Newspaper Page Text
(OT Th« HoHnrsMa the C*wri nf Coniimtn I'leas
Imd uf O/rr ami Terminer for th** City of Savannah
Will rnmmenew Its Session on Monday next, 9Ul
Del. Ia«., »* 10 o'clock, A. M.
O* It rejoices it* tn see i| M * dec'drd Improvement
In llit* Imatlh of our aUlcr oily, Anyuta.
l!. R. Bax* Sroca.—Th* lowest price at which
Vlil* Stuck has Imon, as yet, sold In Sow York is 70
per font.
6ft* ftrocfitatt.
Tim Now York C.omnervhl Adrertiter atatoa
that Gen. Hsmii.toN Imi not sureee.lod in tmgotl.
atinf lli« Texan l**nn,
Tha Baltimore American or lust Saturday says:
—Wo loom l»y a gentleman who came (Vum Wash
ington yesterday in the morning train of cnrs, that
on Thursday thoro wan a rogulnr run on tlm llitnki
there for specie, and Unit a rnusidcMhlo mini must
jnve been paid out dining the das, to citizens and
Crokera from «Uo*r places. Mo nlmi states tint n
noting of the Executive officer* of tlio Dunk* win
held on Thursdsy night, nt which tlio measures op
suspending specie payment a wa* agreed to, to toko
effect tbia morning, yoaterday.
Gentlemen who urrived last night in tlio para from
Washington, alnte tiiat all tlio iluuka in Washing’
ton and Georgetown suspended yesterday.
TheN.Y. Courier «f* Em/nirfr furnishes tin*
following, wbicli abowa thill it ia intemlwd the Itri-
tiah Mail Steamer* will toucli ui Savannah and
Wo havo bean favored with a detailed plan of the
■ervleu which tlio British “RoyalMail Steam Pucket
Company" purposes to perform, front which wo
bare extracted the following porticulaia. being
those which aro most interesting to ihe United
• Distance
A steamer will pnicccd font
Jantnicn to Chagres direct 550
Stop at Chugret
Clnigrcs toJnmuien, liy Carthu-
gena and Santa Martha 800
Total. 1850
At Chagres, land tho outward mails for (he Pitch
fic, and tnUe in tho return mails front ihenco, and
proceed to Jamaica by Coi'lingoim nod Santa Mar*
tiia, as above stated.' It is desirable that n« much
time us possible should Im given utCbngrcs in order
to secure tho reception of the mnila from Panama.
The distunco from Chngtea to Pan imn direct, is 30
miles, (the route 10 by walor, und 20 by Innd.)
From Suvunnuh-lu'Mur" n sailing voncl nill
enrry forward the outward majUloTrioidad do Cuba
(230,)nud tliencn lo Honduras (57lj miles,) together
800 miles, say Odays. Stop ilienTS days, then hem
hack by tne same route in 11 days uliog. tlier 20
days. If buck nt Savniiiiuli.1a-.M:ir within 23 days,
•he wil) always In* in lime for tho return steamer
t^lli'tbi mail of tlio following packet. Tlio best
und sold course for the Honduras muil, however,
will Im from lynl lo tin* llavnuouh.
From Huvaoti'ihiialeumer will proceed toMnhile,
Dtslrhetioa of upwards •f Thirteen Founts in
Ike ktUri nf Ike (U>$, metniing Ike P/ ishri'
niul MertkAnVs Hank, the Month* Mansi', AVie
Hotel, (W Ojlce, and upntrde of Fire Hum
el re A other Puddings l
Uitr lost (« so recent awl In its extent .so appob
ling, tint we cannot compose our fe. lings or c<nt|.
iitond calmness in enter into n elivoinstau*
lW detail of tlio late distkv»»hi<r Ihvs with Unit
iiuni’tehcM wo would wish. We slinll oiMleusor,
however, to give such n description of the coui*o
taken by the devastating element niter its coni*
liioncomeiit, mid tho extent of ground embraced
nilhin these hounds, n« will convey some idea to
those tinueipininted with ill-* loet itiesof our city, of
the ini|iarnl.elcd destruction whicii Inis overwhelm-
od i
llavnnnnh to Mubilo
Mobile lo Tampico, by Belizo
(Mouth of din Mi.«*i-sippi) 840
Tunpico to Vera Crux
Stop nt Vera Cruz
Vein Cruz to Iluvannuli
At Mobile oi Belize land the outward, Europ no,
Coloidnl, nndjNorth Amotlcnii mails; and in rmiipi*
co nnd.Vera Crus, take in the rot tiro uiiiils from these
plnees, for Europe, North America, nod tiro Colo*
Another steamer will proceed from Iluvannuli to
Vera Crux, Are.
llnvniiunli to Tampico, by Vera
Crux 1015
Stop wt Vera Crux, and allow*
Tnmpino to llnvanntth, liy Be*
lixa and Mobile 1170
’ n
Toinl, .31113 13
Tlio stcnnier Vera Crux und Tumplco will iutul
the oiitwuid European, North Amoricnn, and Colo*
niul muiU; und nt Belixo and Mobile will inke the
luitirn European, Not ill Amoiicun, und Coloidnl
11 avail null to New York, by Su*
vii min li niul Cliui lesion 12(10
Pvffw York lo lludfux 520
I in'iinx. to Havnmmli, by Now
York, Ate and Mautiixas 1750
Stoppages ut Now York and
Total, 3140 28
These steamers, twice cncli mouth, will he so re*
gulnted tliut they will reach Hiivnmiuh from New
York Imforo the outward stcuiimr arrives from Ju-
liuiic.i, und will lento IJnviinnnh Irom New York,
Are., immediately after her arrival. The stoppages
either nt. Halifax or New York muy Ire us above
•tilled; liocauscif tlio steamers perfoim the work
from the llnvumiali to tho Havuniinli again within
80 days, they will always meet thuorrlvul at and
slopin', uru from tho Hnvumialt, of the packets Wlih
tlio mails to and fr.un Europe und tlio Colonies,and
South America. They cau toko in their coals fwr
tho voyage ul Hulilnx.
The sti'amors cmpli'Vi d will nil bo built for tlio
express purpose, uml be uf the sumo lomingo und
power (say 400 horse power each,) hi order tliut
thoy may nil in rotation fall into tlio great line and
inuko the voyngo to Europe. Besides i he irregular
course of post. 57 days, Unrbadues, Grenada, Si.
Thomas, aud l*"rto Rico, will have the opportunity
of replying to'European letters, so ns lo inako the
course of post between those places und London only
. 43 days. At Snmunn tho malls will he removed
from steamer lo stejinnr, without Miiy stoppage of
moment; conserpinnlly they will always bo under the
protection of tlm British Flag.
" Tlio outward nod tlio inward mails to und from
c west portion of Jamaica, coidd ho landed nod
ken in at. Snvnnmhdn-Mar bw* tbn Iluvannuli
Burner, should thu Post Office require it.
"The Mtr.tTAtiv Command ok tiih Canaius.—
lieutenant General Sir Richard Downes Juckson,
a officer who wns distinguished in the Peninsula,
as had Jong experience in stuff command, is a|»-
uiiiledcommundcr nfthe foicosin all North Amo*
ica. Sir Richard take* with him. as a military
ivrrtnry, Lieut. Col. Sir Cluilos O’Donnel, Capt.
Irooke Taylor and Ensign Wurre, 54th, arc np*
oiutod aides dc*«nmp.
In our paper of ihU day week, wo dciuilod lirielly
llm occuriViico of live different fires, nil of which
ha.l taken place within tho six prat ion* duvs nod
the Inst otio of which bad Imvii of vorviM»sidcruhV
extent. It would have lieon sopposci tluit the most
deep rtMilesI mid hellish feelings which thu human
heart could engender would have been suti*licd
with the distress und suffciiu^ which tli«*i>u heavy
ofll c.ion*, in ronnuxiou with tlio ravages of the
pestilential disease, lind caused onr community lo
giniiu under. It seems, lt«weu>r, wo were r sen 1 *
*wl for still great s.ifferitc;.. All of these lire* wore
cvid-Miily the work of design.
Uii Monday night ia«t. at ubout 8 oVl.ick, n lire
wus discovered in uii old wooden teneiiieiit ill tliu
rear of the buildings on the north west corner of
Dauphin and Conception sheets, owned by A. Pinto,
and opposite the City Square The building in
which the lire originated was unoeeu|iicd nt tho
lime. The wind during tha whole of the duy hud
been very fre.di limn ubout E. by S. E. und ut I e
linio of the In.'likin'; uni of the llnmes wus quite
high. The buildings on the south mid north, us
well us llin«o in the heart ..ft he block, weie speed!*
ly enveloped hr Humes, the buiines bein'* old and
very combustible. Tbn course of the lire fro n i
stu ting wns hi u luturul direction across the square,
about N. E. till it struck Dauphin street, ueurly
midway helwmi St. Kmuuunl and Concuptio.i
stn*ets, when it was checked in its further course
eastwur.lly. Uii this block there were a.>oul ten
buildings consumed, besides outhouses—none of
them, however were very valuable. There remains
one old Spanish liou.e on the southwest corner, nml
four or live buildings on the norili east comer of the
square—two of them brick.
From th«> houses on theeust side tlio (irecommu
nicated toMi'ise on the west side of Conception-*!.
This entire square, bounded east by Conception,
souili by Conti, west by Joachim, niul north by
Duuphin streets, wus tolully emisiitned. The build
ings wore nil uf wood, closely built, and mostly oc
cupied us retail shops mid small dwellings; three
wore lioaever, several good houses, und the livery
stable of Mr. Ruin on Conception street.
From tho last described block the II lines crossed
Daunldn street to thu square lying rill, bring west
of Conception, smith of St. Franc's und east of
JouchinijMicui*. This square like thu other, wus
conipuctly built of wood, sonic of the bouses Imviiig
stood upwards of twenty years, and wns ulso clieidy
iminuti'd liy retail dealer*, work shops, mid suuiil
dwe.ling houses. Oiiilie iiorili-nsl cornel of dm
lopnire u one story frame building uml ilieucw In irk
livery slnhlo adjoining wit Conccptinn st. escaped,
the com so of the Hums being proli 'ly ditcited
m ro westwurdly by thu wind. Tlio livory stuldo of
Vuu Epps Ai Short wns on this square ami is con
sumed, as wus also, whlilho exception above, ov< ly
building mi tlie blm:k.
The lire uoxt crossed St. Franc's street, tukingiii
its coarse tlio two I'm me dwelliiics on tlio souiliwe.t
Corner of Jon him and St. Fiamis. wliieh with ihe
•mi houses mini lied, were the only ones burnt on
this block;
The sqo ire immediately west of iliounc Inst men
tioned, was null pni'iinlly built, being the situ of n
lire in 1822; .1 had Iim over, a number of hiiiiiII
Imildiiigs fronting oil St. Micbuelstreet, wbicli luivo
esmijH'd, and one luiicinent uii the soiitbwe-tcorner
of St. Frauds and Jiiekson »lreels burnt. Tho
course ol tlio lira v^iim ubliqiiely tliroiigli the Idoek.
Tlio block south of the lusi, funned by Jackson,
Dauphin, Joudiim nod Si. Francis streets, wus ulso
without a single except ion, consumed tit tho same
lime. On this -qmiie were ii number of lino dwell
ings and the livery stable of Mr. Webb, The square
wus closely built up, chiclly with frame ImiMiugs,
one or I wo of w hich were ended under the Sp.«ni»li
government. On this square, frontin'* on Duupldu
street, wns tlio handsome tlirco story Mingo of biiek
stores, owned aud occupied by Dr. II. Gules, Ric’d.
Stuart mid Levi Fletcher.
Simultuiieously with the two blocks Inst men
tioned the entire square south, loiiiicd by Dauphin,
Joacliim, Conti uml Jackson sire* Is, wus reduced
to ashes, und not u building saved. Outlie north side
of this sqnero, mid fruniiug on Dnuphi i street, ihe
buildings Were, with tlio exception of Mr. Stephen*
son’s redden , occupied rs dry goods nod groceiy
stores, including Mr. J. U. Ib rjiio’s now ibroo story
brick Imidiog. Tlio other sides uf the squuro wore
principally dwrlling houses.
Tlio lira had now spread from ii ill to sooth over
three cnlire squares, having St. Miclincl>si. for ils
boundary nil tin* iiurih and Coothst. on tlio south,
with wliieh terilii'C out tho Humes, fed liy such
ninliusiiblo iiiutcriiil mid fanned by ii stiff brrnr.u
into n fierceness never bofon* witnissed, coaiiuued
their course west wardly, destroying every Imildirg
on tlio three •quaiv* west of Jnckson mid cn.l of
Cladiorno streets w itlt one solitary uxe.eptinn, which
for ils rem li kable escape deserves to lie mentioned.
This wus u one story frame dwelling, on the iiurih*
nasi corner of St. Michael and Jnckson street occu
pied by Mr. Scott; liuiv it wus perserved is n inn ter
ofnstniiiatnnen'. These squares were densely seN
tied and contained imny benuli I dwellings.
Thocourra of the conllugnitinii was still onwnrdi
crossing Cl ‘bornn st., it advai ed with tin* same
cxti'nl of front until it ranched Franklin-st., tlio next
west of Claiborne, destroying in it* course every
tenement mi the three squiiras. Two of tho three
posse ed a graiter portion of line dwelling ImiHe*
iuii perhaps those uf nny burnt on this niglit. The
sqiuiru lying between Dauphin aud Conii streets is
that known tlio (Jnlliulic Chmch Square, uml
ttwntai. ,vv« believe, but onu building on the smith*
oast cm n r, occte *cd us o >c|inol I *e,tlio founda
tion of ihe church is nut - a letv feel high. This
v .ciiut space urrolcd the, progress of the fire
tliut quurter. mid by the time thu Humes on the
other two squares hail reached tlio east side of
Fra* klin hi. it e wind ' greatly ulinicd, which
ducml ledoulded exertions to'lop its fu.tlicrcoiir: e
Several houses were blow n up, uml every means
which sagacity or uxpuiimca could suggest, wore
employed by the futv exhausted and dispirilud citi
zens who conii -ed up to this limn to strive against
hope. Their efforts on the square lietwcrii St. Fran
cis uml St. Michael- trects were successful, and ilm
Methodist Church oil the west side of Franklin, as
well ns tlio two story dwelling of Mr. \Ym. ilowir,
corner of St. Michael and Franklin streets, und tlio
two story dwelling of Mr. J. S. Gliddoo, comer of
Franklin and St. Francis-sls. were saved, though
with oxtremu difficulty.
Tliu fire, wns not however,easily subdued on the
square south uf St. Francis and north of Duuphin-
Navigation nr Electro Maosetism.—We per
ceive by tliu London prints just received, tliut M'
Jncopi, of 5*. Petersburg has written a letter lo Mr
Furuday, of London, on tho application of electro
magnetism to navigation. It is tinted ihnt tlio ob
stacle in tho wny uf this application hitherto ln<ur
muuntuhlc. wus the difficult inauipiitatlon of the
electro magnetic battery. •• This obstucle,” says M.
Jncopi,‘‘no longer exists "
During llie autumn of 1338, and at a season (in
1832) ulrpai'y too fur advanced, I made os you will
havo learned by the Gazettes, the first experiments
in navigation on the Neva, with a ten oared shallop,
furnished with paddle-wheels, which were put in
motion by rh eleotnenvignoiin machine.—Although
wo voyaged during entire days, ami usually with
ten to iwelvb persons on Knnrd, l was not well
satisfied with the fitst trial, for i were so many
faults of construction, nml want <*f insolation in the
machines ami battery, which could not he repaired
ou ihe spot, that I was t.-rribly annoyed. All those
repairs and Important changes being accomplished,
ilia nvpel intent* will shortly bo rremn'noticed. The
expci ienec-of tliepust your, combined with the re
cent improvement* of the battery, give ii* tlio result,
that to produce the force of one horse, (steam en
gine estimation) it will require a bniicry of twenty
square feet of plmina distributed in u convenient
inunner. hut I hojoj tliut eight or ten square feet will
preduce the effect. If I leaven preserve my Ii<*m|iIi
wliieh is a little afiecied by continual labour, I hnp<
that by the next midsummer I shall have equipped
in electro maguecuc vessel of ft urn 42 lo 50 horse
depth ol Uw block, tlm lower story of which was
ucctphal as oHire. by sevrtal of our plitsichlM.
atturnryi, Ac. llte rortter t>Hi<v living that iwuphsl
for many years us a post vfllco. On Royal »l.evt
the liffices nfC« A Jl. nry uml II. NYilkiut, E#qr*.
wvnxlii the basement story. The Mansion House
was owned and lacuplrd by Mr. Cballes Cu.bmt.
Tim extensive five story Imilding, south of the
MnnslonlliHisa.amlouilie notlliea*li'iiimrolRoyal
xml (iuvni-mnent sttxaMs, known ns lint Government
street Hotel, caught next. This wus the hugest
building lu ilia c.tyj it wus coveted ill the past w inter,
but in other respects unliliislie.l; it buint with the
m.*:sl intense heul, nml soon fell, n heap of ruins.—
Whi|e tliu Mitnsieit llou-o uml the now Hotel were
miruiiig, lirefiom ihe foiuior writs comiuunieated to
tin* wooden pi |.ii» of the riqiolu on the I’lulitOiV
nml Meieliaut's Bunk, iimilu u.l comer of Conii
ami Royal slice s. It I* said that a pnq«r and
prompt ■•pplieutiun of water would iu allprobithdi y
have saved tins beautiful builihuitiil'er it hud taken
fire, but from some uiisuiidersluudiiig, or inisirnn-
■ gcnii iil it was too late, tin.I (lie
bit Idlie* was consumed. All llie hooka mid papers
were gut out mid u Inigo pi-.qiottiou of he I'uiliitiiiv,
hut the vault of tho Bunk wus not opuncdiil is siiiil
to be lYiiimkuhiy thick ami will uio-t likely beon-
injured. With ibis liiiilibiig on the east tin* brick
stoic* ufMr. I’hillqi M’l.oskey uml othtos, were in
imminent danger, tun turtunau ly escaped.
Whilst ilietiiu wus raging oiilhese iiuildiiigs, the
Upper or Vegetulilu Market House, in Government
street, took lire Irom the new Hotel, and was burnt
to the ground. Tlio thiuu sloiy brick luo^c on tliu
north isitlu iifGuvuiiununi, oppo-iie the Mar
ket, also took lieu hum the l Intel, Iml from the great
exoilions of tne lire «*oiiip.ioies it vrasconiine.I to
tlio first store, • Bcupii d by Mr. \\ til. Cuonioglimn,
the two upper stories nf which were burnt. At tins
time, serious apprehension* exisied ilml the Mmt
M oket would ulso liiirn, in which uvoni, tlio block
ol’fiur ktory brick stores uml dwellings on the south
s'du ul Governmeui street, must u!»o Imve gone, in
volving wiili ibeui, prob-hly, n gre.t poiiiuo uf the
S iuih Wmd; front llil« wo liuvu beon iintuiiaiely
saved, ill leust I'm the pri sent.
The Humes, whilst thu .Maiisiun Houscmid Hotel
were burning, . ro-sed Royal street, uml lirud the
brii k stores uml cilices of ,Mi. M. 1). Ksluv:i,nn the
we I side t xtuiiiiin • south lo thu corner of Royal
uml Government streets, svvcupiug every tiling in
iu cour.c, und wuMwurdly, on both sides oi tho
squure i.util it reached ihuuxmmiiiy of Eslava’s row,
north sidu of Government street; herottsmiill Iriime
huusu wus blown up, und tlio next lot being vucunl
s upped ils progre-s uii tins lino. On Conti, tliu
buck house, ut tlio earner of that street uml ituyul,
was saved, ami the .Mayor’s Office uml thu Guard
House, ut thu non beast corner tlio square; tho
in wiling range shops being burnt down, Thu
Mayor’s Ullico wus on liturepeulcdly, but eventually
saved, i'liu ilireu siary In id; building, noriliw-eu
corner of Conii uml U<>yid,-H.*cupieil by tliu Cbi-omdu
printing office wus ulsuoo lire several lime but linully
Wo Imvu I litis impoi foully, cmdeitvuied to sketch
account of the g t coiill.igralions of Monday
night and Wednesday muniiiig. Ad ultumpt* ut a
description of tlio distress nml a..tiering produced,
must ho hunt, uml would fall lilt shun of tho icul
coiidiibui ul'our ullhclud hnmir-»irickun cuiniuunily.
Hundred* ol ihmilius liuvo b ■•» almost in a tro-
mein reduced to ucluul wuiii of tliu m cessury menus
of preserving their existence. The lire of Monday
night was so oxtenrivn, mid moved witli such ru-
puidity, tliut but low saved iinjlliing, whilu by I'ur
tlio grout or proportion escnped with only the
clotbesuu their bodies Theuciual number ol houses
burnt is not yet ascertained, hut they are estimated
by most persons ul liuiu Five to Six Hundred.
1 lie loss piububly, iti llm two liras, is lully Twelve
llmali'd 'i'liuiifiiud Dol.urs.
We Imve no authentic tiifoi minion as to the propot-
lion of tliis covered by iusurancc, but uro saiisli'-d
tit itmajority of the sullerurs by the first lire, were
eiilirely unprotected. Thu district embraced by this
coiiH.igratiou, being beyond the lira limits und near
ly all composed of wooden buildings, many oi l hem
old, tliu tiJlire* would rarely take u-ks upon lliuiii.
Ill llm lire of Wuduusday niorhiog, tlio loss of the
Insurance Compaiiios must Im iinmoiisn. The
Mansion House ulnm; hu.i $(i7,020 iusuninee, und
wo supposu most uf tiio oilier buildings were
Alas ! lor our doomed city, tlio tale is mu yet told.
On rimu mug from tlio yuti u. mug rums of the morn
ing's lire, on Wuiinesduy evening, we sal down to
w rite the foregoing uue.oiiiil, bill befnro we hud con
cluded, the frightful alarm again rung iu uur nuts'.
About 7 o'clock of Weiliiesdiiy uveniug, a wood, n
UMi'-mcnt ou Church street, bJtweun Cn'botnu nod
Franklin streets, was dbcovurud to l<u on lire.—
Th s lire, like tlio oilier*, wus tlio fiendish work of
iiiceiidiiirius, thu building, we mo iiifonnud, was vu
cant. The lire rapidly commiiuicuicd to tliu cnlja-
cuot houses, uml swept urmind llm square lo Gov-
uromeiil -trent Theatre, wl icli. with tliu hamlsomu
Tint Au»iistu C»H*titnlionnli»l, Kith Jimi.,
dom out of the way, lias the following cheering pa
" There is no doubt tliut MeDonald, the adminis
tration onndidnip, will Im* eleeteil bv a iiiajo, ity of
I'roin 1000 to 1300."
twusiuiy duelling «,f .Mr, G. G. Henry oil thu rust, fiume bud.lings, were' cmircly loiint to
ihe ground. Thu lirucru-sed Franklin struct, uml
buint a low sinu'l tenements, fencing, &c. on tho
west sUU of t..wt street, but extended no I'm ther.
Tliu night was calm, uml the squares in that puil of
the city were not clo-cly built upon, which cimtri-
biped greatly to it* being confined to thu block in
which it originated.
Tho grunt wldili of Government street rendered
thu houses un tlio inn ill sidu contpurulivuly Mifu;
tile Coals and *p irk*, Iniwaver, fell in slmweis liii
a grunt dislancu round. The number uf buildings
consumed by this lire, were ubout 12 or 15, and liiu
loss probably, i.u.ii $20,000.
All is i oiilusiou, itxcileiiienl, nml distress; wo are
bus. t by tl.u must liemlisli nml iiureleiitiug villains,
and lleuven nhmo can detetiuiuo whether nr no,
uur calamities nre to end here. Ourcily is rqined.
Wolmvo h"en iiiloiiiied tliut tlio vaults of thu
I’lantcrs' uml Murclmiil's Bank vvero yesterday ux-
ainiued, nml tluit every tiling is safe.
Several nili* > riilU , nipts were made during tliu lust
few niglus to lire the city iu different places; mutches,
hay, nml other cumlnistilile* worn discovered A
great nunilMtrof arrests liuvo taken pine**, ami al
though wo have not heard of any iiguiii-t ivli.iqraivi-
delicti is clear and direct, it is believed there uro
strung nf guilt.
NATCHEZ,Sept. 2(1.
Health or Natchez.—The Sexton's report for
tho week ending on Tm-stluy evening, the 24th inst.
gives nineteen dentin, 12 ure reported ns having
died nf yellow fever.
The Sexton, for the 24 hour* ending at 5 n'clm;L
last evening, tier 25th inst , reports seven interments.
Yesterday was the most fatal day of tliu sen son.
It crossed Franklin, in the rear nf the* two stnrv
dwelling of Mr. D. Goodman, S. K. corner of
Dauphin mid Franklin, burning the stables, Ac.
nttuclied, und three buildings uoith, fronting oil
Franklin street. Tim l ist mimed houses were the
property of Mr. Gliddoo, *>m< of which wn* of In ick.
Beyond ibis westwurdly, uml on tlio south side o
St. Francis street, the minniminr of the square wu
vacant, ami hero tliu progress uf this terrible ole-
meni wass nyuil.
It is utterly impossible to convey nil idea nf ihe
scene presented by lliiseouHagrulion, while career-
ing mildly onward, the H imes towering mountain
bigli, uml roarin'; in the most terrific manner. The
countiy for six or seven miles around was lighted up.
w i'll tlio rt'ileciion, nud the noire of the devouring
llunio wus distinctly hoard upwards *<f llircu miles
from the city. Cinders, leave- nl'bnnks, fragments
uf clothing and parttons of burnt shingles, three or
four inches square, worn picked up three and u
half miles from tha lire.
Still another fire remains lo bo chronicled. On
tho Ibllowinx night, nr nbout two o'clock on the
morning of VYcdiievluy, tho mil room in u wing
of thu Mansion I louse, fr miing on Con; i-st reef, und
ndjoinitig the bakery of Mi. G. Ynillo wns discover
ed te lie ou lire, Tlio room was beini* painted, und
not benn o'copied for several w* eks pu»t,*n that
tlio inferriice is irrrihiable that this building was
set on fire. Tho wind w«s about ea*l, ami light,
which pemiilto i t!i>; ll rates to burn slowly, but they
had progressed to fur, when the engine* were ready
to play, uml the building being three sfiries high,
that it*i>*s found hnpossiblu to arrest their course.
The lire companies work'd with the must cion-'
meiidnhtn per*cv*rinee. ulllmugh worn out and ex-
Iniiisicd by tbn couliuued labors of the past two
vveoks, uml they slice *ded ia clicckiug the (lames
in oilier buildings, nllho'iglt de.eatid in tbeir effort*
on behalf of the Mansion House. This splendid
hotel which stood on the southeast corwr of Cunti
and Uoyul-strtert* whs vntirtly consumed; tliu berth
east wing on Cvnti-sl.tet extended about half tho
Health op tiieCitv.—A n'l'eivneo to tho offi
cial anniitieinlioo of tin* Board of Health, and the
Bill of .Mortality, publish d ihi* moroio r, shows
llm gratifying fact that hut a single doulh from
Stranger’s Fevor. nml but 11 deullis in all, occurred
during the week eliding on the 12lh inst. Connect
ed with the coolness uf t'io wentlier, we regard
this as n decisive *ndieation nf the resturatinn of tlio
health .of the c';y; nud we therefore feel no scruple
iu iiiviiing ihe return nf strangers.
Nut withstanding all our iiuubles, business pro
mise* In open briskly, uml tlioso who intend taking
part in it should bo nt tbeir posts.—Courier.
Tho tvturn of altieni fiiemls reminds us of ntme
of (hit splendid pm ki t* «lii*li convey tlieni buck to
•Mr lumies nud firesides. Wu allude u| this limn
IMiilcutarly In llmio sailing front nml to Now Yotk,
wlmre most of uar citirens naigregain fur emltarkd-
lieu, at this intrn*sting imhIikI uf tire* year. Tlio
f'lllow ing wn record i
Tint Ship Celia, Tonnage—33(1—Capt. l'nrter.
Fl*(oftlirfree! stillIwartliysway,
Umlinim'dtliniugli agesyrt untold ;
O'er earth's proud fealin* tiiyMars.iispIny,
Like morning’s radmiit eluiuls iiurollad*
Flag of the skies I still peerless
Tlirougli ether’s ssurc vnult unfurled,
Till every band nmllienrt t'litwine,
To sweep oppression ftum the world.
volt vioK pim'.sim:\’T.
Suhinft l*t the dedal on of ii National Convention.
KT*Tl'i? Ponuti/lvaninn, of (he I5tb, speaks of
the reception of President Van Bcrkn, in Pliilu-
slelphiii, ns the must brilliant display that bus in-
ken piece in tliut city since the arrival of Gen. La-
Ten miles in addition to the 02 mile* nflltia mud
in use, urn complete, and tlio wooden superstructure
extends to u point 23 ntilos front this city.
It Im* been usual, It tlierto, to ojien for iim* sec
tious of ten miles ns the snmc were completed, but
we learn tluit in conscqiiuiiea of thowiint of proper
storo-honsps nt the 20 mile point, tho next opening
of roud will extend to the 100 mile sUition. At that
point, cotniniMlious store houses nre being erected
and will bo finished before tho first day of .lanouiy
next, nml by thnt time one hundred ini I in of roml
trill he ready for travel. The 100 mile stniinn is
distant from tho River Ogerlcm where tlmt stream
is crossed hy the road, nbout nan mile. Tin* bridge
'* iho passage of the river will he completed by or
before tlie first day ol'.lnnnnrv. Tims ut the o|m*ii-
ing of tho new your wo shall have more thou half
if the roml fin inked uml in use*. The grading n|.
ready extends 130 miles, more thu it two thirds of
Ihe entire distance.
The energy nud |N*rscvcntnce of tin* president mid
lirccturs or this work, nre wnrihy of nil praise, uml
give the most direct aasuranen of tlio judicious ex-
pemliture of any sum which llm Stnto may see pro
per to suhscribu to tho road. It is probable that
the roads in progress wi'l apply lo tlio legislature
now soon to moot, for aid, uml wo think If other
companies cun' show that they havu done mid
doing us well us the Central Rail Roml, till of them
should Ik* liberally aided by tlio State.
KJ* Wo refer onr rentiers to tlio report nf tlil<
month, showing the sound condition uf tliu Central
Rail Roml Bunk.
Summary—Van Uuiikn Gain anh Loss.
From the returns received wo muku up thu
Gain. Loss.
2—Senator nml
u " Representative.
1 Rep. i
,”l Rep.
* 2—Senator ami
u Rep.
" Gaston, do
" Wbiiib*M*y
" Newark, do
" Soullard.
" Trenton, do
" Bennett.
file Brig Ampiitn, do
“ Slieiwimd.
" Madison, do
•• Itiilkley.
" Exeel, do
" SherwiHHl.
" W.’
" llney.
11 Sav annuli, do
" llnbbnixl.
“ Clinton, do
" Lyon.
" (UnwglA, do
“ Nichols.
Tim slops Colin nml GiiMnti, uml tlio brig Geor„ra
ure consigned to Messrs. Culieii, Miller *Sr Co.—
the other two ships uml the brig lino to Messrs.
Wiisliboni, Lewis A* Co.
Besides these wo have recently noticed n new
line of brigs— The C! cor gin /.fan—In the euurso ol'
ompletion—three nlremly naming—to wit:
The Brig I'liilura/Toiiiiugu—127—Cnpt. Sherman.
" W. Fuller, do 202 “ Thatcher.
" G.B.I.umai‘,do 28tS " Risley.
Tills new Hue is consigned to Mr. L. Baldwin.
These splendid vessels, with their fine accommo
dations, nml commanded by experienced seamen,
not only como nt this time iVoighlcd with our friend^,
who liuvo In*cii inhaling ii mure Northern ntuios-
pliere, 4»ul burdened whit good* for this city and
the interior. Besides there tiro siqieriiir Baltimore
ptickul brigs, consigned to Messrs. S. I’hilbriok Sc
Cd., nml Messrs. F. Sorrel Sc. Co., nml l'hilmlel-
plda packets to Cohen, Miller Sc Co.', nml others.
While Boston, nml other F.w*UMrw ports, with for-
>lgn ports ns Liverpool, Havre nod oilier itoris in
Kuiope; and lliivnnn, nml utlwir putts hi tho West
Indies havo their full complement. If our render-
will furnish the nnntcs of oil trading to nor wharves,
we will try and find room for them all. They would
present n lleut, showing the Importunen of tlio com*
nierciiil marine of our cmintiy, by exliibilhig its nc.«
liviiy nt ii single city in tin* mntmerrinl metropolis
of tile youngest (but not tliu lust
siaiidiug,) of the Old 1 lihioon.
i cummcrciid
Tlte first named is tlio Senator; lliosu marked thus
(*) nre Statu (lights.
J!iildiein—V. J. Williams ;* A. II. KetBin.S. T.
/MW,—F.. D. Trae.y; David C. Cumpltell, Jtisepli
Bennett, A’. II Clmp|ioll.*
Hulloch—Cone, Denmark, Strickland.
11 iirAc—Lawson;* K.vuiis,* Molkey,* Benien."
Hulls—McDaniel; Durden, Berry.
Jlryuu—Smith ;* Linder.*
Camden—Brown; Ciino,' Clark.
C/a• Ac—Vincent;* Mmiru,* Stroud,* Richard-
Cohimhia—RuberWnni* Burt,* Scott," Bullmd."
Coweta—Smith; Oiler, Calhoun, Jester.
Crawford—Bnidfotil; limiter, Hancock.
Catn—Baker; May , Woolley.*
Chatham--Gordon; Milieu, Ward, At hold, Sumo.
Carroll—Springer; Cobb, Kspny.
Cobb—Guess; Anderson, Mayes.
Cherokee—'Camden: Fnard, lliniler.
Chattooga—Cuineron; Kill*.
DeKolb—Wilson; Mnrphrey, I'almor, Collier
Decatur—Ninth* Chester,* Arnett.
Dooly—Graham; Cobh, Furiinll.
£nr/y—BcurlHiruugli; Wilson, Jns 8. Frierson.
/i///ert—Chrlsliun;" Craft,* Jones,* Wurreu."
Kflinghmn—Morgan;" Weitntsli,*
Emanuel—MeGar;* Sumner.
Fayette—NVhitukor, Robinson, Ware.
Forsyth—Foster; Erwin, Green.
Floyd—Waters, Sliropshire, Liddell.
Franklin— Morris; Knox, Camp, Neal.
Glynn—ScnrlcMt - Dart.*
Grtent—l’nrter;* Daniel," J. K. King,
•nirles In llm present number nvinen research cml
Mhthqr, nml slmw gnml tHUebm.
Col; W; T, Williams U tlm Bnviinmtli tigcnl.
For (briefnor, alid for and against Ratification.
1232. 1817.
Cm mil,
Chitlin m,
He. Kalb,
I l«sl>s*mliuiis,
I lul l is,
I le.iry,
Me cun,
Murray, ,
Now tow,
To Unit,
I'm mill,
327 278 305 327 000 000
020 427 023 050 208 lit
7 33 74 73 11 80
313 7 282 11 33 243
III 5U3 201) 535 270 351
333 182 373 345 01 333
520 200 470 233 313 303
708 181 527 341 485 400
330 200 573 441 415 138
228 108 (108 000 IUI 133
•180 320 305 153 134 450
372 523 320 507 173 750
070 335 480 251 100 451
252 375 275 418 187 101)
705 530 022 520 723 381
472 255 510 311 3) 055
053 400 704 504 330 282
301 137 322 154 55 202
m 30 254 317 UUU 0UU
300 105 340 100 201 153
00 143 130 ltit) 22 174
70 0tl5 115 204 310 I JO
152 11 1 204 125 (lOO 000
474 280 583 334 114 540
832 188 303 122 U00 000
417 223 442 270 21 472
022 300 001 445 800 133
33 131 40 78 32 110
70 780 57 787 47 750
012 008 755 780 000 000
524 384 081 332 57U li4
527 403 537 452 528 230
301 370 272 440 224 233
458 722 452 775 000 000
387 204 353 235 320 120
II >5 042 803 730 000 020
055 412 017 528 420 552
257 14 235 20 0110 002
fill 508 571 504 077 204
507 440 503 012 443 422
103 450 III) 432 107 314
503 417 481 4U2 30i 405
5 320 10 400 10 378
87 132 78 14!) 21 184
125 244 220 225 43 332.
221 312 227 301 020 000
051 240 028 252 743 48
. 317 343 200 020 13 423
821) 270 320 204 05 488
224 332 337 420 20 488
128 110 132 02 83 74
705 071 754 047 122 212
802 071 784 7113 544 752
813 457 351 408 080 1)20
542 87 240 117 (101) 0110
847 830 728 200 000 021)
407 850 425 703 412 782
107 407 128 013 185 311
Mori ay,
Weihte..| n>
2 C. N.
fl h iti
Iti Monha*! Wiihim eoUmy, on T.tesdnv night;
J' ''''.I. K..|, Mnj. OKIUN
t'lAll LIIA WAI.HKH, bull, of
(Ul. tit*. hj\V....
siiioni),... ,m.
tliui pliten.
KLU ' WtUWNUIUM, U f Juk./n
1)1 K I),
0".bo 23d September last, ELLEN JANE ST; 1 • &£§5j
. infis - *? 1 "? yvar * n, " , 0 tirtaths; and on
IIEl; rtgbdaiJ iitmlilis; cliildron of Robert AI. ami . . . -
Mnrgnrut Cliiiriton; ' ;
So tieiMieil dll iim joys thiit einnr ,, •
” hen Life was glad and f.en,
h" bum nur hearts the links mo flunr
1 littt (ilml us; EttvUit to then 1
01. rd.nban I........! oi. L-Vo*.hrisl.tctntin,
Vu uri. in vniii 1 V.. nn. Ir. will !
s.m llilp 'Ni d Jimi.j, f,„„| llu.ioi.—Mr L DnIJ
wl.i, Imly. chll.1 uml mraiK, Mr Umuk., Imly
twoclillilmn.Mr. Ilulmdi oml cl,(I,I, Ml., Wing,
■Mj,, Well,, Men. Well., uml Ma.lor8cirl
broiigh; -
For siniimliotii Ivanliao, ft Om Black Creek- rf
Lawionen. 52 oti erngc. '
Mnon rises.',.,; 2.03
IJIgh wilier..s.iC Oil
Sail rises,
San shir.,
..0 28 1
..5 34
, AMirm) tins WKkK.
Ship Muniici'llo, l.itwion, I’rovideucc.
Slop New Jersey, Dickson, Buston
Ship Berwick, Hauling. Jr., Poristnoitth.
Burk R II Dutlglitss; Collins, B»lU**;ore.
Brig Excel; Sliehvood, NmV Yotk.
Brig LeOtiidn**, (of l'loYideiico) Tuiner, Havoini;
Brig Folatiil, Gunluer, Havana.
Schr Mmy Etta Rviin, Weblen, Philadelphia.
Sehr Messrncol*; White, Babimoro;
Sloop Eitgli*, Bulbs, New Bnlliird.
Slf.iinbnat Fnresltlr, Wnmbeisio, Black Creek;
Si ruin packet Ueahfo.t District, Siinpiuti, Chur
Bteitinhotit doi. Jewett, Clince, Charleston,
Btuutnbuut Is!-; I’oiirsiui, lliunswick;
Ship Gaston, WhUllu-tty, New'York;—CohUn; Mil-
Ibt ft. Co;
SSI sis IS* “11 n air Bm A«,IW«, dlir.l*aml, Sow Vork.—WmIH
4lli 341) ASS 4411 3:U (Ira Imrn, Lrwl, * Uii. ' r . '
Brig I’liiliiruli, Sh* ut man. New York—L. Baldwin;
Wiht Edwitq Kerr i; Baltimore.—S. I'iilibrick & ■ , • - ‘ *
.Cm. . -
Bil« IJIdannr; Joins, Bahiiuor, ;—S. I , lil|bHck&..raV
^ ;■ '
2—S 'imtor and
n "Rep.
*1 Rep.
1 Rep.
*I Rep.
1 Senator.
Mi. con,
I Rep.
3—tlio Sinutur
und 2 Reps.
"I Rep.
1 Rep.
I— the Senator.
1 Itep.
1 .Sen. Si 2 Reps.
*2 Reps.
"1 Rep.
[I Muscogee,
und ‘2 Reps.
1 Rep.
"1 Rep.
"1 Rep.
11—Thu Senator,
-tho Senator
New ton,
uml ”2 hups.
NationalConykstiIin ok Sti.u fsnnwr.n*.—A
Convention to piotnote tl;n cultivation and iimiui-
forlorn of silk in tlio United Slates is to be held in
Washington, on the lUili of December nest, at
wliieh it is expt eled tliut there will be nil attendance
ofdelegnlesfi.ini every Congressicinnl dixtrinl ill tlio
Union, ns well a- from tliu Teiritoiies ami tbc Dis
trict of Columbia.
Armnst menu ore being made to accommodate
us many ns 1,000 delegatus, and for tho exhibition
of ilie many sperimeiHs of American manufactured
silks to l*c bought in cooi|M*tilio.i lor the very val
uable prizes mi genetously offered by thu American
Silk Socic y.
A 'l'ltANSfAltKNT Uatcii.—A watch lias been
presooied lolbu Aeudeiiiy ofSeienre ui I'uris, con
structed of very cn.eins mniciinls, the pints being
principally Termed of reck crystal, ll was inmluhy
M. Rnbellier me,I is small ill size The internal
works uro visib'p; tho iwo teethed wheels which
cany the bauds are nick ciy-tal, the in bur wlioel*
of uiutal, lo prevent aceidciu • from tlio breaking of
■hi* springs. Ail tin* screws niv fixed in ciyslid nod
nil lb-* axles turn on the rubioi. The eseapinent is
of sapphiri*, tliu hulwwc wheel, nf rock crystal uml
its springs of gold. Tha rug*ilvtiiy uf lid* wutcli n-
a timo keeper is uttijiiuicl l»y the maker to the for*
bio expansion of tie; reck crystal on tlio bntunc*
wheel, &c. The execution of tbn whole shows lo
wlint ii state iifpcifoclinii thu mt of culling purcioti*
stones bus been carried on hi modern limes.
Governor Cull will prol*a'*ly leliiriijinim.' on Tues
day next The command of volunteers, wo leurn,
have llinrough.y scouted ihe country to the Snwnmie,
occavionnlly failing upon the camps of tbn l•n••n)Y—
I ut unable io briug them to a tight. M-niy of tbeir
town*, and huge quantities uf corn, pens and provi
sions lervo been ile»tr*iyod. Wo Itopc to give pmti*
cuLre in oUitivM*—r.'nrUian.
2—Senator uml
tlio Rep.
( Rep.
1 Itep.
" 1 Rep.
1 Itep.
1 Itep.
1 Senator.
2—Seiiaioi nml
u "Hep.
1 Itep.
1 Itep.
I Itep.
I Itep.
2 Reps.
Gain % 33
Deduct 19
Nett gain 14
Note?—Thoso marked ihus (") nro now mem
bers under tho Into census ; Chattooga being u new
county, nnd one nf tbe two RopreseiiUtivcs, in Ma
con, und one in Lowndes lidded by tliu census.—
Hal loses u Hop. (Union) by the census, and Glynn
uml Gwinnett, unchuiid itep. (S. it.) by the census
If Mr. Gulrcil, uf Lumpkin, is u Union Van Ho
ren man, iu .stated by a Millcdgi vile piqs r, tlio
Vim BureiiiioUgnin is IU instead uf 11.
t A Iteprcsoiitmivo from McIntosh is considered
doubtful, but tlinngh elected wiili the opp*isiliuii
ticket, we believe bun to be still a Union Van Du
ron Itep:
|| Tlio Athens Banner sols down Mr Livingston
from Muscogee, us a" Whig," elected on the Union
From the Augusta Con»titutionalt*l.
Wjct>XKsi»Ar. Oct. 1(»—12 M.
The board nqiort one dentil frem u chronic dis-
oiise of eight imniths siitmliug, one of u child tlireo
weeks old, ami oiiu negro man from cousiimplion,
daring the hist twenty-tour loans. No deaths from
By reference to the report). -I this Board, for the
lust three weeks, it will l>c .<ou that, dining tbn
weekending on tlio 2d inst. at n.ion, tlierp were
thirty-tiro deaths from fever. Daring tlio week
ending on the 2th, nt noon, (hero were twenty
deaths from fever; and during die weekending this
day, at noon, thoro Imve been bat eight deaths from
A. GUMMING, Mayor.
Si M> TiiomrsoN,Sccieimy<
Ciiciuiirtl—Loveless; Steel, Bilker, Hamitimi.
Habersham—Stanford; Sanford, Cleveland, Bur-
Hancock—A. S. Brown; Butts." Guilder," Irby
Hmlsnii Jr.*
Harris— Koniion;* Carter,* I’nitt," Wat lev."
“ Henry—T. I). Johnson, S. Mulmie, Cnkur,
Heard—Aw trey; Ghent, Julinsuii."
Houston—Kelly; Hmld, Deunurd,.Sykes.
Hall—Dtnfigiui, Roberts, (Inrdage, Reeves.
Irwin—Slone J McDuffie.
Jasper—Jurdau; Waters, Wyatt, Ruliiiisuu.
JfJJcrsiiH—Smith',* Berrien,* llnyd."
Jones—John W. Guidon; Joseph Day, James
Grity, Dituiel McCluml.
Jackson—Muyu-; DoLuperricrre," Chiimller,
Laurent—Wright;* Rublnson," Ashley."
Lincoln— Iletiley; Ilugermnn," Whin."
Liberty—Waltlinuig" Spencer," Cas*e|s."
/.orm/cs—^Cniglil ;* Slim man." Graham."
l.nmpkin—S. 1) Crane; Cluistniii, Gutrell.
Macon—Bryant;" Wldglnmi," Greene."
Madison—Folk; I'iltmun, Bullock.
Marion—Bivins;* Minter," Wallace."
Meriwether—Alexander;* Mc.Mulh," l'hillips,
Murray—Bales, Carson, lloleomh.
McIntosh—Hopkins;" Lelils, O’Neal.*
Monroe—E. I’hi'lips; C. Barker, .1. Dunn, A Ln*
ry, T. W. O’Neal."
Morgan—John W. l’nrter,* Marlin," Reese."
Muscogee—i.ewis', WutMin, Me.Dougwld, Liv-
iiigslnn," Goerry.
.Xciclun—Williamson}" Hums,* Reynolds," Loy
Oglethorpe—Billups Thomas," 'fjubh'ird,*
Pulaski— Boslwicki Wbilfiold, Collier.
Paulding— I’nyne; Ledlrettcr.
Pike—I’ryor; Neal, MeDnwoll."
Putnam—Branham;" Lynch." Turner, Whit-
Richmond—A• J. Miller;* Timnms Gluscoek,
C.J. Jenkins," Geo. W. Crawford."
Randolph—Semite, a tie; Smith, Harrison.
Srriven—Green;* I’rescotl." I’erry."
Twiggs—Smith; Tarver, Daniel.
Taliaferro—11 arris;* Stephens, * Lawrence/
]’athnt—|)rme; Riley, Hark., Dixon."
Telfair—Fryer;" McKinnon." •
Thomas— lleotli;" Revill, Seward."
Taltnatl—Collins; Mam,."
Troup—Jenkins'," Darden," Taylor," llomlon,"
Upson—Holloway;* Goode," Meadows," Wul
ker *
Washington—•Wuilhcn;* Flournoy," Betlien,"
Warren—llnrrisj" Blount, Durden * Wilcher/
Walkei—11 ii if; Dixon, Smith,
Walton—KcliuL} Stroud, Bryant, llarulwm.
IVUkes—AiideMoii;" Toombs," Whigl'icld," Kil
Wilkinton—Bou.'l; Rivers, King."
(HID (11)8 372 214 53 357
243 512 284 815 882 888
508 420 438 311 118 (i |0
372 442 443 828 855 123
134 211 UI I 231 33 3311
723 751 817 574 088 2118
m 12 278 378 888 828
855 787 853 815 57 887
•12 405 31*411 31358
83 278 77 235 48 287
132 124 124 20; (11)0 080
203 312 112 400 O.MI 882
848 242 3821132 123 1182
483 331 418 381 (100 802
303 944 400 580 87 (133
471 237 405 275 174 328
023 442 772 451 3(11 401
3t7 422 514 521 130 582
50J 583 544 580 133 883
908 422 448 412 112 -178
485 32*1 517 315 080 800
LaTKST DATF.8 FHIIM LltKftlUJllL.;,HK|*. 20
Latkst lUTKd FHIIM HxvitK..SKl'T;IT
Latk*t HATKit ritirtt Hava na < i,.- T ,
The Octolmr nmnlier of this pub'icution lias bceie
placed bul'uiu us. It is n work nf gredt merit/ As
it quarterly, it is miindis|ien*ili|n niugazine, beenosc
we need kilell n roview of oOr current lilenityro.—
Fifty volumes of the Review will liuvo been pub
lUlsoil ia tliu iijouth of April noxt onniiing*, imd tho
editors suggest the propriety of an extra I minx,
fur th« whole, making a volume of (umut slut,
us a common number of liw work. \Y* think it
wtriM be a valuable auxiliary to tho Rtvitvj, Tim
From the tiuvunnuh Hhipping and Commercial
List, October JO;
COTTON—Arrived tfincu tlio I (ilihiRnm, 010
bolus Uplund ilml U hides S: J: Cottun, und c|* a red
at thu •nmn time 434 hulls Upland nml UObilesS.
I Cotton; leaving u stock mi hand, inclusive of nil on
sliijdiuurd not cl/rired On the JOili instant of 1194
bales Uplund und 122 boles Suit Island Cotton.—
The murkel, sinco our lust report, bus bteir extreme.
ly dull, nml iho few sales rmuKi have been ut n re-
dueliun of 4*iJ ct on ihe prices clirrenl last week—
this reduction is mainly utiribinuld*' to tlm siispbu-
siun of sperio payment by some of the Northern
Banks, uml tho difficulty uf uegnciuilng by buyers.
Liverpool mlvicos persloumer Liverpool to tliu 2()tlt
ii t„ liuvo h 'cii received, siliro which wu h-ivo heard
of bill few transactions. Our supplies r.miiuuu
•mull, uml will probably I'ontimio so umil wii liuvo
pariiiiiiiunt rise in tbe river. Thu sules of tho
weak uiunuir to 3UII bales, us follows: 3 at 11; Hi
ai 11), 4G at 12j: 18 ul 12 5-J2; 114 at 12^; 73 at
12); 15 nt 122* 7 ut 13. In Sou Isluml wu boar uf
no transaction*.
Receipts of cotton at tliu following places sinco
ICrC«i;Uu-ri.Kiihtubimn tilec\c)\to Cohgresiii
tit tl.O Into eli eibui held nt BtirnlVeil; C; H., S; (j. . V' V ' ’
mr* 1 bo Banking House (if tllb U. S; Bonk, (sayg : i- J?
the N; Y. Herald) has UeoH nltubhcd liy its crodl- ' ;
unit—also thu I'uinla in ihii Nt Y; Branch of that ! V-v'
Bniilt; ii. S. Bunk siiiiik has fallen to 70 centl od
tlto do ut; . /'.' /'vs!
D3" Tlio elf izaus uf New OrloaUA, hold a ntooilng '
dn tlio lihli iiMl.; id miopt indn4Ure4 for tlio relief of
the snll'erer* by fifo in MubRd. A committee of
sixty tvus nppoiilf d to solicit subset iptloHs, and
curry tliu objecU of tlio nteuiliig into oll'uct;
Huber 1st.
Georgia, .Snot 30
. 285112
Sooth Carolina, Sept 39, ••
Mobile, Sept 30,
Now«(ti lean*, Sept 39
Florida, Sepi 32,
North Caroliiri, Srpt L0,.»
Virginia, Sept 39
...22 92
Received ul utliur purls,.«
... 8099
Tho following is a Niutemoulul the stock ofcotu/n
bund tit llm respective pi id
ShviiiiiiiiIi, Sept 5(1
s mimed.
Souili Carolinu,Sept 31),.,
Mobile, .Sept 39
. 5913
New.Urlenus, Sept 39,..»
. 18307
Virginia,-Sup. 31),
.. 809
North Carolina, Sopt. 30.
Augusta lc Hamburg, Oct 1
Macon, Oct l.....
.. 11)08
Florida,Sept 39,
.. 1500
I’ldliido'iphia, Sopt 30,....
.. 1193
New-York, Oct 1,
. 15000
RICE—Tho transaction* in this ui tide during tha
week, comprise ulmm 3'.0 casks at $J 9-18a$3]—
principally nt $ Ij,
FLOUR—Tlicic was some deinaod nt n small ad
vance. Sulcsnf 130 bids ul $74; 250
bbls Caiml nt $8itflj). ;.
CORIN'—Is retailing from store ut OoulOO cents,'
according tn quality.
GROCERIES—Wo have on particular change
C'liffpo, Sugar uml M«ln«*«* Ui.iiuticu. Tlio tie-
mnud continues fair, ut nil prices within thu range
nf onr quotations.
BACON—Siilns nf500 Il-im* at I0il5e; 10,020
lbs Middlings nt lOjnl 1,
SALT—Sales of 1500 sucks Liverpool arrived
during the week, sold r.t $1 50.
SI'I HITS— In domestic liquors wureport sales
ofN. E. Rum ut 43; GiuntOO; Whiski-y ut rptotu
EXCHANGE—On England, nominal.' Drafts
on Now York, at sight, nominal, und very Ituln of
fering •
FRK/lGH'fS-^TdLiverpool, iltill,at A<l; to Now
Yurk/50 tenia per IniIo;
Hlalctncnt of Cotton, del. 10.
. 810
Stock dn liiiml, I at Octubin<,
Received this w«vek.,
Do; previously},.;;4,.
Exported this week; 431 tlO
Dir. I*f0vioii*|y,.. 151o 0022
Stock oh hand, hichfdhn? nil no diip-
bdttltl 8,1 glvttfgd ou Uju 1 Jth (Jvt/ i 124
Ohio elecitun.
The returns from this Sate are filling *• tho men;
sum'* ul'the Administrations ,4 glory." $„ p ar od .
Dmnocr/d*, nud 0 FedtiruTaia uro olrctod to tho /
Stnto Senate. Last year it stood 12 Democrat*
and 5 Federalists; *. "
Ailm. gain id—Federal gain 4.
Thu iouikis uf UoproHmitut'.vdB avo 40 Derho^ ’
cruts, nil'll 3 Fedfarndsls. A lotior, dutodC'oJuin- '■
bus, Oliics, Oct. 11 tli, *ny<—" Ohio is at Safe foe’ V - - '
Van BtiliKN; as New Hampshire >1 $.'^1
Frdnt the Augusta Cdnstitutlofidlist: Oei. if. '
Tim long lookedJor ami much wanted rain hag . ;
yet im d • ha iippearuncu.' On Alonduy Iasi WQ&SKEaM
1 -I B' hope,; the Sky woS heavy and Jdwor-
ing;tlio woaihvr w mmy and tlio Wind hi it good diJ
reel ion. but it pusti'd oil’ wilh it sprinkle, merely
•u'ticlent to keep ti linlit wind fr m raising UiodtlsU
Tho we ilmr is •ERIiNikiiijian, but until wu havs
oh vy full, uMmmpaiil'd wl h f,u»ty wb willndtdd-. '
vlib our dbjunt ft '.bmls to rn: ru; Our (oport ol*
do..tli* lliirt v/i ok is favorab e; Wllon ctdhpaifcd with
fmi. r w* eks—bet wn bop u those nhiovd will hoi
bo mis' d by it. for wo fc'ni u-Sure om thorn are
v y low re. uuiiiiitg hi tlio city who havu not !iru( ah
ttllack of u lover, nml (lm«(i few urn daily being
ta on downy Inti thunk God, with u less uiulignUot L '
type, uml tbeir eases are easily inaiiuged.
'lbc Ii/!lowing deaths have’ (vedrred liric’o our
last report; making in all two bundled and twenty' ' : h
'' k * r '‘ v ®'L ,i .V 0H ^ ,r *l deuth jceurrcd t— .. " ••t-KiJH
. Dr. Bum II,
f*J>ifi|t Danreu,
t Edwind Snook,
IJnlni Lewis;
Tlminu* MuCiihiin,- •
Mri.Ciiinlino F. Gunther;
Ad.ililio Mm i in, (8 years //Id,)
And une unjri, in ■ lie country;
| DLd uii; uf tbe ciiy.
, _—m
England/ S
Resident; ■
. TALTittHrttfSKBrObUfl;
On Suidr-lay evening 1 nt an hour before sumlowd *
Messrs,’ Win. Bun ey nml James Beard, of MiccO-' •
-okiu, were allocked by a siunb pdrty of Indians od'
the Feller ll about five miles Oi*t ofi be Ocill'l, ■ ' S
Within3 n il- m a regular post. Mr. Bnrnoyre-'
cot veil two la Ils in Ins sh m der ni.U leg, tlio lotttc*
wiiniiilid It a I or-",-—lie wns however nblo to inako . . . . X
his c'Ciij /j w tn hi* le rs *. Mr. Be.trd wns shot fri i
tli** h*p, ami lii* lio'r*<i badly wounded,bo endeavor- ’
ud ta a-c p», Imt the [ id'aii* pursued dndcadghtbitf , " . J
bof*e, la* |,re*eiil.*d j pistol, mid i||i* li.dniiis retreat- •*’*./. T ... f
cd behind tro-* io relmid ilioir .iff.**, when taking- ~-J'
mlrai t i.'i* of iIn- f ulis'iicbMr. if, •i*.<«t- °
stri/ck hilo a. icr^SSHBRSL
»'"t }*ur*uod. Uw wc« Wttnd on\.
Mm: lay marnbg; hy a party of regolur*,so'disabled • ^ v "’
tliu! liecould n t reacli any dwelling. Both gentle-^
c*n we leurn a(u likely lo reedver Dnm their ytouodi; j'V \\
O illii* sunn evrtjiiog an attack wn* mado on thu ■ - ' *"**
HJ(itMffolrriJuriiigno,nc(/r Ulmnr’s store, several
causing thorn to re>
siiots wore fired at tho lndihiu
A passoi.gtTwho camo on in tlio stotitherfitArf
Msslfilu yesterday, reports that olio of tliu incbndU
aries had neon cuitglil iu tliu uc.l Of putting fire tod ,
barrel uf cumbuiiiiblcs in tliu (bird story of a w&re*i
llou-o. Tho popul. iuwere tOmtit wthnriir biro Intd’-
tbc IlnmoH. to ni!ri*i| umbrr tin* bnrnirig biftlttlngl; but
vintv lo n*rn In. .......'.l u
an anxiety to a*cn. tain his associates id tho diabo- ’'5
licnl wo k, ltd to. tlm jmstpom-mctit bf Ids punish- ' -. &»!gB
incsiL. Iho fitcimyii were.wlioJIy bv tha
long cuiitiniani<*o.ati(I inumsitv nf their toils,
tliiijeiat left, the fiariie* Wi r> advancing wL u
fid rupidby, with nnthiug ‘d'op'p<i>6 tii *it- progress ■ _ J;‘' ‘/>
but 'In* ! el'li* rediUnnce of n Ji w worii-dnwn, fitlnH
i'*.2 i-iti'i*"*.—,V. (J It i ltd in I I/A imt.
A LL persol« ire* hereby cantl «icd agninif trn^’
'if' ■'—• ■ —mm
IX o. lev.
- —j tiled ngntnit tra- jIv ,v.
ding for ii cer.aln pinmiiiissory.notn mado by
u urge 1‘oliia-k. iff Sciivun omniy, Goorgli, Mi’ 1 SjPyv. ~
Imve overyreason to liehvvo flint my pqoket.fcooU -*' ,'i ■
coo'll Iiinyis.'i d ii»l", lugetlivrwhlifl uuitlbcrorollHlF"’^•££. 'Jj
vabmMe papers, was »|o!en IrOtH me iu 8l/.J6i(bplir C
W- *> Fin*Ida,'on tlm Dili July lost., T|ioJRi4
ing is a tmo copy uf.sabi nolo,.- ' " “y*
13.570 42. . Jsbuat # moetb. rft rilato] protjii»fe topay
urdeiofjno. N Cop.*(ai|d,llMstpnVbr/lirM(t
and fire hu-dicd ut.d «f*»'ittt'oLhi'diifla^
cents f*ir vnhii* uTeRed. • *■*