Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 05, 1863, Image 1

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ikofflut Iwnwf & Mtsasmt. ■■ - r-»r-U>*- Mi*? ,;V S. ROSE & CO. ■ TJti-Hlvl** OIF I-j}H( UIPTION & ADVERTISING. B (j ne 10 the vhMale flxe-t *t the meeting of the rtf the Weekly Jour»*l» of the S*uteio IlHledfe- B »,,rii l»»t, following »r<* to the prke» f“® r n June; ■ ~ thirrlpMon, in *<iTstn<-<k, ... ♦* t,n ■9 |fl*i W'lMo, or ten nr fir* r ,HTiwiso—Citation* for leuer* of %dti‘ ' |B ' r>v ad/nioiftrator*, Executor*. (|)( |i»r l*Ktml«‘»on from ■ foi ln*mn*’«l/»o from f»«ardi»«*n»P go I ■ m- |*-»ve to »<OI l.and or N<*eror- 4 H »o 4eotori» and creditor* •• ” ; :_^ f ', q «*re ,f t >>r*onal or p*ri*h*ltl* pmpnnj, t ,»/ ■ I ' it; B ... !’. Mn,of •• * **• t, tto H ''•> ,rt **«*- “ *w »nV* to mi *mwu hy n lerut* K »-«»•. r r °per «q!Tare of ten Vine*. V..' SOO K^Ti , V>*' IB rs nanlHato*. KUtoriai notice* for individual » fwSiiry ore/ ten ■•nar,ea the • wmk ■ <fi ttp N*obok* hr Fxeculors, A<imini*tra BB u-tte forty day* previous to the «lay of wile. BB : C w mud he held on the first Tuesday in the ■PW ,(,* hour* of ten In tne torenoon and three ,on, »* the Cottrt houseln the county in which BB j*, wtnjui. PRorwtTV must he advertised in like,! ■B to AS» CRKniTOM of an E*tste must be I I SaJJfMtlnn will be made to the Ordinary for ( Ul ,| »„d Negroes, must be published weekly (.fitter* of Administrations, thirty days; | freiii Administration, monthly, six Lionths, ~| in from Guardianship, weekly, P-rtv days. I'oxfiwhim* or Mortoa<»i». monthly four J*. , edaidtshiiiK lost papers, for the full space of (or compelling titles tnun executors or aa- <: >'- where a homl has been trlvcn by the deceased* i sf itiree months. , arrantteuient made with county ollicers, lirufr- Auctioneers, Merchants, and other*, who may wish ,«Xs(. limited contracts. letters iddretserl to F. ROHE a 00. II i:t; l LA H fl EETIMCi* Aiasovs, knight templars, odd fel ■ I.uWS AND SONS OF TEMPERANCE, imp !* TilK CITY OK MACON. tIASONS. ftnbr and Lodce of Georgia for IMVt, October 2«th. ~n i r.dye, No. C, first and third Monday niyhts in wh| tone . Uor untine Chapter, No. 4. second Monday nitfht In each wLhlnKton Council, No. fi, fourth Monday nigiit it. each m '»fh HlJpiner** F.iicampment, Knights Templar, No. Meet ißgspfery firM Tuesday night in each month. oj>i» fi:i.i.o it >. ({dp 'i.l Lod/e, first Wednesday in June. mbi < at, Tuesday pret ft Urn Lodge, No. 2, every Toursday evening. (Kted brothers, No. 5, every Tuesday evening. . Union Encampojont, No. 2, second and fourth Heal .y evenings in each month. ixoan oi ni tii*i;it um:. #sui! Division, fourth Wednesday in October, annually. ■professional LARDS. E U LI liltlKM Mi A AN!«LUi, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I KNOXVILLE AND FOHT V ALLEY, GA. 8. B CI'LVEHHOUSE, * F. A. ANSLEY, Knoxville, Ga. Fort Valley, Ga. i*i 81-’ikMy r. *. wiin rij;, ATOR N E Y AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. >?« •“ri to CONCERT HALL, over Payne’* L)ru« Btor< H», [4l-I?.] [ THOMAS IS. CABANKII, * TORNEY AT LAW. Porsytli, OrtXn Wil l, attend promptly to all business entrusted to his ■ re in theGountiesof Monroe, llibh, llutts, Crawford A 11 Vr. Splitting and Upson. [may I‘2 ’ss] WOOD’S PHOTOGRAPHIC II PALACE OF ART ! piltMtaivt Y the largest and best appointed Estab in the South, if not in the United States. It ! mm! ki ' < ' mo!,t f ,o P u * ar and interesting places of resort i> «• dtiiiy thronged with crowds of delighted via; Collection of Pictures iiU £", •‘mbracing every style know nto trie art, iron Ambrotype to the life-sise Portrait. Wood i ’lm' regardless of labor or expense, that hie GAL yND B ‘ ,al * continue to be the ■<l<iuan«fs of Fine Arts in ibe South ®'’'y p'B Ptrmanently me best talent to he procured n . 1,4 “hatogtophs, in every viy ie , tru e to nature, am ■ irM ! n‘ ri^HCti ott is guaranteed »u every instance. .* , lt ' l ‘ on 01 the celebrities of the day on exhibition lift' r\r ? ust been a *lded a splendid Picture ol th« *‘ <s *att suit, Bloudin, Judge Douglas, am I numero c? to mention, but which the public art ni u - v inv ited to call and examine. As Wood use? (tfXi< \v . 1 mat crlals in his business, persons in want ! ‘ !\ Iur * W 'N find it to their advantage to patron- M 1 1 \ " H 8 Pictures can be had here at pricet Mb” wn ' ,re »nd of superior style. Ambrotypes, 6rtet & °d Plain Photographs of every sine at io> |B Vaiiaud .ee b R. L. WOOD, w M " uhlngton Block, nearly opposite the —T ' Lanier House. Macon, Ga. 9 TUB GEORGIA w' ll: *'»« linen (ou!mu. ,1 or I COLUMBUS, GEO. iKTEKED CAPITAL - - *250.000 M HECTORS. VV - H- Youn K / oil, ’ J. G. Strapper, p H ' W . 11. Hughes, '' James sn*i*. t. T. Downing. • Woiott, Secretary JN °' MoGOUGU ’ Pnsid * ut * e a'm'"l''ii U u S ’ j loi>s • Qierchandite, cotton and othei iaL hv tii- .a ? f insu t»l)le property, against lost i’ % '* applications received and policies is >o-_y JOSEPH M. BOAKD.MAN, 1- __ Agent for Macon and vicinity. to Builders and Jobbers member for sale. «E)ASONEI> hine m dkcii iu Mliidß a* and COuunoftly u«,-I”**? *‘oUbi: til of Satiitlim pustureu wethrrh '■ t®re« kind# auitiible tor bmidt Car * lni ls' >iuti til I Mill is near the Central wJiir . , kd on accommodating term*' ° 4 “ ud deliver as kse, address uie at Irwint,,,?' „ii WiS l»>Uj?t< iugyv to meet the day tra ,? v 1 " I * l «eud hors to the will free of charire. Myre’s, ami eonve> W, IMl,—tf „ „ H. BURNS Y. ORGIA MANUFACTURE, Umt “*■*' •«w. Cotters, BUSINESS cards. HARDEMAN & SPARKS, WARE-HOUSE A NO Commission Merchants. MAOON, UA„ ITTII.L g. v* prompt attention r. ue -dlmg and *tc .n, >f of Cotton, and t . th« filling ; orders for plant u , *nd fsr .tj supplies. With man/ >► ;rs expel e and vlth their best »trort« to serve their friend t, they hojw-ic nave a continuance of the libnal patron *e «er»-».*for« extended to ihem I. herai advances rrun** when required August Ifith IW. b7a "HODGKINS Sl SON, CEktiTBS n A XiD ItA£Cr..CItKAULA UV C3r XJ WJS , - IIf WBioU * Nad Sporting Apparatus*, or ivsar axsoaifTioa, 1 FEW DOORS bmiWIHK Lanier House, „ Jan. 1,1860. ts LHON WORKS, TIAtOH, GEORGIA. T - CJ . NIS I* E r r, n A VA IN removed his FOUNDKY AND MACHINE WORKS to the line of the Rail Road near the Macon A Western Shops, he is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, anno t Steam Engines & Boilers, On terms as favorable as any Establishment either North or South. (.ntfr 18) T. C. NI3BET. JOHN SCHOKIKLD, JOBHCA fiCHOVIKLP Sciiofieid. & JBro., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS JIACON, G£OKGIA. WK are prepared t< Manufacture Meant £ngiiiee, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MILL and GIN GEAR ING, BUG Alt MILLS, BRASS AND I RON CASTINGS Os every description IKON HAIIJM. and VJEIS - Having the moMt complete assortment of Iron Railing in the State, which for elegance, neatness.du rability and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable for tli e fronts of Dwellings, Cemetery L<->ts, Public Squares, Church Fences and Balconies. Persons desirous of purchasing Railings will do well to give a call, as we are determined to otter as good bargains as any Northern Establishment. Specimens of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city, jau 1-ISOI Clmngo of Prograxome. W. J. M’ELROY & GO. I I * V M removed to the New Building on 4th street the Guard House. We continue to manufacture ‘words, Eubres, Bowie Knives, Spurs, and general brass work, Farmers’ Tools, Ac. ALSO FOR SALK, ’’l’in and Ja|>an Ware. Sale Room up-stairs on second floor. We w ill be pleased to see our friends and customers, and icrve them so tar as we can. W. J. MoFLROY, june IS A. REYNOLDS. dan’i,. LIUO.V. H. H. LfFK. A MOSS, LlCOiti & CO. W HO LKSA LIS liROI’KRS & nmwissio\ MERCHANTS, WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA. GA. WANTS i fMA AAA BrsHFLM <ii corns, l\ M Fyl MM / POO bu«hel» of MEAD, to till orders trom Cherokee G-'orf.a. Sack- furnished to older when iccompuni'Hi by the money. Other Produce, Rich as COTTON, PE AS, GROUND PFAB, BACON, LARD, RICE, SUGAR, SYRUP, TOBACCO, IRON, LEATHER, LI QUORS, .hr., «- , received and sold on commission. Con signments res peel fully solicited. febll-Gm* STARCH MANUFACTORY, j LYNCHBURG, VA. j r pilF subscribers have established, and have now in JL successful operation, a Starch Manufactory, in the city of Lynchburg, where they are now manufactur ing a tine article of PURE WHITE STARCH, and are pre pared to fill orders for any quantity. We are determined ! to manutacture a superior article, having every facility and goof! material, and sell to wholesale dealers lit a price 1 which will enable them to realize a hands me profit. We I earnestly solicit the patronage of the Bout hern and Western I States, as we shall keep a h>rge supply c< nstantly on hand, j and ready for shipping. Cash orders respectfully solicited, , and promptly attended to. W J. BETTERTON t CO., feb 4-6m* Lyuchl-urg, Va. j B. H. WRICLEY, ! COMMISSION MERCHANT. Ralston’s Granite Range, ( ,V>ef /*.».>/• to Espre** Oflfre.) MACON. GEOIURA. oct -D—y VARIETIES! VARIETIES! JIiHVIfK ad SERGEANTS’ SWORDS and BELTS t, our own manufacture, at reduced prices. A trarefc i compai ison is u-specttully Solicited. <*ilt I gh’us and Braids, i/KUMB. “Confederate make,” GILT BUTTONS, large and small, DAI NTLETS. per “ Bermuda,” •.utMt KNITTING NEEDLES, 6,000 CIGARS, lft dot 6 and S WOOL CARDS; A Small Lot of Envelopes, PI4YINU CARDS, Ac., in Job Lots, OIL ENAMELED CLOTH, a small lot for sale low ‘.o close consignments. ora btoci or WATCHES, JEWELKY, &c„ • quite full and will be offered at low prices. Watcli Hepairlng—This department of our busi ness Is at present in charge of Mr. E. Miuedicxx?. \Ye will receive anything at all available for goods sold or in settlement of notes or accounts, feb 11 ft. 3. jcwsam* a on aim! (jsnniDi Mlvsr IpFOHtCiid <5 towviS* sr.3 O&UrM RiilfOid ipiUiflst ’ldifftiae. A itrgfl luppiy frr *H*H Iradr iust by 1 mn *./fiWrss 4 n. MACON. OA., WEDNESDAY, AlGrsT:, i*k% Kioi in !%fw Vork. Third day*,* dohtfj of ffte % U,t—} .i itteiie* iu Sr rep (h A venur. — »Vt f* Col. Sherwood * battory of riflet] C rr tvod * *tv ny : rep of infan ry, undfi mand of t 'ol Meyer, w|re rdered r V the <*eroer cf ?tt&f Seven h iireDue ro ijiiell 4 </nuu. u.i oancf whifh Dad 3|it *t thru , ; On irriviuj! there they r K 1; bu-tiiv eagag. J in nfiiug uu j guttiup i « And |irivate iia ues .y, j i—ning from the wmdop , ind tu* > C r „ rc«- .if led eio ely many g anu* obts, wt . 'J c*hp vUizeog during the ifc l w days i j bend .-ailed to look on. ‘ :ar> dded fr s ‘ iarap was the body i' black a* l ’ ,who fcfid been hung upaje r ic.u*. i . The iiretailo made their fpeot. *; on tu*» groand fd the name ax the r. < 4 \ ,r;. The jteople who had bet u Qgi,. an tuv work of destruction retired behind the tire* men. thu*- plaf w.g a bailor of t*ur bravo firemen ErtweeD/ihi-ins -U**s and the auli ltarJ- r ‘ ~> f It was this only which pre vented the discharge hi J field pieces. From the housetops* he: usual salute ol brickbats and stones >o* ? sh vered down upon the military. F *.jrr l eiuzens up to Col. Meyer and Inform-d him mat men were stationed 'em I e hot ;etops rifles in their hands* to hri up u ;<i< men. The Colonel/tiicwmpon -rderi'd men to keep a lookout, ,iud .1 . shots were fired frouf the hou.setope to w er a volley instaurly. At this time J\... ge xMcCunu appeared on the scene, and entreat ed the Colonel to “spare thos. -icaiotvut people.” The Judge informed, tod Q 1 uel j that he had, by authority from v.bjyernor Seymour, been using iiis influence V. ryuell ! the disturbance. Colonel Meyer re/ ied I he, as a military man, had but to tw .y i orders, and if the people attempted to ad j vante to fire on his in* a Lo should certainly order it to be returned by a volley, i infantry and artillery tiken slowly ret . and had hardly reached tl. Ar . ilaJ ere tue disturbance broke out with i*ene ved violeuc .., and word wus brought to General Sauuford that two more negroes wei;ts dangling in mid air from the lamp posE. iVtsowere.*--The phlets brought in u j large number of prison eh*, dirty, ragged land bloody iu ippearanee, but sullen and : determined in demeanor. With a jerk and u t w ist Irom then' cap lots, they soou found 1 themselves located iu a steure pUce '!’! - were then tied up som thing like trussed j fowls, and left to mediate at h ir ieisvn*. The ('ontrabuhJit. — Phe colored .oiks in the twentieth ward sutb>r< and vt. ev: i iy*. j Numberless were eht* atrocities a p at » :ou them. They w**re hunted jVom th* ir houses by the score*' ' When •. oghr rb » were hung up to kmp p.,i*(« \. r htatco, jjumj)ed on, kicked ami mi uck v. ’ iron . , aud heavy wooden ydubs. At cue time lu ring yesterday there vvore beewu ,\y fit’r - J sixty of these peoph Jin rlie arsenal. •*] ol them were horribC maimed and ured. No respect hah been p-ul u> sex, age or eonditirifn. (j Ui wmn uj *, burned out of her hntr.e who had oai confined on Tuesday. Ttie p..* >r er< .• ■:< and her little oho was cared lor as v,vd .u possible by IV Gilbert. Man, * ; : scenes took place between the ant* r. \i men. bers of the same fam ly who had rro * .m i, ; other up as lost., ana met uaexplcud;,- ui the arsenal. Ih* nnjro tre uhln—i c, r a o> i £■.; — Tlu net [rites havinx; in Multitude* ~ 'flu 8 p«»ur ucgioos, or whut is left of ,*te hourly leaviug the ciry. They c-HDr uiu that they are hardly allowed ih..* pnvi epe of escaping. Everywhere through the «ic*y like sheep and numbers are killed, A’ v tun no account will ever he learned. Th* re is hut one tjuarter where these ur for titrates live which has remained unharmed, —suli* j van street, in.the. Eighth Ward. ThiViaae inaly is explained by :Me fact th it thev.lrave wisely locked themselves within Miei hous es, and thus kepr public artentiuo ir :n be iug attracted to them. 8on»o few who have ventured upm the streets, in ord -r to pro cure the necessaries of life, have b . stoned but none have been killed. The Fifth ward, reported •ju.-'t u v-eeter day’s paper has since that hour he n in a state of terrible ercheiuem The promi nent negro locality bins been almost dernol isbed, and upwards of two hundred Hat I 9 thrown homeless upon the streets. This J was in \ ork street, a small thorougfar * run ning a block 'r<»u» West Broadway, 3ra» Canal street. The crowd appeared ou Wednesday even ing with carts, and driving the negr mto their yards commenced to remove their f'ur uiture which seemed of value. Sever.fl pi auos were stolen, sofas, chairs and were appropriated. No police appealed ’u» they had nearly all ibeen detailed for Jury at the central office, :t few only staying ne hind, in order to protect the statieo-Miouse. It is estiuied that several jfc •Ui.Drd worth of property was thus stolen. Os course the negroes offered no resistance.— They stood passively by, begging tho peo ple not to harm them, as they were help less. The leaders said if they kept fjoiet, all would be right. One of them, howererJ iu attempting to escape, was severely her eu, if not killed, it being said that he wall on his way to the pciiee headquarters to get aid. This was the ru>nor, proha' iy. that leu to the subsequent About -aidui^U several persons asse *.i»ied on U.c ocfu r of York street and Brmd+if ana swm* moiled to dittotiaof tkt u? bitter A Wr-V^Mi °et bug before the attack corutnenced. if neks, m' de-s sud every conceivable mis«ile were i t >v . \* the window/. Several * 1 b** *7 ga r here<i. atiu tiie ejroittl - , ( P?ea». ExcivAtJ uiai *rs .*!•* >p« {. <| •oune the draft %od the * ' , * r c i the ptopic tost; ad fiiru * U( * ‘. ieir**c (A •heir rights. On.*., who M peace, wsa driven from the b* Vtiy the most extreme op. nions * uli U ... :.• f with satV:v* i 1 , ,* u j? 45 ie4 iv* .* *-fcre tie atUek became ,’en *t The* J jr*rs of the were Oro xet Ur the t* groes were badly beaten. A t jy- -lid .ve been killed by s brick* : Gtlri bn t rough aw n sow An old uiau * ’-’Ao 1 ’ ?t / ..* *.. / Lad fii*hf?d 4 'plit open. * . taken away, una has not since be< n heard u «m. The biaoks made Qo'iarsis tT ncP; but begged for Some afibo* “ eiders, therefore,. rdorei the noirti tner *l\ to sack the bmidings and h tiie people u.ono '!‘hereafter, it. is reported, no one was injured A hundred or two of negro - irom otLv r sect ems of the ward, hearing t f tkrt trouble, immediaudy sought shelter i » in -re congenial iecslitii i. After the trou ble, a squadron of cavalry appeared, aud remained during -he rest of rhe night | h f * whole t.i \ 4i 1: street, ♦ one bnihUng, nc ? * igoy* Jt .linns r«. #* nearly «» *t»\ thing t U tire can r- -i nm j». * sh,*v troy d. Jo-dyv*' the blacks* return td tx heir homee, f r the purpose of gather </ \ 1 .. ' iJ left Id their ;.«ni ]. - %iug.— C,M;r njpOrter; in company with the Sergeant liTaog y au energetic but humane officer, mab Y au inspection of the destroyed quarter, she sergeant asked where the people were going. Being in citizen s clothes, and not understanding hi, official character, he was imumliately regarded as a spy, and the woTfxrn ran away iu terror. Showing his shield on ?of the females became - €l .>ta and communicated qritt* It ft)\ and ut everything Vit t-heir place of destinatf i.— rfhar, ,hc it *, *l.not tell, |ud it v*» aV. -sing to ien \r depiete upon •> -of tiiona arviind V > fVared she The uegmes thought they identdied some of assailant- on the opposite ’corner, and the sergeant, in company wirfi two officer, j arrested them. They could r. *-* lie identi i fieii, however . In one one of .these building.*- even the Walls were torn down. A white family, the head ol which H a returned sat ,in tin coiftv of a mass ot uegtoe -. al 1 of wb m ws rr and n , tt*riy ‘' tffiSbTtT'U' •Kx-tifr ~-rC I »nj ft 0 v In ! ’Cttl: ■ tkl m - .id tiia Ir • W’.' Htitr* * * •*. tile white pe<q v, , ** v • • ntit'h neeu cd sgainst them. "To f <aid ’ , -*] do not believe that i.hev ba.Vu 1 lor we* have lived pt.u* , w f 1 hem for years. Theiv* are . il. ie' ~ : hovV *v*..-r, vti x set the boys at p-, 4' •*, •et r* cro. 1 tcgethk*r, and t<y rur 'ive.s un<l steal our property.” t . 1*‘ I>ut.'' a dred a bysiandcr, idwiiT *. J ffej , , f . “ I '. 1 Khali we go to V* -iT-f/lfe ue-N i ■ •• I: tu;. fa .'** numbers rll get t - i geiher a.;y whe-i*«‘, there is s.tiie trouble. the truth , u** uc’* Ae ! in where, e- et-j.f by otta'selve^. ‘i Lyr m in t‘a<*- V. i■ a t. A .•” J.-* a reeling among the negroer that they j v.di , v-- r-.c an unfortunate race in the Uni ! ts-i .S»aK-s • Ibe Eas ern and other -a;. | of last v i ,\*> r and this morning .: '■ “* j ded w, ft, L‘'t, r ti. wanderers believing bat I . J**r n t-r.« *' * : w;h r p ~&ie and .wn among t ‘y a tlit.* interior of this Sf^tr-• many A *--■% -vore without money and beg ged th** r wLi! 1 others were apru j rvstlv wrll ruDfihed wirn noceasary funis, i and ’.fi - - help 1 their brethren -n thc-ir way : . • ' i.*r **' '1 'J 'i S/citum Ili/uge a ltd Fire 3 ~ %rtr *— At 1:' o’clock the crowd set -je t the police siati<, • house iu Twentv- Sicoud street, between First, and Second Avunues. The flames soon extended to the lire bell tower aud xNo to the house of en gine company No. 51, and in a very short time they were all, destroyed. Loss about $25,000. \ esterday tor -doou the people again con gregated in I'hiity second street, between J~ xih and Seventh Avenues, and made au attack ou a tenameut house occupied by colored families. A negro drew a pistol tod v tiL t fir v*u a yt-ttng man named Ilealy, an» of eighteen tire engine. This *ct ei>r3« rl-n of deceased; they pnr-LKid Hic ni yr>, caught him in the tene ment kiwi i.i Thirty second street, and • Hung brm the !«mp j-ost. The tene ments of rbfv. colored ; eople were then 2red and th- buildings burned to thegrouu i. Lator ii t>4 day the crowd pressed i-jr ward into Twvnty eighth street, near Sc -’en teentb avenue. Lhere they searche ! arioth* er temenieut oc<mpied by colored people, bred tb” premises, but did not burn it ali Another negro ,was here captured, . arpe.-t>£t*rnyh. lfrea!lVg him,/ be waa Luiig 1* the lamp post, where the p .r r* tim L;u.g ; for souie time kickiug until .Btruualed to death. The boys thou pelted 1 all kinds of mitsiles. - The military from the arsenal yrtnt mk force and fired on the crowd, killing hint ■Niudiiig many. The military thou wheel | and on their return through Thirtyftdxfh 1 street, a man dressed in soluier’c uniform, standing on the stoop, threw a >kuc 4. the ; military, which atrujc one of tke The officer iu command baited awd A ds of his meu to Hro They to*k aitn at till miU cm the 'ihtOj, 9nd ha fell and ’kfc** ! 'Va hi.aoi *t4tsd ihi) d?*K*ss(Kl wi as far* j VOLUME XLI-\o. ?o At ten o clock Istsij night word esm** | the beadquartersof police that a larg** b | of people were in Third avenue and Tbirtv third sin *ot, and had ju-t broken into \ :?< • i\- -> on that earner. A fn* ietit to aid in quelling the disturbance lKyarthre of Qiiint* /raw the C>v, It need not be supposed that . ;i c»'U < *e quent upon our troubles is enofined •tvely to the negro elemeut. Oa the c» r irsry, there has been a great exodus ot tl e whitest particnlarly the 'more wealthy, wh . seem to labor under tbe apprehensijo th i. that the destrucLoa of propertv ia to r... general On Monday evening, tfc«> r>m .?n tion to *vestchester ooitutj (that bsjir t»i* most oonvennuit N'fugej was Nun. bers were in carria^es^and *o e -ert * detrmnd fir conveyaih*e*, that »t f> o’cl** *k proe ire vehicles for the use of the city an ihc .t.a * and tin* Government ai is. Jju i uesdav every steamboat hmving tbo c ti.-»dy packed. Many people wen .£>< - J to '!o*p upon the cabin li h>* .- though willing and Tbh to pay aliuos: .*l> thi* g for state rooms, or eveu birth.- the ♦taill 8»J Hoes did au immen«e hi. me* -train of twenty c«rs left iu the afi»*r nouq,: p: of» some routes it vva* uuiK thl* to icon mndritt the applicants for pa-.^ | N **fib«*r <» ti i .* people did nui kuuw wucre th would atop, but exi res-edtln determination to get far enough awa\ ir* tu rt.h«! city to avoid danger The extent ot this Midden movement 1 r other quarters may be imagined, wbeq u , I known that there are nearly a thou ,md I dwellings now unoccupied, iu varum.* m * of the city, or left in charge of acrvanU ! The attention of the poluv h * ht;i;*i c.ti.r ■ | to these unprotected places, and lueau, have ■ been taken to guard them against mta*. k au i pillage. ot.. V. *r. !\ HAtmis—Thb Manner ei tfl \bLl / tii.—The following extract fr ia j a iat.t' r wart *n by an officers in the ‘iu Geo. to /t * Gblumbua Time*-, will be read with ( inJui-'Ho interest: , It*b t omes my painful duty to inform , you t the death of Col. Wm. T. Harris, ; whp full, shot through the heart, iu the bat t tic ot Gettyvburg, ou the Ud inst. Our i bright was ordered to charge a battery, JtiiU jas w advanced, the Colonel s horse Was j shot under him by a fragment of a shell; ■*.-» iihy iiuibu full, .he laaped from lahu ami nt arch fed oh foot, in advance of hisregimeut. c succeeded iu driving the enemy from [hh iu» Mou, and capturing his gum, but in t s. <iiug Uek k.-* (the enemy) had takeu a j fetruuger position ou the side of the moon taic n. eri he posted his men behind j boi:*!8 if limestone, which covered ii* sidt s Oqthe mouutain, and ii was impos ,ibL* fa us t r ‘ dislodge them. < )ur line had just been he.ted. at.:<i the enemy was p. uring *uo . jiire into our ranks, from their rockv -L* .c 2 r , Col. Harris was statuiiug under tin* eoloi. i waving his .v>.rM and cheer ng hi.> mets, t henr U*-! w.*i- hit in the breast, lie fell, ami r tired without a groan. The body wa>, ;t rued to ti.e hospiia!, a cojL.q procured, * a.-d '.i> was there buried, j ’ . has fell this good -and gallant mau.— | o.i* who kn-*w him could bavu dwaOteu that Kueh.would be bis fate, it the c-ll c*. ! honor and the denianus of pat-r.c* 0 i u r quire the sacrifice. The loop .oE of G« <- pa’s iiHvstrious dead container no oe* •.f* a north; er name than that ot W lihaua i Ho* * ns. }fe duverves arid shall receive a v... u and fullei record whuh we trust, some vuv triend, who knt-vv h.-ru weii Will luiutah Hie* ii/*vf LoTeriior oi OU;*#. The Home (N. 1 .) .Seutimd, « c.mserva tiVf* l)e'uocratie*j.;per „a', *. : Things are working to a head in Ohio It is as certain as any future emit can be, that, if the people arc not allowed to ha\- a free canvass and a fair elect ion, thev will rise agaiust rhe Abolition despotism which denies those rights; but if they hare these Vailandigharn will be elected. And if elec ted, he will be inaugurated. What mu ‘ He will not cbm mission another office i r Ohio to prosecute unconnitutKxn&l wu; n r will he suffer the militia of that 8 tare, of which be is the Commander in chief, to U> dragged away from the State without their and his consent. If Lincoln aetjuie-wn sin this, his wars will be at an end; if ht iru to thwart it, he will have another- r- , State to ‘Subjugate ” Mrs. Patterson Allan. —The impri*. ou merit of Mra. Patterson Allan iu the Hos pital of St. Francis de Sales, we are inform ed, was iu coubequeuce of extreme indi.-p >- .-itioD, amounting to illness. Her condition demanded medical attention and care, and fir this purpose only ahe wai placed in the asylumn, under guard. We make this ex planation because of some remarks in tie local columns of this paper censuring her inipr'soErmcnt in the hospital. Humanity wars consulted, and not Mra A*s comfort or circumstances. Her case has not yet un r goiie examination because of her iilnesg.— fitch, hnq. A— * Uatr A dispatch, dated Louisville, Ky., July 9th, addressed to “Governor” Andrew Johnson at Nashville, says : ‘-Nat. Wolfe, secession candidate for Congress in this dis trict, was arrested yesterday in Owen coun* tyj ixyt making a violent secession speech.— He was sent to Gen. Burnside for trial.'*— Tiils will probably be snothof VaUndigh a ease on i xinaltar weslc; b&t the loci! ex* vLwfeittS >rwd«*t»d by it m&y be folly u w nHniiL'i tbd Obi?