Newspaper Page Text
Thur*A*> F,rmlin, .1 »■
Am VV t Ae«fi«»y ProgreMlng '■
It cannot l* staffed that tins is a «tir
) lng «ge. The arts and sciences arc ;
i aching a degree oi development sel
tom if ever attained before. Thelight
, ling is tamed, and alt the elements are
c iainedt« the restive car of what the
s orld calls progress. But are we actu
« ly advancing in the true elements of
g eatnesa and human perfect:on-are
v e improving in virtue, honesty or pa
t: iutism ? All mere motion Is not pro
g ess ? We may he rushing on like a
* birlwind in respect to one niisorbing
am, and advancing backwards in all
o hers. When we take an inside
t ew of the social or legislative affairs of
I) e country, we are led to donbt very
ir ach whether the present noisy age is
V 1 ry far in advance of the earlier dacs
01 simplicity, industry and comparative
ig aorance. Our legislative halls are fast
di generating into mere theatres of deni
al rgueism and speculation; and bribery
an ] log-rolling are the well-known ageu
cic»of success, even in our Congression
al legislation. Men sell their votes as
do iberntely as they go to dinner, and
sh res in public lands, contracts, and
“perquisites" of nameless kinds are
gn ciously showered upon them from
tin lobby.
' he last Congress expelled three mem
ber ! for complicity in these disgraceful
bat ;ains, and a case is now up for inves
tig; tion, involving $87,000 paid by an
Fas era linn to secure the passage of the
tar; f.
I social life, also, fashion, folly and
fait dessness abound; and the courts
and newspapers teem with their revolt
ing tctails. Is it not true, that with
all c ar boasted progress and refinement,
we a -e retrograding in the scale of mo
ralit and flic social virtues ?
Georgia Kents.
Th ) watch and jewelry store of Mr.
Jamb Miller in Milledgeville was bro
ken i ito on Monday night bv burglars
They nearly became masters of all Mr.
Mii&i ti’s stock as well as the money in
his sue. They carried off' property in
gold t ud elver, watches, money, jewel
ry, &c , to the amount of SIO,OOO.
The Temperance Cnuader, at I’c-nfield,
has do med a dress imd is a erv much
iinpro ed in its mechanical appearance,
beside being cousiderbly enlarged. The
price as been raised to $2. Messrs.
Seals i nd VtSKV arc good writers, and
Mr lit; molds ri. good printer. Tlie Cru
sader is therefore, an interesting and
handso ne sheet.
Col. Lav, of Stewart county has Wen
appoiul’d Treasurer of State Bond, vice
Wm. B. Wofford.
111, G io. D. Phillips of Habersham,
to lx- A riitor of State Road, vice Col.
Wm. ?. Wilson Esq., has been ap
pointed ’ostmaster in Atlanta, in place
of Tiros. 0. Howard, Esq
We le. rn that almost a fight occurred
in Atlan a among some of the late prom
inent me nbers of one of the political
parties. Bowie knives are said to havi
figured e teiisiv 'ly.
We reg 'et to learn, says the Savannah
Georgian, hut a young lad named Gso.
Holmes, r siding at Miller's place, on the
. Ogcchee i iad, fourteen miles from this
city, met vith a fatal accident on Wed
nesday lai t. It appears that he was try
ing to let lown the hammer of a loaded
musket, v hen the hammer got out of
his hand a id discharged the piece in the
groin of li i right leg. Tire recoil was
sufficient t > rupture the blood vessels in
that vicini y of the body. He lingered in
pain until Saturday last when he died.
His remain i were interred on Sunday af
ternoon in Laurel Grove Cemctary.
Wo lean from a friend, that the Oc
mulgee ri\ ar was higher on Tuesday
cveningatl awkinsville, thanithas been
since the se Cement of that section, and
was still rls ng.
The JB avinesa of Railroads.
The Alba ly Journal says : Though
there is a la ge falling off in the freight
and passeng r receipts, on our railroads, j
during the nonths of December and i
January, th : expenses have been so J
largely dim nished that the nett re- |
ceipts are nc uly if not quite equal to t
those of last year. The deep mow and i J
severe weatl er of the last winter, be- j
side the exp< use of keeping tracks clear t
was destruc ive alike to engines and j j
cars. The N;w York Central and the j 1
Hudson Riv ;r railroads have gained
more in redi sed expenses, during the
last weeks, t an they lose in the falling (
off in gross r ceipts. I u
A Salt Lak : correspondent of'the N. [
York Herald says that the Mormons jg
have no idea of abandoning the territo- j j)
ry and going to British America next L
spring, as re orted. ; *
It was the ' Jerald which first publish-. H
ed tlie rumoi that Brigham was alxiut i,
to leave Ufa). It was probably hatch-;!
ed up as a “ sensation ” paragraph, to '
be contradict d the next day.
Edward Ei erett has delivered his (
1 "’ashington Address sixty-five times, ,
ha* real sell thereby the sain of r
,000 for tl e Mount Vernon Fund.
on the
Tho tells thefol
lpaing story oNihe great piano-
ing, w hich we believe is true.—
Atanvratc, wc have seen an advertise
ment of Thalberg’s teacher on this clas
sical instrument announcing tho ,i get,
accompanied by a recommendation frtrni '
the pianist, not of tho instrument, in
deed, but of tlie professor :
“Thaiberg, returned to New YcAk
from his triumphant tour in the inte
rior. is reposing gracefully and quietly
on his laurels. At present he dreams
only of a fur t. ufrw-ason at the sea side,
and if, from tlie forefeu/habit, lie must
indulge in some it
is not with the puuwi-tbrt.' i
“ 1 Not the pianaffiiitlf you ask.
‘ And what, then, inrfy it j ™
“We give you ten, JAs. a hanih ,d_
;■' ■ uorvl \. -
\nine vonr comfort, to ‘give up? a
once. Know that Thalbcrg, tho great!
Thalherg, reposes from his royal sov-!
ereignty in cultivating the Iran jo? We!
have written it—the banjo !
“Here arc the facts. Entering liis!
apartments the other day at tho St.
Nicholas, in place of tile magnificent
Erard w e w-ere accustomed to find there,
there appeared a suspicious box of some
what musical form, and bearing the
significant address: S. Thalherg , Nev:
“ 'ln the name of St. Cecilia, is it
not a banjo case'"
It is nothing elso,’ replied Thai
berg, in his usual quiet and modest
“ 1 And,' avc continued, 1 you play on
this odd instrument?’
“‘I have taken ten lesson's, respon
ded, most humbly, the celebrated man;
and encouraged, doubtless by the ad
miration plainly depicated on our coun
tenance, he added :
“ ‘And I will acknowledge that 1
have made considerable progress al
ready. '
“ • Pray let us have the spenifti favor
of judging for ourselves I All the world
has heard Thai berg upon the piano
forte; let us have the privilege of bear
ing him on the banjo.'
“ With his uniform kindness, he at
once opened the case. It was empty.
Tlialberg, with the enthusiasm of all
young students, had attacked with too
much warmth tlie melody.
“ *0 Susannah !' don't you cry tor me
I com-- from Alabama with my banjo on my
and alas I the instrument Avas now gone
to the shop for repair.
“Thus we have not yet heard Thal
berg on the banjo I When we hare that
I honor, tlie world shall surely knoiv it.
Ob! that v?e could be in Paris, when,
on theartijfg return, this new accom
paniment is made known to the public
of that city 1 Nothing of the like has
been dreamed of there, and all the lit
tle eccentricities of Vivier will be en
‘ eclipsed. Every man will be
button-holed in the streets, not for the
salutation : “ How do you do?’ but witli
the query, * Have you heard Thalberg’s
“ • The banjo! What in the name of
Saxe is that?’
“‘ An original affair; the national
instrument of America, the black part
of it at leant .j a guitar finger-honrd at
tached to a good drum.’
“ For a week, Paris avjTl think of
nothing else. Government may, if it
please, make a new coup d’dal; no one
will pay the slightest attention to it,
for tin groat affair of the hour will' . ro
hear Tbalberg’a banjo !”
PortrvUti of Washington.
In relation to those engravings the
Home Journal says:—“ Washington uni
venial There is one man, at least,
whose portrait may well adorn every
wall The head of General Washington
is the universally recognised sign and
symbol of our American ideal of virtue
and patriotism. It seems to us a felicit
ous thought, therefore, to so perfect
and mulitiply the copies of these rever
ed features, that Urey are Avithin the
reach of every ciri/e .of ou: uitry
The artists and publishers ve done;
this. They ha am found a w to print
in oil colors a transcript o" strnil, of
tho lamous portrait of Wssi gton, by
Gilbert Stuart, presented complete in
eight colors. The process is a new dis
covery, called tho chromatic, and pa
tented in J-iondon. Thiß is both cu
rious and valuable; and let us hope
that, by making Washington almost
omnipresent, it may make the influence
of his sainted name universal."
Charles CnssKltty.
A correspondent of the Louisville
Journal says ;
“ Charles Cassiday, who was, 20
years ago, considered the equal of
Grundy, if not his superior in brilliant!
qualities of intellect, died a few days!
since at the poor house in Sumner 1
county. ’
What an earthly end for such a man I j
What a warning to all who use intoxi- j
eating drinks! We knew the deceased J
personally for nearly thirty years. W*j
Averu at the time engaged in printing !
“Gunn’s Domestic Medicine,’’ at Camp-1
bell's Station, in Knox county. He was j
transcriber of Gunn’s crude manuscripts (
— indeed avo may say the master hand i
in getting up that popular work. He i
had filled important offices—one of the
corps engaged in running the boundary!
line of Alabama Avlien all was a wilder-,
ness, and a white man’s face was not to j
be seen for months at a time, outside of;
their company. He was afterwards i
Sen. Jackson’s private secretary in tlie j
Indian wars, and as we heard the old j
{cnerul say, he was qualified, so far as
alent and education were concerned, toi
ill any place in the councils of the na-1
:iou. —Clan Oas.
Something to Remember*
That on tho 14i.1i of January. 1858, in !
Ire afternoon, men were seen sitting j
ipon the grass on the Common surr- j
ling themselves, and that others were;
•ngagefl Avitlr buckets of water upon!
,he scaffolding of the new buildings in ;
franklin street, washing down the;
jiauite, and that crocuses were protru ,
ling their tops through the straw in
;he front yards in Beacon st. On the
iame day and date, the streets of Boston
were sprinkled and swept as in mid
iiimmer I
I*ast year, about this time, it was
very cold. On the 18tl> Jan., 1867, the
mercury fell to 18 deg. below zero, and
an the 24th to 24 below.— Bookn Arivcr
A question has been raised in one of j
our courts, whether a blind man can ns ,
made liable for a bill payable at tight. *
The lawyers are puzzled.
Hbo’ts'fi in brir.Kiri? ill'.' 1
U'l folks ray what they will ;
To silver scour a pewter cup—
il will be pewter still.
E’en he of old, wise Sol men.
Wbo said ‘ train «p u tsbUtl/' »
If J mistake nok Ua-l a «-oa
I'rovvJ rattle-brained and wild.
V A m»m of mark, who fain would pat -
For lord of sea and land,
M.'iy ha o the iraiteinp f a son,
And bring him up full frran.' ; .
May give him all the wealth of lov,
<ri eolleg* ttn ft? • ]
But after fill may make no more
Thau just & decent look
Another raised by IVnurjr
Upon her bitter breed, >
Whose road to knowledge is hke tliot
The good to Heaven must tread,
lie’s got a spark of nature’s light,
He’ll fan it to a flam©.
Till in its burning letters bright
The world may read bin name.
If it were all in “bringing up./
In counsel and roetraint,
Pome rascals had been honest men—
I’d been raveelf a saint
O! it isn’t all iu bringing op. folks say what they will r
Neglect may dim a diver c ;p--
It will Ik* silver still.
Patent Leather.
In the manufacture of patent leather
there are two distinct operations—
the first being the preparation of the
leather for reception of the varnish, and
tho second, coating the leather with
brilliant and transparent varnishes.
The first tiling is the preparation of
i the linseed or drying oil which is done
as follows: Five gallons of linseed oil
, are boiled with four pounds and a few
ounces of white lead, and an equal
amount of litharge, (each in a state of
’ fine division,) until itbecornes of the con
\ sistence of a syrup. This mixture is then
! united with an ochre or chalk, aeeord
-1 ing to the quality of the skins that are
[' to be treated, ami it is evenly spend on
both sides of the leathei and well rub
j bed in. There very thin coats are ap
r j plied, allowing each to dry before the
[! other is put on,and the surface is ground
J down with pumice stone i his process
!of laying on the drying oil.and rubbing
j down is continued until a sufficient
[. | quantity has been laid on to prevent ;
” the varnish from penetrating the leath
i er.
t To the presence of so much lead in
patent leather we think, we may ascribe ;
the pro valance of tend-i feet, corns and
.; bunions, among these who are iu the
| habit of wearing boots of this material,
J as it has a very drying and drawing ae- -
| tion ; and persons who so indulge, look
! shiny about the feet at the expense of
their health. They had better exert
themselves a little, by using paste black -
j ing, and thus be able to walk in com
i fort and with ease.
j The leather being thus prepared, a
,| mixture of the linseed oil and lead with
| fine ivory black is made, and a little
j turpentine added, to make it flow ettsi- •
Jy : this is laid on by means of a soft ,
' brush, and five or six coats are applied. f
(This gives the surface of th** leather a v
! rich black, shining, pliable surface, i
; over wdiich, when dry, the varnish may 1
I be applied.
| The varnish is composed < f one pound i
'of either asphalte, prass-ian blue, or fine i
i ivory black, ten pounds of thick copal j
varnish, twenty pounds of the linseed ;
oil prepared as before described, (l y i
lx>iling with litharge and lead,) and i
twenty pounds of spirits of turpentine. ;
• The various tints are given by the van- ;
!ouscoloring materials added; thus, as
givei- a >t reddish color. Prussian !
blue a greenish blue metallic tint, and |;
the ivory black, which is the most com
mon, a beautiful and brilliant black, j
The chief uses for this leather are then
manufacture of bouts and shoes, and ! i
the aprons and fittings of wagons and j j
Letter of t»ov. Brown o?i tlie 1
\V. it A. Railroad. t
• MiU/KDOBVIIie, Jan. lltli, 1868. f
j Ovl. John W. Lewis, Supt. -W. & R. R.
Sir :—In the management of the
! Western & Atlantic Railroad, you are
j her jby ordered to cut ofi e very expense (
which is not in vonr judgement neces- t
sary to safety and sc w:- - you wiit ,
keep the Rond In gootl repair. You will
dismiss every person connected with j
the road who is a Supernumerary, keep t
ing no one in the pay of the Road whose
services are not absolutely necessary in
the management of the Koa<l. It the
salaries of any of Clerks, Agents or eth
er persons employer! upon the Boar), are
higher than the salaries paid to officers
for doing the like services 'upon other
Railroads, you will reduce the salaries
I until they are reasonable. As harmony
! and concert of action among your em
ployees is iudispensible to success, you
will require absolute subordination, and
prompt obedience to orders from every
1 person employer! upoD the Road. As'
| many innocent persons ml girt lose their
| lives, and much valuabl • property lie
l destroyed by neglect growiug out of the
i dissipated habits of those in charge of
‘ the trains, you are ordered promptly to
j discharge every Conductor, Engineer,or
other persons employed m running
! the trains, who shall be known to use
i as a beverage intoxicating lienors of any
I kind, orwhoshall visit gaming houses
j of any character, or engage in gaming,
!or he guilty of any other dissipation or
immorality. Von will observe strict
j economy in everything connected with
the Road, from tire largest to the smal
lest transaction. To i will require eve
ry Conductor upon the Road to selt.e
promptly at the end of each trip, and
every Depot Agent to pay over all mon
ies irr his possession once every week,— ]
So soon as you shall have been able to
pay the debts which you find hanging
over the Road, you will order ail the
nett earnings of the Road, whether it l
bp much or little, to be paid into the!]
State Treasury at this place once every ,
month . Prompt obedience to these or- ]
deres 'till be required That they may !
not be misunderstood by any, you will
have them printed and a copy delivered
to each officer and employee upon the
Road Joskpu E. Bufiwj.
By the Governor.
Id. D. MuCoan,
Sec’y. Ex-Department.
.«. i
American lm-'nac. <
Xu noticing the last issue of this valu- i
able anr.uary, a correspondent says :
There is a curious table in it on the i
dowering of fruit trees in 1857, by the l
stady of which we can estimate the ;
vastness of our country almost as well
as by travelling though it. For exam- i
pie, plum trees llowered in Natchez, I
Miss., Feb. 5, in King George county, i
Va., April 7, and in Montpelier, Vt., 1
not until Msy fid, or more than three ]
months and a half after the same pro
cess in Natchez The same year the i
purple violet bloomed atNatchez. Janu- l
ary Bd.
Ch«rk*to» Marktt.
CIIARUKTON, j.MD. 21, 1 P. M. — (Joihtn- (
Sales to-dav 000 bales, at 10 to 10 3-4. (
Decline of 1-8 to 1-4 cent.
Kansu Elusions.
WAHHiNOTON', Jan. 31. 1 eirgi' v'nic
dispatches received by some of the Re
publican papers announce that the elec- 1
tion returns of the first election in Kan-;
(era, were opened! by Messrs. Denver and!
Calhoun, on the lOili inst. The votej
stood for the “ Constitution with slave-'
ry" 0.0*13, and for the “Constitution!
without slavery” 5.706.
'lire returns of the last elections for j
Statu officers, under the authority of!
the Lecotnpton Constitution, have not j
yet been received in full, and are only;
partially counted. The result, so far, 1
is. for the Free State candidate for I
Governor 6,288, and for Marshall, Dera- 1
ocrat 0,530.
Col. Calhoun has not yet closed the ;
counting of the votes, and will receive [
other returns from distant parts of the j
It is believed that the Legislature!
will provide for the call of another Con ■
stitutional Convention.
Karktt liejKtrtK.
CnAP.r.KSTO.v, Jan. 19.—hales of cot-,
ton to-day, eight hundred bales. Mar-:
Let firm.
New Took, Jan. 20. -bales of cotton j
1,200 hales, and th ; market firm.
Flour firm, sales lO.OiX) barrels.
IVheat declined, sales fi.OGO bushels, :
white $1 20 a $l3O. Coin heavy, sales.
17,000 bushels,whit- 'lB c jnts.
Turpentine firm at 10 cents.
Bice buoyant at 3 a 3 ;-2 cents.
Freight on cotten to Liverpool
8-16 d.
SavAMKAB, Jan. 20. —Sales of cotton
200 holes, at prices ranging from 101-4!
alO 3-4 cents, Market rather easier.
Charin-i:iN Jaii. 20. —Sales of cot
top to-day 700 iraies. The market is
jnas'r session.
WAsmsriToN, Jan. 18,180^.
Mr. Seward presented the petition oft
nearly a hundred citizens of I’helps, in
the state of New York, praying that
some measures may lie adopted for the
peaceful and gradual extinction if;
slavery, in making compensation cel.
of the public treasury for the value of!
the slaves; which was laid upon the'
Mr. Harlan asked and obtained leave ;
to introduce a bill to establish an adci
tional land district in the S'ate of lowa.,
and a bill making a grant of land to the 1
State of lowa, in alternate sections, to
aid in the construction of a railroad in'
said State; were severally read trice:
and referred to the Committee on
lie Lands.
Mr. Chandler, offered, „ 'i-olut'-n
; whith wushpSs i, requosting the Sec- 1
rotary of War to furnish the Senate;
with statement.-, showing the nuin-i
j her of troops who were engaged in thei
; search for Sir John Franklin, to receive
medals, presented to them hv the ISrit
| ish Government.
i Hr. Hall made a speech against the:
Leoompton movement in K.uou- ta
king the ground that the object war
threby to extend slavery. After an exe
cutive session the Senate adjourned.
The Speaker appointed Jlrssin Stan j
ton, of Ohio, Moore ot Alabama, Kun
kelofPa., Wright of Georgia. Kusselll
of New York, on the Special Commit
tee to investigate the charges growing
out of the expeiv'ttm-! of ¥37,0)0, by,
tae Middlesex Manufactuiing Company,
in order to facilitate tilt passage of tin 1
modified tariff hill, last session.
On motion of Mr. Washburn, of Maine, j
the use of the old hall of .Representa
tives was granted to the Columbian In
stitution for the deaf, dumb, and blind,
on Thursday next.
Mr. Bennett, of New York, intro
duced a bill for establishing a railroad
and telegraph line to the Pacific ocean,
for postal and military purposes. Mr
Morris, of Pa., introduced a bill for an
International Copyright law.
Mr. Taylor, of New York, introduced
a hill to promote the progress of the
useful arts and regulate the granting Os
patents for inventions.
Mr. Grow' introduced a bill to prevent
the sale of the public lands, under pro
clamation of the President, for at least
fifteen years after the same shall have
been surveyed.
Mr Humphrey Marshal! asked but
did not obtain leave, to introduce a res
olution, proposing a change of the (V:i
stitution so as to require all persons of
fering to vote for members of Congress.
and for President and vice President of I
the United States.
Mr. Campbell endeavored to offer a I
resolution looking to the aopiisition of J
the British North American provinces,;
Cuba. etc.
Mr. Ghidings was also unsuccessful in i
endeavoring to introduce a resolution
censuring the U. H. Supreme Court for,
their decision in the Died Scott ease.
Mr. Zolliyoffer introduced a resole-i
lion, instructing the Committee on tbe !
Judiciary to impure into the expediency
of reporting a bill to regulate or re
s-tram the immigration or importation j
orwßiigiipaupers and criminals into, 1
the United States.
The resolution was adopted—seas
137, nays 38.
The House adjourned.
Adams' Express Company.
We find a very flattering notice of
thisoompany in the New Orleans Della,
of the 6th Instant, on the extension of:
the line through to that city, which has
been effected through the active and
efficient agency of Mr. H B, Plant, the
Superintendent. Thisoompany, soweil
and favorably known throughout the
United, is prepared to forward,
in the meet rapid ami safe manner,
banknotes gold, silver, valuable pack
ages, &c.,from their office in this city
through to New Orleans, and thence to
Natchez, Mcksburg, Memphis. Nash
ville, Cairo. Si. Louis, Louisville, and
all cthef powts available by steam
boats or railroads in the Union. —San
Social JWtfcif.
t«'" Lost.—On Tuestky Evening,
I between p" BriJge urn! the Kswu Hotel, a
j small BREAST ITX—d«*>sn, an tide wW>» «>»• v
i send itucbe* «' lb bW. The fiwier »>!! be
! liberally rtvnri* by VeaviiX " ‘k* «•* ,
To County Officers Elect* B
|*T The Citutlemcn elected (
|mi the fourth ol Jamury, that.ant, to is 1 the ov
! Does of Sheriff, Clerk.'Superior ami Inferior-Court;, f
I Coroner, Receiver i)f Tax Returns, and County .
I Surveyor, are r< qaired to appear at this office n
j on MONDAY NKXr, the 25th Inst., at 12o'clock i;
, M., with thei:* securities, to be qualified accord- f
ing to Jaw.
By order of the Hon. Inferior Court.
I jmii9-tTn BENJ. F. IIA LI., Cleric. x
■ • ’ " ■* 9 * ■ i
Board.- A pleasant, nicely; _
! furnL-hed r<w-n. with board Tor two persons, inj
| a New Engla&l family, at a moderate price, can !
■ j v,e engaged. The location is near the South Ca c
j ridina Depot. Inquire at this office. janld f
fiTThe Summerville Aca
demy will be re-opened for the
* | reception of pupils, on MONDAY. ! I
. : 25tb insult. The scholastic year j t
j will be divid ;d into four quarter:- JgjS* a
! of eleven weeks each, with the ibl- t
i lowing rues of tuition : $
Beginners in Orthography an ' Riding,
Primary Geography raid Mental Arith- j, ;
Imetic, per quarter SlO 00
Greek, la tin, French and Higher English 15 oi>
, All intermediate branches 12 60
| No pupil received for less than one quarter.
j jaulC S. W. HATCH, Principal. «
j gT Anu;u st a Mann fact??- j
ring Company, ArorsT.%, Ga.. January 13.
• 1858.—A special meeting of the Stockholders of ,
' tbo above namhd Company is called fur Vi HP 1
; NESDAY, the 20Ui lost., at 11 o’clock, A M., at '
(! their Office, on oroad -street.
j By order of the Bc«d of Directors. ’ f
5 M J/» MI S H> '
ff ” Clerk of < omic ti's Os- 1 ;
j FICE, Cm* Hall, January 2, 1858.—A1l persons a
! liable for City Taxes are hereby notified that the jt
i Digest for 1858 Is jk w open at my office. jo
Office hours are from 2, A. 11., to 1. P. If., and t
! from 3 to 6, P. M. h?
! The Digest will remain open until the first day!
iof February next; after that time no returns 1
will be received, a;: l all failing to make returns v
i by that lime will bn double taxed.
j Clerk ol Coancil. l1
for it.—The most su
! perbly illustrated Magazine ever published in
America. - r.lie December number of the CO’- v
j VOPOUTAN ARI JOCRN'AI, containing over }]
! sixty splendid■ Engravings, and giving full par- j a
j ticul.vrs of the benefits of the Cosrropolitan Art},,
I Association, T«-o Dollars a year; Angle copies j' ;
fifty ceils. Specimen copies w ill be sent to ail n
persons who wish to subscribe on receipt of five,
postage stamps, (15 r.-uts.)
j fee advertisement beaded * { Brilliant Pros-- „
pectus ’’ in this paper. Address, a
C. ].. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.. *
548 Broadway. New* York. j t
Or .f. W. ADAM. Hoo* 9ec’y, Augusta. n 2« «.i
It P. Kobe it son resjiecs- J-’
• fully iitlbru-.s his friends and the public that he
has removed from the store of Mr C. W. Horsey
1 and opesod over the enginv h-y-i-e So 2, next P' ! gl
j Warren Block, on Jackson street, where he is i
j prepared to make and trim clothing in the best : It
j style. He flatters himself that lis long expert |['
'e; r will enable him to give satisfaction. Ji<- ; (1 -
j iiviles cs p ’■ii’ijß.tyntion t to G : is work ot Pant? |
'md Vests. Cutting done for f.toiiioa or ethers. j. (
tepairmg faithfully attended to. oct2 Sm >
1 r '
■ 1-wS.' PRESII SEKU. ’ ” BN. I
lift 1 ' Our stork of fresh Gar
j >KN SEEDS, is now complete*. Dealer* .supplied
I** usual. <’l9 FLCMB & I.EJTXEK.
; gt A iii 1> rotypt's for the |
j -HllHon.—Jf yon vant a first-rate AMBROIITPE. j
j >eautifully col rod and pit in a neat rase lor j
I Fifty Cents, go to tho oridml Ttilj Cent Gallery,
j po.,t uflice corner, opposite the Georgia Railroad j
j Bank. Entrance 10 the Gallery next door tu the i
j Post OiTic.r.
d 4 WM. H. CHAI3IEB3. Proprietor.
f|;" Tax Coilceior’)) Notice. j
j—l wiil he found at tho I/vexy Stable rcaroj'
| the United Stated Hotel, every morning till
1 o'clock--the remainder of the lay 1 .shall he ou
| Bread-street. The Jaw requires ’at to pass my
■ nlvPiu by the 15th of Jainury. To be !
i able to do so. 1 shall close rny book on Monday
| next. All persons who hive not juld their Tax
j ,bi tlie year 1857, must know what to look for.
! ja&dtil AI.f.XANBER DIIAB, T. (.. R. <\ |
g**“ Wood’s Haii Restora
j Thi-' wonderful preparation is having an
extensive sate !u all parts of the Union. It Is
one of the few patent medicines witch are now
fold over the country, tkat are really what their .
inventors claim for then. Wherever ii has had
a fa;r trial, tlie result has been precisely as
Vood predicts. It has never failed to turn tbo |
white hair back to the natural color, where the j
directions have been strictly followed, and in
! nun crons cases it luu restored the hair upon
j beads that had been bald for years. It is not
; pretended that it will nakc tlie liair grow in ev
i ery c ise, but where It fails there is certainly no
remedy. The restoration of the hair has been
e'fe'"ed in so many nstancee where the case
-f •*tned’.utterly hopeiess, that it is certain y
v ?b while for all who have lost their hair to
i try tiv «•’ -•‘•rimeut cf usiug a bottle or two of
{ Wood’s f»t**'VO.— Mr,line Workman.
; Tor sale in (**>;.; *> by Druggists generally.
| oet‘27
i fv».„ FrrljjliiK by tkc;%iv«!«imh Hivur
I liy the Iron HU amb y Line, will be re
i ooiv-* l and forwarded free of Coe.mission, ad
dressed to the (.are of Agent iron FUtambOii
J. 13. GUlivT . Agent, A.i.ruj-tA
~. M. LASFtTEAU. Agt. Savannah
Augusta, July 1, lifD7. jyl-ly
fg“ Tuckei iv Perkins 7 Hupe- ]
1 rior Photographs few ONE DOLLAR. Our Pbo- I
I tofiraphtv emabliibaert is the most complete, in
| all of it* arraugemoai'.. of any iu the Southern j
We have associated "With us Mr. T FOSTER^ :
an experienced Porfait Painter and Photo
graphic Colorist, from London, ami are prepared
j to offer PICTURES, J iho above description,
from medallion to life five, colored in oils or
ter colors, at unprecetented low prices.
Small DAGUERREOTYPES of deceased persoua !
copied and enlarged lo Portrait or Cabinet size, •
Every style of colored Photographs will be fui
niahed iu a most superior raaLcer, and sold a*,
prices much lower than those charged at North
ern Caller ea.
Plain Photographs from tic a establishment
are washed and mounted in a manner that in
sures tboii permanency.
Our friends ai d llio public are respectfully in
vited to call and examine specimens of this beau
tiful style of picture, and our arrangements for
making them.
Ambrotypea taken as usual at from Fifty Cents
to Five Dollar; novtlO
.. .— ———
.Sptial ißolifts.
rpnis magnificent painting commences
X w b Chon i and continues down in hi -torioal j
order to the Babyloniijb C.ipt.V'ity, coutuiurngj
more than IWy of the moat sublime i.ncl interest |
iiig mioikns in the Bible.
Exhibition every evening. Doors open at G>£:;
hco me nee at T3L precisely.
Tickets 50cents—to be hud at the Hail door.:
Children under ten years, hull price. .
Also, Ex Whit on on Wednesday and Thursday
ifterno< >ns for Families aud Schools. IHiors open i
it 2 : t ' com mein at fl. precisely.
Fe'.l lilted tiy Prof. Tmprrjc )an4-tf I
IT Golden Hill SlairtH.—loO
dozen C. and I SHIRTS ;20 doz. White and Col- 1
med MARSFJLLJFM, a new and beautiful article, '
Ur sale low by
d 9 J. K. HORA fc CO 1
view ton House, Athens, La.
j*S=* .VCard.—Mr. W. r :
Vo, the imdorulgued, take great pleasure in re !
timing yoa our thanks for the vary kind and j
a?rf»iibio maimer in which we have been enter
tained at your excellent Hold, by your
; soil and lady. Your rooms are large, airy, and
j.-leanly, and your table such as cannot fad to
j please the taste of the most fastidious. V e take
great pleasure in recommending your Hons*'
to our friends anil the public generally :
Dan ' i.! i kmhbka kt. Su vu n nah,. Jo hn Mr KCiusoatj ,
8.iv..; M«ts. Jams Thomas, Sav./Mw. MrJtCHJSox,!
Sav.j’Mss U. 0. S.u-sbt, Suv.; Miss Mt’KC'.r.-ov.
Rav.; Mks C A. Sav-vy. ‘Civ.; Miss. V M. Cokn-
WRLL, Vs. W. lIBMKKKAKT. Sai\; 0 D. ROGFtb*, (
Mks. . M. Si.-:vtaht,S. C.; M. H. Sr*w aut, S. C.;!
Ma A. Stkwaht, 8. C*; Hon. Chau. MoDoxaid,
Mariottt, tin.; Col. John if. Stanford, Claris - j
j ville, (A.; Rev R. C. Kstcbom, Clarkosville, ti t., J
jTuos.h Conk, Greensboro’, Ga.: A*oa Aker
\ man. Pit orton, Ga.: R. E, M.uiri.x, vlrecnaboro’,
| Ga.; Cj!. Cuas. l>. Davis Mottroo, Ga.; Gkok
I Hiu.yfk, Monme, Ga.; Inou. \Y. Took as Fiber
on. Ga nolO iy
03'Dr. M. J. .Jones offeis his,
profesfitmal services to the citizens of Augusta j
and vicinity. Ofilco on Mclntosh-Street, opposite;
|the ConspLUtloualist Range, wherfe lie may be
jiv.nd T„ alt limes during the day. and at night'
At the residence of ,i. C. Fncad, south nlo of!
Walker-Bt, opposite Richmond Academy.
octl'J ’ C» .
g*/ Final Noiice.—Ali tho*?!
who an indebted to the old Jinn of J. M. Nrwby
it Co., cither by note or :u: rmit, will please
make jayroent to the tindersignod. as longer in
dulgence cannot bo given.
J. K. HOP.AIb CO., j
dl Suecoasors to J. Ah Nowbv «v Co. I
0 Opinions ortiie Press.—:
tVe tike pleasure in referring to the virtue of)
Davis’ Pain Killer. We have used the article
and found it valuable. Ihe sale of this article in
the Unite ’ Statesiu beyond all precedent, a- the
books ci the office will show .—CittcinnaU (.Am
Dai i.* ’ fOKTAH.K Pa in K—We first h.N*rd
of this medicine curing u visit to the New Knp
land States, auii being struck with the novelty ]
of the title, were induced to make some inquiry :
about it; and wow-re surprised u team that it i
was keptconsUirtly in the houses r-i u.0.-it ot the! 1
inhabitant** of tae cities and villages where we j
stepped, to be used in case of sudden attacks of ,
pain, burns, scab?, etc., and wo heard it spoken i
of in terms of ligh commendation, both by i<
druggists and physicians.— J’hil. Eagle.
Perry UanA fain Killer.— lt is .i great plea- J
sure t-.* us to spiok favorably of tyis article; •
known almost universally to be n good and safe. 1
ri-nnr.r or Vurv* aud oilier pains of the body.' „
It is vidua'- e hot oily for in the winter, i
but for vmiui.s suunner complaints, and should ■
’►‘ Mi every family. Hie casualty which de-, '
rnands it may c'-uc unawnret*.— Chrti. Adr.
Valuable J/ . dieme.- - TTh* sale of that remark -!
able a'Hi truly valMible preparation, far > Divis
I‘aiU Killer, is constantly ami rapidly incrcae-ing. ’
D’umg the past y?ar, the demand i-<r thin great
remedy has bum alU>g;ether uupret-edented. , *
j Scarcely a week passes by during which we do i *
juo4hear of some remarkable cure having been .
per brined, within tlm circle of our acquaintance '
bv Inc use of‘Perry IX'-Yia’ Pain Killer.’— Prov. -
Gen Advertise-.
! S*ld by Druggist.’, Grocers and Mvdkune,
iteak-rs everywhere.
{i/ Tlie Augusta Brans and
String liam!, JOHN A. EOHLER. Leader,
m usual, prepared to furnish Mo de lor Proves-,
sbrs, Part®?, Serenades, <kc., on j -
! terms. Application to the Leader or CHARLES
‘ SPAETH Will meet with prompt attention.
novlS f>m j
fi t?” Mrs. E. O. Collins 1; ■ = t. ..
ken the stoc opposite the Planters’ Roto’, and j
has r.ow u store a bands*.me aswertn ut o‘ \ <•!-
vet, Silk, straw end Mourning BONNtTB, PRESS
The above Goods will be sold as rcasonaMoas
cm be boujht in the city for cash.
Mrs. C. will receive through her friends u New
j York, the iatest London and Paris fashions, and
] will mat -t to order at short nofire. #et2s
; iW To Make Koom ter our
3(ring an* Summer stocks, we will .-oil the re
mainder'd' our heavy Winter Clothing at very
reduced prices for CASH. Call soon, before they
are at' goie. janli) J. JC. IIORA k CO.
fUTTke following publications
may be Duud at the rooms of tbo Young Mens’
Library Association .
Augus a Chronicle k Sentme’ Daily.
Boston Post. do
New York ilcrald, _ do
Courier & Inquirer, *o
Jourmi of Commerce,
.Nv wa'k Advertiser, do
Pennsylvanian, do
Baltimore American, do
National Intelligencer, do
Washing Union, do
Charit.-ioi Mercury, do
CharUrtm Courier. do
Savannah Ropubl icau, do
S.iv aiitiaii Georgian, do
Augusta tbnstitutioimlist. do
' tr i ta Fvenir.g 1 h.-patch. do
Mohi!." Advertiser, do
New Orleans Picayune, do
Afo-.tgoioery Advertiser, do
Ft. Louis democrat. do
Columbus Times k Sentinel, Tri-Weekly.
Richmond Enquirer, do
Va-livSl! Union k American. Weekly.
Federal UUon, do
Journal k Me-senger, do
Itfdkm- PLtariai, <lo
Spirit <rf Mie Times, do
Sdeiitidc American, do
London Illustrated New?. IVeoi;ly.
Londonderry Standard, do
Liverpool Albion, do
! Emersons & Putnams Magazine,
1 Blackwoods, do
| Harpers, do
llccts Merchants, do
North American Review,
Westminister, du
North British, do
London Quarterly, do
Edinburg, do
i Sou horn Quarterly do
! Do Bows. do
\ Southern Literary Messenger.
?.iitks Living A»te.
i C.eiitleiurn’B
rn H K umlcreigaeJ couattencea
1 opening Ills
HATS among which are its® l * A»
to?PATKNTVENTII.ATKr).nnd U.T.M. the at
Oppjnim «<» » H - wll nßA jf,
(3noce«or to WN. N. NiciwuJ) :
»« g S ts 1
T H E A T H E?
G Mr. C, y. MARCH ANT.. 7... . ... side lawsm*.
Mr. DYOTT Stage Manager.
riTHTTRSDAY EVENING, January 21, >
i; JL the performance will commence with the f
‘ celebrated Play, by Massenger, entitled
Sir Giles Overreach Mr. l)ron. f
lady Ail wot th Miss
' Ray
To conclude with the Musical Farce of
TII K 51 O t: NTA f N MAID.
! Rosetta, [with Songs J Mi-;- Mart Shavi
Pruis r.y Amusskin—Hi *s Circle /«.u> stairs* >
: ;.•■> ce,lte l Parquette, 50 cents; Children a&9
; Servants half price
Seat-* can be secured at the Box Oflii. from 10*
: to :i o'clock.
Dcot open at 7 ; performan.-n to commence
j at quarter before 8 o’c ock.
! Police In attendance to keep strict Order. ju2t
and poarrfvr.: ,y
v. Sdnssda r, jancar rum, isss,
riTHE MANAGER lias the honor to ar.-
1. that an arrAAgrinent h.i. ur< u
tected v. ith that w'*rld-ret.MW!tod and great 1 1 f
living Violinist**, BKXRY who
< w ill apponr ii» these Co- certe.
hr- M ma;: -!-, desiring to render tbit* <-y l-M tair.-
: merit the most BRILLIANT EVER (iIVKN IN THIS
iOITV, b<*gs .ave to inform the pul.;i< that tho
following eminent ariistß have p»\ n engaged,
! and will upgeaf jointly w th
viKixi Knrps.
((’an tat rice oi Camera to thu Kmpei ur <»f. u.tria,
, and Prima Donna of Italian Opera Huu.*c, Italy
G m any und A.: demv of N.-w V > l •
Mias AN Vie KEM P,'
j (The young American Coiuralto, i-soressly r-n
--gagc'J for the Academy of Music. N. Y . for the
j prod notions of Fngli -dt Operas an*! Or lories )
hKUMAX, the «:-u ... ::t lGr, <,i,, '
Sfusicai Hrector,
r ig. E. IIASJ'LOU ER.
The public attention iu pa tkmLrly called t*>
ihe groat c-onc ntratum of i dent on ornt . mi tho
, santi' night; notwithstanding t-h.f. ai . the litn*
hv'l size of tho Hull, the maniigement •losiriity
i t bat all cias.' -of the commmvty may have an
j oppertuu tv o* h ear icq those •• *. : ii ! i.rtivts,
l;ave adopted tho following pricy- of ad mi.-si n.
| which they l’eel safe will meet w ill: general a;
i provak
toal parts of the Hull, with th« jaiviiegc of re
orving s seat.
The sale of choice reserve*! scats will com*
tr.encc at the Store of Mr. CaUiu on Sntur
dey rooming, at ten *. lock, w !«*.. e the diagram
j of the Hall may be seen,
i NOTH F.—The management being determined
1 to act with the greatest impartiality in the die.
’ trihution of tickets, and desirous of saving un*
i uccessar v trouble, akes the opportunity of ,n
--foriuing ; ic pnhik- that the day nd hour of corn
meneerm-ut oi the sale of tic kefs for this concert,
bt-ing onnen • ced two days previous!y, no ord»*r J
can no.-.-iljly be recvivt-l for scats in a ince.
The Grand Piano used on this occasion is from
f!ie celebrated manufactory of Chiekeriug. of
B* sum, and expressly imported to tins my for
tin * Concert, and ir ay be seen at Mr Cat m's.
Jt*-ors* f-w-n at 7. c< iMi'om-r -»i S. :ri2l
Am (Tttp Molasses,
rpiUKTY-FIVK hh<U Nt.v ' n j. W. I
.X. wiP be iaiiilcd t','-v.:unuw roa*
steamer Stark. On eonsigismcnt and f«*r sale.
Apply to JOHN CACHIN’,
General Commission M'-icleo t.
jim2o*l No 4 Warren Block.
New tiiiji N. O. assn Mus, »
riIEN III)c*. New t iop N. O. SUGARS,
.X 5 do do Mu - c n*ado do
Just received, on consignment Apply to
General Con - mishir.ij Me; cbnnt,
jandO-1 No. 4, Wam-tt-BUck.
V\ htvhey and Candice.
'piiTY M*ls. Choice Rectified WH!v
25 boxes Adamantine CANDLES, just receiv
ed, v>t: and for sale Apply to
Gouuai Coimnb-*si -n Mcrr-liai.',
j ‘ l No 4, Warren III*. k.
J- N. ‘ -uk, J. Em am,
M.irJVeefilioro ; Marie.;.',
.1. N. C LA RK lw CO«,
Wholesale and lu-'.a it
»«■ C? .IK *
attention given to purcha ing Grain,
I Bacon. lard, &c., ou all orders eneio: ng
jtiycren&s—J. It. Wilder, Savannah ; i'hos. P
i Stovall. Augusta ; Charles Campbell, Macon
! High, Peter.- & to. Atlanta ; Col .J. If. Glover.,
! Marietta ; Col. It. L. Mott, Columbus ; Tin mad
| Joseph, Montgomery, Ala. ; W. • n*.e, “Kx
i id; an go Bank.’ Murfreesboro ; Ln.u.r & Philips,
'.Nashville. j.<n2o wly
1. lute Mr. .Lsop Smith, by Martin I*. Topper,
D.C.L., author o! Proverbial Philosophy, etc.
l or sale by
Fire-proof Warehouse, Auqusia. Georgia.
will be given to storage and sale
SaMSl.*; Cotton au.l other pro*luce* Order
tor uiin. y supplies promptly attended to. CtuAi
advanced on produce in store. Sale Loom amt
office on Reynold a., between Jackson an M -
lutosh sts. am sei«
and FiUNcn;-.\.-N! CnxAM. are deUgh ful article.-,
for chapped hands and faces. Tor saleby
<l2 PLUMB k . I I NKR.
Vv’M. 13 I=La3Kr3STEl=l’£3
Mill Stone Mu ufaetoxy,
A lutu-tu, Gt-rgia.
signed Itiiimg re
f£jX 0 e *flT>**g**sA\ sort nor French
1 Barr Mi.i Stone*
in Bloc;-:*. beg«
10 leave'to call your
uttenti- n to his
vap^^f/» \\w3y
## A*. Vjd&f whi'h ha has e;-
smbg&fffM3oEr tablishcu iu this
one square above
the Upper Market, where he is prepared to fill
all orders in his line, at the Shortest notice, and
at as reasonable prices as the same articles uao
be obtained for io any of the Northern Markets.
Having been engaged in the bus ness fur many
years, he pledges himself that ail work turned
out from his hands, shall be executed in the
best manner.
A li ; erai share of your patronage is r«s|>ecl
fully solicited. WSI. BRENNER. '
Augusta Geornia, *
WE again tender our
services t our friends. Business
con tided to us shall have our p arsen
al attention. The us oaf cash facilities extended.
Our Commission for selling Cotton on and after
the first of September, will bo 60 cents per bale.
aept 2-3 m JOHN DAVISON