Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 05, 1861, Image 3

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I\\ A 1 ’ NEWS! ft-lilii** a Aequia Creek. Washington, June I.—The Federal rs Freeborn and Ana cost* are u>>m jig the Confederate States battery at uia Creek. Two uar vessels have been ri ,l to their upport. * War Dcj>artmt*nt is to be kept optn n in, iu order that the government ma\ i (he result of the conflict at Acquia \\ saiidria has been made a port of entry the I.involu Administration. ~ Due hundred thousand cartridges were . (o Fortress Monroe to day. V iluuiii of Federal troops is now mareh d Fairfax C. IL, Va., with orders to v the place before daylight. I i,e New York Herald say 9 the scouting s r. p ‘i t an immense number of South- I ipa at Manas** Junction, Va., but ,„i S tt believes that the number there I, i exceed tour or five thousand. V. \ •"ix<iT*n, May <sl.—The New Yoik Kgiment departed for hoiue to-day. Pii.TIM UK, June I.—Two Culuinbiads, 1 . r, 1 for Fort McHenry, were spiked, in ; f pm.! i£o through this city, but the daiu r;i- not discovered until the guns were i.reil ou the fort. s-ij"V. Pratt has been arrrested aud ta il fa Washington. h\ tj.v. Lowe has also been arrested bv ‘Dr of the Fedc’al authorities. Tin* Northern troops are pushing in to ,vtri- Fortress Monroe. >< foik is threatened with an attack by .'t'.us route. G< u. Butler spent Monday last in New rt, V'irginia. He reports that great eonfu u a. i suffering were prevailing among . Itueial troops there, ip consequence of derangement in the Subsistence Depart ,t. and the tact of the foraging parties . L-.*-n rotlied aml destroyed. Several of tfie Ulaordcplies of this city ap l! 1 the pickets of the Federal troops . I ■ deral Hill, near this city yesterday, uli a they were fired upon by the guards.— i Baltimorean was killed, aud four taken nrivtoers. Nf W York, June I.—A portion of the ■- odi Guards threw down their muskets i ; and said that they would have tioth . bat rifles. Iwo of the mutineers were > • wi.e-rcupon the balance consented to [j!-; - the muskets. , s '; Louts, Mo., Juue 1. —Gen. Harney u removed from the command of the i.d tuiees in this oiaie, aud it is sup i : nit his sih.eeh.sor will be Gen. Lyon, f < ‘it having decreed that Harney’s • rto the McDonald habeas corpus case ■a. it t satisfactory. The General replies • McDonald’s body never was iu his cus- UiicAiio, June I.—Senator Douglas is in a very pr carious condition ; if there Lange whatever, it is for the worse, i. t-. a.r.K, June I.—The Border States 1 ntion did nothing yesterday. ii- camp at Paroquet will be moved to ‘! ;! uidh ;? Dill, which if ofcppied, it is “,;it can ue held against any force.— it C'uimimls the Kailroad and is forty-five miles fruni the city. ! kile, June I.—The British steamer 1 i. Miramon from Havana was fired upon Federal steamer Brooklyn, brought • ii” .:ded. Shu was taken as a prize. 1 * schooner Clinton loaded with peas ar. 1 ri-e has been ordered off. .■ Di*pßteh to Savannah Morning Ntwi.] Filter from Fairfax. Kiohmond, Jnwe 1, 10 JA M. —A slighj, • ii.i.-h took place at Fairfax Court Housp - evening between the Federal cavalry -i the Confederate troops. Capt. Mann, of ’ irgioi* cavalry, and two or three others *• a . led. None killed on our side. The 1 - ;.il troops were forced to retreat. A rof them were killed and wounded, an tifteen of their horses captured. ffie it lark on Acquia Creek llat !(?• v\ ashiutox, June I.—-The steamship An -1 -u and Freeborn are lying off, after kiH i:--r a number of men, to renew the attack u the battery at Acqula Creek They are waiting for transports with more United .‘'fates troops. The Skirmish at Fairfax Court House. Alexandria, June I.—Captain Mann the only Virginian killed at Fairfax.— i -tm Billy smitb figured ia fight. The r treaiing horsemen were pursued, and two I “f th< iu captured. The Federal Colouel imuauding was wounded. It u raining ii re, ami there are no appreheusons of au at Lack- ’ - Another Cnorgiaii killed. Mox rc.oMERY, Juue 2. —Matk lirantly, i niber of Quitman Gnnrds, of Porsyfß^ 1 . :a, wa killed last night on the l\*p^ t u ICilroad. It is supposed that be fell ra the top of the car* and was crushed.— Hi* body i* here and will be sent bogie for internieut. Sci/.itrc of si British l eswl. Mobile, June 2.—The steamer General : Mira moil is jvported to have Wu seized at j 1 ’Outre this morning. She ran the ! kade this cvcniug and is bow iu Mobile Bay. ! iaiev, The British ptearoer General Miramon, left Havana on the 28th ult., and arrived off the mouth of the Mississippi on the 31st.— 1 he Brooklyn tired shot and shell at her and tli ii seized her. A p rite crew was pot* aboard under Lieut. Adams, and she was or Mi .l to report to the Niagara of Mobile About midnight the Miramon was chased u y a P r >vateer steamer, when her cotifse f a* altered and her lights extinguished. She Wits fin -‘d at again, when she weut alongside ’‘ J,; Niagara. Alter an investigation she was allowed to proceed to Mobile, her Captaiu agreeing to come out within a reasonable time after taking on supplies. [fipccial Despatch i the American.] Alexandria, May 25, 9 P. M.—Colonel Wilcox, Commandant of the Federal forces at tins city, has issued a proclamation pro claiming strict martial law. Captain Whit tlesey, of the Michigan Uegiment, is appoin ted Provost Martial, and Coinjany H, of that Regiment, are directed to act as City Police. The proclamation assures all citizens that they will be protected in their persons, and property, and slave*. All public and private property will be respected unless the Uni ted States forces should he attacked. ( itizens are prohibited from entering or leaving the city without a written permit.— AH outrages or excesses by the Federal sol diers will be promptly punished if reported. The picket guards outside of Alexandria were last night fired upon and the troop* called to arms in consequence, but “nobody was hurt.” The city is quiet to-day. The body of Jacksou, who shot Col. Ellsworth, has been taken to Fairfax county for burial. All the furniture has been removed from the Marshall House, and it is now iu the possession of the Federal troops. This is the House at which General Washington generally stopped when he vi .ited Alexandria, and Col. Ells worth lost his life near the ehamber door which the Geueral used to occupy. Sergeaut Butterworth, of the New York Zouaves, was shot last night at Alexandria by Mike O Neal, of the same corps, who was acting as sentry, and receiving no reply to bis third challenge, fired, and instantly kill ed the former. Butterworth was a stam merer, and it is supposed that his failing to reply was caused by his infirmity. O Neal is in great distress oq account of 1 the occurrence. Norfolk, May 81.—The enemy has des poiled the inhaditants between Newport News and Fortress Monroe of their substan- and taken two hundred of their negros u the fort for laborers. It is supposed that the enemy have im prisoned five ot the white inhabitants, one ot whom, a Mr. Latimer, was being tried yesterday for assaulting and w.mni|iuir q \ ankee officer who insulted him. Latimer’s fate is not yet known. All is quiet here. —Evenimj AAetrs. Brigade t)ucaiii|iiiieut. The Marietta Advocate says that Govern or lirowu will undoubtedly call out a Brig ade, aud encamp it at some point on tlje State Roiui qejjr Th Brigade will consist us thirty-three Companies, inclu ding two Regiments of Infantry—a Bactal lon of Artillery and a Squadron <>f Cavalry. A despatch to the Knoxville Register from Lynch burg, dated the 28th says : “The majority for Ratification of the Ordinance of Secession iu the State is about one hun dred umi/ twenty thousand. Northern coun ties give twenty thousand majority against secession. INVASION OF ALEXANDRIA. We find the following account of the invasion us Virginia in the Baltimore American: From Mr. Heed, correspondent of the N- Y or k •World/’ and Surgeop of the jiouare Regiment, we oave the iollowiug particulars of the entree ol that regiment into Alexandria: Immediately on landing, the Zouaves marched up into the centre of the town, to the city flag -taff, upon which they immediately hoisted the American flag. Col Ellsworth theu marched with a portion of his command to the Telegraph office which he seized and placed under a strong guard, in order to prevent any news of the movement ol die Federal troops from being communicated to the disunion forces South of tnut city. * While at the telegraph office, he discovered the Sece-siou dag floating over the Marshall House, and taking with him a squad of men, proceeded to the place, and in respectful language desired the landlord ( Jackson) to haul it down. This request oeiug refused, he proceeded with his squad to the top ot the house and hauled it down, apd wag met cu his return, ou the stair?, by Jackson, who shot him, as above described. \\ hen he received the shot, Col. Ellsworth drop ped his sword, and seising hold o( his clothing over hia breast tore it entirely utf, and looking down upon the wound closed his eyes aud fell dead without uttering a word. The Zouaves when they heard of the death of their commanding offi cer were overwhelmed with grief and indignation. Many of tln-m burst iuto tears, and were so over come by the event as to be utterly inconsolable. After a while ibe grief occasioned by his death was converted into auch rage against the Disuniou its as that the officers in command of the severaj companies had much to jtpep tfpm uuuer pon- M'ol. From other Ppqrces we learp that the fact of Ellsworth’s death was kept for two hours front his men, (other than the immediate spectators,) who on hearing it were eager to burn the town, but uo ‘iggretsion was permitted on any one or auyibiug. A number of the Seceseipu officers were captur ed in the Marshal! House. They are held as pris oners. The whole of Sherman’s Battery (six pieces) crossed the Long Biidge in the advance during the night, two pieces going on to Alexandria, and lour pieces turning ot! to the right, Ailiugton way. The citizens of Alexandria appeared terrified. Many o t the y&ian men ahoy ted for jqy at the success of the military demonstration, declaring that free s|>ee v ji and lice insiiiutious were again established rbere. Tribute us Itewpect. Drayton, Doolv co., Ga., ) May 17tb, 1801. > Patrick Henry Lodge No. 178 of Free and Accepted Mason®, met this evening. The object of the meeting was announced to be for the pur pose of pacing a tribute of respeel to Bio. A. W. Denny deceased, kite W. M. appointed A. Li. Paul, W. H. Minin and 11. P. a coniuilttee to {MIWf fur lii uoibiueritioii ot the meeting, who submitted the following which tua unanimous ly adopted ; Wiktiaas. a mysterious Fiovidcnec has taken from our inids’t, iu the prime of life and usefulness, our highly esteemed and much beloved brother. Dr. A. W. iionov, whose sodden death; besides the immediate removal of his remains to the city of Macon for interment, rendered it impossible for ns to pay to them the relied due to Mm as a Masonic brother. Therefore That whilst we deeply deplore the loss of one who was so much beloved by ua and whose services were ot so much value ui us as a Mason, and to the community as a I‘hysiciun, wc nevertheless bow with bumble submission to the decrees of Providence. Kcxolrrd, That the furniture and jewel* of this LoMflhw clad in mourning for the space of sixty that a badge of the same be worn on arm of each ui-mber of this Lodge for the apace of thirty days ; and also that there be a blank page left on thie secretary’s book to record his death. Rtnohtd, That the thanka of this Lodge are tendered to the brethren of M*con Lodge No. 5, for taking charge of, and interiug the remaioa of our deceased brother, with Masonic honors, in Hose Hilt Cemetary ilivotoYd, Jhat ire deepty condole and sympa thize with the bereaved wife and weeping relatives of the deceased. fU*olrtd. That these proceedings be published in the Mason Journal k Messenger, and that a copy oi the same be furnished the family. A. B. Pakl, 1 W. H. Mats, > Committee. H. D. Rotals, ) Not So.—We have inadvcnterly omitted heretofore to stnte that Mr. G. B. Latnar has come out in an article over Lis own signature, denyiug the correctness of his report that be was compelled, by threat* of violence in New \ ork, to contribute to the cause of Lin coln. lie did not advance a cent, either with or against his will and the whole story is a canard. — News. The National Intelligencer in an editorial article di-ap ►roves ot the invasion of Virginia. It ob seivea that it cwunotseo any policy which looks to a restoration of the Union by such measures. DIE d7 In Portsmouth, Va., on Sunday, the 26th ult., WilUam Lkcontb, son of Clifford and Anna L. C. Anderson, of Macon, Georgia. Aged ten months and twenty days. SPE4IAL NOTICEhT - Sperial Holies*. A few words of advice In reference to the reliable Family Medicine, Henry’s Extract of Jamaica Dinger : The Con centrated Extract of Jamaica Ginger prepared by Messrs. Zefiin * Hunt, I know to be made in strict accordance with sound Pharmacutical laws, and to be a highly useful Gar miostive Tunic, gentle stimulant and grateful cordial. It may be used with decided advantage by those laboring under feeble Digestion resulting from Dyspepsia, the effect of climate, a too free use of Alcoholic Liquors, or any other aause (except inflatcation,) calculated to impair the tone of the stomach and bowels. C. B. NOTTINGHAM, MD. See advertisement. mv g NEW AIM E ItTIHEMENT 8. CASH ONLY! We have just received a S plend id Assort in en t Os all kinds of mmmm €©©©l? seen as BEKAGK ANGLAIS, PRINTED JACONETT MUSLINS, PRINTED LINEN CAMBKICK3, for Dresses, BLEACHED HOMESPUNS, COATS’ THREAD, CALICpES, Ikl.-H I.INEE, and piaiq NEW STYIjES —or— FRESH GOODBI All of which we will sell at REASONABLE RATES for Cash and Cash Only ! Don’t ask for CREDIT, as our Goods are worth more to us than anybody’s name. Call aud see our NEW GOODS, and bring the Aloase) if you wish to huy. liOSTICK & LAMAR. Macon, June 2, lbCl. Confederate States Loan. 1 )OOKS for subscription to the balance of the FIFTEEN M3 MiLt,km DOLLARS Loan, will b<; opened at the Agency of the Marine Bank iu this city ou Munuiv, third day of June, IStii. ISAAC SCOTT, ) J. B. LOSS, ‘ „ J. C plant Comminissioners. L. N. WHITTLE, \ June 5,1861. TO COfifHACTOItS. PItoPOA ILS will he received up to the UOth of this Mouth, by the subscriber, at Eatonton, for liK-BUILDIN(J GRANITE HALL, Which iff designed to be a First Class Hotel, In every particular. For specificatlcna plans, call on Maj. IL F. Dense, nea. the former Estimates must be forwarded to me at K.-ttnnfon, Ga. June 5,1861—3 t J. C DUNHAM. .Hay liOHi, lsfil. RT B.4KKKLS Pikes Magnolia Whisky. I ‘J uj Utrrels Rock opening Rum. |5 Barrels pßejps Rye (jitf. ISO boxes grades. 1 Bejies Cigar*. RftU Barrels Flour, lot) Tierces Leaf Lard. 76,00 1 H. Clear Sides. 10,000 H Hams. 10,000 H. Shoulders. 16 Hhds. Molasses. 20 Barrels Fyrup 60 Sacks Rio Coffee. 76 Barrels Fugar. 10 llhds. Sugar. For tale at reasonable prices for CASH, by june 5 ABHER AYR£9. K\ X A W AV from the subscriber, on the Roth of May, • niy Negro Roy, GUS, or TQ a nd, a* he is sometimes called by tlie la (er name. Said boy is 18 years of ave, 6 feet, 4 inches higl( t copper colored, weighs about 13fi or 140 lbs; ip standing throws hiintelf back on calf of Lis legs, rtjthgf thick iips and small mouth. Thg said Roy was purchase;* by plamiage of Upl- llamatond, us Atlanta, and sold !n a few day* affgrwarJ to the undersigned Th? ahoye reward w*B be paid fur the delivery of said boy tq me, or g suitable reward for his sale cimflr.ement in some jai! w. b. McCarthy. Near Marsbalville, June 6, 1861. NOTION]. IONT- a ntite made by John Chapman, for one hundred J and sixty-eight dollars,due the let of January, 1861, payable to the subscriber or bearer. The maker is hereby notified not to pay said note, and all persons are forewarned not to trade for the note. S. K. LONG. Jeffersonville, June 6, 1861.—tt Mac-ox coist of oudivaky.—wh*™- as, Joseph H. McKinzie, Executor of t|ie e-,tate o| John McKinzie, late of sivid county, deceased’ applies to this Court for (vttefs qismlcsory rruift bis >&id Executor- Thgsc arp therefore to citg and admonish all persons con cerned to be and apnear at uiy office ou or before tlie first Monday In December next, to show cause, if any they have, Why said letters should not be granted, Given under my baud and official signature, this 8d June, IS6I june S-uifm JNO. L PARKER, Ordldary. White Sulphur Springs, MERIWETHER COUNTY, UA. THIN celtbratad Watering Place will he opened on the 20th of May, and every comfort provided within our reach, for the accommodation and pleasure of d’t* have spared no paius or eXMUSp |n URttiiig tpe establish ment and ground* in 4ml hope to merit an in jjfelise'uTthe literal patronage heretofore- bestowed. Tl;e mineral Propertius of our waters are unrivalled in their beneficial influences over all the diseases where Cha lybeate, it- and Sulphur, or White Sulphur Waters are needed. Tlie hundred* of invalids suffering front Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Kidney Diseases, Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Cutaneous, Affections, Constitutional or auacidenLtl Irregularities, Ac., who have found almost miraculous relief, are so widely dis perse I ttirough the Southern Confederacy, that we deem it unnece-sary to say anything more of their merits. To the pleasure-seeker, we recommend our climate, moun tain air, healthful amusements,choice Iruils aud good socie ty, as worthy of notice. A splendid line of Four- 1 lorse will run Gaily fmm West folpt to Quc Springs, ami through r.sA--* Ut Svt’UTßtl l tue Bailroatl ofbcea In Mautgumv fjt', Onlqiubus acd Atlanta. A.II packages aud uil mail mat ter prepaid to West-point, c not Jesse U. Adams, will arrive at the Bprlngs daily. (Jutui ii.u’ks ami careful driven w j li be found at Qriflin, ready to accommodate all who come that wav. may vie Ira M. H. MARKS Jk ItRO. Lori Hard’s Snufl', IN BOTTLES AND BULK, For sale in quantities to Jobbers, by It. A. KOUI.NMIN A CO., Wholkui,r Ditroousta, LOcTSViLI.E, Kv , And M. A. A€. A.SANTAB, may 2i-4tn NORFOLK, Va. Special !Voti<*<*. TIIE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. AH K (irepared to forward by Express all Goods through to Pensacola and Way Stations on the Montgomery and Pensacola ItaiKigyd—tlie charges paid by the shipper in all cases. W* the Officers and Soldiers of tlie Confederate army at Pensacola and elsewhere forwarded by the Company free of charge, when in Government en velopes. m. 0. McDonald, Ag’t. Macon, May fid, 1861. ’ CONI'EOERITE STATES ARMY. /\NE TOIIFRAAHI.K-BOOIED MEN ( / are wanted for the Cons- derate states Army. The un designed has op ne-l a Recruiting Office In Horne’s Build in*. on Cherry street, where applicants must apply for further information An active and temperate man can secure the position of Recruiting Sergeant by muking im mediate application. A. M ROWLAND, Macon, May 16, 1861. Ist Lieut. C. 8 A. NOTICE. 111% VE left Mr. JAMES A. KNIGHT my authorized Agent, during my absence from the oity. apr 24 B. A. WISE, GENERAL advertisements. FOR KLKG ANT MESS GOODS GO TO JOHN N. KEIN & CO., WUERR YOU WILL FIND ALL THE NOVELTIES IN GRENADINES, SILKS, BAREGES, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, Ac., CHJC-A-I? for C’ASIJt 6,000 CADET CANSIMKR, ro* lUII. IT All V UNIFORMS, ALSO SILK AND LACK MANTILLAS, HOUSE PLENISHING GOODS, [ CARPETS, RUGS, Ac., At popular prices for CASH ! JNO. N. KEIN & CO., may 2 MACON, GA. DIRECT IMPORTATION! Crockery, China, AND— ware. MY first shipment from Europe has arrived in Savannah, and those who have ordered package* will hare them shipped in a few day*. Thsrt’ are some of the packages still unsold, any in waut, can, by ordering, have them ship ped ip a few <iys fhqve another lot shipped from Liverpool 18th of July, which 1 shall look for in three or four weeks. Send in tlie orders. lam now receiving a LAKGE STOCK OF Glass-Ware, Tumblers, Goblets, &c., FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BOHEMIAN GLASS-WARE, China. Dinner and Tea Sells, Ar., Ac aug 29 R. P. McEVOY WOOI)*S PHOTOGRAPHIC Palace oi* Art! I)KOII l Itl, V the largest and best appointed Estab lishment in the South, if not iu the United States. Is one of the most popular aud interesting places of resort iu Macon, and is daily thronged witli crowds of delighted visi tors. The Collecticm of 3r*iotiires wt> y luige, umbracing every style known to Ihe art, from ihs smallest Aiubrotype to the life-size Portrait Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expeuse, that hisGALI.E Hi’ shall continue to be the I Head ituarlt-rs ol l ine Arts In ihe South. Employing permanently the best talent to be procured to color ht* Photograph*, in every xtylr, true to nature, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. A I large collection of the celebrities of tlie day on exhibition, . to which has just been added a splendid Picture of the . Prince of Wales and suit, hlondin, Judge Douglas, and i others too numerous to mention, hut which tlie public are ; respectfully invited to call and examine. A j Wood uses j nous but the best materials in hlj bu.ines*, persons In want ; of a pood Picture yflU And it to their advantage to patron ! establishment, as Pictures can be had here at prices jas low as elsewhere, and of superior style. Ainbrotypes, I Daguerreotypes and Plain Photographs of every size at low prices. Call and see R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite ihe oct 81 I.anier House. Macon, Ga. COAXa oil. OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY, At $1 20 per Gallon! Also a Full Stock of Staple China, Glass, aud Crockery ! JL.aiiips, J-Hated Crdlevy* delated Castors, Spoons, Forks, <&e., For Cunl> ! At the RIGHT PRICES! BOI.NHAW A HF.HXUG, apr 10 11 Cotton Avknce, MACON, Ga. H NK V 9 s'"’ CONCRNTHATED Extract of Jamaica Ginger, . MADE from the Jamaicaj J® Ginger Root. Fur Cholic, which not only expels the! wind but thoroughly invig orates the bo* els and intes tines For Dyspepsia it is unrivaled, the dose being *— small and giving relief .m ----mediately, thus dissipating low ties* of spirits andJieat}- . ache. As many denominate j which undoubtedly is the m wg offer (his a most ! effectual remedy , a fgtv qrop* of Henry ‘•* Ginger in 1 a liltlg wafiir will impart ‘ such a stimulating effect upon the stomach and bow els that the great desire to Indulge in liquor is destroy ™ ed, while it produces a healthy aud natural condi 2! tion of the parts. Asa Rheumatic Remedy, used extensively, it i'< proved excellent. To prevent had effect of change of wateror diet, it was no equals, and ® no one should travel with out it; sea sickues* is pre vented and fatigue dessipa ted. No .tie should hesitate SR to use it, being made of a familiar and long acknowl edged excellent medicine, ( being prepared with great jmL care A of superior strength, j Use Henry’* and no other. Sp The test of its being gen ! uine it does not turn milky when poured into water. Made only by ZEILIN A HUNT, may 8 Druggists, Macon, Ufl. tar lee special notice. f. n. buugiiaud, WATCHIttARKR, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN FANCY WARES, DIAMONDS ANI) PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLE* OF VERTU, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT ED AND AMERICAN WATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS, CHI HOG li APH IC 1M PI.EM KN TS, <&C.y StC’., Cherry St, Macon, Second door below the Telegraph Printing House rniiANKFi 1. lor past favors, reminds i the public that all tlie most fashionable, elegant and desirable goods in lUU line wifi (£—/ %T continue to be foqpd at this elegant stand r in the greatest variety. Mo txuubh. to show Goods. feb 29-.’6t)-y WOOTTON k HOLLOWAY, Commission Merchants, CORNER OF THIRD AND POPLAR Sts,, HIACOY, GA. HA VE just received on consignment and for sale, 10**0 btishela Corn, luOO (lo OatA, NhJ do Peas, 1(8) do Meal, 40000 lbs. Tennessee Bacon, 100 kegs and eans Lard, 1000 bbl*. Flour, 100 do. best Ru ikport Lime, it'ii bales flay, Also a flue lot ol live Gtese Feathtri and Dried Reef Hams. apß CtfHfcctioiicries and Groccvicv. JH. DAMOUR, at bis old stand No. 140 Mulberry St. • keeps as usual a full assortment of goods ii the above line, consisting of Candles of his own manufacture, and fine Piench Candies. He is the only cue in Macon that imports Brandy, Wines, and Wine Vinegar direct from France. All kinds of fine Liquors anil Wines, choice Havana Segars, and best Tobacco, Oranges, Apple*, and other Fruits, Raisins, figs, Prunes, Nuts, and Preserves of all kinds, Pickles, Ca. pres, Olives, Olive Oil, KetchujM, Sauces, Duttsr, Cheese, Crackers, Cake*, Dried Beef Tongues, Pig Hams, Potatoes, Onions, Cabbages, and many other articles in that line to numerous to mention. mar 14~tf MACON SEED STORE. LANDHETH’N FRESH GARDEN SEEDS-W. 8. ELLIS has just received a Urge supply of CARDEN SEEDS, From Landreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the lowest price*, wholesale and retail. jar™ Also, a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Macon, Ga., Jan. 16, ts W. S. ELLIS. Consignment. RAA BUSHELS STOCK PEAS. • Vvv fsb ASHER AYRES, DRY WOODS, ILOTHLNW, it. dissolution of Partnership. . fc'tHK special copartnership of HORACE FITCH A CO A. is dissolved by the mutual consent of Lewis’ Pitch as * pc', a I partner and H. A W. T. Pitch as general partner*. Macon, April 8, 1061. HORACE FITCH & CO. fIIHE business will be continued for ita unexpired term X by \V. T. Pitch, under the name and Arm of HORACE PITCH A 00. j We shall SELL ALL our large stock of Clothing for Men j ami Boys at COST! For the next SIXTY DAYS. Wn are determined to rduc4 our stock a* low as possible during the coming season. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere apr 8-Sui HORACE PITCH. MERCHANT TAILORING! K. WINSHIP IS now prepared with a first class cutter, good Tailors and a LARGE STOCK UP PIECE GOODS, to furuish any thing in the CLOTHING LINE At short notice, and in the very best style. (apr 3 ( 1801. 1801. Hpriiig Olotliin^, WHOLESALE 4AD BETAf L. 1 II 'KVSUMJ* IS now rcc-ivuig ones the largest slocks of CLOTHING ever brought to th s place. They were bought cheap and will be sold cheap. Casla IJuyors can find bargains. MrCchants will Jo well Id examine tbiS stock before purchasing. a|.r a NEW GOODS! lYor Spring flltlE subsetll er has this day received some very hand- X some English Prints, Muslins, Embroidered and Plain Barage Anlris for Spring Dresses, and a good stock ot Bta pie Goods. AH of which will be sold on reasonable terms to prompt paying credit customers, or for Cash Give my stock an examination before waiting your pur chases A G. BOSTICK. Macon, Feb. 13, lb{jl. NEW GOODS Yg NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS.r NEW GOOES. % C FREE OF DUTY, FREE OF DUTY.IS FREE OF DTJTY.f ~ FREE OE I^XTTY.V^ ROSf* A COLE *IAN beg leave to announce to thecitizeus of Mac,in and the surrounding country that they have just IMPORTED FREE <>E DUTY frooi the Uuiteii States, the largest stock of new, desirable goods, that has ever l\e;i exhibited by tone house in the State of Georgia. Very many of their goods were bought at such EXTREME lew prices that MERCHANTS would do well to call and examine them. This enfire stock was ‘•Bona fide” purchased before the Ist of March, and therefore saves to the buyer twenty-four per cent. tae* Call mid see for yourselves. KOYR * COLEMAN, apr 3 At their “ Bazaar of Fashion.” N. S. FRUDDEN & CO. Invite attention to their Stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. SPRING TRADE, 18 Gl. AVe have a good assortment of STAPLE GOODS! Purchased in advance of the Tariff, at low Prices. All those who have unsettled accounts with us, will please Consider themselves politely dunned. apr :{ N. S. PIUJDDEN A CO. SPRING AN 1) SUMMEII STOCK OF JJ R Y GOODS, \T UW receiving in Store, in large quartities, ha*,ipg been A.V bought at reduced prices, ‘or cash, we are prepard to offer great inducements to large purchasers, and solicit an exa niQUtton of our goods. The following comprise a por tion of the articles wt are offering : 25 Cases Prints, pew styles, 15 •* Ginghams, new styles, 5 “ Printed Muslins, 25 Bales Tickings, 50 Cases Spool Thread, 150 Hales brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 20 Cases bleached •* “ “ 10 “ brown and bleached Janes, 1000 Bolts Summer Pants Goods, all qualities, 500tl Hoop Skirts, all qualities, 100 Bales Osnahurgs, 200 Bales Yarns, 800 Bales Georgia Kerseys, all Wool filling. Also a large stock of House Furnishing Goods, Linens, Table Damask, Towelling, l.iuen, Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Pillow Casing, together with a full and complete Stock of nearly every article offered in Wholesale Dry Goods Houses. J. B. A W. A. ROSS june 13 1860. FALL STYLES! 1860. 13 „A_ I .It 1) HAS JUST OPBNk'D A Snpei* io i* T^ot ol ClolllN, CnssiiiifreS) And ViwliiigN, which cannot he excelled in beauty ami durability. Having engaged Mons. Rousse, an experienced cutter, from New York, customers may rely on having something Superior in the style and fit of new garments. NEW STYLES —IN Heady JVtade OlotTiirvg, Shirts, Neck Ties, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Shaw Is, Socks, Straps, Canes Umbrellas, Ac., tic. CIIAS. H. BAIRD, octS Cor. of Cherry and Second Streets. Millincri)! Millinery!! PARIS STYLES Via. Newf^rteans. OP IH6I. Mrs. HOWLAND H\S npneil a fine assortment of the newest Paris Styles of Ladies’ llats and Millinery floods, Os ret ent and Direct Importation to New orlsa.xs. Her customers and others are invited to call, and she is satisfied that they will be pleased. Milliners from a distance can Aw accommodated with PATTERN HATS and any style of MILLINERY HOODS. apr 8 Spring uiml Smniner I'asiiion* tor 18H1. Direct Importations from France via New Orleans Mrs. F. DESSAU WOULD respectfully announce to the ladies that she has just returned from New Orleans, wliere i,e has purchased for cash • full assortment of Mi Hi ery, Lace, tjRiKwM and Dress Goods,<o£e In direct Impor- jfiCTM tail 111 Mid • • |.t Rffiaelsoii Tliur- dOUffroK day, Mardi ‘a. VflHfclr... .23>A. confident j3B that the ladies will Release.l wkJ the styles E|R jjffy and qualities, as they are superior to any T&r J /*, brought heretofore to this place. • jB If Milliners supplied at wholesale with ™ IWI Bonnets and Millinery Goods. ‘ apr 8 JJaulv Olrecks. / IHETKK n all Banks of the city, for sale. Also, HI.AMiS ! Os every varety, and to correspond with the recent laws of the State. At the Journal and Mojcnjer Office. Military Book*. Anew supply of Harare's Tactics, Scott’s Tactics, Cooper’s Tactics, Cavalry Tactics, and Mabou'a Trea tise on Field Fortification, for sale at fet> 18 BOA RDM AN ’S. fiENKRAL ADVERTISEMENTS. RiQioiis and ( Hi \Rn Directly Imported! R iSjISW" 18 * vingtke floest Liquors, Wines and Clears which he offers to the public on as .easonable t e n. can afford. 83 * invalids and others, * iahiug a superior article of Win., or other Liquors, will fled it greatly to their advantage to give him a call, as they may rely on the genuineness ot e t t . ry article sold. Liquors can be purchased in bottle or by the gallon, as U may suit purchasers. Cigar* of the very beet brands, hy wholesale or retail, and of direct importation, can always be feund at my store, at the house formerly occupied by Mr. James E. Wiiiier as an Kachan e and Lottery Office. Mr. Maussenet. In retiring from his old established busi ness, embraces this opportunity to tender tiis grateful ac knowledgments to his old friends and customers, from all of whom lie solicits a ah* re of patronage, in his new enterprise, Macon, June 18, 1860.—12-y Furni tur<e. IN I \ L Parlor Setts, Rose Wood, Mahogany aud tieorgia Walnut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Caae->, Ur-sk- and Book Cases, Bu reaus of Rose Wood, Mahogany and Wairmt. iSofas. Tetc-a Teles, l/ivan.s Sociables, Ottoman*, in Hair OloUi, Plush, Brocalel, Ac. Arm, Rocking, Sewing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining Hair Cloth, Plush, Brocatel, Cane, Bottom, and every kind of Chair known to the trade. BCDKVCADS. RoS- Wood Walnut, Mspie, Mahogany, Beach, Oooi, tligh, l.ow, French and Cottape. Wardrobes t>l Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut and Pine. Sales of all lMtierii9. T A HLK*. .%* vhogany, W a luut, Ci..-rry, Pine, Ex .emlon, FoldiugUer ‘ Square, Roonu, Ac. kLaUrasies of Hair, Oottou. Moss and Patent Bp, mg. leather Beds, PlUows and bolsters. Fine Mirrors, cojiiuon loosing Glasses, Looking (ilast Plates, Picture(lLu. Vfindow Shades, and Curtain Bands Cornices, buckets, Tubs Dippers, Brooms, Brush Rrooius, Feather Ou ters, Foot Matts, So., for sale on the most reasntutnle terms. Lumber takeu in • aeh&nge, or Lumber made up iu Die most fashionable styles ot Furniture to order. We have one of the largest Stocks of FINE FURNITURE in ‘.hesitate, and we are constantly manuiacturing, and Uh to sell. Call and see us. febliS WOOD, BRO. A 00. FllSra ARTS! j f|AHE Photographic-Portraits colored in Oil, produced by ! X J. A. PUGH A BRO , Triangular Block, Macon, Ga., are still considered the best to be attained in the State. We acre awarded the premium again this year, at the State Fair, which has just closed, for tlie best Photographs. With our new process for enlarging Photographs to life size from Daguerreotypes of deceased persons, and with the aid of j two first •: lass Artists employed by us, we are product* g | Portraits as perfect and as much like the original as it is possible f'irtttrrs to be made. Call at PUGH’S and see the Photographs by their new process, which are the largest ever tnaite in the State, none like them can he Seen else where. A MHROTYPRS at very low prices. (octal rut ch;i:vii i\ii TMia-Buii, WEE II IL AVEISTE) ! Wt Li, stand the Spring Season of the present year, commencing the Ist of March and ending the last of June, at Messrs. Hill, Wright A Marshall’s Stable, in the city of Albany, and at my resilience, on the Newton Road, three ami a half miles below the city, at the following rates, to-wit : For thorough bred Mat es forty dollars the season, in ad vance, or fifty dollars if charged, which must be settled by note during the season. For common Mares twenty-five dollars cash, or thirty dollars to be settled by note during Hie season. At the above rates, all [lersnits have Hie privilege of the Spring and Fall season free of any other extra charge.— Mares sent to Whirlwind, will be buarued at tuny cents per day—Mal e an.l Colt at fifty cents per day, which mu.-t lie paid before die Mares are taken away. No Mare will be delivered without an order from the owner or his agent. All posiible care taken to prevent in cidents, hut no respon sibility for any. One dollar to the Groom in every ease. JKJ’.K.MIAII WAI.Tk.RB. l*t*digrp<! of IVliirluiiitl. lie was sired by Teni|est, he by Pnuipkinboy, he by Stockholder, (for Stockholder’s pedigree see Americah Turf Register,) Pnmpkinhoy's dam, Laura Taylor, was sired by Sir, her dam Independence, by i’acolet, grand dam Fancy by Wilkes’ Wonder, wiio was sired by imported Dio mede. Wonder’s dam was also the dam of Pacokt, her g g. dam by old Celeb, her g. g. g. dam by YYildair, her g. g. g. g. dam by Mark Anthony, her g. g. g. g. g. dam hy im ported Fearuanght. Sir Richard was sired b.v Pacolet and out of Madame Tonson ; she by Top Gallant, be by Galliiin, he by imported Bedford. Her dam by Gray Medley, Oscar, imported Fearnaught, Ac. Sir Richard was a full brother to Mons. Tonson, and Champaign and also to Sir Henry, who ran the famous race against American Eclipse. Paco let was by imported Citizen, he by Pacolet of England, be l,y Blank and Blank by the Gmlolph ti Araldan. Pacolet’s daiu was by Typo Saib, he by Lindsay’s Arabian, the best son of the Godolphin, and was out of Silver-tail, she was the Hanneger’s White-Nose. Tempest’s dam was the fa mous old race mare, Mary Queen of Sooths, she by imported Leviathan, her dam by Pacolet, her g. darn by Diomede.— WHIRLWIND’S dam old Ann liarrow, was by Cook-of-tlie- Rnck, he by Durock and he by old Diomede (see Tuif Reg ister,) Oock-of the-Rock was out of the Romp, own sister to Miller’s Damsel, the dam of American Eclipse. Ann Barrow’s dam was Zeher, she by Virginian, he by old Fir Archy. Virginian’s dam Meretriz was by Magog, her grand dam N arc is* was by imported Shark, g g. dam Rosetta was by imported Sentinel, her g. g. g. dam Diana by Claudius, her g. g. g g. dam Sallio Painter was by Sterling, litr g. g. g. g. g. dam ihe imported Mare Silver : Zeher’s dam was by Col. Hawkin’* Gray Archy. For extended Predigees, fee American Turf Register. P’GrJform.n.iicoisi. WDIRDWIND’S first race was at Atlanta, Ga., when a three years old. was beaten by Brown Dick in three heats, Whirlwind winning the second heat, the fastest in the race. His second race was for the Hutchinson stakes over the Washington Course at Charleston, 8. C. He was again beaten by Brown Dick in tut remarkable short time of 8.42. I think him as a race horse for all distances, superior nut only to Whirlwind, but any other horse in America. Whirlwind’s third race was over the Central Course at Macon, Ga. He there ran a sweep stakes, two mite heats, which he won in two mile heats, beating Col. Campbell’s Wagner Killy, Morrison’s Monarch colt, and Maj Kasly’s colt— time,B.os—8 BB—purse, f'2,UH! —track reported heavy. On iaturday of the same week, he ran for the Jncky Club I’uist—njile heats —best three in five. Col. Golds by’* Rough-amt Ready, ha'f brother to Brown Dick, and Maj. Ktsly’s cit. colt by Chieftain were entered against him : the rare was won by Whirlwind—the first heat by Bough-aid Heady, the next three by Whirlwind—time, 1 -M}i —1 ‘>*34 I.s4Jj—l..*>4—the second beat being faster than the first, it is needless to say l threw off the first. Being In bad order, he was taken from the turf and turned out till August, when he was put iu tralnlngfor the Nashville races. He made bis first appearance on that Course iu a sweepstake race of two mile beats against Invincible and Henry Perritt, the latter a half brother of Brown Dick, and whose time in a two mi e heat race stands unparallelled in the annals ol raring, having run a mile in Lite second beat in 1 Bets were freely made that Whirlwind would be distanced, hut far from it, lie won the race in two straight heats, dis tancing Henry Peri itt in the first—time. 8 47—8.57—track heavy. The same week he ran against Little Arthur, in a race of two mile heats, winning in two straight heats, and making the best time ever made upon that course siime it WHS established, more >h>‘ forty years ago— time, 8.4.'. 8.0 ay,. The week following, he rail another race of two mile heats, which was over the Walnut Course, again beat ing Invincible; lie was afterwards entered within the same week, in three mile heat race against Perritt and lodine. The rider being instructed to run a trailing heat, fie lost it ; in the second lie took the lead and maintained it; in the third heat he led for the first mile and a half, hard in hand, but owing to the bad condition ol the track, caused by a heavy rain, which was at that time falling, lie slipped and fell, as did both of the other horses, his rider being hurt by the fall was taken from the field, ?nd Whirlwind having ruptured a leader in one of his legs, has since been unable to stand at training. Perritt died without getting to liis stable. C. A. HAMILTON. mar 20 2m JAMES MACKOV. J. K. LYTLE. MACRO Y, LYTLE & CO., COMMISSION k FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SOUTH-EAST OORNEK CHESTNUT A COMMERCIAL Sts. ST. 1.01 IS, .TOO. TIIWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE in the PRODUCE COM- I MISSION business in thiseity lias given us an acquain tance with the market that will enable us to render satis faction to those who may entrust their business to us. Onr careful and piompt attention will be given to the orders of our friends for the purchase of GRAIN, FLOUR, PORK, BALE ROPE, Ac., at the lowest market rates, tnar 27 ’6l-tf CARHART & BRO. (LATH OP NEW Tout.) Have returned to this place, wliere they will be pleaseii tu ace tbeir Friends, AH communications promptly attended to. fear Store ill Raßtou’s Rock Building, on Third Street. j AS. P CARITART, \VM. 13. CARHART. • Macon, March IMMI. _ *’ 15:,4 -on. lurin l.artl ail I’lour. e- c.tSRX BACON.hog round, and ty 7.V.0 Piiehets CORN 28 Barrel* LARD. 25 Half barrel* I.ARI), 40 Kegs 1 ARI). simi Hbls. 8. F. and Family FLOUR, an ni.ds. MOLASSES. 40 Bids SYRUP. 25 Half bbls. 6TKUP. UK) Uhls, refised ?UfiARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 Boxes TOHACt O. :hl Btdi. WHISKEY. F..r sale low for Cash. ASHf It AYFRH. MiiCOl) Krl#. JR|, Ih6l. Corn ;nl Oats. IKd IMI BHKLS Prime Corn. 504 bushels Oats, ,/UV/ Jor sale by mar 20 BOWDKE A ASPFRSOS. 75,000 Uik. of Macon. JUST received 75,t*M pounds of choice Bacon—cusoiL’ er* must call soon, is the stock in goingoff frh VI AftULK A i KrS. “Thai” Tobart#. THK choicest brand of Chewing Tobacco, manufactured In this country, juit received and for sale by MASSKNBURG 4 SON, dec ft fiuccusaor* to S. L. fitrohecoter. ORfffiS. MEDFfINKS, PAINT, OIL, Ac ASSENBURG & SON,! <Sjcvstrtrsfo E. L. StroLecker.) Corner Sri and Mulberry Streets, DKALKM IS * CHOICE DRUGSj ( SELEOTE D MEDICINES, 1 1 PUBE CHSMXCALS, ! SURGICAL l&sixmimTS, li \\ I \ l>o W iCASS, PERKUAfERY, ; FAINTS, oiijf. j* Affecllol uoat, • FkJejjfc OA&bJix XfJ&Lt. -.-, j ’ -y. | Mrrettiiite and I'hyMriaus, *Bu ritDß fBCMt>ELVKd Ott Ufaiing iu Articles of tlit ! riRHT QUALITY, ißit low raicM, WA 1 REIT upon BEINIi SIITEU. nov 2S ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTFNDFD TO. JBQTA B L I S H E D 1825. JTJBT RECEIVED GEORGE FAVNE’S CHEMICAL AMD DRUG STOLE. rIHK Articles aientioired here, which are oi Superb.r X quality, and sold at Fair Prices : ’ Kerosene and Coal Oil, inferior to none sold, Winter, Sperm and Linseed Oil, Raw and Boiled Lirserd OP, (•live Oil in Bottles and by the tin Iron, Wnite Lead in Kegs and assorted size cans, from I lb. to lon lu*. Zinc, White in kegs and cans, Colors, in cans and hoses, nil and in water, Paint Druslies and all kinds of Artists Tools, Sponges, Putty, Paid Knives and Tilts, Potash, in kegs, bulk and iron boxes. French Glass, and alt kind* of Glass Ware, Dye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid. Alcohol alnl Turpentine, Lamp Wick, bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Hay Water, Beil Cologne Water, and Rose Water, Gelatineand Flavoring ExtraetsJFresh Hops and Fresh Honey, . Gorki, all sixes, Hard Rubber Trusses, and *ll other lu ‘trumtnt‘, Hedgmaus Ricine Oil,and Lublns A ntiqueOU hr tbe Hair, Fine Tooth Brushes and Fine Toilet Soap, beat dual* Magnesia, Hurnetl’a Cocoiueand lCaliston and Woo’d Hair Restora tive*, ‘ Mrs Allen’s Hair Restoratives, and her Tvio Bslsamun, Fresh Vaccine Matter, and fresh Congress Water, FreHh Garden and Flower Seeds, Chemical, Medicinal Herbs and Genuine Medicines. Macon, Oa., April lSth,lß6o—y r. a. CASTLES T . v 4 hi>K, c ftEW FIRM. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRT7G STORE ! lI’ASTI.KS A ViIRDELL, DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES, WOV LD respectfully Invite the attentior of Physicians, Merchants and V'lHDteif othr-ir stock of I natl ulhrHi.d lleii6, ffedielueii, nirmlra)*, Ac Ac. Kt'*,) They fetd assured that no house in this city a an offer a stock superioi iu qualify „r lower o price. A supply of DENTAL and SURGICAL Insfrq uents, Ac., will he kept constantly on hanu. GARDEN *>EED t Paints, Oils, (ilass, Varnishes, ront the best houses In the United Ptstes. There will aim he found in our assortment FINE BRAN DIES and WINES of the purest quality, purchased express? y for medicinal purpose*. Every article usually kept by Druggists can he obtained it reasonable prices. Physicians Prescription* prepared with great care, may 9-’60 —y Di’iiofs and Medicines, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Corner Cherry Street and Colton Avenue. XIST received, a fresh supply o f Drugs and Medkinet Perfumery, Paint and Varnish Brushes Superior Con* Oil, Burniug Fluid. Camphene,Alcohol and Potash; Jaynes Ayres’, Wright’s, Moffat’s, and Strong’* Pills ; Hemboidt’s Extract of Rurhu, Sanford’s Liver Inrfgorator. Mr Wins low's Soothihg Syrun, Degratn’s F,cleetrlc Oil, Mustang Lin'nieut, Indian Chotageene,’, McLean’s, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge;iSebzer Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, warranted genuine, jane 20 18-’Ct W. S. ELLIS, Agent. ri KOKRIA, Raron oinil) . —Coi nr ofObpisa- V* r av or siin Oovsiv. Wherein,, Avner Burnam. Admlniatiat<>r on the estate of lames S. Caldwell, late of said county, dew'd, applies to this Court for letters of distnist-ion from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all pet sons con cerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause if any they ten, why said letters should not Le granltd. Given under my hand and official signature. fhj;22d May, 191. JOHN L. PARKER, may 2tl-mCm Ordinary. ( A, ‘tfaeuu County.—Court c-r Oju/Ini- X by or si in :* Whereas, Avner Burnam, Administrator on the ertnte of .lolm I. Haugahnok, lAte of as id county, deo’d, applies to this Oo„rt for Itlteig of dismission floor said administration. These are therefore to rile and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should noi be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, ibis 22d May’, 1861. aOIIN L. PAi KtR. may 29-rafim Ordinary. VALIAIILE FARM FOR SALE. IOFFEH for sale my Farm in Cass county, lying sot r miles from Carlcrsville, on the road leaning to and ■Springs. It comprise* t>etw cell Bev u and Eight Hundred Acres, three hundred of which arc chared and ur.drr good fencing. The main dwelling has five rooms flni-hed In the rie .test modern ttyle, also a * ing with thiee rooms. The farm houses consist of a large Gin-house ar.d packing 8, rtw, Corn-house and Barn, Stable* for twelve or fitteen Horses, Carriage house, Overseer’s houe, and lilac* Smith fchop ; also cotnfortabie houses for tweniy- or twenty fire negroes. The location is one of the tuns, healthy in the State, and is in two miles of Rowland Springs. For further particular*, apply to my acer.t, on the place, or to me at Macon. may 1 6-4 t WASHINGTON POK. new Carpet Store* JAMES <Jr . BAILIE, DIRKCT IMPOETKB OF ALL KINDS OX Carpeting*, Rugs, Fluor Oil Mollis, Window Shades, Lc. Curtain Daiuasks, Lace and Muslin CURTAINS, AC. No. 234 KING ST., ( IIAULESTON, S. C. G. BAILIE & BRO.. 205 BROAD BT&SBT, AUG L ST A, GA. may 2-40-1 y* LAMBERTS & HOWELL 819 KITSTO STREET, Wfsr BIDE, Importer*. loOlkcr* anti Dunlci's in English. Scotch and Domestic O .A. Ii PF/riN Gr S, HUGS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. I.INFN GOOD*. MATTINGS, Ac. may i- tbi-ly*) CRANLEKTAN, S. The Harden Express Cos. WILL PASS GOODS AT THF. C it-,tom House at Savanuah, AND FORWARD THEM Ry Express or Freight Train, as parties may prefer, oidy charging for our trouble the Custom Hou9e Fees, for passing and forwarding. Jor further Informationconcerningthe above, apply to M< . *• MacomtUKbSMttl, Examine ourGoois aai Price* betors bnymg ecMwhore