Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, February 19, 1862, Image 4

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HARDWARE, IRON &, STF.FL Hiinlwair. Iron. Steel ANI) AURKTLTUII.a IMPLEMNETS, is CHTtT VARTKTT XT THE NEW IRON FRONT STORE —OF— CARIf ART A CURD. WIICftK they continue to keep on. of the largest at sortmentskept In M.ddleUeorgia,consisting in part o .Swedes Iron all sizes, | Uammeied Plow Steel, Refined '* “ “ 1 Oust ** English “ “ “ | Blister “ Round * Sq’r Iron all sizes, | German Oral <S Ro'nd “ “ “ | Spring “ Horseshoe x< “ “ j Tin Noll Rods, j Machinery “ HAKOWAKTi. HOEN; Scovil, Brade’s and various other make*. Trace Chains, | Cane Hoes, Plow “ j Axes, Breast “ | Haines, Tongue “ | Plow Line*, CARPENTER TOOLS. Planes, Cbissel- and Gouges, Hand and Panel Haws, Augers and Auger JDitia, Boring Machines, Unices and Bltts, Mortice Machines, Iron Braces, - Bench Vices, and Haws, Hatchets and Hammers, Locks, Hinges, .Screws, Jiutts, Null-*, Brads, Together with every thing used in the «ay of BUILDERS’ MATERI ALfl. CARRIAGE »lUii:KS Can always find a large Stock. RtUiS, Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Bands, Leather Glolhts, Hash Frames and Trimmings of every variety used in their line. Agricultural implement*. Such as Plows, Straw Cutters, Scythe F.ladcs, Blades, Briar and Bush Hoots. U'JWli .1111 In—Grant's, Clinton and other makes Spike Tilreshem—Emery s, M< fi .tjr. it’s, Win ship’s, Georgia and other makes. If or*t> Rowel’ll—Emery's, Bogar ltr’s, and Lever Powers. Cfiuu i’railles-.'i and C fingered, ot several mak s and styl-i. All of which they offer at the lowest mart, sc rat,-?. ThoS wishing to purchase would do well to tall and evnioir. prices, &c apr 4-’di) AGRICULTURAL IM PLEM RNT TS. NATHAN WEED, •TJaion, LVor</l(f, HAS NOVv LN STORE and oil'ers to Planters a superior asau tment of the newest and luort improved Turn ii£ Implements In u*u. .Iron and Steel Plows, Harrows, Plow Hames, Cultivators, Grain Cradles, Hey the Rjade*, Threshers, ' Fan Mills, Horse Powers, Straw CutUrs, Shovels and Spades, Traces, Spading and Manure Forks, Weeding Jloes, of Soovil’a, Co-dins’, Blade’s Patent American Hoe Cos. manufacture. Swedes and English Befined IRON of all sizes. Warranted Plow Steel, English manufacture. Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Hauunevs, Screw Plates, Tongs, Borax, Cii i*penters ? Tools, Builders’ Hardware, Carriage ami Wagoii tiaieimal*>, IS JLL THEIR VUHIKTV, mar 18 NEW WM. J. McELROY & CO., Brass Founders, «fco. THE undersigned are now prepared to furnish the fol io vviug articles : Sword* and Knives UF ZUL DESCRIPTIONS, 41A OF TO ORDER 4T SHORT NOTICK BRASS MOUNTma-S, For Swords, Knives, and Guns, also, ORNAMENTAL BRASS CASTINGS Os every description. We keeon hand at all times a full assortment of Tin-Ware and Stoves, Os ail kinds, SOUTHERN MANUFACTURED, with a full assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. AT THE OLD STAND, OX THIRD STREET, MACON, €j»A. r V E>l R H C ASH. W. J. McKlbgt, C. D. Wm, A. Hrvnot.da, September 25,1601. —If ii :aed'wae js. Iloiue maile Smiths Bellows Portable Forage, Cast Steel, Block Tins, Tin Plate, Bolt Copper, Glup, Rubber and [Temp Packing, Brass Wire, Sheet Brass, Gerruanßilver, Babbit Metal, Horse and Mule Shoe, Shoe Nalls, tor sale by juiy 10 NATHAN WEED. coXTroif7, COAI, OIL LAMPS, REFRIGERATORS, MASTER’S ICE CREAM FREEZERS, • CELEBRATED FLY TRAPS. Wire Dish Covers, CTJTL E 11 Y, PLATED WARE, WOODEN & TIN WADE, A SO— HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, GENERALLY, AT 11. A. WISE, july jStl Cherry Street. GEORGIA MANUFACTURE^ WHIG AT FANS, a superior home made article warranted to work well. Straw Cutters, Lever patent, for *ale by jttly iu NATHAN WEEP. STEEL ami German Silver Spectacles, Convex and Colored Class, Railroad Spectacles and j Goggles. A large supply for retail trade just received by j nov 22 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. T- £GAJi AI) V ERT IS EMBNTS. i \ kohl| \, Pulawkf County.—'To tr* iKi i- V)f TEI. OF David M Wooo.LtTftor s*tn cocntt. i»ec and . Vou are hereby nSufied, that according to law, I apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to .Mi the slave b-lohsinp to the vstale of Dav.d M. Wood Notice to Debtors and Creditors. G< EOKUA, Ratwil t outiiy.—Notice is hereby V given to all persons having demands against George Wader, late ot said comity, deceased, to present them to tue-properly made out -within the time prescribed by la*, so a* to show their ch&ractrf and amount. And all persons indebted to said deceased, a.- hereby required U. n.akc Itnmediate payment. Ja3. D. FREDERICK, feb I*2 4“ -tit Administrator. n FOKtIIA, Uni on County.--'Whereas, James * 1 L Wiggin* applies to me for k-tters of administration on the estate of Osborn Wiggins, late of said county, dec and. therefore to cit** and admonish all and singular tlie kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to be and appear at me oflice within the time prescribed by law, to show ause, If any they have, why said letters ehould not be g Cuvtn under rny hand and official signature, this 24th January, 1562. JOHN L. PARKER, jan 29 45-&t Ordinary. GIEORCIA, .'Hacon County.—To all whom it T MAY COXCBKN: Whaieas, May Taylor applies to me for letters of admin istration on the estate of James Taylor, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all concerned, kindred or creditors to be and appear at tny office on or before the first Monday in March next to show cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand anil official signature, this tilth Jan uarv IK6J. JNO. L. PARKER, jan 22 44-bt Ordinary. Gt KOKGIA, Jlucon county.— Whereas, F. A. IT Wheellss applies to ine for letters of administration on the esture of George R. Johnson, deceased. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all concerned to be and appear at my oflice on or before the nrst Monday in March next to show cause it any they can, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this Ifith Jan uary 1302 JOHN L. PARKER, jan 22 41 fit Ordinary. ADJfINISTIt ATHIX’S K 4LK,-Agreeable to an order from the Ordinary ot Houston county, will he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at Perry, the «i itk-m.-nt of land belonging to tLe estate of K. V. Rumph, dce’d, known as the Macauts place, two miles south ol Fort Valiev, adjoining lands belonging to Maj. J. A. Miller.— Terms on the day. ISABELLA N. RUMPH, jan l-tds Almr’x. IN IMPORTANT FORIHCOMING SOUTHERN BOOR. MORAL BEAUTIES FROM THE HEART OF WOMAN, ‘‘VOICES FHUJI THE SOUTH,*’ Being a collection of literary gems contributed by tal ented ladit-3 In every State of the Confederacy. To be published by THOMAS 3. POWELL, M J.*., Profes sor of Obstetrics in the AtlanLt Medical College—the nett proceeds to he appropriated to the erection of a “Horae for the Reception ami Treatment ot Invalid Ladles.” The work will embrace about 600 pages, and he put up in three stj Its. Ist quality, with engravings, per copy $ 5.00 11 copies to one address .... 50.00 fid quality, with engravings, gilt doth, per copy 8.00 11 copies to one address . .. 85.00 fid quality, fine paper, cloth 2.00 11 copies to one address 20.00 Sent by Mail or Express, to subscribers, free of expense. Address THOMAS 3. POWELL, M. !>., dec 13 Atlanta, Georgia. WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC PALACE OF ART! 1)lf OH A BEY largest aud best appointed Estab lishment in the South, if not in the United States. Is <*ne of the most popular and interesting places of resort in Macon, and Ls daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi tors. The Collection ol* ."Pictures is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Ambrotype to the life size Portrait. Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expense, that his GAL LERY shall continue to be the Headquarters of Fine Ails in the South Employing permanently the best t al<rm l o be procured to color his Photogrophs, in every wt, e to nature, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in e Very instance. A large collection of the celebrities of the day on exhibition, to which lias just been added a splendid Picture of the Prince of Wales and suit, Rlondin, Judge Douglas, and others too numerous to mention, but which the public are respectfully invited to call and examine. As Wood uses none but the best materials in his business, persons in want of a good Picture will fiud it to their advantage to patron ize this establishment, as Pictures can be had here at prices as low as elsewhere and of superior style. Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes aud Plain Photographs of every size at low prices. Call and see R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oot 31 Lanier House, Macon, Ga. W. S. B. MATHEWS, TEACHER OF Piano, Singing*, Organ and Harmony, IS now prepared to receive pupils by the quarter, or by the year, at the rate of Sixty Dollars for the academic ; year of ten months, ten lessons each month. Lessons given i at the residence of pupils when desired. Jilr. M. is prepared to give strict and punctual attention I to every pupil entrusted to Lis care, and confidently expects to give satisfaction to all patrons. Pupils may commence September 3d. Names left either at the Methodist or the Baptist Book Depository will receive prompt attention. References given when desired. Macon, August 28,1861. ecp 4-y Drugs and Medicines, AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE, Corner Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. JUST received, a fresh supply of Drugs and medicines, Perfumery, Paints and Varnish Brushes, Superior Coal Oil, Camphene, Alcohol and Potash, Jayne’s, Ayres’, Wright’s, Moffat's, and Strong’s Pills ; Ilemboldt’s Extract of Burhu, Sanford's Liver Invigorator, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Degrath's Electric Oil, Mustang Liniment, Indian Cholagogue, Jayne’s, McLean’s, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge; Better Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, war ranted genuine. jane 20 18-’GO IV. 8. ELLIS, Agent. ~KIXIC ARTSf rime ph olographlc-Portrftlts colored In Oil,produce*! by JL J. A. PUGH A BR»J , Triangular Block, Macon, Ga., arc still considered the best to be attained in the State. We were awarded the premium again this year, at the State Fair, which has just closed, for the best Photographs. With our new process for enlarging Photographs to life size from Daguerreotypes of deceased persons, and with the aid of taro first class Artists employed by us, we are producing Portraits as perfect and as much like the original as it i« possible j'icturea to be made, tbdl at PUGH’S and see ?ht- Photographs by \heir new process, which are the largest ever made in the Stale, none line them can be seen else where. A iIHKO TYI‘KS at very low prior*. (octSl VAI LIABLE PLANTATION roit sai.i:. miiK subscriber offers for sale hts desirable plantation A. situated in the 15th district of Sumter county, and about 14 miles from Americas. 1* contains Eighteen Hundred acres, seven hundred of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation It is undoubtedly as good a plantation as there is in .Sumter county. A good dwelling house,negro houses, gin and screw, and all other necessary out buildings on the premises, and plenty of water. It adjoins the rich lauds of T. M. Kurlow, VV. T. Adams, and others. The place may be seen at any time. Persons whthinging to purchase will either call on me a the plantation, or address me at Americas, Sumter county Georgia. dec 26 40-ts A. J. SCRUTCHIN. A for Capitalist*. M ACON GIIIST M ILL for SALE. o\i INC to the insufficiency of our capital, and the pressure of other engagements, we are anxious to dis pose of the Macon Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. The Mill is now in complete running order—will grind 175 bushels a day, and cannot fail to make a handsome profit, if well managed, in the hands of a person with sufticien. capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory in formation on this, and other subjects connected witii the business,can be obtained at the Mill. Sep26 27- lIOIPEUILLFT A CO. A. Card. DR. J. B. GORMAN having extensively used Little's- VxKMiruQK takes pleasure in saying it is the most val uable remedy to cure children of Works he ever knew. A dollar bottle quite sufficient for 25 cases. Believing that more children are lost from the effects o‘ Worms than from all other causes 1 recommend it fully te everybody. In using, nothing else is necessary but to dose the children spring and fall. Besides the greateonveuience of such medicines,! never before found a more safe, or one more certainly to be relied upon than Dr. W. G Little' Vermifuge. Taibotton, Ga., Feb. 2, 1860. Little's Anodvne Cough Drops per bottle *0 75 Little’s Vermifuge, in large bottles i 00 Little’s Vermifuge, in vials \\ 25 HI!! 6 !'- S lDg and Tettw Worm Ointment 100 Little’s French Mi icture i mar 21 52 '* 1 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Southern Insurance iiuujianies. Merchants’ Insurance Company, RICHMOND, VIRGINI A. • f'anh Capital all paid ia - ~ ’ -. , r- . ltlO.OuO ?>hvivu* Am mug A. PI, kA3ANT 3, Pr« blent. JOHN H. MONTAGUE, Secretary. Eufaula Home Insurance Comp’y, KUFAULA, ALABAMA. Chart area 1 aptlal ’> 6'axA Capital and Arrumnlat'wnn 154,0<»0 Florida Home Insurance Comp’y, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Cash Capita! JOHN D. ATKINS, President. JOHN B. ELTON, Secretary. LIFE INSUi;ANCE. DEPARTMENT AT fAYO-NAH, OF T E Georgia Home Insiirkiiue uuinpany. tapilul * “ ifz.itßlHit. DR. JAMES F. DOZEMAN, President. 1). F. WILCOX, Seeretarv. A. WILISUR, Actuary. DU. K. D. ARNOLD, of Savannah, Consulting Physician. The above fire all first class Companies, and risks wi! i be taken on all kinds of property, and especially cn Cotton j for full three fourths of the value, either on the jdantation.- or stored in the warehouses, as was recommended by tin j Can,nurcial and Financial Convention held in Macon. Also on the Life of all persons for tin- benefit of theii ' friends, or on the Life of negroes, as low as other good and ; responsible Companies, and all losses j roraptly set.led. Office in humour’s Block on f-econd Btreet, n- x.t door to i alley, up tairs. E. 0. G IIaNNISS, Agent, i oct 9Ma RICH Alii) CURD, GENERAL, MARINE, FIRE AM) LlfK INSIRANI'E ACENCA .Tfrf CO. »*, Li i: Oit t V Jyi. f|THE undersigned, as agent of the j JL A'.tua Insurance Company, id' Hartford, Phoenix Insurance Cos , of Hartford, North American Fire Insurance Cos., of Hartford, LaFayette Fire Insurance Cos., of Brooklyn, State Fire Insurance Cos., of New Haven, and zßtna Life Insurance Cos., of Hartford, ; Is prerared to Insure every description of Property—in ‘ the above first cla«3 companle —on terras favorable to the i assured. Apply to RICH’]). CURD, feb 'tiU-tf Agent THE GEORGIA no III: I tMKAMi: COM PA XV, OK COLUMBUS, GEO. CHARTERED CAPITAL - - $250,000 DIRECTOR#. John M. McGough, IV. 11. Young, Rob’t. M. Uunby, J. G. Strupper, C. C. Cody, J- P. Illges, Daniel Griffin, W. 11. Hughes, James T. Bozeman, James Ennis, L. T. Downing. JNO. McGOUGH, President. D. F. Wuxcox, Secretary. Insures dwellings, stores.merchandize, cotton and other produce, and all kinds of insurable property, against loss ur damage by tire. Applications received and poiieies is sued by JOSEPH M. BOAKDMAN, feb 20—y Agent for Macon and vicinity. TUB LIVERPOOL AND LONDON ~ II Ii LI ffiIMICI ESMPAIY OFFICE , r tii WALT. STREET, NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. JC‘2, or PATD UP CAPITAL, SURPLUS AN!) RESERVED FUNDS FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLAR?, 800,00 0 INVESTED IN THIS COUNTRY. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK : JAMES BROWN, Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS GOTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLY, Esq. EUGENE DUTILH, Es,q. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD, Jr., Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. S. WETMORE, Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq AYERS, WINGFIELD & CO., Agents, may 4 1859—ts Macon, G*. VAEIETIES! SERVICE and SERGEANTS’ SWORDS and BELTS of our own manufacture, at reduced prices. A careful comparison is respectfully solicited. Curilt Laces and Draids, i/RUIViS. “Confederate make,” GILT BUTTONS, large and small, GAUNTLETS, per “Bermuda,” 3,000 KNITTING NEEDLES, 0,000 CIGARS, 15 doz G and S WOOL CARDS; A Small Lot of Envelopes, PLAYING CARDS, Ac., In Job Lots, OIL ENAMELED CLOTH, a small lot for sale low to close consignments. OUR STORK OP WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., is quite full and will be offered at low prices. Watch Repairing-— This department of our busi ness is at present in charge of Mr. E. Maussknkt. We will receive anything at all available for goods sold or in settlement of notes or accounts. »0t27 E. J. JOHNSTON &. CO. MACON SEED STORE. LANDRETH’S fresh garden SEEDS.—W. 8. ELLIS has just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, From Landreth’s, warranted genuine, for e,ule at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. t=£TA Iso, a general assortment of DttUOS AND MEDICINES. Macon, Ga., Jan. w. S. FLT.T9. DISSOLUTION. muF firm of Bolshaw A Herzog is thi< dav dissolved by JL mutual consent. The books or the firm'will be fuunu at the store (if Air T. tt. ilolshaw, who is authorized to use the firm name only in liquidation of the ba> \r -s. T 11. ROLSHAW, „ . V. HtKZOG. Macon, July, 29,1 SCI. Having this day purchased the entire interest of F. Her zog in the firm of Bolshaw A Herzog, all notes and accounts will be settled by me. 1 shall continue the business at the old stand, No. 11, Cotton Avenue, near Mulbe.ry street, where hoc be found a good assortment of CHINA, GLASS, CROCKERY, COAL OIL LAMPS, PLATED CASTORS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, &c., rOR CASH ©SLY. T. H. BOLSI7AW. The undersigned having disposed of his interest In t>-e firm of ltolshaw A Herzog to T. If. Bolshaw, takta pleasure in recommending him to his friends, aug 7 P. HERZOG. GUANO, LIAi i &c. "1 /\/\ BBLS ‘ Rhode’s Phosphate. 3vv 600 Sacks Mapesßu-|>er-Phosph' : .te of Lime. s<>o “ Reese’s Manipulated Guano. 150 bids. American Guano. 150 “ Land Planter. 100 “ Lime. For sale atManufacturer’s price* by feh ’ ASHER AYRES. GEORGIA REPORTS. VOIj. 31st JUST received and for sale by J. W. BURKE, A gt. Price $5 00. Orders by mail promptly executed when ccompanled by the cash. Pure Corn and Rectified Whiskey, PTfk/'k BBLS. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey’ i * " " Extra Rectified,Kentucky Pare White,”Ten nesseeCorn,’’Georgia Planters,” “Pike’s Magnolia,’ and other Brands, all received direct from the Distillers and or sale McCAI.LIK A JONES. mar 7 RAILROAD SCHEDULES, &.( Railißoad« o! Sc ImNlii 1 • i vN an.l alter Hui. lay, October 27th, 1861, the Trains on V* tins Road v, .11 be run as follows: DAILY DAV TRAIN. [..a. Savannah 2.«°>rt [>. in. Arrive in Macon 1*2.40 a. m. Leave Macon 12 >t» p. m. Arrive in Savannah 11.15 p. in. DAILV NIGHT TRAIN. ' . i i,vc- Savannah 950 p. m. Arrive in Macon 900 a.m. Leave Mae.-.n 350 p.. in. Arrive iu Savannah 7.40 a. m. HO it DON AND LATONTON BRANCH. Leave Fatnnton 500 a. m. Arrive in Gordon 743 a. m L .ve Guidon 1 10 p. m. Airive in Eatonton 4.25 j>. m. Pasxvucers fur Augusta will lake the night train from Savannah and Macon. Passengers to' Miiledgeville and Eatonton will take the nisht train from Savannah and day train from Macon. Durmg the session of the Legislature two trains will run daily between Gordon and Miiledgeville, making connection with both trains on the Central Rail Road. oc t ftp GEO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Swp’t. .tI.U'GN & BRUNSWICK RAIL ROAD, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. rnau: Trains cn this Road, will leave Macon daily (Sundays excepted,) at 10 A. M., returning at 4 P. M. Dai'v connection made with Hawkinsville by line of Stages'. A. K. COCHRAN, Macon, Nov. 26,1561. Prest. and Sup’t. Cliange of Schedule. SOUTH-WESTK ItI * KAIL KOAIK ON and after this date Passenger Trains will run as fol lows— EKTWEEN MS CON AND COLUMBUS: Leave M icon at 1.30 a. m Arrive at Columbus at 7.18 a. m Leave Columbus at 2 25 p. ai Arrive at Macon at 7 56 p. m BETWEEN MACON AND CAATTAHOOCHKE t Leave Macon 9.30 a m Arri ve at Chattahoochee C 44 p. m Leave Chattahoochee 9.55 a. si Arrive at Macon 7.1S p. m The Mail and Passenger Trains from Albany connect daily at Smithville, No. 10 S. W. It. R.,and from Fort Gaines daily at Cuthbert, with Chattahoochee Mail Train. Leave Smithville at 2.45 p. si Arrive at Albany 4 20 p. m Leave Albany at 12 45 p. si Arrive at Smithville 2.15 p. m Leave Cuthbert at 5.05 p. si Arrive at Port Gaines 0.40 p. m Leave Fort Gaines at 10.05 a. si Arrive at Cuthbert at 11 55 p. si Making the connection with the up and down Chatta hoochee Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form n through connection to Mont gomery, Ala., and AOgnsta, Kingston, Wilmington, Savan nah, Miiledgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, Bainbridge Thoniasville, Ac. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Night Train from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention at Macon. For Columbus take the Day Train. VIRGIL POWERS, Eng’r & Sup’t. Macon, Nov. 8, 1861. MUON k WE'TERN Rill, Ri)Al». SBpfSip S?lS||B ON and alter Sunday, August 4th, Passenger Trains will tie run as follows : Leave Macon 10.00 a. m Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 p. m Leave Atlanta 1.4a j> M Arrive at Macon 7.05 p. M The lti 00 a. ni. Train from Macon connects with the W. A A. K. R. at 6.UU p. i.i. and Georgia R. R at 8.0(1 p. m. ALFRED L. TYLER, Superintendent Macon & Western K. R Cos. Macon, July 80th, IS6I. On and after Sunday, August 4‘h, ths night passenger trains on this road will be discontinued. »ug 7 ALFRED L. TVLEK, Bupt. W«?sfv«’ia & Atlantic llitilroLfcS. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 133 Miles—Fare, 5 00 JOHN S. ROWLAND, Superintendent. NIGHT PASSENGER THAIS. Leaves Atlanta, drily, at 7.30 P M Arrives at Ch&t.anouga, at 4,)0 A ’ M Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at 6 05 p m Aryves at Atlanta, at ‘.252 X. ji EXPIU.sS freight, mail and passenger train. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 3.00 a m Arrives at Chattanooga, at.. 2 31 p. m Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at 1 50 a. m Arrives at Atlanta at * .1.00 pri R‘,ad connects, each way, with the Rome Branch Radroad at Kingston, the East Tennesssee and Georgia K.uiioad at Dalton, and the Nashville & Chattanooga Rail road at Chattanooga. ,j PR -jg UPSOX t'«l JTi KAIi. KuAV. fiTHIS daily train on the road connects with the train on A the Macon & Western Railroad from Macon to Atlanta. Fare from Thomaston to Macon 552 85 “ , “ “ “ Atlanta 3 Sg! Through tickets can be had aUhe office of this company m Tlioinaston ; and at the general ticket office of the Macon ac W esteru Rail Road, at Macon and Atlanta. Passengers wishing to go to Chalybeate Springs, Warm . pringe, or White Sulphur Springs, will find this route very pleasant, 1 ine Stage Coaches will leave Thomaston daily on the arrival of the train, and connect at the Chalybeate Springs with coaches to the Warm and White Sulphur Sprmgs,returning daily to connect with the train from i horaaston to Barnesville. A J WHITE July 25-ts • J Sup't^ AtkmUi & \Yv*t Point Rail Road. Tn tale Effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 2 1, 1801. MAIL TRAIN. Leave Atlanta.... „ 2.15 a. m Arrive West Point 7 Of* a . m 1 eave West Point 1 3ft p v Arrive Atlanta I! I!"!! .6 IS f. m FREIGHT TRAIN. l eave Atlanta 7.15 a m Arrive West Point ' 5 00 p m Leave West Poin- .? 10 I' 2 Arrive Atlanta 4 52 p* M oct SO 1801 P> M For Sale Cheap. CARRIAGES, ROI KAWAYS <£ BIGGIES, 11A1 IN AN E> WHI PS. t tleboi*o Ruo-gies, (MADS EV ASA MILLKK.) next door to the baptist ciicrch. j an 1 1:;,3 ‘ 2 J. OeL^CIIE. A Liberal Proposition. N1 RSERY, at Atlanta, Ga.,in consideration of the de pressed state of the market for our gre ,t Staple Colton pro pose to the Planters of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama Mis.-i rippi and Tennessee to sell them FRUIT TREES Ac ’ from our Nursery at the r -gular catalogue prices, and’take COTTON (Middling Fair' in exchange, at 10een£ per pound delivered to the nearest depot, or l oatlanding, forwarding us the receipt. 6 Descriptive and Priced Catalogues sent to all applicants free of charge. Address ROGERS, HARDEN A CO. * ft&**,>£•* £*«etera» Hurt} **9 AQq j Haron, .’lay 30tl», i§ol. 1 T K BARRKIA Pikes Magnolia Whisky. -i. 8 fjf .•> Barrels Rock opening Rum. 7-:> Barrels Phelps Eye Gin. I'.i'i Boxes Tobacco—various grades. 115 Boxes Cigars. 350 Barrels Flour. TOO Tierces Leaf U- and. 75.00 U H. Clear S.drs. lt»,000 11. Hams. l«,0no H. Shoulders. 15 Hhds. Molasses 20 Barrels Syrup. 50 c aoks Rio Coffee. 75 1 rrrels Sugar. 10 Hhtls. Sugar. For sale at reasonable prices for CASH by ASHER AYRES. NlcCallie & rToixes, pared to supply al! customers with * V Bacon, Lard, Flour, Corn, &c., &c,, GIVK US A CALL. july 8 PLANTATION JTIBTL. S STOvVljm? TWENTY -SIX INCH FRENCH BURR kj ; U p ’ warr amed to work well end make good ?,;,I° rßakby NATHAN WEED Ju, y 10 Macon, Qa, GENERAL ADVERTISEAIENTB. TAKE NOTICE. ALL j.pisour Indebted to A. G. BOSTICK, LAMAR A WILLIAMSON, or BOSTICK & LAMAR, a,e notified to couie forward and settle, or the accounts will he placed in an attorney’s hands for collection. The subscriber, or his representative, Mr. I. B. Fngijsh, can be found at the Store, opposite the Lanier House, pre pared to take money or notes In settlement. A. G. BOSTICK. Macon, Jan. 15,1SG'2 —ts Notice to Shippers. MACON, February sth, ISC2. rglliE Central,’.South Western and the Muscogee Rail 1. Roads, will not receive or transport articles for the Confederate States or State of Georgia at the reduced rates unless they are distinctly marked “Army Stores,” and con signed to a Brigade or Regimental Quarter Master, Com missary, or Ordinance Officer. If not marked and consigned as above, full rates will be charged and no deduction al lowed. Hospital Stores, when so marked amt consigned to a Hospital, will be carried free as heretofore. GKO. W. ADAMS, Gen’l Sup’t Central K. R. VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. A Sup’t S. M . R R. W. L. CLARK, feb 12-lm Sup’t Muucogea R. R. DISSOLUTION. The firm of Wood A Cos., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against us will please present them, and those indebted to us will please come ior ward and settle promptly. The Books and notes Mill be found at the old stand, and settled by the senior partner. GREENVILLE WOOD | SETH G. WOOD. J Macon, Dec. 30th ISCI. TO NEWSPAPERS. All Newspapers advertising for Wood A Cos., will please discontinue the same from this date. WOOD A CO. December 80th IS6I. TO THE PUBLIC. Thankful for past favors we would respectfully request a continuance of the same for the remaining partner. Dec. SOth 1861. WOOD & CO. OAK WHEEL BORROWS anil SPINNING WHEFLS, for sale bv G» VOOD. Jan.S —ts OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, IVE^i-OOlNr. SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 TO $3.00. The Commercial Straw i3 easy, SI.OO “ Senate is not bad, “ Planter’s Hat is very light, $1.40. “ English is Finest. i WOOL RATS, CHILDRENS’ STRAWS. juneso O. B. STONE & BHO. (VRHAItI\NF>!v() (LATE OF NEW YORK,) Have returned to this place, where 'they will be pleased to see their Friends. All communications promptly attended to. Store in Ralston’s Rock Building, rn Third Street. JAS. D. CARHART, WM. R. CARHART. Macon, March 18,1801. Notice to Builders and Jobbers. LUMBER FOR SALE. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the public in general, that lie has the largest aud best lot of seasoit Ei) r i ive i„ r its ne n ever exhibited in Mi Idle Georgia, consisting of Scantling of all sizes and commonly used iu housebuilding ; quartered and bustured flooring, wetherboatding, ceiling, aud all other kinds suitable for building. My Mill is near the Central Railroad, and will deliver at the road on accommodating terms. Any person wishing to purchase, address me at Irwinton, and I will send horse and buggy to meet the day train at Mclntyre’s, and convey them to the mill free of charge. Sept. 25,1861.—ts G. B. BURNEY. Spring ami Summer Fashions for 18 6 1. Direct Importations from Francs via New 0t leans Mrs. F. DESSAU WOI'LD respectfully announce to the ladies that she has just returned from New Orleans, where she has purchased for cash a full assortment of Millinery, Lace, and Dress Goods, of the latest direct iinpor tation, and opened her Bonnets on Thurs day, March 28. Mrs. Deisau is confident that the ladies will be pleased with the styles 7 y-$r and qualities, as they are superior to anv brought heretofore to this place. ’ iff Lsß Milliners supplied at wliolesale with n Bonnets and Millinery Goods. a j, r 3 Millinery! Millinery!! PARIS WE STYLES V ia. INT ew Or] eans. SPRING OF 1801. Mrs. HOWLAND HAS opened a fine assortment of the newest Paris Styles of Ladies’ Hats and Millinery Goods, v J Ol recent and Direct Importation to Nkw Ori.eaxs. Her customers and others are invited to call, and she is satisfied that they will be pleased. {3F” Milliners from a distance can be accommodated with PATTERN HATS and anv style of MILLINERY apr 8_ SUNDRIES. 1000 NEW Sacks Liverpool Salt, j v V v 125 Bales heavy Gunmy Bagging, SOU Coils Machine Rope, V 0 Bales Macon Shirtings, Heavy Osnaburgs and Yarns, 20 Bales Negro Kerseys and Snipes, 100 Bags prime Rio Coffee, 4u Hhds. Bacon, Sides and Shoulders. 25 Tierces plain and canvassed Hams, 50 Kegs choice Leaf Lard. 10 Bids, choice Leaf Lard. 5o Boxes Adamantine Candles, 25 Boxes i-perra Candles, 20 Bids. No. 1 Syrup, 15 Hhds. Cuba Molasses, 10 Bbls. Bleached Whale and I.ard Oil, For sale by BOWDRE & ANDERSON, Bacon, Corn, Card and JFlou t "T ST f'ASFLS BACON, hog round. • *J 7500 Bushels CORN. 25 Barrels LARD. 25 Half barrels LARD. 40 Kegs LARD. 500 B'uls. 8. F. and Family FLOUR. 80 Hhds. MOLASSES. 40 Bbls SYRUP. 25 Half bbls. SYRUP. 1(H) Bbls. refined SUGARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 Boxes TOBACt O. 800 Bbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cash. ASHER AYEPS. Macon Feb. 20th. 1861. IIOAIE MAIIFACTIRE. WE are prepared to make to order and repair, at short notice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ar Also, Sewing Machines t repaired, and new parts made, and machines adjusted,by a practical and experienced workmar Public patronage respectfully solicited, jan 18 E. J. JOHNSTON k 00, TRY ONE OF OUB Now Black Pocket Hats. Buy one NEW STYLE BROAD BRIM. The )4 ZOUAVE BLACK TRIMMED AVill BECOME you ! So will tiie MAROON And the Ex, Nat. Ntilrla. So Will the LIGHT BLACK BROAD ROUND SOFT HATS. genkkal advKTSp^s grak itp " t,l, ‘ taitdir g NEXT AH the store of *■ p \( * * ’• ■ where 1 have opt «.\ V M- "f' 9 and customers, !t ,„| * 1 ’•>* ;■ - pleasure. 1 “D In- /, ~ may 1 V?r J Uvtj,.,' .“4 RUOAVX s p. opp«it« the PMK,, ger Ha* * K Br E - E. BROW-N Ty' MK' g “ Like TII.\ T larse, new and tW a ...,,' on the ruins of iny old ~ ,V. Home, r**- •. Mi' n, Ga., tion of Boarders and ir?.r - -i t-? ’' r ' n *-4 i The House has been newiv’"-'7-'T ■ best manner, and the Proprietor U 7 \ hTon^ pikst class - ; Its situation Is eligible, a little Ut v '** opposite the Pi places of business. » *na near : . t ! Connected with the is Livery and Sale Stable where Drovers ar.d others can find C their Stock. The patronage of his old friend* « n i public generally, is respectfully s. iic v-a ° " !ril nov 5- ts vi W asliinoton llall^ IS STILL OPEN TO THE r UBI . BASS KEN E, lT..r. r ;,. tur * Atlanta, Ga., December, 1:-61. I WE9LEYAX ' ~ [FEMALE COLLEGE. TBISIK twenty-fourth Annual Session oft' lT | A will begin on MONDAY, October ith, c,. a ' I tion of the following Faculty : ' r kr«- Rev. JOHN M. BONN ELL, President X Rev. C. W. SMITH. A. M.. P.-ofenwr’Mkt'w.. Her. F. X. FORSTER, A. M„ »-r o f.. Mli v * guages. Un * Rev. IV. C. BASS, A. M. Professor Nat a l ' C. SCUWARZT, Prcfdssar Modern l ., , . ing. Miss M. K. CARLE TON, Principal p r ,-,**,• n ment. ' ' • P. T. GUTI'ENBERGER, Professor of M u - • Miss L. GUTTENBFRGEK, A Mrs. S. SCHWAR7.r, Inst. Ornamental Ni, \w W R. M. HEARD ami LADY, SteWHidb Dep. Mrs. K J. STEPHEN,S, Matron. Tuition per annum, In College Classes , , “ “ “ Preparatory Dcpartraem. Board “ “ Including fuel,' l; ht-an,i vmi' Cue half the Fees positively required in (Vt , r in March. Confederate Bonds taken as cadi. ' The Steward’s Department has been fitted out tj-y ,« entire neve suit of Furniture. For or funner inionnntisn, njq.ty Sep It't W. C. liASS, 2r, 'y METHODIST tidOK DFPOSITIRV, MACON, ayiORQIA, el. . I iUEKE, Agent. Keeps constantly on hand a good supply •' STANDARD Religious, School and Miseellanfon' BOOKS, Stationery, Sheet Music, &c. TKIt M S CAS i I T N VAKIABLV. OBl'Kaa RKSPECTFCLLY SOI.lfltED. feb 5 j.. ii. mnuuMw, wvsmxr.Tftx block, ' Corner Mulberry Street and Colton s MACOI, UEORGI^i DKALKft IX , , lAW, CLASSICAL, MEDICAL, SCHOOL AM? iIKEU B o 0K5,.., Blank Books, of all kinds; Record B f ! T 1; ; ses, Stationery, Drawing Paper, 11 • ter Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Oil and Water Colors. MATHEMATICAL INSTBUM 1 * J Mathematical and Engineering Bod -.C - j - 1 Books, Writing Desks, Portfolios, P • , loon Bo «rds, Writing Fluids, ar -I: • < Indelible Inks, Faber & Lubiu’s B r * r cils, Steel and Gold Pens, &>... 1 ’ \’ f with all the vaiious arti. s found in a D is oo i c s r r o u ALSO, AGENT OF THE Southern Mutual Insurance CoEp • February 13, 1861. v 7% WHEELER A- WlLSON’S.Sewing' at standard prices; anew an 1 tin ~ and for sale by E. J.JOHNfTO - \ mar 14 9<c ° ~.,4 SEWING MACHINES and Mathcffi' ments repaired and adjusted, and new P a y. ruer. New Tension Pads, Ac for old maclo mar 14 E. J. JOHNBTO^> ——— —■ ~ * ■ " Wheeler & Wilson Machine . v •< AT 11 00 per dozen. Only at retail 4 dozen or less. A supply just j eC *