Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, November 27, 1861, Image 3

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WAR NEWS. I'hc ti;tn ut Pen*iUolu. Xl.c Pensacola Observer, of Fri.fav, 2*J . . t i, o tin* opened by Fort Picket'* upon tbe . rt-d* rkte States steamer Time, Cap*. Wing.te, i w;t s returned by our batteries and lorts. j ae l uited States Iri/ale Niagara unde an . \rt to cross the bar for the purpose of entering •be hrbo r . The excitement in town is immense. The bui* .. hons< ’ sere closed and the housetops covered *U!i the excited people. From tli - P iwac<4j Oaserver of Saturday. The filing of \oi<*tls). \Ve are tnitble jet to cive any official statement , t !. causahie* of Tcsterdij. All that we have iihered i-< Irotu persons from the yard. 1 lie tiring, as we stated yesterday, began from y,„i i'tckeits. The whole of their tire daring the ~ ri i.'g directed at the steamer Time, but ,",v. ry lutle effect. The Time came up l.ul • , and with the exception of two or lliri-e little . made with ride shot, t-he is unhurt. This . ,*e ilnti thc’.r gu:is are ot a very interior quality, ot that Drown and his Yahoos were all Urunk , jiforably me litter. YUc steamer Nelms was j., the basin with the lime at the beginning u t the lite, but the dating Captain ran her out j.j.j g the hottest of it. Only one shot struck her ,j . it diil do damage. The Nehus went over to t . ti; tin land and found the Florida Regiment ail r _ , and learned while there that the rumor of r,, fning over there the night previous was talse. \ e y lots in passing Billy Wilson’s batteries gave I in a couple ol shots, which were harmlessly r. turned. 1 ,e l nited States frigate Niagara tried hard to f i in, but the reception was too warm, and she y I to buck out. i July 10-s of life that e can hear cf, was a ,vate ot the Louisiana Regulars killed, and the site of a Sergeant ol the marine corps—both dby a shell in the yard. A great many shot ,-iJ aheii fell in the y ard, but done very little dam gt to (be buildings. itjr guns worked well all day, and must have w.;ri tprriblc effect upon the other side. We the ercateav damage done was to one of their which ventured too uear one of qur hatte the meanest and most contemptible act of i'„irs was the execution ot tbe threat nude some me tgu by that prince of hardened scoundrels, d.nev JJrown, that he would not respect hospit i ,. line shot was so well aimed at that building it weut through it, but did no damage. At tifteen minutes to eleven this morning, the re opened, and still continues at a very brisk r*v. The people arc not so much excited as yes, and we can see every appearance among , u ;#nple of a detei mtnaiion to re-fist to the last ..tmiiity, if need be; but every one seeins to p , • i. unlimited ponbdeuce in our success. We b„(.e now tiiat it will continue until it is settled.— H -nil for the Southern Confederacy, and hurrah fur “A Little More Grape!” !,. er dispatches giva the following intelligence : : i. u.g at Pensacola on both sides coutinueu ji. yvsterdav, (Saturday) but giaqually ceased , ui'ht. t'oi. Vilhpigue was slightly wounded iu tnear.u but gallantly remained at his post as coin b ,i:i :er ot Fort Mcßae. No casualties yesterday. j\j \ iyj Yard but little irjured. It took lire, Mt VI: pUt OUt. i .t town ot Wanington was fiied by the Fed r , - ell J , and several o|d buildings consumed. I .:, \ u uispatch is the substance of an official tiled Pensacola, ti o’clock, yesterday evening. A telegraphic dispatch from Capt. George A. ’ ,of the Brown lufatiiry of this city, was .. 1 here by Capt. B. F. Ross, on Sunday, * ch gives the lol’owing in r ormatiou : > ,vy Yard, Nov. 2Sd, HOI.—We nave been ug to two days. Nottiing decisive as yet. I tad the misfortune to lose seveu ot my couipa ev, * toUows: A .’ / John I>. Arnold, Joel X. Btggerley, , <>u* lord, John L. Berry, Andrew Mickte >i,n, fuonus Ci auii-ioti. ,i/vrb//y l*’o*i:/../ > nv deadt George M. Deadly. J ih<ifilly tcounJ —Thomas J Mosely, William Foster by shell ou . ,i. William J. Taylor, Stephen Liry, Thomas ! v, George Padiick, Lieut. Price, —Alonzo Its run, covered apiu Mgaaiue [bur, we learn, ii- -. is been taken out winioui much injury J. Ns one hurt to and y. lam well and the re-t o: ttv arc the satre. I have had my bat t r agiiast the Fort and ships, so far, under a li Ttblr bombardu.Ctil • : . mi'lt’s company is located at the \Vu>< t!i! rv, below Fort Mcßae, and at the mo-t ex el p lint. Tney have, no and rub', wt-11 perfotm an d Joe body of John U Arnold wa> b.c . t to this city, aud inptired by the several to:'inleer companies on Monday, i: Hwosn, dlth.—Tlte following is a copy of a:i . : ‘I. -patch received at the War Department, 1 tl’Bannonlville, near Pensacola, Saturday j l —ti o’clock: The bo.nbardaient has just -i It continued throughout the day, very icrately on both sides. We kept the ships a’ respective distances, and F’ort Mcßae has not * ;:f r<d .inv damage. Tbe damage sustained ve>- tmiiv has been repaised. Col. V'llfpigui ■as wounded in the arm by the fragment ol a - . hut manimly maintained his post in eont nia .j at Fort MeUae. The town ot Warrington i- now <.ii tire from hot shot. The N ivy Yard is i liamaged much. Not a casualty has occurred ’ • lity i far troops are in the highest spirits, out „ eitet . tl citky betng to rej,tr*in them. .Signed) BRAXTON BRAGG. Acroiiiac Comity % irsinia. Richmond, Not. 20.—A special dispatch I I the Uiclitn itid Dixpatck , from Norfolk, - vs that eight thousand Fetlerals have uvliii Into Accomac county, on the Hast in. t.ore ■ t the Chesapeake, and taken pos “i uof the county. It was expected that they would take possession of Northampton yesterday. The Confederate forces in the inity are small and without arms. Thirty Federal officers yisjted Llrummon i !• i.i Accomac county, on Friday last, with * Hig f truce, and submitted a proposition from I Jen. l>ix to the effect that the citizens th county should lay down their arms on u lition ‘hat their property would be pro tected. The people, being involuted and de feti> -s. yielded, aud a large force of Fed truis to k possession of the county on Mon day. [t ig supj'Osed that they took jmjssos *u f Northamtoncounty yesterday. These unties lie below the state of Delewarc, on ( nut between tbe Chesapeake and the ocean. of the %'ankee lleet u f >!>*.• |*inul. r e savannah Yews qf Mqmlay morning a*y W learn frqtn person* wbo arrived in the city fron below ye*torl.ty afternoon, that three vesael "f “i* Yankee fleet came over the bar yesterday •rnitijf. About ten oYloca two of them coni uced throwing *helU up<n Tybee Idand, which v continued till uear 12 o'clock, during which e they threw some forty sheila. About 4 o’ciock •• of the vessels came to anchor not far from lighthouse, and the other two returned rer the bar. Shortly after, three large weasels, . loosed to be transports, came in and anchored ft bee roads, but out of the reach of the guns Fort Pulaski. Ttbee having been abandoned some time smc v otr forces, there was only a small picket on S’unJ who, we understand, retired to the *oti. , . The shelling was probably to ascertain whether 1 r. were any “masked batteries'’ ou the Island it might render a landing ol their torces ha* U|.iwi “ If they hare satisfied themselves that l;we are no forces on the JsbnJ to oppose them, may aid laud 4. for&e and fortify themselves, with 4 M*. to command the Jusun wilrtocc to out ‘> r. j 54 I*- with our military authorities to determine *Wth. r they shall take peace able pos-ew-on of Ty < i:.d establish a rendexvous in the immediate lit? of Fort Pulaski. We understand that lien. Lawn Ml went down to Fort yesterday afternoon. We have no in to I if-nce from below since the arrival of the Jd.i evening, ►Vili*ral €*?<-ii|a(io f Tybee. 1 ie Sannnah News of Tueslay n.orning Wr; A- we anticipated, the Felerals made a wling on Tybee Island on Stnuiiy aster n ’iQ. From a gentleman wbo came up to ’ti • city last evening we learn that about 6ve n, ui ired Yankees arc eneauipetl on the beach. • b-o ve-els are inside, anchored in Tybee and one is in sight off the bar. We understand that our pickets, before retreating ou Sunday, set fire to several houses on the Island. Our city is very quiet and uiuonc*rud, not wit list ui id. ug it.e Very cb proxituti v* f invador.-. ul l( ., of e.iuis.*. will 1< s? no time iu making s-eure tUtir cmlqu .-.t. ItibbCoHHl), > St rtuioß Cuckt, Auretaurr Urui, tsui. ) PANEL NO. t. Up, the Grind Jury, sworn lor the November Term, f.r ike Bibb Superior Court, beg leave to nuke the following presentments : We find the Books of the Sup. t ior Coarf, ac well as those ot the Ordinary in their usual good con dition. We would recommend the Inferior Court to build a uew Bridge over Tobesaufkee (Neck at SeurcyV Miib; the Bridg across at Yart.oro’s Mills on the Columbus Road, is in v_*rv hid condition and ueeds repair. The U . n iis lead ing ft out the city to Parker’s Bridge, aNo ilut hading by Batlev’a Mills, we in vey bad eon-j, and would re< pec (lull; call the attention of the proper authorities to the Nine. V\ e would nto>t ret omiueiid to our Legislature, now In seuaion, to pas* a gen-rul ad Valorem Tax Liw throughout the State tor the reli 1 ot the families of our soldiers now iu the field, or who Utay hereafter leave tor tlte same purpose. VV e would also request the Legislature to grant to the City Council ot Macon permission to isft,e in Change Bills for the relief of the citizens of the county, in supplying the great demand lor Change Bills in our midst. Having had the Tax Collector before our body with hts books, we find tfTit in consequence oi the times, he has not been aide to bring his books sufficiently to a close, so s to make out insol vent list, and therefore we recommend tlte Ju.-lices o! the Inferior Court to allow him bis insolvent list. In conclusion oi ihesc Presentments, we take occasion to express as the general sentiment of this body, that we feel a deep regret at the loss of cur esteemed fellow-citizen and uignifie.l Judge Henrv G. Lantar. In him the Court has lost r wise Counsellor and an efficient Judge, and the State one of its brightest ornaments. Willi the family of the deceased w e deeply sympathize in their be reavemeut. And in taking leave of Ills Honor O. A. Lochraue, we tender him our thanks for his kind deportment towards this body during onr short term of service. We also tender to Win. 11. I Montfort, Solicitor pro, tern., our thanks for his prompt attention to said body. (Signed) Jas. M Josks, Foreman. Lewis J. Groce, Willlta.n 11. Cotton, Wbi. Ryder, Lott Malesby, John J. Forsyth, Burweil Parker, Thos. N. Mim, llk-lurdT. Hickman, James G. Hall, II M. Lindsay, Reuben C. Wilder, Allen Beddiugtield, Andrew S. Chambless, Ffijih Bond, B. Badv, S. F. Dickinson, E. C. Bulkier, J. Joseph Hodges. We, the undersigned Grind •jurors, di*sent from the recommendation to the Legislature to author ize the citv of Macon to is-ue Change Bills. ELIJAH BOND, S. F. DICKINSON. J. JOSEPH HODGES. We request the foregoing presentments to be placed on the Minutes of tins Court and published one lime in the Journal A Messenger, and the Georgia Teh-graph. A true extract from the ntinqtes of Rihb Supe rior Court. JOHN J. RILEY, Dep. Cl’k. Itarlou Hospital, savtiuii!i, Ga This institution is now ojven for the recep tion of sick and disabled Georgia soldiers of the coast service, under the management of the Faculty of tbe Oglethorpe Medical Col lege, assisted by a voluntary association of ladies of that city, to whose special care has been devolved tbe duty of providing nurses and personally jpjqistering to t|ie necessities of those who may become iu mutes of the Hospital. The halls of the institution as well as the services of the faculty and the benevo lent Indies in charge are entirely gratuitous offerings at the shrine of patriotism, and de -erve to Ire met in a corresponding spirit by the people of Georgia. To this end, the uudersigned haye been y appointed a committee to aol.pit from the benevolent of Macon and region round about, the following articles of*hospital stores and equipments for tbe use of the iiumqtcs of the institution, Comforters, blankets, sheets, towels, pil lowcases, shirts, drawers, carpet slippers, • tlico dressing gowns, socks, lint and ban higes, preserves, mustard, arrow root, red pepper, spoons, knives and lorks and some light articles of crockery, as cups, sau .ars, bowls, plates, We. The efficient aid of the Ladies’ Soldiers’ Relief Society qf Mapoti is respectfully so licited in aid of an object so worthy of their noble sympathy and enlightened zeal. Packages for the Bartow Hospital may be to either of thecotnuiittee, or forwarded by express to Madame M. C. Cazier, cor ner Broughton aud Drayton sts., Savannah. Donations of money should be made to Ed wakdC. Wade, Esq., Treasurer of Bartow Hospital, Bay street, Savannah. E. A WHITTLE, O. G. SPARKS, L. F. W. ANDREWS, Nov. 18th. Committee. Macon Prices Current. iPrtCS Ski 4lt <<jj, 5W .ACUN —Uauis %! t> *5 *u>| a “ Sides ,w IStj *0 Shoulders. ..$(& fc 2£> Hog round V kfc “6 JEANS —Tennessee V b * 1 50 White, Northern f hi JWJSWAX...... £ £ £ lUTTEK —Ceuutry Northern # *’ ® Tennessee Y t *® 85 JAGGING— RoII VJI ** I*l Gunny < yii ** ‘&{ SI JkRLEY* —For seed ‘.. F h’li *sd <r if 176 JIIEF.SE ••••• V*> . 1A ’ORN —lu sacks 1* h’l $ <0- l? 0 jr%L ¥■*>’■ ** fe 1 W jorntk— Kio .. r £\ w> CHICKENS >l* 1“ Sd JANUI.ES—Sperm, ;: • * tt> •*’ +*\ 7*> Tallow V n *s •:gos - t* u) **’ ®| LEATHERS—Eriuie *tt 4 ” u i\ Couiutou f It y p’LOUß—Tenn., family \ b *o Comujoti hruii.t Y l '!?’ 8 60 (it. Extra kumily r h lO 00 . .’ISII —Muckerel No.l.large * S’ -* a * :M ! No. J h.;2U on <U aw No.S large kit* *“ *• <0 17 on No. 3 small V': ‘• *° iK %12 60 Mes* Shad P b , .. t„ , •'Komnii r::::::::;::: ?sl IS .. Viol s**s U j.*., ! W)RS— Ur y .. . .” "V..V.". |B ‘l | Enei.h jrtt 6l* 6k Amerlean hamawred p* ft Mi** 1 5 “ rtrflnt-d......... & hi UJI.ASSKS— Cuba (Pi*,’ ** 65 Ne Orleans Ts f’ 70 jails—Cut !£!“.; 8 t 0 )lh —S|<ern>, bleached 54 o) Bleached wint. uhale f Marttiaery.. f, 8 00 I fued ‘v e* * IX’ § II w rEAJ* * x (U> ty> POTATOES-Swrrt fc t, 4to * ‘ B , Irish * 4 00 •Sff- — >1 V* t te ‘ 1.4 . f n a “• SHOT t. fflj 4 $ £ 4^ JCUAR—Stewart’* refined jv ‘ ~ 1 Cruahed :v -* 45 New Orleans j J ‘i^ 4 I*> JTKEL-PIo. !$? ‘ 1S A >; i IN American Rlliter I, ia A English Blitter J & 60 TOP.ACCO •’ £* I 1* • TWINE Eb; 10 a- WOOL —Washed Jt 45 Vk Unwashed El ia J 4 K WHITE LKAI> .. —a GOLD WANTED! AW.W W '’ * k ” * i* ■ E D, Iu Clintor., on the loth iust., of ParaljMs, Chas. Mai arthv, i.g'il C3 rears and 10 month*?. For the pji forty years he has held the cCi -es ,*f ( l t ck of the sufK ti T iui Inferior Conns ui.d J U ,J XC ot the Court ol Ordiiurv, which offlo, S lie held *t the time of Ilia death. if., a** slw .'.s regalded M*r a true friend, a laifMul orti.-er ,„•] ail u ( -ri U l’ tiouest i nun. In Montvomeiv, Ala, on the lath lost., Mr. >. C. i.oLAMi, a native of ttiis cit v, and recently the editor of the “State l’re.”’ Hi? remains , were bi uught to this city and iuterreo on the 2"th instant. tiii the 2*Mil oil., at Urn k Allmn Springs, \ a., of Typhoid fever in the Jl-t year of Ids age, ■ alu; \\. Kkt, of the Jasjier Infantrv— Company tftih Regiment tieo. Vols., aud sth son ol B. I*. ?uid Temperance Kev, of Jasper conn tv. AKo on ibe Istii ult., at Warm Springs, Va., of Typhoid b'er, in tl.e twentieth year of hi? age, piivate Grottok W. I’iuck, of the Jafiper Infinti v—Com panv t , llili R. ti’t. fieo. \ ols., son of L. M. and A. \V . I’iice, of J.tspi r eonnty, and grand son of i>. P. and Temperance Key. Iu the 3rd (I*. Hospital, Richmond, Va., on the 15fb inst., Josiru \. Hai.l, of Meriwether eo., Ga., and a member of tin* Jackson Blues—aged 19 years. A noble and promising young man has thuv fallen in defence of his country. A widowed mother, brothers, siters and uumerous friends rtleuru his loss. pneumonia, at his residence in Americas on the 2Znd inst., l>r. Joskpu Mt Don alii, forndy of Kentucky. - For Sheriff of ffihh i oinify. l l r vS r ’ We are auUiorizeil to annouti.-e \% illiaiii ! H arris as a candidate tor Sheriff of this county, at the j election in January next. octflt|-H>t fW” W, arc anthor’xee to announce the name of Jolm M. tire*r, as a candidale for re-election to the ottiee of 1 Oferk <>f itie Buferior Court of Macou county,at the ensuing January election. uov 6-tUe The fri-uil* of ( a|>l. Uhi . lit nile are anxious j for hir.i to run the race for Tax Collector for Bibb county at the election in January next anil if elected they know lie will do His Pt’TV, a in former years. 8188 COUNTY'. 1* accordance with this solicitation, I offer myself a can didate for Tax Collector, and if elected will fill the office to ; the best of my skill and ability. W.M. IiONIC. ; no v 6 SH~ {3f“ It, .4, lludaun and tllti'liel Sober will be supported f*r the offices of High Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff of Macon county, by MANY VOTERS, oct 16-tde Tax Collector. ,;V< e tire authorised announce SOEUiIAN It. JOHNSON as a Candi date l<ir Tux Collector, at the eiusuing elec tion in January. Oct. 22 ts NEVI ABVEKT IS EM E \ l* , V AK I KTIKSI JKIFV|t l%and .'Ki4QKANTS I 'SWORDS and BELTS of yur own manufacture, at ’educed prices. A careful comparison is re-pc tfuiiy soheited. <wi 11 I aiices and liraidH, i/KU'iS “Confeierate lJl''lke, ,, GILT BDfTONS, large and small, GAUNTLETS, pe “ Bermuda,” S.tHMi KMrriNO NEKDI.KS, ti.lKhi CIGARS. lb dot ii and S WOOL CARDS; A Small Lot of Envelopes, PLAYING CAROS, Ac., in Job Lots, OIL KN WILLED CLOTH, a small lot for sale low to close consignments. OUR STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELHY, &c., is unite full and will be offered at low prices. U aii It Hepalrinc-This Jcoartpient of our bui 11c- -at prc.'elit in t'Lafgr ol Mr. K. MALs^hSHT. M e will re. . >ve any thing at all available lor goods sold or in setilenient of aglet or accounts. nov 2] K. J. JOHNSTON A CO. S'l'K.KI. iiiut Uiriitan Silver Spectacles, Convex and Colored tilass. Railroad spectacles and Goggles. A large supply for tetail trade just received by nov 22 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. MACON A BMWSWUK KAIL ROAD, CHANGE OF BCHEIU [ ; E. r lltil. Trains on tfi'S Road, will Macon daily X (Sdndayi pte],)at lit A. M .returning at 4P. M. Dai'y connection made with Hawkinsviile t>y line of stoges* A. E. COCHRAN, Macon, Nov. ‘Z$ x txil. . Prest. and sup’t. VB -i ! V l>Tt ATOM'S Mi l fore the Court Ipruse d<>'ir In the town of Hawkinsviile, Pulaski i (,itnty, on the. first Tuesday iu January next, Two Hundred twu and a half acre* of land, more or loss, (under the incumbrance ot widow’s dower,) belonging to the es tate of Edison U. Henson, late of s„i t county, deceased, adjoining lands o! W. R. Bennett, Edward Hopson and other*, gold under an order of Court, for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JAMES HAKTI.Y, nov 27-tds Administrator. Vlltl | N JNi l it ATiIU’N N.ALE, —Agreeably to an order from Ordinary of Houston county, will be on Ist Tue-d tv iu January next, at Eer>y, the negro prop; erty beb'iiging to C- 11. Bryan, her distribution shat'*-, In tl,e estate of the late J. 4. Brya 1, Tie .cl n >v 27-tds li C. BRYAN, Adm’r. >! Tltn ATT gooil BlnoiiMiiUliM, four or five Machinists and one Boi’er Maker. Good wages and steady employment given. Board good and cheap. Apply to ‘ NOBI.E, BROTHER * CO., oci Alt-1 Hi Rome, Ga. 840,000 WORTH OF COTTON WANTED I .Ino. M. Kein &- Cos. Will pay Eight and One-half Cents for good clean, \\ liite (Cotton delivered in Macon, for notes and accounts due them. Planters ave pow offered an op portunity to pay their debts and get a fair price for their cotton. Fiity Hales —OK— DOMESTIC GOODS. 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SHEETINGS, OSNABI’RGS, At Popular prices for Cash. D „rll) J\Q. N. KKIT Ac C O. >! U 0N SKKI) STORE. I AMHU TirS FRESH OARDEN SEEDS. —W. *. lJ ELLIS ha* just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, Krom Laiulrelh’*. warranted genuine, for iale at the loweat prices, wholesale and retail. Also, a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Macon, Ga.. Jan. 16, ts W. 8 SLLIB. GEORGIA REPORTS. vox,, aist JITX received and for sale by * J. W. BURKE, Agt. Price 15 00. Orders by mail promptly executed when ccompanled by th t cash. SEQUESTRATION NOTICE. ■ h 4 IITIKN Who receive a Writ of Garcinhinent, under I the Keoueitration Act of the Confederate State*, may relieve themi I Tea of its requirement* by making prompt and satisfactory “turns tome rtmjgtogtoggKi Savannah, 25ih September, lif>l. oct -a A TIEKt ES SIJIi.4H Cl RED HAiWS.— 10* •** “ ”"" J “ Yoututaovt. WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC PALACE OF ART! 1 J HfOR \ BI.Y tl.e largest ar,d lies’ aplMtlnted Est.b ----j * Ii •l.ißentsu theSouih, If not In the United Stales. Is one id tbe most uopular and interesting place* of resort iu .Macon, and is daily tnuingej with eroads of delighted visi tors. The Oolleoticn ol’ 1 ‘ietures | is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from i the smallest Ambr-dy pe to the life-size Portrait. IVusd is | detcraiined, regardless of labor or, that itis GAL- I I.EKY si.all continue to be tl.e Headquarters of Fine Arif? in the South i Employ ins permanently the best talent to !>e procured to ! color his Plvdogrophs, in nriry xtj/le, true to nature, and | lerfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. A I large collection of ti e celebrities of the day on exhibition, ito which lias just t.een added a splendid P cture of tl*e jPiii.ce of Wales and ruit, Bb.cdin. Judge Douglas, and oihers to.) uanierous t* mention, hit’ which the public are i ..spectfahy invited to < all and examine As Wool* uses none hut t 1 e best “Jiateriels in his bvsineo, persons iu want of a rood Picture witl find it to their advantage to patron ize tills estalrlishm-ni. as Pictures .an be had here at prices as low as , lsew here and of superior style. Ambrotypes, Lia/uerreotj pcs and Plain Photographs of every silt- at low price*. Call and-ee R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oet 31 Lanier House, Macon, Ga. DIRECT IMPORTATION! Crockery, China, AND * . I.ASS XV A 11 l’j. V first shipment from Europeliaa arrived in Savannah, .* I ami ‘hose who have ordered packages will have them shipped in a few day*. There are some of the packages still unsold, any in want, can, by ordering, have them ship ped in a few days. I have another lot shipped from Liverpool 13th of July, which I shall look for in three or four weeks. Bund in the orders. lam now receiving a IsAIiGK STOCK OF Glass-Ware, Tumblers, (xoblrls, &c., FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BO If 1! THAN G LASS- \V A UE, Cjiiiiu. Dinner nnl Tea Setts, Ac., Ac 1.0*29 R. P. McEVOY. New Southern Music! Jf’ST received and for ale at the BOOK DEPOSITORY, Macon, Georgia, as follow s : Our Soutliorn Fla, SECESSION G M OP, BEAUREGARD’S GRAND MARCH, AXLES’ POT KA, SOUTH EP.N BOY* —Song, STARS OF OUR BANNER, DIXIE ALL RIGHT, FLAG OK THE SOUTH, SOUTHERN MAKSAILLES, PRESIDENT DAVIS’ CIRAND MARCH, . SECESSION POLKA, SECESSION MARCH. SUNNY SOUTH GALOP, Southern battle song, PALMETTO SONG, Ad.lre**, j w. BURKE, Agent. August, afi, 1861. V. 11. BUIIGIIARD, WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, AND DEALER IN PANCY WARES, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLE* OF YKRTU, AND MUSICAL IN STR UM E N TS, CUT I. ER Y, El N EST IM PO RT- F.D AND AMERICAN MATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, Ac., Ac., Cherry St., Macon, Second door below the Telegraph Printing House. fgllf l Ni K Pl’ L for past favors, reminds O a the public that all the most faahlonable, elegant and desirable goods in this line will {£—/ continue to be found at this elegant stand ifEgr in the ;reatest variety. tiL*ij]X— No trouble to show Goods. feb 29-’6O-y \ alita b 1 o I.* 1 antat ion. FOR S^ViVK. I A TI now offering for sale one of the mo t valuable plantations in West Florida, lying on Spring Creek, Jackson county, containing Fouktlex first quality Oak and Hickory Land three (lundted acres cleared and fair improvements TRe land is strung lime land, will iiriug um.n 4)1 qi urage year, 1,0<’I) lbs. cf seed co(toq, atid 2t) to ha bushels corn, and t* convenient to mar ket, jo miles to Mariana and il toWoodville, on the Chatta hoochee River, where cotton brings us good a price as it docs tti Macon. Or I w ill sell 2,2nd acres, ii wanted. My ob.eot in selling is to get out ofuebt. I can always be found on the premises. References iu regard to the land may he had by seeing John V. Price, Americu* ; James W Jowera, near Preston ; Ghas. W. Crawford, county; Kev. Mr. Jackson, Cuthoert, and all of Georgia. apr IT 4-till dec 30 NEWNAN McBAIN. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR HALF. TIT TIP subscriber offers for sale his desirable plantation situated in tlie 15th district ol Sumter county,and about 14 inties from Amerlcus. It contains Eighteen Hundred acres, seven hundred of which is cleared, and ip a goad state of cultivation It is undoubtedly as gouj a plantation as there is in Sumter county. A gpotf dwelling iiause, negro houses, gin and !(iid all otker nacessary out buildings on the prt,apej pieaty of water. It adjoins the rich kjryls of T .\J. Fqriaw, W. T. Adaius.and others. The place may he soon at any time. Persons wishinging to purchase will either call on me a the plantation, or address me at Aniericus, huuiter county Georgia ilec 26 40-ts A. J. SCRUTCUIH. SUNDRIES. NEW Sacks Liverpool Sail, • Y1U125 Kales heavy Gunny Banging, HOO Coils Machine Hope, li'O Bales Macon Shirtings, Heavy Osnatumgs and Yarns, Si) lial,) N- gt'i |ter*ey and Stripes, luil Bag* prime Itio Coffee, 4U, Hit l*. Bacon, Side* and Shoulders, 25 Tierces plain and canvassed Haras, 50 Kegs choice Leaf Lard. 10 Uhls, choice Leaf Lard. Mi Boxes Adamantine Candles, 25 Boxes Sperm Candle*, ‘JO Uhl*. Nu. 1 Byrup, j 5 Hlpis. Cuba Molasses, lit Bhls, Bleached Whale and l ard Oil, For sale by BOWDBE A ANDEKJSoN. The Harden Express Cos. WILL PASS GOODS AT THE Ciiwloiii House a I Savannah, AND FORWARD THEM By Express or Freight Train, as parties may prefer, only charging for our trouble the Custom House Fees, for passing and forwarding. For further information concerning*the above, apply to M. 0 MCDONALD, Agept. Macon, March 20,1861. *k*u.u Caff®®* Ac. I** i( If nS. Prime and Choice N. 0. Sugar. O 100 hbls. refined Sugars. 30 “ Crushed, Granulated and Powdered Sugars 20 hhds. Prime New Cuba Molasse*. 60 bbls. and half barrel* N. O. Syrup. m;lr 2o BOWDRE & ANDERSON. .11 ST 1 M FORTII I> FROM Abe Lincoln’s Dominion, “DESPITE THE EMBARGO,” 300 POUNDS FRESH TURNIP SF ED. HK) “ PURPLE TOP RUT A DAG A Turnip Seed. IOC “ . WHITE FLAT DUTCH “ “ 100 “ WHITE FLAT RED TOP “ “ For sate at ttie Drug and Chemical Store of Macon, June 12th, 1 61. GKO. PAYNE. Bat on, Coin, anti I'loiii m •* ( AMifi BACON, hog round. i |) 7500 Bushels OGRN. 25 Barrels LARD. 25 Half barrel* LA RD. 40 Kegs LABI). 500 Khls. 8. 1’ and Family FLOUR. ■i* It ud*. MOLARS Eli. 4d 10.1s SYRUP. 25 Half bbls. SYRUP. 100 Bills, refined SUGARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE 125 Boxes TOBAOC 0. 800 Bbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cash. AYEPS. Macon Feb. 20th, 1861. In tlio IkistriM Court of the Confederate Sfaien of Ameriea, for the Southern Dis trict of ficorßlu. At Chambers, October 15,1861. Oltnicttlin. That the third regular Term of the Di irict Court ot the Confederate States of America for the Southern District of Georgia, be helt in the city of Savannah and District afurciaid on thcseconij Wednesday, being the eighth day of January next (1862), kt ten o’clock in the forenoon of tlpit ilay, and m tlie Court Room of the Cgi,federate States, in said city i of wliich all persons inte vestari will take due notice. And It is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published by the Clerk of said Court, twice a week in each of the public newsrapers of the city of Savennah, and once a week in each of the puldic newspaper* of the city of Ma con until the sit'ing of the Ccurt, as above directed. (Signed) EDWARD J HARDEN, District Judge. A true extract from the minute . Savannah, October 15th, lß s,, CHARLES S. HENRY, Clerk Dist. Court Confed. States for the oct 28 81-1 It Southern Dist. of Ga. Important IN’otice, ifURMU THep ISBS COMPANY are nuw running a trl weekly day Expresa on the Cen tral Rail Road, leaving Macon on Tuesday*, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Freight received and for warded to all stations on the Read. Freight on goods to he prepaid In every case. No advance on previous rats*. V M. C. MCDONALD, Agwnt, I Macon, ©a., Sept. 11th, 1861, ,T ÜBT RECK IV KD AT — GEORGE PAYNE’S ( and Drug More, mHK Articles mentianeJ here, which are ts Supetior 1 q Jaiily, and sold at Fair Pi ie. a : Kerosene anil Coal Oil, Inferior to none sold, Winter, Nprrro and Linseed Oil, Ri- and Foiled Lirfrei-d Oil, i Olive Oil in Bottles and by the Gallon, White Lead in Krai an*l assorted site cans, from l lb. to I lid it<s. I Zinc, W'dte. in ker's ar.d cans, i Colors, tit cans and boxes, oil and m water, 1 Fain* B. oslh s and all kinds of Arid,’ Tools, : Sponges, Patty i Talet Knives aid Tilts, Potash, in kegs, bulk and Iron hexes, French Glass, ai.d al tint's of Class Ware, Dye Woods, Adds,Burning Fiuid.M ohoiand Turpentine, Lamp Vt’ick. bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Bi ll Cologne Water, and Rose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring Ex: tacts, Fresh Hops and Frtslt Honey, Corks, all sizes, Hard Rubber Trusses, and all other In , slri’ii'ents, lieugiuau’s Ricine Oil, and Lubius Antique Oil for the ! Hair, Fine Tooth Brushes and Fine Toilet Soap, best cit.ate I Magnesia, Burnett’s Cocoine and Kaliston at and Wood’ Hsir Restora i tivis, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Restoratives, rt and her Tylo BaUamum. Fresh Vaccine Mamr, and fresh Congress Water, Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, Chemical. Medicinal Herbs aid Genuine Medicines. Macon, Oa., April IS, 1860.—y l>i*no>s and Medicines, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Corner Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. JUST received, a frcslt supply of Drugs and h e Heines, Ferfuinery, Faints and Varnish Brushes, Superior Coal Oil, Camphene, Alcohol and Potash, Jayne’s, Ayres’, Wright’s, Modal’s, and Strong’s Fills; Hemholdt’s Fxtrai t of liuchti, Sanford’s Liv.r Invigorator, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Degrath’s E ectrb: Oil, Mus'ang Liniment, Indian Choiagogue, Jayne’s, McLean’s, and Fahnestock's Vermifuge; Seiaer Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, war ranted genuine. june VO 13-’CO W. 8. ELLIS, Agent. New Establishment. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. C. T. WARD & CO., MANUFACTURERS and DEALERS, OPPOSITE THE FLOYD HOUSE, Macon, Georgia. WE would call the attention of the public to our new stock, comprising Coaches, Bretts, Rockaways and Buggies, of the most elaborate finish, from celebrated build ers. North. £W~ Genuine BRATTLEBORO BUGGIE3 constantly on hand. nov 16 84-ts SOUTHERN OK OWN F* RXJ I T T R EES, POR SALE AT THE “GEORGIA KCRSERY,” NEAR AI'GCSTA ,GA. By FLEMING & NELSON. rnilF subscribers offer for sale a fine lot of GRAFTED A YOUNG FRUIT TREES consisting in part of •20.000 APPLE TREES, one and two year? old, and from five to eight feet high, among which are sixty of the best Southern vaiteties. lfi,ooo PEACH TREES, one year old, of very thrifty growth, forty varieties of which riptn in succession from early Ja> e to November. 6 000 PEAR TREES thirty varieties of which are on Qui ice roots. FIFTEEN VARIETIES OF PLUMS, ripening in succes sion through the suit mer. Ali-o. Apricots, Nectarines, Al monds, Figs. Ac . Grape Cuttings, Strawberry Plants, Asparagus Uotis, Ac., &e. KVRR-BLIiOMI.Mi ROSES AM) ORVTOftt SHRUBBERY. Our Trees will c< ffipare favorably with those of any Southern Nursery, and we will sell as cheap as any of them. Wu take great care in packing them in Moss arid Straw, so that they may be shipped safely to any part of the Southern States. Descriptive and I’riceil Cata'ogucs sent gratis to a’l appli cants. Address FLEMING A NET SON, Augusta, Ga. N. B —November and December is the best time for planting Trees Early orders respectfully solicited, octlfi 30-fit DISSOLUTION, mills firm of UOI.KHAW A 11 KR7,< >0 is this day dissolved by A mutual consent. The hooka of the firm will be found at the store of Mr T. 11. Bolshaw, who Is authorized to use the firm oiily in liquidation of the business. T 11. BOLSHAW, f. Herzog. M ic.m, July, 59,15C1. Having this day purchased the entire interest of F. Her zog in the firm of Butehaw A Herzog, all notes and accounts will be settled by me. I shall continue the business at the old stand. No. 11, Cotton Avenue, near Mulhe. ry street, where may be found a good assortment of CHINA, GLASS, CHOCKERY, COAL OIL LAMPS, PLATED CASTORS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, &c., FOR CASH ONLY. T. 11. BOLSHAW. The undersigned having disposed of his interest in the firm of Bolshaw A Herzog to T. H. Bolshaw, takts pleasure in recommending him to his friends. aug 7 F. HERZOG. Pure Corn and Rectified Whiskey. ■y AA BBLS. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey’ i “ ** “ Extra Rectified,Kentucky iPure White,“Ten nesseeCorn,“Georgia Planters,” “Pike’s Magnolia,’and other Brands, all received direct from the Distillers, and or sale low by McCALLIE A JONES, mar 7 Turpentine, Camphine and Vinegar, “ EIA It It 111 .S Turpentine, .*) ‘2i> Barrels Camphine, 7.”> Barrels Vim gar, for sale bv oct 2-3 t ROSS A SEYMOUR. Wheeler & Wilson Machine Needles. kT $1 00 per dozen. Only at retail quantities of one dozen or less. A supply just received and lor sale by HUg 14 E J. JOHNSTON A CO. GlTs, PAINTS, GLAS§, Aif. IA I V E Casks Sperm OH, fj.loo pounds pure Lead, 150 Boxes Window Glass, Two barrels Neat Foot Oil and Five Barrels of Varnish, for sale bv Oct 12-St ROBS A SEYMOUR. OPPOSITE - LANIER HOUSE, 7ys-A.c?e2>Jxr. [SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 TO $3.00. The Commercial Straw is easy, $1 ,U 0 t “ Senate is not had, “ Planter’s Hat is very light, $1.40. “ English is Finest. IVOOL HATS, STRAW'S. june 20 C *Ji- A imo. < I to JAIL— a negro boy who say* liis I) name is lien, anil that tie belongs to Fra k More of I'a.b'-t county, Ga. lie i. about 25 pr 30 years old, of a dark copper color. Avery small man. oct 28- W. B. JONES, Sheriff, Macon county, Ga. Oeuiruoi pu, flu., Oct. 2nth, 1801. JVLcCallie & Jones, K the recent tire, have located nearly opposite tO their old stand on Cotton Avenue, where they are pre pared to supply all customers with Bacon. Lard. Flour, Corn, &c., &c., JST GIVK US A CALL. juiy B EXPECTED DAILY. A liARGK.STOCK or PRINTS, BLEACHED GOODS FLANNELS, KKRsKYS, DRILLINGS, LINSEYS, FLtX THREAD, BUTTONS, Ac., which we will dispose of at small advance over cost, oct 28 It OSS A SEYMOUR. PLANTATION MILL. CIINCL AIR’S TWENTY-SIX INCH FRENCH BURR STONE MILL warranted to work well and make good Hour. For sale by NATHAN WEED july 10 Macon, Ga. lor Htvle .y s>/\ HALS SHOT, li 0 Riles Yarns, ftp Barrel. Whisky, 25 Bbls N. 0. Syrup, 150 Boxes Starch, . 73 Cases Brandy, Gin Wine and Bynrp. oct 2-3 t ROSS A SEYMOUR. Wheat, Rye, Barley and Oats. SELECTED especially for •<•!. “i* sale, by (oet M) ai'OALW* I JONii, WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. f 1111 i: twenty-fourth Aitnual Session of this Institution, M. will begin on MONDAY, October 7th, under the direc tion of the following Faculty : Rev. JOHN M. BON’NELL, Preaident, Ac. Rev. C. W. SMITH. A. M.. Professor Mathematics. Rev. F. X. FORSTER, A. M., Professor Ancient Lan guages. Rev. W. C. BASS, A. M. Professor Natural Science. C. SCIIVYARZT, Professor Modern Languages and Draw ing. Miss M. E. CARLETON, Principal Preparatory Depart ment. P T GUT TEN BERGER, Professor of Music. Miss L. GUTTENBERGER, Asst. Music. Mrs. S. bCHVV AKZT, Inst. Ornamentai Needle Work. R. M. HEARD and LADY', Steward’s Department. Mrs. E J. STEPHENS, Matron. Tuition per annum, in College Classes S6O “ “ “ Preparatory Department 4ft Board “ “ including fuel,lights and washing.lso One half the Fees positively required in October, the rest in March. Confederate Bonds taken as cash. Tne Steward’s Department has been fitted out with an entire new suit of Furniture. For Catalogues, or further informntisn, anplv to sep 11-4 t YV. c. BASS, Sec’y. GRANITE HAI/L. IWOCI.D resp.ctfolly inform my OLD FRIENDS and PAT RONS, tlia t since the tie I have obtained the Rooms in the building NEXT ABOVE the “Granite Ilall,” and over the store of K. P. McEvoy and Messrs. Bostick & Lamar, where I have opened, and will be pleased to see my friends and customers, and will do my best for their comfort and pleasure. Y’ery Respectfully, may 1 BENJ. F. DENSE. BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite the Passenger House, Macon, Ga. By E. E. BROWN & SON. ’tVFAI.S ready on the arrival of every Train. The lYi Proprietors will spare no pains to make their guests comfortable. feb 22 4S-’6o-y THE STUBBLEFIELD HOUSE “ Like the Pheenix from its Ashes.” TI'II AT large, r.ew and ilegant House, recently erected A on the ruins of mv old establisi inent. Mulberry street. Macon, Ga., is now open for the reception and accommoa tion of Boarders and transient guests. The House has been newly furnished throughout, in the best manner, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CLA§S HOTEL. Its situation is eligible, a little below the Methodist and opposite the Presbyterian Church, and near the Banks and places of business. Connected with the House is a large Livery and Sale Stable, where Drovers and others can find accommodations for their stock. The patronage of his old friends and of tbe traveling public generally , is respectfully solicited, nov 5-ts M STUBBLEFIELD. WASHINGTON HALL IS still open to the public. Special arrangementsaM£A will be made for the accommodation of members of the legislature. N. C. BARNETT. HliiL Milledgeville,Oct. 9,1861. —lm W. S. IL MATIIEWS, TEACHER OF Piano, Singing, Organ and Harmony, IS now prepared to receive pupils by the quarter, or by the year, at the rate of Sixty Dollars for the academic year of ten months, ten lessons each month. Lessons given at the residence of pupils when desired. Mr. M. is prepared to give strict and punctual attention to every pupil entrusted to his care, and confidently expects to give satisfaction to all patrons. Pupils may commence September 3d. Names left either at the Methodist or tbe Baptist Book Depository will receive prompt attention. References given when desired. Macon, August 28,1861. sep 4-y COATES & WOOLFOLK, COTTON FACTORS. Ware llohm* on Third Street. Wli.l. continue to give prompt attention to business entrusted to their care. Advances made on Cotton in Store. Sept. 25. 1861 —ts TRY ONE OF Ol'R .Yen Mack Pocket Hats. Bay one NEW STYLE BROAD BRIM. The % ZOUAVE BLACK TRIMMED Will BECOME you ! So will the MAROON And the Ex. \at. Nutria. So will the LIGHT BLACK BROAD ROUND SOFT HATS. otiee. WE will offer in a few days a choice lot of White Sugars Refined, Crushed and Powdered. We will sell Brown Sugars at prices to suit customers, with many other aiticler which we now have on hand in the Grocery line which we are determined to sell. oct 28 ‘ ROSS & SEYMOUR. BAG GIN G AN D HOPE. WE wi<h to close out Sun pieces of Kentucky Bagging and 800 coils Machine Flax Hope. A bargain can be had. (oct 23) ROSS A SEYMOUR. HOME MANUFACTURE^ WE are prepared to make to order and repair, at short notice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac. Also,Sewing Mw&Hne sr eP 4ired > and new parts made, and machines adjusted, by a practical and experienced workman Puhlic patronage respectfully solicited. janlS K. J. JOHNSTON k 00. MILITARY BOOKS. A > E \V supply of Hardie’s Tactics, Scott’s Tactics, .(V Cooper’s Tactics, Cavalry Tactics, and Mahon’s Trea- Use on Field Fcriifloation, for sale at fdi 13 - BOA ROMAN’S. A UTS f rillil'. rh lographic-Portraits colored in Oil, prod Dead by I J A PUGH * 880 , Triangular illoek, Macon, Ga., are still considered the best to be attained in the State. We were awarded the premium again this year, at the State Fair w |,icli has just closed, for the best Photographs. With our new process for enlarging Photographs to life si*e from Daguerreotypes of deceased |*ersons, and with the aid of two first class Artists employed by us, we are product eg Portraits as perfect and as much like the original as it Is possible J'u tiin* to be made. Call at PUGH’S and sse the Photographs by their new process, which are the largest ever made in the Bt*te. none liee them can be seen else where. AHfISROTYTES at very low prices. (oct *1 PIANOS, OF Chtckering A Son’s, Dunham’s and other celebrated Makers ; warranted in tone, durability and finish to k>. Brit quality, and sold at the very best rate, together with a 3ne lot of Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Fluff*. Violin and Guitar Strings, Musical Boxes, kc ,4c., by dot 16 E. J. JOHNHTOIf k OD CORN ! CORN ! ! BUBII Prime Western Corn, just received Jm vv I * and for sale at 56 lbs. to the bushel by aug 15. MoCAM.I* A /ONE*. Huy- OA A BALES Prime selected Hay, for sale low by 2UU mar 20 BOWuRK A ANDERSON. CONFEDERATE TREASURY Notes and Bonds taken at PAR *r Furniture or Not.* and Accounts due juu’ 12 WOUU A 00., Huron, fa. M ASSENLIIIG & SON, (•I'CCKSStIB* TO K. L. STkoHIXZn;.) _ I Corner Third and Mulberry Streets, ; PE.U.RRS tx CHOICE DRUGS, S LLEC TED MEI >K INES, | Psiro Chemicals [SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS,! I WINDOW GLASS, ! PER FUMER Y, PAINTS, OILS, I Patent Mocllelnes, FRESH GARDEN* SEED. Merchants and Physicians, ; ‘ t WHO PRIDE THEMSEI.VEB On Dealing in Articles of the FIRST QUALITY, AND AT LOW PRICKS, HAY BELY upon BEINC. SUITED. nov 29 ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TOG ESTABLIsFIED 1826. C*l LOItGI.I, Macon fonnlf.-Wheresi. Mrs. T Arlsey Smith, Administratrix on the estate of Gideon Smith, late of said county, deceased, applies to me fsr Ut ters of dismission from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be and appear at roy oftice on or before tbe first Monday In Sune next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and otticiat signature,Nov. 8,1861. nov 13--ni6m JNO. L. PARKER, Ordinary. MACON <OI K r OF Ul> I N A BY.-Where as, Joseph H. McKirzie, Executor of the esfSte of John McKinzte, late of said county, deceased applies to this Court for letters dismissory from his said Executor - sh'p. * These are ther-fore to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to he and ape.ear at roy office on or before the first Monday In December next, to show cause, ts any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand and official signature, this 3d June, 1861 june 5-m6m JNO. L PARKER, Ordidary. f ’ KMItGIA, Macon County*—Cucnror Owmsa '-V av in vacation, June 26, 1861. YY’Viereas, Sarah A. Mathis, Guardian of the persons ar.d property 0 f ,j lr R ,j nors of Johu 8. Ylsthis, deceased, of sai l bounty, h vi U g fully discharged her trust, applies to be dis missed from her Guardianship as aforesaid. Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby notified aril required to appear at my office on or before the first Mon day ia £e|tember next, i ni j t ) wv cause, if any they can, why SaW Sarah A. Mathis should not be dismissed fr< ui her said GusriH .nsltip. Giver, under my hand ami official signature. jaly 3 U>-6t JNO. L. PARKER, Ordinary. Cl KOKOVA, Pulaski County.—Whereas B. B. VX Dykes, Administramr of the es:ate of Lewis W. Jen nings deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory :roin said administration. Therefore, all persons coneerned are bhereby required to show cause, if any they have, why letters dismissory should not be granted to said administrator on the second Monday in January next. Given under my hand and seal of office this June 20, IMI. F. I R. BROWN, june 2rt-ru6m Ordinary. NEW FIRM. WM. J. McELROY & CO., Brass Founders, &c. r'JYIIK undersigned are now prepared to furnish the fol- A lowing articles : Sword* and Knives, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MADE TO ORDER AT SHORT SOTICK BRASS MOUNTINGS, For Sword*, Knives, and Guns, also, ORNAMENTAL BRASS CASTINGS, Os every description. We keep on hand at all times a full assortment of Tin-Ware and Stoves, Os all kinds, SOUTHERN MANUFACTURED, with a fuH assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. AT THE OLD STAND, ON THIRD STREET, MACON, GA. TE M R S CASH. W. J. McElrot, C. D. Wall, A. Reynold-:. September 25, 1861.—ts Examine cur Goods and Prices before buying elsewhere TO CONTRACTORS. WILLOW WOOD WANTED! CftllDS YVillow wiil he contracted for, to be el* * dellverid on the line of the Canal. at the Govern ment Powder Factory, at Augusta, Ga., at the rate'of not iessthan 15-1 cords per month, commencing Hie Ist of De cember next. Tiie Willow may be of any size, the smaller branches being preferred ; the larger sticks must lei split ii to parts not larger than the arm. It must be cut into unilono lengths of three feet, and each cord will measure 1-1 fe t ong, 3 feet high, and H feet broad, containing 126 cubic feet. The bark must be carefully peeled off a ; . the time of cutting. Proposals fer this contract will be received until the Ist October. Also, Ma ie i*d I iii mod ia to iy, ■m Cords of YVillow, described as above, whicli will purchased in open market, in small lots, for whicli a liberal cash price wiil be paid, delivered at Augusta. Also, WaisU’ti lin mod iato ly, 500 Casks Cement, delivered at this city, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. GEO. YV. RAINS. Major Artillery and Ordinance C.S. A. ’ sep 4 14- Fine Furniture. Ai K Parlor Setts, Rose Wood, shogany anil Georgia A YY'aluut Furniture. Secretaries and Book Cases, Desks and Book Canes, Bu reaus of Rose Wood, Mahogany aDd Walnut. Sofas. Tete-a Tetes, Divans Sociables, Ottomans, In Hair Cloth, Flush. Brocatel, Ac. Arm, Rocking, Sewing, Parlor, Bedroom, Dining, Hair Cloth, Plush, Brocatel, Cace, Bpiit Bottom, and every kind of Chair known to the trade. BEDSTEADS. Rose Wood, Walnut, Maple, Mahogany, Beach, Gum, Ac., High, Low, French and Cottage. Wardrobes of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut and Pine. Safes of all Patterns. TABLES. Mzhcgany, YValnut,Cherry,Pine Foldir.gfLex % 3qu are, Round, Ac. Is attrasses oi Hair, Cotton, Moss and Patent Spring. 1 rather Beds, Pillows and Bolsters. Fine Mirrors, common loosing Glasses, Looking Glass Pit les, Picture Glass. Y/indow Shades, and Cut tain Bands Cot Dices. I uckets, Tubs. Dippers, Brooms, Brush Brooms, Feather Du> ters, Foot Matts, Ac., for sale on the most reasonable terms. Lumber taken in exchange, or Lumber made up in the most fashionable styles of Furniture to order. We have one of the largest Stocks of FINE FURNITURR n the State, and we are constantly manufacturing, and wish to sell. Call and see us. feb 22 WOOD, BRO. 4 CO . Stamping for Embroidery. MHS. LINDSAY is prepared to execute all order* in that kind of work. Also, DRESS JVDYICINCE ASD ALL KINDI nr Xeedle M ork, Eiubroitkry and Li aiding. SHE WILL COKTIXFE TEACHING CROCHET ANI) EMBROIDER Y. Terms rtasonahle. Residence on Madison street, nex 1 door to Mrs. M E. Dcugherty. Thankful for past latois she wishes a continuance of the same. M aeon, October 2nd, 1861. 28-fil JLi. R. HOYT’S AMMOXIATED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. Tlios. F\ Stovall & Cos., AiigiDta, Ga., General Agents for Georgia. rVYIIIN Super-Phosphate, composed of BON E, BULPHU A KIC and PHOSPHORIC ACIDS, A MMONIA, SOlja and POTASH, has been extensively used during the pu-t two season* in Georgia, and has given the most c-ompltie satisfaction in COTTON, WHEAT, CORN, OATB, RYH TURNIPS and POTATOES. YVe are permitted to give the following gentlemen as re ferences besides numerous others, who have u.etl it: Owen P. Fltsslmmons, Esq Burke county. Itoliert r. Connaliy, Esq “ “ H. j. Ogllby, Esq Morgan county. Uon. I T. Irvin, Wilkes “ John A. Jones, Esq Polk *• D Dickson, Esq Newton “ Dr E. M. Pendleton ...Hancock “ YVilson Bird, Esq “ J. A. Bell, Etq Oglethorpe “ Tiiomas W. Whatley, Ksq Beach Island. Jonathan M. Miller, Esq “ “ PAMPHLETS containing analysis, letters, Ac., furnishe o T. apv'licalion. Price, per Ton, in Augusta *SO t>© Discount made to purchasers of five tons, or more. TIIOS. P. STOVALL V t'O., August.-., Ga. fj. ft. —Using Agents for all Georgia, we will furnish to Planters below Augusta, or in the direction of the Central and connecting Roads, Hoyt’s Super-Phosphate, at A45 pev Ton In New York—expenses to their station added. For Mil* reason, evily c.rd*rs are solicited, that the Super-Phos phate may be sun to them direct from New York. gam.- discount made from New York price to purchastr.. ot five tons or more. TIIOS. P. STOVALL A CO. dae 14 *#-tf 255 Broad-street, Augusta, Ca Corn and Oats. -z . .v ffCSHELS Prime Corn. 50:'bushels Oats, ? for sale by mar 20 BOWDRE A ANDERSON. Refined Leaf Lard. //~v KPGS Refined Leal Lard now receiv ; ng and for OU sale by McCALLIE A JONFS. aug 15 Pebble Spectacles, I!V Gold and Steel Frames, Gold, Silver, Steel and Com moo Specks. I A splendid assortment justr*cnved. by oovl* E.J. JOHNSTON A 00. ; PIiOUB. I KrWX BBLS. Superfine and Family Flour to arrivw I OUU 14,000 pound* Choie* Tamily Flour, (sack*) ! l“SiS* WMIIWUOH,