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City of Snvammli,
WEEKLY PAPER—Thrbb Dollar*, per an-
Burn,—Payable in advance.
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at the Chattel-
ton rules.
(CTPoitafc must be paid on all Communica-
TIom, and letter* of badness.
one of
The expected arrival of thi» accomplished
gentleman and acknowledged Statesman, in. our
City, has cniau>«l a *trong desire to do him hnnoun
a* one of GeorgiuYgiftail and patriotic aona. Thn
proceeding! of the meeting held on Friday night,
at the Exchange, whl**h will be found below, la indi
cative of thi* feeling, and an enthnilaitjc apirit pro
\alls on the subject.
I^Johm FoRatTHhaa long held an eminent station
e Councils of tha Nation; and hoJiaa acquitted
himself with singular ability. Aa an orator, he has
maintained a place In the first rank—as a status,
roan, and a diplomatist, ho is almost unrivalled.—
Proud then should Georgia be of such a son!
Those who remember Jog n Forsyth as Governor
of Georgia, at a trying epoch in her history, mint
be pleased with bis subsnqucnt career; and will not
lose the coming opportunity of rendering to him the
meed of their applause, and continued confidence.
As a distinguished member moreover, of a Cabi
net, devoted to the republican principles for whioh
the South has ever struggled, Joint Forstth is en
titled to the respectful attention of every republican
in Georgia.
He enmo. amongst us too, at an nu.picious pe^
rind. He comes, as it were, t« witness tiro regene
ration of his much-loved native State, when shu has
returned to the principle* of Jefferson-tiro nover-
dying andglnriuu* principle* which were in tho us-
Cendant when Forsyth himsolf occupied hor
gubernutorial chair.
Heartily do we hall the npprnach of Georgin’s
fnvurito son! Most sincerely sliiill wo unite in
cheering his progress thruugh his natal Stuti'5 and
as truly do we believe llwt he will be dvlijthicd to
At a meeting of tho citizens of Chatham county,
hold in conformity with public notico, at the Ex
change in tho city of Savannah, on the evening ut
tho 18th inst., fur tlw purpose of making arrange
ments to tenderto the Hon. John Forstth, on his
contemplated visit to this city, some testimonial of
JOHN C. NICOLL, wns culled to thochuir, and
I.K. Tkfft, appointed secretary.
Robert M. Goodwin, E*q., offered tho following
*p)camb!o nnd resolution*, which being seconded by
Col. Dryidalo, were unanimously adopted.
This meeting having heard, with grout cratlfie.a
tion, that the Hon John Forsyth contemplates visit-
ing.thu city of Savannah, mid entertaining the high
est respect and admiration for his talent# and char-
ncter, / and tho wnnncst gmtitndo for his distin
guished public services { duos resolve that u com.
mitten bn appointed to welcome, him among us, aiul
to tender tut him a public dinner as a tribute or res
pect to hi* worth, and that
William B. Bulloch, George Andorson, William
Taylor, Ralph King, George Schley, John I’. Wil-
liuriwon, F. M. Stone, Henry McAlpin. Tsnnc Cn-
hon, Roll. A. Lowis, Clias. S. Henry, Adam Cope,
Wm, H. Cttylor, mid W. W. Gordon, Imi that com-
mil tec, a* d on jnolion, tho chairman was added to
tho committee.
Resolved, That a committee of tw-nty-fivo ho York.)
appointed, to mnke the trocessnry urnmgonrtmts for
tiro dinner, whereupon thn following gentlemen
wore appointed thntcommitoo, viz:
R. M. Goodwin, Thomas Purse, John Millen,
llich’d. D. Arnold, Johrt Boston, John W. Ander
son, Alox. J.C.Slmw. Edward Quigley, Jnmes M.
Folsom, P. M. Kollock, George Sldck, L S. D'Ly
on/ Charles Slophons, Wm. H. Bulloch. Joseph L.
Shaffer, John Dillon, Y. S. Pickurd. I K. Tuff',
Alex.- Drysdale, Jacob Chadlmum, Joseph Kelt,
l*nno D’Lyon.Johu Gardner, C. L. McNish. and
F. “A. Tuppcr.
On motion of Col. Drysdulo, secondod by Jos. L.
Shaffer, Esqr. .
ftrtolvrd, The proceedings of this meeting he
published in the Gazettes of the city.
On nmtion of Col. D’Lyoii, .cromled by M. Ilop.
kins, Esqr.
Resolved, That tho mooting adjourn.
J. K. Txfft, Secretary.
! WARESBOIlO', Oct. 14.
Sis—I herewith send you tho returns of tho elec
tion in this county.
For Governor.
McDonald, 225 | Dougherty, 7
Ratification, M
No Ratification,
Senator, E. Mattox’, Representative, J Hilliard.
• Extract of a letter, duted
Barnwell, C. H.,Oct. 16.
I send you the result of the election Tor a member
of Congress from our District. The vote Is the
smallest aver polled in tho District. Butler 1142i
Jamieson 220, Caughmun 44—Total 1406.
The Banks of Providence suspended specie pay
ments, on tho 11th, with an intention to resume on
the 15th Inst.
The Philadelphia Sentinel states that the noxt
Legislature of Pennsylvania will contain a Van Bo
ren majority in each branch. The Sennte will con
sist of 15 Whigs nnd 18 Van Buren men. Tho
House will stand32 Whigs to about 68 Van Buren
members. .
^Vhe October number of this very useful work
rqaebed us yesterday. It is we think, more copious
than usual; and tho editorial and origin il d-purt-
moot is well written. Tiro selections are carefully
collated, and aro both interesting nnd instructive.
We *ee the editor i* industrious in hi* Silk new*.
B. R. Carroll, editor: A. E. Miller, publisher
Charleston, S. C. Five dollars per annum, t» ad-
Bread Stuffs.— The Philadelphia Nmth Ame
rican »ays that the market of that *-ity was swept on
Wednesday of all the flour in it at $6£. The stock
on hand however was very light. It is suid to huvu
been taken fur export.
Baltimore Flour Market.—Tiro Baltimore
American, 18th inlt. soys, on W.dne*day, sales of
•v Howard-sl. flour were tnudo ui $6|. Yesterday a
pareelorSOOO barrel* Ilowurd-st. wu* taken forex-
port at |6J, cash. Tiro stock of all descriptions is
By tha Union lino brig G.-orge.Cupt I lull,arrived
Kate but evening from New Y*»rk, we have been fa
vored with conies of tlw Dispatch and Herald o*
rtsin ** ‘ ' '' *"
Front Ike Ohio Statesman, Oct. 12.
The route of FcdvrulUm in Ohio seems to have
boon universal und complete. There Is scarcoly a
parallel to it in the aninds of political warfare.—
Tho flight from lexusuf thuueneralisinioef Ohio
Whigi-ry, was no' mw* sroidnn —»“*»* * ,m , n R'i*
flight oP the Whig pnrty from Ohio. Even in the
few countie* wbt'io successful, it i* by rcducod ma
jorities, and by tiro most intense exertions. Thu
popularity of Mr. Van Buren in Ohio, is, we
verily belevo, mure extensive, sincere, and perina-
merit, than in any State in tho Union. And surely
no one bus ever more richly merited it.
Extract from a letter, dated
Columbus,(O.)Oct. II, 1839.
Dicar Sir:—From the slips sent toyou, you will
perceive that eur vlctury has been most gloriou-j.—
Tho Senate will stand 25 Democrat* to 11 tedorul-
itithe Huuto of R»-preiw*iuaiive* 50 Domocrats to
22 Federalists—as Hourly ns can bu ascertained.
Our sorrow has been turned into rejoicing and our
fear* hnvubeen scattered to the four wimlrtand tho
Whigs—some the most hitter, for iuslunce £••»**,
•ay thut it is usolcs* to contend any longer, ami
that it is mudnses to think of bringing out a candi
date against Mr. Van Buren.
P. S. Since writing tiro above, tho report, nnd an
endorsement upon a way bill, has reached u« that
tiro who'a Domocrntic ticket has succeeded in Old
l'ortugn. Also, that we have elected one Demo
crat in Gouuga, and one in Ashtabula. In Luniin
and Cuyuhoga the Whigs huvu succeeded-, in tho
formerV.-ouniy by 10U, und in tho Inner by 10.—
W'higery is onnihiluted in Ohio, and we aro cnlnu-
luting upon a general jubilee nt the meeting of tiro
Legislature-— perhaps sooner.
Exit act from a lcite r, dati d
Holmkk Co., (0.) Oct. 10, 1839.
Your* of tho 3d October 1 received per inuil this
ty. No doubt of Ohio. Their secret plans nnd
traps, gin-, and spring Rons, are only so many im-
piemen a fur tlwir own destruction.
The grout effort of Whigory hero was to keep
down nil excitutnciit, und divide the Democratic par
ty, und to creute u d *gu*t of tiro delegate system.
To this end, ns soon astltu convention hud decided,
every effort was made to operuto upon the rejected,
and to impress tho majority with n belief thut they
were not only dictated to, but that it wns conducted
dishonestly. Mr.Hutchinson.ear ait.judge,became
their tool, a man who lias been uniform in his at
tachment to our entt-o, but wua made to bciiuvo
thut lie wns not only ill treated by tho Demncrucy,
hut such wns their contempt for the ch ico of tlw
convention, thut li.-cou d ride over us will* the help
of the Whies. He had his hund hills published
und roudy for circulation on the morning of tho elec
tion. Sunday ni.uht wo overhauled one. Monday
sent out a moderate reply, and tho result, James
Hogeland, lIro former member, bus the usual ma
jority of 560 over tiro recreant. And so with our
Colonel M* Dowell, oncti a Senutor, and hmmilhrn
treasurer of our country. As soon ns tiro conven
tion had selected tho candidate, iro unnonnci-d that
hecouid lu-at the nmnim o 501); and on tiro day of
the elt-ciion, that Iro would irot huvu run against ude
cent mini, Ate. Ami how did Iro romo oui 1 Like
the stranger in harvest—4t)G. Whigs, puut devils,
I huvu tormented thorn Ituro until tlitry utu like
Smith's clerks, “ all Donmcruts since the I-idiiilin
and Tennessee election*." Poor Clay, and still
poorer Old Granny—“ none so base ns to do thorn
reverence." News came to hnnd just now that
Tuscarawas has redeemed herself— Carroll county
I*. 301), P-Tinge nnd Cuyaln ga. Nows good from
Muskingum; if we have not succeeded, it will he
a Ant e prelude to our success unntiior election.—
Don’t forget thi# one tiling, that in 1838, Ohio guvu
an impetus to the ball, which has been increasing
! - it* velocity ever since, (one exception only, New
It affords us plcasuro to stutu that thn Banks in
Savannah have not suspended •«p— 1 ,*
.....a-.i-'ii wa* never »nunaor than at this time,
ill. lr exhibit* lately published in our column*
will show, and with the *nme confidence repos- d
in them by the community, as Is reposed in those of
New York by that community, wo trust thut tho
will bo able to weather the storm. Events look
cheering in Now York, and we ahull be pleased to
seo thecourso of the mammoth Bank in I’liiladel
phla, condemned by tho course of future ovents.
We have trot learned of tiro suspension of any
Banks in Georgia, except the Hank of Augusta
and the Augusta Insurance and Banking Com-
Since the above was in type, die Rail Road mail
brought the following :—
We understand that the banks of this city have
suspended specie pnyments; and tlmttlioy ullage, a*
one of tiro reu»oiis for thi* ronr*e, that it will enn-
hie them to furnish our merchants lienor fncilites
for purchasing cotton, $cc. Under the existing em-
biirrns-ments throughout the country, wo aro dis
posed to believe thi* is n.judicious step, and thut is
will bo productive of advantages to our community.
Wo huvu the utmost confidence in tiro soundness and
ability or our banks, and have no doubt they will do
"tho clean thing."— 1 Columbus Sentinel if- Herald
Tho New York Courier and Enquirer, spouk-
ingof the Georgia Election, olid Georgia politics
says :—
“ Parties in Georgia, and politicians, are snmlxcd
up, that we think it would he difficult for any man
in precisely "define hi* porition."
We cun see no difficulty in the way ot all.—
Tho Democratic Republican pnrty of Goorgia, has
never hoLtcd fnlso lights. True "as tho needlo to
the pole," that party has labored for the good of
tho wholo people—and it has boon justly rewnrdod
by u glorious triumph over Federalism und “Whig-
gory"—which Is hut an enrnost of the still greater
victory the Demucrncy of Georgia will achieve in
the Fall of 1840, when the principles lhatacluated
tho men of 76, will bo practically illustrated by
the re-election of Martin Van Burin to the
Presidential chair.
Wncon, wo repeat, sen no difficulty in " defining
our position." Our opponents, however, muy he
rather puzzled ta do the same.
,t f
From the Trent •«, (N. J.) Emporium,
The Democratic Congressmen sustained bn Four
teen Hundred Majority.
Thu freemen of Now Jersey hnvo spoken. They
have set their soals of condemnation upon tho acts
of tho Governor and Privy Council. TJiey hnvo
tuld William Pennington and his plijtnt tools,
Unorm-ni nnd Fithinn, that the MAJORITY
SHALL RULE—that the will of tho people, ex
pressed til rough tho Ballot box, shall bo tho su
premo law of tho land.
At tho October ch-ction oT 1833, five domocrntic
candidates were elected to Congress l»y on avurngc
majority of ] 01) votes. The Governor nnd Privy
Council took upon themselves tlw responsibility uf
throwing out t • o domocrntic townships, which en
tirely reversed tho expressed will of thcpeoplo.
The question camo before tho people ut the last
election—shall wo sustain the Governor and Council
in this fraud I or shall wa sustain tho right of the
democratic candidate* to s.ats in tho next Con
gress 7 The people liavo spoken, and tlw question
lias boon d-cided on tho sido of justice. There can
no longer be tiny doubt ns to who are right—twice
have tho people said tho democratic candidates
shall bo our representatives.
Thu rosuli exhibits a gain to tiro democracy sinco
Inst yenr of over FOURTEEN HU^5D , ’* ,, '
Democratic mnj. in 7 counties, 606
Federal loss in 1U comities 786
Pom eratio gnin sinco last yenr 1392
Added to democratic nmj. in lust
Congressional election, 7-1
Mnj. for tlw democracy in the state, 1466
Thn nbovo statement is made up from roported
majorities. In our noxt we shall give tho whole
number of vote* polled in tho state. Wo have no
doubt the popular votu will ho swelled to nearly
Tiro following notice has been issued from tho
American Exchange Bank:
NEW YORK. Oct. 12, 1839.
Payment of notes and acceptances, lodged for
collection in this bank, pnynble out of this city,
will he required In specie, unles* tho depositors
■hall select to rcccivo payment in notes current
where said p-.per is payable; nnd incase of pay
ment, this Imnk will give to tho said depositor, if
required, a chock for tho same, psyuble at tho
pluco of collection, In notes thore current, or in
specie a* tlw same may have been paid.
Notice i« nl: given tothoso who hnvo lind paper
discounted pnynble out of the city, that payment of
tiro same will bo demanded in specie, unless tiro
discounter select to have the same received in notes
current where the same is payable, and alluw to
this institution the difference of exchange.
JOHN J. FISK, Cushier.
Wo learn that about |300,000 In specie has boon
received in New York this morning, from Baltimore
nnd Philadelphia—coining in tho regular way of
trade, for the purchase of goods and puyments of
Post notes of »he U. S. Bank were selling in Phi
ladelphia yostorclny nt 1| per month discount.—
Private paper sold at I4«
The eoniidonco of our bank officers in their abili
ty to muiiituin spaciu pnyinents throughout, is in*
cron*i-g daily, und so is tho confidence uf the public
in tlroir soundness and prudent maungamet^. A
butter und more cheerful feeling has prevailed hi
the street to-day ihuu at any timo since Wodnesduy.
We are told that tho banks liuvo discounted to a
reasonable exmnt, und hnsino-s paper has oven barn
sought for with some avidity,
In short, thore it uvory reason to bo sure that New
York will go on well. It is not Improbable that one
or two smull institutions, which hnvo bccomo in
volved, may find it necessury to suspend, and oven
to wind up, hut should tills bo tho case, llwir circa-
lation is vuiy limited und oven should tlroy close
their doors, their notes will ho' paid in full.
Wo lourn that the United States schoonor Boxer,
daily expected, lias on board a largo amount of
specie.—N. Y. Com. Ado. \bthiust.
Tho following sales took place after the Second
Board yesterday:—11 shares U. S. Bunk, 2 ds.
without interest, 90; 12 do do 3 ds without interest,
U. S. Bunk closed at 89£ hid, 90 asked.—U. S
Wo have not u word In addition to what was
given In yesterday's Chronicle. Tiro Southern mail
foiled hfcyond Alexandria, from what cause we can
not divine. Tho failures of the mnil from the
South have become very frequent uf lute. Why U
it 7 Is Mr. Kendall so much engaged in electioneer
ing duties as lo he unable to attend to the business
of hi* office 7—Ball, Chronicle, 16tA.
Our cou-.cmporary, in Baltimore, hns received
enough of intelligence from Georgia ero tills, to bo
convinced that Federal-Whiggery is defunct within
our limit*. Ami for hi* private car, we whUpef
that " Mr. Kendall" hat not been, “ electioneer
ing in Georgia \ and further that no other functiona.
ry of tho general Government from abroad has boon
within its limits during tiro whole contest. Yet,
after all, Georgia bus shaken off the "Whig" yoke,
and declined for Van Buken I
Can tho Baltimore editor guess who did the
ovilt No.
The “ Democracy of numbers
Florida.—The National Gtutett* «f Philadelphia
states, that seven thousandregulata are about to bo
^ SitSiCE'
"^cT the 2d regiment of the dragoons. It is likewise
stated that Genera) Taylor has been authorised to
send to Cuba for a Ur«e number nfhlooJIuiund*.
This i» tho cry uf all lh«* " Whig" papora in Bal
timore. Why wo thought they hnd more than
cauugh of "cAange," when tiro "Whigs" wore
turned " to tiro rightabout," In Bahimtf* city, and
all through tiro State of Maryland tho other day.
It Is hard to please suli.c people, however; and
perhaps the Baltimore " Whig*" will liavo to on-
duro a little more “ changebefore they uro sails-
We had an article prepared tu exhibit tho \\h\t
manreuvre by which tho Legislature of New Jersey
has been made to represent hut ono party, and that
n minority of the peoplo. We have, however, on
perusing- If, prefotred tho Globe article, which
takes a moie retrospeciivo view. Wo roly on the
Jersey Blues in 1840 to show to their Democratic
brethren that Whig cheating, like cheating play, in
general, never thrive*.
From the N. Y. Journal Commerce, 16<4 intt.
Tux Quietus.—Tho Banks have several of
them, announced their readiness to draw bills on
England nt60 days, at 9J prom., to any extent
which may bn required.
They have most of them open credits always nt
thnir disposal, with various London Bankers, and
the agent of tho Barings’ is roudy to enlurgn the
credits on them to nn extent much beyond wlint enn
possibly be necessary- It hns been known for some
dnys that this course would Iro adopted if thought
expedionf, nnd wo should think its announcement
must put a quietus to oil expectation or apprehen
sion in any mind that tho " Now York Banks would
The Bank butino ns Yost Notxs.—A large
house of Brokers in Wall street are today offering
to buy U. S. Bank Post Notes to any extent, not
yet mature, deducting discount ot tho rato of eight
pot cent, por annum, and making payment in Phila
delphia mntiey. Those persons wlto balght 12 mo.
notes at 14 a month, would in thi* wny just about
got their money hack again Every body sup
poses, of course, that this urdor comes from tho
Bank Itself.—Ibid.
Suspension at Providence.—Lottcrs aro ro
ccived this morning, dated at Providence Inst night,
announcing that ut a mooting of tiro Bunks, suspen
sion hnd been resolved upon. Wo shall see now
whether tlroy aro right, or wo. llhodo Island
money is very scarce to-dny, nnd although tho
broker* usk 5 per cent, thoy got hut liltio.—Ibid.
Chancellor Kent has given nn opinion that a Col.
lector of tho Customs hns no right to seize goods
thut have once pu*»cti the Custom-House,
Tiro stow of Means. C. B. Carter Sc Co. wa*
refilled on Monday night 21st ln»t., bttwwn the
hour* af7 and 4 past 10 o’clock, of several article*
rite thief must hava boon secreted In tiro atnro
(as It was locked at 7 o’clock,) and wns well pro!
vlded with matches and apparatus fur opMtingboxes.
He appears to have lighted a cttndlo, and the first
box ho opened, finding it contained wooden Clock**
In* abandoned, und went into n hack room, where
ho helped himself to the Ten, dtc., and whore he
loft his pumps; he went out at the front doot 4 , loav*
ing it open, tiro key.being left in the lock on tho ln 4
side. The watchman found tho door open at about
4 past 10 o’clock.
InthnmhUt of our own prosperity, as far a* the
times will permit us to use tho word, let us not
forget the helpless condition In which tlw' city of
Mohilu Inis been placed, by tiro united powers of
fire nnd disen.o. That great comnrotolal city Is
now comparatively a heap of ruin*. Tho hand ol
tiro vilo incendiary has luld Its noble piles in asho#)
and tho King of Terrors stalk* within it* almost
deserted wall*, in the form of a black nnd dire pas-
tilonce. What ruthless disease lias spared, famiao
and dislrnai, povor y ami hungor will pet hap* de
stroy. This awful visitation of Diviao Providence
should he a lesson to those who revel in luxury,
and enjoy all that wealth can belltow. They know
nut hut that their own condition may yet bo ns ah-
joci os that of thu houseless in Mobile. Tiro torch
may bo yet applied to their princely mansions, and
thoir fulr possessions may he laid waste—but Hon-
von preserve them from such a calamity- Yot ns
liuln did thu rich cilixons of Mobile dream of their
dUustets when thoy retired to their beds, and wort*
awakened tu their misery by the alarm of fire!—
Yus, as little did they expect such n doom, ns tho
proudest in this, or any other city, when ho laid
Ins head on his pillow la»t night. To tlioio who
have abundance, we nddres* ourselves first. L-1
them come forward nnd open a bountiful hand lo
fill the lap of distress. But all can join in this
work of charily; and happy are wo lo suy that fuw
in Savannah would mils a Five Dollar bill in such a
And, moreover, tiro tnito of tin poor man
ismmo precious, if possible, than the < vur loaded
bounty of tho rich. Ho give* ull he can spare—let
the rich man da tho same.
Fellow citizens, wo heliovo you require few wools
when put kind Host und most generous feelings me
to he appealed to. You hnvo never licet* behind
your sister cities in deed* of benevolence—there
fore, wo shall any no inure to you ut present, on this
niolunchuly subject.
Tf.hnv.bskv. T.xatsi.ATUUK.—This body mot an
Monday, tho 7th inst. In the Senate, T. 8. Love
(V. B.) was elected Speaker, W. K. Hill Clerk;
Wm. Martin AmblmOCIuk. .Tli.
Van Buren 13, Whig 10.
In tho other House, Jonns E. Thomns krot elect
ed Speaker, GronvilloS. Crockett Cloirlf, *nd Lycnr-
gu* Wincester Assistant Clerk. Tho vote stood
Vun Buren 42, Wldg33.
CoNonxsstoNAL Emotion.—-The election in
Richland, (says tho Columbian South Cnrollnian, nn
Monday nail Tuesday Inst,) for a Representative
in Congress, to supply the vacancy*ioned hy
tho re«ignnlionof the Hon .F. H. Elmore, resulted
fullnwat—For Ciutghmnn, 152; Jamison, 1481
Butler, 140. From tho other Districts, we hnvo
nothing certain, ns yet; but fl Is altogether probable
that Col. Caughrnnn is one or two hundred vote*
ahead. In the District* of Richland, Loxington and
Colonel Wm Hopkins was elected a Representa
tive ol this District, in the Slate Legislature, to
supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Col.
Brown, without oppoiition.
Monday morning, r nun the latter wa learn that Ml
De Saligny has been appointed Charge det Affairi
fptn the Frunchgovernment toTexa*,which amounts
to a recognition. The New York Banks seem to ha
Tiding proudly over the *lO’in. The Herald *tate«
that the banking house ol the U. S. Bank has Ireen
gtiaebod hy its creditors and also the funds of that
institution in |lw hands of iu reputed branch and
namaMka in New York. The asms pop*rettimaios
its la»*es by the diminished value of assets trad ot hot
i|H-cul«iiofi», at S3 millions uf duller*, since tlw 1st
of Jan. last, and Uriah* iu stock ought to he worth
about |3i) a iharal—Ch*r. Mercury, loth imi.
NBW-YORK, Oct. 17.
Tho Wool Grower’s Bank, ona of the late hatch
under the new law, stopped payment on' M -ndiiy.
Tli« Journal uf Commerce say* it never hid hut
$20,000 of thu Comptroller, and ha# but $.'> 000 in
The Now York Herald «#tiniaie* that in about3
week* there will Iro iu that city nit amount equal to
$1,000,000 in hill* drawn against cotton shipped to
Europe, from the Southern port-, and llmt thi* sup
ply of foreign exchange with -*111-8 foreign bill* a*
can Iro funi'nlied by tiro N-*w York Bank*, who in
tend to draw GO day hill* ui 0 per ct prein, will ar
rest tho drain of specie 10 Europe from that city.—
Th** first of the»e calculation* is fallacious. There
will not he the above minium in hill* drawn again*t
cotton shipped fi urn tiro southern purls, from present
nppeamnws, in less than 0 week., and with regard
to the other source of-apply of foreign exchange,
wn question whether tlw N. York B ink* have foods
or credits in Europe ton sulficleut extent to fornUh
nny but n limited amount of hill*. Tlw departure of
the steamer Liver|>ool on the 19ili hut., will lest this
matter.—8. Patriot.
NEW YORK. Oct. 14.
Treasurt Not**.—Sale# at thn board of $2000
treasury notes ut 4 por ecu premium.
A draft fur $}00 upon Philadelphia was told h is
morning at 92, and one far $103, at 91 c*uu in h 0
Exchange.—\St quote bills on England 10 a 11
percent premium, . ,,
Tiro pocket ship Wellington which sailed this
mornii - *•— 1 1 s> 1 & nun in amid*.
Tho Democratic gain in Ohio is far beyond all
previous estimates The route of the Whigs seem
10 be universal und complete. An Extra from tho
Ohio Statesman of tho 12th *ays," there Is scnrcely
a para Hello it In tiro annals of political warfare.
Even In the few counties whore tlw Whig* have
been successful, it his been hy greatly reduced ma-
joritic# and hy the most intense exertion*. The
popularity of Mr. Van Buren In Ohio, is, we verb
ly believe, more oxtensive, sincere, nnd permanent
than in any State iu tiro Union. And surely no one
hat ever more richly merited it."
There was a death in Philadelphia on Sunday l-y
starvation—a widow wont in of forty yeurs, with
a family of three infant children.
Tho Globe of tho 16th inst. says:—The President
arrived in the city to-day nt 11 o'clock. He
and welcomed at the Capitol by a large con
course of citizens, where Iro wu* addressed by the
organ* appointed by the several meeting* for that
purpose. Front tiro Capitol he w a* escorted to his
mansion, and was there received by his Cabinet.
The President is in fiuo health.
Los* or a French Ship of War.—A letter to
tho Editors of the Journal iff Commerce, dated
Monte Video, Aug. I3tli, says, " The French ship
of war Active ha* been recently lost on tiro Island
Lobu*; crew ull saved."
Lord Cbaa- Wellesley, sou uf the Duke of Wel
lington; Lieut. Col. Whyte, Lieut. Col. Greenwood,
Cupr. Cox. Also Lieut. Gresset and Lieut. James
Culburne, (son of tiro Ex-Governor of Canndu)all
attached la the British Army stationed in tlw Cana
das. are umongst the visit* rs at tiro Exchange Hu’
tel in Baltimore.
The several fluid ami company officer* belonging
tu tiro regiment* serving in Florida, now waiting ui-
1 rlers, or abtaolun temporary service, or with have,
arc ordered to repair to tlroir raipcetivo posts, and
J*» *n»j( ofibsSoutU miImw <tel.|f.
Tho Chevalier Cnndido de Furio who was re
ceived tin thu 2d inst. hy tiro Secretary of Sint**, 11 •
tiro Charge d’Affaires of her Most Faithful Majesty
thn Queuii of Portugal, wu* yesterday presented in
hla oflit-i-il character to tiro President by Mr. For-
#yth.— IVcraA. Globe, Wh.
We understand that orders lmvo been given to
Nx'Vit" •' The State df Nt* Jtrity hat covered
herself viih honor." So say wo. Tiro State of Now
Jersey has " covered itself wflh honor," hut the
NY big cry »f the S at- has covered itself wltn infamy.
To thu fraud in the Inst your’a election, committed
hy the Gove, nor and Council and (wo clerks, In
suppressing tho pulls'of South Amboy uud Millville,
*0 a* lu certify five Whig members elected, when
they were iu firot defeated; they hnvo now added
open, palhuhle, long meditated, and now effectuatod
fraud, to give tiro power ufth"State ton minority.
Tho Democratic caiididuict fur Congress wero dec-
ed lust your hy nil average majority of ono ImmLed
To cauvon that majority into a minority, the sup
pression of tiro whole vote of thn two townships,
umtitfnting to two hundred nnd fity-two voles, was
contrived. To uiaintnln ihb pmvef oftl.e Governor
and Council,- who wero guilty of this outrage on tho
rights of the majority; we fiitd in the late election a
trow nud successful iclirqib of vlllnny developed.
Wilhaclenr,undisputed majority hTfmlrteon hun.lrn
votes against them Inuil tlfncuuntlps, ihn NVlrigd
hnvo so dishonestly ami pait‘a‘lly distributed the
right of reprosentudon among the crfunties. n* to
gi\u their counties, with 0 minority of voters, tho
e »wur of sending a majority of momhora rtf tiro
utmeil ami mombors of .Assembly. To accom
plish thi* odious disfrancliiscineut of tiro Demucritlia
counties, nnd cimfer on tho most decided Fedora
one* 1I10 right* of which tiro former were stripped,
tiro W\\\g»gerrymandered the Stale—diminishing
1 he. representative ratio in their strong counties,
und increasing it in tlnrationg Democratic counties,
In Jlut.toidoii county, one of the strongest Demo
cratic counties, thu ratio established is eflr repre
sentative lor every 7,51)0 inhuMiunt#; In Middlesex
(n decided Federal emrniy) the vcitia isnho tepre-
sentntivu for every 4,500 inlndiiiunts'. In Somer
set (nnothei Federal county) it is one reprosefltntWc
Ibr every 4,900, and in Burlington (unothcr strung
Federal cmmlyjil i# one representative for ovmy4,-
80(1 iulmUUuut*. Under thi* ratio In there three
counties, tiro Federal party have returned, twelve
iirombuia, wh n if they had pre*rribdil the snmo
ratio a* they have for Democratic Hunterdon, they
would huvu gotten only seven members. By lid*
legislative fraud they ga'n tu tlroaa three cuuntiev
ulune five members of Assembly! We glvo this a*
a sample; and it is only by working on thu same
rule throughout, that the Federal pirty have man-
agod tu cuirya majority in tiro Council uud Assem
bly against u popular majurity of upward!'of 1,400
iu thu whole Stute.
But they could not uffoct tlroir iidqititous purpose
completely, without uuothor uct of tiro Legislature
tous-Ut it. Kuelicouuty iseniiriuioonnCoiinoillur;
und tu luBure a Federal majority iu this branch of
1 he Legi-lutiiroaud increase thut iu llm Assembly,
they created two new counties out of sections uf
oth'-ra where they were suro uf 11 predumiunnee.
Tho effent of tills foul legislation ugniusl the ma
jority of the p-ojdc, to suMtriu tiro usm-nduncy of a
i.firty in the minority, is marked in it* consequencen
with still greater * rang. It not only give* the Fe
deral party tiro Lcgishitufo. Inrt tho Governor,' wifrt
i* olecied hy 17. And more,' 7i Tfivos llirtm thn jVower
nfap;mlt«i«*'ho clerks,' wlui under the law, are
humid to sum! outlie {•••IUfifth** respecilvo cuiiitir#,
and th’iB onnhle the Federal pnrty to re-elect Guv.
I'knninoto.n nnd tho two county clerks who con-
s, iriol with li'unT tosup|iu-4rtihe Democratic n qjorliy
t«r memlror* of OtitigfoM. Art. I thi* unmA packed
Federal Assembly, wldcli' perputuutd* the rtmrolnt-
men toll Iro clerkii and Governor, whu falsify thi
Stmo return* nud send member* to the nojn'rifcr
brunch in Cungro#* in ilelimcp of the suffrages rtf thi
penn'e, in>iy, by rite rintne vlohirfort'of tho principle*
of tiro Government und right* of tiro majority, con-
pai»t - • '
OftlMeonditloaol the Bank uf the Stole ofGeor- f
■la, arid BiritR-he*,ou Moods} lire ,7th Octulwr; ,
DR. Lkibilitiha.
To capital stock,
B.ilim circulation/
Dividends uncnlledfur,
DUcour ( account;
Surplus find, .
Bnluncr* dun to oilier binki
Kvisniteitoli 81 *'* 1 ''
RepoHed circulation tuabnle;
Deduct thW sum ofl hand at pfcr cridlt
Leaving In actual circulation,’
CR; Resources. , ,
By nof6s end bonds discounted;
Bills b‘f exchange discounted;
Real ustate.
Banking huusci and low,’
InAdontuI expensed,
Assignment of a judgement,
I'rutuit account,
Balances duo froffl other brink*, .
Balances due Bank Slate of Georgia',, .
nud lirunohos, 100,737 SSI
Bill* uf brunc.Uca an hand, 32,667 00
Bills of other hunks on
linttd, $145,041 00 . . ...
Speciu ufi hon'd, 233,708 Hti 429,029 90
i,740,179 HQ
218.619 03
33,707 20,
•1,257 00
20.422 20
4,548 83
540 75
31,028 03
$2,705,201 d
ing been fow
A statement mote In detail, having been forward
ed to tiro Govcrimr, ot Milledg«4ille, Will no doubi
W puWi.Wih.,*Wd
Of the conditioh, teiumcos and Jiabilft'lft MtW
Plnntor*' Bank of the Stale of Georgia, it the.
close of business, on Monday, the 7th ddy ut
October, 1830. ' \
Nnlci of the honk In clrcu- . , , .
lritiun, tdd'etnissiun, $22,073 00 ,, ...
Do' do d6 uuvv do 86,026 00 100,09900
Biilnficas with Suvrinnnhbrfnks, 8,445 33
Duu to inferior urfd other batiks for io!-
Ifritfttut; 20,310 70
Du# to Trcrisurift Unitrid ... M
States; 0,269 30
Due to Treasurer Uiilod
State* for Poll OlRcc De-‘
partrteuL 669 47 , .
Duo to public officer#, 00,768 93 67,707 70
Due id Individual dopnillors,
Due to unclaimed dividends;
Profits ami reserved fund*;
Capital stock pu'id In;
•171,545 5<
■ 0,531 «(
20,574 h
535,400 OH
♦1,073,004 47'
4 Of tlw aborc turn ♦50,153 (, Dt ,,#51.1 firedil '
of individuals being on uCCount 6f notes rind judgX
(I,,!,I mill ,1143# In Ibo noli, 90,Hit d
N 'ID* nfsp'ecleplntlng banks, 10,975'
Co»libalance in Nriw Y6Hf, 33,105 00
Bill* of Exchange hi New
Dl l* of Exchange fn Cfmr-
iiflil id
10,40(1 Orf
ni.niir. . ,laop.of,WBP, mid . wbomipr, with nil. . ..
* „ible dc,nntp.h, for cful.ll,, on tb. cam of Af- lri.#l» r l#c,Sl.l#S3.,.l„r.toml.r.|.r. .btlhoSim./
" . p ... I....... . o I To d ,lbi«, Umov,,#, ibo, mu„ «> iba now *mlon
rloo, In o.ecutlun of tbo l»«. of tb. United Stale. f,u'„d nftlmlf c nrryinmidorln E
against tho disgraceful traffic in slaves anu f«»r the I The niujuritie* in' suvmul of their smunrih
From the AugnitaCanililutionalisl,Extra.
Thursday, Oct. 17—12 M.
The Board report ono donth, from appoplexy,
within the last twenty-four hours—none of fover.
Friday, Oct. 18-12 M.
Tiro Board report no death, during the last twen-
ty-fuur hours.
Saturday, Oct. 10—12 M.
Tiro Board report three Hoaili* from fovrr, 1 from
intemperance,and one infant, three month# o|il,du-
ring the last twenty-four hours.
Sunday, Oct.20—12 M.
Tiro Board report tiro dcuth ofotro colored child,
three year* old, from worms—no dt-uih from fover
during the last twcnty.fotir hours.
8. M. Thompson, Scc’ry.
protection of our lawful commerco in that quarter.
-Ibid. '
Health of Natchez.—Wo have Nntelro* pa
pers of tho 9th, which states that tiro yellow fever
has increased in virulonco. Within tw.-my-four
hours past, say* tho Free Trader, manynf our res-
peered citirons, the temperate und tho healthy hnvo
sickened, and tho taper of hnpo burns at tlroir bed-
nido with foehln and flickering beams. The duaths
average five and six por day.
Sinco tho above was in type we hnvo received
tho Freo Trader of tiro 10th, from which wo extract
tho following»
NEW ORLEANS,(to. 12.
Report of the Charity Hospital.—Ailmittcd 21}
yellow fover 6; dcuths I. Iii term cuts—At tiro Ca
tholic ermotry, Oct. 11, It fever none ; at tho Pro
testant eomoiry, mme.—Bee.
The weekly repurt of intcrmenU, ending on Tuca
day evening of tho present week, shows worse ihuu
lust week, which was 34 interment#, while the pro
sent week tiroro has been thirty seven.
From 5 o'clock, P, M., on Tuesday evening un
til 5 u’cluck lust evening, tho intertnouts have been
only three.
The usual epidemic in New Oileun# has nbnted
to such an extent, a* Ui make u* cease firm report
ing tho very limited mortality in that city.
With tho most sincere regret we have to copy the
following, being opposite to tho above:—
M<ibile.—Wc have gloomy pra«pcc'* to preset)'.
We are inlotmed by our irost physicians that the ep
idemic has incrensed in maliu'-aucy, and that new
cases occur dally, of tiro worst type. On ycoicnlny,
2 burial* were reported; Sutuiduy, 7; Friday,6.--
Owing to the illness of the sexton, there muy be
some omissions in (ho report*.
We understand that two of our oldest nnd most
res|»ectabl# citizens, who hnvo resided hero over 20
year*, weroypstcrdny taken down with the fover.—
Register 14/A inst.
By the steam packet Southerner, Cnpt. Budd,
arrived yesterday afn-ttioun, wo received tiro "Her-
aid" and " News" of the 17th and 18th inst-
Boisterous Weather—Fur the Inst two days
the wentlror hnsbeon Iroisu-ruu*, acuonipanu-d bj
heavy rains. Tho wind has principally been from
N E.and all of yesterday blow a perfect gale.
Tiro schf Empire ha* been ready f»r sea since the
lat inst. but has Iroon kept in |n»rt by reason of bead
Thu rain which ha* fallen fur the ln«t two dny«
hat been mttcli net-lied. Vegetation wu* suffering
much from the drought, and the Morus, of which
crop it may bw said that it i« uro-qualled in the U.
State.; had commenced easting tlroir leave* by rea
son, uf this want of moisture.—Ghat. Msicury,
2 Is/.
From Havana.—By atrival* «n Saiiinlav, we
have received our lluvunu coire|Mim|eiico lotlinO'h
inst lirolualve. It gives us tdeuturo In unnounce
that tiro yellow fever has entirely disappeared, and
thut business is command >g f«» a*s'trne a very pro-
tniilnf appearance. TlwiUte*Uom VetaCiu*ar«
to the 15th, and from Jamtslev to tho 25th,ull,, Hat-J today, J a
ing I list matters (n general in tlwre lt*u places are tfuUM, Or WmpupL £11
, ptwvtj mwb lu i vatu \r*•
MOBILE, Oct. 12.
The death* for the first nine days of ilie present
month, wero 41. Wm.J. Ing.-rsoll. Esri., fm many
years Cushier of the Bank of Mobile, died yester
day. uficr a lingering ills a*.
The Crops.—Wo have received some further oc-
counts from the interior sinco our lust notion of the
statu of tho crop*. Thu dry #oh*. continuo* to pre
vail, nnd although mon «»f the atutement* we have
scon, still favor the opinions which wn liavo hereto
fore advnnceii, that tiro receipt* ut tills port tiro on-
5ii gseuson, would full considerably Mow thn
g,moral ox jrooiutiun of llio«oiutereatodin thecoitott
staple, yi-t wo readily acknowledge and lake plea
sure in so doing, that other accounts, nnd of imtro
favorable character, have likewise come under our
observation. As wn have hnd no other motive,
than that of endeavoring to lay a true statement of
the condition and prospect* of tiro crop before the
public, wo would be gratified should tiro rosuli show
that our view* were premature. We have not a*
yet, however, seen anything to induce ti* to enter-
min such an opinion.
From the St. I juris Republican, Oct. 4.
Fuu and Robbery in Alton —Wo learn, ver
bally, that a destructive fire oecurrail hr Alton nUht
before Isst. The circumst.Huron,n* near n* wo huve
been able to gather them, ore reported to be mIxiui
this. Tho fire originated in tiro store of .Mr. Buffum,
4iii tho corner of Third end State streets, from
whence it extended to tho adjoining building*, con
suming tiro store of Mr. Waples, and in all some
ten or twelve building*, including tho prin ing office
of the T'-mperanco Herald. Mi. Buffum hud a Inrge
amountufgooils storage, nsiiinatod nt about $16,-
ODD, which it is believed were stolen nod tiro imure
,„t on fire. Shortly nfter tlmlim broke out a wagon
was seen leu-. .ng tiro town 1-ude.l witligmal*
An officerfruni Alton arrived In re yesteduy even-
ing, nn»l communicated with the oflirer* of iliis city,
llu succeedeil iu tracing tiro wagon to within a few
miles of thi# city, when ho Inst all trace of it. If
the goods in Mr. Buffum'* store were not stolen,
they were destroyed hy tiro fire. Wo hnvo not
heard nn accurate statement of tho damage done,
hut if tiro icjHiri ho true tho lots sustained must
utnouni to several thuus-ind*.
One of the Mormon*. Ring Fallot, indicted for
murder in tiro lute d'uturbancH between tiro chive#
und that sect, hasbt-en tried at Columbia and ac
A Strong Picturx.—One of tho Lisbon Jour
nal* »bu* addresses Lord Brougham.
Member of the British I'arliamenl, look around
y„u: what do you serif A sterile and ungrateful
*4,11 that ill repay* the sweat und labor «*f tho bmir*
who till it—a fatal and annihilating climate—sn
hand locking up all the gifts of nature,—horri
ble durkiro** df .-eying a passage to the cheering
rays of the sun. What ol-a do you reel An aris
tocracy for tho most part vicious and disorderly,
trampling without pity upon the other elas** s—at
vh* utmo«< adnX«nofcoUt**ul fortunes, and ihn rest
ofihe population pining under tiro weight of hun
ger and misery. C-wr*-• and insolent Briton, raise
from youi c iiintry’s ahndd tiro noble lion, sod place
in lis *iead a squalid uml starving tvreU h, vainly Im
ploring a mm **d of bread.'.
Bullion 1
counties are to'reduced iu tliri loin trial-that unlesri
tho disparity in tiro ratib of rejirascrttation is still
farther increased iirfuvuf of the'must impregnable
Federal counties, or tlroir representiiilves multiplied' muitgngo!
hysuhdlvision into noiV cuimties, th'orrt Is scmro a
doubt hut they will loso the Assembly noxt year.
Their attack nn free and equal suffrage is so shocking
—tlw system’of fritud introduced so'revolting—thnl
ft is ,ivi,lontly pto luclng disgust in tiro mfn-ls rtf tho
more hunort among their devoted partisans.
The point of view in which’ life into t-lnctlon in
Now Jersy was looked to as of must importance,
regard* tiro issue between tho spuriuiis member* of
Congress, certified by tho . GiiVerhor, nnd thrt Do-
inocratic mnmhers, cortiflbd hy tiro judge's at the
polls. If thb |Hipi>hii' voto ofttin Suite, ju*t taken,
had cxliihitfd u majority for tho Whigs in tiro ng-
grugate, the Federal (-andidetes in thn minority ot
tho pluvious election wnuhflm've argued thut it was
proof "of ill'-gal voting in Irolrolf or tlibir' opponent,
nnd would have insisted, with some color, that they
had been foully dealt with Ix-fure, and that, ot nil
events, they hiul in thu recent elcc'tio;i confirmation
iliut tlroy were tiro true raprnsemniivos of thi*State
What can they suy now, when'the average majori
ty of 100 against litem in tho previous election is in
creased to ut Ica-t 1,400 ip thut ju«t held? What
can they say when thu lust clcc'ion bus born con-
ducti'd itndur tho regulation* prescribed .by thdr
own party mahugfr* in tho Lugislatuio—when tiro
new iniquitous election law has tiro effect, us wc ore
told in the Trenton Emporium, of excluding " hun
dreds uf poor men who, me to the polls, without
knowing the provisions of the late, and were dis
franchised because they had not paid their tax
before the election1" A nd when, hy tlroir manage
ment lumber instance*, they so contrived that no
opportunity wu* ullurdt-d to person* reudy and wil
ling to nay their tax, tu t» qualify lhoin*o'.yo*, until
after tho election? It appears, moreover, that
while '* the duplicates" on which llio taxes wore
paid were withheld from Pom.rorat*, llio Federalists,
" previously supplied with large sums of money
and with the duplicate in thetr own hund, paid
every man's tax who would pledge himself /rt twf
the Whig ticket, and the nceiiUs were withheld
unlit the pledge was given." With all tln-so slnil-
tor iegnl provision* (provided on purpose by the ovor
Whig* of tiro la-t L*-gi*l«turel working in thoir fa
vor, tho majoriiy oga nrt the Whigs, nud their seek
ers ofsenu in tlw next Congress, has incr-nsed four
teen fold—from ono hundred to fourteen hundred—
and yet tiro Federal l’ress intimate that they will,
in tlu* fuco of thi* second vote against them, have
tiro husonoss and offrontary to como Ui Congress,
and ask it uisanctiun rrolfniion* setup andor fraud-
ulent certificate*, nncl iu the face of two rejection*
hy tiro popular vuM— tiro lost under clrcu,nsianccs
wldcli make* tho verdict of tiro people liltio lest
than n condemnation of tho officers, who gave tho
fulse pap' -rs, for fraud nnd perjury.
I f the issue be narrowe»l do * n to the new trial in
tiro two Hiippresscil townships, South Amirov and
Millville, the result I* tiro sumo to the Federal pro
ton, lers to tiro sent* in Congress. S uth Amboy
gave lust your a Democratic majority of 252, which
was withheld by thu Whig clerk; this year it gave
248. Millville guvo hut yearn Democratic mujir.%
ty of 106; mis year a majority of 88, The
tliminuiion of the majurity imho first suppressed
township, may bn ascribed doubtless to the opera
tion of uro now elm tion law, disfranchising tlio.-.e
not furuislrod with tlw tax c«-rt>licuti-«. The dimio-
ti tion in Millville wn* uflbutrd lo iho snmo way, but
is principally (we urn told) attributable to .the re
duction nf a large glass establishment sinco tho last
election, und the removal of several mechanics
laborer* to nthcrglass works f„r employment. But
tukiug tiro late result as the trun expositor of tho
legal votes in those district* at tho previous lection,
ami it still leaves the Democratic candidate* the
majority in that election. The twenty-two vote* lost
in thi.'*4* townships leave* the Democratic Congres
sional ticket an rverogc majority uf botwoen sevou-
ty and eighty.
No innttor,. thon,what testis applied to ascertain
Specie etui specie fundi,
Ni tns ortho Bonk of Darien.
Brtnd* rtfthftCFty ofSava'nnah';
City stock,
Real estatri,
BUI* discuuniAd funning to .
nroturby all good, 596,034 37
Bill* dt-erfuntmi Whig (Nor _
nbl In siiit, gnoo; 39J130 Off
Bills discounted lying o4er
not in suit, dorthUul/ 2,883 91 -
Bill* discounted In pay-
' ited 6y
, 7,305! OS
,000 od
J.500 00,
1,000 otf
4,344 S*
ntvHt nnd sedured ,bjf
117,030 off
♦1,073,004 47
• Uf flits'odl'ount $12,000 cpnitdered doUbf fill;
J. MARSHALL; Ctihivr. v -*r
Savannah, O/St. 7,1839;
- , L
rHILADELMA, 6rit. II. ^ ■
HvtmxM 6y Cfark of the fluajd of Brokar>;54ff
"a-IIIOtlinfion Nn4lYortt 114; 7 shares U, Stales’
Bank 9’Of I d«i' do 60|., , , ,
Second Board.—102 shares u. S. Bank DO.
Banh of FiVANCKANDBANitOF En&ikdn.'+'tfdi' !
New Yiftk Express speak* of thb perusal ofli letfer
from a director In tho Bank ofFranee at Paris, to*
Ids friend in that city, received by ibo last priblriO ,
He says: "I have just finished an examination of -
tiro bank* of the hank, and 1 find thut tho »rt4cl4,rtft
hnnd is two liuhdrW arid forty millioiau or. fnih#;
Whilo the obligotfon* of the bank are two huMlM
and thirty millions.' Money continues ablmdAnt^na
interest low." J
In dollars—tlib statrt in rrtvma ni'tpWfs H invui j
'• Specie 0O,2WQtOOO.
Omiguiiohs 48,1)00,901)
condition or Ttik da'nk at idaidHif:
. £ stg. 28,822,000
Thus the Bank of France ha'vd fifty mill!* A* 6t.
dollars on hand, with only forty eight toilHpns 4f
obligations. The Bunk of England haVosnort Ut
thirteen millions of dollar* oi
over eighty mflli'ins of dolts;
nothing nf the diqmaUes.
Ur* ort harid, whilq they have!
Jollors InCirCuW itotr, Ws*y ;
.—Balt; Amef.
Kraqia.—Tim Louis I’li.llipjro, packet for Havre
to-day, take* $ti^1)00 in strocbi, and the United
'nr Liverpool. £ 11 or about $53,000,
Jour. Cem. 16/A, imi,
the popular suffrage iu the first ot last election, it
leaves the Federal pretender* in tha minority; and
yet they arc impud-nriy invited by the Federal print a
and claim in defiance uf alldecuncy under fit ta cer
tificate*!— Washington Globe 14thtnel.
A large p is* 114 An Immotiers t dose of opium
bring* on drunkenness, dltmrfulni-as and loud,augh<
tnr ol first, and after many Uiriblt *yiap/<i«a*i
death itself "—Dr Johnson,
If tiro United Sutc* Iwuk had had $10,000,008
belonging tu the G,.v. rmm-nt in iror vault#,
she have speeutated |.-#*or more than#be has d"0«7,
Would bIm huvu bought tostclton, frw#r»allr,w,ls
or hanks, or have b«fo tocunnrm Iror-
iklf wltit Utf 'fi** trad*** tbo IflUfr-ptioa s*
From the Pennsylvanian, 18/A inti:
Enforcement of the Laws.—We subjoin ti
copy of tlw circular wlj/th wns yesterday shut io ihtf
Cushion of those Banks which have paid oil how#
under five dollars, either of domi-itic rnsnufacturAi
or those norther Suites. It will be seen that it id
very properly dct--rmined rigld'y lo enforce tho tatig
of ins Commonwealth In this matter:— -
Hut—Wo have boon infottiM; thrit since Uml
present su-pention of specie pHj-iWents, tho bonk of
which you ate an officer, haraither issued, paid put; t
or tiansfeiTedbank nutrs,bills, or lickttapurwoYiU*
to Iro hank not*s,',f a Io»sdrinominationtliaofi4»tior <
Ur*. This proceeding is not only a violation of mi
Act of Aseomhly passed the 12th day of April, 006'
thuusaud eight hundred and twenty eight; entitled
'"an Act concerning mtwU note* for the payment of
munoy,”but is performed iu t»Ul disregard rtf tho - *
letter add raised by his Excellency David R. Porter;
to Ovid Johns m, Esq. Attorney General of lhar,
Commonwealth, duted the tenth du} 61 OctobeF
instant, and tiro circular of lint samtS' dateyf**Ood by ‘
the Attorney General trt' his drtpuiWf. Wo have •
been expressly instructed, 16' fits,ftOte the ptoccid-
ing# pro.crlbed Intiie A6t of Assembly' tibOvh men
tioned, against all persons and bodies corporate
who Khali violate any of ita provi*i6ns, and In per
formance of the duty thus cqjalned/ wri wiH_lB*tl
tote tun proper J
al other bank* <
tiro aforesaid law...
be repeated. We beg leave lo re^urtst jrnttlo &V4J.
ns immediately with an auswer oh this subject, aad
if t>.e infurmatitm'wa have recrtlred Iff rofcAnce w
your bank is well fmnWtod, wbutlroV you dwgn^t®
persist in the same coarse to firtw*, or tot
it. In the spirit of the loiter of hi* EvceW
Governor, and tiro circular of the Aitorneyu
•bo.' r.frrrt:l w,w. to*. .OmnnUbW lo
dmlin-raie but fit nt awl unflUichlng course In teUtiorf
tit the violaiiun* of tho Act of Asrembly advaHijttf
and wu whl accordingly prorecuta roll
whose name# may c.»mc to our knowlrtTag*
mort unjInMtog dmermlnotlun.' lo maintain InVloUtti.
the prevision* of this wise and saluiaiy low.
ce ot the fluty tnus enjemeo, wo wm una
n proper proceeding! egatntft your bank inti
jr bank* offending agninil tho precision* of
n-said lew, if surih shall to-rta/lar •
^aSS T
No.2i YiunnaUcrt;
Walnut street.