Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 19, 1861, Image 3

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\ H NEWS] •ai Dtsp*tcb to the Savannah Republican ] l!,c Or|fHß* on the Haiti*, of K-Ihel Chnrrh. ( - vr.f K'Ton, June 17.—A batch of late V rk papers have beea received here, •in. a most refreshing variety. They 1 of the battle c>f Bethel Church, and n ‘ dreadfully over the result. < says: “ Oeueral Butler has do Ii ind General Pierce no courage, and t - > r this brace of Massachusetts bar , . i- are and ‘lnissed to their pleadings the Lite- are too valuable to be sqann •u\. rt p ditical hacks into heroes ‘’ says: “The war should be • I the Southern t onfederacy recog r \re can’t do any better.” * .’Kill/ condemns the mistakes Ly \ ankee troops tired on each other, tii ftieersought to Wcaabieicd. ’ w or,i paper* geuer&ily ackuowl v were badly whipped, h declared his intention to have ” ;uIJ whip the rebels in twenty. r r h urs. -i ‘ .x . i miton.—ln view of the Austria’s • receive Burlitigatne, he has been • Minister to China. .National Intelligencer says the gov 't will soon pay the troops. . liilton, a wealthy planter, and a i • t the Soatheru Company, have I i< 1. rument has received dispatches an - the evacuatiou of Ilarpei’e Ferrv. ‘i.lUCli—The Bridge at Harper’s F • •>3 burnt between five and six o’clock : ng ; It is teportcd ‘that all the i e iiecu withdrawn from the Mary? Eight carloads of provisions ■ roved to prevent their failing into :< ’■* of the Federal troops. The Bridge ’ >suisf *wn has beeu burnt- IT! von:;.—Leivy, I uionist elected to in the Gil dhtrict by 375 majority. k;;ick, Mp.—A special ageut of the at and Press, just from Maryland ii ... •. overlooking Harper’s Ferry, says rv is been mainly evacuated, only > ... usand men remaining. i ute of the maiu body was bv Turn ’ bar lest own and Sheppardstowu. town Briilge was burnt. The i 1 kets are withdrawn from Wil i t the .State Journal, has been ‘• —The steamer Louisiana with : < 1 the invading force is here, to :trd Roersteiu’s Regiment. • r N.—Blair despatches to the •r it Ijouimille as follows: The or :>•: in til matter coming from dis i;; - to be heM for postage, does uot t . prevent delivery on payment of ■* a ni>hia.—Active military niove pr: reding in cousequeuce of the •” f Harper’s Ferry, and an effort to prevent the Southerners : n iting their forces. ii i ngtox.—Sheuek has been ordered tic Potomac with his brigade. An . ;a Beauregard is apprehended. hot is, loth.—lbcrstein’s regiment i est • n the Pacific Railroad. The - \ ’unteera have entered Missouri si liiiiiniba!. .•> -:;son with cars and locomotives ->. ‘t from Jefferson city, burning -as lie goes. It is said a large : >• ( iifederate troops in Arkansas • • rn Texas, are ready to move to f Missouri on Jackson’s invitation. .1 Diipakhei to the Charleston Courier.] -iporlaut from T!auas<a<t. ‘•AsgAs, Jane 12.—Muj. Gen. Banks ttimand at Baltimore, and Gen. Cad* r, whom he supercedes, is to conduct a fr- iu the Relay House to suppoit I’litersun, who is to operate by way of wn and Frederick, xpeet no attack here, though it is t that a tight will shortly occur l>e n tii. place and Harper’s Ferry. Our 1 ; - under the strictest discipline aud i r { .ration. , |j£ . * 1 U’f?Aßl>S> the family physician of viiam Ijncoln, was captured here yes -1 -iy t and sent this morning to Richmond. fr-un llagarstuWD, Md., state that < nfeierate troops crossed the river at i'ville, and on Saturday night atteinp •ze the canal boat aud eight hundred f 3 nir. They failed, however, in ~ience of the overwhelming force sta. td re, including the Sharpsburg Home Virginia troops have burnt three can -and destroyed three locks between Point of Rocks and Harper’s Ferry, he tr.irtor Governor of Maryland has ii r Federal tn tops to put down the v >ic of the people. He hopes to intimidate an 1 control the Legislature by a large force it Fredrick. ri n. PatteßSON will advance to-day with hi” 1 1. to that point. Stirring times may e ;■ v<l there shortly. The spirit of r - nc.j has been making rapid progress og the members of the State Legisla ture. The dam on the Potomac has been the fa sh arp conflict. It originated in rnptOß the part of the Virginians to iipli.-h its destruction, which was resis -1 i! y the enemy. The attempt was again 1 v. I Ly the Virginians this morning, i Pt [by the Home Guard of Clear •■ii- un i \\ illiumsport. The engagement *’ going on. i lo.vd, June I*2.—Military affairs arc -an active turn. Despatched and hi - from th? battle of Bethel state our ’ to l*e but one killed, namely, a soldier u ’*'• yatt, from Richmond, and five woun i hat of the enemy is put down at 20 ’ b but the supposition is that many of ir ’ ad and w uuded were removed from ~ie tield. Blood covreed their ground in all directions. One of their officers, C a pt. Wardrom was kilh and while he was advancing on ©ur entrench ments. He hud m anted the fence when Col. lliii, of the North Carolina Regime ute, said : “Bovs, there’s your mark; kike him down.’’ Iu .in instant he led dead. Another, sup posed fiotn his dress to be a field officer, was shot trout his horse, bu carried off the ■•W.- Atter these losses there was great con fusiou among the em-my, and they retreated towards Hampton, leaving on the ground a considerable number of havrcsacks, guns and revolvers. ‘ V The watch and sword of Capt. Wardrop is now in Richmond. Our men behaved bravely. Voting Wyatt, who was buried ( this afternoon with military honors, was shot ; in the centre of the forehead while ml van with four others to att;K-k fifty. j Arrival of llik bfcttinship Adriatic. j New York, June 12.—The steamship I Adriatic has arrived at St. Johns, N. B , from < ralway, the sth of June. Com im-rcia I. Liverpool Cotton Market. —The sales of cotton on Monday and Tuesday were 25,000 bales. The market closed firm and active. LrrrrpoU Krearhtvjfs Market. —Bread- Stuff < dull. London Money Market. Consols were quiet at 90$ a 01}. o*teral ltew-4. Lnglaml and I- ranee have prohibited prizes taken by Southern privateers from being brought into the ports of those Governments. Proclamation from C.ov. Jackson—so,ooo Troops called far (he Defencemit,Miirl. Sr. Lot is.—Gov. Jackson has issued a piocla mation, in which he declares that outrages of an unlooked tor and unparalleled character have been u,dieted on the peace and dignity of Missouri, And upon the right* and liberties of her people, by wicked and unprincipled men, protesting to act under the authoiity of the Federal Government. The most solemn enactments of your Legislature have beeu null lied. Your volunteer soldiers have been arrested. Your commerce with sister Sut, s stopped, and trade with your own fellow citizam sd’.jected to the control of armed soldiers. Peace ful cilizebs have beeu imprisoned without warrant. L o offend tug and defenceless men, women aiul children have been ruthlessly shot down aud mur dered, and other unparalleled indignities heaped ipon your State and join selves. To these you have submitted with patience and iorbearance, which has only encouraged more daring usurpations. My object has beeu to preserve peace and avoid •var from the Border States. With that view, General Price arranged wiiii General llarucv, and the State government has faithfully adhered to •hat agreement, ii-it the Federal government ■nauifetted its disapprobation of the compact by j the dismissal of Gen. llurney, and has commenced proceedings utterly hostile to the agreement. \\ aiviwg the dignity of Missouri, I had an intei view with Gun. Lyon, bis successor,and submitted nropofition* more honorable to the Federal Gov ernment than to the State of Missouri : that if the Federalists would withdraw, I would pledge myself to disband the miiitia, and all citizens regardless of their political opinions would suppress insurrec .ions and maintain neutrality. If necessary to cart v tut these pledges I would call far Federal assit? tance. Nothing but a desire to avert the horrors of civil war could have induced these humiliating prepositions, but they were reject’ and. Governor Jackson then calls out fifty thousand Volunteers to repel the invaders. [From the X. C. State Journal Extra, June 12 ] Ottilia 1 Account. DISPATCH FROM COL. HILL TO GOV. ELLIS. Copy of a letter received this afternoon at four o'clock by messenger from Yorktown: Yobktown, Va , June 11, 1861. Hun. John If”. Etlix, Governor of Xorth Oaroliun : Sir—l have the honor to report that 800 men of my regiment and 360 Virginians were engaged for five and a half hours with lour and a half r, gi tuents of the enemy, at Bethel Church, nine miles from Hampton. The enemy made three dislinet and well sustain ed charges, but were repulsed with heavy 10.-s. Our cavalry put sued them for six miles, w hen their retreat became a total rout. Fearing that heavy reinforcements would be sent up from Fortress Monroe, we fed back at nightfall upon our works at Yorktown. I t egret to report the loss of one man killed, private Henry L. Wyatt, Edgecombe Guards, and seveu wounded. The less ol the enemy by their own confession was 150, but it may be safeiv estimated at 250. Our regiui.nt behaved most gallantly. Not a man shrunk from his post or showed symptoms of fear. When more at leisure, I will give you a de tailed report of the operations. Our Heavenly Father has most wonderfully inter posed to shield our heads in the day of battle ; un to His great name be all the praise for our success. With much respect, f). 11. Illl.T>, Col. lsußegiinent N. C. Volunteers. KACCN VOLUMItES- Tlie following named member.* of this veteran corps of our city have been honored with appoint ments in the army and navy of the Confederate States: Hon. member Z. T. Conner, Colonel of Infantry. I‘rivate Juliti ti. I’atuii, Captain of Infantry. lire vet 3*l Lieut. I.croy Napier, Ist Lieut, of Infantry. Ist. Sergeant Robert If. Atkinson, 2d Lieut, of Infantry. Corp’l Edward P. Bowire, 2d Lieut, of Infantry. CorjMjral Josiah T. Bpt, 2d Lieut, of Infantry, Private Wi.bwr K. Johnson, 2d Lieut. C. S. Navy, The following members of iheeoips have been honored with appointments iu the 2d Independent battalion of Geoieia Volunteers, now on service at Sewell’s Point, Virginia: Hon. member C. 11. Rogers, CotumUaary. Private Samuel Subers, Asabtaot Quartermas ter. — ‘itleyeaph. Brilliant Achievement —The Norfolk Day Book, of Saturday, gives the follow ing account of an achievement of the enemy: We leant that one of the Federal stea mer?, supposed to be the Quaker City, yes tenl.iv fired about twenty shot and shell into a private dwelling-house near Cape Henry Beach, completely demolishing the entire structure. The property, we understand, be longs to David Corprew, K|., and within a mile aud half of Lynnhavcn Bay. It had been used as a headquarters for the Princess Anna Cavalry, but it was at that time va cant, no one being on the premises except au old negro man who was iu the yard, aud on the first shot striking the house he tum bled over with fright, but on recovering, pick ed bin! self op and crawled away on his hands aud kuces. The Battle <*t Bktuel. —The Charles ton Courier has the following special dis patch : Richmond, June 13. —The latest reports from Bethel indicate the affair to boa com plete victory ami route of the Liucoluites. — After the battle a flag of truce was sent to Col. Magrudcr, for the purpose of burning the dead and exchanging prisoners. Col. Magrudcr said they might do the first, but declined the last proposition. The officer bearing the tiag of truce said their loss in killed and wounded was 230. — It is believed that over 500 were absent from roll call next morning. Two of their officers, besides one General, •re rupjiosod to have beeu killed. Thirteen prisoners were taken to Rich mond. Ito port ant tor Deference. The distances of some of the most important places from \v ashington, we specify below so that Terence I'” ° Ut ,he tU * Up for The great Fortress Monroe, at the outlet of James nver and Chesapeake Ii iv, di,tarce from V aah.ngton, by the P*tociau and B„v 225 miles. an lT n | Ua e‘’ Uigton t 0 Ktc-fiifcond, via Potomac and railway f roa , Aequia creek, 130 miles. W * S ‘' l '7 JtoU 10 creek, down the i o omac, 55 miles. k rout Washington to Alexandria, below Wash ington, 7 nnles. From Washington to Arlington Heights, aero=s t>l n ir ,° m ‘ he l,rtsideut 8 How, os the b.rd flies, 2| miles. JIT W u hifl?, °r f° n * r P* r ’ 8 by rail, miles. By cabal along the Potomac, 60 miles. I-rom Havre de Grace, down Chesapeake Btv and ihence (via Annapolis Railroad) to Washing ton, 86 miles, e Ho. via Baltimore to Washington, 64 miles, fiotn New \ ork to Havre de Grace, lf,o miles, l imn V. 7 ork to Washington hv rail, 233 miles, from New \ork to Washington by sea, and bv Chesapeake Buy and I'otomac river diiect 530 miles. \ ia the s* a, the bay, and Annapolis Railroad about the same. ’ I nit-resting from Virginia. lire Richmond JtKfmtek of Fat-rdav eon fains further details of the engH<jetii<?nt at Bethel but tew additional facts or incidents of interest. From the correspondence of the ItieytUh we cull the following Items of interest. At Norfolk, Ports luouiF, and ilie various points of defence the Elizabeth river, everything seems to be quiet* and no movements of interest had taken place’. Issuers from Manassas Junction, dated 13th, report nothing worthy of note. No news of interest from Harper’s ferry <o the 13th ; . A letter from Hamy ton, .1 ‘tailing the depredations and outrages conj oint. and by the Federal troops at and in the vicinity of Fortress Mouroe, says: These depredations, however, are now being checked by something a little more substantial and effective than paper proclamations. As most of our military force is necessarily occupied at York towii, some citizens arc organizing guerilla parties. Thev have already killed four, and wounded and taken about a half dozen prisoners. Day before yesterday two of our men surprised n squad of about twenty, shot two of thc-m dead, and put the rest to flig’t. This was within hall a utile of their camp at Newport News. Northern Items. Hon. John Cochrane, of New York, was to day authorized by tin* Secretary of War to have mus tered for immediate service, undue the United States Commi-sioitere, for three years, a regiment of infantry, to bo raised and commanded by him self as colonel. A recent general order of the War Department is as follows: “ Second Lieutenant W. McCreerv having ten deie l Ilia resignation while in the face of the re bels, his name will be stricken from the roll of the army. (Signed) “L Thomas, Adjutant General.” Hon. Eutiiipisou Etheridge’s name having been mentioned in connection with the Clerkship of the House, that gentleman recently called on Colonel 1 ot ney to assure him that he was not a candidate, believing that Col. Forney’s claims to re-election demanded every influence he could exert in his favor. It is reported that an army supply contractor of this State says “he will be d—d if he wants to see or ‘tear ot any peace with the scoundrels tor ten years.” A man who makes *lo,ooo a month out of the war w ould have a nice thing, if it could last ten ye trs —5120,000 a year, and one million two hundred thousand dollars in ten vears. It ia esti mated that over a hundred and fifty thousand He pubfican politicians are directly and indirectly in terested in the war conlracfs. They will ail fight hard against peace.— X. Y. l>a>j Book, St/t. A \ ikgima Bor.—A member of the Ogle thorpes, writing to his father in this city, under date of Winchuster, Ya., June Bth, describing the march of the corps on the way to Harpers's Ferry, mentions the following incident, lie says: “ A little boy near this place met us about a mile from town, an i begged that someone of us would let him carry a gun, so that he might tell his broth er iu the army that he had done something for us. He was allowed to carry a musket for some dis tance. When asked if he was not tired, ‘No,’ said he, ‘1 would gladly carry it to Harper’s Ferry tor you.’ Brave little fellow, his whole soul is in our cause.” Front* Juuciion, Special Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. Cax:p Pickkns, June 13th, 1801. Tbe unfortunate Mr. Taylor, who was accident ally by a member of tbe Alexandria It ties, has since died ol the effect? of the wound. Mr. John T. Alvey, of Richmond, of the Gov ernor’? Guard, lost his horse and saddle at the hands of Lincoln’s scouts. The sad intelligence lias just reached us that a Mr. Fureron, of the Powhatan Cavalry, was shot by our own guards and immediately killed. Mr. F., who was out on duty, left his post and went to a spring to drink. There he saw several soldiers who lie supposed belonged to the enemy. lie im mediately wheeled, put spurs to his horse and darted off. The soldiers who Mr. F. mistook for the enemy, ordeted hint to halt ; which, refusing to flo be was immediately fired upon and killed, they supposing him to belong to a scouting party ol the Federal troop?, from his failing to stop when commanded. Such intelligence mingles sadly wiili the glorious news which comes up to us from the battle of Bethel; but how often it is that sorrow follows in the footsteps of joy ! Special to the X. Y. Post. Washington, June 11.—There is great excite ment here over the news of the conflict at Great Bethel. It is the general opinion among the mili tary men that there Was gross mismanagement and ba i leadership of the Federal forces. The secessionist are looking up, emboldened by the repulse ot our troops. A prominent Baltimorean, now in this city, states that several secession flags are again flying in Bali ti(ioie, and that Gen. Banks is needed to keep the rebels in check. Tut: following resolutions were unanimously passed by the Central City Blues while encamped at the I’aiade Ground in Augusta, previous to leaving for Richmond: Resolved, That this corps acknowledge with great satisfaction and pride, the inatked kindness and liberality shown us by the citizens ol Augusta dming our stay iu their midst. Resolved, That we especially appreciate the fotvtnoughf of those kind ladies who have done \us the honor to lend us the.aid of their presence : and bewitching smiles, and who have contributed so much to the comfort of the inner man. Resolved, That tlte hospitality and patriotism of Augusta, which cannot be surpassed, will ever be fresh iu our memories and pleasing to our I hearts. J. G. Rooms, Capt. comd’g. Win. 11. Paine, Secretary. Augusta, June 14th, 1861. . tl A IIUIIIU, Iu Fort Valley, on Tuesday morning, June 12th, by R-v. Wtn. 11. Hollingsliead, Mr. Grenville Wood and Mi-? Mary O. Lego. DIED, In this city, on 7tli insf., Wai.tkr, Infant son of Mr. John B. and Mrs. Josephine Lightfoot, aged 5 months and 9 days. Special Holier. A few words of advice In reference to the reliable Family M< licit)", Henry’s Extractor Jamaica Otnper : The Con - central-J Extract of Jamaica Ginger prepared by Messrs. Zeilin A Hunt, I know to be made In atrict accordance with sound l'harma* (Rival laws, and to be a highly useful Car minative Tube, gentle atirnulaut and grateful cordial. I* may !■ used with decided advantage by those laboring □ nit -r feeble Digestion resulting front Dyspepsia, the effect of clhiiaae. a too free use of Alcoholic Liquors, or any other can?-- (< wen* intlur.ation,) calf ulated to impair the tone of the stoiuach bowels. C. B. NtITTINGH AVI, MD. See advertisement. may S <T‘rk‘s Office, Supreme Court, i JrsF. 13 th, 18C.1. J TSI It Docket of the Supreme Court to be held in M -eon „„ the 4th Monday in June, instant, will be called in the following order : First —PAT AULA CIRCUIT. Second —SOUTH WESTERN CIRCriT. Third—CH AT A HOOCH KK Cl ROD IT. Fourth—M ACON IIROL IT. june ! CH ARLES W. PcBO?E, Clerk. Confederate TRUANT IIV Notes and Bonds taken at PAK for Furniture or Notes and Accounts due j une it WOOD A CO., Macon, Gw. E W AI>VERT ISE MEN TB. Notice. I I P urchast, l the Stock of Messrs. Cast leu & fu a ,' lt ’** respetfullj solicit the patronage of their i umls at our old stand. MAStFNBI'KU * SUN. ZZXSUZi *5“ cmul.umu. X-RUST DEAD ! POOR MV KILLED IIIX ! summer dress goods cost : GRENADINES, BAREGES, ORGANDAS, LAWNS, Ac. 1,000 SUMMER CALICOS, at 12f Also, 10,000 MILITARY GOODS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, AT POPULAR PRICES FOR OASII. jvo. >. Km & co., i unel2 MACON, GA. A NEW SUPPLY Of COAL OIL! AND A FULL STOCK OK CHINA, CLASS AND CROCKERY, laamps, Chiinnoj.s, TABLE CUTLERY, PLATED CASTORS, S j >ooi Forks, &c. FOR CASH ONLY! BOLSfIAW & HERZCXr, june 12-y 11 Cuttou Avenue, Macon, Ga. just imiHMrm FROM Abe Lincoln’s Dominion, “DESPITE THE EMBARGO,” 300 POUNDS FRESH TURNIP SEED. 100 “ PURPLE TOP RUTA BAGA Turnip Seed. ICO “ WHITE FLAT DUTCH “ “ 100 “ WHITE FLAT RED TOP “ “ For sale at the Drug and Chemical Store of Macon, June 12th, 1 61. GEO. PAYNE. Madison Springs, JludLou County, Ga. rilfl IS well known summer retreat is again opened for JL the accommodation of those seeking either health or pleasure, anil we now most cordially invite our old custo mers,and all others who travel either forhealth or pleasuie, to give us a call. We do not think it necessary to give to you a full descrip tion of this most beautiful spot, it is so w> II known through out most of the Pouth, suffice it to say, it cannot he sur passe.l for climate, health, beauty, waters, scenery, and, in fact, everything that can delight the eye and taste. Families, wishing e. infortable rooms will please drop a line, stating (lie number, Ac , and how long they wish to stay , as those coming early and stay ing late will iiud it to their advantage, as private arrangements will be made with all Much if desired. Mr It. R. Saulier has prepared himself w th the best of Coaches and Hacks, and will be ready at the Depot, anil passengers from Augusta or Atlanta on the night train can reach here the next day for dinner. Katk of Hoard $3 t per month ; $lO per week ;$2 per day. SCOTT A TYNER. June 12,1861. —2m - CASH ONLY! AVe have just received a Splendid Assortment Os all kinds of mmmm <s€>om ? SUCH AS BEK AOB ANGLAIS, PRINTED JACONETT MUSLINS, PRINTED LINEN CAMBUICKS, for Dresses, BLEACHED HOMESPUNS, COAT*’ tiikkap, CAticou, IRIDB LINEN, and many NEW STYLES OF — FRESH GOODS! All of which we will sell at KKASONAHLE RATES for Cash and Cash Only ! Don’t ask for CREDIT, as our Goods are worth more to us Ilian anybody’s natr.e. Call amt see our NEW GOODS, and bring the Jlouej’ if you wish to buy. BOSTICK k LAMAR. Macon, June 2, 1801. Jlatoii, in ay 30th, ISI. | HARRLbX Pikes Magnolia Whisky. L i O 75 Birrels Rock opening Rum. 75 Barrels Phelps Rye Gin. 150 Boxes Tobacco —various grades. 115 Hexes Cigars. 850 Burets Flour. 100 Tierces Leaf Lard. 75,000 H. Clear Sides. 10,'<00 H Hams. 10,000 H. Shoubiers. 15 Hhds. Molasses. 20 Barrels Syrup. 50 Sacks Rio Coffee. 75 Barrels rugitr. 10 Hhds. Sugar. For rale at reasonable prices for CASH, by june 5 ASHER AYRES. ( AKIIAinA I*l*o. (I.ATE OF NEW YOKX.) Have returned to this plate, where they will be pleased to see their Friends. All communications promptly attended to. Store in Ralston’s Rock Building, on Third Street. JAS. D. CARHART, WM. B. CARHART. Macon, March 13,1961. AoNFEOERITE STATES ARMvT ONE TOHI MND ABLE*HUDIED iHE!V are wanted tor the Confederate States Army. Tiie un dersigned has op tied a Recruiting Office in Horne’* Build ing. on Cherry street, where applicants must apply for further information An active and temperate man ran secure the position of Recruiting Sergeant by making im nedhite application A. M HOIVUNII, Macon, May 15,1561. Ist Lieut. 0. S. A. .Umik OliGclvs. /"JIIIK'KN on all Banks of the city, for sale. Also, IJLANKS ! Os every varety, and to correspond with the recent laws of he Stale. At the Journal and Afrmn njrr OJ/ice. NOTICE. | lI.IVK left Mr. JAMES A. KNIGHT my authorized I Agent, during my absence from the city, apr 24 B. A. WISE. GE.VERAL ADVERTISEMENTS, White Sulphur Springs, MERIWETHER COUNTY, UA. THIS cclthratad Watering Place will be opened on the 20th of May, and every corufort provided within our reach, for the accommodation and pleasure of visitors. We have spared no pains or expense in putting the establish ment and grounds in {/..00f order, and hope to merit an in crease ol the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed. Hit mineral properties of our waters are unrivalled it their beneficial influences over all ‘he diseases where tli.v ----u, P h ur, or White Sulphur Waters are needed i oe hundreds of invalids suffering from Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Kidney Diabases, Indiatestkin. Los, of Appetite, Cutaneous,’ Affections, Const,tutional < r ifer*t lfntttf Irregularities, *<• , who have found almost mira ulous relief, are so widely ills peisel through tlie Southern Confederacy. that we deem it unnecessary to say anything more of their merits. To the pleasure-seeker, we recommend our climate, nmui,- I lain air, h-ahhtui amusements, choice fruits and good soc ie- j ty, as worthy of notice. A splendid tine of Fonr-Horwe Conrliesi will ruu daily from West Point to the Springs, and through to'tets can be secured at the Railroad offices In Montoame ry, Columbus and Atlanta. All packages and all mail mat ter prepaid to West-Point, c re of Jesse L. Adams, will arrive at the Springs daily. flood Hecks and careful drivers will be founj at Griffin, ready to accommodate all who come that way. may 22- lui M R MARK? A PRO. TO ('OMItACTuKS. DMUPOk ALN will be received up to tlie VfOtli rvt’ I 111 is .lion 111, by the subscriber, at Eatontcu, for RE-BUILDING GRANITE HALL, Wldch is designed to be a First Class Hotel, In every particular. e sr ~ For specifications and plans, call on Maj. B. F. Dense, near the former Hall. Estimates must he forwarded to me at E itonion, Oa. Junes, 1SI —St J. C DUNHAM. Confederate States Loan. HOOKS for aubscriptiof) to the balance of the FIFTEEN ! MILLION DOLL AKA Loan, will he opened at the Agency of the Marine Bank in this city on Monday, third day of June, 1 SCI. JoAAC SCOTT, j J C PHan't Commuii&sioners. 1.. N*. WHITTLE, J June 5,1561. WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC Palace off Arts 1)1(0 It \ It I. V tlie largest and best appointed Estab lishment in tile Sooth, if not in the United States. Is on>- of the most popular and interesting places of resul t in Macon, and is daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi tors. The Collection of 1 Pictures is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Ambrotypc to the life-sice Portrait Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expense, that hicGAX*LK KY shall continue to he the llt-uri ({iiurlt'rt of l ine Arts in tl>e South. Employing permanently the best talent to lie procured to color ids Photographs, in every true to nature, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. A large collection of the celebrities of the day on exhibition, to which lias just been added a splendid Picture of the Prince of Wales and suit, lilondin, Judge Douglas, and others too numerous to mention, but which file public are respectfully invited to call and examine. As Wood uses nonubut the best materials in his business, persons in want of a good Picture will find it to their advantage to patron ise this establishment, as Pictures run lie laid here at prices as low as elsewhere, and of superior style. Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes and Plain Photographs of every :o/.o allow prices. Call and sec H. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oct XI I.aider House, Macon, Ga. r. li. BURG HARD, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN PANCV WAKES, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLES OF VKETU, A.NI) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT ED AND AMERICAN WATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, Ac., &c , Cherry St., Kacon, Second door below the Telegraph Printing House. miIANKFIL for past favors,reminds J the public that all the most fashionable, M*. elegant and desirable goods in this line will (r-—/ continue to be lound at this elegant stand in the greatest variety. No trouble to show Goods. set. Hi ’6O y OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON. SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 TO $5.00. T'ie Crnmerciai Straw is easy, SI.OO. “ Senate is not bad. “ Planter's Hat is very light,. 1.40. “ is Finest. Wool flats, Children's Straws. jline 2ft |{. S’l'ON I!j it liliO. j age ncy office. REMOVAL. riMIE undersigned having opened -an office in the ci y A of Macon, for tlie purpose of RENTING I/O USES, HIEING 01'T NEGROES, &KIL.JX& BVOOKB, all other kinds of property, settling and collecting all claims, taking interrogatories and securing Ijoaiis ofMoncy, and attend to all business that may be entrusted to him ; and he would especially invite all who may have any busi ness to entrust to an agent, to give him a call. I am also agent for the long established Mew York I.itfo Insurance Comp’y. This subject I would invite every thinking man to consider before it is too late to make provisions for his famiiy after death. 1 ain also Justice of the Peace for the 716th District, 0. M., city of Macon E C. GRANNIS9. Rkfbrkkors Judge E. A. Nisbet, Judge 11. (J Lamar, Judge Clifford Anderson, Lewis N. Whittle, Esq., E. L Htrohecker, Esq , and Elijah Bond, Esq (oct 10-ts) SPRING AND SUMMER STUCK G R OCE U I ES, HAVING been bought at low prices, for cash, we would say to large purchasers, tiy us, and we will make it to your interest to buy of us. The following comprizes a portion of our Stock : 200 Uh ls Bacon, 600 Kegs Nails, 120 li Molasses, fid Hales Wool, 50 Barrels Syrup, 2000 Coils M*Mne Rope, 50 “ Oil, 6000 Pounds Tu ine, 76,000 Pounds Pure Lead, 1000 Hacks Halt, 225 Hbls. Refined Sugar, 500 Boxes Candles, 120 “ N.0., 100 “ Soap, 175 Sacks Coffee, 100 “ Starch, 160 Boxes Candy, 50 Oases Coffee Mills, 25 Casks Potash, 25 Boxes Crackers, 100,000 Choice imp. Cigars, 10,000 K>s Snuff, 186 UjXes Tobacco, 6 Cases Sardines, 10 Barrels Nuts, 5 Barrels Scovil’s Hoes, 10 “ Blacking, 1< 0 Cases Yeast Powders, 10 Clients choice Tea. 200 Packages Mackerel, together with every artlclo needed in the Grocery line. — Also a full stock of all the leading articles in the Drug liuc. for sale by J. ft. A W. A. ROES, june 18 Lj or ilia id\s Sn n il* IN BOTTLE? AND BULK, For sale in quantities to Jobbers, by K. A. HOftll \SON & ( <)., WBOLtSiLK DliLtolST :, LOUISVILLE, K r , Aud H. A. A: T. A. SAN TAS, may 22-4 m NORFOLK, Va. SiiKar, (ofioo, *< • lIT II il uS. Prime and ChoicaN. O Sugar. 10 ) bbls. refined Sugars. 80 “ Crushed, Granulated and Powdered Sugars. 20 hh Is. Prime New Cuba 60 bbls and halt barrel' 1 N *’ rup. mar2o nOIVDRE A ANDERSON. itiitpoii SlairtiMefS’ Osabrg*i, Ac. /w. i. ks Macon Shirtings and F. R Osnaburgs #H||P 25 bales Cotton Yams, assorted Nos. o', hales Georgia Stripes, lor sale by nar2o BO WORE A ANDERSON. IE Hilary Kooks. kjUUW supply of Hardte’s Tactics, Scott’s Tactics, Cooper’s Tactics, Cavalry Tactics, and Mahon’s Trea tise on Field Fortification, for salt at feb 18 HOARDMAN’P. . 75,000 lbs. of Karon. JIST received 75,000 pounds of choice Racon—cusom ers must call soon, as the stock is going off rapidly, feb 27 ASHER AYRES. Try one of onr New Rl'k Pocket Hats- Buy one NEW STYLE BROAD BRIM. The X ZUAYE IILACK TKIfl’D Will BECOME yon ! So vviil the MAROON And the F,x. Nat. Nutria. So will the LIGHT BL’K BROAD BOUND SO S T 13 A TS. GOODS, CLOTHING, Ac. noiiAcFFirarrcor rills I', will Ka J by W T. Fitch, u U d er C^ ti I noed for iu hnexpired term FITCH i CO. * n “ne and Briu of HORACE We shall SELL ALL our larve . , aud Boys at uck of Cluthlog for Men COST! For the next SIXTY DAYS. We are determined tu / our stock as lotc a, possible during the cctulng *ias,.u Call and see u, before purchasing elsewhere apr 8-Sui HORACE FITCH. DisiNolutioii of FartnrAlii|>. /SASIIi special copartnership r.f HORACE FITCH A CO JL U dissols/sd by the laultuti consent of Lewis Fitch as special partner and 11 A W. T. Fitch a, general partners. Maeon, Apr.l 3, IbOI. m K kcTiam’ tailoTonol E. AVIXSIIIP IS now prepared with a first class cutter, good Tailors and a LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, to furnish any thing in the CLOTHING LINE At short notice, and iu the very best style. (apr 8 IWOI. 1861. Spring Clothing, WHOLESALE A!VD RETAIL. k. ir/.rsnip IS now receiving ones the largest stocks of CLOTHING ever brought to tbs place. They were bought cheap and will be sold cheap. Cash Buyers can find bargains. Merchants will do well to examine this stock before purchasing. apr 3 NEW GOODS. / NEW GOODSp N JsJ W GOODS.E NEW GOODS.J^ FREE OF DUTY, j ~ FREE OF DITTY, FREE OF DUTY./ ~ FREE OF DTTT Y.l C r> <lf*S & COLEMAN beg leave to announce to theeitlzens I of Macon and the surrounding country that thev have just 1 MPORTED FREE OK DUTY from the Cubed States, tlie largest stock of new, desirable goods, that has ever been exhibited by one house in the State of Georgia. Very many of th dr goods were bought at such EXTREME low priees that MERCHANTS would do well to call and examine them. This ct.tire stock was “Bona fide” purchased before tlie Ist of March, and therefore saves to the buyer twenty-four per cent. Call and see for yourselves. KO4B A COLEMAN, apr 8 At their “ Bazaar of Fashion.” N S. PRUDDEN & CO. Invite attention to their Stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. SPRING TRADE, 1861. We have a good assortment of STA.PT.E GOODS! Purchased in advance of tlie Tariff, at low Prices. All those who have unsettled accounts with us, will please consider tlieraselves i>olitely duuned. apr 3 N. S. PRUDDEN & CO. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK | DR Y GOODS, N’OW receiving in Store, in large quantities, having beer. I bought ut reduced prices, tor cash, we are prepard to otter great inducements to large purchasers, and solicit an ; examination of our goods. The following comprise a por- 1 tion ut Hie articles we are offering : •Jo Cases Prints, new styles, 15 “ Ginghams, new styles, f< “ Printed Muslins, 25 Bales Tickings, ful Cases Kpool Thread, 150 Bales brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 20 Cases bleached *’ “ “ 10 “ brown and bleached Janes, 1000 Bolts Summer Pruts Goods, all qualities, 5000 Hoop Skirts, all qualities, too Bales Gsnaburgs, 200 Baies Yarns, 800 Kales Georgia Kerseys, all Wool filling. Also a large stock of House Furnishing Goods, Linens, Table Damask, Towelling, Linen, Bleached and Brown Sheetings, Pillow Casing, together with a fuli and complete Utoekof nearly every articleofferedin Wholesale Dry Goods Houses. J. B. A ft . A. KOSS june 18 1860. FILL STYLES! 1860. liAvi li X) HAS JUST OPENED Superior Got o 1 Clot its, Cassimem, And Votings which cannot be excelled in beauty and durability. Havinp engaged Mons. Rousae, an experienced cutter, fcom New y<*Vk, customers may rely on having something Superior in the style and fit of new garments. NEW STYLES —IN Ileady Made Clothing. Shirts, Neck Ties, Collars, Gloves,Suspenders, Shawls, Socks, Straps, Canes Umbrellas, Ac., Ac. CIIAS. H. BAIRD, oct 8 Cor. of Cherry and Second Streets. Millinery! Millinery!! PARIS STYLES V ia. New Orleans. SPRING OF IHOI. Mrs. HOWLAND HAS opened a fine assortment of the newest Paris Styles of Ladies’ llats and Millinery Goods, Os recent and Direct Importation to New Orleans. Her customers and others are invited to call, and she is satisfied that they will be pleased. JST” Miliners from a distance can be accommodated wiilt PATTERN HATS and any style of MILLINERY GOODS. apr 8 S|>i'iii£ anti Summer I'asliious lor 1 8 (il . Direct Importations from Franco via New Orleans Jilts. F. DESSAU WOI 1.l respectfully announce to the ladies that the has juat returned from New Orleans, where she has purchased for | cjisli a full assortment of Miili* try, I.ace, E w 1 f). Goods, of the late* l direct taipor and opened lier boniretrion Tlmra • \lzreh 2$ Mrs. is confident it-it'the ladus wHI be pleased with thestyles ‘fiy ,„,'i qualities, as they are superior to any wr</ isl hr. .u.'ht heretofore to this place. *. >•„ Zsr- M.lhncrs supplied a’ wholesale with ft tr ■ Bom.eta and Millinery Goods. apr 8 Boots and Shoes. VT t !• Nil'll of the BIU BOOT, <* No. J, Cotton Av’e. opposite Washing tou Block, Xl/*Vv t mp ifAfeSyoL j The Subscribers would re- ‘ i tern their thanks for the V*^Sak*D^ very liberal and long eon- Unued patronage extended to them,and would inoat res pectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Wehavenow n store a large assortment of Loots and Slioes, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patters usually called for in a sboe store, and would Invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, oct tj-y MIX A KIRTLAND. DRUGS, MEDICINES. FAINT, fill,.** m assenbuig & SON, (Sdceessorsto E. L. Sirohecker.) I, „ , Comer 3rd and Mnlbeiry Btrocts. DraLsim in Ch °ICE drucs, SEIAiCTKu MEDICINES, PURE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, tvlVnow GLASS, PE RFUMLGIY, S@ii.sisa - 3E* -/*. X 3NJ *Z* m , Oli.S, Patent Modicincs, FRESH GAEDEXSEED. Mmbaufs am! Physicians, ‘ WHO PBIHK tUEJiiiELVEa On Dealing iu Articles of tliei \ j HflB.S'JL’ QUAIiITY, j IKD AT LOW PBICE3, 1 1 WAY RELY ii por* BEINGRUITEB. nor 2S 1 ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENoTo ToT” H! s T A.B To I3HEDI 8 2 f5. dU8 r r REOIbIVKD GEORGEiPAYNES .CHEMICAL AND DRUG STORE. film: Articles mentioned litre, wliich are of Huf-ciiur Jl quality, and sold at F air Prices : Kerosene and Coal Oil, inferior to none told, Winter, Sperm and Linseed Oft, Raw and Boiled Liiseed Oi l , Olive Oil in Bottles and by the Gallon, White Lead in Kegs anti assorted iGr vans, from 1 IV. to I (HI lb*. Zinc, White in kegs and cans, Colors, in cans and boxes, oil and in waU r, Paint Brushes and ali kinds of Artists Tools, Sponges, Putty, Palet Knives and Tins, Potash, in kegs, bulk ai.d Iron boxes, French Glass, and alt k inds of Glass Ware, Dye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Turpentine, Lamp Wiek. bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Beil Cologne Water, arid Rose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring Fxu sets,JFrcsli Hops and Fresh Itoney, Corka, all sites, Hard Rubber Trusses, find all oiler !r!- ► trument-, ITedgmans Kicirie Oil,and l.ubin s Antique Oil for the llair. Fine Tooth Brushes and l ine Toilet Bnnp, best ejtisye Magnesia, Burnett’s Coeoine and ICaiirton and NYoo’.l Hair Rcstot a tives, Mrs Alien’s Hair Restoratives, and Let Tvin 1',.! amutn, Fresli Vaccine Matter, and frealt t>.ogress Water, Fresh Garden and Flower Need*, Chemical, Medicinal Heri.s and Genuine Medicines. Macon, Ga., April —y F. O. CASTLKN. H. T. VAP.&KU. HEW FIR HI. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEUG STO RE ! CASTLBX A VARBELL, DRUGGISTS and APOTHECARIES, WOI I. U respectfully invite tie attmtior on'*_ of Puysiciatis, Me-.••liants and Planferr to their stock of 6 tiudllitiiafi'tl 4rl g. Hedleiiic*, ( iiemifuf*, Ac,, Ac. They feel assm ed that no liouve in thi. city / .jk A .an offer a stock superior iu quality or lower ‘ ~ r - in price. A supply of DKNTaL ami BUKGICAL Instru ui’ iiU, Ac., will be kept cen?tantly on hand. GARDEN SEED, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, from the best houses in the United States. There will also be found in our assortment FINE BRAN DI K3 and WINES of the purest quality , purchased exprtss ly for medicinal purposes. Every article usually kept by Druggists can be obtained at reasonable prices. Physicians Prescrlptiona prepared with great care. may S-’6t)—y Drugs and Medicinosi, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Corner Cherry Sirei i anti Cotton Avenue. JUST received, a fresh supply of Drug- rd Medici car * Perfumery, Paint and Varnish Broshes. Superior Cq*| Oil, Burning Fluid, Camphene,Alcohol and Fote.s!:; Taj n, s Ayres', Wiight’s, Moffat’s, and stvrrp’s Pi!l; l't-ji be it’s Extract of Buchu, Sanford’s Liver Invigorator. Mis \l ins low’a Soothihg Syrup, Degrath’s Ecit. trie Oil, i.iniracnt, Indian Cholagogue, Jaynes', McLean’s, utul Fahnestock’* Vermifuge; Seltzer Aperient and Citrale of Magnesia, warranted genuine, june 20 18-’6o W. S. FLT 13, Agent. LIQUORS AM) CIGARS 1 >ireotly Imported! Il Iff AIJSSENET is constantly receiving the finest A Jm qaah'ries of Liquors, Wines and Cigars which he offers to the public on as .eusonable terms as he can afford. Invalid, and others, wishlag a superior article of lVi|ei or other Liquors, will find it greatly to their advantage to give him a call, as they may rtiy on tbegenuineness oi eve ry article sold. Liquors car. be purchased in bottle or by tfre gallon, as ft may suit purchasers. Cigars of tiie very best brands, by wholesale or retail, anil of direct importation, can always be found at my store, at the house formerly occupied by Mr. James F. Winier as an Exchan e and Lottery Office. Mr. Mauwene’. In retiring from his o!J established busi ness, embraces this ojiportunity to tender is gralefqi ac knowledgments to his old friend# and customers, fr< m all irf whom he solicits ashareof patronaj ,in his i t w>e. Macon, June 18, lothi.—l2-y jxues wicaov. J. k. ltti#. MACROY, LYTLE k 10., COMMISSION & FORWARDING ME lIC 5 i AA r r S, 90UTII-FAHT corner chestnut A COMM r_ PAM AI. Sts. ST. J.Ot £N. mo. rriIVRNTY YEARS EXPERIENCE in the PRODUCE COM - I MISSION business in this city has given ns ■’ n ai-qua in with the market that w ill enable us to ret der faction to those who may entrust their busin.-ss to us. Our careful and piompt attention u ‘* Af E.'enio O’ orders of our friends for tiie pnrehase of GRAIN, 1 L. I R, BORIS, BALL ROPE, Ac., at the lowest market rules, mar 27-’6l-tf Special NolifP. tiiesoutiiern EXPRESS CO. Vli li prepared to forward by Express a’.l Good# through to Pensacola and Way Stations .on the Montgomery an! Pensacola it tliroad—tiie charges paid by the sl.q.per in all cases. All letters for the Officers ami Hoi.tiers of the Confederate Army at Pensacola ant elsewhere forwarded by the Company free of charge, when in Government en velopes. M. C. MtfDoNALD, Macon, May 2t>, IStl. NOT! OF. iOF-T- a m.te mt-de by John Chapman, for ore h'ondred J and sixty-elgbl dollars,due t).e lit ol January, 1811, puyubl ‘to the euto vrii cr oi be.tiei The maker is hereby notified not to pay said note, and all persons v i • fort warntd not to trade for the DoP. S. K LONG. Jcflerse.tit rile, Junt 5,15C1.~ 4t Ritcoii, Corn, L;:'- !,,,<s * four. ( ASF ’s BACON bog round. 4 O 75'.0 Bushels CORN. 25 Ba-rels LAKI>. 26 Half barrels LAI.u. ~u. —xAlt I) • A, hu, 9. F. and Family ri.OCR. ■*) hi.Js. MuLASHEH. 40 Bbls SYKCP. 2.6 Half bUs. SYRUP. 1-0 lible. refined 3CGARS. 75 Backs-COFrth 126 Boxes TGBACt O. aid Bbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cash. ASHER AYERS. Macon Feb. 20lh, Ff.l. Cru bid! Oats. IKAA BUSHELS Prime Corn. st);i bushels Oats, • sjVJY/ lor sale by m i'2d BOWDRF, A ANDERSON. “That” Tobacco. riIUE choicest brand of Chewing Tobacco, manufactured X iu this country, just received^ i.y dec 5 Successors to E. L. gtrchecker. Erateiae o'arGtxxis aiid Prices before buying eUewtsrs