Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 03, 1861, Image 3

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I reiu Watbinglou. fti*fliißTOS, March Sl.—The n o uae*n* in regard to the evacuation <>i or the reinforcement of Fort Pickens, f.jiy satisfied in regard to boLb petal*, and ! ning to achieve a peaceful >oluiun of the r**a!nebfa speed? withdrawal of the troops t he limits of the Confederacy. They are T eted to be managing this complicated matter % .kill and ability. tv A .hinotoi 1 , April I.—Those that are best in - e( i outside of the Cabinet confidently assert ““‘ the Cabinet on Saturday resolved upon an -“nediate evacuation of Fort Sumter. ‘"j. 1 P above, however, should not yet be accepted 4 4 fixed fact. Connecticut Kleriions. A sinNros, April I.—The few returns reciev* y from Connecticut show Republican gains. Reinforcement Siontliern forts. yfie ToK, March Sl.—The Steamer Daniel Wrbstvr has returned, having lantb-d at Fort Jes . n , Tort Jgss island, companies 1,, and M, of the Artillery, and at Fort Taylor, Key West, com y, and K, cf the same regiment. Bad Seas from Texas. \'rw Oklkxxs, March Jil.—Reports are current the Indian* are committing great havoc among ; eople in Texas, killing Fome and running olt i nek. Major Silby chastised some of the *■**• a - From viexir. \! Obi.eans, March 31.—Cortina* is under . o,*l to he waiting the departure of troops to re • tent * operations on a larger scale thau before. ?rctary of 1 . S. Treasury has issued orders , iV.-vtor* of ports on the Ohio and Mississippi, .r. “rrsing them to appraise foreign imported . on *hich duties have not been previously ected. this makes them ports of entry with ....i. i./aority of any act of Congress. DIE I, . city, on the ?sth int., Dr. Devin Jimsox, aged -years. He was horn in Greene county, ana served - * ,r nf lsii, as * soldier and Assistant zmrgeou.— a rn>-eu yrtrlkr and resided many years in Twicgs . :ju counties before bia removal to this city, and ~ ■ had the hign esteem of his fellow citiaens. A few ■ Lce, from a severe sickness, his mind and const-tu trre much impaired, and from which he never entirely red. • MAKKIUD, .in lif slb ult., at the residence of the hride’s father, in u . >, Arkansas, by the Rev L Ju'ian, Mr. I. H. • e - . ‘it Bradi'-y cotsty, to Miss Asom M. CaatJuuis, f the former place. The cik March, by Rev E T. McCehee, Mr *. T. I ..rt tc Misi XM. Hsaver,sit of Houston county,Geor f*. SPEt IAL \OTHES. gieat drawback to persons emigrating to the . . .- uh and western country, is the tear they have • Fever and Ague—the mot direful of all diseases. — } -fry .lay we hear of persons attached by this disease, ii mtue heljdess in a short time, without means of afford relief. In view of the great demand for a remedy Dr. i’ .f c c r has presented his CELEBRATED STOMACH lITTKRd, whose curative pjrwers for all diseases of the have been universally acknowledged. The Bit .. prepared after a long experience and deep study, *ro received the encomium* of the most eminent phyai , :,s, well as all classes from every part of our coun- T > those who donbt their many virtue*, all we can i.- . try them, and judge for themselves respectively. • jbv druggists and dealers generally everywhere, advert< semen t in another column. apS \E,tLY a Pasic. —This there a perfect rush s .tr.e of McLean’s Strengthening Cordial. It is as king what a large quantity of that article ia consum- I thews conclusively that it is just the thing required i:. oiiaria or serer districts, as a preventive for chill, alias “Everybody and the rest of mankind” should try I: wish to become healthy and strong j and those •.:,t &-■wed should fake a l ttle every morning to keep tim so We have tried it.—[Evening Mirror. (hill* and lever! Chilis stud 1 ever ! One cf t, Greatest remedies Unit has ever been laid before the pill. . for Fever and Ague, and which hare received the :;c ; encomiums f: om the press and the people, is Dr. H -'e >f s Celebrated Bitters. Who would endure the ten ures arising from this terrible disease, when It can be so •‘o -- cured? Who would endure sleepless nights, burning ers and icy chUU. aiternatively, when a remedy can be .• 1 f r a mere trifle? And yet how many families tager oat a painful existence under this deadly blight, and . of but gulp down quinine, until it becomes as com ■ *s their duly meals, and yet they are not relieved. — 5 it- .t the foolish and weak would hesitate to procure t v .. jah e Bitters, and save themselves intense agony, y alt druggists and dealers generally everywhere. 3 : e advertisement in another column. (mar 6-1 in KEW liM E R i ISE}\E XT S. kprins ami kuitiiuvr Fa*liiont for I 8 HI . Direct Importation! from Frrn.ce via Sew Orleats- Mrs. F. DESSAU \\roiT.O respectfully announce to the vs that she his just returned from ‘• iii"> wh-re lie has purchased for t*i:. s full \ss .rtment of Midi ery, F.ace, s Mm id t>\ ned her Bonnets on Tiiurs- M -rc .ds Mrs. Desau is confident vs styles wwSßlfv -r 1 qualities, as they are superior to any :ht heretofore to this place. JalW tW” M Diners -uppl ed a- wholesale with W B-'aoets aoi Millinery Goods. apr 8 Millinery! Millinenj!! PARIS nHj STYLES \ ia. Xew Orleans. SIUK\G i<n. Mrs. HOWLAND | | As a fine a?sortnu’nt of the newest Paris Eidit-H* Hals and Millinery Eoods. if re. iit and Direct Importation to New OuMM. H r e.K ia-ra and others are invited to call, and the is lihWi. and that they will be pleased FF” Mil ir.ers from a viistauce can be accommodateit * PATTERN UATd and any slyle-ol MILLINERY bdOß*. apr s XEW GOODS./; NEW GOODS.! NEW GOODS.! NEW OOODS.) s free of DUTY, j FREE OF DITTY. I FREE OF DUTY 7 FREE OF DTTTY-V F>0 S S 4 COLEMAN beg leave to announce to the citizens of -laeon and the surrounding country that they have ;i- IfIPuRTED FBEE ‘F DUTY from the United fltatem. Hie largest tock of new, deairaWe good*, that has ever been niv.t ted bj one house in the Stated Georgia. Very many oi goods were bought at such EXTREME low prices ’vi’ MEROH \NT3 would do well to call and examine them. 7 - e-.tire stock was “Bona fide” purchased hefore the Ist of lltrch, and therefore save* to the buyer twenty-four per ceut. tiT Call and see for yours.-lve 6 . ROW 4 COLEMAN, apr 3 At their “ Bazaar ol Fashion.” N. s’ PRUDPEN & COE Invite attention to their Stock of Fancy and. Staple DRY GOODS. SPRING TRADE, 18 01. We have a good assortment of STAPLE 000339! I'urchfMed in dvoc* of thf Tarff, at low Price#. AU those who have unsettled account# with us, will |,’a, e ler politely danupd. *pr N. 8. PRUDDEX A CO. OitMiluliou of Purl IK r*!ii|>. fpIK ’ipecial ropartnembip of HOIIACK PITC H k CO ■I- is timiolveJ by th? mutual consent of Lewi* Fitch as partner and II * W. T. Flub as general partners. •Hacou, April 3, lbfil. HORACE FITCH & CO. f*H E business will be continued for iU unexpired term Vi-.?2[ *• T. F'tch, uMer the name ami firm of HORACE >[ 'oH # OO ” - *ball SELL ALL our large stock of Clothing for Men •t*. Boy* at GOST 1 ! [ ?* X * ,®*VTY DAYS. We are determined lo r.*hu* ■ took i as Urr u, possible (luring tlie coining reason , ’“ ‘‘y* **’ us before purchasing elsewhere *** HOBACC FITCH E M ADVERTISEMENTS. it. W. h. Farewell aleruel, Klttr Fill, Quifolue. FAREWfiL OPU’M CHIiOROfXjRM, AM) ALi OHOL. KaDW A Y ;* Itemed e< comhti v nit that i* required for the > iurgtitlon, purificatpin, rtgulation, ‘nvigoiation, and harmonisation o| alltlie organ= .if the human i.xTy. Eiilv.j’j Ready Relief, tabu a* a preventive, fortifies the frame against the influence# „f la j air. I>a>l a at er, damp, sudden changes of temperature, and every species of infec tion. It calma the throes of agony as oil stills the wave 6 Taken at the first outset of any disease it cures alvnr Ad ministered later, it suspends the disorder, and affords an opportunity for the other remedies to exercise their benign influence. IMPORTANT TO PARENT*. Every parent should keep a supply of Rad way's Ready Relief constantly in the house. It not only cures but it will ward off attack* of Fever and Ague, Croup, influenza. f*ore Throat, Final! Pox. itcariet Fever, Typhoid Fever, ar.d other malignant diseases, and in cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia Cramp, ftptvsms.. Pains, Aches, and other infirmities, oue application of the Rendy Relief externally, or a teaspoonful in a little water, as a drink, will stop the most excruciating pains from five to fifteen minutes. In severe attacks of Dipt her a—or Bore Throat plagrc— Radway’s Ready Relief will always save life, and quickly cure the patient. For Worn s there is no medicir e so quirk as a dose of Radway’s Ready Relief. RAHWAY'S REGELATING PILIR Are the great regenerative medicine of the a’ e. Ladies,for years the victims r f depressing, iife-con 6 nming complaints of a special nature, are restored to health and vigor by the ir use. All the ordinary affections of the sto arh, bowA.,and liver, yield to the first or second dose Bix Pill* sufli. ein the worst cases, and they operate in from three to six hours, more effectively than 30 of the drastic class given in such nauseating quantities. Coated with sweet gum the Pill* have no disagreeable fl vor. They not only cure Costiv ne 6 quickly but permanently, and in billionsne they are infal lible. Dyspeptics who have suffered for years, recover in a f r weeks under this painless operation. They act power fully upon the circulation of the blood, rendering it uniform and equable throughout the system. RADWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT Searches the diseased blood, and purges it of intlainmatory and corrupting particle* For chronic diseases supposed to be infixed in the fie*h and tissues past all help, it is the oe •rtl* iitrttriithi-* cure. There is not a flesh or skin disorder that rail resist this mighty disinfectant. Ulcerated Fore Throat, Bronchitis, Tubercles on the lungs, all forms of ul ceration, inward or outward, succumb before it- anti-septic anti-inflamtnatoiy action. Radway’s Remedies are sold by Druggists everywhere, apr 3-:m RADWAY A C0.,28 John st., N. Y. YOU WANT WHISKER? ‘ DO YOU WANT WHISKERS DO YOU WAN'f A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? mu Li. a.i.ns Celebrated Stimulating On^uriit, FOR THE WHISKERS AND lIAIR. ?|AMK übcrib-rs take pleasure in announcing tt the citi -- *t* of the United States, that they have obtained the Agency for .and are now enabled to offer to the A u.cricau pub lic, the above j.;st|y celebrated and world-rt nowmd article. Tli<* M< in ii la (in;; Oiigupiil Is prepared by Dr. C. P. Biixuo.u i u, an eminent physician of London, and ia warranted to b ing out a thick .-et of WHISKERS or a MUSTACHE, in from three to -ix week*. This article ia the only one of the kind used by the French, and in London and Paris it is in universal use. It is a beautiful, eccnoiuical, soolhirig, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic upon the roots, causing a b-autiful growth of fluxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure haldsks*, and cause to spring p in place of the bald spot* a fine growth of new hair. Appti-d a.-cording to directions it will turn ekp or towy hair park, and restore gray hair to Its original color, leaving it so t, smooth and flexible. The “Ongueni” is an indispensable article in every gentleman’s toilet, and after one week’s use rhev would not for any consideration be without it The subscribers are the only Agents for the article in the United Elates, to whom all order* must be aodrtaved. Price One Dollar a box—tor sale by all druggists and dealers; or a box of the ‘ Onguent” (.warranted to have the desired eff et) will be sent to any who desire it, by mail (direct,! securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, |I,IS. Apply tc or addre* 6 HORACE L. HEGEMAN A CO., nfcroGisTs, apS tint 24 William street, New York. MERCHANT TAILORING! E. WINSHIP IS now prepared with a first class cutler, good Tailors and a I.ARGI STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, to furnish any thing in the CLOTHING LINE At short notice, and in the very best style. (apr 3 ißm. Spring Clothing, WHOLESALE A* f> RETAIL. #:. ii*i.vs####* ¥ S now receiving one < t the largest stocks of CLOTHING i. ever brought to th ; s place. They were bought cheap and will be sold cheap. Cash Buyers can find bargain-. Merchants will do well to examine this stock before purchasing. apr 3 Loan ol* #**>,ooo,ooo FOR THE Confederate States of America. BOOKS of subscription for the above Loan, will be open in Macon, Ga , on April l,th and ISth, at the Agency of the Marine Bank ; closing on the last dsy. Persons desiring further information on the subject, will addres- either of the undersigned commissioners. I. C. PLANT, Chin o. L. N. WHITTLE, JOHN B. HO??. Macon, April 3,15C1 —2~3t VDJI IN IST It ATOU’S SALE. —By virtue of an order o* the Court of Ordinary of Macon county, will be sold before the Court House door in ths town of Oglethorpe, in said county, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next : Lot oflatid No. 232, in the 2nd district of originally Mus cogee now Macon county. Bold as the property of the estate of Edmond Btuckey, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day oi sale. apAtds JOSEPH STUCKEY, Administrator. NO TARIFF CH ARGED Ou Our Wew Stoclt PJMf §SWHI DRY GOODS! sas, o o o WORTH OF XKW AM) ELEGANT (.00DS ROSS & COLEMAN. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! FOR CASH 1 J\o. \. KEIiY X CO/S HE MR QUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS! mar 27 Z. B. OAKES, BROKER AND AUCTIONEER, N. 1 STATE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAS FOR SALK Filly EiUely Nejrroes! Coraustinfr of prime Young Men, prime Voting Women, Boys and Oirls 12 to IS years old. ALso, several families, two to four children in each. ... The above are all sound and healthy, and will W sold low for cash. raar JIMU MACKOT. *• *• IVTLE. MACkOY, LYTLE & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING >IER OH A>’ TB, SOUTH-FAST CORNER CHESTNUT A COMMERCIAL Sts., vr. 1.05 IN, wo. TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE In the PRODUCE COM MISSION business In this city ha* given u* an acqualr.- ‘anew with the market that will enable ns to render satis faction to those who may entrust their business to us. Onr careful and prompt attention will he given to the orders of our friend* for the purchase of GHAIN, FLOUR, PORK, BALK ROPE, Ac., at the loweei market rate*. I mat ilHut (■E.VERAI, ADVERTISEMENTS. “WOOTTO.N k SLIOH AY“ Commission Merchants, CORN'FI: >F THIRD AND POPLAK .-r’ MACOft, UA. 0B ! oMig “ MSW snJ for lot* do Oats,’ fiOfl do Peas, 1(8 do Meal, 2-k>o lbs. Tennessee h a r>r , ‘<“) and cans Laid, ’nob bills Flour, likl do. best Ro -kport Lime, 1(0 balei Hay, Also a fine lot of live Geese Feather* and Dried Beef apA Loan lor the Defence OF TilE CONFEDERATE STATES. r pilK undersigned have been requested by the Secrcta- K r> of the Treasury of the Confederate f-tate* of North America, as C< mm ssioners for the State of Georgia, to bring foiward in said State, five miilioi sos the ioan of fif teen millions of dollars, recently authorized by Act of Congress. For the purpose of affording an opportnuity to ail who may be v.illing to take a part in the loan, we pro pose to have books opened on the 17ih day of APRIL next, at the following points, and at such oilier places as we may hereafter designate, viz : Savannah, Augusta, Ma con, Columbus, Atlanta. Miliedgeville, Athens and Rome Special notice of the place w here the Books will be open ed, and of the persons appointed for this purpose, at each of these point*, will be in due time given. Below we sub mit a tstetnent from the Secretary, which, in connection with the Act, is plainly explnnak ry of the nature and char acter of the loan. And we express the confident hope, that our fellow citizens will approve of this direct appeal to the people, ratherthan to <ore:gn capitalists, for the means of carrying on our new Government; and that all possessed of the means will feel it their duty to avail theni'elves of an opportunity w hich enables them to make an entirely safe and profitable Investment, and tit the same time, con tribute aid to th? cstt*e of patriotism and their country, EBKN’R STARNES, i JO?EFIJ MILLIGAN, - Commissioners. AY At. li. JOHNSTON, j Augusta March 22, ISCI. LOAX FOR THE DEFENCE or THK Oonfedera te States. ¥7MT K MILLIONS of this most advantageous invesl ¥’ ment will be offered to the public on the lTth of APRIL ensuing, and every citizen throughout the Confederate State* will have the oppoitunity of taking a shate oftne benefit, and. at the same time, of sustaining the cftu^eof his country. Komis w ith coupons will be issued in sums from to S3O, and where it i* preferred, stock certificates in the usual form may he had. The interest is at EIGHT PER CENT, per annum, payable every six mouths at all our principal cities. The debt has the unusual find important security of a duty of one eighth of a cent per pound, or r.bour 02 cents per bale, on all cotton exported. This duty, under *ll cir cumstances, of peace, of peace or w ar, secures the punc tual payment of the interest, and furnishes a .sinking land for the redemption of the principal. The coupons, when due, are receivable in payment of the duty on cotton, and are thu 6 made available as coin, every where iu our coun try. In order to enable all portions of our people to take a part of this valuabte investment, and to exhibit their common Interest in raising funds for common defence, nooks of subscription will be opened at the citl-< and prin cipal interior towns ; five percent, must be paid in cash at the time of subscription, and the remainder on or before May Ist—interest to run from the date of such payment. Persons desiring to secure their subscription, may pay in cash the whole amount, and take a for the delivery of bonds or i-tock. To equalise the rate of subscription at all points, and to enable ail persons conveniently to sub scribe, current bank notes of the place will be received at their market value in coin. In case of an over subscription, preference will he given first to those who pavdown their w hole subscription ; next to subscribers of ST>O; next to subscribers of SIOO. C. G. UEVIMI.NGER, Secretary of the Tteasury. Montgomery, Ala., Match IC, l&Gl. For more complete information to all concerned, a copy of the Act of Congress is subjoined : AN ACT TO RAISE MONEY FOR THE SUP PORT OF THE GOVERNUENT, AND TO PRO VIDE FOR THE DEFENCE OF THE CONFED ERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Sec. 1. The Confederate State a of America do enact, That the President of the Confederate States be, and he is hereby authorised, at nny time within twelve months alter the passage of this Act, to borrow on the credit, of the Confederate Slates, a sum not exceeding fifteen million of dollars, or so much thereof as, in his opinion, the exigencies of the public may require, to be applied to the pay ment of appropriations made by law for the sup port of the Government and for the defences of the Confederate States. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby au thorized, by the consent of the President of the Confederate States, to cause to be prepared cer tificates of stock or bonds, in such sums as are hereinafter meutioned, for the amount to be bor rowed as aforesaid, to be signed by the Register of the Treasury and sealed with the seal of the Treasury ; and the said certificates of stock or bonds shall"be made payable st the expiration ol ten years from the first day of .September next; and the iuterpst thereon shall be paid semi annu ally, at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, at the Treasury and such other places as the Secre tary of the Treasury may designate. And to the bonds which snail be issued as aforesaid, shall be attached coupons lor the semi annual interest which may accrue, which coupons may be signed by officers to be appointed for the purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury. And the faith of the Confederate States is hereby pledged for the duv payment of the principal and interest of the said stocks and bonds. P>. At the expiration of five year® front the first day of Septe.Ttber next, the Confederate Staten ntay pay p any portion of the bonds or stocks, upon giving three months precious public notice, at the seat of Government, of the particular stocks or bonds to be paid, and the time and place of payment; ands om and after the time so appoint ed, no further interest shall be paid tin eaid stocks or bonds. 4. The certificate of the stocks and bonds shall be issued iu such form and for such amounts as may be determined by the Secretary of the Trea sury, and may lie assigned or delivered under such reglatious as he may establish. But none pf them shall be for a less sum than fifty dollors; and he shall report to Congress at its next session, a state ment in detail of his proceedings, and the rate at which the loans may have been made, and all ex penses attending the same. r>. From and after the first day of August, 1861, there shall be levied, collected and paid, a duty of one-eighth of one per rent, per pound, on all cot ton in the raw state exported from the Confeder ate State®, which duty ia hereby specially pledged to the due payment of interest and principal, of the loan provided for in this act, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorised and rerjuired to establish a sinking fund to carry into effect the provision* of this section : Provided, however, that the interest of coupons, issued under the second section of this act, when due, shall be receivable in payment of export duty on cotton : Provided, also, that when the debt and intetest thereon, herein authorised to be contracted, shall be extin guished, or in sinking the fund provided for tha’ purpose shall be adequate to that end, the said export duty shall cease and determine. Central Rail Road Office, \ BavaXXAb, Geo., Mar. 22.1561. J good* consigned to James M. Selkirk, Forwarding Agent, not subject to duties, under the Confederate States’ Tariff—when shipped in pircels separate and dis tinct from dutiable goods, Bill* of Lading and Invoices for the same being forwarded to tiim, and received prior to the vessel being discharged; will, as hei etofore go foi ward f itt.E : addingonly charge for making Entry at Custom House—a very small item. From aDd after April Ist, this Company will cease to ad vance expenses on goods transported over their Road, ex cept those In the annexed list, and consigned as above. G. W. AD.VM3, General Superintendent. AX ACT TO EXEMPT FROM DUTY CERTAIN COMMODITIES THEREIN NAMED, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Be it Enacted hg the Confederate States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the following nrti clii shall lie exempt from duty, and admitted free into sai<l States, to-wit: hacon, pork, hams, Inrd, beef, fish of all kinds, wheat and flour of all other grail)#, Indian corn anti meal, barley and barley flour, rye and rye flour, oats and oat’ meal, gun powder and all the material# of which it is nude, lead in all form®, arms of every description, muni tions of war, and military accoutrements,percussion caps, also, all agricultural prod ets in their natural state. 27-2 t otic3o. TH I R r riT I> %1S after date application will be made to the City Council of Macon, for leave to close alley in smiare 60, oil Tatnall square, mar 27-lin D. BLOUNT. Sugar, Coffee, .Tlolnwse**, dee. IIIIOS. Prime and Choice N. O. Sugar. lUU bbl*. refloed Sugar*. j* M Crushed, Ora nutated and Powdered Sugar', lid hhds. Prime New Cuba MoW#*es. 50 bIU. and half barrel* N. O. Setup. | mar 20 BOYVDRE A ANDERSON. •‘That** Tobiteeu. fIIHK choicest brand of Chew ing Tobacco, manufactured 8 In this country, just received and for sale by MA.-UKNBURG A PON, dec 5 Successor* to K. I. Strolievker. Hay. QAA HH.IiS Prim* selected Hay, for sale lowdy 4UU max *u> UOWitRE A AHDfcItSQN. (.I.NKRAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I'’iiui E'umiture. tTIN C Parlor Setts, Rose Wood, Mfibogan.v aud Georgia A Walnut Furniture. Secretaries arxl Bock Cases, Desks and Book Cas* ; Bu reaus of Rose- Wood, Mahogany and Waluut. Solas, Teie a Tvtes, Divans Sociables, Ottomans, in Hair Cioth, Plush, Brocatt-1, Ar. Arm, Rocking, Mewing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush, Broeatel, Cane, Sjnit Bottom, and every kind of Chair known to the trade. BEDSTEAD*. Rose Wood. Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Beach, Gum, Le., Uigh, Low, French and Cottage?. H ardrobes of R ise Wood, Mahotrany, Walnut and Pine. Safes of ail Patterns. T A BEEF,. Mahogany, Walnut,Cherry,Pine.Ex.en-lon.FoldlngiLef Squire, Round, 4c. V attrasses of Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Spring. I eather Beds, Pillow* and Bolster*. Fine Mirrors, common I oozing Glasses, Looking Glass Plates, Picture Glass. Afindow Shades, and Cut tain Rands Cornices. r uckets, Tubs, Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feather Du ters, Foot Matts, Ac., for sale on the most reasonable term*. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up In the most fashionable style* of Furniture to order. We have one of the largest Stocks of FINF. FCRNITURF in lie Btate, and we are constantly manufacturing,and wish to sell. Call and see ns. feh 22 WOOD, BRO. 4 CO. WOOD’S photographic! Palace oi Art! DRORARLY the largest and best appointed Estab- j I lishment in the South, if not in the United States. I* ‘ one of the most popular and interesting places of resort in I Macon, and is daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi- I tors. The Oollection oi’ ; is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Ambrotype to the life.-ize Portrait Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expense, that hi* GALLE RY shall continue to he the Head Quarter* of Fine Arts In (he South. Employing permanently the best talent to be procured to I color his Photographs, in every rtyl t , true to nature, and j perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. A large collection of tiie celebrities of the day on exhibition, I to which has just, been added a splendid Picture of the : Prince of Wales and suit, Biondin, Judge Douglas, and ! others too numerous to mention, but which the public are j respectfully invited to call and examine. As Wood uses \ nonabui the best materials in hi* business, persons in want ; of a good Picture will find it to their advantage to patron ize this establishment, as Pictures can be had here at prices j as low as elsewhere, and of superior style. Ambrotypes, Daguerreotype* and Plain Photographs of every size at low i prices. Call and sec R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oct 31 l.anler House. Macon, Ga. IUItECT IMPORTATION! i Crocltery, China * AND GLASS WARE. MV first shipment, from Europe lias arrived in Pavannah, and those who have ordered packages will have them shipped in a few days. Thera are some of the packages stili unsold, any in want, ot t, by ordering, have them hip- ; ped in a few days. 1 have another lot shipped from Liverpool 18th of July, j which I shall look for in three or four weeks. Send in the j orders. lam now receiving a LARGE STOCK OF Glass-Ware, Tumblers, Goblets, &c., TOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BOHEMIAN (.LASS-WARE, China Dinner and Tea Setts, Ar., Ac aug 2(t R. P. McKVOV. FINE ARTS! THE Pimlographie-Pnrtraits colored in Oil, produced by J. A. PUGH * BitO , Triangular Block, Macon, Ga., are still considered the best to be attained in the State. We were awanW the premium again this year, at the Slate Fair, which has just closed, for the best Photographs. With our new process for enlarging Photographs to life size from Daguerreotypes ot deceased persons, and with the aid of two first class Artists employed b,v us, we are produ.-Lg Portrait* as perfect and as much like the original as it Is i possible Picture* to be made. Call at PUGH’R and see the Photograph* by their new process, which are the largest ever made in the Stst*-. none lixe them can be sren else where. AMBROTYPES at very low prices. (oct 31 HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN WOULD inform their friends and the public generally, j that they have now in store, and are constantly re- j oeiving their F’a-ll and W inter Stock, Os choice and select groceries; To which they would most respectfully invite the attention of one and ail. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS Will find it greatly to their interest to call and examineour ! stuck before pun liasing elsewhere. We are determined to j sell,profit or no profit. Quick sale* and small margins, U ■mr motto. Our stock consists in p rt of 60 Bales Gunny Cloth, 160 Coils Rope, 1000 Pounds Bagging Twine, 22!> Bags Coffee —Java, Port Rico, Kio and I.aguira, in Cln-ats Black and Green Tea, 75 Barrets A b & O Sugar, 25 “ Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 5 Boxes Loaf Sugar, 10 Hogsheads Fine Port Rico, 3(Ht Sacks Liverpool Sait, If Hi Sacks Alum Salt, 250 Boxes Adamantine Candle*, 60 “ Sperm “ IbO Boxes No. 1 Soap, 20 “ Family Toilet Soap, 75 “ Assorted and Fancy Candy, 100 Boxes Starch, lbO Jars Snuff, 20 Whole, Half and Quarter Keg* of P..w<t*r, 2b Cans Duck-shooting Powder, lOft Bags Shot, 150,000 Cigars, various brands, 150 Boxes Tobacco, 80 Cases Magnolia and Mount Vernon Tobacco, 20 Bales Osnaburgs and Stripes, 6 Cases Homespun, Bleached, 10 Bales Georgia Kersey, 10 “ Northern “ 15 M Blankets, all prices, Cos Basket* Piper’s lleiilsick Wine, 25 “ La Perle Wine, 25 “ Prince Imperial Wine, 20 Cases Cabinet Wine, 75 “ Ginger and Blackberry Wine and Brandy, 100 Barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey, 10 “ Extra Old Bourbon, 7ft “ Gin, Rum and Brandy, 10 Casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine, 10 Oases Loudon Dock Gin, 15 “ Boker and Stoughton Bitter*, 25 “ Lemon Syrup, 20 Casks Ale and Porter, 10 Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Fig*, 80 “ Assorted Pickles, 40 Superior Carb. Soda, 60 Barrels and Boxes Soda and Butter Cracker*, 25 Boxes Herrings, 5 Sacks Ashton’s Table Salt, 5 Cases “ “ “ • 12 Doz. Well Buckets, 25 Doz. Blue Buckets, 15 Nests of Tubs, 60 Doz. Georgia Pine Ruckets, 20 Boxes Leveritt Axes, 20,000 Pounds White Lead and Zino, 10 Barrels Linseed Oil, 10 “ Tauntrs’and Machine Oil, 2 “ Castor Oil, 2 Cask* Linseed Oil, 1 Pure Sperm Oil, 6 Barrels Lemon Syrup, 5 11 Ro*e Cordial, 5 “ Peppermint Cordial, 150 Pound.* Sewing Thread, 50 Dozen English Pickles, 10 “ Worcestershire Sauce, 20 Hhds. Clear Bacon Sides, 10 Casks Hams, 20 Kits Shad, 20 “ Mackerel, 20 “ White Fish, 20 “ ?1 Salmon, 20 Cases Plantation Whisky, 20 “ Pine Apple Brandy, 6 Barrels OUT LOAF Sugar, ft “ ?. Shell Almoads, 3 “ Pecan Nuts, 3 “ Brazil Nuts, 25 Boxes Anderson’s Polace Tobacco, 100 Whole, Half and Quarter Barrels Mackerel, 20 Firkins Prime fresh Butter, 10 “ “ “ Lard, 1 Doz Corn Shellers, 10 “ Brooms, 10 Cases Common Matches, 20 Gross German “ 10 Cases New Cider, 50 r.oz. Blacking, j 1 10 Cases Cotton Cards, 60 Doz. Yeast Powders, lono Pound* Ground Paints in Oil, of all colors. I cot 9 CARHART & BRO. (U.TI OF StW YORK. 1 Have returned to this place, where they will be pleased to see their Friends. All communications promptly attended to. Store in Ralston s Rock Building, on Third Street. -TAS I). CARHART, WM. B. CARHART. Macon, March 13,fSfil. Jlllilary Booh*. ANEW supply of Hurdle's Tactics, Scott’s Tactics, Cooper’.* Tactic?, Cavalry Tactics, and Mahon’s Trea tise or. Field Fortification, lot sale at *■*> 18 BOaRDMAN'S. BUSINESS CARDS. i rno*. 9a. KJ>f MAN, SB. u. U. iPiRIa HARDEMAN & SPARKS, WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Merchants. At t a MACON, CJA., KAdUfl ■H HKffnßig WII.L give prompt attention to the selling and storing of Cotton, and to the filling of orders for plantation md family supplies. With many year* experience and with their best efforts to serve their friends, they hope to have a co itinuan.-e of the liberal patronage heretofore .•xtended to them. Liberal advances made when required. Augifst 15th IStiO. (ly.) J. B. & W. A. BOSS, W holesale Dry Goods Jobbers, Corner Cherry and Second Sts,, Macon, Ga. IN addition to their large and new stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, ana Groceries, are receiving 500 cases l shoes, fresh irmn the Manufacturers, to which they respect- I fully invite attention of Dealers and consumers. June 13 HE &S|ffliUll FiSfOLS. THOMAS MOUSE, OK the late Arm of M.uikwaltpr A, haring pur chased the entire business, will continue the manufac ng of Double tains, and best RilWs and Pistols made in the United States, on an entirely new plan oi Mr. Morse's. GUNS re-stocked and repaired in the beat manner, and on i easonablc terms, at short notice. The undersigned being practical workman, will guarantee all his work, and in vite the public to give him a trial. The Stand is under the Lloyd House, opposite Dr. Thompson's. june 18-’<so-y D. a HODGKINS &, SON, DiOLKRS IS AXB MASUF.iCIERERS OF G- TJ IST *3l, RIFLES. PISTOLS, And Sporting Apparatus,^!’ OFKVKMY PKMMtIPTiMS, .v * A FEW DOORS BELOW THE &’ Lanier House, | Macos, Ga. Jan. 1,4860. ts IRON WORKS; Tl ICO2T, GEORGIA. r r. C. X 1 S li T, H AVAIL removed his FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS to the line of the Rail Road near the Macon A Western Shops, he is now prepared to manufacture ail kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ALSO Steam Engines & Boilers, On terms as favorable as any Establishment either North or South. (.mar Ift) T. C. NI'BL.T. JOHN aUHOtiKLU, JOSHUA SCHOFIKED HcTiofielcl & FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS MACON, GEORGIA. WE are prepared to Manufacture Nieuni Engines, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEAR ING, SUGAR MILLS. BRASS AN l) I RON CASTINGS, Os evhr description IKON RULING and VEIt- AND'IHS. Having the most complete assortment ot Iron Railing in the State, which for elegance, neatness, du rability and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable for the fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery I. ts, Public Squares, Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings will do well in give a call, as we are determined to offer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. iar Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city, jan 1-1861, A. M’QtJEBN, MACOMT, Ca-IESOTIGLIA. MAKiI'F.U TI'REK l Wrought Iron RAILING of every description, and for all purports, Plain and Urnitmenial, Irom the lightest Scroll Iron, up to the heaviest Railing used. Having an endless variety of New and Original Designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suit ed. Being entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength cannot he questioofcd, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work made to order. Par ticular attention given to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railings. i |2#“ Specimens of the work can be seen at the Residences of T. G. Holt, L. F W. Andrews and W. J. MoEiroy, Esqrs. Also at Rose Hill Cemetery, july 18 16-ts Corrugated Wrought Iron and Wire Railing. (Secured by Letter* Patent.) VI) n I lit AII L V adapted for enclosing Public Grounds, Cemeteries, Balconit-s, Cottages, Ac. Sheep and Ox Hurdle. Pa ent Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every variety of Folding Iron Bedsteads and Iron Furniture.— Patent Wire Coal ‘Screens, Ore, Sand ami Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Musquito, Sheep, Poultry and other pur i poses. Wire Summer Houses, Fancy Wire Work in great variety for gardens, Ac. M. WALKER A SONS. | Manufacturers, No. 535 Market, N, E. Cor. 6th St., Phila ■ delphia. (net 24 ly) jZEILIN & If IH\T\ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS* MACON, GEORGIA. feb 29-*6o—y ~ NEW FIRM! Messrs. T. & O. WOOD. HA VK this day assoc!- - ted with them in the , ES <jig&JßSh > -, manufacture and sale of FURNITURE, alter Conducted in the tn-iii name of ‘m WOOD BRO- & CO., Maetm, Georgia. NOTICE. j riaving associated with us in the Furniture business Seth j G. Wood, we are particularly desirous of dosing up the oid business as soon as possible, p.nd respectfully request all in debted, either by note or account, to call anil make pay raent at an early day. T. A G WOOD. Macon, 2d January, 1860. (fob 22) NEW FIRM. L. P. STRONG & SONS. Lewis p. strong ten ders hUgratefal thanks or the liberal patronage If^ ended to htm for thebvst R.v wenty even years, and re- NA. f. ■ --->sh e<-t fully announces that he <—*** Cc- tpE-S. b associated with him in jj&'-I* e further pro-?cii*ion ot e.A };l%g the business, hts two son., --•s?Wt v-? EDGAR P. STRONG and . A’ FORRESTER W. STRONG. - A^PSSSag^/** under the ns rue, firm and 3- NiaO i *S r “ style of L. P. STRONG * SONS, and will continue to keep on hand and oiler, a large and Select assortment of Hoot*. Mltoest mid Leather of all kinds, and Findings for Country manufacturer*. He respectfully asks for the new linn, a continuance o the lib eral ‘avor extended to the old. Macon, January 2,1560. 41-y MACON SEED STORK IANDBETtt’S KRESII GARDEN FEEDS.—W. t. -i KI.LFS ha just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, From Eandreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. |3T"Also, a general assortment of drugs and medicines. Macon, O*., Jan. 16, ts W. g. FXT.TS. Consignment. KAA BASHKIR STOCK IT AS. tIUU U ittt .vSHtK aUIS. II 0 T E L 8. NEW HOTEL. ‘ PLANTERS” HOUSE. mauox. Georgia. d ’ ,wo from the nail Road graxite hall, JIAteX, GEORGIA. THE Proprietor would inform his old friends and pat rons, and the public generally, that he has made large addition* ami improvements to his House, making it as ever comfortable and pleasant, and In returning hiithiuuu to o*6 and all, lie would aoiidt a continuance of the pi rouage he has heretofore so liberally received, aug 22-’6o—y B. F. DENSE, Proprietor. Bi?own’s Hotol 3 Opposite the Passenger House, Macon, Ga- By E. E. BROWS & SOX. \TEAES ready on the arrival of every Train. The •tU proprietors will spare no pains to make their gueuta comfortable. feb 32 4S-’6O-v THE STUBBLEFIELD HOUSE. “ Like the Phoenix from its Ashes.” THAT large, new and elegant House, recently erected on the ruins of my old establishment, Mulberry street, Macon, Ga., is now open for the reception and accommoda tion of Hoarder# and transient Guests. The House has been newlv furnished throughout, In the best wanner, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Its situation is eligible, a little below the Methodist and opposite t 0 the Presbyterian Church, and near the Banks aud places of business. Connected with the House is a large Livery and Sale Stable, where Drovers and others can find accommodations for their stock. The patronasre of hi 9 old friends and of the traveling pub “VAT-*"''” “ U °‘ W m. Rcnunru. TKOTTT HO USE, BY I. O. GILBERT & CO. Atlanta, Georgia. sep 18 24-ts _ WASHINGTON HALL. THIS HOUSE IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. SI*K.CI AL arrangement will be made for the acrotnmo dstion of the Members to the approaching STATE CON VENTION, and the future Session of the Legislature. The rates and terms at this House, will conform to those of the other Public Houses in this city. N. C. BARNETT. MilledgevHle, Ga , Dec. 15th, 1860. Hardware, Iron. Steel AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, IX CUUEAT VABIRTT AT THE NEW IRON FRONT STORE —or — CAKHART & CURD, WHERE they continue to keep one or me larges* as sortment kept in Middle Georgia, consisting in part of Swedes Iron all sizes, Hammered Plow Steel, Refined •* “ “ Cast “ English “ “ “ Blister Round k Sq’r Iron ail sizes, German Oval A Ro’nd “ ** “ Spring “ Horse Shoe ** “ “ Tin Nail Rods, Machinery “ PLANTATION HARDWARE IIOES ; Scovil, Brade’s and various other makes. Trace Chains, j Cane Roes, Plow “ i Axes, Breast “ j Hamel, Tongue “ i Plow Lines. CAR PEA TER TOOLS. Planes, Chisseis and Gouges, Hand and Panel Saws, Augers and Anger Bltts, Boring Machines, Braces and Bitts, Mortice Machines, j Iron Braces. Bench Vices and Saws, j Hatchets and Hammers, Locks, Hinges, Screws, | Butts, Nalle, Brads, Together with every thing used in the way Os BUII.DER& materials. CARRIAGE TAKERS Can always find a Large Stock. Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Bands, Leather Clothes. Dash Frames and Trimming of every variety used in their line. Agricultural Implement*. Buch as Plows, Straw Cutters, Scythe Blades, Grass Blades, Briar and Bush ilooks. Kan Hill*—Grant’s, Clinton and other makes. Spike Tlireshen —Emery’s. McConnell’s. Winship’s, Georgia and other makes. Horse Power* —Emery’s, Bozarder’s and Lever Powers. Grain Cradle*—s and 6 fingered, of several makers and styles. All of which they offer at the lowest market rates Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine price, Ac, apr 4-'tso AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! NATHAN WEED, mti/ifoit, deovgia. HAM NOW IN STORK and offers to Planters a superior assortment of the newest and most improved Turn ing Implements in use. Iron an i Steel Plows, Harrows, J Plough Haines, Cultivators, Gr.-in Cradles, Scythe Blades, Threshers, Fau Mills, Horse Powers, Btraw Cutters, Shovels and Spades, Traces, Spading and manure Forks, jj Weeding Hoes, of Scovils’, Collins’, Brade’s Patent American Hoe Cos. manufacture. Sweedea and English refined IRON of all sizes. Warranted Plow Steel, Eng ish manufacture. Anvils, Vises, Bellows, Hammers, Screw Piates, Tongs, Borax, Carpenter’s Tools, Builders’ Hardware, CARRIAGE AXE WAGON MATERIALS , In all their variety. mar 18 Boots and Shoes. * TtlieKignoitlie A 810 BOOT, No. 3 Cotton Avc. The Subscribers would re- ‘ turn their thanks for the very liberal and long con tinued patronage extended to them,and would most res pectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have now in store a large assortment of iiootis and Shoes, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly addition* will be made, of all the different style* and patters usually called for in a shoe store, and wculil invite those wishing to purchase, to cail and examine our stock, a* we are prepared to sell as low as any hense in the city or State, oct ti-j MIX A KIRTLAND. F. 11. M RGHAUI), WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN PANCV WARES, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLF.-t OF VKRTU, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT ED AND AMERICAN WATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, h\, kc., Cherry Bt., Macon, Second door below the* Telegraph Printing House- TH AN K Fl’ L, for past favor*. reminds e-s, the public that all the most fashionable, Ts / TKft elegant and desirable goods in this line will 4X continue to be found at this elegant stand f | i* the greatest variety. No trouble to show Goods. feb 29-’6O-y OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON. DRESS HATS $2.75 TO $5.00 ; The Commercial Straw ii ea-iy,... f fI.OP “ Senate la not bad, “ I'UnterV Hai le very light, 1.40. “ tngllh 1% Fincut. Wool Hats, Children’s Straws, Jan. 2D C. B. TONF As BKO. Try one of our New El’k Pocket Hat. Buy one NEW STYLE BROAD BRIM. The X ZUAVE BLACK TBI Ti’D Will BECOME you! So will the maroon Ex, Nat. ivulria. go will the* LIGHT BL’K broad bound SOFT HATH. DRUGS, MEDICINES, TAINT, MASSENBURG & SON, to I. L. Strohecker ) Corner 3rd and Mulberry Streets, DEALEK3 IN CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PUHE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL 111sTR CMUNTS WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, SQAUFCp PAINTS, OII.S, I r . {%“*: -4. U 1 -: I latent Moclloines, FRESH GARDEN SEEft. | Merchants ami Physicians, WHO ?RIP* THSasrtTBS On Doalikig iu Articles of tlicj FIRST QUALITY, AND AT LOW r 810*3, ’lt V RELY upon BEING SUITED. nov j -u 3 01 ci a ec 3 in a: vi © a “ ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. eTXJSX RECEIVED GEORGE PAYNE CHEMICAL AND DRUG STORE. THE Articles mentioned here, which are of Superior quality, and sold at Fair Price* : Kerosene and Coal Oil, inferior to none sold, Winter, Sperm and Linseed Oil, Raw and Bnilvd Linseed Oi’, Olive Oil in Bottles and by the Gallon, White Lead in Kegs and assorted size cans, from 1 lb. to 10* lbs. Zinc, White in kegs and cans, Colors, jn cans and boxes, oil and in water, Paint Brushes and all kinds of Artists Toni*, Sponge*, Putty, Paiet Knives and Tin=, Potash, in kegs, bulk and iron boxes, Freneh Glass, and all kind* of Glass Ware, Dye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Turpentine, I,amp Wick, bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Bell Cologne Water, and Rose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring Kxtracts.lFrcsh Hops and Fr--sh Honey, Corks, all sizes, Hard Rubber Trusses, and all other In struments, Hedgtnans RicineOil.and Lubins Antique Oil for the Hair, Fine Tooth Brushe? an ,y Fine Toilet Soap, best citrate Magnesia, Burnett’s Cocolr.e and Radiator. amlWoc'd Hair Restora tives, Mrs Aden’s Hair Restorative#, and her T.vlo Balsamnm, Fresh Vaccine Matter, and fresh Congress Water, Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, Chemical, Medicinal Herbs and Genuine Niedieines. Macon, Ga., April 13th, 1860 —y F. 0. CASTL3X. H. T varpixL NEW FIRIH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRXJGr STORE! CASTLE* & VARDELL, DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES, WOI LD respectfully Invite the attentiot of Physicians, Merchants and Planters VO***"? to their stock of Unari ill teratx-d Drug*. VgE~ - -j di iiiiiuo, Clienikul#, Ac., Ac. They feel assured that no house in this city y A ■an offer a stock superior in quality or lower t> *-~ n price. A supply of DKNTaL and SURGICaL Inatru nents, Ac., will be kept constantly on hand. GARDEN SEED, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, rora the best houses in the United States. There will also be found in our assortment FINE BRAN DIES and WINES of the purest quality, purchased express y for medicinal purposes. Every article usually kept by Druggists can be obtained it reasonable prices. Physicians Prescriptions prepared with great care, may D-’6o—y Drugs and Medicines, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Corner Clserry Street and Cotton Avenue. TCSX received, a fresh supply o f Drugs ard Med-ciner-, Perfumery, Paint and Varni-h Brnshes Superior Coai )il, Burning Fluid, Can,phene. Alc-jliol and Potash. Jh j r tyres’, Wright’*, Moffat’s, and t-tronr’s Pill.-*; Hen;bc’dt’ Extract of Buchu. Sanford’s Liver Invigorator Mrs Wins ow’s Soothilig Syrup, Degrath’s Eclectri.- O.J, Mustang Liniment, Indian Choiag’gue, Jaynes’, McLean’s, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge, Seltzer Aperient and Citrate of •fagneeia. warranted genuine. june 20 13-’6o W. S. FLLIS, Agent. V aluable Plantation FOR SALE. [IYILI.SELI. Ml’ PLANTATION SITU ATED in Macon aDd Houston counties—five miles from •Vinchester, on the South-Western Rail Road, and contain ng 2-400 Acre* Level link and Hickur/ Land, with about 1,400 acres in cultivation. The place is healthy, with good water, aud well improved, with ali necessary buildings, and if desired can be divided nto two or more settlements. For terms, Ac., address the jndersigned at Macon, Georgia, oct B—’6o-tf N. BASS. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF GROCERIES, HAVING been bought at low prices, for cash, we would say to large purchasers, tiy us, and we will make It to your interest to buy of us. The following comprizes a portion of our Stock : 200 Hhds. Bacon, 500 Kegs Nails, 120 “ Molasses, 5” Bales Wool, 50 Barrel* Syrup, 2000 Coils Marhine Rope, 50 “ Oil, 5000 Pounds Twine, 75,000 Pounds Pure Lead, 1000 Sacks Salt, 225 Bbls. Refined Sugar, 500 Boxes Candle*, 120 “ N.0., JOO “ Soap, 175 Sacks Coffee, 100 “ Starch. 150 Boxes Candy, 50 Cases Coffee Mills, 25 Casks Potash, 25 Boxes Crackers, 100,Ota) Choice imp. Cigar*, 10,000 lbs Snuff. 185 Boxes Tobacco, 6 Case* Sardines, 10 Barrels Nuts, 6 Barrels Scovil’s Hoes, 10 “ Blacking, 100 Cases Yea>t Powders, 10 Che*t# choice Tea, 200 Packages Mackerel, together with every articla needed iu the Grocery line.— Also a full stock of aii the leading articles in the I>rng line, Tor sale by J. |>. A W. A. ROSS, june 18 18(51. 1861. Terms Cash. B. A. WISE Now offers to the public his complete stock of STOVES, GRATES, CITI IRT, AND PLATED WARE, AT A REDUCED PRICE FUR CASH. TERMS —Strictly Cash. COOKING STOVES,— I will close out the rema n der of ray Stock. composing ov*r 150 Ccok ctovtf, of best patterns, at or near cost ior CAtll. CV RAXES: CtK ATES t —l have on baiida complete f assorttntnt of Urates, which I will se.l very chtap icr CASH. pa ATE AND XX IB E.—T5 boxes tescrlt 1 I Brands, 8d bui dies ot Wire, at email advance above New York cost for CAI*H. / tOAE AH’ AND COAI, OIL L.ANFPS.-The C best Oil and cheapest lsmps ever offered in h * D-stkrt tor CAell. £ A. WIFE feb 18 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Macon Shirtings, Csuabarp, Ac. B 4 1. ES Macoi. Shirtings and F. R. Osav. burgs, Wvr 23 bales Cotton Yarns, ass rteo N s 25 bales Georgia Stripes, ior sale by mar 20 BOWDRE A ANDERSON CHEVAN HIT GROVE, Bupei.or old BjeWiu 5.0 jronjahaU Whisk*, , a IMG A 50-0, onload* imd grip* txfore iaaytag aletyhers