Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, December 25, 1861, Image 3

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Kl . of “• Byrd, of Aaiiwla iJrtHMUSI*, V:l, I tec. 19lh.—Will li. of Auguta, Ga., nho was arrested , early in Septelulter last, as a spy, has . , n leastsl from CuDfiUfßiettt. ‘J lie Kx int,r, of this morning, says that his release ~ f,taints! through favorable represeuta uiaJt in his Whalt by C. H. liuniett, \1 Wilber of Congress from Kentucky. 11| 4 . Fiitlil a< CrceM Kiver, liy—Ad ditional Parlimlaro. ll.iWl.inh Grekn, Ky., Dee. Is.— Vester* , Vi 200 Texas Hangers, under Col. Terry, ,yii ujHin the enemy’s pickets, aud drove j in in. About oue mile this side of Green Hiv. r i.ridge, they were attacked by 000 of tIJ 32d indiana regiment—3oo on each of theta. The Hangers were concealed in a coru i. behind trees and hay-stacks. The en . L ,y\. loss was 75 killed and wounded and s j,n-oners. Col. Terry, while leading the , ; . was killed, the ball passing through j . neck. His horse was afterwards shot tLiougb the head, aud killed. The Kaugers .st 4 killed, 1 mortally wounded, and 8 frilly wounded. The Hessian who shot Col. Terry was af : i wards killed and his gun secured he killed tarojust before be fell. .Nashville, Dec. 18.—Col. Tcrrjs re sins ariived at 2 o'clock I*. M., to-day. — The Legislature aJjourucd iu respect to bis armory, and proceeded iu a body to the de j if, where they joined iu the fuueral proces - iti The escort was composed of the Mili tary, Masonic Fraternity, members of the L gislafure, members of tue City Couucil, 4 ud citizens generally. The body of the deceased was then taken 11 the Capitol, where it was l.tid in state iu :L< hall of the H<>U>o of llepreseiitatives.— It Las beeu forwarded to New Orleans to night. lVsengers by to-day’s train reported the eu>my crossing Green ltiver iu two places, -.Lid a general engagement therefore expected. A gentleman who participated in tb*> tight at (iretn Uiver Bridge is now here ; he says ; *,ut he counted 55 of the enemy killed. taunt AttHw. We collect the following items from the intelligence brought by the arrival from Liverpool of Steamers ‘‘Luropa'’ and “City of Washington.” The steamer from St. Thomas arrived at $ ‘Uihainton the 28th ult. The intelligence ftb forcible seizure of Messrs. Masou and Mi Jell on board the Knglish steamer Trrmt, nt ri ir being take'll therefrom by Capt. Wilkes, of the’ Suit decn/iu, arrived at Liv erp don the 28th- The news caused the in st tut• use excitement. An indignation jji-riiug was promptly held and resolutions cirri* <i with acclamation, denouncing the iii-ult and calling on the Government to maintain the dignity of the flag. 8 itnc prominent merchants spoke against any precipitate action and said the matter had better be left with the Government.— The feeling of indignation is very general. lue LLerp ol 7V<v* of the 2ath, which e ntains a tull account of the indignation meeting at Liventoo). The following placard was posted on l lunge , “Outrage on British flag—Southern Coiu missioners forcibly removed from a British mail steamer—A Public Meeting will l-e held at the Cotton Sales Boom, at 3 o’clock.” At the hour fixed, the room was crowded to f-xeess. i The chair was occupied by Mr. James Spencer,Vko read the tohowiug reso lution : t . >.* Lt<?, That this meeting, having heard ,ith indignation that au American Icderal ship- and war has forcibly taken from a British mail certain passengers, peaceably under the she’ter of our flag, going fr<*ni oue neutral port to another, we do earnestly call on the Government to assert the diguity of the British flag by requiring prompt re paration tor this outrage. The resolution was received with great en thusiasm, ard advocated by the chairman, who considered it as expressing the feelings ! i the jeHipie he said it was the duty • f the people to press the Government oq the imperative necessity for the vindication of the honor and dignity of the British name and flag. i ack Back, December 15. The steam ship t ity / WuiKtnytan, from Liverpool tm Queenstown has arrived. The excitement iu reference to the Masou aud Slidell affair eouiiuues unabated. The Paris Temp* icpcats the statement M.av fvup duo!} haj tendered (Tit services as medial, w. The Paris l\strie contains an official arti cle f irt’-hadow lug the disposition of France to recognise the independenci? of the Jsouth *ru Confederacy, if Knghind. sets the txaiu hle. A large number of Kuglish naval vessels have been ordered to get ready for immediate commission. Several were loaded with im mense military store* destined fur Canada. The Queen has issued a proclamation for bidding the exjMirtation of arms, powder, lead, or materials for making powder. From Itoifolk. LATEST NORTHERN’ NEWS-NEW YORK DATES TO THE I‘Jtii INST. Norfolk, December 20. —The New York llruhl, of the 18th, received here, contains an editorial calling on the banks to. specie payments. It says hitherto the wr has been carried on by the means of loans. (Jjc hundred and fifty millions has leeu obtained by the Government from the hanks and the people. In three weeks the auiouut will be expended, and not a dollar left in the Treasury. The Herald recommends the issue of pa per money, based on the credit aud proper ty of the nation, to be redeemed after the War. The llrrald denounces Phelps and his proclamation in severe terms, and demands his recall and a counter proclamation of the President, setting the matter right. It ealls upon the po oleos the North to prepare vigorously coast defences, and for the en rollments of the citizens into military orsTHtii satioiu and daily practice at the fortifications. It regards the war with England as ine vitable. 1 he excitement Xojth concerning English interference is increasing. The SiritiaU lion is threatened with annihilation. Arms des tiued tor the I uited States have been seized iu England. Foster, of North Carolina, has been re fused a seat in Congress. BULL LATER. The Dap Book- has just received the Her <t/d the l‘Jtb in.-it., from which I quote the following: The Queen’s messenger had not yet ar rived at \\ a.-hiogton, nor had auy commu nication from Lord Lyons, as yet, been made to the Government. ihe Cabinet refuse, under any circum stances, to deliver up the Commissioners, Messrs, Slidell and Mason, or to make au apology. The steam ship Jura had arrived at Port land, bringing European news to the (itii instant. The agitation continues iu Europe. Troops are preparing to leave for Canada.— Absent seamen have been ordered to their -hips, aud it is further reported that in En gland the recall of Minister Adams is deemed inevitable. New \ ork Stocks are down. The IT raid** money article says if it should appear that Cotton is the conscience •f England, that she is resolved upon a bold stroke tnr Cotton aud the destruction of her only tormidable commercial rival, she wiU discover that she has committed a disas trous blunder. 1 lie North has not less than seven hun dred thousand men iu arms Oue hundred thousand can hold the rebellion at bay, and the other could be employed iu defensive aud offensive operations ou the Canadian frontier. The North has extemporised a splendid navy which cau sweep English commerce from the seas, fregi N’pya Scotia io Austra lia, uay more, could strike a terrible blow at the tiuaucial powers of Eugland by the con fiscation of nine hundred millions of bonds, stocks, and other property held by British subjects; at the same time starving Ireland would cease to be a passive spectator, aud would become a foimidable ally in the prom ising eutei prise of another effort for her de liverance. Finally, if upou t|ie seas, England is res olved upon war, she may rely upon it that the Continental States of Europe, upon the question of maritime rights, will catch the contagion,- and there will he the end of Eng land's dictatorial superuiacy on the seas. The steamer for Europe has been detained by the imperative orders of Lord Lyons, uii til he is ready to send hack the messenger with dispatches. The IhraUTs correspondent at Fortress Monroe says the I’uion feeling iu the South is increasing, and that many of the people have-offered to side with the North iu a war with Eugland, From larnttid Montkeal, Dcoeniber I(l.—The news by the Europa creates much excitement. — There is a strong British feeling throughout the Proviuees. At Toronto the excitement was intense, and the course of the home (government strongly approved of. Ffwiti it ic |i 1114*114! • Richmond, iXeember It). —Hon - Chas. J. Faulkner arrived In re this evening, aud was met at the Depot by Gov. Rt-teher, the .May or of the City, wud a large concourse of citi zens with bauds of music. A procet-siou was formed and Mi. Faulkner escorted through a portion of the city to the City Hall. As the procession moved on, the crowd increased to tliousauds. The ladies crowded the windows aud the balcouies, aud saluted the procession with smiles, ►he waving of |initerctiief, fcc- Deaftuing cheers from the thronged sidewalks greeted the processiou along the entire route. Ou their arvivai tt the Hall, Mayor Mayo iutroiluced Mr. Faulkner, wtio made a short ! and eloquent speech, detailing his captivity, I ioiprisotiment ami present position on parole : of honor. He referred to the position of Hiigland and the United States and said if Lincoln recedes from his present stytf* , oti the Ma son andjSlidell affair, the furious abtilition sentiment of the North will overwhelm him, aud if he does not they will be involved in a war with England. Mr. Faulkner said he was a fellow prison er at Fort Warren with Messrs. Mason aud I .Slidell, lie said they never wavered but J feci confident Kngland will promply vindi cate the outrage on her flag. Governor Letcher mude a few remarks welcoming Mr. Faulkner back to \ irginia, after which the iintueuse crowd dispersed. Congress passed and the President ap proved the following: An Act authorizing the issue of Treasury notes and providing a war tax for their re demption. An Act for recruiting in the service of the Provisional army. A report was brought to Richmond this morniug that two Yankee regiments mistook each other near Fairfax, Wednesday, fired ou each other, killed a hundred or more and Wounded many. Holh retreated, aud the Confederates coming up, took sixty prisoners. The wounded will be brought here. The Cincinnati papers report a battle at New Oilcans, aud the inhabitants flyiug in all directions. Richmond, Dec. 20.—The Government consents to au exchange of Mr. Ely lor Mr. Faulkneu. Mr. Ely will soon be sent North. The Virginia House of Delegates have passed a Bill appropriating $50,000 for the relief of the Charleston sufferrers by the late fire, ft will probably pass the Senate at an early day. The repott current this forenoon of the collision at two of the enemy’s regiments, and the capture of a number of them by the Confederates, is unconfirmed. Lumors ait* abundant, but nothing Las been received iu official quarters confirming any of them. The Congressional nows is iiiiiniportaut. Norfolk, December 18.—Ex-Minister Clus. J. Faulkner arrived here to-day, to be exchanged (or Congressman Ely. He is on his parole o( honor tor thirty days. Hr. Faulkner says that the voice of the North is for war to the knife, and that they are determined not to give up Mason and Slidell. Two hundred and forty Confederate prisoners di.-cliarged from Fert Warren have beeu sent lo Fortress Monroe to await exchange. The Northern papers contain dispatches from the principal Northern cities showing on intense excitement among the people and an unwillingness that the Government should submit to British bluster. tl A It ItILO, In this city, at Christ Church, on the 19th inst, by the (lev. Mr. Keene. Mr. Relit. B. Findlay, to Miss Maty A. Benton, eldest daughter of Amos Benton Esq. In America*, on the 19th inst., ly Rev. E. IV. Warren, James Seymour, of the llrm of Koss A Seymour of this city, to Miss itrbsaxr Hill, of the former place. In Samtersville, Oa., on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Talioage, Mr. Joiix W. Krndmck, of Macon county, Ala., to Vliss Sarah F. I.angraadc, daughter ofE.B. LsngaMde, E.-i,., of the former place. In Houston, County, on the ’Bth instant, hy Rev George C. Clarke, Lieut. Jams;* A. L> auxrr to Mi-s Jnsic C., daugh ter of Lewis Kuinph Esq. DILI), On the 94d inst.. after an illness of three months. Kramus Darwin Williams in his fiftieth year, a native of North hampton, Mass , but a resident of this city for the last thir ty years. At Camp Thomson, near Brunswick, Ga., R W. Whit aker, a meaber of the Thomson Guards, on the 10th in stant, in the 22d year of his age. In Lee county, Ga., on the Kbit inst., Mrs. ADV V., daughter of Dr. It. C. Black, and wife of John Tomlinson. {TF* The friends of If. Jackson <'ooper announce him as a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Bibb county at the election on the first day of January next, and will be supported by a large number of VOTERS. dec 18-tde t3F~ We are authoiized to announce Till liot Combs as a candidate for Coroner for Bibb county, at the ensuing January election. dec 11-tdt* For Slit-rifi <>t Ril>t County. We are authorized to announce William L, ■ i>ti-ri. as h candidate for Sheriff of this pounty, at the election in January next. James \. (rit-r to be deputy FS?” We aye requested to announce J. A true pit llotlcc*. as a candidate for Sheriff of Bibb couuty at the ensuing election. E. M. Caißi.i N lo lie his Deputy. We are autliori/.ee to announce the name of Joint tl. I ■ it- a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon county,at the ensuing January election. nuv 6-ide Tlie friends of f'rtpt. \V tit. are anxious for him to run the race for Tax Collector for Bibb couuty at the election in January next, aud if elected they know he will do his WTV, as iu former years. 8188 COUNTY- Is accordance with this snliyit f o(L,r a can, didate for Ta* fi.,llecto,, amt it elected Will till the office to the best of my skil) and ability. WM. BONE. nov t> 88- tW H. A. and Tlitrkiel Snher will be supported for the offices of High Sheriff and Deputy .Sheriff ( ,f Macon county, l.y MANY VOTERS. ocl Ifi-tde Tax Collector. We ore authorised to announce SO LOMAX R. JOHNSON as a ('andi date for Tax Collector, at the ensuing elec tion in January. Oct. 22 ts ” ‘ wmmn HEADQUARTERS sits-h REG'T G. M , ( Dec. JOth, lsfil. ) GENERAL ORDERS, NO 1. MAJOR T. L. HOLT takes rank by brevet, as Lieut. Colonel, and will lie obeyed and respected accordingly. An election for Major r i •<■ T. L. Holt promoted, is hereby ordered to lie beid on Saturday, the lllli day of January, 1&04. J, E. JONES, Cut. Coin Mg. W. M. TpWX9E>I', AiQ’t, dec 25-8 t AN IMPORTANT EORIIICOMING SOUTKERN BOOK. MORAL BKUTIKS FROM THE HEART OE WOMAN, 4> VOICES Fit OTI THE SOI Til,V I BEING a collection of literary S<t®* GOfttrlbuteJ Ly taU I J eiltell larp'fs iii e'i ery State ot ll(e Cpnfederacy. *2, be published by IHQAAS 2. BoWELL, M 0 , Profes sor of (Jtis>-tries in tbe Atlanta Mejical Uollege—the nett proceeds to bo appropr atcil to the erection of a “Home for the Reception and Treatment ol Invalid Ladies.” Tiio work wdl embrace about 600 pages, and be put up in three styles. Ist quality, with engraving*, per copy ( 6.00 It to one address 50 00 3d quality, with engraving*, k'ilt cloth, per copy 3.(>0 It copies to one address . .. 86.00 3d q ralliy, line paper, cloth - ,M 1 It copies to one address 30.00 Pent l.y Mail or Express, to subscribers. Ire.- of expense. Address THOMAS 8. POWELL, M. D , dec 16 Atlanta, Georgia. NV ANTED! VM ri I ION as BOOK KEEPER. Address W M J., dec 16-ts t the Journal jf alesst nger Olfiee. Sugar, Ueflee, Molasses* Nails. TO ARRIVE 200 lllid*. Nugsr*, v*rlu” crudes, ‘2o Hags t üb* eoffte, UitO iturrcls Next OilrHit* illulusli't, 100 Kegs Nails. All of which we will close out at a small over cost, dec 18 BOSS A SEYMOUR. \\ asliiiiifton lliill IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. GA SSEE NE, 1 *r< >j riel* >r. Atlanta, Ga., Decemlier, iqi. l< Sloeklifiltlert. Otfick Macos A Wesvea* it. R. Cos. i Macon, Ga. Dec. Oth, 1861. f f Bill I'. Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Con- J pany for the election of President aud twelve Directors to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Oompiliy’* office in Macon, on Tuesday, the 7th day of January next at 12 o’clock, Meridian. J. K. IMY, dec It-Me * Secretary. A New flap of llm* £<*sil of War, FOR FIFTY’ CFJNTS. rillllC undersigned has just published Map of the Seat g of War in Virginia, Maryland, etc , beautifully colored, WUh many important points put down not included in form er maps. Sent at fill cents postpaid to any part of the Souiheru Confederacy. eec tl J- W. BURKE, Agent. .lust Received ! BLUE STONE, SALTPETER, SOAPS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, Drugs, Medicines, (hemicals, Dye Stuffs, INSTRUMENTS, PERFUMERY, &’ , At J. H. ZLILIS A CO.’S Drug Store. (formerly Zeilin A Hunt.) FKIIT TREES, tiRIl’E VINES, Ac. urn have contributed to the Young Guard one private Y\ soldier, (equipped at our own expense,) one to the Lamar Infantry, a-so one to Capt. Nix’s Cavalry Company lor the coast defence. We have subscribed the proceeus of the sale of five thousand choice grafted fruit trees to the Coaled* rate loan. Now, in order that we >*>*>* ready . - in . e ifte interest ol our common count! y, ami re tre-h tb- ■ eturuing soldier ivitli fine fruits, and Hie Clttoen* generally, and also meet promptly our engagement with the Confederate Government, and thehalanc- ot mankind, the Come e lllOUSan ,| choice grated fruit SSiX'KLtI. s^sS2S,.T!LS.i* “^toe-re success in the health of your tree*. For further particular*, apply l AgRy OAMp 4 B QJt. Covington, G„ ot-10,18*1 .—dec 4-*t VARIETIES! SERVICE and SERGEANTS’ SWORDS and BELTS of our own manufacture, at reduced prices. A careful comparison is iespe. tfuily solicited. 1 iHces and llraids, i/RUViS “Confederate make,” UILT HUT TONS, large and small, GAUNTLETS, per •• Bermuda,” 3,000 KNITTING NEEDLES, 6,000 CIGARS, 16 doz 6 aud 8 WOOL CARDS; A Small Lot of Envelopes, PLAYING CARDS, Ac., in Job Lots, OIL ENAMELED CLOTH, a small lot for sale low to close consignments. OI K STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., is quite full and will be offered at low prices. Wntcli Kepairltig—This department of cur busi ness is at present in charge of Mr. E. Hu’.un. We will receive anything at all available tor goods sold or in settlemeut of notes or accounts, nov 27 K. J. JOHNSTON A CO. New Southern Music! It NT received and for sale at the BuOK DEPOSITOR!’, Ma eon, Georgia, as follows : Our SoutUoru Flug, SECESSION GALOP, BEAUREGARD’S GRAND MARCH, ANEEN POLKA, SOUTHERN BOYS—Song, STARS OF OUR BANNER, DIXIE ALL RIGHT, FLAG OF THE SOUTH, SOUTHERN MAKSaILLES, PRESIDENT DAVIS* GRAND MARCH, SECESSION POLKA, SECESSION MARCH, SUNNY SOUTH GALOP, SOUTHERN BATTLE SONG, PALMETTO SONG, Address, J. V\ . BURKE, Agent. August, 26,1861. Pure Liquors, JUST IMPORTED. DALY &. FITZGERALD, 2d door from Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouse, 1/are just received PURE IRISH WHISKEY. ” MERETT BRANDY. “ SHERRY WINE. “ MADEIRA A PORT WINE. These Liquors have been selected with great care by Daly during u recent visit to Irelitint, They are warranted pure. It is deemed entirely unnecessary to re sort to puffery in order to induce a They are of the best quality, and cannot fail to establish tJ, is • ummendation in the minds of all who try them. The public and judges o hearticle, particularly, are invited to caliand examine for hemselves. (nov23 H 5-) CAR] I ART &BRO. (I.ATK OF NEW VOkK,) Have returned to tlu plaes, where they will be gleaned to see their Friends. All communications promptly attended to. Store in Ralston’s Rock Building, rn Third Street. JAS. D. CAR HART, WM. B. CARHART. Macon, March 18, 1861. \\. S. 15. MATHEWS, TEACHER OF Piano, Organ and Harmon), IS m.w prepared to receive pupil* by the quarter, or by . the year, a* the rate of Sixty Dollars for the academic yegr of ten months, ten 1 Basons each month. Lessons given at the residence of pupils when desired. Mr. M. is prepared to give strict and punctual attention to every pupil entrusted to kis care, and confidently expects to give satisfaction to all patrons. Pupils may commence September B*l. Names left either at the Methodist or the Baptist Bonk Depository will receive prompt attention. Kefeiences given when desired. Maeou, August 28, lsifil. rep 4 y The Harden Express Cos. WILL PASS GOODS AT THE i'lntfiiti IB on*t‘ at fcsivaiiuuli, AND FORWARD THEM By Express or Freight Train, ft* gur*ies may prefer, only charging fur our trouble the Custom House Fees, for passing and ior#s.rd\mj. *ur furiher information concerning the abftvg,apply to M. c McDonald, Agent. Macon, March 20,1861. Furniture, Furniture! fllll •: uost extensive and finest assortment ever offered X in this market, At Prices that Defy I'oiupHUioii ! CALL ANT) SKE FOR YoCKSELVKS. We have one of the very finest stocks ever offered in Macon. The most fastidious ta.-le can call lor nothing in the Furniture line but that We can furnish. Our slock oi£l SOFAB, BEDftTEADS, TETE ATETES, DI VAN’?, ROCKING and EABY CHAIR?, PAKL’iR CHAIRS, PIER, CENTRE, TOILETTE, DINI\G and EXTENSION TABLES, U ASHSTANDS, PORTABLE WARDROBES, LOUNGES, PATENT SPRING BEDS, Ac.. &c, Is very superior, ard should lie examined, if frir nothing else than as a matter of curiosity. The extept of our stock will enable us to make it to the advantage 0 f all who wir-n to purchase to giye us j cai’,. as we are determined to sell HH low as ca;< ba so|d in this market. Next to the Lanier House, Macon, Ga. sepll WOOD A 4 0. In the Uislrlct Court of ihe t'oiifedernte Nlgtei of Ann rii H, for tlio Koutliern tis trictof (.iiorgia. At Cll a mucks, October 16, ls6l. OKBLISLIh That the third regular Term of the Dis trict Court of the Confederate Mates of America lor the Southern held in the city of Savannah and District aforesaid, on the second Wednesday, being toe eighth day of January next (1802), r.t ten o’clock in the forenoon of that daj , and in the Court Room of the Conhderate Mates, in said city ; of which all persons inte rested will take due notice. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published by the Clerk of said Court, twice a week in each of tbe public newspapers of the city of Bavennah, and once a week iu each ol the public newspapers of the city o( Ma con. until the sit ing of the Court, as above ffivcctvd. (Signed) EDWAR+i J HARDEN, District Judge. A true extract from the minutes Savannah, October 15th, ISA). CHARLES 8. HENRY, Cleik Diet. Court Confed. States for the oct 23 81-llt Southern Dist. of Ga. m riERCia meißci her ham.- a chain. Mfbiie is offered at a reduced rate. „,.,2a ROSS A SEYMOUR. Notice to Builders and Jobbers. LUMBER FUR SALE. f |l|| |r subscriber would inform his friends qpff the public JL in general, that lie has the largest stud best lot of SEMSONEB PINE LVHBEU v*r. exhibited in Mi idle Georgia, consisting of ScaulLng of all sizes and commonly used in house building ; quartered and bustured flooring, wetherboarding, ceiling, a. ! all other kinds suitable for building. Mv Mill is near the Central Railroad, and wi 1 deliver at the road on accommodating terms. Any person wishing to purchase, address me at Irwinton, and 1 will send horse and buggy to meet the day train at Mclntyre’s, and convey them to the mill tree of charge, itepl. *5, 1861.—ts O B. BURNEY. A <Tihh’ I'ui- Capitalists. MACON GRIST Mllfor SALE. OWINIJ to the insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, we are anxious tu dis poseof the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now in complete running order —will grind It I,ushels a day, and Cannot fait to make a handsome proti'. if well managed, in the hands of a person witli sufficiea capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory i 1- fonuation on tins, and other subjects connected Witli th business,can be obtained at the Mill. sepgfi 27- HOIKEUILT.KT A On. FI Nu: A UTS I Photographic-Port is it? colored in OU, produced by J. A. PUGH A BRO , Triangular Block, Macon, Ga., are still considered the best to he attained in the State. We were awarded the premium again this year, at the Btale Fair, which has just closed, for the best Photograph*. With our new prone** for enlarging l'iiotograpiis to life size from Daguerreotypes of deceased persons, and wuh the aid of two first class Artists employed by us, we are product-* Portraits as perfect and as much like the original as It Is possilde I'U‘tures to he made. Call at PUGH 8 and Wit the Photograph* by their new process, which are the largest ever made in the State, non* like them can be seen else where. AiiBKOTY V’A’N at very low prices. (octßl O U Also, Ea M ID, <fcc. -* / \/\ BBLR. Rhode’s Phosphate. 600 docks MaptsSuper-Phosphate of Lime. sotl “ Reese’s Manipulated Gujlio. 150 bbls. American Guano. 180 “ Land Planter. 10(1 “ Lime. For sale atManufacturer’r prices by f e b 20 ABHFR AYRF.P, ( •■federate Bonds aud Treasury Koles ril \K K\ for BOOKS, STATIONARY, Ac., aud in pay -1 me lit of Debts due tbe MKTHODI.-T POOK DKPOM LURY. Books, Ac., sold at lowest Casa prices for tLese TONDB. W - MLI.BE, August 14,1861. Hope and Basging. ■ IST received 100 coils Rope. Also Kentucky and •I Gunny Bagging, by Rosa A SEYMOUR. GEORGIA REPORTS. VOL. 31st T USX received and for ale by w Price *5 00. Orders by mail promptly executed whea ccompanied by the cash. | JXJST RECEIVED AT GEORGE PAYNE’S (lipiaiial and Drug Slorp, ’lllsE Articles mentioned here, which rfre cf Supeilor X quality, and gold at Fair Prict* : Kerosene aud Coal Oil, inferior to none soiil, “inter, Sperm ami Linseed Oil, Hitw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Olive Oil in Bottles and by the Gallon, ” Bite l-ead in Kegi and assorted siae can*, from 1 lb. to lot) lbs. Zinc, White, in kefr* ami cans, Colors, in cans and boxes, oil and in water, Paint Brushes arid all kindr of Artists’ Tools, Sponges, Putty, Paiet Knives and Tins, Potash, In keg3, bu.'k and iron boxes, French Glass, and al hieds of Glass Ware, Dye Woods, Acids, Burning Fluid, Alcohol and Turpentine, Lamp Wick, bleached and unbleached, all qualities, Bay Water, Bell Cologne Water, and Rose Water, Gelatine and Flavoring Extracts, Fresh Hops and Fresh Honey, Corks, all sires, Hard Rubber Trusses, and all other In struments, i Hedgman’s Ricine Oil, and Lubins Antique Oil for the Hair, Fine Tooth Brushes and Fine Toilet Boap, best citrate j Magnesia, Burnett's Cocoine and Ksllston and Wood’ Hair Restora tives, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Restoratives, and her Tylo Balsamum. I Fresh Vaccine Matter, and fresh Congress Water, | Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds, , Chemical, Medicinal Herb? and Genuine Medicines, j Macon, Ga., April IS, 1860.—y I> i*ugs and Medit’ines.i AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, j Corner Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. Jt’ST received, a fresli supply of Drugs and fredicines, Perfumery, Paints anil Varnish Brushes, Superior Coal Oil, Cainpliene, Alcohol and Potash, Jayne’s, Ayres’, Wright’s, Moffat's, and Strong’s Pills; HeiubokU’s Fxtract of Buchu, Sanford’s Liv.-r Invigorator, Mis. Winslow’s boothiiig Syrup, Degrath’s R'ectric Oil, Mustang Liniment, Indiau C'h'Jiagogue, Jayne’s, McLean’s, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge; Seiner Aperient uud Citrate of Magnesia, war ranted genuine. june ‘io 13-’CO W. 8. ELLIS, Agent. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Bolshaw A Hf.kzou is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The hooks of the firm will be found at the store of Mr T. H. Bolshaw, who is authorized to use the firm name only in liquidation of the businer-s. T. 11. BOLSHAW, F. HfcRZOG. Macon, July, 59,1861. Having this day purchased the entire interest of F. Her zog in the firm of Bolshaw 4 Herzog, all notes aud accounts will lie settled by me. I shall coutinue the business at the old stand, No. 11, Cotton Avenue, near Muibe. ry street, where may he found a good assortment of CHINA, GLASS, CROCKERY, COAL OIL LAMPS, PLATED CASTORS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, &c., FOK CASH OMLI. T. 11. BOLSHAW. I The undersigned havirg dis| used of his interest in the j firm of Bolshaw .% Herzog to T. H. Bolshaw, takes pleasure i in recommending him to his friends. aug 7 F. HERZOG. OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 TO $3.00. The Commercial Straw is easy, SI.OO “ Senate is not bad, “ Planter’s Hat Is very light, $1.49. “ English is E.nest. \\ 00L HITS, CHILDRENS’ STRAW S. june 20 (| 1. STOM’I & BMP. HitCl ((■II I ’I’O .1 A II. —a negro hoy who says his name is Ben, and that lie belongs to Fra k More of Ta.b-t county, (la. He I* about 2'or 80 years old, of a dark copper color. Avery small man. oet 28- W. B. JONES, Bhet iff, Macon county, Ga. Or.LKiiionn!,, Ga ,Oct.9oUh 1861. SEQUESTKATION NOTICE 1) AUTIRS who receive a Writ of Garnishment, under . the Pequestvatlon Act of the Confederate States, may relieve themselves of its ri qnirements *y making prompt aud satisfactory returns to me at n v oihee in rtrvimrtah. W, C. DANIEI.L, Receiver 8. D G. Savannah, 25;h September, 1861. oet i£- Ilt'iimMl I jeal'l i2V KKliil Refined Leal Lard now receiving and for OU stlehy McCALLIK A JONES, aug 15 ALcOallio & Jones, K the recent lire, have located nearly opposite O their old stand on Cotton Avenue, where they aie pre pared to supply all customers with Bacon, Lard, Flour, Lorn, &c., &£., J3gr” (IIVK US A CALL. july 3 EXPECT£I D.UI.V. VLARCL STUCK OF PRINTS, BLEACHED GOODS FLANNELS, KERSEYS, DRILLINGS. LINSKVfI, FLAX THREAD, BUTTONS, Ac., which we will dispose of at small advance over cost, oct if ROSS A SEYMOUR. CONFEDERATE riHIFAS! HY Notes and Bond* taken at PAR for £ Furniture or Notes iuml Accounts due juoe jy WOOD &. 00., Macon, Ga. MACON Bfi STORE. f ANDKETH’S FRESH GARDEN SEEDS.—W. S M_J ELLIS has just received a large supply of GARDEN SEEDS, From I.andreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the lowest iirices, wholesale and retail. Mir AU.i, a general assortment of drjgs and medicines. Macon, Oh., Jan. 16, ts W. B. EU-I?. II;. v. k AAA H.II.KN Prime selected Hay, for sale low tty mar 20 BOWhRE A ANDPRBON. >t otice. WJE will offer in a few days a choice let of White Sugars Ueli'icd, Crushed and Powdered. We will sell Brow n cogars at prices to anil customers, with many other articles which we now have on- hand in the Grocery line which we are determined to sell. net 23 ROSS A SEYMOUR. BAGGING AND HOPE. Y\7 IS ish to clone out sed pieces of Kentucky Bagging TT and Son coils Machine Flax Rope. A bargain can he had. (oct 23) BOSS A SEYMOUR. Timmsrs 5 Oil. k) ST H.% It KEI.S expected daily by oct 23 KtrSS A SEYMOUR. Ha ou Sltii-tiaiKS Osiiabiirgs Ac. pr 4xIS A 1.15N Macon Shirtings ami K. It. Osnaburgs. Ov/V/ 35 bales Cotton Yarns, assorteit Nos. 23 bales Georgia Stripes, for sale by mar 20 BO WORE A ANDDRSON. PLAATATIOM ,TIILL. I N C L A 1 It’d TWENTY-SIX INCH FRENCH BURR O STONE MILL, warranted to work well and make good Hour. For sale by NATHAN WEED july 10 Macon, (fa. Pure Corn and Rectified Whiskey. rm j \i \ 11KLS. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey’ i *V/ Extra Rectified,”” Kentucky *ure White,’’Ten uesseeCorn,’ Georgia Planters,” “ pike’s Magnolia,’ and otheritrands all received direct from the Distillers and or sale low by MoCALLIE A JONES, mar T Turpentine, t;;iuphine and Vinegar. k) fr BiRUKLd Turpentine, ,v Ja'l 20 Barrels Uaniphine, 75 ttarrei-i Viuccar, lor *-le bv net 2-ot ROSS A SEYMOUR. Wheeler & Wilson Machine Needles. AX %1 (at per do*, u. (inly at retail quantities of one dozen or ir*s. A supply just received and lor sale by aug 14 E J. JOIIN.-TON * CO. OIL*, PAINTS, GLASS At . Ijll V K oasks Fpeim Oil, fi.oon pounds pure Lead, 160 Boxes Window Glass, Two barrels Neat Foot Oil and Five Barrels of Varnish, for sale bv oct 2-St ROSS A SEYMOUR. HO TIL MANUFACTURE. WE are prepared to make to order and repair, at short notice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac- Also,Sewing Machines repaired, and new parts made, and machines adjusted,by a practical and ex perienced workman Public patronage respectfully solicited. I*o li S. J, JOHNSTON k 00, @40,000 WORTH OF COTTON WANTED! Jno* N. Keln & Cos. Will pay Eight and One-half Cents for good clean, White Cotton delivered in Macon, for notes and accounts due them. Planters are now offered an op portunity to pay their debts and get a fair price for their cotton. FiiTty Hales —or— DOMESTIC GOODS. 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SHEETINGS, OSNABURGS, At Popular prices for Cash. nov 13 J NO. N. UEIN & CO. DIRECT IMPORTATION! Crockery, China, i AND <TIdY.SS ‘W-A-RIiJ. MV first shipment from Europehas arrived in Savaunah, , and those who have ordered packages w ill have them ! shipped in a few days. There are some of the packages ; still unsold, any in want, can, by ordering, have them ship- j ped in a few days. I have another lot shipped from Liverpool 18th of July, | whieh I shall look for in three or four weeks. Send in the orders. lam now receiving a LARGE STOCK OF (Mass-Ware, Tumblers, Goblets, Ac., FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tsv)fl F.JI IAN GI.ASS- IVA KE, China Bltuier and Tea Soft*., Ac., A. c sok ‘-6® R - P - McEVOY. WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC PALACE OF ART! T)ItOBA3L¥ the largest and best appointed Estab -1 lishment in the South, if not in the United States. Is one of the most popular and interesting places of resort in Macon, and is daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi tors. The Collection of Diet ores is very Urge, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Ambrotype to the life-size Portrait. Wood is determined, regardless or labor or expease, that his GAL LERY shall continue to be the Headquarters ol‘Fine Arts in the South. Employing permanently the best talent to he procured to color his Photogrophs, in ectry xtylr., true to nature, ami perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. A Urge collection of the celebrities of the day on exhibition, to whieh has just been added a splendid Picture of the Prince of Wales and suit, Blondin. Judge Douglas, ami others too numerous to mention, hut which the public are respectfully invited to call and examine. As Wood uses none but the best materials in his business,persons in want of a good Picture will find it to their advantage to patron ize this establishment, as Pictures tan be had here at prices as low as elsewhere and of superior style. Ambrotype*. Daguerreotypes anil Plain Photographs of every size atlow prices. Cal) and see R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oct 31 Lanier House, Macon, Ga. THY ONE OF OCR \*w Black Pocket Hats j Buy one NEW STYLE j BROAD BRIM. The ‘A ZOUAVE BLACK TRIMMED Mill BECOME you! So will the MAROON And the lix. Nat. Nutria. So will the LIGHT BLACK BROAD ROUND SOFT HATS. j WESLEY AN FEMALE COLLEGE. rgMIR twenty-fourth Animal Session of this Im-titutiou, I will begin on MONDAY, October 7th, under the direc - tion of the following Faculty : Rev. JOHN M. BONNELL, President, Ac. Rev. C. W. SMITH, A. M., Professor Mathematics. Kev. F. X FORSTER, A. M., Professor Ancient Lan guages. Rev. W. C. BASS, A. M. Professor Natural Science. C. SCHWAKZT, Professor Modern Languages and Draw ing. Miss M. E. CARLETON, Principal Preparatory Depart ment. P. T GUTTENBERGER, Professor of Music. Miss L. GUTTENIiEKGER, Asst. Music. Mrs. S. SCIIW AR/.T, Inst. Ornamental Netdle W’ork. R M. HEARD and LADY, Steward’s Department. Mrs. E J. STEPHENS, Matron. Tuition per annum, in College Cla~st s fCO “ “ “ Preparatory Department 40 Boar.l *■ “ including fuel,lights and washing.l6o One half the Fees positively required in October, the rest in March. Confederate Bonds taker- as cash. Tne Steward’s Department has been fitted out with an entire new suit of Furniture. For Catalogues, or further iuformntPn, apply to sep 11-t W. C. lIASS, Sec’y. G RAIS ITIl! HALL. IWOI I,lt respectfully Inform my OLD FRIENDS and PATRONS, that since the fire, i have obtained the Room - in the building NEXT ABOVE the -‘Granite Hall,” and over the store of R. P. McEvoy and Messrs. Bottick A Lamar, where I have opened, and will be plea-ed to see my friends and customers, and will do my best for their comfort and pleasure. Very Respectfully, may 1 BLNJ. F. DENSE. BROWN’S HOTEL, Opposite the Passenger House, Macon, Ga. By E. E. BROWN & SON. MFAI.S ready on the arrival of every Train. The Proprietor* wili spare no pains to make tlmir guests c mttrUHt. fafe M 48-’6o-y THE SIUIiviLKIKL 1 ) HOUSE “Like the Phoenix from its Ashes.” TII IT large, new and elegant House, recently erected on the ruins of tny old establishment. Mulberry street, Macon, (fa., is now open for the reception and accommda lion of Boarders and transient guests. The House has been newly furnished throughout, iu the best manner, and the Proprietor w ill endeavor to make it a Flltvr CLASS HOTEL. It* situation is eligible, a little below the Methodist and opposite the Presnyterian Church, and near the Banks and places of business. Connected with the House is a large Livery and Sale Stable, where Drovers and others can find accommodations for their stock. The patronage of his old friends and of tbe traveling public (federally, is respectfully solicited. > nov 5-ts M. BTUBBLCFIEL3. WASHINGTON HALL IS still open to the public. Special arrangements will be made for tiie accommodation of members *■••! of the Legislature. N. C. BARNETT. tAi-I Milledget iile, Oct. 9, 1861. —lm PIAKOS, OF Cliickering A Son’s, Dunham’s and other celebrated Makers ; warranted in tone, durability and finish to k* first quality, and sold at the very best rate, together with a fine lot of Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flat?*, Violin and Guitar j&trings, Musical Boxes, Ac . Ac., by nov 16 E. J. JOHNSTON A OO lV!a<’on, iTlay SOtii, pe H VKRIiI.S Pikes Magnolia Whisky. i gy 7.‘> Barrels Rock opening Rum. 75 Barrels Phelps live Gin. 150 Tobacco—various grades. * 115 Boxes U’mrs. HSO Barrels Flour. 100 Tierces Leaf Lard. 78,000 11. Clear Sides. 10,00*1 H. Ilams. 10,000 H. Shoulders, iT. lihds. Molasses. 2o Barrels Pyrup. 50 Sacks Rio Cotfee. 76 Barrels Sugar. 10 lihds. Sugar. For sale at reasonable price* for CASn, bv june 6 ASHER AYRES. FALL All 1> C. 1 Rrt TIERCES RICK. Call soon. A bargain LOU canbeluJ. (dec 18) RO3S A SEYMOUR. and German Silver Spectacles, to Convex and Colored Glass, Railroad Spectacles and Goggles, A large supply for retail trade just received by nov 22 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. MASSENBURG & SON,! (9CCCISSOR3 TO 2. L. STROHSCCIB.) Corner Third and Mulberry Streets, DEALERS IN CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, Pure* Chemicals | SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, 1 I WINDOW GLASS, ! PER PI'MERY. fR&LS’Ss PAINTS, OILS, Patent ModLioinos, FRESH GARDEN SEED. Merchants and Physicians, WHO nM TUKMSM.TKH On Pealing in Article* of tlic FIRST QUALITY, AMD AT LOW PRICKS, TIAV RELY upon lIEISC SUITED. nov ‘29 ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. E S T A. B LI S H E 13 J. 3 3 3^ DRV GOODS, CLOTHING, &c. LOW FOR CASH ! Linen Coats or ont own ihani i acti be. Linen l 3 ants and Vests OF OUR OWN MANUFACTORY. MARSEILLES VESTS OF OPR OWN MANtFACTCRE. ALPACCA COATS • OF OOR OWS MANCFACTCRE. DRESS FROCK COATS, BLACK DOE SKIN PANTS, TAXCY CASSMERE PANTS, A VAHIf.TY OF /cfi OF OCR OWN IIANIFACTURE, liOW FOR CASH. CHAS. IT- ZBAxIILID, Teltymph I‘s iiitimj Uuildiuij. September 11,1861. DRY GOODS. jV. G. BOSTICK, Has on hand a .Superior Stock of Merinos, UeLalncs, Bomzliu, Alpacas, and a large assortment of STAPLE GOODS, which he is offering for sale on reasonable terms for Cash. fel , IS A. G. BOSTICK. M ilitary C i ood.s. - nAA VABDS BK¥ jeans, ‘).UUU :,!>*) YkRDB GKORGIi KKU9KY3, 9 to QR08? MILITARY BUTTONS, BLUK SATTIM.TT. HICKORY CLOTH, HICK OK V 8111 RTS. FLANNKI. I>t( GVfA' O . * MILITARY tIYEKCOATS Uniforms made for Compaides at Sltort .Notice. The aU ve will be sold at c!VI ALL I’UOHTS, ami forca-h. ■ep 11 K. WINSHIP. M EUCII ANT TAI LURING! E. WHNSIIIP IS now prepared with a first class cutt. r, good Tailors and a LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, to furnish any thing in the CLOTHING LINE At short notice, and in the very best style. (*l )r 8 NTs. pruddeN & co7, HAVE JUST RECEIVED TRAVELING DRESS GOODS, GREY FLANNELS, SMALL FIGURED PRINTS, HICKORY SHIRTINGS, MUSQUITO NETTINGS, STRII’ED SWISS, CHECKED CAMBRICS, UCII’D. & BORDERED H’DKFS, IRISH LINENS, SHIRT BOSOMS, EMBROIDERIES, Ami many other articles much needed at this time. We cannot buy Goods now without the money, and earnestly request those indebted to us, to pay. July io N. 8. I'RUDDEN 1 CO. NEW GOODS./g NE W G NEW GOODBU NE W GOODB.] O *’ O FREE OE DUTY. J i FREE OP DUTY .!& F’Rl-CE OF DUTY J T FREE OE DUTY-VS ROFB A COLF it AX beg leave to announce to the citizens of Vlaeon amt the surrounding country that they have just IMPORTED FREE OF DUTY from the Unilt Dates, the largest stock of new, desirable goods, that has ever been exhibited by one house in the State of Georgia. Very many of their goods were bought at such EXTREME low price* that MERCHANTS would do well to call anil examine them. This entire stock was “Bona fide” purchased before the Ist o! March, and therefore saves to the buyer twenty-four per cent. Call and see for yourselves. ROSS A COLEMAN, apr 8 At their “ Bazaar of Fashion.” I>M>l. 181. Spring Clothing, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ml. IIM.VS////’ and S now reciving one of the largest stocks of CLOTHING 1 ever brought to this place. They were bought cheap and will be sold cheap. CnsU Buyer* can find bargains. Merchants will do well to examine this stock before purchasing. apr 3 Xriipcxrtaiit HNTotice. ff'lllvMM Till RN I.XPHKNS C OYIIMNY i. are now tut.tdng a tri weekly day Express on the Cen tral Rail Road, leaving Mncnn on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clmk, A. Si. Freight received ami for warded to all slatluns on tile Read. Freight on goods to be prepaid in every case. No advance on previous rates. , M. C. MCDONALD, Agent. Macon, Ga., Sept. 11th, 1861. MILITARY BOOKS. ANEW supply of Hardie’s Tactics, Scott’s Tactics, Cooper’s Tactics, Cavalry Taotics, and Mahon’s Tre** “"* .oiUWZHIX ! Examine our Goodj and Prices before buying elsewhere