Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, June 19, 1861, Image 4

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*.on*i a Cotritn*ion •*"*■* lhar- o ot ‘* e^c ii Count) • COMFTROLLEB GeMSRAL’* OITICE. ) MiMetigorille, M*v 22,1861. ) H * Brow*. w: IR la compliance with your request contained in an address to the People of Georgia, under date or *ce 17th mst, l here with famish you an approximate statement of the “ amount which wonld be the just proportion of each county, should each de termine to contribute its part of the $1,000,- 000 proposed [by yorr Excellency] to be raised,*’ ** to be used b f the State in equip ping and providing fcr the wants of the Georgia troops” row or that may hen af'-' r be in the service of the country, during 1 * e f Tlii* .tateweent is Ills' 7 .’ 11,7 tb.- „<* Of Treasury from the se'*-**** . , , j , proximate ar> y,.,s'j,Vno lL * ,f - qr * <>'• is a„i -string”- The eoßsequeuw If ... if on the 20th December m each ”* i (the day of dm “ final aettlement,”) Gollefitora fail to have their insolvent list at this office as the law requires, they have to pav into the State Treasury the whole amount ~f [he tax of their counties, after deducting the Receivers and Collectors commissions. This e tables the Collector to take their own time to obtain their insolvent lists without detriment to the State ; end the same are al lowed, if correct and in due form, and the monej refunded for them whenever presen ted at this office. A large number of Ctd lectors make their settlements in this way. Many have already sent forward their insol vent lists, and have had the amounts of their over-payments refunded to them ; while the General Tax of iB6O is still indebted to a Tesp*‘ctable number of counties for their in nolveut lists. Until these come in, there is no arriving at the precise amount to be ap portioned to each county but having made allowances for the same, I think the follow ing apportionment would not be changed materially, were ail these over-payments re funded i Appling, $1,770 Jasper, li,V*24 Baker, 7,490 Jefferson, 10,778 Baldwin, 8,762 Johnson, *,*35 Banks, 2,303 Jones, 10,5:17 Berrien, 1,876 Laurens, 3,058 Bibb, 22,449 Lee, 51 ° Brooks, 7,505 Liberty, f’J** Bryan, U,063 I.ineolo, ♦v>l' Bulloch. 4,095 Lowndes. 1.6- Burke, 1*261 Lan.pkw. 1,8 Butt- 6,257 Macon, 9,841 Walhoun, 4,722 Madison. \614 Camden, 4,957 Marion, i,m.9 Campbell, 5,9"9 Mtlmosb, 4,916 OarrolL 5,889 Merriwether, 15,909 ’ 14,615 Miller, 1,955 Catoosa, 8,515 Milton, 2,04 :i Charlton, 1,080 Mitchell, 3,454 Chatham, 42,351 Mouroe, 19,115 Chattahoochee, 6.020 Montgomery, 2,023 Chattooga, 6,333 Morgan, Cherokee, 4,17 Murry, 3.759 Clark*. 13,523 Muscogee, 21,*4 Clav 4,522 Xewton, 13,397 Clarion, *,oto Oglethorpe, 12,417 Clinch/ >.**• P ‘ uUUc ß’ Cobb, 10,318 Pickens, 1,49* C’offpj, 1,50 l Pierce, Columbia, 13,267 Pike, 9,-06 Colqaitt, 629 Polk, 5.547 Coweta, 14,625 Pulaski, 7,849 Crawfoid, 8,201 Futnam, 13,496 Dade, 1,467 t,'iitmaD, 4,724 Dawicn, 1,160 Fabun, 948 Decature, 11,763 F.andolpli, 9,594 DeKalb, 6,61* Richmond, 33,495 Dool.V, 8.820 Schley, 4,623 Dougherty, 14,625 Screren, 7,069 Earlr, * 7,678 Fpaulding, 9,410 EcboU, 722 Ftewart, 15,190 Kfßngham, 3,641 Fumtor, 14,705 Elicit, 11,5*53 Talbot, 15.500 Kmart del, 3,449 Taliaferro, 4.382 Fannin, 1,328 Tattnal, 2, .4. Fayette, 4,667 Tsylor, 5,*‘70 Floyd, 15,641 Terre'l, 5,850 Fonvta, $,"86 Telfair, 1,755 Frankliu, S,"88 Thomas, 14,027 Fulton, 14,5*3 Towns, 836 Gilmer, 1.463 Troop, 21,413 Glasscock, 1,540 T-vtggs, 9,411 flJvr.n, 4,607 l nion, 1,214 Green#, 14,288 Cpon, 9,81 Gordon, 6,523 Walker, 6,001 Gwinnett, 7,"59 Walton, 9,080 Habersham, 2,352 Ware, 1,357 Hal!, 4,880 Warren, 10,290 Hancock, 13,798 Washington, 13,8"6 Harratson, 1,070 Wayne, 1,177 Harris. 15,512 Webster, 5,043 Hart, • 3,359 While, 1,214 Heaid 6,760 Whitlield, 6,494 Henry* 9,633 Wilcox, 1,105 iloii-ijn. 19,914 Wilkes, 13,324 Irwin, 897 Wilkinson, 8,531 Jacksi*s ( Mt'J Worth, 1,7,8 f 1,000,000 Yerv mpreilulf, Tour ob’*.**err*t., WTKfc¥lN THWEAT. B Cwnpt roller General. * To otir Keadfrk. Tlia Evening Dispatch will be suspend ed after this date. Nothing but* imperative necessity could bare induced such a result. The protracted stagnation in business, which ha* continued for the last year, and is likely to continue until peace is restored, deprives the press of the u-mal means of support, and renders it impossible to conduct the business without more outside iueans # to credit, than is within my reach. I have already sacrified too much in the hope that for liberty and independence might pass without war. Iu this i have been deceived, and the nuspeasion of the paper is a necessity. If those indebted will make immediate pay ment I shall be able to resume its publica tion at au early day. Iu any event 1 shall endeavor to make atieh arrangements as to secure those who Lave paid in advance for the ]iap*r against loss. Tho establishment of the Dispatch has beeu a labor of love. Its suspension i the saddest necessity of my life, and unless speedily resumed will render fruitless the labor of years. I therefore appeal to those indebted, to make prompt payment, that ) may fultil like obligations to my creditors, and resume its publication at the earliest day practicable. Simeon A. Atkinson. The Foreign Consuls and the Block ade.—A deputation, consisting of British, French, Spanish and Breruan Consuls, resi ding in this city, with Mr. Baroche, agent of the French Empire, and also a deputation of the Towboat Company, left yesterday evening on board the towboat Ocean, Capt. “Whitney, for the Balize, for the purpose of having an interview w:th the commander of the eteam chip of-war Brooklyn, iu relation to the blockade of this port. Time was given by the Lincolnite Govern ment for all foreign vessels to leave this port, but it seems that the captain of the Brooklyu has thought proper not to respect the nationality or rights of foreign vessels, by firing into them while in tow tug'?, which were taking them over the bar. The Towboat Association have, in the meantime, laid up their vessels until they can have assurance that they will be protec- il towing out vessels which have a per fect right to leave this port. If the inter view shall not be satisfactory, the Govern ments of the Consuls will no doubt speak iu another tone to the Al>4iiiun Government. —[X. O. l’isatyiui* So nor Colton eicrpl through (be Coufederate Forts. The Mobile Regirter publishes the follow - iug euactnunt of Congress, at its late ses sion. It completely upsets a favorite Abo lition project to which they looked for won derful results both at home and abroad. — Well may Lincoln exclaim: “Alar - bow all my dreams of glory have departed in an hour!” . as act, io pn>hn;i <*• <y cotton from the OmfidcraU Sta'?, ‘**J* th.uJh the of v"* Slate; ami to pJiIA afMtyOurcm. i. The Cony re** oj the Lash federate State* •>/ America, do enact , That from and after the tir~t day of June next, and during the exigence of the blockade of any of the j., rts of the Confederate Htates of America, by the Government of the United States, it shall not be lawful for any person to export an)’ raw odtou or cotton yarn front the Con federate States of America, except through the seaports of the said Confederate States; and it shall be the duty of all the Marskals and revenue officers of the said Confederate States Lj prevent all violations of this Act. See. 2. If any person shall violate, or at tempt to violate or evade, the provision of the foregoing section, he shall forfeit all the eottou or cotton yarns thus attempted to be illegallv exported, for the use of the Con federate States; and in addition thereto, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on 1 conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars, or else imprisoned in some public jail or jienitentia rv, for the period not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the Court, after a con viction upon trial by a court of competent jurisdiction. I Sec. J. Any person informing as to a vio lation or attempt to violate the provisions of j this Act shall be entitled to one half the j proceeds of the article forfeited by reason of his information. Sec. 4. Any Justice of the Peace, on in formation under oath from any person, of a violation or attempt to violate this Act, may issue his warrant, and cause the cotton or cotton yarn specified in the affidavit, to be seized and retained until an investigation can be had before the Courts of the Confed erate States. See. 5. Every steamboat or railroad car, which shall be used with the oonaent of the owner er person having the same in charge, for the of violating this Act, shall he forfeited in like manner to the use of the Confederate States. Hut nothing in this Act -hall be so construed as to prohibit the exportation of cotton to Mexico, through it- 7 co-terminus frontier. Congress C. .*?. A., May 21, 1801. The I;iigliwli Enfield Rifle In this the rifling is effected by three groves, cut slightly deeper at the breech than at the muzzle, and making one com plete revolution in 78 inches. The barrel is 3 feet 3 inches long; the weight four pounds two ounces. The total weight, with bayonet, nine pounds three ounces ; leugth six feet one inch; without the bayonet four feet seven inches. It will, doubtless, be the weapon with which the British troops of the line will be armed for a long time to come. An ordinary marksman can make good prac tice with it at 800 yards ; but, in the skill ed hands of a more experienced shot, a much longer range is attained. The regulation projectile is a modification of the Miuie, smooth at the sides, and having a boxwood instead of an iron cup fitted into a cavity at its base. But even this cup may be dis pensed with without any preemptible dimin ution in the accuracy of the fire. The rifle loads readily, balances well, and is not too heavy to be manageable by a man of ordina ry stature and strength. While it will readily pick off a man at 800 yaids, its vol leys tell with deadly effect upon masses at 1500 or 2000 yards—that is, at the distance of a mile. The Enfield rifle confers a sa viug of three pounds in weight each soldier has to carry the strength of the weapon is increased, as is also the precision in firing ; the lock and the mode of attaching the barrel to the svjck are improved, and the bayonet which weapon is open to improvement to rival the French sword bayouet) fixed in a lock-ring instead of loops and pins. Further Outrage at Hamton. —When the vandals from the North occupied Ham ton, an officer with a squad of men went to the store of Mr. P. Lattimer, and demanded possession. Mr. P. Lattimer replied that he had purchased and paid for his stock of goods, and the officer might have them at their valuation. The officer said he would have the goods and stores and not pay a cent for them, and drawing his sword slap ped Lattimer with it on the face.” Lattimer then drew a revolver and fired it, when the officer fell. He then leaned over the coun ter and tired three morff'shots in to the body causing death. lattimer was of course cap tured, and taken to Old Point and hung on Friday last. The officer killed is said to be a Lieuten ant in one of the companies, and distinguish ed for military abilities. The Plunder at Alexandria. —A des patch in the Baltimore American says : In the depot at Alexandria were found twenty or thirty freight car- and trucks, and two broken down engines. The Zouaves found in the can 2,M0 kegs gunpowder, 200 barrels beef, 51,500 in doubloons, two eases of Colt’s revolvers, a box of double barreled following pieces, several superior Maynard’s and (’oil’s rifles, and preserved meats, and clothing, Ac. The safe in which the doubloons were found was opeued after two hour’s exertion. Crop- i Tt‘\a The Houston Tetmfraph , of the 27th ult., iu its weekly commercial review, says : We learn frmn the central and Northern portions of the State that the wheat crop is being successfully harvested, and is turning out very abundantly, as was expected. The attention of the farmers is now being turn ed to the best methods of preserving the surplus above the want of the year. We hear of a large contract Wing made for wheat at forty cents, and one at thirty five cents. At this rate, many thousands of bushels could be delivered in Houston atone dollar. With good mills here this would enable us to export flour to New Oilcans at present prices there. Wc are now in imme diate connection with the vast lumber regions of Eastern Texas, and staves for flour barrels could be brought here in any quantify. At any rate the flour required for our own home consumption bids fair to be cheaper than ever for the ensuing twelve months. The corn crop is now beyond injury from drought, and promises to lie equally abun dant cheap. It will not be worth over twen ty-five cents in many parts af the State. Such a year for emigration was never be fore known, and we confidently look to see a vast increase iu our population the ensuing wiuter, if not during the summer. The wet spring has iu some measures in jured the growing cotton, but still there is reason to believe that no jiermanent injur}* to the prospect has been done. The sugar cane, we continue to hear, is more promis ing than ever before. LEGAL APVEKTT*EMLNT9. „. . k.—On the ftrt Tuesda/ in Gv Alt DI S;*““ ore ,| lf Cuurt house door iu July nsxt. within the Irgal hour* of sale Olxethorvc. i the 74tih district, Q. M., in p*rt oflot Ute property of George W. Higgins, -'4 c "“‘*l/' and s U*e bcuefli ot -akl Imbevile. ‘V”£-on Os sale. HANNAH HIGCINB, IVyttd* _ Q*rdla. Administrators Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday In November neit, at the Court-house in Americas, t-uaU.-r county, the -dtntatiun belonging to the estate of Thomas G ■ Jackson, isle of said coiu.tjr, deceased, contrjcing nine hundred and ninety acres. The tra-t comprises a fine body of oak amt luckory land—about 400 acres cleared in a Sue state of cult!ration. The plantation adjoliurg those of Col*. J. 8. Lamar an IT. M Furlow Sold cn Jer an order of the Court of Ordinary for distribution to the heirs. Terms lib eral. ROLANL BIVINS, Auoi r. April *t, 1961—tda 4 DUI.MsTUATOICS S.ILE. —By order of J.V Court, a-ilt be to'.d on the firs'. Tue day In Cb toher net!,before the Court-house door of Oglethorpe. Macon •o-ttity, t*i ■ entire Plantation of )s.<. 8 Hoilimtul'li dec’d. ‘if fraction No. 209, lots No. 166, 16., 1.0, am! three fourths of iul N-,. 129, -<|J containing 975.S seres, more or let., - tuatc.l in tire 15lh and i-.iicl of Mscon county, dold for tile !. -cefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate under the ine-unbranee of tin- doaer. but the dower may be boneht by the purchaser before or after the sale. Term* on the lav ofsAhf w* H. HOLI.INBHKAD, mar 2u-td Adiu’r. VnUIMSTHATfiITS S I I.!!.—Will be -..1d on Ute (iret Tuesday ;n July, 1961, at the Court House in l|,c town of UawViM-ville, In of land in the 4th IM-lr:ct n! Pulaski county. No. not anowu, containing 50 acres, more or l. -j, said iot of land b*ing known as Hit properly of Ailej N. Urown, late of said county, de res-’d, anil sold for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of -aid Wiley Brown. Mil l land sold subject to the encumbrance of the widow’- lower. Terms, one fourth cash, balance in small notes, at twelve months, with approved -eeurity. OKORnK DUfRKB, Adrn’r. llawkinsville, May 9,1961. N’O rK'E lo Dcbtrtrsniul Cri liions.—All per son- indebted to the estate of William Herring, late of Itaoly county, deceased, are rerjuested to come forward and make immediate sett lenient, and those having claim* against said estate to present them within the time prescribed by law, so that I niav ascertain their character and amount May 8-2 in * BRIGHT B. HERRING, Adiu’r. / s ElillfilA, IVili'OA t'ounlj .--Wherea-, Janie* VX kitzcerald applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Rebecca Fitzgerald, late of said county, deceased. Tnese are therefore to rite and admonish all persons in teresKd. i;hin tl* time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should r.ot be prat ted. Giteu under luv hand and sea! of office, this 2_'iid May, IS6I. J W. MABUBLKN, mayaJ-St Ordinary. Viliifil>le Plantation KOU SvYI.K. I WILL SELI. -41 V PLANTATION SITL ATED in Macon arid Houston counties—five miles from Winchester, oti the Boulh-W estern Kail Road, and contain ing 2,4G0 Acres l.evi l ak ud Hickory Lmt, with about l<4n acres in cultivation. The place healthy, with good water, and well improved, with all necessary buildings, and if desired can be divided into two or more settlement*. For terms, Ac., nddrtss the underrened at Macon, Georgia. o€t 3 ; N. BAFS. \'*l lliable I*l £ rat sa t ion T’Oli BALE. ¥ A.41 now oifering for sale one of the uni t valuable 1 plantations in West Florida, lying on Spring Creek, Jackaori county, containing ForiTsn Hcsstto Acmes ot first quality Oak and Hickory Laud ; three hundred acre* cleared and fair improvement*. The land is strong lime land, will bring upon-*ti average year, l.tkHl lbs. of seed cotton, and -id to Z 6 bnebeta corn, aud is eoavtnirnt to mar ket, 2d miles to Mariana and 22 toWondville, on the Chatta hoochee River, where cotton brings as good a price as it does in Macon. Or I will sell S.Stffi acres, if wauled. M> nb.ect in selling is to get out of debt. I can always l.e found on the premises. References in regard to the laud may be had by seeing John V. Price, Amerieu- : James W. Jowers, uear Pre-ton ; Chas VV. Crawford, Lee county; Rev. Mr. Jackson, Cuthbert, and a II of Georgia. apr 17 4-till dec Sil NEWMAN M. BAIN. VALUABLE PLANTATION mi; sale. 11 IIP subscriber offers for sale liia derirable plantation, [ situated in the 15th district ot Sumter county, and about 14 miles from A meric us. It contains Right e, n Hundred acres, seven hundred of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation It is undoubtedly as good a plantation as there is in Sumter county. A good dwelling house, negro houses, gin and screw, and all other necessary out building* on the premises,and plenty of water. It *ljius the rich lands of T. M. Furlow, W. T. Adams, and other*. The place may be seen at any time. Persons w ishinging to purchase will either call on me at the plantation, or address me at Americas, Fumtcr county, Georgia. dec 23 40-ts A. J. SCRCTCIIIN. — U “.*t . - Casli, or no Trade. 09 II rule is to sell for Cash only ; but our good friend* seem to forget ami ask FOR CREDIT, but we muststop FROM Tin: DATE. Toe Book Committee have instructed me to sell for CASH ONLY, and the rule will be stsictlv wdhukd to. Dear friends don’t ask us to depart from it. We wi’l seil you our Good* for Cash on good terms; but to sell and charge to best customers in the land. W K C ANNOT DO IT. A good Stock of SCHOOL, RKI.IfnOCd and MISCKLLA NFOI'9 IiOOKS always on hand, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, Ac , Xj O W F O IV C A. 8 XX . June 12,196*. J. W. BURKE, Agent. DIUEGT IMPORTATION! Crockery, Oliimi, AND G-IjtVSS ware. MV first shipment from Europe has arrived in Favunnah, . and those who have ordered packages will have them shipped in a few day*. There are some of the package* still unsold, anyiu want, can, by ordering, have them slop ped in a few days. I have another lot shipped from Liverpool IBth of July, which I shall look for in three or four weeks. Send in the orders. lam now receiving a LARGE STOCK OF Glass-Ware, Tumblers, Goblets, &c., FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BOHEMIAN liLANS-WIIIE, < liina Dinner and Ten Setts. Ac., Ac. aug 29 K. P. McKVOY. FINE AKTS r f |4III’ Photographic-Portraits colored in Oil, produced by I J. A. PUGH A HKD , Triangular Block, Macon, Git., are still considered the best to be attained in the State. We were awarded the premium again this year, at the Slate Fair, which has just closed, for the best Photograph*. Willi our new proces* for enlarging Photographs to life size from Daguerreotype* of deceased persons, and with the aid of two first das* Artist* employed hy us, we are productr g Portraits as perfect arid a* much like the original as it is possible I‘ieture* to be made. Call at PUGH’S and see the Photographs by their new process, which are the largest ever made in the State, none like them can be seen else where. A MHUOTYt’KS at very low prices. (urtstl 1 1 111N1 iY ’ S CONCENTHATED Extract of Jamaica Ginger, MADE from the Jamaica ” Ginger Knot. Fit Cholic, which not only ex[*U the wind hut thoroughly invig orate* the bowels and lutes, tines. For Dy*pe|*ia it i* unrivaled, the dose being small and giving relief ni medlate'y, thus dissipating lowness of spirits and head ache. As many denominate r s. Drunkcn :t e** a disease, which undoubtedly is the m ease, we offer tins a most effectual remedy; a few drop* of Henry’s Ginger in little water will impart J such a stimulating effect upon the stomach and bow ‘eU that the great desire to Indulge in Ihpior is destroy I . ed, while it produces a healthy and natural cond: HT tion of ttie pai ls. Asa itlienmatic K-niedy, used’ extensively, it has proved excellent. To prevent had ” effect of change of water or die', it has co cri ia?*, and! © no one should travel with out it; sea si.:kt>e-.s is pre ventrd and fatigue dess I |>a ted. No ■nestiouhlhesitatt |A to use it, b-ing made of a familiar and long acknow] j“J edged excellent medicine, being prepared with great care a of superior strength. Use Henry's *:nl no other The ttrot of its being'gen uine it does not turn milky Li wltea poured into water. Ma le only b 7 ZEILIN k HUNT, may ft Druggists, Macon, Ga. tW~ special notice. WOOTTON &. HOU.uWAY, Commission Merchants, COHNEIt OK THIRD AND PODLAK Sts., MIACOA, CiA. | I AVS just reoeired on consignment and for sale, I 1 10l>0 bushels Corn, 10C0 do OaUi, 6oy do Peas, 100 do Meal, 4<Mk>o lbs. Teutsessee Paeon, 10*1 kegs and cans Lard, 1000 bids. Flour, 100 do. best Koekport Lime, IPO bales Hay. Also a Hue lot of live Geese Feather* and Dried Pees Hams. *!‘3 CoiiMi^nment. Kf\f\ BrKHILS STOCK PKAS. f)UU febo ASHER AYUKS. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Fine Furniture. tx| |£ Parlor Setts ; Rose Wood, hogffiny ffind Georgim Secretffirieand*B*ook Cases, De.ks ffind Book Cases, Bu "ss?&r h.„ Cloth, Plush, lirocatel, Ac. „ Arm, Roeking, Sewing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth. Piweh, Broeatel, Cane, Bottom, and every kina of Chair known U> the trade. bedsteads. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahognny, Beach, Onm, *c., Sigh, Low, French and Cottage. Wardrobes ot Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut and Pine. Safes of all Patterns. TABLES. Vthogany, Walnut, Cherry, Pine, El Fold Ingas', Soo Are, Round, Jeo. _ y attrasses of liw.r, Cotton, Mot* and Patent Spring. i rather Bed*. Pillows and BoUters. Fine Mirror*, common • oozing Glasses, Looking Glass PUks, Picture Glass. , „ _ Afindow Shidc-. and Cm tain Band* Cornices. 1 uckets, Tub*. Dtnpers; Brboms, Bruth Brooms, Feather Du ter=. Fool MaP.t*, Ac., for *ale on the most reasenable terms. _ , . Lumber taken in ex. hauge, or Lumber made up in the most fashionable style* of Furniture to order. We have one of the largest Stoek* of FINK FURNITURE in .he State, and we are constantly manufacturing,and wish to sell. Call and see us. f r) , 22 WOOD, BRO. A CO. HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN WOl 1.11 inform their friends ar.d the public generally, that they have now in atore, and are constantly re ceiving their Pall and AVinter Btock, Os choice and select geooekies, To which they would most respectfully invite the attention of one and ail. VERCIIASTS A3D PLA3TEKS Will find it greatly to their interest to call and eiamineour stock before purchasing elsewhere. We are determined to ,ell, profit or in. profit. Quick sales and small margins, iv mr motto. Our stock consists in part of 5u Bales Gunny Cloth, 156 Colls Rope, loot! Pound* Bagging Twine, , . . 226 Hag* Coilee —Java, Port Rico, Rio and Lagulra, 10 Chests Black and Green Tea, 76. Barrels ABAC Sugar, 26 “ Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 5 Boxes Loaf Sugar, lu Hogshead* Fine Port Rico, 800 Sacks Liverpool Sait, 100 Sacks Alum Salt, 250 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 50 “ Sperm “ 100 Boxes No. 1 Soap, 20 “ Family Toilet Soap, 75 “ Assorted and Fancy Candy, 100 Boxes Starch, 100 Jars Snuff, io Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs of Powder, 20 Cans Duck-shootiug Powder, lofi Bags Shot, 150,000 Cigars, various brands, 150 Boxes Tobacco, 20 Cases Magnolia and Mount Vernon Tobacco, 20 Bale* Osnaburgs and Stripes, 6 Oases Hometpcn, BUachefli 10 Bales Georgia Kersey, 10 “ Northern “ 16 “ Blankets, all prices, 60 Baskets Piper’s Heidsick Wine, 25 “ La Perle Wine, 25 “ Prince Imperial Wine, 20 Cases Cabinet Wine, 75 “ Giug. r and Blackberry Wine and Brandy, 100 Barrels Rye and Corn Whiskey, 10 “ Extra Old Bourbon, 75 “ Gin, Rum and Brandy, 10 Casks Madeira, Port and Sweet Wine, 10 Cases London Dock Oin, 15 “ Boker and Stoughton Bitters, 25 “ Lemon Syrup, 90 Casks Ale and Porter, 10 Boxes Ginger Preserves, Prunes and Figs, 3o “ Assorted Pickles, 40 “ Superior Carb. Soda, 50 Barrets and Boxes Soda and Butter Crackers, 26 Boxes Herrings, 5 Sacks Ashton’s Table Salt, 6 Cases “ “ “ 12 Don. Well Buckets, 25 Dos. Blue Buckets, 16 Nests of Tubs, 50 Dox. Georgia Pine Buckets, 20 Boxes Leveritt Axes, 20,000 Pounds White Lead and Zinc, 10 Barrels Linseed Oil, 10 ** Tanners’and Machine Oil, 2 “ Castor Oil, 2 Casks Linseed Oil, 1 “ Pure Sperm Oil, 5 Barrels Lemon Syrup, 5 “ Rose Cordial, 6 “ Peppermint Cordial, 150 Pound.* Sewing Thread, 50 Dozen English Pickles, 10 “ Worcestershire Sauce, 20 Hhds. Clear Bacon Sides, 10 Casks Hams, 20 Kits Shad, 20 *• Mackerel, 20 “ White Fish, 2o “ ) 1 Salmon, 20 Cases Plantation Whisky, 20 “ Pine Apnle Brandy, 5 Barrels CUT LOAF Sucar, 3 “ 8. Shell Almosds, 8 “ Pecan Nuts, 3 “ Brazil Nuts, 25 Boxes Anderson's Solare Tobaceo, 100 Whole, Half and Quarter Barrels Mackerel, 20 Firkins Prime fresh Butter, 10 “ “ ‘ “ Lard, 1 Doz Corn Shellers, 10 “ Brooms, 10 Oases Common Matches, 20 Gross German “ 10 Cases New Cider, 50 EOl. Blacking, 10 Cases Cotton Cards, 50 Doz Y;ast Towders, Kind Poomii Ground Paints in Oil, of all colors, nov 9 Latest News by the Atiaulir Telegraph. TIO all whonPlt may concern, this is to notify the public . that ISA ACS is at home again, and begs to assure his patrons that his Saloon is not a thing of a Jay. Citizens and the traveling public will find their establishment open, not for the Season only, but at ail Seasons of the year, and those calling on us, will at all hours, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets v* ill afford, in the way of eatables and something good to drink, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in any other house in town. E. ISAACS & BRO’. Ciidpr Ralktou’i Hull, Cherry St. His Bill of Pare will every day, Be jusi the thing for little pay; And those, who at their place may eat. Will Cud in it ail things complete— And goiug once, they then will know, That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to see our friends, ensuring them that it will be our unr. mit’ing care to pleas* in every respect, as we flatter ourstlves, we have done till now. It may not be generally known that we have, to meet the wishes of the Medical faculty, imported by ourselves, a very superior quality of Pale Brandy, fine Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much de sired by them. Look at this Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself OYSTERS, From New York, Savannah ar.d Brunswick, In the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, or in any way you want them Also, a Bhrimpa and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, Venison and Beef Steaks, ‘MBEa Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, IJam and Eggs, Devil Ham and ueviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, TURTLE SOUP, t”’ Wood-Cock, Grouse, ****iSßs Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks. Kish, and everything that an epicure wants,can always be bad when in season. Coitlcutioiicriefl and Fruit. ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good assort mentor CONFECTIONERIES, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, CAKES, Ac., All of which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. Be sure and call at K, ISAAC'S Sc BRO. oct 6-ts | YOU WANT WIIISKIKSr DO YOU WANT WHIBKERB* DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE t sti tii. I.l r. vi* a, /.ws Celebrated Stimulating Onguent, FOR TIIF, WHISKERS AND HAIR. rmiK suberibers take pleasure In announcing to the citi- J,. zeus of the United States, tiiat they have obtained the Agency for,and are now enabled to offer to the American pub lic, the above justly celebrated and world-renowned article. TJi<! Stimulating Ouguuut Is prepared by Dr. C. P. Billisuham, an eminent physician of London, and i* warranted to b lag out a thick set of WHISKERS ou a MUSTACHE, in from three to *ix weeks. Thi* article is the only one o the kind used hy tlie trench, and iu London and Parts i is ir. universal use. It Is a heauliful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting as if by magic upon tne roots, causing a b-autiful growth of {luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, It wi. l cure b.u.n:<g.-tfi, and cause lo spring up in place of the bal l spot* a fine growth of new hair. Appii-d according to directions it a ill turn kki> or towy hair dakk, and restore gray hair toils original color, leaving it soft, smooth and flexible. The -‘Onguent” is an indispensable article in every gentleman’s toilet, and after one week’s use they would not for any consideration be without It. The 9Ub*erlbrrs are thi only Agents for the article in the United State*, to whom all orders must he addressed. Price One Dollar a box—for sale hy all druggists and dealers; or a box of the ’ Onguent” (warranted to have the desired eff c) ill be sent to any who desire it, hy mail (direct,> secure! v juieked, on receipt of price and postage, 21,18. Aptdv to or address HORACE L. II EG KM AN k CO., mica u ists, ap3 Om 24 William street, New York. M UON SEED STORE. I ANDKCTH'S FRKSII GARDEN BEKDS.—W. 8 J KLLIB has just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, From Landreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the loweet price*, wholesale and retail. jjgf” Also, a general assortment of DUUGS AND MEDICINES. Macon, Ga., Jan. IC, ts W. 8. ELLIS. i HOTELS. THE STIBBLEFIELD HOUSE. “ Like the Phoenix from its Ashes.” THAT large, new an<l elegant House, recently erected on the rains of my old establishment, Mulberry stree*, Macon, Oa., I* now open for the reception and accommoda tion of Boarders and transient Guest? The House has beer, newly furnished throughout, in the best manner, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. It* situation is eligible, a little below the Methodist and opposite to the Presbyterian Church, and near the Banks and places of business. Connected with the House is a large Liivery and Suit 1 Stable^ where Drovers and others can find accommodations for th The*patronage of his old friends and of the traveling pub lic g. neraßy, is respectfully soHcitcK a>“lT NKW lIOT KB. PLANTERS’ HOUSE* MACON - , GEORGIA. t \N CHERRY STREET, two Squares from the Rail R>>ad XL*/'’ “'"“T.raaiiiXU.ear. Browii’s Hote 1, Opposite the Paseenger Home, Macca, Ga- By E. E. BKOWW A: SO.?. MEALS ready on the arrival of every Train. The proprietors will spare no pains to make their eurala comfortable. feb 22 43- fiO-T GRANITE HALL. IWOI’I.U respectfully inform my 01-I> FRIENDS and PATRONS, that since the ire, 1 have obtained Uie Rooms lu the building NEXT AfcOVK the “Granite Hal!,” and over the store of H P. MeKvoy and Messrs. Bostick A where I have opened, and will be please*! to see my friends and customers, and will do my best for their comfort and R T. DENSE. TBOTJT HOT’ S K, Bl J. D. UILBLRT A. CO. Atlantia, Georgia. sep 18 24-ts WASHINGTON HALL. THIS HOU3E IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. SPECIAL, arrangement will be made for the accommo dation of the Members to the approaching STATE CON VENTION, and the future Session of the Legislature. The rates and terms at this House, will conform to those of the other Public Houses in this city. N. C. BARNETT. Mllledgevllle, Ga , Dee. 15th, IS6O. New Establishment. C. T. & 00., iHANI FACTI RERS and DEALERS, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD HOUSE, Macoe, Ga. WE would call the attention of the public to our new Stock, comprising Coaches, Bretts, Rockaways arid Buggies, of the most elaborate finish, from celebrated build ers, North. Genuine BRATTLF.BORO’ BUGGIES constantly on hand. bov 16 •*’"** WILL YOU OO NORTH, WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTER SOUTH? CARRIAGE & mm HAM FACTOR! AND REPOSITORY, FORSYTH, GA. HAVING purchased the entire inter- BntH est of the late firm of BANKS, IV IL- Aiic'Tg/Si s DER k CO., I invite the attention of the citizens of Monroe and .urrmmlnecminties vr/ W to my extensive arrangements for Manufacturing TOi* ANT NO TOP BUGGIES, COACHES, BOCKAWAYS, CAR RIAGES, PHOTONS, Ac , Ac. lam constantly receiving addition, not from tlie North, but from in > Work Nbopa, to my stock on hand, of three or foot Buggies per week, which combine elegance and finish, wit! lightness, strength and durability. Orders for any sort o Vehicle,Harness, Ac ,are most respectfully solicited, whici shall be promptly supplied, and all engagements for work PUNCTUAI.LV met. I have constantly on hand a iarg* assortment of HARNESS. iW~ Repairing done at short notice and Warranted, aug 81-1 y L R* BANKS. Superior to Peruvian Guano. L. La. HOYT’S AMMONIATED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime Thos. IP. Stovall & Cos., General Agents for Georgia. TII IS Super-Phosphate, composed of BONE, SULPHU KIC and PHOSPHORIC ACIDS, AMMONIA, SODA and POTASH, has been extensively used during the pas two seasons in Georgia, and has given the most coxpletf satisfaction in COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, OATS, UYI TURNIPS and POTATOES. We are permitted to give the following gentlemen as re ferences, besides numerous others, who have used it: Owen P. Fitzsimmons, Esq Burke county. Robert F. Connaily, Esq.... .. .. “ “ H. J.Ogilby, Esq Morgan county. Hon. I. T. Irvin, Wilkes “ John A. Jones, Esq Polk “ D Dickson, Esq Newton “ Dr. K. M. Pendleton Hancock “ Wilson Bird, Esq “ “ J. A. Bell, Esq Oglethorpe “ Thomas W. Whatley, Esq Beach Island. Jonathan M. Miller, Esq “ “ PAMPHLETS containing analysis, letters, Ac., furnished o lapplication. Price, per Ton, in Augusta £SO OO Discount made to purchasers of five tons, or more. THOM. P. STOVALL A TO., Augusta, Ga. N. ll.—Being Agents for all Georgia, we will furnish ti Planters below Augusta, or in the direction of the Centra and connecting Roads, Hoyt’s Super-Phosphate, at $45 pe* Ton in New York—expenses to their station added. Pot this reason, early orders are solicited, that the Super-Phos phate may be sent to them direct from New York. Same discount made from New York price to purchaser; of five tons or more. THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. dec 14 BS-ts 285 Broad-street, Augusta, ( a 3?xxre Liquors, JUST IMPORTED. DALY A FITZGERALD, 2d door from Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, Have just received PURE IRISH WHISKEY. •* MKRETT BRANDY. “ SHERRY MINE. “ MADEIRA A PORT WINE. These Liquors have been selected with great care by Da!.\ duriiiff it recent visit to Irolutid. They are warranted pure. It is deemed entirely unnecessary to re sort to puffery In order to induce a sale. They are of the best quality, and cannot fail to establish this commendation in the minds of all who try them. The public end judges o he article, particularly,are Invited to c&iland examine foi hemselvea. (nov23 85-) The Harden Express Cos. WILL PASS GOODB AT THE Custom Ho mm; at Savanuah, AND FORWARD THEM By Express or Freight Train, as parties may prefer, only charging for our trouble the Custom House Fees, for passing anil forwarding. For further Information concerning the above, apply to M. 0 McDONAI.D, Agent. Macon, March 20,1561. A Change for Capitalist*. MACON GRIST MILL for SALE. OWINt* to the Insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, we are anxious to dis pose of the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now in complete running order —will grind 17 bushels a day. and cannot fail to make a handsome prod If well managed, in the hands of a person with sufficiei capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory id formation on tins, and other subjects connected with th business, can be obtained at the Mill. sep 26 27 BOIFEtJILLKT A CO. Coufectioiieries and Crot'cik*. TH. DAMOUR, at his old stand So. 140 Mulberry Ft. . keeps as usual a full assortment of goods in the above Hue, consisting of Candies ol his own manufacture, and fine Fieach Candles. He is the only one in Macon that imports Brandy, Wines, and Wine Vinegar direct from France. All kinds of fine Liquors and M ines,choice Ilavsnabegars.and best Tobacco, Oranges. Apples, and other Fruits. Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Nuts, and Preset ves of all kinds. Pickles, Ca pres. Olives. Olive Oil, Ketchups. Sauces, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Dried Beef Tongues, Pig Hams. Potatoes, Onions, Cabbages, nd many other articles in that line to numerous to mention. roar 14—ts PIANOS, OF Chickering A Son’s, Dunham’s ami other celebrated Makers ; warranted in tone, durability and finish to be first quality, and sold at the very best rate, together with a fine lot of Guitars, Violins, Accordcons, Flutes, Violin and Quitar Strings, Musical Boxes. Ac , Ac., hy nov 1# K. J. JOHNSTON A of>- Pebble Spectacles, IX Gold and Steel Frames, Gold, Silver, teel and Com raon Specks. A splendid assortment just received, by „ov 16 * J- JOHNSTON A CO. BOOTS.— A full assortment ol Gents’ fine French g Calf Boots, pumpsole, welted and water proof, of g arious Winds and qualities, both soled and pegged.— ust received and tor tale low by MIX A KiltTl.A hi’, net •-) BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN SCBOVIRLD, JOSHfiA SCHOkiUb I ►Schofield. & Br*o., j FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS MACON, <IF.ORC.IA. WE are prepared to Manufacture Steam Engines, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MILL aud GIN GEAR ING, SUGAR MILLS, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, Os every description IBO.K RAILING kud V EB* INDIIIS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Railing in ti.c State, which for elegance, neatness, du rability and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable for tlie fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery L - ts, Public Squares, Church Fences and Balconies. Person* desirous of purchasing Railings will do well to give a call, as we ar, determined to offer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. 14T Specimens ot our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city, jan 1-1 s 6l. I HUNT WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. T. C. NISBET, U\y \ jl, removed hi- FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS to tlie line of the Rail Road near the Macon A Western Shops, he Is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, Steam Engines & Boilers, On terms as favorable as any Establishment ebher North or South. (war ISJ T. C, XL-BKT. A. IH’QUEEN, MACOW, GEORGIA, MANI FACTI BEU Os Wroiight Iron RAILING of every description, and for all purpose*, Plain and Ornamental, from the lightest Scroll Iron, up to the heaviest Railing used. Having an endless variety of New and Original Designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suit eil. Being entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength c-nnot be questioned, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Iron Wo;k made to order. Par ticular attenlK a given to waking ail kinds of Geometrical Stair Railings. *TQT Specimens of the work cau be seen at the Residences of T. G. Holt, L. F W. Andrews and W. J. McElroy, Esqrs. Also at Rose Hill Cemetery, juiy IB 18-ts Wrought Iron and Wire Railing. [Secured by Letters Patent.) * DII I K A BL V adapted for enclosing Public A. Grounds, Cemeteries, Balconies, Cottages, Ac. Sheep and Ox Hurdle. Pa’ent Wire, Sacking Bedsteads, with every variety of Folding Iron Bedsteads and Iron Furniture.— Patent Wire Coal Screens, Ore, Sand and Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Musquito, Sheep, Poultry and other pur poses. Wire summer Houses, Fancy Wire Work In great variety for gardens. Ac. M. WALKER A SONS, Manufacturers, No. 585 Market, N,E. Cor. Bth St., Phila* ielphia. (oct24—ly) D. C. HODGKINS &. SON, DEALBiLS IS ASD KARCV ACTERERS Off C3r XT jxr fS , RIFLES. Ud Spotting Apparatus or EVERT DZSCJUPTIOH, i ‘ *■ FEW POORS BL LOW THE P Lanier House, I v - 1,1850. U’ m SHE Siiui PISTOLS. THOMAS MOUSE, the late firm of Make Walter k Morse, haring pur er chased the entire business, will continue the mauufac ug of >ouMc Guns, and best Rides and Pistols aade in the United States, on an entirely new plan of Mr. lorse’s. GUN? re-stocFed and repaired in the best manner, and on eas enable terms, at short notice. The undersigned being iractioal workman, will guarantee all hi* work, and in rite the public to give him a trial. {W flie stand is under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. Thompson’s. j“ne 18-’6O-y NEWJFTR2L [-. p. STRONG & SONS. LEWIS P. STRONG ten ders hi* grateful thanks _ >r tlie liberal patronage *T ende.l to him for theiast wenty seven years.and re- _V, (t:.(sß DGAK l*. STRONG and A Ud oRKL.-TER W. STRONG. V tmier the name, firm and tyle of L. P. STRONG A UJNS, and will continue to ;eep on hand and oler, a large and select assortment of ttSoots B!aoes and Leather >f all kinds, and Findings for Country manufacturer*. Fie espectfully asks for the new firm, a continuance o. the lib ra.) favor extended to the old. Macon, January 2,1880. 41-y ZEILIN & HUNT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, -GEORGIA. feb 29-’60 —y i\EW FIRM! Messrs. T. & O. WOOD, | £ A V F, this day assocl uanufaeture and sale of • tier conducted in the firm ; Macon, Georgia. NOTICE. Having aesociated with us in the Furniture business, Seth G. Wood, we are particularly desirous of closing up the old nisiness as soon as possible, and respectfully request all in lebted, either by note or account, to call and make pay ment at an early day. T. A G WOOD. Macon, 2d January, 1860. (feb 28) J. B. & XV. A. ROSS, Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbers, Corner Cherry and Second Sts., 31 aeon, Ga. I N addition to their Urge and new stoca of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, and Groceries, are receiving 500 cases shoes, fresh .worn the Manufacturers, to which they respect uily invite attention of Dealers and consumers, iune 13 TOOS. H CRDSMAS, 3X. O. 0. SPARKS HARDEMAN & SPARKS, WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Merchants. CA&I MACON, QA.. WILL give prompt attention to the selling and storing of Cotton, and to the filling of orders for plantation I sint family supplies. With many years experience and with their best cff.rts to nerve their friends, they hepe to , have a coitiuuxnce of the liberal patronage heretofore : extended to them Liberal advances made when required. August 15th ISflO. ( ly.) Thurstons of the Old Palmetto State, BY J. H. CALDWELL, OF THE GEOBGII COKFEKiENCE. tS'MS I* new r.nd Interesting book may now be had at the B Methodist Book Depository. Price SI.OO. Beni, post paid, to any part of the State for #1.25. Address, feb 27 J. W. BURKE COKX : COKif ! ! OAfiA BUSH. Prime Western Coen, just received *1 * ami for s*iie at 66 ibs. to the husiiet by au* 16 McOALlalt k JONKB. IteFIWED LEAF LA f\ KEGS Refined Leaf Lard trow receiiing and to OU sale by MoOALLIK A JONW. aug 15. ‘zrpjnn• *■ w medicines. Thousands are dally speaking In praise of Dr. Eatons infantile Cordial and wby * because it never fails to sfford ,ris:intan velief when given In time: It sets as if by v.-glc; r .d u trial alone will convince you that what we ‘ay .* t, _ contains No Paregoric or Opiat* of any kind, aLd there',re relieves by rutovit j :he suff~r. ings of your child, instead of by d*%je:.':ng it., s*r!-;> ..T. For this reason, it commends itself as the riv reiiat-ip •*’ paratlon bow knouo for Children Teeth i ■ i> arri'.-l Dystntery, Griping in the Bowels, Ac dity of -- • i’’ Wind, Cold in lli- Head, and Croup ; a,*, terr-o,- • ... ’ Gum*. Reducing Infi-urat on. Ret’ulaCrg tfce B vrel and relieving juiln. it iras no equal—beii, iju a ,, is used with uufaili-i: sm -s* in all ces- •of Cr: -. , D| other Fits As yotl v*l- rl.e life and health of \ • 1 .j. ren, and wish to sate U:tm frpnt those -a.i tj, • t .i ‘ MSMgMSWS which are -itun to result fr. mth Li ’ • naAcotios of which ail :!, -r rcmedi* ‘or infart.l c i_. t . plaint* are coir|*>sed, take none but Pr F, I-., ~ Cordial, this you can reljr upon. It i p-;rf. hart,;*, and cannot injure the r.i- -1 delicate ir.fai t. Price, Scents. I Prepared only by CHURCH A t>r Pont, No. 403 Broadway. Yr* York Bealiht haman blood upon -A- n a 1 i z c and always presents us w:Ut -Le same esseiitial ti- : i: j gives of course the True Standard. Analyze t:, e L .1 ,: , per— Buffering from tx-n.-umpfL pewsia. Scrofula, Ac., ad elad in tvr> - tr deficiencies in the red globule* of blood g„| p; v t , t ficieticies, and you are made well. The 1 : i< f j> , foundeu upon this theory, hence its astcnirh : , i SS To all suffering fruur coi.sur-p1.0t,,in..p e: -itirirrJ or from debility of any kind; ot fr m nirr - .. r i eivoct prostration, brought on by any cause ; or (r.L. - , compdainte ;or from diseases of tlie kidneys .- : d tr and to iadios Buffering any of the many 0.-.trt* c r. ’ plaint* thdr sex are Labi* to, and which engtnrbr in. nuapUi/a, tlie Ul(td Food i* ofleretl as a cersin .rj reliable remedy. D.fferii.g in every part cu!ar fr. tr tie patent medicines of the day, it is a ebenJc-gl ccnu,:: r .-.t c t Iron, Buiphur and Ph sphorus, of very great w. rth, srd marry hundred* bear glad ard grateful test kolv to the bonett* it has conferred or, tlivm Price of the Blood Food $1 per bottle. Sold bv CHURCH A DUFOXT, So.4tdi Broadway,New-Ycrk. And by Db. E. L. Btrofeccer, Macon. sep C- A. Card, J. B. GORMAN hat ing extensively ust T Vkkmi> lus takes picasure in saying it is the ®o*t val uable remedy to cure children cf W lees he ever h i, 1 w, a dollar hot He quite suftrieat lor 25 case*. Believing that more iiUren are iott from the efrec sos Worms thaa fi om all ether causes 1 rtcommend It .nl!y to evirjrbody. In using, nothing else is neetjiary lut to otxe the fffcjldren spring and full. Beside* the great cocv* i.U rte of such meU ines. I n.'vcr i.efore found s more t r fe, r t r.e more certain', to be relied upon than Dr. It G. Little’s VanMfag*. Talbott,. u, Ga , F*t. 2,1880. Little’s Anodyne Ctnrh Drop-- per bottle f O 75 Little’s Venuifnge, in large irotti*.* 1 60 Little’s V ermiftige. In rial? 25 Little’* Ring and Tetter Worm Ointment ..1 C” Little's French IScxture : 1 50 mar 21 52 ... vl it |fe js j J, 8. ltl)\Kli\\, \VASIil\(iT()\ BLOCK, Corner Mulberry Street and Co'lon Atenve } IWACO!?, GEOHGI.4, DEALKR IN UI, CIASSICAI, Ifl'KlL. SCBOOL AMI SIKMAMS BOOKS, Blank Book?, of all kin ! =; Record Book?, for Conr.ty piirj.s* sts, Stationery. Dva ’.:ng raper, Koll Pap.r, Wa ter Coior?. Art ,ts’ Oii Col ts, Eoxts of Oi! and YYater Colors. MATHEiIATI AL INSTRUMENTS, Mashetnstieai and Bns'necrioK Book?, Copy i ? T’rt -esiir.ii Book*, Writing Desk?, Portfolios, Pocket L - (i tn mon liosrds, Writ'ng Fluid?, ar.ri Ink'-, of ai) k'r-ds, Indelibie Inks, Faber A Lubin’s Drawl’-fi cil*. Bteel and Gold Pens, A-., Ac., t “ed er with all the various articles stsua .y found in a I{ O <> Ja s t o ke . ALBO, AGENT OF THE Souths rn Mutual iDsuraneefoinpnj. February 18, 1881.—v Ready Made Clothing. mHE undersigned U<ts In store a LARGE STOCK of 1 SfiCTHEHN JDlhi: CLOTHING! From material manufactured in the South, wh'ch he guaran Leas to .'ell (at a profit,} as !osr as any one pro! -• to at New York cost. apr Bft K. SAIJUSBUHN. GAM FIITI REV, Porket nd Tahlc C uf lery, RAZORS and FANCY CUTLERY, PORTABLE DESKS, DRISING CASUS. FANCY BASKETS PARIAN STATUBTars, DOUBLE & SINGLE GUNS, COLT’B PISTOL?, CAN Kd, PORT MONIt S AND 1 UR.'bS, MCRdCHAUtt PIPES,CIGAR HOLDERS,OPKRA GLASSES, Khoil and Ornamental tombs, Fancy Hair Pins, Backgaxmr-n Board*, Ch.-s Men,Doinl noe*, Billiard Kallw, Cuoa LEATHERS & CHALK, With many new and desirable articles not enwerated. Anew and fine selection for sale at low prices, bv nov 16 K. J. JOHNSTON * CO. JH. HL liSL JBJ - Wheeler a wiv.hon'* Fewmg *•<*>! at standard prices ; anew and fine let just open* S.J.JOHNWOK4W. mar l 4 Second Floor^ HkWMG WAOHIXKX and Mathematical> ments repaired and adjusted, and new parts n '; u riier. New Tension Pads, Ac., fer old machines- *- n mar 14 E. J. JOHNSTON Flour. KAA BBLS. Superfine and Family Flour tc OUU 16,000 poands Choice Family Flour, O* Sio£ and for sale by B0W1)RK g ANDEAN.