Georgia journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1847-1869, August 10, 1869, Image 4

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F or the Journal and Messenger “O.XK OF TIIKSK DAYS.” nr e. b. c. Suggested bv a promise onee made the writer, many years ago. “One of these days” and I have waited, never, No never, doubting it would come at last; And now like soft winds o’er the ripples breaking, Conn s o’er my hi art— that promise of the Past l'es, sweet and tuneful as Uie white spray rustling, As hack it leaps from wings of lone, sea-birds; As Autumn's falling leaves—as low-, as plaintive— Comes sad, lone echoes of your parting words. And now, though Hope in silent glory slumbers, And chaiub the cold world bids us keep too fast, Binds us to broken joys, the bleeding bosom Finds healing in sweet mem’ries of the Past. Impassion and souls by grief are held together! Friendship of joy-bound hearts can never last; Those joyous hearts I love; but give me rather, A sp.rit ’wake to mem’ries of the Past. To-night my tuneful soul is sadly dreaming In sorrows far too deep for tears, of lays, Os “Long ago’s” sad words, of your sweet a peak „ ing— Taen whisper once again, “One of these days ” REPLY. “On.'of these days” will surely come, and coming, Tula “Land of shadows” will be filled with rays Bright, beauteous, gleaming, grand ! O like to Heaven, Will th s dark, cloud-land be, “One of these days.” Macau , Auguxt 3d, 1869. Th • Sun siiul the Karth—Curious .11 limner—A Magnetic Storm. From the London Spectator. On September 1. 1859, (shortly before noon, two (astronomers—Messrs. Hodgson and < .lrnngton—one at Oxford, the other in L mdon were at the same instant scrutini zing a large groupe of sun spots. On a sud den two intensely bright patches of light appeared in front of the cluster. So bril liant were they that the observers thought the darkening screens attached to their tele scop s must have become fractured. But this was found iot to lie the case. The bngnt spots ind rated some process going on upon the sun’s surface— a process of such activity that within live minutes the spots traveled over a space of nearly 34,000 miles. Now, at the Kew Observatory there are self registering magnetic instruments, which in dicate the processes of change by which the subtle influence of magnetism wax and wane. At one time the line traced by th? point *r will he marked by scarcely perceptible undulations, indicating the al most quiescent state of the great terrestrial magnet. At another, well marked waves along the line exhibit the pulsations of the magnetic system, influenced in a manner not as yet intelligible to the physicist. And then there is a third form of disturbance, the sharp, sudden jerks of the pointer exhibit ing the occurrence of those mysterious phenomena termed “magnetic storms.” When the records of the Kew Observatory came to be looked over, it was found that at tin- very instant in which the brilliant spot of light had appeared to Messrs. Hodgson and Carrington, the self-registering instru ments had been subjected to the third and most significant form of disturbance a mag netic storm began, in fact, as the light broke out on the sun’s surface. But this was not the only evidence of the sympathy with which the earth responded to the solar ac tion. ft was subsequently found that soon after the spots of light had appeared the whole frame of the earth had thrilled under a mysterious magnetic influence. At the West Indies, in South America, in Australia, wherever magnetic observations are syste matically made, the observers had the same story to tell. In the telegraph stations at Washington and Philadelphia the signalmen received strong electric shocks. In Norway telegraphic machinery was set on fire. The pen of Bain’s telegraph was followed by a flame ; and wherever telegraphic wires were in action yvell-marked indications of disturb ance presented themselves. Even this, how ever, was not aIL I lie great magnetic storm was not a mere instantaneous electric throe. Hours passed b< fore the disturbed earth resumed its ordi nary state. And thus it happened that in m arly all parts of the earth night fell while the storm was yet in progress. During the night magnificent auroras spread their wav ing streamers over the sky, both in the northern and southern hemisphere. As the disturbed needle vibrated, the colored streamers waved responsive, and it was only when the magnetic storm was subsiding that the auroral lights faded from the heavens. Noyv, it is evident that these phenomena •di >\v the most intimate relations U-tween these ]K>cu liar disturbances in the sun and m tin- magnetic currents of our own earth. Directly one of these eiianges takes place, upwards of ninety millions of miles away, the electric condition of our planet is changed in some mysterious way, of wliich ouv instru ments and even the condition of our sky, l>eav record. Tlif pens of all our telegraphies \\ ires may Momo (lay trace in flame a hand-writing more ominous of human destiny than was the hand-writing which, during .Belshazzar's feast, traced a warning on the wall of the fall of the Babylonian dynasty. Moreover, note this: that these changes in the condi tion of the sun take place at intervals of about eleven years. The variable star which swings round it, as well as supplying us with light and and (apparently) magnetism, clouds over every eleven years these spots, so that it seems most likely that every eleven years certain magnetic conditions recur which have not occurred in the interval, li so. perhaps the magnetic excitement of 1859 will recur, and it may Ire in much greater force next year in 1870. And if it does, how are we to say what may or may not re c lr with it? Even now one such epoch of magnetic storm seems to be thought pretty near at h iml. The sun lias been lately exhibiting the most surprising forms of disturbance, and to scientific eyes less “tix ity" of essence than ever. Spots so vast that we must estimate tlieir dimensions by millions of square miles have broken out trom time to time, and have presented rapid changes of figure, indicating the action of forces of inconceivable intensity. Clusters of smaller spots, extending over yet vaster ureas, have exhibited every form'of disturb ance known to the solar physicist, and-, every degree of light from the apparent blackness (in reality only relative) of the nuclei to the intense brilliancy of the facuLous ridges; and we now know that these appearances are not merely matters for the curious, with which, as they happen at a distance of above ninety millions of miles, practical men need not concern themselves. —n » 4 \ (iownrd Corpse. A letter from Cracow gives the following details in connection with the late discovery of the remains of Casimir the Great in that city: That giving expired on the sth of Novem ber. 1370, and his body was deposited in the cathedral of Cracow, when a colossal monu ment was erected to his memory. No one supposed that the remains of the deceased monarch would be found in the Church it self. because, according to ecclesiastical tra ditions, saints alone could be buried in the sacred edifice, anil all hope had lieen re nounced of ever discovering the corpse. Lately the restoration of the monument, which had begun to decay under the action of centuries, was commenced, and some blows on the front part of the base Immght the missing remains to light; two tiles fell, and a light inserted in the opening showed the erowu and sceptre, and m the former the skull of the King. Bj enlaigiug the aperatnre some bones eu veloped in purple elotli, tolerably preserved, were discovered. An opening was then made on the' opposite side of the tomb, and at the feet of the skeleton were found the spurs in a perfect state and attached by leather straps. The sceptre and globe are in silver, and the crown and spurs in copjier gilt and orna mented with precious stones. The skull is <>f remarkable size. Scarcely a trace remains of the coffin except the iron liars which strengthened it, and to which the purple cloth had been attached. Five hundred years have totally devoured the wood. When a report of this discovery had been drawn up. and tln> celebrated painter Jean Mutejkohad made a drawing of all the emblems, the tomb was again walled up by the Archaeological Commission. The most important result of thi- event is the fact that the crown of the greatest King of Piast family exists in the cathedral of the ancient Polish capital. Specie Payment.— Secretary Boutwell. for some time past has been corresponding with eminent capitalists of Europe, in regard to the resumption of specie payment by this Government, and as a result thereof, Euro pean capitalists have offered to loan the United States three hundred million dollars in gold on a National bond, bearing interest Ht the rate of 3>£ per oent. per annum, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Crawford County Sheriff’s Sales. '|IHK HHERIFK’S SaIKM OF CRAWFORD 1 County will hereafter be published la the Jocks At. and Messenger, Macon, Ga. This No vember 21, ISaS. ANJJttEW J. PRESTON, iivS-ddur ts Knerlfl (1 * OKU I A—OK A WKOKU COUNT * .—Samuel j K c.iussy, Executor ot the last will and tea taineul of Letnou M. Causey, deceased. having applied to me fir adischirg- irom said execn torshlp: All pernios wtio are concerned are re quired wi 100 the lime tixed by law to show cause, if auv they have, why the said Samuel H. i aus y should not be disch argej according to the prayer of Ins petition. Given under my baud and" seal, this lllh day of Juiie, IS- 0. JAMES J. RAY, jtraett-mdm _ «<r Unary. / . EUHGIa—CrtA «FO nil «-uU >lt *> Loiox, Ijf Allen K. Da via, administrator on the estate ot Solomon W. Davis, deceased, applies lor letter* of dismission from -.-aid aliulnlstratiou: These irelherefore to cite and admonish all ptraoDS inter. k!< <i to be aud' appear at my office within Hie time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any ihey li ive, why said letters dismissoiy should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand aud official signature, Febiuary aim, is-'.). j amen j. ray. tel>?l-6in— pi $7 Ordinary. HOUSTON COUNTY. HOUSTON SHERIFF'S SALE. \ITLL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY in September next, before the Court House door in Perry, between llieu-ual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of Land No. 249, containing 22;* acres more or less, and one House md Lot iu the Town of Fort Valley, in the !*th Dist of Houston County, levied on to satisfy a Tax ri. fa. arainst Josiah A. Flournoy. Levy made by Constable King and returned to me. This Aug. 3, 1809. JNO. R. COOK, augfitds Sheriff. / \ EORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY.—Tlminas A. VT Newell, head of a family, has applied to me for exemption of Personalty, and I will pass upon die same on Monday, the 9th day of August next, at ten o’clock a. M. July -8. 1869. july’Jtfat \V. T. SWIFT, O. H. C. / t EORGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY. —Joseph W. I IT Howard, head of a family, has applied to me lor exemption of Personalty, and I w ill pass upon Tic same on Monday, the 9th day of August next, at ten o’clock a. m. ’ July 20. 1869. julj29 2t W. T. SWI FT. O- If. <’. r\ F.OItOIA--HOUSTON COUNTY —Mrs. Mary * r New ell, Guardian of the minors of Peter New ■n, deceased, has applied to me for Homestead, md I will pass upon the same off Monday, the 9 h lav of August next, at ten o’clock a. vt. Julv 26, 1 W. T. SWIFT, O. H. C. july29 2t ( i bIoUOI \—HOUSTON COUNrY.-Tli rtydavs IT alter date, application will be made to the ourt of Ordinary of Houston County lor leave ,o sell the lauds bel mglug to the estate of Jacob ■V Pearce, dec’d. July 1(J, :869 JAMES M. DAVIS. Adm’r. juiv2o 30.1 _ / T KU veil V -11- MJ -> lUNCUtI M 1 .—i Hir„.> da., s UT a-ter date, appltc lion will be laaue to the Ordinary of said ccuuty for leave to sell tbe fol iowlt g lands, to-wti: South-half 01 lot No. 16 in tie bill district an t South-half of No. It in thi 6 th duuric, and lit No. 12 in the ttth district, the whole containing 405 acres, more or le s. Said an.lH to be so.d for the purpose of distribution. Julv 6. 18>|9. AIARY A. CLARK. Administratrix Estate of Wiley Claik, dte’d. July 10-3 ,1 Gv KOKGIA—HOUSTON COUNTY. —, I W. T. Westbrook petitions Uie uudtisigneo ■ r letieis of dismission as guardian ot K. N W Htbronk, Jr., a minor: These are lo cite all parsons interested to be and appear at my office >n or before the first Monday In .-ep:einl»-r iitxi, oshovv cause, it any they have, why said fellers -nonnt not beg auttd. Given under rnv bund and official signature, his, 6th July, Ist 9. VV. T. SWIFT, Ordinary 11. C. j ilyln 4 Id j i rvilvG A- HOUSTON IXiUWI'Y. — .liver F. IjT Churo.iWtli, Aduiiulstiator ol James A. Wil liams, late ol said county, deceased, havL g pe titioned for dlsm ssion: Tn>sc aie to cite all lersoi's interested to ta|n ear at my office outlie first Monday in November next and show cause, • I any tbry have why ssid petition shall not b« 41 anle l. l'tils July 9, 1X1,9 July 13 m«m w. f. SWIFT. Ordinary. nK iKGIa —HoUsSTON UulliuT.— fmriy days IJT after oate, application will Vie mane lo the mlin.xry of said county tor leave to sell lot ol land. No 17S.inilie (till district of said county Salii land to be sold lor di-lribation. Jaly 6,1869 TH \DDEIM G, H> iLT, Adm’r., Oe bonis non estalo of Ohas. El. Walker, dec’d. JulylO-.'lOd GIEI > KUtA-l to IE-Tium Vx> U~7 i.— a. i..y u.. ’ F afttti rime, applies lion will be made to the Ordlnaryof said county for leave to sell a 1 the real estate of Mrs. Ha rah Grace, late ol said coun ty, dec’d. July 6, IM>9 M X ..LIAM GRACE, Adm’r. July 16.”,,1.1 _ G 1 KO KG I «- nor -TO N ( ON 1 V— Ordinary's T office for said County—Whereas. Patrick 11. Carroll, administrator <le b mis non eum tesla mento aunexo of James Vinson, deceased, peti tions the undersigned for letters of disillusion from sii 1 trust: These are therefore to ciie and admonish all persons Interested Ui liear.d appear at my office ou or before the Ist Monday in Sep tember nexi, to show cause, if any they have, wiiy said letters ot disillusion should not t>e granted. Given under my official signature, this 26th February 1889. W. T. SWIFf, mr2 td—of #8 o. h. o. / 1 E.I Hfi iI A Ibd'-roN • < vl'.\ 1A .—Kuia-liine.i a- YX Ez kid H. Ez -li, Gear,liau of Penelope M Holme-, minor orpnao of Win 11. Holmes, late of «ai i county, deceased, has petuiened ilia Court for leave to le-ign his saidi 'tust, and having sugiested ths name of Joint W. Clarke »» a suitable p-isou wi ling to accept utbi trust and comply "i ll tne pro vi-ions of law i<i such cases : These are, therelore, to cite the said John <». Cia-ke, and all others of kin to said ward, or otherwise interested, t i appear »t the next July ’Perm of tms Court, to show cause, if any exists, why said Fz-kiel H. Ezjll should not he al lowed to resnfii Ids said tmst, and said John W. I 'arlie b > snpo nl> and m his stesd. Given under my ' official signature, this May 16 1809 in:,ls rniim W T. SWIFT. O Ti ” f iKuROIa —HuU'b,.' Uuu.,.l .. uc.s. u , >Y Win. J. Green and James A. Kverell. AU mmtsiraforK ol' James A. Everett, deceased, nave applied for letters of dismission from said estate: Thes-* are, then fore, to cite a I persons interested to be and appear at my office on or before the Ilrst Monday in October i.ext. to show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Given under «<v hand aud official signature, 1 his l&th June, 186'J. tuueia-m6m XV. T SWiF I’. O. li. r. i t EOKGl\—Houston COUNTY Whero&s. x > David J. Permtnler, Administrator Naomia Perminter, late of Houston county, deceased, lias oeiittoned this Court tor Letters of Dismission Iroin s iitl estate. ure, therefore, t cite ad persons luteiested to be amt appear.aU my otli e on, or before tin* first, Monday in September next,, te show cause, if any, whv ilio petition should not be granted. Given und r m> hand »nd offl ciil siguaiuie of office this, 21st Mav 18 9. W. T. SW i FT, O. H. C. may2(s m6m / 1 !<;• diGIA —HOI silo" „1,(J.U1-,| , i.. * X Greene. A I mini trator of James Paiker. <i>e< ased, represents to th- Court, in his petition duly filed snd -r.tored on record tha f , he lias fully a imim-tered said James Parker’s cst.te : This is. therefore, to cte a, and ailmonish all persons concerned, kindre * and reditor-. to show cause, if any they <ai, vriiy sail almi' mirator should not be discharged from I,is ad niicistratinn and receive letters >f di-mission on the lir-l Monday in Septcmlicr, 1809 This 'tsv 15 1869 tn»18-m«m W. T. SWIFT. 0. H 0. IRWIN COUNTY. / v E jRGIa—IUWIN county—Whereas. Jas. 'X C. Luke, adiuiuistrator<>u ilie estate of Wm McCall, deceased, applies for dismission from said trust:. This is, therefore, lo cito and sd uioiitsn alt persons interested t > he and appenr G my ojfic-i on or before tho lirst Monday In G.'tcLi,.pi.e.ct,, and show cause, it any they have, why letters of dismission snonlu not he granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature. June 25.1839. WILEY WHITLEY, June29-mCm Ordinaiy. MACON COUNTY. | 1 EORGIA- M ICON COUNTY. —Mrs. Nancy V Y Sliumale, of said county, lias applied for ex emption of l’ersonalty and for the setting apart and valuation i Realty, and 1 will ]>ass upon the same at my office ou tiic 6ili of August ensuing, ut 11 o’clock a. m. (iivcu under iqv hand, this 26th July, 1869. JNO. L. PARKER, jnly’jr 2t Ordinary. { ( f.uiiulA —MAlWil (uUiViV W herens. Juo vT C. Hungers, adiuinblralor on tho estate ol Mary O Rodgers, late ot I- * i.t euunlv. deceased, applies lor let ters of dismission Irom said trust : This t-, therefore, to cU- arul admonish all per sons concerned to be. anil appear, at my office on nr before the first Monday in October next, and 'How cause, it auv they have, wk) Ellers of dis mission should not be granted as prayed lor. Given innier my hand and official signature, July J, lKtiit. JOHN L. PARKER, Ordinatv. tail 7- Ira MAI'ON oil . Kliluß ('OUKT, MARCH ADJOURNED TERM, ISG9. Millie Wise ) vs. 1- I.lbel lor Divorce. Robert Wise.) II' appearing to the Court by the return of the . Sheriff that t as UetVml tin is not. to be found. *>• l s therefore ordered l>v the Court that service he perfecied by publication in the Joi’KXAL a.M) MKssicxc.iui iti teitbo of Hie iaw. PIIIL CX)K, . Attorney for Libellant. A true extract, rrom the minutes of Macon su perior Court, April 20th, ISti t. „„„, , , JNO. M. GREER, ifit-Uoini Deputy cleric. Macon superi ok court . march r ADJOURNED TERM, ISG9. John M. Gi ter. Ai.t»ijlnistraU>rl ot David L. Wicker, deceased, | Rill to Marshal T ANARUS, . T ' s * . | As^eis, I rands Leunard. Win. W. i lnjunction, etc. McLendon, et al. | f T appearing to the Court that Thomas F. Tar l rant. In light of hi.-, wife. Lou F. Tarrant, and Henry toon, two of iJie detendauta in the above bill, reside without the State of Georgia, it is * , r lore ordered *>y the Court that bervice t>e per (ecled upon ilie defendants bytli publication ot K,;lr «“>nthsueit before Um> next lei mi . this t our. tu t he Journal and Messengei, puMlsLedln theeitv- of Macon, in said state ROBIN SO .N & ROBINSON. ♦ 'ompiainants' Solicitors. A true extiac. from ti;e n.inuies of Macon Su perior Court, this Hit- 20th day ot April, 1569. .. JNO, M. URhEli. ap2l-rnit _____ _ lieoitty C.erk. (T ~V ACO, 7 N r\-VLeTe-s.rtan va cis u. Scarlett, admlnistratoi on the estate oi r ran kiln P. Holcomb, dec'd, applies for letieis o' dismission from the-aid administration : This is inerefoie lo cite and admonish all persons con cerned to be aud appear at mr office by the fiis> Monday iu September next, to sbaw cause, ii a , n V they have, why said letters of dismission should not l>e granted a-prayed for. Given un der my bund and official signature, March 1 IsGH „ _ , _ JNO. L. PARKER, mso-td—pf $7 o-diner s V EOROIU—.II ACOiS lUU.u 1— >, nc.c . _ V* Causey. Administrator on the estate oi Charles M. Dinkins, deceased, applying for dis mission from said trust: Tuis is, therefore, U cite aud admonish all persons interested to be md appear at my office on or bes >re the first Monday in August next, aud show cause, if au» they have, why letters of dismission should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, April £6, lfe&J. . JNO, li, PARKER, ap27-mom Ordinary, MACON BUPERIOK COURT, MARCH ADJOURNED TERM, 1869 John F. Williams) Rule nl. si. vs. V to John Kelly. J For eel. se Moi (gage. IT appear!ug to the Court by the petition of John F. Wllhams that on the seventh day ot November, in the year eighteen hundred and Sixty-seven, the defendant maue and delivered to plaintiff his promissory r.ole, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised, on or before the Aral day of January, )BC9, to pay to the plaintiff one hundred dollars for value received, and that afterwards on the day and year flrst aforesaid, the defendant mort gaged to Timin'tiffin acres ot laud on me uortlieast corner of tot No. .30, iu the 2d District or Macon county, the better to seenre the payment ot said note; aud It further appearing that said note re mains due and unpaid, it is therefore Ordered. That the said defendant do pay Into this Coiul, on or bes >re 'he first day of the next term thereof, the principal aud interest rdil cost due on said note, or show ause to the contrary If any he can; and that upon Hi 3 li :lure of the defendant to do bo. the eqnitv of redemption in and to said mortgaged premises be forever there after barreit aud foreclosed ; and it Is further Ordered. Tnat a copy of this order be published in the Georgia Journal aud Messeuger once a montn for lour months, previous to the next term of this Court. PHIL. COOK, Petitioners’ Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of Macon Su perior Court. JNO. M UREt R. April 2)tb, 1569. Deputy Clerk. ap2l mil TELFAIR TELFAIR SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Jacksonville on the first Tues day iu Hep ember next, within the legal hours of sale, tbe following lols of laud, to wit: Nos. 4,5, 7.8,49,50,52.53 and one It <lf of lot No. 3—ill ot No. 2. Ail In tbe town of Jacksonville. >•>l as ltie property of W. T. Weds, lo salisfy a fi. fa. ob amed in Telfair County Superior Court, iu isvorof M. N. MeKae. Property pointed out by plaintiff. This, July 17, 1869. JOHN LARKEY, Sheiiff. jaly2l-tds G 1 EORGIA TELFAIR COUNlY.—wbenus T John Kyalaapplies for Letters of Adminis tration on the Fstite of Hugh Mclntyre, deceased: Tli sc arj to cite and admonish all persons iuter ea.ed lo be and appear at my office within the time prescrib: and by L.w, to show cause, if any they have, ally such letters should not lie granted the a iplicai t- ( iven under my hand and official sig- Lat ire, this Aug. 3, 1869. W. P. CAMPBELL, _aug3 30d Ordinary. TELFAIR SHERIFF’S SALE7~ WILL he sold before the Court House door. In tn« town of Jacksonville, wubiu the legal toursoi sale,on the first Tuesday in Hepteintier next, the following lots of land, to-wii: No 1-1 ano No. 182—all in the 7th district of Tellaircoun ty—to satisfy a fl. ft. iu tavor of John M Lean, obi aim and in Coffee County Hnperior Court, again si Archibald McLean, executor on the estate ot Frank Mcßae, dec'd. Property pointed out by McLean, executor. July 17 18 9. , , „ JOHN LARKEY. Sheriff. july2l-tds * i EOItGIA—TELFaI.v eIHJM'i —w uercas 1. 'X G. Wilcox, administratrix of the estate of A. J. Wi cox, deceased, applies tor letters of dismis sion front said ad mi nisi rat ion : '1 liese are to cite aud admonish all persons Interested lo he and appear at my office within the lime prescribed by Jaw, and show cause, If any they have, why said leliers dlsmissory shou'rt not bs granted the ap plicant. Given under my hand and official'sig natuie, June J6th, 18 9. W. P. CAMPBELL, O. T. C. June22-lam6m / ’ LOHoIA I KiA aIR “COUN YY Whereas, VX Wa--htDgton Powell applies for letters of ad ministration on i he esi ate of Atexai der P. well: These are, theief ire, to eiie and admonish all persons interested to be and appear at mv office within tne nine prescribed by law, and show cause, if any thee have, why letters of a<imi»is tration should not lie granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this Julv 7. IB*i9. w. P. CAMPBELL, j illy 12 30 1 Ordinary. TWIGGS COUNTY. ~“ JAKES GI.GVEk, Kjecn-nrotl HIIJ.KO'>mRKC' Daniel W Slime, accessed, IT ION, INJUNC vs. ITION. KIC. IN COLUMBU3L K "'.DIVINE, clal ‘ HOGGS SUPE- Legsie-s snd Creditors of said ! RICH COURT IJ W Sains, deceased. J IT anpeaiing to the Court that Jones and his wife, Mary Jones, and Ida Shine and Sarah hine, legatees of s»in I>. W. Shine, reside in the State of Floiida, end are int rested in the estate of taid testa tor ad are deiendaots to said bill. It is theiefire, on motion, ordered. That said de fendants, Jones and wife, and said Ida and Sarali Shine appear at tne next le/in of this Court, to be held on tn fourth Mon.lay in September next, and answer, nleail or demur to said bill, and that service of said bill bn perfected on said defendants by a pub lication oi this oi der once a month f>r four m nths in the .lot RNtL am> Messenger, publish! (I weekly ,n the city ofMacon, Georgia, before sanl term of said Cuurt By the Court : B. HILL. Solicitor for Complainants. A true copy of the order from the minutes of Twiva* Superior Cou t. April I2th. lSt'9 apU-nidn J. W BURKETT, Clerk TWIGGS COUNTY SHERIFF'S SALE. liril I. bo sold before tlie Court House doer, in ff Jeffersonville, in said county, on meflist Tuesday iu September next, within Uie legal hours of sale, the following land, 10-wit:. A hart of lot No. 91, lying iu tne 24th district, originally Wilkinson, now 'Twiggs county, adjoining the lands ol jv. J. Collins. Manila Johnson, H. H. Newby. Levied nu as the property ot George R. Asbeli, administrator on I lie estate of: Bryant Asheli, deceased, to satisfy one tax fi, ia. is.-ned by R. A Walters, Tax Collector, i >r the y ear !Bt>B. Property pointed out bv Uie demoded Levy made and returned to me by Johu H. Evans,Coti ■ stable. '1 ills, July 20. 1869. J. T. EVANS. Deputy .Sheriff Twiggs county. July 22 fils s ' Edit.. I A—T vv mu* COtiMl.—To ail wnom VX it may concern- Whereas, Mary A. K. Kelly lias applied to me fir letters ot ad njnislralion on Hie eslaie ru William H. Kelly, late of said c Htnty, de<eased: Th se are, therelore. to ciie and admonish all parties iut crested, whether kindred or creditors, lo siiow c ause, if any they have, within the litre nrescrioed by law, why letters sm-oid not ho granted to said apo. leant. Witne.-snay hand tins. July 19, 1869 JOHN F. sHINt, Ordiiarr. Jal\2Md* / l KOnOU-l WluUs ,u. A r —o.a y uays VX after dale, application will be made to the Ordinary of Twiggs County for leave to sell all i lie real estate, cmisisi ing of one house and lot iu I lie town of Je if * souvilie, belonging lo tht es tate of Theophilus A Peaice, late of sai l countv, dicea-ed.. July 19 18(9. J. U. BURKETT, Adm’r. j uly2l 2m i ' E*IKGIa—T a IGGB- COUNTY —Whereas Green B. AX Wood, executor of the will of Isaac Wood, de ceased, applies to Ihe iindersigued for letters dismis sory from li s uxeeutorsiiip: Therefore, slip-isms concerned are hereby required to show cause, if ary tncy have, why said executor, on first Monday in Sep tember next, should not be discharged Given under my hand officially, tliis Feb:nary 9th, lSt’9 WM, S. KELLY, f->blß- l iiu— pf *« Ordinary. CJEUHUIA VvILCOX UuUN'l Y - Wheteai* " Llavid Cason, administrator on theestateoi Willis Cason,deceased, will apply at Hie Conn for letters of disni ssion irom the administraiion of the estate of said deceased: These are there fore lo eiie and admonish all persons concerned i<> lie ami appear at mv office within the time allowe I by law, and show cause, it any they have, why mid lecers should not lie gran ' e’ the applicant. Given under iny hand and official signature, this January Bth, 1869. I). C. MANN, f“i>2l tin—r-r 47 Ordinary. / 1 EORGIA—TWIGGS COUNTY. - Isaac X VT Maxwell having applied to he appointed guardian of the person aud property of William Champion, a minor under fourteen years of age. resident of said county : This is to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at the Term of the Court of Ordinary, to be hold next after the expira tion of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, and show cause, if they can, why said Isaac N. Maxwell should not be intrusted with the guard ianship of the person aud property of W iilium Champion. Witness my official signature this August 2d 1809. JOHN F. SHINE, Ordinary. aug4-30d UPSON COUNTY. UPtJON SUPKIt IoT CUUlfci', nit TEII.VI, 1809. George J. Lewis, ) Rule ni. si. vs. - to WillinmO Sandwich ) Foreclose Mortgage. ol'AlE OF GEORGIA—UPSON (> U.NTY—It el being represented lo the Court, by the peii tum ol ucorge J Lewis tbattiy i/eed of Mortgage dated April Jbili, IM>7. WTiliain O. sandwicn con vey eel to the said George J. Lew is Lot No. 1 in the Northeast front square ol tlie town of ’J liom aston, It ,ving a front on me st.i eet. of thirty-six leet and running back one hundred and eighty feet; also Lot No. 2, having a fronton tneMreet of l went,-six ieet, and i tinning back eight; feet, ail in tlie into Distilctoi originally Monroe now Upson county, tor lue impose of securing the pay meat of a promissory note, made by the said vVillinm O. Sandwich to i lie said George.l. Lewis, due on the Ist day ot November next thereafter lor the sura of eleven hundred and eighty dollars, which note is now due and unpaid. It, L ordered. That the -aid W iliam O Sand wich do p y into thi* Court, by ttie first dev ol ihe next Term of this Court, ilia principal, inter est am cost due on such note, ot show c,me, it any he ha-, to the contrary, or that 1n default thereof foreclosure he granite! lo lire George J Lew is of said Mortgage, and the < (juity of t e letnptlon of said William li Sandwich then hr forever barred, and that service oi this rul* be perfecied on said vVTliam o. Sandwich according to law. It urthcr appearing to Hie Court iliat .»ort gagot in the ii mve stated cas , U w icb, residi s iu the (state of Alabama, and is therefore beyond urn ordinary protest.of this Court; tits incrftoie Ordered, Tnat service of this Ru ebc on the said William O. .sandwnh by i«»;»ilcanon ot this Holt once a mom It » r four niumivt, next preceding tne next letin r.f this Court, iu iht Journal and Messenger, of Macon Georgia JOHN a. HaLL, Attoi iiey fur ReUuouer, By the Court: .1 ME3 VV GRERNK. J. S. C., F.C. A true exi i act from ihe mmaittti f il'je Court. _june2y- liiinlm H. T. JKN NI NO.-, C. S. C. UPSON SU PER LOIW'Ou MAY TERM, 1569. George J Lewis, J vs i Bill for luiuncUon, Phillip Reed. { *c. Jeptua Reed, *Ord.r lo perfect ser- Wm O. "andwich, aud J vice. Ow en J. isharuiun. Sheriff, J IT appealiug lo the (burt dial Phillip Reed Jcpiha Reed an i William o. tsanawich, de- Icudauls iaihe above slated c ise, are not citizens >f ibis St ile, but reside iu the Stalc-ot Alabama and cannot be served ny tbe ordinary process oi this Court; It is therefore ordered. 'J li ttseivire be peifecied on said de rendauts by pnulicati >n of this or er once a month ior lour mouths, next prece ing the next term of this Court, in me Journal aud Messen ger. a newspaper publ.sbed in ihe city r.f Macon It Is further ot deled, Tnat ibis older be entered on the minutes of this Court. J (MBS W. GREENE, J. 8. C., F. C. A true extract from the minutes. juue2»-lumim H. T. JENNINGS, C. 8. C. rWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Wilcox County for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of W. B. Stubbs, Ute of said comity', deoeased. Joly 10,1808. M. J. STUBBS, ‘ Jalylß-2m AdrolnUtratrlx. GEORGIA JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. ROSADALIS, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, CURBS Scrofula In its Various Forms, SUCH AS Consumption in iu earlier stages, Enlargement and Uiceratmn of the Glands. Joints. Bones, Kidneys, Ut eins t luuuic Uneumtiusm, Eruptiofti of ihe Skin, Ciironic Sore E/et, eic. t etc. ALM> Syphilis, in all its Forms. diseases of women, Loss nf Appeti'e, Kick Headache, Liver Com plaint, lain in the Back. Jmnrudeuee in Life, Gravel, Gcueral Bad Health, And all diseases of ihe BLOOD, LIVEK, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER It is a perfect Renovator. R( yt A P A L» eradicates every kind of hu mor and bad t Gut, and restores the entire sys tem lo a healthy condition. i Pei feci ly harmless, never producing tne slialiiest injury. ° •rU ls noUß.cret Uusck Remedy. The ar ttcUs of which It is made are puhli.-hed arouud eacn bottle. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousend -of our best citizens. * For test imoniaJs <f reiuaiKable cures see Kosadalts Almanac ” for this year. PRKPARCD ONLY BY DR. J. J. LAWRENCE & CO. 61 fxchange Place, Baltimore, Md. 6y Druggists everywhere. julvlJ wiv l he s> mpiuius of liver com- I ,iuiiai, > ■plaint uie uneasiness and I MBiIKIjS I pain in tne side. Homelimts | ■ the pi in is in the shunlder, and is mistaken for rneuma ti-rn. 2he stomach is affect ed wit h loss ol appetite and sickness, bowels in general c ostive, sometimes alteiuat ing w ilh lax. The head 1- troubled with pain, ami dull, heavy -csßciisn eoris ilersble loss ol liinnorv sccom panied with painlul stn>a- I T TT rnn ■ Hon of having left undone I Lil VEiK ■ s -'inetnicg wnicii ouglu io ■ ■ have been done. Oiten eon • plaining of weakness, debili ty, and low spirits. Home times some ot tile aoove sympton s attend the disease, and at other times very few of them but the Liver is generally ihe organ most in volved. Core the Liver with DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR A preparation of roots and herb- - , warranted to he strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It bas been used by hundreds, and known for tlie last tnirlv-five y< ars us one of ihe most reli able, efficacious and harmless preparations evei eiffereu lo ihe suffering, if taken regularly ana iierslatantly >t t» sure to cure Dyspepsia, lieadaC e. jatin „ . I oice, eostiveness, sick iieail- Ki&rulator. B a<:li e,clirouu diairl um, affec “ ■ lions of ihe iilatider, camp dysentery, affections ol tin kidneys, tever, nervousness, chills, diseases of the- skin, impurity of tne blood, melancholy, or depression of spirits, neartouin. code, or pains in the bowels, pain in the beau, lever ami ague, dropsy, bons, pain in buck and limbs, ssi lima, eiysipelas, female affections, ami biiious dlse-ses generally. Prepared ouly by J. H. ZEILIN A CO.. Dtuggists, Macon, Ga. Pi ice J 1; l y mail $1 25. The following highly respectable persons can fully atttsl to the virtues of tliis valuable medi cine, and to whom wo most respectfully reler : General W H. Holt. President H. W. R. R. Cos ; Rt v. J. K IVfiler, Perry, Ga.; Col. K. K. Sparks, Alb my, Ga. ; George J. Lunsford, Esq , Conduc tor M. Vv. R. R ; C. Masterxon, Esq., s-t eiiff Bibti County; J. A. Butts. Hatnbridge. Ga.; I'yhes 4 iSpaiIKWK, Editors Floridian, Tallahassee; Rev. 1 W. Burae, M»eim, Ga ; Virgil Powers. Esq Superintendent s. W. k. U.; Daniel Bulo-id, Bullard’s Station. M. and B K. K., Twiggs Cos. Ga.; Grenville Wood, Wood’s Factory, Macon, Ga ; Rev. E. K. Easterling, P. E. Florida Confer ence; Mrjor A. K. Wooley, Kingston, Ga.; Euitoi Macon Telegraph. For sale by all Druggists. junel-wtf The Wonders of the Age ! The Excelsior Ague Pills, —AXE— THE EXCELSIOR AGUE CURE OR FEBRIFUGE. are the only Ramelies t hat, iu and of 1 themselves, will certainly cure Chills and Fever and Bilious Fever without tile aid oisome other medicines. They are h certain »ud safe cure for all Mala rious Diseases ; a perfect Antidote f >r llie Poison Malaria They ruaae no bad or injurious im piesslon aud always leave tbe patient in a bet ter con iitiou than bes ire taking them. Wher ever they have been lutrod need they aresiper ceedihg all other medicines. A single box oi botile not unf.equently sives a long physicianV bill, and much l ime and suffering. No family stiou and he witiiout them. When once tried, so jirompt, aud efficacious and mild are tlie.r effects, no other remedy will he sought after or used. PREPARED BY DR. C. A. CHEATHAM, DAWSON, GEORGIA, Ami sold by L. W. HUNT & CO. Macon, Ga. Persons purchasing bv the Gross or Dozen, will be a lowed a liberal discount. Also for sale by Merchants and Dealers every where. THE EXCELSIOR ELIXIR OF BARK AND IRON, Is recommended to the medical profe'sion as a fine. Tonic, and a reliable Htomacliic and Appt i*er. It contains alt Ihe valuable properties of Peruvian Bark iu their most active form, com bined with the Atamouio X-xiide of Iron, and in such a state as to mine if > Injurious Impression ou the teeth or coals of the stomach, n<> rnstier how long the use mav he continued. The cosn jwasitiou of tills Medicine is printed ou the label v 4 each bottle, with the dose, etc Prepared by DR. 0. A. CHEATHAM. Dawson. Ga. by L. W. HUNT * CO.. Macon, Ga. Ali Druggists have them for sale. juue39-2tAwiwtf TtIAPE MARir. WiiAT CAN iIIiUSB? WHY SOIODIMIOItSTS BITTERS II Wiil gvTe j Strength a Xrood Appetite, Andl make YOU SLEEP WK-D AT NIGHT Trya bottle of It cndlyo* cwtH.use uolother.'S' Solikjy all dealers, •Prepared at the Laboratory of A. A. Solomons & Cos., DRUGGi STS, Si vannah, Ge. Fora Hein Ma son by J. H. ZEIL IN A CO. may 2 t-dwinr ini KAY TON’S < )IL OF LIFE AND PILLS—For ■•le t* holesale. and retail, in Mat on, at J. H ZeUin A Co,'a, kfaasenbnrg, Son A Mams’, and ta Vs . Bunt* | Co.’a, and by THE COTTON GINNING -AND PACKINU DEPa li T M ENT —or— HM)LAY IKOX WORKS \l r ILL be ready for Ihe growing crop. Fupe rior «»ins-.u-1 an Improved Cotton Press all propelled by steam power— now ready. The coit-iii ginned at this establishment last season produced an uncommon large yieid. and in many instances commanded irom one-hslf to one rent per pound over the general market price. C-dton Repacked also. For particulars, apply at office • FINDLAY IRON WORKS. lnne29-<*od and wlrn Scrofula, or King’s Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, aud poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tilth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending “ front parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; ” indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, “I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children.” Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently vast numbers “perish by disorders which, although not in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; tlieir persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined hr it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood l>v an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYERS Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remcdials that have been discovered for tho expurgation of tliis foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should he employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Enumvi; and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony’s Finn, Hose, or HkysH',,, Beotciies, Bi.ains and Boir.s, Tumors, Tetter and Sai.t Riieum, Suai.h Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syimiimtic and Mercurial Dis eases, Droi’sy, Dyspepsia, Dehii.ity, and, indeed, am, Complaints arising from Vitia ted ou Impure Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of tliis Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without wliich sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. AYER’S Ague Cure-, FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OP Intermittent Fever, or Fever anil Ague, Remittent Fever, t'laill Fever, Dumb Agate, Periodical Ifeaalaaclie, or Killotts IleAilnrlie, nttd Hiliota* Fevea’s, itadeeil for tlie tvliole clnss ofdisee airigiaaat iaag laa biliary dea-naigemt vatsed lay the Malaria of Miasanatic . .ntries. We are enabled here to offer tne community a remedy which, while it cures tlie above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. Tliis “Cure” expels the miasmatic poison of Fever and Ague from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on tlie (iist ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for tliis class of complaints, but also the cheapest. Tlie large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, every hotly should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great stqieriority of tliis remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of lulermittenU is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they ha ' never had tlie disease. Fever and Ague is not alone tlie consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralqia, liheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind ness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Hyster ics, Pain in the Botccls, Colic, Paralysis and He rangement of the Stomach, all of wliich, when originating in tliis cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. Tliis “ Cure ” expels the poison from tlie blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection lo immigrants and persona travelling or temporarily residing in tlie malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will he excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer fr„.n luter mitlents if they avail themselves of the prc'C-tion this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER So CO., Lo W cil, Hass. Bold by L W. HUNT A CO., J. H. ZFILIN * CO and all the Duggists in Macon. Also, by ail Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. le«6po—diwlv. SCIENCE OF HEALTH. EVERY MAN HIS OWN PHYSICIAN AND HOLLOWAYS JIINTMENT. DISORDERS OF THE SIOMACU, LIVER, AND no WELS. STOMACH is the great centre which in fluences the health or disease ot the system; abused, or debilitated by excess, indigestion, of tensive breath, and physical prostration are the na ural consequences. Allied to the brain, it is the source of headaches, mental depression, ner vous complaints, and nurefreahing sleep. The Diver becomes affected,and generates bilious dis orders, pains in the side, etc. The Bowels sj m pathize by costiveuess, diarrhoea, and dysentery. The principal action ot these Pills is on the stom ach, and the Diver, Lungs, liowels, and Kidneys participate in their recuperative and regenera tive operation. ERYSIPELAS AND SALT RHEUM Are two ol Hie most common ami virulent dis orders prevalent on this continent. To these the Ointment is especially antagonistic. Itß modus operandi Is first to eradicate the venom, and then complete the cure. I\BAD LEGS, OLD SORES. AND ULCERS. cases of many years’ standing, that have perti naciously retusi and to yield to any other remedy or treatment, ha\e invariably succumbed to a'ew applications of this powerful rnguent. ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN, Arising from a bad stale of the blood or er r.inic diseases are eradicated, and a clear and trans parent surface regained by the restorative action oi this Ointment. It surpasses many of the cos metics and oilier toLet appliances in its power to dispel rashes and other disfigurements of the lace. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Whether in the young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the lum of life, these tonic medicines display so decided an influ ence that a mat ked improvement Is soon peicep tible in the health ot the patient, Being a purely i vegetable preparation, they are a sale and reliable ! remedy for all classcsof leinsles in every condi tion of health and station of life. PILICS AND FISTULA. Every form and feature ot these prevalent and stubborn disorders is eradicated locally and en tirely by the use of this emollient- W arm fomen tations should precede i'B application. Its heal ing qualities will be found to be thorough and invariable. Both ttie Oinement and the Pills should be used in the following cases: Bunions. Burns, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Fistula, (font, Lumbago, Bore Legs, sipraius. Tetters Ulceis, Sore Throats, Sores of all kinks, Mercuiial Eruptions, Piles, Kheum atisin. Ringworm, Sait Rheum, Scalds, skin Diseases, Swelled Glands, Stiff Joints, Sore p.reasts. Sore Heads, Veueieal Sores, W'ounds of all kinds. CAUTION! None are genuine unless the words, “Hollo way. New York anij I onuon," are discernible as a water-mark in every leal of the book of di rections around each not or box. The same may be plainly seen by bolding the leaf to the light. A handsome inward will be given to any one ren dering such information as may lead to the de tection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines, or vending the same knowing them to be spurious. Sold at the manufactory of Professor Hollo way, 80 Maiden lane. New York, and by all re spec-table Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the civilized world. ,**There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot and box. Dealers in mv well-known Medicines can h»ve Show Cards, Circulars, etc., sent free of ex pense, by addressing Thomas Holloway, 80 Maid* en Lane, New York. For sale by J. H. ZELUN * CO, ftsct-1? Macon. Q*. T. C. NISBET’S IRON WORKS, C3--A., NEAR PASSENGER DEPOT. CAST IRON SCREW, NO. 1. 9} FEET, 7 INCHES DIAMETER, AND 3 INCH PITCH. Price, ------- SBS OO From the Number of Testimonials, to tho Value of each of these Screws, I select the following : DOUBLE BRIDGE. UPSON COUNTY, Jcsk 27, 1869. Yours ot the 17th came to hand on yesterday, anil contents noticed. The Cast Iron .-crew 1 l ought of you lust Kail gives entire satisfaction. 1 commenced packing my crop without weighing in ilie cotton, tliinki g that live liunoied pounds was Being put in. but when 1 ca<ue to sell my cotton llie bags welgind from six to eight hundred and live rw unds. 1 soul lie cotton to Swans & Blown, at Barn*s\ tile, and any one doubting the weight can be furnish, and i lie receipts lioin the above parlies. I have been farming ail iny life, anil nave usej many itiflerent screws, but this oie is toe best I ever asw. In packing my stop 1 never used but one mule, l take pleasure in recommending the Screw to planters generally, Reference of those usiug the above H crew : W T. Rassvtt, Hohsiod county. I Hknky Fablkv. Baldwin county. Joei, Walkkk, Houston couu y. | John Pascal, I‘utnatn county. WROUGHT IRON SCREW, NO. 1. 4 INCH WROUGHT IRON, 3 INCH PITCH SCREW. Price, ------- S9O 00, MILLKDGF.VILLE, Jr me 17. ISOS*. Dear Sir:—l am using one of your 4 inch Cotton l’ress Screws J inch pitch, with levers, adapted to man-power. 1 however, never use mule power, hut run it down by hand, 1 am saM-tled that It will do more work in tlie same lime and with much more ease, than the old wood sirew, and that It Is ten time* as durable. You will allow me, at me same time, to recommend your hoise-pewer as a valuable power to gin cotton, \ ours respectiully, JOHN JON KM. PERKY. Junk 21. 1869. Dear sir :—I aui using one of your t inch Wrought Trou Screws, 3 inch pitch, and it is all you re ores-ut it to be. 1 pack wii li hand-power levers, and have put 6 0 pounds iu a bale with six hands. I like tlie press so well that 1 waul jt ut > get rue up another, aud shAll be in Macon l je Ist ol August. James w. koundirkk. Reference of some of those using ilie I inch P r ess, 3 pitch : Uakrkt smith, Houston county. I J.,hn W. Wool,folk, Houston county, w m adkins Dooly county, | N. Tucker I.aurei s county. W. C. Conus, Bibb county. I Thomas H. Jones, Twiggs couuly. J. P. Bond, Twiggs county. I I. w. .-e sins, Washington couuly. WROUGHT IRON SCREW, NO. 2. 1, H AND 2 INCH PITCH. Price, ------- SBO OO (’LINTON, OA.. 1868. T. V. Nisbet, Ksi>.:—l ian sately say jour Press is all, aud perhaps more, Ilian you claim Hto be. Tt is the cheat est, easiest and n ost convenient packing apparatus I have seen. I have se.n two bauds pack a bale ol coltou that we supposed to weigi: 50U pounds. lir NRY J. UAKouALIo MACON. OA., 1868. T. C. Nisbft, EBu.l run well pleased with your Press. I have packed, with six bands, a bale of cotton weigiiiug six tumdred and forty pounds in tlmiv minutes, R- F. WOOLrUI K. REFKUK AChS: John Kino. Houston eon- ty. i w. a. atwood. Puluam county. Ben j. Bahkon, Jasper conn iy. We. hOAUßonoccif, Monroe county. Thojuas Barron, T.ibot county. IJ. a Bpiyv, Macon county. NO. 2 CAST IRON SCREW. PIN 7J FEET LONG, 0 INCH DIAMETER AND 2 INCH PITCH. Price, ------- S7O OO FORT VALLEY, Junk. 1869. T. 0. Nisbet—Dear Mr: J have been usiug your Cast Iron Screw Prts«. 2 inch pitch, lor two sen sous. 1 have no hesitation in recommending it. as a simple, compact aud durable Press. I imve mule-power levers, but press altogether by Laud. A - mauliu A. Reference to a few of those using the shove Pres: : Stephen K. Bassett, Houston conntj'. I H. J. Plakk, Houston county. John Tkal. Quitman countj r . | A. Daw*on. W ilklnson oounly. The above Mci ews sre al l warranted for one season. Thepilcedoes not Induce frame and box, bills draft to build from will be lurnishid. ... IRON FRAME, I’rice WOOD WORK, com pit te These Screws ai« long enough for a nine loot Cotton Box rs tue entire ti uglli of the Bctew can be used but when a longer Screw is required it can be luruislitd up to 12 feet. OX IV GEAR. FIGHT FEET GIN GEAR, PINION end BOLTP J? NINE FEET GIN GEAR -f TEN FEET GIN GEAR " PORTABLE HORSE-POWEB, Adapted 10 Ginning ilpi. IS inches f® inches Cane Mill Prices: FIJiHTKEN INCH MILL - *>'. 00 SIXTEEN INCH MI LI fS 00 FIFTEEN INCH MILL 46 00 ELEVEN INCH MILL B3 oO 13 6 Gal. Price $ I ] 100- ” If \\ 90 ** »* ♦» // \\ 80 ” »» >* I W 70 •• »» **_ // V 60 • • »• »• // \\ 40 ’’ * * ** _ 30 * » ** • Kettle Prices: ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY GA LLONB *3i 00 ONE HUNDRED GALLONS V* bO EIGHTY GALLONS 000 SIXTY GALLONS 1" 00 Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. 21 HORSE STEAM ENGINE, price *l.O l> 20 HuRSK STEAM ENGINE, prb-e 1,1 l' BOU.KRS Til Match THE ABOVE ENGINES, price f0 CIRCULAR HAW MILL, price to 4^-Send for a Circular. T. C. NISBET. jn ] v2l *Ar*v*f. ___________________________________________ XXXX WHISKY! ANOTHER lot of tit is CELEBRATED WHIS KY arrived to-day. No brand has given such universal satisfaction. Everybody is In love with it. It only needs to be tried once, to be continued. All who love th i GOLD and TUKH call for it. JOHN W. O’CONNOR; Is the ONLY AGENT for it in Ma. on! No one else can get it! Beware of counterleits ! Various good brands of PURE RYE WHISKY Always on baud. With a full stork of RBaNDY. GIN, RUM, CL YUET, CHAMPAGNE, and other Wines. ALE AND PORTER, • A full stock of Foreign and Domestic. LEMONS! 25 boxes Messina Lemons, in fine order. JOHN W. O'CONNOR. julys-ct LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. April term superior court dooly COUNTY—Thoms. W. Ellis t». T»no Bllia.—lt appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff that the Defendant does not reside in the county of ! Doo’y and it further appearing tr at Defendant Joes not reside in this State : It is. on motion of Plaint fTs Attorney, ordered that service be perfected by publi cation in the Journal and Messenger, a public gazette published in Macon Georgia. D. A. GREEN, Libelant’s Attorney. The above is a true extract from the Minutes of th* Court- J- E- LILLET. apßb-w*na Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the late SIMKI ROSE, deceased, will please present tueiu for payment to either myself or Dr. T. H. mount, at Messrs. J W. Burke A Co.’*; and all who are indebted to him will confer a great la\ or by sending the amount uue at once. •a|2ltf L E. ROSE. “"FORTUNES Iu the boUQUse»B w’eai ana miudv Booth. It i Kl>eatiH to the young man of a home and fortune, ar and te)lb him why. v here and how to f-e* k It ; it [ leliH the capitalist where to inv^at; the iaboier. to find goo<i wages; the firmer, the t**»t lands; the merchant, the manufacturer, the profession al man and the mecLauie of th** great chances open to them ; it tells everybody just wh~t they ought to know, about the vast resources and wondenul progress in every part of this great count ry New, fresh, Interesting and popolar. For full deacriotion. terms to At ent«. etc.,send for circular. PEOPLK’B PUBLfBHI SG IX). julyl3-wlia 614 Arch Bireel, Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE TO OWNERS OF WILD LANDS. PERSONS owning Wild Lands in any of the districts of old Wilkinson County (now Tel it ir, Pulaski, ljturens and Montgomery.) will til ’d it to their interest to send their ntimbers to 111 e undersigned, who. tor a small fee, will. If de air yd.make examination of lands in person and reg ort oh to va In e. etc. H ">eoial attention elven to the buying or sell ing of lands on commission. R efereuces—George H. Hazlehnrst, President Mat »n and Brunswick Railroad, Macon, Ga.; . J, W, MCARTHUR, ! tfia2*-w2m, JackaonvlUe, TeUalr Cos., Ga ti. ran m LoiuMii DR. JOHN BULL’S OBEAT KEMEDi a ,. DR. J OH N in ii, Afanu/ach rer «utd\ Vender n, tkt (,< r SMITH'S Tonic Syrup FOR THF. CURE OF ! AGUE AND FEV F R OKJ C!E3-Xl_XaS -E F\TJD FEVEi^ The proprietor of this celebrated „ • cLtna for it a superiority over all otLer 1... . ' ' offered to the public lor the side, cer , ,>,,Ter permanent cure of Ague and Fever , r V "' S ~>' l Fever, whether of short or long > . ' ' and to the entile Western and S uih» t^i,7B ’ bear him test m.>ny to the truth of it, ’ ' llM ’<* in no case whaiever will it fail In cur, iiTk'., 1 ’ • i; • are strictly followed and carried out. In s , n * cases at single dose has been suttu ;eni tor t Tt! '' r whole families have been cured by asng? p‘' i:,J s peilect restoration of the general heaiq '’i*' h however, prudent, and in evetT rase more m,. V cure, il its use isconiimed in smalei d K , , 0 week or two af'er the di-rare has been ciovl, I' s ‘ especially in difficult and longstanding.:..,., i ' ' e Ibis medicine will not require any aid * bowels in good order; should the fsniem | ' !t eequne a CHlbarlic n edicine, sliei lmvitw iLu! or tour doses of the Tone, a siigle d* it " „f' i,!7 Vegetable Family Fills will be suflicient • r-*r' K John Bull’* Principal Office *\ o «, t Cross Street, Louisville, Ky ’ 1 BULL’S WORM DESTROYER 7b My Ui.iled State* anti World- M'l... 1;, I have received many testimonials from pi.,!.-- , and medical men, as my ulu anacs and various pul calious have shown, all ol which ate genuine. The following letter Rom a highly educated and popular physician in Georgia, is cetiuiniy one ol llir n i sensible communications 1 hu e ever received, hr Clement knows exactly w hat be speaks of, and ! , testimony deserves 10 be written in letters .ip-: Hear wbut the l'oclor suysof Bull’s Worm Desimirr, Villasow, WaUsb Cos., Ci., June}*, ’ Dr. John Hull—Deal Sir—l have rereullv g res yout Worm Dealloyer several tiiuls, Hnd find il » deifully efficacious. Il lias not failed in a s', instance to have Ihe wished for effect. I am and :g w pretty laige country piucticc, and h«ve daily nr. i r some article ol the kind. 1 am 1 1 i>o to con to s i Lai 1 know of no remedy recommended bv die sb.-l authors that is so cetrain and speedy in its efleets. Pi the coutrary they are uncertain in the exinine. Mr object in wr.tu g you is to tiud oul upon « bat trit -i can get the medicine directly Iruui you. 11 1 cart grl it upon easy terms, 1 shall use a great deal of it. 1 am uivare that the use of such artichs is wmitit » the teachings and iirgct'ce ol u great inujnriiy ol Ibe regular line ol M. D.'s, bul I see no just cans, ,-r, and sense in discaidmg a remedy which we knurr to lw efficient, simply because we may be ignuiuiil el its combination. Formypuit 1 shall make it a rule:« use all aud any means lo alleviate suilei mg luma' ny which 1 maybe üble to couimand ; not In.',, because someone more ingeuious than inys.ll imr have learned its effects first, and secured the mli i .IA to seeme that knowledge. However, 1 am bv i means uu advocate or supporier of Ibe Iben-u < sal worthless nostrums that flood the countiy, tbut n port to cure all manner of disiase lo wbicL bun an llesh is heir. Please reply soon, and intoim me ol your best terms. I sin, » r, must reapedtul'v, JULIUS p. CLEMENT, M- U. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good Reason for the Oujituin'x / uith. READ THE CAPTAIN S LITTER AND H t LETTER FROM HIS MOTHER Bkstok BmiCU, Mo., April En, l”' Dr John Bull—Dear Sir —Knowing the efln 11 ,v of your Sareapaiilia, and 1 lie healing wndb.irt qualities it possesses, I eeLd you the !ol.owing inent ol my case. I was woiiDded about two yearn ago; wax prisoner and contincd lor lit months'. Jleiog 1 j so olten, my wounds have not healed yet. ! bares 11 sat up a moment since 1 was wounded. 1 an. through the hips. My general health i» impaired, - 8 I need something to assist natuie. I litre nmo- - io your Sarsaparilla than in anjthitg e ire. I» that that is gwruiQe. Please exprer- me ha 1 a “ bottles, and oblige Cart. C. I’. JOBNSu.V St. Louie, Mo. P. S—The following was wriltfn Aprill.'". by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Capt. Jobosoo. I)r Bell—Dear Sir—My husband, Dr. f ' son, was & skillful surgeon and plipnunniin I * * New York, where he died, leaving the ah"** 1 Johnson to my care. At 13 years of age te , * chn.nic diarrhea aLd scrofuk, -or w hich 1 t-' jour Sursapaiilla. It cured him. I Laje *“ r ’’ l; '’ ' , recommended it to hiany in New t ‘.rk. *Jhm a Powa, for scrofula, lever sores and genii- ‘j 1 ' perfect success has attended it. The cures e -' ' n some cases ot scrofula and fever sores miraculous. lam very anxious lot mT ''“h have recijurse to your Sarsaparilla, he i getting a spurious article, lienee Wr "’d" 2 ‘ (or it. Ilia wounds were tenihle, but 1 1 ' t,e .SKSSSton. BULL’S CLDRON BiITERS. Authentic Documenis AHKAKSAS. HEARD H' c '- T )|E^ TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL BTO*T POIST, WHITE Cos f.l » Dr. John 8011-Dear S.r-UU I ebM^^ c , v . Louisville purcha- s, ng drug ß , and l - Sarsaparilla and Cedron Bitters. -kj. -ure Mv son-in-iaw, who was with me .n tffl : b‘ en down with rheumatism for s< m ■ - menced on the Bitters, and soon health improved. . . ti ied Dr. Gist, who bes been in bad and he also improved. . , . |, h for « Tr ; Dr. Coffee, who has bren m he. T . years [stomach and liver affected'. ;lje O much bv tbe use ot jonr Bitters. I )h , ? t , ’ Bitters fcas given you great P°P U * - tl y(l ment. I think I could sell » great j, oB IJ,t" ‘ medicines this fall; espedially 5‘ ." t « cai f 1 and Sarsaparilla. Ship me *■* , r i t ! Kickett A Neely. Prepared" and mid by PR- \' laboratory,' Fifth Street, Lc*t*M, fV- All of the above remedies for s»J (,'0 L. W. «'"v jU ;oo, Jud-ly