Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 02, 1862, Image 4

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" From the Home Southerner. • I.ooni DAYS. Drearily moans the winter wind and heavy falls the rain, ...... For weary days, we’ve watched and pined for the bright sunshine again, The dry leaves, trembling, fall at the wrath of t p pitiless storm, Tim raindrops freeze on the withered boughs and glistening pendants form. 7ne air is piercing cold, and the breeze has a strange sad wail, While every leaf and shrub is clothed in a coat of icy mail— T long for the spring to come, with the violet 0 fresh aud blue, The dark green woods and tangled vines, with the sunlight struggling through. The emerald tinted banks, where the murmuring mountain streams, I ri.m morn till night, aie flashing bright, in the sun’s bewildering beams, Where, the beautiful In blows, and the soft, rich moss is seen To covet the old gray rocks all o’er with a robe of brightest green. i long for the wonga of bird*, and the bfeath of ihe flagrant flowers, The hkhng lmrn of the belted bees in the golden noonday hours— -111'.! I unly hear the wintry wind, with strange un earthly song, Driving the misty rain and -doet in blinding show ers aloiitr. And my cheek grow, pale at the thought of the weary naked leet That are plodding on the pavement of the heart less city street; "I the '.canty tires that Dicker on the hearthstones of the poor, And the wret ehed bed of rugs upon the bare and open floor. And my soul is full of sorrow for the noble and the brave, Who toil and march, through rain and -how, their blessed homes to save ; <»ur gallant-hearted soldiers who are struggling hour by hour, To rescue our beloved land from cruel Northern power. t tit! can it be that angels weep these copious floods of rain To cleanse our sacred Southern soil from the bat tle’s crimson stain? I know not—l can only prayer, with sorrowing tearful eyes, That God will send the glad sunshine and the blue unclouded skies. Clarendon. February 17 th, 1862. Illoody W hilst wo have been lamenting our re verses; near home, a grand success lias atten ded our arms away off in New Mexico.— Twenty-five hundred gallant Southerners have met, defeated and captured thirty-five hundred of the enemy, with their arms and an immense amount of ammunition and stores. The Confederate forces were under command of Col. Si My, and the enemy un der Col. Canby. Full particulars of the light we are unable to gather, hut the muiu facts are as stated, and are confessed in the Northern papers. The St. Louis RepuLJi in. uiv 13t)l publishes a letter, dated Al buquerque, New Mexico, February 23, giv ing the following details of the battle : The fight commenced on the morning of the 21st, between a portion of our troops, under Col. Koberts, and the enemy across the Rio Grande, with varied success, until 2 o'clock. Colonel Canby then crossed the river in force with a battery of six pieces, under Capt. M’Orav, of the cavalry, but de railed in command of the battery. ][,* bud also a .small battery of l\w. howitzers. The *-*m toy are supposed to have hud eight pieces. The battle was commenced by the artillery and kirmishers, ami soon became general, towards evening mo.-r of the enemy’s eanis wci 1 ileneed. They, however, made a des perate charge on the howitzer battery, but were repulsed with great lo>s. Oapf. Me-: f ray s battery was defended )>v Captain Flumton's company of the United Stales in faiitry and a portion of Col. Fines* regiment ut Mexican volunteers. Tlio Texan rebels < hai getl furiously ami desperately with t hoir picked men, about six luuulrcd strong.— i lit-y were armed with carbines, revolvers •ml long seven pound bowie knive*. After discharging their carbines at close distance, they drew their revolvers and reached the battery, amid a storm of grape and ennnister. S'he Mexicans of Pinos’ regiment now be e.ime panic stricken, and ingloriousJy fled. <’apt. Plmnpton and his infantry bravely stood their ground and fought nobly till more than one half of the company were numbered with the dead. With his artil lerymen cut down, and his supporters re ported killed, wounded or flying from the field, Captain McCray sat down calmly and quietly on one of his guns, and with revol ver in hand, refused to fly or desert his flag, lie thus fought to the last, and gloriously died like a hero, the last man by his guns. The Texans suffered terribly iu this charge. Many of our officers distinguished themselves. Maj. Donalson, who was the chief aid of Col. Canby, acted, bravely and was conspic uous in every part of the field. His horse was wounded, but the Major was not injured. Kit Carson, in command of a regiment of I volunteers, deployed as skirmishers, did good service during the action, and behaved well. We h ave to name the loss of Licuts. Micliler and Stone, who, like Captain Mc- Cray, nobly and bravely maintained the ’honor of our flag to the last. Many other officers were wounded. Our loss is about two hundred killed and wounded; that of the enemy is believed to be much greater. — I he greatest confidence is reposed in Col. Canby, and it the volunteers will do their duly, the lexans will yet be ignominously driven from New Mexico. A Word of Precaution. — Oxford, Miss. . J larch 10, 1 SG*2. —Editors Memphis Aj>j>eal: —lt is well known that small-pox is prevail ing to a considerable extent in the Yankee army, and at various places in the United States, and it is hardly to be presumed that the several thousand Confederate prisoners lately taken and sent North, most of whom will soon be returned on parole, will alto gether escape the infection of this disease, and seme scoundrel may, designedly, spread it am. mg them on the eve of their departure, hoping by this means to scatter it over the whole South. Vaccination is a sure check to a spread <»i this disease, and should not be delayed a day by one. The fall of Don «dsou was a great calamity, but nothing compared t<> what a general spread of small pox would be. So thinks an All MY SURGEON. legal advertisements. / GEORGIA, Macon Count y.—Whereas. Mrs. tJf ArOey Smith, Administratrix on the estate of Gideon Kiulth, late ot said county, deceased, applies to me for let ters of dismission from said administration. -These are therefore to cite ami admonish all persons con cerned to l>e and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in Sune next, to show cau -e, if any Huy have, why said letters should not be granted. (liven under my hand and official signature,Nov. 8,1861. nov 18-m6m JNO. L. PARKER, Ordinary. /1 EOItCIA, Pulaski Count TO V.fl Df,isTOß ,; AND Cr m All per >ns having demands igainst the estate of Jo! 1.. Wood, lateof said co , dei <l, are hereby notified to pre-ent them duly authentU ated to the undersigned, within the time prescribed by law ; and all person-indebted to said debased, ore hereby required to make immediate patment to the under igned. mar U ftl-tit A. J. TIPPETT. Adin’r. \| OK ii. \C.r MflllU t’s BAI.E. W i I _,VI told before the Court hott-e door in in the town rd Or.lethorpc, Macon i ounty on ibp t'.r-t Tuc-day in June next, within the legal heun of sale, cm* negro woman named l'dly, about 24 ycira of age, and tier two children, Noah, a boy about f> year- old arid h. r infant child about 1 year old. Sold as the propel tv ..f James H. brock, to -d --i-ly a mortgage h fa. in tavoi of A. J. Hamilton vs. said J, |I Brock. Property pointed out in aid mortgage. 1,-b *2b tel- WM. It. JON ES, Hep. Sheriff. 4\ | it <.IA . I ]»<.ou Conn I y.—Whereas, the Ex \ Y eeiitora nominated in the Will of Mrs. Sarah Rogers, late nf -Hid county,ikveased, refuse to accept said trust; aml wherea, Curran lift get s applies for letters of admini-- l rat ion, with 'aid will aunexed, on the estate rd' said dec’ll. These are therefore to . ite and admonUh all and singular Hi - kindred .in I creditors of xni 1 deceased, to tile their oh je dioji- in my office --if any they hare — on or beffire the Prst Monday in April next, why said letters slice hi riot be granted. (liven under me hand this 1-t March, lSti‘2. mat \VM. A COBB, Ordinary. / ( liOKfi I\ , I'n Irtwki t otint y. -To rite t u * K m i or Dwin M. Wood, i vikof sun county, imbc’h : Vou are hereby notified, that according to law, 1 will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to . sell tlie slave helongin to the estate of David M. Wood, dec’ll, lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’ll (eh I.' tT BUY ANT A. WOOD, KxY. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. <( 1.01tt.l Ilacon < utility.—Notice isheriby ■ given to all persons having demand-’ against George Walker, late of -id county. (lei-i-asi it, to present them to me—properly Hiade Cut- within the time piescrilied by law, so as to show their character and amount. And al 1 person* indebted to said deceased, are hereby required to make immediate payment. .IAS. D. FREDERICK, feb 12 47-tit Administrator. \V < >< > 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC Palace of apt i i I >IJ OU A Kff, Y the largest ancl best appointed Estah -1 lishment in the South, if notin the United States. Is one of the most popular and interesting places of resort in Macon, and is daily thronged with crowds of delighted visi tors. The Collection of "Pictures Is very large, embracing every style known to the art, from the smallest Ambrotype to the life-size Portrait. Wood is determined, regardless of labor or expense, that his GAL LERY shall continue to be the Headquarters of Fine Al ls in Hie South, Employing permanently the best tab'" 1 1 ( , j,<. procured to color his Photogrophs, in every eJ'f' > Ul, c to nature, and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed in “Very instance. A large collection of the celebrities of the day on exhibition, to which has just been added a splendid Picture of the Prince of Wales and suit, Blondin, Judge Douglas, and others too numerous to mention, hut which the public are respectfully invited to call aud examine. As Wood uses none but the best, materials in his business, persons in want of a good Picture will find it to their advantage to patron ize tliis establishment, as Pictures can be had here at prices as low as elsewhere and of superior style. Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes and Plain Photographs of every size at low I prices. Call and see R. L. WOOD, Washington Block, nearly opposite the oct 31 Lanier House, Macon, Ga. "W. S. B. MATHEWT TEACHER OF Piano, Singing:, Organ and Harmon) , I S now prepared to receive pupils by the quarter, or by . the year, at the rate of Sixty Dollars for the academic year of ten months, ten lessons each month. Lessons given at the residence of pupils when desired. Mr. M. is prepared to give strict and punctual attention to every pupil entrusted to hi.- . at e, and confidently expects to give satisfaction to ail patrons. Pupils may commence I September Bd. Nantes Lit cither at the Methodist or the! Baptist Book Depository wilt receive prompt attention. References given when desired. Macon, August 28,1-61. gep 4-y J >ri mi (I Modicines, AT LiILLS’ DRUG STOLE, j Cortior Cherry Street and f'outin » v«'i»u<*. f n « Vi' received, .n fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, J rj Periutmo'y, Paints and Varnish Brushes, Superior Coal Oii. Gampheue. Alcohol nm.l Potash, Jayne’s, Ayres’, Wie. ht’ , Motliiiand Siror”’ Pill ; IL -mbnldt’s F tract of ttuehu, Fa Ilford’ ■ Liver Inviefuatef, Mrs. Win low’-: Sootltiji•• Syrup, Deyralh’s Electric Oil, Mu-tang Liniment, Indian (Ihulagogue, Jayne’s, Mcl.c.iti’s, and Fahnestock’s Vermifuge ; Sell er Aperient and Citrate of Magnesia, war rant cd genuine. jime 2ft IV. F. ELLIS, Agent. AN IMPORTANT FOR FIKOMING| SOUTHFHN BOOK. .MORAL MiAITIES FROM THE 11 HART OF WOMAN, OR—— ‘Vine i: S » ii II 18 TII E soIT IS , !>EING a collection of literary gems contributed by tul > oiitvd ladies in every State of the Confederacy. To he published by THOMAS S. POWELL, M. Pr ofes sor of Obstetrics in the Atlanta Medical College—the nett proceeds to be appropriated to the erection of a. “Home for ihe Reception and Treatment. of Invalid Ladies.” Tjlie work will embrace »t*»ut Out) pages, and be put up in thro® a. >les. Ist quality, with engravings, j>er copy * 5.00 II copies to one address 60 no ' 8d quality, with engravings, gilt cloth, per copy ft.oo 11 copies to one address fifi.OO 3d quality, line paper, cloth ‘2.00 i 11 copies to one address 20.00 Sent by Mail or Express, to subscribers, free of expense. Address THOMAS S. POWELL, M. D., dec IS Atlanta, Georgia. ; ‘ FINE ARTS !' mi IF. P hoi ograpliic- Port ra it s colored in OiJ,produced by JL J. A. PUGII A BRO , Triangular Block, Macon, (**., , are still considered the best to be attained in the State. We were awarded the premium again this year, at the S'ate Pair, which has just closed, for the best Photographs. With our new process for enlarging Photographs to life size trora Daguerreotypes of deceased persons, and with the uia ®f two first class Artists employed by us, we are producing Portraits as perfect and as much like the original as it fa possible Picture# to be made. Call at PUGH’S usd see the Photographs by their new process, which are tke Laciest ever made in the State, none liKc them can be seen else where. AMBROTYI'KS&t very low prices. (ectftl va Stable "plantation iim SAi.n, millfi subscriber offers for sale his desirable plantatiaß. fl. situated in the 15th district of Bu uicy county, and about 14 miles from Americas. It co•,.;»»ins Eighteen Hundred acres, seven hundred of which is cleared, and in a good state of cultivation It is unfabled! y !IS good a plantation as there is in Sumter count; . A good dwelling house,negro houses, gin and screw, aria!’, other necessary out buildings on the premises, and pb 4;;/ of water. it adjoins the rich lands of T. M. Furlow, K. T. Adams, and. others. The place may be seen at any, Persons wishin & »«vf td purchase will either call on me a the plantation, or address ric at Am? ricus, Sumter county Georgia. dec 26 iOr-if a. J. SCRUTCHIN. Important J STotic©. rIIHEMH TIIERN !,X 2*>{,JSSS CO.IIPAN'V A are now running a tri-weekly <Vsy Express on the Cen at Rail lload, leaving Macon on lilies days, Thursdavs vnd . aturdays, at 10 o clock, A. M. Freight received and for warded to a.l stations on the RoM. Freight on goods to '*■ i repaid .n every case. No vdvasee on previous rates JUcoo,c».,s 0 p t .ii,h,is.;i M ' c - a - DONAL ‘>. *»'»*• GI T A NO, L ; ME, & C J lAA KBLS.Rhod'.r.cptoc. ’ * t-ob Sack-* Mape-Bnper Phof.phate of Lime. -s Hatupniated Guano. j i.* f » M,!s. AhuaFi *u*i €iuhiio % 150 “ Land Planter. F' r sale at.Manufacture*'.- v»v* es b» ■ lch ~ (l * ASITKR AYRES. wAurr icrnti;, WU are prepared to make to ordei and repair, at sb-vrt »I •>* A I * I EMAYie AL i NSTRCM fik TS, *c x c ‘ '[ iU ? Athmesi'e-psiiretl* and uew jiart^ Pub Vi. » practical and experienced workman I übhc patronage respect fully sulicnted. t lanlS E Jf. JOHNSTON A CO. ; J- JOHNSTON \ CO. i INSURANCE COMPANIES. Southern Insurance Companies. Merchants’ Insurance Company, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. (bash Capital all paid in f2flo,oD , 1 Surplus Far»lnyx 1oo,«mm) A. PLEASANTS, President. JOHN H. MONTAGUE, Secretary. Eufaula Home Insurance Comp’y, KUFAULA, ALABAMA. Chartered Capital -.5200,0©0 Cash Capital and Aennmilatiemx 154,000 Florida Home Insurance Corap’y, APALACHICOLA, FLORIDA. Cash Capital ?1 i>o,t*oo JOHN D. ATKINS, Pre- idciit. JOHN P. ELTON, Recrrtary. LIKE INSURANCE. DEPARTMENT AT SAV*NN \H, OF THE Georgia Home .Insuraiioe Company, t »|.Stal ------- s-2.'»0,0m>. DR. JAMES P. BOZEMAN, Pre-ldent. D. F. WILCOX, Secretarv. A. WILBUR, A. tuarf. DH. R D. ARNOLD, of Savannah, , Consulting Physician. The above are all fir.-t class Coviluirdcs, and rl-k« wil be taken on all kinds of property, and especially cn Cotton, for full three fourths of the value, either on the plantation.- or stored in the warehouses, a- was recommended by the i iiiiimeiiial and Finawiat Convention held in Macon. Also on the Life of all persons for the benefit of their friends, or on the Life of negroe-, as low as other good and responsible Companies, and all losses j romptly set.led. Office In DamourS Block ofi Second Street, next door to alley, up-tairs. E. C. (iItANNI.-tS, A^ent. oct 2i!-tint lUCMAHD CURD, (JEXERU, I\RI\E, HRS AM) LIFK IXSI RAUE A(.t.\n .Ti.K O.r, L tuna* I. /. ritll I! undersigned, a< agent of the 1 J-itria Insurance Company, of Hartford, Ptueiiix Insurance Cos , of Hartford, North American Fire Insurance Cos , of Hartford, LaFayette Eire Insurance Cos., of Brooklyn, Ft ate Fire Insurance Cos., of New Haven, and ./Etna Life Insurance Cos., of Hartford, Is prerared to insure every description of Property—in the above first class companies—on terms favorable to the assured. Apply to RICH’D. CL RD, feb ’6O-tf Agent ’"the GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBUS, GEO. CHARTERED CAPITAL - - $250,000 DIRKCTORS. John M. McGough, IV. H. Young, Rob’t. M. Gunby, J. G. Strupper, C. C.Cody, J.P. Illges, Daniel Griffin, W. H. Hughes, James T. Bozeman, James Ennis, L. T. Downing. JNO. MeGOUGH, President. D. F. Wru.cox, Secretary. IDxures dwellings, stores, merchandize, cott-m and other produce, mid all kinds of insurable property, against loss or damage My fire. Applications received and policies is sued by ‘ JOSEPH M. BOA RDM AN, feb 20 —y Agent for Macon and vicinity. Till! LIVERPOOL AND LONDON I! JI!) UK IBM! EllfUV OFFICE .}<> WALL STREET, NEW YORK. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. <£‘2,000,000, <>*• #10,000,000. paid up capital, surplus and rf.skrvkd funds FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, 800,000 INVESTED IN THIS COUNTRY, DIRECTORS !N N 11W YORK : JAMES BROWN; Esq., Chairman. FRANCIS GOTTEN, Esq., Deputy Chairman. GEORGE BARCLY, Esq. EUGENE DUTILH, Ecq. JOSEPH FOWLER, Esq. JOSEPH GILLARD, Jr., Esq. ALEX ANDEU HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. ED. V. SANDERSON, Esq. Utt, S. WKfMORE, Eaq. EDWARD M. ARCHIBALD, Esq. President Secretary, ALFRED PELL, Esq. Counsel of the Board, A. HAMILTON, Jr., Esq. AYERS, WINGFIELD k CO., Agents, may 4 18M-tf Macon, Ga. Gmi *< lei i R< "eels. TV I\N- C ROP G ENUIN E IMPOUTEI) FA 11LV YOKKCABBAGK, DRUMHEAD CABBAGE, LONG Green Cucumbers, Green Glazed Cabbage, Bnaj) Beaus, Extra, Early, May and Marrowfat Peas, Onions,Tomatoes, Beets, Fat Horse Beans, Ac., Ac., Just received and for sale by .1. 11. /DILIIV iV. CO.i Hrutlifisls, feb . r . Opposite Telegraph Building. VAEIETIESI iJFKVIf'K and SERGEANTS’ SWORDS and BELTS of 'to our own inaDufacture, at reduced prices. A careful ■Comparison is respectfully solicited. <* ill I siiiil I uRITVfS. “Confederate make,” GILT BUTTONS, large and small, GAUNTLETS, per '‘Bermuda,” 3,000 KNITTING NEEDLES, 0,000 CIGARS, 15 doz 0 and S WOOL CARDS; A Small Lot of Envelopes, PLA VING CARDS, Ac., in Job Lots, OIL ENAMELED CLOTH, a small lot for sale low to close consignments. Ol’R STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., is qt tite full and will be offered at low prices. Watch Repairing:— This department of our busi ness is at present in charge of Mr. E. Maussexkt. We will receive anything at all available for goods sold or fca settlement of notes or accounts, nov 2T E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. M.UON MIED STORE. LANDSIETII’S FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. W. 3. ELLIS has just received a large supply of GARDEN SEEDS, From Landreth’s, warranted genuine, for sale at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. Elf‘““Also, a general assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. "Macon, Ga., Jan. 16, ts W. S. F.1.L18. DISSOLUTION. TTIS3 3K firm of B .i.-haw A Hfrzug is this day dissolved by Jb. mutual consent. The books of the firm vdi be found at the store of Mr T. H. Bolsliaw, who is authorized to use tLe h,m name only in liquidation of the business. T. 11. BOLSHAW, f. Herzog. Macon, July, £9,1561. Having this day purchased the entire interest of F. Her- in the firm of Bolsbaw A Herzog, all notes and accounts will be settled by me. I shall continue the business at the old stand, No. 11, Uatton Avenue, near Mulbeiry street, where may be found a food assortment of CHINA, OLASS, CROCKERY. COAL OIL LAMPS, PLATED CASTORS. TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, Ac., FOR CAS2I OULI. T. It. BOLSHAW. r ntP undersigned having disposed of his interest in the . Vina of V,.f.-h * w Jb Herzog to T. 11. IVolahav, takes pleasure in reenurttviriding him to his friends. auv I F. HERZOO! Corn and Whiskey. .*■? AA UHLS. Whiskey, consisting of “ Ward A Carey* .* * *v/ Kstra Rectified,”** Kentucky Purr White,”Ten ot Georgia Planters,” “ .dike’s Magnolia,’ and at her Brands, all received direct the Distillers, and or* sale low’ny Mc CALLIE A JOSKg, t-war? O'ENEKAE Al> VERTISEM ENTS granite hall. 1 WOl I.D rtip«ctf<illj iuform 017 OLD PRIFKDS tod I PATRONS, that since tl.e fin*. I have obtained the Kuonis in the building NEXT ABOVE the “Granin- Hail,” amt over the store o' R P. M.-Kvov ami Messrs. Bostick A Lamar, *l„. re | have open'd, and will be pleased to see m.v triends an,l (*.,«timers, and do m.v best for their comfort and ur e Very Respectfully, pleasure. HKNJ. F. DENSE, may 1 _ miOW N‘S HOTEL, Opposite the Tuiaetgei House, Macon, Ga. By E. E. BROWN & SON. KEAI.S ready ou the arrival of every Train. The 1 iVI Proprietors wilt spare no pain* to make their ynests ! , omforlable. feb*i4E*v r TIIK STI I.HLEFIEI.D 1I0CSE “ Like the Phoenix from its Ashes.” ffM* AT large, tew and tlegant recently erected lon the ruins of my old e.-tabUsi.uicnt. Mulberry r-nett, Macon, Ga., is now open for the reception and aocomnids tion of Boarders and transient gueats. The House has been miviy furnished Ibroughoat. m the best mann r, and the Proprietor will endeavor to make it a FIRST CI*ASS HOTEL. Its Situation Is eligible, a little below the Methodist and opposite the Presbyterian Church, and near the Ranks and places of business. Connected with the House is a large Livery and Sale Stable, where Drovers and others can find accommodations for their stock. , , ~ „ The patronage <>f his old friends and of the traveling P t',v* .t e ,r a, ' ¥ ’ “ r * ,P *" fUnjr 801 'M^T.ITBBLEFIKL^ W <>ll I lull IS STILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. K, l*ro}»iii*l'*r. Atlanta, (ia., December, ISOI. Kor Sale Cheap* CARRIAGES, ItOfKWVAVS & liLGf.IES, •HA KN ESS AN DWI UPS, Hrnttleboro 15uo (MIDS BY ABA MU.UER.) NEXT DOOR TO TIIK BAPTIST CIIURCM. jan 1 1562 •!• DeLOAf Hfc.. N. S. PRUDDEN & COT, have just received TRAVELING DRESS GOODS, GREV FLANNELS, SMALL FIGURED PRINTS, HICKORY SHIRTINGS, AIUSQUITO NETTINGS, STR # IPED SWISS, CHECKED CAMBRICS, HCII’D. A BORDERED H’DKFS, IRISH LINENS, SHIRT BOSOMS, EMBROIDERIES, And many other articles much needed at this time. We cannot buy Goods now without the money, and earnestly request those Indebted to us, to pay. July lb N. S. PRUDDEN 4 CO. JYI ilitary O oods. r 000 VARUS Git GY JEANS, £L\ t\J S,6W i'.<.WAV y,VA)irr/t A KTRSI'V. O , 40 GROSS MILITARY BUTTONS, BLUE SATTINETT, HICKORY CLOTH, HICKORY SHIRTS, FLANNEL DRAWERS, MILITARY OVERCOATS. Uniforms made for Companies at Sliort Notice. The above will be sold at SMALL PROFITS, and for cash, sepll E. WINSHIP. MKMiANT TAILORING! K. WITS Him 3 I S dow prepared with a first class cutter, good Tailors and a LARGE STOCK OF PIECE GOODS, to furnish any thing in the CLOTHING LINE At short notice, and in the very beat style. (apr 3 Spring ;s»id StiiiiiiiPi' Fashions for 180 1 . Direct Importations from France via New Oi leans- Mrs. F. DESSAU W OI lil> respectfully announce (o the It ladies that she has just returned from New Orleans, where she has purchased for cash a full assortment of Millinery, Lace, MjßuSsaSvßk and Dfess Goods,of the latestdirect impor- tMijSeggM tatio'.i, and opened her Bonnets on Thurs day, March US. Mrs. Dessau is confident t the ladies will he pleased with the styles VFa M fiV and qualities, as they are superior to any 9§r JTM brought heretofore to this place. km [B9 Milliners supplied at wholesale with W luP? Bonnets and Millinery Goods. apr 8 Mi(lincn)! MiKinenj!! PARIS vM STYLES V ia. !New ()rleans. SPUING OF Mrs. HOWLAND HAN opened a fine assortment of the newest Paris Styles of Ladies’ Hats and Millinery Roods, Os recent and Direct Importation to New Orleans. Her customers and others are invited to call, and she is satisfied that they will be pleased. . 53T - Milliners from a distance can be accommodated with PATTERN HATS and any style of MILLINERY GOODS. * apr 3 y ho oiL Mmy TtOili, ISO]. | BAKISI3LS Pikes Magnolia Whisky. JL i *y 75 Barrels Rock opening Rum. 75 Barrels Phelps Rye Gin. 150 Boxes Tobacco—various grades. 115 Boxes Cigars. 350 Barrels Flour. 100 Tierces Leal Lard. 75,000 11. Clear Sides. 10,000 H. Hams. 10,000 H. Shoulders. 15 Hhds. Molasses. 20 Barrels Syrup. 50 Sacks Rio Coffee. 75 Barrels Sugar. 10 Ifhds. Sugar. For sale at reasonable prices for CASH, by june 5 ASHER AYRES. McOallie & Jones, SI NCE the recent fire, have located nearly opposite their old stand on Cotton Avenue, where they are pre pared to supply all customers with Bacon, Lard, Flour, Corn, &e,, &c., GIVE US A CALL. july 8 PLANTATION MILL. SINCLAIR’S TWENTY-SIX INCH FRENCH BURR kl? STONE MILL, warranted to work well and make good flour. For sale by NATHAN WEED july 10 Macon, <la. HiicoiL Corn, Lard and >'lon t ” CASKS BACON,hoa round. 4 ?J 7500 Bushels CORN. 25 Barrels LARD. 25 Half barrels LARD. 40 Kegs LARD. 500 Bbls. S. F. and Family FLOUR. 30 Hhds. MOLASSES. 40 Bids. SYRUP. 25 Half bb!s. SYRUP. 100 Bbls. refined SUGARS. 75 Sacks COFFEE. 125 Boxes TOKACt O. 300 Bbls. WHISKEY. • For sale low for Cash. A SITEP WET? .' Macon Feb. 20th. IS6I. ASH El. At El .. PIANOS, OF Chickering k Son’s, Dunham’s and other celebrated Makers; warranted in tone, durability and finish to be first quality, and sold at the very best rate, together with a tiu»- lot of Iriiilars, Violins, Accordeons, Flute*, Violin and Guitar Strings, Musical Boxes, tc.,kc by &0?16 K. J. JOHNSTON k 00* HARDWARE, IKON &. STEEL | Hardware, Iron, Steel AND AGRICULTURAL IMPEEMNETS, IN C.RKAT VARIFTY AT TIIK NEW IKON FRONT S'l'OHE —OF CAIiHAItT & CURD. Wit EUG they continue to keep on-.' of the largest as sortments kept in Middle Gei rgia,consisting In pari of Swedes Iron all sires, | Hammered Plow Steel, Relmed “ *• “ 1 C»*t ** Enslish “ . Blister “ Round i fbj’r Iron all sires, j German Oval A Ro’nd “ “ •* I Spring “ Horse Shoe “ “ “ ) Tin Nail Hods, I Machinery “ PI. A STATION IIA K ft> WAR IL HOC* ; Seovil, Br .de's and various cthtr makes. Trace Chains, I Cane Hoes, Pl.iw “ | Axes, Breast “ I llames, m . Tongue “ | Plow Lines, » CAKPESTER TOOLS. Planes, OhUsels aud Gouges, Hand and Panel Saws, Augers and Auger Bitts, Boring Machines, Braces and bitts, Mortice Machines, Iron Braces, Bench Vices, aud Saws, Hatchets and Hammers, Locks. Hinges, Screws, Butt', Nails, Brads, Together with every thing used in the way of BUILDERS’ MATERIALS. CARRIAGE II AKERS Can always find a large Stock. Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Wheels, Bands, Leather. Clothes Dtsli Frames ami Trimmings of every variety used in their line. Ats riuulliirnl lin piemen I*. Such as Plows, Straw Cutters, Scythe Blades, Gra*? Blades, Briar and Bush Hooka. Fait IflilN—Grant’s, Clinton and oilier makes Spikt* Thr«*slierw -Emery’s, McConnell’*, kin ship’s, Georgia and oilier makes. Horse k*o»%**rw —Emery’s, Bngarder’s, and Lever Powers. Uraiu f rad lew-5 and C fingered, of several u.ak-s and styles. All of which they offer at the lowest markest rate*. Those wishing to purchase would do well to call and exuuilm prices, Ac apr A-’6O AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. NATHAN WEED, .fIAGHi, Cifaryla, . HAS NOW IN STORK and offers to Planters a superior assortment ol the newest and most improved Turn ing implements in use. Iron and Steel Plows, Harrows, Plow Haines, Cultivators, Grain Cradles, Scythe Blades, Threshers, Pan Mills, Horse Powers, Straw Cutters, Shovels ami Spades, Traces, Spading ami Manure Forks, Weeding Hoes, of Scovil’s, Codins’, Blade’s Patent American Hoe Cos. manufacture. Swedes and English Refined IRON of nil sizes. Warranted Plow Steel, English manufacture. Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Hammers, Screw Plates, Tongs, Borav, Oa rpeiitepsF Tools, Builders’ Hardware, C'arriia|f« ami Wngon Material**, IN ALL THKIR VAKIKTV. mar 13 I !.YUI)WAUK Home made Smiths Bellows Portable Forage, Cast Stefl, Block Tins, Tin Plate, Bolt Copper, Glue, Rubber and Hemp Packing, Brass Wire, Sheet Brass, German Silver, Babbit Metal, Horse and Mule Shoe, Shoe Nails, for sale by jniy Ift NATHAN WEED. NEWFim McELRGY & REYNOLDS, Hrass Founders, cS^e. Tit II undersigned are now prepared to furnish the fol lowing articles : Swoitls uml Kiiivt’s OF ALL DKSCRiPTK'iiS, TO OR PER AT SHORT NOTICE P/RASS MOUNTINaS, For Swords, Knives, and Guns, also, ORNAMENTAL BRASS CASTINGS Os every description. We keep on hand at all times a full assortment of Tin-Ware and Stoves, Os all kinds, SOUTHERN MANUFACTURED, with a full assortment of HOUSE FIJRN IS I UNO GOODS. AT THE OLD STAND, ON THIRD STREET, MACON, CiA. TEMRS CAS II . September 25,1861. —ts i 4 jjjjj Corner Mulberry Street and Cotton Avenue, MACON, GEORGIA, i»e.u,kr ra l.«i, CIASSim, WHICH, SCHOOL AMI tISCELLA\EHIS Ti O O Tv S, Rlank Books, of all kinds; Record Books, for County purpo sea, Stationery, Drawing Paper, Roll Paper, Wa ter Colors, Artists’ Oil Colors, Boxes of Oil and Water Colors. MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS Mathematical and Engineering Books, Copying Presses and Books, Writing Desks, Portfolios, Pocket Books, Com mon Boards, Writing Fluids, and Ink-, of all kinds. Indelible Inks, Faber &. Lubin’s Drawing Pen cils. Steel ami Gold Pens, Ac., 4c., together 'ftith ail the various articles usually found in a HOOK STOKE. ALSO, AGENT OF THE Soulhern Mutual InsuranceCoiup’ny. February 13, 1561, —y RAILROAD SCHEDULES*^ < itonge of Bel I -.0l ill- I ON and a ter this date l’j * l£I» * . Es lows— ‘ v> Tr »msi. ;I, B fl BKTWERN W», ..>• . . 9 Leave M.icon at n Arrive at Columbus at | Leave Columbia at n Arrive at Macon at I BKTWEtN \i u \ , Leave Macon Arrive at Chattahoochee Leave Chattahoochee I Ai rive at Macon I The Mail and Passenger Ti ;, . r daily at SuiithvilK-, No loS. \\ u S daily at Cuthbert, with Chaitahi Y, I Leave Smithville nt*. ■ Arrive at Albany S Leave Albany at Arrive at Smithvtlle ■ Leave Cnthbert at S Arrive at Fort Gaines SB Leave Fort Gaines at B Arrive at Cuthbert at H Making the connection with the -.ip . 9 hooehee Mail Train. 9 Trains to Columbus f -rni a thronqh c • • a goniery, Ala ,and Augusta, Kingst-.n, W 9 nah, Milledgeville and Katonton. ■ Post Coaches run from Albany *o T..!' > t 5 Thomasvllle, «tc. ■ Passengers for point* below Fort \ Hi,- t I Night Train from Augusta and Savai , S at Macon. Por Columbus take the IL E VIRGIL PGWKIN, I I Mm on. Nov. 8,1861. Central Flail i U >ad, J t'liitllUP Oi •, OIM and after Sunday, October'27th, w.'.i this Road will be run follows DAILY DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah 9..’-il p. ni. Airive in Ms u ' Leave Macon 12 'to p. tn. Ai rive in fav iii ,di . DAILY NIGIII’ TRAIN. Leave Savannah 950 p. m. Arrive in M u Leave Macon asst p. ui. Arrive in SavHiitial * GORDON AND BATONTON BitANt Leave Katonton & oft a. m. Arrive to Got , , brave Goidon 140 p. m. Arrive in Eat . Passengers for Augusta will take the i Savannah and Macon. Passengers tor Milledgeville ami Eaton i, » nlrht train from Savannah and day train ij. y During the «es»lon of the Legislature two ;i-j daily between Gordon mid Milledgeville. inak with both train* on the Cential Kail R >nl oct 80 GEO. W. ADAMS (, MACON A BRUNSWICK Rill. Ron CHANGE OF SCHEIU'I.h rinii: t rains on this Road, will h r., M I (Sunday* exeepted,)at 10 A. M .return Daiiy connection made with Hawkins i. StagKv. \ i ia Macon, Nov. 26, 1 sol. p,-, ( MACON 4 WEVrtiKN Mil i;o\!i, 0!>l am! ttfter Sunday, August 4th, IV" , will he run it* fullinvn , Leave Macon ’ j ( Arrive at Atlanta Leave Atlanta Artive at Macon The 111 00 a. hi. Train from Macon conm-ct* c .% A. K. R at 6.oft p. m. ami Georgia R. It ,■! > < ■ At rnt l> I I VI Superintendent M.icon .C AV. ><-inl I: M ■ ox, July 80th On am] after Sunday, August t'h, tb - t,i trains on this road w ill he iliseontiniH.l. aug 7 ALFRED b. TYLER, c Uoslrin A l llani it’ ICaiiroud. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 13s Mlb - K r■, JOHN S. ROWLAND, Superintend at. NIGHT IMS-’h'NGElt IE l IV. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at r Arrive* at Chat nnouga, at I, eaves Chattanooga, daily, at Arrives at Atlanta, at KXPKKSH FREIGHT, MAIL ANIi I AS I \OFRIM Leaves Atlanta, daily, at Arrives it Chattanooga, at Leaves Chattanooga, dally ,at Arrives at Atlanta at This Road connects, each way, with the Km,. fl Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee a.-.t • I Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville h flruta roa<l at i. Ul'SOli n \ IS. fiCOVH f|T II Is daily train on the road counccts with tl • I JL the Macon A Western Railroad from M , -m Pare from Thomaaton to Macom f “ “ “ “ Atlanta Through tickets can be had at the office «>r tl ri Thomastou; and at the general ti, ket <.ajc* I'• A Western Kail Road, at Macon and Allnt Passengers wishing to go to Chalybeate -pr.i. Springs, or White Sulphur Springs, will liml H pleaMQt. Pine Sta e I on the arrival of the train, anil connect at !h • Springs with conches to the Warm and Mbit f Springs,returning daily to connect with the n Thomaston to Barnesville. A. J. WHU july 2ir ts Atlanta A Wat I•«>»»? R:i|l R To take Effect on and after Snrulai), Oct. 27, l" MAIL TRAIN. Leave Atlanta Arrive West Point 1 cave West Point . t Arrive Atlanta FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta Arrive West Point Leave West Poin* Arrive Atlanta. a oct 30 lt?61 METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITOR!. GEORGIA, J. W. BURKE, Agent- Keeps constantly on hand a good sujr iy STANDARD Religions, School and Mi.scdiaßCoa^ BOOKS, Stationery, Sheet Music, &c. TEli M S CASH I N VAIM ADu*’ ORDERS RESPEFTPCLLY SOLKI v feb 5 Y¥7"IIEEI.i:R a- ATILSON’S Sewing "" at standard prices; anew and finelotjo . ind for sale by E. J. JOHNSON i ff auxli sveohdU''’ 0 ,i. ii, mm\\\, wmmm block,