Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, October 31, 1808, Image 1

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MIRROR OF TH E TIM ES. [VOL. J ] r ZZri print. 1 nBY DWIKL STARSK-<« Co. WEST END OF BRO UJ.STKEET. , AU(rU* 1 * ' L _ f __ — - ■■ i —riig—irTmM*""'— —"**"***—*— l * t, **— wl11 irTTru-rnrm-ii— - proposals, bY pANIFL vtarnes St co. . h ‘ W,ilj WTH«CitVOP A OCU-TA. 70 BE f NTITLED Mirror of the limes; T iif of f "drhesfner*! of know “ »&, of the firft unportan.ee in ***' a Ji where liber*» h*» Ml trace* ura.r every 1 h ror.ful'* 'he happmef* of Man '* id ,hc <Jre4t ,or< ‘ h9C( ] n * K .” united with virtue* it certainly !*£*-’ Where ignorance rc-gn, there SiSrtnpM govern*. J. J 0 1«. me. enlightened authon'y w.U be ? “d it m ralfty reflored - Knowledge A bi» o' freed.pt rlie ope CtSbuiin our right*, the ether tcache, rdiib** the fir " u * llow to 11,& rw be« pt-lhb'e form of govern- Lt ihc 1..d retires us to obey it when ccn- Zfrd It .9 therefore advantagfcptw every V f< hut in a htnbiic it it absolutely re ff J that corrtd infc rmation flicu'd be •rmt'y t'lTuf-.d r.r.'d easily obtained: For the f«pli who govern. 7b,y never ktotionaliy cborfe bad leaders or approve wM meifures, yet they are liable rn error J e them true details and they will j ldge tortaif— for on fUi» g">ur.J/ the people al rn'f(inu ;'«/ tfioiom ; whenever they mis take their own mterert ‘ri* owing entirely to *mt of inF 'rm.uion in the many or want of bnffty in the/rw. But txtcnfwt political in fcnr.Mon i* nit to be stequ red wi ho*it much jjs, j,, aril few have Itift re to fludy the fSiint, compare the opinion , & ptrufe the ya ? nof Locke, Sydney. Gibbon. Uufru 8t Vi .el. If ah acquaintance will kite Hue prnifipietol g yenum nt & duties of a ci.t'Ser. c uld be a q.-ired only from huge f. Ijoi Adiffiifeireaiifev, it w: uld be fe'dom fought, tt iff.uglit. the nloiigh, the ha'Cl et, and iff saw nt. ft Hand fli l Some rh. aper and fifift s>eaßs of fatlsf) ing cu ioli:y and pr.curib' information muu therefore be keked *or; and where i* intelligence, ch tptiff* and ct nvenience.united with more idvaange, t*an in tl>e clofelv print'd col- MB'4 us the humblv News paper ? Otlf tt ira ryme appear ft) well ronv'nced es tic uMuli.dk t f pe*i( dica! prints, a, d ha-e fcwtylihtra ly ti.coor ged U cm, tl at we ic-ta f unnee, flir) to it lift < n their merit, wulnijll 1 0 ate to t<queft pubbe pat* Nnp lor anutUtf New* paper e(Uf>l»fii- I amt. We ran jrnm'f- little cl cp* what atieit- 1 1 iomhootlky & tn.'nftn c n perform The jrincip'ct of cur Kper, like bu own. will be Itpitiiican, “ but the f me treedom of optn ror'icli we cla tn for onrf Ives, we wifli t 'hm-c ct j y.” Civil and Relifir-m I try 1 the bull right of eyry man. and hfin vih not rx r ‘d the fame indulgence I' ll. partu-f, ai d-ah f.yfl, v hich he willies f it*own, b already or delcrvCS to be a lie Tt f pport R.l'gien and mt>rality will k'trprue— to encourage literature our r;c v r-no communications ca l ulated to tenter will he refnfod ; no hint will tie r | tied lr a fret country it J. nereflary 'll tlaw fliotild he jneitluT v gt C nor pul leads of the S*te leg 'hereli re he pul liflitd a* they ftttctc band. ’ JIkMWROR of THE TIMES wii'W Dl ‘ 'l vhnCtrvafs publicftrafuT with ■'c.yxidin nramti i.t.- he . ondudk of ■ tco* s as flic,,, (X f gnven trent—it iwj;,;*-*r 0.-7. *>• (ONDTT’ONS. p OFTHE TIMES Will be t ,T d ev ‘ rv Monday, on a rova! quality, and good J Ihc pr.chn wi p X^ PCranr U,h ’ Mfc»lf yearly in Itc I. pi.ee f rr advett'fint’ w : l! be fi r »g in \\Z^ )?Tt \ OTt[ e ft / ft bh rtton <nanda ha ’ f U «ch eon l' C d? ’ irp,e<l s o Town ll l ' fe f, r L B * ' ,r ' r p,arrt ot ' a,w '" e and hI 1 * C< Un,r . T wil .' h 'd ne . p 4,1 d dtll ' er ‘ d at ti c Pcff , address " e he P (}f Nt W York, v, To THE °f *he U. States; 4S;^ rmar — lntfr: *feir*Qf 0 S ,; . keD P ,ace in the l^‘, brint» C ° Un rj * war Nthg na luT Y r y^ ri had a « r •ittf-fh txr ~rrP p . c ol! r, dtt ! its t r. UciJ! contest C °^ rSC ° f an the 1 1 tance has ac - ne? ,Ut - e do “» ini{ >« of UOtnt » whilc G. t nta,n ‘ d an univcr - C > ( | , P°n the ocean— °*hfcr bv itfi lnvulnt:, -able to d,r,r ) war *a o P cr “'inn 5 of an to J '7 ,t " ; , '"Sit con. «**!« of T h"" *»«i ""“—lwd!. ,c> ;al! ’ rr tt>an S'-t.tJ on the oac band resolved to interdict the f utnish inpr supplies to France anrl het de pendencies— tvhi!?. FrahCe orrrhe j otner, determined so assail tlv j commerce of her riv d, which she ! perceived to be the foundation of j her power, and the sinews of her ! maritime greamess. A contest ' so HesptVate in its nature, so pe collar in its character, has inter rupted or destroyed the i 'ter comae of nation*, l.aws that have followed the footstep* of civil za tion, principles rendered venera i ble by thrir justice and antiquity ; rules which during centuries had establish* d ar.rl conftrn|t;d the re . lative rights and duties of neutrals and Belligerents, have-been openly disregarded. The hioral code of i nations has been sternly prostiated and every privilege ol indepen i dent states subverted by the aibr trary will of despotism and by the power of the sword, j , Far distant from these dreadful j scenes of contention, and of lilood, pursuing at) equitable and peacelul police—reposing itself upon the ! wisdom, justice and impartiality of its measures, otir administra tion tbhdJy hoped that the distant tempest would nut approaclii or but slightly affect the Khure*.. Ex tending out national hospitality to eveiy pkople j] rttidenug <qj il justice 10 all ; conferring i.pn. : nbhe, a prHilege or lavor that whu (let led to anoirter; cons during them alike At friendt in peace, and enemies alone in si', t Wts the oniy wish ot our governincm to affoid stcu'iiy to our cvtiAui and to pi ot; ct him In the u«: fu' pursuits ol dgiimliure, comninot at.il industis, which are «qtMU\ essential to shbiwitboo & to Rap pinesi. i be farewell advice »f thtr I and excellent WASHING 10 X sho<,ld be deeply Hnpmsed upon . our minds. “ (ib- erve, m j cniigntencd patiiot, ** f.rHh and justice t«wsu d» metmaw ; | ci livate peace and h» ns any with all; religion and *w*aiisy • this conduct, and can « fee ■; g6d policy dde« not join i • It wi Ihe wot Tat aifrov# , enlightened, p»- : riod, a G lift AT .i g:ve to ihucdtiHcl, the j and too novel et-imph* .f a p, apt,, ; guided by an «Kitted jiS'iicu and : br nrvolei’ce. Who e»a ' that in coursa df twta 414 fhi^ s , “ j the fu iis of M4«h a pta. tswtu4 richly lrpay aw tempos* y avl vajv tages, yvhich might be U*i be a ' steady adherence to it f The «*- perimcnc at least is recomnedded by every sentiment which enao- 1 ■ hies human nature. Ahs—-is it ; rendered impossible by hs vices f” '1 fie great rule of couduct for its in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commeicid rela lions to have with them »?/,*///? j p?ktifal connexion as possibit. So j l«* r as we have already fo:nH en -1 gagements, let them be fufiUed ! w iih‘perfect good iailh. He c let Us Stop. Europe fj’os a set of prim shy in terests, which to us have non* 01 a very remote relation. Hnict she must he engaged in Ikqacni con troversies, thA cause <-t wbithare esfiemially loieign to our confetns. Hence, theieloie, it must br un. w-ise in us to indicate oursdyes, by artificial ties, in the ordinkiy 1 vicissitudes of her politics, or in j die didinary coniVinations & colli j R t°us of hes friendships or' tnmi. ties. Our tletachtd and divant situi tion, tuvite,* and encbles us m pursue a different course. K wfe remain onp people, under an effi cient government, the period u not far off, when jiie may t;Te such ah Attitude as wilt cause the neutrality’, we ma\ at any tune lesolve upon to be scrupulously re»pected ; wheu btUigetent raki ons, under the impossibility n| maxittg acquisitions upon us,'will ■TT«n-BiiwißW ■ ■ 11 u■!iw—fi wnia ia—il— ** HOLD THE MIRROR Up TO NATURE.” hdktspcnre. * Jr ~~ - -w.: w.««rn! _<» AiV 1 imt, light|v, hl?ard the giving u* provocatirth ; when we m tv choose pi-Hc-or war as our interest, gui led by ristice shall ciHirtsel. Ul I » Whv forego the advantae-V-s of *0 peculiar a sittiHrioM ? Why quit our own to s 1 and upon foreign ground ? W’liv bv iiiterweaving our dt'stinv tvith that of any part -f Europe, entangle oor peace and ; prosperity in the trails of European ambition, rivalship, interest, h-unor or ea'priee ? Sqcli was the sage adiicr af forded bv the ni.in, who lias been distinguished by the narnefkf father of bis country, upon the eve of bis re irittg forever from public tile.— We cannot doubt the sagacity of His judgement, nor question the disinterested purity ol his intenti ons, Such also lias been the out line ol the system pursued by dor republican administration with un deviating firmness and fuliliiy. At the rommetieemeht of tlie 'v.»r, winch with a transient inter mission, ha* >0 long ravaged the finest cduiuresof Eurnpe, the j/ov •rmnent of these U. S ates, deter 'Hilled to adopt and maintain a sys tem of rigid neutrality. At an *ar y period of the contest, G. Britain, ■alculating upon the forni'dable strength of the coalition, openly moved a war of icouq test and ex termination. Oil the Bth of.l one, liyj, she issued her celebrated or it-'E in council; declaring, anbmg idler infractions of the right of lemral commerce, that it should He lawful 10 seize and dfctaiu all Wrican vessels laden in whole or in j.art with corn or riie.al destined 10 iiii> place occupied by the French irtni'-s. Notwithstanding the ri. g»r a«d injustice of this Interdict; ■«H<i notwnlistandi tig* tlie rapaciiy wd spuliaiiiMis of all the beiliger *tw9, uawMires during the first war, ■w vmHprtratwely brettireut. «Mi’t reif» i»s were subinkted m «*'&m'j=taA«wi a- tl settled by tiHiacies. CtMtm-rtu, though grenly iorruu ; .1, cwxtumd to ffiKuOl, and ra <n-aiH%Hjl a Minvee ©f nt v>«. '»0 weH » tudi vid ual umol u - i went. Tlw peace wf tsTrieh bf*4 »r«»»*sed FejK9*« rrjjone to the : was of short dn'ratiou. In i •&* vear 1402, hu-wilky baeame ne oeau'd a ith equal a-tvl vi- E wn tlvat permd ornil after i !* ■#, commereti c4ntin -1 ifc’d wuh inn tiitki variation upon iho fonti 0g of die foil nor war. fi c ißiigo hi the British minis*ry, took p as**?. Former wit maters- \vuhj con ■ sifch red tff have been too favorable to tlie U. .States, A spirit of jea o*is.v was indulged against our 1 'fade. We were accused with hav ing fraudulently covered enemies jMrdpVry,, and of being tlfe tti' re carriers of an enemies co.mn r-e A :ystem of severe commercial re striction Wars, iiiider tlrai pretext, 1 uieditatcd arid avowed by the pre sent cabinet. 1 While the court and cabinet of ' G. Britain, regardless of .very coin ( sideraiion ot national rirrht, / ia rf « thus determined to restrain ,he can 1 n,erce of the V. Strifes, the decisive 1 victor* at Aus.’erlitx, conferred op- ! on their warlike rival, the absolute 1 dominion of the continent. On 1 the il st of Nov. IHO6, at Berlin, the cap'tol of conquered Prussia, an inv'cnal .decree was passed, de claring the British islands m a stat* of blockade, and prohibiting corn,, m ice and correspondence wuhf them. This decree however vms & subject ofexplanathm, and remain ed tor a considerable period unex ecuted, of hut partially enforced, agbust the U. -Staves. On the 7th of January, 1307, the cabinet of England issued retaliating orders, and on the 1 lt!i of Nov. following, proclaimed those decisive and at bitrary orders of her pi'ivy council, by which, all trade, directly from America to every port and country of Europe, at war with G. Britain, or from which the British flag is excluded,' is ‘totally prohibited -- This prohibition included every oart the continent of Jnrope, *ri:l» «!)p single and precarious fx* rqition of the barren kingdom of B*V;*«4 -*“*l. 'f f* r - U- States were indeed per mitt«?«J tn export tiieir own pro dttce* dirpct'y to Sweden alone; But «* very other case our cargoes "'ere ordered to h,e first. 1 a j ffi portj a British permission for r « x port at j < »*: t o be obtained, aucl f British duties paiu'. Tho-e ne.*r « vrlers, bv the confession of an Engii?s-Fi writer, wi re of a Jescrip tiou r produce a revolution in the whole* commerce of the world, and a lota i- detiuigeinent of those neu tral r * "hts and relations bv which «i v 1 1 1 -fz d nations have hitherto been couiiooted, • l**• “ orders of tit** British privy cot!?*.c: • l were immediateuv foi wed i»v countervailing regulations oassoxJl at Milan, l).- c . 17, 1 807* liv l decree of Milan, every ves sel sv ich has been visited by an K H ship which has submir ted to make a v,ovage to EngVouf, or lias paid any dot* 10 the English govern client,, i* declared denation _ to have forfeited the rights of tile H *g, and »o be deemed and taken Cor British* property. F' V vessel, of whatever hat ion she- in-*. * be, or whatever dyscrip. lon !*• r cargo niay be, which is ileart-«JI out in tlie harbors of Eng !a..d o mr In English colonics, or in place* iii possesion of English or storing her course to fcnglatwd, English colonies or to t*la- | ccs if* possession of the English troops, sihallbe conoid red good & ; lawful §»rize. The Milan decree ! was en t ©reed bv a proclamation of the ki«»££ of Spain, dated from Ar uujvrtiz, the 3d January last. To 1* will readily perceive tint rdverses orders and decrees so com in their extent, produ ced of necessity the total a nn hfa woB of fcoJhiierce, W c were the only «jiral nation that aspired to t orh.ne- w©ial enihienct ;it w-» s there fore p<fe- r Cecily understood, & mu<t oontempiated by the bel lig«?r<*«tL t these decrees and orders be, and were, priu cipaTfjr 1 vtited against in. T here scare©4 yr rvliiained a pore iu the worl-d 1 winch a cargo cenid be tha* com Id be navigated, wit ii safety. With ti*« miKle exception of that of Swetf - -n, the whole sea coast of con tints t *«al Eurej» *, from the Arch ip ela go «: o die .farthest extremity of A orwat? „ was in the possessien of France of her allies. 11 we des tim d a. to the continei**, we viiilatiiti Ihe orders of privy couu oil ; it e sent a ship to an Eng, iish port , we infringed tby Berllu decree j *t the vessel was bound to 1 G. BniaAiti in the first instance, with tl*e: view of landing her cargo and pay » %ig datiis there, and f*o"m thence aroceeding *0 the continent, wo co*»t Veiled the decree of Mi inn. I*» either event, there was no escape f'i~ <3in capture and from con duiliiafto ti. Ine direct operation and mat • ifest intention cf ihe Bn tisii ot ti*. rs Were to abrogate every ancient |> **incipie,that had be- n set. tied by c law of nations; to f in der An•«_srican conun* ret depen dent upo t.» the mandate of her pri vi Coutic. *l, 10 impose a tax and to J . V Ti'are a revenue from our trade. We con! «_1 not sdbunt to ihese in novation w ithout consenting to be come tl*«: tributaries of England.— The decrees of France, on ihe o it er hand, being equally an ittfiac tion of laws oi nations, sought the destruction of $ commerce wljfch enemy had icsoivtd to abridge;, or to regulate in such a manner **. a* to render it subservient to its ow • * resources. Jn asiatje qt j affairs tiaut» desperate and huintiia- : ting, a nuance, of ! would amounted to a aurreti- | der of ur .independent rights, equally cJ «?gradmg and ruinous.— Such at* ssa <z:c|tnescenee could neither have * reconciled wuh the du ties ol oo •" government, the dignity of the !>a Cion, ihe interests of our ' i MONDAY Oc'obec 3 I l 08 v? r»ti7. n* : n general, or even with those ot the merchants in partita iar. .«v From flic *tf*rh jand re. filiations of the cab'uets; ,qf F«- r«M*e, we d'r-'ct the anen iqn fur a moment trr the conduct o bi’le-fe rent cruisers on the coast of tj*+> U. States. Our \Vest India trade, h.d ■Jcv:g inftsted UV the Pnvi tiers of New Providence, and in proportion to their-means by bo.se of the Krem h. But with resp-ct ! to the F.ogiixh, to retrospect no farther than ro 1801, detachment* from their regular havy were va« tioned alopg our slntfe. Our prin cipal sea ports weie closey blocka ! e( *« our vessels tvptvhyU and in. tercep.ted, Our native as well a* lawfully naturalized seamen im« : pressed by violence, and the whole | ot our commerce subjected to their < ahrnse. Not coot< tiled vvrti at- I tacking private vessel-, they fired j *' tlle Revenue ( utter, stationed nt New York, and commanded hv capt. Brewster, within quf own w aters and acknowledged jurisd<c tion. On the 2i hos April, ISofi, tJ * rer el ibeyee was |x rp.tr*- t.ed wphin tile limits of the port of New York. To injure the feelings a/ul prostrate the dignity of nnr coiYnttv, tin* offender, Cipt,'VVnn by of the Leatider,-insiead of bent* punished, is stated tq have* been elevated to a superior command. On the Ic2 l Jun*j !807, our naii. oua! frigate the Chesapeake, un. | p rt ‘P«rcd for an auatk, her com. ; mander behevimr li s ycouijtff to ; femaiu in a st ir*> of peace, ivlvimr I upon the pivi I b lity <M qut jurisl diction and ihe ,protection ol o*»r laws, was forcibly atucked by the Leopard sli pof w a r ; t omniaaiC J Oy capt. I Jnmplnies, under th<f su perior direeuon of the ifriti-h ad nnral, B rkley, .several of ot*r f,;j ow ci. 2e.ns kb! d an I some <>( t,< r prove I ro Am. ricin. impressed be violence. /"•uch has be. n a *,f such rxi ts ’* c wa,e ol t*ur injuries have |,. es , f.gj»rav;i.M d by itt.ii ked and ie|ipatr>d ui.-lsgiiiriys Fififi belligerent, without excepti °/“ r distinction ’ had d-rei mined (hat our,commerce should be jrs vp't. n, b p Fng] 4 .,d u, partn ular, evading ui i lie strength of hern*. v _\, * , i>et.i|y every sem* - blanceof eq iit V and everv ap f m Hr an«:-e ol m KPruio,. she b.oc(<*, deu our iiarbois. {She captured ships, she impressed & un, resses oUi native majjiqers, and by ill-’ tenor ol in r conduct evnees ouduratc and uiirelentinb hostility. I he concerns of our county lud arrived to an u-iexp(iip|<*d nisix.— It was necessarily to determine «,>. on peace or war. The Inter was in l>-* su tau.ed with fortitude, if possible io preserve i’, tfv Policy: by «h .- force of reason, pr evyn by m- derate sacrifices. Government was compelled to effect between iu’ pacific and neutral system, ai d an immed.ite recurrence to hostility. liassmdied to preserve the (jber ties ana cherish the inter ,w of , U r country. Commerce, rigorous!v interdicted by furcigners could n 0 t have been purmed with ad l > any dais of our mtiieus. An -T' a ‘ and impartial mti rconrse V l ' r,,h b ' ted y> “il-a partial lerccor,. »ith one, h , v „ . mediately tera.ina.ed a „ „ * olh P r.'“' m ‘ C rU ‘ ,U,re " ,ih '*>« ! I‘e 1 ‘ el ° w «**“>*,! Onr fathers *' «»em ?"■" by the |»r- Injustice to fh.iVme.mo. ! ’ ’ ° Ur c,u * e anil ,tJ our nation, ; Z *“7 ,üb «'lt to commercial ! i“ al,u " by UM privy conn. Fellow, citizens ! We' are now a j ~ t e I Ctab e > d,,d W *!>« language of | Wa,U,.*g ton, w«>l shortly become | a grert riatiprj. We Jbave received ! the bought priz * |<4 mdcpcDtleoce ; we now corny ; us l> and siufi v/e not »*♦£ [serve them? 'a y ■' r [ no. ill ] %