Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, November 06, 1861, Image 4

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Labor—A Word for W ork. A gentleman is a mn who is gentle. — Titles, graceful accomplishments, superior c ilture, princely wealth, great talent® and g, niu- do not constitute a man with all the attributes needed to make a gentleman. ITe may be awkward, angular, bomeiy or poor, an ■ y t bel ng to the uncrowned aristocracy. ]1 i fare may l*o bronzed at the forge or bit relied at the mill — his hand huge and lnr. —his patched vest, like Joseph’s coat, of many color* —iuiii he may stiU boa true gntl* mm. The dandy is a dry goods sign, and not a gentleman, for he depends upon li ni r an l virtue for his passport to good so ciety. “ The man who has uo money is poor —he who has nothing but money is poorer thm he, and is not a gentleman. Some of th. most distinguished men in the world of 1 r— iu the w.uld of art—have been on audible—gr. s—vulgar—ungentle—couse |u ntiy not g.-utleoieu. u You are a plebean,” said a patrician to Ci ero. “I am a plebean,’’ said the elo |ii nt Roman ; u the nobility of my family !►* in with me; tLat of yours will end in you.” [ buhl that no mau deserves to be crowned with honor whose life is a failure; and he who livenuuly to eat and drink and accuniu! .fc money is a failurt*. The world i- i* b* ttor for his living in it. He never v. 1 1 a tear {from a sad face—never kiudled a lire up u a frozen hearth. I repeat with ♦ he i.* a tailure. There is no ilesL li< irt he worships no god but gold. Even li re at the South there are persons who and :u it. discreditable and ungentleinanly to L; . . herjce'mst mnltitodes of young men shirk the road of toil and rush headlong into prof -ions and positions for which they arc totally dis.j nail tied. iii re i- a true dignity in labor, and no true dignity without it. He who looks down sc rntully on labor is like Hermes, who had a mouth and no hand®, and yet made faces at th who b.-d him—mocking the lingers that hr* ught bread to his lips. I * who writes a hook, or builds a house, or ti!i- a farm, or follow.® any useful employ in’ tit lives to some purpose, and contributes Something !•* tin* fund of human happim*. ! ic at the farmer, he has a share in the l ; but his bank is a bank of loam, bis fck.o’e i a plow share, nnd the more his share Lr< k- his bank, the greater will be his divi d< n . He netsd not send his notes to New A ork to be redeemed, for nature has endorsed thm. Garibaldi, the greatest hero of the age, is a w.-king man. Henry day wn.® the mill boy >T the slashes. Pauiel W ebster kntt hi.® iron frame iu to strength by working on his lath r’s farm when young. The men who have blood enough in their veins to work the brain mills upon their shoulders, are men who labor.— Exchange. * ; An adjourned meeting of the citizens of Na-iiville, will be held this evening at 7 •k iri I)r. Ford’s church (Baptist) South t i rry m. t t for the purpose of eonsider ii. _■ the best means to stop the present ruin ou • {.rict*® sought ‘to be extorted out of the ] * pie by the ‘money Greeds.” The above the Nashville Gazette si.Lws tha the public feeling everywhere is setting in against the extortioners. iicorstia Hospital. At a meeting of the Board of Mauagers of the tie rgia Hospital in Richmond, aud of the Executive Committee of the Georgia lb li. i and Hospital Asociation, represenu*d In the accredited agents, Rev. Dr. Joseph li. W llsnu. Rev. J. O. A. Clark, and Mr. J. M. Selkirk, held this 14th day of October, i>• *l, the following preamble aud resolutions v.vre unanimously adopted: Whereas, it is projer that there should l a perfect understanding between the Cen t i Board of the Georgia Relief and Hos ] *.il Association in Augusta, and the Board of Managers of the Georgia Hospital in Kio mond, with regard to the relations ex i ing between thou; aud whereas, the Cen tr. 1 Board in Augusta has made arrange i. i’ with the Confederate States Goveru ln i. , to carry by express all contributions i : le through them to Georgia’s sick and wounded soldiers, the Government paying c>n half rmd the Association the other half ©t t!n express freight; and whereas, the < 1 Bog 4 iu Augusta is keeping a book, c u; lining a record oi all contributions from Georgia, with the names of the donors, win : iier such contributions are made in moo t v or -tores, which book is iutended to be hereafter published; and whereas, it is th to be the best system to secure ui. u nnd concert of action, and to prevent wantage: Therefor, be it K - ‘!vtd, That all contributions are re r : nded to be made direct to the Central B art! of the Georgia Relief and Hospital A emitted in Augusta. i. ved, If any contributions are made and ; the Georgia Hospital in Richmond, or i- where in Yirgiuia, that said contribu t . whether in money or in Hospital stores of all .vind.-, be reported to the <General A :.t ot the ti. orgia Relief and Hospital A at : ni iu Richmond, Mr. J. M. Selkirk, a- iii ney or Hospital stores contributed to the Georgia Relief aud H>>epital Associa ti to be applied by said Association thi u!i their agout aforesaid, as the wants of li e Hospital may demand. ii dveU, That an address be drawn up and pr- sented to the people of Georgia, s 1 t>y the Board of Managers in Rich i :il, and the Executive Committee of the G< rgia Relief aud Hospital Association in Augusta,'■setting forth more fully the objects of <>ur A-.- ‘C-iatioo, aud calling upon the i pie of VmwgiA to scud all their contribu t. in.- through the Central Board in Augusta. Resolved, That this preamble and these r iultous be signed by the Executive Coua liiiir cos the Georgia Relief and Hospital A- ciation, and the Board of Managers in Richmond. ‘ Ho- lived, That all the papers in Georgia be requested to publish the foregoing pream ble’ and resolutions. Joseph R. Wilson, Ch’n. .1. O. A. (’lark, J. M. Selkirk, ( burn i Kx.Coin.Ga.K.A 11. Ass’n. 11. STEPnzNs, Ch’n. liEJiia F. Campbell, Vice “ and Medical Director. Lewis D. Ford, Jos. P. Loo an, Surgeons in charge. James T. Patterson, Wm. H. Pritchard, Edw in A. Smith, B .ard of Manager! of the Georgia Hos pital, Richmond, Ya. J. T. Newberrt, Sec*y. Richmond, Oct. 14, 1861. Approved by the other members of the E\- utive Committee of the Georgia Relief and Hospital Association. August*, Oct. 18, 1861. V m. J. Hard, \ ice Chairman. Henry Moore, Sec. Board Sup’ts. W. H. Potter,Cor. Sec. Ex. Cora. J. M. Newby, Henry F. lllssell, Geo. W Evans, H. 11. Tucker, E. Starnes, Ex. Committee Ga. R. A 11. Association. NEW I“()HTAGE ACT. The following law has been enacted bj the Con grass of the Confederate States of America: LETTER PORTAGE. An Act to prescribe the rates of Postage of io the Confederate States of America and for other pu-posea. The Congress of the Confederate Statea of ▲ioerica do enact, That from and after such pe riod as the Posimaster-Generai mar by proclama tion announce, there shall be charged the follow ing rates of postage, to wit: LETTERS. For every single sealed letter, and for every letter in manusciipt or paper of any kind, upon which information shall be asked for or conunnni catcd in writing or by marks or signs, conveyed in the mail for any distance between places within the Confederate States of America, not exceeding five hundred miles, five cents; and for any dis tance exceeding five hundred miles, double that rate; aud every letter or parcel not exceeding half an ounce in weight shall be deemed a single letter, and every additional weight of half an ounce, or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall be charged with additional single postage. PACKAGES, DROP LETTERS, &C. All packages containing other than printed or written matter —and money packages are included in this class—shall ne rated by weight as letters are rated, and shall be charged the rates of post age on letters; and all drop letters, or letters placed in any poet-olfice not for transmission but for de livery ouly, shall be charged with postage at the rate of two cents each; aud iu all the loregoing cases the postage roust be prepaid by stamps ; and on all the letters which shall hereafter be adver tised a® remaining over or uncalled for iu any post-ottice shall be charged with two cents each in addition to the regular postage, both to be ac counted for as other postages of this Confederacy. REVrsPAPPRS. And be it further enacted, That all the newspa pers published within the Confederate States, not exceeding three ounces in weight, and sent from the office of publication to actual aud botm fid* subscribers within the Confederate States, shall be charged with postage as follows, viz: The postage on the regular numbers of a newspaper published weekly, shall be 10 cents per quarter; papers pub ikbed semi-weekly, 20 cents; papers published thrice a week 30 cents; papers published six times a week, 60 cents; and papers published daily, 70 cents. And on newspapers weighing more than three ounces, there shall be charged on each addi lio -al ounce in addition to the foregoing rates, on those published once a week, 5 cents per ounce, or frtclion of an ounce, per quarter; on those published twice a week, 10 cents per ounce per quarter; on those published threw times a week, 15 cents per ounce per quarter; on those pub lished six times a week, 30 cents per ounce per qaarter; and on those published daily, 35 cents per ounce per quarter. PERIODICALS Published oftener than bi-monthly shall be charged as newspapers. And other periodicals, sent from the office of publication to actual aud bona jide subscribers, shall be charged with postage as follows, viz: The postage on the regular numbers of a periodi cal published within the Confederate States, not exceeding one and a half ounces in weight, anti published mouthij, shall be 2} cents per quarter; and for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, 24 cents additional; if published semi monthly, double that amount. And periodicals published quarterly or bi monthly, shall be charged 2 cents an ounce; and regular subscribers to newspapers and periodicals shall be required to pay one quarter’s postage thereon in advance at the office of delivery, unless paid at the office where published. And there shall be charged on every other news paper, and each circular not scaled, hand-bill, en graving, pamphlet, periodical and magazine, which shall be unconnected with any manuscript or writ ten matter, and not exceeding three ounces in weight, and published within the Confederate States, 2 cents; and for each additional ounce or fractiou of an ounce, 2 cents additional; and in all cases the postage shall be pre-paid by stamps or otherwise, as the Postmaster-General shall di rect. ROOK.®, Round or unbound, not weighing over four pounds, shall be deemed mailable matter, and shall be charged with postage, to be pre->paid by stamps or otherwise, as the Postmaster-General shall di rect, at 2 cents an ounce for any distance. Aud upon all newspapers, periodicals and hook.®, as aforesaid, published beyond the limits of the Confederate States, there shall be charged postage at double the foregoing specified rates. The publishers of newspapers or periodicals within the Confederate States, may send to and receive from each other, from their respective offices of publication, one copy of each publica tion, free of postage. AH newspapers, unsealed circulars, or other un sealed printed transient matter, placed in any post-office, not for transmission but for delivery ouly, shall be charged postage at the rate of one cent each. FRANKING PRIVILEGE. The following persons only are entitled to the franking privilege and in all cases strictly con lined to “ official business : n Post Mastor General. His Chief Clerk. Auditor of the Treasury, for the Post Office De partment. Deputy Post Masters. Senatorial Districts. The people of Georgia in Convention assembled do hereby declare and ordain that the Senatorial Districts of this State shall be organized by coun ties, as follows: Ist District—Chatham, Bryan, Effingham. 2d “ Liberty, Tatnall, Mclntosh. 3d “ Wayne, Pierce, Appling. -ith “ Glynn, Camden, Charlton. sth “ Coffee, Ware, Clinch. 6th “ Echols, Lowndes, Berrien. 7th “ Brooks, Thomas, Colquitt. 6th “ Decatur, Miller, Mitchell. 9th “ Early, Calhoun, Baker. 10th “ Dougherty, Lee, Worth. 11th “ Clay, Randolph, Terrell. Pith “ Stewart, Webster, Quitman. lStb “ Sumter, Schley, Macon. 14ih “ Dooly, Wilcox, Tulaski. 15th “ Montgomery, Telfair, Irwin. 16th “ Laurens, Johnson, Emanuel. 17lh “ Bulloch, Scriven, Burke. 16th “ Richmond, Glasscock, Jefferson. 19th “ Taliaferro, Warren, Greene. 20th “ Baldwin, Hancock, Washington. 2*st “ Twiggs, Wilkinson, Jones. 22d “ Bibb, Monroe, Pike. 2sd “ Houston, Crawford, Taylor. 24th “ Marion, Chattahoochee, Muscogee. 25th “ Harris, (Jpson, Talbot. 26th “ Spalding, Butts, Fayette. 27th “ Newton, Walton, CUrke. 28th “ Jasper, Putnam, Morgan. 29th “ Wilkes, Lincoln, Columbia. 30th “ Oglethorpe, Madison, Elbert. 3lst “ Ilart, Franklin, Habersham. 32d “ White, Lumpkin, Dawson. 33d “ Hall, Banks, Jackson. 34th “ Gwinett, DeKalb, Henry. 85th “ Clayton, Fulton, Cobb. 36th “ Mciiwether, Coweta, Campbell. 37th “ Troup, Heard, Carroll. 38th “ Harralson, Polk, Paulding. 39th “ Cherokee, Milton, Forsyth. 40th “ Union, Towns, Rabun. 41st “ Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, fid “ Cass, Floyd, Chattooga. 43d “ Murray, Whitfield, Gordon. 44i1l “ Walker, Dade, Catoosa. (.'•ligreasional Diatricta. FIRST DISTRICT. Appling, Glynn, Bryan, Liberty, Bulloch, Mclntosh, Chatham, Montgomery, Camden, Pierce, Charlton, Scriven, Clinch, Telfair, Coffee, Tainall, Effingham, Ware, Emanuel, Wayne. SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Echols, Berrien, Irwiu, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Lowndes, Clay, Mitchell, Colquitt, Miller, Dooly, Randolph, Decatur, Terrell, Dongherty, Thomas, Earlv, Wilcox, Worth. TIIIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee, Stewart, Harris, Sumter, Muscogee, Schley, Marion, Taylor, Macoo, Talbot, Quitman, Webster. 1 FOURTH DISTRICT. Baldwin, Houston, * v Bibb, Lauretta, Crawford, I'ulaaki, Jasper, Frftnatn, Jones, T*'ggS, Wilkinson. FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Johnson, Columbia, Lincoln, Glasscock, Richmond, Ha neock Warren, Jefferson, Wilkes, Washington. SIXTH DISTRICT. Clark, Madison, Klbert, Morgan, Oglethorpe, Newton, Greene, Franklin, Hart, Taliaferro, Walton. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Butts, Monroe, Clayton, Pike, Fayette, Spalding, Henry, Troup, Meriwether, Upson. eighth district. Campbell, Fulton, Carroll, Harralson, Cobb, Heard, Coweta, Faulding, DeKalb, Polk, NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Jackson, Cherokee, Lumpkin, Dawson, Milton, Forsyth, Pickens, Gwinnett, Rabun, Habersham, Towns, Hall, Union, White. TENTH DISTRICT., Floyd, Catoosa, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer, Dade, Murray, Fannin, Walker, Whitfield. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Executor’s Sale. WILL be old on Hie Ist Tuesday In November next, before the Court House iloor at the town of Marion, Twiggs county. agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of said County, NINE HUNI'ttH) ACRES OF LAND, more or less, Welt 1 111 pro veil, near Gen. Myrick’s Mills, adioining h.s lands, the estate oi Thomas Moore and others. It being the place whereon Samuel P. Gragg residtd at the time of bis death. Sold a • the property of the estate of said Gragg, and for the purpose of paying debts. This is one of the most valuable farms in the country and can be enlarged if desired, by the purchase of the lands be longiuK to the estate of said Thomas Moore, which will probably be sold the ensuing winter. Terms on the day of sale. lUA E. DUPREE, l Executors sept TILMAN J. JOINER, J Kxecutor *- SI X r V DA A'S after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Houston county for leave to sell the negro property of 0. H. Bryan, her distributive part in the estate of James A. Bryan, late of said county deceased, sopt 4 -2m R. C. BKYAN, Adm’r. Admiiiidlralor’s &a!<‘. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court-house in Aroerirus, humter county, the plantation belonging to the estate of Thomas G. Jackson, late of said county, deceased, containing nine hundred and ninety acres. The tract comprises a tine body of oak and hickory land—about 400 acres cleared and in a fine state of cultivation. The plantation adjoining those of Cols. J. B. Lamar and T. M. Kurlow. Sold under an order of the Court of Ordinary for distribution to the heirs. Terms lib eral. ROLAND BIVINS, Adm’r. April 24,18 C1 —tds V'OTK’K lo Debtors* and Creditor*.— All ii persons haring demands against Martin Kendrick,late of Dooly county, deceased, are hereby notid-d and required to present them properly attested within the time prescribed by law ; and all persons indebted to said d< . eased are here, by requested to make immediate payment. ELIZA A. KKNDKICK, Admr’x. This October 16th, 1861.—3t1-6t NOTICE to Debtors nnd Creditor*.— Notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of Slaughter Hill, late of Macon county, deceased, to make immediate payment to the subscriber; also all persons having claims against said estate, to render them to me, duly attested, in terms of the law. W. W. HILL, aep 25 27-6 t Executor. CI£OKGIA t PulaNki County.—To all whom 8 it mat C"MCKH9I: —Whereas, D. R Mathewson has ap plied to uie for letters of Administration on the estate of John Russell, lute of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties in terested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause, If any they have, within the time pr< scribed by law, why latters should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my hand this October 14th, 1861. oct 16 80-5 t V. I. B. BKOWNE, Ordinary. C'l KCOKGI A, Ttvlggs County.—To all wuum ~W IT mat OONCRRR. —Isaac Carroll having applied to me in proper form for permanent letters of Administration on the estate of Isaac Young, late of said county, deceased.— This is to cite all and singular the next of kin, and creditors of said Isaac Young, dt c’d, to be and appear at my otilce within the time allowed by law, and show cause If they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Isaac Carro i on Isaac Young’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this September 28th, 1961. LEWIS SOLOMON, oct 2 29 5t Ordinary. p liOitGl A, Wilcox County. —Sixty days after 11 date, application will be made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of Wilcox county, for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Rebecca Fitzgerald, late of said county, deceased. tept 5-2 m JAMES FITZGERALD, Adm’r. VTOTICE to Deblorw and Creditors. -All I.A persons having demands against Jefferson R. West berry, late of Dooly county, deceased, are hereby notified to render them in to the undersigned as required by law.— And all persons lndebted|to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate payment. KITTURY WESTBERRY, Adm’x. oct 23 81 -6t J. D. WILKES, Adm’r. M N (>jr H L YINOTI C e K MACON COURT OF ORDINARY.—Where as, Joseph H. McKinzie, Executor of the estate of John McKinzie, late of said county, deceased applies to this Court for letters dismissory from his taid Executor ship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and apnear at my office on or before the first Monday in December next, to show cause, it any they liave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 8d June, 1861. junes-m6m JNO. L. PARKER, Ordidary. / 1 EOIIGI A, Pulaski County.— Whereas,Darl- Vl mg Johnson, Administrator on the estate of Isaac Johnson, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Darling Juhnson should not be discharged from said trust. Given under my hand and seal of office, this April Ist, 1861. F. I. B. BROWNE, Ordinary. April 11—m6m GKORKIA, llncoii County.—CocbtofOriuxa- KY OF SAID COCSTY. Whereas, Avner Hurnani, Administrator on the estate of James 8. Caldwell, late of said county, dec’d, applies to this Court for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at ray office on or before the first Monday In December next, to show cause if any they can, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this22d May, 1961. JOHN L. PARKER, may 29-m6m Ordinary. GEORGIA) AVIIoox County.— Whereas. Nor man McDuffie, Administrator on tlie estate of A. C. McDuffie, late of said county, deceased, applies to ine for letters of dismission from said trust. These are therefore to ;cite and admonish all persons concerned, within the time prescribed by law,to show cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 22nd May, 1861. J. W. MASHBURN, aay 22-m6m Ordinary. Ut EOIK.It, FlllllMki County. —Whereas, WH AT lis It. Reeves, Administrator on the estate of Thomas Sutton, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for let ters of dismission, from said trust. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned, within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said Willis B. Reeves should not be discharged from said trust. Given under my hand and seal of office, this April Ist, 1861. F. I. B. BRWONE, Ordinary. April 11 —m6m (1 EOIIGIA, Unroll Comity.— Court or Obdina- T ry in vacation, Jun#'26, I^-61. Whereas. Sarah A. Mathis,Guardian of the persons and pro|>erty of the minors of John 9. Mathis, deceased, of said County, h iving fully discharged her trust, applies to be dis missed from her Guardianship as aforesaid. Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified and required to appear at my office on or before the first Mon day in September next, and show cause, If any they can, why said Sarah A. Mathis should not be dismissed from her said Guardianship. Given under my hand and official signature. julyS 15-6 t JNO. L. PARKER, Ordinary. (1 EORGIA) Huron County.— Court of odia- T RT OF BAID OOCXTY. Whereas, Avner Burn&m, Administrator on the estate of Johu I. Haugabook, late of said county, dec’d, applies to this Court for lrtteis of dismission from said administration. These are therefore o cite and admonish all persons con cerned to he and appear at my office on or before the first Muiiday in December next, to show cause, if any they caD, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, this 22d May, 1861. JOHN l. Parker, may 29-m6m Ordinary. GEltGlA,Pnlaskl County.-Whereas B B. Dykes, Administrator of the estate of Lewis W. Jen nings deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from said administration. Therefore, all persons concerned are bhereby required to ■how cause, if any they have, why letters dismissory should not be granted to said administrator on the second Monday in January next. Given under my hand and seal of office this June 20, 1961. F. I B. BROWN, jnne 20-m6m Ordinary. Flj O U R . r A/k HHLB. Superfine and Family Flour to arrive.] ‘ll 16,000 pounds Choice Family Flour, (sacks) In t Store, and for sale by A mar 20 BO WORE A ANDERSON. M < HARDWARE, IRON & STEEL. Hardware, Iron, Steel AND ACr KICULTUR A l l M PI, KM ENTS, IN GREAT VAftISTT AT THB NliW IKON FRONT BTOKE —or— CAKIIART & CURD. WHKK E they continue to keep one of the lurgeet a* sorimeuta kept in M Iddle Georgia, consisting in part of Swedes Iron all sizes, I Hammered Plow Steel, Rtfined “ “ “ Cast “ English “ “ “ Blister Round a Sq’r Iron all sises, German Oval A Ito’nd “ “ “ Spring Horse Shoe “ “ “ Tin “ Nail Rods, Machinery “ PLANTATION! HARDWARE. HOI'S ; Scovil, Bl ade’s and various other makes. Trace Chains, I Cane Hoes, Plow “ | Axes, Breast “ Hames, Tongue “ | Plow Lines, CARPENTER TOOLS. Planes, Chissels and Gouges, Hand ar.d Panel Saws, Augers and Auger Bitts, Boring Machines, Braces and Bitts, Mortice Machines, Iron Braces, Bench Vices, and Saws, Hatchets and Hammers, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Butts, Nails, Brads, Together with every thing used in the way of BUILDERS’ MATERIALS. CARRIAGE MAKERS Can always find a large Stock. Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Bands, Leather Clothes, Dash Frames and Trimmings of every variety used in their line. Atfriuiiltiiral litiploint’ii In. Such as Plows, Straw Cutters, Scythe Blades, Grars Blades, Brcir and Bush Hooks. Furl Mills—Grant’s, Clinton and other makes -Spike Tlir*;sliers—Emery’s, McConnell’s, Win sklp'a, Georgia and other makes. Horse Power*—Emery’s, Bogarder’s, and Lever Powers. Grain Cruel lea-5 and C fingered, of severat makes and styles. All of which they offer at the lowest markest rates. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine prices, Ac apr 4-’6O HARDWA RK7 Home made Smiths Bellows, Portable Forage, Cast Steel, Block Tins, Tin Plate, Bolt Copper, Glue, Rubber and Hemp Packing, Brass Wire, Sheet Brass, German Silver, Babbit Metal, Horse and Mule Shoe, Shoe Nails, for sale by juiy 10 NATHAN WEED. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NATHAN WEED, • Uacoi 1. {iforgit r, U AS NOW IN STORE and offers to Planters a superior assortment of the newest and most improved Turn ing Implements in use. Iron and Steel Plows, Harrows, Plow Hames, Cultivators, Grain Cradles, Scythe Blades, Threshers, Fan Mills, Horse Powers, Straw Cutter*, Shovels and Spades, Traces, Spading and Manure Forks, Weeding Hoes, of Scovil’s, Coillns’, Brade’s Patent American Hoe Cos. manufacture. Swedes anil English Refined IRON of all sizes. Warranted Plow Steel, English manufacture. Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Hammers, Screw Plates, Tongs, Borax, Carpenters’ Tools, Builders’ Hardware, Carriage mid Wagon Materluls, IX AI.L thkik variety. mar 18 NEWPIRM. WM. J. McELROY & CO., Brass Founders, TH E undersigned are now prepared to furnish the fol lowing articles : Sword® and Knivos, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MADE TO ORDER AT SHORT NOTICE brass jvroxjisrTixTa-s, For Swords, Knives, and Guns, also, ORNAMENTAL BRASS CASTINGS, Os every description. We keep on hand at all times a full assortment of Tin-Ware and Stoves, Os all kinds, SOUTHERN MANUFACTURED, with a full assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. AT THE OLD STAND, ON THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. TEMRS CASH. W. J. McElroy, C. D. Wall, A. Rbynolds. September 25,1861. —ts CO A.L OJX.7 COAL OIL LAMPS, REFRIGERATORS, MASSEK’S ICE CREAM FREEZERS, nilzEY’S CELEBRATED FLY TRAPS, Wire Dish Covers, C TJ e r y, PLATED WARE, WOODEN & TIN WARE, —AND— HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. GENERALLY, AT 33. A. WISE, july2l Cherry Street. A. Card. DR. J. B. OOIIMAN having extensively used Littlb’s VKirjsiFtMJK takes pleasure in saying It la the moat val liable remedy to cure children of Worms be ever kat w. A dollar btrttle quite sullicient for 26 easel. Believing that more children are lost from the effects o‘ Worms thim Iron) all otiier causes 1 recommend It fully to everybody . In using, nothing else is necessary but to dose the children spring and fall. Besides the greatconvenleuc of such medicines, I never before found a more safe, or one more e ertainly to be relied upon than I>r. W. G. Little* Vermifuge. TalboAton, Ga., Feb. 2, 1860. Little 5 ;. Anodyne Cough Drops per bottle 60 76 Little’s Vermifuge, In large bottles 1 00 Little’s Vermifuge, in vials 26 Little’s Ring and Tetter Worm Ointment 1 O 0 Little’s French Mixture 1 60 mar 21 52 GXJ7V7STO, LIME, &c. iv/v KRLS. Rhode’s Phosphate. 600 Sacks Mapes Super-Phosphate of Lime. &i>o “ Reese’s Manipulated Guano. 150 ldils. American Guano. 160 “ Land Planter. 100 “ Lime. For salont Manufacturer’s prices by feb 20 ASHER AYRRB. Oil CoukiKnineul, KA BAGS RIO COI'FESJCy I * 1V Ml Coils Machine Rope, 60 Ounces Quinine, and for sale by July 10 BUWDRK A ANDERSON. Confederate Bonds and Treasury Notes iTM AKENtor BOOKS, PTATIONARY, Ac., and In pay _L meat of Debts due the METHODIST BOOK DEPOSI TORY Books. Ac., sold at lowest Cash prices for these BONOS. J. W. BURKE* , August 14,1861. Agent. I.ANDS FOE SALE. Valuable JPI tint tit ion FOR SALE. I AII now offering for sale one of the nio t valuable plantation* in West Florida, lying on Spring Creek Jackson county, containing Focmtmn Httwiin Ackk* o firxt quality Oak and Hickory Land; three hundred acre* cleared ai>4 fait improvements. The land is strong lime land, will liring upon an average year, 1,000 lhs. of seed cotton, tin I an to *5 bushels corn, and is convenient to mar ket, 20 miles to Mariana and 2* toWoodville.on the Chatta hoochee River, where cotU.n brings as good a price as it doc* in M con. Or I will sell 2,800 acres, If wanted. My oh cot In selling is to get out ofuebt. I can always be found on the premises. References in regard to the land may be had hy serin* John V. Price, Arnerlcus; James W. Jowers, near Pre don ; Ch is W. Crawford, Lee county; Rev. Mr. Jackson, Outliberl, and all of Georgia. apr li 4-till dec St! NEWNAN McBAIN. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOB SALE. fimi: subscriber offer* for sale hi* desirable plantation L situated in the 15th district of gumter county, and about 14 miles front Arnerlcus. It contains Eighteen Hundred acres,sever hundred of which is cleared, and in a good state ol cultivation It is undoubtedly as good a plantation as there is in Sumter county. A good dwelling house, negro houses, gin and screw, and all other neceatan, out buildings on tbe premises, and plenty of water. It adjoins the rich lauds or T. M. Kurlow, W. T. Adams, and others. The place may be seen at any time. Persons wishinging to purchase will either call on me a the plantation, or address me at Arnerlcus, Sumter county Georgia. _ . dec 23 -tn-ts A. J. SCRITTCHIN. WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC PALACE OF ART! AISJ.Y the largest and beat appointed Estab lishment iu the South, if not in the United States. Is one of the most popular and interesting places of resort in Macon, and is daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi tors. The Collection of Pictures is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Ambrotype to the llfe-sixe Portrait. Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expease, that hi* GAL LERY shall continue to be the Headquarters of Fiue Arts in the South Employing permanently the best talent to be procured to color Ms Photogrophs, iu txery style, true to nature, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. A large collection of the celebrities of the day on exhibition, to which has just been added a splendid Picture of the Prince of W ales and suit, Blondin, Judge Douglas, and others too numerous to mention, but which the public are luipeelfuby invited to call and examine. As Wood uses none but the best materials in his business, persons in want of a rood Picture will find it to their advantage to patron ize this establishment, as Pictures ran be had here at prices as low as elsewhere and of superior style. Ambrotypes. Daguerreotypes and Plain Photographs of every size at low price*. Cail and see R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oct St Lanier House, Macon, Ga. rrtHomsT isook . Cash, or* no Trade. Ol'IT rule is to 3ell for Cash only ; but our good friends seem to forget and ask FOR CREDIT,but weinuststop PROM THE DATE. The Book Committee have instructed me to Bell for CASH ONLY, and the rule will be strictly aditrrkd to. Dear friends don’t ask us to depart from it. W T e will sell you our Goods for Cash on good terms; but to sell and charge to best customers in the land. WE CANNOT DO IT. A good Stock of SCHOOL, RELIGIOUS and MISCELLA NEOUS BOOKS always on hand, STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, Ac., Xj o W FOR CASH. June 12,1 SCI. J. W. BURKE, Agent. F IL BURG IIARD, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN PANCY WARES, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN OKS I K kL, ARTICLES OE YERTU, AND M U9ICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT II) AND AMERICAN WATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, Ac., Ac., Cborry St, Macon, Second door below tha Telegraph Printing House. f fill! A’V 14 PUL forpastfavors.reminds fi the pubiU that all the most fashionable, elegant aod desirable goods in this line will [L—l continue to be found at this elegant stand > ‘‘vSEa in the greatest variety. No trouble to show Goods. feh 29-’6O-y CARHART& BRO. (LATK OF SEW YORK,) Have returned to this place, where they will be pleased to see their Friends. All communications promptly attended to. Store in Ralston’s Rock Building, on Third Street. JAS. D. CARHART, WM. B. CARHART. Macon, March 18,1661. New Southern Music! JUST received and for sale at the BOOK DEPOSITORS , Macon, Georgia, as follows : Our Southern Flag. I SECESSION G ALOP, BEAUREGARD’S GRAND MARCH, ANEKN POLKA, SOUTHERN BOYS—Song, STARS OE OUR BANNER, DIXIE ALL RIGHT, FLAG OK THE SOUTH, SOUTHERN MARSAILLES, PRESIDENT DAVIS’ (.RAND MARCH, SECESSION POLKA, SECESSION MARCH, SUNNY SOUTH GALOP, southern battle song, PALMETTO SONG, Address, J W. BURKE, Agent. August, ‘26, 1961. Medical College of Georgia, AT AUGUSTA. rfllisr. thirtieth session of this Institution, will open on Jl MONDAY, the 4th November next. Anatomy, 11. F. CAMPBELL, M. D. Surgery, L. A. DUGAS, M. D. Chemistry, JOSEPH JONES, M. D. Materia Medina and Therapeutics. I. P. GARVIN, M. D. Institute and Practice, L. D. FORD, M. D. Physiology H. V. M. MILLER, M. D. Obstetric*, J. A. EVE, M. D. Adjunct Pi*oict*or of Obstetrics, ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. D. * W. H. DOUGUTY, M. D.,Clinical Lecturer at City Hos pital. S. B SIMMONS, M. D., Prosector to Anatomy. H. W. D. FORD, M D . Demonstrator of Anatomy. Lectures, (foil course 1 ,) $lO6. Matriculation Fee, $5 The College building has been thoroughly renovated, and rnanv additions made to funner facilities for instruction. sepl‘2o- I. P. GARVIN, Dean., Coffee, Moljom*)*, Ac. If’ I-II #?>>. Prime and Choice N. 0. Sugar. 100 bbls. refined Sugars. SO “ Crushed, Granulated and Powdered Sugars 20 hhds. Prime New Cuba Molasses. 50 bbls. and halt barrels N. O. Syrup, mar 20 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. .1 Ist i vi raoM Abo Lincoln’s Dominion, “ DESPITE THE EMBARGO,” gOO POUNDS FRESH TURNIP StKD. 100 “ PURPLE TOP RUTA BAOA Turnip Seed, lot “ WHITE ELAT DUTCH “ “ 100 “ WHITE FLAT RED TOP “ “ For sale at the Drug and Chemical Store of Macon, June 12th, 1 .61. GEO. PA\NE. Baron, €otm, Isurd anl Flou, 7.X 'ANK.S BACON, hog round, e) 7500 Bushels CORN. 25 Barrel* LA KD. 25 a all barrels LARD. 40 Kegs LARD. s'Mi Hbis. S. K. and Family FLOUR. SO Hhds. MOLASSES. 40 Bbls SYRUP. 25 Half bbls. SYRUP. 100 Bbls. reflaed SUGARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 B >xes TOBACt O. 800 Rbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cash. ASHER A YEP <4. Macon Feb. 20th, IS6I. ?5,000 ISs. of flaeou. J|TST received 75,000 pounds of choice Bacon —rusom ers must call soon, as the stock Is going otf rapidly, fei. 27 ASHER AYRES 1 >OOTS.—A full assortment of Gents’flne French m At Calf Boots,pumpsole, welted and water proof, of M artousks nds and qualities, both soled and pegged.— Jft uatreceived and for talelow by MIX R RIRTLAND. oat t-j INSURANCE COMPANIES. Southern Insurance Companies. Merchants’ Insurance Company, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Cash Capital all paid in $200,000 Surplus ‘Earnings 100,000 A. PLEASANTS, Prwident. JOHN U. MONTAGUE, Secretary. Eufaula Home Insurance Comp’y, KLFALLA, ALABAMA. Chartered Capital s'2lX),ooo Cash Capital and Accumulations 1&4,0GO Florida Home Insurance Comp’y, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Cash Capital $150,000 JOHN D. ATKINS, President. JOHN B. ELTON, Secretary. LIFE INSURANCE. DEPARTMENT AT SAVANNAH,OF THE Georgia Home Insurance Company. (a pit >• 1 ------- $250,000. I>R JAMES BAZEMORE, President. D. F. WILCOX, Secretary. A. WILBUR, Actuary. DR. R. D. ARNOLD, of Savannah, Consulting Physician. The above are all first class Companies, and risk* will be taken on all kinds <>f property, and -'specially on Cotton, for full three fourths of the value, either cn the plantations or stored in the warehouses, s wes recommended by the Commercial and J-innu .at Convention held in Macon. Also on the Life of all pt r.-ons for the benefit of their friends, or on tho Life of negroes, as low as other good and responsible Con. panic*, and all lueses j roinplly set led. Ofiiee in Damour’s Block on Second Street, nxt door to atiey, up - tairs. K. C. GRANNISS, Agent, oct 23-6ru RICHARD CURD, GENERAL, HAKIM, FIRE AM) LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY .K.icar, auoKuia.. f|lli IS undersigned, us agent of the X Atna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Phoenix Insurance Cos , u Hartford, North American Fire Insurance Cos., of Hartford, LaFayeite Fire Insurance Cos , of Brooklyn, State Eire Insurance Cos., or New Haven, and Altua Lite Insurance Cos , of Hartford, Is prerared to insur< every description of Property—ln the above lirst class companie —on terms favorable to the assured. Apply to RICH’D CURD, feb ’6O-tf Agent THE GEORGIA novas: i hanck coupaivv, COLUMBUS, GEO. CHARTibFiED CAPITAL - - $250,000 DIRb'CrORS John M. McGougu, W. H. Young, Rob’t. M.Gunby, J.G. Strupper, C. C.Cody, J.P. lllges, Daniel Griffin, W. H. Hughes, James T. Bozeman, James Kunif, I, T. Downing. JNO. MuGOUGH, President. D. F. Wn.ucvx, Pectetuiy. Insure* dwellings, slefes merchandize, cotton and other produce, and all kinds of insurable property, agalnet loes or damage by fir-. Applications received and policies is sued by ‘ JOBEPII M. BOAKDMAN, feb 20—y Ayeut for Macon and vicinity. THELiVEBiVOL ANDLONDON nil mi m him eoiifait. OFFICE oti WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. £3,000,000, or $ 80,000,000. PAID UF CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND RKSAKYItD FUNDS FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 INVESTED IN THIS COUNTRY. DiRLiTCRN IN NKW VOltK : JAMES BROWN, Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN, K*q., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BAKCLY, Esq. EUGENE DUTILU, Let;. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD, Jr.. Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. S. WE I'M OR K, Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Eaq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel of the Beard, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD & CO., Agent*, may 4 1850-ts Macon, Ga. TO CONTRACTORS. WILLOW WOO!) WANTED! *’t)!23*S Willow will he contracted for,to be e}i i * delivered on the line of the Canal, at the Govern ment Pov. der Factory, at Augusta, Ga., at the rate of not less than lfr> cords per month, commencing the Ist of De cember next. The WiHoiv ni.iy lie of auy size, the smaller branches being preferred ; i.he larger sticks must be split Into parts not larger than the arm. It must be out into uniform lengths of three feet, and each cord will measure 14 feat long, 3 feet hi,mi, and 3 feet broad, containing 126 cubic feet. Tiie bark must bo ex re fully peeled off at the time ol cutting. Proposals far tins contract will be received until the Ist October. Also, Wanted 5 RHiipiliately, 200 Cords of W'iliow, described as above, which wiU be purchased in open market, in small 1 >ts, for which a libera! cash price will be paid, delivered at Augusta. Also, Wanted E imnediatt‘ly, 500 Casks Corn 1 it, delivered at this city, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. GEO. W. RAINS, Major Artillery and Ordinance C.S. A. sep 4 2 4- ~ ZSZ’ m3 jml ar. mm • WHEELER A WILSON’S Sewing Maehinei at standard prices ; anew aod fine lot ju*t opened arid for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. mar 14 Second Floor. Sli\V3Ai<i NIACiS INKS and Mathematical In*trt ments repaired and adjusted and new part* made t< order. New Tension Fad. , Ac.,for old machine*. By mar U E. J. JOHNSTON k 00. Pure Liquors, JUST IMPORTED. DALY &. FITZGERALD, 2d door from llardeinaa & Sparks’ Warehouse, ilane just recti red PURE IRISH WHISKEY. “ MERKTT BRANDY. “ SHERRY WINK. “ MADEIRA fi PORT WINE. These Liquors have been elected with great care by Daly durinpr s* retfiit vi*it lo Ireland. They are warranted pure. It is deemed entirely unnece**ary to re sort to puffery in order . induce a t ale. They are of the best quality, and ccnnet fail to establish this commendation in the minds of all who try them. The public and judgfe* o hearticle, particularly, are in vited to calland examine for hemselves. (noviiS 85-) DIRECT IMPORTATION! Crockery, CJliina, —AND — ULA.SS WKKK. MV first shipment from Europe has arrived in SavaDnah, and those who have ordered packages will havethem shipped in a few days. There art- sense of the packages still unsold, any n want, can, by ordering,have them ship ped in a few days. I have another lot shipped from Liverpool 13th of July, which I shall look for in three or four Weeks. Send In the orders. lam now receiving a IaAUCiK STOCK OF Glass-Ware, Tumblers, Goblets, &c., FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ROIIETOIAN CLASSrWA KE, China Dinner anti Tea Selt*. *c., Ac 29 R. P- McEVOY. ]VI ino< * i 1 aneous. Cl m FIXTI IS Sis, Pa. lut and Table Cot* T lery, RAZORS and FANCY CUTLERY,PORTABLE desks. Dressing cases, fancy baskets, pakian STATUITTS. DOUBLE &. SINGLE GUNS, COLT’S PISTOLS, CANES, PORT MONIES AND PURSES, MURSCKAUM PIPES,CIGAR HOLDERS,OPERA GLASSES’ Shell ami Ornamental tombs, Fancy Hair Pinu, BacV£a:nmon Boards, Chess Men, Doml noea, Bimard Balls, Cue* LEATIIEKSIi CIIAIJi, With many new and desirable articles not enumerated. & new and hue selection for sale at low prices, by nov 16 E. J. JOHNSTON t 00. RAILROAD SCRO LLS, &C Central Ttaii* £oad. l liasi vo of KciipdiiL', ON and arter Sun fay, Oc'oher 27tfc.TSi, the Train. , „ tbi* lioad will r. run as follows: 1 daily day train. Uave Savannah 2.3) p. m. Arrive in Macon 12.4i H m Leave Macon 12.80 p. m. Arrive in Favannuh li 15 p ‘ ‘ DAILY NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Pavannali 950 p. m. Arrive in Macon 900 a m Leave Macon SSO p. m. Arrive in Savannah T.40 a ’ ffi ‘ GORDON AND KATONTON BRANCH. Leave Salomon 5 IK) a. m. Arrive in Gordon 14> a m Leave Gordon 140 p. m. Airive in Eatonton Paiwenwers for Augusta wid take the night train from Savaunah aud Macon. Paisenge:* for Miliedgeville aud Eatonton will take th night train from Savannah and day train lioru Macon During the session of the Legislature two train* wi|L run daily between Gordon and MUledgeriUe, making eotmeetinn with both trains on the Central Rail Road, oct 30 GEO W. ADAMS, Gen’l Sup’t. Atlanta A. Wtet Point liuti J&oacl. To take Ejftct on and after Sunday, Oct. 27, 1861. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 2.15 a Arrive West Point 7 09 a u leave West Point 1.30 p M Arrive Atlanta ;.. .619f g FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta. ’ 7.15 a g Arrive West Point p g Leave West Poin’ !.710 r , Arrive Atlanta V.’.T 4**., M oct 80 1961 MACON & BRL NsUM K RAIL ROAD, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE Trains on this Read, on aed after Monday, 2ilh instant , will leave Macon daily (Sunday, exempted) at 7 o’clock, A. M. Leave Buzzard Rjosi at 11 o’clock, A. M. Connecting at the latter place with a daily hue Stages for Mawkinstrile. A. E. COCHRAN. Macon, May 29. ISCi.—tf Brest, and Sup’t. MUifv V U E TLUA RAIL LOAIk am smmtmm ON arid after Sutiday, August 4ih, Passenger Train* will be run aa follow* : Leave Macon .10.00 a. n Arrive at Atlanta 4cu t g Leave Atlanta 11am a m Arrive at Macon 5.b0 p. g The 10 O 0 a. m. Train from Macon connects wuli the IV. A A. R. R at 6.00 p. iu. and Georgia K. R at 9.( 0 p rn. ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent Macon A Western K. R Cos. Macon, July Bmb, IS6I On and after Sunday, August 4di, the night passenger train* on this road will be discontinued. aug 7 ALFRED L. TYLER, Supt. UPSO.I COIJJfTX B.UL KOAiIT ,'IIUK dally train ou the road connect* with the train en JL the Macou A Western Railroad from Macon to Atiauta: Fare from Tnomastou to Macon $2 ‘'S. ** “ “ ** Atlanta.... 3 S. Through tickets can be had at the office of thi- company in Tbomastoii; and at the general ticket ofliceof the Me ton A Western Kail Road, at Macon auu Atlanta. Passenger* wishing to go to Chalybeate Springs, Warm Springs, or While Sulphur Spring*, will find tin* route very pleasant. Fine Stage Coaches will leave Thon.xston daily >n tiie asrival of tbe train, and connect at the Chaly beate Springs with coaches to the. Warm and White Sulphur Spring*, reiurninq daily to connect w tb the train from rhomautoQ to Barncsvilie. A. J. WHITE, july 26-ts Sup’t. SOU Til-WESTERN K,* SB. KOAD. Oliungo of Selled ale. Two Daily 1 rains Mwiwn Macon Columbus. Leave Macon 9.45 a. m. and 11 6 • r. g Arrive at CoiambUj 8 30 p. g. and 5 85 a. m LeaveOolu'jibus 8.15 a m. atid 8.80 p. g Arrive at Macon 9.00 A. M. and 9.06 P. u One daily Ma i Train between Macon and t hattahoochee Fort Gaines, Culkbert and Albany. Leave Macon 10.25 a. ■ Arrive at tbattalioociice 6 47 p m Leave Chattahoochee 10 85 p. g Arrive at Macon 5.20 P. g The Mail aud Passenger Trains from Albany connect daily at Fmilhvllle, No. 10 S. W K. R.,and frtm Fort Uine* daily at Cutiibert, w ith Chattahoochee Mail Train. Leave Smithville at 8 87 P. g Arrive at Albany 5 05 p. g Leave Albany at 1.15 p. M Arrive at dmtthviiie 8.20 r. a Leave Cutiibert at C.OO p. g Arrive at Port Gaines 7.45 P. M Leave Vmi Gaiue* at 10 46 a. u Arrive at Cutbbert at 12 42 p. a Making the connection with the up and down Chatia loochee Mail Traiu. Train* to Cclumb is firm a through connection to Mont iomery. Ala , aud Augusta, Kingston, Wilmington, fiavan iah, Miliedgeville an ! Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Baiubridge Thomas'inc, 4^.. Paasecgers f..r points below Fort Valley, should take ths Night Train from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention it Macon. For other points take either Train VIRGIL POWERS, Eng’r St Sup’t. Macon, Feh. 20th, ISCI. Western A Atlantic l£aiiro;t<l. Vtlama to Chattanooga, 188 Mile* —Fare $5 00 DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 10.80, A. M Arrives at Chattanooga at 7.45, P. M Leave* Chattanooga at 9.80, P. M Arrives at Atlanta at 6.88, P. M EVSNISO PASSSXOKR TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta, nightly, at 8.40, f. M Arrive* at Chattanooga at 5 07, A. M Leave* Chattanooga at 8.4 u, P. M Arrive* at Atlanta at 5.05, A. M. Thi* Road connects, each way, with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tenneassee and Georg a Railroad at Dalton, aud the Nashville A Chattanooga Eail oad at Chattanooga. JOHN W. LEWIS, oct6 28-ts Superintendent. .MACON k WESTERN RAIL ROAD. To 3lei'cliti nt h. BY the recent Rail Road Convention at Cb-.ttarooga, the following rate* were agreed upon between N*w Orleans and Macon, by Rail all tbe way. Sugar, per 100 lbs $1 38 Salt 1 20 Rope “ “ “ 1 ‘5 Bagging “ “ “> 175 Molasse* at owners’risk 1 57 Molasses at R. R. risk 1 75 Coffee per 100 1’ s 1 57 And other Merchanti*e iu proportion. Further informa tion will be obtained at the office in this city. ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent. Macon, Ga., August 21,1861. J. J. 80.WIMS, mSIBIM HIM, Comer Mulberry Street and Cotton Avenue, MACOA, GEOKiIA, LiKALKE IB LAW, CLASSICAL, MEDICAL, SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Blank Books, of ail kinds; Record Books, for County purpo ses, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Paper, As ter Colors, Artists’Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and Water Colors. MATHEMATUAL INSTRUMENTS, Mathematical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses and Books, Writing Desks, Portfolios, Pocket Books, Gam mon Bo ,rds. Writing Fluids, and Ink-’, of all kinds, Indelible Inks, Faber A Lubln's Drawing Pen cils, Steel and Gold Pen*, Ac., Ac., together with all the various articles usua .ly found In a BOOK H_T O K E. ALSO, AGENT OF THE Southern Mutual Insurance Coinpnj. February 18, 18*1. v GEORGIA MANUFACTURE. tffMBAT FANS, a superior home made article, warranted to work well. Straw Cutters? U ™ T 7 for * a!e by NATHAN WKSO,