Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, October 31, 1808, Image 3

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''' i '" OUt K 1 , H !r.be Brhilh *» v * ,n --wr ^rs 0 *c,en they t<* , i r iScv diuj . f >&£**»* h„e Jone-Itien was |“ *2 on the Cbebpejke a T nreviouily concerted a»A f 8” n°th l „ ,he atopic** reparation J . ~cttfe *• Besides pe a mWtK>nforthedam- <o n e to a national veflel, *'(lot)ld demand an uuqualt. * b ° t f.nn from G. Britatn, ‘tffthe American flag (hall " T n all «tn> fail undcr f? r®, ,he pretended right of " IL for, or imprefling men ** A L American veflel is **„ rclioquilh«d.’* If our *" eni accepts any thing “f may W * l,u f of Junius ** ll# tS d “t lOW w d A a ‘ 1 ' , ° t £ iM refen, 'U faihrathon, and have ac. the right to strike again it .rjand confirmed. w e dive this opinion onr the ; uP n o fiuon that the abov,-terms Jerealty been offered b>' ,lhe Britilh government j but of this ve |all require fotne further proof than the mere affertton of the United States Gazette. [shut Evening's Mail \VE copy the following from tlit Savannah Museum, in or dtr to give our friends the such irtiereftiug intelligence as early jipoffible, wc have ifiued our paper somewhat sooner than ifual. Savann ah* 061. 28. WAR DECLARED BY FRANCE ' AGAINST AMERICA !! Yederday evening arrived lip Louisiana, Captain Pelor, :n6 days from N. York—from dr. Storer, a paflenger, we lave obtained the following im portant information. New York, Oct. *l. Arrived this day, Barque Ri chard, Capt. Odiorne, 23 days from Landfend, & 30 days from Liverpool. Capt. O. commu tes the highly important in. tdligence that it was reported and believed, that WAR had ken declared by Bonaparte, 1 against the U. States;—That Mr, Pinkney had lent an ex prefsto Mr. Maurry, at Liver pool, 10 charter the fir ft Ame rican vcftel bound to the Uni- States, to carry the difpat res intended for the fchoooner ‘ 3s Ihe could not be a ot fa( iy in time. Ihe barque Ri , » ln consequence of a [urn or money paid, got under wav j ifr :n , cl S hl hours, with (aid j v ’hich was (everal ooner lb cn (he intended §* hunher reports, that " a,ln g down channel on L !! be was boarded 1,! Maurr y’s boat, with kr ; c ' f ;^ having fur t,r h I e .\ by J Alr - Pmkncy, for our Tii l^ l^ 5 and was i n f° r med Env < kCLARLD, BY lu rc . ‘ n Urcd a ß a *nft cap. ° diorne > also slates Miurn !n ,f ruttcd b y Mr. k'd ' ’ , K bou *d meet with ccilt lbe American n j : [1 ; ould fall in With (l U»UidV l u Ol fenj ' ° lbcr vej - 0 lb e Southward) to | charter her, to carry the diipat chcs for our government, im niediately r (or the Chesapeake. Thele difpatchcs left here this morning for Washington. Extract of a letter from, a ref t Sable mercantile house in JVVw York , t§ one in this city, dated 21JI October , received by the L ouifiauO’ « The Richard, has this mo ment arrived from Liverpool, bringing London dates to the 19th Septernder, which are (aid to contain the official declarati on of WAR, by Bonaparte, against this Country —All Arne, ricans in Franee, are arrelled, and all property confilcated : Mr. Pinkney* sent an express from London to Liverpool, or_ dering this velfel to be detained, until he could forward the par ticulars of this news* together with dispatches for our govern ment, which (he has brought. I cannot give you any more particulars by this opportunity, as the Louisiana is nuvv getting under way •” ■ V Boston, Oct. 18. By the arrival at this port of the brig Conflance,; in *8 days from Liverpool, a few London papers wererpeeived as *ate as the 16th oil. but >lO regular files. .London, Sept. 15. The U. 5* Dispatch fthoon- * er Hope, has J ust returned to this country 7 from France. Ha ley is on boa/d-' -She wiil take dispatches from' Nlr, Pinckney, and return immediately to the U. States. The Hope has jdfo Ameri can passengers on board, from Havre. Extractfrom the French September 5, 1808. The Cou 11 of Viennr has conftantiy teftified to your Ma jesty the most amicable inten tions, indignant at the policy of England, (he has recalled their Minifterfrom Londoi lent back the Minister who wrs at Vienna, (hut her ports against England, and placed herlaf in a Uate ot hostility with that Power. She has added to hefe measures an interdict in her ports against the adiniflion of vefTels, which, under a neurai flag, are only the carriers of English produce, andmerenan dize. Latterly, however, this Power has earned its armament beyond measure—its imitaiy force is out of all ptoporticn to its population and finaicet. Your Ministers, Sire, onlywilli to remark this, in older that your Majesty may peneive the neceflity of augmenting .our force, for the pur pole of ftiil preser ving the relative fupeior ity which exists between the power and the popuiaiiot of the power and the population of the two empires. . The Ameiicam, a pople who involve their lortune, their prosperity, and almolt theirex iltance, in commerce, lave given the example of a geat and courageous (acrifice. fhey have fuipended, by a general I embaigo, all commerce anc all 1 navigation, rather than fhanc * fully lubmit to that tribute whch j the Engldh inipofe on the ia , vigation ol all nations, Gerju j ny, Italy, Switzerland, 6c Hjl | land, are peaceable, and wait only lor a maritime peace to exert ail their induitry. Extra ft Jrcm the Mejfage of he Emperor to the Senate. I am dcieimined to cairv 01 the war with bpam with the uu molt activity, and dettroy ih' armies wfiicH Isngiand dis embarked io ihit country. The future fccurietv of my fubjecU, the prosperity of commerce, and a maritime peace, imlft alike depend on theft important operations. My alliance wi»h the Empe ror of Rullia extinguishes every hope which England can enter tain from her projects. I have no doubt ref peeling the peace of the Continent, but I neither will, nor ought to rely upon the falfe calculaiions and the errors of other Courts, and since my neighbors incrcafe their armies, it is a duty irr cum bent on me to incrcafe mine. The Empire of Constantino ple is Itruggiing with the mod violent convulsions ; Sultan Seiiin, the belt Emperor the Ottomans have had for a length of time, has just fallen by the hands of his own ncphc'rt. This cataflrophe has deeply as. fetttd me, London , Sept. 1. The Bret ft fleet is said to have put to sea again. The poftfeript to a latter from an officer of the Minorca frigate, fays briefly--“ the French fleet are again opt. So great is the dist refs oft he Islands of Gauda. loupe and Martinique for pro. visions, that every effort will be made to relieve them. This of .courfe y will procure on our j part themoft afcfive measures to prevent them. If it be true that the 1 oolon lquadron put to ica wuh troops on board, it may be that the Weft Indies, and not the Baltic Islands, was their def vination But it is probable that Martinique Sc Gaudalotipe will fall before any succor can reach tnem from Europe. Downing Street, Sef)t 1, 1801. *My Lord—i have the honor to acquaint your Lordship, that Cfapt. Campbell arrived this even* ing with dispatches from Lieut. Geneva! Sir Arthur Wellesly, da ted Vtincira, 22<1 ult. giving an account of two victories obtained over the French armies in Portu gal—The first on the 17th at Zarn hu'cica, over the advanced corps of .the French, conaiting of 6000 men, commanded by Generals La borde and Brenier, in which the French were defeated with the loss ot 1500 men, killed, wounded and prisoners ; thfe second over the whole - of the French army i u Portugal consisting of - 14000 men* commanded by General Junot. wherein the French were com' pletely defeated, with the loss of 13 pieces of cannon ; 23 turr,- IjreU of amunition, and ab, r /ut 3600 men, in killed, wounded aod pri soners. <l In consequence of this action, General Kdierman arrived with a flag of 1 ruce at Head Quarters, on the 22cl to treat for terms. u Lieutenant Gen. Burrard landed, ana arrived in the field of ablion after the battle had commenced on the 21st ult. but he generously declined taking the command from Sir Arthur j Wellefly. On the 2211 lieu. gen. Sir Hugh Dalrymblc landed, Sc took the command I have the honor to be, See. Signed CASTLEREAGJI To the Right honorable Lord Mayor , &e. Messrs Starnes Co. I BEG leave through your paper to inform the citizens of this county, and the public at large, that the information given to the Grand jury of the Jail’s being “ converted into a house of 1 lot, disorder and gambling,” is utterly untrue. On the 20th iuftant, there were a few gemlemeu of the Jury and witnefics who were attend * , ing court, who boarded with m*% ’ ; and who on that evening infilled , 1 on playing a game of whist 01 ’ b.xnething of that kind for a i tuulucent, and for lomeihing to drink ;- and I informed them i that i had no objection, and 1 the*V p*a‘ye<l for feme i.une —and J this wa* the billy time theie was | ever any card pitying Within the Jaii walls by my approbation, i and this was done wfdiout if ri* t jot or noilc.” . . , There were Pome time ago, two per Pons confined in Jail bv the Citv Counci l , for fines { # * • 1 imposed by them, and they at times, as l under flood, amused 1 I them (elves with playing cards in the room they were confined ; in. hut they never had any dis I puling or noting that* I knew l of to disturb eiihcr me or my j family, 6t any Other pei foils, j except on one night when I was j from home, when I was told ! the prisoners had been noisy in 1 their rooms, but luch rudenels | will at times happen in any Jail j wiifi per lons confined there— for it is not always found, that perfohs confined in Jail, ate uniformly orderly in their con dutf. The amufemenis of the pfifaners in their own room, I did-not interfere with, and while thev behaved orderly, I did not feel warranted in interfering therewith—a report had been cir. culated that thefijj pet Jons had been fuffered by me to go at large, but tbeftory was altogeth er fa lie, and was proved to be so by two affidavit's taken before- John Dentignac, Esq. and the per lons were never /uttered to go at large till difeharged by the City Council thcmfelveson the 23d of August last This (tory therefore like the information on which the prefentinent was founded, I confider as intended injuftly to do Ine an injury.— And I defy any person except in the fingie instance above men tioned, to fay that there was ever any card playing in my houl’e, or that there has ever been any in the debtors rooms or in any other part of the Jail, fmee the difeharge of the above mention ed perlons—and if the {late ment now given Ihould not fatis fy the public, the molt material fafts can be lubffantiated by the affidavit of one of the Grand Jury, who boarded with me during court, and of fcvcral others who also boarded with me at the fame time. I believe from the information I have re ceived, that the Jail has never been kept in a more orderly manner, than it has been under my direction. As to living in adultry with darling Peggy Pardue, though I will not pretend to have been more flee from faults in in for mer days than others, yet the woman mentioned has not as I know or believe, been even an inhabitant of this Rate for forne time past- nor have I ever seen or heard from her since her re- I moval. P. DONALDSON. October 27, ISOB. DIED on S aturday last, Willis Hubbard, ion of Mr. Dani«l Hubbard of this place— aged 4 months. Cotton fells this morning at 13 cents- Salt one dollar twelve 1 and a half cents. to rent. THE Lower tenement on Mr. 3 amuei Scott’s lot, occup cd the last year by Johnson& Richards, is to let, and immedi ate poffcffion given—For terms apply to SAMUEL S. STARNES. OG. 24. rnfc' * v ” * j \' * Jen Dollars Reward. -p y NA WA y jj *%■* 51\ in Aug. iaff, Si jlrcmi Abbeville S. igg&|^!l l C a^,i, » B > * darlc negro wo iy» darned A Bits, about 30 years oi age, and ra" ther delicately Old pH. Captain Isaac Wellborn of wbonj Cbe fubfcribei* purchased her, found *»cr in the AugUlta jail hi July la it, after an abfcncei from hfcr otoner of i£ months. Her husband 1 am told bciC°& s to Mrs. Walker who tefides or near Augulla. • ELI S. DAVIS. 08,. ,31. it o s. For Sale, The Bay-S}irhigSy TX7!ll-.K<)N thi-Sdb'.Tiber n<>\r V V lives, six mile# above Au gust, on 1 l»c main road leading to iMilledgevilie— »lts situation for a Tavern cannot be exceeded, and a« for health it sparely cati be equaled* ft is well timbered with Pine, Oak, &e. &c. which hHfce been particu larly* reserved, and its conveniences are seldom surpassed in point of houses, stables, kitchens, wells of good water, orchard, nurserses sfc. For further particulars application may be made to b.b.tindill. October 2i. 1 "i he Subscribers, HAVE removed their stock of , Goods to the Store formerly occupied by Messfs. WaTsc (fend Herbert, where they are just opening An extensive assortment of DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, STAIIONARY, & SADDLERY. They liaVe an assortment of SHOES, which they will dispose of on the must reasonable terms ; they, iiave also on a QUANTITY OF SALT, All of which they are determined 10 sell as low as they can possibly be sold in tins place of Savannah, for Cash or Produce. La Roche Sc Van Sindercri. October 24. Dissolution. THE Co.partnership of J . &. E. STARNES is diflolved by mutual content, those hav ing demands against them wilt please present their accounts to Ebenezer Starnes for fculemenfj and those indebted will pleale call and fettle their account* without delay. JOHN STARNES. EBENEZER STARNES. The business iu future will be carried on by Ebcnezer Starnes, firll door below Wigfall and M‘Kirinie: 08. 24. Xen Dollars Reward, \ T r ILL be paid to any person VV for apprehending JOHN WYNN, who deserted from my company of Artillerists, on th« 14th inst. he is a native of Geor gia. five feet six inches high, thirty four years of age, has grey eyes, fair hair, fair complexion-—by oc cupation a Taylor.—Whoever will secure the said WYNN in goaf, or deliver him to any com missioned officer in the armies of the U. b. shall receive the above reward, and their travelling ex pence* horn to the place of deli- ‘ very or confinement. ADDISON 11. ARMSTEAI*, Copt. U. A. Artillerist £ •mmandin^. TO RENT. A STORE in the central part of Broud-strect—Enquire of the j Printers. I October 17.