Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, March 12, 1862, Image 4

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I. EG AT* ADVERTISEMENTS BtIHCSIA, fpion County.—Where**, the F.x \y ei utors nominated in the Will of Mr«, “ ■ r.;N R 'i -rs, \ix\r of said county, deceased, refuse to accept tru^: and whejeas Curran Rogers appUe* for letters of a.ltnini* ♦.ration, with said will annexed, on the e l 3t l f te .,“ , “ !}*. 1 These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singui i tite kindred and creditor!: of said deceased, to file their ob jection* in my olßce-if any they hare-on or , he first Monday in April next, why sa.d letters should not be tnv hand this Ist March, 1808. marSfiSS! ; WM. A. COBB, Ordinary.. 1 Mortgage suf.rifi * n salk.—as»u he sold before the Court house door In in the town ol Oglethorpe, Macon county, on Ihe first Tuesday in April next within the legal hour* of -ale, one negro Woman named Polly, about 24 yeara of age, and her two children, N ,ah a bof about 5 years old and her infant child about 1 y riT oU. gold as the property of Jamei H. Brock, to sat hly a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of A. J. Hamilton rs. said j H Brock. Property pointed out in said mortgage, feb lib-ids WM. B. JONF3, Dep. Sheriff. if EdKfilA, Pulnski County.—To tju Ti vs -1 Jf the; ot David M. Wood,late of " tin county, dec’d : You arc hereby notified, tiiat according to law, I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to tell the slave belonging to the estate of David M. Wood, dt ’d, for the benefit of the h* ii sand creditors of said dec’d teb 12 47- BRYANT A. WOOD, Ex’r. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. ('1 FOR Gil A, Ala oo ii County.—Notice is hereby T giv> n to all persons having demands against George Walker, late of said county, deceased, to present them to u. ptopcrly made cut within the time prescribed bylaw, >;m to - now their character and amount. A ndafi persons > . noted to said dec. used, are hereliy required to make diati payment. JAB. D. 1 KKDERICK, teb 12 47-bt Administrator. 4 I rottlil.t, .Huron County. Whereas, Mrs. * A Ai Uey Smith, Administratrix on the estate of Gideoti fmitli, lat«- rtf said county, deceased, applies to me for let- ; ter* of dixtiusaiou from aid adiuinLUatiou. Tli e arc thr r. fore to til [ihuoni-h ill per mn.scob cerne.l to be and appear at my office 01l m before 1 1n- firs'. Monday in Sunc next, to show cause, if any they have, t*hy said letters should not be granted. Gwen unrles »*»y Land and official signature,Nov. fi,l c T>l. nov 18-uiCm J«u. i,. i-i.ttin.-R,Ordinary. JSJ o t i o e. 11l EH Itll V warn ail persons not to trade for a NOT! . given by the undersigned, with Thomas ft. Grt-ene, Se ■urity, for one hundred and seventy dollars, dated on or about the 7tb day of January, 1802, due ihe 2Mh of flee em ber next, amt made payable to Joseph Robinson (of Upson county) or bearer. 1 am determined not to pay it, because the consideration of said note ha.-, failed. Id. 10 48-81* ROBERT W. GREENE. W. S. 11. MATHEWS, TEACHER OF Piano, Singing Organ and Harmony, ■ s now prepared to receive pupils by the quarter, or by I the year, at the rate of Sixty Hollers for the academic year ol ten months, ten lessons each month, l.cisnna given at the residence of pupils when desired. Mr, M. is prepared to give strict and punctual atteutiou to every pupil entrusted to his cure, aud confidently expect? to give eat i .faction to ull patron*. Pupils may comment . September fid. Names lefleithei at the Methodist or tin Baptist Book Depository will receive prornpt attention. References given when desire.l. Macon, August 28, lbCl. sep 4-y I >i , iu»s siucl Mtuliciiiews AT ELLIS’ DIUTG STORE, t'ornerCherr) Street anti Cotton Avenue. It's'!' received, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Paints and Viirnisli Brushes, Superior Coal Oil, Camphene, Alcohol and Potash, Jayne’s, Ayres’, Wright's, Moffat’*, and Strong's Pills; Humboldt's Extract of Buchu, Sanford’s l.iver luvigorntor, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Degrath’s Electric Oil, Mustang Liniment, Indian Cholngogue, Jayne’s, McLean’s, and Fahnestock’.- Vermifuge; Aperient and Citrate at Magnesia, war ranted genuine. june2t)l3-’CO VV. S. ELLIS, Agent. 1 N 11 r(IIt T ANT FOR HU «11 l\b SOUTHERN ROOK. MORAL BEAUTIES FROM THE HEART OF WOMAN, ‘‘Votcics FHoitl THE SOUTH,” BEING a collection of Vterary gems contributed by tal ented la lies in every N ilte 0 f the Confederacy. To be published by THUMAq g, POWELL, M. I>‘., Profes sor of Obstetrics In the Atlanta Medical Collegc—the nett proceeds to be appropriated to A, e erection of a “Home for Um Ktfcept io& and Treatment of Invalid Ladies,” I he v, o. k will embrace about bOO and be put up in three styles. * lsl quality, with engravings, per enpv <k *i An 11 copies to one address 7. *.*.*.! *! *. CO 00 " 1 .l»»Uty . ■?->«»> •x.oi-u.ujnuj • • 11 copies to one address 35.(id 3d quality, line paper, cloth 2.00 11 copies to one address 20.00 Hent by Mail, r ExprcoJ, to subscribers, free of Expense. Address THOMAS S. POWELL, M. D„ dec 13 Atlanta, Georgia. FUNTD ARTST f si SI I'. Photographic-Portraits colored in Oil, produced by 1 J. A. PUGH A PRO , Triangular Block, Macon, Ga., an- nti 11 considered the best to be attained in the State. We wi re awarded the premium again this year, at the Slate Fair, which lias just closed, for the best Photographs. With our new process for enlarging Photographs to life siae from Daguerreotypes of deceased persons, and with the aid of two fii st class Artists employed by us, we are producing Portraits as perfect and as much like the original as it is p ..enble Pictures to be made. Call at PUGH’S and see the Photographs by their new process, whieh are the Urgent ever ma le in the State, none line them can be seen else* wh.:i *. AMHIIOTYPES at very low prices. (octSl ' A LUABLiTP LA N 1 AT ION FOR SAL.IL fltlSfi 1 ' subscriber o&Vra t«>r sale his desirable plantation I .situated iu On lßtb district of Sumter county,and about 14 miles from Atuericus. It contains Eighteen Hundred acres, seven hundred of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation It is undoubtedly as good a plantation as there is in Sumter county . A good dwelling house,negro houm-H, gin and screw, and all other necessary out buildings on the premises, aud plenty of water. It adjoins the rich lands off. M. Furlow, VV. T. Adams, an.l others. The place may be seen at any time. persons wi-ihinging to purchase will either call on me a the plantation, or address me at Americus, Sumter county Georgia. dec 28 40- ts « A. J. RCUIITCHIN. A Fimiipp lot* L';t|MlaliGx. M ACON GHIST M I LL for SALE. UVV I N f to the insutlu iency of our capital, and the jiressure of other engagements, we are anxious to dis pose of the Miycou Grist Mill, to a satisfactory purchaser. Ti.e Mill is uow iu complete running order— wijl grind bushels a day, and cannot fail to make a handsome profit if well managed, in the hands of a person with suffieien. capital to carry it on properly. The most satisfactory ia formation on tins, and other -objects connected with thi business,can in* obtained at the Mill, xep 26 '27- nOIFF.TTILI.ET A OG. A. Cfxrcl. I kR. J. B. GORMAN having extensively used 1-cptur’>" * VsKHiruOK lakes pleasure In saying it is the «, u st v»l --uaMe remedy to cure children of Wukms he ever knt-w. A dollar bottle quite sufiiclent for 25 cases. > Believing that more children are lost from the effects ot VVoKUiJ than from all other causes 1 recomuvand it fully to everybody. In using, nothing else is necessary but to dose the children spring and fall. Besides the great-convenience of such medicines, I never before found a more safe, or one ® r,- certainly to be retied upon thjM Br» W. G. Little* Vermifuge. Talbotton, Ga., Feb. 2, lS6n. Little’s Anodyne Cough Drops per bottle $0 75 Little’s Vermifuge, In large bottles 1 00 Little’s Vermifuge, in vials * ****** 2,"s Littie’s Ring and Tetter Worm Ointment’ 1 ort Little’s French Mixture i r tl 1 mar 21 OU— w NEW BO OK BINDERY A Ni 11 ON Y M AYR Dmtiuiartnrn. <« «nier tvo, j Jescrin- : i.V lion of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, ar.d BINDS in any ■«»* ,l ?® r i, ' l^v-^ a g™ e »’ Law ’ Music and Miscellaneous ' ks > ( -_ LtKK 1 :5 RECORD and DOCKET BOOKS, with or With .'Ut Tr.nieJ Forms, and warranted best quality paper. Engineers profile paper made from the best English 1 drawing to any length or width. * 5 All orders from the country promptly and carefully at. tended to. Office, No. 12 Cotton Avenue. Important. jST ol ice. miIKSOI TIIERN EXPRESS COMPANY i A *P W running a tri-weekly day Express on the Cen tra! Ran Road, leaving Macon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Freight received and for. ' warded to all stations on the He ad. Freight on goods to i be prepaid in every case. No advance on previous rates „ o ~ L , M* c. McDonald, Agent f Macon, Ga., Sept. 11th, 1861. K &} ANO, UM E~ II |g I iuttl.S. Rhode’s Phosphate. 600 Sacks MapesSuper-Phosphate of Lime. 50q “ Reese’s Manipulated Guano. 150 bids. American Guano. Isu " Land Planter. I«mi “ Lime. F .r -ale aiManufacturer’j prices by ASHER AYty s. It I SI N ES S ('ARDS. t>. C. HODGKINS & SON, DEALERS IX VXD KXXrrxCTERERS OP Car XT IST S3 , BIFLEB, And Sporting Apparatus *. K h W HOOKS BELOW 7 H k Lanier House, Jan. 1, 1860. ts NEW FIRM. L. r. STRONG & SONS. IK WIS P. STRONG ten- J der. his grateful thank s or the liberal patronage a*. ( fTw tended to him for tin-last ■» wetity seven years,and re- S*v '*.• 'egftf e ifu’.lv aiij.*‘-nce3 that he » i* s. i iate-l with him In e furtiier pros.-e.utlon ot v, tie- i-ine*.-, lit* two sons, EDGAR P. STRONG and , ' '/A FOR:;!' IF.KAV ,-TRONG. und.-r th** nan!**, firm «nd style of L. P. STRONG A S<JNS, and will continue to keep on hand and offer, a large- anil s.-lect assortment of Boots Eliot’s aixl I.t’allirr of all kinds, and Findings fi>r Country manufacturers. He respectfully asks f«»r the new lirui, a continuance o the lib eral favor extended to the old. Macon, January‘2, 1860. *l-y tHOS. HAHDKMAN, a. O. O . SPARKS. HARDEMAN & SPARKS, wa in:-no use AND Comm iss ion Mercbants. MACON, GA., Kgfrjjfa \lflLL give prompt attention to the selling and storing W of Colton, and to Ihe filling of order* for plantation and family supplie.. With many years experience and with their best efforts to serve their friends, they hope to nave a continuance of the liberal j.alronaye heretofore extended to them. Liberal advances made when required. August 15th 18Ct>. (ly-) F. 11. BURGHARD, WATCHMAKER, Ji WELLER, AND DEALER IN FANCY WARM, DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES, IN GENERAL, ARTICLES OF VERTL 7 , AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CUTLERY, FINEST IMPORT ED AND AMERICAN WATCHES, TIME PIECES, CLOCKS, CHRONOMETERS, CHIROGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTS, Ac., Ac., Cherry SL, Macon, Second door below the Telegraph Printing House. r|lSI A NKPIL for faUors,reminds 1 the public that all tin* most iasliioiiable, fr / afar elegant and desirable goods in Ibis line will IK—/ *3isP continue to he found at this elegant stand -JgP; in tin- greatest variety. No troubleto show Goods. feb 2H-’6O-y COATES & WOOLFOLK, COTTON FACTORS. Hoiim- on Tliir<( SliuH. 11.1. continue to give prompt attention to business v v entrusted to their care. Advances made on Cotton IV. Sept. 20,1861—4/ JOHN SCHOFIELD, JOSHCA SCHOFIKKD fecliofleld & Bro., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS HI AGON, GEORGIA. "VAri? are prepared to Manufacture .steam F.iigines, » CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEAR ING, SUGAR MILLS, BRASS AN D IRON CASTINGS Os every description IHOW HAILING and VF.R* A IN l>A 11S. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Railing in the State, which f<>r elegance, neatness,du- Tor tViV irot'Asof‘ 1 *WoT‘iiilß6‘,*(VeTAFfr) f yLA\ s, J^u oll'i 7 aljli Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous oi purchasing Railings will do well to give a call, fls we are determined to otter as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city, jau 1-lStil IJR O N WORKB, I?!ACO», (jiItOBGIA. T - c . N I Sls ET , HAYNIG removed his FOUNDRY AND MACHINE . WORKS to the line of the Rail Road near the Macon A Western Shops, he is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ALSO Steam Engines & Boilers, i On torni3 as favorable as any Establishment either North or ! South. (mar 18) T. C. NISBET. COAL OIL, | COAT, Oil. LAMPS. REFRIGERATORS, MASSKR’S ICE CREAM FREEZERS, i TTXXjaa-V*** CELEBRATED FLY TRAPS, Wire Dish Covers, C LT T L K 11 V , PLATED WARE, 'WOODEN & TIN WARE, —AND— HOUSE' FURNISHING GOODS, GENERALLY, AT B. W. AVJSE, july.2l Cherry Street. I l jYn DWABEr Home iu- t de Smiths Bellows Porta’ rie Forage, Ca>.4 Steel, Block Tins, Tin Plate, Bolt Copper, Glue, Rubber and Hemp Packing,* Brass Wire, Sheet Brass, German Silver, Babbit Metal, Horse and Mule Shoe, Shoe Nails, for sale by juiy 10 NATHAN WEED. *la< in* Shillings Gxiiahiiiiis iYt>. *7 £\ i X HA LKS Macon Shirtings and F. R. Osnaburgs. 25 hales Cot.‘on Yarns, as orted Nos. 25 bales Georgia. Stripes, for -ale by nutr 20 BOW DBF a AKDDRSON. WITUTARY BOOKS. 4 G!M supply of Hari.Me’s Tactics, Scott’s Tactics, XV Cooper’s Tact», g, Cavalry Tactics, and Mahon’S Trea tise on Field Fortificauun, for vie at feb 13 BO A RDM AN’3. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Southern Insurance Companies. Merchants’ Insurance Company, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Cash Capital all paid in - • .S2OO,CXXJ Surplus Earninfj* 100,000 A. PLEASANTS, Prrsldent. JOHN H. MONTAGUE, Secretary. Eufaula Home Insurance Comp’y, KtiFAULA* ALABAMA. Chartered Capital f200,000 Cdih Capital u frd Accumulations 164,000 Eloiida Home Insurance Comp’y, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. j Cash Capital $150,000 j JOHN D. ATKIN3, President. 1 JOHN 8. ELTON, Secretary. ! LIFE-INSURANCE. DEPARTMENT AT BAV » SNA il. OF T .F Georgia Home Insuranco Company. Capital $250,000. DU JAMES ¥. BOZEMAN, President. ! l). F. WILCOX, Secretary. A. WILBUR, Actuary. DB. R. D. ARNOLD, of Savannah, Consulting Physician. i The above are all first ckiss Companies, and risks wil lie taken on all kinds of property, and especially on Cotton, for full three fourths of the value, either on the plantations or stored in the warehouses, as was recommended by the Commercial and Financial Convention held in Macon. Also on the Life of all persons for the benefit of their friends, or on the Life of negroes, as low as other good and resp:>n.*il>!e Companies, and all losses promptly set .led. Oliice in Damour's Block on Second Stieet, next door to alley, up *tairs. E- C. UKANNIS3, Agent, oct ‘2B-6m _ RICH AH D CURH, GRNERAL, MARINE, FIRE AMI LIFE INSI RAM E ACE\H Jlt*ll €KY, ti KO»t(* LI. m|IG undersigned, as agent of the J|. .F.tna Insurance Company, of Hartford, Phoenix Insurance Cos , of Hartford, North American Fire Insurance Cos., of Hartford, LaFayette Eire Insurance Cos , of Brooklyn, State Fire Insurance Cos., of New Haven, and Aina Life Insurance C 0... of Hartford, is prerared to insure every description of Property—ln ihe uliove first class cnmpaniex—on terms favorable to the i assured. Apply to RICH’D. CUitl), feb ’6O ts Agent THE GEOKGIA UOfli: I*MR%*CE tOIII'AAV, OF COLUMBUS, GEO. CHARTERED CAPITAL - - $250,000 DIKECTORS. John M. McGough, W. H. Y T oung, Rob’t. M. Gunhy, J. G. Strapper, C. C. Cody, J.P. Illges, Daniel Griffin, W. H. Hughes, James T. Bozemau M James Ennis, L. T. Downing. JNO. McGOUGH, President. D. F. Wili.cox, Secretary. Insures dwellings,stores,merchandize, cotton and other ! produce, and all kinds of insurable property, against loss i or damage by fire. Applications received and policies is J sued by JOSEPH M. BOARDMAN, feb 20—y Agent for Macon and vicinity. TIIK LIVERPOOL AND LONDON 'fist 111 LIFE MICE CONPUV OFFICE 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. £2, 000,000, or #10,000,000. PAID CP CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND RESERVED FUNDS FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 INVESTED IN THIS COUNTRY. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK : JAMES BROWN, Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS COTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLY, Esq. i EUGENE DUTILH, Esq. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GII.LAKD, Jr., Esq. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. F. SANDERSON, Esq. WM. S. WETMORE, Esq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. fiounsefof the fioard/A . L |TX!l\,^f'r!, Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD & CO., Agents, may 41859-ts Maoon, Ga. BBmmmmmstmmmißmMMiuammMMmmmimmmmmmmmmmm Garden Seeds. NEVA CROP-1861. GENUINE IMPORTED EARLY" YORK CABBAGE, DRUMHEAD CABBAGE, LONG Green Cucumbers, Green Glazed Cabbage, Simp Beans, Extra, Early, May and Marrowfat Peas, Onions, Tomatoes, Beets, Fat Horse Beans, &c., Ac., Just received and for sale by J. 11. ZEILIIV A CO., I>ru {>gists, fe,) 5 Opposite Telegraph Building. VARIETIES! SERVICE and SERGEANTS’ SWORDS and BELTS of our own manufacture, at reduced prices. A careful I comparison is respectfully solicited. C* ilt Traces and Llraids, DRUMS. “Confederate make,” GILT BUTTONS, large and small, GAUNTLETS, per “ Bermuda,” 3,000 KNITTING NEEDLES, 6,000 CIGARS, 15 doz 6 and 8 WOOL CARDS; A Small Lot of Envelopes* i PLAYING CARDS, Ac., in Job Lots, OIL ENAMELED CLOTH, a small lot for sale low , to close consignments. OPR STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., is quite tuii and Will be offered at low prices. Watch if **pairing: This department of our husi &f=' 3 is at present in charge of Mr. E. Mac „iknet. We will receive anything at ail available for goods sold or in settlement of notes or accounts. nr ‘ r K. J. JOHNSTON & CO. MACON SEED STORE. LAMIRKTII’S FRESH OARDUN BKKIIS.—w. 8. ELI.IS has just received a large supply of CARDEN SEEDS, From Landrelh’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. Also, a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Macon, Ga., Jan. 16,tf W. 8. ELLIS. DISSOLUTION. npHE firm of BouHiw A HEXZfia is this day dissolved by > X mutual consent. The books of the firm wiU be found I at the store of Mr. T. H. Bolshaw, who is authorized to use : the firm name only in liquidation of the busiuess. T H. BOLSHAW, „ T , _ F. HERZOG. Macon, July, 29,15C1. i Having this day purchased the entire interest of F. Her zog in the firm of Bolshaw 4c Herzog, all notes and accounts will be settled by me. I shall continue the business at the oid stand, No. 11, Cotton Avenue, near Mulbe. ry street, where may be found a good assortment of CHINA, GLASS, CROCKERY, COAL OIL LAMPS, PLATED CASTORS, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, &c., FOR CASH OIILY. T. H. BOLSHAW. •The undersigned having disposed of his interest in the firm of Bolshaw A Herzog to T. 11. Bolshaw, takes pleasure in recommending him to his friends. *ag » F. HERZOG. Pure Corn and Rectified Whiskey. 7 O A ® BL S-Whiskey, consisting of * Ward A Carey’ • Extra Rectified,”*'Kentucky Pore White,” Ter.- ndase^x.o r n’”Georgia Planters," "Pike’s Magnolia, ’ and ail received direct from the Distillers.and j or sate McCALLIE £ JONES, ca&r? . I RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Central Rail Road. aflaisflf&s w* %w t'liaiist' of Schedule. OX and after Sunday, Oclotwr ‘27th, Iso*, the Irtrns on thi« H .ad will be run as follows: DAILY DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah 2.80 p. in. Arrive in Macon I‘2.4<i a. m. Leave Macon I‘2 So p. ru. Arrive in favannah 11.15 p. m. DAILY NIGHT TRAIN. Leave PavaDnah 950 p. m. Arrive in Maccn 900 a.m. Leave Mac >n SSO p. in. Arrive in Savannah 7.40 a. m. GORDON AND EATOXTON BRANCH. Leave Fatouton 600 a. m. Arrive in Gordon 742 a. m. L> ave Gordon 140 p. m. Arrive in Eatontcn 425 p. ru. for Augusta will take the night train front Savannah and Macon. Passengers for Mdledeeville and Ehtontrn wiii take the ; Uieht train from Savannah and day train from Macon. During the session of the Legislature two trains wiii run daily between Gordon and Milledgeville, making connection with both traißS on the Oeutial Kail Road. oct SO GKO W. ADA MR, Gon’l Sup’t. MACON A BUI NSW K k RAIL ROAD, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. rsiHL Trains on this Road, wiii leave Macon daily excepted,) at It) A. M., returtiin. »t 4 l*. M. Daily connection made with Hawkin.sville hy line of St.iges. A. E. COCHRAN, Macon, Nov. 26,1561. Brest, and Sup’t. Oliango ol Scliedule. figgCt*! sor r!i-AVi;sM !:\ UAiii, koail (vN and a ter this dale Passenger Trains will tun as fol- J lows— between iiACox and count s: ueave It.tcim lAt » V. Arrive at Columbus at 7 13 a. it Leave Columbus at * 25 r*. m Arrive at Macon at 7 56 p. u BETWEEN UACOR ASH IA A CTASOOCUEK : Leave Macon 9.50 i m Arrive at Chattahoochee 6.44 p. a. LeaveOhattahoochee 9.55 a. e Arrive at Macon 7.19 p. u The Mail and Passenger Trains from Albany connect daily at Rinithville, No. 10 S. W . K. R,, and from Fort Gaines daily at Cuthbert, with Chattahoochee Mail Train. Leave Stnithville at 2.45 p. m Arrive at Albany 4 20 p. w Leave Albany at 12 45 p. w Arrive at Stnithville 2.15 p. w Leave Cuthbert at ’... .5.05 p. n Arrive at Fort Gaines 6.40 p. u Leave Fort Gaines at 10.05 a. m Arrive at Cuthbert at 11 55 r. tu Making tire connection with the up and down Chatta hoochee Mail Train. Trains to Columbus form a through connection to Mont gomery, Ala., and Augusta, Kingston, Wilmington, Savan nah, Milledgeville and Eatonton. Post Coaches run from Albany to Tallahassee, BaiubriJge Phomasville, Ac. Passengers for points below Fort Valley, should take the Night Train from Augusta and Savannah to avoid detention at Macon. For Columbus take the Day Train VIRGIL POWERS, Eng’r & Sup’t. Macon, Nov. 8, IS6I. MUON & UK'TERN KAIL ROAR. ON and after Sunday, August 4th, Passenger Train will be run as follows : Leave Macon 10.00 a. m Arrive at Atlanta 4.00 p. m Leave Atlanta 1.4n p m Arrive at Macon 7.05 p. m The 10.00 a. m. Train from Macon connects with the IV. i A,R. R. at C.OO p. m*. and Georgia 11. R at 8.( 0 p. m. ALFRED LTTYLFR, a ‘ Superintendent Macon A Western It. R Cos. Macon, July 30th, 18<51. On and after Sunday, August 4.h, the night passenger trains on this road will be discontinued, aug 7 ALFRED L. TYLER, Supt. \V<!st<*iTi & Atlantic Kiiilro:i<l. Atlanta to Chattanooga, ISS Miles—Fare, 5 00 JOHN S. ROWLAND, Superintendent. NIGHT PASiSKKGRR Tr.AIS. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 7.30 p. m Arrives at Chattanooga, at 4.10 a. m Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at 0.05 p. M Arrives at Atlanta, at 2 32 a. m EXPRESS FREIGHT, MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. Xeave3 Atlanta, daily, at 3 00 a m ;? gi 5; 51 Arrives at Atlanta at 1 tip P M This Road connects, each way, with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennesssee ami Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Rail road at Chattanooga. j PI . rFSO.\ COIMTY IMIL ItOID. rTIHK daily train on the road connects with the train on X the Macon & Western Railroad from Macon to Atlanta : Fare from Thomaston to Macon b 5. “ “ “ “ Atlanta 3 S5. Through tickets can be had at the office of this company in Thomaston ; and at the general ticket office of the Macon & Western Rail Road, at Macon and Atlanta" Passengers wishing to go to Chalybeate Springs, Warm Springs, 01 Aiiite Sulphur Springs, will find this route very pleasant. Fine Stage Coaches will leave Thomaston daily on the arrival of the train, and connect at the Chalybeate Springs with coaches to the Warm and. White “ulj.lun Springs, returning daily to connect with the train from Thomaston to Barnesville. A.J WHITE, July 25-- 1 f gup’t. Atlanta West Point Rail B&oad. To take Effect on and after Sunday, Oct. 2 1, ] Stll. MAIL TRAIN. j Leave Atlanta 2.15 y. m I Arrive West Point .7 hti \ m I f cave West Point. 1.80 c. m Arrive Atlanta , .6AS b. m FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 7 15 a m Arrive West Point ‘"b'tH. p' m Leave West Poiut 7do a. m Anive Atlan.a \ j,o p oet 80 1861 Fox* ©ale Ch^ap, CARRIAGES, ROCKAWAYS & BIGGIES, HAI IN ESS A NI) W HII »S, 15 rattlebofo Bnoo-jes, (Mint BV ASA MIU.LB.) NEXT DOOR TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Jan 1 J. DeLOJICHE. A Liberal Proposition. I rriflK undersigned Proprietors of the DOWNING HILL j X- Nl RSERA , at Atlanta, Ga., in consideration of the de j pressed state of the market for our gre it Staple Cotton pro ! P° s e to the Planters of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama j Mississippi and Tennessee to sell ilmra FRUIT TKFM Ac ' \ COTOW fvr a V the / l eSU,a r a»Vtake i COTTON (Middling Fair) In exchange, at 10 cents per pound, I delivered to the nearest depot, or boatlanding, forwarding : us the receipt. 6 ' , Descriptive and Ihiced Catalogues sent to all applicants free of charge. Address ROGERS, HARDEN A CO. &L2OYA to Arturs. Hurd*# A Cos.) 3IUCOII, Jlay sotli, 1861. IT BARRELS Pikes Magnolia Whisky. 4 75 Barrels Rock opening Rum. 75 Barrels Phelps Rye Gin. 150 Boxes Tobacco—various grades. 115 Boxes Cigars. 850 Barrels Flour. 100 Tierces Leaf Lard. 75,000 H. Clear Sides. 10,Gw H. Hams. 10,00 k) H. Shoulders. 15 Hhds. Molasses. 20 Barrels Syrup. 50 Sacks Rio Coffee. 75 Barrels Sugar. 10 Hhds. Sugar. For sale at reasonable prices for CASH, by junt ‘ s ASHF.R AYRES. AlcCallie & J ones, K the recent fire, have located nearly opposite their old stand on Cotton Avenue, where they are pre pared to supply all customers with Baton. Lard, Flour, Lorn, &c., kz,, GIVE US A CALL. july 8 PLAATATIOIf 71 9 X f . CSIXCLAI R’3 TWENTY-SIX INCH FRENCH BURR ? STONE MILL, warranted to work well ; -nd make good flour For sale by NATHAN WEED ( Macon, Ga. I GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. TAKE NOTICE. AI.L peisons indebted to A. G. BOSTICK, LAMAR k WILLIAM. ON, or BOcTICK k LAMAR, are noticed to come forward and settle, or the accounts will be placed in an attorney’s hands for collection. The subscriber, or his representative, Mr I B Fsclj.-h, can be found at the Store, opposite the Lanier House, pre pared to take money or notes in settlement. ■ A. a. UOSTICK. Macon, Jan. 15,1862—ts Notice to Shippers. MACON, February sth, 18W. mm-: c entral,'South Western and the Muscogee Kail L Roads, will not receive or transport articles for the Confederate States or St-ite ot Georgia at the reduced rates unless they are distinctly maiked "Army 9n.rrs,” andcou- to it Brivade or Kacmiental Quarter Master, Com missary, or Ordinance Othcer. If net marked and consigned as above, full rates w ill be charged and no deduction al low,?.!. Hospital Stores, when so marked and consigned to a Hospital, will be carried free us heretofore. GKO W ADAMS, Ger.’l Sup’t Central R R. VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. A Sup’t S. W. R R. IV. L. CLARK, feb 12-lm Sup’t Muscogee R. R. l > LSSOIAJT ION. The firm of tVoo 1 A Cos., is this day dissolved by mutual coni; nl. AH perrons having claims again.-t us will please pr .at thou, and those indebted to us will please come for ward and , t>t-.’ promptly. The Books and notes w ill be found at the old stand, and settled by the senior partner. GKfiS* V lI.LF WOttU I SETHft. WOOD. ) Macon, Dec. 80th ISCI. TO NEWSPAPERS. AH Newspapers adveiUsing for Wood A Cos., will please discontinue the same from this date. WuUD X CO. • December Btßh 1861. TO THE PUBLIC. Thank fu) for past favors we would respectfully request a continuani e ol the same for the remaining partner. Dec Both 1861. WOOD A CO. O AK WHEEL BORROWS and SPINNING WUKHjS, for sale by U.WOOD. Jan. 8 if OPPOSITE LAN IKR HOUSE, SILK DRESS HATS $2.75 TO $3.00. The Commercial Straw is easy, SI.OO “ Senate is not bad, “ Planter’s Hat is very light, $1.40. “ English is Finest. WOOL HITS,CHILDRENS’ STRAWS. June 20 C. B. STONE & A 3110 ?!, CAIiH ART & BRO. (late of new yore,) Have returned to this place, where they will be pleased to see their Friends. All communications promptly attended to. jgssaf* Store in Ralston’s Rock Building, rn Third Street. JAS. D. CARHART, WM. B. CARHART. Macon, March 18,1861. Notice to Builders and Jobbers. LUMBER FOR SALE. rpifE subscriber would Inform his friends and the public ! JL in general, that he has the largest and best lot of ! • S E ASO XE I> P 1 A E E I II 11 Elt j ever exhibited in Middle Georgia, consisting of Scantling of ail sires and commonly used in house building ; quartered I and bustured flooring, wetherboarding, ceiling, and all i other h inds suitable for building. My Mill is near the Central Railroad, and will deliver at I the road on accommodating terms. Any person wishing to purchase, address me at Irwinton, and 1 will send horse and buggy to meet the day train at Mclntyre’s, and convey them to the mill free of charge. Sept. 25,1561. —ts G. B. BURNEY. Spring anti Summer FatliioiiM ior 1 8 G 1 . Direct- Importations from France via New Orleans Mbs. F. DESSAU \TTO* LB respectfully announce to the ! Tv ladies that she has just returned from j New Orleans, where she has purchased for | cash a full assortment of Millinery, Lace, &sft I and Dress Goods, of the latest direct impor- jOjpgjaMa j tation, and opened her Bonnets on Thors day, March 28. Mrs. Dessau is confident I that the ladies will be pleased with the styles 'ovf® v/w and iiualities, as they are superior to any ; brougiit heretofore to this [dace. * £ '*)'{ 14T Milliners supplied at wholesale with Il'VI ; Bonnets and Millinery Goods. apr 8 Milliuenj! Milliner})!! PARIS STYLES A r ia. Now Orleans. SPRING OF IHOI. Mrs. HOWLAND HAN opened a fine assortment of the newest Paris Styles of Ladies’ Hals and Millinery Goods, Os recent and Direct Importation to New Orleans. H r customers and others are invited to call, and she is satisfied that they will lie pleased. Mil iners from a distance can be accommodated with PATTERN HATH and any style ol MILLINERY GOODS. __ H pr g SUNDRIES. 1( lAA 7VKIV Sacks Liverpool Salt, jVrVyvJ 125 Bales heavy Gunny Bagging, 80rt Coils Machine Rope, If 0 Bales Macon Shirtings, Heavy Osnaburgg and Yarns, 20 Bales Negro Kerseys and Stripes, 100 Bags prime Rio Coffee, 40 Hhds. Bacon, Sides and Shoulders, 25 Tierces plain and canvassed Hams, 5o Kegs choice Leaf Lard. In Bids, choice Leaf Lard. 50 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 25 Boxes Sperm Candles, 2o Bids. No. 1 Syrup, 15 Hhds. Cuba Molasses, 10 Bbls. Bleached Whale and Lard Oil, For sale by BOWDRE A ANDERSON. BtU oii, Corn, Lard an<l Floug ■T jr C ASKS BACON, hog round. i O 7500 Bushels CORN. 25 Barrels LARD. 25 Half barrels LARD. 40 Kegs LARD. 500 Bbls. 3. F. and Family FLOUR 30 Hbtis. MOLASSES. 40 Bbls SYRUP. 25 Half bbls. SYRUP. 100 Bbls. refined SUGARS 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 Boxes TOBACCO. 800 Bbls. WHISKEY. For sale low for Cash. ' A«nrn ivriu Macon Feb. 20th. IS6I. ASHER AYFPs. If OH E iHAJILFACTI’RE. W K pr^ pare d to make to order and repair, at short J nosice, MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac Millies repaired, and new parts made, and PuN entli U,ted,by 3 pra J ioaland experienced workman Public patronage respectfully solicited. t* lll6 J. JOHNBTON k CO, S TRY ONE OF OUR New Black Pocket Hats. Buy one N K\V STYLE BROAD BRIM. The % ZOUAVE BLACK TBIMMKD Will BECOME you ! So will the MAROO IST And the Ex. Nat. Nutria. So will the LIGHT BLACK BROAD ROUND SOFT HATS. { URN KRAI. ADVERT,I I GKRAJSriTE ~ A r 1 I IWOI’ I.OrespectfullyInform UJ PATRONS, that since the fire °H> FPn, Z. '* 1 ,in the building NEXT ABOVE t .. “ ,Tr - **'i I the store ut R. P. McEvo? *Dd M. _ %6 R; ■'* K "• V 1 where 1 have opened, *Dd w.u > and customers, and do ir.v t , t to ‘ | pleajuie. V, r . p fr {: -.r -. r V f 'l may 1 ,k '*h «»i ! I b)M v i.v.,, j BROWN'S li, > ... , Opposite the Paseenper House, n tCct * 4 I B t E. E. BRO w N & MFALS ready on the arrival 0 f ererv r ‘’l Proprietors will spare no pains to D ,v. ,V 4 - r. I comfortable. I 181 STUBBLEFIELD HOI “Like the Phoenix from its Askcf THAT larve, new and elegant House. r v j >i T on the ruins of my ohl esUbli-l iq. u, m Ui% r '. ' | Macon, Ga., is now open for the reception »i. i a ' i tion ot Boarders au.l transient guests. I The House l.»a been newly furt.i. hi 1 thr erf t best manner, and the Proprietor u dl endcav r to r;.. EIHMT < Its situation is eligible, a little below the Mr, j.- 1 opposite the Presbyterian Church, and near tt •i . , 1 places of business. Connected with the Ileus la a large Livery ami Sale Stable where Drovers and others can find arcrmni lv : . their stock. The patronage of his old friend* and of tbj trt T(l « public generally, is respectfully solicited, nov 5-ts M. STUBBLEFItLa. \\ awhington If nil IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. 8 ASS EE XE, Proid it i r Atlanta, Us., December, 1961. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEOK. riltllC twenty-fourth Annual Session of this Insntun, X will begin on MONDAY, October 7th, under the j. _ tion of the following Faculty : Rev. JOHN M. BONN F1,1,, President, k \ Rev. C. W. SMITH, A. M., Professor Mathematics. Rev. F. X. FORSTER, A. M., Professor Ancient L»-. ! guages. Rev. W. 0. BASS, A. M. Professor Natural P, tenet. C. SOIHVAR7.T, Professor Modern Languages and ing. Miss M. K. CARL ETON, Principal Preparatory Dep* inent. P. T. GUTTENBERGER, Professor of Music. Miss L. GUTTEN BERGER, Asst Music. .Mrs. S. SCHWaRZT, Inst. Ornamental Needle Work. K M. HEARD and LADY, Steward's Department Mrs. E J. STEPHENS, Matron. , Tuition per annum, In College Classes « “ “ “ Preparatory Depattuient Board '• “ Including fuel,lights and washing I‘a One half the Fees positively required in October, the re in March. Confederate Bonds taken as ca-h. The Steward’s Department has been fitted out With i. entire new suit of Furniture. For Catalogues, or further informntUn, apply to sep 11-t W. C. HASS, fiec’y. METHODIST HOOk DEPOSITOR!, IvT A. CON, GEORGIA, .1. \\ ! ill *l ( K V), A Keeps constantly on hand a good supply u STANDARD Religious, School him! Miscellancoih BOOKS, Stationery, Sheet Music, &c. TERMS CASH-INVAUIAIiJ.Y, ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOL'CHEO. feb 5 Corner Mulberry Street and Cotton Avenue, WACOM, GiLOIUiIA, dkai.kk in LAW, CLASSICAL, MEDICAL, SCHOOL AMI MISCKLLA.MOIS H C> O KB, Blank Books, of all kinds ; Record Books, for County | ;rpj ses, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Paper, Wa ter Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and Water Colors. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS, Mathematical and Engineering Books, Copying Pres»-« ard Books, Writing Desks, Portfolios, Pocket Books, Gam won Boards, Writing Muids, and Ink‘-, of all winds, indelible Inks, Faber A Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils, Steel and Gold Pens, Ac., Ac., together witty all the various articles usually fouud in a 13 OO K s r r oR K. ALBO, AGENT OF THE Southern Mutual Insurance Compuv. February IS, 1861.—v WIIFF.I.KJt & WILSON’S Sewing Machine at standard prices; a caw anil fine lot just opened and for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. _ tunr 14 Second Floor. _ CLU ING 71 AC’HIN i:s and Mathematical Instru lO ments repaired anil adjusted, and new parts made to raer. New Tension Pads, Ac. .for old machines. By mar 14 E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. Wheeler & Wilson Machine Needles* A T SI.OO per doten. Only at retail quantities of oM iX dmea or less, A supply just received and for sale ty m M |n J, JQHNBT9S A W« H. BIMMIAX, WASHIXGTOX BLOCK,