Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, May 01, 1861, Image 4

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BUSINESS CARDS. 3. B. i W. A. ROSS, Wholesale rj Goods Jobbers, Corner Cherry and Second Sts., Macon, Cxa. Iff addition to their Urge and new stock of Dry Good*, Cloth’ug, Hats, and Oroeeriea, are receiving 500 cases Oboes, fresh rom the Manufacturers, to which they respect fully invite i Tjn'ttl of Dealers and consumers. lune 1* | I RON WORKS, UACON, GEORGIA. T. C. NISBET, HIVUG r-moved his FOUNDRY AND MACHINE , ‘VOriKs to the li&e of the Rail Hoad near th Macon a W .-stwrw Shops, be is now prepared to manufacture all \IACHINER¥ AND CASTINGS, oleum Engines & Boilers, t* ‘•is as favorable a* anv Establishment et'hcr h’or-!i or South.. ifoai m r. C. Nf'Dt-1 o. . sr. Kip r 'Jos. aaan*mx, si. wake-house and Commission Merchants. MACON, GA., Wjl Ljfiv.. prompt aiteiition to the selling and storing I of cotton, and to the filling of orders for plantation i3( j f, „ suyp:.e. With many year, experience and aith their bes* e3f >na to serve their friend*, they hope to Uve a taitlMWM of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to th-iu. Liberal advance* made when required. August 15th ISti). (ly.) jo*x scbofixid, sosacx scaorisib fecliofielcl & Bro., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS MACON, GKOHGIA. WE are prepared to Manufacture Sit-tarn K. nit i ties, ■ CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEAR ING, SUGAR MILL.-. BRASS AN D IRON CASTINGS, Os every riptioii IUO\ KI KLIMG And VE It* ANDAHb. Uaviug the most complete assortment ot Iran Railing in tiie State, which for elegance, neatness, du rability and design, cannot be surpassed, an! are suitable for the fr*.r.U of Dwellings, Cemetery Lsts, Public Squares, Church Fences and Balconies. Persons deslrons of purchasing Railings will do well lo give a call, as we are determined to offer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. gy“ Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city, jar 1-1861. A. M‘QUEEN. IVIAOOJNT, GEOIAGIA. MINI EAITIRKR of Wrought Iron RAILING of every description, arid for all purposes, Plain and Ornamental, from the lightest Scroll Iron, up to the heaviest Railing used. Having an endless variety of New and Original Designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suit ed. Being enttrely of Wrought Iron, their strength cunnot be questioned, and for beanty they cannot be surpassed any where. Al! kinds of Fancy Iron Work made to order. Par ticular attention given to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Bailings. Specimens of the work can be seen at the Residences off. G. Holt, L. F W. Andiews and W. J. McElroy, Esqrt. Also at Rose Hill Cemetery. July 18 16-ts Corrugated Wrought Irou and Wire Railing. (Secured by Letter * Patent.) ADWIR A K L V adapted for enclosing Public Grounds, Cemeteries, Balconies, Cottages, 6c. Sheep and Ox Hurdle. Pa'ent Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every variety of Folding Iron Bedsteads and Iron Furniture.— Paten* Wire Coal -tcreen*. Ore, Sand and Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Mosquito, Sheep, Poultry and other pur poses. Wire Summer Houses, Fancy Wire Work in great Variety for gardens, 6c. M. WALKER 6 SONS, Manufacturers, No. 585 Market, N, K. Cor. 6th Bt., Phila delphia. (oct24-ly) inTiis. ik in nuns. THOMAS MOItSE, / \F Cielstc firm of Marcwslter 6 Motts*, having pur- V. 9 chaseif Che cut ! re business, will continue the mauufac ng of i)OUG*e Guns, and best Rides and Pistols made *i the Uniu-4 fitatcs.on an entirely new plan of Mr. V. OUN3 re atocJvd and repwiried in manner, and on ■ eakocahle term*, at short notice. The undersigned being ■al workman, will guarantee all his work, and in vite the public to give him a trial. Toe eland is under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. Taotr. psou’s. June 18-’6O-y D. 67 HODGKINS &, Sos\ DEALER? 1* ASD HA NCFACTRRKRS OP S3cTJ ISMS, GULES. And Sperling Apaaratus or XV**Y OMCSIMIOM, j Vl- A riw DOOP.S dklow THE Lanier Houso, Jan. 1,1860. ts ZE ILI \ A II ITST, WIIOT.ESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON GEORGIA. feb 29-*6o—y NEW FIRM! Messrs. T. & Gr. W 0033, HA VEtbia day assoc!- _ - The business will be here •lter conducted in the firm J Maeoa, Georgia. MOTICB. Raring associated with us in the Furnitare hustneas.fieth O. Wood, we are particularly desirous of closing up the old busi.lets at soon as possible, and respectfully request all in debted, either hy note or account, to call and make payment at an early day.* T. 6 G WOOD. Macon,‘id January, 1860. (feb2B) NEW FIRM. L. V. STRONG & SONS. LEWIS P. STRONG ten lers b.ngritefjl ihank* _ or tile liberal j9* er. VJ to : i-ir tUela.-t wer.t t.even year., and re- CJv, if.,’ v . fat*, or pr-*ec*t: not - *■’ ‘ PK ‘ ) >G6 . P. STRING ami •■*>. S,2SJLc3* w f • -r KW. .'THONG. i i-r Lie name, firm ar,d yOy\ s .v,at .. P c THONG 6 r keep or U*ill k *td •*er, a larg” anJ s-lect anortment of Ut'oiii. Stioc* ami L(‘aUir e’ a!’ \.i. is, sr-l Finding* for Country menula.-tarer*. He T -v vt6.*!v as.sfcr Ife- new Srm, , continaance o the lib ..xt*ridei to the old. • January J. 1560. <l-F fcti ar, C'offoe. Tlolas*Bt At. T ’"t ’’IDS. Prime aoid Choice N. O. Sugar. A. *F ja i , M. refit - ; ’ “ Cr.iahwi, ‘irutßiOel ard Powdered Sugars. Jof)hd. Prime Ke Ooiia Moiteseo. ..-JooU. and half barteG N. O. Myrup. n ' T ‘ mi BOWIrRR 6 ANDERSON. kefiNied leaf urd. /*/ k KE+t* Reiin.d leaf Lard now tsuUlsUi and so by McCAI.LIKA JuNiJt. angle. U ,J ** | BOOTS.-A full aasortment of Genu'fine French m Calf Boots, pump sole, welted and water proof, of ■ ar'.ou* kind* and qualities, both soled and pegged.— Jf ait received and far eale low by MIX k RUTLAND. U-f HOTELS. NGW HOTEL. PLAMTEKS’ HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA. ON CHERRY STREET, two Squares from the Rail Road Depot, and in the business part of the city, nov 21-60-y J. 0. GOUDALE, Proprietor. THE STUBBLEFIELD BOUSE. “ Like the Phoenix from its Ashes. rH AT large, new aud elegant House, on the ruin? of my old e*tb*i*b““” al)d acComuicda laroa, G., i* now open for rhe ion of Boarders and ,^“ oiied throughout, in the Tne House has will endeavor to make it a >e#t manner, and the rmp first class hotel. . ~, ais eligible, a little below the Methodist and Tt< liie Presbyterian Church, and near the Banks of business. connected with the House is a large Liverj and Sale Stable, .here Drovers and others can hud accommodations for neir stock. The patronage of his old friends and of the traveling pub ic K-.ueraily, is respectfully solicited, nov 5-ts M. STUBBLEFIELD. Brown’s Hotel. Opposite the Passenger House, Macon, 6a. By E. E. BROWN & SOT. MK t I.S ready on the arrival of every Train. The proprietors will |mre no pains to make their guests eotofortable. feb 22 48-’6O-v TROXJT HO IJ HE, itr j. n. (iiLKcitT a co. Atlniitn, Georgia. seplß 84-ts WASHINGTON HALL. THIS HOUSE IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. jpFtl VL. arrangement will be made for the a?c*imino- O -latlon of the Members to the approaching STATE CON VENTION, and the future Session of the Legislature. The m/e* and ferm v at this House, will conform to those of the other Public Houaes in tine city. N. C. BARNETT. MilledgeviUe. Ga , Dec 15th, 18 L JJO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? n tiii.vfc i/’s Celebrated Stimulating On^uent, FOR THE WHISKERS AND HAUL ‘■IHE -überiber- take pleasure in announcing to tlie citl -1 le ns of the United Slate*, that they have obtained the Vgency forptnd are now enabled to offer to the American pub ic, the above justly celebrated and world-renowned article. The Stimulating Onguent Is prepared by Dr. C. P. Biiaixc.bah, an eminent physician if London,and is warranted to biing out a thick set of WHISKERS ok a MUSTACHE, •n from three to nix weeks. This article is the only one of the kind nied by Ihe French, and In London and Paris It is in universal use. It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating join pound, acting a* if by magic upon the roots, causing i beautiful growth of {luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will cure BAU>XKta$. and cause to spring up in place of the bald spot* a Hue growth of new hair. Appli-d sccording to directions it will turn bed or towy hair dark, and restore gray hair to its original color, leaving it solt, .month and flexible. The **Onguent” is an indispensable article in every gentleman’s toilet, and after one week’s use the., would not for any consideration be without it. The iubferibers are the only Agent* for the article in the United states, to whom all orders must be addressed. Price One Dollar a box—for sale by all druggists and dealers; or a box of the ‘*Ouguent” (warranted to have desired eff et) will be sent to any who desire It, by ■wail (direct.i securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, Apply to or address . „ A HORACE L. HKOEMAN 6 CO., DRCGCIST?*, apS 6m 24 William atreet. New York. Boots and Shoes. a TtheSignof the BIG BOOT, at No. 3, Cotton Av'e. - OPPOSITE ‘..Xt* Washington Block, The Subscribers would re- A turn their thanks for the Jr very liberal and long con tinued patronage extended to them. and would most res pectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have now in store a large assortment of Boots and Slioes, mostly of our own marufacture, to which weekly auditions •r.l I be made, of all the different style* and patters usually railed for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared tc sell a* low as any house in the city or State, oct 6-y MIX 6 KIRTLAND. fTTI BURGHARD, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN PANCY WARES, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLES OF VERTU, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT ED AND AMERICAN WATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CUKOKOSIEIEKS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, AC., Ac., Cherry St, Macon, Second door below the Telegraph Printing Souse. EIL for past favors, reminds 1 the public that all the most faiUonable, Lr / elegant and desirable goods in this line will If. / ‘J® continue to be found at this elegant stand in the greatest variety. No trouble to show Good*. feb 20-’6O-y CoiifprlioiH i icA and Orocciieii. TH. DAMOTTR, at his old stand No. 140 Mulberry St. • keeps as usual a full as'>,rtment of goods in the above line, consisting nf Candies of hi* own manufacture, and fine French Caudle*. He is the only one in Macon that imports Brandy, Wines, and Wine Vinegar direct from France. All kind* of fine Liquors and Wines, choice Havana Segart, and best Tobacco, Oranges, Apples, and other Fruits, Raisins, F gs, Prunes, NuU, and Preseives of all kinds. Pickles, Ca pres, Olive*, Olive Oil, Ketchups. Sauces, Butter, Cheese, Crackers. Cakes, Dried Beef Tongues, Pig Hams, Potatoes, Onions, Catbages, nd many other articles in that line to numerous to mention. mar 14—ts [Pure Liquxxre, JCST IMPORTED. DALY A FITZGERALD, 2d door from Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, Have just received PURE IRISH WHISKEY. *• MERETT BRANDY. “ SHERRY WINE. • MADEIRA A PORT WINK. These Liquors have been selected with great care by Daly during u recent viait to Ireland. They are warranted pure. It is deemed entirely unnecessary to re sort to puffery in order to induce a sale. They are of the best quality, and cannot fail to establish this commendation in the minds of ail who try them. The public and judges of he article, particularly, are invited to call and examine for hemselves. (nov23 86-) SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK GROCERIES, HAYING been bought at low prices, for cash, we would say to larg purchasers, tiy us, and we will make it to your interest to buy of us. The following comprises a portion of our Stock : 300 Hhds. Bacon, 500 Kegs Nails, ISO “ Molasses, 5u Bales Wool, 50 Barrels Syrup, 4000 Coils M*Mne Rope, 50 “ Oil, 5000 Pounds T\. me, T6,oltfi Pounds Pure Lead, I<*oo Sacks Salt, tit Uhls. Refined Sugar, 500 Boxes Candles, I*o “ N.0., 100 “ Soap, 175 Packs Coffee, 100 “ Starch, 15tt Boxes Candy, 50 Cases Coffee Mills, 45 Casks Potash. 3b Boxes Crackers, 100,000 Choice imp. Cigars, 10,000 lbs Snuff, 18P Boxes Tobacco, 6 Cases Sardines, 10 Barrels Nuts, 5 Barrels PcovU’i Hoes, 10 “ Blacking, 100 Cases Yeast Powders, 10 Chests choice Tea. 200 Packages Mackerel, together with every articU needed in the Grocery line.— Also a full stock of all the leading articles in the Drug line for sale by J ■ B. k W. A. RONS, june 13 LAMBERTS & HOWELL 219 KINGE STREET, WEST 81D K, Importer*, Jobber* au<! Dealer* iu English, Scotch and Domestic CARPETINGS, HUGS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, LINKN GOODS, MATTINGS, *c. may 9-<ft-ly*) CHAHI.KMTON, S. C. Thiirstous of the Old Palmetto State, BY J. H. CALDWELL, OF THE GEORGIA CONFERENCE. rms new aud interesting book may now be had at the H. Methodist Hock Depository. Price SI.OO- Sent, post paid. to any part of the Slate for ft 25. Address. feb*7 J. W. BURKE. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, aoccßMoa to hxhet J PEPPER ft sow. Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, o. 175, OkutoMt ***. (OffpoeiU th* SUt* Hout* Pnuinriu. *•?•! •—lf* LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. /tEIt G 1 V, IMM C*• ** Vx*.^"u'.'rl r of the°wm Vs A. Hunter, and Jas H- Barron, ‘ a pp:ies to of Wiley Barron, late of .SVssory’froui their Kxecutor the untlerelgned for letter* dls * erj f e(l kTt . hereby required Slup. Therefore, all per* o "' n °“, iv sakl K.vecutors sluud to show cause, the first Monday in June next. not be discharged an ,| oftiola! siyuature, Nov I*, ISGO. Given under my hand an PARKER, Ordinary, nov gl-niCtu AiliniHistrator’i Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday la November next, st the Court-house in Amerlcns, Sumter county, the l*ntation belonging to the estate of Thoraa* G . Jackson, i ue of said county, deceased, containing nine hundred and ninety acres. Tne tra and comprises a fine body of oak and hickory land—about 4CO acres cleared and in a fiue state of cultivation. The plantation adjoining those of Cols. J. B. Lamar anl T. M Furlow Sold under an order of the C >urt of Ordinary for distribu ion to the heirs. Terms lib eral. ROLAND BIVINS, Adm'r. April 21, ISCi—tds A 15.111 MS rItA TO It’S SALK.—By virtue of I\ an onler o* tiie Court of Ordinary of Macon county, wdl be sold before the Court House door in the town of v, in said couuty, within lUe legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in June next ; Lot of land No. 831, in the 2ud district of originally Mui cogee now Mboon oounty. Sold as the property of the estate of Kduioud Stuckey, deceased, for the bent fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the diy ot sale. apStds JOSEPH STUCKEY, Administrator. Vl* VIIX I VrR ATOHM SA LK. By order of Court, wdl be sold on the first Tiie day in October next, before the Court-house door of Oglethorpe, Macon County, the entire Plantation of Jas. 8. Hollins head. dec'J, consis'ing of fraction No 209, lots No. 16fl, IC7. 170, aDd three fourths of lot No. 129, and con'sinlng 870‘, acre*, asre or less, situated in the Ist id stiict or Mac<n county gold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate under the incumbrance of the dower, hut the dower may be bought by the purchaser before or after the sale. Terms on the day of sale. W. H HOLLINBHKAD, mar 86-tds Adm’r. (IKORCIA, lluiiMton CouDljr.-Sixty days X after date I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the following negroes, belonging to the estate of Benjamin Bryan, deceased, for the purpose of a division, vix : Henry, Saliie, Lovard, Moses, and Adeline, mar 6—2 m M. L. BRYAN, Adm’r. Latest News by the Atlantic Telegraph* TO all whom it may Concern, this is to notify the public that ISAACS is at home again, aud begs to assuiehis patrons that his Saloon is not a thing of a Jay Citizens and the traveling public will find their establishment open, not for the Season only, but at all Seasons of the year, and those calling on ua, will at ail hours, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford, In the way of eatables and something good to drink, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in any other house in town. E. ISAACS & BRO’. Undpr Kalwtou’* Hull, Churry St. His Bill of Fare will every day, Be just the thing for little pay ; And those, who al their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete— And going once, they then will know. That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to see our friends, ensuring them that it will be our uuremifip.g care to please in every respect, as we flatter ourselves, we have done till now. It may not he generally known that we have, to meet the wishes of the Medical faeultv, imported by ourselves, a very superior quality of Pale Brandy, fine Old Port, Sherry and M*d>-ira, possessing ali the Medicinal qualities, so much de sired by theta. Look at this Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself OYSTJQIUB, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick, in the or by the measure, raw, fried, slewed, or in any way you want them Also, Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, Venison and Beef Steaks, H3S* Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, -*I w Ham aud Eggs, Devil Ham and u/evlied Terapins, —— Mountain Oysters, NSNUSFI TURTLE SOUP, Wood-Cock, Grouse, SB* Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and everything that an epicure wants, can always be had when in season. CoufuN lioiitiric* and Fruit. ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good assort ment of CONFECTIONERIES, ORANGES, APPLEB, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, CAKES, 6c., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be sure and call at E. ISAACS 4k HRO. oct 6-ts VALUABLE PLANTATION FOII SALE. TtIK subscriber offers for sale his desirable plantation, situated in the 15th district of Sumter county, and about 14 miles from Ainericus. It contains Eighteen Hundred acres, seven hundred of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation It Is undoubtedly as good a plantation as there is in Sumter county. A good dwelling house, negro houses, giu and screw, and all other Lecestary out buildings on the premises, and plenty of water. It adjoins the rich lands of T. M. Purlow, W. T. Adams, and other*. The place may he seen at any time. Persons wishinging to purchase will either call on me at the plantation, or address me at America*, Sumter county, Georgia. dec 26 40-ts A. J. SCRUTCHIN. Vain a 1) 1 Plantation FOR BALE. I Till.l. SELL NY PLANTATION SITU ATED in Macon and Houston counties —five miles from Winchester, on tiie South-Western Rail Road, aud contain ing 2-400 Acres Level oak and Hicliurj Laud, with about 1,400 acres in cullivation. The place Is healthy, with good water, and well improved, with all necessary buildings, and if desired can be divided into two or more settlements. For terms, 6c., address the undersigned at Macon, Georgia, oct B—’6o-tf8 —’60-ts N. BASS. Superior to Peruvian Guano. m,. 1.. HOYT’S AMMONIATED BONE Super-PHosphate of Lime. Thos. P. Stovall 60 Cos., Augusta, iia., General Agents for Georgia. mil IS Super-Phosphate, composed of BON E, SULPHU- A RIC and PHOSPHORIC ACIDS, AMMONIA, SODA and POTASH, has been extensively used during the past two seasons in Georgia, and has given the most complete satisfaction in COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, OATS, KVE TURNIPS and POTATOES. We are permitted to give the following gentlemen as re ferences, besides numerous others, who have used It: Owen P. Fitzsimmons, Esq Burke couuty. Robert F. Counally, Esq “ “ H. J. Ogtlby, Esq Morgan county. Hon. I. T. Irvin, Wilkes “ John A. Jones, Esq Polk •• D Dickson, Esq Newton “ Dr. E. M. Pendleton Hancock “ Wilson Bird, Esq “ “ J. A. Bell, Esq Oglethorpe “ Thomas W. Whatley, Esq Beach Island. Jonathan M. Miller, Esq “ “ PAMPHLETS containing analysis, letters, 6c , furnished on application. Price, per Ton, in Augusta %-jO 00 Discount made to purchasers of five tons, or mure. TIIOS. P. STOVALL A CO., Augusta, Ga. N. ll.—Being Ageutg for all Georgia, we will furnish to Planters below Augusta, or in the direction of the Central and connecting Roads, Hoyt’s Super-Phosphate, at 445 per Ton in New York—expenses to their station added. For this reason, early orders are solicited, that the Super-Phos phate may be sent to them direct from New York. Same discount made from New York price to purchasers of five tons or more. TIION. P. STOVALL A CO. dec 14 86-ts 255 Broad-street, Augusta, Ga lH(il. iHttl. Terms Cash. B. A. WISE Now offers to the public his complete stock of STOVES, CRATER, CUTLERY, AND PLATED WARE, AT A REMOLD PRICE FOR CASH. TERMS —Strictly Cash. COOKING STOVES. —I will clore out the remain der of my Stock. comprising over 150 Cook Stoves, of best patterns, at or near cost for CASH. (;i RATF.S !GK ATEN I—l have on hand a complete T assortment of Grates, which I will sell very cheap for CASH. rpi>’ PLATE A > t> AVIRE.-75 boxes assorted A Brands, 80 bundles ot Wire, at a small advance above New York cost for CASH. /'fOAL Oil. AND fOAI, Oil, LA Hi PS.—The \_y best Oil and cheapest Lamps ever offered in tills market for CASH. B. A. WISE, feb IS Cherry Btreet, Macon, Ga. I* I AMOS, OF Chickering A Son’s, Dunham’s and other celebrated Makers ; warranted in tone, durability and finish to be first quality, and sold at the very best rate, together with a fine lot of Guitars, Violins, Aecordeons, Flutes, Violin and Guitar Btrings, Musical Boxes, Ac . Ac., by oov 1 E. J. JOHNSTON A 00- IIONI E MANUFACTURE. WE are prepared to make to order and repair, at ahort notice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac. Alao, Sewing Machines repaired, and new parts made, and machines adjusted,by a practical and experienced workman Public patronage respectfully solicited. Jen 18 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. general advertisements THICELEBIL\ni WHIRL WIND ! Wl LL Stand the Spuing Season of the present year, IT commencing the Ist of March and ending the la*t of Jure, at Messrs. Hill, Wright 6 Marshall’s Stable, in the city of Albany, and at my residence, on the Newton Road, three and a half miles below the city, at the following rates, to-wit: For thorough bred Mares fc rty dollars the season, in ad vance, or ii.ty dollars if charged, which must be settled by note du ing the season. For common Mare* twenty-five dollais cash, or th rty dollar* to be settled by note during the season. At the above rates, a!! persons have the privilege of the ! Spring and Fail ieason free of any other extra charge.— M eres sent to Whirlwind, will be boarded at forty cents per day—Mare and Colt at fifty ceuts per uay, which must be paid before ihe Mares are taken away. No Mare will be and -livered without an order from the owner or his agent. Ail possible rare taken to prevent accidents, but no respon sibility for any. One dollar to the Groom in every ease. JEREMIAH WALTERS. Pedigree of Wtairlwiud. He was sired by Tem*>est, lie by Puinpkiuboy, he by Stockholder, (for Bi'-ekholder's pedigree see American Turf Register,) Putupkinboy’s data, Laura Taylor, was sired by Sir Richard, her dam Independence, by Pacolet, grand dam Fancy by Wilkes’ Wonder, who w as sired by imported Dio mede. Wonder’s da*n was also the dam of Pacolet, her g. g. dam by old Celeb, her g. g. g. dam by Wildair, her g. g. g. g. dam by Mark Anthony, her g. p. g. g. g. dam by im ported Fearuaught. Sir Richard was sired by Pacolet and out of Madame Touson ; she by Top Gallant, he by Galibin, lie by imported Bedford. Her dam by Gr-y Medley, Oscar, imported Fearuaught, ic. Sir Richard was a full brother to Mon*. Totuon, and Champaign and also to Sir Henry, who ran the fm -us race against American Eclipse. Paco let wat by imported Citizen, he by Pacolet of England, he bv Blank and Blank h.v tne Godolph n Arabian. P.icolet’s dam was hy Typo Saib, he by Lindsay’s Arabian, the best son of the Godolphin, and was out of Silver-tail, she was the Uauneger’s White-Nose. Tempest’s dam was the fa mous old race mare, Mary Queen of Scott*, she by imported Leviathan, her dam by Pacolet, her g. dam by Diomede.— \V HI R LIVIN’ It’S dam old Ann Barrow, was by Cock-of-the- Kock, he by Durock. ami lie by old Diomede (see Tuif Reg ister,) Oock-of ilio-Koek was out of the Romp, own sister to Miller’s Damsel, the dam of American Eclipse. Ann Barrow’s dam was Zrht-r she by Yirainian, he by old Sir Archy. Virginian’s dam Meretrix was by Ma cog, her strand dam Naroiss was by imported Shark, g g. dam Rosetta was by imported Sentinel, her g. g. g. darn Diana by Claudius, her g. g. g g. dam Sallie Painter was by Sterling, her g. g. g. g. g. dam the imported Mare Silver ; Zeher’s dam was by Col. Hawkin’s Gray Archy. For extended Predigecs, see American Turf Register. Performances. WIiIRDWIND'S first race whs at Atlanta, Ga., when a three years old was beaten by Brown Dick in three heats, Whirlwind winning the second heat, the fastest in tiie race. His second race was for the Hutchinson stakes over the Washington Course at Charleston, S. C. He was again beaten by Brown Dick in the remarkable short time of H. 42. I ttiink him a* a ra-e horse for ail distances, superior not only to Whirlwind, but any othePhorse in America. Whirlwind’s third raee v,-,.s over the Central Course at Vinson, Ga. He there ran a sweep stakes, two mile heats, which he won in two mile heata, beating Col. Campbell's Wagner Filly, Morrisou’s Monarch cidt, and Muj. Easly’s colt —time, U. 55--3 sS—purse, 100 —track reported heavy. On Saturday of the same week, he ran for the Jockv Club Purse—mile heats —best three in five. Col Goldsby’s Rough-arid Ready, ha 1 f brother to Brown Dick, and Maj. ] lliisly’s oh. coit by Chieftain were entered against him: the race was won by Whirlwind —the first heat by Kough-and- Rcady, the uext three by Whirlwind —time, 1 .&SJ£ —1 52>j 1.54X —1.54—the second heat being faster th in the first, it is to say I threw off the first. Being in bad order, he was taken from the turf and turned out till August, when he was put in ti aining for the Nashville races, lie made his first appearance on that Course in a sweepstake race of two mile brats against Invincible and Henry Perrltt, the latter a half brother nf Brown Dick, and whose time in a two mile heat race stands uiiparallelled In the annals of racing, having run a mile In the second beat in 1.42)L — Rets were freely made that Whirlwind would he distanced, but far from it, he won the race in two straight heats, dis tancing Henry Perritt in the first —time. S 47- B.s7—track heavy. The same week he ran against Little Arthur, in a race of two mile heats, winning In two straight heats, and making the best time ever made upon that course since it was established, more than forty years ago—time, 8 45 8.50)4, The week following, he ran another race of two mile heats, which was over the Walnut Course, again beat ing Invincible ; he was afterwards entered within the same week, in three mile heat race against Perritt and lodine. Tiie rider being instructed to run a trailing heat, lie lost it; in the second he took the lead and maintained it; in the third heat he led for the first mile and a half, hard in hand, but owing to the bad condition of the track, caused hy a heavy rain, which was at that time falling, he slipped and fell, as did both of the other horses, hi* rider being hurt by the fail was taken from the field, -*nd Whirlwind having ruptured a leader in one of his legs, has since been unable to stand at training. Perritt died without getting to his stab'e C. A. HAMILTON. mar 20-2 m C 5 J*k- HXK. JU . WHFELEH A WILSON’S Sewing Machines at standard price* ; anew and fine lot just opened and for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. mar 14 Second Floor. QEWINti MACHINES and Mathematical Instru Jj merits repaired and adjusted, and new parts made to oruer. New Tension Pads, 60., for old machines. By mar 14 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. [Miscellaneous. i~l AS FI ATI KES Pocket and Table Tul- IX lery, RAZORS and FANCY CUTLERY, PORTABLE DESKS, DRESSING CASES, FANCY BASKETS PARIAN STATUKTTS. DOUBLE &. SINGLE GUNS, COLT’S PISTOLS. CANES, FORT MONIBS AND PURSES; MURSCHAUM Miril and OriiainHiial tombs, Fancy liair Pins, Backgammon Boards, Chess Men, Domi noes, J3illifvrd 33rails. Cues LEATHERS & CHALK, With many new and desirable articles not enumerated. Anew and fine selection for sale at low prices, bv nov Id E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. A Chance for Capital!*!*. MACON GRIST MILL for SALE. OWING o the inauOiciency of our capital, and the pressure of other eugagrments, we are anxious to dis pose of the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. Tiie Mill is now in complete running order—will grind 17 j bushel* a day, and cannot fail to make a handsome profi if well managed, in the hand* of a person witli sufHcie 1 capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory in formation on this, and other subjects connected with th business, can be obtained at the Mill. sep 26 27- BOIFE'JILLET A CO. WILL YOU GO NORTH, WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTER SOUTH? CARRIAGE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY ANI) REPOSITORY, FORSYIH, GA. HAVING purchased the entire inter- JSC3HJ est of the late firm of BANKS, > I)ER 6 CO., I invite the attention of the cititens of Monroe and surrounlngcounties yfy ‘Se to my extensive arrangements for Manufacturing TOP AND NO TOP BUGGIES, COACHES, ROCKAWAYS, CAR RIAGES, Ac., Ac. lam constantly receiving addition, nut From llie Nnrtb, blit IVOIII ni y Work Shop*, to my stock on hand, of three or four Buggies per week, which combine elegance and finish, with lightness, strength and durability. Orders for any sort of Vehicle, Harness, Ac., are most respectfully solicited, which shall be promptly supplied, and all engagements for work PUNCTUALLY met. I have constantly on hand a large assortment of HARNESS. {3f“ Repairing done at short notice and Warranted, augßl-1 y J. K. BANKS. ISTew Establishment. REPOSITORY C. T. WARD CO., MANUFACTURERS anti DEALERS, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD HOUSE, Mxcox, Ga. WE would cal) the attention of the public to our new Stock, comprising Coaches, Bretts, Roekaways and Buggies, of the most elaborate finish, from celebrated build er*, North. Genuine BRATTLEBORO’ BUGGIES constantly on hand. nov 16 S4-tf GUANO, LIME, &c. 1i WA KBLS Rhode’s Phosphate. 600 Sacks Mapts Super-Phosphate of Lime. 5<K) “ Reese’s Manipulated Guano. 150 bbls. American Guano. 150 “ Land Planter. 100 “ Lime. For sale at Manufacturer’s prices by feb 20 ASHER AYRES. Bacoii, Corn, Lard and Flour. 7jr HANKS BACON, hog round. ts 75t)0 Bushels COHN. •2") Babels I.AKD. 25 Half barrels LARD. 4 ) Kegs I.ARD. 500 Bbls. S. V. and Family FLOUR. 80 Hhds. MOLASSES. 40 Bids. SYRUP. 25 Half bbls. SYRUP. 1 (>0 Bbls. refined SUGARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 Boxes TOBACI O. B>X) Bbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cash. ASHER AYERS. Macon Feb. 20th, ISfil. L. D. WILCOSSON Sc CO., mXCFACTURBKS ANl> DEAI.RR.S IS CAKUIAUEB AND HARNESS, OK KVEBY DESCRIPTION. Second St. , nert door to the Baptist Church, HA V K ill store at all prices and for sale on the most reasonable terns, a complete assortment of Fine Coaches .Caleeh-s, Bretts, Phietons, Rockawayt and Buggies, Heavy and fight Plantation Wagons with Iron Axles, of the best possible description. S3P All work warranted, feb $, 18$t RAILROAD SCHEDULES, &C MACON 4 WESTERN RAILROAD. ON and aftur Sunday, April 14th Passenger Trains will Ite run as follows : Leave Macon 18 00 night and 10 00 a. m Arrive at Atlanta 7.16 a. m. and 4.00 p. * Leave Atlanta 14.00 eight and 11.01* a. m Arrive at Macon 7.15 a. m. and 5 00 p. m Night trains will not be run on Sundays. The 12 I*o night train from Macon, connects with the W. A A. R. R. for Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis and Nash ville, at 10 10. and the Georgia R R for Augusta at 7 00 a m. The 10 00 a m. train from Macon connects with the W. A A. R. It. at 6 00 p. m. and Georgia R. R. at 1 00 a. m Each train of the Western Jt Atlantic R. R. connects at Chattanooga with trains sot Memphis, Nashville, New Or leans. and all points West, and at Dalton with trains for Knoxville and all poiuts North. Travelers will find this the shortest, quickest and most pleasant route to the North as well as the Virgina (Springs. There being less cha-ge of cars than by any other route, and the whole line passes through a high, healthy region, many portions of it commanding views of scenery of the most pi< turesqe character. Time from Macon to New York by train leaving at 1.45 p 61 hours, by 12 nig! t tratu6sj4 hours. Close connec tions hv both trains at all points Imyond Atlanta. Fare to New York, SWB 06; Philadelphia. $4! Off: Baltimore,#29 0d; Washington,! >s. 00: Richmond, $27 00; Petersburg,s47 00; Jackson’s River, $24 10. The last named point is on the Virginia Central Railroad, and only thirty miles from the Greeubier t\ bite Sulphur Springs. To Newb rn, s2l 85, for Pulaski Allum and Red and Blue Sulphur Springs. To Salem, S4B 10 for Roanoke Red Sulphur, Red Sweet, Allum and Salt Sulphur and Greenhier White Sulphur Springs. To Big Tunnell, $22 35, for Montgomery White Sulphur, Yellow Sulphur, Alleghany, Sa't Sulphur, Ited Sulphur, and Greenbrier White Sulphur (Springs. A branch road of t )4 miles runs to the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, where ample provisions will he made to accommodate 1000 guests. A dally Hue of Coaches leaves this point for all the principal Springs, including the Greenhier White Sulphur. Baggage checked to New York; for other points checks will oe given to Knoxville, thecc* to any point dthirtd. Fare to New Orleans, S2B 00; time through, 53 hours. — Twenty-four hours less than bv any other route apr 17-ts ALFRED L. TYLER, Sup’t. SOITTH-WESTEKN AIE ROAD. Change of Schedule. Two Daily Ira ins between Ala con <£• Columbus. Leave Macon 9.45 a. m. and 11.60 p. u Arrive at Columbus 8.80 P. m. and 5.85 a. m LeaveColumhus 8.16 a. x. and 8.30 p. u Arrive at Macon 9.00 a. a. and 9.05 p. in One dally Mall Train between Macon and Chattahoochee, Fort Gaines, Cuthbert and Albany. Leave Macon 10.26 a. m Arrive at Chattahoochee 0 47 p. m Leave Chattahoochee 10 86 r. m Arrive at Macon 8.46 p. m The Mail and Passenger Trains from Albany connect daily at Smithville, No. 10 S. W. U. It., and from Fort Guinea daily at Cuthbert, with Chattahoochee Mail Train. Leave Smithville at 3 37 P. M Arrive at Albany 6 ( ft p. m Leave Albany at 1.15 p. m Arrive at Smithvtlle 3.40 p. m Leave Cuthbert at 6.o<* P. m Arrive at Fort Gaines 7.45 p. .w Leave Fort Gaines at 10.45 a. m Arrive at Cuthbert at 12 42 p. M Making the connection with the up and down Chatta hoochee Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form a through connection to Mont gomery, Ala , and Augusta, Kingston, Wilmington, Savan nah, Mil ledge ville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bainbridge, Thomasville, Ac. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Night Train from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention at Macon. For other points take either Train. VIRGIL POWERS, Eng’r A Sup’t. Macon, Feb. 20th, 1861. Central If ail Road. t'haiijfp of Sclipdiilt!. ON and after Suuday, February 26tli, IS6O, the Trains will run as follows : Leave Savannah 10.1)5 a. m., 1.30 r. si. and 11.10 P. M Arrive at Macon 5.55 a. m. and 11.05 p. m Arrive at Augusta 6 8t) a. u and 6.35 p. y. Arrive at Milledgeville 12 30 r. m Leave Macon 10 00 a. m. and 10.00 p. m Aarrive at Savannah.... 7.29 a. m , 7.45 r. u. and 10.40 p. m Arrive at Augusta 6.30 A. m. arid 6.35 p. x Leave Augusta 12.80 A. m. and 2.15 p. m Arrive at Savannah 7.29 a. m, and 1040 p. m Arrive at Macon 8 55 a. m. and 11.05 P. M Trains that leave Savannah at 10 05 a. m., only run to Milien, arriving there at 3 10 p. m., connecting with 10a. m Macon train to Augusta. Passengers taking the 2.15 p. m. train at Augusta, will leave Mi len 5.50 p. m., and arrive at Savannah at 10.40 p. m. Passengers by 11.10 p. m., from Savannah will go through direct to Augusta. Passengers by either 1.30 or 11.10 p. m. trains from Sa vannah for Macon, or points beyond, will meet with no detention at Macon. Passengers for Atlanta, or points beyond, or Western k Atlantic Kail ltoad, will leave Savannah on the 1.30 p. m. train ; for Milledgeville and Eatonton on 11.10 p. m. train ; for South Western Rail Road below Fort Valley, on 11.10 p. m. train ; those for Montgomery, Columbus, Ac., by either train. Passengers from Augusta, for South Western Georgia, should take the 12.30 a. m. train, to avoid detention at Macon. Those for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac , may take either train. Trains connect at Macon with Macon A Western trains to Griltin and Atlanta, and the west; also, with South-Western trains to Albany, Cuthbert, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, Amei icus, Columbus, Montgomery, Ac., and at Milien with Augusta and Savannah Rail Road to Augusta and the north ; at Sa vannah with the tri-weekly Steamships to New York ; also, with Steamships to Philadelphia and Baltimore. By this change in Schedule, the connection, both ways, at Augusta, with the South Carolina Rail Road is secured, and passengers will have no detention at Augusta or Milien, as heretofore. GKO. W. ADAMS, feb 29 General Superintendent. Western & Atlantic R<ili'oal. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles—Fare, $5 00 D A.Y PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 10.30, A. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 7.43, P. M Leave* Chattanooga at 9.(30, P. M Arrive* at Atlanta at 6.58, P. M EVKNINU PASSKHGKH TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, nightly, at 8.40, P. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 5 07, A. M Leaves Chattanooga at 5.40, P. M Arrives at Atlanta at 5.05, A. M. This Road connect*, each way, with the Rome Branch I Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennesssee ami Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Kail oad at Chattanooga. JOHN W. LEWIS, oct 0 2S-tf Superintendent. UPSOW COUNTY RAIL ROAI>. Til HE daily train on the road connect* with the train on A the Macon k Western Railroad from Macon to Atlanta: Fare from Thomaston to Macon $2 fc-5. “ “ •* “ Atlanta 8 S5. Through tickets can be had at the office of this company in Thomaston ; and at the general ticket office of the Macon i k Western Itail Road, at Macon and Atlanta. I Passengers wishing to go to Chalybeate Springs, Warm Springs, or White Sulphur Springs, will find this route very pleasant. Fine Stage Coaches will leave Thomaston. daily on the arrival of the train, and connect at the Chalybeate Springs with coaches to the Warm and White Sutphar Springs, returning daily to connect with the train from Thomaston to Barnesville. A. J. WHITE, july 25-ts Sup’t. Savannah Route ! Nl’, W-YORK I Great Reduction in Rates of Passage. NFW ARRANGEMENT FROM. I FROM. New Orleans SB9 T 5 Memphis $Bl TP Mobile 85 00 Nashville 27 75 Montgomery 96 00 Chattanooga 25 00 Columbus 91 00 Knoxville 25 50 Albany 28 00 Atlanta 21 00 Macon 20 00 Augusta 17 60 Baggage checked through by the Manhattan Express Company on the Central Kail Rc&d Cars, and delivered anywhere in New York or vicinity. By the Splendid and Commodious Side-Wheel Steamships AUGUSTA, 1500 tons Capt. WooDMULL. FLORIDA, 1800 “ “ Crowkll. ALABAMA,.... 1800 “ “ SCHBNCK. Leaving Savannah every SATURDAY, carrying the Uni ted States Mail. These Steamships belong to the Old Established and favorite line, known as the New-York and Savannah Steamship Navigation Company, and were built expressly for this line, they are commanded by experienced, skillful, careful, and polite off cers ; and in comfortable accommodations and fare can not be excelled by any vessels on the coast. Through Tickets are sold in New-Orleans by R. Ged'e -90 Gi avier st.; in Mobile by Cox, Brainard A Cos.; in Cos luinbus by 8. 11. Hill, Agent Hamden’s Express and J. M Bivins, Rail Road Ticket Agent, and at all other points by onnecting Rail Road Ticket Agents. JNO. R. WILDER 4 GALI.IE, Agents, Bay Street,Savannah. 8. L. MITCHILL, k SON, feb 29-ts Agents, 13 Broadway, New-York. NOTICE. THE Apalachicola and New Orleans Steam Navigation Company’s new and elegant Steamship FLORIDA 718 Tons Burthen, O. O. NELSON, rnnumtndrr, Leaves Apalachicola the 7th, 17th and 29th of each month. Leaves New Orleans the 4th, 14th and 28th of each month. Fare between the following places and New Orleans : Columbus, s’B 00 Eiifauia 17 00 Fort Gaine” and Bainhridgc, 18 00 Woodville, Beilvue and Chattahoochee, 16 00 Tickets to be had on board the ship or any of the River Steamers, and at the offices of the Agents. ALBERT DODGE, No. 86, Water-street, Apalachicola. JOHN A. MITCHEL, nov 28-ly No. 82, Poydras-street, New Orleans. CORX ! CORN ! : OAAA BUSH Prime Western Corn, just received U UUU and for sale at 56 lbs. to the buahel by aug 16. McCAIJ,!! k JONIB, INSURANCE COMPANIES, THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE m LIFE lIMSCf COMFAIY. OFFICE 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. £2,000,000, or $10,000,000. PAID CP CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND RESERVED PUHDB FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLA.RS, 800,000 INVESTED IN THIS COUNTRY. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK: JAMES BROWN, Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS CGTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLY, Esq. EUGENE DUTILU, E*q. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD. Jr., Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. S. WBIMOEE, Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD A CO., Agents, may 4 1859-ts Macon, Ga. The Hartford Incorporated 1810, CAFITAIj, 6500.000. The Springfield, Capital, $150,000. j The ftfassasoit, at Springfield, CAPITAL, $150,000, With a large surplus securely invested. Polices in the above first Class Companies issued, and losses promptly adjusted by E. J. JOHNSTON, junelti ’53-tf Agent. THE GEORGIA IIOHC INSURANCE COMPANY, or COLUMBUS, GEO. CHARTERED CAPITAL - - $250,000 DIRECTORS John M. McGough, W. H. Young, Rob’t. M. Gunby, J.G. Strapper, C. C. Cody, ‘ J.P. Illges, Daniel Griffin, W. H. Hughes, James T. Bozeman, James Ennis, L T. Downing. JNO McGOUGH, President. D. F. Willcox, Secretary. Insures dweiiings, stores,merchandize, cotton and other produce, and ail kinds of insurable property, against loss \ or damage by fire. Applicat’ons received and policies is sued by JOSEPH M. BOA RDM AN, feb 20—y Agent for Macon and vicinity. RICHARD CURD, GENERAL, MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY GrKOllGlvt. rtni i: undersigned, as agent of the _fi_ ifttna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Phuenix Insurance Cos , of Hartford, North American Fire Insurance Cos , of Tlartford, LaFayette Fire Insurance Cos , of Brooklyn, State Fire Insurance Cos., of New Haven, and A?tna Life Insurance Cos , of Hartford, Is prerareil to insure every description of Property—in the above first class companie --on terms favorable to the assured. Apply to RICH’D CURD, feb 8 ’6O-tf Agent Ready Made Clothing. THE undersigned has in store a LARGE STOCK of SOITHERN iVIAOE CLOTHING! From material manufactured in the South, which he guaran tees to sell (at a profit,) as low as any one professing to sel at New York cost. apr 25 E. SAULSBURY. METHODIST I3ook Depository! Corner Mulberry and Second Streets. A GOOD STOCK. OF BOOKS OF A T.MOST EVER Y KIEV, Always on hand, at the lowest prices, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Call and examine our Stock Sheet a good assortment always on hand. pg'” Orders front the country receive prompt attention. Address (oct 24) J. W. BURKE, Agent. .■■■•■• -.•r 11 “-Vi. _ -<**• ■ I||L .l, H. BOARDAI4N, WASHI\TO\ BLOCK, | Corner Mulberry Street and Cotton Avenue, MACON, GEORGIA, DEALER IK LAW, CLASSIC U„ MEDICAL, SCHOOL AM IISCELLAAEOIS 15 0 OKS, Blank Books, of all kinds; Record Books, for County purpo ses, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Paper, Wa ter Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and Water Colors. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Mathematical and Eng'neering Books, Copying Presses and Books, Writing Desks, Portfolios, Pocket Books, Gam mon Hoards, Writing fluids, and Ink--, of all kinds, Indelible Inks, Faber k Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils. Steel and Gold Pens, 4c., 4c..together witli all the va.tous articles usually found in a BOOK STOKE. ALSO, AGENT OF THE Southern Mutual Insurance Comp’uy. February 18, IS6I. —v DAVID ROSST BOOK-BINDER AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER. CO>TI N I ES to make BLANK BOOKS for Courts, Counting Houses and Rail £-’■ Roads and to Bind all varieties of WORK with superior neatness and despatch. wBUMUw MUSIC Bound with ELASTICITY and ELEGANCE. La w itooks in the most approved style HARPERS’ WEEKLY AND MAGAZINE, GRAHAM’S, GODEY’fj, and all other Periodicals and Magr.aines BOUND in neat and cheap Bindings. Particular attention paid to the re-binding valuable old Books. OT* Orders from a diatanoe will meet with prompt atten tion. 1 |Nxt Don to W. W, Parker * C*% l M aeon, September 86,1860.— j MEDICINES. 11. K. Ti. ~ Farewell Calomel, Blue Fill, Quinine, FAREWELL OPIUM, CHLOROFORM, AND ALCOHOL. RAHWAY’S Remedies combine all that is re-ptired forth. purgation, purification, regulation, tavigoraiiun * r ,| harmonization ot aTI the organs of the human bod- ’"* U Kadway’s Heady Relief, taken as a preventive', foriifi.. the frame aga-ust the ii.tiuences of bad air,had water c- ■ * . sudden changes of temperature, Bml every species of iTf ■ tion. It calms the throea of agony as oil still., the wav^” 1 Taken at the first outset of any disease it cures uh.n f *’ I ministered later, it suspends the disorder, and affords’ , opportunity for the other remedies to exercise their lLo?” influence. u ™* IMPORTANT TO PARENT?, j Every parent sheuid keep a supply of Railway's Relief constantly in the home. It not oniy cures hut it win ward off attacks of Fever and Ague, Croup, influenza kTii Throat, .-mall Pox, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid Fever, and other malignant diseases, and in rates of Rheumatism. Neuraie a Cramp, Spasms,. Pains. Aches, and other infirmit'ea ore application of the Ready Relief external v,or a teaspoon fid in a little water, ts a drink, will stop the most excruciatinc pains from five to fiftetn minute*. In severe attack* of Dipther a—or Fore Throat plague— Radway** Ready Relief will always save life, aLd quickly care the pstiei.t. 1 ’ For Worn* there is no medicire so quick as a do=e of Radway’* Ready Relief. RADWAY’? RTGCLATING HLI 8 Are the great regenerative medicine of thea e. ladles tor years the victims * f depressing, iife-consutainp complaints S Os a Special nature, are restored to health an i vijtoi hy their i use. AM ihe ordinary affections of the rto acli,bow<ls,*r.d liver, yield to the first or second dose Fix Pills m Rice in j Me worst and they operate in from three to six hours, j mrre effectively than 8o of the drastic class given in such i nausea'ing quantities. Coates with sweet gum the Pills hare no d-sagreeabte tt tor. They not only cure Costivene's i quickly bu. pel tnanently, and in biliicssness they are infal lible. Pv ‘■peptics who h.vv suffered for years, recover in a : few week.- under this f-alnTe*s operation. ‘J hey act jtwer fuLy upon the circulation of the blood, rendering ft uniform and equable throughout the .ysteu. RAD WAY ’* RENOVATING REFOLWNT Searches the diseased blood, and putges it of Inflammatory and corrupting particles For cl ronie diseases supplied to be infixed in the tlesh and tissues past alt help, it is the oru i note inrarinbt* core Tiicre i not a flesh or skin disorder thvt can resist this mighty disinfectant. Ulcerated ?ore Throat, Bronchitis, Tubercles on the lungs, all forms of ul ceration, inward or outward, succumb before it- anti septic j anti-inflammatory action. Kadway’s Remedies ::re sold by Druggists everywhere. api3-'in KADWAY A C0.,23 John st., N. Y. Hostetler’s Stomach BiUtrs. THE Proprietors and Manufacturers of KCSTETTk R’S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER? can appeal with perfect confidence to physicians and citizens generally oi the United States, because the article has attaind a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than volumes of bare as'-erii-.n or blazoning effrontery. The consumption of Dostcttet’s Stomach Bitters for the last year amounted to over a kslf million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it Is evident that during the coining year the consumption will reach near owe million bottles. This im mense amount could never have been sold but for the t art medicinal properties contained In Hie preparation and the ■ sanction of the most pro minent physicians in those sections oi the country where the article is test known, who not on ly recommend the Bitters to their patients,but are reedy at ail times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cates ot stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting there ■ from. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraor dinary efforts in the way of trumpeting the qualities ot the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters have provtd a Godsend to i regions where fever and ague and various othrr bilious 1 complaints have counted their victims by I ut.dred*. To he able to state confidently tiiat thv “ Bitters” are a certain | cure of the Dyspepsia, and like diseases, is to the pioprie i tors a source of unalloyed pleasure. It removes ail morbid ; matter from the stomach, purifies the Llood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable for the restoration of health, li operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive or gans, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the func tions of nature. Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as per diiec tions on the bottle, and they will find in it a stimulant pe culiarly adapted to comfort declining ytais, as it is pleas ant to the palate, invigorating to the boaeis, excellent as a 1 tonic, and rejuvenating generally. IV e have the evidence of thousands of aged men and women who have txperienc ed the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach derangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned ail deleteri ous drugs and fairly tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. Tlitre are certain periods when their cares are so harrassing that many of them sink under the trial The relation of mother and child is so ab sorbingly tender, that he mother, especially if she he young * apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for ‘her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during i the summer season, the wear of nody and mind is general j ly aggravated. Here, theu, is a necessity for a stimulan | to recuperate the energies of the system, arid enable tht j mother to bear up under her exhausting trials ard respen- I sibilities. Nursing mothers generally prefer the Bitters to ’ all other invigorators that receive the endorsement of phy j sicians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as eer i tain to give a permanent increase os bodily strength. Alt those persons, to whom we have particularly referr ed above, to-wit ; sufferers from fever and ague.caused by malaria, diarrhoea, dysentery, indigestion, loss ot appetite, all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannua ted invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare hy giving ! to Hostetter’s Celebrated Ftomaeb Bitters a trial. Caul ion.—We caution the public agaiDst using set of i the many imitations or counterfeits,but ask for Hostettlh’s j Celbbkated Stomach Bitters, and see that each bottle has | the words “Dr. J. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters”b;own on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering j the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on j the label. t&r Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pitts j burgh, Pa., and sold by all Druggists, grocers, and dealers I generally throughoutthe United States, Canada. South Arne rica aDd Germany. Also for sale by E. L. STROIIECKER GEO. PAYNE, and ZELIN A HUNT, Macon, Ga. may 9-ly Thousands are daily speaking in praise of Dr. Eaiou’s Infantile Cordial sDd why t because it never fails to afford instantaneous relief when gireti in time. It ad* as if by magic, and on trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contains IVo Paregoric or Opiate of aDy kind, and therefore relieve* by removing the suffer ings of ycur child, instead of by deadening its sensibilities For this reason, it commends itself as the - niy reliable pie paration cow known for Children Teeth ng, Diarrhoea, Dvsintery, Griping in the Bowels, Acidity of the Stomach, Wind, Cold in the Head, and Croup ; also, for Softening th Gums, Reducing Inilamation, Regulating the Bowels, and relieving pain, it has no equal—being an anti-spasmodic it is use 1 with unfailing success in alt cases of Convulsions cr other Fits. As you value the life and health of your child ren, and wish to save them from those sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result from the use of narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Com plaint, are composed, take none but Dr. Futon's Infantile Cordial, this you can rely upon. It is perfectly harmless, and cannot injure the roost delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full direc'ions accnmpanv each bottle. Prepared only by CHURCH A DUPONT. No. 409 Broadway, Yew York. Healthy human blood upon being xl a, 1 i z o and always presents us with the same essentia! elements and gives of course the True Standard. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Consumption, Liver Complaint Dys pepsia, Scrofula, 4c., and we had in every instance certain deficiencies in the red globules of blood Supply there de ficiencies, and you are made well. The Blood Food is founded upon this theory, hence its astonishing sue. ess. To ail suffering from consumption, incipient or confirmed, or from debility of any kind ; or from mental or nervous prostration, brought on by any cause ; or from scrofulous complaints; or from diseases of the kidneys or bladder; and to ladies suffering any of the many distressing com plaints their sex are Labie to, and which engender con sumption, the HI cod 2*00(1 is offered as a certain arid reliable remedy. Differing in every particular from the patent medicines of the day, it is a chemical combination of Irou, Sulphur and Phosphorus, of very great worth, snd many hundreds bear glad and grateful ttatiraony to the benefits it has conferred on them. Price of the Blood Food $1 per bottle. Sold hv CHURCH k DUPONT, No. 409 Broadway, New-York. -ADd by Dr. E. L Stroheckkk, Macon. seps A. Card. DR. J. B. GORMAN having extensively used Little's Vermifuge takes pleasure in saying it is the most val uable remedy to cure children of Worms he ever kmw. A dollar bottle quite sufficient for 25 cases. Believing that more children are lost from the effects of Worms than from all other causes 1 recommend it fully to everybody. In using, nothing else is necessary hut u> dose the children spring and fall. Besides the great convenience of such medicinrs, I never before found a more safe, or me more certainly to be relied upon than Dr. W. G. Little’i Vermifuge. Talbotton, Ga , Feb. 8,1860. Little’s Auodyne Cough Drops per bottle $0 “5 Little’s Vermifuge, in large bottles 1 09 Little’s Vermifuge, in vials 25 Little’s King and Tetter Worm Ointment 1 0b Little’s French Mixture 1 50 mar 21 52 75,000 lbs. of Bacon. JUST received 75,900 pounds of choice Bacon—custom ers must call noon, as the stock Is going off rapidly, feb 27 ASHER AYRES. Flour. XAA BBL.S. Superfine and Fsmiiv Flour to arrive, ts If if 16,000 pounds Choice Family Flour, (-acts) in Store, and for sale by . . „ . mar 20 BOWDR* 4 ANDF.RSON. Com mid Oats. -g f-ixrv BUSHELSPrimeCorn. 50*bushels Oats, mwW for ame by bOWDRE 4 ANDERSON. Pare Com and Rectified Whiskey. _ s\s\ BBLS. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward k Carey’s | * *l/ Extra Rectified, ”*• Kentucky Pure White,”Ttn nesseeCorn,” Georgia Planters,” “Pike’s Magnolia,’ at and other Brands all received direct from the DhtiHers.aid or sale low by McCALLIE k JONES, mar 7 Pebble Spectacles, 1“ IV Gold and Steel Frame*, Gold, Silver, Steel and Com mon Speck*.