Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, July 17, 1861, Image 3

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~ the voters of mr. first congressional V> 1 DISTRICT. In my fpf’t'ri l Ktixabeth, some days I > the people that, in riewr of the hill before [, crj.-UMiie making it f'elonjr for an? one to .. nt the State in the Congress of the United ’/ iUJ , and its probable enactment h? that body, aot • nolince myself a candidate for Uon- S 4i.but that if a majoiity of the people saw ■ c to vote for me, I would take that as the .!, of my constituents that they should be repre ~1 in that body, and would endeavor to serve *even U such a law should be enacted. IV r tHiding that no such law has been pasted, and r i„e that the whole process by which Tennes , ha* been annexed to the Confederate States is 2 d and unconstilutionul and haring been voted ; ->,r :he counties ot Carter and Johnson on the .- 0 f June, and otherwise solicited, I aunounce .. „ if as a candidate for Congress. ;i,i:ig recently canvaased the entire Disrricf, I j p,* my friends will excuse me from again tra , . B g the Pi-triet, amy opinions are well known. Thos. A. R. \klaon. T c contest for Congressmen in East Tennessee g iikelv to be novel and exciting. Nelson, My- M rd and perhtps others, are runuing for the Uni tfd States t ongress, whilst others are in arms against it. We regret that gentlemen who have h; so large a share of public respect and conti j,! oe, should continue to maintain an attitude so en harassing to the South and so fatal to them -1 tnposition I pou Soldiers. TVe rue! the other day, a returned officer in the 1’ on t. ...rds, of the sth Regiment, at Pensaeola, H)' :he t'onftt&raU Staten, who stated that a re r"r ***“ extensively circulated in that place, n, die detriment of the Bank of Middle Georgia.— Ih- i .loriued us that the Bank was reported broken, m i dean gone forever, in consequence of which many of our soldiers had been induced l 0 submit to infamous shaving. Be said he had S. t given & twenty dollar note to a sutler, for tit pounds of cheese, and that similar impositions ini been practiced upon manv. At the same time another officer exhibited to as. miserable five cent shin-plaster, which, with o:er trash, he had been compelled to receive in savannah, as change when paying a hotel bill.— Ik can never recover the amount, except by going back to Savannah, or procuring someone to pre . the rag, and take “ refresdiment” by wav of rr. option. Bis Regiment is about to be ordered ilq the vicinity of Savannah, and he will not hire an opportunity of getting rid of his bogus m-'tiey perhaps for years when in all likelihood, the paper will be worn out. We have one of the shin plasters in our posession, of which he had creral. The plaster bears the signature, “A. B. L.t v. t'Oiiiers, and doubtless, otheru, falling into amis ot these money changers are obliged to !i .e change in rags, or go hungry and naked.— “•* transactions, are not alone an outrage upon 1 x but upon common morality, and we trust the ’ col Georgia will not tolerare the nuisance. T. Ifie Benevolent, Coail and Patriotic People of .Karon. \our bounty has supplied our soldiers now at i ent points in Virginia, with materials for the ; k ind wounded. Two more companies of our o r, now at Pensacola, have not yet beeu provided for. Any contributions will be thankfully received by tin* Ladies’ Soldiers Relief Society, and bv m forwarded by Saturday next, if left at the State of Mrs. F. Dessau. Kcrcived Onit r* In he Keaily, Jackson Artillery, ('apt. G. A. Dure, has re • ‘ J orders from the Secretary of War to bold ire- in rediiiess to march at short notice. I 1 ‘rd’ an excellent opportunity to those de - sos “ going to the wars’’ to enter the service ct their country. We would suggest, (knowing i tt it is but to suggest, and it will be done) to r i e- 1 • ns the propriety of seeing that the mem* -i‘ tiia Artillery go away well equipped with fc-. mirten. — J'tleyraph. \t itwliiii” ton mid War lieu:*. flip the follow ing from the Washington cor re-poiidence of the Herald of the *>th : T!ir am FtlbiJfG AMONG THK SPECTATORS IX THE HOI SE. A * ."iiiieant indication of tic existing popular r.'U.'iii iti favor of a vigorous prosectiliou of i wr, ij afforded to-day during the reading of PreSiilent s Message in tire House of Kepre ‘ tt: vvs. I pou the reading of the recoumiend, in order to give the legal meaus for this contest short aud decisive, Congress I place at the disposition ot the government this purpose at least four hundred ihousaud c ‘ *nd tour hundred millions of dollars, an irre p-*.’ le -’tout of approbatipn tilled the House, ting alike from the floor arid the galleries, vemingly as unanimous as it was certainly au'iistic. It was an outpouring of feeling from t >pi. ir heart which proves that the people are * tead of the Government in their desire for a ■ otis prosecution of the war, and a short and <kc!-ivr contest. in.- ii use did a fine stroke of business on the It passed the bill authorizing the President < t the revenue outside the ports of rebel* !• Mates; also, authorizing a blockade; also, *‘dng alt commercial intercourse betweeu citizens of loyal and disloyal States. There •ere ten negative votes. T K OPP-*SITIOX LEADERS IX THE HOUSE. ‘• ilo'ise had Messrs. Burnett of Kentucky, ; ‘ aii uuiighani of Ohio, to do the opposition. ‘ e : oaglu to be cultivated, instead of being is some people threaten to do, for the sake rf ie opposition, which is always the spice of CAPTCRR or REBELS IX WESTERN VIRGINIA. r - 1 t-'iisle, of the House, received a dispatch ii tiovernor I’ierrcpont, of Virginia, to day, ■ a . .. .ng that two Ohio regiments had surprised ‘.f rebels at Biickannou, capturing tour huu '• killing thirty, and seizing tfiM> horses. iiiriCATiOS.—The Southern Recorder, of yes ii? says : “ Our table of returns show, that the m polled, in all but nineteen counties, make ■ * total of 2<>,Cl5 —and there is at present * fi l majority in favor of ratification—leaving II very doubtful as to the final result. ’ vs erom the Crew or the Savannah.—The r i arieston Mercury of the luth says: “ We are Krs’itied to be able to stale that a letter of second l ’ a * e has been received from Mr. John Harleston, 1V dicer of the privateer Savannah, in which he that none of the officers or crew of that un .vale vessel have vet been brought to trial; t at they were situated as comfortably as cottid be •k-iied under the circumstances, and that they *oild have the advantage of the ablest counsel in conduct of their defence. The report which we copied from a Richmond paper that they had been convicted of piracy, wa, it seems, erroneous.” Pre’ Ervixg Fecit.—The suggestion has been mi le that, in view of the abundant crop of fruits o! all kinds throughout the South, the producers *‘iO!ild dry, pickle and preserve, as far as possible, Ei! which cannot find a present market. We see ‘ v advertisements in Vicksburg papers that the *'!ice is being acted upon at that point, and we t>e glad to learn that it is receiving atten tion in Georgia. A copious supply of dried fruits *ll prove invaluable to our soldiers; not only to 1h.,4 . ho are in the hospital, but in keeping oth ers out of it. ’ , rHEKX Ma a lea ere res.— Now is the time for *ll who make or sell anything of common use, to ra ‘ke it known by advertising. Manufactuiiug Utilities should b 4 enlarged, and the c*|iaeitiew of l < e various establisboieuu made known, and, our *ord for it, the demand will be doubled and <)uJntple4. A correspondent of tbe New Orleans Ifelta Cl itlention to the fact that the New York pc* of Marine insurance corer loasi'S by pirates, ■u; in-ike no mention of privateers. Should Sorth *r” courts condemn and treat any Jfoulhem pri- T *teera as pirates, the Northern insurance com pa I'roßEs tor the Sicr. — Parties who may desire ’ ’ contribute to the relief of the sick soldiers now ‘ n a .ps, will not go amiss if they send any of the Moving articles: Arrow -root, barley, rice, tapiocß, gelatine, ftrint cn starch, flax-seed, wines, (especially black* , ET'd pin), cordials, jellies, clothing, espe under clothing, bedding, as sheets, pillow* ‘ hltnkeb*, surgical btudagea or old linen. WAR’newsj Richmond, Va., Joly 15tl, _ri,7ropo^ brought here be relative u, the g “ at Hich Mountaiu arc confused and unreliable, and every way unsatisfactory 1 One passenger, a man in high official posi tion states that only three companies of Confederates under Lieut. Col. Hoeram wore engaged with the Fedora Is. Ws of the Confederates from thirty to forty killed. \ Col. 1 egram seriously wounded and taken prisoner. About three huudred Federala reported killed. Many of the Confederates supposed to be killed or wounded, have since reached the Confederate camp unin-’ jured. However intense the interest of the I public for reliable news about this battle it is impossible yet to obtain it. ’ thirteen prisoners ami two spies were brought here to-day from Yorktown. [ fb'spatche* from Northern Sources via Mobile ] Loljsville, Ky. July 14th.—The Rich Mountain fight is fizzling out. The latent despatch states that the Southerners are eight hundred strong, with two canon.— Southern loss seventy-five killed, and about the same number wounded. Federal loss eleven killed and thirty -five wouuded. The above despatch was approved by General McUullan, but bis own dispatch to Wash ington reports twenty killed and forty woun ded. Apparently the invaders had made for a certain victory and sent a bulletin be fore the tight, hut a courier losing his way, McCuilau waited all day for the sigualj which lie tailed to get. The enterprise only resulted in the dislodgement of eight hun dred Confederates by five invading re<d uicnts. Washington, July 14th.—The two )a- Jies who inveigled the Connecticut Captain, Goodwin, to his capture have been arrested’ and are held prisoners as a guarantee for Goodwin’s return. Clarke, Member from Missouri, Inis been expelled from Congress, lor having served under the Missouri State law as a soldier. Hoston, July 14th.—A French steamer, with tlie Admiral on board has arrived at Halil.tx, w here it is waiting the arrival of six others, when the French fleet will sail South. r l he Frigate Vincennes is looking for the Privateer J<£’ Don's. Spieial Dispatch to the Savannah Republican. * he 4 liui'lcxtoii lllockaih'. t iiarlkstoN, July 14.—The Minnesota returned and took her position with the blockading squadron about noon to da}’. — -I*® was received with the usual salute. The steamer l’lauttr ran the blockade this afternoon. VN'ittli of Gov. Aitamx. Charleston, July 14.—Kx-Governor Adams, of this State, died at his residence near Columbia, last night. A Religious Brigade.—A military organization has, we see, been set on foot in this city for service against the rebels, under the title of “the Religious Regiment.” We highly approve of the movement, and object ouly to the limitation of numbers which its name implies. The ‘‘Holy Brigade” or ‘the Spiritual Phalanx’ 1 are titles that would embrace within the technical military condi tions the largo numbers wbo will le pressing for enrolment. We would suggest that V\ illiam I<oyil Garrison be made general, Wendell Phillips colonel, Henry Ward Bee cher chaplain and the Hon. Massa Greely fuglemen of the new brigade. All the unemployed parsons in the country should lie invited to join its ranks, and Mrs. Bee •her Stowe, Abby Kelly Foster, Lucrctia Mott and others of our strong uiiuded wo men may be induced to offer their services in riiatulicrtf. Thus organized, the pious brigade would prove one of the most effec tive in the service, and would, no doubt, soon take the shine out of Col. Duryee’s “Red Devil” and Lincoln’s “Pet Lambs.” —A r . V. Day Hoole. A Had Practice. A cu'tom is coining very much in vogue in the South says the Savannah Republican, of politicians raising regiments and placing themselves at the head—or with the under standing that they will be placed there— and taking thoroughly educated officers from the Regular Army for Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors aud other tuhon! mate, positions We know Colonels in the .Southern Army, who six weeks ago were profoundly ignorant of the mystery of “Shoulder Anus !” and yet are ambitious of leading the armies of the Republic. *1 his is all wrong, and public sentiment, if uothing else, sh uld put a stop to it.— Unskilled civilians who place themselves, or allow others to place them, in responsible military positions, of whose duties they know nothing, do injustice to professional soldiers, to the service, and to themselves.— Nor can we see how well educated military men can, consistently with a proper respect for their profession, consent to be plaeed in those subordinate po.-itions with suieriors in authority who are perfect dwarfs to them in understanding. What estimate mutt they place on their reputations when they are willing to peril them in time of battle upon the blunders of an incompetent leader! There is uo reason why the rules of com mon sense should not apply to the affairs of peace. Every man should be in the right place, and no man in a place for which he lis uuiit. We are decidedly opposed to catering to unreasonable ambition by jeo parding the results of this important war upon the contingencies of a different philoso phy at all. e oo ■ .r . ■ l ■■ ■■ n A K It I I. u, I On Sunday afternoon, July 14ili, in Jeffersonville,Twiggs county, (it., by the Ucv. .\l. K. SU-rleyJMr. N. A Miuiiih, | of this city, and Mist Kdba, daughter 01 William brjan, [ Kiq , of (be former place. I* I I ■>, Ir> Savannah, on the Milt Inst., Mr. Kkaxcij II Welwax, a> ted about eighty j etrt. He was a native of Bermuda, ba<i I iri.|ol in Savannah for sixty-three years, and le-eu one of lus most prominent basine-s men. In early life he was a Midshipman in the KngtUb nary—was a member of the Chalam Artillery fifty nine years, and for many years the Swedish and Noratgion Consul, and also held the Agency of *• Moyds,” London. j At Meridian Depot,on the Mobile and Mississippi Rail * road, Cot. iHiMica PIACt-UTia. formetly of Clinton, Ga., | atnl lor many year, a resident of the city of New Orleans. ’ In this city, of appoplexy, on the 11th inst., Dr. John If. ; Ellm, aged about years He was a native of New Jersey, land had been well known in this eity as a Druggist, lor | aoout thirty years. He wasagjod oian, of ijuiet dt-raeanor, j of sterling integrity, and leaves n > blot on his record before I the world. | At the Indian Springs, on the lt>th lost., Mr. Jonathan i Pabasb. of Clinton, Jon-s county. He died very suddeuly. I apparently from the infirmities and debilities of age. He [was probably the oldest resident of Junes county And about le ghty years of age. NB \\ AB\BBTIS EME Nls . I -r: ■ - FIVE DOM. ms IEWIEI! I AV I 1.1, pay tbe above reward for the thief, with pr.iof I to convict the scoundrel, Uiat stole two uni voi su lustSK from Spring Garden, on last Sunday night, if a • lute man, I will pledge uiysrll to prosecute him to Uie ex tent of the law; and if a n-gro, I will whip him to the en tire satisfacUon of his master, without any further expense* Policemen and Cltisens will confer a favor by ass try ng to point him out. AMOa UINTOa. july IT IT-ls “That” Toba*o. THE choicest brand of Chewing Tobacco, manufactured in tins country, just received and for sale by MAdBSNBUKU A SON, a Successors to K. L. Stxohecker. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, Summer Goody. Bargains ! B trgain*! Bargains! We *rc now offering all kinds of v> ri A” GOODS Suitable for the present season, at extraordinary Loir Prices: Aulais ’ Plin Barafres, Dres. Go J ol. in e i “ Ch ore “ n<li '‘ 3 ’ T*rltoos, Summer ures. Woods, and a superior assortment of c Vc. All of which will be sold for cash, regardless of cost or value, as ttie stock must be reduced. Now on hand 3,000 yards MILITARY GOODS! at small profits. Carpeting, Curtain Damasks, and a splendid Stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS I can also be obtained on reasonable terms, at BOSTICK & LAMAR’S. Macon, July 17,1861. 10.000 DOLLARS ‘ WORTH OF CLOTHING & l-T ItM lIING GOODS! FOR SALE AT COST tO It Tlt K MiXT WU UK OAL Y ! MERCHANTS AND TRADERS Would do well to attend this rale. The undersigned wants to use the money to pay for goods ordered from Europe. Sale positive. J. STIt A HAN A CO., Corner of Third and Cherry streets, july 10 MACON, GEORGIA. To Ambi*otypists, VMltfiU and finely assorted stock of Cases, I’later, Collodion Glass, Ac., and in fact ail kinds ot material* used in the Ambrotype business, for sale cheap, by july 10 R. L. WOOD, Macon, Ga. FORWENT,” TAROM Ist October next, the large and elegant UEBI- A DENOK in the State Bank Building in this city, with convenient GARDEN and OUT-lIL'ILDINGS attached. Also tor K.11.U or KENT, The fine new WAGON YARD on Forsyth street, ViueTitte Branch; an excellent stand for business. Immediate pos session. Apply to J. It. R. WASHINGTON, july 10 16-ts City papers copy till forbid. X. S. PRUDDEN & CO., HAVE JUST RECEIVED TRAVELING DRESS GOODS, GREY FLANNELS, SMALL FIGURED PRINTS, HICKORY SHIRTINGS, MUSQUITO NETTINGS, STRIPED SWISS, CHECKED CAMBRICS, IICH’l). & BORDERED II’DKFS, IRISH LINENS, SHIRT BOSOMS, EMBROIDERIES, And many other articles much needed at this time. Wc cannot buy Goods now without the money, aud earnestly request thoee indebted to us, to pay. july lo N. 8. F RUDD BN A CO. HARDWARE. Home made Smiths Bellows, Portable Forage, Cast Steel, Block Tins, Tin Plate, Bait Copper, Glue, Rubber and Hemp Packing, Praxis Wire, Bheet Brass, German Silver, Babbit Metal, Horse and Mule Shoe, Shoe Nails, for sale by juiy 10 NATHAN WEED. GEORGIA MANUFACTURE^ WHEAT KANiS, a superior home made article, warranted to work well. Straw Cutters, Lever patent, for sale by july 10 NATHAN WEED. PLANTATION MILL. SINCLAIR’S TWENTY-SIX INCH FRENCH BURR STONE MILL, warranted to work well end make good flour. For sale by NATHAN WEED, july 10 Macon, Ga. Oil fJoilwi^imit'lit. CA BAGS RIO t OFIEE. ♦ *.!ihi Coils Machine Rope. 50 Ounces Quinine, and for sale bv july 10 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. BOSS & SLVffOi IL ]VlacoiL, Gra. ? OFFER TO THK WHOLESALE TRADE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES FOR CASH, IN LARCfE QUANTITIES: Kentucky Bagging, Gunny Bagging. Machine Rope, Bate twine, Molasses, N* O. Syrup, Fresh May Butter, Soap, Nails, Starch, Soda, Cream Tartar, Candles, Mackerel, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Alcohol, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Salt Petre, Quinine, Blue Stone, Smoking Tobacco, Manuf’ed Tobacco, Refined Sugars, Kio, Java and Laguira Coffee, Bacon Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Rump and Mess Pork, Drugs and Medicines, Cotton Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Yarns, Military Jeans, for Uniforms, and a LARGE STOCK OF DRV GOODS! Savnnrah Republican, Augusta Constitutionalist, Columbus Times, Montgomery Advertiser copy daily, aud send bill to this office. july 8 L5-4w SUNDRIES. / N I!\t SACKS Liverpool Balt. .UUv 125 Hales heavy Gunny Bugging. 300 Coils Machine Rope. 100 Bales Macon Shirtings. Heavy Osuaburg* and Yarns. 20 Bales Negro Kerseys and dlripes. 100 Bags prime Kio Coffee 40 Hhds Bacon, Bides and Shoulders. 25 Tierces plain and canvassed Hams. 6” Kegs choice Leaf Lard. 10 Bbis. choice Leaf Lard. 50 Boxct Adamantine Candles. 25 Boxes Sperm Candles. 20 Bole. No. 1 Syrup. 15 Hhds Cuba Molasses. 10 Bids. Bleached Whale and Lard Oil. For sale by j ul , l 0 BOWDKfc A ANDERSON. Confederate States Loan. BOOK K for subscription to the balance of the FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Loan, will lie opened at the- Agency of the Marine Bank in this city on Mondaf. thieck day of June, 1861. ISAAC SCOTT, ) j. o! PLANT, ( L. N. WHITTLE, J June 5,1861. Hitfoii. C orn, I.artl aurt Flour. 7, CASKS BACON, hog round. *) 75.41 Bushels CORN. 25 Barrels LAKD. 25 Half barrels LARD. 4o Kegs I A Rib &4M) Bl.u. 8. v and Fatuity FLOUR. eS4 Hints. MOLABBKB. 4(1 Bbls. SYRUP. 25 Half bbls. SYRUP, 101 l Bbls. retiued SUGARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 Boxes TOBACt O. BoA Bbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cash. ASHER A 1 f,RB. Macon Feb. 20th, 161. NOTICE. I H AVE left Mr. JAMES A. KNGHT my authorise* Agent, during my absence from the city. apt M B. A. WIRE. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SPR ING <; All DEN BATHS. SHOWER, plunge and swimming baths may he had from sunrise until 10 o’clock at night. Also, private tubs will be kept for such as desire it. Pure spring water of a delightful temperature is only used. LADIES wishing to enjoy the luxury of a bath will be ac commodated in the Ladies Department on application.— Private entrance through the dwelling house. Tickets *25 cents each. a. BENTON, july 3 15 -It Aid and Comfort for our Soldiers. AX a meeting of the Citizens of Macon and vicinity, the undersigned were appointed to receive subscriptions to aid in clothing our soldieis during the approaching win ter. Contributions in money, blankets, hats, shoes and such other articles as are needed by suldiers, will be received by any member of the Committee. WM T MASSET, ) E- J. JOHNSTON, J. M JONES, A G. BOSTICK, I E. C. GRIER, J June 26th, IS6I. McCallie & J ones, SI.YfE the recent fire, have located nearly opposite their old stand on Cotton Avenue, where they are pre pared to supply all customers with Baron. Lard. Flour, Torn, Ac., Ac., GIVE U3 A CALL. july 8 CONFEDERATE STATES LOAN! Till-', undersigned, Commissioners of the Confederate Btates Loan,in and for the Hiateof Georgia, announce to the public that the books for the subscription to this Loan are re-opened at the following points, namely : Savannah, Augusta, Macon, Columbus, Milledgeviile, Koine, Atlanta, Athens, Washington,and Albany. We will send books, Ac., to other points, if requested to do so, and it he deemed ex pedient by us. Five millions only of the fifteen million Loan have been called for, and eleven millions have been responded to —no subscription being at a less rate than par, and some ss high as ten per cent, premium. The present exigencies of our national crisis call for the balance of this Loan, anil we have no doubt Hint our fellow-citizens will cheerfully re spond to that call. Let it be remembered that, in what they thus advance, they are making an investment at 8 per cent per annum, (.which investment i secured by a special sinking fund, and that subscriptions may be made in any sum from fifty dollars upwards. We are authorised to say that these subscriptions will be received In this 8 ate in current bank notes which are con sidered at par at the several centres of trade. An abounding patriotism has carried, and is carrying, our brave brothers and sons in sufficient numbers to the field ; we doubt not that the same fervid feelings will sup port them there, by rapidly filling the remainder of this Loan. E. STARNES, 1 J MILLIGAN, vCommissioners. WM. B JOHNSTON,) june 26-14-4 t JUST lIfIPOKTASD FROM Abe Lincoln’s Dominion, “DESPITE THK EMBARGO,” 300 POUNDS FRESH TURNIP SEED. 100 “ PURPLE TOP RUTA BAGA Turnip Seed. ICO WHITE FLAT DUTCH “ “ 100 “ WHITE FLAT RED TOP “ “ For sale at the Drug and Chemical Store of Macon, June 12th, 1 61. GEO. PAYNE. M!acLisoi i Springs, JliitliMiii County, Ga. r |NIIIS well known summer retreat Is again opened for 1 the accommodation of those seeking either health or pleasure, and wc now limit cordially invite our old custo mers,ami all others who travel either for health or pleasure, to give us a call. We do not think it necessary to give to you a full descrip tion of this most beautiful spot, it is so wi 11 known through out most of the South, suffice it to say, it cannot be sur passed for climate, health, beauty, w aters, seen -ry, and, in fact, everything that can delight the eye and taste. Families, wishing comfortable rooms will please drop a line, stating the number, Ac , and how long they wish to stay, as those coming early and staying late will liml it to their advantage, as private arrangement! will he made with all such if desired. Mr. K. It. S'ialter has prepared himself with the best of Coaches and Hacks, and will be ready at the Depot, and passengers from Augusta or Atlanta on the night train can reach lo ro the next day for dinner. K.nn of Board:—fan per month; |UI per week : s'2 per day. SCOTT & TYNER. June 12,1561. —2m SUMMER CLOTHINOT #30,000 Worth ol* Summer Clotiling SELLING OFF AT COST, as follows : 1,500 pair well assorted PANTS ; •4,000 Summer VESTS, including all the new styles now worn; 100 pair white Linen Drill Pants, military ; 50) Linen Coats, brown ; 100 White Linen Coats; 6UO Alapacca aud Dratetet Coats; Large lot of boys and youths clothing; 60 dozen One aud fancy Hurls; Large assortment ot Under Shirts and Drawers, Neck Tics, C dlars. Socks, Suspenders, Gloves, black and colored; Belgian Under Shirts and Drawers ; Bilk Umbrellas, best quality at #4 50 ; Gingham Umbrellas, Buggy do. ; Trunks, Valices ami Carpet Bags ; Lot of Linen Pants at f 1 per pair ; SOn Summer Vests at $1 each ; and many other Goods, too mumerous to mention. To be sold without reserve. J. ST 1C Alk AN A <<., Corner of 3d and Cherry Sts., june 2C-Sm Macon, Ueouoia. NOTICE. TjA YIN <. purchased the Stock of Messrs. Castlen A i 1 VarAell, we respctfully solicit the patronage of their lr.lends at. oar old stand. MAShENBUKG A SON. Having disposed of our slock as above, wc respectfully sl>‘tit for Messrs. M. A don the patronage heretofore ex tended to us. CASTLEN A V AUDELL. June 18,1 ‘Ol. jllnroii, May 30tli, I Mil. pr Htltl!ELß Pikes Magnolia Whisky. 4 O 75 Barrels Rock-opening Rum. 75 Barrels Phelps Rye Gin. 150 Boxes Tobacco—various grades. 115 Boxes Cigars. :860 Barrels Flour. 4 00 Tierces Leaf Lard. TJfi|FOii H. Clear Sides. It(1,0X1 H Hams. UiHOWI H. Shoulders, lift iliids. Molasses. 20 Barrels Fyrop .50 Macks Rio Coffee. 75 Barrels bugar. SO Hhds. Sugar. F r sale at reasonable prices for CASH, by j ute 6 ASHER AYRES. ( AKMIAIT& BRO. (I.ATR OF NKW YORK,) lla\ f o returned to this place, where they will lie pleased to see their Friends. All coHijnunieations promptly attended to. X kiT“ Store in Ralston’s Rock Building, on Thi rd Street. JAS. r>. C AIM ART, WM. R CART!ART. M aeon, March 13,1861. DIRECT IMPORTATION! Crockery, China, ANI) GLASS WARE. MV first shipment, from Europe has Arrived in Savannah, and those who have ordered packages will have them shipped in a few days. There are some of the packages still unsold, any in want, can, by ordering, have them ship ped in a few days. 1 have another lot shipped from Liverpool 13th of July, which 1 shall look for in three or four weeks. Send in the orders. lam now receiving a LARGE STOCK OF Glass-Ware, Tumblers, Goblets, &c., FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HOIir.WIAN GLASS-WARE, ( litnit IMniipr and Tea Setts, Ac,, Ac aug 29 R. P. McEVOY. WOOTTON A HOLLOWAY, Commission Merchants, CORNEH OF THIRD AND POPLAR Sts., MACOH, €A. HA VEjusf received od consignment and for sale, 10D0 bushels Corn, ItXHI do Oats, 60,) do Peas, 100 do Meal, 40000 lbs. Tennessee Bacon, 100 kegs and cans Lard, 1000 bbls. Flour, 100 do. best Rockport Lime, ICO bale. Hay, Afro a fine tot of Uv Geese Feather* and Dried Bee Hama. apa GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. UQlOftS AND clgars l>irectly Imported! MAUSSENET is constantly receiving the finest j# qualities of Liquors, Wines and Cigars vliich he offers to the public on as .ewsonablc terms as he can afford. Invalids and others, wishiDg a superior article of W tnes or other Liquors, will find it greatly to their advantage to give him a call, as they may rely on the genuineness of eve ry article sold. Liquors can be purchased in bottle or by the gallon, as it may suit purchasers. Cigars of the very best brands, by wholesale or retail, and of direct importation, can always be found at my store, at the house formerly occupied by Mr. James F. Winier as an Exchan e and Lottery Office. Mr. Maussenet, In retiring from his old established busi ness, embraces this opportunity to tender his grateful ac knowledgments to bis old friends and customers, from all of whom he solicits a share of patronage,in his new enterprise. Macon, June 18,1560. —12-y 1801. 1801. Tei* in s Cash. 18. A. WISE Now offers to the public his complete stock of STOVES, GRATES, CUTLERY, AM) PLATED WARE, AT A RF, DICED PR HE FOR CASH ■ TERMS— Strictly Cash. CIOOK ING STO V RS, —I will olose out tlie remain t iler of my Stock, comprising over lf.O Cook Stoves, of best patterns, at or near cost for CASH. GRATF.N! GKATES!—I have on hand a complete ” assortment of Grates, which I will sell very cheap for CASH. 11I!V I*l/ATE ANR Xi IKE. —T 5 boxes assorted Brands, 80 bundles of Wire, at a small advance above New York cost for CASH. / til A E Oil. AND COAL OIL LAMPS.—The V ) best Oil and cheapest I amps ever offered in litis market for CASH. B. A. WISE, feb i;i Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. JAMES MAI KOV. !• K - LYTLE. MACKOY, LYTLE & CO., COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SOUTH-r AST CORNER CHESTNUT & COMMERCIAL Sts. ST. I.Ot IS, MO. riA'VENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE in the PRODUCECOM -1 MISSION business in thiscity given us an acquain tance with the market that will enable us to render satis faction to those alto may entrust their business to us. Our careful and prompt attention will be given to the orders of our friends for the pwwshase of GRAIN, FLOUR, PORK, BALE ROPE, Ac., at the lowest market rates, mar 2T-’6l—tf Special Notice. TI IE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. VK E prepared to forward by Express all Goods through to Pensacola anil Way Stations on the Montgomery and Pensacola Railroad—the charges paid by the shipper in all cases. All letters for the Officers and Soldiers of llie Confederate Army at Pensacola and elsewhere forwarded bv the Company free of charge, when in Government en velopes. c. McDonald, Ag t. Macon, May 20,1861. HORACE FITCII & CO. r|,f I business will he continued for its nnexpired term ■ by tV. T. Fitch, under the name and lirm of HOKACK FITCH A CO We shall BH.LL ALL our large stock of Clothing for Men and Boys at COS T ! For the next SIXTY DAY'S. lYe are determined to reduce our stock as loir as possible during the coming season. Call and see us before purchasing els* where apr 3 “in HORACE FITCH. Dissoimioii ot Partner*hip. fttlHE special copartnership of HORACE FITCH A CO 1 is dissolved by the mutual consent of Lewis Fitch as special partner and H. A W. T. Fitch as geueral partners. Macon, April 8, IS6I. Loriilard/s Snuff, IN BOTTLES AND BULK, For sale In quantities to Jobbers, by K. A. It OH HYSON Ac CO., Wholesale Druggists, LOUISVILLE, Kr., And M. A. &C. A. SANTAS, may 22—4 m NORFOLK, VA. Millinerg! Millincnj!! PARIS STYLES Via. jSTew Orleans. SPRING OF lwOl. Mrs. HOWLAND HAS opened a fine assortment of the newest Paris Styles of Ladies’ Hals and Millinery Hoods, Os recent and Direct Importation to Nkw Orlkans. H'T customer* and others are invited to call, and she is satisfied that they will he pleased. Milliners from a distance can be accommodated Willi PATTERN HATS and any style of MILLINERY GOODS. a P r 3 Boots and Shoes. AT Hie Sfhn of tlie 810 BOOT, & ff. No. 3, Cotton At’e. OPPO3ITK jL’ A gay S Washington Block, The Subscribers would re- \S% turn their thanks for the very liberal and lonif eon- United patronage extended to them,and would most res pectfully solicit a continuance of the same. We have now u store a large assortment of I3oots and STioes, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will he made, of all the different styles and patters usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, oetti-y MIX A KIRTLAND. Spring *•! fenim*r Fashion* for 18G 1 . Direct Importations from France via New Orleans- Mrs. F. DESSAU WOVI.I) respectfully announce to the ladies that she has.just returned from New Orleans, where a|e has purchased for JwJp cash a full assortment of Mllli ery, Lace, and Dress Goods, of the latest direct iiiipor. t.ition, and opened her Bonnetson Thnrs- fi&fgtJl/Ult day, March 23 Mrs. De sau is confident ms that the ladies will bepleased with the styles Hr £ 5 and qualities, as they are superior to any wjjl brought heretofore to this place. jwf i*r Milliners supplied at wholesale with W Bonnets and Millinery floods. apr 8 Coiift>rtioiiPrirti itiul (tiroccries. fH. DAMOUR, at his old stand No. 140 Mulberry St. . keeps as usual a full assortment of goods in the above line, consisting of Can.lies of his own manufacture, and fine Piench Candies, lie is the only one in Macon that imports Brandy, Wines, and Wine Vinegar direct from Prance. All kinds of fine Liquors and Wines,choice ilavun&Segars,and best Tobacco, Oranges, Apples, and other Kruits, Raisin -, Figs, Prunes, Nuts, and Preserves of all kinds. Pickles, Ca pres,Olives,Olive Oil, Ketchups, Sauces, Butter, Cheese, Crackers,Cakes, Dried lleef Tongues, Pig Hams, Potatoes, Onions, Cabbages, .mi many other articles in that line to numerous to mention. mar 14-ts Bank Checks. on all llanos of the g|ty, for pale. Also, lILANBS: Os every varety, an<l to correspond with the recent taws of the State. At the Journal and Me**enyer Ojfi.ce. tttgttT. Foff< <*s Jlolhnkos, &<*. Lpr IIIIOS, priino and Cltoice N. 0. Sugar. D 100 bbjs. refined Sugars. So “ Crushed, Granulated and Powdered Sugars. 2i) hhds. Prime New Cuba Molasses. 60 bbls. and half barrel* N. O. Syrup. mar 20 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. 75,000 lbs. of Bacon. JUST received 75,000 pounds of choice Bacon—cusom ers must call soon, aa the stock ie going off rapidly, fcb 87 ASHER AYRES. PRY COOPS, CLOTHING, fc. BAREGES! BAREGES!! ♦ WE HAVE THIS DAY REDUCED ALL OUR 50ots. Bareges to 25ctfi. SUMMER DRESS GOODS AT COST FOR CASH ONLY! Military Goods CHEAP FOR CASH! All persons having an account for 1661 are requested to call and set.le to the first inst.,or their accounts will be stop ped without distinction. Those not complying with the above request will inform their families, as we Intend to strictly adhere to this principle, july 8 J NO. N. K KIN A TO. NEW GOODS./i NEW GOODB.U NEW GOODSU istew goods. ] 0 <\C FREE OF DUTY. !>h FREE OB’ DUTY.iW FREE OF DUTY.I “ B\REE OJT T)TJTY\ ROSS & COLEMAN beg leave to announce to the citizens of Macon and the surrounding country that they have just IMPORTED FREE OF DUTY from the Uuited States, the largest stock of new, desirable goods, that has ever been exhibited hv one house in the State of Georgia. Very many of their goods were bought at such EXTREME low prices that MERCHANTS would do well to call and examinethem. This entire stock was “Bona fide” purchased before the Ist of March, and therefore saves to the buyer twenty-four per cent. itr Call and see for yourselves. KOAB & COLEMAN, apr 3 At their “ Bazaar of Fashion.” N. S. PRUDDEN & CO. Invite attention to their Stock of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. SPRING TRADE, 1861. We have a good assortment of STAPLE GOODS! Purchased in advance of the Tariff, at low Prices. All those who have unsettled accounts with us,will please consider themselves politely dunned, apr 3 N. S. TItUDDEN & CO. SELLING OUT! CHEAP SUMMER GOODS! \\rii have on hand a splendid assortment of Fancy and >1 .Staple I )ry Goods, suitable for the summer, which we desire selling soon, so as to enable us to prepare our Stuck for the Winter trade; therefore, we announce to the Ladies of Macon and sur rounding country,that until Ist August we willsell all of our PRINTS, MUSLINS, BERAfiE ANGLAIS, ORGANDIES, TRAVELING DRF.SSES, Ac., at what they cost us. BEST ENGLISH PRINTS, 12>$o. FINE PRINTED JACKONETS, 25c. BLEACHED HOMESPUNS,cheap. FANCY’ SILKS, remarkably low. TABLE DAMASKS, TOWELLINGS, CURTAIN GOODS, STRIPED HOMESPUNS, And many important and indispensable styles of Goods, at very reduced rates. We are in need of MONEY’, and in order to raise it GREAT SACRIFICES will be made in prices. We have just received a large lot of Military Goods, which we offer CHEAP. Call and see our GOODS and secure bargains. july 3 BOSTICK A L, ATI A It. MERCHANT TAILORING! E. WINSHIP IS uow prepared with a first class cutter, good Tailors and a LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, to furnish any thing in th# CLOTHING LINE At short notice, and in the very best style. (apr 3 1801. 1801. Spring Clothing, WIIO L ESA 1.13 AMD RETAIL. ir/.rsif/p IS now receiving one rs the largest stocks of CLOTHING ever brought to tips place. They were bought cheap and will be sold cheap. Casli Buyers can find bargains. Merchants will do well to examine this stock before purchasing. apr 8 SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK DRY GOODS, NOW receiving in Store,in large quantities, having beer. bought at reduced prices, for cash, we are nrepiird to offer great inducements to large purchasers, aim solicit an exa aiuaiion of our goods The following comprise a por tion of the articles we are offering : 25 Cases Prints, new styles, 15 “ Ginghams, new styles, 5 “ Printed Muslins, 25 Bales Tickings, 50 Cases Spool Thread, 150 Bales brown Sheetings and Shirtings, 20 Cases bleached *• “ “ 10 “ brown and bleached Janes, 1000 Bolts Summer Pants Goods, all qualities, | 5000 Hoop Skirts, all qualities, 100 Bales Osnaburgs, 200 llaies Yarns, 800 Bales Georgia Kerseys, all Wool filling. Alao a large itock of House Furnishing Goods, Linens, Table Damask, Towgllipg, I.iDen, Pleached and Brown Sheetings, Pillow Casing, together with a fuli and complete Stock of nearly every article offered io Wholesale Dry Goods Houses. J. B. A W. A. ROSS june 18 iB6O. F.11.L STYLES! 1860. BAIRD HAS JUST OPENKD A. Superior Lot o I Cloth*, Cnswi meres, And Vesting*, which cannot be excelled in beauty and durability. Having engaged Mons. Rousse, an experienced cutter, from New Y'ork, customers may rely on having something Superior in the style and tit of new garments. NEW STYLES —j*— Heady Made Clothing, Shirts, Neck Ties, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Shaw Is Socks Straps, Canes Umbrellas, Ac., Ac. * 5 CI!AS. H. BAIRD, octß Cor. of Cherry and Sgcopd Strutt*. Conl’erterate TRLASI lIY Notes and Bonds taken at PAR for Furniture or Notes and Accounts due june 19 WOOD A CO.. Macon, Ga. Consignment. KAA BI SHELS STOCK PEIS. uUU MU ASHER AYRES. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINT, OIL, Ac MASSENBURGr & SON, (Succeasorsto E. L. Strohccker.) Corner 3rd and Mulberry Streets, DEALERS IN CHOICE DRUGS, ! SELECTED MEDICINES, | *UBE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL IKS TRUMENTS , WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, P AINTB, OII.S, ‘I : V Patent MocHolnos, | FRESH GARDEN SEED . Merchants and Physicians, WHO PEIDH THEMSELVES On D(‘nliiij> in Articles of flic FIRST quality, * AT LOW P3ICES, 114 V HF/LV upon REING SUITER. . nov 28 ES T A B LIS ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JUST RECEIVED GEORGE PAYNE’S .CHEMICAL AND DRUG STORE. fIYHE Articles mentioned here, which arc of Superior A quality, and sold at Fair Prices : Kerosene and Coal Oil, inferior to none sold, Winter, Sperm and Linseed Oil, Raw and Boiled Linseed OP, Olive Oil in Bottles and by the Gallon, YVhite Lead m Kegs and assorted size cans, from 1 lb. to 100 lbs. Zinc, White in kegs and cans, Colors, in cans and boxes, oil and in water, Paint Brushes and all kinds of Artists Tools, Sponges, Putty, Palet Knives and Tins, Potash, in kegs, bulk and iron boxes, French Glass, and alt kinds of Glass Ware, Dye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Turpentine, Lamp Wick, bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Beil Cologne Water, and Rose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring Kxtracts.|Fresh Hops and FreGi Honey, Corks, ail sizes, Hard Rubber Trusses, and all other In - i-trument-’, Iledgmans Riclne Oil,and Luhlns Antique Oil for the Hair, Fine Tooth Brushes and Fine Toilet Soap, best citrate Magnesia, Burnett’s Cocoine and Kaliston and YVoo’d Hair Restora tives, Mrs Allen’s nair Restoratives, and hei Tylo Balsaroum, Fresh Vaccine Mutter, and fresh Congress YVater, Fresh Garden ar.d Flower Seeds, Chemical, Medicinal Herbs and Genuine Medicines. Macon, Ga., April 18th,1860 —y l>i*n-si an<l IVlediciness, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, ( oilier Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. rITST received, b fresh supply Os Drugs and Medicines. Perfumery, Paint and Yarni-h Brushes. Superior IV ,1 Oil, Burning Fluid, Can,phene, Alcohol and Potash; Jaj nos* Ayres’, Wright's, Moffat's, and Ftronij’s pills; Heinho’dt’s Extract of Buchu,Sanford’s Liver Tnvigorator, Mrs Wins low’s Soothihg Syrup. Degrath’s Eciectrh- Oil, Mustang Liniment, Indian (Jholagoguc,’, McLean’s, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge; fl.ltzer Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, warranted genuine, juue 20 13-’6O~- W. S. ELLIS, Agent. SPRING AND SI MMER STOCK G Ii OCBB 1 E S, HAY'ING been bought at low prices, for cash, we would say to larga purchasers, tiy us, and we will mah. it to your interest to buy of us. The following comprizes a portion of our Stock ; 200 Hilda. Bacon, 600 Kegs Nails, 120 “ Molasses, fin Bales Wool, 5o Barrels Syrup, 2000 Coils M-’'ine Rope, f>o “ Oil, 5000 Pounds Tw me, 75,0ii0 Pounds Pure Lead, 1000 Backs Salt, 225 Bids. Refined Sugar, 500 Boxes Candles, 120 “ N.0., 100 “ Soap, 175 Sa<-ks Coffee, 100 “ Starch, 150 Boxes Candy, 50 Cases Coffee Mills 26 Casks Potash, 25 Boxes Crackers, 100,000 Choice imp. Cigars, 10,000 Ibs. Snuff, 185 Boxes Tobacco, 5 Cases Sardines, 10 Barrels Nuts, 5 Barrels Scovil’s Hoes, 10 “ Blacking, 100 Cases Y’east Powders, 10 Chests choice Tea. 200 Packages Maokerel, together with every article needed in the Grocery line.— Also a full Stock of all the leading articles in the Drug line, for sale by J. u. A W. A. Rot S. june 13 AGENCY OFFICE. REMOVAL. undersigned having opened an ofliee in the ci y A. of Mitcou, for the purpose of renting houses, hiking out negroes, SELLING STOCKS, ind all other kinds of probity, settling and collecting all claims, taking interrogatories and securing Xjoaua of Money, and attend to all business that may be entrusted to ; and he would especially invite all aho rnay have any busi ness to entrust to an agent, to give him a.t ail. I am also agent for the long estab ished l orfi Life Imm aiirc Comp')'. This subject I would invite every thinking man to consider before it is too late to make provisions for bis family after death. J lam also Justice of the Peace for the 716th District G VI., city of Macon. „ E. C. GRANNIES. Rvfs'Rrnces:—Judge E. A. Nlshet, Judge H. O Lamar Judge O.ittord Andersou, Lewis N. Whittle, Ksq . K L Stroheeker, Esq , and Elijah Bond, E>q (oct 10-tr) I'. 11. MURGHAIiI), WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IV PANCY WARES, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLE* OF VKRTU, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT ED AND AMERICAN M ATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS,CHRONOMETERS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, Ac., Ac., Cherry St, If aeon, Second door below the Telegraph Printing Hou3e rilHANK FUL for past favors, reminds 55*31 A the pubiic that all the most fashionable, ~ elegant and desirable goods in this line will (r/ • \s r continue to be found at this elegant stand J.V in the greatest variety. No trouble to show Goods. tehiiil-’Oo^y opposite lanier House, MACON. Wool Hats, Chiidren's Straws, SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 “TO $5.00. The Commercial Straw id easy, fl.oo. “ Senate is not bad. “ Planter’s Hat is ve.7 light, 1.40. “ Engiiri, Is Finest. Ine?<’ i\ |l. STONK & IiKO. L.” D/WILCOSSON Sc CO., ANT> PKALKKS IN CAKKIACfEH AND HARNESS, OF EVERY OSSCKHTION. ,‘jeerin'* St., nesrt door to the Church, HA Vls in store at all prices ml for sale on l),e nios reasonable terms, a romp.ite assortment of pin’ Coathea.Caleches, liretls,Phaetons,Rotkawaviand Buggies Heavy and Tight Plantation Wagons with Iron Axlis of the best possible defrripiinpt. * &9~ A “ work wa. ranted. feb 6,15C1 ilacon Osiiaburgs, Ac. BALES Macon Shirtings ands. R. Osaaburga 26 bales Cotton Yaroa, assorted Nos. 96 bales Georgia Stripes, for sale by ** 9ft BOWDRE & aNDEKSGN, t.ranuiiH ouiGoods and Priam before buying elsewhere Try or.e of our New Bi‘k -Pocket Hats- Buy one N Ely STYLE BROAD BRIM. The X ZUAYE BLA( K TKIITD will become you! So will the 3VT A. !Ft O O 3ST And the Lx. Nat. Nutria. Sowill the LIGHT EL’K BROAD BOUND SOFT II ATS.