Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 28, 1861, Image 1

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I>,Y S. ROSE & CO. (ietirgia journal k Messenger M ►,*.! every W>lue4y i #.> 6.1 per annum. Ii!>1 * l ,h * r ’ * jl * r rl **rfe wal be Os* Dollar ‘i*re m , <ißr> *••** or for ito Itrst in*r- iol Fiktv ok>- for em Mkiiqaem insertion. All 1 -jjeaj. u*’ “* l “PeeiAeU a* to tune, will to |>ut>iito.i ‘‘ 5 ,ri'l > chr<e<l *c*or<liutfy. A litoral uiseoual . t , ;t>we #h.* a.trrtis* by the year, utf**** ■B ,,Tl *’ r '* n1 ov *” ™ UWtt, will to rh*rfre<l at , M il rate*- • - >c( cassrs of **ndiUtes for office, to he |aid for at iiraMt **•*■***• • r * k i imageJteati made with county officer*, Drug ( ~-tioweer*, .tferetiant*. and other*, who may wiah to P**’ i iU nte*l fjntrae** a ** i . ~ L**p .so N*i. *•>*,by Executor*, Administrator* ,t o. iriitni, AT* re|*lrJ by law to he advertiaed In a *” .. ,1-tte, forty .lay* previous to the day of **le. Py .ties iin** to hel lon the tirat Tuesday in the month, . ih’ hour* of teo in the foreuoon and three in the ftVi -m, at the Court house in the county in which the r r( f i* toasted. ... rMML l*ii ipRTY must be advertUed in like ‘ jjjr, forty day*. * N ‘.j ir> iaf*a asd OKBDif >it< of an Estate must to _.Hi .-tel forty day*. $ . that application will to made to the Ordinary tor Liud and Sefro**, mart to pubiialied weekly for , .. for Letter* of Administrations, thirty days; for <• in from Administration, monthly, lit month*; for y, a ,*u from tiuardianahip, weekly, forty day* j >oa PouwvMine or Moktoauß, monthly, four j,.:■ >. f>r establishlar lost p*i>er*, for the full space of m ~v.hs; for compelling title* from executors or ad nwn where a bond has toe a given by the deceased, ls foii cw of three nt mtlts. uctwr* addressed lo 8. RUSK k CO. Prott‘*>ioa:ti and liiitiiiesn *lt•ii. fplVWdAl av Brsisksk Cardo will to inserted under ~ ;t l, at the following rates, Ti* : f„r firee lines, per annum, I 5 CO Seven lines, do It* III) s x*n lines, do. 12 ut> Twelve lines, d0.................. ....... 15 00 v. advertisement* of this class will be admitted, unies ,,'jfor to advance, nor for a less term than twelve months ~, .hisviuents of over t weive line* will to charged pro rata . ptrrrtiAvmeat* not paid for in advance will to charged at ct r-irular rate*. KWIiULAU MfcifciTlNOS or MASONS* KNIGHT TEMPLARS, ODD FEL LOWS AND SONS OP TEMPERANCE, HELD IN THE CiTT OF MACON. MASONS. , JfU pl Lodge of Georgia for 166®, October 81st. •ft ;3 Lodge, No. 5, first and third Monday nights in each —ath >t*uauue Chapter, No. 4, second Monday night in each mouth. i',:i:o<ton Council, No. g, fourth Monday night in each mtalh. •.thaw’s Encampment. Knight* Templar, No. 2, Meetings every first Tuesday n'ght in each month. ODD FELLOWS. tad Ldg, first Wednesday in June. Encampment, Tuesday previous. a,viia Lolge, No. 2, every Thursday evening. “a ;-i Brothers, No. 5, every Tuesday evening. ,v: ,a Cniou Encampment, No. 2, second and fourth Moo ny evenings in each month. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. tnnd for - on. fourth Wednesday in October, annually. M W t It Lii granite hall IUUI I.U respectfully inform my OLD FKIEND3 and PATRONS, that sincetliefire, 1 liaveobtained the Room n the huildiit? NEXT ABOVE the •‘tiranite Hall,” and over tt-twrenf K P. M.-Evoy and Mur,. Bostick k Lamar, .-ere 1 have opened, and will to pleased to see my friends nj-ut >mers, and will do roy tost for their comfort and | uiAhire Very Respectfully, BENI. P. DENSE. NEW liOTEIu PLANTERS’ lIOTSE, MACON, GEORGIA. i vN CdERRV STREET, two S*|uares from the Rail Road l * Depot, and In the business part of the city. aril-60-y J- O. GOoDAbE, Proprietor. Brown’s Hotel, Opposite the P&saenger House, Macon, Ga- By E. E. BKOHI A NOT. iretLS ready on the arrival of every Train. The .'I pro rictors will sp*> - no pains to n>ake their guest* smßtrtable. fe* 22 4t0’60-v iiK 7tIBBLEFIEI.D HO 1 SE. “Like the Phoenix from its Ashes.” T'H IT dv and elegant House, utly erectes; I >u the raioi of my o!4 eatablUhunent, Muiberry street te • f Bvankri and transient Guest* Tr.c House has been newly furnlslietl throughut, In the tuuocr, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. It* situatiou is eligible, n little below the Methodist and <■! to the Presbyterian Church, and near the Bank* *) pure* of business. Connected with the House is a urge Livery jaikl St able, ‘i-f Drovers anti others can find accommodations for toir dock. flic ptironage of his old friends and of the traveling pub < nerally, is respectfully solicited. s*v 5-ts M. BTUBBLEEIELD. thoxjt housk, BY J. D. GILBERT A. CO. Atlanta, Geargia. epj 24-ts WASHINGTON HALL. THU HOUSE IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. t tL arrangement will to made for the accommo O ■l*r 4 '>n of the Member* to the approaching STATE CON -11'’T10N, and the future Session of the Legislature. Tht r’K* and term* at this House, will conform to tltoae *ftoother Public House* in this city. N. C. BARNETT XiUedgcvUle, Oa , Dec. 15th, ISM. Boots and Shoes. of the No. 3. Cotton Aw’e* ot\ . opposite - *’ AA-iagum Block, 4lT v \.o|u'’ macov, oa. r:brs would re- i MBktv^ Lra -.heir thanks for the ’ er l .beral and long con • -a-U patronage extended 10** ! •’ em,and would most re*. Pvctfaily solicit a continuance of the same. We have now a ‘tore a targe assortment of Boots and Slioes, ■only of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions *al be made, of all the different styles and patters usually : * i l*d for in a shoe store, and wculd Invite those wishing to Urrhase'to cadi and examine our stock, as we are prepared set! u iow as any house in the city or State. <x-t.y MIX A KI RTI.AND Kstablishment. REPOSITORY. C.T.WAHD Ac fO.. NAHI Fim KERBand REALKRB, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD HOUSE, Mscox, Os. UTE would call the attention of the public to our ne* Y Stock, comprising Coaches, Bretts, Rockaways anc of the moot elaborate finish, from celebrated build *. North. W* Genuine BRATTLEBORO’ BUGGIES con*t*ctly or Und. nov 16 *4-tf WILL YOU GO NORTH, WHEN YOU CAN Di BETTER SOUTHP CiIUAGE 6 HARNESS UWIfICTOM AND REPOSITORY, FORSYTH. GA HAVING purchased the entire inter- Iff Jg f/ est ,t the late firm of BANKS, WIL-—ft&i IS ffL, - A CO . I invite the attention of the | ’tent of Mouro* and surrouning counties v.v W.. v *J extensive arrangements for Mauufactaring TOP ANI TOP BUGGIES, COACHES, ROOKAWAYB, CAR yM, PH.*TONS, ke., Ac. lam constantly racelvlu. a’ “’O, ut from the Nssrtta, but lr*u ui) Shops, to my stock on hand, of three or sou • s,*•* P* r week, which combine elegance and finish, witl and durabiiity. Orders for any sort o i -Hsmem, ke., are most respectfully solicited, whiel rsoH.? rom,,tl Y “applied, and all engagement* for wori ‘‘ l ALLY met I have constantly on hand a larg* of HARNESS. Repairing done at short notice and Warranted. JWI-Iy J. R. BANKS. FURNITURE, ’ ■VMP STOOLS, CAMP COTT3, Camp Chests, MOULDS, <Sc o. t* make any and everything out ol *'** lh pAdpM demand for their comfort at WOOD * CO. Ifergto lowntol out) lltgsscngeic. BUSINESS CARDS. IRON WORKS, W ACOM, GEORGIA. Ts C. \ I S H ET, H r r m&vcJ h >* FOCNDEY AND MACHINK a a. WORKri to the line of the K-.U Road near tin- Macon 7 rMern he Is now prepared to manufacture all Ktlitl* of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, Steam Engines & Boilers, Oil term* a* UroraUe as any Establishment either North or South. (mar IS) T. C. KI*BRT. /oax sciioriKLA, jorict KNcnMiL feclioflelci & Hro., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS NI.IOOX, ( EOKCIA. VVTE. are prepare Jto ‘l.i-.facture Sit-aiu Eiiuinea, vr CIKCLLAK fAH MILLS, MILL and UIN GLAR ING, BCG AR MILLS, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS t|f every descriptian lltOX KAII.IMG and VEH AKUAII.S, Mat ing the most cotnplele assortment ol iron Railing in the State, which for elegance, neatness, du rability and design, cannot to surpassed, and are suitable for the fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery L ts, Public So, ;a rcs Churrh Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings will du well to ,-i ve a call, as we are determined to offer as good bargain/ as any Northern Establishment. Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city. jan 1-I*6l A. M'QUEEN, MAkCOIV, GEORGIA, Mam F.UTUtKK us Wrought Irssit BAILING of every description, and for at! purposes, Plain and Ornamental, frsm the lightest Rcrolt Iron, up to the heaviest Railing used. Having an endless variety of New and Original Designs, purchasers cannot fail to be suit ed. Being entirely of Wrought Iron, their strength cannot be <|uestioned, and for beauty they cannot be surpassed any where. All kinds of Fancy Iron Work made to order. Par ticular attention given to making all kinds of Geometrical Stair Railings. ty Specimens of the work can be seen at the Residences of T. O. Holt, L. F W. Andrews and W. J. Mclklroy, Esurs. Aiso at Rose Hill Cemetery, juiy 13 16-ts Corrugated Urotifflit Iron and Wire Railings (Secured by Letter* Patent.) A DM I 1 ABL Y adapted for enclosing Public 2m. Grounds, Cemeteries, Balconies, Cottages, Ac. Sheep and Ox Hurdle Pa ent Wire, Sacking Bclsteads, with every variety of Folding Iron Bedsteads and Iron Furniture.— Patent Wire Coal ■‘creeus. Ore, Sand and Gravel Screens, Wire Netting for Musquito, hheep. Poultry and other pur pose*. Wire Summer Houses, Fancy Wire Work in great rarietyfor gardens, Ac. M WALKER A SONS. Manuacturers, No. 5-15 Market, N, K. Cor 6th St., Phita lelphia. (oct?4-ly) D. C. HODGKINS &, SON, DRtLKfc? IM AND M ASTUFACTF.RKRS of GUKTS, >IFLKS, _ PISTOLS, FIBRING TACKLES And Snorting Asodratm, f or KVEkT nxacatmok, tytw doors Lanier House, Macon, Ga. Jan. 1,1160. ts 318 LE SBjSJIEniB PISTOLS. THOMAS MORSE, 0“ F the late firm of Makswaltkk A Mousa, having pur chased the entire business, will continue the manufac ug of Double Runs, and best Rides and I'istols nade in the United States, on an entirely new plan of Mr. Morse’s. GUNS re-stocked and repaired in the best manner, and on reasonable terms, at short notice. The undersigned being j radical workman, will guarantee ail his work, and ia ritc the public to give him a trial. [Tlie Stand is under the Floyd House, opposite Dr. Thompson’s. june 13-’6O-y raos. uaaDkMAk, sa. o. o. sPiaati HARDEMAN & SPARKS, WARE-HOUSE AND Commission Merchants. MACON. OA.. 1111 l WILL give prompt attention to the selling and storing of Cotton, and to the filling of orders for plantation ind family supplies. With many years experience and vith their bestedtru to serve their friends, they hope to t ave a cottinnance of the liberal patronage heretofore •xteoded to them Liberal advances made when required. August 15th IS6O. OF-) NEW FIRM. L. P. STRONG & SONS. LEWIS P. STRONG ten ders his gratefulthanka or the litoral patronage /\ ffw tended to him for the last ff “ jrv'-i wenty seven re- X *??• 1 ectfjily announceMhat he JT • a->i >cited with him in e further prosecution ot the business, hi* two aou*. - > EDGAR P. JtTKONG ar.d Lb. . -J** ruRKKRTEB W. STRONG, - 9 iniler the name, firm and ,tyle of L. P- STRONG A H>NS, and will continue to ■seep on hand and offer, a large and select assortment of IXool*, Slioes him! LesUlier of all kinds, and Findings for Country manufacturers. He respectfully asks for the new firm, a continuance o. the lib eral favor extended to the old. Macon, January 2.186*1. 6’ _ T ZHILIN A IIIIIT. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, GEORGIA. feb 3>-*60 —y NEW FIRM! VtoSHl’S. t.&g.wood, If IV K this day assoc!- I I ted with them in the ~*= manufacture and sale of ~— FLRMIIKK. flie business will he here >ller cundacted la the firm * JfOOD BRO k CO., V Macon. Georgia. notice. Haring associated witli us in the Furniture business, Beth }. Wood, we are particularly desirous of closing up the old lusturss as soon as possible, and respectfully request ail in lehted, either by note or account, to call and make payment tt an early day. T. A G WOOD. Macon,fid Jasuary, IS6A. (feb 22) MACON SEED STORE. IANIIKLTIUS FRESH GARDEN FEEDS.—W, 8 J ELLIS has just received a large supHy of CARDEN SEEDS, ‘rom Landreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale At the lowest wlces, wholesale and retail. tWAleo, a general aaaortment of DRUGB AND MEDICINES. I Macon,Qa, Jab W. B KLLIB. MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1861. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HKLPLES V OABANIKI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FORSVTH, GA. \I ’ ILL practice law in the counties of Monroe, Bibb, Up v r son. Pike, Spalding, Henry and Butts. Mr. Cxbauh. Will gireprompiatid cutmiant attention to the colleetian auc securing of debts and claims G. FBEPLKtf, GEO. A. CABANI^S iorinerly of Athens, Ga. 6-ly. J. BK A VII HI, Mr. ATTORNEY AT LAW, YIAtON, LA. Ofitce on Cotton Avenue over the Baptist >L ritore, room formerly occupied by Dr. Green, feb fi-ly S. K. COOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. OFFH'E with Speer A Hunter, over Dost! L'e Store. Feb. 20, IStil—y LAoIAU COUiS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA, O fir KI t‘K “U Mulberry street, over the Store of A. M It ucKsiteur A Cos., in tt lardutau's Wastiiagton Block. Will practice in ifihb, Crawford, Dooly, Houston, Macon, fsiggj, Worth, and fiuiater. feb 27-y LAW CARD. MK.SSUS. COOK, ROHINSON A MONTFORT, tVTI f.k. practice Law in the counties of Taylor, Macon, V T Houslou, Uuoly, buiuter, Marion, bctiley , and in such other counties in the titate a* their business will authorise. ttl- Fit K at Ogletliurpe, PHILIP COOK, W. 11. ROBINSON, june 20-'60 —ts T. W. MO.NTFORT. <*. hill. /so. a. HILL Law Purtut’oliip. HILL & HILL, ( SUCCKsMIUS TO TII* LATH HUM OK STtJltllS * UILL.) WHjlj practice in the Macon anil adjoining Circuits, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts, the same as heretofore by the late firm of Stubbs A Hill. The undersiged will close up the businesg of the late firm of Stubbs A Hill, as speedily as possible ; and to thtsend,al! persons indebted to said firm, ai e requested to make pay ment at as early a day as practicable. B. HILL, ijurvivlng partner of August 24, 1559—23-ts Stubbs A HiU. LAfIMB A AIIB—OH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, (i t. t|KACTICK in the Counties of the Macon Circuit, and in the Counties of Sumter, Monroe and Jones; also in the federal Courts at Savannah. [apr 21 ’SB-ly] CUL.YF.HHOI NK tV ANSLEV, ATTORNEYS AT LAV/, KNOXVILLE AND FORT VALLEY, GA. G. P. CULVERIIOUBE, F. A. ANSLEY, Knoxville, Ga. Fort Valley, Ga. oct 31-’6O-1 y 1.. H. WHITTLE. ATTORNEYAT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. iFFICK next to CONCERT HALL,over Payne’s Drug Store jan. 6, 1.41-ly.] THO UAS IS. CABANISS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Forsytli, Ga. Will, attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care in the Counties of Monroe, Bibb, Butts, Crawford, ces, Pike, Spalding and Upson. |.may 12 ’6BJ JOEL li. GRIFFIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, I.KOKcIIA. WIFI* practice in the Counties of Macon and the ad joining Circuits. Also in the counties of the West and South-West Georgia, acresmble by Kail Road. i*r Particular personal attention given to collecting. Olhce with 0 A. Locbrane, Damour’s Building, 2d Street. ‘ feb 22-’UO—4S-tf Ort*. YI DOYAU) A V V Y CJIIiSEW, DENTISTS, (>lH<-e in Wash Itlork, Huron, C,u„ ELECTRICITY USED IN EXTRACTING TEETH. MCDONALD’S Tooth Paste always Mgmaggrn. on hand and for sale. Dentists can be supplied with the finest style of TEETH, Gold Foil, Gold and Silver Plate and Wire, U~r Lathe Fixtures, &c., also with any kind of Instruments or Materials on short notice. oct 13 A. C. MOORE, D K I S TANARUS, THOMABTON, OA-, OFFICE over I)r. Thompson’s Store. My work is my Reference. |*pr7 2-tf] j i k n erf CONCENTRATED Extract of Jamaica Ginger, MADE from the Jamaica ZZ Ginßer Root. For Cholic, which not only ex|>els the wind but thoroughly invig orates the bowels and intes ~ tines. For Dyspepsia it is unrivaled, the dose being small and giving relief im mediately, thus dissipating lowness of spirits and head ache. As many denominate jjr Drunken neg s a disease, wtiieh undoubtedly is tliej case, we offer this a most effectual remedy ; a few drops of Henry’s Ginger in a little water will impartj j such a stimulating effect upon the stomach aud bow els that the great desire to Indulge in liquor is destroy ed, while it produces a healthy and natural condi ZZ tion of the parts. Asa Rheumatic Remedy, used extensively, it has proved excellent. To prevent bad ~ effect of change of water or diet, it has no equa's, and no one should ‘ ravel ““I*’ out it; sea sickness is prr vented and fatigue desJlpa ted. No ne should hesitate m. to use it, being made of a familiar and long aeknowl edged excellent medicine, Iwir.g prepared with great care * of superior strength. Use Henry’s atnl no other, m The test of its being gen uine it does not turn milky when poured into water. Made only by ZHUN * HUNT, may g Druggists, Macon, Ga. Bee special notice. A ClAiicc for Ciipilaliatti. MACON GRIST MILL fob SALE. OVVI!V(* to the Insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, we are anxious to dis pose of ‘the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now in complete running order—will grind 17 bushels a day, and cannot fail to make a handsome proli if well managed, in the hand* of a person with sulHcieu capital to carry it on properly. The roost satisfactory in formation on this, and other subjects connected witii th M BbIBEUILLEr A CO^ The Harden Express Cos. WILL PASS GOODS AT THE C'ii*>toiii IIohm; at Savuuiiali, AND FORWARD THEM Ry Express or Freight Train, as parties may prefer, only charging for our trouble the Custom House Fees, for passing and forwarding. Fur further information conceitiing the above, apply to M.C MCDONALD, Agent Macon, March 20,1561. Corn ami Oafs. 1 r .wv RI'KHKLS Prime Corn. 502 bushels OaU, for sale by BOW dre k ANDERSON. CORY : COBS! ! BUSH Prime Western Corn, just received ZUIMJ and for sale at 56 llis to the bushel by Jiur Ift. MoCALUR k J*>NKB. RBrifßß KiBAV I.AKH. /S\ KEGS Refined Leaf Lard row receiving and so UM I sale by McCALLIK k JONES, sue Ift ! Pure Corn and Rectified \\ hiskey. sw/YSV BBLB. Whiskey, consietln? of “ YV’ard k Carey’ ( I It / Kxtra Rectified,’’** Kentucky Pure White,”Ten m-sseeCorn,” Georgia Planters,” ‘‘Pike’s Magnolia,’ and other Brands, all received direct from the Distillers, and or sale low by McCALLIK k JONEB. star T uiotiiinK • citffetafn CtoihiHiUt VL V 1114 E Stock for sale, without regard to cost. Now is the time to gel cheap Clothing at june 13 J. B. * W. A BOBS Wheat. Rye, Ifairley ansi Oalw. GFI.F.CTRI) especially for teed. In store and to S sale to (oct 10) McOALI.IE * JONES. Hay. .v nn II VEEN Prime selected Hay, for tsle low by 200 “r BOWpRK * AN PERSON. PLANTATION store th* tost assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever offered in this Market. Men’s double soled peg and nailed blaek and ruasetts ; do. heavy single soled black do ruasetts; do. toys and youth* black and russetts, all of which we ars telling very low. MU A RUTLAND. The War iu .Hixxouri. Rtpubllcttn At-couitf* of the Ettgagf mentiit-ur Spring Held. The following is a vort>al report taken from the special messenger who brought tlie dispatches to Geu. Fremont: Karlv on Saturday morning General Lyon marched out of Springfield to give the ene my battle. lie came up to him on Davis’ Creek, in Green Prarie, a few miles South west of Springfield, where lie had taken a strong position on rolling ground. At twenty minutes pa B t six o’clock in the mor ning Geu. Lyon, fired his first gun, when the battle immmdiatelv began. Some can nonading was kept up for two or three hours, when the tire of Capt. Totten’s artillery proving too severe for the enemy, they grad ually fell hick toward their encampment on \\ ilson’s (’reek. Genttarl Lyon’s cavalry, posted on the enemy’s left flank, and Gen. Seigel’s artillery on the right, then began a terriffic attack, and spread slaughter and dismay in the ranks of the enemy, pursuing them to their camp, the shells from Totten's artillery setting tire to their tents and bag gage waggons, which were all destroyed.— Louisiana aud Mississippi regiments seemed to have suffered most in the fight, and were almost annihilated. Some time in the afternoon, as Gen. Lyon was leadiug on his column, ltis horse was shot under him. lie immediately mounted another, and as he turned round to his men, waving his hat in his hand and cheeriug them on to victory, he was struck in the small of the back by a ball and fell dead to the ground. The command then devolved upon Gen. Scigel. The pursuit continued until nightfall, when our little army rested for the night iu the encampment of the enemy. On Sunday morning Gen. Scigel fearing the enemy might recover, and attempt to cut his com maud off from Springfield, fell back upon the city, where the Home Guards were stationed. Reaching Springfield and fearing the great numbers of the enemy might induce them to get between him aud llolla, Gen. Siegel concluded to fall back on Holla with his provision trains and meet the reinforcements which wore on their way to him. Ninety of the rebels were captured, among whom was a Colonel of distinction, the in esse tnger not remembering his name. Reinforcements are on the way from Hol la, an<l Gen. Seigel and his army may be considered safe. ACCOUNTS FROM ROLLA. Holla, Mo., Aug. 13.—The following additional account of the battle near Spring field is furnished by an eye-witness, who left Springfield Sunday morning and came through to this place on horse back. Our army marched out of Springfield on Friday evening only 5,000 strong, the Home Guards remaining in Springfield. Our forced slept on the prarie a portion of the night, and about sunrise on Saturday morning drove in the outposts of the enemy, and soon afterwards the engagement became general. The attack was made in two columns under Lyon and Sturgcs, Gen. Seigel lead ing a flanking force of about, a thousand men ami four guns on the South of the ene my’s camp. The light raged from sunrise in the morn ing till one or two o’clock in the afternoon. The Rebels in overwhelming numbers charged Capt. Totten’s battery three sever al times, but weie repulsed with great slaughter. Gen. Lyon fell early in the day. lie had been previously wounded in the leg, and had a horse shot under him. The Colonel of one of the Kansas regiments having become disabled, the boys cried out, “General you come and lead us.” He did so; and at once putting himself in front and while cheering tlie men on to the charge, received a bullet in the left breast, and fell from his horse. He was asked if he tvas hurt, and replied, ‘‘no, not much,” and in a few mo ments expired wi hout a struggle. Gen. Seigle had a very severe struggle and lost three of his guns. His artillery horses were shot in their harness, and the pieces disabled. He endeavored to haul them off with a number of prisoners he had taken, but was finally compelled to abandon them, first however, spiking the guns and disabling carriages. About 1 o’clock in the day the enemy seemed to be in great disorder and retrea ting. They set fire to their train of bag gage wagons. Our forces were too much fatigued aud cut up to pursue, and the bat tle may be considered a draw one The Ist Kansas, Ist Missouri and Ist lowa regiments suffered the most. Gen. Price was not killed. There were rumors on the field that McCullough was killed, but the rebels denied it. On Saturday night Dr. Mencher and oth ers of our army went back with ambulances to the battle field, to Springfield, to see about the killed and wounded. They found the enemy on the field and were consider ately treated. Gen. Lyon’s body was treated with great respect, and was brought back with some of the wounded to Springfield. Maj. Sturgis took command in the battle field after the d< at'i <fG< n Lyon and Ce l. Seigel took command after the battle. Our loss is variously estimated at from 150 to 300 killed and several hundred woun ded. The enemy’s loss is placed at 2,000 killed and wounded. Our boys captured about 100 horses. One of the enemy’s regi ments carried two flags, the Confederate and the stars and stripes. Gen. Seigel inarched back to Springfield iu good order. After perfecting his arrange ments gathering the baggage, blowing up what powder he could not carry and destroy ing other property which he did not wish should fall into the hands of the enemy, he left Springfield, and on Sunday night en camped thirty-one miles this side of that place, the enemy not pursuing. The only hostility observed during the day was the firing of a musket from a distance at the vanguard. Gen. Seigle was confi dent he could have held Springfield against the force t':ey had engaged, but he was fear ful of reinforcements to the enemy from the Southwest, and that Lis line of communica tion to llolla would be cut off. Gen. Lyon bjguu the attack upon the receipt of intelligence that the enemy were expecting reinforcements from Hardee’s column, which was approaching from the Southeast. A portion of the enemy’s artillery was admirably served. Their infantry was also i” very severe. The Springfield Home Guards mere not in the fight. They, with large numbers of the citizens of Springfield, are in SeigelV camp. It was thought that Seigel would fall back no further than Lebanon, whtrj reinforcements would meet him. Sk<*t<‘li ol’ Css***. Hs Cullorli. In connecti n with th"* recent battle in Missouri, the following sketch of Gen. Me- Gulloch, under whose leadership the glori ous victory was won, will be read with inter est : Gen. McCulloch was born in Rutherford county, Tenn ,in 18] 4. His father Alex ander McCulloch, was aid-divamp to Gen. Coffee, and fought under Gen Jackson at the battles of Talladega, Tallahassee and Horseshoe during the Creek war. llis fath er emigrated to Georgia when Hen. was very young, and Hen was kept at school in Ten nessee until he was 14 years old. After this Hen was kept hunting until he was near *2l. At that time the bears were so bad in Tennessee that the settlers could not raise their hogs. Hunting bears in the cane re quired much caution, and if a man’s gun snapped he lost his breakfast. Young Mc- Culloch frequently killed as many as 80 bears in a season, aud never less than 20 in the course of the winter. This life gave him a taste for wild adventure and when he became of age'he determined to goon an expe dition ti the Ilocky Mountains, and left Lis home for St. Louis to join a company of trappers. He arrived too late, however, and likewise failed in joining a company of Santa Fe traders II e returned home, and soon after called on C<>l. David Crockett, who was making up an expedition to goto Texas, to take pait iu the revolution. The whole Southwest at that time was alive with feelings of sympa thy for the Texans, and men were daily flocking to their standard. Nacogdoches was appointed the place of rendezvous from which the expedition was to start, aud Christ mas of the year 1835 was named for the •lay of meeting, when, as “Old Davy” ex pressed it, they were to make their Christ mas dinner off the hump of a buffalo. Mc- Culloch again arrived too late, and finding the party gone, he proceeded on by himself to the river Hrazos, where he was taken sick, and lie did not recover until after the fall of the Alamo. McCulloch’s disappointment was very great at not being able to join the gallant band of patriots, but it afterwards proved very fortunate for him, for Colonel Travis, after having sustained a siege of thir teen days, with only 186 Texans against ! Santa Anna’s army, fell with his brave lit- i tie band, after having killed 900 of the cue- ! m y* McCulloch, on joining the Texan army under Geu. Sam Houston, was assigned to the artillery, and made captain of a gun. — He served gallantly at the battle of San Jacinto, where Santa Anna was taken pris oner, and his army of 1500 men killed ov taken prisoners. McCulloch afterwards set tle 1 in Gonzales county, Texas, and was em ployed on the frontier surveying and loca ting lands. He frequently led the wild bor der scouts against tiie Indians and Mexi cans, which service he entered before the celebrated Jack Hays. He also distinguish ed himself at the battle of Plum Creek in a light with the Indians, who at the time burned and sacked the town of Liunuille. He joined the expedition against Mier, but, not agreeing with the plans of the leaders, he returned home before the light, and es caped the cruel hardships aud imprisonment ot the command, which had surrendered to peifidous Ampudia. \\ hen the war broke out with Mexico, he rallied a baud of Texan warriors on the batiks of the Guadalupe, and set out for the seat of war on the Rio Grande. The com pany arrived four days after the battles of Palo Alto aud the Hesaca. llis company was accepted by Gen. Taylor, and he was afterwards employed in the daring scouting expedition towards Monterey, in which bat tle, as well as that of Ruena Vista, he won imperishable renown. He afterwards joined Gen. Scott’s army, und continued with it to the conquest of the City of Mexico. For his gallant service he was honored with a national reputation, and the office of United States Marshal of Texas was given him by President Pierce. When Mr. Buchanan decided to send an army to put down rebel lion in Utah, Gen. McCulloch was appoin ted one of the Peace Commissioners to Salt Lake, and served the Government most ac ceptably in that capacity. General McCulloch was married three or four years since, and a characteristic story is told of him when his first child, a boy, was born, that he insisted, to the great hor ror of his young wife, in having the young ster christened “Buffalo Hump,” in honor of a particular friend, an old Indian chief of that unique name. The General is a thin, spare man, of great muscle and activity, und is now about forty seven years of age. He has a pleasant face, and is mild and courteous in his manners, with an air of diffidence. He is very cool and of determined bravery. Lociiliticx in UliKsoiiri. Springfield, the most flourishing town, or rather city, in Southwestern Missouri is two hundred and thirty-five miles west-southwest of St. Louis. It is the country seat of Greene. It is forty-five miles from the Ar kansas line and about sixty from the west ern boundry of Missouri. Potosi is seventy miles southwest of St. Louis and an equal distance from Cape Gi rardeau. It is the county seat of Washing ton and is some thirty miles from the Mis sissippi river. It is near two huudred miles from Springfield. New Madrid, the county seat of New Madrid, is on the Missouri side of the Mis sissippi and is located just opposite the northern boundry line of Tennessee. Cape Giiardeau is a village landing iu Cape Girardeau county, Missouri, and is probably over fifty miles by water above Cairo. A direct march across the country from New Madrid to Capo Girardeau would be an advance of between fifty and sixty miles—about one-third of the distance from Gen. Pillow’s base of operations to St. Louis. The New York Newt, says : “ Tlie news from Fortress Monroe is particularly inter esting and gratifying. Under a flag of truce from Norfolk a large number of surgeons captured at Hull Run have been returned, together with several soldiers of the Thirty eighth, Sixty-ninth and Seventy-ninth New York Regiments, the First and Second Rhode Island Regiments, and the First and Second Connecticut Regiments, who had displayed ki ml ness to Confederate soldiers wounded in the battle, From the Nashville L nion, 11th. \':iNtiviilt’ Provision Market —Ad vice to Farmer**. The stock of Bacon is light, and with a good consumptive as well as export demand, the market is very firm. We quote as fol lows : Shoulders 12J to 13Jc, Hams 14} to 15*c, and Sides 16 to 18c per lb., tlie out side figures being for small or retail lots.— Lard may be quoted at 12} to 15e per lb., in barrels and kegs. In a conversation to day with one of our most experienced busi ness men, he advanced the idea that we should run short of Provisions during the next nine months, and that prices would in evitably rule high. He thinks the crop of Hogs in the Southern States is not sufficient tlie present year to meet the wants of our people. This is probably true, but the evil may be greatly mitigated by farmers taking the matter in hand at once. Fortunately for us, our A\ heat and Corn crops are finer this season than they have been for many years. The \\ heat, already harvested, is ample for every man, woman and child in the laud soldiers inclusive. The Corn prom ises to be the most abundant ever known.— There is enough growing now in the Confed erate States to make a sufficiency of meat for our own consumption, if we only had the Hogs. A pig taken iu baud now and prop erly ted, will make good bacon by February. The regular stock hogs, by the same feeding begun at once, will double the usual average of pounds in December. The abundance of Corn will enable farmers to adopt this system immediately. The subject is too important to be neglected. Without meat, we cannot wage successful war, nor secure our indepen dence. Letter from au Iri*li Prisoner. The following letter, written by a prisoner, who was a member of Col. Corcoran’s (69th) New York Regiment, to his brother iu Au gusta, Ga., coincides in sentiment with state ments made by other prisoners : New Alms Hospital, Richmond, Ya., ) July 30, 1861. | Dear Pat :—I wrote you a few lines last week, which a gentleman either posted or took on with him, as he resides near Augusta. 11 know yoti was surprised to hear that i was in Richmond, wounded ; but if we had got our rights I would have been in New York the day the battle was fought, our term of service having expired the day before ; but old Abe or Scott would not let the regiment go home. Well it served us right, when we ! were fools enough to fight in such a cause ; i but I hope the time will come when Irish- I men will mind their own business. Early in the fight I got a ball in the thigh, which broke the bone. 1 lay on the field 35 hours, a rain falling most of the time, and might have lain there were since if it was not for the kindness of the Southerers—ene mies I cannot call them, for they have treat ed us more like brothers than any thing else. L got a hard shaking on the railroad; but now, thank God 1 Tam very comfortable here. I expect to have my leg set to-day. If it is, 1 hope to recover soon, when I will be a much wiser man. Owing to the great number of wouuded, I could not be attended sooner; besides, the doctor was afraid of mortification; but I think L am now safe, and that, with God’s help, l will have the use of my leg. Dear Pat, you could not believe the way our soldiers were treated by Scott. There were eight regiments on the field whose time was up but could not git home. Hut, worse than all, they left the dead and wounded on the field, and never sent the flag of truce in to know how or what would become of us. It is Colonel Corcoran 1 blame for keeping us. lie is now a prisoner here. Many is the heavy curse lie got from wouuded and dying men. 1 wish you could send a letter to my wife; poor creature. Probably she thinks me dead. She lives at 212 West 26th street. Direct, care of Thos, Kiernan.— Tell her that I am well treated—get meat three times a day, and splendid soup at din ner time. 1 remain, dear Pat, Your affectionate brother, H. R. A L’lto* from Sergeant Bales. In Prison, Washington, Aug. 12. Ed. Columbus Enquirer :—Having some assurance of getting a letter through 1 con cluded to write to you, as most of our friends can, through your paper, know where wo ari. We have been confined in the Old Capitol Building in Washington ever since the battle of Hull Run—some few of us taken on Picket Guard aud in skirmishes two days before. There are sixty four in all —all in good spirits, and in high hopes of being exchanged soon. We have, with few exceptions, been treated kindly, al though we have been annoyed some by mobs of soldiers, negroes and boys ; but the city is now quiet, and none perhaps will be troubled again. We have been assured by Gen. Mansfield that we shall be treated as prisoners, and neither shot nor bung, as at first suspected, which assurance we very thankfully received. I must hurry through. We are furnish ed with clothing and food by friends in this city and Baltimore. Let my father and family know that lam still in the land of living and willing to lay down my life in our glorious and sacred cause; und although a prisoner, I still “keep a stiff upper lip.” Y’ours respectfully, Jeff. Bates, Sergt. 6th Ala. Rifle Regt. [The above letter is endorsed on tlie back, “Examined by superintendent of prison.’ ] Ilea IHi of Hie Camp. The Richmond correspondent of the .Sa vannah Republican says : You will regret to bear that there is a great, deal of sickness among our troops.— The prevailing diseases are measels and ty phoid fever. There is reason to believe that our field officers are not as careful of tlie health of their commands as they should be. The camps are not kept clean and whole some ; nor is the soldier required to give that attention to diet and personal cleanliness which is essential to good health. If proper sanitary regulations were adopted, and offi cers of every grade required to see to their enforcement, the sick list might he perma nently reduced far below the present figures. Loss of the Jeff Davis. —We learn from a private letter received by J. J. Mar tin, Portugues Vice Consul, dated St. Augus tine, the 21st inst., that on Sunday morning last the Jeff Bn vis, in trying to get over St. Augustine Bor, struck, and is a total loss. AH the guns were saved, and the crew had arrived, safe avSt. Augustine.— Ao'.^ VOLUME XXXIX—NO 23. I’liblic Heeling. Pursuant to previous notice the citizens o bibb county assembled at tbe Court House, on Wednesday. July 21st, 18G1. On motion T. <\ Nisbet, Ksq., was called to the t li.iii ami Uol. J. H. Jossey rcqu s ted to act as Secretary. Tho object of it.o meeting being briefly stated, E. C. Greer, Esq., moved that a committee of seven 1 appointed by tbe Chair to select suitable persons to represent the county in tbe Con vention to be held in Millcdgeville, on ti.o 4tb September. The motion was cairnd, and tbe following committee was appointed ; E. C. Greer, W. Poe, T. <l. Holt, J. J. Gresham, J. Branham, P. Holt. 0. G. Sparks, After retiring for a few minutes, the com mittee reported the following named gentle men as delegates : •J. I>. Lamar, A. M. Lockett, fJi. Holt, O. G. Sparks, Cob Washington l’oe moved that tbo delegates lie empowered to till any vacancy that may occur in their body, t arried. Judge Gresham moved that tbe counth i of Monroe and Pike be requested to meet with us at Forsyth, ou the 17th September, to .select a candidate to represent us in tho •Senate. Carried. On motion, it was ordered that the city papers be requested to publish these pro ceedings. The meeting then adjounncd. T. C. NISBET, Chairman. J. 11. Jossey, Secretary. Col. Cbambers. An esteemed and worthy friend, who has taken but little part in politics, over tho signature of “Countryman/’ urges the claims ot this excellent Christian gentlemen for the office of Governor, if the people of his section of the State will promptly run up tho name of Col. Chambers, and the press of Columbus will urge his claims, we see no reason why he should not be elected. It is time the Agricultural and rudustrial classes should be represented in the State Execu tive, and in Mr. C. they would have a rep resentative of whom they might well bo proud, w hilst education and religion would tind him an enlightened and warm friend and supporter. Who will move in this mat* ter f — Macon Messenger. We heartily second the motion. In Col. Chambers we would have a Governor ob jectionable to no party, class or locality—a man above the little tricks of demagogues, and whose action could be influenced bv no sense of obligation t,o particular men or or ganizations. It is time/we think, to compel those who have made politiesa business or pro fession to staud aside until parties are again formed. While we have men who, like Col. Chambers, are not indentified with past bitter party contests, and who are, like him, in every way worthy and quaiitied, the people can have no difficulty in choosing a Chief Executive whose election would go far to wards keeping down party divisions. It was with an object such as this in view that wo heretofore suggested the names of Judge Worrill and Comptroller Thweatt, and it is in the same spirit that we now express our hearty concurrence in the motion to run Col. Chambers as a man fit for the station , with out regard to the intervention or dictation, of any clique oreaucus.— Columbus Eng. Damage by tint lale Heavy Rains. A planter informs us that not only tho squares and blooms, but many young bolls, are falling from the cotton plant. The ex traordinary rains thatjhave fallen during tho last two weeks have certainly greatly curtailed the amount of cotton that would otherwise have been gathered in September, anil pro bably have materially injured the general crop. Another loss—and a very considerable one —is that of the fodder crop. The rainy season caught most farmers pulling their fodder, and lasted so long that those who had not pulled cannot now gather good pro vender. The scarcity of both corn and fod der the present year has compelled farmers to use most of tbeir oats and other early pro vender, and the loss of the fodder now can not be to any extent supplied, as heretofore, by Northern and Western bay. A triend suggests as a partial remedy, that every plan ter save plenty of millet seed and plant it next spring for early feed. When only a few iuches it can be cut, and will continue to grow fast and luxurantly though cut at intervals throughout the season. We would add to this a suggestion heretofore made, that, every farmer save the crabgrass this fall. It is already grow ing very fast since the ruins, and will be abundant and luxuriant. A gentleman who fed with it last year in forms us that he prefers it to fodder or Northern hay as food tor horses, and its ex cellence as provender for cattle is attested by many. There will certainly be enough to make up four-fold for the loss of fodder, and it can be gathered by those capable of doing but little other service in the lield than the gathering of grass or cotton. — Columbus Euguircr. How Ihc Farmersiullic Aorlliwei*t tin joy tii‘ Blockade. The St. Louis Republican, speaking of the depressing effect of the war, says ; “In this market potatoes cannot be given away at (3c. per bushel; new corn will go down to 10c., if it can be sold at all; oats will be worth nothing; hay will be a drug, and wheat will not, in all probability, command over 35c.” In Northern Illinois last year's potatoes, sound and nice, are given away. One farm er in Whiteside county lias thrown five hundred bushels of tine potatoes out to the weather, as no one would take them for cost of transportation. An lowa paper quotes potatoes at 2c.; wheat, 30c.; corn, Bc. per bushel; butter, 7c. per pound ; eggs, 2c. jer dozen; cheese, Oc. per pound—markets dull at that. llow Kershaw’s liter. Made Ready. ment, Col. Kershaw’s, was drawn up, wait ing for orders to make its entry into the tight at the Stone-bridge—our Bro. Aleynar die, its Chaplain, came to ihe front and asked, that he might once more pray with them; to this proposition they responded, cheerfully, and the entire regiment bowed before the Lord of Hosts, while he led them in prayer, offering an earnest and touching supplication for their success and protection. The prayer w 7 as answered; and they had scurce entered the melee, before the fortunes of the day were turned.— Christian A<h'Q\ eafr.