Newspaper Page Text
£***« out mntt Mfoattn 1
BRUNSWICK. April 15th, 1139.
The Superior Court of (lilt county, Judge Henry,
prretdlag, cammearad lit aeeeioa tbio metalng, and
after feme lime Wed been lost in completing the
peael of (We Grand Inquest, the rriminal docket was
railed, end ibo cate of the Stato versus Koberi
Emmet Hone, w»» first In order. Your reader*
win remember ibat a motion for a near trial was
aiutalned two term* tlnee, by tlw Court, and the
pmaecutlon of’the Indictment (for volnnlary men*
•laughter, a* returned by the Grand Jury)wa* con*
tinned at but tenu at thoiustaiice of tlie defendant,
Capt. W. Ramsay, U.5. N. hi* principal witness lie*
i»g absent, I tliink, from imlit|Mi*ition. ThU term,the
defendant, through hit counted, eapretted groat an*
xiely to proceed to trial, but a letter wat received
from Capt. IUuitay,eapro«tingan inability to attend
tlw Court, owing to hit having met with nn accident
which would cuufinu him to lilt mom fur tuvorul
days. The trial wat therefore continued, on tlw dc*
potition of tho defendant, to tlw neat tenu.
The Ipdictmcnt for voluntary manilaughter, at iv-
turned at hut term, aguinit Dr. Thomat F. llounnl,
then cam6 up in unlor, mod a full paiwl of forty
eight juron having been aubmiltcd to tho pritoncr’t
V counsel, they were toverally pluced upon their voire
dire, and what with tho declaration of many that
they had oxpretted un opinion ut to tho innoconco or
guilt of the accrued, and peremptory challenge* al
lowed by tho penal code, hut four wore twum to
compute*tho utuul panel sought for.' It buingjtn-
practicable to complolo tin* Jury in tiiuo lor tho
limited session of tlw Court, a continuance had to bo
granted until tlw next term.
Tho iiiconveuiencu and oftentimes hardship to
accused parties of the injunction of tho cihIo, ill ex
tracting from tho juror* tho an*wor whether they
had funned and oxpru**ed an opinion a* to the guilt
or innocence of tho prisonor, is becoming every day
more apparent, nnd will have to bu repealed by the
next Legislature, or in many instance* tho pcuultics
of tho code will bo a dead letter.
There is much reason in usking a juror on his
voire dire, ifiio entertain* uny bias in favor of, or
prejudice against tho prisoner, hut none that 1 can
perceive in exempting him from serving, merely be
cause ho responds affirmatively that he had formed
and uxpressed nil opinion in tho case. If such a
rule prevail, tho object of penal enactment* must
bo defeated, and thus the guilty in many iiutiuice*
escape, or tlw innocent accused bo denied the
right of absolution by tho verdict of his peers. In
large community it will be difficult to constitute
jury of twelve—in a small community almost im
possible. Tho remaining business on tho dockets
may bo disposod of by to-morrow night.
Counsel—State vs. R. K. Hone.
On part of tho accused—M. Hall McAllister,
John E. Ward, nnd I„ S. D’Lyon, Esqrs.
For tho Stato—II. W. Owens, Solicitor General,
W. Law, and N. Marlow, Esqrs.
Counsel—Statu re. T. F. Ilazzanl.
For the accused—M. Hall McAllister,J. E. Ward,
L.-6. D’Lyon, Esqrs.
For tho State—U. W. Owens, Solicitor General,
Law, nnd F. Bartow, yKsqs.
tub contrast—democratic re*
We are proud to mc our demoerntie friend*
Now York, arc lilenilingmnderatinn with iheirgreat
nnd glorious triumph -over federal misrule uud cor
porate tyriinny. h is enough to conquer lho foe-
when he is in your power, do not wound Id* feel-
ingsby vain rejoicings. Tho follow ing cxtrai-t froiiithe
N. Y. Evening I'ost, show* tho temper nf the Dem
ocrats, uud is worihy of all praise. It nffiird*
striking CMiiirnst to ih-« ia«'iu<i iin-l iutuuipernio <
gies, ofiliu Whigs, for their ephemeral victories, in
New Yo k, during the two Inst years. .
" 'Yo congiuiulnto tho cimriiunity. in all sinceri
ty, ll.iit we urn now to have fur Muvnr n m in of Ini-
liesly, sense nod Immaniiy, in.l.-iid of one who is
litied for the p’nee by no q-i iliiy we know of. except
thr single on- of activity. We con^unulito lliem,
ul-o, that wo are to have a Co ntnun Couneil pViijs-
ed lo an econoniieul reform, nml in u pro.lent ml*
iiiiiiistrotfon of ilie city finances herealiei. The
mjw iiiiili-iri*ies will, we hope, iN-rnr-ful in avoid
the errors of tlieir pre.h-cesoirs; above nil, wn hope
they will resp-cl llio political rights of ill- Inhnring
men in their employment, of whniever parly they
til iy Ik*, nnd tin from milking any inquisition in
to their opinions, knowing that lliis is not only the
just but tlw politic course. Never Inis the influence
of nffiue over every class of men employed by tlm
corporation, dow n to the slivei—wecpeis and niglii-
men, been exerto*? wiih so little scruple, its ut this
election, and never was puny in this rily lienten
down by so unexpected a il* feat. Let ill- party
which iiuw goes into power lake warning by their
f “ Wo have triumphed, hut let us enjoy our vic
tory with magnanimity nnd moderation. There i*
no occasion for those extravagant rejoicings with
which the whig* have made themselves ridiculous,
uftur Homo of tho lute elections. Why should the
people, in whose hands tho power is, break into un
excess of exultation at finding themselves strong?
Tho usrcndcncy is nnturally and pennnnently with
tho democracy, and in recovering the majority wo
only return to our proper nnd usual stato. Tho
event is hot so rare and extraordinary that wo should
go mad upon it. If wo rejoice, let us rejoice liko
, rational men and democrats, nnd avoid tho excesses
of tho whig*.
“The victory,however, which we have gained is
a groat one, and is nttriliutnhlo to no other cause
than a change in public opinion. It has been ob
tained in a struggle against men armed with tho
wholo influence of tho municipnl government, and
employing it with tho gnflilcst possible activity and
tho least possihlo scruple. Its moral effect will bo
great throughout the republic, where it will be rc-
' ccived as a proof, that tho ascendancy of the aristo
cratic pnrty under freo institutions, is hut nil acci
dental distemperature of tho body politic, which
cannot long endure/’^
Cos vtanoa DiMtu.—The Chatleetoa Cawitr
of tkf 19th sayst—The Delegates Its ikf Couven.
tlon partook of a line dinner yesterday afternoon,
prepared In thu area of the Great llotrl (now fan
approaching Ilf completion,) which an* elegantly
fitted up and decorated for Iha occasion. t'nlrai-
sal good feeling and hllatiiy prevailed, numerous
toast* regular and volunteer wotcglvoa, and several
eloquent address#* were drift ervd.
Tho Convention will almost certainty adjourn to-
•••y* , __
A Set.KROlD Ship.—Tho I'hilad.-lphia Adverti
ser of tho 13th Instant, sayst—"The Thomas P.
Cope, one of tho finest merchantmen in the world,
Is now lying at lire wharf ju*l above Waluut*sircc
Site is •*X|ieet«‘d to sail this day for Charleston,
load with cotton for Liverpool. Ili-r finish through
out i* Imth substantia! and elegant, and reflects
liillo credit on those engaged in her count ruction.
There ate now three of the nolde packets belonging
to lire Messrs. Core, lying at Walnui-sl. wltatf."
me t»wM» flfrsrifstt,
Several of our Northern contemporaries ask tho
above question, in reference to the arrest of vagrants
by our police and military companies. We wonder
\ how dull our friends are! Have they not rend of
many attempts to fire our city, Mnbiln and other
places “down South," nnd of some extensive con
flagrations, all stip|>nscd to Ire perpetrated by vag
rant incendiaries. Thi* is the solution to the my*,
teryj -and wo congratulato nur brethren of the
North, that they have not been served after the same
. Wo have boon presented with some smoked shad,
prepared in a novel and excellent munner, by Mr.
JoHU Masson, at bis establishment on Wadr’s
Wharf. It was caught in our river, and cured by
him on its banks. It is n delicious article of con-
sumption^ and cannot fail to command the attention
ofepicurean's intended principally for the West
Indies, and other foreign mnrkets. It is so well pre
served that it will keep two years; nnd we under
stand that Mr. Masson wdl embark largely in the
trade next season. He h-i* now upwards of 1000
for sale as specimen*. Such enterprise should be
The ship Roman, Joy, hns arrived at New Bed
ford, with 3000 barrels of Sperm Oil, one of the
greuteit cargoes over bruught from the "land of
The National Intelligencer, I5tb says:—
We learn from lire Army and Navy Chronicle that
a Board is now sitting in this city, compared of na
val and civil officers, assembled for the pur;»osc of
consulting on and devising the be«t plan* an J mo
dels fur steam wsseis of wnr, three of which were
authorised by an act of the lute session of Congress.
The Board it composed of tho following indivi
dual*! Commodore Stewart and Capt. if. C. 1’er-
ry, of the Navy; g, Humphrey*, K*q. Chief Naval
Constructor, and Measrs. Hart and Lfnihnll, No-
val Constructors | Mr. Uasswell, Engineer of the
V. f. MWmsblpFulioot and Wm. KembU. Esq.,
om of lbs profile tors of lire Wot Point Foundry
America Vespucci.—Thi# Indy, who claims
bo a IiuenI dcsccndum of America* Vcspurius, and
who, our readers will recollect, applied to Congress
lust session fur pecuniary assistance, hns arrived
this city..—AY«i Orleans Paper 13 inti.
Returns of the Delegatee elected.
Appling— If nil, Rubeitson.
Baldwin—Kennn. Hayuus, Clayton,
llilib—Bullock, Bivins, Baldwin, Lamar.
Bryan—Smith, Linder.
Bullock—Denmark, I*. Cone.
Burke—Berrien, Lawson, Harris, Mulsh.
Butts—Bailey, Starke, Lindsay.
Camden—<Clark, Brown, Cone.
Campbell—Carlton, Bradbury, Thornton.
Cass—Torhune, Mays, I’itt*.
Carroll—Boal, Chandler, Springer.
Clm*ke—Hull, Mitchell, Monro, Lowe.
Chatham-Wuyue, Berrien, Fooler, Charlton,Jack-
Chattooga—Heard, Tomlinson.
Cherokee—Bird, Maddox, Donaldson.
Crawford—Crutchfield, Fowler, Hunter.
Cobb—Anderson, Mills, Mobley.
Columbia— itumsey. Harris Dawson.
Coweta—Long, B. Sims, son., Echols, Bell.
Dado—Tatum, McCollum.
Docatur—Crawford, Ilinos, Gnulden.
DoKnlb—Baliongcr, Diamond, Murphy, Palmer.
Dimly—Cobh, Groliam. Hannan.
Effingham—Powers, Charlton.
Early—Wilson, Patterson, Speight.
Emnnuel—iluriis, Brinson.
Elbert—Allen, White, Henrd, Oliver.
Fayette—Dixon, Nixon, Whitaker.
Floyd—Hemphill, Wright, Hnnson.
Forsyth—Kellogg, Hammond, Hutchins.
Franklin—Fruumun, Mitchell, Mitchell, Patrick.
Gilmor—C'unnon, Chastain.
Giynn—Scnrlrll, Moure.
Gieenc—Stocks, Dawson, Daniel, Terrell.
Gwinnett—Hutchins, Nisbet, Jones, Trippe.
Ilnberslmm—Wofl'ord, Cleveland, Curti-r, Barkley,
Hall—Law, Rives, Gill, Brown.
Hancock—Smith, Baxter, Giuybill, Haynes.
Harris—Crawford, Redding, Cato, Jones.
Heard—Tompkins, Crosby, Pcddy.
Henry—Mutray, Johnson. Beck, Ward.
Houston— Luwson, Donuurd, Kelly, Woodson.
Irwin—Yoons, Sloan*-.
Jack son—Vurmirn, Story, Mitchell. McClcskcy.
Jasper—Barney. Jorduu, Wright. Shropshire. ’
Jell* rson—(hitni.ltf, ComivUy, Brinson.
Jones—Day. Gray, FJcwclIen. Northern
Luureus—tVrighl, Guyton, Robinson.
Lit—Foul, D*tvi«.|
Libi-riv—Hines, Walt hour, Spencer.
Lincoln—Stoke*, Parks, Berkley.
Lowndes—Knight, Blair, Burnett.
Lumpkin—McAfee, Guthright, Chastain.
.Mucin.—Brvuu, Broun, (int-i*.
Madison—Groves, Strickland Harris.
Marion—Minlur, Wuliuce, Battle.
-McIntosh—Troup. Lefil*, iliqtkin*.
Meriwether—Render, Sentell Fletcher, Perdue.
.Monroe—Cubuui**, Bank*, Hurmuti, lloit, John
Montgomery—Connor, Creech.
.Morgan—Floyd, Purler, Evans, Swift.
Murray—Chappell, McGaughey, Carson.
.Muscogee—Culliouu, Williams, Junes, McKonzio,
Watson. •
Newton—Buss, Perry, Colly, Crawford,
Oglethorpe—liurtlemnu, Sims, Taylor,jr.,Thnmus-
i'aiililing—Wultlmll. Brison. Hubbard,
l’ike—Adam*. Martin. Neal, I'ujtc.
Pulaski—Boslwick, Wliitlield, Braccwell.
Putnam—Branham, lluiLou, Meriwether, Andrew
Rabun- Langston, Colli'i*.
K'liid.ilpii—Couyeis, McLendon, Brooks.
Kii-hin.nut—King, Schly, Jenkii.-, Mealing.
Seriven—Perry, Humphrey, Wade.
Stewart—Dnycutuu, Gurdiier, Wood, Gresham.
Sumter—'Co wait, Me.Muth, IVgg.
Talbot-Riley, Duvi*. Searcy. Mahiuir.
Taliaferro—Chaffin, Stejiheus, Dickinson.
Tam,nil—Smith, loutlr. - ^
Telfair—McCall, Mooney.
Thomas— tyciutyre, Mitchell, Brinson.
Tniup—Dougherty, lluruLun, Fear*, Beasley, Phil
Twiggs—Smith, Durham, Rcidford.
Union—Clta.lnin, Butt.
Upson—Holluwuy. Cobb, Davis, Gibson.
Walker—Smith, Jones, Duvis.
Walton—Echols, Gresham, Mitchell, Moss.
Wurreti—Butts, Wilsofi, Roberts. Dennis.
Wnsbingion—Must, Hodges, Smith, Long.
Wayne—Hurris, O’Brien.
Wilkes—Woollen, Talbot* Calloway, Willi*.
Wilkinson—Beall, Beall, Muqihy.
Wpre only to bo heard Irum.
Latest dates from Liverpool
...Maii. u
Latest dates from Havre
...Feu. art
. Latest dates from Havana
.. .April h
— — ■ i~
From the N. Y. Evening Poet, 13Ih tnst.
Wo havo not been enabled lo receive lire official
returns from all the Wunlsin lime for thi* evening's
edition. Tire following nru tho tnajoriiie* of iliu
candidates ulcctud, as near as thuy can bo ascur*
tained. >
First. J. P. l’henix, Alderman
C'ulviu Bull*, Assistant
Second. C. S. Woodhull, Alderman
B. Doming, Assistant
Egbert Benson, Alderman
Ellis Potter, Assistant
Fourth. Benj. L. Guion, Alderman
Jesse West, Assistant
James Ferris, Alderman
Felix O'Neil, Assistant
Seventh. Samuel J. Willis, Alderman
Thomus Conner, Assistant
Eighth. Wm. Ciumhorlnin, Alderman
David Vandeivort, Assistant
Ninth. Thomas G. Tnlmnge, Alderman
Freeman Cnmj bHI, Assistant
Tenth. Elijah F. Purdy, Alderman
Tims. D. Howe, Assistant,
Eleventh. Monmouth B. I Inrt, Alderman, 513
Charles J. Dodge, Assistant 4D7
Twelfth. Abraham V. Williams, Alderman 271
Nathaniel Juivis, Assistant
Thirt'nth James II. Cook, Alderman
E. B. Timpson, Assistant
Fourt'nlh. Samuel Nichols, Alderman
John D. Spader, Assistant
Fiji'nth. Thomas Lnwreuce. Aldeimnn
Duvid Gruhum.jr. Assistant
Sixt'nth, Daniel F. Tiomen, Aldcrnun
Jumcs Pollock, Assistant
Seven'lh. Orville J. Nosh. Alderman
Frederick R. Lee, Assistant
Common CuUkcil.—It i* ascertained that the
following persons havo been elected members of the
Common Council.
Wards. Aldermen
#lst *J. P. l’henix
C. S. WoihIIiuII
'Egbert Bens mi
Benj. L. Guion
Robert Smith
James Ferris
S. J. Wiilis
W, Chnmberialn
T. G. Talm.vge
Elijah F. Puidy
M. B. Hart
A- V. Williams
Junto# II.Cook
Sumuel Nichols
'T. Lawrence
l>. F. 1'ienren
Orville J. Nash
24 Domocra's—10 Whigs—or fouilccti miyoriiy
on Joint ballot,
' 74
As'ant Aldermen.
‘Calvin Bali*
*U. Deining
•Elia# Potter
Jess# West
*— Anderson
Felix O’Neill
Tho*. Connor
D. Vandeivort
F. Campbell
T. D. Ilowo
C.J. Dodge
N. Jarvis, jr.
C B. Timpson
J. I). Spader
*D. Graham, jr.
James Pollock
F. II. Ire)
#Wa» Ike ft*. Y. Commercial, 13#* fall.
Public opinion in tho British province# srem# to
Ire opposed to (In* Imp settlement nf tho difficulties
between Maine and New Brunswick.—Many rest*
less spirits are dmiluless dlsanpuintrd that there Is
but a remote prestan wf war between tho twoeoun*
tries. Thr* (ft. John’s, N. It. Ubserveraf April 2,
has the following paragraph.—
"It is with no small share of regret that we frel
ourselvra constrained In notico the very general dls*
satisfaction of this community at the late ratrwurvli*
•ary conduct pursued by Kir’John llartey, in tela*
lion to tho Imundary nuesiiou. It is not fi*r us to say
what opinion her Majesty'* Government may enter*
tain on tho buIimti—hut this we must say, ami wo
are quite sure that we sm*ak tho sentiments of nine
tenths of this community, that by accepting tiro
terms dictated to him by Gen. Scott, urn! consented
lo by Gov. Fairfield, he has not only virtuallv coded
a large part of the territory hi dispute, but lias for*
foiled the confidence of tire loyal inhabitants of this
This is tho opinion of tho gentleman who write*
editorials for tho St. John's Observer. But even
supposing it to bo tho opinion oftho|M*oplc in whose
name ho speaks, it is worthy of hut little coiisidcrtl*
tioti. To those people a w ar would lie rather an ml*
vantage than un evil—that is, looking merely at tho
surface of things. It would ensure for them a grout
disbursement of money—great demand for piiHluco
—great activity iu business. Tlw brunt would full
upon Great Britain, not upon New Brunsw ick. The
troops and the money would come from beyond sen
w hile tho provincial* would have nil the excitement
and all the profit. If they had to defray the ex|H>uso
and endure all the evils of war, they would not be
quite so ready to engage iu it. New*Brunswick may
Ih* very willing to fight nt tho harnnl of John Bull's
pocket, but if New Brunswick had to "foot the'hill"
tire Story would Ire rather diflerent. War is an ugly
game to play at, fur thepluyer*, however, pretty to
tho lookers on.
Correspondence of the New York Express.
Kinosto.n, Jamaica, March 14th, 1839
I send you by this vessel a file of pa]rers in which
you will hnd nil the news alioul this Island. 1 nin
glad to say that ever)' tiling is going on pretty wall,
l'lin negroes are not so hud us before—they are
working very good, according to tho pay they re
ceive. There is no news. Tire Cicero sui s uIhiui
thc20th inst. for Baltimore; brig Edward of Bos
ton, Furnhum, will sail for St. Jago do Culm, to
morrow ; srhr. Hope Howes, llewes, for n port in
Cuba or Porto Rico, will also sail to-morrow. Tho
schr. Wave, Weston, mailed yesterday for I’orto Hi-
LIVERPOOL—Ur. Iianpie Victoria—1431 bales
Upland, nnd 6H bales 8. I. Cotton.
LIVERPOOL.—Br bark Hillsborough—998 bales
Upland Cot urn.
LIVERPOOL—Drlg Romulus—731 bales Upland,
and 4- r » bales 8.1. Colton.
PHILADELPHIA—Ilrig New Hanover-100 bis
Cotton. 30 casks Rice, 5000 feel Boards.
NEW YORK—Ship Celia—80 bales Upland. 8
bules S I Cotton, 24 unsKa Rice, 20 packages sundries.
BOSTON—Brig Sea Island—30 bales Comm, (JO,-
000 feet Timlie, 200 Hides, 20 packages sundries.
BOSTON—Sclir Savannah—34 bales Coitnu, 3rks.
Rice, 215 Hides, 18,000 ft Lumber. 4 casks Tallow, 30
pkps. sundries.
PROVIDENCE—Brig Pandora—440 bales Upland
Cotton, (i packages sundries.
rORTO RICO—Sclir. IIurd-117 bhds. 81 bbls
Sugar, 25 lilids. 14 bills..Molasses.
Chnrltsum Er/ntrls, April 17.
Havre—Ship • Jupiter—82 bales Sea Island and 943
bales Upland Cnttou.jiiid 5050 Staves.
Gieenock—Barque Trinidad—eUl bales Upland and
164 hnlo Sen Island Coiiiin
Havana—Brig Chill—160 tierces Rico.
St. Augustine—Schr. Stephen tc Francis—10,000 ft
Lumber. 15,000 Lathe*, 5} tierces Rice, and 164 pack
ages Merchandize—Schr. Empire—7 tierces Hire. 24
bids. Lime, 3000 feet Lumber. 8 boxes Sugar, 50 bags
Corn, 20 sacks Sail, nnd sundries.
Darien—Schr. Sally Miller—0 lihtls. Sugar. 10 keg*
Nails. 30 hags and 4 lien-e* Codec, 11 l.kd*. Bacon,
nnd sundries.
Savannah—Sclir. South Carolina— 100 Grind Stones,
8 tierees Hire. 41 rash* Hardware. 22 Itlnls. Molasses,
60 Anvils, 14 Ithds Sugnr, 80 casks Porter, and Hides,
HAVANA, April8.
Our Sugar market is easy. Wu quote 7 Uu8 12
rs. for prime; ordinary descriptions rs;
whites alone 12 rs; browns (S^ull rs; Collie, sternly
nt 9nll); Molasses firm at 3J rs.
Wo have sold Rice to-dav nt I I), uud a small
hit nt 13 rs; our market may iimiiilniii its rates,
should tho arrivals prove moderate.
Exchange on New York 4 u 4J discount; oil
London 8 prom.
HAVANA. April 6.—Conlage. Am 0 0n00; Pitch
0 OuOj Tttr 0 OnO; Hoops -|0 0Ua45t)0| Hoards, Portland
W I* 20 OOii8‘2(lO:othrr eastern porn* 241)(ln26 0(1; Linn-
Irer. I* P 80 00.130 00; Shingles 4 Ou4 4; lilids Shooks,
with bending* I 4aI li,Sugar Ih»x shook*,? Oa80. Beans,
white 8 OnO 0; Beef. No I, 2 and prime 14 Onto O;do N.
York nnd Boston 14 00a15 00; do smoked )2UOal3 0ll;
Bread, pika 0 0n0; Butter Am yellow 20 OaUUO; Can
dles. mould 19 4n20 4;sperm 50a53 0; Cheese. Am 20a
22 0; Cider 2 0*2 6. Co ltish 50 Ih* 2 4.K) 0; in lilids 3 Oa
4 0; Flour. Philadelphia and Baltimore OUnOO 0; Hiiiim.
Am Eastern. 14al50; Herring*.smoked let nml 2d 6 I
oO 0; Lard, Am Eastern, i4 0nl6 0; Mnckerel.No 3, 7 4
*8 4; Pork, cargo, eastern uud mess, 10 Un20 U; Pma-
toes, 1 Oul 4; Rice 7 2a? 3, Snap yellow 8 4u9 4, Collcc,
' St quality, 10 4a!l; 2d and 3d do 7 4n9 4: triage 5 Oa?
i; Honey 2]n000; Molasses 5{ galls keg 3]i00; Sugnis,
assorted half white utul half brown 7 llurf 12: white
alone UalS; brown and yellow alone (>|u8; Segara 8 On
EzcXan^rs.—On Lundnu8|.i9 pretn; U. States. 3|i.-.
percent dis; Spanish thillars.9 pretn.: Mexh-an, 1) pm.
Freights.—Great Britain, JL'J 15a 100; U. States SI Jn2
sr box Sugar; j c ;ier lb. Cofl'ee; 64 J per liltd. Molas-
vxriatlun in |>ricr«. TIm* sales etnhrare afoaii
ir*. inrlmliac one l«4 uf Sfifl at fa*h. 1? ,|„
#4.874, on litm-iami ihe rrshlun by retail nt f4,7ft
per 100 Iha rash.
.Vofirrs.—We continue without any variation of
•perial importance to natiro In the marli t lor any
Ueseri|0ion, tire sales fur th* |terind suereialih# nur
last tv|Nnt, having Iih'IimIihIalaml 800Mali. I’orto
llico at 7 JaflJ; 150 .lo Kt. C’reix, Ojilflt Ut) do New*
Orleans,61a7jt soiih* New-lberia. 7|| 40 Id*!*. Car*
thagrii i, 74: 4*500 hx*. brown Havana, IU’l|| 80
do White, llall.|, ullon the Usual time; ami a pa
cel of IllOOhng* Mnuilln, on terms not tran-|.ire.f.
Freights.—For Ctn ton to Livei |NM.| have.let-lined
shade, ami we now quote MOd. for square, and 11
16d. for rmtulbales. To Havre, wt* Itan* uu rhuip
to uotii*e.
Exchange.—Tin* transactions in Sterling Bills
for tile packet to-day, have thus fur been only to n
very llmilml amount, a# nl*o at n further redm-tion
from the previous rotes, ranging princi|Hil|y from
#1,01 to #4, 82, (K(n84 |u-r cent, nreiu.;) on the re
maining place* no sules were made. We continue
without uny transaction* to n*|>ort in Treasury
Note* at tho Brokers' Board.
The first annual Kegnttn of lire Lower Creek
Boat Chili will take place in Savannah, on Tuesday,
7th of May, 1039.
A Club purse of #100, and entrance money, will
he run fr.r by six onied boats, not exceeding 40 feet
in length—distance .mo mile, (flack water.) Oats*
men, white or black. Entrance #20.
After tire six oared race, the club will give a silver
Cup, value #50, nnd entrance money; to Ire run fur by
four oared bants, not exceeding 33 feet iu length—
distance oiio mile—o .rsmcn white or Muck, at the
option of Lonl owner*.
Tho object of the Lower Creek Boat Club, of
Suvnnnuh, being n dosiro to proumto tire mhluiic und
useful art of rowing, respect fully invite all lovers of
tlio sport, owners of boats, or bout riuhsin Georgia,
Carolinin, or Florida, turnout them and contond for
tho prizes.
Persons wishing to enter their boats, will mnkn
application on or before tho 6th Muy, to ilia Presi
dent or Secretary.
Per steamboat Tliom, front Charleston—Mrs Coffin
and servant. Mrs Hayward,child aud servant, Dr Hub-
hard, Messrs Hubbard, Grayson, Hayward nml
vant, Winter, lluhhol, Rowland, Alexuurcr, Green aud
servant, Coffin, Hearing, Moses, Hayward. Robinson,
Fripp, Hamilton, l'aiidaut, Wedcil
l'ei steamboat Ivonhoe, from Black Creek, via Jack
sonville St Marys, Brunswick and Darien—Major
White, Cnptx Winder, Galt, nnd Stokes. U S A. Messrs
1’almer, Pratt;Stiles. Nichols, llowc. Clouimnn. Ryan.
O’Brien,Nutter. Burl y. Abbot, Coleman.and 20dcrk
Sir* Risks 5 no I Moo* Risks it 59
Sun Skts 0 20 | limn Watrk uu 27
AUGUSTA, April 10.
Cotton.—Until last Mondny, our market remuin-
cd in tile same .lull statu us noticed in our review of
Inst week, when Inter dates were received from Liv
erpool, up to the 8th .March. These nccounl* pro
duced more animation in our market, and had lliu
tendency to create more enquiry and u lietu-r feeling
nmong buyers. Tho sales of the week, front ware
houses, have to iiiu.iit 057 hides, Imt most
ly affected since Monday, at nn advance of fully J of
a cent, us follows: 6 hales at I3J, 0 nt 133,17 lit
14J, 66 at 14], 493 ut 15, 51 nt 15|. 103 at I5j, 70
at 15J, and 32 at 15J. Choice would comnuin.l 16.
Tho receipts continue to Ire small. Tire accounts by
fh§ Grunt Western are anxiously looked for, which,
il is believed, will determine the range that the price
of the raw material is to tuke in the American mar
kets during the summer.
NEW YORK, April 13. '
Coffee.—We hnvc no variation of inqiortniH-e to
notice in tho market, though the transactions in most
descriptions have again been more limited, nnd con-
fin ed almost entirely lo the wnnts for homo use. Tire
sales embrace about 1200 buss Brazil nt 1 Ijul 1 j,
with some at 12; 100 do Old Government Jnvn, 134;
200 do Lnguira, ll]aI2,nll -I mo*.'; mul 4u500 do
St. Domingo, 9.j cents, cash, to 10 cents, 4 mo*.
Colton.—In our own market during the past
three days there has been some increase of uniiiin-
tion equally for homo use and exportation. In con
sequence of the very smull proportion of the stock
that hns been offering, nn improvement of about J of
a cent oil lust week's rules linTulso lreen reulizud
in the transactions llmt have taken place. The ac
counts from Liverpool, received yesterday,* hove as
vet produced no other effect hen. than to strengthen
tho inclination nf holders toawuit the advices ant ici-
iatc.1 nc.-r Great Western. Tire sales comprise 650
•ales Upland ut 13al.l j; 600do Mobile, 13|al7; 350
do Ncw-Orleans, 13alti.j; and650 do Florida, 13]a
15.): forming a total for thu week of fully 3300
Flour.—In this mnrkct, there bus been rnthor less
animation since our last, though prices generally
may Ire considered tho same as then noticed. Com
mon brands of Western Canal wo quote #3,25n#3,
374, sides in some instances, having lreen made ut
tho former rate. Fur Southern description* through
out, we continue the rote# as previously, though the
tendency it rather upward for tho better kinds.
Ohio, via New-Or!eons, of the best brands, is held at
$7,75, with occasional sains at that rate; though yes
terday, u purcci of 3090 bbls. was taken, Hiipirescd at
jProtMiess.-Tlu* demand still continue# very limit
ed forhoili Beef and Pork, though without variation
from the mto# last given; the receipt* arc, however,
also moduruto of hath descriptions. Lard, ulso,
continue* to Ire embraced within l lu 134 cents, for
Western and Northern. Hums sell as wanted at
I24i Shoulders, O iDj; and smoked Beef, 11 cents.
No talus of Bacon Sides uro at present taking
kice.—l\\t) market has boon rother inactivo
throughout tho week, the demand being limited,
principally to parcels for hotna qsr, though without
Ship Cclin. Kuekninn. N. York— Cohen, MRIrr\Co.
Brhnrk Hillsborough. Lamb, Liverpool.—/»ltrl,l.
Hr. bar pie Victoria, Chalmers, Liverpool—Padtl-
ford, Juiy \ Co.
^ Brig Rqumlus, English, Liverpool—PadclforJ, Fay
Brig l’nmlora. Sheppard. Providence.—Padctford
Brig Sea Island, Hobart. Boston-R. Rent.
Brig New Hanover, Oarty, Pliiladelnbin—S. Phil-
brick tf (to.
Schr Savannah, Lawrence, Boston—/. //Mater.
Ship Alfred, Chevers, New York.
Ship Alcyone, Muir. Liverpool via Durien.
Ship Orbit. Lnlhniu; New York.
Ship Newark, Thatcher. New York.
Br hark Canton.Gibson, Mobile.
Bnrqne Zeii..|,in. Iteiiiineiun. Boston.
Brig E Iwin. Fitzgerald. Unliimore.
Brig Augusta. Livermore. New York.
Sclir Arrubelln, 11 mul. Piiiliulelpliiu.
Bohr. Yankee, l.evensillc. Si. Mary's.
Sclir. Ilunl, Jones, Porto Rico.
Schr. Desinb, Hutchius.Cbnrleston.
Schr. Ann, Ctnree, Clinrlesion.
Schr. Lu Itrni-o, Onison. N. Orleans.
Stciimlreui lvnnliiH*. Gnle. Itlin k Creek.
Steamboat Sun Jones. Philhrirk, Macon.
SleamlMHit Thorn, Itonth, CliDileston.
Sienmlrent I.numr, Lyon, Aueusto. 0
Ntenmbo-it Win Hoalirnnk, King, Clinrlestnn.
StenmlioniOulothorpe, WilHnms. Augu-in.
Stc imbojt Ocnni'gee. Blankenship. Dirieu.
Slcioiibont Florida, Nock. Garry* Ferry.
SleandMiat Georgia, G011M, Augusta.
Stenmbont I). W. St. John, I’ureli, Augusta.
Steainlioni Uuiicuu Mcltmi, Colvin.
Sieamlreat Fvanlioc, Gale. Black Creek. J. Slone, Memlall. Darien.
Steamboat C'lmrle-lon. Iliibhyril, Garey’s Forry.
.Sieiimlio n Thorn. Kn.tth, Charleston.
Hteoiuboat Win. Seabrook. King. Charleston.
Sleaiiilnmt D. W. St. John, Pundl.Cli irleston. Forrester, Drake. Garry* Perry.
Steamboat Forester, Drake, G.iu-ys Ferry. Florida, Ni»-k, Gurovs" Ferry.
Kteaiutioiit Duncan McRu .Colvin, Augiiita,
HienuilrenlLnmni, Cresswetl, Augusta. Th'irti, ll>mh,Cliirlostim.
Ship Celia, Buckm.m. N. York.
Br. barque Eliza, Trnile, Liverpool.
Ur. bnri|iie Superli, Slinuireu, Grennm-.k
Br. brig Essequibo, Lnuiond, llulilax.
Iliig Washinguiu, Evan.-*,Ill ivnna.
Brig Romulus, Kuglisb. Liverpool.
Brig Sea Isl nd, Hobart. Boston.
Brig Now Hanover. Cany, Philadelphia,
Sclir. New England, Robinsnii. N. York.
Sclir Frances. Sears, Newport.
Sclir Savannah. Lawrence. Boston.
Cetrtspendt nrr nf the (leorgian
Wo recoin*.I tlw following hy tbs summer Florida;
Capt Nock, arrived St 12 o'clock from Garay's Far*
G A REV'S FERRY, E. K. April 80.
Mr Dkah Sin.—G«n. .Macomb, I presuma you
havo boanl.lias at lived Imre, ami is empowered to
treat with tho Indians, allowing thrm to remain iu
lire Icrritoiy within pieseritred limits. A* toon a*
they jrecome aware of this, it I. thought that the
war will la* at an end. They are rather tired of It.—
They Itavo lreen prevented from making their erupt
of corn, and ilinir ammunition is nearly exhausted.
A party of Indians sonte 15 or 20 were met on
lire Santa # e river, by a party id* Vtdiintirers, aud were
wn-eral times final on. There wn* no ono killed,
and one negro was taken hy the whites. Thu In
dian# final hut one guu. Gem Macomb, will leave
shortly fur Fort King, more in the interior of the In
dian country. Five companies of the 2d Dragoons
are to leave ore long fur tho North; I lend Quarters,
Baltimore—all of tho 4th Artilieiy, savu our com
pany, Capt. Haney Brown's have left for the
North. '
H In 1 bo IlnwM of Lords, on tlw 19th, tlw Karl t/j
Klpon ntnvrd for soma papers necessary la tindb
caio Id* ndmlnlilratluii of rolonial affairs fnun nls-
representation# publl.U-l by Wm. L Markentie
and ibo mmbm was assoatial toby Imnl Normatthy,
wharsmimenred intrerely «m tire r-md-rt „f . g,|.
Ian affieor (Mrkrancli lltad), in tuibli.liing “ffi.
rial ilucumomt—adding llmt |, a would lakacara In
prevent tha n*|ntiiiun nf *u> b * proceed no.
* 1,h ‘ IL»u*e of tend* did not -it. |„
Ire lluiise id* Commons, tNilbing but ||„- dub.,to „n
lire com law*.
March 14. Corn laws In Imth liuittps.
March 13. In ilia upper lunisa lend llrouibam
made the motion of which In* had giteo muice. llist
the Itouse go Into eummtillee ami cimsid-r tire art
Dry Goods.
BALKS, 7 0 und 3 4 lirmvn Sheetings
Jml\J 25 do Flux nnd Cotton Osnuburg*
5 do Bed Ticking
0 cases fancy runl striped Drillings
5 do plain un-li iMred cotton nnd linen do
3 do 7*8 nnd -l-l Apron (.’lin ks.
20 do 3 4, 7-8 and 4-4 Blenched Shirtings
20 do fanny Prints,assorted patterns und qualities
300 dor. plaid bend Handkerchief*
400 do ludics und gentlemen's I lose nnd half Hose
Together with a good assortment of Fancy Guods,
received by the lute arrivals, and f-rsalu by
mar 14-3ld-4tw No*. 3 ,Vi l-l Gihbon’sBuilding,
A LL persons indebted to tha suhscrilrert bo
notu or ucenunt, will pl-n«o settle the samy
forthwith'. CALDER HUGHEY.
Darien. Feb.5th, 1819. mar 9 2m
Co-Parliicrziliip .'Notico.
T HE subscribers ha 10 form-d n co-partnership
ill tho city of D-irien, for tho sain nf Dry
Goods, Groceries, Hurd Wme, &c. &c, under the
style of A’. .V. Colder,Co.
n.j. McDonald.
Darien, Fob. 5rii, 1839. mar 9.2m,
Silk Worm Exffs.
HE subscriber will have for situ from hi*first
crop, (in Muy,) from unu to two hundred
es of Eggs, win runted of the two crop white.
Those |iarsoii* who are pl-oning tin* Moras Multi
ruolis, will hsve it in their power lo raise n crop of
their own in the prosen. year, as they wilt hatch out
twice, and perhaps three times, in the season.—
Orders left with F. II, Teliuuu will be attended to
mir29-f-6w [l(ep]
Twenty Doll,irsltt*ward.
R UNAWAY, about the 27th of Janunry last, a
Negro Woman, LUCY, the property of A.
W. Dougherty. Lucy is of dark complexion, slen
der made, with a m irk or sear (as uinr ns recollect
ed) on her left clmek, about thirty or thirty-five
years old; is neat nnd cleanly in her dross. I am
nclined to tho opinion that she is in the city of Au-
gustu or Savannah. The reward of Ten Dollars
will be given for h?r apprehension and committal to
jail and information of the sumo given mo at the
rest office nt Wrightsbumugh, Columbia County,
1 in., or Twenty Dollurs if delivered to mo near tho
said office. J|. W. WINFREY,
tnnr 22
A n gust a Ch ran iele Ma reh 21 w 41
W 8HD Hi*ward.
I LL Ire paid fur u|i,irobf*<Mliu| and lodging
in tire j ii| of Clnibun county, a nagto wu.
man named LUCY, nl> -m fnun 35 to 40 years old.
Shu is quito black, and tin* common sizuof wo.
men. tfha left Mr. Usirlay'- pluntgiiun, Ricadala,
on tha Savannah Hirer, in S--ptomb«r lost.
•jd'l w.**3w Hour HABERSHAM.
Wo liuve received the following late und Impor-
turn news, per ilia (treat Wsstern, at New York,
by 1IIIS DAYS muil, which wo hasten to luy be
fore our readers t
The Grant Western left Bristol on the 23d of
March and was not detained for despatches. Her
long passuga wns owing to heavy gales for two
weeks—but the gnllunt Mounter breasted thu ungry
seas, und ovcciime their futy. Her triumph its u
sea-bout is complete.
From the N. Y. Com. Advertiser, ISM inst.
i lia lung looked for Great Western arrived cum
this morning. Site departed from Bristol on her
regulur duy, the 23d of Mural.; and hud a veiy
boisterous passage. Our Blmdun dutus uro to thu
“veiling of Muroh 22d, Liverpool thu samu, and
Bristol 23d, all inclusive.
Tho Great Western made her passage heme ii
lifteun duys.
Tha proceeding# iu Congress uu the huundury
question, with the memorandum ugieud upon by
Mr. Fox ami Mr. Forsyth, &c. \.c. were n-ceived
iu London hy thu pnekut England, on tho2Uili ol
March. So far u* wo cun judge Irmn u busty glance
at Ilie pupers before us, tliu leiiipunny udjiisime
uf the dispute appears lu hnvu given general snl.^
fuctiou, nnd even the must ultra of thu un i-Ameri-
cun join rials hnvu mamfostod a degree of modera
tion on the subject which we hardly expeim-d.
ihn llernld, it is true, reeummend* the inimodi-
ntu sui.dmg of 20,009 men, and 19 sail or the lino
4" the North American coast, und tire Stnndurd uf-
firms that no diplomacy but that ofcumioii nml bay*
ouets can bo rolled on; hut ihu Times, thu ihuuderui
ol thu British press—discuui’st's on the mutter in tho
following modciuteund lensuiiuble munner.
Wu liuve In-urd from high und grave authorities in
the United States, ineu whom wo believe tu liuve
been really conscientious iu their allegation, that
there could liu nut it sliudow ol doubt u« id tin- right
ol Maine to tho whole of tho di-ptilod territory ;
these persons ut lliusair.o lima intiinuiing a strong
roiivicliun Unit thu bone contended for wiis not
worth to oitlior country a dozen human lives.
It iiuw nppeurs tliui, however the joint uiouinrun-
dam ol Messrs, Foisyth and Fox muy Ire culniluted
lu avert, (and God grant it may succeed iu doing *i.)
uny iiniuudiuiuappeal to violence und bloodshed, the
tone ol tho senator* who have spoken upon tlm sub
ject cut responds minute,y with that of the Sennit*,
which put aside the arbitration of 1039-3], und in
sisted that England had no right to thu luust |>or-
liuu uf the soil contended for. Although, therefore,
ineusines hiiiiinue nnd considerate Imve In-en pursn-
cd on this oceiisiun for postponing ihu armed con-
II ci, uud suviug the irregular und precipilutu effu-
sioii ut blood, nothing bus lukeu place to uncouriign
thu least hope that by ouy t-xpedi-nt lint surrender
of the whole subject in dispute, will this country bn
able to calculate un u morn limn transient gluuni uf
rflpo.u for Irer provinces iu North America.
In this journal wo have n*|reatedly thrown out it
suggestion, which with it due sense of our own very
humble pretension* to Ire hetinl where grout national
interests uro concerned, our uimtli-cted uud cordial
Invu of “ponce, in tho spirit of pence," liow inclines
u# to reproduce, viz: that us most iiiitiounl misunder
standings nut best healed hy each liarty sacrificing
something of itsextremu rights, for the sake of show
ing good will uud good iieigliliorimod, England
should frankly oiler to the stutu ufMiiiuu that large
I section of country which hits uhvuy* Ihu-ii an nnqnts.
Honed und recognized part of Now Brunswick—
vizt that portion ufit which lies West oft lie town of
at. John's idoug the Buy of Fundy, until it meuts
the present Muiuo frontier nr Pussumuqiiuddy liny,
including the whole of “C'hurluito county,"extend-
mg North to wlmt is called in tire inuii* the 44 mili
tary jiost" tut the St. John's river, nml thence along
tho Southern extremities of tho highlands uf which
“Mars Hill" forms a purl, until it strikes the meri
dian, close to thul old lundmiirk.
1 his scheme of compromise wo recommended in
tho Times journal six or eight mouth* ago. It
would Ire better for both parlies—1st, for England,
because it wutild leuvo in her possession tho whole
of the disputed territorv, uud her interprovinciul
communication between Fredericton ami Quebec un
broken; 2d, uud eminently for tire stutu of Maine,
inasmuch us she would gain for it n linn country, to
which she hns never dreamed of putting forth u pre
tension ; u definite and proliluhle water frontier on
tho West, formed by tha St. John's River nnd the
Buy of Fundv, it greuter compactness nml rouudness
of territory tliim nt present, nml considerably mure
in point of sprfucotlmn England could ill tint way of
mutual cession be on any lair prinriplo called upon
lo relinquish being even in su|ierli«-inl mile* consider-
nlily beyond oue-hulf of the space disputed. Wo
citnnot for our parts comprehend on what pretext the
stale ol Maine should object to u settlement so true
nnd iH'iiciicinl. Nor, in tha cu«o of any man hut
Lonl Palmerston, doe* it nppears to us that nnv
K'lipii ih minister could throw difficulties in thu putii
of such u proposal.
Retnumlrer, this is no yielding on nur side to com
pulsion. Wo declared this opinion nioie tliun eight
months ago. We did so from nn honest uoxiety for
national pence and huninn welfare. There is
through this leintiorui'y convention of Messrs. For
syth uud Fox n gleam of light, nod the only one wu
sou, nnd if well employed, it may conduct us through
tho labyrinth. But with such inducement* to activi
ty, and such materials of compromise, and such re
pented warnings to prepare for the worst, wlmt must
this inun, Lord Palmerston, he made of, who would
neither negociato through tho onlinury method* of
diplomacy, nor recollect that an armed negociatiun
is among the most approved aud infallible means of
prevailing upon nn inattentive ndversury to give uu
our to reason/
The' Circular.—We Imve the Lon
don Bankers' Circular of Murrh22d--the latest anil
probably only copy in thi* country, ns it wns sent off
nt 7 o'clock on the evening of that duy. Its leading
nrllclo is a temperate, und, (for that sidu of the wa
ter,) very intelligent review uf thu border difficulties
between Maine and New Brunswick.
Thn great question of the com luws nxcludad nl-
must every other topic, in Imth houses, throughout
tho week ending on tho Kith of Marrii. In tho
House of Commons it was brought up by Mr. Vil-
tiers, who moved that the House go into committee
of tho whole, to consider those laws—supporting his
motion hy uii elaborate nml skilful speech.
In the course of tiredobato Lonl John Russel! re
iterated Ins preference of a moderate fixed duly.
The debate wn* brought to a close on tho 18th,
th'.s motion being negatived bv a vote of >312 to
In the House of Lonl* tho discussion arose upon
a resolution moved by Earl Fitzwiliinm, that tire
corn-laws had failed to secure that steadiness of price
which wns essential to tho host interest* of the coun
try. The resolution wns supported by Lord "Brough-
ham and tho Earl of Radnor, and opposed by the
Duka* of Buckingham, Richmond, and Wellington,
tho Marquis of Lxntdowne, the E tri of llipon ami
Lord Melbourne. It wu# negatived by a voto of
224 to 24.
In the course of tho debase the Duke of Rich-
mind solemnly declared, that If the corn-law* were
repoulcd he Mould sell hi* priqrerty and depart w iih
Ids capital nnd luiaiirers to some hsppl *r land.
And Lord Melbourne affirmed, wills great vidin
monce, that the proposition to abolish restriction*
on commerce was thu imd-lest nml widest that rvet
was conceived.
L-ird Brougham gave nolirr, immediately after
the vine was taken, dial on lire I3lli he should
move that tho house go into committee, to consider
what IscipHkat tub* iloao with iKsi'wct to th*
euro l*»e.
y*' Bw importation of foreign com.
In the I Imre of Common* Sir S. Cankino Iii>
►mured of i fold of the &*cii*taty lor Foreign
A flairs, w lit her bn had rend veil any iaformitiou
from \\ iishingion with reference in the recent col
lision whisli was tepprlial in have Inkeu place upon
lire Imunilary la-tween the state of Maine and our
prisviiH Now Brunswick. He mod not re.
mark Iiuw important this -ubjei-t was. Ho wns
desirous to know whether lire nolde lonl h id been
iiiforiiuil of lire c > *iii so which ihu Amoriesii govern
ment proposed to take hi ttirescqufticit of this Iran-
S’lCtii.n. lie nl-o wi-lred lo In- infoimetl whether
there wns any rensutialdn prolmldliiy of the nogoei-
ntlons which had now heeu carrying on for fight
yen-., f„r »l,„ setiforeem of this ipiosrion of disput.
ed ii'ii itury, bring brought lo a satisfactory ter mi*
Unl ■• ll.tnl, in rtply, tl,nt Ii.. Im.l
n*t*civetl but very impel 0*t*t information upon this
subject Irani our minister ut Washington, The cir
cumstance* to which the It mumble gentleman refer
red worn only known generally in that citv, their do-
tail* not having arrived. It w ns not vet," therefore,
iu Ins power lo slate what course the Amoricnn gov
eminent iuteiidud to pursue. Ho would l>e, howev
er, folly justified in stating that tho must friendly slits-
position toward this country prevniled iu that siuur-
ter.—(Hear.) 1
Sir «. Can.vino —Wlmt Is the ditto of the coin-
iliiiiiii-nliiin to whirli the noble lonl refers f
Lonl Palmkiiston replied that he did not rannuif
nerilie exact date, hut llmt the commuiuVnliou had
reached him by a rapid conveyance (the Great Wes-
tern.) He could not miv tvholhoriho result of the
iiegiH’ialious, reli'ired to hy the houonilde gontleinnii
would Iresitlisfuctory or not; Inn this he i-nuhl say,
liuu both government* were animated l.y n most **•-
t ion* desire to obtain such u result. (Il’enr.)
After this com laws lignin.
In the I louse of Lord* iuformulinii wns called for,
respecting the ofli-ct of einiiucipiiiion iu lire West In
dies. Lonl ,Nominally declared his willin'
produce the piqiers.
I.enl Melhoiirue wn# pressed for explanation* nnd
pupers relating to nffnir* in the Must, uud promised
to luruisli ii full statement.
The day was principally occupied in presciiliug
In tin* II. unu of Common*,
The deliuto on the corn laws was resumed, nnd
concluded, us stated above.
March 19.—Ill thi'House ofl.nrd* the Earl of
Ala-rdecii moved forcopiesof the corre.*|Nnidenco of
the British resident ut the court of Cnhul, previous
to the declaration of war by tho Governor General it-
guiu*t the rules of Afghmiistiiu. Ho cousured the
conduct ofthe Governor I ieuend ns rash uud impoli
tic, and unjust.
The Duke of Wellington said, that notnn’y ought
the dispatches rulnling to the win- with Afghanistan
tola* produced, but tlie whole ofthe iu*liuctions sent
out respecting the wnr wiih Persia.
Viscount .Mellanirnesaid llmt lie should Imve no
iihjcciimi to consider the question, if the noble duke
would innkoii motion.
’The Duke of Wdlinginn said that he did not in-
tend to make n motion.
In the I louse of Commons, a long debate arose mi
the subject ofthe Frmoli Blockades in South Aineri.
nt, hut it resulted in nothing, the unit km that guvs
rise to it being w ilhdniwu.
A war In tween Great Britain nml tho United
States would nppcnr to ho iirevi'nhle. Nothing, nt
all events, cun prevent wnr, excepting the most urn-
pie prejm.-nthius on tho part of this country to guard
the nntioiutl honor front violation, nml to maintain,
nt all hazirds, the dominion of llughiml over her
North American colonies.
It would be-the merest folly on the part ofthe Eng
lish government, to shut it* eyes to the fact that n wnr
with hngl'iml, when thu fitverahle moment shall nr-
rive, is the great ohj.fl of Mr. Van Bureii nml of Ids
l»rty. The North Ainericmi mptiblicitus hopo vet
to subject the whole of the vust Americun continents
to their sway; und the presence ol native tribes,
of colonists owing nlleginme to other countries, they
regard usequ illy n proliination of ihn soil. To ex
tinguish the sovereignty ofGreut Britain in the Cmiit-
das is oven mure necessary totho ciiiisolidalion of the
power of the federal union, than is the extinction of
tho native races to the establishment of dem icralie
supremacy iu the fur West.
Throughout the linlenil union, there is but one feel-
lug us to the necessity, sooner or Inter, of wresting
the Canada* from Great llritnin. So long ns the Cn-
iindm nckiiowkslgi^jie sovereignty of England, so
long is thu federal union lialdc to disruption—so long,,
iu fact, dors England hold to u great extent, in her'
hands, the fiito of her former colonies.
'u while llic ib-siro is univarsiil tliroiighoiit the
United States l. subvert all trace* of English do
million In North America, Ike commercial relation*
which connect the southern stales with England
Imve induced In ilioniero wealthy classes of tra
ilers n feeling of exceeding reluctance to engage in
hiMilitie* widi this country. This feeling of reluc
tance on the purl of American roinmrrciolist* will,
however, avail only to nvery limiiml exleuitowaid
ilie pn 1 vent Inn of war—far the commercial aristoc
racy of America is itself regarded as a tyranny, ns
a vast social nui«ance, hy tho nilrn democratic par'
ty lliriiu.dioot the federal U’don
I he conquest of the Canadas would scarcely he
hailed with moroj .yhy tlm loco focos, than would
ilie subversion u r list- power of the moneyed classes,
ilie mu mo process, however, bids fair tout lain bolli
objects Tlio Cniindn* can be added to tha federal
union only hy conquest: mul h wm wiih Great Bri-
info would ign hull’ the moneyed man in ihn
Untied Stales to limikiupley. A successful wnr
with Groat Britain, therefore, would not only add
►mdigiuiisly to the solid power of ihn United Slates,
mi would transfer to the ubia-iiein icriitic parly tho
eiitiro iiiuuag.'iuent of |mldie affair*.
COTTON*»D|ilaiM||iinl, iu ntid./MS* i
J lilrw 10;
Hea l*hml,,i»tets»tseei 39 _ .
. Hi«iiinl ( MrtiiMirtiii*r 14,411
H' 1 f -“*»»'l*riiirtogoudrt»*»**4#/<«<
U/UUll — II.IHNldSl M«rilllH,l
L'anhl, #94 * Vh
I'bjimlelplda uud Virginia*r *• * ~
CUIIN—Ilttail 85 '* 14
<iv•••„ C ’ -r K M *• • — **
il'l 8 •“•-»'
DA\ UGa1 23
WmsKKY—Periallon.hlHl* &bbl*. |A ft 48
39 ^.49
vt t,*LM*m.. ^^ l * nu f uo torot , ,*s«#»tS#s 13
MALKI.RU.—Nu. | *...*#I4|« J5>
* #18 • —
r a i.i.o w_e., r ruV.’.v.’.’.:m* n ■
Prime.. ••
LA 1(1)
IIU TTE It—Goshen
CANDLES—Northern Moulds.1ft # 18
Spermuctill,..42 49 —
Geurgiu go qg —■
LUMBER—Yellow PiueRaagingTira-
^ r ----- - 6 •10?
St. Sawed Mooring Boards #18 r t& SO
lPvr Lumber, Buurds,
l’lank uud Scantling.... $14 • 1ft
Quartered, 14 inch Flaoi- , . . -
lug Boards $15 <3 lft
Wliitu Pine,clear $23 • —
Meroliniilublu..... $14 • —•
Red Oak Slnves,.,..,... — % s'
IVliito Oak Slaves, — • 15 *
Shingles #4 • ft
„ rougioN ritoDUCTIOKS.
10 Q no
... *oo.
..*1 .001 7»
371® «
MO ® I
10 • U
i*0 I*
IS ®.l*
«#*«***•## 88 ft 90
••••sssasf 4 ft $
cs*Vf#*e — ft •“
BRANDI— Cognac........
SALT—Cargo ............
SUGAR-Havana, White...
Brown.-..... •••••,
Porto Rro.,.......
St. Croix
New Orleans
.$1,50 ©157
... 13 <S) —
... — ft — v. •
.. 94® Ilf
0 • 10| ,
10 • 11
New Urlenu* 7h& gi
Refined Loaf. 162<ft 17
Lump 14A<a —
rr\ Fl i l i : '"' >'t® W
U.A—llyson.. 00 <9 6&
BUM—.lumuicii •••*... $1 <S> J 9
New England 45 ft 47.-,
MOLASSES—Havana 26 <2) 2ft
NewOijean* 30 <3 40
LONDON PORT UU—Per dozen..... $3 ft s...
UB S |K>r dux.. #84*9 —
IRON—Swedes ..$110 i^lSft
ON ENGLAND—9 it !)4 por cent pram.
NEW YORK—Draft* ut par uud 1 day# siglil3p«r
coin prem. *
30 day* par
60 days 4<®$ por cont dls.
1 •"«* engagrtnont#,
dull, nt |d n $d ; Havre —; Now York none offer*
tug, — (or Rice; Ifost.m —, |i,rcotton; Phlladel*
phiu for cotton —; Providence — for cotton.
From the Savannah Shipping and Commercial
List, April 19.
Ci) r TON—Arrivj I thi -e tit - 12th Inst. ?133balea
Ujdmnl nad 09 halos S. I. Cotton, and cleared at tha
same time, 5510 btlns Upland nnd 519 bites 8,1.
Coiton; leaving a stock on hand, Incluiivo of nil on
ship hoard not clourod nnthj 10th Inst. °r hum
hale* IJ pland nml 890 bales Sea Islnnd.
Thu market fur Upland this week hoe baen?
exceedingly dull, and purchasers hail a small ad-
vaitaje until yesterday when holder* displayed
morifirinnosi, based on tlio favorublo Intelligence
from Liverpool to the Otltult. Tho Great \Ve*tero'» —
a lvicoj are anxiously looked for. We have only to
report sides of I465tmles, viz: 14 at 134t 344 at
144*. 286 nt 15, 63 nt lSj; 194 at 154:392 at 16; 20
nt 164; 11- at 16). In S. Islnnd the sales havo only
bumi 6 hales nt 3il cents, and 25 Stained at a 18*
Receipts of C'oiton at tho following placo* si oca
October 1st. 1838 1837
Snvnnnnh, April 19, 170903 227034 >
South Carolina, April 13, 170846
Mohilu. April 12 235332 87! 58#
Now-Orleans, April 12..
Florida. March 30, ....••«# *
NorthYferoliiri, March 30,.,
Virginia) April i,
. 419060 540674
..67110 88687
...0026 -14716 '
..16500 31600
1110277 1400989
Tho following U n statement of tho stock of Cut*
toil on hand at tho respective placo# named. -
Savannah, April 19........ 10334 42453 •
NEW YORK, April 15.
_ The Boston Advertiser Inis received pupers from
Knglnml, via Halifax two days Inter than wu have
hnd via Philadelphia.
We have, says tin- Advertiser, ihn Falmouth Ex-
press of Mar.h 9, nnd London pu|M-r* to tho 7th, nml
wo lmvo received from our attentive correspondent
nt Halifax, besides thu papers of that place to tho
6th inst. containing the latest itcws, a London paper
of thu 7th.
No very full and satisfli'-tury statement nf th« pro-'
■•ceding* in Muine rel'itiveto the boundary, appears
to have boon published in tin- Loudon papers. No
thing official uppears lo have been published. Tlw’
Falmouth Express of tho 9di, contains thu following
llosUHH-s with th* United Stairs,—From in
telligence received from North America, there ap
pears to lie a serious prospect—if the report* Iw
well founded—of immediate* hostilities with tho
United States, on the question of the North Western
boundary of New Brunswick.
A contract had he -n mudo by thn, British Govern
ment with.S. Cmmrd for the conveyance of tho mails
from England to Halifax, nnd from Halifax to Bos
ton, and also from Hulifix by Pictou to Quebec,
twice n month, for tho sum of il55.090 sterling per
annum. The contract is for seven yenrs.
The first boat is to leave Liverpool May 1, 1840.
boots from Halifax to Boston and from l'ictou to
Quebec to run rs long as the navigation continues
open between tlw two Inter ports, are to he of 150
horse power. Tu carry this arrangement into effect,
it i# said that seven 01 eight boats .will be required.
Mr. Cunard intern!* that tiie boat* slinll bo built in
Scotland. A letter received in Halifax, stating
these fuels, recommend* that there shall be no delay
in building the long talked ofilutul nt Halifax. This
arrangement will bo of the utmost importance to
Halifax, and will ulso be of great advantage to us in
The Frincc do Join villa hsd arrived at Brest from
thu Gulf of Mexico, whzrehe was joined by his three
brothers, andproceeded with them to Paris.
For Liverpool.
«£L4 Tho first ciuss ship
NUft rll master, is now loading.
400 hale* L'ottou, apply
npnl 13-fli |M
. Mar
Fur freight of
For Mveruool.
f?A Tlm staunch brig HAVRE, Capt. Tarpon-
Si# tor, has pan of fo-r cargoongaged, and will
havadospaiclt. F-w freight apply to
a pi 6 PADFLFOicD, FAY * CO.
South Carolina, April,12,.
’. 43403
Mobile, April 12,..,.....
. 60063
Nnw-Orlenns, April 12,..•
Vjrginiii, April 4
.. 4500
6000 •
North Carolina, March 30,
4300 '
Aiigustn it Hnmhiirg, April 1,21269
Mncnn, April 1,..
10580 ■
Florida, March 30*. •
. 19000
. I'hiladelphia, April 6,....
Nuw-Yurk, April 10.,...
\ •
RICE.—Tlw market sinco our last has "been
quito languid and tlio sales light. Tho few sola#
mudo hnvu been from *l| a 4|—stock light- -
FLOUR—In this articlo tliero is very lhtla 4elnr.
Sales of 200 bbls. Howanl-st. Bt#8|.
CORN—Is selling from store nt 05 a 95 ots., with
a full supply.
GROCERIES.—In Coffee, Sugar and Molasses,
tho demand is quite limited: tho sales maArhavw
been at all prices within the rang# of our qaotv-
SALT.—Two cargoes arrived since our’ lost •>
mounting to about 12,000 ‘bushels, sold at 37^ a 42
cts. . ,
BACON.—This articlo ronthiaes daO arid ww
have no altomtiun in prices to nodoe.. Bale* of Jft^
000 lb*. Western Sides at il a 12; Shoulders at
10 cts. , .
HAY.—Sales of200 bundles, on tha wharf, at l#I
SI'IItlTST—*Iii domestic liquors, Imall'soles of
N. E. Rum at 45 a 46; Whiskey at 4ft a 4G; Gtaat
48 a 60. - j. • e.**T
EXQUAN'OE—Oa England, 0 a 94perct.’pram.
Drafts on N. York, it par and 1 ds. sight, 2 per ct.
pm'.*** » 4 " •. * • 4 ’
FREIGHTS—To Liverpooldall, thehaireiigagaf
ment were at |d ajd; to No* Y6rkj nonoofTcring.
Statement of Cot ten, Aprilip,.' .
Upi’ds." 5.1.
Stock on band, 1st October,...,,. 3104 3ft
Received this wnok. 343# 8#
. Do. prevlditsly,.•/....'••**•.. 163309 406T
169#I| 4l9t
Exported this week,* 5510 519 ' V
Do. previously,.. 145957 278,2 l#i4$7 9301
Stock on hand.incluilinf all on ship* .V
hoard not cleared, April 1*9,1839. 18444 . 990
... .
To Steam Donts. •
h r* Tho prhje of tho WOOD 4ha» >
•WitfttTaL offorcl for sole at Wappoo Cut. U
lowered, for tho lammor monlbs, to $4 par cord,
taking under 30 cords,and to lbo*®lakiDg 80,Ml^,'
or more, $3 59 par ami. .
a pi 10J--4W 0. C. QEDDES.
For Liverpool.^
The lint elute coppered British hark CAN- .
SB TON, Captain Gibson. 1 For freight apply to
epl 20 •• -/ 1 DJftlHKE'
Cor Freight or Charter. ~
mVm brig 1'IONM.K, ra|.iain Cousins will
U rendy to reoeWa freight on Monday. A
w ,o ,h * “ pui " -
•fillStl-Si W'M .r. CLAES,