Newspaper Page Text
gg«M» CStercfaw.
Thursday, October ti. i im.
It is Mated, that Mr. Duns. (tow wtolrtar «-
Russia) railed from llatratotfca Ducbeaa D'Oitoeas
N Use (fill of September.
Yesterday iftimmuuB, ww iflff the arrival of the
can at iba Rail Road Depot, one of the mMdto
|mroe«, •(••cited to tha omnibus beam* frightened,
•ad »unln* tha rest, tin six ion off down tha hill
•ad despite tha exertions of a okilful driver, Mr.
RtmiU^tuwLt the orntdlau In an oH field,(ground
In Mata. Kan by thn fall, a leg liadty broken In two
ptoaol. ft waa vary fortunate that Uw passenger*
by tint c*r*hid not taken thair seats. Tba omnh
btu waa considerably Injured.
Ii.ppu.rmm a mpiflor.CnumtUMnrSwcfc.
oCllm l.talnllt., and Ch.rtr.tnn
Ran Road, pihll.lmd In Uw tut Con.
Tift, that tha tot.l cut of tlw|<nr, road I.
03.019.023. Thlaamnmt thmrorlM mlln, an
•rarafa nort of I2UA3 nnd a rntctl,in, prr mtln.
Tha on., of tha tin,I fmnt Riaiwlirllln to Colnm-
bl.1. aMlnulad l>, Uw Knflmmr at It,11011,0011
makln, a total for both mad. of 14,019,033.
TU oMlmat. of tha Kl>|W, of tha co.t of thn
Critml Roll Road for Itw wtinln dl.taiwn fmm S».
traaaah to Macon, 1*13,300,000—Inn^li 103 mile.,
Thl. give.aa arnrnjo' of 111,017 and alfractlon,
tlio Central Rnnd I. now morn than half com-
platad, and hunntllio. Otreacrednl the climate,
of the Engineer, and we therefurn Infer that Ida u.
tint, to It flonvet for llte romaltoler.
Tha Central Rail Road will therefore coal, It I.
preaodwd, 010,23(1 per mile leu than the Rail
Bowl, of South Condlno, a material dldbranM. FEVER.
W. bamnwrlmd no papota from Mobil., alnco
Monday laat, Wn are, huwotnr, by thn tain N. O.
t’**' 17th, Uw onhtntlly, wo anticipated, haa onfou
tonotely occotml-that nr Inertia wd mnrtallty,
owln, in Uw lain ennlla,ration. Tha Vollow Kovor
la new mailing rapid pragrrainmnnyu Iba "lotHcil
ranlta M of that di-vnted pnpulaUun, If evor our
hnatreollnj. .a human bnlnya cnuld |w waltrnnl In
to tympathy firth. dlatreoaaad—Uw fnilnro—ami
tha hounnln.., now la tlw lime, and Mnldla la thn
id jtwt. Le» a muotln, Iw eallad at enca no tint anh.
_"Tlrad In New Oilcan,
onthn O hlnaunt fmm Not. Votlt, About two
22? Wd. ah, dot ,p,«"l,,ma, „J ortbemlb,.! „f , wu
tlworewtojnt.Uwlr duty when ordered by the
e^lwt. m" r0f '“ m Ur0,lml "'" anptaln
■ . "™"" r w "'"Ti.ra.nrtl to eempel
ri rr ,w r ,, “ M ” fi ' , ' ,n
tmtetl hh - n t"'' 1 ' " «nJ l-m-
ZU 7'h Ml " “P'*l«, «lo.
.wreedM, buweror, In llbemtln, hlmielf. Tlw mu.
Loaanea VaancaSoiporWaa,—A Uu« to
tha rdltnta of ibn Joontol of Commeree, dated
Mnotealdeo, Aojv.t 13th, toy.-"The Frewh
ablp ef war Acltvi, hot been leceelly loat oo lb#
lilaod ef Indent—crew all land.'*
SENons muz and montkz.
Thou two unfnrtunata, Spnnlanla, harm, bee.
S^"°; r '“ wrul PU’I’erty, and latlwd oo
mci™! Am , l, '“ d ‘^ “I™Slnsweh, Jim,..,
bK , ,! lm,n («• "'ll l»’n achatfoof „„ u || Ul
Sd ctiS t"' 1 ''"'."" " ,0,|W "" " ril “ •«**
Thl. I. ,' an ‘"lwr netprtt named Vtilah—
“ '£l •'*'< * Va.rre of th. Abolh
S ' Vo * ln P° dww will bo aomo
S m w •rffW.ltJ- for thojo po„ r m ,„,
?2Su£? W “ MU “ -*"• mi
&&3FSSSX "“S"
KSfiir ist 4 * 5 .
IOC moat horrid fortunna.-nn. new ..fibrin, Itw,;
Tha rldp E*|notor, with a eai|o worth t"» boo-
deed thiraiand dollar*, hound from Now Verb to
Now Ortoona, .truck on o roof oftho UmbrelU Key,
taw of Ute Itahama lalonda, oo tho 12th ofSeptcm.
her. end Immediately bU(ed tod BlUd with water.
The brat mate and two pa-acniar. were taken
•choom'rtfciMflnN, wlilrh arrivod it Mobile Wl the
6ih. Th« nmeloJer of the craw anti pMetigvr*
wool lo Nftdiau le oihar wrft:krr». About ■ fourth
of ihn cargo waa iiml, alW remaining under wa
ter (or a week.
We learn from iba Toronto Mirror, that Gov,
Arthur ba« anthoriied the formation of a limiim!
police eiiablidimeni along the Niagara frontier, for
the purpoeu of chocking the act* of inrmdiiiriim
•o frwjuciitof Into in that quarter —Bttfalo Jour.
SMtt.i. Ciuro*.—TImi Bocorxl Branch of tlm
City Council, of Baltimore, pateed the bill, witb
aome immatrriol amendment*, for iuuing Cur(Kira>
lion certificate* to the amount nf $400,01)0, no
tificatelo be fora lera aum than 50 cent*. Tlw
voto on paaaing tlw bill waa—Yea* 0. Nay a—5.
OitiTan StAtita Bark ir tiik Wkbt.—The
Wa*liingion Globe of Wodneiday aaya,—** By n
letter from a gentleman of Frankfort, Kentucky,
datod the eighth inilant, we learn tlmt the I'eniv
•ylvanin Bank of thn Unftetl Slatea bad jn«t made
beuvy demand* for apecle on the Kentucky banka,
and that nu agent waa then in Frankfurt with $300,
000 In a|K*cln for tho I'biladelphia concern. We
learn that ju*tb«ifuro tho atoppugo, the egenta of
tlmt bank look |nrge»utna inapeaio from thn banka
of title city and Buitimont, tefuritig to tako dial'll
i New York oi l'hiladrlidiin-**
VKnMoRT.—Tho fallowing arc thn official returna
of voloa fur Governor nnd Lieut. Governor at tlw
recent election in Vermont.
For Governor.
Silea II. JennUon 24,ill I elocted,
Nathan 8milio 28,257
Scattering 31
Whole number 40,002
i-br Lieut. Governor.
Dnvld M Camp Q4,fl0B elected
OC Merrill 22,100
Scattering 23
From the KrtP York Journnl of Com. 18/A inil,
By tho Vicinria, Capt. May, we have n eoin d
Bulicn (Homluma) paper oftho 7iltoli. cortlaiuing
advlcua from C'enirul America lo tlK<2lt!i of Au<
The Confederacy la e»»entially diuoivod. Mo»t
of the Sinina claim to Im* Indepeiiilcnt of enchotlmr,
in tho hlgheat auuao of the word. They mnko treutiu*
with ouch other na with foreign nowera. A 1'reoty
ofl'oiico ami l'crpntual Frlenifaliip wna coneluiiod
between "ihu Sovereign Statoa of Salvador umi
, wtMll . fiuatemulu"»nlho4thofJulv. A Treaty bn* aim
uneera were quickly arcurrd, and fttve been taken * >0, ' n out M>*luilod between tho Stttie* of Salvudor un-l
l*» I'riaoo, Tit# mate'a life la dn«nRl M .t. r Lu« Alloa, It contnlna, ntnoug olhi f*, the follow-
no,paired of. Ing atUolea, which will not U very palatable to Givat
»53 i oolrifL hY■ "" y """’V'.lenlny both no
Ktimt rfffi' i 1 'y,! |,mw, 5 on. Prom
*»pert!r Coo« ™ .h.*. *«* MWlfr Ihtm the
R-J Wfo." Impure
»nit. beating and wmmdlng them,” B nd the ioltu
R«3 1 0,1 "Wol'pnSK
C«rSr. M e “" n "“ J In jnil.-TV. Y
ln Wa-Wnpon
dS T'm" i" 0n " “ f o'™ 1 a*
2g r? UteotTooUnn of Id. fellow elllwm., for
warn Oman, u well., tho chief Majl.ttato of it
P^al mtloo. What rendered It doubly valuable, It
_!j~ a h £» * apontanetiu. eahlhltlun und
- I up by Uw woritln, pHrwl|»ll,. Wu
Britain. They woio occmiound by the olaim aet
up by thn laitor to the laliind of Hontun I hi accord
ance with whiuli clitint, a Britlah uuval foico lately
look poemaalon of aaid laland. h ia *ilutitud on
the Atlantic cou»t, not very fur from BolUo.
"Art.8.—Thn RepiOMintativea In thn Con-
vontlonof iKilliaiinlmciIngatttteaaliNlI heaufliciently
authorland toneaton ihumotifuv.iuruhle meciurca,
ootvluclva to tho recovery of thu lalunduf Itiiatnu.
" Art, 0.—The two contrunting pnrtiua nl«o
agreet l*t, that no production of the agricultural
indunry, or manufacture of an Kngllah poaiv.aion
«hall be admitted hi thia country, nhlimigh it ma>
cumn uthlur tlw Flag of miy Nution wliutioover;
2ndlv, that no gtNMla fiontany imiion, although it
maybe a friendly nun, ahail bn udmhtod in our ter
ritory If it comoa In an Kngllah Veaaell and ihlty,
thopo proldbiliona •hull continue an long na Ktiglaud
rvfuaea to put Central America again in pniue*idoti
of tha Itlaud of Huamn. . The 10 h Article add*,—
tha former article (8th) *111111 not t lw oblignioiy o^lw
carried into effect, until It ho agioad on and accept
ed by thoothor atnto* of thu union,"
It appear* Hint tiled jiartmenl of Son.Miguel nnd
NoHIH Caiwwra Dark*.—The Fewreburg In-
telligeocer ala tea that tbe Norlb Carolina Baika
haveampeeded Specie peymrnta.
It la atated Uwt Lieutenant Alfnander C. Maury,
who waa recently tiled by a court martial at New
York upon ebargea preferred by Commodore B.
I’agn, for negloct of duty, baa been honorably oo-
Mr. J. Fennimore Cooper baa a work in preaaln
Philadelphia.entitled “ThePatte Finder! or Our
‘'.'“"'"' RUIZ ANI>
Tappen came to tlw offlee with the writ, and wlwn
tbeatrapgera a*ked permlnlon to go to the Spanish
Conaul, they w. re refused. If these thing* can be
permitted in lid* eouotiy, where slave property la
rerognlaed by the Conatitutinn. end where a large
portinn of tlw Union are alive Slat**, there la no
forex*tug what the consequence* may be. Two
Spanish moicliant* carrying tbelrprojKirtyfrom on.
port of Cuba lo another, tbe alavea riao awl murder
tbe captain und cook, Iwat, cut and wound the paa-
•engor*, and ne trly tako their live*—rob tlw cargo (
and commit o|M>n acta of piracy and munler on tho
high tea*. By a providential event, the ctimiual-
are captured by a Government vetsol, brought into
one of our lairta, and are Imprlaowd. While yet
in pri*on under such charge*, and before tha deci-
ait.n of Government can bo had nnthe application to
restore them to ibolr lawful owner*, thoao owiwra^
•tianger* in our country, and moat miruculoualy pro.
aurved, arearresleti l>y the abolitionists, at tha suit
oftho very criminal*, now hi pris>in, charged with
murder and piracy. Whether thi* outrage on civi
lisation J* done to k<Wp these Spanish gentlemen in
prison so that if the blacks are given up, aa they ev.
idently will be, they ahould not appear as evid> nee
against them, remain* to be seen.
A trial i* now going on in one of our Court*, a
gainst an abolitionist, on au indictment for enticing
away a negro fr«m Ilia matter, and inducing him to
rob him of money to a Urge amount! and now black
pirutus and murderer* era mudo to arrest the very
white men whom they havo robbed and intended to
oimdur, nnd have thrown thorn luto prUon under a
color or law. What it all this to load to I Du the
abuiillunLia Intend to moke the blacks our master*
give them the pu»sr**luriuf thu ouuntiy and guv*
eminent 1 It would *oum *o In eveiy movement
hey make. Thi* is a broad, undoubtod case o|
false imptDoumi'nt, end will be treated a* such.'
Wuaro surprised that a writ aitnuid huvotwonia-
*uud,outufnny Court, at the suggestion ufihme
fanatics, who should be in our lunutlcasylum*. The
affair create*, a* It uught, tlw greatest indignation
throughout the city. Thoie unfortmmto gentlemen
are robbed of their property nnd nearly murdered
by these savages, und an thuirurrivul Imre tho mur
derers and piratusnru allowedtu throw ihulrvictim*
In prison. Ill* outrageous.—.Yew York Slur.
From the N. Y. Jour, of (Jam., 10/A imt.
This day will crown thn triumph of mercantile
truth nnd sound^riuciplos in New York, and sund
off the nows of victory for tho applause of commer
cial Kurupo. The strugglu lias been a hard one fur
our morchmiM, but they have curried it through
without fullering. As to the Banks, tho contust
has bitmtiasiur than wn* expected, and tho success
moro complete. Our Banka will close their door*
at 3 o'clock to-day. imt in bmikrupicy and dishonor,
hut In triumph, liuston and all Now Knglund, (ex
cept Khodulsluml,) and New Jersey too, so far a*
it wn* possildo, share tho triumph with tin. Wo
r joiou in this result, nut «s New Yorkers merely,
hut us American*. We exult not over those part*
of our country which havo adopted n fulso aystoin,
nor over the men evou w ho havu brought thu mis
chief upon U4, nor uvor our follow oi ixens any
where. But wo rejoicu In the triumph uf sound
principles over fulso principles, of truth uvor error,
of straight-forward lioiiosty ovorcro»kod, mistaken
enw the fiillowln, remark, from Die Uloir, of the
17.1. la.Lt—
-u. 00 f,''» H»« or tlkplav In tlw nniee..
!"?vntklntmen in foot,
lb,r 1 , ,I “ N . y* 3 1 ™ evlJenco nf their
•nmty In feeling, and eonIMenee In the Chief Mm
“S ™ • l»«»r hnma^ tn pnhlle wotth then
wTa^J i*,* ‘ m > •“ *«•««"-
:r n nJ?r ob “ r rr 1 '^'"vi'i™, i«.i, »i
W r ”. m lh " 1’w.ldent hutnju.1
Xmlri*M«tb.nfU>.hl t h dntle. n, whhh tltoy hare
ZTi hi™ ,,h " ,r “JfVi «t«l"» •l»'r ollend*
aae-«th'ma.aa evidence oT tlialr aOcctlnn, »o
' w1 " 1 "UrRride, pomp,
— etreMrimiM," which ettend.. thi fiwuten. of
33®*“"'* P«"l“>-d hymen,,, wren, from
hid i??T'lnn oftho ImluitrliH,.. win, wore rob-
wm. "T' “I? "H—>torf fcellnr,
predMn, lhrnu|bnut the Union. Made
SaajF.' 1 # wa Imre c„ dmdjt he will he
«P ™L 1,1 »®W tlw great me* ur ate
pentjc their lntore.t., t„ which he ha. cnnatamlv
aed firmly directed all tlm cenriitnllnnal iwwcr of
tf Im can carry bach ,1m Guvvrnmcnt
SSfCTMK ','. r P ur P*-e» and clnbll.l, thaltun-
. .a " * I !" U r r '"r« Indiutty nnd nreimrty
fh*m the refadiy of <|«wulntl.n,, he will dererve tin,
•Sw Rcpnhllcan of thl. end nil
MACON, Oc.22.
C«IT»« c.,nr««r,n, _ T |,|,,, m.3., Had fir
rt* CoUnnOmreu'lim to nreemhl, | n Uii. chy. The
MetlnidiM Church ha. been |n,|in |y lendrre I Sir
It ladavowly to ha lu>|wd, tlwlr deli-
heiaikm. m.y ro.ol, In aome,bin, calculi,led tn re
twee theiwaarem oflbollmca. A nomlwroftlw
Uelegatc* have already arrived Telegraph.
idimSM tar 12 ur
13 week.,-till cnjfiinne., T| w heereaa dally pnt
o* the afifiearaina, of Rain, hut a* mien dire,,pain,
-figOMaeat rljuaiatimi*. A diutreadn, .caret,y
lhro “« h U1 th- on,my. Mm,
or min* have «e*sod u» grlud; a«v«m* never be-
foreknown to CrU, Have c*ww *Uy; »ttd many of our
w.U. bare given am. Th. ,f ,ha cl«ad.
I* -re* more diaaatreai Uwn that nf the
katl-atd. ■
From O. Boilea PaU of Ttariiag,
At a meeting of the merehaou nf Breton, held
lut gavelng, Mr. P. F. Depend, offered a reaolu*
poo recommending the bonk, tn thi* dty tn ana*
pood aped*, which waa REJECTED,
• alter * foil dieorealoa, RV A VOTE OF MORE
Tbe orea,In, waarery numaroody attended, and
■by one moat total ip-at cal latwalial marehaat.i
tfcelr decided and high mladad cefidaet wlU confer
upon litem UnRr Stmt.
TltoMOaf, Ool. 2t, IMS.
Coandl met—P,ere.,, ih.' Mayor, ildermre Po
re,. Oeoaler. Wagrer, Uaodwle, Cnjler, AodenoO,
Mkthaal Dillan and Mulhew Hcpklrt, atdanom
.led, apprerad, wen nreliHed and look dud, Mate.
The minwee of rim la.l meetia, we,* read sad
Th* preoe*diep nf,he polk* were nmd. ky *hlrh
it appreretj UiatiW following prrsona of color, had
been fined fiv* dollar* «*ch. or to receive ten ImImw
each, for tbeoffmeeaf gambling, to wit t Manueli
Nrd, 8am, Btepben, Sawney, and Adam.^dfi^IJX'itlW^^'TS
vessel throb colored aeamen, contrary lo ordinance,
was remntod.
In tb« ease oC Seymore Harris, fined $30 fur vio
lation of tho Sabbmh ordinance, the decision of tbe
police court waa confirmed.
Tbe following committees asked for and obtained
further time :
The comm ttec on Fire Doporimenl, to report on
the communication from the fire company in relation
lotlie »1*« of cistern*, and the committee on public
buildings to report in relation to repair* oi exchange
build inf*.
Tho following rc|H)rt* were rend and adopted :—
The Committee on Finn nee, to whom wa* re
ferred tho petition of thn Agent of tho Fig Island
8aw Mill, praying tlm remission of tha city tax im
posed on that property,
That the Petitioner allege* that the said property
i# not sqbjoot to city tax, because it i# not within tho
limits nf the city of Savannah. By reference, tlie
2d auction of tlioAetof Dec. 27th, 1838, extending
Ute ankl limits, it will be found that no purt of the
land of Fig Isioiul (which i* uncovered by the wa
ter* of Suvannnh River) i* within tlie city limit*.
Although (the site of tbit mill i* Weal of iho e»la-
Wished Kastorn linn of tho city, if that lino bo ex
tended, parallel to Bull street across tlie river to
Hutchinson's Island, yot by tlw term* of tlie said act
as it ia not oovorod by tho waters of the river, it ia
not subject to the jurisdiction of tho Mayor and Al-
Tho Committco thoreforo recommend that the
prayer of tho iwtitioner bo grunted.
R. R. C'UYLER. (r„mmitt e
ROBT. M.aoODWIN. { L " mmiK
The Street and Lano Committeo havo exntnined
that part of Broad street, which U South of Liberty
street, and find it tube fifty feel wido, and they
doum it inexpedient to incur tbe cxjmiuso of widen
ing it at thi* time. They osk to be discharged
from tho furthor coniidcratlon of the subject.
ROUT. M.auUDVVIN, ^Committee.
Tho city surveyor rc|mrtL'd on thoonciouclimenU
In Cvirry Tow^,^whaoiupun tite follow ing resolution
was offeted and passed i
ItcMolved, tlmt the city tnurshnl, under thedircc*
lion of the Street nnd Lane Committeo, do proceed
to remove tho encroachments in Curry Town, und
the adjoining parts of thu city.
Thojailot reported, that there were in jail on tlie
1st Inst., 13 white and 23 black prisoners.
Tha city recorder and ilia auporlutoudont made,
each theit quarterly reports.
The following report of thn ln*|»cctor of dry cul
ture was mud and ordered to bo printed :
To F. Donslor, Esq., chuirninn ofcoumiitlooon Dry
SAVANNAH. Oct. 19.1830.
Dkar ^irj—Having boon prevented by a .wound
an my right bond from making my report aulie uau-
al time, us to tho result of my insp< ctiuu of the lands
under dry culture contract, I now avail myself of thu
first opportunity to do so. My examination com
menced In tha Inst week in September,uud continu
ed from day to day until completed.
Tho land* of Dr. S. G. Barnard, were perfectly
dry, and olliorwite in good order.
Tho lands ofMr. James Bilbo, wore all dry, nnd
I other village* of Snn Salvador had risen,and troop*
from tlie state ofllondura* covered the country a*
far as the River Lumna.
Cart era Imd issued a Proclamation tn all the
Military of Guatemala directing thorn to prepHre to
repel tha a track* of President Moratan against Hon
duras and McHrsguo, for which purpnso it wus said
that the iuttor lied been collecting troop*.
KEY WEST, Oct 7.
Monx Irdian JtuitDKH*.—By the sloop Index,
Capt. Fitch, which arrived at tui* port on the 3d
instant, wo havo Intelligence from Key Bbcuync as
lata aa tho 27ih8cpt. Tho Indian* havo l-ec me
hostllo rtgmfn /—they havo killed tw o soldier* nml
one block Interpret#r I It appear* that on the 27th
instant, they had a 'dance' at New River, within 3
mile* of the Fort, which is occupied by Lieut. Tump-
kins, who has about30 mon under Id* command,
being a detachment from the steamer Poinsett.
Ail Uio officers and m>'ii wore invited to thn dunce,
which wna held it) tho night. They all, with tho ex
ception of tlw throe above mentioned, declined the
invitation. They obtained permission from their
commanding officer to attend the dunce, leaving tho
Fort nlMiu* durk- Scarcely Imd they arrived at thn
place where tho Indians wore assembled before they
were fiillenupnu by these blond thirsty devils, and
butchered In a most horrid munnor. One uf tho
mon was pierced with filly halls 1 Tlw other two
were most shockingly mangled. Tho Indians |>o-
ing ihwni ted of thnir demon like design npon all who
were in the fort, wlm, no doubt, would havo boon
served in tho *«mo manner, (Imd they attended,)
thu* vouied their rage upon these defenceless crea
Lieut. Tompkins sont an express to C»|. Harney,
at Key Bir ayne, for aeriunnre.,n* ho did not know
at wind moment he might lie attacked by tho Indians.
Lieutenant Sloan oftho Murine Corps was dutavlii'd
immediately with a dotachmont of Col. liar ey, tn
relieve Lieut. Tompkins.
We have not ascertained what party of Indian*,
it is wh>i committed thia depredation, but huvo nr
doubi their being nil oomliimHl, altlmugh some of
them would deceive the white*, under the pretence
of app«-ariiig friendly. Such sad and tn|K>a ted prooft
ofllieir/rirndsAip,we think sluadd teaeh the white*
tn pn»|>erly appreciate and gu ml against lliom,—
South Ftoriduin.
Itbeonnes our painful duty tn announce the deaths
of Midshipman H. Waddell nml two privates,belong
ing to tho U. S. steamer Poinsett, ut Uw brain fovor.
From Ike.hum tl of Commeree, lOtk in*t.
Meeting a vcncrablo old friend in tlw street yes-
tnrday, he reminded us tbit in making our extracts
fiomiheU. S. Bank chat ter, wo had omitted the
•action relating to tho kind of articles which the
Bank might deal in. Or rather, he wished to know
what the charter said on that subject, and wished
we would toll him through our column* this morn
ing. So here it i-t
Art. 5. Tlw lands, tenement*, nnd hereditaments
which it aditU be lawful for the said Corporation to
hold, shall be only 'Uch a* shall he requisite for it*
immediate accommodation in transacting its busi
ness, and such aa ahail have been bona fide mort
gaged tnjt by way ef security j.-r conveyed to it in
sat'a'actioD uf debts previously contracted in the
course of iu d«a)ia£*. or purchased at sale* upon
judgment* which shall have been obtained for such
debts, tw purchased fur the purpose of securing surh
debts. Tb« said Corporation ukalt not. directly
or indirectly, deal or trode in any iking except
title of exchange, gold and tiloor bullion, or in
tkoeale of good* really and tmly fledged for
mea- y lent, and not redeemed in due time,—or
goods which ekollbe the proceed* of it* loan*
A Great Bore.—Mr. Alger h*scommenced bo
ring Uw mammoth cannon, the "ColumMud," at hi*
work* in South Boston. Itw tint auger used waa
5| inchtsalo disaster, and the one put in operation
yesterday morning is 0 incite*.being tlw dUnwlcrof
the chamber. Thi* will be foil wed by one ton in
cites in diameter. Tlw operation of boring is well
worth seeing, on aroount uf tIn- great combination of
puttoy* Rod cog-wheels pul inuiaiinutaneou*motion
lor the purpose of obtaining tbo vast power requisite
m revolve tlw cannon against the auger, which i-
siatinnarv. Tbe eennoa is placed horiteotally, and
tcvolves mm la 43 kcomL.—Dutton
uxpvdiuncy. Whatevur else wo leave tn posti rity,
wu desire to luavo them hh inberitance of sound J the cultivated part* in good order, bill thu obstructed
principles. In the v etory which line been achieved, condition of tho squares bulow or next thu river must
wo *00 ilia guarantee* tlmt our properly will bo safe, I pnivunt It* continuing so In wot weather. On these
undour children wise, und nur country honored. So I „,, m n * nothing ha* boon douu to imprevu them du-
tull it iu Lundun, nnd publish it in tho streets of
From the Baltimore Post, Oct. 10/A.
Baltimore Morky Market.—TIm Banks in
this city, wo aio lafuimoii, are pnH'ueding with
groat cuution in thn nmimgumant of tlinir issue*,
Mild siucotlie first few days uf tlm suspension have
discounted but little- Tho money maiknt is tight,
and our inciclmuts, we are persuaded, havo nut roa-
lixed tiite relief thoy anticipated, ln addition to the
continued seniclty uf money Utoy have a now evil
to cuntcud with, produoetl by the suspension, and
altogether unlocked for, via:—the increased rates
of exchange on New York. Thu Bank* which col
lect fur tlmt city refuso any thing hut spocie or its
equivalent, and specie is soiling to-day ut a premium
uf 10 percent., su that thn merchant who contract
ed to pay $10,1)00 to New York, is compelled now
to pay $11,000, or suffer u protest. Besides this,
mini)' debts contracted with Commission Houses in
this city fur gor'd* purchased hero, have boon inns-
furred iu Now York dealers, and tho nbligntions sent
hero for collection, suhjucj to the same regulation*]
by which not only tiio debts made directly with
New York, but much that was supposed due
hero from ninny of tho smaller liousos, i* demanded
in ftmds equivalent to specie. Tlie l"ss in paying
tho premium vuslly overbalances all the advantages
our community hat gained by tlie *u*pen«ion, nnd
11 tore is no doubt tlmt a large majority of our mer
chants now regret the course of the Banks,although
at first they were well pleased with thn imaginary
pi o*]iect of relief which it held out.
Sinco tho above was written, we are informed
that tlie Banks have received instructions iu some
instances, tu collect for New York in current funds.
A lire w*« discovered last night about half past
II o'clock, on Market streot, in the Steam Mill
owned by Mr. Jugnot, nearly opposite the termina
tion of State sired, und thut building was a
mass flames before the engines arrived at tho *|H)t.
The wind blew fresh from the North Hast and car
ried great volumes of smoke and flame over the mar
ket, scattering spark* as fur even as King. Several
little building* around the mill speodily caught and
it was evident (nun the fir»t that nothing could
save the large grocery occupied bv Mr. Th ine, on
the East corner of Ansuu and Market-sired.—
Tho budding toguther with two smaller were sue
cessivcly blow up as they caught and by this menus
and tho great* x itiuiia oftho Fire Companies, the
mischief waa lim ted to this corner. Hnd the wind
b!own in any other direction th**destruction would
probahlo havo boon greater. The number of build
ing* destroyed wa* alt nether *ix, all of wwmi,
and with the exception of the corner building, of
inconsidi-ralde value. Tbi* was on* of the best
managed fires we Imve ever witnessed in Churlestun.
Charlettott Mercury 23d.
' NEW-YOiiK.Oct. ID.
Exchange.—On England to-day HtOJ a HI; we
learn that in addition tn tlie banks mentioned yes
tnrduy, the PhenU tin sold largely at 0J.
On Philadelphia the following sale* were nuvdet
$11)00 8fii
(D*We arc unabio lo publish our "Bank Note
Table" as usual to-day in consequence of the do-
ranged state of tlie rates of discount Eastern
money may be quoted at from 1 to 14 percent, dis
count*. Vhgtaia Munoy from 10 to 13, and Phila
delphia from 13 to35.—Cea*. Ada.
NEW YORK Oct. 12.
• SrxctE.—'Tlie brig Victoria, from Honduras,
briugs srTen boxes of specie; the amount we are un
abio to state.
Tbe U. S. »chr Boxer is expected shortly from
Mawtlan, w ith e large quantity of specie.—ih„u-li
we think tlm amount has been uver-rsied. IV*
know nf on* h»ut« wbo wiU teevive $37,000 by bar.
—Journal ef Commeree.
ring tho prosuut yonr.
Mr. John B. Unrnnnls land Is ingood order.
Tho lundsofthu la o Joseph Stile*, K*q has un>
dorgnue littlo improveinunt since my lustrepurt. A
cuminoiicumnnt only has huen ntado up-ui thu square
next the city, but littlu progras* mndo. Tho river
ai,d barn squares cuntiuuud in g'Hnl order.
Colonel .VI. Myers' land* were in good order.
Mr. N.J Bayards lands iu good oi dor.
Messrs. H arris & StiiKlgrn**’ lands in good order.
1 have tho honor to ho, with respect,
Your sorv’t,
F. K. TEBEAU. John Lewi* in relation to the
draining of the low ground* neui tho bridge on Thun
derbolt’ rood feii* rofored to tho Mayor end Dry
Culture Committeo, with power to act.
The commutillion from Dr. Arnold, health officer,
in relation to draining tho low grounds at th* west
end of tho city, was refured to tho Dry Culture Com
Dr. Arnold, health officer, asked lenvo nf absence
from the city und named Dr. Win. B. Stevens a* hi*
deputy during such altscnce, which was grunted.
The petition of James Fitutmons. praying to be
relieved from a fine for retailing without license was
Tho petition of Goo. D. Cornwell praying the re
mission of a non-rosidont lax on a slwvo, improperly
returned by him, wa* road and the prayer of the
petitioner granted.
The petition of Wm. Quantock.Sr, praying that
a jury fine paid by him may be refunded to him,waa
read and tho prayer of tho petitioner grained.
Edward Sims, was otectcd a city constable.
A BILL, ' "
To be entitled an ordinance to amend anordinnuce
entitled an onlinance for dofiniug what shall be
considered public nuisances and for prevention,
punlshmont and removal of the same, by adding
another section thereto; end to report so much
oftho 7th section thereof as relates to white per
sons, wore read tbo socoud titno and passed under
tho title thereof.
On motion of Alderman Posey,
Retolved, tlmt the city 'treasurer be ordered tn
sign, under the supervision of tlie Finance Commit
tec, bill* of ono, two, and three dollars of the city
change bill* to the amount of thousand dollars.
Ordered that it lie published, and remain ovur until
the next meeting of council.
Account* to the amouuiof$!,918 55, were pre
sented and passed.
Council amounted.
From the N. Y.Commrreial, 12/A.
CP Tbe writer of the following letter is the R|*Rt
of tlte Messrs. Baring, residing in Boston, but now
oriaeenily In ihis-eity. We commend bis opinion
to tbe coniklereiloH of our friends at Uw South, who
think that the New York Wanks must *u*|«nd.
Hew York, Oct. 10.1032.
Frarklir Haver, E*q.
President of Merchant*’ Bnnk, Boston t
Dear Sir,—Mr. Winchester called on me ihN
morning in behalf of your bank, to inquire if I would
authorise the bank tu draw on Messrs. Baring,
Brother* & Co. if it should H iveodcosion to do so.
In reply, I beg to say that 1 shall be in B>*stonsoon,
ami will have the plo*.u<o to*.* you on tbe subject;
but l conceive no occasion can arise, inasmuch us
Mr Quincy is drawing in Boston on Messrs. During,
amnlllflfysnlM here also against stocks, for a large
amount of bills’offered wiif prevuui liny*r»|«.!f. , 4S
any consequent, nnd be mure than siifficiout lo
tnoet tho demand.
Tlie bank* bore generally, are in a position of
great strength, and their engagement* so reduced,
Umt nothing can touch ib- m without their owneon-
sent—and they may not only continue, but increase
Uiuir discounts—and havo more specio than is de
sirable for thorn to keep, nnd a* 1 understand tlie
position of the Boston banks, they ore equally
strong, and witbngood understanding between them
may giv.r tho necessary relief to the community.—
Boston too, is getting to be a creditor city, and oei'<|
fool undor no apprehension, whatever—nothing
cun touch her. Be assured that New York will
not only continue lo pay specio, but ihat tluro will
boa gradual relief to lliu money market.
Dear Sir,
Very truly und respectfully your*,
(CP We copy from thu Boston C'entinol a more
particular account of tho meeting held in Boston on
Wedne-duy evening, thu result of which w« publish
ed in n postscript yesterday-
On Tuesday evening, a meeting of murchuuts and
trader* wa* held at the Exchange Coffee Hou«o,
tq tako into consideration tbo present financial con
dition of the community, at which a committee was
appointed to confer with the bank* of thi- city. A
communication was accordingly made with each
bank, who severally rospo, dud by letter.
Lust evening uii ad journed mcctine wus held at
the Exchange Ci.ffi-o House, Dr. E. H. Robbins in
tho chair, uud Mr. I*. S. Sheldon, oucretai«. Where
upon Mr. Josiuh Bradlce, chairman of the commit
tee to confer with tho banks, reported by reading
their answers.
These Iuttor* were nearly oftho same tenor, nnd
declutcd thut while they had each dono nil in their
power to relieve the community, thoy would still
persevere in discounting, to the utmost extent of
their ability, ThoCity Bank offered, ifnther* would
co-operate, to discount, next Thursday, at least 2J
per cent, of iucupilul—suy 25,01)0, uud the Tre*
mont ul-o proposed rediscount the whola uf its cur
rent tocoljit* this week. Mr. Brad lee remnrked
that at tills rate tbo Tremoiit would probably die-
pentr $80,000, unit he udJed that on Tuesday last
the Boston bunks discounted about $40,000. The
Gmbedi-counted $50,000 on Monday last
These I* tors Inn ing huen read and well received,
Mr. Degrund ru.oand tillered u series of resolutions,
the result of which was, thut under existing ciicum
•taunt's, it was mu*! expedient Ibr uur huults to
suspend specie payments for hills orfivo duilurs and
upward. He guve his reasons, ut some length, for
tlte adoption of the resolutiutts. Ho vVus followed
by Mr. Amos Walker.
On motion of Mr. Thomas B. Curtis, the resolu
tions were IttiJ on the table, for the puipusu uf con
sidering a substitute, which was then offered by Mr.
Brudl.'o. It wa* to tho effect that on Thursday
(this day) at ll) o'clock, a mooting..f delegates from
all III- city banks lie hold, to take into cim»idpr<ition
the present crisis, und tlmt it he recommended to
them to discount in course of the present wo-k five
per cent of their capital. Mr. Peter T. Homer
tmido some remarks in favor of thi* resolution, ui.d
it was farther *u-tallied by Mr. Nuthnn Apploton,
and opposed by Messrs. Degrand and Walker. Tlw
re*'-lution wss finally adopted uftt-r very littlo dis
cussion! and tho mooting m(jnnrni.'d
f) was al* ut Ao'eluck in (lie aftrruoon that this
removal was mxls, eml tlte '• drunken" man was
suffaiwl to remain Im bed up In Id* roll unseen, by
any human eye, nor offered tlte leist cure nr sus-
tenaner— not even • cup of col l water, till 7o'rlock
yesterday morning when on op- ning the rail, what
• scene pre-ented itself. The man was lying dead
iqMin his back. Tlie entire of his face from the
forehead to the cliin was eaten off by ml* as was
also a portion uf tho rack, perforating Ute jugular
On Tuesday last Bill Johnson, wns brought before
tin? Supreme Court at AlUny by tlw |mrson wlw
w-nt bis bull They were thereupon discharged by
the Court hh.I Johnson was ordered into the custo
dy of the l). S. Marshal. It is supposed that Ms
trial will come on during the present term.—N- Y.
* ■ bpecie payments.
Th. Boston CouHor, (Whig) says ef Uw meeting
of lt» nwrelwnt. rt Umi city u comIJct Um pnno-
•illnn in oil.!,* lh.<. In MupnoJ Mcfe h»-
n»nl,, tliat—"n- rttor* UUU. In,, ,r
But..iMoll, 0.1 Tl mu
Flog of the free! still bearthy swny,
Umliinm’d through ages vet untold i
O'er earth's proud realm* tliy stnr*ili*plny,
Like morning’s radiant clouds unrolled.
Ping nf the skies I still peerless shine.
Through filler's azure vault unfurled,
Till every hand and heart entwine,
To sweep oppression from tlie world.
Subject to tbe decision of a National Convent ion.
Cy The steamer Liverpool, loft New York, on
her outward voyage on Sunday lost, at 3 o'clock
Macon Convention.—Messrs, S.Grnntland, F.
V. Delaunay, I. L. Harris, J. Beall, nnd John R.
Anderson, are tho MillcdgoviUe Delegate*.
Wo slmll honr to-dny, wo presume, tho result ol
the labor* of the Convention.
CHARLES J, McDONALD.—Governor elect.
We huvo received returns from nil the counties,
(including reported majorities in a few) nnd assum
ing the majority for McDonald as given in the
Union paper* nt Milledgevillo in uii tlie counties,
henrd fmm nt tlmt place, hut two, ns 1185, nnd rid
ding the vote* in Rabun nnd Union, and correcting
iu error which thoy appear to have made in the
vote in Ware; and tho Union Democratic candidate
is elected by u major!ty of 1917.
We are content to state the result, nnd to repose
on our luurels.
The democratic majority in the Legislature on
joint bnllnt.i* stuted by the Federal Union nt about
40. The Standard estimates lint about 30—tlw
Journal (Opp:) calculates a majority "f 12 in tho
Senate, and 17 ill tlte House. The Recorder Aw*
not speculate on the subject, Appling is tlie only
county to bo heard from. Tho s-at of the Senator
from Gilmer is contested, and u tie in Randolph for
tho Senate,
From the Potion Journal of Friday.
IIank MKKrixo.—Ato meeting of the del-gate*
from tlm different bunk*In the city of Boston, held
nt the H ill over tlw Tremont Bank, ou Thuwiuy,
17th inst. H-.n. Samuel T. Armstrong was chusen
chairman, and Atmt-a Walker, sncrctury.
On motiun of Kubt. G. Shaw. Esq. the roll oftho
banks of the city was called, and ituppeared that
21 out of 25 weto represented.
Alter an an'mutod and ■»mowbnt protracted dit
etts-ion, in whirl) much informntiun wus elicited,
and many interesiing facts communicated in rela
tion to thupresom stuie of tho money market, nnd
tbo want* of the community generally, tbe follow
ing voto, offered by C. W. Cartwright, Esq. and
seconded by Kliphalat Williams, Esq, was unani
mously adnpied:—
Retolved, That after un interchange of opinions,
andu statement of facts in'regard to tho prewnt
condition oftho Boston banks, wourb fully satisfied
thut they are in a sound condition, ond in tho pus-
s- ssion of an unusual amount of specie; and tlint
without tlw Mcctimmre of sum* unanticipated eveut
buve tiw utmost confuluocu'm being able to main
tain specie pay menu, and at the same timo continue
ur oven moderately increase, their present lino of
It was then voted tlmt this meeting be dissolved.
Amnia Walker, Secretary. f
Workinos or SusrKNstoNs.—The U. S. Bunk,
theie is good reosun to believe, i* buying iu own
stock, nnd selling its notes to raise the monoy,
Tlwconsoquonco is, iliut exchange on Philadelphia
is declining. The prico yesterday wa* 10 per cent
discount. Lnrg* amounts nf the notes of tlw U. S.
Bank Iwve been presented, and the endorsement de
manded of the Cashier,tlint thoy hnvebeen'presented
and payment refused. Tbo Cashier is o dig. d to
muko this endorsement by law, and thenceforth
tlw bill* draw one percent a month interest and if
not paid within ninety days, the eburter of the Bunk
is forfeited by a short proce**. Heretofore the
Bank has always paid such noted bills, befurotbe
expiration uf ninety days. Tho protested postnutes
also draw one per emit a month. Immedi itoly after
suspension, tbe U. S Bunk discounted largely; but
notwithstanding tlte increase of money, a Pinlndul-
pltia Merchant tald us yesterday that business there
wus absolutely motionless and dend. An unsound
currency is aujiwful calamity—the sorest scourge,
al'a business charncli-t which merchants can pos<
sibly encounter.—jV. Y. Journal of Commeree.
Fire in thk city or New York.—Between 9
and 10 o'clock l.agt, night, we discovered a dense
smoko Gatling from tlw third ami fourth Water-*u
next adjoining the corm-r of Wall street, extendiug
through to I'dttrt street, and, before tbe fire wu* ex
tinguished, the content* of tlw 3d and 4th story
were destroyed, and Ute building, together with the
remaining contents, was dro>.chc«l considerably with
water. ;•
Tho building on Water street was occupied on the
first float by Enos Wilder, a* an iron chest store.
Messrs. Robbins. Painter & Co - hud un office in tbo
second sturv, and tlw third and fourth stone* were
occupied by A. S. Wightman, a* a clock and fancy
store. , ,
The building on Pearl street numbered 148, and
was ooeunied in the lower |»art by Messrs. Richanis,
Bassett* Adam*, as* dry good store, and in the
upper part by Mr. Samuel Cochran, a dealer in lace
* Th* building was owned by Mr Z. Lewis,Messrs.
Richards, Bassett & Aborn’s loss is estimated at
about $40,000; Mr. Cochran's loss i* estimated at
•bout $50,0<>0, all of which!* covered by iosutatcr
in thi. city.—Jour, of Com.
Thx Centenary Fund.—Tho Methodist* are
doing wonders, truly. The Zion’* Herald informs
o* that at the Centenary meeting of tho Church
Street Church, on Sunday evening Inst, $700 were
subscribed. This, the Boston Mercantile Journal
snys,is additional te$l,50ast(bscribed to the Church
in Brumfield street; $1,400 in Bennett street; and
$880 in North Rusmll street; making a totnl in
Boston, thu* fir, of$4,43(). Pretty well, thl*, fur
haul limes; und yet Boston by no mean* takes the
lead in those contributions. Th'* " Liberty Street
Charge” (Pittsburgh) held its Centenary m.-eiing
on Friday evening, September 28th, and subscrip
tion* went received amounting to four thousand
three hundred and sixty seven dollar* and fiflu
eent*l-N. V. Express.
From the Courier 4' inquirer.
Death in the City Prison.—The hole in the
wall described. The public will, wo are certain,
heartily join with u*, in nny epithets ofeenurs
we may apply to any one in office who, by a > ex
ecrable course of misconduct and neglect of duty
ha* causod the death of a human being. That such
lin* ever occurred we do not pretend to avert We
shall, however, a " plain unvarnished tale unfold,”
nnd if its detail* are not sufficiently appalling to
rouso an unquenchable indignation in tlie braRstof
every render, then indeed are human feelings "sad
ly changed.”
On Thursday morning about 10 o'clock, Mr. M.
Hanlan, officer of tbo 4th Ward, found an unfortu
nate man, named William Kitchimnn, lying at the
f«H»t of Dover street in a stato of insensibility, and
apparently laboring under the effects of intoxication.
The officer very carefully conveyed thepojrmun
to the lower police office, where a complaint was
duly made before the magisttrate, and h« was fin.-d
$o and ordered tu be committed unJet proper care
to tho city prison.
Ho wu* then taken in, nnd though utterly insen
sible was thrust, by the under keeper*, into a place
railed the " hole in tho wall"—a p ace appropriated
to the confinement oCnoisy and drunken persons.
H -re tlm unfortunito wretch was suffered to
remain without cate or attention till towards even
ing; when un uprorion* customer wa* brought in
and Ito-ing a proper subject for punishment, was put
into tiro 4 whole in the wall,” und to make room
for him, th« wretched subject of our narrative wa*
removed and pu» above into a cell ut tbo body of
tire prison.
This " true blue" Nullificr dorive* a drop nfcnld
comfort from tbo fuel,tlmt Ratification ha* boon r
jeeted by tho people. Hour him:—
• 4 Ratification" and "No Ratification.”-
Below, we give the return*, so fnr a* heard from, by
wltii'h it will im seen that the pcnplu Imvo rejected,
by nn overwhelming majority, “ Hilly Springer’s”
plan for tho Beduntion of tho Legislature.
Now, Mr. Journal, bo not quite so fnst, but stop
nnd 44 correct yonr error*.” Tho p'nn submitted
to the people for their ratification was advocated in
tho Convention by somu of tho ulilest mon of your
party—wo ulltiilo to Judgo Berrien, of Chatham,
and other*—and not atriim by tho independent
Senator from Carroll. But how cold tho rnmfort,
that oppressive LegUlutivo expenses are imposed
upon Um people by tho consoquoo'es of their v-ito
against ratification, when tlmt pooplo Imve dofeuted
thn amdidutc oftho 44 true blues" for tho Gtibernn-
toriul Chair, und returned largo majorities in both
brandies of tho Legislature for Van Buron. This
is comfort with a vengeance.
Wn correct our error. Mr. Turner, elected from
Putnam is not, it seems, tho author nf 44 Lacon” in
tho old Standard, as we worn assured by two gon-
llemon, on whom wo relied, but n brother of 44 La.
con" and " a politician of quito a different stamp.”
Be it so. Our disappointment in this individual
instance is nmply healed by tho fact that tho voice
of Georgia sustains tho 44 Democratic” principles of
44 Lacon," umi rejects tho 44 true blue" doctrines of
44 Old Putnam.” Tho mqjority of tho people go
for tbo tri-colored flag, which represents their
principles— Union Democratic Republican. The
glorious "Stars” represent the Union—the blue
field, tho Democracy—tho stripes, thn Republican
principles which the advocates of Van Buren prac
tically enforce at the ballot box. Now, gentle-
men, this is poor comfort, 44 any way you can fix it.”
(From the Journal, of Tuesday.)
The "Sitvntmuli Georgian” says, tho Vim Buren
Purty have elected "one in Putnam, Mr. Turner,
tho author of "Lacon," in the old Standard, and
perhaps tho other Representative.” Not so fnst,
gentlemen. Badly os we have b«-en beaten, it has
not yet " come to thie " All tbo inumber* from
Old Putnam uro " true blue" Niillifiers. Mon or
the right stamp, not in tho slightest degree tinctur
ed with Van Buren D-.mocrooy. The " Mr. Turner"
that is elected, is a brother of 44 Lacon," but a poli
tician of quite a different stamp. Whenever 44 Old
Putnam" is represented by " Lacon," tho Stato
Rights Party of that county must bo utterly extinct.
Hi* 44 Democratic” principles wont do for •' Old
Putnam,” "an troy you can fix it."
IS IT ? 4 ’
The" Whig" Providence Journal, asks the fol
lowing question*:—
"The government promised us an exclusively
mctnlic cutrcncy. Where it it? The govern-
mi nt promised u*c>nnnercial prosperity and secu
rity. Where it it f"
Now, tbo " Great Regulator,” it wns said, could
nccumpliiM all the*# marvel*—but, 44 where is it 7"
Ay, 44 where is it.” Six months ago, Mr. Biddle
said the United States Bank was ia a state of
"great prosperity"—hut whemhthat 44 prosperity”
now ? Ay," where it it /” Echo atuwors, "*ehere-
From the following, it will bo Mea, that th#
Mayor of Baltimore has vetoed tbe smell note bill,
ihd further that It is abandoned by the Council of
that dty.
At the session of the City Council on Saturday
afternoon, the Mayor returned to tha First Brunch
the Bill authorising an Issue of $400,000 in small
certificates, with the following message, assigning
his teuton* for declining tn approve tlm Bill:—
MAYOR’S OFFICE, Oct. 19. h, 1839.
7’* the members of the First and Brand
Branches of ih* CUy Council—
G.» T L,».||- A Bill.nilu.d, "
thorizlng thn Issue nf City Certificates in the n.m„
of ** ft «t Ctt/cSuf D.Wn,"‘™
muoi by both branch., of lh, Clly Connell, hi.
been .ubmlued ,o mu fnr conaidoratlnn'. ThnSrat
arc, [on of thl. Bill provide, for thn nppoinlmeni uf I d
fuur Commlaalunor. hy n Convnntlon of thn r.. . 1 OF
fi,r Iho nppulntmrnt uf .11 oitv offirora, Mcenl
Itegl.irr nnd ,be Clerk or ,he CoSllSid b!
fr r ™.""‘I ll “’ h " J <* 'he executive de-
jnrlmrntur ibcclly guvernment deprived of lira
right,,, nnmlnuto In till, inituncc—I cannot. . an r.
tion by my npprovn] a pruvl.inn .c nxccpllunnbln,
P l ^' r . t mn y consider (ho Bill In ollwr re-
™ I ""’"f"™" 1 "™ j™ iW Bill, nnd .uggo,,
a rrconnldrnulon nf lira provl.lon objected to. “
Yours respectfully, -
S.C. LEAKIN’, Mayor.
ratlra ,l,m , “ k "P *ho BUI for pucnnaldn.
" " 'T 1 .‘J' 2 u c , llcn br ng pul, ,h,l| i| le Bill
MM.”,!-bivcln". „f ihn mnyor,
t «n. decided In ,hn nog,ulra,n. follow.!—
Yen.—Maura. Crw., Pinckney, Buurl,—3.
S ’ ~DryHop, (President) Randolph,
Atkinson Kimlu, Powell, Plndell, SoidonMrlcknr
Snllrra, Mnthlol, Godfrey Mayor, Yentw, Snyder]
McDonald, Burns, Keyser, Brown,—16. 3
The communication relative to the B.lllmore «nd
Chranpenkc Stonm Company, wn. rnfcrnnl
'l.f:. " e J‘ . of * h ° Council- Adjourned
sine die.—Balt. American, 2lst inst.
It it enough to makn the blood curdle in one’s
veins, to rend tbo following Impious .expressions in
a letter from thut notorious fanatic ond abolitionist,
Gkurit Smith, of New York, to the General Secre
tary of the A met lean Temperance Society. Vol
taire would hardly speak of tho Godhead In (hi*
mnnner. He (Smith) absolutely assume* to him-
selfn 44 knowledge” superior to that of the Saviour
of Mon. When will tho righteous cause of T»mper-
ance, bo freed from the'fanatical tltraldrom of such
men a* Gerrit Smith ?
From the Watertown (N. Y.) Jeffersonian.
Gkrdit Smith—in a letter to E.C. Delevan, on ..
the winn qupstlnn, after admitting that Jesus Christ **
drank fermented wine, makes the following extraor
dinary statement as an oxcurofor omitting fnmon
ied wino in the Sacrament.
"In respect to meats, drinks, clothing, manunl
labor, See. Stc , the Snvinur noted with the knowl
edge nf a mere man. He knew not that the drinking
of intoxicating liquor* was injurious to tlm human
constitution He of course, knew as we did fifteen
veer* ago, that it wns injurious to get drunk; but he
know no better thnn we did, fifteen years ago, that
drunkenness, instead of being nn accident,is a legi
timate consequence of drinking intoxicating liquors,
and tlint thi* habit i* uniformly pernicious.”
A* ha* been justly remarked by another, the plain
Infrrcucoi*, that in tlie opinion of Gerrit Smith,
"Tho example of our Saviour is not a safe one to
follow IJ!"
Tn the following benutiful extract—beautiful be
cause it shows tbe force of virtue, and the power
nf integrity, as ll exists in tho h n art of one who
loves his country for herself alone—and who would
drem every sacrifice light when demanded for In r
welfare. It Is to such mon that the Supreme Be
ing delegates the trust of preserving a nation from
the rontamination of evil principles, or tho cupidity
of Mammon t—
44 If I had been ambitious, I should have sought
an nllinnce with that powerful institution (the Uni
ted States Bank) which even now'aspires tn no di
vided empire. If I had been venal, I should hare
sold mjselflo its designs—had I preferred personal
ease, tn the performance of. my arduous duty, t
should cense to molest it. Tn iho hialury of cor-
quetnisand usurpers^ never in the fire of youth, nor
iu the vigor of mnnhood, could I find nn attraction!
to lure mo frum the pnth of duty; nnd now, I *haQ
scarcely find an inducement to commence the cn- k
reer of ambition, when gray bnir* and a decayed
frump, instead nf inviting to toil and battle, call
mp to the contemplation of other worlds, where
conqueror' case to be honored, and usurpers expi
ate tlinir crimes.
• 4 The only ambition I can fed, is to acquit my
self to Him to whom I must soon render aa account
of my Htewaidship, to sorvo my fellow men, and livs
respected and honored in tbe history of my country.
No; tho ambition which leads mo on, U nn anxious
desire, Bnd a fixed determination, to the
penplp, iinimnnired, the sarred trust they have con
fided to my chutge—tn heal the wounds of the Con
stitution, nnd to preserve it from, further violation;
to persunde my countrymen, as far as I may, that
it 1* not in a splendid Government, supported by
powerful monopolies, and aristocratical establish
ments, that they will find hnppiness, or their liber*
ties protection; but in a plain system; void of pomp,
protecting all, and granting favors to none; dispens
ing iu blessings like the dews of Heaven, unseen
nnd unfelr, save in tbe freshness and beauty they
contribute to produce.”—Andrew Jackson.
Statistics of Mortality.—We have obtained from
the keeper of the Bayou Cemetery, a statement of
the number of interment* during the month of Sep
tember, 1837, and tho same month in 1839. In
both year* the yellow raged fearfully:
For September, 1837 607
Do do 1839 585
‘•Small Notes."—Tho Bali. Patriot (Whig,)
of Monday, say*:—Wn seo it stated that tho Potriot
has "advocated” the issue of small notes by the city
ciu-poruthin This is not exactly correct. In fact,
we»h»uld oppose such an issue,except on tbe ground
ofnocetsitv, and that necessity generally admitted.
The Savannah Theatre —Our reader* will be
pleased to learn that tbo Theatre will be opened
about the 5th of Novomhor, by the enterprising
manager,Mr. W. C. Forbes, who, we are advised,
ha* engaged an excolleni enmnany. Those fond of
dramatic exhibitions, who have remained at home
all the summer, will he ahlo to renew their acquain
tance with tboso who " fret their hour" in the tra
gic buskin, or glide noiselessly before us in the
•ceocs*of the comic tuuso. *
Difference between the two years 322
Thi* establishes conclusively, whet w* have fre
quently asserted, viz: that tlte epidemic this year
wns by no means as wide-spread and viiulent as in
1837, the epoch of our last visitation.
NEW YORK, Sunday Oct. 20—P. M.
Correspondence Phil. U. 8. Gazette.
Tho confidence in our Banks maintaining sped£
payment* is daily gaining ground, and it Is under
stood thnt in tho course of this week, they will af
ford some relief. Slock* were somewhat firmer ou
Saturday, and at tho first board, U*8. Bank shares,
were full 2 per cent hotter, at the second board,
nothing was d i e in them, but the general aspect of
the Stock market remained good. Phiadelpbin
Bnnk notes are at a discount of 14 a 15 per cent;
Draft* on Philadelphia closed at 12£.
In some of our neighboring cities, in order to
keep small cUan?« in circulation, it is sold, that it
has l-eon propo-ed and adopted to receive .and pay
small silver coin at the following rates:
5 cent pieces at 6j cents.
10 do. 124
25 do. 28
50 do. 5fr
We understand that the Moyamensing Bank of
this city have it in contemplation to receive end /
payout small silver coin in change at these rates,
where the operation dues not at one Ume exceed
five dollars.
The meeting in the State Hou«c Yard on Satur
day,the proceeding* of which shall appear to morrow
recommended to iho oublicto take Bank note* at
a di-count equal tn the difference between thorn
and silver. It will be seen, therefore, that there
are two modes bofutu the public for the purpose of
keeping change in circolation, and it remains to de- •
cido whirhis the most convenient and practicable-
At a hasty glance, the first method seem* to be Iho
less liable to load to confusion in the details of busi
ness, though the other is tbe most natural, and in
the strictest conformity to the real state of tbe case.
Wo understand that a number of sellers in mar
ket on Saturday, virtuallyediqued tbe plancontein-
plated by the Moyamensing Bank, and about to
carried into effect in the District of Columbia, by •'
proportionate reduction of prices if paid in silver,-a
Pennsylvanian Mil inst.