Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, April 15, 1863, Image 2

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nal ft picssengrr,| ind S. HO*'b.', KDIT9&B ANJL> PROFBIKTOKS f ouf«4erale Tax if ill. j Aiichtnoit*! of he nnuj ulr. #*y* : J v fapace to a full and accurate *■, r - - . o' ne Tax Bill, which h»? pi°*cd the Ho -• • • ! .cpi and ia now bctor? the :* '.i tniuec of ftie Confederate S—ate. Itj •7. somcmatevifcl aiteretioc* in tbe Senate, j r-. : k.\ , -ob’U rot be diminished in tbe genera! (• O'JC.t of t&l, fee i a T, tx of one ppr ce.nt, -hall be It vied :J v . ' f n &e v»:ue ot *<i *••>?! a*.d p»r*»f>na ■ r '■ und credits held ot. t ! o Ist Jan ■ . ■' on the let January ot <>? ft euc y. - »i)c-fl. t f *r,‘ except personal piotwr*.* . • -■ *i v t wlicii hare been taxeo, 'juonev f . u ; ’>e employed in a business taied ft o: e profits of wh ch ere herein ' ’ •• • Provided, that no fax shall be f ’ tu- - of this section a*tcr the census 1 ‘ ’ *. ! .deracy -h ill be nor after the . . >ir >■) of unce y*hr9 from the first meeting of • Ymgreiia; Ux of te: per cent, shall n ’he value of naval stores, cotton, ; i.’J ■ Hgti alcvral product* no* own eh ;<■■■ ‘lodtiecf •*, ou feed cot.oti the giowrh of t e pro cut \ car a tat of one cent per pound, i t0,, d4 ■ ;• the leaf, the growth of the prea • . i, . mi of live cents a pound, and ou a’J o'. . r " ■ co n lu bauds of the produce' i ; ' . !. h< growth of former years, a tax of five <-j : Pn>t’ led lurther, that one hundred • • o 1 -ee cotton for each member ot the i- all be exempt hum taxation. * person *■ -gaged in business eball, , fu of M;iy, or when u* -hill begin bust i . i o i each pucooediog Int of January, 50 wit ot t »* - nr- . -riuriu c of each pfcljur, tit 01 or 1 -n , v *gcd or iatcrce'ed iu *he t>*u?jDC««, , >r »f all toe facts going io show ths bu inet • fi r the jvtr so: i : A * -• time oi smelt registry the uv«# { ■ • ding shall be paid to i < ootiot, he Gel’,color giving t.«>* person so • pt for -t e ?■’ . Amt person -adiog foe tea days to n . e v* gi try <n<J par *hp tas r f.qulr*Q by the • TP- '.i -e. ri -n. ;viai! pay three tones the amount o c- >•!■:. it ou ht.x business, sad a !•%* suiu \o v. . ten d:»vs of eucli failttiw “See. 4. Kxcfrpt where herein otherwise pro* >■ and, there shall be * peparstr registiy and lax i'q ? . h business rneniioticd iu tha ecctiou of l ± for j..a<y of eonducliog toe 4 inti t’fi.t; tlio pi ce ot business is changed ttL? ?t new rogiAry, but no additional i 1’; u ; ' death of . person iu r registered l y-ic m, or upon the transfer of the business to ano’ ier, ib&ra hah be anew registry, but. co additional tax. •- ' V\ or, • edi trade, business or occuyrn cr n ■ 1 cd, the following taxes sb#U l i '.nd prid each year, coding on the 81st of December, viz : • . makers pay five 1 uudred dollar? and tw-" *p< . i-it* upon their gross profits, flvery • • j<r rhisrnod a bunker with in the mean* • . '!•: >ct who ke» n.« t pluce of business v. • :■ s art opened iu favor of suy‘person, ’ ii t .in oration, by the deposit or collection • ii. «>i i -jrrcticy, who or remits the s-> ui v’ thereof, upon draft, check or ibis doc • uot include banks legally »u : l . it* ls*oo notes as circulation, nor agents ! • * oandize for account of produ ce ra mi or rnanulacturers. ~ • .ooeer:-, hall pay fifty dollars st.d tv-o r- . p. . cent on the gross amount 1 'ovl.ted, th>tt on sales ?t uvictjon of •tc r -ipcuriiies for money the tax shall be rir t one per cent, on the gross amount i-i Kvcry •• >ou is deemed robe an auc ;■■■<•. - occupnt:>o Is to offer property vo •• »: uh-c -r pub'ic outcry. N T c tax shall \ -dm a-ile? rosde for dealers la u on - r • reo md taxed at t.heir places of hi- -i. i-r upon otiiciul naie* at made 0) dlt ii or executive officer?-, or hy personal re pi i.-oivcs, gM.t’diune, or committees. A' mi -lau d.v-’Jere in liquors cu any and 1 cv.«-; i ..(i nd dr sc iption stall pay two hundred ' and , .and five per cent, on the gre<a fiftiount of! tnd brewing] ? ■ . e; O'ivi it* .-io.* ui ono time more.' gallons ol auy liquors or wine#, shall fit- mi l». wholesale dealer. Perso ■ gelling s uir? or wine? in quantities less tfixr. thtee .v;„ !- At tali be deemed retail uealer?. i j ..if le.;’ ms in liquor, including distilled a . inted iquor? and wine# of every tie - . p..v one hundred dollars and ten ?.!t < . i ou the gt o?- - amount of Bale?. u< - dealer? shall pay fifty dollars and two ‘ a I if per v ton gro?* amount of sales.— i .is ttciliug groceric*?, good?, wares or iner . r.k r i'aer thiugs of foreign or domestic , .. -; in less quantitie? liuaa original pieces ■ .. ge? - hall be deemed a reui. dewier. .Vle *'• ' * ell. ?jr the products of their own ©: their fuDaikei’ iitbot. -ha.' be exempt lrom this tax. ; VVho*r * .if ilnt shall pay ixu huudred 1 i two Ad n \ -If per 0 -it. ou the grosa amount of sal s. P-.w-ikers shall p 47 wo hundred dol'iia uud t -uity pi t ct. at. ou amount of profita. i -I'T? ?’! .1 pay two hindiod dollars and ty per cert, r 1 grc-.- smouLt of sale*;. Din "ii- '-o; in r ••-r nio#*y d.i»* or lose, chall pay #• . *■ «. ar I fifty lei;-:? per gallon ou tbe brat tm. gui’.ot:?,l 4 *>■•.» Je- ! a:.- » to*!.; bwystud that quantity. •J. Bicwet - pay one a ludred do tiara, aud two and u el; ecu. ou gtos. amouut of ?al*j. K*’ p-’r*? 0 hotel?, triis #i»*l taxerL’a ah all p:.v tw-utv dor*.?, and two uud a haU per cent, on : gross aißonut of rcaliaod liusisc». ■ 1 1:. Jic-epci* ot oating houses tbali ray forty dollar?, to! «o and a its If par c**l\ ou the groie of tholr receipts. Broke!s par two hundied dollars, xad twe-r e pc; cent, or the gross amount ol revcif.a realized. : . Cos -ui -r: , fbrokers&baii pay tw©boedred a??, uud two .*od a half per cent, upon alt *a,tc IXldflt*. “ 4. Tobacconi-te ,-hal! pay flity dollar*, aud two ai;d a hall' pei ceet. ou gross aiuouu; of sales. ‘i;.. UKi es shad pay five hundred dollar?, and five ;>«-r ccr,r. on all receipt#, which tax shall b- ■ by t; own. of the building. Each Circus sh.-i ty one hundred dollar*, and tea doilare for e-< . *-. * 1 . jHiuu. Juggler? aud other persons ex hibiting shewn shall pay fifty dollars.. “16 Bc*..i ng Alievs and Billiard Rooccs shall pay fcftr doll r - fnr each ailey or table. *; . ;.i\cry t* 1 table Keepers sbtill pay fifty dol ur? .. ;.J five pei cect. ou gross receipts. Broker? shall t>nv fifty dollars, and * .ah:' p-” ir ‘. 0 M rros? aoiouut of salt*?. . r? iiakcra shall pay fifty dollar?. aaJ v ; ,*e -, r.i. cu the gross amount ol sale*. ,‘t ib ? si nil pay fifty dollars, and two and * be Jt. ou g: o.'« auouut of sale?. riot shall pay fifty dollars, aal iv. ; . ’ w! nt. on gro- amount of sales. ■ ' l- ote maphere shall-pay fifty dollars, end ■ • > : -« . per ecu’- ou gros* amount ol s*ale#. “ -i. _ vt'!u cu ,ag« tia practice shall pay fifty * ...j £ ■-•-.- jaiii -i i'ilf pet cent, ou the g?o*s ar. ’ >f r.'< dpi,-? {,-oiu the! 1 professiouf. • • bmifc ie- shall n-iy fil'y dollars, and two ,e. si; c* at. ou gro?«* aißouut of ?aie>. e. o. ; very person taxed upon jrcssameuat of ‘ ‘ r *-iprs shall ou ti e Ist of June, 1808, niak’s ' return to the collector of ?*id saie-3 or ic'-eip’-r ..or., tin l January to 81 e ! 01 M ty, and jt the uud pf every succeeding mouth, or iu i--.. day- tbereaiter, they shall make a return for id- pre- .-.ling uidtuh ; every list or return .-hall imv? a:'ached thereto » deciarutiou under catb at afErma-inu that the Bgma.<J is correct, and the persoa multing the return sbaii pay to the collec sor the «kou it of mi thereupon, and fit default iVfco pi? A penalty li.od.bU the ametnt es the 44#; Provided, tba when a person’s eet profit# ‘•xrerd five tb&ijtand doiiar c , end fall below twenty » thovsaud doihrs, *io»re rdall b? collected twelve aud a bal; per cent, on such excess of net* profit; ■ and .ii ( ter** »: aeU pr fits over fwcoty tho tun 1 ( dolUr# tt’»*re «ha!i he collect per? ceo T . on < s ?cb cxccts. “P*-;. 7. Upor ail salaHe? except of per»or* in the military sud naTa service, thore shall be levied and cofiect-'d aux of one nor cent, on rb*' gr°- a amount when no; ex«’Ci a'i" 5 fifteen hundred do; i lats, and two upon any oror that areoar-;, th« ra me ic b* collcc f ed af the-end q* the year. , ■’Pec. 8. Rt 1 r u«ti ands i>4mbMt .-ompinicc I^Ka' pit »tin of five per eot. on the grr*,* j amount- of re e‘pr« ter the transportatioa of p-*°s-| i »rigrrs sod two *'id s ha.l cent, for ireigni ;. I brbige and ferry o»t erf ?hali pa» T»°r cen f . on the smonnt ol gross r< ?. ‘icr b. B*r,‘ a , -t it ard a a sing# is fitftution®, jcomp.vT i#fi. felcgrapb, expose, r a* -’ and u< it ;r;r.c c*un *r : e«, 40., A ’., v i . pay on all f -nUU* ri» tat of » »<V.!i~M p*»r cer.t: Itt es-J r. r utry, l d-’.fi. • see. iu ty l iittcr to- l-t ol Apr ', i?r>, h**re shall I * paid l.y a.l tu-sante-. e «.OMpenicfi five par ».cot. on the grot 4 rcctip ,a for pr u ijin« du* rirg thu p-eceding q' ar. r ' 'dec. 11. Any comps, v o f curporatio# feiliag j to o:akc the return to th~ ct i-cc'.ur *»r t’ c sht 4 lorfti; as e p- r lty, one third, >;• «and !i nn r o the L*.i levied. . -;u. li. On the Ist April IHfil, aad ou tuc iu .. dw* of en«. : ? nucoeediug quarter all iijjai«_cs coinpax ice *La. re no or an 'o ike ;oilt> lor *»< their bus t!'.-..; <*oi:o in tire preceding quarter. “See. ti>. A tai t! nil be levied of leu pti c*cf. ot the profit c-l* j s** :e autountiug to tuorc than t»uC hundred dc.:.**- of real cr personai proper y bought aud Mr i by »-ty perrou or persoi.3 du.iQg the year iewf., and tt %i part of the vr«.r 1303 pre* coding the is; of April, 186 b , this Lot to apply to purebitucs made >i» lutj course oi * businei’s eou* tliiot-ed under a jr.-coy Iron a feU.te or taxed by n S^alc. *’Acc. 14. Ots the uutuuat of ciery swla arcount* mg to more tea i u*.j« huudred dnfiara, after lat April, !8h?. thcie j ia ' oc levico * tsx of two a «i 6. h*;t j<r ceut. uuierti t_c sale is outde to the Couiuvlctatc L.atcs or Vj a person or ccinpacy* whose is taxed uadtr this acf. '*ftec. lb. Ai’ber lit January, there shall be [aid a fax of fourtec-c per cent, ot ad itccoica or prcht3 iicui ail sources wtaitstr c.fier than f.c ii~ proporlr cu ■xm cli r tax seali have, bccc a: sc a-, si ud pa J d uedtr otLer provisions of this ac*. Whtt i--: liiocLic cr prefile i.tall exc«6d tea d-.'llai* there sbaL. be levied ac ad di.iotal tee fsr ueut. upon such crooks. !, lrot'. 36. Fait'.'ac or ouajpaQ-ca issuing aotes ot le#-:. douoUiiuaUou that, kweaty dollars a'uaii pay a lax of treaty per oent. upOu the amouut i?-ucd. Bauks iu wbkb * b'.ui-e a stockholder aud coantiea or corj*orai.o»a ifjuisg aotes iu purswance to State lr-*v a;c o*t ii&blc to tbit) fax. * oec. 17. All foreignor» bciwccu eighieeo and forty-live year# of age, aud uot io the military o: navel service, exercising any of tie callings or avocations bereiubdore taxed, shall pay an addi tional tax equal to that hereinbefore established. ‘ 18. On and after the Ist of May, 180 c, there sbell be paid by any person, persons, thro or company publishing a npwspape*', maeazir’*, review, or other literary, scientific, or n*-*ws publi cation ir-sued periodically, on the gross receipts tor all aiveriisements, or all matters {or tbe ia scrtioD of which in sa’d o*»wspsper or other publi carioD, or in extras, eupnleroent sheet? or $y leaves, aocompanyinc the same, pay is req?iired or received, a tax of two and oae-third per cent, and the owner? oj such papers, i.c.,»haU make a quar terly return, accotripanied by an ojuh io its correct ne p -s, containing the gross amount of receipts ami the amoimt of taxes that have accrued thereon and render tbe same to the collector? ol their re spective districts, and at tbe same time •hail pay to the collectors the amount, of'saiu taxes. “Sec. 19. The following property shall be ex empt from taxation ; agricultural products pur chased and neceesary tor family consumption ; asses* property ot a p?,rsoc not in the military or ntvs! service, amounting in value to less then one thousand do'lar*; property of Je°* value than two tco'-sand dollars, belonging to persons In the military end naval scrv.c? ; the property of schools, college?, charitable or religions corporation# or associations, u*cd for the purposes for which such schools, were cieaicJ ; public Ur<is, estate or ma ntciral property, bonds of the Confederate State,- and ot tr»e s<:Tei#l States thereof; property from ‘he po a .'C?-«.ou, use or onjoy ment, whereof the ows;er« have »cen deprived by ihe public eneerr luring the twelro isoutb a nest before the assess ment; all fire engines, book?, portrait?, pictures and wearing apparel, exempt watches and jewelry ; agricultural p'odueiior .i ct th- Ust preceding crop, produced on land which ba# paid a tax under ilie ’ section of U s ac‘, iu thfc hat-da of the produ-* err, other than gucl. agricnlutial products a- ate *jk*c ally taxed by thi? act; fa aiiog implements a. :iHy u»cd for faitaitig pueposes,' except *oad wagj'L.’’-, aL’.l ail tools •;§<.<! t>* rnei*’ **.-r in thr;; ‘rades. The SeunU t?* % Hill, Ihe tflibitituU-. proposed bj the Fifiaut*; Ccti.mia*c oi tbe -Senate for the tax bill r:- cttitlp parsed t»v the .Houoc of Kcbi : ':«ST.\t-i* fives, thafi the I*x or annutvl iu wm-? betweeu #OOO and? 1,500 »bwll be fife per !«ut. K'tne-i) and M 10,000 Un per ueiil. l" 110,000 aud $15,000 ' twehe g. h-tll p*:r «;eut '-ver f 14 ; 000 sis. 1 I fii JVtr t.9L? liiLCincj domed fr-jiu rent? yf rt#i estate, mauuUfluriog aud mitiing t.siAhlisLuiCQto. 'fcl.., ehtiil fc« l^ied— cent, after deduct ing sc ?;rti aiiO»’3iPf»t for t?eet-»i4ery siqbum] re pairs Income* * 101 l an’* tii'iunfavluviiig or lAiiQ !bi? busiuo? shall he taied an aforeeaid, gftcr deducting from prectfif value of preduats of ( tbo Jsar th-3 tt-sl (if tented,) oi Ul., r , ioijalJj hired aud *•<"» Luarcml, Flora efiterprlsce-,*tteard'.due t iug oirc of vessel, rc-eilowtsuct; for wear aau tear ot* not i>j esoeed tea j*cr com I row tile of utsrubHßdise or other prop erty, real er pcreoual. after Jedu«.ting the ptiiuc t-oftt, oai&iics paiti, etc. Fro® any oiler oceupafiou, ait-ci deduct iug eost of material, eoxupeusatiou, etc. lo camcs fro® all oiler sources shall be tassnl without dedu jiioQ. All joftot stock compaoiee and. corpora tiona shall pay one tenth of the dividends and reserved fund of each year. If the an* Dual earnings ghali cive a profit of more than ten per cent, aua less than twenty on capital stock, one eighth to be paid ; if more than twenty per cent, one sixth. Each farmer, after reserving for his own u-e, fOO bushels of corn and SO bushels of wheat produced this year, shall pay and deliver to the Confederate Government one tenth of the grain, for age, sugar, cotton, to- or wool prcduced. After reserving 10 bushels pea? and beans, he shall deliver one-tenth ot tbe product thereof. Ai:r.? one tenth oi t-le logs slaughtered i > bun in cured bacon, at tic rate of 70 pound? bacon to iCu pounds pork, lor which he shall receive tbe value of four bushels of corn *ud ibc wine paid for the salt in curing tbe same, and DLe-tenth of the monev h' may have paid for the purchase * of' * the i wine. Ou the value of all ueat cattle, korsei . muies «nd asses, ouc jm?t cent. These are the more importeat tentures of the bill not eontaiaed iu, the Iloudc provision ot the latte/ 'ociu tt*9 tot ©a aliens rhs I a-iiing tax ou sales, ?he specific, on fid ▼ertisementf, eto., are omitted in th** Senate bill. Also, the RDutneui : ou and pt* pony ex- 1 erupt From taxation, except v.’onfeder-t’' bonds, aud certain property used fi r teligu«tis charitable or educational pu"po L?.*~iW«- ,•? 4.9 n r ? THE RIM. To rcc.'Mite the snl* cw- v txp r > 'ia k of c<>r ■ heat, . 7 n;al,j(our, leu t, *al? % <r i oik*r *.r* -lea pro duced »T- ;/ (rrc 'l, or * ~ x * if I thtrei’t. bcction 1. Thr Oen»rai Afxrir.b-y of i»*or?':a do caert, Tbat from 80*1 -ifter t’*?e p u*sxge of ac% i* ‘■fix'll co* te ixwiul fer anv pcr-o“ or i •?o#p r produces j>'l m -O s'.y corn, , cQia !iiC_», grjts or hominy, ■*:.<-» . ‘ »af, second : n- sb r?rt®. * 3.CO', perl- or bfi?f. o- *.• '.Ttr-rf, either ?#Ucd, frr*»h '.»» on tb--» ff'* - , o* u. t, vitLont !.r«: qbt'U* -t»£ A liaßlirV f Oft! th.T* Jiulglii Oi ti •' T,.f * p >jr 4.'• >.': t if the cepuy lu a-'hioh. saldWirrielet ito he soid; whivh Itcccse -b..';! xr.tboiizc the ycr ‘ «:«a €»t pciacnt to whom he ? ;w?a I? > ! 8«-m in said coufity, w-l uo <* wF, tor <-ne yen* Ilium the olio ol the psmr, and 1 profi' c not more iiuu, »>c per ce:.-. vfi me r :.:c- p? i. to ;* pt<iU*icer, »r.-i u * x--.;lu?iv< of the Ueen-r . ioes nn-1 tj'.Lo? on the m.,c; bn?. .r- iiccr--- shall l be gruatoJ unfe-? the applicant ‘irstniakc aiui ?üb f «erit*e m aftidaviq i*4 writ ng, \ -ifur* s i jodgt?.-*, mat ho mil uot soli any vi said ur. cles «i.hi . 00 tl#t at a greater ia«e of r-rofit {bar. live percent., | o-i ths price paid ’3 the prod cer. ard , v Cider te ol the i fee? » ! '-J taxe? on the js* ?.**, and »»11 mo ! ; ©nlv ju the county ic »i eb the license ia obtained, which aiheavit -haU be filed «Ilh ti.-c <-U kr. the i iforior C*«for sai i county. Sec. 2. No miller shall sc!! any -;rtic!e in the firsfi cß#‘ ou enumerated, ol'!o?s he be the pro lu car or 1-U3 received the same ae 1011, without ob- U.nicg netr.oc italei the tirot section -i ids acr nor sbaii be •->. i any Loll at .* greater r-4tc than ti e i SC Sit rale. >.ti\ 3. TLe Judge** of tbe Inferior C .arts us tho diafce chiii kt-ei.-a .*&*> oi toe p r?iii- bo Ico; seo to t;], iO tkei- cefuDLits, aii*i furnish a copy of hj to each Gr#afi Jury th-*t may assemble ia £..i:i count} thereafter, ol the first day ts their ofgaakdtiot*, id such person? . ht.l a ise v -iga cr mark oi'their license to ho pociee ton spin . cu-- 1 v at or osar their place of tolling. ccc. -4. I any person ot persont *'fio caail he guilty of s. vlolitiou of toy of tbe provisions of tide act, vc-bo has obtained such license, ai.*li be g dity of peijury, and aalier and be punished w;tl ail tl.e p**ius and penalties choree-;, and if cay person or perrons, exetp*. tbe producer or miller,- shall seii or Uiempt to vxV. *vi:hout- *:ucb iiceree, a-? required in this act, Le shall, upon conviction thereof, in any of the Superior Court* of -hi? State, be imprisoned in the Penitentiary of tbl«* not less than uve year? not more than ten, and Goed double the amount so sold or stvmpted to be sold, to - be paid to th* 1 infonrer or prc*?e ci'-or. Sec. 5. Tbat from and' after EtK passage of this aet, it ?)ia'l! not be lawful tor any persons to expert from this State, excep' by permission us the Gov ernor of the same, any article or Articles >n tbe fi'-s; section of this act mentioned, end any person so exporting c-r any one aiding in the same with out each permission, shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and, on conviction, be Sued io double the amount in value of the thing so exported or attempted to be exported jnd Iroprieoned six months m tf»e common jail of tbe county, the amount ot su>d fiuo to go to th? prosecutor or in termer-. £?■'. C. This act shall b- 1 given tn charge to tbe Grand Jury at each terns, and published by the Governor in all the paper- ox f rb-° State, and be in force during the war with the abolitioniate. i rum Uaaldnsi<on and ihe North, fFroo ■ j-.e It'chsncDii Exacciner.} Through tome oi our exe; icjed prisoners just arrived from Washington, we gather some inter- rsiiP? item. 3 . At th* time of their de;,'tnCr;» there trrre Ipft ■ confine i ;n the Oid U* pitot prison a number of our who are end retained by the Yankee Gov ernoi*r.t a? hos’age-i for ti t : own men held by c ; in retaliation for the recent order of President f’avis. There were also confined in the same pri* *e r - > number of crate prisoners, Noa f forrr or 1 fifty, snd some few who bad 1 een committed" on the cb. rge o 1 -bam* spies. fije treatment ox our prisoners, fr, r> ie Q'.<\ C-ipi tol is .-aid to be about what we. might expeef from Ya; <e€S. The men are fed on tLo ra tions. and the meat often given them is .so decayed and oftbneiv** that if bus to be thrown ,*wav. The men aro huddled together—aocn- twenty or ■ ■•-■{-,- io a lodte—,*mi the,r beds ;.re har’d, rough plan!:?, railed up in the form of '‘bur.kV The prison discipline is very r’qpdT an ', all sympathizers and friends are kept off* at the pour*. of the baronet, bo . uPtct ’s this rule tbnt are told ‘L it t.o nor mo is allowed to halt or stand •;>• the street it ei ght ol :ht prison, and i; one or mo collect on f the comers in the viuiritv the guard i« iaink-dutdr sent to order them' NV.wiih ets “ding Lb is rigor of the atitboii: ct taring charge of the prison, our prisoners were often greeted - ich uiaiks ot srropatay and repp-.c: by passci-f-bv. c arc told ol oue uistanoe -vs. re a arty ox lie:, oa tiding by in « carriage manifested their sympathy by kbaiug their hands and waring their I *a\ikf rehicts to our prisoners, who were gryu. ed i 4 ioc "ii 20 wa. -No soor.c w-*.c this done t!;*n t-5 carriage "a n*ought to a halt, by the driver a muitie levelled , * hi 1 cad, ana the la j d:t2 an at cue a out and thrown into prison, where *•'*? «ere k .pt some hour* :; net rtm&scd r?. .- o=ii tome outbursts of passion and pruTaoitv.* This vi:U not Citish the spirit ol -.-he ladies, Lck erer and WL£-n tnoy -ti£ oi:co i, lb*,©, toer h loli demon' cratire and deiUai th*aerer, urbre oS levying the guard in a perfect tags w!ih toe ‘she rebels, ’*at itey- weru politely termed, L’ jriug wbei/ coniine oc it the Yankee officers bted every uieeas «nd *ppliaace to induce our i lueri ro idiiC this oath, ofiemrg them, in many ia ;®- -bc'ioiiicus we ] places of emolument. Oct of ■o i. pricoutr.- tcLs us or*, of the ofScert? of too piiSGn tbeud Lila, slyly, otic day, the appoint mtiit ' T*ayui&sicr’s clc. s. 'if he •rould rake the i 3 ~o whom the other was made ■' repelled ibe insult, ami told the Yankee that 1 all • the gold In Washington couldn’t sret him to do it.” : Bafiied io bie ioiknay, the Yankee walked off w ith i Lis Lead banging iu suame. We are sorry to hear, j however, that their seductive arts and bribes w*oe too much for some of our men tc withstand, and a number of them disgraced themselves by taking l the oath. Our informant tells us »,hat he thinks in tbo space of some few weeks (the period of his | cocanetueDt) there were not less than fifty of our I per, took the oath—even men from the “fire eat ing ‘ States of Mississippi, Alabama, £e. This dis grace humiliated our brave boys, and the shame ; of it oau be visited only on those who blackened : their souls with suclf an oath. The fueling with .or p isoners generahv, and wito few exceptions ,v as tyranny, starvation, death, even before for i swearing onr cause! ( Oc our prisoners leaving Washington there was | quite a scene. Arrived at. the w’r,4rf, they found j a large concourse, who were lid ibsro bv feeling I of sjißp.i'by. 0- the prisoners going aboard some frwpe-son* gave veut to their peut up feeling 3 | which, being taken up by tbee.owd, soon bursi : ,or -' one loud shout of cheers and imzxaa. j °® cer i'J command of the guard save the or der to “charge” on the crowd, and in. & f ew mia : utes the humiliatirg epectacle of ladies driven ai * the po-nt of the bayonet was seen in tb e v oa«ted “ capital of the United Stater.” Uu the afiairs at Wa&hicgton get the sam* accounts we have had b-dorc—the ernce old atorv oi demoralizatioc, corruption, fraud, crime Ac. our informant, is very confident of the iruib of the alleged demorallsatioii iu Hooker’s J‘ r ™- V * au * i 84 J® ‘hat be s»w, with biq own u bouy of teen, acme »»o or three hundred, brought into W Asbingtoc under guard from Hooker’s artav for In suberic ation and revolt. The ujiliiarv force altotit \s ashingtoo wa* coropsratively »n:ail and : 00 du tf there w#-e pnooioalir from ‘New *c: u The l'ot ! .derate money, w«* are to!*?, goe* 1: Washing D-n :t twenty-fire ceils on :Uc dollar, and Virgl 'a ban* i;•?*•*s s- ?"<*.“ c?ats on the >*'■• ir. 0.. prif.»u£r» 0 : r Cot:?c<ierat.c itiorey - ad it out r*‘& ,i- ... *us Lav* i- cacha-ged at liiC'fe rates to V't Vtnkfcw money, to make their iit*V put chase* of tobacco, piorts, > ‘*e ex- • change is condor ted c ‘••et* % *•»: •. ihftr if no Jim-; C’sJlv to gel ar<T ot ..«« officers fwt th prison j to make 4, c ? gcdi.tioo. la t* ,f> . c ITr ’C o: Vs! ; f? »fl had ~rown so socio: '‘«hav:rg 1 ra: •? s *:at 1: * id Vco ci I ~ covered rr i ihev k."c di«*T>i«<ed. Qi thg p • ipr i fr-ciing :r '"c Sort; w* got the . a ec ;r'}rc < '' J tf> ,i ’ 41 ? Ner’fi 1? -it-ad of the nr, v Oor inforn -.nt :§ that ;t *«3 under* ! « o*d •' We ship fie-’; that ■ ima’ J3*ace raen of the Vor'h sr.ll *OO. ?, hold a eouecd a: Ai tany, »w York, to r, *r a: i ieei-ie oc tfc® ci :;*e .o*s. Tr»e object of the u-eetlcg was un*, •c"i 2? TV»vhirc ? on *'■ h" *~r T ''Tn'' <iJ 01 c* r 2ioL?i r ga Nr ■)"t. I*~ »c * •„>• 7. • 1 t. : tnklz iOtn* '-oft i:i reg-c<l s »h<» wn.r. The mt *** v a4 raa«»i cOu3-iefar»: * nneesir •'**•■? at the Y tnV*e ,-I.*ol, nd the T ie: 1~ of tfi *» '**jmii..i«trs*!on ret* , arg***? it* n : *n- rsior. at th*» point of ti»e hitooft, «net the f?'don of the i'Or.vention in K . tocky. '1 i»e Utack «m Clmrlpitan, t?ro;s :t.' fh»rl.*toa &? rmi'y cf »h3 sth.] A 1 .-. tuc long peftod of doubt and delay i.« at iU end; thh goodly city, girded with the fiery I eirle of it* bar.r .i.n, Stands confronted with the i m.Mt formidable Amftda that the hand* of man ! ever put aftof t. The firs:, scene a .he novel drama of the war, , w;;ien, we trus.. is ’ j add new lustre !o the fame of Charleston Las closed. Let u* render thunk* to the Lord 01 .hat tfco retiuir, thus far, has been oue of proud triumph to out country. As t,: owever, we bat entered upon the ordeul. It wi;i tic lor t!io neat few and -.*s te» teH the fal* of our *;al viisaster or cot.ulete sikccss. lii view 01 the reticence wnioh (for reasons of military policy) haa heretofore marked our allu sions to Jhe iron clad fleet, a brief review of the eve, $ of the woefc will not b out of place. About noon on cuuuuy ksc .he first intelligence w .i« ft ,*bf and to the city from Fort .‘'unuer, that the. . Lancia of the far-famed Monitor gunboats were \ looming up against the southeastern horizon. Du* : ring the r.ftercoon the entire ieet hove in eight. { Light Monitor.-, beside* the ft.gate Ironside? and twenty-seven -wooduo war rcssela look up tliey j poait.on juafbevond tne bar. As lac new* becaoie ; Li dte-i about the city*very many ot oar non-com* ; uauut po t .-.ation ; previously iuoreduioua ot dau | ger) made hasty preparations to depart; and every train that hvs left the city .*inee has. gono out. hea ! v:'y laden iri'h the e’eveulh-bour refugees and 1 their effects. .■sunday night passed quietly by. Monday morn ing brought u* reports of the merit* of Irans j ports up the Stoiio river, and tbe debarkatiou of a considerable force of Yankee troops on Cole ? « j Island. But throughout Monday and Monday night, tee armored licet held iis position beyond i the bar. On Tuesday morning it was observed ' that another Monitor bad arrived, making a force . of no less than ten iron elsd vessels, including the [ Ironsides. j At i-vc o'clock on Tuesday afternoon a dispatch * from Fort Sum er announced that iiier-e tcr< vessels ; bad crossed the bar, and were cautiously stearo -1 ing inward—ffcu foremost one having a f that time j reached a point about three thousand yards {rom . tbe Fort. Tbe next news was brought to us, an ; hour late r , by tbe dull detonation of the first gun ' from For? Moultrie, which was immediate!? an swered by e heavy report rod a cloud of white i smoke from tbe turret of cne of the Monitors. ; At tec minutes after three, the enercv bavins: j come within range, Fort Sumter opsued her bat • teriea, and almost slmultaueoualy, tbe white emotte ; could dp seen putfiog from the Jovr sand b’-'s of i Morris and Sullivan’s Isincds, indicating that ?! Beauregard Battery, on the left, nud battery Wag ner on Ihe extreme right, had become engaged. I ite of the iron ekds forming the lire 01 battle it } treat of i'orr Famler, male mined a very rapid re i -cm fire, occasionally huiiiug tneir 1 2 iueh sbo: sod shell against i or? Moultr;e and m re: bat teries, but all directing their chief efforts against he cast taco of Fort Sumter. Grad ally, bo* vis hly. the distance between tlr attacking vessel* in j : the For; we- lessened, aud .s the enemy drew near er the firing- became ho: and almost coniiarou^. About half pjst four o’clock the battle became I fierce and genera*. The scene r.t that hoar, as j viewed from the battery promenade, was trtilv . grued. Battery Bee had now mintriedi the bnarse ! lb under oi' it-gc.n? ia '-.Diver?*! -d‘D, nr 1 the ! wooleipdtise of the harboi ■ ioci 8 t. i i vto t utTirn »gV Point, became enveloped j in the stroke and constant hashes of the conflict. The iron-dad l k?p! , onsunUj shifting heir posi | f ’bn, but, whicbev r >vny ti er vent, -heir ports j aiten.*? mined to;vhiy..- -bo bni* eruects of '■.m »§r, ■ poured iorth fie;r terrible projeefUes asraieat the wail? nj that fan;oo« atronghobl. Ever and aeon ! as tu* !.'e"e shot weat r:*.--ocbetting towards the nv«rk, ike water was dashed up in va-: sheet 1 of spray, towerirg far Above the parapet of (he fort, 'bile \>,c wrea**,? or ! *r.n>.>«. constantly ascending tW>rn the barbette gens showed bow actively the I artillerymen oi t!.* po.-t. discharging their duties. Ip the foreground, oar own staunch little | iron-mad*, the i’a.rnetto estate and Chico ra, could by s ecu steaming ' aergetk-aHy up mi down their ; chosen fighting position. evidently ‘moatieut to ; participate in the fray. I p to Ms tinn. the frigate Ironside* Lad home a very eoaspucuous part in tbc fight. Her lon* j huh lay at the distance, apparently, of u uiiie ftoni our batteries, and her tremendous broad , v -re T -;bre than once fitly answered by broad ?- se? from the tort. It soon became apparent that she vra? unable to sund the severe fire directed againat her. Steaming rapidly southward, she i 6* vo Tort Sumter a few parting shots and with, j drew from the action. The Kcoi-uk, a double tur .re ted Monitor, eoou a;.or followed hei example; \ aa£ before five o clock the tiring had evideutlv • begun ;o slacken, i e remaining Monitors, how j ever, still kepi up the bombardment, and our forts and butteries replied with undkuiniehed alacrity. | At a quarter after five, p. eg., the enemy fireu tbc • lust ahot of the ortragc-meri;. i G rati lying »g were the general results ot the fight, the hour at which it closed precluded ; '.he possibility of our reeiviug the full details from j the (ort?. A dispatch from Fort Sumter informs up that the Ironsides and were botis very j roaghij i uncled, and retired sedousty injured, j The Keouuu had her nag shot dowya, her boafshot away, three hole? ia her smoke stack, and a por- 1 ; -i°n of her bow shot off. The practice of our , gunnels was most creditable. Nearly every i struck someone of Cue ironclads, but with what: I eiiect ii not .;cowa. Fort Sarnter was struck thir*| 1 time.*. One of our runs was dismounted, but otherwise the fort is in good condition. Fort) jlouitne was unirunred. The casualties at Fort Sumter were a drummer boy, named Ahrens, mor- J wounded; two men severely wounded, and ; three others slightly injured. At Fort Moultrie ■ one man was accidentally hurt by a fail from the fiigsiaff, on which be wgs replacing our 2eg, which bad been shot away, We learn that he afterwards died. T*o sm >U houses on the back of Sul- Island were demolished by the enetST’i fire. A Ur their withdrawal from the action, tfce ere* • my s iron-clan* anchored off Morris’ laUdd, where * thev now lie. Many think tha? the fight will be rene veil a; dat breast tui* morning, but up to the ' time at which »e write (3 A M.) &U is quiet. The ! report® we get from Stooo river say that the ene j my f transports still remain in the stream. Doubt* less fbe Yankee General* intend., before venturing: j u,>o-.i a land &r.-.r •. to await the lesue of tbo < gle be; ween their ships and cur batteries. from toe Courier'* account of the fight we tal e ! the iollowitig paragraphs; i Cos!. E’aetfr was ia command at For; Sumter, Coi. j I' -Uei ot Fort Moultrie, Captain of Fort j Be& irrgard, Lieut. Col. Simkias oi Battery Bee, | Mu?. Huger of Battery Wagner, ami Lt. Lawn*,! w, - . in deraebtaent from Fun B,inter, of tee bat-! tery ou Cummins' point. Tort Sumter was bit .birty-four times, hot re oeiveif no damage. We Uarn that men belonging to Captain Mathews’ Artillery Conaprny, stationea at Batter* Warner, were woneded. Two of these have since ,TC " es « T © : J seriwualy and it vv thought ou*’ 1 would die before morning. The j other two, including an officer, wer-- but slightly! wounded. I The last gun was fired by t ie enemy at half-p***! five. P. M. * j Three oue suppoped to be tbe Koo kwere seen about k o , cio-*'i going Sou‘b, *ppa reruij in to w of a *?'ge *‘j» j’he o?a*-r* were a'! out-'je the bar. The Ironsides was - ruck in u e by a shot from Bst’ery V\ g^ner. There feo no cisuahiea at the Cussttiias* Point Balter* - . Tre ; r«e f ic® vr.s admirable % n -' reflect* great c T *di: upon off. ?ers %i. \ neu. a-1 who to e ps - t In the batf!® perforr.fd their da tie« with ardor, ek"’ fidelity. Their behaviour and *t p accu racy w’th wb.ich they used tnel. g.:ow e*=nr? Vi tba t .hey r“« scftcieQ* for »>e in tort?nt wo: < as ?;fi-ed ? Vo m, and furoi»h ns with strong grounds Lpco which vo bottom o if hope of a decisive aud jg!<frlr-u« victory. When thev c<?r*vc ficuln and ;.eiier, the iron-sh»'-uhe<i veesela v.d! fare worse. J» i* expeeied ho vnemy wIU retire the attack To da). IFrcsn : h* Crarlr*ta f> . Alerrnry ni ihePihJ On Wednesday morr-iisg the n'orious rew - -»d Charleston lhat tbe double turret*: 1 . Monitor, Keo’. ik, (he last built and by far the iuosi formid able of the enemy’s iion-ehula, >ia»i jus* one Lour Veiore, off Morris Island, nnd about one thousand yards from the beach. It ie auppoeed that 'he ?vae kept afloat dnr'iig the night «ri eed ir*g the engagement by her steam pumps, but that the wr.tcr steadily gained upon the pumps, and soon alter daylight all hope of saving her was abandoned, -lust previous to her sinkiug, a lug sent from the fleet took off her crew. I Da Keo kuk now lies in tha position where she sank,.! er smoke-.-t-ck and pilot-housa still visible above the water. It w»* noticed o?i Wednesday uior.-ing that oue Monitor, besides the Keokuk, wapm'iesing >rom the fleet, leaving only seven Monitors e-iu the Iton sid''s remaining. It is believed that the milling Monitor was so badly injured in the action av to render it- necessary 10 send her ?o Port Iloyal for repairs. Altogether ihe evidence is complete and satisfactory that the Yankee irun-ckds, whatevor 1 other uieriis they may have, are not invulnerable. 1 In coming up the Main Ship Channel to the at tack. the Mouitois advanced in single file, tbe Pas o«ic slowly leading the way, and pushing; forward ti»u? eamo il, » i:h the hope of causing a pre mature explosion ol our i-übmriae defences. Ti e Monitors, in deliveiing their lire, sreotuea round in an elliptic course in Lout o! the east face of Buinier, the cloecst range into which they carae, being estimated a: six hundred yum?. All the batteries iu the harbor were commanded by Iren. Ripic-y, admitted to be probably the be»t artillery officer in the Confederate service, *!.<*« approved arrangement of wor!:. 6 and os guns for the defence of the water approach to Charleston, have as icnpih been put on trial. General Beauregard himself, accompanied bv General Jordan a?-d staff officers, was u radiant and confident spectator of the fight from the Ka-> Bay battery promenade. This successful rep-.Ft and first destruction of the dreaded iron monster of the deep, must add new laurels to the t'ade’.e-is wreat a he already wears, and again unices his ewu tromph with the distinguished and so far *ucc *ss ful service* of Gen. Ripley to tbe people of South Caro : ca and Charleston. f (Proin the f horUaUsn Cour'cr.) The Keokuk was one of tbe reost powerful of ter Hass acd her loss will be a staggering blow to tbe enemy. She »a= built la«t sprfl'g acd summer iu accordance with plans furni*bed~by Mr. Whit csy, en iron merchant of Lew i’ork, and wes sa"d to be itnpervioy® to »’ ? largest shot or cbe’i capa ble of being thrown from the most formidable for tification. Her arnjataenl consisted of two fifteen inch Diblgrens—one iu each turrat.- Thus cods one of tbe boasted invulnerable fleer, which it bn« long been trumpeted forth, could no? be sunk bu? wouai demolish and wipe out everything op posed their progress. The resuH so lar hue tinted our people ar.d given lb? L’gbes* Rsti3i«ctioc to our o- iitary eom tnander?. Whether it wKi prove a*, equally satif factory *0 the enemy remains to be seen. It is tv own that savpral others oF the fleet, *a:d ‘o bare bren fen in ii’rtiber, that made the attac* were severely injureii. We learn froru goo*l arabottty that the di-tance of the Monitor* Iron* I«>rt Sumter during the en gagement was no r ever eight hundred yards. The steamer Passaic was the leader, and not the Keo kuk, As »t first reported. The latter i° said t.r» have ec-n th* <*••«: to come into line, and the lust •ro ng oat. ot ! flo Monitors and *hc Ironside* reported at Headquarters as still inside the bar Vfodnesday tr, A later report in the after noon s'.ated that ll:esp vessels had gone out°’de, e: f eight turreted Monitors were seen sieaming’ ec-u-%. apparently bound to Tort Koval. Jt was thought tbat they remained inside during tbe nic>t? and fofowiug morning to render assistance to fbe Keokuk, but finding all their efforts to save her Unless, they abnudoned her and left as above stated. In th* evening, however, the seven tar reted monsters appeared, aud it is believed they gone round to Sfeono to svmi the hea vy blow that prevailed at the bar during the ai;er noon. The nondescript, or ’* Yankee Devil, ’’ for clear | lug the channel, wa® washed aehore ou Morris 5 1«1- |tnd Wednesday, and is now in onr possession, it is described as an old . cow ii-.e vessel, painted j fed- w *th a long protruding beak and jutting iron prongs or claws, intended for the removal and bursting of torpedoes. It whs attached to the i Fa?s.»ie, the leading vessel, and Lnanagud by her • during the engagement. it is also reported that two of the small boats | belonging to the Keokuk Lave been secured bv ’ our men ou Morris' Island. It is harJiy probable that the enemy, after his injuries and eipcrience received in the attack o! : will be ready for another trial very soon, ; ;i at, espee.ii y in the same tilrection. It is a curious coincidence of war that the Com manders Generals Beauregard, Ripley, Colonel ; Rhett, It. Cos!. T atcf, and nearly all the "arrison | of Fort Hu inter, are the same ueu who were the j chief actors in the bloodless reduction of Fort ! Sumter in April, ISbt, and who have now so glo | riousiy aod successfully repelled a formidable »t< I t«ck upon this famous fortress, while iu their | keeping. 1 No additiona: news was received from Btoco.- i The number of vessel# reported iniids was about 1 thirty. The heavy firing heard early In the morning aud later in the afternoon is believed to have been practicing at the batteries. \ ' Planers in Charleston, CharlkstoVj April 9. All quiet this morning. Ine Monitors are still in sight. Yesterday cven ihg mac? pieces of the Keokuk furniture, spy glasses 4re., were washed ashore on Morris’ Island beach. Many of these articles we covered with e’otted blood and the impression prevails at our batteries that the slaughter aboard the Keokuk was terrible. An oiuc.a oiPpatcb from Burdeeville announces that early this morning Genl W. 8. Wa’kar, with bis kght artillery, destroyed one of the enemvs gunboats in Coosaw river. [Farticulaas have been received—the boat rrxs disabled and burned—tha orew, (eicept the wounded) e«capiog ] All :? quiet here with no prospect of a fight to day, A Confederate offices from Morris Island boarded the wreck of the Keokuk last night and found her turret had be* Q pie reed through hv « hsll. Pieces of furniture of the wreck are float* isg ashore. i :.e Cmma-r oi the lf*.n say* j “The enemy still continues to occupy ibe por tion he lGoz alter withdrawing froo. the engage mm on Tuesday. It w&s t b & t he woulY renew trie Datlie, aod with a more fierce determi nation ot strength e.vaay ;U.-, reduction of the s.rongbokfis that guard the approaches to our eltv BIU lor . reasons known only to bha'- se . be delays another attack, and contents bim jelt with the threats the ptesence of hia dark huated craft give expression to. 1. 1«, however, not reasosable to suppose tbit fie will not come again. Neither the Government nor the people wui he satisfied with that faable effort to get }>oisc?sioti ot Cbarlro-or, pot, flie pres°, the specu’.-tiori ai.J , c ... “ ‘ and the great Y’aukee pub ic, wouhi erv 0 • *. s> the abandonmvnt ot t!ie expedition .. sl Tbe Irooeid«i tod the Muidiorv w j»; ~ ’ terrifle are upon the sif-ongaolds 1 : r ‘ [’ ?o the -lav ibe deep h«»om ot their r.orj niiV I*ll upon our ear. ' s 34 We are r< ady for them. Officer* c .:.- <>-- people are equally expectant ol tbetr « j * With hearta rendered the more conSden* " e F result of the battle of the »erenlh w „ , . b joy tbe victory which we fe*l Mn.«’ %1 ;; T * ' * the energy, skill as*] ’ha: 1 r F j 1 prppa'atioo aoi i!te re^istarce. The autiivarsary of the fall of Fort . litelv the oceav’.oa of another - • 4 harbor. - * S:.\ Monitors and I brer Ir .» aid,- a C re the bar up 10 Thursday evening ui change baviny been n».uie in the-r k «ir Arolhor Nondescript or '‘Yankee 1M having ihe appearance of a Lr,?e rau, hnedred and fifty feet lonp, aith gioy, came op to the bar i-:at positive could be aeoc-rtß : r;ed aa to us te _. v »(. to r. The smoke stack ot the Kookuu can l ? ' seen from the city above ?h<* v. a*er. at, ‘ , and & bait from tue beach. Severn 1 t r:i. I. * uituro and other effects from the ?s., < i - >P „ washed aahore, all more or le- * vo ».-•*- «' They are in possession of. oni for , Island. It wa« also rej>ottt l that -• , of the wiecked Monitor had beet p . Fan * i? now in po--«’-f»siou of Col. Grab an on Morris* Hand. No special movement* of the e:. ■ , - servabl*. It is probable that the attack on t > ’*v followed by oihcs attacks, may be more * i,-. of longer duration than the ju’e.nn • > - v repulsed.” Charleston, April IMu. Six M.»i. 1 and the Ironsides still lie with a ’ !r about two and n half miles L\ :h i ti ter. The enemy is waiting for amw iu e to remove tbe torpedoes. Krerything is ready for attack. Ssnor Mencada, the Spanish Con .it;], rcceutly left here iu the Sp: k War Stc • m*r. rotnrued to day, via Richmond, hat t left Washington on Thursday last, on l ! iug that an attack here w;; f inmiiL* ns - Neither the French nor Kogli.-l; t ..... . here. Accounts from Fort Sumter r* G highest, credit on the Garrison for * A and bravery iu the recent fight. \\ hen the Monitors w n re discov 1 j proaching the men were at dinner. A: sound of the long roll they spran^ • guns with cheeriufcr, acd the hv 1 -. run up to the air of Dixie, plan 1 t band on the parapet, and a shlu.: teen yr'iu s fired. Col. Alfred Dhett, wa* c&nncoaiinc £ cer of the Fort. Lieut. Col. Joseph" Y.-. comojanded the barbette batter:* i at. i >j jor Ormsbr Blanding casemate ] :. r- - . Thp enemy fired eighty shot* a: r;.e I of which thirty four struck it. JFiGiii il*e iiaricstos. Cap itsred 1! lirehMON’D, April 9.—Xer> Yc,:\ and of the 6th received. A despatch dated W.ashir gt n f,:h. the report bed reached there via Ft ; ■■ . burg, derived from reliable sour. Charleston was bombarded bv tL- F !■ ■ fleer and Dttacked by land fore •> 1: * last, an?i is now in the possession .F rrals under Hunter and Dupe ? The report is fully credited by the Governtneut, who in j mct« in reference to the eont< 11.” \ t-Yck upon Charleston, which i? i ; -f ; J proper to divulge. It is eertair, h if*' that those who possess this inform . t confident that our soldiers and celebrate the anniversary of the :.. Sumter rn the captured city. 1 Kestiictions upon publication > : eru papers of adverse news are . it- is not expected to find much in 1 t to the capture of Charleston, unti. * ; aster can no longer be coneeale - ; ! ports which have arrived are and?!::. !* 5 ! positive, and are believed bv f ho- •?i ' the best right to know what f an a uti I for them. The officers of her Mo oil duty of our coast seem to h<- ; >ng t eiety for the diffusion of military in w. on this continent. The Cudmn-, ’ h>fl : I cent trip into Charleston harbor. 1 *• I informed the Confederates aVi I preparations that were making ’ j that city. So as to be entirely mpar I the Petrei, which arrived a few and - Monroe, gave a minut* - I the network of batteries and subu.. I tors that were in readiness in ( .ur.* harbor to resist the approach oi * and armies. Tact, discre’i n, am; c vanee of all the proprieties are v*- . characteristics of the children of tie J Hull family, and the above inst that these national peculiarit » •. . * At ic York World. The Mockton a?tin. The Jackson Appeal sgys of tk fi ' ton gun invented by Capr. J hr* Frt? invention consists of two li.. i weighing ninety five pounds *ac: and the other a smooth bore, * r : upon a light oarriage drawn f • They are breach-loading, the :C twenty solid shot par minute an : bore fire hundred musket ba> (?: • : length of time. Another r. :nt consists in the fact, that ou eg weight, it can be taken to place* - : to heavier piejes, and if dpcc* 5 - c fl detached from the wheeF on c. on muleback or by the soldier c ' ■■■ desired point on tUo mouc.-'is top It is s gun capable of dMg f -and strikes us as being t tion in the Lre arms - seen since the commencemeo; m .A Xfw and Novel Mode * ■ —From twelve to fifteen of trie [ /■ who arrived here from Peters-' . ■ train Thursday, were minus u - y ; H arriiving at the Richmond F ■ weie aware ot the causes rob them of their headgear, hut *• ' ■ ascertained to proceed from i’ tioDod on the road, who, by to bushes held up along tke (•- 1 sweep the hats of passengers, *^-^1 protruded from the windows. . V.; ■ catch daily a miscellaur- tu hats. —Richmond XhurwK’ ■ H