with ah iiecc.- .ry buMdois*. and ll d>-*Te,l 1 an he dhhl. J two ..r more tetticrr.e.nt*. For 1.-rm-, w.-,, ad.lre*’ ilu -1 under- :ncd at Macon, Georgia ■ 0.-t it N. BASrf Tltc Hartford lnror|mralcil I $lO, capitaij, Tliu S|ri ir Itl, 6 a pi Ia I, ft 1 ,*>o,ooo. Tlit 1 .Hiissttsttii, al CAPITAL, 4150,000, Withs large Bur plus securely .ave*fed. Polices 111 the above lir*t Class CompauleN iasu.-d, and lcsc4 promptly adjusted by L. J. JOHNSTON, juuel*; ’svtf Agent. UK 11 AIM) (TIM), irtUHU. JhKINE. HU V\li HR l\>lP.tUt WE\CY ,!.!< O.V, C./4UI 4m I. f. fktlli: I r-i-.'f ed, as aj-cin of the X .Etna Insurati.c Cctnpai-r, of ILirtfi.rd, Phu.-r.iv tu-urnnee Cos , of Hartford, N.irrh Am -clean Fire lns iram-e Cos., of Hurtford, l.uPwyeUc Fire Iniurtu-, C* -of ttrouktyn, Fr SIC 4 m- losarrincc Cos., of New llsveli, and Eiua J.ife limui ain'r Cos . of Hartford, 14 pier.-trH to insure e. cry deM-riptmu of Property— ; n the above first clast cotupsiiic --oa terms favorable to the jiuiri-i. Apply to UICI1M). CL'RD, leh S ’6O-tf Agent ” fiiifLivklTpck laxd lonimijT FIBE All IIIHSURAIICE C6HFAHY. OF I ICE oti WALL FTKIF.T. NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. £‘2,000.000, or $10,000,000. PAID VP CArnAb, StIRFLLa AND RESERVED FUNDS FIVK MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 INVESTED IN THIS COI’NTR T. DIKEITOHS IN NFAY YORK : JAMES BROWN, Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN, Ecj., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLY, E*. t . EUGENE DUTILH, *q. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GIEhAKD, Jr., Es^. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., E*q. ED. Y. SANDERSON, Es.p WM. S. WKTMOKK, EDU ARD M. ARCHIBALD, Emi. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, E*q. Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD A CO., Agents, may 4 1559-ts Macon, Ga. C. U O C F, E I F, S. HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN ITfOI LB inform their friend? and the public generally, It that they have now in store, and are constantly re ceiving their and “Winter Htock, Os choice and select GROCEIUES, To which they would most respectfully invite the attention o! one an-t all. AIAND PlaiNTEltS U iil find it T.-atly i*i Ihelr lolercrl to i-wlt and ex.-imineour Uigt l-t-fore purclmiung eitewriirre. U- >r> ddmuini-d to sell proiii or no profit. quirk aisic* and >uii*ll i* oin mono. Oui itiock rniwiils iu pkit ts ft*.* Dales lluuuy Cloth, 1 r.*i Coils Rope, like* Pouli-i* U.i,,-r.g Twine, Srh ItagaCodi-c -Javik, Port ftlco, Kio and La>’uira, I*’ Ch sts Black and Green Ira, •*! Han civ AItAC Sugar, 2 j •• Crushed and Powdered Sugar, & Boxes Loaf Sugar, To Hogsheads Fine Port Rico, odd Sacks Liverpool Salt, ldo Sacks Alum salt, •j:-** Boxes Atiaoantlne Candles, ret “ Spcrtu “ l*a) Duxes No. 1 Soap, vo “ Family Toilet Soap, Tr. ** Asaorte*! urtd Fancy Candy, l"d Boxes Starch, JG> Jars snult, -o Wtiole, Half srn! Quarter Kegs of Powder, 2u Cans Dack-shootiug Powder, loti Dags Shot. Ihdjgut Cigars, various brand.*, l.'ei boxes Tobacco, 2*i Cases Magnolia and Mount Vernon Tobacco, 2<t Bales Osuwhurgs and Stripes, A Cases Homespun, Bleached, In Dales Georgia Kersey, lit “ Northern 44 Ift “ Blankets, ail prices, G* Backets Piper’s Hehlsicb Wine, ‘2O 44 La Perlc Wine, 25 44 Prince Imperial Wine, 2u Cases Cabinet, 75 44 Ginger and Blackberry Wine and Brandy, 1 4 V Burrelx Ryeaud Corn Whiskey, Id 44 Extra (Mil Bourbon, 70 44 Giu, Hum and Brandy, Id Casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine, in Cases London Dock Gin, 15 44 Di.ker wad Stuugiuou Bitter*, *0 44 Lemon Syrup, 2** C.i4V. Ale and Porter, It* Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs, St 44 Assorted Pickles, ■*o 44 Superior Carl*. Soda, Col Barrels and Boxes Soda and Butter Crack ers, 2.'i Boxes Herring*, 5 Sacks Ashton's Table halt, ft 44 44 44 12 Dos. Well Buckets, 25 Do*. Blue Buckets, 15 Nests of Tubs, Ad Dor.Georgia Pine Buckets, 2d Boxes Leverttt .txes, 2n,tsn* Pounds Whit • Lead and Zinc, Hi Is trrels Linseiwi Oil, J” *• Tanners’and Machine Oil, 2 44 Castor Oil, ? Cask* Linseed Oil, 1 ** Pure Sperm Oil, 6 Barrels Lemur. Syrup, 0 44 Rose Cordial, A 44 Peppermint Cordial, l.Vt Pound* dewing Thread, M Dozen English Pickles, lit 44 Worcestershire Sauce, 2d Hhds. Clear Bacon Sides, ltt Casks Hams, 2*t Kits Shad, 2d 44 Mackerel, 2u 44 White Fish, 2d 44 f) Salmoc, 2d Ca*es Plantation Whisky, 2d 44 Pine Apple Brandy, 6 Barrels CUT LOAF Sugar, and 44 8. Shell Almonds, A 44 Pecan Nuts, A 44 Braid Nuts, 95 Boxes Anderson’s Solace Tobacco, ldO Whole, Half and Quarter Barrels Mackerel. 2d Firkins Prime fresh Butter, W “ 44 44 Lard, 7 Dot. Com Shelters, Id 44 Broome, Id Cases o<-mmon Matches, 2d Gross German 44 Id Cases New Cnler, Mi Eos. Biaeking, 10 Case* Cotton Cards, sfl Doe. Y**t Powders, Id's* Pounds Ground Paints In Oil, of all colors rov 9 i BIMDKIEI. WE hot.- in torr, ir..l to arrive, usual assort merr of GrU-erU *, . ..nsivt iny, in pars, *.f Sugar, ColT Ear/liig, Hope, Twine,, p ii U t cf every klml Linseed aird Sperm OiU, Soap,, Cotton ilsnaburp* Stripe., M..-|pn Sftinings, a.-. A. . av. ry superior lot of ..)<f hr.l |eir>- Brand K-s nn.l U Kiev, o.'fir., Ar„ sith various oth er articles, which >v offer, at wl. .icatc ami iaai!,</f •( Orkrt flltm. | BOWDRE k AXlf.Rfl(lN. Crn, ItjK l , Hat let and o;ii. 1 Ani k Itt sit El.s Priiue Cora, JoVt/\/ iial •* •• Seed Kyc, IS*’ “ “ Seed Barley, b* l * l “ “ ibis, for hr •*P 12 BoWDlib A ANOERbOX. HKFIlin LK iF LARD. I ({A RkAIS ItrOaed Leaf Laid now recclslnir ar.f| f. 1 ~S Ji,r bT McCALLIK A JoKLS. ] adg It, j GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS | n utKf.i: imi r uKHtv. JOHN RITTER, m auiill mani iw< n i ao. T* miou .-thin, xi.w list *v, ‘ ‘irt. nAN mi liainl a great variety •>! Air. riean and Foreign Marbles for Monuments, Mantles, Uwptisioul I ontg. Statuary, j,- ,Ic. Having in hi* employ toiuc ol the best workmen id this country, * e Is prepared to execute prompt ly all o. Jen for am and. sorlptioa of Murble Work Nurnerc. m of defigr and wcrkcacfLlp from the ioove ( *vafci'*r.a'.en’. car. fcc seen u*. Il'.sc H and! Cemetery, and ite .D Jiic. J n’'d ha* u I .r.'“ collection ot new patterns ~t !.■ *i.„r. r. ii t e pi-.ase tto exhibit. John L. JONES. Resident Agent. !ehl-IAI ts Ready Made Clothing. FIT til*: under* igned ha- in *to;e a LARGE STOCK of 1 Mil THEKN MADE CLOT 111 NGr ! From material manufactured in the South, which he guaran tees to sell fat a profit,) as low a* any one professing to ?ei. at N*-w York cost. a, i saffshi i:v. METHODIST 1 >oolc Depository! / ‘omet Mvfhrrry a inf >v com! tStr&> tx. A GOOD S ‘l’ U< K OF lIOOki Os A/.MOST EVERY KIS />, Alwav* on hand, at the lowest prices, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Call amt examine oor Stock Mu -l tin wit-, a good assortment alwiija on hand. op- Orders from the country receive prompt attention. A.ldrc.-* foct 24) J. W. UI’HKE, Agent. UmL m j m. nat mm • WHFRI.EII A AV I I.NONi *S Sewin'/ Ma.-hlne*, at standard prices: anew and tine lot just opened anil for sale by F. J. JOHNSTON A CO. mar 14 Second Floor. t| AIIIIM.x and Muthemaiical lustru U iiieoti, repaired aiol nljii*ted , anil new parts ma le to order. New Tension Pad*. A'-., for ohl machines. Bv mar 14 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Itl I! KIT IMFORTATION! 1 ’rouker.v* < “liiiuia —AND— GLASS WARE. MV first shipment from Europe lias arrived in Savannah, aid those who have ordered packages will havelheiu shipped in a few days. There are some of the packages still unsold, any iu want, can, by ordering, have them ship, peil in a few <la.v*. I have another lot shipped from Liverpool Ifith of July, which I shall look for in three or tour weeks. Send in the orders. 1 aru now receiving a I.AItGE STOCK OK Lliiss-Waru. Tumblers, UoblHs, &c., FOR WIIOLKSALE AND RETAIL. BonmiAN <;i..iss-\U \iti:, e lx lis is Ikliiiicr it is al Tea Melts, Ar., Ac •ug 29 K. P. Mi KVOY. J. M. BOARDMAK’S BOOK STORE. (K.STAJILI.SUKD IN 1842.) V’l’ the above establishment can always ht fountl the latest and best selected stock of Law, Medieal, Mi-ctl | laneoits. Theological and Bchool Books, Blank Books, .Sta tionery, Drawing Material, Ac., Ac., ever brought to this market. A large supply of the latest editions of the most approved School Books, k*pt constantly in store, all thf standard Historical Authors, the standard Poets, Essayists and The ologians, Gift Books—in every style of binding, from plain Muslin 11 the most eleborste Antique; all the oiaetlei, the sensation Novels of the day; also Scott’s, Cooper’s, Bul wer’s, Irving’s. Lever’s, Dickcm', Dumas’,Reynolds, Hint*, aud Curren Bell’s Novels. Blank Books, from the Pocket Memorandum to the heavy Mercantile and County Record Book, Cap, Letter and Note Paper*, Envel opes—all soits aud rises. Black Writiriglnks, Copying Inks and Writing Fluid. Heel Pens, Gold Pens—to suit the most fastidious, Writing Desk*, Port Folios, Backgammon Boards, Chess Men, Stereoscope*—at cost. Microecope*,Bpy Glass es and Mathematical Instruments, besides every thing usually kept in Book Stores Those w i lling to pun ha*- will do well to call. aug 22 ]\ LiseellaiieorLS. AM HAT! KEN, Pocket anti Tabic Ciit- VT l ry, RAZORS and FANCY CI'TLBHY, POItTAIILK DESKS, DRESSING CASKS, FANCY BASKETS PARIAN stateetts, DOUBLE &. SINGLE GUNS, C'OI. I’S PISTOLS, CANKi, PORT MONIRS AND PURSKS, All iISCIIAI M PIPES.CIGAIt HOLDERS,OPERA GLASSES, Shell and Ornamental (oiubs, E'krvy Hair Pink, Hackga.nntiNi Unanlk, Cho** Men, Uomi* i 0000, Billiard Bnll, Ciicm, LEATHERS A LHALIi, HriAntumy new and dei.ilable article!, not enumerated. A Oew and line selection lor sab 1 at low priees, liv no* 16 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Pebbln Spectaelog, T\ Gobi and Steel Frames, Gold, Silver, Steel and Com mn Spc*k.i. A splendid ansortmant just received, by t,ovlC t. J JoHNdToN A CO. RAILROAD SCHEDULES, &C| (Jontral Kail ! *oafl.^ Fill! 11m 4 ’ di *4-tlClllli‘. ON ami alter Sunday, February 26th, Isisi, the Tr-iins ill run as folio*a : Leave Savannah H'.s a. m, 1 :> .d p. u. and 11. Id p. m Arriveat Ma*-on s.ftft .t. ■**. sail ll.l!’*>. n Arrive at Augusta ti 3d a. tt. and ti.Sf, e a Arrive at Milledgeville ! h | ff Leave Macon Id a * and Id ihi p. xi Xarrive at Savannah .... i.'.’H a. it ,•. t.’- p. u. aiui 10.41 t p it Arrive at Attgu.-lj f -d A tl. and 6.85 p ii Leave Augusta 12 ft* A. it. and 2 If, t vt Arrive at. Savannah 7.29 a. u. and 10 4 > r. M Arrive at Ma*■ uo .......h fto a it, amt 11. (L- P *J Trains tltat leave Savannah at 10 do a- ut., oitly rtlU to Milieu, arriving there at 3 Id p. in , coi.iHctiug with Ida. ia VI ti-on Haiti to Augtt.'la Passengers taking the 2 16 p. in train at Augusta, will lea*e Mi ten 560 p. in , and ariive at Pav annah at 10 40 p. m Passengers by 11.10 p. ni , from Savannah wi.l go through direct io Augusta. Passengers by either 1.80 or 11. Mp ru train* from Sa vannah for Xlacon, or points beyond, will meet With no •letPDtion at M*con. Das seller s fur Atlanlay or points beyond, or WVstern A Atlantic Kail Road, will leave Savannah on the p. m. traui ; for Mtlletlgeville and Katonton on 11 Id |>. in. train ; for South West, rn Kail Road below Fort Valley, on 11.10 p. m. train; those for Montgonury, Columbus, Ac., by either ti aln. Passengers from Augusta, for South Western Georgia, should take Hie 12.3 U a. m. train, to avoid detenlion at Macon. Those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac , may take either I rain. Trains connect at Macon with Macon A Western trains to Grtllin amt Atlanta, and the vvtst; also, with South-Western Iran,.* to Aii,ant , Cutliberl, Kufaula, Fort Gaines, Amei ieus, Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., and at Millen with Augusta and Savannah Had Road to Augusta and the north ; at Sa vannah with the tri-weekly Steamship* to New York , also, i*t*saci.*iiips to Philadelphia and Halt in; ore. Dy this change in Schedule, the connection, both ways, at I Auguota, with the couth Carolina Kail Road is secured, and j pa*sec ,-rs will have no detention at Augusta or Millen, as j heretofore, GKO. W ADAMS, feb 29 General Superintendent, M)l TIMVKSTERK RAIL ROAD. C Hiange of Heliedule. Two Daisi/ 1 rii!ns bcttivM Miuitn Columlns. Leave Macon 2 46 a. a. and® P. a Arrive at Columbus 3 pv. and6.B6 a. m l.i-avc Columbus 3.18 a. v. and 3.,50 p. m Arrlv* at Macon S-8 Ca. and. arid 9.05 r. *t On*-daily Mail Train bemt-en Macon au.l Albany, and Cuthlii-rt, Coleman and Morris. Leave Mm-on 10.25 a m Arrive at Albany 4.65 p. w Leave Albany p - M The Mud and Passenger Trains from Colpman Station 10 allies west of Cutlibert, on the Fort Gaines Line and from Morris Station U miles west of Cuihbert on the Kufaula Line, connect daily with Alban? Mail Train :it Smithvllle, No. 10 8. W. K. R. The Road will be open to Hatcher’s, on ihe Kufaula Liue, 15 mile* west of Cutlibert on the 15th of March next I l.iave Coleman 11.45 A. M 1 Leave Morris 11 39 a. xi j Arrive al Fmithvdie 8.04 p. .w f.eare Smltlivdle at 8.86 p. a Arrlte at Cuihbert 6 54 p. u Arrive at Coleman 6-4S p. . Arrive at Morris 6 57 p. ii Making Hi” coilDedion with the i)|> and down Albany I Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form a through connection to Mont- j ginnery, Ala , and Augusta, Kingston, Wiludngton, .Savaii uah, Mil ledge* Ole ami Fatontou. Post Coaches run Iront Aiiiauy to Tallahassee, Bainbridge, Thoinasville, Ac. Post Coaches and IFscks make a daily connection wilh the Trains at Coleman and Fort Gaines, and at Morris for Kufaula. Hacks run six time* a week from Fort Valley to Perry, Hayneville and Hawkinsville, and tri-weekly to Knoxville, Gcurgi*. Passengers for point* below Fort Valley, should take the Ntght Train from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention al Macon. For other points take Train. VIRGIL POWERS, Eng’r A Sup’t. Macon, Feb. 29th, ISCO. mar 14 MACON St WESTERN RAIL ROAD. ONj and after Wednesday, April 4th, Passenger Trains of this Road will be run as follows: Leave Macon at 12.00 night and at 1.45 P. m Arrive at Atlanta at 7 15 a.m. and at 7.15 p. m Leave Atlanta at 12.00 night and at 2.15 p. x Arrive Macon at 7.15 a. m. and at 7.45 p. n The night Trains will not be run on Sundays. The 12.00 night Train from Macon connects at Atlanta witii train of Western A Atlantic Kail Road, leaving Atlanta at 10.20 a. ni with Georgia R. It. at 9.05 a. m. and Atlanta A West Point R K. at 10.10 a m. The 1.45 p. m. train from Macon connects wit!, train of Western A Atlantic It. IL, leaving Atlanta at S.IHI p. m. with Georgia R. K. at 5.40 p. ni. and Atlanta A West Point R. U. at 12.30 a. tu. Each train of the Western A Atlantic R. R connects at Chattanooga with trains for Memphis, Nashville, New Or leans, and all points West, ami at Dalton with trains tor Knoxville ami all points North, may 9 7-’OO ALFRED L. TYLER,Sup’t. Winter ii A Atlantic Railroad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 188 Miles—Fare, $5 00 DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. 10.30. A. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 7.41, P. M Leaves Chattanooga at 9.80, P. M Arrive* at Atlanta at 0.83, P. M KVK9INO PASBKMGSP. TRAI.X. Leaves Atlanta, nightly, at 8.40, P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 6 07, A. M Leaves Chattanvoga at 8.40, P. M Arrive* at Atlanta at 5.05, A. M. This Road connects, each way, with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennesssee and Georgia Railroad at Dalton, amt the Nashville At Chattanooga Rail oad al Clialtano ivv. JOHN W. LEWIS, m-t 5 21-ts Superintendent. I I**o* ( Ol vn RAIL ROAD. f|l II ix dally train on the road connects with the train on I Hie *1 tun A Western Railroad front Macon lu Atlanta : j Fare from ThomMton to Macon |2 85. j 44 “ “* 44 Atlanta 8 S6. Through tickets can be had at the office of this company in Thorns*ton ; and at the general ticket utticeof the Macon j x Western Ifad Road, al Macon and Atlanta. Passenger* wishin r tu go to Chalybeate Springs, Warm > Springs,'or White Btllphur Springs, will find this route Very i pleasant. Fme Stage Coaches will leave Thouiaston daily L on the arrival of the train, rind connect at the Chalybeate j springs with roaches i,, the Warm and White Bulphur j Springs, returning daily tu connect with the train from > Thotnastun to ttarucuviiic. A. J. WiltTK, July 26-tl 9up’t. Savannah Route! NEW-YORK! Urfat Reduction in Rates of Passage. NFW ARRANGEMENT FltOM. I FROM. New Orleari.v . s:‘,9 761 Memphis |Bl 76 Mobile 85 0t! Nashville 27 76 Montgomery 23 On Chattanooga 26 Oo Columbus 21 00 , Knox ville 25 7>fl Albany 28 00 Atlanta 21 IK) Macon... 20 On]Augusta 17 50 Baggage cheeked through by the Manhattan Express Company on Hie Central Hail Road Cars, and delivered anywhere in New York or vicinity. Ry the Hplendid and Commodious Side-Wheel Steamships AUGUSTA,... .1500 tons Capt. Woodhcix. FLORIDA, 1800 14 44 Ckowkll. ALA8AMA,....1300 44 44 Bchbnck. Leaving Savannah every SATURDAY, carrying the Uni ted Stater Mail. These Steamships belong to the Old Established and favorite line, known as the New-York and Bnvannah Steamship Navigation Company, and were built expressly for this line, they are commanded by experienced, skillful, careful, add polite officers ; aud in comfortable accommodations and fare can not be excelled by any vessels on the coast. Through Tickets are sold in New-Orlcans by It. GedJe -90 Grin ler tt.; in Mobile by Gox, Brainard A Cos.; in Co lumbus by S. 11. Hill, Agent Hamden’s Express and J. M Bivins. Rail Road Ticket Agent, and at all other points by onnectiug Rail Road Ticket Agents. JNO. R. WILDER A GALLIE, Agents, Bay Street, Savannah. 8. L. MITCHELL, A SON, feb 99-ts Agents, 13 Broadway, New-York. NOTICE. 6114115 Apalachicola and New Orlesns Steam Navigation A Company’s new and elegant Steamship FLORIDA! 718 Tons Burthen, - O. O. NELSON, Comlutintier, Leaves Apalachicola Hie 7th, 17th and 29th of each mouth. Leaves New Orleans ttie 4th, Utli and 26th of each mouth. Fare between the following place* and New Orleans: Columbus, $lB 00 Kills ula, 17 (K) Fort Gaines and Bainbridge, 16 00 Woodville, Bellvue and Tickets to be had on board the ship or any of the River Steamers, and at the offices of the Agents. ALBERT DODGE, No. SB, Water-street, Apalachicola. JOHN A. MITCH EL, nnv 29-1 y N". 32, I’oydras street, New Orleans. PIANOS, Os ChlcVeriny A Son’*, Dunham's and other celebrated Makers ; warranted in lone, durability and finish to be first <|uality, ami Ibid at the very best rate, together with a fine lot of (■niiars„ Violins, Accordions, Flutes, Ylolin and Guitar Strings, Musical Boxes, Ac , Ac., by nov 16 E. J. JOHNSTON A OC- Pure lorn and Keclified Whiskey. fT AA BBLS. AVhiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey’s 4 “ *'/ Extra Rectified,”” Kentucky Pure White,"Teu nesseeCorn,”Georgia Planters,” “ Pike’s Magnolia.”and other Brands. Ml received direct from the Distillers, and for sale low by McCALLIK A JONES, mar 7 CORK FcOBM ! ! A/ RUSH. Prime W-stern Corn, just received mi'jyjyj and for sale at 16 lbs. to the bushel by a-glCi. McCALLIK A JONES, HARD WAS Is. IRON v STEtit’ 1 llsmlwiiru, iron. Steel, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 15 GREAT TAMCTT AT TKi WEW I HOW FKOITSIOHE OF LAKIIAIM’ & CirKD, Will IKK tlmv continue to keep on* or the is i-ees’ a#- irUß*ut kept in Middle Geoi>ia,consisting in part of Hwedes Iron al! sizes, | Hammered Flow Birel, Refined ‘* “ ” | Cast Ei.gll-h “ “ “ Ellrter “ Round k Sq’r Iron all sizes, German “ Oval A Ko’nd “ “ “ Spring “ Horse Shoe 11 “ “ Tin “ Nail Rods, Machinery “ PLANTATION HARDWARE HAES ; Seovil, Brade’a anil various other make*. Trace Chains, I Cane Hoes. Plow “ . | Axe , Breast “ I llanies, Tongue “ I Plow Line*. CARPENTER TOOLS. Planes, Chlssels and Gouges. Ilatwi and Pant-1 Saws, Augeis amt Aueer Bitts, Boring Machines, Braces and Bitts, Mortice Machines, Iron Braces. Bench Vices at.d Saws, Hatchets and Hammers, l.ncks, Hinges, Screws, Butts, Nalls, brads. Together with every thing used In the way of BUILDERS MATERIALS. CARRIAGE MAKERS Can always find a Large Stock. Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Binds, Leather Clothes. ! Dash Frames and Trimming ot every variety used in their | tine. At£ ric ii It lira I Implement*. Sin-h as Plows, Straw Cutters, Scythe blades. Grass Blades, Briar and Bush Hooks. Fail Alillw—Grant’s, Clinton and other makes. Spike Tliresln*ru -Finery’s, McConnell's. Wlnshin’s, Georgia and other makes. Horse Powers —Emery’s, Bogarder’s and Lever ] Powers. Crain Cradle* —5 and 6 fingered, of several makers : and styles. L All of which they offer at the lowest market rates. Those I wishing to purchase would Jo well to call and examine ! price, Ac. upr 4-’t>o III! Hi 111!!! Direct Importation! JIST Ktl'tlUl) PEP. MIC <• MI.Y\A,” fmiu STtM'LMDLH 2,150 13 AIIS IGENUINE SWEDES IRON. —-A I ,SO — ON HAND AN ASSORTMENT OF j ENGLISH AND AMERICAN’ REFINED IRON, HORSE SHOE, BAR & HOOP IRON, Sheet Iron, Nail Rods, PLOW STEEL, All for sale LOW for CABH, !>y droia JOSEPH K. WELLS. Direct Lmpoi*tationi>i OS HARDWARE. IST. WEED, MACON, GEORGIA, OFFERS for sale at reduced prices for (Al-sA, Best brands of Swedes Iron, English Refined, Bar and Bundle Iron, Extra quality of English Plow Steel, Wright’s Patent solid box Vices and Anvil*, Grifiin’s Horse Shoe Nails, Walker’s Trace and Wagon Chains, Atwood’s Hand and Sledge Hammers, Brade’s Patent Planters and Grub Hone Pad, Cupboard A Block Locks, Iron, Steel, and Mias* Shovel and Tongs. MKCIIAMCV TOOLS. Firmer, Mortice, Socket and Turning Chifele, Firmer and Turning Gouges, Saws, Hand Vices, Plyers. Punch* 8, Awls, Froes, Wedge*, Adzes, lbbotsoli’s warranted Files of all kinds. CITLBRV. Lodger’*, Wostenholin’s, Needham’.#, Butler’s, Firth’s. Wade A Butcher’s, aud Hobson’s Poeket Knives, 1 to 15 blades. Askharn’s Table Knives and Forks. FIXE CifTNS. Anew lot jut received an.l for sale at very low prices, uec IV DAVID ROSS, BOOK.BINDU H AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER. CYONTINIJES to make BLANK BOOKS J tor Courts, Counting Houses and Rail Road* and to Bind alt varieties of WORK with superior neatnea* and despatch. MUSIC Hound with ELASTICIfV and ELEGANCE. I.ii w Hooka in the most approved style. HARPERS’ WEEKLY AND MAGAZINE, GRAHAM” S , GODKY’S, and all other Periodicals and Magazines BOUND in neatand cheap Bindings. Particular attention paid to the re-binding valuable old Book*. fcSf” Orders from a distance will meet with prompt atten tion. Itrit Door to \V. \V. Parker A C o’*. Macon, September 2fi, 1860.—y A Clmiict* for Cupi(alitti. MACON GRIST MILL for SALE. OWING to the Insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, wre are anxious to dis pose of the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now in complete run tg order —will grind 17 i bushels a day, and cannot fail to i die a handsome prod . if well managed, In the hands o. a person with sufficie t capital to carry it on properly. 1 ip most satisfactory is formation on tiiis, and other subjects connected with th? business, ran be obtained at the Mill. sep2ti 27 BOIFEUILLET A CO. !Pur*e Liquors, JUST IMPORTED. DALY & FITZGERALD, 2d door from Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, Have junt received PURE IRISH WHISKEY. “ MKKETT BRANDY. “ SHERRY WINK. “ MADEIRA A POUT WINE. These Liquors have been selected with great care by Daly during u recent visit to Ireland. They are warranted pure. It is deemed entirely unnecessary to re sort to puffery in order to induce a sale. They are of the best quality, and cannot fail to establish this commendation in the minds of all who try them. The public and judges of the article, particularly, are invited to call and examine for themselves. (nov2B 35-) HOME MANUFACTURE. WK are prepared to make to order and repair, at short notice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, *c., 4c. Also, Sewing Machines repaired, and new parts made, and machines adjusted,by a practical and experienced workman Public patronage respecltully solicited, jau 18 K J. JOHNSTON 4 CO. Bacon. fTA AAA LBS. Prime Oliar Bides, OviVVV 20,000 lbs. Prime shoulders, R,OOO “ “ Canvassed Hams, for sale by (sep 12) BOWDRE 4 ANDERSwN. IStM'on and Crain. f A AAA IBS. Prime Shoulders, tIV/yUUV/ 20,008 lbs. Ribbed Sides, 40,000 “ Clear •• 400 Bushels selected seed Rye, 800 “ “ 11 Wheat, SOO “ “ “ Oats, 160 “ “ “ Barley, Just received and for sale by sep 5 ASH KK AYRES. Flonr. iy PZ A Blil.B. Extra Family and Superfine Flour on f consignment, and for sale low by sep 12 BOWI)RE 4 ANDERSON. PLANTATION IIHOOANS.-Nowm store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we -aveever offered In this Market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetts; do. heavy single soled black nd russetts; do. boys and youths black and russetts, all of which we are sslllng vary low. MIX A KIRTLAND. out 4-y M P ii i O i N L ti. Thousands are daily speaking In praise of Di*. Eaton’s ini'antilc t oriiia 1 and whr ? because it never fails to afford instantaneous relit! when given in time. It acta as if by magic, and on trial alone win convince you ihat what ve aay ii tme. It contains • !Vn Paregorir or Opiate of any kind, and therefore relieves bv removin'’ the suffer ings of your cl >, instead of hy dvadentna in sensibilities. ‘ For this reasc it commends itselt as the • nly reliable |>ie- ! paration no-., own for Children Teeth tig, Dlarrhu-a, Hvslnteiy, G. ein the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold f r . H id, and Croup ; also, for Softening the Gum*, ilUmation. Regulating the, and relieving | as no equal —being an ariti-r pasmoffiv It is used w ith dog success in all cases of Convulsions 01 other Fits a value the life and health of your child ren, and wi are them from those sad amt blighting Consequence.- .ch are certain to result front the t-se ol narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Com plaint* are composed, take none but Dr FatosN In fan tils C>>M>i 11 , this you can rely upon. Ii is perfectly harmless. . and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Pilce, 25 cents. Full dlvec.ions ci.m|.anv each bottle. Prepai ed only by CHURCH ,t DUPONT, No 402 Broadway, Vew Yoik. Healiht human blood upon being A. id a I j sec c.l | always presents us with the same essential elements and gives of course the True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint Dys pepsia, Scrofula, Ac., and we had in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of blood Supply these de ficiencies, and you are made well. The br.009 Fo*w is . founded upon this theory, its astonishing success. To all suffering from consumption,lncipient or confirmed, ; or from debility of any kind ; or from mental or nervous prostration, brought on by any cause; or from scrofulous ! complaints ; or from diseases of the kidneys or bia filer ; and to ladies suffering any of the many distressing com ! plaints their sex are liable to, and which engender con | sumption, the Blood Food is offered as a ceriain and I reliable remedy. Differing In every particular from the patent medieiuesof the day. ii is a chemical combination of Iron, .Sulphur and Phosphorus, of very great worth, and many hundreds bear glad amt grateful testimony to the ! Venetits it lias conferred on them, i Price of the Blood Food per bottle. Sold bv CHURCH A DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New-York. And by Dr. E. L. Strohecser, Macon. se|>6- FEVEK A!\ i> AG I’ E, which mankind suffer over a large part of the globe, is the consequence of a diseased action in the I system, induced by the poisonous miasms of vegetable ile- I cay. This exhalation is evolved by the action of solar heat on wet soil, and rise* witli the watery vapor from it. While the sun is lielow the horizon this vapor lingers near the earth’s surlace, and the virus is taken with it through ttie lungs into tlie blood. There it acts as an irritating poison on tbe Internal viscera and excreting organs of the body. The liver becomes torpid and fails to secrete not only this virus, but also the biie from tlie blur,d. belli the virus and the bile accumulate in the circulation, and ptoduce violent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kidneys, and the stomach sympathize with the liver, and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our organism, as if in an at tempt to expel ihe noxious infusion, concentrates the whole blood of the body in tire internal exeretories to force ilieni to cast it out. The blood leaves the surface, an.l rushes to the cen’ral org wi# with congestive violence. This is the Chill. But in this elfoit it fails. Then the Ffvkr follows, in which the bln til leaves ihe central organs ami rushes to the surface, as if in another effort to expel the irritating poison through that oilier great excretory —tbe skin. In tics also it fails, and the system abandons the attempt exhausted, and waits for the recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless effort another day These are the fits or paroxysms of Fe ver anil Ague. Such constitutional disorder w ill of course undermine the health if it is not removed. W e have labored tc find, and have found, an Antidote, Ayer’* Asttc* ftu’f, which neutralizes this malarious poison in the blood, and stimulates the liver to expel it from the body. A.s it should, so it does cure this afflicting disorder with perfect certainty. And it doe 9 more, or rather does what is of more service to those subject to tins infection it taken in season it expels it from the system as it is absorbed, and thus keeps those who use it free from its attacks ; keep* the system in health although exposed to the disease. Consequently it not only cures, but protects from, the great variety of affections which are induced by this malignant influence, su li as Re mittent, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodica! Headache, or bilious Headache. Bilious Fevers,Neauraigia, Rheumatism, Gout, Blindness,Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations, Painful Aliv -tions of the Npletn. llys levies,Colic, Paralysis, anil Painful Affections of the B:o.’i<- aeh and Bowel#, all of which, when arising from this cause, will be found to assume more or less the intermittent type. This ” Ague Cure” removes the cause of these derange ments, Hnd cures Ihe disease. This It accomplishes by stimulating the exeretories to expel the virus from the system ; and these organs by de grees become habited to do tins their office of their ow u ac cord. lienee arises What we term acclimation. Time may accomplish tire same end, but often life is not long enough, or is sacrificed in the attempt, while this “Ague Cure’Moes it at once, and with safety. We have great reason to believe this is a sur.-r S - well as safer remedy for the w hole class of diseases which r-’ -au*ed by the miasmatic infection, than any other which La- been discovered ; and it has still another important advantage to the public, which is, that it is cheap as well as good Prepared by Or. J. AYF.K A 4 0., LOWELL Mass. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Ayor’s Clicrry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every varie ty of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnec essary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relitl all it ha* ever been found to do. Ayer’* Cathartic Hill*, for all the purposes of a purgative medicine; for Costive ness ; for the cure of Dyspepsia ; for Jaundice ; for the cure of Indigestion; for Headache; for the cute of Dysentery ; for a Foul Stomach ; for the cure of Erysipelas ; for the Piles ; for the cure of Scrofula ; for all Scrofulous Complaints ; for the cure of Rheumatism; for Disease* of the Skin; for the cure of Liver Complaint; for Dropsy ; for the cure ol Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rlieiun ; for Worms . for the cure of Gout; for a Dinner Pill; for the cure of Neuralgia ; for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and being purely vegetable, no liaini can arise from their u-e in any quantity. Pricß 25 cenu per Box; five boxes for One Dollar. Great number* of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, ar.d eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, hut our space here will not permit the insertion ot them. The agents below named furnl h gratis our American Almanac, in which they are given ; with also lull descriptions ot the above com plaints, ami the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put off by an principled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Area’s, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and tiiey should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by E. L STROHECKER and 7.EILIN A HUNT, Macon; and by all Druggists everywhere nov 7-dm ECONOMY.’ V 5} IDnapsriojjii S % Save the Pieces! At acrid eniur'U happen, even (a wett-veffuJilted /ami- Uee, It is very desirable to have some cheap and convents!, way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Act SPALDTWS PREPARED GLUE meets all su- inergcncies, and no household can afford to be without .u It Is always ready and up to tbe sticking point Thera la no longer a necessity fur limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cono, shell, ami other ornamental work •o popular with ladies of refinement and taste. Thi* admirable preparation Is used cold, being chemically held In solution, and possessing all tbe valuable qualities ol Um beat cabiuet-niakers’ Glue. It may be used iu tbe place nt ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. ” Ueful in Every House.” M. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. jPrice, 25 Cents. Wholesale Depot, No. 48 Cedar-st , New York. Address IIENB V C. SIM I. 11l \ U A C’O., Box No. 3,600 New York. Put up for Dealers In Cases containing four, eight, and twelve dozen—a beautiful Lithograph Show-Card accompa nying each package. PT A single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUT will save ten times iis cost annually to every household. Sold hy all prominent Stations*, Druggists, liar ware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country merchants should make a not# of Bpjliuxc’s Prk pabku, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. (feb 1-ly) Livery Stable Notice. ON ami after 2ftth December, 1869, the following Prices will be charged for Feeding Horses at our Stables : Single Feed of Horse, 60 For Night or Day, ? 1 00 Board of Horse per month, 18 l'o Drove Stock per day, lu Stable, 75 ” ** “ “ “ Lot, 50 HAYDEN 4 GOOLSBY, GRIER 4 MASTERSON, M. STVBCI.FFIE LD, ADDEKIIOLD 4 4 FFER3. Macon, Dec. 21,1559. “ Why Stand Yc all the Day Idle ?” AN V lady or gentletaun in the I'niled State*, possessing from $3 to 17, can enter into an easy and respectable business, by which from $6 to |>l.i per day can lie realized. For particulars, address (with stamp,) W. R. ACTON 4 CO., No. 37 (old 41) North 6th st., sep 28-0 m Pbilaoki phii. Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! AL A K(1 E Stock for sale, without r eea dto cost. Now is the time to get cheap Clothing at june 18 J. It. A W. A. HOS 9 BOOTS.— A full assortment of Gents’fine French £ Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and water proof, of ■ j arlous kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged.— | qslreceived and sot sat# low by MIX 4 KIRTLAND. ! wet ay n. k. r. D. KAlttA¥' It JEYJEIkiklv liii, rare to przkkv asp hscovsk health. lot JCK Ei.Ail a;.o Kv.iL..J. LK \iV KF.I.IEF-R vDWAY’S REGULATING PILLS— RADWAY’d BENDY ATINO KF-UI.Vr.S j , TrCI'HK Htslin To All, ASO ARC BI.E —iiti AS PaoVIpsHiJAL s>ecin,'’# ur iH cHr-r.cH The Catholic Fried* in South America, His Grace the Archbishop at Quito, Gen. Viliam lit of the Aimory oi Equi dni, have btrn cured by iln-ae infallible remedies, and i. a ,- e giver, them tin tlie ok, who have been likewise cured “MAGNA F.ST VI RITAS FT PUjEVAIIBIP.” Radujiy’.s Hill*, The purest and best Purgative Pill in the world. Railway’s Regulating Pills —u at raided to operate in slix fiouiV. jj„j way’s Regulating Pols are a Vegetable Ful.-.titut.- for Calo mel, Blue Pill, Q unine, A;. It ad ways Regulating Piils should be used by FemaLs* in delicate health. Radway’s st ing Pills cure all Female Complaints. Fad way’* Keeuiaung I'ills Quiets Nervousness and products Sleep,’Bleep, Sleep ‘ Ridwaj’s Regulating Pills, one Pill every day will cure In digestion 1 ZEII.IX A HUNT, jaa 2>-6m _ Agents. DK. J . It . !HcLB AN S Slren^lheniug Cordial & Liood Pnrilier, THE GREATEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, And the moet delicious and delightful Cordial ever taken IT is Mrictlya scientific arid Vegetable Compound, procured by the distillation of Roots, llerb3 and Hark Yellow Dock, Blood Root, Black Root, Sarsaparilla, V. ild Cherry Hark and Dandelion enters into its ccmpostion. The entiie active remedial principle of each ingredient is thoroughgh retracted by my new method of dist.lling, producing a drl.- cious, exbilerating spirit, and the most INFALLIBLE reme dy for renovating th-* diseased system, auj restoring the sick, suffering and debilitated inr Ai m to ukaltii and stkknuth. dii Lean’s Strengthening Cordial w ill effectually cure Liver Complaints, Dyspe|>sia. Jaundice, ; Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or the Stomach, : Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Acidity or Sickness ol the Stomach, Fullness ot blood to the H ad, Dull Pain or Swimming in the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructations,Chunking or Suf focating Feeling when lying down, Dryness or Yellowness ot the Skin and Eyes, Night Sweats, Inward Fevers, Pain in the Small of the Back, Chest or Side. Sudden Flushes ol Heat, Depression o: Spirits, Frightful Dreams, I anguor L'e spondenoy or any Nervous Disease, Sores or Blotches on the Skin, Fever and Ague (or Chills and Fever.) Ovrr iSalt a million ol Kultios Havebeen sold during the last six months, and in no instance j has it failed in giv ng entire satisfaction. Who, then, will ■ suffer from weakness or debility when McLean’s Strength ening Cordial will cure you ? j No language can convey an adequate idea of the immedi ate anil almost miraculous change produced l>y taking this Cordial in the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous I system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or mp&ired by sickvoss, tbe relaxed and unstrung organization | is restored to its pristine health and vigor, flurried Persons, Or others conscious of inability, from whatever cause will find McLean’s Strengthening Cordial a thorough re generator | of the system ; and all who may have injured themselves by improper indulgences, will find in this Cordial a certain and speedy remedy. To the Latliesi McLean’s Strengthening Cordial is a soveripn anil speedy cure for Iscipient Consumption, W’iiites, Obstructed and Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of L'rfne or Involunta | ry Discharge thereof, Falling of the YVouib, Giddiness, ; Fainting and al! Diseases incident to Females. Tlieri> is No Mistake About It. Buffer no longer. Take it according to directions. It will stimulate, and invigoi ate you and cause the bloom of health ! to mount to your cheek again. Kverv bottle warranted to ’ give satisfaction. For (lilldreu. If your childr- n are sickly, puny, or afflicted, McLean’s , Cordial, will make them healthy, fat an.l robust. Delay not a moment, try it and you w ill lie convinced. 1(1* Delirious io Take. Caution. —Beware of druggists or dealers who may try to palm upon you some ltiiters or Sarsaparilla trash, (which they can buy cheap,) by saying it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean’s Strengthing Cordial, and taka nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly,and at the same time strengthen the system One table spoonful taken every morning, fasting, is a ■ certain preventative for Cholera, Uliifls and Fever, Yellow Fever, or any pievalent disease. (Price, only per bottle, or fi bottles for $5. JOHN McLFAN, Sole Proprietor of this Cordial. Al.o, McLean’s Y’olcanic Oil Liniment, j Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pine Btreets, St. Louis, Mo Sold by ZKILIN A HUNT, GEO. PAYNE, Macon, and all j respectable Druggists in the South. apr 11 -ly Hosteller’s Stomach Bitters. ‘TYOE Proprietors and Manufacturer# of IiOSTFTTLR’3 1 CELEbRATFD STOMACH BITTERS can a { peel with perfect confidence to physicians and cltizeus generally of tbe United States, because the article has attaiiud a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few tacts upon this point will speak more poweifully than volumes of bare assertion . or blazoning effrontery. The consumption of Hr.stetter’s Stomach Bitters for thr last year amounted to oyer a half million and from its manifest steady incscase ,n times past, It I* evident that during the coming year tbe consumption will reach near one million bottles. This im mense amount could never have been fold but tor ihe raru medicinal properties contained in the preparation, and the sanction of the most pron Inent physicians in those sections ot the country where the artli le is best know ii, who not on ly recommend the bitters to their patients,but are ready at all times to give testimonial* to its elficaey in all cSses of stomachic derangements and resulting there from . This Is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraor dinary efforts In the nay of tiuaipetiog the qualities ol the Bitters, but a solid estimation or an invaluable medicine, j which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetler’s fitotnach bitters have proved a Godsend to regions where lever and ague an.! various other bilious 1 complaints I,are counted their victims by hundreds. To Ibe aide to state confidently that the “ Bitters’’ are a certain cure of the Dyspepsia, and like diseases, is to the proprie tor# a source ot unalloyed pleasure. It removes ail morbid matter Irom the stomach, purifies the blood, and impart# renewed vitality to the netvous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive or gans, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the func tions of nature. Elderly i-ersons may use the Bitters daily as per direc tions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant pe culiarly adapted to romlort declining years, as it is pleas ant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the exidence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienc ed Hie benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach derangements ami general dtbiiity; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleteri ous drugs ami fairly tested the merits of this article. A , few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their cares are so that many of them sink under the trial The relatioa..of mother and child is so ab sorbingly tender, that he moflier, especially if she be young * apt to forget her own health In her extreme anxiety for iher infant. Should the period of maternity-arrive during the summer season, the wear of nody and mind is general ly aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recuperate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials ami re?) on sibilities. Nursing mothers generally prefer the Bitters to all other invigorators that receive the endorsement of phy sicians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as cer tain to gire a permanent increase os bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have v>artlcularly referr ed above, to wit ; sufferers from’fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss ot appetite, all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannua ted inval’ds, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, w ill consult their ow n physical welfare by giving to Hostetter’s Cel.brated Stomach Bitters a trial. Faiition. —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for Uiistkttkr’S Cki.kbbatkh Stomach Bittkos, and see that each bottle has the words “Dr. J. Hontetter’s Ftomach Bitters”blown on the side of the bottle, am. stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is cn the label. rSF - Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER A FMITH, Pitts burgh, Pa., and sold by all Druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout Die United States, Canada, South Ame rica and Germany. Also for sale by E. L. STROHECKER GEO. PAYNE, arid ZELIN A HUNT, Macon, Ga. may 2-ly A. Card. DMfl. J. B. GORMAN having extensively U6ed I itti.r’S VKKMirUGK takes pleasure in saying it is the roost val uable remedy to cure children of Works he ever knew. A dollar bottle quite sufficient for 25 cases. Believing that more children are lost from the effects of Worms than from all other causes I recommend it fully to I everybody. In using, nothing else is necessary but to dose j the children spring and fall. Besides the greatconvenienee !of such medicines, I never before found a more safe, or one i more certainly to be relied upon than Dr. W. G. Little’s Vermifuge. Talbotton, Ga., Feb. 2, 1860. Little’s Anodyne Cough Drops per bottle Little’s Vermifuge, in large bottles I J® Little’s Vermifuge, in vials Little’s Ring and Tetter Worm Ointment J 00 mar 21 52 Confectioneries ami Groceries. TU. DAMOUR, at his old stand No. 140 Mulberry St. • ke#n>* a.? usual a full assortment of goods in the a ov line, consisting of Candies of his own manufacture, am ‘ ‘ Flench Candies. He is the only one in Macon that imports Brandy, Wines, and Wine Vinegar direct from France. • kinds of fine Liquors and Wines,choice Havana Segars, best Tobacco, Oranges, Apples, and other Fruits, Km* ’ Figs, PrunP3, Nuts, and Preserves of all kinds, pres, Olives, Olive Oil, Ketchups, Sauces, Butler, l 111 ’ Crackers, Cakes, Dried Beef Tongues, Pig Hams, Pula toes. Onions, Cal tapes, and many other articles in that hm numerous to mention. m * r DESIGNS FOR MOIIUJJIEMTS, B Y Flotot. S. Jjaunita, N - . * E. J. JOHNSTON A consents, palff' Macon, Q. Railway** Ready pallet The Minute Medicine. Railway’s Ready Re ie|, Pi et erits Sickness. Railway’s Ready Relief Slopj Pain in minute. Railway’s Ready Relief I# a Pleni ant I;, verage. Railway’s Ready Relief Ctirrs Fains iu the Bowel*. Railway’s R-*.ly Relief Cures Tootha.-h ■ in an instar.t. Railway's ft-adv Relief Piev.nt. Suj.len At tacks of Sickness Railway’* Ready Relief Cure. Sick Headache Railway's Renovating Ue-olV'-i't cures nil skin Rudway ‘# Renovating R-solvent imp# Hu mors in the Blood. Railway * Renovating Resolvent cures Sy phj ■ dic Impurities, Fever Fores. Ulcers. . Railway’s Renovating R s. Ivern cures Dv# pepsia. Railway’# Renovating Refulgent cure., bron chitis, Weak Lungs, Bad Uowghs, inc:pimt Consumption.