Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, September 11, 1861, Image 3

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• the war hews. , jjjs be*o a deal and ’ f ' e . ..mall scl* ?ince our las*- The bell- I .*0& • ? I I . t j, € poiomae are gradually closing up. hal e possession of Hanson's Mason’s K J . Hills, and strengthened them by attiu ,^chD.ex.t- a . i* ** thought advisable to further in the direction of Arlington II t Hall’ 3 Hill, a mile farther in the ad || t he enemy s posted in some force. * 5 Alexandria Regiment and a detach | | W ashington Artillery were dispatched I j’ The enemy defended the posi with some spirit, but soon retired I’ ■ 0 f between one and two hundred kill- S . .-Jed. The Confederate loss is estimated j i I sat t* rtr - I -tnond Examiner says that for screral j .. e Coo federate dag has been flying in full i tfasbiagton. VS e may thetefore lookout’ s ’ ‘. ffJg De*s soon. gF rBE>HHJIEHT AMD REFORM i , lTe heretotore urged the importance of. . c , a g into all departments of Government,! r j Confederate, a system of rigid economy jae pending of the war and the financial j - f hich will tor years rest upon the country . termination. We are glad to see that the .ye waking up to this subject. A meeting | j .tceotly held in Walker county, which took ,oing timely action, which we recommend W e r counties. Let candidates for ail the | „ e iaade to speak out at once. They should * 1 iio J'ippor* or countenance until they de nets selves. This is no time to speculate on jl . “Xe di-sent from the recommendation in a|J to tb* common school fund. This fund I *’ i* a-igmented instead of di uinished and ’ ; jeroted to tl e education ot the masses, ’ ct be the future guardian* of our liberties, -.jjoieis follows: whilst we are assembled in the capacity -£T meettug, we deem it our privilege, as aar duty to notice the fiuancial condition .country, and more especially when we take . ;sder*:ion the taxes which we shall soon ,*d upon to pay Confederate, State, and -i sd here we desire to say that we do not oe understood as complaining of the pres ■riny other tax which may be necessary foi c jiU!Uiie operations of the Government, but lit of opinion that the time has fully arrived and reform should'be cora . in our State and practically carried out tjry department of the Government, and we . at our Senators and Representative*, Legislature soon to assemble, uae their in-1 . cto tffect this object. And as a stand point ■•. arm. we think it would be well for our Leg xt an early day of the session, to set an :_*> by 6xing their own compensation, and weir Clerks ami other officers at a rate )oid ersble them to carry reform through t wpirtment of the Government with a qooj v„t o! consistency. Were we to express an _.a we would say that per diem compensation atabers should not exceed three dollars, and ~, -m for every twenty miles to aud from the i ! 'ejTemment. This course, in our opinion, H’bd be proving patriotism by works. But affould ■ -.anorable body, ia their wisdom, adopt a gwit policy, and fix their compensation at a t;: -urn taan hereiu indicated, then, in our m. the members from tbbf county should nffrom the State Treasury an amount equal to xc n*n by other members, aud pay the surr ■.j to the County Treasury of this couuty, for -trit of the indigent families of volunteer tabn rroci this county. > :.:tner recommend that the common school - . to this county, be placed in the county ! -t-;rr, to be applied by the county for the ben t f volunteers who are, or who may be in the . of thi.- State, or the Confederate States, t: :bt tie benefit of their families. x:i we further recommend that the Confeder l Its which may be due from this State to the r.ertcy, be collected by State officers, and -.itr be requested to as-ume the payment *: the wae. ii .rtber, that a committee be appointed to from our candidates for a seat in the —#£-'kture, whether they concur iu the re : jr xot, especially that portion of it relating aananrial matters.” DiUTH OF JUDGE LAMAR grieved to learn the death of the Hon. I L.aar, Judge of the Macon Circuit. — I rav.hs atro he was attacked with paralysis, •txa he had sufficiently recovered to a n- o*f;rial duties, and his friends indulged I Uut he would survive many years. I T-effemicter of Judge Lamar was an enviable ! - Os friends he had many—of enemies none. I; •tit.i to Gov. Troup in 1825 when Gen. La l Georgia. Iu 1829 lie was elected ■ A-srMenutire in Congress to till a vacancy de ■•‘■’ii by Gov. Forsyth, in the oase of Mr. Gilmer, Hi- nij;)t,jQ,. n tly re-elected. He was faith- J C traits. Os late years he was called to the loss of several grown sons and daugh thick deeply affected his spirits. His last “tjson, Leonidas Lamar, who had been but I • -aoths married, fell at the battle of Manas H’ ; -'%i Limar died at Macon, ou the SOtli j * hr-d ttioui sixty-five years—an amiable and ■ r '*an e-aueman. tribute to our late distinguished nd fellow-citizen, is from the Southern • iorder. That paper, howevef, is mistaken in **’ puhcolar. Two sons survive the Judge. * .a ths jutHSAt. *si uaassxoaa. Fourth District. -'Mtuxen —I observed in the Telegraph the I ’ -*J, the proceedings of a meeting in Jones I -u tad that Col. A. H. Res am is recommend- I fct candidate for Congress from the 4th dis- Lt district, I believe, is now composed of ’ 1 Bihh, Crawford, Houston, Jasper, Jones, * :> ri Pulaski, Putnam, Twiggs and Wilkinson I ‘ suppose such a recommendation will meet endorsement of the District. The re or |‘ u of the Districts throws Col. Kkwxn and a v > isbet into the same district. Should it be | Earned to return either of those gentlemen, If?*! prefer the latter. There *re many who ‘* • beat to elect anew Congress altogether. I ‘ ~i therefore direct the minds of your many Pot of Bibb, Eli Warm* *■’ ‘ ’ as M Giles of Houston, as men well qual ■ -ter that position. The claims of old Houston, -"wt, will not be ignored. They will submit to -•cation of no wire-working clique. fair play. •Hbaldi ast the War.— The Washington cor -eat of the Philadelphia Press says r “There 1 4 hath iu the reports that Garibaldi proposes 1*- -e.p 113 ou j 0 j- our troubles. A gentlemau here, • ‘ - acquainted with Garibaldi and his son, • f ed • letter from the latier a few days ago, in I * the son said he desired himself to come out ’ ’ ■*** a part in the struggle now going on here jfrty, but that his father objected on the ■ that ours was a family quarrel, and could *ttieu more easily without foreign interference *-h it; that it was based on a political quea- I *Lioh the nations were not interested, and ” MUlement of which they could not become I r * These are now the views and sentiments T Cildi, as eipresaed by his son in a private s ’ -’PO-ueuco of very late date.” A of the Waynesboro’ Aeme Hon. Peter Cone, of Bulloch, for Sena- I ‘*'■ *• the 17th Senatorial District, of counties of Burke, Scriven and ’ vr of the Chronicle <t Sentinel : e feceutly traveled through Cherokee other tedious of the Cherokee coun *7e no hesitancy in saying that the great 11 tfr, -' e P*°P* e are opposed to the re election I t- , w ° 4 third term. They believe that P*rt ?ute of the Socth has other great men lf >e. B. Rotation iu office is the cry, and ye who, at the last election, like mvsell, I |fle D j ov. 8., will not vote for bias again 0r ® ome other position. Fclto*. 1 jo*? son of Mr. John Donohoe, of ibis | , ’ *"•>:•! itjurt-d by the falling ts I^.^** **■ <* Sunday last, that be aurvred | His aga was abeet firs years. Rtr, s„o lions. We regret l tD , Jt th , Kbgrafek, that man, ol the soldier. „t Camp Ste phens, -near Griffin, We become tiwtbted, and are returning horn,- in equads nf tour and six. It w stated that o,u hundred ~„d thirty Imo have already left for tbek homes. The r*-n„„ aligned lor their dissatisfaction, is, that Governor Brow,, refused to permit Ihe election lor officers to DV held a week or ten days since, and thus leli them almost in a disorganized condition. We .iueerelv trust that speedy measures will be taken to restore harmony, and organize the regiment. There are those who .*a? that Convention? and Caucuses must he kept up, whilst thev admit that they are necessary evils. We believe it is generally conceded that South Carolina is or.e of the best governed States in the ccuntrv. And vet she dispenses altogether with these modern inven tions. llauistos W. Sharpt, Eq., of Thomas countv is announced as a candidate for the State Senate from the district composed of Thomas, Brooks and Colquitt. an intelligent and worthy gen tleman, and would represent the district with abd ity and fidelity. J- M. Chambers. —We copy with pleasure, says the C pson Pilot, the correspondence between Col. Chambers and a portion of his fellow citisens of Columbus. We speak of that which we know, when we say that no better man can be found in the State than Col. Chambers. If nominated by the Convention, we will support him with all ol our heart, mind and strength. lor Governor—“ We ask special attention to to the words of wisdom contained in the commu nication ot our correapoudeiu k*— ■ , bi another column,” says the Atlanta Confederacy. “He is one of the most eminent men m Georgia, whose great talents, useful labors, public services and noble qualities of head a’jd heart, have made him oue of the most beloved of our public men for many years past. All this would be at oocc acknowledged by every reader, were we at liberty to mention his name. Read his communication and be instructed.” The communication refered to will be found in another column. Read it. By a recent act of Cougress Chaplains in the Army are to receive SSO per month, instead of SBS, ns heretofore provided. How much do Congressmen get ? us have ‘retrenchment outside of the army. Col. Clxambvrw anil Hip Press. The Atlanta (’o-mnumu-en/th (opposed to the Convention) thus speaks of Col. C.’s correspondence with his friends: “By it we understand Col. Chambers to be placed before the people of Georgia as a candidate for the office of Governor, intle pemient of tit? action of the Convention to meet the 11th of next month. The Conven tion must ratify this nomination or run the risk of having the election go into the Legis lature. The Convention tuay ransack Geor gia and not liud a man the superior of Col. Chamliers in all the mjuisitea for Governor. His name should not be submitted to the Convention, nor should it be withdrawn should that body nominate a candidate.— Let the race be an open one, aud settle at once whether the people will endorse the principle and establish the precedent of a third term—submit to the dictation of an intiiguing convention—or take a man, as good as the best, who takes the field in oppo sition to the third term principle and nomi nation by convention.’’ The Augusta Chronicle (also an anticon vention [taper) publishes the correspondence and speaks favorably of Colonel Chambers, but declines yet to commit itself to the support of any one. “That Arch Traitor Davis/’ —The Philadelphia Christian Observer contains a long letter from a gentleman who has trav eled extensively in the South, dated Rich mond, July 24th, three days after the bat tle of Manassas. The following is an ex tract : After witnessing this solemn scene, (the reception of the bodies of the Confederate of ficers killed in this engagement, Ac.,) I went in company with Rev. Dr. McL. to the Spottswood house and heard a thrilling, elo quent account of the battle from the lips of the President himself. He is not a fluent speaker ; he dojs not hesitate, yet his words seem to come with effort—but they come with potter, when they do come.’ I have often heard hiui speak before. Every word be utders, thrill*— it seems to come from his heart direct to the heart of those addressed. He is one of the plainest, most unassuming, but most kind hearted, affeotioi ate, Chris tian f/enttiman I ever saw. Everybody who knows him, loves President Davis. His sol diers will willingly die for him —so will the citizens if he calls on them. He occupies a place in their hearts second only to that which Washington held in the hearts of our grandfathers. He paid a noble tribute to, the valor and determination of the soldiers —fighting even after their limbs had been shot off, an<X encouragiug the others to push ou when they were unable to rise from their bloody couches of turf. He also paid a well merited compliment to the considerate man ner in which the wounded and prisoners of the Federal Army were treated, even by the owners of the farm houses on the road i where they were carried) who had been plundered and pillaged by some of their number. Tribute of lte*|iect. Millwood Lome, Xo. 198, F. A. M. Whereas, it has pleased the Great Architect of the Universe to remove from u our much beloved Brother, Martin Kendrick, who died near Stnan lon, Virginia, Aug. 6, 18fii ; aged 39 years and nine months; who was made a member of this Lodge Nov. 27, 1858; who had imbibed the spirit of the craft; whose charily was not to be stir passed; who, as a neighbor, was beloved by all, as a Christian, a devout one, and respected as such by all who anew him. Asa soldier, a truer patri ot never lived, as he lost his life iu the service of bis country. Although we are called upon to mourn the loss of a fallen Brother, yet we submit to the will of Hina who bolds the destiny of nations in his hands. In token of our respect, Heroine J, That a oopy of these proceedings be presented to the bereaved family, assuring them that they have our heartfelt sjmpalhy in this be reavement; and that a copy be sent to the Jour nal A Messenger and Pulaski Times for publication. W. B. CONE, 1 W. J. COLLINS, vCommittee.'§ J. M. BROWN, J Arrest mi *a Sportsmuii. Niw York, Aug. 28.—Samuel J. Anderson, a person well known among sportsiueu, was ai rested this morning on suspicion ol being in conespond once with the Rebels. Anderson was lately depu ty sheriff, ami was once in the (Justoin House,;and for some time anted as clerk in the House of Rep resentatives In Washington. It is s*id that most of his appointments were obtained through the indue nee of Alex. H. Stephens, Vice President of the Rebel Government, and that he has constantly been iu correspondence with him rime the com mencement of the Southern rebellion. J. A. Maehase, a well known slave dealer, was arrested to-day and held to bail. Richmond, Va., 9th. —W. 11. Byrd, formerly of Augusta, Ga , was arrested and jailed in this city, yesterday, charged with being a spy. Documents found on him show that lie wits quite recently employed as a Clerk in the Liucoln War Department. He i}A£ pU3€S signed bj Scott, and •titer* 1 despatches Iron) Xorthern sources via Louisville and Mobil*-, 9iti.J ASHINGToN, Bth—'i he War Depart ment has advices from Gen. llosencrantz up to I In- 6th. All well. General McClellan has issued a .r ene ral older against Sunday labor, ~r uuneceasary labor or unnecessary movement. ( ar. lul and extended observation on the V irginia side has resulted i„ the discovery ot a new and formidable battery commanding Leesburg turnpike, seven miles from Chain • i loge. Phe telling of timber by the Cou fed*- rates exposed the battery to view. At daybreak yesterday morning, the Federal pickets advanced a mile into Virginia, the Confederates retreating before them towards Arlington. < In W ednesday the Confederates fired from an eminence near Great Falls, at a b.ody of Hessians iu Maryland, and wounded four. 1 he Confederates attempted to ford the river, but were repulsed by the sharp-shooters, who killed a r,umber of them. * Gen. McClellan ascended with Lowe and the balloon remained up in the air for two hours time. Gen. Fremont’s murderons proclamation on his ow n responsibility at first struck the FVesident and Cabinet with utter amazement., but after discussing it, they unanimously decided that the proclamation was issued /ut at the riijht time) iu the ricjht monnerj and by the > jht man ! Bt. Louis, Bth.—Gen. McCulloch is re ported to be at Mount Vernon, recruiting briskly for a bold movement, northward.— (Mount \ emou is in Lawrence County, Missouri.) It is stated that Gen. Price and Rains have captured Fort Scott, with Kan sas Montgomery and the most of his com mand, as prisoners. Another report states that Kansas Lane’s Brigade has been defea ted by Gen. Rains, and his command cap tured. It is reported that Magoffin who is a prisoner at Georgetown, has been sentenced to be hung. The New York Times says that the Court martial at Alexandria, has sentenced thirty Federal soldiers for various offences. %i: li ADI E R Tis L>IBN Ts. WEBLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. flllfK twenty-fourth Annual Session of this Institution, 1 will begin on MONDAY, October 7th, under the direc* tion of the fallowing Faculty : Her. JOHN M. BONNKI.L, President, Ac. Rev. C. W. SMITH, A. M., Professor Mathematics. Rev. F. X. FORSTER, A. M., P-ofessor Ancient Lan guages. Rev. W. C. BASs, A. M., Professor Natural Science. C. SCHWARTZ, Professor Modern Languages ami Draw ing. Miss M. E. CAULETON, Principal Preparatory Depart ment. P. G. GUTTENBERGBR, Professor of Music. Miss L. GLTi E > BERGER, Asst. Music. Mrs 9.S* HW ARTZ, Inst. Ornamental Needle Work. R. M HEARD and I,ADY, Steward’s Dep rtment. Mrs. E. J. STEPHENS, Matron. Tuition per annum, in College Classes #6O “ “ “ Preparatory. Department 4li Board “ “ including fuel, lights and washing lfKi One half the Fees positively required in October, the rest March. Confederate Bonds taken as cash. The Steward’s Department has been fitted out with an entire new suit of Furniture. For Catalogues, or further information, apply to sep 11-4 t W. C. BASS, Sec’y. laOW FOR CASH ! Linen Coats OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. LIXEN PASTS AND VESTS OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. MARSEILLES VESTS OF OCR OWN MAMUFACTURR. ALPACC A COATS OF OCR OWN MANUFACTURE. DRESS FROCK COATS, BLACK DOE SKIN PANTS, FANCY ( ASSniKHi: PANTS. A VARIETY OF CLOTHING OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, I. O W FOK CASH! I. O TV FOR CASH! CHAS. H. BAIRD, Telegraph Printing Bnihliny. September 11, 1801. Furniture! Furniture !! rvniK most extensive and finest assortment ever offered A. in this market, At Prices that Defy ConipetiHoii! CALL an and see for yourselves. We have one of the very fin. st stocks ever offered in Macon The most fastidious taste, can call for nothing in the Furniture line but that we can furnish. Our stock of SOFAS, BKADBTFADB, TETKATKTES, DIVANS, BUCKING and EASY CHAIRS, PARLOR CHAIRS, PIKR, CENTRE, TOILETTE, DINING and EXTENSION TABLES, WABH3TANDS, PORTABLE WARDROBES, LOUNGES, PATENT SPUING BEDS, Ac., Ac. Is very superior, and should be examined, if for nothing else than as a matter of curiosity. The extent of our stock will enable us to make it to the advantage of all who wish to purchase to give us a call, as we are determined to sell as low as can be sold in this market. Next to the Lanier u*. w unp „ CO. Important ZN~otice. fllllK SO (THE UIN EXPRESS CO*! PANT JL are now running a tri-weekly day Express on the Cen tral Kail Hoad, leaving Macon ou Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Freight received and for warded to all stations on the Road. Freight on goods to be prepaid in every ease. No advance on previous rates. M. C. MCDONALD, Agent. MILITARY GOODS. W o/\/\ YARDS C.KEY JEANS, O.V/Uv/ S,IKMi YARDS UEOKGIA KERSEYS, 40 ORO.'S MILITARY BUTTONS, BLUE CLOTH. BLUE BATTINETT, HICKORY CLOTH, HICKORY SHIRTS, FLANNEL DRAWERS, MILITARY OVERCOATS. Uniforms made for Companies at ftltort Notice. The above will be sold at 8 dAI.L PROFITS, and for cash. Mpll ■. WIWHIF. Caul ion. 1111 K public are hereby forewarned from trading for . two certain notes given by E. E. Brown and A. F. Eherwuod —as the said notes were obtained unlawfully.— The notes are my own property and I will collect them according to law, and the makers of raid notes are notified to nay them to no person but mytelf. JOHN F. COURSON. Bibb County, September 4,1861. To Ambrotypists. \l. A K<>E and finely assorted stock of Cases, Plates, Collodion Glass, Ac., and in facta)) kinds of materials used in the Ambrotype business, lor sale cheap, by july 10 R. L. WOOD, Macon, Ga. Aladison Springs, Yladiwon Comity, Ca. flllllS well known summer retreat Is agaiD opened for | the accommodation of those seeking either health or pleasure, and we now most cordially mvite our old custo ms rs.and all others who travel either for health or pleasure, to give us a call. We do not think it necessary to give to you a full descrip tion of this most beautiful spot, it is so well known through out most of the South, suffice it to say, It eannot he sur passed for climate, health, beauty, waters, scenery, and, in fart, everything that can delight the eye and taste. Families, wishing comfortable rooms will please drop a line, stating the number, Ac., and how long they wish to stay, as those coming early and staying late will find it to their ad vantage, as private arrangements will be made with all such if desired. Mr. K R. Saulterhas prepared himself with the best of Couches and Hacks, and will be ready at the Depot, and p;i*-enger from Augusta or Atlanta on the night train can r.-mcli here the next day for dinner. Raw or Boabdfw per mouth; 110 per week ;|2 per SCOTT A TYNER. June IS, 1861—2 m ■ Mrs. Hancock’s School. rrtHE Exercises of this School will be resumed on the I SECOND MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER. Mrs. 11. would returu thanks to the public far the liberal patronage bestowed daring the past scholastic gear, and [apis to merit a continuation es the same. Mar on, August 81, IBfil—Bt. general advertisements. TO CONTRACTORS. WILLOW WOOD WANTED! £ Wlllo,r “ill he contracted for, to be ’ dehve-ed on the line of the Canal, at the Govern ??*,*„ ***■ Factory, at Auguste, G v., at the rate of not less tnan l&O cords per month, Commencing the Ist of December next. The Willow may be of any idle, the smaller being preferred ; the larger sticks must be splitlinto parts not larger than the arm. it must he cut into uniform lengths of three feet, ami each cord Rill measure 14 feet # >n . g ’ set.5 et . hl b, and 8 feet broad, containing 126 cubic leet. Ihe baric must be carefully peeled off at ll.e time of cutting. Proposa-s for this contract will be received until the Ist October. .*u o , Wiuilpd ■mtiiodiatcly, -oo Cords of YV.ilow, described as above, which will be purchased in open market, in small lols, for which a liberal caAi price will be paid, delivered at Augusta. Also, Wanted Immediately, fx)o Casks, delivered at this city, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. GEO. W. RAINS, Major Artillery and Ordinance 0. S. A. sep 4 24- LOOK! LOOK!! READ! READ!! WILLIAM T. FITCH, for the next sixty days. Will sell his extensive stock of CLOTHING! FOR u\l eii and Y outlis, AT NEW YORK COST! Macon, Sept. 4,1861. W. S. B. MATHEWS, TEACHER OF Piano, Singing, Organ and Harmony, IS now prepared to receive pupils by the quarter, or by the year, at ihe rate of Sixty Dollars for the academic year of ten months, ten lessons each month. Lessons given at the residence of pupils when desired. Mr. M. is prepared hi give strict and punctual attention to every pupil entrusted to his care, and confidently expects to give satisfaction to all patrom. Pupils may commence September 3rd. Names left either at the Methodist or the Baptist Book Depository will receive prompt attention. References given when desired. Macon, August 23,1861. sep 4-y r UO FAUMMHS —AND— COUNTRY MERCHANTS! Wli AFFEK t'Olt S.VIiE at reasonable prices the following articles: 300 Bales Extra Heavy Gunny Bagging, 890 Rolls Kentucky Bagging, 1,000 Colls Rope, 5,000 Pounds Twine, 140 S4tks Coffee, 300 Boxes Candles, 100 Boxes Soap, 50 Boxes Starch, 100 Cases Choice Liquors, 25 Boxes Pickles, 100 Kegs Corbonate Soda, 25 Boxes Pot Ash, 25 Boxes Cotton Cards, 25 Boxes Coffee Mills, 100 Barrels Oils, Also, Rockland,Georgia and Alabama Lime,by thequai'- tity; Paints, Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty and Brushes. KOSS & SEYMOUR. Macon, September 4,1861. New Southern Music! I USX received and for sale at the BOOK DEPOSITORY, *1 Macon, Georgia, as follows : Our Southern Flag, SECESSION QALOP, BEAUREGARD’S GRAND MARCH, ANEEN POLKA, SOUTHERN BOVB—Song. BTAR4 OK OUR BANNER, DIXIE, ALL RIGHT. FLAG OK THE SOUTH, SOUTHERN MARSAILLES, President Davis’ Grand March, SECESSION POLKA, SECESSION MARCH, SUNNY SOUTH GALOP, SOUTHERN BATTLE SONG, PALMETTO SONG, Address, J. W. BURKE, Agent, August 26, 1561. LOAV FOR CASH! Iliii oii Free School. Tlf E next Term of this School will commence on MON DA Y, SEPTEMBER 9th, under the charge of Mr. Win. C. Singleton, assisted by his brother. The number of pupils is limited to one hundred ; none hut the English Studies will be taught. Tuition FREE for all bays whose parents reside within the City. L. N. WHITTLE, Chairman sep4-3t Board of Trustees. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Bolsoaw A Hkhzoo is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the firm will be found at thcßtore of Mr. T. H. Bolshaw, who is authorized to use the firm name only in liquidation of the business. T. H. BOLSHAW, F. HERZOG. Macon, July 29,18C1. Having this day purchased the entire interest of F. Her zog in the firm of Bolshaw ‘A Herzog, all notes and accounts will be settled by me. I shall continue the business at the old stand, No. 11 Cotton Avenue, near Mulberry street, where may be found a good assortment of CHINA, GLASS, CROCKERY, COAL OIL LAMES, PLATED CASTORS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, &c., FOR CASH OILY. T. H. BOLSHAW. The undersigneJ having disposed of his interest in the firm of Bolshaw A Herzog to T. H. Bolshaw, takes pleasure in recommending hiur to his friends, nog 1 F. HERZOG. WOn RENT, IMtOTI Ist October next, the large and elegant RE3I DENCK in the State Bank Building in this city, with convenient GARDEN and OUT-BUILDING 1 attached. Also for SALE or KENT, The fine new WAGON YARD on Forsyth street, Vinevllle Branch ; an excellent stand for business. Immediate pos session. Apply to J. H. K. WASHINGTON, july 10 16-ts City papers copy till forbid. ITlililary Rooks. A NEW supply of Hardie’s Tactics, Scott’s Tactics 2\. Cooper’s Tactics, Cavalry Tactics, and Mahon’s Trea tise on Field Fortification, for sale at feb IS BOARDMAN’S. Confederate rnitIUSURY Notes and Bonds taken at PAR for I Furniture or Notes and Accounts due juue 19 WOOD A CO., Macon, Ga. Flour. SAik 818 Est. Superfine and Family Flour to arrive FFwFwF 16,000 pounds Choice Family Flour, (sacks) in Store, and fer sale by mar 80 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. Jlaeoii Whirling*, ONiiahurgS Ve. f? 1111 18 \I. ES Macon Shirtings and F. K. Osnaburgs wWU 86 bales Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos. 85 hales Georgia Stripes, for sale by mar 80 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. KEFIiYED LEAF JLAItD. /•A KEGS Refined Leaf Lard now receiving ami so OIF sale by MoOALLIK A JONES. auglS. ioufetlerate Bonds and Treasury Notes, riVVKEN for BOOKS, STATIONARY, Ac., and In pay- L meat of Debt.* due the .VltMliitUiMl Book Ue powltwry. Books, Ac., sold at lowest Cash prices for these BondH. J. w. BURKE, August 14, ltd!. Agent. Wheeler & Wilson Machine Needles. AT 8t 00 per dozen. Only at retail In quantities of one dozen, or less. A supply just received and for sale by aug 14 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. NOTICE. HAVIftfJ purchased the Stock of Messrs. Castlen A . Vardell, we respctfully solicit the patronage of their friends at our old stand. MABSENBURO A HON. Having disposed of our stock as above, we respectfully solii-tit for Messrs. M. A Son the patronage heretofore ex t.'inked to us. CASTLEN A VARDELL. June 18,1861. /lUESTMJT GROVE, Bupvnor old Rye and Mo VJ nongaheU Whiskey, i a Store and for sale by soar I MoQAkMK • JOSS- 4 . 6ENER.IL ADVERTISEMENTS. Hardware, Iron, Steel AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, IS GREAT VARIETY AT THE NEW IKON FRONT STORE —or— CARIIART & CURD, WII K U 1C they continue to keep one of the tariffs’ as sortment kept in Middle(jkori>it,condiitlng in partol bedm Iron all sizes, | liammerrd Plow Steel x Refined “ “ “ Oast *• t.igiisli “ “ “ Blister “ Hound t Sq’r Iron all sizes, German “ Oval A Ko'nd “ “ “ Spring “ Horae Shoe “ “ “ ’fin “ Kali Rods, j Machinery “ FI Ai\TA TIOH II Altl* W Alt II • ItilCN J ScoTil, trade's and various other makes. Trace Chains, | Cane Hues, How “ I Axe,, Breast “ i Hames, Tongue “ j Plow Line*. CARmTER TOOLS. lanes, Chissels and Gouges, land and Panel Saws, Augeis and Auger Bats, Boring Machines, Braces and Bitts, Mortice Machines, Iron Braces. Bench Vices and Saws, Hatchets and Hammers, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Butts, Nails, Brads, ogether with every thing used in the way of BUILDERS AIKRIALS. CARRIAGE MAHERS Can always And a Large Stock. Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Bands, Leather Clothes. Dash Frames and Trimming of every variety used in their ine. Agricultural Implements. Such as Plows, Straw Cutters, Scythe Blades, Grass oiJ“s, briar and Bush Hooks. Fan IWlllts —Grant’s, Clinton and other makes. Spike Til resliers— Emery’s,McConnell's, Winship’s, Georgia and other makes. Hdrse Powers —Emery’s, Bogarder’s and Lever Powers. Li ruin Cru tiles— 5 aud 6 fingered, of several makers and styles. All of which they offer at the lowest market rates. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine price, Ac. apr 4-’6<l AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NATHAN WEED, Jttucon , lit oryia, HAS NOW IN STORF, and offers to Planters a superior assortment of the newest and most improved Turn ing Implements in use. Iron aud Steel Plows, Harrows, Plough Haiues, Cultivators, Grain Cradles, Scythe Blades, Threshers, Fan Mills, , Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Shovels and Spades, Traces, Spading and manure Forks, Weeding Hoes, of ScoviU’, Collins’, Brade’s Patent American Hoe Cos. manufacture. Sweedes and English refined IRON of all sizes. Warranted Plow Steel, English manufacture. Anvils, Vises, Bellows, Hammers, Screw Plates, Tongs, Borax, Carpenter’s Tools, Builders’ Hardware. CA RRIAGE AND WAGON M A TER I A LS, In all their variety. mar 18 WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC Palace of Art! IfJKOB ARLV the largest and best appointed Estab lishment in the South, if not in the United States. Is one of the most popular and interesting places of resort in Macon, and is daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi tors. The Collection of Pictures is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Anihrotype to the life-size Portrait Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expense, that his UALLE RY shall continue to be the lleuil Quarters of Fine Arts, ill tli^Soutli. Employing permanently the best talent to be procured to color his Photographs,ln erery style, true to nature, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in evsjry instance. A large collection of the celebrities of the day on exhibition, to which ha just been added a splendid Picture of the Prince of Wales and suit, Blondin, Judge Douglas, and ottiers too numerous io mention, but which the public are respectfully invited to call and examine. As Wood uses non.* but the best materials In his business, persons in want of a good Picture will lind it to their advantage to patron ize this establishment, as Pictures can be had here at prices as low as elsewhere, and of superior style. Auibrotypes, Daguerreotypes ami Plain Photographs of every size at low prices. Call and see R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oct 81 Lanier House. Macon, Ga. RICHMOND TYPE FOUNDRY, THKOXLY UANCFACToBV Ol TVPK ON SOUIIEH3V SOIIj, SOUTH OF BALTIMORE. rillfE Proprietors of the above Foundry have also,united I with their Foundry a complete PRINTERS’ FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, Having on hand, to order, every article re quisite for a Printing Otliee, From n Ffcodkin TO A TEN-CYLINDER PRESS. Type and Printing material from any Foundry North furnished when required. We cadi and wiu manufacture in Richmond, as good an article, and at the same specimen prices, as any Foundry North. We respectfully solicit the natronage of the South. HENRY L. PELOUZE A CO. We refer you to every Printer in this city. We also de sire every Newspaper ill the South to copy this advertise ment for one month, sending us one copy of their paper and receive their pay for such advertisement upon pur chasing five times the amount of their bill front us. ssssJune 26,1861. H. L. P. A Co- LIQUORS AND CIGARS IMrectly Imported! EM A IJSSENET is constantly receiving the finest ( qualities of Liquors, Wines and Cigars which he offers to the public on as .'easonable terms as he can afl'ord. Invalids and others, wishing a superior article of Wines or other Liquors, will find it greatly to their advantage to give him a call, as they may rely on the genuineness ol eve ry article sold. Liquors can be purchased in bottle or by the gallon, as it inh v suit purchasers. Cigars of the very best brands, by wholesale or retail, and of direct importation, can always be found at my store, at the house formerly occupied by Mr. James F. Winier as an Exchan e arid Lottery Office. Mr. Maussenet.ln retiring from his old established busi ness, embraces this opportunity to tender liis grateful ac knowledgments to his old friends and customers,from all of whom he solicits a share of patronage,in his new enterprise, j Macon, June 18,1600. —12-y OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON. SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 TO *5.00. The Commercial Straw is easy, 11.00. “ Senate is not bad, “ Planter’s Hat is very light, 1.40. “ English is Finest. Wool Hat*, Children’s Straws, juncjo C. li. STONK *: liKO. WOOTTON & HOLLOWAY, Commission Merchants, CORNER OF THIRD AND POPLAR Sts., IIA <OJV, An A. HA VK just received on consignment and for sale, 1000 bushels Corn, 1000 do Oats, v 500 do Peas, 100 do Meal, 4onoo lbs. Tennessee Bacon, 100 kegs and cans Lard, 1000 biffs Flour, 100 do. best RockpoTt Lime. 100 bales Hay, Also a fine lot of live Geese leather* and pried Bee Haas. ‘ apß Try one of our New Bl’k Pocket Hats- Buy one NEW STYLE BROAD BRIM. The X ZUAVE BLACK TKIM’D win become you! So will the IvIA RO ON And the Ex. Nat. Nutria. So will the LIQnT BL’K BROAD BOUND SOFT If ATS. HOTELS. Cxli-A-TSTITE HALL. ■ m the building N F.Xr A bO VK the ••Uranjte Hall.” and over the store ot K. P. McEroy and Messrs. Bostick A Lamar, where 1 have opened, and will he pleased to sec my friends and customers, and will do my beat for their comfort aud pleasure. Very Respectfully, may 1 BENJ. F. DENSE. NEW HOTEL. PLANTERS’ HOUSE, MAC OX, GEORGIA. ON CHERRY STREET, two Squares from the Rail Road Depot, and in the business part of the city, nov 21-(kt-y J. O. GOODALE, Proprietor. Brown’s ITotel, Opposite the Passenger House, Macon, Oa- By E. E. BROWN & SO*. If EALS ready on the arrival of every Train. The proprietors will spare no pains to make their guests comfortable. feb 22 46-’OO-v THE STUBBLEFIELD HOUSE “ Like the Phcenix from its Ashes.” qnHAT large, new and elegant House, recently erected A on the ruins of my old establishment, Mulberry street, Macon, (la., is now open for the reception and accommoda tion of Boarders and transient Guests. The House has been newly furnished throughout, in the best manner, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Its situation is eligible, a little below the Methodist and opposite to the Presbyterian Church, aud near the Banks and places of business. Connected with the House is a arge Liveryand Hale Stable, where Drovers and others can find accommodations for their stock. The patronage of his old friends and of the traveling pub lic generally, is respectfully solicited. nov 5-ts . M. STUBBLEFIELD. TROUT HOUSE, BY J. I>. OILBGRT & CO. Atlanta, Georgia. sep 13 24-ts WASHINGTON HALL. THIS HOUSE IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BPKFIAI, arrangement will he made for the aceommo dation of the Members to the approaching STATE CON VENTION, and the future Session of the Legislature. The rates ami terms at this House, will conform to those of the other Public Houses in this city. N. C. BARNETT. Milledgeyllle, Ga , Dec. lftth, 1360. Boots and Shoes. ATlhcSignol tlie BIG BOOT, . ® No. 3, Cotton Av’e. ff t _ opposite --Yajjjk jNlst Washington Block, The Subscribers would re- !§§&& turn their thanks for the V ‘ v ’ ir very liberal and long eon- “4E tinued patronage extended £9^* to them,and would most res pectfully solicit a continuance of the same, Wehavenow n store a large assortment of Boots and STioes, mostly of our own manufacture, to which weekly additions will be made, of all the different styles and patters usually called for in a shoe store, and would invite those wishing to purchase, to call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to sell as low as any house in the city or State, oct C-y MIX A KIRTLAND. dSTew Establishment. REPOSITORY. C. T. WARD CO., MAN r FACT* REUSaud DEALERS, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD HOUSE, Macos, Ga. WE would call the attention of the public to our new Stock, comprising Coaches, Bretts, Rockaways and Buggies, of the most elaborate finish, from celebrated build ers, North. {3IT Genuine BRATTLEBORO’ BUGGIES constantly on hand. nov 16 84-ts WILL YOU GO NORTH, WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTER SOUTH ? CARRIAGE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY AND REPOSITORY, FORBYIH, GA. HAVING purchased the entire inter est of the late firm of BANKS, l -*• DKR A CO., I invite the attention of the citizens of Monroe and aurrouning counties \Zfy xa’ to my extensive arrangements for Manufacturing TOP AND NO TOP BUGGIES, COACHES, ROCKAWAYS, CAR RIAGES, PH.KTONB, Ac., Ac. lam constantly receiving addition, not From the North, but lroiu my Work Shops, to my stock on hand, of three or four Buggies per week, which combine elegance and finish, with lightness,strength and durability. Orders for any sort of Vehicle,Harness, Ac., are most respectfully solicited, which hall be promptly supplied, and all engagements for work UNCTUALLY met. I have constantly on hand a large ssortment of HARNESS. Repairing done at short notice and Warranted, aug 81-1 y J. R. BANKS. FURNITURE, CAMP STOOLS, CAMP COTTS, Camp Chests, BUTTON MOULDS, Se CD. WK are willing to make any and everything out of Wood that the people demand for their comfort or convenience. WOOD A. t O. aug 7—y . SUNDRIES. lAAA NEW SACKS Liverpool Salt. • V/UU 125 Bales heavy Gunny Bagging. 300 Coils Machine Rope. 100 Bales Macon Shirtings. Heavy Osuaburgs and Yarns. 20 Bales Negro Kerseys and Stripes. 100 Bags prime Hio Coffee, in Bacon, Sides and Shoulders • 25 Tierces plain and canvassed Hams. 50 Kegs choice Leaf Lard. 10 Bids, choice Leaf Lard. 50 Boxes Adamantine Candles. 25 Boxes Sperm Candies. 20 Bbls. No. 1 Syrup. 15 Hhds. Cuba Molasses. 10 Bbls. Bleached Whale and Lard Oil. For sale by july 10 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. MID MACKOV. J- X• LYTLE MAIKOV, LYTLE A €O,, COMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS, SOUTH-EAST CORNER CHESTNUT A COMMERCIAL Sts. ST. F.OI IS, MO. ffNWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE in the PRODUCE COM- L MISSION business In this city has given us an acquain tance with the market that will enable us to render satis faction to those who may entrust their business to us. Our careful and prompt attention will be given to the orders of our friends for the purchase of GRAIN, FLOUR, PORK, BALE ROPE, Ac., at the lowest market rates, mar 27-’6l-tf CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. O’ NE TOHTSAND ABLI>BOI>IGD MEN are wanted for the Confederate States Army. The un- I dersigned has opened a Recruiting Office in Horne’s Huilil- I ing, on Cherry street, where applicants must apply for I further information. An active and temperate man can secure the position of Recruiting Sergeant by making im mediate application. A. M. ROWLAND, | Macon, May 15, 1661. Ist Lieut. C. S. A. Lori llaud’s Srmf£ IN BOTTLES AND BULK, For sale in quantities to Jobbers, by U. A. ROBINSON 4 CO., Wholssxlb Driooists, LOUIBVILLE, Kt., And M. A. 4c C. A. SANTAS, may 22-4 m NORFOLK, Va. Special Notice. THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. ABE prepared to forward by Express all Goods through to Pensacola and Way Stations on the Montgomery ami Pensacola Railroad—the charges paid by the shipper in all cases. All letters for the Officers and Soldiers of the Confederate Army at Pensacola and elsewhere forwarded ly the Company free of charge, when in Government en velopes. m. c. McDonald, Ag’t. Macon, May 20,1641. I3ank Cheeks. on all Banks of the city, for sale. Also BLANKS ! Os every varety, and to correspond with the recent laws of tile Slat*. At the Journal and Mtuntnytr Ojfi< ->. On Coii%iKiiui4>tU. PA BAGS HIO COFFEE. t) Vr 200 Coils Machine Rope. 50 Ounces Quinine, and for sale by ______ July 10 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. Consignment. RAA BUSHELS BTOCK PEW. |QUU feb 20 ASHER, AYRES. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINT, OIL, Ac M ASSENRURG & SON, (Successorsto E. L. Strohecker.) Corner 3rd and Mulberry Street!, DEALRU3 IN CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, PURE CHEMICALS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, WINDOW GLASS, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS, Patent Modlolnes, FRESH GARDEN SEED. Merchants and Physicians, I WHO MLH>B TBSMSELVB9 On Dealing in Articles of the FIRST QUALITY, AND AT LOW PUCKS, i WAV KliL Y upon REIXL SUITED. nov 28 E 3 X AB^CBH^DJ^BBS. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JUST RECEIVED GEORGE PAYNE’S .CHEMICAL AND DRUG STORE. fiIHE Articles mentioned here, which are of Superior A quality, and at Fair Prices : Kerosene and Coal Oil, inferior to none sold, Winter, Sperm and Linseed Oil, Raw and Dolled Linseed Oil, Olive Oil in Bottles and by the Gallon, White Lead in Kegs and assorted size cans, from 1 lb. tc 100 lbs. Zinc, White in kegs and cans, Colors,in cans and boxes, oil and in water, Paint Brushes and all kinds of Artists Tools, Sponges, Putty, Palet Knives and Tine, Potash,in kegs, bulk and iron boxes, French Glass, and all kinds of Glass Ware, Dye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Turpentine , Lamp Wick, bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Bell Cologne Water, and Rose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring Extracts,{Fresh Hops and Fresh Honey, Corks, ail sizes, Hard Rubber Trusses, and all other In struments, Hedgmans Ricine Oil,and I.ubins Antique Oil for the Ha Ir, Fine Tooth Brushes and Fine Toilet Soap, best citrate Magnesia, Burnett’s Cocoine and Kaliston and Woo’d Hair Restora tives, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Restoratives, and hei Tylo Balsamum, Fresh Vaccine Matter, and fresh Congress Water, Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, Chemical, Medicinal Herbs and Genuine Medicines. Macon, Ga., April 18th, 1860.—y Drills and Medicines, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Uorner Cherry Sired and Cotton Avenue. JUST received, afresh supply of Drugs and Medicines , Perfumery, Paint and Varnish Brushes. Superior Coal Oil, Burning Fluid, Camphene, Alcohol and Potash; Jaynes’ Ayres’, Wright’s, Moffat’s, and Strong’s Pills; Hemboldt’s Extract of Buchu, Sanford’s Liver Invigorator, Mrs. Wins low’s Soothihg Syrup, Degrath’s F.clectrlc Oil, Mustang Liniment, Indian Cholagugue, Jaynes’, McLean’s, aud Fahnestock’s Vermifuge; Seltzer Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, warranted genuine, june 20 13-’oo- W. S. ELLIS, Agent. CJ OALOIL, COAL OIL LAMPS, REFRIGERATORS, MASSER’S ICE CREAM FREEZERS, RILEY S CELEBRATED FLY TRAPS, WIRE DISH COVERS, CUTLEEY, PLATED WARE, WOODEN AND TIN WARE, LSD HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, GENEEALLT, AT iul( ,,„ R. A. WISE, Cherry St. JT. DeLOACHE, DEALER IN CARRIAGES ami ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES, HARNESS &. WHIPS. Brattleboro Buggies, (MADK BT ASA MILLEB.) Trunks, Valises and Buggy Vmbrellas, NEXT DOOR TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Tie above articles sold LOW for CASH, and all purchasers invited to examine my stock whether they buy or not. August 7th, 1861. Latest News by the Atlantic Telegraph. f 310 all whom it m*> concern, this is to notify the public 1_ that ISAACS is at iipme again, and begs to assure bis patrons that his Saloon is not a thing of a Jay. Citisens and the traveling public will Cdd their establishment open, not for the Season only, but at all Seasons of the year, and those calling on us, will at all hours, find our larder sup plied with all the delicacies that the New York and other markets will afford, in the way of eatables and something good to drink, and six days out of seven, more than can be found in any other bouse in town. E. ISAACS & BRO’. (Jndcr Itahton’i Hall, Cherry St. His Bill of Fare will every day, Be just the thing for little pay; Aud Uiote, who at their place may eat, Will find in it all things complete— And going once, they then will know, That ISAACS, is the PLACE to go. We shall be happy to sec our friends, ensuring them that it will be our unremitting care to pleas, in every respect, *s we flatter ourselves, we have done till dow. It may not be generally knows that we have, to meet the wishes of the Medical faculty, imported by ourselves, a very superior quality of Pale Brandy, flue Old Port, Slierry ami Madeira, possessing all the Medicinal qualities, so much de sired by them. Look at this Bill of Fare, and choose for yourself OYSTB3EIS, From New York, Savaunah and Brunswick, in the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, stewed, or in any way you wan them. Also, _ __ Shrimps and Crabs, Wild Game of every variety, Venison and Beel Bteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets, ,^|L-> Ham and Eggs, Devil Ham and Deviled Terapins, Mountain Oysters, turtle SOUP, Wood-Cock, Grouse, Mountain Geese, Squirrels, Wild Ducks, Fish, and everything that an epicure wants,can always be had when in season. Confectioner!*;* and Fruit. ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good assort mentof CONFECTIONERS. ORANUKS, APPLES, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, CAKES, Ac., *n r which can be purchased at low prices for CASH. B t fureand call at K. ISAACS A BHO. oct 6-ts _ Coisfectioiicries stud (irot eriei. XH. DAMOUK, at his old stand No, 14V Mulberry St. • keeps as usual a full assortment of goods in the above :ir,e, consisting of Candles of his own manufacture, and flue French Candies. He is the only one in Macon that imimrts Brandy, Wines, and Wine Vinegar direct from France. All kinds of fine Liquors and Wines, choice Havana Segars, and best Tobacco, Oranges, Apples, and other Fruits, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Nuts, and Preserves of all kinds, Pickles, Ca pres,Olives, Olive Oil, Ketchups, Sauces, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Cakes, Dried Beef Tongues, Pig Ham*, Onions, Cabbages, .nd many other ortiefea in that unt to I numerous to mention, m * r Eicamuic our Goods and Price* before onying elsewhere