Newspaper Page Text
C|t Wrritls etrortfan.
MIX IMF* UIU Frtt#4 I'.MIMftD.
Tm firfMrtpMo Inquirer •* tb# 11 H inm.. t»«-
fprelted lb* Mlmrlnff f *elgn news, *»T »*• * I'** 1 " *
•Ittp ¥ «n«b*!». Csprsli Mhtrkeo. arrived a*
|M* par «t tbe IMib, from Uverywt J, •hence #lr
#e|W mi the evening «f Hie eighth •/ March
IimImi 4hm «r» •«* th# • h, and Ll«> rr»*d Hi*
•ill, IV new* U Loth interesting end intjrenanf.
W# tmfif ft *r? thing «f lmi*"ttBNV.
Th* Mv*rp»tl Stand ml.n Tory noper, am) th*
•rfantff LvaftHoair. Cttt. Wfit.norojr, Ice
fr-., bat a leaf atlkle on ih* M tine Q icitbm. (1
»aa *e It ti belligerent. We copy il more in r*M-
W* It* absurdity ibaa any thing els*. •• Tim rain**
n»y of the p*qde," I titled, by Urn Stand *rl, are
Iba Am *rlaan m idem Wip, and tb* " must ta
ImMmT mini bn WiBitca, Cur, II arriiux, el id
0Mw* f nit.
Tim* Inquiier anys i—
Mndilai anlcln ti|», Ihu •
W* S),lnl,lJ, « T1111'■ 111 Tl If, iiKj.-r.
"4—*»*lM* M MtkMw bill bill, cuiiiiiW
From th, L »fIrvvi! Si.n.laiH i,f \l.rrh I
«t mnnnl refrain from exprrs-ing our •inr»f
ih il tb-re is »very pro •ability *ff iinmedui"
hostilities withtire United (fate*. \V* rrpe.t mr
regret II, fire mmy rvanni*, pvtinilsrly fir Hi
sake of thinjsinds an I ili.m*«niti of liigiomindcil,
iaHligent. virtu mm, in I freii *v.i|,*nt trersmi* in ili .i
e ra .try. m my *ff whom we know pwruinnlly, wii"
man suffer a<***rrly if w«r «h mj ,| rake plaen,
Her Majesty's frigne tormisian , when hi* an
ri»**«lal I'iyntoith in IY liv« firitut lid fas, hi*
bmaylit intelligence I mm Am rlcn seven 4 <y« Um,
than iha packet Georg* Wa hinginn. Uy h*r **•
b*arn hat, not nnly ha* tire G •vcrnmnnl nt ih* S>«|i-
i»f Maine tak"n p*i4*n**i.>n of lire long-lis .uicil
b -Uudiry Hire in that Stale, hue th it the U Hied
State* O ivernm-nt ha* nctnally Issued mil i. f.,i
llie taking pi«t.-a«j..n nf the di-puicd lerritiny.
‘ « *bU be the ease,— hat it. if U,r Uni'r.i Slat*
ChMermnent (we <|**ire (<• eapre** mirtplir •• J%
fitetlp ii(Nin thi* i ni'orcant ■ulijnci) liu i*«ue<l
•tt -h an nriler, no p iwer ui. earth will rt.-r o hmiiio
«*bot that certain perarniage* in thi* c njntry havi-
tun only given it to u id<*r>iand it might do to wun
Imr-onny, nut hive inaiigateii it to to do I
Wo knnwen <Hgh of th - mind of V.m Har*n. ami
*fth*in.nt lalnniml memlter* nfth- Uintnl biate*
Oorertiment, toronvi.tee „t, that th-y never wnn .l
bare *a etinneii nn-na pmre,inr*, u i e*« they ln v
tort 'heir *en*e* a nee ih- month of Jiily |aat, m
jnva* th-y hui i itimatimi to d » a.., au.l *«*mam»»
friHtt indii-iniiiiHT* Ilia here, that they ahnnlil mm
with no up MMiii m front tliiar-Hi nry.
We now give enr reaem* f.r ain-lt e mcluii.m*.
Tba Ooveront nl of the United 8 .it-* wmid n,.
rn.M--v. nfir. tnn.k a wtrwitit KwgUnd, »• ttx
State* are now rIn u iMia.nwi, thin tl w.inl i vi-ntun
»« pr ai'aiin Vicn.r.a Q.fen ..f,N..nh America.
T »e U ote.1 Sutea wete nerci, .me* the Uoclai •
lio < af mdeiwndetice, in *uch a pn eari u. p«i»i'i„n
a« limy n-iw an*. In the Son h they ar? tlneaienni
by two and a half million, nf iliiRonteined alave..
who ata only watching an opportunity to ra«l nfl
their fvtier*, and take v-ngi<«niv on til-** who h >|,i
th* m in bond »ge. In th* free 8ti|i.« th.-re a>a up-
watd*ofl4rrr kindred thoutnnd free people o
enl-r, who are turning to «n their hioiliren in the
South free, and be revenged on the inhahi.anta m
tb• fret State*, who ire it them ( h f„e*law,';
wnr*e than their lirethren am in u.n S.iiiin.
Af»Ji*i*n tbe We.tern ftuntinr there aru auoie nun
dnal tb-iu.and I.ullan warrior*, many ..fw limn Inve
bebn. even within the U.t yrar, Miy.i.tlv haio.liml
front their own laml*. and who are only waiting an
epmmunilyfor rev-nge.
And.iattiy, the American ci iten* ihrm*nlvr* are
»ew divided inlotw.i great daaae*— he minori'v,
*on*l*ting of the moil wealtlty, intelligeiu, and hmi-
arable part of tba commm.iiy, who uie b-nr I y
•mb af re|<uhlican *ch.-m-.5 andlheaminnVy. win.
caniti ole nine.tenth* of the po|iulaliun. iletw rai.
IlieM Iw.i clatif* tliera eaitl tlio tno*t inveterate
jeaiouiy and anim.iaity. Tb- firmer da** I* alm.ut
• atira.y rent >ved fmm the diieetimt of public al*
fair* J it anianain* a lic.m dUtaiie to the demo-
•rattulnitiluthinaof.lie country j nmltlin populace
i* atonMibaohjectof it. .earn a d i.fiu lear*.
Tba other e.\%t»,i\^m«Jori>g, whi. lic..o*i»MofUie
Ig not ant talihlo wlm*acniel ot.jact i* egiarimlim,
Mto*ta and abb -r* every hlng that ha* Hie vligU-*
•at retamManea to intellectual rvlt'ienientor Kiuluh
Monner*. The difference mid lit red Iwtween iliene
twupaiti • are daily i.iurea*iiig, are ineunmle. ami
Will C" e* inenaalug, till *umaawful eaplotiun oc
Under o«ich*. th* fJoerrnment of
14# utiled Matte, whatever the 0 imnmmof tlw
State of Ala oa may think proper to d , or the
dotir* oflbe rabble, who entartam the mn.t ra him-
«' Cwlinp toward* thi* ctumty m.y b**,~.hat
Gjivernm-m, wo «uy, would never voluntarily do
tnf act whlrh rnigh prev >ke a war with Knufnml,
4JC*nU under potihte ntmraoret Hot for tuck oh
•Clit mutt nethcolled U anoccount! U.-«id.-*.
we know tut! the ron.t iofloemi.l a„,| talen • I men
•f that Government, and the attautf/v eflim pe-K
r ie, above alludeii to, emarlain tho ttfU*' frl-ndl)
tednga toward* thi* country, and would never h.-
pftv krr* of a war with Great Dritaio.
The tptertion now 1», what object could pertnn*
bt power here have for inducing the American* to
te<# jKMMMlon oi the ditputed mrrltory 1 The an-
#wer it, they want to abandon Canada tn a republi-
cau«y*tem of government. Lord Durham 1 * reptirt
5>tr k-rw*. Head'* narrative fully prove thi*.
Tho diaputod terntory, which co.iiiit* of AOo
aquarn mile*, lie* e&ectJy between New Uruntwick
•nd Lower Canada, *o a*, if in the pot*o*ium uf a
fumy" P«wer, to cut uffmrectujlly alm utall coin-
mumcation. for *i* nr *even mootli* in Uto year, lie-
Iwecn Umm two part* of h r M\i**tv’* dominion*,
an I OJtuequuntly, between Canada and thi* country.
Tnaabaoduiunent of thi* territory will altopretentan
• Idttional rtpuulteoH froutier ot'mura thou two huu- mite* to Lower Canada.
Under lb**e circum*tancc»,the nw»t effectual way
•f increaiiug the power of the cnemie* of Canada,
aid tUtoof parauadiugu* to almntion Canada, alio-
ff-tbar, would ba the tnridmg up of thi* vaat tract of
cou itry to the United State*.
Whore j* Um individual of common intellect, who
hn« attentively watched tho pro«»edmg*»f Miniitcr*
in reference to tho Canadiau diituroaucc*, ami ha*
attentively peruaad Lord Durham'* report, aud Sir
Traoat Head'* narrative, who can doubt fur a mo
rn mt tho diip-uitioa, thu policy, and the wcnti.i*
Motion of tho Gjvarnmunt ut reference to Canada l
Tho aaeret cjrrvipomlenc* carried' on Utwvcii
Miaiatera nod the rwgiendereof the Canadian rebel-
U to, a* poohih-d in our iait; the enenufagement
gmn them | nod Lord Durham'* proposal* for Can*
• Ij, being ba*«d on the ndvioe and ataumenu ui r •
pu jlicau rebel*, mutt remote all doubt upon the
However Much we dcu*t and abhor war, yet if
•ur Ga^rumenudow the American* to ake loreibb
Bot*a««ina of tbit laud, and Utu* abandon our luvai
fciioweutyectiiuCa-iada to the con ml of repubn-
enarebeii, all we enn *av U, tho praaent Mi Utry
rmrdintd: nod if Eaglieh people allow them to du
an, w (hall abandon ail hope of retcutng our
c»untry from tho dominion of infidel* and of pa-
A diMiwr wa* aivim by tlr m-mli* r» nf the l*rmir-
Min Ho.-h’iy in l-mdon, to |>anWd O'CownHI, K**|.
M. I*., «al ila** IlirMiury Ham Tnvrnt, lilingtnn.—
Mmmo ri-hi ImiMlr vl fwr*M«t* anlibtwn tod(iitirr^io.l
at l<>n*( from mw humlnvl to mm hnodnil aod hit;
Indie* wit- pftwrnt in tlw gallery. Mr. U’Ciooirii
a hire*Mil the tnniing «ewta| tiiiv* in tha courte m
tlw rvening.
1 WKNlY-lllltKi. L VIM I.OSI.
A Inter from Nape* uudvr d*t« uf Kiloeai)
IGth. **y»t
" l.a*l night a part uf mir Kreiml'ing llo*|
wa* ilft*tr»yed by fire. Ilw fl«nw» •preat **»
r.pully that 23 children (wri.l.rd. (In* ol tlw
•tor*e* in Iwr d--pa'r threw In-orlf «».t ut tlw
window tti'hiwo children in h-r ami*t nit thre*
•vrtr f .it• mI da bed to piece* and i|O le li*
•be tirvet. Toe fi.coren di*llogo,«twil tlrm-
« |ve«'y h-irelf r.*S tlireu of th in *ci* kill- «l.
•living w'hng front the upper ■•••r* tu iIm luwr,,
wlitra tliey w.ielHirb d i • the rnio*."
. L 0.1 ) >hn Kn»-c)l •latc.l tint me Can da Dill
w.eiid n-i lie' 1 rward oulil •tier Ko-u i.
I'lw akmrli Jodgc* Nia to note JCJ'IJU |wr an-
•' !• In* beau cu.rviii.y repolcd. c-mfid-uilv
•*«erieit, and aciiu.iy po in 'In* (Joiml
S., and oiilie.Nivil and At I <l
Gat -tie, mat l«*. «l (I en-fg*. g rciiiaol
•cm ••• a fi'licm * of iiiiii «tcr* oic it i..|.o<mg Hi-
c*»utrul of ill- Ann* Imni me Sov-r i o and Al <
my \uiH'.r.iiea, Civi |l-p>ir omit, wa* Hi
cu.m: ul'l.i* L od*..i,.'* aplt.*io..i tti.»i lirtll"
A •upjd-menl to me l‘h >rt dc Puy'ime of
rhurtday .i t cofiroi* ih • rep ot o. .no ••■•■•»-»•
•to i effiried uelw en l) •»• Ca.lo* a mI Alaioto,
l Hjlio*ne. two »lo oil-ill* ••<• Ho- *u -J-*•!
ilmuiioa n |no., or Miner a rein ••,air.nice lion
toe Caro*. Cill-f to the ihrlend-r; die olli-r, m'>»m lion Carlo*, t.y eoy ••! rejMictlioii
oi Al into, for me f roi-r'a error, a* lia niiii-eii
.enn* it *
IViriTlON I'll I'Aitl.I tAll.NT.
The »i*liirep.ol Mi llie colli o lte« on ,.u >.ic |**‘ti-
li.NM u .nip l*e* **.l lliepi-lilioo* p.e* Hied up
nia -J i o oi r’-br.i try. Too t dai lioui-ier i* 2, >JJ.
n 2dJ pciit.oii. uie lot lie-re ear in lue
Coro La**, 3 I i.ddli *..ur III'.*~~I,-t'io a-
gnu*' iheir rep >o, wi it rdi.Uiid .iguuur *t m
>pot of to Clmrco l Du •< ,>«><•* MO, mi o i7.JH7
•ig.ia.U.v*—.ig.lli-t ih«* u.iil iwui m f, u-
OU tigoaimw-, Mii.l tin re areoU |*--**-i-».. , with2,
i/rnpiuUin a>.y -y-.w.o ••! niu.ule.o not
intrude a MU U« l't*ia 1,‘Ui'd Cluiit ti.
Idi.Mu.N. AlAltCII 7.
mr. i vvtfLva o'cui.k.
The aitle* of Cii.i*oi» n t»e oevo co-.h.-i o iiii*
moriiiiig, and lint qo •tutioii* Mr- coo • i|ii-oll>
aliuriowt Em mm. y Uiey are 3.-| to 7-d, amt
UJ -viler* I'll tun tt' J il- Mil- u .1 piii.'liu*> 0
ty the C mimii ••toner, a. 1 .'.liUU Coii.oi* ui U2
7-8. iieiug 3 OOU o'** iIimii irtii'iii.iy, h«i'lu<|’iei
tiio* a.c OJ to uj preon, Mini In m til t« bti
in- Great W-.tcrii, wo need .c.ircely .tine, had
■ IlMCIMli 1.11*1 Old.
lie* packet *iop George Wa-liiogton lia.l ar-
rivod li'Oii »N w Y oa »' L verp on. due Anegtu-
i.y, C.ipl Alien il», *'111111 tot l'lit..i.t-iptnii on
tile At in Toe Hero, iiir.tuud, .am d f..r I'll lu-
.lt”pliiu oil tnc liln.
UiiEssA. Eubruury 0.
The lutcoutp* which wo receive irmii unaj.u uru
uf tliu luglic«t iiiipiinuuce. i lu- |,c**Iii« ^tIn- iiio.t
iiuiiicmii* iriiei oiCnxu-oi.n,) miio nuvo Ihdii .ui^ecl
i(u.*ia ever .nice liave revolted u^nioat lout
poMcr. Tliey inu.«ucretl tliu t-tvit ami nuuiiiry who
Mere in their village* uur nave they .topped lucre;--
tliey hove invadnl Gcor^iu, uii.lliuve invited the in-* to iM-c iirin. u^uni.t (in.end
Je*l (Military CiiHiniaiid.iot of tho tcrr.tory ill the
Leglntj hu* (Kin ulniged to iiiuhu Iim troop* rctiru
into tnu furnlicd place., tnl tliu urr.vul oi mu rein-
lorceinciiU lor Miucn lie lia. upplml tu (ienenn Go-
luvinc. Tliu lalter Iiii. .nit Im.crui Ut mil with a
uri£iuln of inta.itry twuive regiment. ot Cii.*nek*
agmiut tlicrutm., lu.ii i. going to niarcli tit |N)r*un
wait uil tliu ruminniiig truop. Unit cun be .pured
trout dull*, lie lia* even ordured tliu dctuetui!
curp* I General Ua^ewakt tuju n nun. It u doubt
ful wlicllu-r it will Ih* ^mm*iIiiu tu iutnlucllie Lu«^hi.,
a wurnku tritie, who nave tliu nio*t nivetvnitu liu-
trod ni every tiling tnut lamr* ihu llui.imi nunie.
Doaurtiuu cuutniuu* to prevail to our uriny, etpe-
cinoy amo.ig tnc Co«*ucm* ol the Uiuck Sea, wno
<(•'«-tliu *ucu uiiui.N-r. Mial tliey are uolonger cm-
ployuil in the lulva.iml po*t«. 1 lie r-gimenu uf n-
taiitty puilcd ni tliu uutreiiclimeut. ure giiunhil I.y
Iiio Uuii Ca**ack*, tliu only curpailml n uiuniiil en
tirely I'nittitm tu tliu Crur \oti may imagine wlmt
i* tu be vnjHiitvii I rum troop* whom it t* ovcv»»uvy
to place under a guard ui tliu pretence ot uu enemy
ttieievintol the L-.gin* u ii.cnouo to .v.i,
licil, III. MC* Ml of| III Cl'CU—1.1. Till* III
d.' III III, Mill, I* Ml'|| I.C |U~Hllllll Mill) 11.1
laiiguagv »ml iiiuimct« of ttic pc.plw of th? Cao-
cm*u*, na» niir.Muc. d nniued umu..g iliein urid* r
v treiu* duguiiv*. mid • x.iori* ilinn .o .1*0 nga tin
■ lie lie .pure* le'ittier money no p.o
oii*«. to indue- tin-in. It UHiKiiii d iim he na*
nl in ilt»*ui*e, T tl» amt odici t»wn*.|' the
couiitr)i'» >u> j-ct )o me a..mi.non of |(u..ih, and
Him lie nu* eoiiuninnuuii'Mia wun then- innunmii.u.
Accoiilmgi) Le nt* i.mii' G-neiai Go-.vine lia* ol
f ml a ewaid ol 3ll(i do.-a.a to m||.» v. r .had d—
i.ver up All. lie), i If. d.tul ora ive; at miiv«i.o
it i* email, tin** no nmive win have me ha*ene»*
to lieu ay Air. lied, wliom uil Cuca«*iau* couaidci
their prulecioi, m* u mail .ent I.y lleuvun tu l'i« e
tliem from ilie Al ».co* n»* yom .
1’* are nuking here to *. nd $0,1)110
m n to Georgia, by mu, mu.| it i* ulfi.ined that ID.-
tluO m-n nave air. ady ret until.mi tn- noitn ol
Un«*ia tor the •amv de.tmaiiou, by m.«\ of ,Mo.ii-m
i.-d tliv commy of tliu D<m lj..»* «cm., T.mre
tu p* are not merely tu fit) op lit- vacuncie.,
canted l-y tlie Uirei e, the .wore, and de*t ill n.
A* l-r III" projui t of sending t o ip. to me a*-
d-lance*f l* •••!•, we ore a-*uitM il*wt tit- arm,
•o twelve ut 7tl.tldli iih'ii. l-t iy a.reiiibinl f i mil
pi,r,NW«' to me »oi.t.i.'io puivince* ot liiet inpiie,
w ni mil ntaien ini «'*^ Eiiglaiol el* u.d o|ieuly ••••m-* ngaiu-t tnu ScImii.—L« Con,*
me ne
■ Now recaU*etour*UMM«atl if th* United State*
Gavwrnmaat bu i.iucd order* for tb* lakiur do«kw
aioa of lb* ditputed territory in tb* Sum nf AUiue,
and if our Government do not forthwith mitt that
act, th* mkoleita wUfOJKi rodkol *la>, hawing
ihmp»H KmgtmUl
A long and iatamting dabau in rrUtion to the
NaW aattm*ta* for tha prtMnt year took place in
the Hmm of Common* on the ith ult. Several
•paokcr* advocated *a incr*wo—them, Sir
C. Codringtoo- No nucitioa wa* uk*n-
The nathrra of Honman, joined by the mountain-
ear*, bad taken arm* to *bakeoff the Egyptian yoke.
Ibrahim Yacha hod marched a Urge body pf troupe
against them.
.Th* Pari* Nii >nal claim* a m\ior.ty of 21 dtpu-
tkofbr th* oppo«ition out of 27A, already beard
from Tb* M material n*pen, oo the other band,
apeak with eo«ifidaooaot*uxe**.
A Jotter from Pari*, under data of the Ith ult.
X. o'clock.—I open my latter to *ay that, In
Um v*7Tbifbt*t aod beat informed quarter*, it ube-
fiewad that tho «lactioa will hav« been *n much let*
Jo favor of Minltfent Uno they e*peered, that Uwir
retirement from office maybe loolred for. The fall
In Um fend., which took place unlay, will abuw you
that a timilar lmpre*>loo prevailed oo Um Bourar .
With tfaU aumaacr. oo Um
REV. l.utt i.AND IiIlIm
Wo hive nail ad Hu* .noridiand wiitrr. from
Lnnilm t • inmi il -wn ui. « rut -n I nut tin
mum. tit (it might Im* .mi i^ ire got under to igl,
th-> iiiVHitainy laid down tli-tr |H'ii«
m-i.t a> d d *p i r. Indccl. n< thi g >id n r
livu mind and cl uo hiio ti.m cmid k.op up
wiihlum, •« a* to iwkw >ii lu«i Iim* N. h-utieivd
tliemt low lie tliem wa* im|Hi-«elf. I.i- |miw
>'i« o|'Mm-uhead-li w-iv nnl.nii -o 5 h- would
pin hr ut gti ci4.1t or ten rpi lieu m a l.uuili,
-a>'h line rhauging me giHiidcur nf tlie* ilmogli'.
When arr v-d at tin* •l<de it wa* cvideiit liu
wa* Head tnal* cat* ri.i*l ol*j*et», a d w«« tw-l-
ling iittong ill-migiiihcum iiitag-* *d h* f -nej.
Tlir. BANK OF EN0I.AND* .. ,
The lad «|u*rti rtf aertand ut the Dank ofEagMttd
1 il tli d Eel ruary Till, imI »le.e».
CWa-lii, - • • JClMWdJM
llv)NMiti'., • • • lO.'itiW.OOd
. ttaff*
Beeuritlrt, - - • £22,n7 003
UuUiuo, * • • ll.'HO.UJ)
l,*VK*TrnoM Wu.kot Nfw*» tin lln*tu..—U>
tin-ting El *nm. C«|*i. (i'Md'iiy *« Lew f( •• J •
uriro ii'iprr. to E* 1.7*li. •
A I Her from Montevlleu. which nt'id hnv*'
tiecn wi'H-u near lire cIum* of J nuiry. *nre« Hod
varldn* Fri'itcnoffic-T t. id tire »i'*W- d.*r**.g !*• com*
'mill llreu In, .Uirear tire • orenl It*. 110* A
uni I—up into lire WNiei, in r to i»*ren • »u*hI v
|H f-*..i- m ho li'fl Ire-oi iir*Mi nlml Iy |(o-a-. Ant'd
lire ruviig*. id wir Mini uf itrnnnt. u ni- tire Joinal
*!•• Co n ireicio, ill *e act* ol Ihiu *111 um li.iii'HNi.h'
10 hum n iv
. WV fi-| n intention of I! i-nu« \»re« let* lie lure
lMimh<t*ln'd liy lire Er,; Inn **ur H*i* i-p-'oin*
prein, 11 m.iv |i >lv liiv * iok-11 plac •, *.«.» will-
♦'—Journal of t'ummne.
By tire *chr. Empire, Ct,it. I.. S iuiliwirk, arrived
ye.lcrJ iy morning, wo li tv«*received tin* llcrud a id
New*, tire lin iiior 01 tliu 03,li, n..d lire inimr of ton
30.h u.t.
Uar eorrepund -nl of tire «;!i :o nf tire N *w*, u ..
der date nl .tpril Id, «i»v», ••*t"u irer .andee, Cup .
J'oi veil, br*c»e li r .Imfi, South ot N *w S iiyrun,
ami put i.ack to U.n.:*Creek. Id. Co . 11 *.-.,-y, 0.1
drape.iM, going to tbi jMKt* mi tire «o.i Ini ir.l, wa*
inud'ii at E**rt New nmyr.i . G ••*. l ay,or leit 1'ici-
lat 1 mr I'm ukn mi tire 30..1 Ud.
Tu i Cillowuig uKtrret uf a letter ir im an old ami
highly MUvinud re.ideot nf El. r. i t, oil' r. n new
pum fir ruling tire everi.i.liog S*:niinii|e war. Ttren*
1. -out ? puli in it, hui it will .curjeiy Ire nloptnl,
an-i 11 n:l'ipte*l, it • u.t very n *'ient
uu ulior «i( •' «|kirum •tt'* onud Im* viiI.hUiI in tliu en
ter, n.". Wild Cut w.iu.d 111 fio u ternblu ru.i Ih-
lin-u any pack.
•*ST. AUGUSTINE, April 8,183D.
G*n. Micmiiii liu* arrived ut H.nck Civek, it i*
•aid fur the purpuMt uf buying nut th- Iml.ii.i.., 1
do lint know wuat i. the pr ..poet uf .u :ce.« 5 the
guucr d inipr *<ioo Irer-, is tliai tin imli.M* will mu
cum* tun 1:11k; it U reported thil Sam Jure, uad
Wml Cat have d* :mre,l th *ir d 'lerni.iiitiiiii tu kill
tuy um* who vtt'.n** t»t thorn, with oven a pripotm
to ink with tint wiiite*. Allowing thi* to Ire the
, Iiiw w.iu.d it d 1 lie ill 1 G iv.Timml in inv.te
v.iluatiiT. uud-r pr*pcr r '.Inctiuu*, ,t*' that i«
biic't wood* men, cow hu.iter., iucIi pcremi* a*
niv accustumeil to tire wired 4, from tliu iioigbburiiig
Shite, tu come in and in.ii*t m cntchiog tliem at a
certain sum |H*r Iim I firea.dt warrior, wuut-iiiiihI
cliiidiviiiu pr 1,-irlioa, giving don ■lethn.mnfor each
unMi'tim t live, th tt i. given fir o ie d-.troyed; tin*
would .how lium'iiiity inward, them, nnd wonid, 1
have 1111 d aulil br.ugtlio war loucio.e within a ym,
1 believe it i« th- custom nil over tin* woml to olli 1
a reward fur pcr.un«, who arc outlnwcil, nud I Ire-
lieve it i. uniformly 11 .u.:ce.»|iil prnetice. Tin? Gn
verument have mr inly .punt tnidmii* of dollnr. in
tliu prosecution of this war, we see with what sue
; would not policy unit hiimnuily unite in giving
a reward to th i.o who *linm'd achieve thi. nh,ect,
mid <111 tho .cure of economy 1 think then.' can Ire no
We hear flint the Iihimc nf Mr. ItoJlm* at the
brad of St. M ny'a river, tin fire edge of the U‘<e-
Imoitd*, nml wi'liiu .iIhiiii forty five mile* ufTr id* r’.
hill, wut Httue.kcd by th- .nvnge* .nun alter the
withdrawal nf the militia front tha district. The
wilu nf Mr. Itulliii* wire «hnt d-ml, uud Inmsrlli
mndu a Im lunate and narrow e*cape.
A letter liu* been reci'ivnl in tlii. pluce from Co-
lumliiH, giving the cheering intclliseuep, that Co..
Gamble bid effected iliemileul'tlii* Territorial To a|<
for the C nion Dank. This information will Ire n*-
reived through Florida, with a. much jov a. that
which fn.lnwed tire t‘r«t .nl**. Florida owed a debt
nficmtitiidc tn Col. G unl.le, for hi.ellicieul *ervicc»
rend-rnl the country in the |M'riiHl nf her greatest
dretr **, mid wn timv fairly anticipate from tlii* suc
cessful operation lire must favorable clVect upon the
ngd 'iilture, the cumm-rce, and gen-nd prosperity of
our Territory.—Si. JntrpS J‘im■ t. li tk inti.
A I »tter from Columbia nf the l lilt, «uy»t—"We
have hud a heavy rain nud the River is rising. Strum-
bunt, can easily get up. Cotton nrrivmg in very
email niintitie*. prices firm, 131 to ItiJ. Uusiuess
generally very dull and tire mpnl.y”
NunF it,K, April 10.
We hn«i* Ireen |**ilil* ly Ihvoied with Hie l**ll**w ng
etiaci of a Idler, •lin'd
G \UVAMA. (P. R.) Man'll 24.
•*A Giiiioiim>ii mnvid lor u Iim d j- -nu
htv ng Im a d 2Hll bln k*>, II* r iirp.v«il excii.d
iiii e i-*n-hi o , •li-* risk l-'iu * gn*.d.
\ num*i r of U. Sin «•* »•*•.,. L in* i . port. Nm*oic
wl j h nro link'* U iit.oo, |)*icr>re ; I.MmiiI'I.— —;
Mini Adren. Diin'tWHii'i. of mid lor PoiiihimI. lh-
loigFin e . Elen is at lluinicii lumli g lor |'**i •
. To- la!.* I input-e, li.ili*', Iren \or.di>, N i-
r v dai St. J 'In,'* a f*-w d iy* -i.a: — Beacon. U- S. *hl • C in* iiiiiion. C *|i|.,in Turner,
i*.*l tn»-a y 'aii-iit i\ m ■ruing —f.j/,
TheB-ltUll •!*• p of war M-nlete. (.’apt. Kyi
fni.n N*’W Y'.ok. •*ril'h'*nil la llaiup on Road*
the ID'li i..*i.—/Aid.
The l"v—nil** Seas af last iitglr, e*uiti In* tl • M-
• I tl-
tk 4>er it %‘rmrk — We | am from a .in'I* nu-
dit.ri li.on Iti'Oi-vnrt, M n*‘. t»lei an-ved i*« *!**•
riti |i*i. vt tioif. Ilian mi fOpt—• |ns-t| •|.,<-i»l*
hi! |*lire .11 *|i *| ,y enr Ifd.-rnu Ilf. !»*•«. He
Ino.irer, with n m. m*|S to (i ., Eaiti'd. Ih
r p**ii Mm-, tint ila* d*rennH i.l iiml*nii d Mt , di*
ffeorv. IIIMl in inv, I *h-put d i* »iii**r* I**
a lar*r miio* .I here ,*t lie* k* R i*b 'o"k ptnre, ni**i
•Inneoff,*or la d asei.i Mi l. ill- n*il l*» *v -InHim-
•I then* ll potlerl **ilf I It 1*1 -. took |»M**4*i*HI of M l
Hielimlrei iM'I'.nging to u», and killed im.i nfuiii
He d>* n**l riedh tire hIm-v. a4 *Mir pnp-r* -t**l
^--ler- Mii'iv. *| I.y lire l/t-t* 111 miil 'M4» Mvlit make
no m-i'ti.e. of no) il-eg ••) the ki.d, altlen I.
. * '0*4. |. G **ei.*ei E blb'id. whirl, pre-ill Ho.• '*1.
A'i ,'i-tu the *an. i <Uv, Irre . *. • •«! pi. i-n »li ••
is r- 1* uoireihing wiong to the w*n*l.—flotivk
toil OH i */.
of which 1
en bow) w itij, rrnrUA. —Tim.
ATTEMPT to asmsunatk mapahe
aunrf »
■ IIUw*T**M*-
mmWf, aunpoaad 10 b»
x- a. .a- WbUHEtbu holy un, Ire-
822. 'J?5*25**»* tha Utduid
When I radrd upon Mr. Mil), I gen-rally
found h>m with u bo*iu m **ii- hand Mini n pipe
in th ulli'i( a"d olten ill •uch g*-y miiIi t
pain in ki* hack. that. «•• alovii r 11. In* w ud
lav hi* wnn|'* length U|n*n the H*mu-) even
mu |i*..iii..n I hum f**uud hint »oeikiog and
realm*', H- laid nte that be hid read ittitr.
Latin and Greek ill *u of hi* own u .gouge; and,
m areiveraation tie bid with Mr. G ern, l*e
•aid, •• D • vou know, sir, fir th » m*. five 01 ,ii
week*. I l.ave r ad fmni five u'cI.m*, in lire
morning mi'il *ev n or eight t multi t I wreait,
•iter*i.y reading, -ir. wlilhiot ever going on .
except now and then on » • ev l i ig." Ilelo-.k-
e*l pa.e; ,1 43id, "Sr, yon will ony injur** yreii
1 Hi l*y .uch hod study." "Oil, *1 h*
•*d, •• 1 II all am hiiged in do *0. I Iiivu no
pl-a.lire lu wMiking on , milI it n*riipiea inv
mmd| k-sui•*,-ir, y*et know 1 hive 111 my rea-.-
iiigmen in my r *ugr gtti**n. and 1 nuret keep
.be upper hand, I •b.mld not like any of my
rearer* In k*Miw more than my-elf I have
given up ie«dmg m*» lent pnhlicaiutas, ilrev are
so veriHHe Uwt i ran get l-<% hlu« from then*: links one up, I rai.noi Uy it down
lid I have r ad it ihmugh, sir t ttren I um vexed
and ili*«a Ufie-I at th*' watte of iim‘I Iresid-s, 1
ike to go mtlusimg uaU, »ir, »u*l dtittk at th-
.nuntaiu uf kuuwlvdgv.—GardoM-r'a Mu*iu and
It will d oubUcM be highly gratifying to the aumer*
one friend* of tba lluv. Alexander (iordun Fraser*
lat* of BottU Hill, New Janvy, to learn that tire
builaci* which called him to MoUand bids fair to
mult In tha triumphant asutbiuhmaut oC.hU claim
(•(NMoftbafiaaMMiaiMhiibatcutMiry. Ws arc
informed, by a Uucr received I7 th# nv«hrr of Mr*.
Fraser, wire rraides in this village, that on the 10th
Frl ruary last, Mr. Krarer, a. . *H.liug tn the form* of
gouttlth Uw, wa* prudaimod, at Ure Crus* in Edire
burgh, Wirto lb# till# and a*Ulcs of Uw ik/uny of
Luvat,,4Lc. Lc.—Nenalk Ornette.
Coumkr-x or Bai.tim*ir *.*•—According tn I.y-
f >r l’s Price C irr mt, tliciv was m •-msl into Ba,ti
nt'.re during the pi trt-r eudiiig on the 31 d of M ircli,
23,838 lm;» of c».Vi*, fuv.n f ir-ign putts, n..d 1,201
bn» con-twi»e,nt i.t»4css frant f ir-i;u port*, 2,1.03
h1nN., 13(| tier'es, liJlbli|s.,coa4twi«e, 1,348 ulid-.,
1,0 Hi tierces, yOt hhl«; sitpn’ tram far.-igii port*,
2,19.t Iliad*.. 38 tierc-*-, 1.701 .'hi*.. 4d2uoxcs,cou*t*
wire 4, >20 hltdi., 87 bbis./Jt) boxes.
The high price* nfbeof nnt tire lu'ijoct ofuniversa! in tho citic* ofN'-w Yura, P.iilnd dplm.
a id ualtint ire. In tire fir irretty tire butch-rs haw
come to th- >\ .|««r.ninit'toa not tipiy th • ox
rues d'nnnd il by t i • drav vs, and in i'hiin l-Mpli.a
ilispniposed to rum -dy tire evil by nvoid.112 the on..-
sum uiou oflied*. The high prices paid here are
said 11 be in eo wvpnce of a m m.ijxi.v 01 cattle,
whi -h com,m * the buvh*r to pay tire rates d -ma.i-
d'*J by th* draw, or »t without th* m**us of suji-
piyi ighiicaiu n*r». — 1U i nor • ,4 oeti-'t*.
Ixckhdisrix*.—Th-r- can be nod tub*, fnm th"
ma in-r in wureh *r»m" of tire r-*cent tires lnve occur-
•il. lit it i.freiidinr'.etar-a :aiu at work in Daitimor .
Tire sli.nUig olfv of a lirp* r'wirl forth" d’tec-
lion nf any *.f these evild rer*, would, w* think, Ire
attend d with iMnefre'etl - * ire preuc**,—fl .It. A -er.
Tint LaxctSTKR MfRnxn. The Ila tim-r>*
Clirni.i'le of ye»|. ilny ••>%; "We ii'iil r-to.*|
lliNt th- oin.i M-iio wl* irr**s*i*.| on s i«pi.
-I in of net th-m'lid-wr *f 1 (I nnmJ m L
easier, was ex nniired tire M igi-trite-
ye teriliy. and ill-evi l-n- ndli-1 wa* d*** m -.l
-ulH. i-nt to jiut.fv hi* eommi’i*!; siilijii-t m tin
demand of the G .vein *rof P-on-v vinia."
F.ltcvmoi WtUiim Dii'il.p, Jr., etnvi.“e|
of .living ouirl r*'d hi* w.fe w *s ••••ni'e-l **n th
29ih u in tin* yaid **f t .e pn-o 1 at WiIlium •
|h*i 1, Pi. II • dt-ptaydaneiiraord.n*i\ degree*.)
iirmii*«s f.oitt fii*t 10 la-1, hi-eilm.l |M tni**ui in*
v-r v*ni *g Tire Lv **m ng ti a tie stale* H a* *0
the ■ciiff-nl. Ire mid** npiav*r in a S’endy v-ii.-e
and in pr»*p r terms- • h* , n nd*ires*e<| lire »|>ect.*tor
t-acknoMlediittreiii **f the ji|»nce his sentence.
sn*l tin *>ty a.ljii* -*l the run* ..rr»»« tin* I a* *••** •* e •
• d the 11*1*40 *n I fiiinl ti roiled ni* 1 reck complet
ing wuh hu own han*l a .*i *v ih**u *n api-**' *n—'
f Hvp d ttinn, th** pieli'id-i «ri* s to hi* dm'li. Eve-
1 y thing b-ing tliu* mail- re* Iy lire .|i*.iif <**e*ired
Ills arms, dww tire cap. an I die murd r r was
laui.clic*! into eternity.— P ■.Ut/eittii* \il!ki*lt.
A I.tRit CopvTKR/X TER Iru'itih —I
fellow wa- .*rre*te*l 10 It'iroogieo, Vi. .>0 itre 22*1
nil.,luruiieringc*Hin'-rC*it im.ic*. Attire ibneot
Ills airesi Ire wa* *p drei, mh.I off ring ecreu'cer
fen to one of hi- jn.r baser*, can* d *u*i i**.*»n. uu *
informition Wl* given to lire slreiiff, who immedi
ately pr-a-reded |o tha -edging of th- p«i|lci, an*l
exaut(t«v<( hi* ruuk. !• co-itimrel«mU «f* pi'«
re- if suibd linen an I -ev* ret large lumps id" map ••
•Uf r. The slrei iff breaking a lum *, discovered
in lire in*i*leu large nu| id hi,'is. Pnamling with
Id* nsmin*ii**n, be fiumi —v-mI l undrvd dollar
sactMnl lit th* sat** mttttret. Tire iog-wkwi*
OoU.i was r«Mmiite.l and com mi ie-1 f r trial
al the irekt te.m of the Chiu nd-u County Cam.
Dg*t»i or RKvisuta Pint Y..— rire Na-imt
(i trite ui U mure* ilu* dead, il. «< c 11**., lle-jmu n
I’i i#e. aMi'dief iff the lev-* utiofi nud I'remvily tb*
Gut tr..or uf New lisnpbirv.
From >Kr 71* »'»« Dot f Advr li tr of y ttrrday
t n >* iiX'. V *t — v *ttave ».v.‘tv •» ltd ...1 p *
•■r-•••!.- d<l lust. Tire prometil ls'.'i*lslii"
mt *« * i | mi — ion Air Sm.ii h**l it.loalue. d
I ii a i.n*ion 11 Ho* L'gi-ldiv* C* I'Cii *l.'| r. C.111. c
l,*id Do 0 ni’* pi nl r h mu n tin coluiiM's,
h"a<* ill h I, g siati eCon cl-. 'Ibt-pro-
-ei ion w ■• >1 I.*t.',| a |-ngl*i. M . v.woi 10 .I*.-
II im-I din In • n mu prop *—I s **i k il cun. *1 i»-
10 * If ci, ho.g * thil 01 ill' vortex • f
Cmad*in p *lil c-.iind i>* a I pr J-a* it* tiuei len
I*'In:v 10 — pai*He lou'cs from me 11 lli-i
• oonir .
Bit .1 • in II irvuj*. o.»i, r J „>.| -m **oin -i.j H*-
•ri.uigein-nl • y woicb Ho* nulii.irv l’ nv **l M l ••
i*l* Ini Mini Iihwii f. 01111 *«• *li pu *••! I rtmii*, mil
g.Viiig |H'inil -io • loiii ■ mi l i i 1 *| « do .oi'i f n:*—
I lire prut •*'•• o»r*'tiirnioiii"*rlMUi''-.i-j*ii *,i-li***l
*0 III" III ll *1 1*101
I in* m o il** •ara .(.«.*. fr n 111 if x. h 11 r.'liin •
•*.| iro.o n vojn *, win, 2111 •••irn*i- of on.
f'.nm the St. AUtont.. ( l’ . ort ■•hgrrof tpri 1 4
.tl-Mr, nUuMt.i m III.. r.«iixil..R.
I*w.i'k W"-p.k" Ii.oll. o|' nre 1*0. i goo m
oi.."r-i le ol'H*« mm-nn.l n A i>ii <'■• lint I n •
p 111* now mi h iv- ii.**.iiii"d .1 nine -'ll *n« n p c-
.1*1,1 c *u*e.l Ho |tlieexe*ieni nl n .1 .ligu-, in -ooien
I- llni- li iv.* li en «. y t *1 ti i s 0.1 tills -ide o| llir
lue «i hui m w rek pel.
O K*1*la> jnJii ,n-i. lire 29 ll nit . * large barn
a id *n*il, di** pn.p.iiiy of Cnpi Ciiar-e- M.lei ••
•S . Arm in •• *%e«i. Men* 4 r \. *1 •** lir.- lojeil- i
wdinul 1I1 ircoiit.ii 4. i-ung **f 4'igln h t-e*.
•"I Mi. ,I.H' \ *k" o|* X II. five C.IIV* Old 11 Cole
-nl * tl*li- «| Holiiv of liny, tin me night f *l mm log t
Oir.e him. ireioiuing 1*1.1 dill Birr K *| . n llife
*t«t-,Coil .lining i- r * .on' **f it )'. w i* )• .no And
on lire nigiii n.lei, a ..irj" I*u«, •■l loing to 3 I*
•S lull *, K *|. in IlipuS e Ohio -g Iwr ive in .-
f ii y. ,va*.| 4ir v*'d. I'lins oiaki - thi'** fir*-in
Hove -u*'ti«'*sive nunis and -iv*i *1 in ill •».«itn- *.d
*•1 ill** no .
Tn'Ci u.'ii* of Hi *hg *le. l-'ing alum-I >»i tire
Ini in <g o| ,\| . lit i*- oi n, >i iv-kept a wiitfi nV •
.neic ,*rop -r*; every n pi m*c-. U» t.t *wn
nii:li m il .tl . S nmi'4 ••*. i w i- nun ,
w* n- oi id** l*y lu • i ice* npm « v-va u .e#«
on li i« .nleo ilf line; ltd li*idn.g *b oi tpnrl***i
11 ej Hi l u ,l N'-com.'iis i so in n'll a- me* •• liw* wo**
would, A M . Uicmvi, eliowa-wt t\reio*k.«d
hIhmiI ii a h.ii'duig-, mh» tii• si upon i*y thi*'*' m*o
Willi Ilie l.oal 4 .iiol.i'i Clip- *• , op Ml w|| on n
retunnilI.n* tire, ult with nil .tic. Al i r
pi ice ii g mg M-r-sido • •pm.ieiu ij >•>' (i. ip in o
wnoweie wmoi ing-listde h imrn At wtnwie pr.-
pu cd in give tin- .issaii .ins a warm ive* p-inn } lit"
Moineo ir *iii l.*e li ei-e, m*w v , |mt*'*'i mg h a*
•ppioui'iili g. vo- :f rw e«l •* u I.y, " I ll i* 1 • ve.iill .
meie Hi* y com !” wliun tuo maisndei* huh i**
dn-ir hens.
T *e people of I liahgut • an* mo I arm il, md keep
il,. tt itnlen M.iidl will not n** In er llleu
WillieIluog' r is -Ilp| il OUvisl. Til V aie i-sl •
I* d ii soul.' extent **y v.iiu.i:*i-r* tr *m <*eia ih • nu
owns. A •|i***-i.n ui -seng r iu»%7*-—••• * in l • It »
e.n n 3**ii-oii, anda**n to Ilie c*nom.i.nil. g .*lH.'*'r *l
Pm i4i.ura-
A puhoc me- ting was 1 • Id at ll'ghgnte otiTn-*-
•lay. We Into III it ivs**.n i *..-, e\ afls-i.u *n
•Irong iinlumiiion hi the oil r.ig.-soi enirer -i I" **t
the, weiepii-sed, a*.d a d"ieniti*ni io i mil-
le-nl ui li'tiei ***n. *1 l-y a*y mails pin-ica'il**.
die p i|*e|it*l**is. Poll |C sent on* n I- —.ling vciy
-Ir ng agnin-i li.ecnn nti'S.iin ut'-ii* h enures a* we
nnve u-uiirileil .timve, mIi-.Ii r 110.11101 -ondnn'tU"
/Vein the Hur.i. ph n Vrru.uHt / * rf J'rrtt.
Thing* arc in u sad state ut ttm North. II trlly
a iiigut pastes without burning uu one sale or nu
ot in 1. Uu 1 r.Uay ut fast week, a hum mi ■ J
owi.« u hy v.luru* All in r, of at. .truM.*d w»iv uur.1.11
down |o a «'tui r muii tin ir,COMsO-tai^ «.|"i^tii
horses, i* 11 cows, iwuoxi i*, ruivts, a..u u nir^e
(plant.ty in liny. '1 ue Missiakoiit Niilad ml say's Id u
.uu ,M*cp.irat.n's ei tins act wvivir.i.vd sewra,uu..)s
In the U.nction ol dMuuton, l.ut that ••ispieiiH. d res
l.ut *.\ U|iM ai*v one in | As a main r of
coursi, mis l< d lo n tuoulioi.; m.d oil tnc l.n.ow...;
n e til .ttOuitHK wirebnr..ed.intlnss.i.(t—nu ot w.d -h
wo iH'fit vi, nus mvunl hy 3ohu burr, EMj.oftii^u-
jjule. '1 w «compa..ies 01 the lii^la^at*- lui.-i.a were
uud* rar.ns on Al md ay, n.ul a ^eot,einau who cu.m*
tli.vm^n on ruo.-d 1.., .rat4•!« td it ex'dun *al w re
ui its mutest pitca. »V.) fur.h r teumthu tluin
cendiaries oa lius siJ.i were 1.1 o ie 1 <sta-.ce r.vM,*
uued us uo.'M^i'ij to in.* v.uu .leer Tu *y w, re
otvd upa.i, and r-'tnr 1.1I ms sa n. but wduout u..y
effect on either sid .
Fr on Ih>- H ntinc'on S -n inel *W i««*.
IVc ieura tint u *ar,pj uum.a'r of a.bdivits have
been uavo, wmch go t i fi«teu toe p-TpeintMui *m
the two ,a*t iHli‘.iUj* at ili^u,atu im wa itnu.ilpar V
of the Praviacia. rc^ nnve siu;ni.Hii al Al.ssis-
quo flay. I'll.-y ar. 11 id.-rstrei.l to Have been red »».<
t. y u.i ii.ticcr tr.i.n Mmiva., pripa-iy despuen d
I'.riue express purp.iw by o.r J.nia Co,bur—.
Sreverat I uds *u arms .ruin Ure L*. S. Arrenal at
Verpjn uj, p 1 tie-I t.i.’ u;ti; is 1 .ester tty in irai.ig,
on iac<r way to tuo irontur, tor the [>ur,re*e u< arm-
mg Uie itn.i.cJ.
tie... A it.i.of 5:. Albs >*, hi* called out a'nnit
20J .n *n u u.t ri.'i a mu w.» • *rj rear.* w.-rc p.aci d
u, *o., tuo tines on ty n.glr.
From Hr Itoif rf ((.* un.) Time'.
E«*#hit.vL P.i% 1. C*•.. l.v.N-koA.
Nt.cT* IT
T 1- Gin*- Col- lip. . lire O in*M‘rntie pap r* ii.
•eviiilofm &»ai* • I • ns*v. tnm me Ian- 01 ic .<•
non till! —y—10 n piir-.i *1 i.y me Eelca, ding
wnei l i*. iiwvitn 1 1.*< c— •< an *w wireiii r nay
ntiio • ly pure m proicripti. n
a d dretr , ni|c»s*oi
Ui lire lMc.dv-1 ••
111 mui wt-ie swop
• in .
T 1 o* are—v n'j-twnjudges of
iiy—4*ven *d winniiw. v .cm.wc
e 4'im L gls a.U.e
T tom'.nr*v on
vth**e I.y lire la-i L gi
ld* t- C*M|II-,
. e .•m.wnl ly *m* -nli-
ponKH .van. y.
dl O.nU pr »o.i wo.e t* *
ill v d ...» die same *
Wo..oii'.i know ilie *'X .C nnni!i-r f jo-tnvs .*.
lire |M'aiv pnmeti nl. loo—in ir • w • w *.i|-, hm
it en nu* it tmy *mn llir r li.mdi d—«m men.
.en la.l tire om-I Ime.iif■ III and t indent m.^t-
oi uw Maw.
Tha Huirt*‘»trr Genera!, one of the most c>-
ums-ilo ut.'ii tu tue dull, was rcin-vcd. to mtv
P«ace mr ouu ut Uie ttiuny a .repb« w u the " Gov-
•.o r and Coin:i a d<«1 • J*u»..'
fa.* jdl.tonm ,*»t »nc 4:»iiii».tb Stic di-vr-
tors ijo4u«a, and Uie bank coji.iu».juir.', were wi
ry one rv tnowd.
Coin:u.ssioncrs on nad-, br.J»c*. ferrie*, Jc •.
wb rutlti to were Dtinoeruis, wvre swept aw ay.
Uo cannot siaw Ute precise uumrerot oiucer*
who wvim m ti • Uu v,cuin» ofr'cJ.Tu m, ihu-k
at a great sa.'rmce ol tn-? pu aic interest, but tb
uo.nm r cannot be less Utaa six or s«*vcu o.
every grain witbui tncir rvn b hu b is, a.w ays
uas oc—u, Eedcrousut ui Cnauecl.cui. Wucu tire
Lk-mocmu hr»l enure into |hini r tu Uiishuie, ttrerv
were bu; t'-Hir of' Ut :ir nu uner in th»liu n.>< outre
oljustic ol'Uie pe*-*r, and ouc judge ol pronatc, md
of ul the civil omeers in tire htau-, being about one
isaod. For twrntydivw years th-y were exclu
ded trout all oihces—crom the bcu« b and to a greal
extent, from tire jury box. U:ber Mate* b iw ts.arj
nfproscrijitioire—we tmee/e.ii
HI Un* matncut.uot um va in llirtfori is pcr.ait-
ted to tmld any place—at serve a, • wsirb-n» i—to
receive etnpl'iy a* a IV-ir t. wbo is s Jrmj.roi.
TtfRtVIXU WaitC*.*—•« • Jns-jdl Haivc*. nf
Pun 1 ii'i. nii, wa- r**.»oiil wml*- *•■•—p m to-
4 Alan C. ff'lrx*,*! N 3- "I $17£ 10 Cnb.
ei-i a g<4 I proeil cas*-. int ^a'uidiy m.nt ln-t
D'-euv* ring lire ru14- ry *•* dre m a mug. -u-j.ilrum
J •* on ..n of Hre wni'^rs af Ims- nam'd J.diu
T. W.» n«, wins was among lb" •nre.'Og- Pm-u.i
•a- 10.itre 1 laic 1 Ire war intr d to t*.is ruy.
ud o.|sf -uy RsU lired. c-re-isl**. ■■) tb 3 1 W .rd,
'Sireilcl ill arresting Itre fu.duv- ■> N *. -1C *u l-
.and -iiti'i. wlreie Ire I—•nd *!*•• prus-ij-l pm •
In- on nay u )W ui in o. II- 11 .0 ruo-mly 01
•In* muHmmI it-* td S' • J rssn, lolM.rind lu- U*
offi tree tu Piu#c*1iisi.—A Y Bra.
But»h*at Ltaa.—TW fnBnwittt ww »*W»m
Avan l>f EnnkHn'* Abnattaek. pfflidred in 1784
utre war affir the ro.eJasioiiofthcTrraiynflNacr.
d.-setila* th" •iMitnin of lh« North—a*b ra l«*uid*ry
*■ it w«* oimF Morel M thil tim-. It will bn sent
dial tb- line i«th" Mitre as that which ba* been n •
ri'i.tijr rlaim*<l hy tb- AM^titanautboritirr.
Ik- - in- •■ •• N t Mi, <0- MU- 11 tMiire,
III,.. ,M r h to ill" lilili.'and*. lir-l draw t tlg'd •i-'l
I h. 1, w—tw ml a mif llwn* huhlmd- *'».H»I d|
r.iilrewauhil what strvaore with 61 Liwirnoear t
Tlren b t |i |'*urt»- H. till il m-«»- in it* r*nirre.
( ..1,1.111 ir 11 Ru* 1'* im thw-«l* r mint-nune,
TInu dow 11 di" -ml riv-r. imiil il airivw
\i d*'gMo*s i.f N nth Ltti u*l". fo*tva*tl fv t
I'lren ww-iwaid. wu-illai-d. a lore h-t-i
nt*f -.
Till il st 1 ike* lire gn*nt *ir-n*n from Oataii lake.
I’rom the Liv ■rpnol Mrrr*>y </ Morrh 8.
M *tk or I iiAitx.
\ ottKMItiir.—If.i'in •• *i mumed d ill nl tere.l-
m*i un ,.*n|, ill ill-* el-i h bill* and wareh'Hi-ra
aid im* stii'W- w.'i- nreiva*iiig. l'ii , i«UrtvM im-
il* r» h v , h M* irr, Ih* n g wo not f.a a mv e.n li*
■n 1 *n it a -al- nl I* w *11 • i V. Winch w**n d k* e
h" oia"*i ic.ii'ors einpoy'd I••• •••me line', |i
•lie lor ig ' W'l *i rtii'kel In u* w i« 110tin •mvomet,*.
•nu 10 lie K t.l-h in ik.-t mm* r* • ff c*iil
•t l’**rm r|irci*«. Ai IV ike -1. w*i*l 01 nki t
r'lid-.y. Hi i" w * 11110 iteiia ah mini, -*t er 11
10- ig nr -h*nt wim*. A* It w-l'i, y. h'-« h*,«
wi*done th•„ 01, h" prevniu* iiii k-* i|i\, am'
• 1 Icio any -tr, is* in |iii*i-*. At Hra.ll' r I. ••*.
f .ii...I iv. r*ih**r n"in* tm lire-'« w •• d*ore i.i th
11- ii* muk *n,* it .11 h |<rr « a- wood birllt
•*p*.n*— I'm* *t'*t*k« Tlren-mi* „o nnti rid nu-m
•1 ni ni III* vun iinrk.'i. fire M-a* inirk*t wo.
mire* li in . 1 rii'uimy 10 the mi Ml ■ and I**mi*
11 dill •. A lliro-n-y l.i-n- wa* a r*u| ileonm*'
.rd. ,i*Ih i-, 4>i*l weiv'-r* 01. t will, mod rn e em-
*.*•y '-«• in hil hi tier.
(. |C ST R -IV unoitMih A v* <r*isil ha *.
min . !'.*• « ek *. two, been inii*il*i*'iil ini*
ll • M»icne-i-r oi4ik*'l li**m % ax*my. *1 a l**w* i
•••• ilmo Urey c* .Id'—In I front the L'irv«i*
nark'i —I 1 Hire we *,ny • diic-rn tie- sign- of tin
*«tt I’lti* i« Uw* 8r« w*n-t"d vlir-i, we l* •
.i.-vv, wh eh ha-lsi'ii i*in.»-|>ie*il t t,- mn.y,
dl h.*i*« lrei*i*-irr l*a- «*n*p icl tire wIi**l" eoi.n r-
will it. Mini III- con-reii ion has Is-o in ciel n
1**—Is 11 lone Coll.'ll nm| i|,r* n I ** H.ero-
•*te • of win ‘li, delivered i t L- icester, is the -am*
1 Hre-u.n 11.1 d to ill * w*» kmcn I’oii in 'In- e*nn*-
uy an* coin no ly intUNluliil iolo warehiMi-vr
in ihi- tow ..
M A veil/tTK’t. ,V rreA C —The impr vnl de
muni Mhnii In r cent ly minif*t"d it e in tin
I.i «-ipn ll e*i|io I III 'ik'1. Ii!|. C"UI d a du i led 11 •
•n n-- o' iIcoi'vihI Iren*. *oeh .or c-il- aat**l vnri :
in*l n »'*••%,ll** - tuisiire • w is d"li" y* -le.-
I iv. ni adv inivd on,vs, mi alnio-t ev» ry nrticle 1
he 01 ,rM". 11. 4 )'s 11111!" v *i n. w li eh had ln-ei
•n*\int-l\ mui'h d -ivs.fil. i|,< n* w an adtrate*
••'folly 1 ’ |“*i di.. Midi n soinwhat -nmlji in-
rownt 'ot up .1 lire o -di-iirv shinping nu hirers o
v ii'-r t«» i-i. In powerli** m p*iu im* c.l*eh gen* ml
•v. Hreie w s an advi ce o. 3 I to 4 j I p. r pi e-
II | i'himI I Hill lo I 4 I trervNid on In-avy shbiing-
1 ,.| hen ‘-lies. No iil,-t-,nd ng this impuw.
n*ii. Imw-'Vit the s.dniKi a».d niainif.icii.n r an
doc* d (»N the H.lvace in cwtiuw in wlnini tlw* *wnv
I <si'i ei a- tint in nh ch iln-v *nnwl 4-1 neck : Hi
•o-ine-s f *o'l, is-tid onn*mo<reraiiiig; and, will,-
II a Is*1 irer im *r 'Veurent in g*-»l- nn-l yarn,
men led liv nnt ine,ea«e in th*' 1 nvnl pun's ol
••,»li-n* m ill be no ti tnptitti»n t*» rvcoinmenv nil lint".
Ilu'ltaiu 1'L‘MMt. Marxct. Mondey.
M net, 4 — I'o-n- is ih* iiii|*n*ve*ii ot in h" m irk"
•id v. Ihi'il *nn .d h *• lre-'„ stinll, nod ill s*e
1 • bed —Ttren' is iioehaoge in the w.Nii m oke*.
Silk 7’*v« /- — I'll" Silk ital- eontoures vei
risk, 'iii.l li.ind- • feveivd"*eiiptiuii *fwi**kl>H«
I'd ,-iiii*I '\ni"iii. Th ie is n ve y g mt deniaiei
1' r ‘n- svins.
Cult n Fo*t*rit • —This w**e'. mi v of thernl
i »n *ni I- 01 'Ire neigh **»r..ig lioviis h ive iienm
•*l mining sh ri Hm *. e-p. cialiv in lh*i*n nil
vlreieiliry spin f*r* xi»*nt.
Fro a the -V. Y Uo-nmorri tl. of I U\ fits',
UtVi: l CVN'ADX.
I*t th* pntvinetii II-ium*of AstemMy. on the 13th
»:* M trtb. \ p -ttti-t.i vv 1* pr»* -utnl persons en*
fnr.vulvn» trvl* on U'vm Hum...
Kri«, •» id O itirio, for the ptssap* of n law to pro*
•• -at Hi • tr 11* fr i n Via* in u i.nilixwl hy Am *riean
* *S4 *|v, x 11 fir x 1 ft r*strictinj the nnpnr.atiou of
* ft fr • n t is Uailed States.
CPri v*.e gxv* n dire of a bill to prevent aliens
nl ficigaert fnn pr cti*in* as civil cn r iuccrs
■viiltia the pravin'i**.
M •. G iwx.t gxve notice of an adlress. declaring
th- r*t It t-.*s ofth • 5I*mmi to 1,1 the common cause
with th* '* ;x*.lxtt N *w Bra iswicVr* ’ n;n\nst the
"v.nleit nil uiu*t ar*rv**ioii*" nf tin* *ta»e of
Mlia*—wareh 11 |re»s was su'isequeutly iulroduc-
cd .xjrcrd r.
Fto*$ ,k‘ AT'a.-a/ea // told.
Tit' mm T.*n tr-i tide future thxt the political:
p*ct of U,ip-r C laid 1 presents nt present, is Un’
•Ce.reru pr valence nf a feeling of d 'spomlency and
l.stnKt, «r in many cum**, of ind.ffrn nro to tire
•*our*c *ifeWilts or th* fxte of the pr ivinre. Thu
siflt x f"tin; can bc..u-tifi**d eitb r by our pa*t his
tory nr oitiire pr ispccts. tnxv well Ire d ailunl; hut
tint it uxlciiMvu.y prevails we hiw tm*pi<*siinna!>Ic
'vid -.rce. Even Sir George Arthur's d"s|*#*cli on
tlie Uax.iC"* ol'th* privinco Iretrays it. And we
.ia.i* h i»rd of al mdin-min among tire reformers
*vii.», when roar T* o 1 th- pr*diabiiity of a nev
•'lection, said; •• I shnir.d like to see oire election in
which 1 should take 110 intercs . 1 would stay at
•tome outvote at all."
But ra ire Una n.l Uu* is shown hy the prepari-
tious that are making foremigrnting fmm the pin-
vinec. We hive heard of several persons in tins
.lei.b i.rbiNHl who haw d u nninid to leave Ure
c<ai.,lry at any cost, have off Til thi-ir farms at
much res* Unit In.f vn.u". And there arc many
tlmikix^ids who woii.d hmve the eniu.iry, if th*y
i-.ii d mx're arr i.igeni"ills for it without im-urr.iig
too ^r ni a sa'rifai. Wh-nwes-e many a tliou-
sx ds of tit - Am ricans year y Irnvin- the Eastern
n*r ihe W"*teru ».at"s. m* reiy in hope of Irettering
-ireircireuinstaaces, we uctil not Ire sutprlud that
• snu.iar *1 »,re prevails in L’pp>r Cunnilx. in wrliirh
so ni my nth *r |Minvriiil causes arc add d topccuni-
iry r.'as-His. Tire irear a-d c rtain pr *spcer ol' ad-
d. i * tax tlio,, u, some Jnpr or oile r mxy have
Us inliu ‘net. In ibis |Mtini, wc think that more ap-
,u\ h nsiou is tcitth in need be entertaiueil. If the
mil..try were pU 11I ui.d r gwal gov. r..mcut. il
wnuid s.MM»ur nou-t its present ddlicuitie*.
Tricblc ir Nuta Scotia.-We have received
•run nor ilaii.axcom*s|axni*i.t a Nura Sv'otian 01
dre (ib twstaol -iwf d w later than the advices
• Mi 4 lit u* ye»ti rdav in the Boston |op-r . From
it we p ara Unt a conisiou ha* a taut sprung up In
Jwxi'u the LegisutivrCiauM'itaml the Houst* uf As
s is b.v, wla.h apjarars tu haveeauwdsonic cxcit -
The Assembly, representing the people of the pro-
viuri, bos lung treeu at odds with tire; m.d
de.cj,a.t> were appointed ly tire form* r. car.v in the
session, to pni'etd to Eu^mud, a..d ,ay the griev-
auces o»’ the Assembly before tin. Impanui Taru-
U.i the 2.1 of March an appropriation of £1000.
to p*y the cx{reuses of those d .‘legate , was tutrudu-
« d 1.1 the II luse, nd subsequ *nuy pa»p* d. But in
h'C iu.n'1.. Ure amiii^-r.auou was iregauvid; and
■^d ‘maud w:a» made for J-tegates to be •* nt by the
Cminci.. Ih mijdu the liouse appointid acinn-
.'nittectorxaiuirretkatjimr.ial* iff the Council, a..d
see wlist resmutious iud passed that Inly. This
-'omiuiUte report' d that the object of the’Council
wa* to send d -legati* wire skouJ dcfcul its present
‘*. a..d o; iNise the plan ot n.ii *n reemn-
mend*ii hy L**rd Durhim; and thcr upon the
House adopt* *1 count' r resolutions—pas*ed a vote
•ff credit for the payorem of its own delegates— and
«cnt it tu tbe Lieutenant Gun ruor. This was 00
he 3d ot' AprJ. Oa the same day the Lieut. Gi*.
vernor -"lit a message, refusing to adtraree the n o-
a"y, the vot* of cpilit out being sancti on'd by the
Council; and uzuscdntdy thereafter closed tbescs-
This i* the state of tb" cas*. as well as we can
mate it. 11. We a iars tire remarks of the Nov*
2b*. Kixa, a* showing tlw effect of the Council's opposi-
OrLEXATMR OR wo Du Z'.xJio* !!!—It win be
srenbytti* pubiica-toQ ot'the a-revr preceediogs,
tbit a d*sp*rateattempt hu been male Ly the otS-
-aal p »rty of .V »ra Sc *Us pr ** eat th • people fmat
sua o-ttiug tireir eou.vMat* to Her Mauser, by dc-
tyin-tatbe d legates thr meant of peoeuhng for
th-ir necessary expenjf*. E*rry sum that tlretr rr-
preteaiatiees could u'<» Im been Utea-emy e%.
ertion hxs beea mid-. It is (ot tilt people cow to
•ay. shad tb- d desut’, go oeuty! Wid thus* who
(lira Wa 4 -ared £103 J trom to* pa nic Tr tevrr,
which i* rb *ir <ws, to tru.7 muihx Ore frwtareg t» s
•vtftra t'ix* annasJy r»,» ffa*;o of ‘It outodt, mi*
•nituu-ly tusudis 4 •**..•*/ *31 tu-y r-sin V»
those uu*u nte be/o-J tlw umuAof the
We have files af lire K'kt flaaHte Mfcl Mnrtdkg
l*.io«rei. •mb *-,l.ii-t**-H at KiBrstow. futtw i|re |-t
•• tire 14 h •••' M «teb IoHhsHs . Tie it nmtetits are
pi'ie wtuntni-^bar. Mug principally din NssWre* «4
»*a»t* !• 11 stiin* ly l r.|*« In Ire innsHM'Is to
*0 MhI'H. of hertinetey |t ,«# nf
• In* l'H*i*'* mml d"l*ai* 31 aial ntMi'lirt U a .li*|.oi"
*■1 Mu n Ure invent**-. Sir I.hhi«-| Hntith.aial some
•f Hre runt,'• V miri-trao *.
Tire f.ffiowii g |*ara(ia|4t l* qwsi-il In the K'tif**
•re J W'tMil front ih C**t mm all chronicle. Wed"
•i4 ni"|. isiHitl it veiy e'eat'y
Informat.o.i listing Ireen e.mveyed tu 'be officers
of lire (’u-iom«al l.inrea. that a Im'amine bail
•mun -re n at anchor in Rkanlj Jlntr. fa *mall Ini-1
•••lire wIicIwumI of KigriMfur •rirnil d ,v* nn offi-
•ir wa* ib'4|'Mirh*d M*"i lay in take t.oc* a on
• Ire follow l»g div, (Tn.'.iLv ) and prov"i| tit Ih* tire
'•rigamiire Dcliele. fo*m New Ibilford. I?. S , out
n a whaling vtivx*"."
Ilv p,*idnitiaii*N , i—ml on the 8»h of Mareh.
•In* I (oil*** iff ss ml.y mm* failli- r |inniico*i| mibe
*G»lt iff Anri?g "liv wliieliiim -ay* tlie Jmin*
,l,o «.' -In lknow wlretlrer II*r Mwj**stx*sgov rn
•0"l.l lia»" -il p**mln| the legis alive f'll.clioli* «*t
•Ii* in*o|'Io ,1 tlii*"*"tntty orn*n.**
Tl*** e isp r* liav.* ve y li't e to *av alrenl •< e i|**-
•„'«'le rti'n'ilion of t e^ *l:iinl, bin suclt nccounts n«
•Ih y are un tliewh.iV f v*ir,liL*.
Puen*i« t»a**er* *•• J *,'iiir* 2fi I, have been
ne* iv.**l, l.v nu ir r r m Mo* t** V dre*.
T' e bbrekrele' v tire Fr nch **«* still r |un«i-W
-••ti *,.*I. In* H*"*i* l.i'l li**",, n*> iMimltar-tmcn'.
Th • 28 h •• Ji*mrv wi*the 3U*itlt day sin*i* tire
, •re't'oli* na* e niftreimil
The * i-i m cat on of Governor I?*hs to »he «le-
uu, ** iff th • Fro* 11, u ns *ii«*ntii4 d, with great un-
•■liwititr, la lire |.**. ulntore.
F*ii"'o*i4o Rivera, •••" l'n*-i I n* »»f ih" Oriental
I n* lilie, l.'f' Mi'h'e V *l^o**n *h"27'b of 'a* I,nr».
0 bea * i*f r*e* in »h" |»mv| re iff Kntre Rio*.
v*"'*e |1."» Mamrel ll ih., tin* 'a ** Iheslbm*. w,s
•• .le •* I*.ing to ni-** anmlcT a mv f*n an 11 l"tno| t*i
-'Cain Hre •o***'*»n *rv. Tin* F*"i*ch were acting in
1111c tl wH. R v. rt.
From t * e Jin mat of Commerre.
Y*ni ar» aiuho* 5»**.| 10 state thil tire consul nf the
'* ■*»—.1 States at M'Oin*vn| •« ba.| pm-estetl agaiu-t
b G.ivernment • f*lie O'ien*al Republic. f**r pT-
•0*(ii*g the sale of n.-.p."IV in Ills l»**rt. Ire|,*nging
'*» e*»lx",i« i.fih** Ibiiod fftntes, nml seigrel ill ga -
'v bv lire Knoreli b iM'k’olmg *q 'adr n, wi'ldn III"
ur sd‘rii**:i iffilii* e ,*iil>lir.—said »ir*erer*v ba ing
Mi-n «oM *«• piil.|i.' aiir*i**n w|'b*n*t trial or ceaffcat-
ifl'i"*. an«l s nreiiniied t*v sail G**v* rn • cn». Tin*
•«nsiit tils • preii*4t,il Ngninst Hie French for Laving
»* i*"d lb- »a**l properv in ill" waters under ill"
lit* is,| c‘,m .if a m noal irewer. and selling the same
witlnee trinl erem.,| m**at : i>",
(TTT) e • rarer v in n.-ilin*i wasenntieril by the
('furl' 14 m'l. « *oH»'F.xs'M’ird of Mn'tiii ({•• ciu
l-lnnd. in d**r >h" aliimiaioiiiif i|,U R" iiblie. and
niildn three miles of lire BnoHa Orientnl roa-t.
I'pvisnwKiCT n Rhodk I St.\\It.—Tlie
•lenee Courier nf v ester div, nMuding tntbe late »titsl
•i",l e»*iv*r'ioit la man named nenjainm, formal-
-laugli'cr. «avs Ire was sen'enetil to five vears «i,|j-
•»4V eiinfinewrenl ni hud l iinir i** 'h" S ale I’.-n-
tientiarv. The lie of the S'ate makes mnn*lHi, |»-
'it taim-bable w'uliimiiriso'.ment mil exceeding ten
years, ai ih- di-ereilun of the C urt.
F-r ihe inl'.'im uion ofriin-e w|,o are unacquaint
ed will, Sime IVsun ni-ei|iline, and to hold io*i s
•,’r*(ii* is a pr-*r.'lifive ,.f crime. « e give a fai - t **n»-
•'•a of a few of the ml"* aiLi|*ted at the R1i.n1" l-lnnd
Th" eonvVi is taken ta a prepira'nrv room, wh-w*
Seis Hiv* «*ei| f).i«r' thing lie ist|,"ii*'i*i li.'*l io
•he onii'orm of lie t*t**--r>.mikI |ui« l,is h"e*l -l.av d.
Me is now I .1, b iii.lfo , .| l * lln* door of lb- cell a*
* • llni Oi Liiit. inrnrceiNitil in ih" e- II, ntul lor* nl
op. T 1 * * * V * * * * X e oris-teo I-tints lot lo the win Id. Hi*
■"ore 4 no Ini'giTknown in 'In* estal-H* nrent. a, d
•ii* •- tl*'sigiiai'd nn'v Lv lire mim'-er of h s cell.
F,oni tlii- mn,in*tii, dor ng ih** trer : *» 1 of Ids „•
*ii**iii. In* is tiiliiil I nne** • monienii n wiili nn\ vie*
(.••I tit— k*—iu*r. no- tob**li *'d i)i» t*o*on or face* I
nlrer . I lei* o,|i *•• lal-ir io hi*r*l , indlbal and
•I" Hub Scriptures "ons'itute Lis d v* rsion nn-l
means of 'ns'riH t 01,
Thi**e wrbn w*nild xvoiil •m*|» a living dead ,
•l.*"d • .1*01.1 ||,e pub that Lit Is to i..— Boston
Com 1 in.
M • j**r .1 o'k D w ing m v, r n*a I" «i
•oiU" skivwil rviiiir t nu, npirenr- ir Ins |.i-t o|.i-.
•*'’o'M'h * g «nr lie says Ire h *sal- nys m* i.-.-,|
le t lli*e*"gniti war h r»res uhn a-e eyi rm*i»e tall-
eg of twing tl-e ItiA >lio)>iff tlretr blinl int'e
witvnflntt e. me mu ri. g c»n fnl I,u.t they spill
timers'.—/ hi’ finz.
U'Clkh C |>A| Jai K CADE.
Tire N.iiioonI 1 tel igciaii ol tl,i> m**ri mg In* 1
hi iicieaievii'i tlio mIiii i'ca Is ‘l.ii-.F a*. Ism."
wbii'lt it tepieM M- as ciiiIhhIii il in MUR-r AH'-
J.:rh 4 'n./r.—
SHAR>r. sr'« J.n-k Clide is. it seems to iu, -n'li*
• ra •• |u"« 1, ii'imi of muii ot ll,e pitnc |K* s ufmini-
ill " U l.igeiy,"
" My 01 ), , whs „ Mniiimi'r." says Jnrk. *'my
mo L r a I* aolagaiM'i, my w.iledi cended iu tin- La*
Ib're we fid Jirk iHui-ling Ids cm portion w ll,
nobility and r vnliiy, ji,-(*as nnal'.tn W hie-si •
wl,* „ niiiong 1,« m-t |v* s. and Mirer, tlrey cmii find
•on inn* silly "innigl, to dsit'fi |o till m.
^ " Vn| imi | am—I am ible to t'i,il»re much—|
l"**r,i t'lrer smo ,1 ni*r lire, R.* bravo lire,,, fury nn r
CHplidn is b' *»f. ami » m - rrfiirmntintt.''
Hum It ueli III s is like lire S|ni «I, s nf re, tab,
Inugailirio ULigs Congress. \\ c -mil -not
m min,1 ,m*n*iLeitader's mennny Mill su plv
lem 1 ’
"There - Lu I In* t o money."
lln* lit e • xin'tly. To wlmt do nil tlie
ff*rl* ol || H . ll Itta-M Inal, I U' tu Ii nte the con, |.\
wait* 01 a -I >imIm ,1 or m- asiin* nf vnlin—lo I hi i-j.
ionl iim.-ilth| |....v. uiMiiht tubing Imii pi|-r 7
Jack mhi it tb M \ ni*frie,.i| iu tire •• Specie Hum-
b *"
That Ire was a rtudial siipptnier t f Ire 44 emli
y '• m." is i-twitt Ir m Un f dlowing i-as-ugt :
"• My ""d nil n-l, ll wegtttuCnt-uiisiilp,
a dt.k up run.mod t 11 b.l a f
••C.’aile. Marit, iin-sii.t.).
•* \,l. Ob,ate!"
II ,e wi- fi „.| ami w'l h'« comrades suppoy
icg tie- |im mm I r.niooiy of tire Nntional 1,-
; it. 'lli r »lmd!s»mt rrm,rev, ,.,.<1 wowil
nk*' Up ei nimiabti. s , n mi, bill..’' 1 |,e, r* dil s\s-
'* D t'kafi.v U l i g iy ut the bark bom ! Ami v* 1
li EoU'-r ul im- (un iiii* loi-r wwt r. to It ve this
•uo.i iv*'np|*o,N nt ofm -al ie m •linn-, ami « nli.i
•••|*| oftet „| •• 1, *jnIi ni " t- gn d,i| as ,',|>
ml mg ib* split ot •• InamFianisn !’— [ftMe.
_ A SaocR'.RG f a*e.—Mrs. John Cnzrens died in
New W- a. Si:unlay, and the r suit nfa pt t'nsr*
/e«* examination he.d Ly Dr*. Nichols. Grimm,
Elli«, W al'rrs ai d Lot stein, indun d the fol.owii.g
vrrdirt; that the deceas'd camp tohrr dia'lily vir-
iei ce iidlicii d 011 l.rr person by St n*in us Hunt' r
whi.e in anemia ce upon h. r a* a pWi. inn. He
was iu corns <ju.ncc amsted at.d cunimitttd to pri
IJuntrr, it is *ad is an empirie.
Si'csR Crop, or IVx.vsti.tavu!—^The Wa h-
ngi n P1. Iti-n r m i * 1I1 *t., c 1 a l* I'amcil
IiNLT. i.n a e untv. made dtir* grie •e'Sotijo-i
res- Horn tkw mgar t.,r$. t.-p nty pound* rf
dry tugur aud ttro galU n* of molattn!
Stkambost Cleopatra. Tire steamboat Cbo
»* "*» b*T . assigc limn New \ >r k to linrtforl
-ui 1 leir-day i.iglii ran m. a rock railed the (leu
aod C*ht*‘k ns. The siramhoat Charter Ou was
• *rp **y*i| y-st*,day in eiMieavmii.g to get ti--r off'
hm will.* nt-U'-m-s*. We uiajer-taml that she wil.
prulinky Ire "ki le-.i.-d some time during the joe-
•ent wnk. Com. Adu
FOR J. a. 1. CSQ.
Fill tbe Goblet!—fill it high.
With wwe *ffeirurst. rosiest hut 5
rii;* tire Goi.letl—till the sigh
Wuich wo ,nds. forgsu i»tortureyoo;
FiB the Gobln!—it hath power.
To dispel tire r loud rest boor.
Fill tbe G«blei! why remvia
Wrapt in • dull sn I ssbls umml 7—
Hie* the Goblet's lip.—so-l drain,
TU» wml aortuiMafneeuT ffred j
Drain Ure Goblet when yo« may.
Be sure all ca/a mil sbrmk away.
raJtU Goblet re dre brim.
With tie hem eoliffoutg wise j
Tes.fiU— aal IteV* rich j"jrw» Mm,
UK* fird ut p're It" this met nf 11,ing,
*• tt’iM an; le< e—Aiiaont their U^l.t,
JkA wsfj were da/k»—e swrress Bifid."
am..naiix^o, nMW tarfu.mnkt4
rkaritg sermoa be said. 1 1 mm fm £|M8 Ire a rkariiy
aermoa. I hape I skall get as m*m re day. Bateb*
•arte. If saynf y.Nisre in dpio. doa'l pat any money •«
»b* plate. «*wd *.i-tak« tUtm-fftlWarsaa. If any
efynn .mm nm^y, bo jt* M leCeeym. am feoetuta*
bmp lUnrkt Oatrcmsl tlureghU. thore who dea l
five will l.e pointed at. -Oh, heorslre I.i., debt.'Jtr.
Vtt.tBiaf —W« have treatd id 0 rl.rum-ianco
wbi* li I iiclv liN|.|rerred In ibis r itv nut .fin) p, r- |.
Irleil in lire anna * • f genteel swin |i,.|,
mm, representing Itlutselfaa a MUtissipiilaii, np-
p kal for Lalgifigs al a tvs|a*rtal*b' ko Luuie
in Hare *tn-et. ami wa»*o at nnretly e-iablrelred in
(lire iff tin* treat npirermetils, fire which Ire lentily
agtvtil tit trey lilareally, as plcnsant nceomntmia-
limis wee-of more in Lim llian tint
ammi' l of lln* exiiN rliurge, Tire new Imlgcr s*un
•on le rnpl I inogn-s" in Hi'inb'g tire will of tire
i'.maies, |i:irtirolniiy of <H'vernlyoung ladies, toona
iff whom In* |.n-eiil*il nibaiomal ling, ami 1uan.1l ti
er ii gold wnieh. In ill**cmir’-e of some days lie
proposed to ake ihu ill ,m nd ring to be murkd,
.•ml wi b greoigill'intry offen d .0 the junta* ladle#
to Ii v.- nut jewelry In lia*gi f to ilren, Inind-om ly
•oimnreni*d with tire iobinl-ol tie ir names, at |,is
i'X|rens«*. The rnilulmis gi l- upon tins must* ml
llrei, Ibtre eask,t« of g • .1 rh*e» nnd oilier finery,
•L'livenil IIhiii lo lire gi m nnis stmiigei, win,, il is
quite iiee«ln as to add. Irene* forlli *lejnin|nil, not
!••* gd iing 10 ink" ill* gol I wM-rli wiih lion. It was
soon ihemeied 'bit Ire nwl eh <••" I Severn tnilnrs
iuili" le igii orli'Hil.—Philodrl/hit A’. ArernVon,
A aingu!nr trial Ims taken place in Dublin, which
hxs cxciti d nitisidcrnble uttention. It was a prose-
cut un fora tni*d *imiinor under the 10th (Jeo4.c
21, m.d charged lVterYoro with having fraudulctitiy Alms Hannah Jnup 'iuckcr from her homo
ami ntarriiil Irer. Y’on*. itappeurv, had been taken
tu work upon the laud iff tho young lady'# mother,
w hen u hoy at a day, uud 1* was utilise-
uu 11 ly engaged us driver nf the .luunthtc car. .With
the uiil uf utlrer*, hn continually terrified her wl.h
tluvuts, u nil sire was imlucnl to nrnrry him, which
wos done in tire Roman Catholic faith, ani bv an
uuole of the prisoner. Yore was convicted and sen
tencedto three year# imprisonment.' Miss Tucker
possesses a property of £>00 per annum. There
has uot been a case of the kind shico the celebrated
oi eofMr. Edwnnl Gibbon Wakefield, (who was
with Lord Durham i i Canada) aud Miss Tur
Miss Julia Newman, so wy 11 known in Philadel
phia for her propensity to appropriate the goods of
othi-rs to h rsclf, ami wan sentenced for a similar
disposition at tliu Uiil Bailey to transportation, has,
according to lire Sydney putter, arrivudlu that port.
This celebrated cunvict bud immense inten st made
for h -r not to be sent out oftheenuhtrv. and sho so
far suctved-il. at one time, tliut Lord Russell allow
ed her to be confuted in tliu Penitentiary, but when
there,she acted most iiiluiuously, defied all authori
ty, and affected madness. She was then removed t*
Bed! im, which was all she wanted, and where she
had th • r uigo of the garden, with other advantages,
until her posit,ou wa* mooted iu l'arliameut, and
tho government was then compelled to ship her to
the antipodes. Her mother did nut accompany her
upon her vojagr.
The siircctA of the Grent Western steamer, has
induced tho great commercial houses of Baring,
Gladstone, nud Rothschild, to memorialise the go
vernment to establish steam vessels of the first rate
rhnractor, as packets to Madeira, tho Canaries,
Bahia, Rio de Janeiro. Montevideo, and Bucnus
tR —Mann- eredth-y miornnil unit there i« in tho
Niving* Bank of ilit«eiiy no nmoiini o $l .5110 (MIO
mui over, icmaiiiing unelaiau'd; Injih piinu.pal and
inieii •».
This -i' aer.omiilaiiun of monev withonl an
owirei. nri«'i from v ir.oiis causes. Many of ilia
|N*or lri-li. |n*"|*Ic whom many person* Irefii ve and
ead inn I'ovnleii', , Ii**ii^IiHi s‘, mil wlmt liiii.dejio*-
ite their linf e.irnings hi tin h ink, l"nve ihe city in
*• 101 li of wink, nnd tlien lo**-, ll eir vouelrer-, die,
•rea r pievniiie.l, y .*lliere.*iiiiiigei'i'i*' mdriw-
i g out llreii *l*'(M*-iin We It *ve lienr*I *. ve nl vny
eiiriiMis insimiees oftldi kivil, which we may giva
o i* of 1 lii'n* d.’iys.—,V. F. //traid.
HAVANA. Mtircli30.
New Orleans flour. 817; Lard, N. Orleans |>er ewt
Ila 1C; Pmk mess noriLern jerlW. 24 a'.C; BeeC
jerked Xewr York a *3 B »|.*i*. H a 1C; do prime snd
nre*. 11*1. l( a t6|'. Cnud es. ta.low per ewi. 19 a
fitk apvrni per Ih. (Hu .10,• tlugar, 97 l*r;s a fl Ifirls;
(,'nflee 811 a 11 (rls.
Etching*— I,i*ndnn. Da9j prni; Paris. 3 a(dis; Spain.
T att|irei.i; Nem York. 3 a Adi-; New Oiln.ins. 3 • S
•li.»; Millra doL.ira, 4 a A prein: Mexican dollars, I a
l i jwin.
Freight*—For the Bailie. £l a £4 .1st for Hamburg
ami Bren-cm ±'3 10s. a i!3 16*.; for Enulamt. £3 ■ £3
V Cowes and nnrket in lire Italfe. £4 vs. 6*1 a £4 Se;
ditto 001 in tire Rnltir. £3 10*. a £3 1.1s; Fram e, *0f.
irer ion; for Meitireraiienn. £4 • £4 10s; for United
•Siates. 61 50 a fig per box sugar, 50 a ‘Scents her bsf
The Cotton Market.—A consid •rahle advanre
hai taken place in Cotton. Seventy-five thousand
bales Lad been *n!d in a single week, and teu thou
sand in u single dny.
LIVERPOOL. March fl.
Cot too.—The sale# on Thursday In*t were 3000
Lais; Friday. 4000.Saturday.8000,(3000 taken im
s]ierillation.) Moudnv. 12.000. |rinci| ««);y to tha
trade; Ttresdny 10.000, (4’.00 on speculation;)
and to dav. 25j)00, (If).000 on speculation.) The
hu*ine.-s done since last week has been very Urge;
an active demand sprung tip nn Saturday, whirl) lias
continued with grent animation. Ill prices, Ameri
can have advanced fully Jd per IL; Brazils Jd per U’J
other kind* rcmnin steady. Tho week's import is
small, 7251 bags.
LONDON, March 6.
Cant,—'With tho exception of Foreign Wheat,
of which wi* had asain a very large fresh arrival, the
supplies of every other desrription of Grain for our
market this morning wen* quite inconsiderable.
Owing to the vrry thin attendance of purchasers,
we exp"rienred a slow demnnd f ir biith English
nnd Foreign Wheat; and torff-ct sates a trifling
r -du 'lion on Monday's prices had •" ho submitted
to. Flour d:d not attract much attention, amlpric s
rcmain as l«*t quoted. Then* was nnly a vety
limited inquiry for Barley, at.d very little* business
was transacted in this article. I ut for the few sales
mnd" former rates were in general realised.
In Mx!t til- re was scarcely anything doing, and
its value underwent no alteration. Notwithstai d-
ing th it the fresh nrrivnls nf Oat', as well from our
own coast os from Ireland, were extrrmely small,
yet, owing to the large surplus that was left unsold
from former arrivals, we had a good show of sam
ples rhii morning, aod sales progressed slowly at
alaiut the decline noticed hy us in the beginning of
the week. In Beaus and Peas there was no pit-
tcrial alteration.
Or*,—Fi ve Tu*sdiy week the arrival of Oats
and Oatmeal from Ireland have been to a fair extent,
of Wh *at and nil other Grain from then"* and coast-
ways very trivial; hut the supplies of wheat from tho
continent of Europe have been very git at, aomo
part of which is hard, hut the chief part is soft and
of a very gnodutefu] quality, of the growth of Rus
sian Provinces in the Black Sea, though imported
from ports in Italy, amounting altogether to a quan
tity mu-h exceeding tbe immediate demand; sales,
however, have been effected thereof to a moderate
extent, and Flour hav also found a fair demand, at
about our last quotations.
O.i the fine Mealing Oats and Oatmea] a small
X leaner hi* been obtained, and the stocks of fine
Malt aud Milting Barley having aptin become very
scarce, hive been made of both artich*s at an
advance of 2s per qr. and of 2d to 3d per 60 lb on
Hue Grinding Barley; Beaus and Peas dull, and3s
to 4« per qr. lower. Tlrere was a small improve
ment in the Yorkshire Corn markets of tho past
week, but it had very little effect on the Manches
ter market of Saturday,
Co'tau.—The sales since last Friday amount ta
60 000, bags, most of which has been taken on
speculation, and, it it supposed, chiefly on account
of American merchants Prices have advanced |
per cent. Tbs d tys sales amount tn 10,000 bags.
. LIVERPOOL, Match ».
•• Since our circular of the 8-1 hut. we have hod a
verygenersi demand for from the trade, conse-
•jusnt upon Ure improved aspect of thinga in the m»nu-
isrtu'ing districts, and ths a Ivaoce I price* realized in
nrah goods and yam , and from speculator* in noosa-
queues of the aeooonts psrOso. Washington, rscaivtd
n t >e 3<l lost, being oowconfirmitory ofth# probable
sSonness or voar rrop, Tire sales since tb* 1st last,
hare am* not' 1 to 70.000 bales of which about 40.000
F# tn #1 «#r!s: •** at an *d va re# of to id per
wnieh the market is steady with • m-al-rate demiitd.
It is ssld ui ai there will ire a meeting of lbs spiaaera at
Hu ey Bridge, for t e purp*«e of uklaginicco'ialdar. the prrgirUy iff w .rsiugsli ret il.«-. JtU howrv
•e rresr tbsi this qiMsthm is ifriooslj Sjluied MNg