Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, January 22, 1862, Image 3

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Ikrroi»i Richmond. [ V rTF^VII.I-K-PARTIALDES THE SOUm CAROLINA HOS- I „ Jan. IT. Intelligence from f lIV \.l . GaD that. the cltilUll<‘> r:;jio iiuu*>, i»y smtii (ha i " lloo.itul, took tire Wednesday i' a ji jf tiie builJing was burnt. The :. 11 (1) ,] y rtinove*]. The furniture Tt ", j'siorc- were much damaged and \\ T 1 ‘ , 'j'here were no casualties. ,;iOU ‘ o? '’ ■ jj(j. 17. —The Examinert ]; , v porter sends the following iii,.vnce, taken from the New s®* j j ( { ( ,f the loth : I , jjj:i resigned, and it is said, will j I :^ ei -to Russia. T. M. Stanton,t I It, is named as CtnetOd's §ac , u j* again up attending to bud-1 w r ..J tl. it Secretary Chase intends j ■MB j, . rttUi' ' ~ 2 , :i se ut iU the Senate. JS dead. I Jj. ,» claim a vietory at Prestons- j | j iidi. Marshall. Col. (iailield's! v(l . “ Marshall wxts repulsed ; his 1 ~( , g in great conlitMon, and carrying V laid and wounded. The Federal* ■ nvoiity-seven dead on the field and took j ,/•,.five prisoners. '1 he Federal loss was V „Ji,;d and twenty-live wounded.” ,;i, tioldsborough left Fortress Mon | j, [}„ steamer Spuddimj, with the Thir- I Massachusetts Regiment on board, I i,ij, it wa : said, for Port lloyal. Colds h o-duuiauds the fleet, and Rurn. ide ... j-jniJ operations. I'hiitreii vessels at Hampton Roads went ..a ou Thursday. The steamship Const!- , with tin* Maine and Massachusetts in at> on hoard, arrived at Fortress Mon im Thursday. flic I nited House of Representatives have ••■u a Rill abolishing the franking priv flie appropriations for the Yankee army the year ending next dune, amount to iiiy tour hundred and fifty millions, flu* Federal Senate, on Tuesday, passed U diseharging all fugitive slaves jailed I ike District <>f Columbia. I .Nothing has been heard officially at Rich B ud (if Gen. Marshall’s Prestonsburg fight. I g.-tmaster-Generul Reagan has decided Biit l’o, tmasters ought to leceive Confeder- Ifrensury notes on deposit in payment of ■ige, and that there can he no objection i, making change for such notes in postage [,iDDM\vheu the parties will accept them. Richmond,‘2oth. —The Martinsburg (Va.) ; publican of the 18th, says that it is re lied that7,ooo Federals at (freon Springs, on miles from Romney, were attacked on kur.diY last, by the Confederates. Result iiknowu. Intelligence from the Prestonburg engage- i m ut eontirms the favorable report first pub- i lished. Northern papers of the 17th have been received. Wall street, New York, condemns the re nt linuncial projects concluded in Wash-! iogtou. Mason and Slidell left Rermuda on the 1 10th for St. Thomas. Several thousand Federalized Indians in the i'herokee country were routed on the i iby the Texans, and “Sewardizcd” to Kansas. Vtis understood that the election of Con ti i rate Senators in Virginia will take place 'ii Hednesduy- The contest is lively among the fneuda of the candidates. • Congress, to-day, passed appropriate reso lutiims upon the death of ex-President Tyler, j 1-ulogies were delivered by McFarland, }luuter, Hives, Venable, Wigfall and llhett. Ilie fuacrul will take place to-morrow. bit’Federal demonstrations on the Ten-j 1 -no and Cumberland rivers have been tfieially confirmed. kv.NCHCuuo, Va., 20th. —No trains have I- ivt-J from the West for two days past, in 1 asetjaeuce of running into a land slide and ’ e collision of trains, causing injuries to passengers and the partial destruction of i engines. Nashvillk, Jan. 20th—The Federal move fc.ut up the Tennessee and Cumberland ! r' rs turns out to be a feint, 'i'hey tired a ’ •H shells from their gunboats into (lie woods t-low Fort Henry, but did not come within hinge us its guns. The latest intelligence is that no Federals are in sight. Ihe gunboats came within three or four Kilos of Fort Donalson, {Saturday last, but | fired after firing a few shot into the woods. lYortlioni i gather the following items of North- 1 rn news from the Louisville ( 'ourier, of Jan. ! 16th; ■1 dash was made at the Confederate bat- j ! '»‘s on the Coosa w river, outlie titli of which was successful. Its object j the rebels for filing on the: u ' ■‘ Uet May-flower, &c. (Jen. Stevens, /‘on Royal Island. rt! f»arations are making at Cairo for a i war«l movement. ’The exped.tion, 00,000 ! f C'd 1 *- 1 ** strong, will move under command ( , cii Grant, and if a junction can be made ' 1 Gen. Buell’s force, the entire army will i' r vot'd to New Orleans ! A newspaper censorship has been estab- j in St. Louis. i ‘“'tv was considerable excitement in the ! “ uis Chiunber of Commerce recently, “consequence of the secession members re ;!‘e> h y jdicir Notes, to admit a number of nun applicants for membership. The Fu ll members withdrew, and measures were i °n foot to establish a Fuion Chamber of bommeree. Gov. Bradford, of Maryland, was inaugu- j •■‘Fd at J Baltimore on the oth. He made, bourse, a stroug Union speech. Louisiana Baptist asks: Have produce sellers and dry poods nn*r- - --us reflected upon the influence which rxtor- Pdces must have upon our soldiers on the . ' ‘ -field, whose families at home are compelled tJI - ]7‘; , ; extla vugant prices for the necessaries ol c,u ‘ UTe reflected wliat effect the same i Q.i *‘ ave u P on those who may be called 1 YoJuiUeer v * I GOV. MILTON, <>l 1 lorida, must be an extraordinary character, we infer, from a communication addressed to him n the last Floridian, signed IW Po r >,H. The I he w riter >-a\s : In a letter lo a disliiigui.-lied citizen of this coiiimuiiicalcd to t| it . Legislature ami k>y that body Older* and to lie printed, \ou [tut ou record Lliis remarkable (i w ill not sav estyontt/ii/it) decla ration as to your own estimate of your own intell ectual prowess: “Mvdear nr, 1 have written in much li3Ste; hdi? had t>, dirt off the answer* to at least TNVkmy LXTI'KKH, on (is many ditf'erer<t while wri ting r Napoleon the Great has been regarded as one among the very lew men who could dictate several letters to as in my clerks ut one and the same linn- ; but your ability in this rerpict lar surpasses tiiat possessed by him, tor the utmost exteut of his power could not go beyond eight letters, while, in the midst of “much haste,” you can throw’off twenty ! AN INCIDENT- A cotiespomlent of flip Lynchburg Republican I elates the following: l have heard of one or two incidents of this ex j [-edition whh h j consider worthy of notice. On i the evening of the -Hit inst. Col.’Rusk, of Arkan j s.ib, proceeded up the road to the west of Bath lo , luun the Capon Bridge, in command of a brigade con-bung ol four regiments and a battery. When near the bridge hu saw the camp fires of the ene my, and advanced to attack them, it seems that the enemy were aware of his approach, and had ttken [ osi-ion some distance in the rear, so as to j ambuscade his command. Before the Colonel was aware of the position of the enemy he was tired into. 1 Hiding himself thus i ambuscaded, Col. Rusk hallooed with all his voice j as i' to forces vet in the rear: “Bring up the j and 18th Mtasip&ippi regiments, tiro Texas bri- 1 gade, and hurry up that battery.’' This command to ideal forces had the proper effect, arid imme- | i diately the enemy broke and ran like sheep. Rusk, j however, from the first attack, lost four men killed and eighteen wounded. * THE DUTY OF PATRIOTS. ! W. P. Beasley, B ap, the efficient Senator from Troup county, in an article in the Lagrange Ki - j porter, addressed to his constituents, reviews the action of the Legislature at its last session, and closes with the following patriotic sentiments: “ It is a time of uncertainty and of exigencies— the future is dark—amt we should be willing as patriots to respond to the urgent demands of our country in purse, (and if necessary in person,) ami count the cost ami pay the damages afterwards, i Let us win* are at home and have sons and bro titers in the tented field, ready to fight our battles, return to first principles in retrenchment and re fonn during the existence of the war. Let us who are engaged in the great industrial pursuits of life, make our homc-s the homes of industry, economy and virtue, and we shall fie able to support our ar mies in the meantime, and when peace is restored, no shall soon pay the expenses of the war and again become prosperous and happy under the i guidance of that Providence w ho controls the des ' tiny of men and nations.” [com municatkd.] 'Messrs. Editors : —I was much pleased with your view’s in the last Messenger in reference to extend ing aid to the poar of Macon. Whilst no one, I presume, in our city is so destitute of feeling, as not to relieve, under certain circumstances, and | ; in a proper way, the most uuworthy, yet there are many reasons apparent to every thoughtful and virtuous mind, why they should not be placed upon a footing even in respect to charity, with the good | and upright. Such a policy would paralize the efforts and chill the charity of those who have ; labored, and are willing still to labor to mitigate | the sorrows and wants of the meritorious poor. A MOTHER. Macon, Jan. 18th, 1802. The Bowling Green correspondent of the Nash ville Banner says : “ It may not he amiss, in these trying times, for us to look to ourselves, and see if there be not among us native Yankees, whose tiicks in the art of money making, and whose readiness to turn every necessity to the best advantage, excel the sharpest trafficker of old Connecticut. We know men in this region, and in other places—men, too, who have been the most violent in their abuse of the North, and the most profuse in their laudations of the South—who scruple not at a clear profit of a hundred per cent, on their wares and products. This profit, too, comes indirectly from the hard earnings of the soldier, and the working men.— These extortioners will talk the loudest of our vic tories and seemingly appreciate more highly than any one else the ramparts of safety our troops have provided between their accumulating treas ures and an advancing foe, while at the same time they are availing themselves of the necessities of the times to wring from our brave defenders their last dollar.” After a pretty extensive observation and some little experience, we have long since settled down upon the opinion so elegantly expressed by the profound Mrs. Partington—that “there is a great | deal of human nnter m man” everywhere. The ITglit near Prestonburg Continued. The following confirmation of a telegraphic dis patch relative lo a brilliant victory achieved by Gen. Marshall in Kentucky over the Yankees, we copy from the Lynchburg Republican, of the 17th instant: While we are as yet without official intelligence of the vietory ot General Marshall over the enemy, near Prestonburg. and have but few additional particulars of the all'air further than we gave yes terday, the report then given is confirmed by gen tlemen who reached here yesterday on the Western train. T hey state that a cornier from Gen. Mar shall arrived at Abingdon on Wednesday evening, just before the passing of the train, with intelli gence of the battle and victory, which corresponds in every particular with the statement published yesterday. The seen# ts the fight was about eight miles west of Preaiouburg, and the attack ot the enemy was not desired by Gen. Marshall at the point it was made. His object in retreating was to entice the enemy into a pursuit as far as Prestonburg, where he had chosen a strong position, and had he succeeded in reaching it, would have annihila ted them ; but they were too quick for him. and succeeded iu overtaking his rear before the desired position had been reached, when there was no alternative left him hat to turn and light. The enemy’s cavalry commenced ihe attack, and after a very fierce hut short conflict, were re pulsed, when their infantry coming up, the fight began in earnest. It continued to rage for three hours, during w hich time several brilliant charges were made by our troops, each charge being gal lantly met by the enemy, but they were finally compelled to flv, notwithstanding their vast supe riority of numbers; throwing away, in the'.r pre cipitate flight, guns, swords, pistols, knapsacks, and everything else that impeded their flight Their exhibition ot fleetness is said to have lar outstripped the famous Bull Run stampede. - Caiucroii-s Ilesigualiou. The New York Herald says, editorially, of the resignation of Secreta v Cameron : Lie change, in a very remarkable degree, com mands the public approbation. It is a change w fitch vindicates the conservative war policy of t ie 1 resident on the slavery question, and which j Ming?, the \\ ur Office and the leading Generals of j our army into that happy accord which is abso lutely indispensable to a vigorous prosecution of the war. Home two months ago the fact began to be made manilott taut Mi. I ame on had become a zealous convert to the radical war policy of the Abolition ists—the liberation and arming of the slaves of the South. j City Council Proceedings. RRGCI.AR MKETIXG, , <ot sen. CiUNir.FR, January 17, 1802. > I Present The Mayor, Aldermen Bodeuillet, i.ti er, Granins*, Julies, Goodall, Drig-ar- ILuri- Ahserit—Aid. Adams. 1 he minuies of ti„. last meeting wet,- read, when Aid. Jioifeuiliet moved t„ recon-ider the te=.»lu* lion suspending the Hog law tor the present year, which was carried—the minutes wcie then con firmed. Aid. (irannivs then moved that the subject of repealing the Hog be Lid on the table lor the balance ol the session. Carried by the following vote: ® 1 } efis —Boifuillet, Grier, Grannhs, Jones, 4 1 A ays— Gocdaii, Driggars, and Harris, i The Bridge Keeper repotted toll? i7o ihi “ ihe Cleik of Market reported fees. . ! j uo “ Guard House Keeper reported fees.. !i Fit I L.s FAS?SI». J. V. Grier, $17.82 ; Little A Smith, >B7. (mi; D T. Driggars, $16.00; E. J. Johnston A Cos. sln. c ,; G. S. Obear, $88.85; A. Brydie, fC.Ou; and Macon Gas Cos. $822.50. The Eiuance Committee recommend Hint the Special privilege heretofore gianted to Col. J. B. Lamar and D. E. Blount, Es,* , of crossing the Ma con Bridge with all their plantation cart? and wag on? be continued for the present year for tf.e sum ot seventy-five dollars.—Adopted. Also, reported A. 0. Audoine’s bill back to Council. Aid. Boifeuillct moved that the bill of Mr. Aud oiue be passed, and the amount paid when he makes the loot tight; the evidence of his compli ance must be a certificate from the Alderman w ith whom 1-e made the contract. Passed. The Committee on Market reported the renting of the stalls as follows: No. 2, Win. iloimee, sf>o; No. 3, Win. Bone, S4O; No. 4, J M. Sanders, $35; \ egctabL Stalls Nos. 1 and 2, ('ha.-. H. Freeman, >SO; No. 4, G. Binswanger, >10; No. 5, Henry Tindat, $10; No. 8, H. Menard, S.O; No. 9, J. De Loach, >10; No. 10, Henry Champion, $10; No. 18, J. VV. Knott, $10; No. 15, S. Menard, $l(i; No. 10, Judah Nixon, $lo; No. 20, H. Chiistopher, $15 —total, $275.00: the rent to be paid by Ist day of February next, in default rent to cease and the stands to ievert back to the City and to be re-rented.— Adopted. Drkigars, i Granniss, - Coin. Gooiuu., ) The following report of the Election of Chief and Assistant Engineers of the Fire Department was received and confirmed : Macon, January 13, 1802. At the annual meeting of the Fire Department ; of this City this evening, for the election of Chief land Assistant Engineers: on motion, Geo. Smith, , Esq., was called to the chair, and Mr. John C. Butler requested to act as secretary. There being a quotum present, Mr. George S. Obear, former Chief, and Mr. Geo. W. Price, former Assistant Engineers, were unanimously elected. No other business being presented, the meeting then ud journed. Gko. Smith, Cfi’u. J. 0. Bctlkr, Sec’y. The following report of the Chief Engineer ol fire Eire Department was received and ordered to be spread on the minutes: . Eon. Mayor and Council , City of Macon. Gfntlkmen—ln accordance with my duty, I 1 1 ;x% o the honor to submit my unnual Report upon the condition of tbe Eire Department, together with a statement td the number of Fires and alarms that have occurred during the year ending the 18th inst., their origin, amount of propertv destroyed, amount insured, Ac. Ac. Our national dilliculiies at one time threatened almost the complete dist uption of the Department. Many ol our brave arid gallant members enlisted in the service of their country at an early period ot the war. Others from time to time have joined the ranks. Its officers and members have served with distinction upon the battle-field, and many valuable livt-s from the Department have been of fered up upon the altar of their country. I am happy to state that numbers of our citizens have come forward and enrolled their names, and at this time we have almost the usual number of | members. | The Department is now composed of the foliow ! ing companies : j Engine Cos. A o. 1, A. Patterson, Foreman, Geo. Smith, Ass’t do., has 00 members, 600 feet hose good and indifferent Engine Cos. No. 2, if. N. E 115,... .Foreman, O. Machold, Ass’t do. lias 20 members, 000 feet hose good and indifferent. Engine Cos. No. 8, James A. Simpson, Foreman, Frank Henry, Asa’t do. lias 70 members, 600 ft. hose good and indifferent. j Hook and Ladder Cos. No. 1, J. E. Wells,.. . .Foreman, J. V. Grier, A.-s’t do. has 20 members and necessary hooks, ladders, Ac. The Engines and the Hose and Ladder Truck are in good order, and are always kept so by their Engineers. The Department has been called our, during the j year 20 times—l.l fires and five alarms. The origin of the Fires as near as could be ascertained was as follows: Fnknown, 1 Chimney, 2 Accident, 8 Incendiary, y The cause of the alarms were from j burning Chimneys, 8; Fire out of town, 1 ; Ciazy ; Woman, 1. Amount of property destroyed, about SBO,OOO Upon which was an Insurance of 24,800 Ain’t of loss, $.32,800 Our City has been free from tires for some time past, which should be a subject of congratulation ; the cause of this may be attributed to the vigil ance and watchfuluess of our cilizens generally, but particularly ot the City \ oluuteei (<uar<i. All the Cisterns are in good order, with the ex ception of two —one at the intersection of Fourth and Walnut street, and one on Poplar street, near the City Hall. In conclusion, 1 would say that the same good feeling, harmony and energy characterizes the Department now as in former days. Respectfully submitted, G. S. OBEAR, Chief Engineer. On motion Aid. Granniss— dissolved, That the Committee on Public pro perty, in connection with the Chief of the Fire Department, have the Engine House No. 8 re-cov ered.— Passed. Messrs. J. H. Zeilin & Cos. petition for the ap pointment ot a City Druggist, for supplying the poor with drugs and medicines as ordered by the the regular practicing Physicians—was received and referred to the Eiuance Committee. Ou motion of Aid. Jones— JLsolved, That the Committee on Public Pro perty be authoiized to dispose of the lumber on the Pair Ground in such a manner as they may deem best for the interest of the City.—Passed. Mr. J. A. Ralston's application to cover his building with shitigle, granted. Bills referred:—Win. M. Dunn, Geo. Payne, J. E. Wells, J. M. Boardmau, and Carhait X Curd. Council then adjourned. RICHARD CURD, C. C. Death of 1)r. Lockhart. —Dr. Heim Lockhart, an old and much respected citizen, died at his residence in Rea 11 wood near this city, on Wednesday uight. He was former ly of Warren county Ga., more recently was engaged in business at Apalachicola, and for ; the hist fifteen or twenty years has resided in this city. A good man, whose life was useful and beneficial to his fellowmeu, has gone to his lest. — Columbus Enquirer. Sumter Republican.—Dr. J. I>. Rau dall has retired from the editorial chair of this paper, and is succeeded by J. J. Harris, Es<p I Getting Bolder.—A boat load of Fed-1 end-, trom the fleet in W aesaw sound, ealin through Romney Marsh Saturday night, aud! tired upon our pickets on Skiday way, or a j poitioii ot them who were asleep mound u lire. Our men >pr:tng to their feet, and a? s i.on :u they could ascertain the direction 01, the enemy fired into them, hut with wiiut elfect is unknown. They immediately retired. “Nobody hurt” on our side, though seven halls took eff. et in a tree that stood near the tire.— ft*y>nblttuju of Motid»<y. The News of the same date says : ‘Lat • ye terday evening s«m»e eight or ten hca\ y guns were heard in tolerably ipii.-k succes sion in the direction of our batteries, hut we have heard no explanation . ? tl lv - thin:*. — Matters remain in slxtu yuo iu the uel-hbor j hood oi l y bee. Augusta and Macon Railroad.—We are pleased to learn that the work to be done i-n thU Road l»a> been let D> responsi ble contractors, and will be pushed forward to completion ut an early day. (APT DOYAL- The Norfolk correspondent of the Atlanta Don tideracy, pays tbe lollowing handsome tiibute to; our gallant friend: Our noble Captain, L. T., arrived hole yesterday evening from a short \is,t to the “loved oue3 at borne” in glorious old Georgia. 1 venture tbe assertion that there is not another Captain in the Confederate service who i? more highly appre ciated by ifie men under their command than G.»p-j tain Doyal is by bis men ; aud were such the ease, ', ifie South would not lack for volunteers after the expiration of the terms ot ifie twelve mouth.- mtMt; for most of them would rather be in -ervite under such a man as Captain 1)., than to be at Louie. He is ever watchful over the interests ot bis men; consequently, they all love him. May lie live to be a thousand. ( Gshrkss.—Congress has ordered the publica tion of the official reports of all the battles, in i mdiiig the ii-ports ot Johnston and Beauregard of the buttle of July 21. lion. J. M. Elliot, delegate from Kentucky, took his seat yesterday. i| M i ibiitc olTtes|u-(-t, At a called meeting of Macon Lodge. No. 5 I opened at Farmers’ Academy, Rutland’s DLt., Bibb county, on tbe (Mb inst., for the purpose of in.err ing the body of our deceased brother, Joel G. M"trains, a committee was appointed to draft suita ble resolutions for the occasion. That committee beg leave to make the following report: \\ fiereas, it has pleased a wise Providence to remove from our circle, our beloved brother, Joel G. Si l rams, wbo departed this life in Richmond, \ a., ol pneumonia, in the 3411i year of bis age, on the tiist day of January while serving bis country in the Bibb Greys, commanded bv Capt. J. \V. 1 -Stubbs ot tbe 31st Georgia Regiment: Resolved, '] bat we deeply deplore and mourn tbe loss ol one, who, while living, was a good and true man, a iailhlul soldier, and a worthy brother Mason. Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with bis aftiicted family, whom wo commend to tbe care ol Him, “who is a husband of the widow, and a lath er to the fatherless.” Resolved, That a copy of the preamble and res olutions be communicated to the family of our de ceased brother, and to the city papers for publica tion. J. W. BURKE, HI MR I ROHE, Jas. V. GRIER, Committee. II A 1C 1C IKD, In ttiis city cr the 17th Inst., hy itev. J. Knowles, Henri M. M.».i.sav, of the Independent Volunteers, to Mi>s Munir I A. Gardner. All of this city. DIEU, l’rivate L. M. Fbkscu, of the Jackson Artilery, died at the Hospital on the l'J inst., of dyptheriu, after an illness ot eighteen hours, aged thirty-nine years. Private French was regarded by every member of hi* •Company as a prompt, ready and faithful soldier. His re mains were escorted to the church yard by his late compan ions, and interred with military honors. G. In Montezuma, Ga., on the 6th inst., from an attack of Paralysis, Morton N. Bi rch, Ksq., in the 67th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Hancock county, and for a number ot years a resident of this city, where tie was well and favorably known. At Howling Green, Ky , on the 35th of Dec., Istil, o: typhoid fever, A. C. V\ix.\ way, in the 24th year of his age. j ■nar-nrMr—rr Vn-r iirtiwoairiiiwrjianrr u nawraii .> u w r , SEW ABVKRTIBEMEBTB. Csfleo, Sugar, and Plant. i} BAGS Prime Cuba Coffee. mfJ 200 Hints. Sugar, all grades. tit bb!s Crushed atul Powdered Sugars. 8i)(i Sacks Choice Family Flour. For sale by KOSa i SKYMOUR. Lufloik Seed Oil, 'S'a iik-iN Oil TURPENTINE. gITTABLE for Burning, Painting, or Tanning Purpo DO bbl.«. Refined Cotton Seed Oil. lo bbis. Crude Colton Seed t.'il. 40 bbls. Tanner’s Oil, 25 bbis. Spirits Turpentine. For sale by ROSS A SEYMOUR. HOjtll, T'VVOIf A I’pUlllPi'it-. 1 f l[ I It A Ll> Gunny Bagging. V/V/ 2i 0 Coils Machine Hemp Rope. 10 Bales Twine. fit-00 lbs. Feathers. For sale by KOSS t SEYMOUR. Nil ii ii sjpv., Candles, Candy, Schnapps, Pk-kles, Shi.lines, Era Carbonate r-.rta, Tobacco, Coffee Mills, Crackers, 1 .lints, C.-loredJPair-ts, P- nek Tea, Drug? and Medicines, Mulder, Yeast Powdeis, Lime P!a>ter, Cement, wi:h a large lot ol -oft lists Capj, for sale ut reasonhble p.r.ces by Jan. II —If ROSS k fefcYMOUit. (8 EOIK.I I, Jiae on C «»ulit} To i whom rr T may co.nckkn : VVheicus, May Taylor applies to me for letters -f admin istration on tbe estate of James Taylor, dt-eea?.-ti. These are therefore to cite ami admoui-h all concerned, kindred or creditors to be arid appear at my i li e- mi or before th- first Monday iu Mar- fi next to show chosc it any they can why .-aid letters should not he granted Given unoer my hand and official signature, this DID-Jan uary I><J2. JXO. L. PARKER, jan 21 44-5-t Old.nary. A, JliK OU <’<»tl 111 } •—Whe; I ,| . A. ( M heetiss applies to me for letters of adman- -1 atieti oil the estate of George K. J dins, n, deceased. These are therefore to cite arid admonish ail r - ernt-d to fie and appear at my office ou nr before the fir.-t M. ndav iu March next to sin w cause il any they caa, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, this ltV»- Jan uary !>G2. JOHN L. PARKER, jau 22 44-51 . Ordinary. TAKE NOTICE. ALL petsons indebted to A. G. BOETICK, LAMAR A WILLIAMsON, or BOSTICK A LAMAR, are notified to come forward and settle, or the acjoun'.s will be placed in au attorney’s hands for collection. The subscriber, or Ids representative, Mr. I. B. can be found at tl.a Store, opposite the L..:,i t r House, pre pared to take money or notes in settlement. A. G. BOSTICK. Macon, Jan. 15. I^2—tf A .\»*m of Hie Sont of W'ar,i FOR FIFTY CENTS. fIJIIE undersigned has just published a Map of the Seat, X of War in Virginia, Maryland, etc., beautifully colored, with many important points put down not included in form er maps. Sent at 50 cents postpaid to any part of tbe Southern Confederacy. U 4. W. BURKT, Agent, AN IMPORTANT FORTHCOMING SOUTHERN BOOK. moral realties from the; HEART OF WOMAN, 4 * V O ICES FH O M TII F SOI TII | > KING a collection of literary gem* contributed I>t tal- I 9 ented ladie? in every St.ite *j» the Coi,r r ,|^r«.-y. t'o l>** published by THOMAS S. POWKtL, M. It., sor of Obstetrics in the Atlanta Medical Ihdl.- .< <(,<- nrtt proceeds to Iw approprated to the erection ot » *• Home for the Reception ;«t. 1 Treatment ~f Ini Mini i.j ln ” The w*»rw will embrace xUier |>aj;e«, ami be put up in three styles. Ist ijuaiitY, with cin-raviiiys, j«er copy . f 5.1 ,i Il < nym t<* one addl e- * , . bn 0.1 &and quality, with engraving", gilt eiotli, pet copy .... s.tai II« to one a«lJte»* ,*1 34 quality, tine paper, cl«*ih < ta» 11 copies to >*ne address ~ 20.00 Sent bv Mail or Express, t.. subscriber., «f expert** Audie-*' THOMAS S. WWTU, Ml), | dec l 5 Atlanta, Georgia. Cos (toll is Iviii g! i .H er REOtIVKD A LARGF LOT OF la rBITfIM Ti.VO Oil,, For Engine*, Gins. Factory*, Mills and all kinds of Ma im.cry equal to the best .-perm, maile front the (Cotton Seed. Millions of gallons can be supplied in detrain.- of the Blockade. Also, Hiihl\L Oil,, Made Iron) a mixture of the same, which produces a light equal to three Candles, v *t* much le>«, and C:»n be burnt in the ordinary lisle ><r Lard*, or with tapers, uot explosive and will not suiokc For tie by J. H. /EII.IN £ CO, Druggist, dan. S--ts Telegia) h Building.) NEW BOOK BINDERY. VNTHONY MAY U mniuificturoa loonier every descrlp . tiou of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOK*, ami BIN 1)3 many style desired, M.igasines, Law, Music and Miscellaneous Books, CLF.KKS’ RECORD ami DOCKET HOOKS, with or without Pi iitted Forms, and warranted best quality paper. Engineers’ protile paper made from the best English drawing to any length or width. All order* from the c.iuntry promptly and a'- tended to. Office, N0.1‘2 Cotton Avenue. Envelope Manufactory. Ill’itHAll FOK MUON. The undersigned respectfully inform the public that tliey have commenced tmuni tetm mg Knveit ;"•* on an txtinalve « aio, an i art prepared to furnish tliem of any <t>iv >»i pat ; tern, of good paper. Now is your chance to encourage home made work. MAVR A REICHERT, over J. C. Schreiner A Son’* Music Store. Jan. If)—lni Notice to Shippers. 'IIIIE constantly advancing price of all supplies used JL on Hail Reads renders an increase in tne Rate of | Transporting Freight absolutely necessary to enable the j Roads to keep their Machinery, Ac., in effective condition I to do the worn. All the Western Roads have al eady advanced Therefore on am! ■ Iter the lath instant, the Rates of | Freight will be increased Twenty (‘.’o) per cent on the rate now in use, dated 3ept Ist, IS6I anil signed Geo. IV. Ad ams, General Superintends i.t Centr I Rail Road. The ‘2O per cent, increase w ill not apply to Car Loads of Coal or Stock. By Passenger Train, one to three Horses <>r Muhs » i 1 he charged Double Local Rate, more than three will be i charged once ami a half Local Rate. i Horses or Mules, less than a Car Load, for the Confcder te States or State of Georgia, consigned to an otlicer ol I either, will be charged full Local Rate of each Road by Freight 1 rain. GKO. W. ADAMS, ( . Geo’l Sup’t Central U. R. IV. C. JONES, Sup’t Aug. £ Sav. U. R. ALFRED L. TV I.EK, Sup’t M. A W. R. K. VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. .4 Sup’t S. W. R R. W. L. CLARK, Sup’t Muscogee R. K. January 15, ISC2—2w NOTICE. SOUTH-WESTERN RAIL ROAD UO., I Macos, Ga„ Jau’y. 9th, 18*>2. j IYISII Annual election for President and Five Directors 1_ of tiiis Company will be held at their otlice, in this city, ! on Thursday, 18th February next. JNO. T. BOIFEIULI.T, Sec’y and Treas. j jan 15 4-‘5-4t D ISSO IA) r IM()N. j The firm ol Wood .4 Cos., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AH persons having claims agam.-t us will please ‘ present them, and those indebted to us w ill please come for -1 ward and settle promptly. The Books and notes will be found at the old stand, and settled by the senior partner. GREENVILLE WOOD > SETH G. WOOD. j Macon, Dec. 30th ISCI. TO NEWSPAPERS. All Newspapers advertising for Wood k Cos., will please discontinue the same from this date. WOOD A CO. December 30th IsOl. TO THE PUBLIC. Thankful for past favors we would respectfully request a continuance of the same for the remaining partner. Dec. doth 1801. WOOD A CO. OAK WHEEL BORROWS and SPINNING WHEELS, for sale hy <J. WOOD. Jan.B—tf 2SJ otice. CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, j lIKAIHJt JkKTKHS MIUTXitV DKPT “f (ik.OiU.tA, l Savannah, Dec. SI, laiil. J SPECIAL ORDER, No. 390 ] lAKOM and after the third day of January, 1862, no per son, either civilian or soldier, will he permitted to en ter or go out of the* city of Savannah, hy the several Rail roads, or other routes, without a pass from the proper au thorities. Civilians will he required to have passe* from the civil authorities of the cities whence they come, or from the clerks of the several county Courts or Justices of the Inte rior Court. Soldiers will he required to have passes from their com mand. ng officer*, showing their rank and tne companies and the regiment to which they belong. Passengers by the railroads, getting on the cars at any way stations, will he required to have their passes counter signed l>y the Railroad Agents at each station ; and all pas sengers i>y iueh roads will he required to exhibit their pa-s --es on the arrival of the trains, to officers who will be sta tioned there for that purpose, before it avin the cars, by order of Brigadier General A. R. LAWTON. Robkrt B. Eli.lOi r, Lieut, and A. D. C. CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE. > Savaxx am, Dec. 81,1*61. f Person* arriving at arid departing Lorn .Savannah by the trains of this company will save themselves trouble hy com plying strictly with the above order of Den Lawton. Con ductors, when they arrive at favannah, if all persons on the train are provided with passes a* required by the above order, will so announce to the < (liter of the f tiaid, who whl permit all w, depait without lurther examination. But, should there be those on the train unprovided with passes, the conductor will report that fact to the officers. Agents will require persons to exhibit their passes before selling them ticket* to Savannah, and will endorse their name on (lie pas* as agent. G. W. ADAMS, jan 4—-it General Bu|*erlntcrident. For Bale Oheap. CARRIAGES, RUIXAWAVS H BIGGIES, IIAIIN I.HS A N Y) Will PS, lirattleboro (map* r.T AeA KilXlta.) NEXT DtK.fR TO TIIE BAPTIST CHURCH, jan 1 l*tj> J. DeLOK IIE. The Harden Express Cos. . W ILL PASS GOODS AT THE { itatoiii lioiiM* at Kaviiniii’ili, AND FORWARD THEM Bv ttpr-'sn or Freight Train, as parties may prefer, only char I for our trouble the Custom House Fee-, for passing and forwarding. For further information concerning the above, apply to M. 0. MCDONALD, Agent Macon, Marchß®, ISOI. A Liberal Proposition. Hill H undersigned Proprietors of the DOWNING HILL A NURSERY, at Atlanta, Ga., in cons: .eraia.ii of thede p: e -e*l State Ol tile I ar Set f"*r our gre-t Staple Cut Lou ;.»o to the Planters of Couth Carolina, tieorgi#., Alabama, Mississippi and Ten in. see to seil them FRUIT TSkL*, Ac., from our Nur- ry at Die regular catalogue price*, at.d take COTTON i diddling Fair in exchange, at lucent* per pound, delivered n> the nearest depot, or hoatlanding, lorwarding us the receipt. Descriptive and Priced Catalogue* sent to all applicants free of charge. Address ROGER.**', HARDEN A CO. <successor* u> P«w». Hard** A Cos.) CALL AMD C. | PA TIEBfES KICK. Call soon. A bargain 4-01/ v*uULO, IWW A BBVMMVB* MASSENBI’RG & SON,| (McrnnAu m *. t. nmanvui.) Cortt’l Third and Mulhorry Street*, DtiLKSS nr CHOICE DRUGS, SELECTED MEDICINES, I'm** « Ik iiiicuU, jSUHGICAL INSTRUMENTS, WINDOW GLASS, I Pi: K I I MEP \ . paints, °ILS. Fat«nt TVXodioi uc«. FRESH HARDEN SEED. ESTABLISHED 182 5. 1 Merchants and Physicians, who rainc nn*ura \ On Bealini' in ArliritM of 111*' l FIKSTQUAUT\, ) AXD AT LOW PRICKS, > JIAV HI’.I.Y upon RIIIXISI ITKD. ) nov 29 J ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO mid MtMlif'int’s, AT ELLIS* DREG STORE, C orner Clxerry Street and Cotton t % on nr. lI’NT receive I, a fresh supply of Drug, nt !Y t ' c, Perfumery, Paints and Varnlth Bru.les, Superior Con! Oil, Catsphene, Alcohol and Potash. Jiltin' ,■ Ayrn’, Wright’s, Moffat’., and Stroi ’. Pill. , Heme.,Ml’- > -t» of Bitchu, Sanford's l.lvrr Invignrator, Mi- Wln*low'» Soothing Svrup, Degrain'. I iectrlc Oil, Mustang I tnim.M, Indian Cholagogue, Jayne’s, McLean’s, and Fahnesbuk's Vermifuge; Bel/or Aperient and Cttrat •»f Mugnc-la, war ranted genuine. june 20 I.T-’bo W. S. F.LLI3, Agent. S4 (),()()() WORTH OF COTTON WANTED I •Juo. IV'. licin A Cos. Will pay Eight and One-iialf Cents for good clean, White Cotion delivered in Macon, for notes and accounts due them. Planters are now offered an op portunity to pay their debts and get a fair price for their cotton. Kin.y —OK— DOM i :btk 1 (joons. 4-4 SHEETINGS, 7-8 SHEETINGS, OSNAIWKGS, At Popular prices for Cash. nnv VI JNO. N. KKIN A « O. < >< >1 >*S PHOTOGRAPHIC PALACE OF APT ! IIKOBAHI. V the largest and heat appointed iintih 1 llehinent in the Huuth, if not in the Unit* ) Mate. 1* one of the popular and interesting place* of resort m Macon, and i* daily thronged with crowd* of delighted v.»i tor». The Collection ol‘ Pictures ii very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the *n *Heat Ambrotype to the life-size Portrait. Wood determined, regardlvt ! of labor or expease, that h,* (,aL- I.KRV shall continue to he the Headquarters of Fine Arts in the South Employing peruinnc-ntly the belt talent to he procured to • color hi# Photogroph-, in tTrry *////. , tiue to nature, arid perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance A large collection of the Celebrate, of the day on exhibition, to which has ju.t been added a splendid Picture of the Pi nice of Wale* and suit, Blond in. Judge Douglas, and other* 100 numerous to mention, hut which the public arc respectfully invited to call and examine A Woon u**- none hut the licit material- in hi* m, »••! - osinwa:.' •and a good Pictuie will find it to tl < ir adv»ioi. -e to pation ite this eitaliliiliwent, as Picture# ran be had here at price, as low a# rteewherc and of superior style. Ambrotype*, Daguerreotype.* and Plain Photographs of every size at ■ w prices. Call and see R. L. WOOD, Waihingl >a Block, nearly opposite ts,,. oct'sl htnk r House, Macon, La. V AIM ETJ ES! Oil* % HI! and M KGEAM >’ 8 W ORDS and It! |,l - our o«fi nianutaclorc. at *i du -d pr . cs. A cate! ii comparison i* icvpcctfully solicited. <will I hhm‘s ami Hraids, *#KL'MB. “Confederate make,” Gll.T BUTTON*, large and small. LAI NTLKTf*, j<r B.rTniid*." 3,ts*« KNITTING NIiEDLFS*, t»,ffi"> CJGAKR. If. do* 6 and *» W OOL CARDS; A Small XjOt of Envelopes, PLAYING CARD?, Ac., m Job L< u, OIL EN AMELED CLOTH, a small lot for tale ) w to close consignment*. oca stock or WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c„ i* quite full and will be offered at low prices. \\ atcli Hepalrlng—Ttii* department ..f our l - ne.» i# at present in chargee! Mr. K. Htts-i ,tr. We wilt receive anything at all available lor good , #old or in seuiruieut of note* or accounts, nor 27 K. J. JORNhTOX k CL. Select School. Jit. DA A I Olt 111 will resume the eserc:■-- ,f hi* . school for b..ys, on Tuesday, January 7th. Roy* will be prepared for any collegiate ciass, or for buxines*. jan l-4t Rope and Bakcluc. JI'NT received 100 colls Rope. Also Kentucky and fhuajPaKtnfcbtt JW.:* A Eu uo9 mr Choi* and ?ric«* brtfore buying cin*h«re