Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 03, 1861, Image 4

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_i&AL ADVEHTISEMENTB. \DfII.\hTUATOm KALE.— By order of Court, * ill be told on the first Tue-day In October iiex:, before the Court-house door of Oglethorpe, M f fP county, the enure Plantation of Jas. 8 HolMo-head. ■ coos,sting of fraction No. 209, lots No. 16. IC L!J ‘“L. three fourth* of lot No. 129, and conttoi* more or lew, situated In the 15th a e the estate Bold for the benefit of the heirs and ere**f may be under the incumbrance of th“ ,f,es*le. T-rnis on bought by the purchaser before o H HOLLINSHK AD. the day cf a!e. * Adro’r. roar SO-tds . —Bi**y day* d~l EOBOIL "e Court of Ordinary of said It after date I negroes. belong,.* to roun'Vi for If* u • ,_ £ for ihf puri*oit o ST.ifc* of Bryan. AMUne * Ulrlslon. viz : Henry, KBV AN, Adtu’r. mar tl-2 ‘MON T 111-V NOTICKS. VARLM. .•*• Couteiv.—Wntraas, J.h.i (-■ t “inter. 2nd Ja* H Barron, Executor. of the will aflTiley Barron, late <>f s aid cruniy, deceased, app.h*s to ?L Tor letters .iism.eaoi v front their txeoutor hin Therefore, ah persons concerned are hereby to -hoa cause, ifanr they can, why said Executor* should not be discharged on the first Monday In Jane next i?iren under ray hand and ofib mlsignature,Nov 17,1860. :i<- 7 21-odn JftO. L. PaRKEK, Ordinary. C 1 EtfKHlAr nacou County—CocsrorOar:;* % at is ,<n> Cr.rsrv —Whereas, Wm.T. Flowers.Exeat tur of the wiH ami testament of John Lamar, late of **< county, dec'd, appl es to me for letters disroissory from hi* Executorship. This Is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular •"* kindred and creditors and all concerned, to show aa use, II r.ny ihey have why said Executor, on ib< first Monday in Mar next, should not he discharged. <>. v’fc \xnier ipv bAr*<i and official sifrnature, *2etn Oct. „ci Sl-mSm JOHN L. eaaKEE, Ordlvarf. /'i LdKI.IA, Union C*uol|.~Whtrm,wr|t VIT William*,Executor of ibe Estate of John Cos, late o’ i ecuuty. dec'd, represent.’ to the Court, In his petition Utk.y file-l, that he has fully tx-cuwd and dlvurteu alt Ibe duty cf such Executor. This is therefore to cite all persons cMMrned, kindred had cm}iU*rs, to show tanse, if any ti.ry can, why said Executor should not be discharged from hi* executorship, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May,lß6l. JNO. L. PARKER, iC a Ordinary. 11l (EimUik .lit 1 MMltiMill HuM. XV HXRIu wxisr J> ! WILL s*and the Spring Seoton of the present year. commencing the Ist of March and ending the last of Juae,it Meswrs. 11 ill, Wright A Marshall’s Suble, In thr c>ty of Albany, and at my residence, on the Newton Road, three and a half miles below the city, at the following rates, to-wii: For thorough bred Mare* forty dollars the season, in ad- Tiact. or fifty dollar* if charged, whmh must be settled by bote Turin k the season. For common Mares twenty-five dOklars cash, or th'rty dollars to be Nettled bv note during the season. At the ah.ive rates, all persons have the privilege of the s"pt .ag an.l Fat) eas.m Iree of any other extra charge.— Mares sent to Whirlwind, will be (e-anieu at forty cent* per day— Mare and Oil at titty cents per day. which must be paid before the Mares are taken away. Xo Mare will be delivered without an order from the owner or hi* agent. A. 1-o.N‘ble rare t , Wen to prevent accident*, but no reepon sllr.ity for anv. One dollar to the Groom in every case. JEREMIAH WALTERS. Pedigree of Whirlwind. He was sired by Temped, he by Puiupktnboy, be by Stockholder, i for Stockholder's pedigree see American Turt Register,) Pumpkinboy'a dam, Laura Taylor, was sired by Sir Richard, her dam ludependetH-e, by Pacolet, grand dam Fancy by Wilkes’ Wonder, who was sired by imported Dio mede. Wonder’s dam was also the dam of EccoWi, her g. g. dam by old Celeb, her g. g. g. dam by WihUir, her g. g. g. g. dam by Mark Anthouy. her g. g. g. g. g. <laoi by im ported Fearnaught. sir Richard waa sired by Pacolet aud out of Madame Tonson; she by Top Gallant, he by Gallitin, he by imported Bedford. Her dam by Gr.y Medley, Oscar, imported Fearnaught, Ac. Sir Richard was a full brother to Mons. Tonson, and Champaign and also to Sir H-nry, ■who ran the Lunvus race against American Eclipse. Paco let was by imported Citizen, he by Pacolet of England, be by B'ank And Blank by the Gndolph-n Arabian. Pacolet’* dam wa* by Typo Saib, he by Lindsay’s Arabian, the beet sou of the Godolphln, and was out of Silver-tail, sbe war the Hanneger's White-X’ose. dam was the fa mous old race mare, Wary Queen of Scotts, she by imported Leviathan, her dam hy Pacolet, her g. dam by Diomede.— WHIRLWIND S dam uU Ann Barrow, was by Cock-of-the- Bock, he br Durock. and he by old Diomede (see Turf Reg ister.) Cock-of the-Rcck was out of die Romp, own sister to M.tier’s Damsel, the dam of American Eclipse. Ant. BArro*’* .iam was Zeher, she by Virginian, he by old Fir Arfty. Virginian’s dam Meretriz was by Magog, her grand dam Narriss was by imported Shark, g g. dam Rosett* was hy Imported Fentinel, her g. g. g. dam Dl*Da hy Claudius, her g. g. g g. dam R.aUie Painter was by Sterling, her g. g. g. g. g. dam die Imported Mare Silver ; Zeher’s dam was by Col. Hawkin’* Gray Archy. For extended Predigees, see American Turf Register. Performances. WBIRDWIND’S first race was at Atlanta, Ga., when a three year* old, was beaten by Brown Dick in three heats. Whirlwind winning the second heat, the fastest in the race. Hu second race was for the Hutchinson slake* over the Washington Cour-e at Charleston, 8. C- He was again beaten by Brown Dick in the remarkable shot t time of 8.42. J think him as a rare horse for all distances, superior not only to Whirlwind, but any other horse in America. Whirlwind’* third race was over the Central Course at Macon, Ga. He there ran a sweep stakes, two mile heats, which he won In two mile heats, beating Col. Campbell’* Wagner Filly, Morri*on : s Monarch colt, aud May Ea-ly'* coit—tim“,S.o6 —S.f;*—purse, $2,100 —track reported heavy. On Saturday of the same week, he ran for the Jocky Club Purse—raiie heats—best three In five. Col. Goidshy’s Rough-and Ready, half brother to Brown Dick, and Maj. Eaty’s eh. colt by Chieftain were entered against him: the race was won by Whirlwind—the first heat hy Kough-and- H-ady, the next three by Whirlwind —time,l^3^J —1 92)*' — 3.54,14 —1-54—the second heat being faster than the first, it Is needless to say 1 threw off the first. Being in bad order, he was taken from the turf and turned out till August, when he was put in training for the Nashville races. He made his first appearance on that Course ia a sweepsUke race ol two mile heats against Invincible and Henry PerriU, the latter a half brother of Brown Dick, and whose time in a two mile heat race stand* nnpnraileUed in the annals of racing, having run a mile in the second heat in 1.42J4- — Bu were freely mxde that Whirlwind would be distanced bat far trots it, he won the race in two straight heat*, dis tancing Henry PerriU in the firat—lime. 8 47—8.57—track heavy. The ssme week he ran against Little Arthur, in a race of two mile heats, winning in two stra'ght heats, aud making the best time ever made upon that course since it was e*-ahli*hed. more than forty years ago—time, 845 The Week following, he ran another race of two mile heat*, which was over the Walnut Course, again heat* ing Inviiit ible; It was af'ernanls entered within the -amt week. In three mile heat race against Pert itt and lodiue. The rider being instructed to ruu a trailing heat, be lost It ; in the second he took the lead and main) .titled it; in the third heat he led for the first mile and a half, hard in hand, but owing to the bad condition cf the track, caused by a heavy rair., which wa* at that time falling, he slipped and fell, a* d;d both of the other horses, his rider being hurt by the fail was taken from the field, Whirlwind ’laving ruptured a leader in one of his legs, has since been unable to stand at traininjr. Perritt died wiihont getting to bis stab’e C. A. HAMILTON, mar 20-2ui ifQUOKfTAND CJGAKS Directly Imported! 51At T BSENET is constantly receiving the finest A* qualities of Liquors* Wines and Cigars, which he offers to the public on as .'essonable terms as be can afford. Invalids and others, wishing a superior article of Wines or other Liquors, will Bnd it grealiy to their advantage to give him a call, as they may rely on the genuineness ot eve ry article sold. Liquors can be purcbaae.l in bottle or hy the gallon, as it may salt purchaser*. Cigars of the very best brand*, by wholesale or retail, and of direct importation, can always be found at my store, at the honse formerly occupied by Mr. James P. Winter at an Exchan e and Lottery Office. Mr. Maussene'. in retiring from his old established busi ness, embraces this opportunity to tender his grsteful ac knowledgments to bis old friends and customers, from allot whom he solicits a share of patronage, in his new enterprise. Macon, June 18, 1860.—12-y AGENCY OFFICE. REMOVAL. THE undersigned haring opened an office in the ci y 'f Mcon, for the purpose of X ANTING BOVSEH, Him SO Ol’T NEGItOES, SELLING STOCKS, n.i all other Linda of property, settling and collecting all cuiuii, taking Interrogatories and securing Xjoaxlb of Money, mad a‘tend to all business that may be entrusted to him ; and he would especially inyite ail who may hare any busi ness tu entrust to an agent, to give him a call. 1 in> also agent for the long established A ork I.its* lu*iir:iiM’e Couip'y. Thi* subject I woolrt Invite every thinking man to consider before it ta too late to make provis.un* f.,r his family aft-r death. J Ia in also Justice of the Peace for the 7!6ih District G M., city at Macon *3 fr Office In the Granite Hall Building, entrance from the alley In the rear of V. W. Skiff t Co.’s store. E. C. GRANNIBH. Rtf.:atrees:—Judge E. A N’isbet, Judge H. G Lamar, Clifford Anderson, Lewi* Ji. Whittle, E*q., K. L. Kroheeker, Esq., and Elijah Bond, Esq. (oct 10-ts) TERMS CASH ! THE undersigned are determined to change their mode r.a-iuess, and to adhere strictly to the In baying and selling from this date. We offer our pres uinfrinTmeu DRY QOOI>9 i,HOEt *- HATt, READY M V^ CL ,^ T ‘ UNO * IMI reduced price*. - •• •■*“' Alv MWW must Ue accompanied by the CASH to In sure iitlcritfon. VB- of G g H and Kkapv Maps: are inyiied t„ , a n , we art prepared to offer them w ’* B we “ rt l~tepreesdented Inducements to Purchase b-.nff de-irou* to reduce oor <tock. J. ft. A W a. Russ Macon, Ist January, IS<sl—jan Bd-45 Bui Citizen copy three months. 75,000 of Bn<‘Oll. T * received ~A,ot>i pound* of choice Karon— custom * . * r * musical! soon, a* the stock i* going off rapidly. re ** ASHER AYKEF. Flour. 500 r - nn 'T ur to arrive. lifZrST FW "’ in 1 ‘ ‘ l BOW'D Kg s ANDF.ItSoX. Corn itutl On (a. 1,500 ®*’?"? , ’" Pr, “ eCOril - bushels Oats, * r ** BOWDRK A ANDERSON. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. - NEW GOODS! fPor Spring Trade, 1861! THE subsc it-er has this day received some very hand some English Prints, Muslins. Eiubroideied aud Plain Barage AnUis for Spring Drcxse*. sud a good stock cf Btn p e Good*. All of which will be sold on reasonable terms to paying credit custom* ra, or for Ce-h. Give mv stock an exaujlnntion before making your pur chases ‘ A G BOSTICK Macon, Feb. 18, 18bl. SPRING AND SUMER STOCK DRY GOODS, N OW receiving In Store, In large quantities, h r .*|?f. b , e t! bought at reduced prices, for cash, e “TlJzollcit an offer great inducements to forge P” r I c^* e ” , < Uprise a |-or exa filiation of our goo,fo. The follows* r Uoc of the articles we are offering •’ •25 Cases Prints, new styles, 15 *• Ginghams, uew style*, 5 “ Printed Muriin*. 25 Bales Ticking*. ,3 safe *11,,,.*., ot, fajrt bleached To C •• brown and bleached Janes, ■ Otto Bolt* Summer P*nts Goods, ail qual’.tjea, 5000 Hoopffgirts,all qualities, |Ot Btsles Osnaburga. cyo Bates Yarns. AW Bale* Georgia Kerseys, all Wool filling. Also a large stock of House Furnishing Goods, Linens, Table Darua.-k, Towelling, Urea, Bleached and Brown Pillow Casing, together with a full and complete stock of nearly every article offered in Wholesale Dry Goods Houses. J. B. A W. A. ROSS june IS FARCY DRY GOODS. X. S. PRI DDES <V t o. HAVE rtipleatai.ed their iock. and ran now supply their fifotoraers with many article* that have been scarce in this market. DHESS TRIM MINOS, Gimps, Braids, Black Laces & Buttons. Redaction in tbe price of Dll ESS GOOES, Some of them jut arrieed. CLOTH ATvTI3 VELVET CLOAKS! Ml-.*.-’ and Childrens’ CLOAKS, TICH FMIIIIGIDEKIEA, PLAIN’ RIBBONS*. COURTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SKIRTS, AND St a pie Goo <1 geliter with tlwnd everything tequired for a complete i toe It of Dry Goods dec. 5 K. M. PKi BUEN & CO. Fall Trade of 1800 ! —At ll OSS & COLEMAN-s *’• lSu/aal* oi Fashion.” WE are now In the full tide of successful operation, with the largest acd most choice stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Good* that it has ever been our pleasure to offer to the jubtlc. It i impossible to convey the slightest idea of our etch foreign fabrics in Eadies 5 Dress Goods, would be superliuous ; suffice it to say that styles were never *o elaborate, and that we have them In all their grades aud colors. Wc append a list of a few rich Goods, entirely new In this market. Ottoman Valours, Croquet De Brocade*, Minnlvers in fuli •etts. Velvet Embroidered Soles. Brocade Velours, Violets Des Alps, Plaid Lance, in all colors, Gro D’Kpsom, In vari ous hue*. Zouave Burnons, Kept Robe De Chanihres, Rept Persian* ala Mazaoua. rio . Flake Isadoras, Mndapilaus n chintz color*, Diamond and Magic Rufllings, Zephyr Aontags. Cape llroche Fancy Colors, Gold Belt* and Gilded Dress Trimmings, Velvet Cloaks, Clolh Arabs, Cloth Cloaks, Carpetings from the Richest Medallion Velvet Tapestry Town to the lower grade*. Our stock i unusually full and we Invite tbe public to an examination of the same. oet 8 ft OHS A: ( OLE3I AN, Cotton Avenue. 1860. FALL STYLES! 18ti<T. 13 r Xi D BAB JlbT OPEXtn A Siipe ri o r Is o t o I Cloths. Aul Vosiiugs, which cannot be excelled in beauty and durability. Having engaged Moos. Rousae, an experienced cutter, from New York, customers may rely on having something Superior in the style and fit of new garments. NEW STYLES —IN Heady AXado Olotliing, Shirts, Neck Ties, Collars, Glove*. Suspenders, Shawls, Socks, Ptraps. Canes Umbrellas, Ac., Ac. CHAS. H. BAIRD, oct 8 Cor. of Cherry and Second Streets. “W inter* Olotliing! JC. AVTNSHIP Haw non in Store a* Large a Slock of CLOTHING a* • an be found In the State, mtd it Is u?ele* In say that lie t* anxious to sell them. Buyers, e*peciaiiy CASH buyer.-, will find bargains -it E. WINSHIP’S. Gent s Furnishing’ Goods! GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, MERINO UNDER SHIRTS, ALL WOOL UNDER SHIRTS, SILK UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SUN PENDERS, HALF HOSE, GLOVES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. SHAWLS. BLANKETS, Just K. \YIYMIIP% oct 17 MILL INE R Y. Fall and Winter, 1860. MKB. A. DA MOI It ha* just returned from New York witli a JKaW new and unusually large assortment tffgßHßfflß of Millinery and Fancy Good*, consist- AY *2£iC’ ing of tlie latest styles of Paris Hats, ‘ Misses’ Flats, Btraw and Leghorn Bon- V net*,Kibbons and Flower*,Silk Dresses, Robe*, Evening Dresses,Beal Dbce Betts 5 Frencli Einbroiderie*, and new style* of Head Dresses; also, a fine stock of Velvet aud Cloth Cloaks, Basques, Fur Capes and Muff*, Zephyr and Worsted Shawls, Scarfs, Neel Ties, Silk and Kid Gloves, Ac., Ac. oct 3-ts KERRISON Sc L BIDING. IMPORTERS Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, If a we* I Street —out* floor from King, CHARLESTON, S. C. apr *O-’rt-ly* CURTAIN GOODS, XS indow Shades and Paper Hangings. This is the Largest Assortment In the tauthern Bute*. Sold on accommodating ‘serins, every article war ! ranted as represented. H. W. KINSMAN, Importer, I ma.T 2-60-1 y*] 2®t KING Si*., CHARLESTON, 8- C. LAMBERTS & HOWELL 219 KINO STREET, west mm, Importer*. Jobbers ami Dealer* m English, Scotch and Domestic C ARPETINGS, HUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINKN GOODS, MATTING*, Ac. may 8-60-Iv*> (IHAKLKKTnN, S. V. i*ew Carpet Store* JAMES G. B AIL IE, WKKCT tMK'MTBK Os ALL KINDS OF Carpeting, Uik. Fl*Mr Oil Oviks, Uiiidow Shade*, kr. f urtaiu Damasks, Late and Muslin CURTAINS. AC. .\o. 234 KI\USSnT n t.HAKLEkTO.V, S. €. J. G. BAILIE Sc BRO.. 205 BROAD STBSET, AtJfcl’STA, OA. , may 2-88-ly* umvaknet, companies. RICHARD CURD, GENERAL, MARINE, FIRE A.M> LIFE INSPRAAd AGENCY ffIHE undersigned, as “*f n V°of Hartford, A. .U.tna Insurance f{artfor, Ph.enlx Insurance Cos |)re Cos t of Hartford, North American Fire *“ Brooklyn, LaFayette Fire In*“ r n^ o f N ; w „, ven , and p, *te Fire Cos of Harl fori ,, XlD *h l to fosure every description of Property—ln Is preraieji corn panie - -on terms favorable to the , he .bore first eia*c i RICH’D CURD, •*K;V.'r’ _**?_ ’ THE LIVEarOOI. AND LONDON lilt iii w iisiMEi inn. OFFICE 5 WALL STB EFT, NFW YORK. ■ AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. jt’A.OOO.OOO. or $10,000,000. PAM) IP CAPITAL, BCRPI.CB AND RF.SKRVKI) FUNDS FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 INVESTED i.N THIS COUNTRY'. DiHTUTORS IN NEW YORK : JAMES BROWN, Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN, Ksq., Dp|dily Chairiuan, GKOBGE BARCLY, Esq. EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER, Kfiq. JOSEPH GILLARD,Jr.,Esq. ALKXANDKK HAMILTON, Jr., F,*q. El). F. BANDIRBON, Ksq. WM. g Wk'TMORP, Ksq. F.DWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Enq. Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Enq. A\KRS, WINGFIELD k CO., Agrafe. may41869-tf Macon, Ga. THE GEORGIA HOUC RANCG COWP.4MI, or COLUMBUS, GEO. CHARTERED CAPITAL - - $250,000 1)1 K KOTOR* John M. McGough, W. H. Young, Rob’t. M. Gunby, J. G. Strupper, C. C.Cody, J. P. ILlges, Daniel Griffin, W. H. Hughe*, James T tu-eusi), James Friuis, L T. Downing. JNU. NcfIOUGH, President. D. F. Wiilcox, Fi-creiarjr. Insures dwellings, stores, uierehandize, ccllon anil other produce, and ail Kinds t f Insurable property, against loss or dainaee by fire. Application* received and policies is sued by JOSEPH M. BOAUDMAN, feb 2t>— y Agent for Macon and vicinity. Tbe Hartford lucorporuted 1810, CAPITAIj, aGOO.OOO, Tin* N|ri us;i < ld, Capilnl, $ 150,000. Tli* .’Vlaxtaxoit, al S|>riiißHel<t, CAPITAL, $160,000, With a large Surplus securely invested. Polices in the above first Class Companies issued, and losses promptly adjusted by E. J. JOHNSTON, june 1C ’SB-tf Agent. J. 8. IK)AI1I)M\, WISHI:\IiTOY ItLOl'k, Comer Mulberry Street and Cotton Arenne, SIACOI, GEORGIA, OSAIA'R IS nf, CLISSIIAI., HEllinl, SIHWII AMI JISCELUSBKS BO () KB , Blank Books, of all kinds ; Record Bonks, for County purpo ses, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Paper, Wa ter Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and Water Colors. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Mathematical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses and Bonks. Writing Desk*. Portfolios, Pocket Books, Gam mon Boards, Writing fluids, and Ink*, of all kinds, • Indelible Inks, Faber & l.ubin’s Drawing Pen cils, Steel and Gold Pens, Ac., Ac., together with all the various articles usually found in a 15 O O K S T O II lfo . ALSO, AGENT OF THE Southern Mutual InsuranceConip’iy. February 13, 1861.—v niUmoke pain, NO MORE PAIN, NO MORE PAIN, NO MORE PAIN, NO MORE CHOLIC, NO MORE CHOLIC, NO MORE CHOLIC, NO MORE CHOLIC, NO MORE DRUNKENNESS, NO MORE DRUNKENNESS, NO MORE DRUNKENNESS, NO MORE DRUNKENNESS, If you take Ilenry’s Concentrated Extract of Ginger, a remedy that is safe and sure in every family—it is no patent medicine—you know what you are taking It is the Con centrated Extract of Jamaica Ginger Hoot, (Zinzlber offi cinale,) made by ZttfLlN A 11l NT, Druggists, marts Macon, Georgia. VALUABLE PL ANTA T 1 ON I'OK SALE. TIIK subscriber offers for sale Ids desirable plantation, situated in the 15th district ol fiumter couuty.and about 14 miles from Amerlcus. It contains Eighteen Hundred acres, seven hundred of which is cleared, aud in a good state of cultivation It is undoubtedly as good a plantation as there is in Sumter county. A good dwelling house,negro houses, giu aud screw, and all other necessary out buildings on the premises, and plenty of water. It adjoin* the rich lands of T. M. Purlow, W. T. Adams,and others. The place may be seen at any time. Persons wishinging to purchase will either call on me at the plantation, or address me at Americus, Sumter county, Georgia. dec 26 40-ts . A. J. SCRUTCHIN. DAVID ROSS, BOOK-BIICDEK AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER. CO -S’ TIN EES to make BLANK BOOK* for Courts, Counting Houses and Kail m / Roads and to Bind all varieties of WORK with superior neatness and despatch. WmXXXMm 111 SIC Bound with ELASTICITY and ELEGANCE. La IV llooks in the most approved style. HARPERS’ WEEKLY AND MAGAZINE. GRAIIAM’B, GODKY’B, and all other Periodicals and Magazines BOUND in neat and cheap Bindings. Particular attention paid to the re-binding valuable old Books. vr Orders from a distance will meet with prompt atten tion. Next Door to W. W. Parker & Co’*. Macon, September 20, 1860.—y ~~ GEORGE A. SMITH, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OP PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, Near the New Passenger Depot. MACON, QA. Vs KRCHANTB *m be supplied upon as favorable terms, IvX with as good Candy, in great varieties, as can be had South. Those wishing to purchase are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens. All orders promptly Oiled, with a fresh article, and warran ted to stand the climate. Term* cash, ang. £. 19-ts SAMUEL W. PEPPER, SUCCESSOR TO HENRY J. PEPPER ft SON. Watcues, Jewelry and Silverware, V O . 176, Cturtnut strut, (opposite the SUU House, Philadelphia. vrtl —lr* Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! AI.AIILE Stock for sale, without reaa-d to cost. Now is ths time to ge’ cheap Clothing at jun* 18 U B. A W. A ROBS Wheat, Rye, Barley and Oal*. SF.LECTKO *pciany for In store and so sale, hy (net 10) McOALLIK k JONKft REFINED LEAF CARD. ft A KEGS Refined Leaf Lard now receivirg and so OW sate by McCALI.IKA JONES. agl6. general advertisements j IsiHsiK wMOTMToar. JOHN RITTER, MAHBLE SO. 78 HIGH STREET, NEW HAVEN, CONS. HAS* *n nand a great variety of Anerican and Foreign Marbles for Monuments, Mantles, Baptismal Fonts, Statuary, Ac., Ac. Having in his employ some ol the best workmen in this country, he is prepared to execute prompt ‘y all orders for any dencription nf Marble Work. Numerous specimens of design and workmanship from the above establishment, can i>e seen at Rose Mill Cemetery, and the umiersigned has a large eolleetion of new patterns ot Monuments, which he will he pleased to exhibit. JOHN L. JONEB, Resldeut Agent. fell 1-1860—ts Ready Made Clothing. THl£ undersigned ha* In store a LARGE STOCK of SOUTHERN MADE O Xj O THING! From material manufactured in the South, which he guaran i tees to sell (at a profit,) as low as any one professing to sel at New York cost. apr 2s E. SAULSBUItY. .m. ■. am . WHEELER A- WILSON’S Sewing Machines at standard prices ; anew and fine lot just opened and for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. mar 14 Second Floor. SEWING MACHINES and Mathematical Instru ments repaired and adjusted, and new parts made to ruer. New Tension Pads, Ac., for old machines. By mar 14 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. METHODIST Book Depository! Corner Midberry unit Second Street*. A GOOD STOCK OF BOOKS OF ALMOST EVERY KIND. Alwavs on hand, at the lowest prices, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Call and examine our Stock Nliret Y 1 lisle, a good assortment always on hand. Orders from the country receive prompt attention. Address (oct 24) J. W, BURKE, Agent. WILL YOU GO NORTH, WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTER SOUTH? CARRIAGE & HARNESS MAYLFACTORV AND REPOSITORY, FORSYTH, GA HAVING purchased the entire inter- Wfiiß est of the late firm of BANKS, DER A CO., I invite the attention of the citizens of Monroe and surrouningcounttes to my extensive arrangements for Manufacturing TOP AND NO TOP BCGGIBS, COACHES, ROCK A WAYS, CAR RIAGES, PHASTONB, Ac., Ae. lam constantly receiving addition, not from the North, but from my Work Shops, to my stock on hand, of three or four Buggies per week, which combine elegance and finish, with lightness, strength and durability. Orders for any sort of Vehicle,Harness, Ac., are most respectfully solicited, which shall bt* promptly supplied, and all engagements for work PUNCTUALLY met. I have constantly on hand a large assortment of HARNESS. 838*“ Repairing done at short notice and Warranted, aug 81-1 yt J. R. BANKS. REPOSITORY. C. T. & CO., IVIANI FACYUKEHS and DEALERS, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD HOUSE, Macon, Ga. WE would call the attention of the public to our new Stork, comprising Coaches, Bretts, Kockaways and Buggies, of the most elaborate finish, from celebrated build ers, North. Genuine BRATTLEBOUO’ BUGGIES constantly on hand. nov 16 .T4-tf CARRIAGES. li arness, & c. plant’s old stand, opposite the POST OFFICE, MACON, GFOKCiIA. Til. PI, having forme<i a connection with Mr. , J. C. Tiiornton, for many years favorably known as a practical and xperienccd Carriage maker, and dealer, at Columbia. So. Ca., and Savannah, Ga.,theCarriageliuslness will hereafter be conducted in the name of J. C. TIIOK.VrOX A CO. It is the intention of the undersigned to always keep on hand a varied an 1 splendid assortment of every description of Carriage in use, which for Elegaure, Llglilnessand Strength, cannot be excelled. The iong experience of both parties will at aU tunes insure the most perfect satisfaction to al who may favor them with their patronage. It is the intention of the subscribers, after the Ist of Octo fler, to go extensively into the Manufacture k Repairing of Carriages, Competent Mechanics in all branches, will lie employed under the immediate and practiced eye of Mr. Thornton, and customers may depend on having every thing done in the very best manner, with promptness aid despatch, aug IT ‘2*2-tf J. C. THORNTON A CO. guanoTlim k, &£ 1 A A BBLS. Rhode’s Phosphate. J-V-fX-F 600 Sacks Mapes Buper-Phosphate of Lime, fits I “ Reese’s Manipulated Guano. 15t) bbls. American Guano. 150 “ Lund Planter. 100 “ Lime. For sale at Manufacturer’s prices by M*2o ARHFR AYRES. RAILROAD SCHEDULES*, &C | KOI TII- W ESTERIt A 11, ROA!> * m&m&mtm-im - Oliange of Schedule. j Two Da Hi/ Jraim between Macon $ Columbw . Leave Macon ..9 43 a. ti. and 11 &.> r. u Arrive at Columbus 8 30 p. m. and ft % a m Leave Columbus , ..8.16 a. m. and R.o p u Arrive at Macon 9 00 a. m. and 9 itft p. m One daily Mail Train between Macon and Chattahoochee, Fort Gaines, Cuthbert and Albany. Leave Macon 1it.25 a. m Arrive at Chattahoochee. p M Leave Chattahoochee 10 S.'. p .u Arrive at Macon S.’.'O p M The Mail and Passenger Train.. from Albany connect daily at Smithville, No. Id 1?. IV K. R., and frtm Fort Hsines daily at Cuthbert, with Chattahoochee Mail Train. Leave Smithville at.. 3 81 p. m Arrive at Albany ft t*s p. m Leave Albany at I.lft p. M Arrive at Siuithvllle R.Stirp. m l.eave Cuthbert at j...... • .6.00 p. v Arrive at Fort Gaines T.4ft p. m Leave Fort Gaines at Id 45 a. Ji Arrive at Cuthbert at lg 42 p. M Malting tlie connection with the u|. and down Chati.i hoochee Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form 0 through connection to Mont gomery, Ala , and Augusta, Kingston, Wilmington, Savan nah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, BainbiUge, Thomasville, 4c. Passengers fur points below Fort Valley, should take the Nlpht Train from Augusta and Savannah to tvoHdptPOfir.n at M&cou. For other points take either Train VI Run. POWKRS, EBK’r * Pup’t. Macon, F**t>. 2 th a IS6I. Central Rail Hoad. Change of ScliMiiiltt. ONI and after Sunday, February 26th, lnO*, the Trains will run as follows : Leave Savannah 10.05 a. m., 1.80 p. m. and 11.10 P. M Arrive at Macon 5.1.-5 a. m. and 11.0 ft p. m Arrive at Augusta C 3d a. m. and o.Bft p. .a Arrive at Milledgeville.. lii.:3d p. u Leave Macon. 10.00 a. u. and 10.00 p. m Aarrlve at Savannah . ..7.29 A. M., 7.45 p. M. and 10.40 p. u Arrive at Augusta 0.30 A. M. and 6.oft p. Leave Augusta 12.30 a. m. and 2.15 p. s Arrive at Savannah 7.29 a. m. and 10 40 p. \t Arrive at Macon 8.55 a. m. and 11.05 f. m Trains that leave Savannah at 10 05 a. m., only run to Millen, arriving there at 8.10 p. m., connecting withlOa. Macon train to Augusta. Passengers taking the 2.15 p. m. train at Augusta, will leave Miilen 5.50 p. m., and arrive at Savannah at 10.40 p. in. Passengers by 11. Id p. m., from Savannah wi.l go through direct to Augusta. Pass-ngers by either 1.30 or 11.10 p m. trains from Sa vannah for Macon, or points beyond, wii! ice-t with no detention at Macon. Passengers for Atlanta, or points beyond, or Western A Atlantic Ra l Road, will leave Savannah on the 1.20 p. i u . train ; for Milledgeville and Eatomon on 11.10 p. 111. train ; for South Western Kail Road below Fort Valley, on 11. 10 p. m. train ; those for Montgomery, Columbus, Ac., Iy either tialn. Passengers from Augusta, for South Western Georgia, thould take the 12.80 a. in. train, to avoid detention at Macon. Those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac , may take eitner train. Trains connect at Macon with Macon A Western trains to Grittin and Atlanta, and the west; also, with South-Western trains to Albany, Cuthbert, Rufaula, Fort Gaines, Americas, Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., and at Millen with Augu3ta and Savannah Rail Road to Augusta and the north ; at Sa vannah with the tri-weekly Steamships to New York ; also, with steamships to Philadelphia and Baltimore. By this chauge in Schedule, the connection, both ways, at Augusta, with the South Carolina Rail Road is secured, anil passengers will have no detention at Augusta or Millen, as heretofore. GEO. W. ADAMS, Dtb 2® General Superintendent. MACON k WESTERN RAIL ROAD. rSjFjwHCj U,*ms3 4. . . ‘ * tmEsez ON and after Wednesday, April 4‘h, Passenger Trains of this Road will be run as follows: Leave Macon at ’. 12.00 night and at 1.45 P. m Arrive at Atlanta at 7 15 a.m. and at 7.lft p. m Leave Atlanta at 12.00 night and at 2.15 p. m Arrive Maeon at 7.15 a. m. and at 7.4 ft p. m The night Trains will not be run on Sundays. The 12.00 night Train from Maron connects at Atlanta with train of Western A Atlantic Rail Roud, leaving Atlanta at 10.20 a. m with Georgia R. R. at 906 a. in. and Atlanta A West Point R R. at 10.10 a in. The 1.45 p. m. train from Macon connects with train o Western A Atlantic It. R., leaving Atlanta at S.OO p. in with Georgia R. It. at 8.40 p. rn. and Atlanta A West Point K. K. at 12.30 a. m. Each train of the Western A Atlantic R. R. connects at Chattanooga with trains for Memphis, Nashville, New Or leans, and all points West, and at Dalton wi'h trains for Knoxville and all points North, may 9 7-’0 ALFRED L. TYLER,gup’t. Wi'Meni <V Atlantic Railroad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 188 Miles—Fare, $5 00 DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 10.30, A. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 7.45, P. M . Leaves Chattanooga at 9.30. P. M “ Arrives at Atlanta at 6.38, P. M EVENING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, nightly, at 8.40, P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 5 u 7, A. M Leaves Chattanooga at 5.40, P. M Arrives at Atlanta at s.oft, A. M. This Road connects, each way, with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennesssee and Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Rail oad at Chattanooga. JOHN W. LEWIS, oct 5 88-ts Superintendent. IPSO* CO I.* TV KAIL UOAJD. rnHK dally train on the road connects with the train on A the Macon A Western Railroad from Macon to Atlanta : Fare from Thomaston to Macon $2 bft. “ “ “ “ Atlanta 8 w 5. Through tickets can be had at tlip office of this company in Thomaston ; and at thp general ticket office of the Macon A Western Rail Road, at Macon and Atlanta. Passengers wishing to go to Chalybeate springs, Warm Springs, or White Sulphur Springs, will find this route very pleasant. Fine Stage Coaches will leave Thomaston daily ou the arrival of the train, and connect at the Chalybeate Springs witli coaches to the Warm arid White Sulphur Springs, returning daily to connect with the train from Thomaston to Barnesville. A. J. WHITE, july 25-ts Snp’t. Savannah. Route ! NEW-YORK! Great Redaction in Rates of Passage. NEW AR o ANG[WENT FROM. I FROM. New Orleans *39 75 Memphis s3l 75 Mobile 35 00 Nashville 27 75 Montgomery 25 00 Chattanooga 25 00 Columbus 21 00 Knoxville 25 50 Albany 28 00 Atlanta 11 00 Macon 20 00 Augusta 17 50 Baggage cheeked through by the Manhattan Express Company on the Central Kail Road Cars, and delivered anywhere in New York or vicinity. By the Splendid and Commodious Side-Wheel Steamships AUGUSTA,... .1500 tons Capt. Woodhull. FLORIDA, 1300 “ “ Crowki.l. ALA8AMA,....1300 “ “ Scuenck. Leaving Savannah every SATURDAY, carrying the Cni ted States Mail. These Steamships belongto the Old Established andfavorite line, known as the New-York and Savannah Steamship Navigation Company, and were built expressly for this line, they are commanded by experienced, skillful, careful, and polite officers ; and in comfortable accommodations and fare can not be excelled by any vessels on the coast. Through Tickets are sold in New-Orleans by R. Gedde 90 Gravler st.; in Mobile by Cox, Brainard A Cos.; in Cos lumbus by 8. H. Hill, Agent Hamden’s Express and J. M Bivins, Kail Road Ticket Agent, and at all other points by onnecting Rail Road Ticket Agents. JNO. R. WILDER A GALLIE, Agents, Bay Street. 8a vannah. S. L. MITCIIILL, A SON, feb 99-ts Agents, 13 Broadway, New-York. NOTICE. Tl<K Apalachicola and New Orleans Steam Navigation Company's new and elegant Steamship FLORIDA 718 Tons Burthen, o. o. NIILSto, Ceiumandcr, Leaves Apalachicola the 7th, 17th and 29th of each month. Leaves New Orleans the 4th, 14th and 26th of each month. Fare between the following places and New Orleans: Columbus, $lB 00 Kufaula, 17 00 Fort Gaines and Bainbridge, 1C 00 Woodville, BelWue and Chattahoochee, 16 00 Tickets to be had on board the ship or any of the River Steamers, and at the oflices of the Agents. ALBERT DODGE, No. 36, W’ater-street, Apalachicola. JOHN A. MITCH EL, nov 28-ly No. 32, Poydraa-street, New Orleans. A Chance lor Ca[iila:is|s. MACON GRIST MILL fob SALE. OWINLi to the Insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, we are anxious to dis pose of the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now In complete running order—will grind 17 bushels a day, and cannot fait to make a handsome proll if well managed, in the hands of a person with suflicie , capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory i ;- formation on this, and other subjects connected with tfi: business, can be obtained at the Mill. sep2C 27- BOIFK'JILI.KT k CO. I¥ O T ■ C 12 . IYIIK subscribers have opened a House in Macon, on the . corner next below the “Brown House,” and near the Passenger Depot, for the Purchase and Sale of Negroes. A good supply, of likely Young Negroes, kept constantly on hand and for sale. Purchasers and Traders are invited to call and examine for themselves, mar 16 *s9—if BTUBBB A HARDY PLANTATION HHOti ANB.—Now in retort store the best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever ofTered in this Market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed black and russetta; do. heavy single soled black nd russetta; do. hoys and youths black ami russetu, all ot which we are selling very low. MIX A KIRTLAND. oo t <-j ill E D I C I N F. s. Thousands gre daily speaking In praise of Dr. EatoiTs Infantile Cordial and why? because it never fails to afford instantaneous relief when given in time. It act* as if by magic, and on trial alone will convince you that what we say is true, it contains No lrcgorlc or Opiate of any kind, and therefore relieves by removing the suffer ings of your child, Instead of hy deadening Us sensibilities. For this reason, it commends itself as the • reliable pre paration now known for Children Teething, Diarrh.ea, Dysintery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croup ; also, for Softening the Gums, Reducing Infiamatlon, Regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it lias no equal—being a:i anti-spasmodic it is used with unfailing success in all cases of Convulsions or other Fits. As you value the life and health of your child ren, and wish to save them from those sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narconcs of which all other remedies for Infantile Com plaints are composed, take none but Dr. Eatob’s htr.tsrar CoabiAU, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the most delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany each bottle. Prepared only by CHCROH A DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, Yew York. Healthy human blood upon being .<££_ n a 1 i z e and always prciFDt* us with the same essential elements and gives of course the True Standard. Analyse the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint Dys pepsia, Scrofula, Ac., and we had in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of blood Supply these de ficiencies, and you are made well. The Buwii Food is founded upon this theory, hence its astonishing success. To all suffering from consumption, incipient or confirmed, or from debility of any kind ; or from mental or nervous prostration, brought on by any cause; or from scrofulous complaints ; or from diseases of the kidneys or bladder ; and to ladies suffering any of the many distressing com plaints their sex are liabie to, and which engender con sumption, tin. illouri Food is offered as a certain and reliable remedy. Differing in every particular from the patent medicines of the day, it is a chemical combination of Iron, Sulphur and Phosphorus, of very great worth, and many hundreds bear glad and grateful testimony to the benefits it has conferred on them. Price of the Blood Food $1 per bottle, gold by CHURCH A DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New-York. And by Dr. E. L. Strouei keb, Macon. sep 5- Lalest News by the Atlantic Telegraph. rgt<> all whom it may concern, this is to notify the public JL that ISAACS is at home again, and begs to asxmehis paironsthat his Saloon is not a thing of a Jay Citizens and the traveling public will find their establishment open, not for the Season only, but at all Seasons of the year, and those calling on us, will at ali hours, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford, in the way of eatables and something good to drink, and six days out of seven, more thau can be toand in any other house in town. E, ISAACS & BRO’. Kalstoti’s Elali, Cherry St. His BUI of Fare will every day, Be just the thing for little pay; And those, who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete— And goiDg once, they then will know, That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to lee our friends, ensuring them that it will be our unreinit'ing care to please in every respect, as we flatter ourselves, we have done till now. It may not be generally known that we have, to meet the wishes of the Medical faculty, imported by ourselves, a very superior quality of Pale Brandy, fine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much de j sired by them. at this Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself OYSTBHS, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, or in any way you want them Aiso, _ a Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, Venison and Beef Steaks, Mutton Chops and Vea! Cutlets, Ham and Eggs, Devil Ham and iseviied Terapins, Mountain Oysters, rptfiSL TURTLE SOUP, AAVff” 1 Wood-Cock, Grouse, £s£ Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish. and everything that an epicure wanta.can always be had when in season. Coufcptionerieii and Fruit. ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good aseort o>entof CONFECTIONERIES, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, CAKES, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Bt sure and call at K. ISAAC'S & BRO, oct 6-tr Superior to Peruvian Guano. Ju. Lu. HOYT’S AMMONTATED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. Thos. P. Stovall <fc Cos., Augmta, 4a., General Agents for Georgia. 1111 IS Super-Phosphate, composed of BONE, SULPHU RIC and PHOSPHORIC ACIDS, AMMONIA, SODA and POTASH, has been extensively used during the past two seasons in Georgia, and has given the most complete satisfaction in COTTON, WIiKAT, CORN, OATS, KYF. TURNIPS and POTATOES. We are permitted to give the following gentlemen as re ferences, besides numerous others, who have used it: Owen P. Fitzsimmons, Esq Burke county. Iloheri F. Connally, Esq “ “ H. J.Ogilby, Ksq Morgan county. Hon. I. T. Irvin Wilkes “ John A. Jones, Esq Polk “ D Dickson, Esq Newton “ Dr. E. M. Pendleton Hancock “ Wilson Bird, Esq “ “ J. A. Bell, Esq Oglethorpe “ Thomas W. Whatley, Esq Beach Island. Jonathan M. Miller, Esq •• “ PAMPHLETS containing analysis, letters, Ac., furnished o l application. Price, per Ton, in Augusta £SO 00 Discount made to purchasers of five tons, or more. TIIOS. P. STOVALL Sc C'O., Augusta, Ga. !V. IJ.—Being Agents for all Georgia, we will furnish to Planters helow Augusta, or in the direction of the Centra) and connecting Roads, Hoyt’s Snper-Phosphate, at 44ft per Ton in New York—expenses to their station added. For this reason, early orders are solicited, that the Super-Phos phate may be sent to them direct from New York. Same discount made from New York price to purchasers of five tons or more. TIIOS. I*. STOVALL A CO. dec 14 38-ts 255 Broad-street, Augusta, Ga Miscellaneous. GAS FIXTURES, Porkct aI Taltle Cut ler), RAZORS and FANCY CUTLERY, PORTABLE DESKS, DRESSING CASES, FANCY BASKETS PARIAN BTATUETTS, DOUBLE &. SINGLE GUNS, COLT’S PISTOLS, CANES, PORT MONIES AND PURSES, MUOSCHAUM PIPES,CIGAR HOLDERS,OPERA GLASSES, Shell and Ornamental Combs, Fancy Hair Pins, Backgammon Boards, Chess Men, Domi noes, Hilliard Balls, Cues | LEATHERS & CHALK, With many new and desirable articles not enumerated. Anew and fine selection for sale at low prices, bv nov 16 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. HOU E iH llf IFACTURE. \'l7'K are prepared to make to order and repair, at short notice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac. Also, Sewing Machines repaired, and new parts made, and machines adjusted,by a practical and experienced workman Public patronage respectfully solicited, jan 18 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. PI A A OS, 05 Chiekering A SonV, Dunham’s and other celebrated Makers ; warranted in tone, durability and finish to be first quality, apd sold at the very best rate, together with a fine lot of Guitars, Violins, Aecordeons, Flutes, fViolin and Guitar Strings, Musical Boxes, Ac , Ac., by nov 16 E. J. JOHNSTON A 00- Spectacles, INi Gold and Steel Frames, Gold, Silver, Steel and Com mon Specks. A splendid assortment just received, by nov 1C E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Bacon, €m, Lard aul Flour. <7- CASKS BACON, hog round. i ‘) 75W) Bushels CORN. 25 Barrels LARI). 25 Half barrels LARD. 4 1 Kegs LARD. 60U Bids. S. F and Family FLOUR. 80 lllids. MOLASSES. 10 Bids SYRUP. 23 Half bbls. SYRUP. 1 IK) bills, refiaed SUGARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 Boxes TOBACI O 800 Bbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cah. ASHER AYERS. Macon Feb. 20th, Ik6l. Pure Corn and Rectified Whiskey. Ff AA BBLS. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey’s ( * M. * Extra Rectified,”” Kentucky Pure White,’’Ten nessee Corn,” Georgia Planters,” “Pike’s Magnolia,’ and other Brands all received direct from the Distillers, and or sale low by McCALLIE A JONES, mar 7 CORN ! CORN M BUSH Prime Western Corn, just received WO’ } and for sale at 66 lbs. to the bushel by an* 15 MaCALLIE * JOKW. BOOTS. —A fall assortment of Gents’fiue French A j Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and water proof, of ■ arlous kinds and qualities, both soled and pegged.— jK I ust received and for sale low by MIX * KIKf LAND. ct l| MEDICINES. R . J . n . nrl, E 4 N ’ Slrfugtheiiius Cordial k Blood Purifor THE GREATEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD ‘ And the most delicious and delightful Cordial ever t k IT is strictly* scientific and Vegetable Compound . by the distillation of Roots, Herbs am Park Dock, Rlond Root, Black Root, Sarsapuri a Wjh J! Bark and Dandelion enter, into its Ch * rr > active remedial principle of each iMredim is ti*? ”‘t fr ! extr cted hy my new method of dln-.dhiig I cions, exhiteraUng spirit, and the met INfIII TBlW** 1 ’ j dy for renovating the .Leased system, and restorW, , .utteringand debilitated unun to ucalu, „„„ k ’ >lcl.s Mrc, C or^| ! will effectually cure Live, Complaints. Dyspepsia . i Chronic or Nervous Debility, D(teases <:f the WofT M ’ j all diseases arising Don, a dtsorcered Liver \ Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Inward Piles, Aridity or “to ‘l the Stomach, Fullness ot binod to the H hd Dull p,,!? Swimming in the Head, Palpitation of the llcan. i nl r ‘‘” , ! i Weight lo the Stomach, Hour Emctatlons,Choaki-r , - “ f , fcrating Feeling when lying dou, Drvnessor Ydiow U ". the Skm and Eyes, Night aweats. Inward Fever- Pnie ’ the Small of the Br. k, Cr.est or bide. Sudden Fiu-.h”, Heat, Depression ot Spiriis, Frightful Dresn.v I anai-or Ba spondeucy or any Ne. vous DWare, Sores or p.lovi i the Skin, Fever and Ague t.r Chills arid Fever.. ” * t "‘ Over Hull a tiiliiou f Uojtj ?s Have been sold during the lart six months, and iu noin&tanc has it faileil in civ ng e..tire satisfaction, Who then w'ii suffer f. um weakness r debility when McLean’s Stre’uvtv ening Cordial will cure you? No language can convey an adequate idea of the immedi i ate and almost miraculous change produced hy takit.v t i • Cordial in the diseased, debilitated and shat: red nirv system, whether brolen dwn by exeec 5) wea t bJ niture Lr inf*airrti bjr icJc • th< relaxed and ni-ai * U nstored to Ui prfitiae und \ .Tlarrled Fersons, Or others consoioas of inability, from wbateTer c ause ‘ find Mdiean’s Btrt*iurtheniiig Cordial a tborough ra*J r of the Kytem; and all aha nuy have injured themselves i, iartproper induigenoies, vii! find in tills Cordial a • anl apeedj rfni**fiy. To the I.iidlvH, Mrlß-aiiN StrenYtlieninj; Cordial is a sortrign andsp^y cure for Incipient Consumption, Whites, Olsiructed m,j Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine or lnvoiuuu. ry Discharge thereof, Falling of the Womb, GidUine.. Fainting and all Diseases incident to Females. There IsXo Mistake About It, Suffer no longer. Take it aceordingto directions. It s;;i stimulate, and invigorate you and cause the bloom es he;-p to mount to your cheek again. Every Lottie warranted to give satisfaction. For rhihlreits Ifyour children are sickly, puny, or afflicted, McLean's Cordiai, will make them healthy, fat and robust. Delay not a moment, try it and you will be convinced. It is Delicious lo Take. Czmox. —Beware of druggists or dealers who may try to palm upon you some Bitters or Sarsaparilla tra-h, (which they can buy cheap,) by saying it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask for McLean’s Strength:!!? Cordial,and taxe nothing else. It is the only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly,and at the same tirae strengthen the system One table spoonful taken every morning, fa-ting", is a certain preventative for Cholera, Chills and Tever, Yellow Fever, or any prevalent disease. Price only |1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. JOHN MrLEAN, Sole Proprietor of this Cordial. Also, McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment. Principal Depot on the corner of Third and Pine streets, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by 7.EILIN A HUNT, GEO. PAYNE, Macon, and all respectable Druggists in Lite South. apr U-ly Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. THE Proprietors and Manufacturers of FiOSTETTFR’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT! ERS can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally of the United States,because the articie has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blazoning effrontery. “The consumption of Hrstettei b Stomach Bitters for the last year amounted to over a kaif million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident thi\t during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million Lotties. This im mense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the preparation, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections ol the country where the article is best known, who not on ly recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases ci stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting there from . This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extra r dinary efforts in the way of trumpeting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetler's Stomach B,tiers have proxd a Godsend to regions wtiere fever and ague and various other bilious complaints hare counted their victims by hundred!. To be abie to state confidently that th “ Bitters”are a certain cure of the Dyspepsia, and like diseases, is to the proprie tors a source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes ail morbid matter irom the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive or gans, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the func tions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Ditters daily as per direc tion ■■ on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant pe culiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleas ant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evidence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienc ed the benefit of using mi preparation whi e suffering from stomach derangements and general debility; actitg under the advice ol physicians, they have abandoned ail deleteri ous drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when their care= * re sobarrassing that many of them sink under the trial The relation of mother and child is so ab sorbingly tender, that he mother, especially If she he young * apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for iher infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is general ly aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recuperate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting tflats and sibilittes. Nursing mothers generally prefer the Bittei sto all other invigorators that receive the endorsement of phy sicians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as cer tain to give a permanent increase os bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particularly referr ed above, to wit ; sufferers from fever and ague, isused by malaria, diarrhu-a, dysentery, indigestion, loss ot appetite, all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannua ted inval ds, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to Hostetler's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. Caution. —We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counterfeits.but ask for HusTKiiiiJi’s Oi.ebrztbd Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words “Dr. J. Hotetter’s Stomach Enters” blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. iW Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER A SMlTH.Pitts burgh, Pa., and sold by all Druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, Canada. South Ame riea and Gerraanv. Also for sale bv E. L. STROIIF.CKER GEO. PAYNE, and ZELIN A HUNT, Macon, Ga. may 2-1 y A Card. DR. J. B. GORMAN having extensively used Ifttik’s Vermifuge takes pleasure in saying it is the most val- I uable remedy to cure children of Wouts he ever knew. A | dollar bottle quite sufficient for 25 cases. Believing that more children are lost from the effects of Weans than from all other causes I recommend it fully to everybody. In using, nothing else i* necessary but to dose | the children spring and fall. Besides the great convenience | of such medicines, 1 never before found a more safe, or one more certainly to be relied upon than Dr. W. G. Little’s Vermifuge. Talbotton, Ga., Feb. 2,1880. Little’s Anodyne Cough Drops per bottle $0 76 Little’s Vermifuge, in large bottles 1 00 Little’s Vermifuge, in vials 25 Little’s Ring and Tetter Worm Ointment 1 00 Little’s French Mixture ; 1 50 mar 21 52 JPuure Liquors, JUST IMPORTED. DALY &, FITZGERALD, 2d door from Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, Have juxt received PURE IRISH WHISKEY. ” MKRETT BRANDY. “ SHERRY WINE. “ MADURA A PORT WINE. These Liquors have been selected with great care by Paly during 11 recent visit lo Ireland. They are warranted pure. It is deemed entirely unnecessary to re sort to puffery in order to induce a sate. They are of the best quality, and cannot fail to establish this commendation in the minds of all who try them. The public and judges of hearticle, particularly,are invited to calland examine for hemselves. (nov 28 35-) just received! —AT— NO. 11, COTTON AVENUE. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF JE lu JL, \ M O 1> S, AND SELF-SEALING FRUIT JARS. SEVERAL STYLES, FOR SALE CHEAP, Always on hand, their usual supply of Staple and fancy CHINA, GLASS, CROCKERY, LAMPS, Table Cutlery, &e. BOLSIIAW & HERZOG, aug!s Macon, Georgia. MONEY LOST. lIXKKKHV give notice that I have lost the right half of a fifty dollar h II on the Mechanic’s Bank, Au gusta, payable to W. F. Pemberton, No. 104, letter If 1 K| gu c*d by Carhart, Cashier, and Sibley, President, and , 1; apply to said bank for the amount at the en o three months. j. BLAKELY SMITH. jan2 ts Confectioneries and Groceries. TH n AMOUR at his old stand No. 140 Mulberry St. . keern as usual a full assortment of goods in the above . Keeps au „ r own manufacture, and fine line, consisting u ~ , the only one in Macon that imports R^ I ' C t v w"neAa,,d Wine Vinegar direct from France. AII Brandy, ’ an j Wines,choice Havana Segars.acd ‘” i 0 , 6 ”* L o r a..g^A I .ples, and other Fruits, Ka,sms, linPrswa ’Nuts, and Preseivesof all kinds. Pickles, Ca nres’Olives Olive Oil,-Ketchups. Sauces, Butter, Cheese, Crackers Cakes, Dried Beef Tongues, Pig Hams. Potatoes, Onions Cabbages, nd many other articles in that line to numerous to mention. mar 14-u FOR MOXI.TIKSTS, -BY- Hobt. X 2. Xjaunltz, W* * I. J. JOHNSTON * CO., Agent*, noli’M-tf Macon,