Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, November 21, 1808, Image 4

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ODK to PEACE. PFSCFHD (*er peace,and gi'd the year; I l’rcfide n'crrvrrv Src <*r j Al. heart* with grateful iiiducnce cluar ; And (harm thi fpoi live green. To ihrp wc all our t«l< fling* nee ; On thee « ur the uplu, are bent ; Thv foot hi ng voire raiim every Vot ; I hy (mile* ensure content. I In van, thy prrfrnce if denyVl, Abundance opc* the door; No longer healtfi oor flcp% will guide, And joy wc feel uu more. O liafte sweet Peace, and crown the morn, Aufpiriou* p< w,r appear; From « very breast pluc k every thorn, And dry up every tear. From liofli e Iworda, and vraK alarm*, Ourdiflant coart proteOl ; And tho'tbe trumpet i nndi to arm*, Thy favourite lllertfp« it O rnme f'veet pr»ce, with gen ie fvra, Thy hallow'd rite* maintain ; Come ever cltearful, ever gay, With virtue in thy train. For thre the Mufea rtme their lyraa j IJy th«e are taught to sing ; Fair commerre live* and art afpirea, lkiieath thy loitering wing. Then haste, and here forever reign | And to « ur prayer* he kind ; For happinrf* can ne’er remain Where l'eatc forfakc* the Mind. To religious denomination* in grit' only huttotheAJetkodi.it /.pis copal Church ni particular. PKOSPECTUS Os a IVteklt/ Publication, To BE ENTITLED Tilß RELIGIOUS REPOSITORY. BY W. A. KIND George town, (Dist. rs Columbia ) THE Editor begs leave to offer this work 10 the attention and patronage of the Method* isr Society in particular, not only bacaule it is thought pro. per 10 give it a clc ciJcd charac ter, hoi bccaufc ihe connexion a pc.ilcnt have no religious ve hicle of the kind, nor have the\ had (inee the difroniiuuance of their Magazine, which was pub lillv d some yenrs ago. B <th the Pit (bvtciians and E ( tlcopalians have under their paironagt monthly publications devoted to the fame fubjefls propoled to be embraced by his work. The Editor, however, flatters himfeif that this publication will po fie Is fotne advantages over thofethat arc only ifitted month Iy, in furtufhing early religious intelligence, and he hopes it will afford greater fatisfatlion to readers in general, as in fueh works die fame tubjetls andac. counts are contit tied in a ieries of numbers. But (ince this woik is to he d .voted to the intcrell of re!i ''gum, both in its doctrine and experience, and will likcwife in elude the fubjc6t of morality, vc think it entitled to the grea ter attention; and wewifh it to he difiinbtlv under Hood, that a> it has for its object the ditlu lion of religious information, the fuhjeft of potiiici will not be introduced. In the leriptiite sense of the term, embraces not on ly what we aie to believe, but more efpeciallv what we muff i x erience of its great truths in our hearts. Morality implies, not on’y that men should do no harm, but that they should be actively and zealoufiy engaged in atl* of benevolence Sc works ol right*oufnefv. It would then appear that religion conlitts in what we believe Sc experience, and morality it* that faith and expeiience reduced into prac. tice. True religion and nu>r. a ‘it v go hand in hand, and mu tuallv /uppnrt each oihcr.— M’here theie is not morality, iheie cannot be religion, and we arc disposed to think lilcwdc there cannot be genuine niotal* ity viihe:« 1h CM of ( wg rri'ia'uv wm JHH ckd on na M to a hi”tv. me iiui to M hv our 1 Religion >■ prriuade vJBI it excites |p fornix iheJ| cause n a!< iffl rcrdcrrijj cfl me nds— ! IS namf of (iIK infpiie icl; power is H to the eye ■ dirn ami n 11 (landing. M li will !* religious p;I tit partial!.* publication* claims the (.1 denoininati* non?, noc jh but as conn li corninunici jects it pro; Ahnofl. eve; tion has mei tona^e —an characters r contribute tj| lht\ have lljp political m|f| not hi re I v >1 fcilion, b\l| this their inf I Hut V.'P tl jl|lg My rcromtnß| of litician, Ijflp d< forvc the |m| who is - unc gls llnence of t|lj| i !>on the j.o. B§ hap funds of w deed, arc If; man law*, a M hy the ohli ■ of religion, B ari l avai ice If W I!bout ti c ■ or. ilidc ju: B luffed io it || and every j‘ B i tic “ Re B will he a cii ju anti well fellM t.ion and inyH ukewile to i|| of religion, fiß meetings, aclQ a iiiori sect I fay mgs and < I ly pious cha I (hall we u r m < ' IK UlLilts, & t(< I In additio.lß led and oiigfl 'oral lottery,B (trnniveand ■ Tftc Lditdß ged the aflifld| us v. ell of thcß and lie jiarticl® travelling anfl of the connejffl him, from tifl ceimminicati-j| htaced within* jetU of the w m con! 7'his work* weekly, on al ofta\o forma with a new ail Sohferibers n 1 will be ferved* those at a dill it by mail, thi but any ot g ed by lubfcrill # i ■ • ed, provided! lion e\pence 1 i he price tl he two dollar - J able half yeai -] dill rid, and u trjice in advai < ending fivedd three copies. There wil