Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, October 23, 1861, Image 3

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IMPORTANT KENTUCKY SEW*. Oct. 19.—Passeutjers fr Piling Green to-day report an engagement t the 17th atGreenburg, on Green liiver, thirty miles above Man fords vi lie, between f,xn federate forces under Gen. Hardee, I 500 str >ng, and the Federal forces under ticn. Ward. 2,000 strong, at caiup Andy ,l,.hn >u- The Federal* were repulsed after tharp engagement. No other particulars brought. Nothing has l>een heard from Ilosscau this side of Nolin, where our advance arriv ed a week ago. The Federalists are making no advance uijvements. * The Louisville Jonmal says four car loads of arms destined for Kentucky, arrived at Jeffersonville, on the 13th. General Smith, comtuauutng at Paducah, i >ucd a proclamation, Oi the 10th, forbid ding the ontposts to pass out persons with- Hiir written permission from headquarters, which is given only to persons of approved 1 yalty. Nor will goods or stores, of any ,i option, be permitted to pass without the same anthority. The H iwling Greeu correspondent of the Lui u6i American says that Henderson, Ky.. was occupied by 1,000 India mans on the Ith and 1,500 were expected. iue Federal gunboat Counestoga was at Henderson on the 12th, repairing hvr wir'd, w.i.i h was disabled in au engagement with tb batreries near Cdumbus. Bt*nai ir L. \V . Powell, and R-|r -e’.iT >- tve John Young Brown, were at Hopkins Tille a ftw daysoago, haviug xnad. th , t . cape trom Lincoln’s emissaries. The Louisville Courier learns that Thomas L Crittenden arrived at Henderson ou the 14th, took command of the Federalists and proclaimed martial law. Al—patch to the New Yor* T nut* „ -of the Bth, says two batteries nud uecn sent f m Ohio to Kentucky in the ten days pre vious. G :j. Muchjll will be put in command of’ sa evp Jiti.n to drive the Confederates out ! tr -.i t mubt-riand Gap, and then carry the ] war into Tennessee. Affair* ou Hit* Richmond, Oct. 20—Nothing reliable of l importance to-day trom Mauassis or York tOWll. : On Friday our batteries at Evaosport o;icm*d i*n a Federal steamer with hot shot, un<i ■*ct her ou fire. Blie ran ashore on the • Maryland side. There are over oue hundred vessels below Evansport that cannot pass our batteries. Nashville, Oct. 10.—The Cincinnatti \ Enpi*rer, 12th October, says the Federal ] unpaigu in Western Virginia is euded fur th- winter. Forage cannot be procured, and transportation is difficult. I( - ueranfz ha* faileu back to Mountain ‘ .ive, thirteen miles west of Gauley. He in’ only 0,000 effective men and nearly 2.000 sick. R will probably bo detached s’i 1 -nt to Kentucky, leaving a small force Lhin-.l him to cheek the Confederates. *liat-p Skirmish i: TcuncMec. Nashville, Tt-nn., Oet. 18.—It is repor* teihere that a sharp skirmish tm>k place a (tx days since at Celina, Jacks >n eouuty, J T uu , near the line, between a body f Ten- • n ‘>ee troops and a force of Kentucky Un- \ Lnists, iu which ibe later fled, leaving be hin 1 a large lot of guns aud ammunition.— Nine of the Vnionists were killed, and two of the Tennesseeans wounded. Nashville, Tenn., Oet. 18. —Dr. Allen and a gentlemgu named Long, both from Shelby county, Ky., fought a duel at Horse Cave .-n the l‘>th iot. The affair, however, v;i'n norably adjusted after the first fire.— “N body hurt.” Th--members of the L-gislature lie- i a ru :iug to-night, an 1 nominated an Eleet-rai Tick ts ir th-. Siat. , which rosy r-.-*'aim t.tho people. W a iiiNuro.v, Oet. ii - .. tn J uiot • r rfJackson, wim killed Klixwor li, was ar i .Ia toe lotu, lnr kcupiugaicudclVou.’ Lr Rebel spies uear Hill. The Gi iverumeut is erecting permanent Wrracks at Washington. It is reported that there is 00,00 troops iu the city. Aortii*ru Sew*. New York, Oct. 14th.—Henry May was reiea- and from Fort Lafayette in order to at- ’ the funeral of his brother, <J suiuiodore %■ ktress Monroe, Oet. 13.—Twelve of llth Hen merit N. Y. Zouaves were taken jV'tcrday by the Rebels, a short distance *bove Newport’s News. Lieutenant Taylor, co in mantle-i the party, is under arrest t ir cowardly behavior. In in a Napoli 8, OcU 13 —The Federal army at Paducah does not fear an attack and ‘‘anuot hoar of any large forces this side of 1 durnhus. All the secessionist* in Paducah hive \<xked up their houses and fled. Brig. Oen. Wool will leave for Kentucky to morrow, where he w ill at once enter upoa tie discharge of his duties. uiilk, *2l-t.—Yesterday the Coufeder. ate uunboat I'/oru/a, and the Federal htea ■ti'T Matmirkusctfi, off Sbip Island, cichan* t - 1 twenty shots which flew over and around them both. Neither of them sustained any thn,ag.. The .Vaxxnchu& tt*, hauled off an 1 the Florid a, retired. From Utchmn*t. Richmond, Oet’r 21.—Paweng?rs from Mana>us by this afternoon’s train report all ’i'tiet in that quarter, hut active operations iT * apprehended at any hour. It i reported that Harper's Ferry is now Ui 1 ta.sion of the Confederates, the Fcdc r' J ‘ having been driveu off. ‘■ Vcutcvn prisoners from Western Virgi* tj,J i arrived this evening hy the cars; three &r deserters from the 15th Indiana regi* ,! *t, and fourteen Uuion men from Hardy I tndleton counties. hen. Lee has fallen back to Meadow Bluff, Lorjng ij at Big 9awell, G 0 Floyd L 1 is at Fayette C. H. Jackson is at Green brier. Messrs. Brocket!ridge, Marshal, and Pres t.m, of Kentucky, arrived here to-day, and were greeted by hundred* at the depot. Breckinridge made a vety short speeeh at the cars, returning thanks for the compli ment from ihe large crowd in calling upon him. He said it was not the time for speak ing, but for action. Although he had been driven from his home in Kentucky, he was proud to breathe the free air of Virginia. News from the Peninsula indicates early action in that quaiter. [Special Dispttch to the Republican j A I iiil Hi llaiii}>lu--Si\t v F-d?r* ulials killed. Richmond, Oet. 21.—A letter was re ceived here to-day from Major J. Thompson Brown, of Yorktown, stating that a fight oc curred on briday near Hampton, iu which the Federal* lost sixty killed aud twelve ta ken prisoners. The Confederates had eleven killed and thirteen wounded. Evanspout, on Potomac, Oet. 21.—Our batteries here, under command of Gen. Trim ble, rs Maryland, opened fire yesterday on two schooners wLlcb were attempting to run the blockade, and two tugs. All four were badly iujured. Oue sch r bal eight shots put through her; b-.fh were disabled and captured. Their c-irgoe c -*i*t of hay, w-nai and e un nt. H *h the tugs madi their cm A tof II j- r * \ , v .;, . * waiting to ct.idi up, -it i prev.- b.t ‘ ie? I •v ■ m-’t ’ ... ... , I’ ti * mil mil- •t-i li .C. . v r-; y, but mind I r i.- ‘ y <• upyiug the town to-day flie opiuiou is divided whether or n; r they will advance to Ceutreviilc; it is generaliy believed they will. Tub .Santa iio>A Fight.—J. It. Rhodes, commanding Cos. D. Georgia and Mississippi Regiment, in writing to the Atlanta In tdl i j yrncrr ha> the following statement: I I mast trespass od you to mention souk l of the little incidents of the battle and my ra:u ; —Cipt. Spnvbnry informs me that ! two of my b >ys, M. F. Crawford aud Jack Jett pulled the Zouave Major Vodges off his mule while the gallant Litutenant Poe, of Macon, (son of the lion. Washington Poe, of Georgia) held the mule by the bridle with drawn sword, ready to cut him down, if he did not surrender. The Major acknowled ged himself a prisoner. In a moment Lieut. Poe went to ap active part of the engage ment, and C-pt Platt, of the Clinch Rifles came up aud took possession of the prisoner. “~~'■"'' - ‘ FOR THU JOCRNAL ASD MRSSRSOKR. I : (M< tiinl SiahMiicu. Messrs. Emtors:—Those who have read the proceedings ol the Convention which met in vour city last week, most be impressed with the convie. tion that the Confederate Congress has been sadly deficient in practical business men—the very kind that we want in these times of btisiuesa derange menu aud financial embartassment. We want fewer tepresentauves ot the bar, and more who are familiar with the plow, anvil and ledger. lam gi id to see that the name of Col. Cobb is proposed for the Fourth lii-ttlot. He is a working, practical man, sympathises with them, and will look after tin ir interests. Li t the planters, merchants and mechanics for once select a man who is devoted to the interests of the the masses. CINCINNATI'S. From the (Saadi rsville) “Centia! Georgian” The Greeubrier i;illlt‘—Lelk*r iroiti ia|il. Jones. Through the courtesy of Mrs. Jones we I are j>ermitted to publish the following letter from Captain JoNts, written from the scene of the late battle of Greeubrier : Camt Bartow. Greenbrier, ) October 4, 1861. j i My [h nr Wife: —Yi sterduy was an event ful day with our little army. The enemy marched down upon us-n force, live ti> m veu thousand strong. There were uve tii a id in view They have a rjfju.iJr-o t <tv was not in Sight. They fired at our outpost, at 6 o'clock in the m -rail g. v-u i i m .. j uicu * ug iged. 1 w. s ur Cos. uei a uuty, he being officer of in *!•-,, to go out. Coi. Johnson, of the l_it (Jeurtjiii, iiso weut out. C-*l. Pams*y j with many others, was cut off in the moun tain, aud did not get in until late it. the eve- j uiug. Our pickets held the whole force at a stand for some time, ffgating bravely, des perately —asking Col. Johnson it they should not charge the enemy. He was laughing at the idea of about one huudred men ebargiug an aruiV- The bad but cue mao Quinton Dudley—at that p !, st, who Imu bear-1 from as fighting bravely, exposiug gclf to the ueuiy and firing deliberately. — ; Put ultimately this -mall force had to take j to the mountains, and on caiue the long line j of the enemy. Arrived in full view, they brought up tour pieces of caunou, 6 pouu i ders, and opened on us with shell and shot, many of them going far over and beyond our lilies. Our artillery soon replied. It was now about 8 o’clock, aud for four hours aud ten minute# there was one continued roar of artillery. In the meantime their iufantry were trying every means in their power to tiank us, but were repulsed at every puiut aud iugloriouslv left tbe field. Altnough our regiment did not do much i execution, we were guarding the right flank, an important post —were in full view of the i enemy and in rauge of their guns, their balls flying over our heads. \\ e could not return their tire because the l*2th Georgia were posted on the river bank between us and the enemy, and their fire repulsed them before we had a:i opportunity of engaging actively in the conflict. Pat we have whipped them gloriously, and all hands are rejoicing, from Gen. Jackson down. Our force 1 suppose to by *2,500 to 3,000. Our boys are gather ing up “’* g ot OQe ,; rge banner. !r. Rudisiil arrived the night before the battle. He could not get his trunk, which contained his instruments and my overcoat, from the quartermaster's house Next morn ing when he did get it, he found it pierced with a cannon bail, so far spent as to lodge in the trunk. No other damage except spoil ing the truuk. Lieut Rudisill his a 12 pound shell which did uot hurst. * * * Our loss iu killed and wounded is about 1 35. From the best information, tbe enemy’s loss is 150. We bad a number of horses killed. 04. Johnson had one killed under him. He is a gallant Colonel, and our Gen eral Jaeksou is every iuch a man, either as a gentleman or an officer. * * VV e are ordered to cook four days’ rations. VN e may * * *“* o ' BJ S. A .H.J.,, S i, Georgians Wadino to the Enemy. — A correspondent of Richmond bitpatek, in describing the late Chickamacomico affair, ‘says : There was not a single man killed on ei ther side, as the cowardly rascals did not | stand long enough to fire their pieces—ex cept one who stepped out aud shot, aud kill ed, Col. \\ right’s horse from under him.— He was one of the taken Our men could have captured every one of theeuemy if they U our troops) could have succeeded in landing trom the steamer. The Georgia regiment succeeded in landing, after wudiug up to their arm pits for over half a mile. The North Carolina troops (seven hundred in number) tried to cut the retreating enemy off, by wading iu a different direction from the Georgia troops ; but they got iuto a deep channel of water (eight feet deep) and had to return. Had they succeeded in landing, the whole of the Hesssiuns could have been captured with perfect case. Unfortunately f->r them, they could notproenre any flats to carry with them to land the soldiers. Con sequently they had to run the steamers iu until they groudned, and then had to wade to the shore. As soon as our soldiers land ed and commenced t> advance, tho enemy sh-d like sheep, throwing their muskets and side-arms in every direction—scattering; them iu the saud. They had blankets spread on the sand, playing cards aud they did uot j take time to pick them up, but left them dealt out oil the blankets. Postage Mamps.—The Richmond Ex aminer, of Wednesday has the following welcome intelligence: ‘I he sale ot uew Confederate poet; ge stamp- will commence to-day at Richmond 1 p .-r-< ffict. ‘1 lo v ar< quite handsomely got-1 ten up in * t gnon ion i, and are <>rname?i-! it Vi li u* m ,-s ul 1r- '!<• ; Lav is.—- a lay will prove of gr< ;<i r- ion i i.n i *j ~übiic. UUIEa, In Auxueta, lb., on - lie - veti.iig <>t the. 17,., >- - t>y ilit* It*-r. Mr. Htotiingt'xi, Ja-. Nathan £li., of t lie So in he in ! ield ami Fire*ile, io Mart ..liza (•arrant. DIED, In Baker eouuty, on the Bth inst., at ihe resi d-'iiee ol her son, Itc-uhen S. Williams, <verv slid l--nlj) Mrs. Ann 11. \V illiams, aged 84 vi'ars — widow of the late Jom Williams, torrr.erly a iesi- ! dcut of Miiledgevilie. She was brought to this city and interred iu Koe Hill Oenieiery on the 10th inst. At York town, Va., October 13th, 1801, Axsos : Vfe'OtiLLtTM Spkrkt, of the ‘Beauregard Volunteers,’ : ofh Georgia Regiment, in the lOtti year of bis age, and son of Jtio. A. ami Mary B. Sperry, of Mar shailriile, Ga. Tax Collector. We :iru authorised to announce 60LOMAX K. JOHNSON as a Candi date for Tax Collector, at the ensuing elec tion in January. Oct. 22 ts IS*” B. A. liutisiMt anil Hiteltel Suiter wll Unu|.|>ortet for the oifi;e of High Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff of Macon county, by MANY VOTERS, oet 16-tde ALac3oii Ir*rices* Current. VPPLKS b’i 6 W ©6 00 UACON—llauw j, so IE *8 & 30 Shoulders B> ijj, ‘J6 It..ground lo 26 BEANS—Teuuewee 150 iff, !1 yj White, Northern (/! Q, BEESWAX. -gt Hi 20 25 BUTTER—Country pa M 5 Northern ! ‘p Bj (g, Tennessee id SO Qil 85 BAGGING —Uolt, ijCydj 2t (y, ‘a Gunny j) yd 2- lit 23 BARLEY—Tor seed t&o <ii, \Ji •jiiEEsK tin-. (y. CORN—III sacks p h’l. % 05 111 the Ear -job’ll 70 <Q>\ 75 j I4-AL b’l 0o ;<&, 100 COEEtK— Rio ‘fl ft,; (tt 50 Java ifllE !<& 50 CHICKENS |tpt 20 <q. 80 CANDLES —Sperm U- 50 75 Star \< 1L 40 !<tk 45 Tallow— lb 18 <a> 20 EGGS ip uz 2o 25 EI ATIIKKS—Crime R, 4o ,*! 45 Comuiou ft, (Si 40 FLOUR —Tenn., Family fJ bl 750 <&\ Bno Common brand % ),| 0< 0 Ai>l 00 Ga. Extra Family bl 760 &i 850 FISH —Mackerel No.l.large hi 24 <0 jfe ‘25 00 No. 2 1,1 20 00 | -j* 00 No.B large p hi 15 00 ;4tH7 00 No. 8 small 1.1-10 01 <f 12 CO Mess Shad ft 1 hi & FODDF.It Vet 1 25 ay - 1 50 ! GUNPOWDER V kg ,<Si lfi oo IIAY e'et t % IO 200 HIDES—Dry V ■ 8 10 IRON—Sweedei (fib 7 KnglUh VV> 6 jfe American Hammered V O’ <&- (, “ refined #ls 5 iki C x Ca-tings ‘T tt. 4 V®- •*> I.AKD Vlt 28 \<g 27. tEB 1 Vg” M 55 •v- ... V • <C To ( '’ 7 .HI ■Va 2 5 ■l 5e is. ‘’ -1 5* ail, , 0 F.inner.’ i .2) 4* a. L:;.seed V 2 2> 2 50 ..sir Vlh’l 70 PEAS ‘gvi ho ft. POTATOES —Sweet Vjh’l- 60 .f 75 Ir ! sh wl hi 4 00 j®* 5 o*. P.VTi— t't’l 1 25 CO SHOT V SUGAR—Stewart’s refined V,VJ 15 , IN | New oHeanV;;;;;:::::::: v & n* © u >*. | Z German 1® q, i American Bibo f 2 10 I English Blister £ 6h I 5 * TEA IGO ,50 I \Cf ) 7? P* 10 £ 50 ‘ - rv r V S'-’ IS 9 25 : TMxoff::: 1 :::::;::::;:::: z 10 i j WOOL—Waslicl ‘v ■£’ 5 : f. Unwashed IP®’ WHITE EKAD 15 f ft 11: H A\)VEKTI BEM BN TS. NouHiern hisnranee ('owpaiiieN. Merchants’ Insurance Company, ItICUMOXD, VIRGINIA. <’a*h Capital all paid ia $200,000 Sarplun Earning* 100,000 A. PLEASANTS, President. JOHN H. MONTAGUE, Fecretary. Eufaula Home Insurance Comp’y, KUFAULA, ALABAMA. Chartered Capital >,OOO Cnh Capital and Accumulation* 164,0<X) Florida Home Insurauce Comp’y, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Ca*h Capital *150,000 JOHN D. ATKINS, P evident. JOHN B. ELTON, Secretary. I.IF K~ IN Si; KAN CE. DEPART IIE'T AT SAVANNAH, OF THE Georgia Home Insurance Company. ..|>ital $-250,000. DR J VMK* F. U vZEMORE, Presidant. D P W ILCOX, Secretary. A. WILBUR, Actuary. DH. R. D AKNO-D,of Savannah, Con-uhin/ Phy:.ician. The above are all first class Companies, and risks will be taken on all kind* of property, and -specially cn Cotton, for full three fourths of the vaiue, either on the plantations or etorr.l in th* warehouß , as was recommended by the Coiitracrci-ii and FitutnMal Convention held in Maeon. Ai.- on the Life of alt person* for the benefit of their friend*, or on the Life of negroes, as low as other good and re-poiiflible Companies, and all 10.-ae- j rnniplly set led. Oiiiee in Humour's Block on Second etreet, n- xi door to alley, np tairs. E- U. GRANMISS, Agent oet ilf-tim Oct Ga , Oct. 20lh, l&fil Hit rt VO If TTO .1 AlL—a negro boy who says his name iJ H-n, and that he belongs to Fra k More of iTa-b t county, . He is about *'or 8o years old, of a Macon county, Ga e a TIEHCES StIGAHCI UEO HA.HSr oei A *• w \SSSiSHw% NEW ADVERTISEMENTS* V'OTICE to Dol>tors and Creditors. -All a a persons having demands against Jcffeisun K West berry, late of Dr oty coanty, deceased, aie hereby iot.fid to render them in to the undersigned as reunited by law. -• Acd all person. Indebted to said estate are i.ereoy notified to make mmmi nAyii efit. KIPTCRT WSSTBRRRY, Adtn *. oct 2-3 81-q J. D. WILKES, Adin’r. Attention! Cotton Planters! ° f ‘ b< “ COTTON hLANTER3 **“ 00>l ’ taxTioN of the Btale of wain t n the Seroutl Tnesdaj in NosemDrr. The members of Uie Convention, and all desirous attendance* m ' t ‘ Ut>eri - are ~e’ l re* l to e punctual in their Place of meeting, the *tw Pitt Halt, in Macon 8 a HOWELL COBB, President, c H J. SI6TRLNK. Secretary. oct 2S 8!-St 1 iiVr. D V*a rlct r,>ur “• ,h * < nfederate ie?e iJ !- AB,e r ,c * ,or l * l *’ Su*lieri da* irict ol Ocor|;lu a At CnjjißEßs, October 15.1561. OHDI.itEli. That the third regular Term of the Dis trict Court of the Confederate Mates of America for tne Southern District of Georgia, be held in tb citv of Saranoah and District aforesui l on thes-cond Wednesdav bemg the eighth day of January next (1262), at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that d*>, and in the C .urt Room! of the Confi-derate States, in said city ; of which all i eraons inte rented will take due no'lce And it is further ordered, that a copy of ihis order be puh ished by the Clerk of said Court, twic-e a week in each or the public news) apers of the city of davenuah. and once a week in each of the public newspapers of the city of Ma con, untd the sitting of the Court, as above directed (Signed) EDWARD J. HARDEN, . . . District Judge. ,o . lrue crtract from the minute 1 . Savannah, October 15th CHARLES S. HENRY, Clprk 1 151 " 1 Court Coufed. States for the oct 23 Bt—l It Southern Dist. of Ga. Notice. WR vi>l offer in a few days a choice lot of White Sugar* Rett ed Crushed and Powdered. We will sell Brown Migar* at prices to suit customers, wilh mat j other ai tides which we now have on hand In the Grocery line which we are determined to sell. oct 28 KOS3 A SEYMOUR. BAGGING \ND ROPe! WK - ish to close out 500 pieces of Kentucky Bagging | and 80” coil. Machine Flax Rope. A bargain can bt (oct 28) ROSS A SETMOUR. Tan nt s’ Oil. • ) B IKREI S expertc-. daily by -* * ’ ‘*c> 23 ‘ ROSS A SEYMOUR. IX 1I.( I D DAILY. VL It til N t OIK V PRINTS, BLEACHED GOODS FLANNELS, KERSEYS, DR’ INGS, LINS ETA, FLX READ, BUTTONS, Ac., which we will dispose of a all advance over cost, oct 23 ROSS A SEYMOUR. SI.QU ESTIIA .ON~ NOTlcir. PtRTIGI who recei Writ of Garnishment, under the >e>tueMrati -n Act the Coufede- ate States, may relieve theme Ives of it, > .irenients by making prompt and at sfactory returns t< ... ■ at n y office in Savannah. VV. DANIELL, Receiver S. D G. Pa - . otiuaJi, 25 a Septemb r, 1801 oct 28- . liOiUH A, Wilcox L'olllit y,— Sixty days after ” I date, application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Wilcox county,for .ve to sell the land and u- r tsa lieloitgtng to the e. tate ol oecca Fitsgerald, late of • ,and county, dectasea. sepi 5-2 at JAMES FITZGERALD, Adm’r. /~4 EGRGIA, Pulaski Cuuoty. Wlioreas B. B VT Dyke,, >ator of the es'ate of Lewis W. Jeu n:-"rs deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory trom sal-, a lmiuistration. Therefore, all jierson* concerned are bhereby required to show cause, if any they have, why ielters dUunssory rhou'tl not be granted to said administrator ou the second Monday in January next. Given under tuy hand and seal of office this June 20, 1361. F. I 1). BROWN, jnne 20-mt>m Ordinary. Masonic Notice. RILiI.AH T| liE I INLiSof Macon Lodge a No. 5, will be heid at half-past 7 o’clock, tne first Monday night in each month during the XiR fall ami winter months. By order of W. M. / *e \ Oct. 16, lbl.—lt 8. ROPE, Sec’y. OII>, I‘AI VTN, GLASS, <Vt . I.TI VE cask. Sperm Oil, . 5 ctiu pound, pure Lead, 150 Boxes VVindov. Glass, Two barrels Neat Foot Oil and Five Barrels of Varnish, for sale bv oct 2-3 t BOSS A SEYMOUR GEORGIA MANUFACTURE^ WHEAT I- AN*, a superior home made artfcle, wari anted to work well. Straw Cutters, Lever patent, for sale by juiy 10 NATHAN WF-ED. MILITARY BOOKS. A ,'NIvVI supply of Hardle's Tactics, Scott's Tactics, j\. Cooper’s Tactics, Cavalry Tactics, and Mahon’s Trea tise on Field Foruficatioti, for s d ie at feb 13 BOARDMAN’S. lu. Ls HOYT*© A.MMONIATF.D BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. Thrift JStovall and& Cos., Ahkuslr, Ga., General Agents lor Georgia. (SlsSi- ouper-Phosphate, composed of BONE, SCkPIII 1. Kic and PHOSPHORIC ACIDS, AMMONIA, SODA and POTASH, has been extensively used during ti e past two seasons in Georgia, and lias given the most couplet* satisfaction in COTTON, WHEAT, COHN, OATS, KYE TURNIPS and POTATOES. W e arc permitted to give the following gentlemen as re ferences, besides numerous others, who have used It: Oweu P. Fiwsiuunons, ksq Burke county. Robert F Oonnally, Esq “ “ il..< Ogiiby, t-sq Morgan county. H u 1 T Irvin, Wilkes “ uii Jones, Lsq Polk “ i ii.olison h>q Newton “ > : P.mill t>a Hancock “ *ii .u Bird, esq “ “ , dell, B,q Oglethorpe 11 ,i ..uit’ ‘V Aha ley E Beach Island. J natfiau M Miller f “ *“ P.idPHLETS contain iblysis, letters, Ac .furnish,® o L application. Price, per Ton , iD Aug SSO OO Discount made to puri -i?-o - g tJ f five tons, or more. TOOK, t iTftVALL A CO., Augusta, (I. IV. |{. —Being Agent. . 11 Georgia ,we will furnish to Planters below Augusta. ■ the direction ot the Central and connecting Roads, H v Super-Phosphate, at per Ton in New York —expe- ers to their station added. For this reason, early orders * • olicited, that theSuper-Phos phate may he sent to tin . , ect from New York. Same discount made fr ■ New York price to purchaser* of fiv tons or more. THUS. . STOVALL A P oec 14 33-ts 285 Broad-street, Augusta, Ga TTEORMIA, Wilcox < omit}’.—'VUereas. Nor \l nan McDulhc, Ada listrator ■ n the ccatt of A C. M, ItdQie, laic of saiil county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust. These arc therefore to .cits and admonish all persons concerned, within th. time prescribtd by show muse, if a!,v they have, why said lct'ei s should not be granted < t en under my I .ud and seal of office, this 22nd May-, J. W. MASIIFUKN, :,ay j.’ mAm Ordinary. A 1 KOKbIA, I'l'.ittaki lOHH I y.-~ Whereas, VVll- Vx ils B. Reeves, Administrator on the estate of Tlmmas Button, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for let ter* of diMnissioti. from s:-id trust Tiiese are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said Willis B. Reeves should Dot be discharged from said trust. Given under mv hand ami seal of oflie-e, U is April Ist, IS6I. F. I. B. HRWONE, Ordinary. April 11—uiGm (t EORGIA, VI ii con €ouHiy.—Coi aTorOKidMA- T hy in vacation June 2fi, ISBI. Whereas. Sarah A. Mathis,Guardian of the persons and property of the roioors of John 8. Mathis, deceased, of said County,’h vlug fully discharged her trust,applies to be dis missed from her Guardianship as aforesaid. Therefore, all persons concerned aie hereby notified and required to appear at my office on or before the first Mon day in September next, and show cause, If any they can, why said Sarah A. Mathis should not be dismissed from her said flu frdi .nship. Given under my hand ami official signature. july 3 15 fit JNO. L. BARKER, Ordinary. MA< ON I M It r Ol MMffARI . Where as, Joseph 11. MeKinxte, Executor of the estate of John MeKinxie, late of sahl county, deceased applies to this Court lor letters dismissory from his raid Executor sh p. These ore therefore to cite and admonish ail persons con cerned to be and api-ear at my- ofliee on or hefoie the first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not le granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 3d June, ISfil june 5-mfim JNO. L. BARKER, Ordidary. ( i EORL I A< l*u Inwlt i Boil nt t .—Whereas, Darl- Y ing Johnson. Administrator on the estate of Isaac Johusou, late of sail! county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission front sa.d tru-t. Tiiese are thereto! e to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, w ithin the time pretei ibed by law, to show cause, If any they have, why saui Darling Johnson should not be discharged from said trust. Given under my hand ami seal of office, this April Ist, IS6I. *. L B. BROWNS, Ordinary. April 11—uiCm GEOittilA) VI hcoii County.—Cocht ofOhmna kt or sum (Jocktt. Wh- reas. Avner Burnam. Admlniatiator on the estate of James S. Caldwell, late of said county, ilcc’d, applies to this Court for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and apiwar at my office eu or before the first Monday In December next, to show cause if any they cn, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this‘22d May, :86t JOHN L. PARKER, may 29-mfim Ordinary. Wtitiat, Rye, Parley and Oat*. SELKCTEO **p*dl%llji fox teed. *■ *° 4kU, bj (ocl Ul 4 McOAXUS 4 JONLS, Trees and Grape Vines. a aiut l<t or AI’I*LE anl PEACH TREES, FOR SALE AT WAR PRR SA. GRAPE AI XE S Os the following varieties, with prices attached : VINfS FOB TIMT 480. Per lhO. Per AtMtf. Catawba, one year, f, M $25 tk, “ “ .... .. 700 8b 00 Warretiton, TOO 40 CM* BLUE FAVORITF 10 (Hi 50 00 Cutting! of the above variety $7 fft per 1.000. Also, cut tings of other varieties Confederate mouies or el'J ac ceptance ulteu. O. F. ADA.7IN, oct 9 East Macon, Ga REMOVAL Bill LI hs removed his Law Ofliceto Cherry street, • op stairs of huildine nest below B. A Wise’s furnish ing -tore. He will attend the Courts as heretofore. Macon, Oct. 1,1861. oct 9-ts W A SHI NO TO N HA L L [X still open to the public. Special arrangements will be made for the accommodation of tuemliers Hi? of the Legislature. N. C. BARNETT. R|R Miitedgeville, Oct. 9, 1661. —1 m DRY GOODS. A. GL BOSTICK, Has on hand a hujierlor Stock of Mrrlnot, llel.nlms, Ilomziim. Alpacas, and a large assortment of STAPIsE GOODS, winch he is offering for sale on reasonable terms for Cash, sep IS A. G. BOSTICK. CRA\iTLODg¥ OF GEORGIA, F. Al. M. tnruj] Grand Com- * uiunicaticu for the year S'-SI. will open at the Masonic !3L? ‘fj Hall in Macon,on Wfdxksiiat, * vi/ me Stith day of October. AH ** * Lodges ami Brethren are re- ,J T quested to lake due notice of toe same. Any Lodges unable ifiw to be represented are requested ‘X'b to make tneir returns with their . , | —-w annual dues in due form and forward them try mail or other- *” uittaEsiTfi - ’"st wise. Secretaries needing Blank forms for returns will make application to roe immediately. By order of the M. W. G. M. Sept. 25,1861. S. ROSE, Grand Sec’y. f*r Recorder and Federal Union, Mllledgeville ; Times and Enquirer, Columbus ; Chronicle, Augusta; Republican, Savannah ; Intelligencer, Atlanta, and Courier, R tne, give two insertions and send bill forthwith to Grand Sec’y. Stamping for Embroidery. Mils. I.IMIv V\ is prepared to execute all orders in that kiml of w ork. Also, DRESS MAKING, AND ALL KINDS of IVeetile U ork, Embroidery aud Braiding. SDK WILL COKTIITB TKACH INO CROCHET AND EMBROIDERY. Terms reasonable. Residence on Madison street, next door to Mrs. M. K. Dougherty. Thankful for past favors she wishes a continuance of the same. Macon, October ‘2nd, 1861.—25 t Select School lor Young Ladies. MRS. I.OWAUD E. FOKU. residing at Wood stock, in tlic vicinity of Cave Spring, Floyd county, Ga., will be prepared, on the Ist of November next, to re ceive into her family, a few young ladies, to be educated witli her own daughters. Fur inure particular information, address MRS. E. E. FORD, sep 18-4 t Cave Spring Floyd county, Ga. J.T)e LOACHE DEALER IN < \ HHIUsbS and HOCK A WAYS, BUGGIES, HARNESS & WHIPS, Brattle boro Ru<, r^ie, (MADS BT A2A MILLER ) Trunks, Valises and Buggy Tiubrellas, NKXT DOOR TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH. The above articles sold I.nw for cash, and a’l purchasers invited to examine my stock whether they buy or not. August 7th, 1861. Sundries for* ale. t)Kil HAGSSHOT, mm / 25 Casks Rice. 1-.0 Biles Yarns, 50 Barrels Whisky, 25 Bids. N. O. Fyrup, 150 Boxes B'arch, 75 Cases Brandy, Gin Wine and Synrp. oet 2-8 t ROSS ft SEYMOUR. Military Groods. er AAA YAKIM VKEY JEANS, O.UUU ft,o4Ml YARDS GEORGIA KERSEYS, to GROSS MILITARY BUTTONS, BLUE SaTTINF.TT. HICKORY CLOTH, HICKORY SHIRTS, FLANNEL DRAWERS, MILITARY OVERCOATS Uniforms made for Companies at M.ort Notice. The above will be sold at SM ALL PROFITS, and for cash, sep 11 E WINBHIP. Important INT otice. fl’llE SOI THERM EXPRESS COMPANY J are now running a tri weekly (lay Express on the Cen tral Rail Road, leaving Macon on Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Freight received and for wauled to all stations on the It ad. Freight on goods to be prepaid in every case. No advance on previous rales. 1 M. C. McDonald, Agent. Macon, Ga., Sept. 1 llh, 1861. SUNDRIES. lAAA NEW Sack* Liverpool Salt, 125 HUes heavy Gunny Bagging, SOP Coils Machine Rope, ley Bai-.s Macon Shirtings, Heavy Osriahurg* and Yarns, 20 Bales Nep-u licrstys ami Stripes, 100 Rags pi hue Rio Ccfftc, <lO I licit. Baron, Sides and Shoulders, 25 ’i tvts plain a.ul canvassed Ham*, 5o Kegs cho : cc Leaf Lard. Hi Bbis. choice Leaf Lard. 5(1 lioxts Adamantine Caudles, 25 Boxes sperm Catulles, 2o Bids. No. 1 Syrup, 15 llh Is Cuba Molasses, 10 Bids. Bleached Whale and Lard 0.1, For sale by UOWDUE A ANDKKSv N. Turpentine, ( ampliiie and Vinegar. > .’T UAH K EI.S Turpentine, mm f f 20 Barrels Camplnue, 75 Barrels Vim gar, for tale bv oct 2-3 t ROSS k SEYMOUR. JVlcCailie & Jones, e the recent (ire, have located nearly opposite their oM slaml on Cotton Avenue, where they aie pre pared to supply all customers with Baton, Lard, Flour, ( orn, &c., &c., tW~ GIVE US A CALL. july 3 MACON SEED STORE. IANDRI.TIUM FRESH GARDEN BKEDB. —W. 8. J ELLIS has just received a large supply of GARDEN SEEDS, From Landreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the loweet prices, wholesale and retail. J®“A!so, a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Mnpnn, (4a., Jmi. 16, if W. g. tXIJg. CONFEDERATE fIUirASI 11V Notes and Bonds taken at PAR for X. Furniture or Notes and Accounts due jane IV WOOD A CO., Macod, Ga. Pure Corn and Rectified* \l biskey. T AA BBLi. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey’ * * Extra Rectified,’”* Kentucky Pure White,”Ten neaaeeCorn,” Georgia Planters,” ‘‘Pike’s Magnolia,’ and oth'-r Brands all received direct from the Distillers.and or sale low by (WcCALLIE A JONES, mar 7 ____________ COATES & WOOLFOLK, sa COTTON FACTOIiS. Wnre if vs ipc on Third Street. WU I continue to give prompt attention to business entrusted to their care. Advances mde on Cotton In Store Sept. 25. 1861—ts on Consignment, ►A B UiS K IO COFFF.E* 200 Coils Machine Rope, 50 Ounces Quinine, ami for sale by July 10 BOWDRF k ANDERSON, liny. 200 tfflTmSffMUttP JUST RECEIVED —AT— GEORGE PAYNE’S Chemical and Drug Store. THE Articles mentioned here, which are ts Bupeilor qxality, and sold at Fair Pricis : Kerosene and Coal Oil, Inferior to none sold. Winter, Sperm and Linseed OU Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Oliva Oil In Bottles and by the Gallon, White Lead in Keg. and aaar. td siae cans, from 1 lb. to 100 lbs. Za.-, White, In kegs aud cans, Colors, In cans and boxes, oil and In water, Paint Brushes and all kinds of Artists’ Tools, Pponges, Putty, Palet Knives and Tins, Potash, in kegs, bulk and Iron boxes, French Glass, and al kinds of Glass Ware, Dye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid,Alcohol and Turpentine, Lamp Wick, bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Beil Cologne Water, and Bose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring Extracts, Fresh Hops and Fresh Honey, Corks, all sizes, Hard Rubber Trusses, and all other In struments, HeUgman s Riciue Oil, and Lublna Antique Oil for the Hair, Fine Tooth Brushes and Fine Toilet Soap, best citrate Magnesia, Burnett’s Cocolne and Kallston and Wood’ Hair Restora tives, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Restoratives, and her Tylo Balsamum, Fresh Vaccine Matter, and fresh Congress Water, Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, Chemical, Medicinal Herb* and Genuine Medicines, Macon, G*., April 13, 1860.—y DrntvH and. MedicineH, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Corner Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. JUST received, a f resh supply of Drugs aDd Medicines, Perfumery, Paints and Varnish Brushes, Buperior Coal Oil, Camphene, Alcohol and Potash, Jayne’s, Ayres’, Wright’s, Moffat’s, aud Strong’s Pills; Hemboldt’s Extract of Buchu. Sanford’s Liver Invigorator, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Degrath’a Electric Oil, MusiaDg Liniment, Indian Cho.agngue, Jayne’s, McLean's, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge ; Setter Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, war ranted genuine. june 20 18-’6O W. F. F.LLIB, Agent. Notice to Builders and Jobbers* LUMBER FOR SALE. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the public in general, that he has the largest and best lot of SEASONED PINE LUMBER ever exhibited in Mi ‘die Georgia, consisting of Scantling or all sizes and commonly used in house building ; quartered and hustured Mooring, wetherboarding, ceiling, and alt other kinds suitable for building. My Mill is near the Central Rsitroad, and whl deliver at the road t u accommodating term* Nuy person wishing to purchase, address me at Irwinto . aud I will send hora> and buggy to meet the day trin at tntyre’- and convey them to the mill free of charge ept 25,1881—ts G l* BUKNV-Y. New Establishment. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. | C. T. WARD & CO., MANUFACTURERS aud DEALERS, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD UOtfSE, Macon, Georgia. WU would call toe attention of the public to our new stock, comprising Coaches, riretts, Kockawuys and Buggies, of the most elaborate finish, from celebrated build ers, North. Genuine BRATTLEBORO BUGGIES constantly on hand. nov 16 3i-tf macou, lHay 30tli, IStil. | m f? HAKRKLN Pikes Magnolia Whisky. X 4 fJ 75 Barrels Rock opening Rum. 75 Barrels Phelps Rye Gin. 150 Boxes Tobacco—various grades. 115 Boxes Cigars. 350 Barrels Flour. 100 Tierces Leaf Lard. 75,000 H. Clear Sides, 10,000 H. Hams. 10,000 H. Shoulders. 15 Hhds. Molasses. 20 Barrels Syrup 50 Sacks Rio Coffee. 75 Barrels Sugar. 10 Hhds. Sugar. For tale at reasonable prices for CASH, by june 5 ASHFR AYRES. GEORGIA REPORTS. VOXj. 81st JI'ST received and for sale by J. W. BURKE, Agt. Puce 95 00. Orders by mail promptly executed when ccompanied by the ox^h. Furniture, Furniture! TlfK Most extensive and finest assortment ever offered iu this market, At Prices that Defy Competition ! CALL AND SKE FOR YOURSELVES. We have one of the very finest stocks ever offered In Macon. The most fastidious taste can call for nothing In the Furniture line hut that we can furnish. Our stock of. SOFAS. BEDSTEADS, TI.TEtTF.TF.B, DIVANS, HOCKING and KASY CHAIRS, PARLOR CHAIRS, PIER, CENTRE, TOILETTE, DINING and EXTENSION TABLES, WASHSTANDS, PORTABLE WARDROBES, LOUNGES, PATENT SPRING BEDS, Ac., Ac. Is very superior, and should be examined, If for nothing else than as a matter of curios ty. The extent of our stock will enable us to make it to the advantage of all who wish to purchase to give us a call, as we are determined to sell as low as can be told in this market. Next to the Lanier House, Macon, Ga. sep ii WOOD A CO. PLANTATION IUILL. SINCLAIR’S TWENTY-SIX INCH FRENCH BURR STONE MILL, warranted to wort wtl! • t.d make good Hour For sale by NATHAN WEED july 10 Macon, Ga. Pebble Spectacles, IN Gold ami Steel Frames, Gold, Silva-, Steel and C*m mon Specks. A splendid assortment just received, by ddt 16 * J. JOHNSTON k OO DISSOLUTION. TllK firm of Bol'Uxw A Her*oo t this dav dissolved by mutual consent. The books of the firm will be found at the store of Mr T. H. Bolshaw, who is authorized to use ti e firm name only iu liquidation of the busine.s. T. H. BOLSHAW, F. Hr.RZOG. Macon, July, 22,1861. Having this day purchased the entire lutereet of F. Her zog in the firm of Bolsl aw A Uersog, all notes and accounts ; will he settled by me. I shall continue the business at the old stand, No. 11, Cotton Avenue, near Mulbe. iy street, where may be found ! a good assortment of CHINA, GLASS, CROCK KRY, COAL OIL LAMPS, PLATED CASTORS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY", &e., FOR CASH OILY. T. U. BOLBHAW. The undersigned having disposed of hia Interest iu the firm of Holshaw A Herzog to T. H. Bolshaw, takes pleasure iu recommending him to his friends aug 7 F. HERZOG. fouled prat? Bouds aud Treasury Notes TIKES for BOOKS, BTt thin ary, Ac., and in pav nieut of Debts due the METHODHT BOOK DEPOSI TORY. Books, Ac., told at lowest Cx*u price* for thss BONDS. J. W. BURKE* August 14,1861. Agent. SOUTHERN GROWN FRXJTT TREES, FOB HZt.V AT THE “OtOltr.ll XUWIXT,” WFZ* ACOrSTX.qx. By FLEMING & NELSON. THE subscribers offer for sale a fine lot of GRAFTED YOUNG FRUIT TREES, consistltig in part of 20,000 APPLE TREES, one anil two veer* uM, and from five to eight feet high, am-ng which aril sixty of the best Southern varieties 15,(KW PEtCII TRBK9, one year old, of very thrifty gri-w'tli, forty varieties of which ripen iu (accession from early Ju- e to November. SWO PEAK TKEE3 thirty varieties of which are on H-jince loots. FIFTEEN VARIETIES OF PLUMP, ripening In succes sion through the sun uier. Also. Apricots, Nectarines, Al monds, Figs. Ac , Grape Cuttings, Strawberry Plants Asparagus Rotts, Ac., Ac. KVILMmi.\C KILLS AM) ORYUEUAL SHRI liBEKV. Our Trees will ct inpare favorably with those of any Routheru Nursery, and we will sell as cheapasany of them. We take great care in packing them In Moss aud Straw, so that they may be shipped safely to xuy part of the Southern States. Descriptive and Priced Catalogues sent gratis to all appli cants. Address FLEMING A NF.LBON, Augusta, Ga. N. B —November and December hi the best time for planting Trees Early orders rispectfully solicited, oct 16 80-6 t CORY l CORY ! ! ()AAa BUBH Prime Western Corn, just received U Y/U and for sale at 56 lb*, to the bushel by aug 15. MoOALLIB A JON**. Refined Leaf Lard. go asp **** l,M MASSENBURG & SON,; (wcßSsoas to *■ l. sraoßseßßß.) i . 1 1 Corner Third and Mulberry Streets, muui rt CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, i I Pure Clieiuicals [surgical instruments, I WINDOW GLASS, I PERFUMERY, paints, I! OILS. I I Patent Medielnes, | FRESH GARDEN SEED. Merchants and Physicians, f WHO raiDl THFM9FLTE9 4 - U 1 On Dealing in Article* of (tael FIRST QUALITY, ASD IT LOW PRICED, WAY RELY upon BEING SUITED. nov 29 j ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO? JEBTABL WESLEYAN FEM \LE cnu i : t u.> ■ K .iv N W \ r.L i Kcv. “.SMITH t. •: •f r ItfcN..; Re .F. X r'ORSTi A. .1 -ro:e s Am ,i !_ gun-ca. . Uev. W C BASS, A. N. Pm - V> or Natural -s. 0 SG'HiV AKZT, Professor Modern L&i:gu*i-’ ‘ !>. tor Miss M. U. CAKLETON, Principal Preparatory Ley... - ■sent. P. T GUTTEN BERGER, Proffer of Music. Mi-# L. UUTTENBKKvIfB. A s t. Music. Mr*. S. ECUWABZT, In*t. Ornamental Needle Wotk. K. M. HEARD anu LADY, Steward's Department. Mrs. E J. STEPHENS, Matron. Tuition per annum, in College Classes ■M l “ “ Preparatory Depa: tmeiii 4tt Board *’ “ including fuel,lights and washing. Kd Gue half the Fee* positively required in OctoL r, the to in March. Confederate Bond* taken as cash. Tile Steward’s Department ha* been fitted cut with m entire new suit of Furniture. For Catalogue*, or further infornintian. applv to •ep 11—It XV. C. BASS, Sec’/. GRANITE HA L,17 IWOULD respectfully nform my OLD FKUNI 8 ami PATRONS,that since U>efire 1 have obtained itu Kot ina i/j the building NEXT ABOVE the “Granite Hall,” and over the store of K. i*. McEvoy and Messis. Boclick k Lamm, where I have opened, and will be pleased to see tny friend* and customers, and trill do ny lies’ for tf.eir comfort a: >1 pleasure. Very Respect fully, may 1 BKNJ.’ F. DENSE. BROWN’S HOTIX, Opposite the Passenger Bouse. Macon. Ga. By E. E. BROWN & SON. MF,AI,!i ready on the arrival of every Train. Tl.a Proprietor* wll. spare no pains to make their guest* comfortable. feb S3 Stj-'tfv-y THE STIBULtHELD irOUSK. “Like the Phoenix from ita Ashes.” That urge, new and .legant House. recently erect’ -1 on the ruin* of my old establishment. Mulberry street, Macon, Ga., is now open for the reception and accommcia tion of Boarders and transient guest*. The House has been newly furnished throughout, in the best manner, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Its situation is eligible, a little below the Methodist and opposite the Presbyterian Church, and near the Banks an 1 place* of business. Connected witn the House is a large Livery and Sale Stable, where Drover,and others can find accommodations for their stock The patronage of his’old friends and of tbe traveling public get-erally, is respectfully solicited, nov 5-ts M STUBBLEFIELD. AGENCY OFFICE. REMOVAL. THE undersigned having opened an office in tht ei y of Macon, for the purpose of RENTING no USEE, UllllKG OUT NEGROES, SELLING STOCKS, and all other kinds of property, settling ard collect lug * claims, taking interrogatories and securing lioans of Money. a.d attend to all bustnes* that may be entm.- aud he would especially invite all who may ha ness to entrust to au agent, to give him a • a 1 I am also agent for the long established lew York Life luMUi-ame C\,i This subject I would invite every thiukine ms: before it is too late to mak’ provisions for hi . * death. I am also Justice of the Peace for the fit M., city of Macon L C . RKrentsces:— Judge E. A Nisbet, Judge H G Ua. Judge Oiiffnrd Anderson, Le'vis N. Whittle, E-c, l Btrohecker. Esq., and Elijah Be .and, Lsq (ect 10-ts W. S. B. MATH fTV iS, TLaCj; iK Ot iMano. Siugißg, Orgau an>i Kaimeiiv. IN now prepared to receive pupils by the i,uait.-r, *r . r tbe year, jt tiie rate cf Sixtv Dollars fir the a rad year of ten inouths, ten lessons esch mouth. Lessons giV’ i at the residence of pupils when desired. Mr. M. in prepared to give strict and pumtual oiiesf. i to ertry ]ipi! entrusted to tis cart, and c* Gcicntiy • xpec i lo give satisfaction to all patrons. Pupil.- 1 may eooitneri s September and Names lt-ft at the Methodist or ti a Baptist Book Depository will receive prompt a’tenti n. References given when desired. Macon, August 28,1861. eep L~jr spring and Summer ra*>liiiv lor 1 8 (> 1. Direct Importations from Franco via New (Meats. Mrs. F. DESSAU WOt I.D respectfully to ti.e . Lillies that she hs just rt-iurred ficrn >T-- : A''X, New Orleans, where she liar pure .ased for cash a full assortment of Miili cry, laice, A, ■’ a.<l Di e-* Goods, of the latest direct impor. tattou, aod opeutd her Botit.tts m 1 burs day, March 38- Mrs. De< *au is confident fejirT-'S 4Sf that the ladies will be pleased with thcatytvs X*’ f ‘J and qualities, as they are superior to at y %r ‘jf/l brourbt hcretofors to this place. jar Milliner- supplied a wholesale with R Bonnets and Millinery Goods. api 8 Wheeler & Wilson Machine Needles. AX |1 00 per dozen. Only at retail quantities of or. dozen or less. A supply just received and lor sale If aug 14 E J. JOHNSTON A CO. Hacon Shirting*, emiiabiu jiN *< • ** UALKB Macon Miirtings and F. K. Osnaburg*. t)l/U 25 lialcs Cotton Yarns, assorted No*. 35 bales Georgia fitripes, for sale by mar 80 BOW DUE k ANDDRSON. The Harden Express Cos. WILL PABB GOODS AT THE Custom HuiitiT *t Savannah, , AND FORWARD THEM By Express or Freight Train, as parties may prefer, on’y charging for our trouble the Custom House Fees, for passing and forwarding. For farther information concerning tii above, apply to M. C MCDONALD, A gent Macon, March 30, 196 t. GEORGIA, Maron County.—Ccraror Ottivi ar or as in Ocxtv. Whereas, Burnam, Administrator on the est tie of John I. Haugabook, ia'e of said county, dec’d, applies o tl.ia Court for lrttets of dismission from raid sdniinistrati n. These are therefore >o cite and admonish all pernor con cerned to be and appear at my office on or before tl.* first Monday in December next, to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should Dot be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this I May, 1861. JOHN L. PARKER, may W-m6m Ordinary. lbs. of Baron. TLT nm,l, w.rf. .1 .“• ta..-juur £umin our Goods sod Price* before buying elsewhere