Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, February 09, 1869, Image 4

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fFor the Journal aud Messenger.] BLASTED HOPES. “BT jack dobIU.", “’Twas ever thus in childhood’s hoars I’ve seen my fondest hopes decay Thus did the bard of Erin say, And his experience jib** with onra. And do rot think that I am vain, Thut to compare myself with Moore lie loved roast pig, which /adore, And tike me floated on champagne. Os rash there always is a dearth, Whenever l’-m compelled to sell, When forced to buy a thing—’tia weU, If I flou’t pay five times its worth! I bought me once a horse to ride, (“Indeed he was a noble steed, A Tartar of the Ukraine breed")— That night he took the hots and died! I never owe a man a bill, And venture out upon the street, But that's the man I always meet At every turn, go where I will. Whene’er upon a girl I’m “sweet," A girl, perhaps, without a beau; Presto! at once she’s “all the go," And hundreds bow down at her feet. ’Twas ever thus fwhate’er the cause) My fondest hopes have all decayed; I never tried to kiss a maid, But she was sure to box my Yes, ever thus—ao ends my rhyme, I've been a foot ball to my fate; Kicked here and there, too soon, too late! But never “in the nick of time.” OREAMLYG IN TUB rBENCHES. BT GORDON M’CABB. L I picture her there In the quaint old room, Where the fading fire light starts and falla, Alone lu tlie twilight's tender gloom, With the shadows that dauee on the dim-lit wall?. n. Alone : while those faces took silently down From their antique frames in a grim repose— Slight, scholarly Frank, in his Oxford gown, And staunch dir Allen, who died for Montrose. hi. There arc gallants gay in crimson and gold, There me smiling beauties with powder’d hair, Out she sits there, fairer a thousand fold, Leauiug dreamily back in her low arm-chair. nr. And the roseate shadows of fading light Softly clear steal o’er the sweet young face, Where a “Woman’s tenderness blends to night With the guilesa pride of her knightly race. T. tier small hands lie clasped In a listless way Ou the old romance, which she holds on her knee, Os “Tristram,” the bravest of knights in the fray. Ami “iseult,” who waits by the sounding sea. VI. And the proud, dark eves wear a softened look, As she watches the dying ernbera fall— Perhaps she dreams of the knights in the book, Perhaps of the pictures that smile on the wall ? VII. Wlint fincies, I wonder, are thronging her brain, For her cheeks flush warm with a crimson glow ; Perhaps— ah, me! how foolish and vain?— But I’d give my life to believe it ao ! vin. .Well, whether I ever march home again, To offer rny love and a stainless name, Or whether 1 die at the head of ray meu, I’ll he true to the end all the same! Pkokam’s Battalion Amtilleky, A. N V., De cember, 1364. A DJHUUSTED WOMAN 0.1 THE MUSTACHE “ Susan Snap," in a letter to the Hearth and Home exhibits a strong dis liko for the prevailing “ mustache movement," as she calls it, and dis courses as follows: “What is this movement?” she writes, “ I hardly know how to define it. It is a combination of mustache, big knuckles, pre-occupation of man ner, and temporary imbecility. It is a spell that falls upon nearly every man whose upper lip or chin has escaped the razor for any length of time beyond a week. Sometimes it is a grappling movement, (this is when the spirit is willing, but the hairs are short) some times twirling, sometimes pulling, sometimes stroking, sometimes parting, and, all times ridieulous. If you enter a ra.lroad ear, you will see the new movement at once. Even as you look in tho narrow door-way nearly every manly elbow on nearly all tho outer scats along the lino will be giving un mistakable evidence that mustache or beard can never bo forgotton by the man behind it. This is not an extrava gant statement. I have been there to see. Once I counted nine gentlemen seated opposite to mo in a city horse car, who, one and all, were engaged in this modern movement. Poor fellows! They didn’t look at all like tho ancient Nervi who ivere not allowed to remove their beard until they had killed their man. They looked rather as if to be able to kill time was the limit to their sanguinary aspirations. There they sat, all busily engaged in the forms of twirling, grappling, pulling and com- ing. One iron-hearted looking youth was industriously striving to tuck away the ends ot’a Charles the First botween his resolute upper and lower lips. He had nearly succeeded when the conduc tor came through to collect the fares. Oh ! what a relief that was ! The man as he passed along, seemed to mo like tho angel oftho ontiro nine. And then, sitting there in my quiet waj’, I began to wonder why this thing should be. In vain I invoked De Quincy’s ‘eclectic for discovering analogies.’ The more I pondered the less satisfied I became, and tho more my soul was filled with reasons why it shouldn’t be. 0, men— husbands, brothers, fathers, sons,lovers! if you only know how sensoless a thing this movement is 1 If you only for a moment could see yourselves as we women see you, you never again would fall victims to it. If your moustache annoys you. if it is in your way, if it occupies all your thoughts, if it persists in growing in one direction while your manly will requires that it shall take another—if, in short, you can't possi bly let it alone, be warned before it is to late. Shave it off! Though your very soul sickens at the thought, off with it 1 Though fair to see, “It Is foolish thee;" shave it off. Frightful Encounter with a Map Poo —A few days ago Mrs. Eckerson, of Rockland county, N. J., while going to the barnyard, was attacked by a large dog, and u great portion of her clothing was lorn from tier persou Her leas were several tunes between the jaws of the brute, but her clothing prevented theanimaPa teeth penetrating her flesh. She ran into the to her husband, the dog following, and springing at Mr, Eckerson’a throat. Mr E;kersou fended off, and the dog caught his hand and tore it dreadfully. Mr Eckerson, in his efforts to get one hand out of the dog’s mouth, had his arm torn in a shocking manner and an artery broken. The dog then caught the other hand, and literally chewed it up, and re tained his hold uutil Mrs. Eckerson, with presence of mind, thrust a broom handle ilown the beast’s throat, when he let go his hold of her husband’s hand, and was killed with au axe. Physicians soon ar rived, who cut off the lacerated flesh, and are attending Mr. and Mrs. Eckerson. Mr. E lias uiadetiis will, and is preparing for death. Passenger Tariff in Illinois. — Chi ciyo, February I.— Governor Palmer has not ye' signed the bill parsed by the Leg islature, restricting the railroads of the Stale to 'hree cents per mile for passenger fare; and it is rumored that he will not do so. There is very strong outside pie sure against the bill, as it will, if it becomes law, doubtless htfve effect to re lieve the Illinois Central Road from the seven per cent, contract which now brings lour hundred and fifty thousand dollars £«ir annum into the Bute Treasury. HOW OFFICES ARE FILLED IN VIRGINIA. A Richmond correspondent of the New York World tells of the latest invention whereby “ loii” office holders are manu factured in Virginia. It seems that there are not enough scalawags or carpet bag gers in the State who -re competent, and the difficuby promised at one time to se riously embarrass the faithful. Where was there ever a hitch, however, that could not be gotten over by these vermin, if money was the reward thereof? They have devised this plan : ‘‘A society has been organized in Wash ington for the supply of ‘qualified’ persons to fill the offices of Vitviuia with good Republicans. Well, a man is needed for an office, the Chairman of the Republican State Central Committee writes to the secretary of the Association iu Washing" ton, and forthwith there is sentdown here a carpet-bagger from Maine, New Hamp shire, Vermont, Connecticut or Massa chusetts, expenses paid.” These are facts, for several offices have already been filled in this way—among others that of Commonwealth’s Attor ney for Bedford county. And yet certain men at the South put en their lecturing caps, and gravely tell honest folk t that such infamy is not to beexposed and blistered in the homeli est words that our English tongue offers for such virtuous work! That to show up the things that are mean, and false, and vile, that outrage all right, and justice, a>id propriety, and to ask the verdict of public scorn and hate upon their authors and finishers, is “unprogressive” and “impracticable!” We will not imitate either the ostrich stupidity, or the fish like frigidity or flabbiness of heart, of such Mentors. They are Acbans in the camp, whose fate will be pitiable, indeed, when the pendulum of public opinion, released from present restraints, swings back to its old position. LUST IN A WESTERN WILDERNESS. Six Day* Without Food—Remarkable Escape from Starvation. Mr. Charles Crapo, brother to the Gover nor, and Mr. Alderman, a surveyor, when returning through the woods from examin ing lands on the Klieboygan river, and when iu the town 33 4 cut his foot very badly, disabling him from traveling any further. His companion, supposing that there were lumber camps 33 4, made the wounded man as comfortable as he could fixed his tent, built him a tire, and cut a goodly supply of wood, aud, leaving trim all the provisions, which were three days’ rations, took only two “bard tacks” and started for help, expecting to get through iu cue day. He a e all his provisions at noon, hut at night, witeu tie reached his destination, he found a dreary wilderness where he expected to find a camp. He immediately started for the main river, hut soon became entangled iu a dense swamp, and, through fatigue and want of food, and having to sleep ou the ground without blanket or tent, he was taken sick and could make hut very slow pro gress. After three more days of intense suffer ing, tie reached Erskiue’s farm, late at night and utterly exhausted. Mr. Spralt, happening to he there, took him next morning to Comstock’s camp, which was ttie nearest one to where he left the wouud ed'man. Mr. William Comstock immedi eteiy started, with eigiit men, to the relief of Mr. Crapo. They found him without wood, and suffering from his wound and anxiety. He supposed that his friend had either perished or was lost, and certainly expected to he left to die. He calculated Iris provisions to last him twelve days, aud cut Iris name on his gunstock and the bottom of iiis book, so that any one find ing Iris remains might know who he was. Having lain there six days all alone, since his comrade left him, lie describes the sensation of the arrival of help as the happiest moment of iris life. His rescuers brought trim to camp upon a litter, and the next day brought him to town. Both meu, after recruiting, started for Saginaw. [Alpena ( Michigan) Pioneer, Jan. 20. [From the Memphis Avalanche, 30th ult.J ARKANSAS. The Militia Take a Cripple from His Sick Bed, and Murder Him in the Woods—A Merchant Thrown Lu Prison, and his Store Gutted. Oue of the most heinous atrocities yet committed by the Arkansas militia, oc curred last Monday, in Mississippi county It was nothing less than the colii-binoded murder of Mr. Alexander Baugh, a respec table citizen of Arkansas, a gentleman of some means, and a cripple, physically in capacitated to do aDy one auy harm. The facts, as derived from unquestiona ble sources, are briefly as follows: Mr. Baugh lived on Carson’s Lake, ten miles from Osceola. Last Monday some prowl ing militia who had been robbing the neighborhood, insulting ladies aud fright ening children, got half drunk on whisky or wine they had stolen, and made an at tack on some citizens, who escaped from them, going iu the direction of Mr. Baugh’s iiouse. Tne militia pursued them to the house, where they stopped, aud the fugitives dis appeared. Air. Baugh was in bed sick, but was taken out and required to tell where lie had concealed the men. He, of course, knew nothing of them, and could make no disclosures. This so enraged the militia that they took him out a few hun dred yards from the house and shot him diad, aud left his bullet riddled bady by the roadside. No arrests had been made at last accounts. Several prisoners are still held in jail at Osceola, among them Capt. Win. Bennett, a piominent but remarkably quiet citizen, who lives on Frenchman s Bayou, about fifteen miles from Osceola. The militia went to tiis house a week or so ago and completely cleaned out his store of a large stock of goods. They also destroyed con siderable property about his residence, and then carried him off to prison. REAL ESTATE SALES IN ATLANTA. Cash sales of real estate in Atlanta dur ing ttie past week have amounted to about one hundred thousand dollars. One-half the Bell Building was sold for $21,200. Two stores in the Franklin Block were sold to Mr. Wirt. W. Simpson, of Sparta, Georgia, a wealthy planter, who is inter ested largely in Atlauta property, for $16,000. Two stores on the corner of the same block were sold to Mr. George S. Camp, of Greensboro, for $13,500. The store occupied by Wm. B Lowe & Cos., on Whitehall street, was sold for SIO,OOO. The property sold to the Macon and Western Railroad brought $13,000. The store in the rear of the Kile BuildiDg was sold to Thomas G- Huly for $3,265. The Jos. L. King store house, on Peachtree, was sold for SB,OOO. The residence of Mr. Mcßride was sold for $2,250. Smaller sales were made which raise the aggregate to over oue hundred thousaud dollars within one week, and all the sales were bona fide and for cash.— Era, 3d. The Commercial Marine of Savan nah.— Iu passing along the bluff oue can not but be forcibly struck with the large amouut of shipping in port. Savannah is fast approaching the position marked out for her by nature, as the first port on the Southern seaboard. There are at pres ent 85 vessels iu port, 42 of which are loading for foreign ports. This will show a heavy over last year, when the number loading for foreign ports was 30, while the aggregate iu port was only 52. At New Orleans on the 27th ult., there were li9 vessels, of which number only 36 were bound to foreign ports; while Charles ton only shows a list of 42 ves-els, 12 oi which are loading for fortigu ports. This is a favorable comparison of the facilities offered by Savauuah', and shows conclu sively that witli proper management on the part of our merchants and all con cerned, Georgia can still maintain her proud title ot • Empire State,” and Savan nah that of the “Q ueen City of the South.” We notice among the vessels lying at our wharves several regular New Orleans line*, which, more than ail else, is suffi cient evidence that Savannah presents extra inducements for vessels seeking freight. —Savannah Republican , 2d. A Bohemian in Trouble. — St. Louis, February I. A man named Brown, for merly a St. Louis correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer and other papers, has been threatened with a cowbidiug bv the friends of Mrs. Bowen, widow of the Cou fed -rate General Bowen, who was killed during the war. His offense consisted in writing scurrilous articles about that lady for New York papers. —Negro suffrage so far as the House, at Washington, could fix it, was made the law of the land last Saturday. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 8188 COUNTY. GEORGIA— "188 COUNTY —Whereas. Patrick H. * arroti, i lm) str-tor of the esta'e of E itsbeth aud William I> Tucker, decern-ed. app ies to me for !-t ere of din i-*i n : Tneae are therefore to cite and admon'en *ll and amgu'ar the kindred and * reditors if -aid df cea-ed tn be and appear at ray office on or b f re the Arm Mondav i • June. 1869. to show cans*, if *nj ttv y have whv letter* should not be granted. Give- und«-r my hand flic oily. dcl2-m6i* C. T WARD, Ordina-y. BAKER COUNTY. NOTICE. f' i EORGI A. BAKER COUNTY.—Prom and after this date tue official notice* of tins county will »>e published In tne Tki Weekly Journal and Mvssknokr. B F. HUDSPETH, Ordinary. THOS ALLEN, Dep’y t'lerx Superior Coart. WM. JaCKBON, jaZT-tf Sheriff, SHERIFF’S SALES. WILL be sold, on the flrat Tuesday in March next. bel'»e the Court Hi.uae door, lu the Town of Newton, Baker County, Georgia, be tween the leg.l hours of sale, the tollowlug property, to-wll: Lots of land Nos. 190 aud 191, iu the 7 b Di-trlot of Baker i ounty. Levied on as ihe propeily of Wtiham W. cheever, to satisfy a ft la. is-ueo from the Superior Court of Dough erty <’ounty In lavor of James H. Hill, truatee vs. W t heever. Property po.nted out by p'alnllft's attorneys. pfs3 50 ALSO. At the same time and place, will be sold, lot of land No. 160. in the 7th District of said county. Levied oa as the property of Andrew H. Metts, to satisfy a ft fa. issued from the superior t ourt of Miller County in favor of Franklin W. Rivea, Joel T. Walker, exec utors of Joel Walker, de ceased, v-. Andrew H. Metta. Property pointed out by plaintiff,’ attorneys. pf 13 50 a L-O, At tne same time and place, will be sold, lots of land Nos 2i6, 217, 218, aud 235, iu the Bth District of Baker Dounty. latvted on as the property of Gideon Cawte, executor of the last will Hnd ie« lament ot John Dawse, deceased, to satisfy aft. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Baker County In favor of John T. Palmer vs Gideon Dawse, executor ol the last will and testam, nt of John Dawse, deceased. January 27th, 1869. WILLIAM JACKSON, Ja29 twtd—pf »3 50 Sheriff Baker County. GEORGIA— BAKER COUNTY—To all whom it r may concern—susan Elliott having Id proper f Irm applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate of James K. Elliott, lateof said county: This Is to cite all and singu lar the creditors and nekt of kin ol said James K. Elliott to be and appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, and show cause, 11 any they have, why permanent administration should not be granted to Susan Elliott on James R. Elliott’s estate. February Ist. 1869. B. F. HUDSPETH. feb3-twtd—pf $3 30 Ordinary. EORGI A—BAKER COUNTY—To all whom It VR may concern—Richard W. Willis having ap plied in proper form to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of William Dooley, lateof said couniy: This is to cite all and singular, the creditors aud next of kin of Wil liam Dooley to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, ti any they nave, why permanent administration should not be granted to R. W. Willis on Wm. Dooley's estate. February Ist, 1M59. B. F. HUDSPETH, feh3-twtd—tvf $3 50 _____ Ordinary. GEORGIA, BAKER COUNTY.—Susan M. Per ry. widow of B. J. L. Perry, has applied lor exetnu lon ol Personally and selling apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the ame at 10 o'clock a. m., on the Bth day (.1 February, 18t9, at my office. B. F. HUDSPETH, ja27-2t Ordinary B. C. /N EOHGIA—BAKER COUNTY—I wo month \JT after date, application will be made to the ( our. of ordinary of Baker County, Georgia, at ihe first regular term after the expiration of two months from the date of this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Nathaniel Hester, lateof said countv, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. (Not assigned to widow as her home stead.) January 27m. 1869 MARY ANN HESTER, JOHN GALLEY, JOHN F. GkIFkIN, Executors of the last will and testament Ja29-tw2m—pf 16 of Nathaniel Hester. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Crawford County Sheriff’s Sales. 'ItHE SHERIFF’S SALES OF CRAWFORD I Couutv will hereafter be published In ihe Journal and Mkssekgkr, Macon, Ga. This No vember 21, 1868. ANDREW J. PRESTON, nv24-dAw-tf Sheriff GEORGIA— 7RAWFORD COUNIY—To all whom it rray concerr—Whereas, Lewis O. Chapman, ad miri-ir*tor upon the estate of Giles M. Chapman, late of said coun'y, d“C' a*ed applies f >r letters of di-nvs -ion from tne administration of said estate : There s re, the kindred and creditors < f said deceased, are hereby cited and admonish“d to file their oijec ions, i anv they have, m my office in terms of the law. Otherwise, letter- di-mi sory will be granted the ap plieant st 'he Augu-t teim next of the Court of Ordi nary f .r avid county. Given u’ii r my hand and official signature,this Jan uary 6th. 1869 JAMEBJ. RAY, ja"l8 6m Ordinary. G Ell KG IA—CRAWFORD COUNTY—H. Har derson, of Crawford County, Georgia,has up plied to me for exemption of personalty, and for -ettlng -part and valuation of homestead ; and I will pass upon the same at my office, in Knox ville, Crawford County, Georgia, on ihe 15th of February, 1869. JaMEs J. RAY, febs-2.—pt 32 Ordinary. DOOLY COUNTY. GEORGIA-DOOLY COUNTY—Whereas, B. P. Clayton, Administrator, applies for letters of dismission from the estate of A J. Tindall, late of said couniy, deceased: These are to cite and dimmish all persons interested in said estate to file their objections, If any, within the time pre scribed by law, or said letters will be granted. June 14th, 1868. W. E. DAYriS, J«24-6m Ordinary. HOUSTON COUNTY. HOUSTON SHERIFF'S SALES. tytILL he sold, before the Court House door, in W the Town of Perry, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the follow ing propertv. to-»it: 200 bushels corn, more or less ; 300) pounds so lder, more or lees Levied on as the i r-peny of Jo« H. Thompsin. to satisfv afi fa in favor of John N. Keen A Cos., issued from Houston Superior Court. pf $3 53 ALSO, — At the !am» time »nd p ace. lot of land No. 69; 150 acre, of No. 70, being all of said lo* of land except 60 acres in tbe nor'hwest corn, r ; and all of lot No 87 except 60 acres ff the east side—all situated, lying, and i eing in the unp.r Fifth District of said courty, and all <• ntaini rg 500 acres, more or less, and which isth- dower of Mrs Matilda Gunn, widow of Dan e' Gunn, deceased ; an i .t i- the remainder in these lands that is to bes. Id, after the termination of the life estat- of ssi t Mrs. Gunn. Levied on as the prop erty of Daniet Q*nn. d*ceased, to satisfy a S fa. in lavor ot the heirs es E. R. Ballard, issued from So per.or t.ouit. Property pomted out by plaimiff*' at'orney. pfJ3 50 - ALSO, At th* same time and piac“, lota of land Nos 92. 119 and south half if 118, in the 13th District if said county. Levied on as the pr- periy of R. E. Hose, and J H Hcse security, to sat'sfy a fi fa <n favor of M. Marshall, guardian, etc, issued from Houston Supp lier Court. Lev ed on by John Smith, former Sheriff and uri ed over to me. JOHN R. COOK, fobl-id—pt ?3 50 Sheriff. NOTICE TO DEBTOKS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons indeb’ed to Isaac Holmes late of Houston Courty, d-cessed, sre requested to make immediate payment to the under-igned; an i all persons having demand, against said deceased are required to present them in terms el the law. This February 2d, 1869. ROBERT HOLMES NHEDHAM T. JOHNSON, feh4-40d Ex'rs of Isaac Holmes, deceased. Cv EORGIA—HOUsTON COUNTY-Whereas, Need X ham T. Johns' n applies time fir letters of ad ministration on the estate of Harrison V. Irby, late of said county, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish a'l persons interested in said estate to he and app- ar at my offi 'e. on or before the first Mon day in April, 1669 to show cause, if sny they have, why s lid letters -hould not be granted according to the" prayer of “ant petition. Feoruary 2d, 1889 f=b*-ti-pf*s3 sti IV. T SWIFT, O. H. a HOUSTON SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, before the Conrt House door, in the Town <>f Perry, between the legal hours of sale, on the fiist Tuesuay in April next, the following prop e-ty. to wit: One house and lot in the Town of Fort Valiev, known as the Henry Love lot. aud No 7. in block H. L- vi-d on as the pioperty of John U. Staly, to ,-ati-fy a mortgage fi.fa. ia f.vor of William Harris, issued from Houston Superior Court. ;eb*-td—pf »7 JOHN R. COOK, Bheriff. r |tWO MONTHS afier date, application will be made I to the Court t f Ordirary of Houston County for leave to set a part of the land belonging to Robert B. Strip ing, a minor. January 26tb, 18C9 ja3o-td—pf $8 JOSEPH c. PUGH, Guardian. GEORGIA— HOUSTON. COUNTY —James H. Price has applied for exemption of per sonalty. aud for setting apart and valuation of uom*Btead; and I will pass upon tbe same at 10 o'clock a. m , on the 13. h da.v ot February, 1889, at mv ottlce. January 271 \ 1868. ja3o-2t—pf $2 W. T. BWIFT, O. H. C. GEORGIA HOUSTON COUNTY Thomas Leary and James Leary have both applied for exemption of personalty, and for the s-tting apart and valuation of the same; aud I will pass upon their app ication at 10 o’clock A. M., on Sat urday, the 13th day of February, 1869, a> my efflee. January £9th, 18*9. 1 .30 2t—pt 92 W. T. SWIFT, O. H. C. GEOR -U-HOUSTON COUNTY.—George 9. Has- Um. Sr. aud J',hn C. Rumpu, administrators of Mi*. Kuphro'.i* C. Rumph, lately deceased, having appli-d for dismission from said tiu-t: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday In July, 1869 and show cause, if any they have, why sail letters dismissory should not be gr.nt and -»id app ican's. Given under my hand and official s gnatnre, th.s December 4th, 1888. de*2B mtd-pf «8 W. T SWIFT, O. H. * GEORGIA— HOUSTON COUNrT.— Whereas. T. J. Haremore, administrator of C J. Baaemore, de ceas and. respectfully show -th that he has fully dis chs'ged tie duties as such, and now asks to be die m sied : These are therefore to cite all person, inter ested to be and appear at my office on or hefor- the first Monday in July next, to .how cause, if any they | bavwh» the request sb uld not be granted. Given ; under mi hand and official signature, this 21-t Decem ber. 1868. W. T. SWIFT. dc2B-mtd—pf $8 O. H. C. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in March next, before the Court House door In the Town of Ferry, Houston County, a house and lot in the Town ol Hayneville, containing twen ty acres, and known as the Allen Place. Sold as the properly of T. P. Halliburton, deceased. Term. cash. January BBOWH> Ja6-td— pf $6 <0 Administrates. GEORGIA JOURNAL ANDMESSENGER Georgia— Houston county—wui f >-e the Court House door • f said county, on tba first Tues >sy ia March n*x , t'a following tracts or parcels of lard. to-Wit: Cot o land No 269, iu the 14th District of said e<>un - y, eoßtrinipg 2 1 1% acres, more or less, and artj ini g t> e la-ds < f R B Brown and Gen. MeLane. s Id a • the property of the minor chi dren of Uiliam E K-l eo. dec-ss-d. for distri bution. Terms noth. Th e Januart 4h. 1-69. j»7-id—pfss 50 W. H. BROWN Guardian. / t FO Git-HOUSTON COUNTY.— * bereas. Henry >T s S wvers hss app ted for letters of administra tion on estate of William Sawyer, deceased: Tnese are theres re, <o cite all persons inter-ted to be and appear at my office on or bes re the first Monday in March nex' to sho* c-use if any, why the application should not b- gra-t-d. Gives uud-r my hand and official S'gnatnre. this 7th day of Jaruarv. 1-63. j.nll3od—pf S4 00. W. T. SNA I FT, Q. H. C. EXECUTRIX’S SALE. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, b« fore the Court Home door in P. rry. Georgia, between the i sual hour, o' e*'», fifty a -rt s- ff the east gideoflot .No. 53 and twenty fi e yores (ff the w-st side of lot No 78, i the upper fifth di trict of Houst n conn y. Sold a- the propertv of Thompson Fields, deceased. Terms cash. Jan. 4 18 9 MARY FIELDS jal2-td—pf{B Executrix. HOUSTON MORTGAGE SHERIFF’S sales. WILL be sold before t-e Court House door, in the Town of P rry. Houston County, Georg a. on the first Tuesday in Match 1869 between the legal hours of sale, a trvet of land cons -tiDg of 190 acres of lot No. 78. and twenty acres if ot No. 74. in the 10th D strict, by origirai -uiv“y, »f eaid county, being the p ace fjrmerly owned by Turn-r Smith, and now in the po-ses-ion of Jess* D Hsv.s and Edsm Green, the whole containing 2 2l£ acr»s, more o- 1-ss Levi»d on t>y virtue of a mortgage fi. fa issued fr< ro Houston Superior Court at August adjourned term 1868. to favor of Edw trd Jackson, as-ignt e of Louis M. Houser, Bankrupt vs. Jefferson G. Wav, raorgagor. Properly pointed out in eaid mortgage fi fa January Ist, 1869. pf tT JOHN R. COOK, 8- er ff. GEORGIA— HOUSTON COUNTY—Whereas, Wil liam Means, administrator of Sanders l.ove, late of said county, dec-a‘ed, has app.ied to me for letter* of dismission from rad tiust: These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested to he and ap pear at my office on the first Monday in June, 1869, to show cause, if any they have why a ud letters should not n« granted. Gvrn i nder my hand and official signature, this November 23 1868. uv26 6ra-pf*S W I. SWIFT, O. H. C. MACON COUNTY. „ Notice of Application for Dower. Georgia— m \con county.—To wtiitam j. Howe, who resides In Dougiassvltle, Davis county. In the State of Texas, aud all other per sons interested: You. and ea h of you. are hereby notified that I shall apply to the next Superior court, to be held in auu for said county on the second Mon day in March next, for the appointment of Com missioners to admeasure, lay off and assign to me a Dower in the lands of the i state ot William M. Harman, deceased, late of said county, lying In said county, agreeably to the statute In such case made and provided. This January stb, 1569. NANuY HARMAN. Widow of Wiliam M., dec'd, and Adinluistratrix of his estate. Janll-2m—pfß7 00. MACON SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in tho Town of Oghtborpe. Macon Couniy, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, tlie following property, to-wit: All that part ol lot No. i39, in the 23th District of originally bee, now Macon l oumy, bounded as follows to-wit: On the uorlh and east by the land formerly owned by James W. Armstrong, but now owned by J isepbtne Fnkes; on the sonth by the public road leadlDg from the Arm strong Ferry In the direction ot Ellavilie ; and on the west by the lands of Geo. W. Fish ; con taininir 90 acres, more or less. Also, all that tract or parcel ol land known as fractional part of lot No. 198.1 u sahl district, containing 20 acres, more or less t evied on as the property of Mi chael J. Feagin, to Ralisfy a ft t* issued from the Macon Superior Court. In lavor of Wm. J. Pat terson vs. B F. I'lending, maker, and Michael J. Feagin, endor er Property pointed out t y plain tiff's attorney. Oglethorpe', February Ist, 1869. ti. L. HILL, Sheriff feb2-td—pf 13 50 Macon County. GEORGIA— MACON COUNTY—James A. Wal ters has applied for setting apart and valua tion of homestead, under the Constitution and Act of the General Assembly passed in pursu ance thereof ; anti I will pass upon ihe same at my office, on the 15th day of the present month, at It o’o.ock A. M. This February Ist, >869. jno. L. Parker, feb4 2t—pf $1 Ordinary. GEORGIA— MA'ON COUNlY—Whereas, Joo. F. M. Harrell, administrator on the estate of P. A. Waddell, deceased, applies fir letters of dismission fr.>m said administration : These are therefore to cite a 1 and sit gu ! ar, the part es interested, to be and ap pear at my office on or before the first Monday in Augu-t next, and show cause, ifa' ytney have, why eaia letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official s'goature, January 28th 1869 JNO. L. PARKER, ja29 m6i—pfs7 Ordinary. CA EORGI A—MACON COUNTY.—Whereas, Ca- X lebF. Hill administrator ou the estaie of I. J Bryan, late ot said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said admin istration : This is t herefore to cite and admonish al' persous concerned to be and appear et, ray office on or before the first Monday in July next, and show cau-e, if any they have, why said let ters dismissory should not be granted. Given unci er my hand aud official signature Uecembet ‘22 1868. JNO. L. PARKER. dc2l-m6t—pf $7 Ordinary. SALE. BY’ virtue of an older from the Court of Ordinary of Macon Couniy, ai l be sold before the Court House door, in the Town ..f Oglethorpe, on the first Tuesday in Mareh Dext, wit' in the legal hours of sale, the real estate belonging ti the estate of Randolph M. Mul en, late if said cotia'y. deceavd, c>n?isiing r t a Grist Bill, wiih the lad a-d wa er privileges attached the-eto. lying and beintr in the Second Di-triet of orig inally Muscogee now Macon County, t-eid mill is in good rnneing order, on a failing stream, and in a good nei hborhood having a constant run of cus tom. Terms ca-h. This January 8.1869. M. J. Me MULLEN, janl2-tds—pf S5 80. Administrator. CNEoRuIA MACON COUNTY. Whereas, X Lucy Hallibu rton, administratrix ou the es tate of David Halliburton, deceased, applies to me for litters of dismission lrom said adminis tration: This Is thereiore to cite and admonish all persons lntereste-J to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why said let ters dinmissory should not be gianled to said ap p leant. Given under my hand and official sig nature, December 22,1858. JNO. L. PARKER, dc2l-m6t—pfs7 Ordiuary. MACON SALE. WILL b« sold, before the Court House door, in the Town of Oglethorpe, Macon County, within the leg.l hours of sale, on the cirst Tues day in March next, a house and lot In said Town ot Ogle'horpe.known as the Davidson houxe and lot, number of lot and square not recollected, but being the house aud lot lately occupied by Jeriy Hall (a person of col ir). Levied on as the prop erty of John S. Davidson, to satisfy a tl. fa. issued from a Justices’ Court of said county, in favor of Wes ey Taylor vs. John 8. Davidson and William Hill. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. February Ist, 1869. H. L. HILL, leb3 td—pf $3 ryt_ Georgia— MACON COUNTY.—Mrs. Nannie J. Wicker, widow of David L. Wicker, de ceased, has tiled a schedule of personalty, aud applied for the Retting apart aud valuation ot homestead of realty : and i wilt pass upon the same at my office, on the 18th of rebruary, en suing, at 10 o’clock a. m. January 29th. 1869. JNO. L. PARKER, feb3-2t—pi 92 Ordinary. PULASKI COUNTY. GEORGIA— PULASKI COUNTY—Whereas John F. McCloud uppli-s to ms lor letters of dismis sion from the exeeutor.-hip of the estate of Jane Rdey, deceased: The-e are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons intere-ted to be and appear at my office within ttie time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, wny said letters of di. nission should not be granted the applicant Given under my hand officially, this November 13ih. 1868. J.J. SPARROW. nov‘i6.6m Ordinary. Georgia puhaski county.- wneieas, George Dupree applies to me lor Letters of Dismlssiou from the administration ot the es tate of Matthew W Nutt, late of said county, de ceased : These are therefore to cite aud admonish all persons Interested to be and appear at my office wlt'hin the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why Letters of Dismission should not be granted the said Geo. Dupree. Given at office, this Ist October, 1868. oc3 6m J. J. SPARROW, O. P. C. GEORGIA— PULASKI COUNTY— Whereas. George W. Keen applies to m» f.>r Letters of Dismission from toe Adnib’istra'ion of the estate of Joel Taylor, late of said county, u*ceased: Tfe-e are therefore to ei e and admnui'h al persons interested to be and. appear at my office within the tune prescribed by law. and show ctuse, if any »hey have, why sad letters should not be granted said spp’icant Oct. 24 1868. 0e29 6m J. J SPARROW. Ordinary. SIXTY DAY'S after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Pulaski County for leave to sell the real estate of P. F. D Scarbor ough, deceased. This December 22, 1868. J. L. WARREN, de24-td—pf|B Executor. TWIGGS COUNTY. __ SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the fir-t Tuesday in March next, within the u ual Hours of sate, before the Court House door in the down of Jeffersonvil e, Taiggs County, the following property, to-wit: Four hundred acres of land, numbeis not kn wn, in the 27th Di-tnct, adjoining lands of Simeon Tharp, R. A. Nash James Hammoch, and others. Levied on as the property of Mra G. L. Lingo, to satisfy a fi fa. isi-ued from Twiggs Superior Court vs adrriebtraicrs of W. 8. Lingo iu f<vor of J R. Coombs Proper* v pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Tn.s Jacnat v 2fiih, 1869. JkREMIAIi SANDERS. Ja3o-td— pf*3 60 Sheriff: SHERIFF’S SALE. \\T ILL be sold, before the Court House door, >n the y) Town ts J. ff -rsonvil e, T*iggs County,ontbe first Tuesday in March qext. within the u-uai hours of sale, the f illc.wiog property, t* -wit: i-ixcy-two se es ot land, ho 136, in the .Bih District, adjoining landsof John Hearn and others. Levied on as me property of Pleas-nt Gentry and Alle'hy G-rtry. to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Twiggs Superior Court vs. l'le sant Gen try, Willey J Dirden, Ailethv Gentry, and Solomon J Bond, endorser, in favor of Joei H. Bond. Property pointed out by plaintiff This Janoarv 28th, 1869. JEREMIItt SANDERS, ja3o-td—pf $3 50 Sheriff. Y SHERIFF’S MORTGAGE SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April next. within the legal hour- of sa'e, before the Court House door in the Town of Jeff--sonvi,le, Twiggs County, the following properly, t > wit: One bay mare mule named Kit one dark nay mire mule named Margaret, one dark bav horse male named John. La-vied on to sa'i.-fy a l*en fi favor of Nutting. Powell tCo vs Sidney H.B ynton Property pointed out in said fi. la. January 26th, 1869 W. H. STOKES, jaSO td—pf $7 Deputy Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in March next, within the n-ua l hours of -ale. before the Court House door, in the Town of Jtff -r«ODVJia. Twiggs County, the following prop~rt«, to-w.t: 140 acres o land, in the 2Tth District, No *6, known as the Green Place. Levied on to satisfy afi fa. issued from Twigea Superior Court, in favor of Culten T. Green, deceased, vs. Isaac Carrol. Property pointed out by defendant. This January 9th, IW9. JEREMIAH SANDERS. Ja*-td—pt PSO Shari* SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to me Omiuary of Twiggs County for an order for leave to sell all the property belong intr to the eetau* of Jamts Br> an. deceased. This February Ist, IWB. M. K. kLaPPKY, tc-bS-td Executor. GTeoKGI.A— TW ItfuH COUNTY—Mrs. Gabra- Y l. Lingo, administratrix on the estate of her husband, William H. l.lngo, applies to me for valuation aud setting apart of personalty and homestead lor the ase of her minor children; and i will pass upon the same on Monday, the 15th dav of February. 1869, at 12 o’clock Sf , at my office. Tula 28th January, It* 9. feo3-2t —pf H WM. ». KF.LLV, Ordinary. “ SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL * e sold, on ihe fi st Tucs-ay in March next. Within the n-ua hou-s of -wi« bes t« the court House door, in th« Town of Jvffersonville. Twiggs County, th- foi owing property, (-wit: 100 acres of land, in the 2Sth In trict. tomb-r not k own. adjoin ing the lands of Johnson aid Gentry, known as ti e p ace oecupod by b-sd Mehon. L- vied on t' satisfy afi fa issued :rom Twiggs Superior Court, in f«vor of JohnS Hicks vs J. W Hah. prino.pal. aid M K Kills, indorser Propertv pointed out by p aintiff a attorney. This January 6th. 1869. • J jkremiah Sanders, jqß td—pf (3 50 Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be =o and. on the first Tuecday in March next, within the usual hours of «ale. b- for- the Court House iloor, in the Town of J. ffer-onvi le, of said county, the iollowing property, to-wit: ltso acres of land, known a* the Home P ace of D W. Sh ne. de ceased, of said couniy. A!--.; 1500 » res of land known as the KUt*oods Place of said c unty num ber not kDown. Levied on tosati-fysfl fa issued from Twiggs superior Court, in favor of C. L Rert wi ie vs. D W. Shine, deceas-d. Property pointed out by p aintiff. This January 6th. 1869. 3 V JEREMIAH HANDERS, jaß td—pf $3 50 Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. WILL be sold, op the first Tue day in March next. within the usual hours of sa e, before the Court House door, in toe Town of Jeffersonville, Twiggs County, the f JlowiDg property, -.0-wit: 165 acres of land. a-> the property of am-s T. Pearson, deceased, inthe2Mh District, number net known, a joining the lands of Ph 1 ins and others, levied on »s the prop erty of James T Pearson, deoeased, to satisfy a fi. fa. in f vor of Daniel Bullard vs James T. Pearson, de ceased. Property pointed out bv plaintiff’s attorney. This .January 6th. 18G9. JEREMIAH SANDERS jag-td—pf (3 P 0 Sher ff. feHERJFF’c* SALE. WILL be sold, on the fi st Tu rd.y in March next, within the usual hours of sals, i.efore the Court Hous door, in the Town of Jeff rsonville, the follow ing proper y tc-wii: 60 acres of laud in the 28th Dis trict. i.u i ber not known, but known as the place Whereon defendant lives L> vied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in saver of C era Bryan vs. Plesent Gentrv and John W. Paul. Prop rty pointed out by defendant. Tnis January 6th, 1869 JEKEMIAH SANDERS, jaß-td—pf|3 59 Sheriff SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuea lav in March next, within the usual hours f sale, before the i ourt House d"or, in the Town of J ffersonvdie. Twiggs County, the following property, to-wit: On- storehoure and lot. in th- Towu of Jeff rsourihe, known a-the lot occupt-a by U A. Kce Levied on to satisfy a fi. fa is-ued from Tw ggs Superb r Court, in favor of Jo siah H 'dges, tu ir uan.Ta. U A Rice. Preper y pointed out by plaintiffs attorney Tni- J-nuarv 6th, 1869. JEREMItH SANDERS, jaß-‘d—pf (3 50 .sheriff. GEORGIA— 1 WIOOS COUNTY—To all whom it may concern U’h-reas, William Bryan, ExeiuDr upon the estate of R rjamiu Bryan, decea-ed. applies for letters of dismission irorn the executorship of said estate: tnerefor-, the kindr and and creditors of sail deceas-d -re hereby ct and aud admonished to file their objections, if a y th-y h-ve, iu my office, in teims of the law, otnerwise letters dismissory win > e granted the applicant, at tlie August t rm, next of the Court <f Or i ary of .-aid couniy. G.veo under my hand anu < ffieial signature, this January 18th, 1869. ja2l-6m—pf*7 WM 8. KELLY Ordinary. Georgia— twiggs county—a. b. f. mcvui liauns, administrator on me estate of Jacob W. C rtlius, t.aving petitioned to be from -aid sdinmisTa iou; all p-rsons wno are required, withiu the lime fixed bv law. to -how cause, if any they have, why aald A. B F. McWilliams should not be di-charged. according to the prayer of his pe tition. Given under my haud, this 11th dav of Jan uary, 1869. WM. S. KELLY, j i2l 6m—pf 87 Ordn ary. Georgia— TWIG 9S COUNTY—To all whom it mny concern —Whereas, William Bryan, executor on the estate < f Dsniel Massey, late < I said county, de c-as< and. app ies for letter of dism ss'on from ttie ex ecutorship of said e.-tate: ther fore, the kindred anrt creditors i f said deceased are hereby cited and ad monished to file their oijec ions, if ny they have, in m ■ office, in t-rms of ths aw, oth rwise letters and s missory will be grunted the applicant, at the August t-rm. next, of the Court of Oroinsry for said county. Given under my hand offi • ally, this January Is. 1869. ja3l-Bm pfS7 WM.B KELLY. Or bnary. G 1 EORGI A—T WIGUSS COUN'J Y.—Whereas, Ar- I" chlbald McCollum, Administrator of W'illlam Chappell, late of said county, deceased, repre sents to the Court, in his petition, duly filed and entered ou record, thalhe has fully administered William Chappell’s estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persona concerned, kindred and credit ors,'o snow cause, it any they have, why said administrator should not be discharged from his adnuuistrution and receive letters of dismission, on tne first Monday in June, 1569. WM.B. K-.LLY', Ordinary. nov2B mßm—Printer’s tee *7 00. UPSON COUNTY. UPSON SHERIFF’S SALES. WILL be sold, befjre the Court House door, in the Town of ’I h-maston, Up on Couniy, within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Maich next, toe following pr perly, to-wit, Lots of land Nos. 199 203 2 1. 2 8, 219, auu half of lot No 217, fi ty acres off of lot No 220, and half ot lot No 230, lying and being in ttie 15tii Distri‘t of origicaPy H-u-ton, now Up-on Uoun y Also, at tne same lime and place, tne following personal property, t i-wit: One secretary and book case, one four-hurs*- wagon aud harne-s, one ox cart, one targe iron kettu , tnree hundred and fifty pounds ot porit more or less, twohm dred bushes ot corn, more or less, four stacks of sod ier, ot e *ld buagy, one o’d fam Iy earring', four milch cows and calves, one sorrel mare mule, one old mouse-c Jiored rrare and oolt, one chestnut s. rrel horse, one mare mule, tw > black or dark hor-e mules, one old gray horse, one suirel mare mule, one yoke of oxen, one bay mare mule, bay horse mule, sorrel horse mule, two black mare mules, yeilow mare mule, one b ack mare mule, one old ox cart All tne anove property, realty an t personalty, levied on as the property of Nathaniel F. Walker, to sa isfy a fi. fa. issued trom the Superior C >urt of said county in f .vor of James R Wal-cr. Pro eny pointed out bv attorneys. Other fi fss. in my hands. January 27, 1869 O. C SHERMAN, febl-td—pf $7 Sheriff GEORGIA UPSON COUNTY Alexander Crawford, of said county, has applied for ex emption of personalty and lor setting apart of the same; and I will pass upon the same at 12 o’clock M„ on the 13th dqy of February, 1869, at my office in Thomaston, in said county. Janu ary 30th, 1869 WM. A. COBB, feb4-2t—pf 82 Ordinary. UPSON SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold,before the Court Hou-e door, in the Town of Thonrm to-. Upson County, G" rgia. on the first Tuesday in Maich next within tne legal hours of sa'e, the f liow ng properiy. to wt: Lot of land No 237, in the 11 h Di-tiict of said county. cont»iuing 2u2}4 acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of George W. Childs, deceased, to satisfy a mortgag fi fa. issued trom Upson Superior Court, in favor cf Ambrose Murphy v« Susan Willett, executrix, and Marvin Willett, executor, in right of his wife, Su-an Willett, formerly Suian t hilds, executrix > f George W. Childs, ileet ased; -aid land to be sold sul jeet to tne incumbrance of the widow’s a- wer. January Ist, 1869 ja2-td—pf if 7 0. C SHARMAN, Sheriff.- GEORGIA— UPSON COUNTY.—Whereas. Jo seph Allen, creditor, applies fir the admin istration ot the estate of J. Newton vVa ker, late of said county, deceased ; These are, therefore, • o cite and admonish the kindred and creditors ot said deceased to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in March next, wLv said ad ministration should not ie grafted. Given t.n der my hand, this 22d January, 1869. W.\l A. COBB. Ordinary. Ja2V3od— pf«3 50. C GEORGIA, UPsON COUNTY.—Whereas, Jtre J miah J. Stallings applies for the guardian ship if the persons and properly of Nancy R. oib son an i Jesse Gibs and, minors of ssid county, under the a«e of lourteen years, and orphan children of Hilvanus Gibson, late ot said couuty, dece ise.l: Thi-se are iheretore to cite and admon ish all persons interested to show cause, ts any they have, on the first Monday In March next, why said guardianship should not tie granted. Given under my hand this 22J January, 1869. WM. A. CoBB, jan2s-td—pf £3 50 Ordinary. C'tEuKGIA, UPSON COUNT*.—J >hn W. unei- X son applies forthe guardianship ot the prop erty of John A. Spear. Phehe a. Bpear, John C. Spear, Willis F. l-pe.-r, Wilburn H. Spear, and James G Spear, miuo<sof said county, under the age of fourteen years, >-nd oiphan children of Joseph T. Spear late of Fay tteconuty, deceased: The-e ate therefore to cite and adinoni»h all persons lnteresteu to show cause, if any they have, on the first Monday in March next, why said guardianship shonid not be gtanted. Given under my hand this 22d January, 1869. WM. A. COBB, Jan2s-td—pf S3 SO. Ordinary. GEORGIA, UP.BON COUNTY.—Whereas. BepJ- Bethel applies for leave to resign the Execu torship of the will of William 1). Woodson, de ceased: These are, therefore, t> cite and ad monish all persons interested to show cause, if any they have, on the first. Monday In March next, why the prayer of the applicant should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this 23J Jan uary 1889. WM. A. COBB, j»27 4od—pf&s SO Ordinary. GEORGIA, UPSON COUNTY —Whereas. lor dan Lyon applies for the administration of the estate of William 8. Lyon, late of said coun ty, deceased: These are, iheretore, to cite and admonish the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to show cause, if auy ihey have, on the first Monday in March next, why said adminls (ration shonid not he granted. Given under my hand, this £3d January, 18t9. WM. A. COBB, Ja27-30d—p< |3 50 Ordinary. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against Ben jamin Walker, d-ceased, late of Upson Coun tv, are hereby notified an * required to presen thero, pioperly attested, to tUe undersigned, within the time prescribed by law ; and alt pert sons indebted to said deceased are hereby re quired to make Immediate payment to the un uersigned. Thomaston. Ga.. 1 tecember 34th, 1868. Jas-40d A. WORRILL, Adm’r, etc. WILCOX COUNTY. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AGREEABLY to SB order fr m the Court of Ordi nary of Pn aski C untr, sill be sol i, before the Court Hon e dour, in ih- Town of Abbeville, Wilcox County, Ga. on the first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, lot'of land No 345 in the 12th District of original y Dooly, new Wilcox County, corns ning Hcret. m re or less. Sod ss the prop rty of Grteu B. Fennell, lsie of Palaski County, deer as»d. and for the benefit ot the h irs and creditor* cf said deceased. Term* c-sh. January 14th. 1869 LEVI H HARRELL ja!6-td—pf iS 50 Admtni tra’or. Georgia WILt’OX COUNTY Whereas, Ellas Turner applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of David Haines, de ceased : These are therefore to cite «nd admon ish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on or beiore the first Monday in March next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should uot be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this January 28th, 1869. DAVID C. MANN feb2-td—pf $3 30 Ordinary’. 4~sEORGIA —WILCOX COUNTY —Whereas. Jos-nh IN and Jane Heaney, sdmi’istrstor. of Berjamio Remeyi d-ceased. apply to m“ for letters of dismis sion f rom said admim.-tration : These are Iherefore t • cite and admonish all persoos concerned to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, to snow cause, if any they can, why said letters shonid not be granted. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 3d dsv of December, 1866. dalt-mfe—pfff D. C. MANN, Ordinary, VALUABLE LANDS IX SOUTHWESTERN GEORGIA ZFOJFL S-A-luE. LOTS N's. 42, 93 and 129, in the 3d district of Baker COtS lit Y No-. 18, 19.262, 296, 299. and 3(8 in the 6th district of Early county. No 7, in the Bth district of Raker eoontjr. Noe.MS, 27*.276, .T 9, 299,316, and £9O, in the 10th di-trie; < f Hsker county N ■ 137,144, and 145, in the 15th district of Decatur county. No 373, in the 2l«t di-triet of D catur county. Nos t. 2,12.13, 19 13d, 123. 151, 167, 188, I*o, and 229, in ihe 17th district cf Thomas conn y. Nos. 243, £44, and 584, in the 28. n district of Early county. No. 157, in the 31 dis'rict of Irwin county ; 490 acres- No. 274 in the 4 h di-trict of Irwin couuty; 49J seres. No. 525. in the 12th district of Lowndes couuty ; 499 acres. No 142, in the 9th district of Lowndes county ; 250 acres. No. 398, in the 10th district of Lowndes county; 250 acres. No. 387, in the 11th district of Lowndes county; 250 acr* s. No. 11,in the Bth district of Lowndes county ! 250 acres. No 3C7, in the 17th district of Lowndea county ; 250 ac' esj Nos. 11, 12, 45, a-d 126, in the 13;h district of Early county. Nos. 106. 107, 144, Ist, and ISS, in the 19th district of Decatur county No. 379, in the 2'th district of Pecßtur county. These lands are cowered wi’h the finest pine timber, the must of them of fine soil for cotton and corn and sugar cane, and in the nest cotton region in the United States A railroad is being constructed from ThomasYille through th« lTih district of Tnomas and the loth and s trict of Baker counties, via Camilla to Albany, Geor gia. which will pass through or near nineteen ol these lota. Some of them are located near the county seats of justice, aud others on the public roads leading to them. A I the lots contain 250 acres each, except those in Irwin county, which co tain 490 acres each. Tne titles ars directly from the State of Georgia, with the plats and grants a« surveyed by official au thorities, and therefore perfectly defined and indis putable. To any person desiring to invest in timber lands, or to cultivate cotton, corn, an i sugar these lands wl 1 sff rd the very best opportunity. Any or e disposed to speculate in th« whole of them shall hove them much below th- ir intrin-ic value. None of ihem will tie sold on a cied t. as tho want cf money l* the in ducemm t for soiling them. Apply to G. B. T AMAR. Sxn’k, decS-wlOt Savannah, Georg ia TO PLANTER AND SHIPPERS OF COTTON. The undersigned have formed a connection tor tlie Sale ami Shipment of Cot ton, at. and through Savannah, and lot the sup ply of Fertilisers to their patrons. All legitimate facilities will be given, and strict attention to the Interest of owneis. Henry Bryan will attend to the sale and hand ling of Produce at savannah, and consignment* will be tnaae to him. Col Ge<>. P. Harrison, Jr., will visit correspon dents, w lili a view of meeting their wishes, and can be addressed at Auburn, Alabama. Ample arrangements cau lie made through them for holding and selling Cotton In Liverpool, Balti more, or JNew Yoik. with u-ual advances. HENRY BRYAN, savannah, * I ate of Bryan. Hai trldge & Cos. GEO. F. HARRISON, Jk. dds-w2ns Au> urn, Alai atra SCIENCE OF HEALTH. EVERY MAN HIS OWN PHYSICIAN HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. DISORDERS OF THE STOMACH, LITER, AND BOWELS rpHE STOMACH is the great centre which ln- JL flnences the health or disease of ihe system; abused, or debilitated by excess, indigestion, of fensive breath, and physical prostration are the na ural consequence-. Allied to the brain, it is thesourceof headaches, mental depression, ner vous complaints aud unrefre-hing sleep. The Liver becomes affected, and venerates biiious dis orders, pains in the side, etc. The Bowels sym pathize by costiveuess, diarrhoea, and dysentery. The principal action of these Fills is on the Htom ach, aDd the Liver, Lungs, Bowels, and KWneys participate In their recuperative aud regenera tive operation. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT RHEUM Are two of the most common and virulent dis orders prevalent on this continent. To these the Ointment is especially anlagoiil.-t'c. Its modus operandi Is first to eradicate tfifc venom, and then complete the cure. RAD LEGS, OLD SORES, AND ULCERS. Cases of many years' standing, that have perti naciously reins* and to yield to any ottter remedy or treatment, have invariab y succumbed to a few applications of this powerful unguent. ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN, Arising from a bad state cf Ihe blood or chronic diseases are eradiwted, and a clear and trans parent surlace regained by the restorative action oi this Ointment. It surpasses many of the cos metics and oilier toilet appliances in Its power to dispel rashes and other disfigurements of the face. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Whether in the young or old. married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, these tonic medicines display sodeclded an Influ ence that a marked improvement Is soon percep tible in the health of the patient. Being a purely vegetable preparation, they are a safe and reliable remedy for all classesof iemaleslu every condi tion of health and station of life. PILES AND FISTULA. Every form and feature of these prevalent and stubborn disorders is eradicated locally and en tirely by the use of this emollient. Warm fomen tations should precede its application. Its heal ing qualities will be found to be thorough and Invariable. Both tlie Oiuement and tliePills should be used in the following cases: Bunions. Burns, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Fistula, Gout, Lumbago, Sore Legs, sprains. Tetters Ulcets, Soie '1 hroats. Sores ot all kinks, Mercuiial Eruptions, Piles, Rheum atism, Ringworm, Halt, Rheum, heralds, Skin Diseases, Swelled Glands, Stiff Joints, Sore Breasts, Sore Heads, Venereal Sores, Wounds of all kinds. CAUTION! None are genuine unless the words. “Hollo way, NkW York and London,’’ are discernible as a waler-mark in every leaf of llie book erf di rections around each pert or Irox. 'J he same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as may lead ter the de tection of any party or parlies counterfeiting the medicines, or vending the same knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the manufactory of Piofessor Hollo way, 80 Malden t ane. New York, arid by all re spectable Druggists aftd Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized world. ***Tl.ere is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Direet’ons for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot and box. *** Dealers in my well-known Medicines can have Show Cards, Circulars, etc., sent free of ex pense, by- addressing Thomas Holloway, 80 Maid en Lone, New York. For sale by J. H. ZEILTN A CO , aug4-ly Macon, Ga. BEAR CREEK ACADEMY. rpHE FIFTEENTH SESSION of this lnstitu i tion was opened on the second Monday in January, PS9. RATES OK TUITION. PFR SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF FORTY WEEKS: Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (to Fractions) 820 00 English Grammar and Geography 3u 00 Greek, Latin, Algebra, Geometrv. ."survey ing, Philosophy, Histoiy, Rhetoric, etc., 40 00 Charges from dateof entrance, to end of session entered, and no day’ scholars re eivecl except by contract. Incidental expenses divided equally among the students. Payments due quarterly. FACULTY: J. C. McDaniel. Classics and Higher English. Miss Vesta J. McDaniel, Assistant in Mathe matics and the Primary Branches. Mr. , Penmanship. The above School is situated on the Macon and Western Railroad, in Henry County Ga., accessi ble Horn an.v po.nt in the Stale. The under signed, as Trustees, take great, pleasure in announcing to the pnblic that a healthier school location cannot 1 e found In Georgia. Pleasantly situated, and with the finest water, tbe.-e can be no local cause for disease. There are three churches accessible to the Bchool, adding much to the interest of the situ ation. Board can be obtained in good families on rea sonable terms; that is,from ten to twelve dollars per mom h. A number of young men have already availed themselves of the advantages of this school, and with the flattering prospects which now sur round ns, the undersigned Tiustees feel that the people of Bear Creek and \ lolnlty have cause to congratulate them-elves upon hav .ng secured the services of Professor J. C. McDaciet and Miss V. J. McDaniel foe the en-ulng yesr. A religious gentleman, of acknowledged uc-holarshio. vast experience, and possessing >n an eminent degree the Talent of imparting instruction, we bespeak for Professor McDaniel a lib ral patronage. The unde:signed, as Trustees, are ha - p.v In be ing able to re:er ths public lo the <-itz“ns of Atlanta, Jonesboro, and McDonough, for his en viable reputation and ability a« » teacher. His teaching Is a success. By referring to the rates of tuition, it will be seen that students will be able to educate themselves at u much lower rate than elsewhere. Responsible Agents Wanted, r pO dispose ot guarantees for the sale of L»nd- I ed and otne- valuable property, indifferent parts of the United states. Profits very liberal, sales easily effected, and no tors ot time from other business. Address J. T. MILLER A- CO., ja£B w3t Box 4, P. U. Port. Deposit, Md. Fine Kentucky Broke Mules. WE have this day received fortv head of well broke Youmt Males. For sale at onr Mule Mart, rear Collin’s Wa ehouse, on Poplar street. ANDERSON & HOWKS. WANTED— At the same place, three good Milch Cows, with young Calves. JaBJ-3t-w4t A. <fc H. TRXCOTRIN: BY OUIDA. 12mo; m pp. Price $2 00. J. B Llpplncott A O Phi adelphla. Considered by many the beat eSort of this brilliant authoress. Just received, and for sale by IfiSS-W J. W BUF-JLE * GO. 11 WE ME CONSTRAINED TO BANK MAPES’ # NITROGENIZED SUPERPHOSPHATE -OF- I* X M JES HIGH IN THE SCALE -OF - FERTILIZERS NOW BEFORE THE PUBLIC,” JS THE STRONG .TERMS EMPLOYED BY the distinguished head of the State Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry, alter a thorough analy sis, the details of which are as follows: -A- IsT AL Y SIS -OF MAPES’ NITROGENIZED Superphosphate of Lime, COMPLETED JANUARY 11th. 1809. SAMPLES TAKEN IN SAVANNAH, AND IM MEDIATELY TRANSFERRED TO THE LABORATORY. Soluble Phosphoric Acid 6 60 Equal to Bone Phosphate of Lime dis solved - 14 41 Common Phosphoric Acid - 17 48 Equal to Bone Phosphate of Lime 37 91 Sulphate of Lime 15 05 Soluble and Insoluble Silica 1120 Organic Matter 28 £0 Yielding Ammonia 4 27 Containing Nitrogen 3 51 Moisture Expelled at 212° Far 18 82 Oxide of Iron, Alumina, and Salts of Potassium, Sodium, and Magnesia, not estimated severally 2 07 100 00 From the chemical results of the foregoing analysis, and onr knowledge of the elements ot nutrition required by the at tides generally grown upon onr soli, toe ore constrained to rank Mapes’ NUrogenited Superphosphate of Lime high in the scale of Fertilisers now before the public. The amount of Ammonia which It contains must hasten germination, and rapidly advance early growth, while the amount of Soluble Phos phate of Lime will sustain further advancement to full maturity, the Insoluble Phosphate being also valuable by decomposition, and feeding the soil better for succeeding crops. A. MEANB, Inspector of Fertilizers tor the Bute'of Georgia. Chemical Laboratory,Savannah, Jan. 11,1869. FOR FULLER PARTICULARS AND PRICES, Send for PomphleU cosUlnlng certificates from leading Agriculturalists in evsry portion of the State. Address PURSE & THOMAS, IJtillTiDt SA FJJTJUI, OA. l. w, HUNT & CO.'S COLUMN, DR. JOHN BULL’S OEEAT RE BULL’S CEDRON BlTT[r s Authentic Documents ARKANSAS HEARD p BOK TESTIMONY OK MEDICAL Dr. John - '*.* Louisville purebsaing drugs, and I 1 **"• Sarsaparilla and Cedron Bitters. nj * °* Jo* My son-in-law, who was with me in is... been down with rheumalisu, for son,” i,n7 k*' fc ** Bitters, and aoonTund h S ‘t*- heelth improved. ul * l»oet\ Dr Gist, who he* been in bad h pus., and he also improved. lll *® l “«t Dr. Coffee, wbo has been in bad health years [stomach and liver affectedl ' h sor »«Vrv much by the u-e or your B tier- r' r "7 Bitter, has given you great Zul.rh. *** menu I think 1 c'.uld sell FSSP* ,b " »M,i medicines ibis tall; at v.>ur U t£!^" , snd Sarsaparilla. Sb p me via Rickett A Seely. - C- B. WAHKg, BULL’S WORM DESTROYER my United States and World-widi » tid|J I have received many testimonials from nrof«»o«t aDd medical uieu, as uiy aln abacs and various publi cations have shown, all ot which are geuuioe' Ttu following letter I tom a highly educated and popuhr physician in Georgia, is cei tainly one ol the n.iet sensible communications 1 have ever ractitvd. Dr Clement knows exactly what be s|«ukt cl, and La testimony deserve. io be written in Isiteri of go,d. llear wbat the Doctor says of Bull’. Worm Destroy. Y illamow, Wilkes Cos., Ga., Juottl,' Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir—l have receully yuw yooi Worm Destroyer several tiiala, and tiud it *uo derfully efficacious. It bus not fulled in a amgte instance to have tbe wished for effect. 1 am doing i pretty large country practice, aud bare daily um lot some article of the kind. 1 am free to coufeu tlui I know of no remedy recommended br the abieat authors tbat is so cetlain and speedy in its effect*. 0* the contrary they are uncertain iu the eitreme. Hi object in writu g you is to find out upon what tentnl can get tbe medicine directly horn yea. If I can get it upou easy term*, 1 shall use a gteul deal ol it. [ am aware that tbe uae ol such arlicht it enutrar;!* the teachings and practice of a great majority ol iba regular line ot M. L) 'a, but 1 see uojast cause or good sense in discarding a remedy which we koowtobt efficient, simply because we may be ignoraot of u combination. For my part 1 shall make it a rule to use all and any meaus to alleviate sufienng burnt; ;tr w hich I may be able to command; not besttatiug because some oue more ingenious lhan mytell on hnve learned its effects first, and secured tLe sole rigbi to secuie tbat knowledge. However, I am by no tn*ans an advocate or supporter of lbs Ibouiat.iof worthless nostrums that llood the couutiy, that tt- Sort to cure all manner of disease to winch huaAt esh is b«ir. Please reply soon, and intorm met your best terms. I am, s r, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT, M. D. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. GO OD REASON FOR THE CAPTAIN’S IA READ THE CAPTAIN’S LETTER AND W LETTER FROM HIS MOTHER Bkstos Babfich, Mo., April SO, 18> Dr. John ,Bull —Dear Sir —Knowing tbe efbciesr of your Sarsapatillu, sod the healing and beortci qualities it possesses, 1 send you tbe fol.owiDg it»u. ment of my case. 1 was wounded about two years ago; wa* id* prisoner and confined lor 18 months. Iteisg aw* so often, my wounds have not healed yet. 1 barn*' set up a moment since 1 was wounded. I am through the hips. My general health is unpaired. > - 1 Deed aomethiDg to assist nature. 1 hate inert wn in vour Sarsaparilla than in anylhirg else I" 1 that that is genuine. Please express me half **w* bottles, and oblige Capt. C. P. JOHNSON. Bt. Louis, *« P. 8 —Tbe following was written April 10, I* by Mrs. Jen Die Johnson, mother oi Capt. Johnsna. Dr Bull—Dear Sir—My husband, Dr. C. 8. Join son, was a skilllul surgeon and physician i# Cleoira New York, where he died, leaving the shore • Johnson to my care. At 18 years of sgebeik* chronic diarrhea and scrofula, .or which 1 gate** your Sarsaparilla. It cured him. 1 ba»e for ten recommended it to many in New York, Ohio *** Powa, for scrofula, fever sores and general deO ■ perfect success has attended it. The cures n some cases of scrofula and fever sores were *l®*® miraculous. lam very anxious for my aontoap have recourse to your .Sarsaparilla, lie >* getting a spurious article, hence his anting *®< lor it. His wouDds were tenible, but 1 believe be DR. JOHN BUI l Manufazl urtr and Vender of the Csl *’ SMITH’S Tonic Syrup- FOR THE CURE OF AGUE AND FEVEK OK CHILLS -A-LJI3 FE vs ' L. W. HUNT A CO., JJggjJoA The proprietor of this ctlfbl J?^ ( ?'rf»eb* ! claims for It a superiority over «H (Jb offered to the public for tbe « or Cb** r ermanent cure of Ague . , gl]< j lD g. B* * g Fever whether of short or long * ct» s,r L, to the'entire Western *”? beer him test roony to .. tbe f/n to cur e, if in no case whatever will <t fail tocu .J n t are strictly followed and ca (or •r® „ ; cases a single dose V, a sin gle whole families have bee jrenersl be*ld>- „ a perfect restorat.on of the jenena yt,rVi.*.£&?' * r.- WBMSBSSiSS *» * Cross Btreet, LouisvUle, FK AH of the above jiuii-ly