Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, December 26, 1808, Image 3

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,- r been taken to pro* “Ton that fubjea and from ‘ rooer lourccs, information tic P h wiH hereafter be laid be the comniittee. # “ro the remaining enquiry of 1 rrmittee, whether me in- Snre.af.l-e prefen, lyi " , n av not m some degree be ‘ tnl f( j | can only aniwer lt "' ||y that a law which lays jSiextenhee reftiitlions as the , *, a ,go “" nM bC Carncd ' n ‘° ; L iiihout intpoling lerious lenience, even on the do - c (lic idtercourfe of the U nited C..C . and that these mutt ne. t Ifnily beincreafed in ptopor. non to the oppofnion and es. [on* 10 evade or violate the law. I, fcjs already been Hated that rtovifions Which wdl render the ond given by coaft.ng vessel. iconst'letc security against v.o b , io „; of them, will detntndh the neeeliity and extent of more |rbKra ry reßriaions. An au thority to permit, on proper fe. ciirnv being given, such vdiels »htn they arrive to port, to keep thfir cargoes on board, would afford lotne relief. And 1 think thatihe credit on duties accruing on the importation of certain articles, which was allowed by thead of the loth March Jafi, Oiotild he extended to all impor tations of the same articles made after the palling of the atti, thole madenn vessels which failed un der Ipecial permittion only ex cepted. With refpetd lo this lift dafi of importations as they »etcpermitted by special indul- it is under Hood that it has been impoftible in many ca ses to prevent its being abused and as in almost all the parties having a species of exclulive privilege have made fufhciently profitable voyages, the propri ety, particularly in theexifting imaiitin of (he revenue, of al lowing them aifo the advantage of an extended credit on duties is not perceived. 1 have the honor to be, With great refpetl, Sir your ob’i servant, ALBLRT GALLATIN. Bn. IK. B. Giles , Chairman of a committee. Peter Primrose , tlAs RECEIVED , from charleston, Addition to kh former Stock A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Pictures, Glasses, &c. „ amckg which are, , Msi! ' eniat ‘cal Instruments, J le )' or s Compasses, horoscopes and Telescopes, The urometers, Perspective Glasses. • An<i a lar S e AJfortment of JEWELRY, Jli! Varietv of ot,1 « articles T d,ous to mention. Uec. 1 2 _ (4t) Subscriber ktl(, w rs Hj 0vc d to the house next N a f, w l amea l Murrtn ’ 8 Store, •land, w k °°[* below his former he has ior Goods & Groceries , •* K a large quantity of u7lu factured Tobacco EXCELLENT QU At,XT. for cIh ch D ll be sold HcUinjb Produce * 10 him bvT l ! 1at thosc indebt ' nole * ° r °P en ? ler ’? iU TOak « i Vt dt bts in ° U e *hc» r respec. ndl &h ° rt ** no nte wiU be Riven I K^rS£ llUj£L *“- AUGUSTA , Dec. 26 By last Evening's Mail WE have received the Nati. onal Intelligencer of the lath inst. which gives a (ketch of the proceedings in Congress down to the lOth—At which time the House adjourned without com ing to a decision on the refo'u lions reported by the committee on our foreign relations. We have made luch extrads as our time and limits will permit, of the Important Foreign Xezos re ceived by the late ariivals. PosT' n, Dec. 6. A gentleman who came to town last evening from Salem, infoi med us of the arrival there of the schr. JVlohtiwk, of this |>ort, in 28 days from Liverpool, and fa vored U* wi‘h letters and paper* from England to the 28th of Oct, inclusive. London, Oct , 24. A Russian & French messenger arrived frc».,« France on Fridav morning, anu returned on Sundav. Nothing certain has yet trans pired either with respect to (he dispatches to or the r«rply rotuned by aur government. have heard that the former arc ve?y short—that they consist of two let ters dated from Erfurth, addres sed by M. de Champagny, the French minister for foreign affairs, and M. de Roman zow, the Rus sian minister, to his excellencv George Canning, esq.—that the two letters are in substance the same, stating that his majesty the emperor of all the Russians & hi* majesty the emperor of the French being equally animated with a de sire to put an end to the calamities of war, he (the minister fur foreign affairs) has it in command from hit majesty to request his excellen cy to communicate to hi* Britan nic majesty that desire, end if his Britannic majesty be influenced by a similar desire, to propose that plenipotentiaries shall be im mediately named, to proceed to a place that may be fixed upon, to open a negotiation with the pleni. potentiaries of his Imperial majes ty for the conclusion of a Mari time Peace. If we be correQ, the answer that will be returned by his ma. jetty’s ministers, to such a com munication is obvious. The epithet applied by the enemy to the kind of peace which they are desirous of negociating, shews us at once that they do not admit our interference in the affairs of the continent. His ina nity's ministers we should co“- jetture would reply to M. de Champagny, and M. de Ro manzow, that his Britannic tna jefiy was animated by the desire which he had always expressed, and which was known to all Europe, to put an end to the calamities of war, whenever he could do so confidently with the security of his dominions, the honor of his crown, and the good faith he owed to his allies —that he was ready to enter into a tpgociation in concert with those allies, and that he would immediately • communi cate the overtuics that h'4d been made to him to his majetty the king of Sweden, to the Prince Regent of Portugal, and to the Central and Supreme Junta m Spain, governing in the name of his Catholic nrajefty, Ferdi nand Vli. October s 6. French troopg under Marshal Ney, moved Irom Vittoria Sept. 27, and took possession of Bilboa —the Spaniards retreating. It ia said, the French attempt ed to retreat from Bilboa, Sepr. 30, but found their retreat cut off. October 27.—We have receiv ed Spanish papers to the lath. 1 he Spaniard* nope to cut off the division ot the French army that entered Bilboa. The general at tack on ths whale French line was also mtcniLii lo r the 25u or 24th in *t. Hritish troops under generals Moore and Hope, marched from Lisbon Oct. 12, lor Spain. Xiie late re volution in Turkey, has prevented the British envoy, who >vas on his way, from pro ceeding to that capital. Pnrlitnent is farther prorogued to the 10 h Dec. 1 he British -qnadvon has quit ted the blockade of the Russian fleet at Port Baltic, leaving three Swedish ships to watch it. Plymouth Oct i>s.~ V< rived the Rowcna hunt Cojunoa, which is said to have brought a report that the Spaniards have gained a victo iy over the French, and that Co. runnahad been illuminated in con. sequence. 2(>,000 British troops have marched into Spain from Portugal. 1 he rest there, are ordered to the Mediterranean. A new decree has been passed in Holland to pre vent intercourse with England. An embargo has been laid at Petersburg, where several Ameri can veaocL are among the de mined. American vessels are not admit ted at d riest during the Ameri can embargo—in consequence,six bound timber have stopped at Malta. From the Boston Rptsitoyy. CRISIS IN SPAIN. By this wc do not mean that lhc eventful fate of that naiion is about to be decided, but that a fanguinarv contest has proba bly taken place. For some time previous to the 27th GO. it was (uppofed from the accounts from Spain, that about 20000 French troops who had taken polieflion of Bilboa, under mar Dial Nev, , < * were cut oil from retreat. But on that day lays the Courier, intelligence arrived, winch pro ved that this was not the case. A vedel which left Corunna on the 20th, announces that 30,000 belh troops had palled the Py. renees and joined Ncy, whole whole force now amounts to between 70 and 80,000, con centrated between Bilboa Vit toria. This reinforcement did not appear to have altered the positi on of the Spantlh armies, which deferibed neatly a circle, begin ning at Valtnaleda and ending at Uoncevalios. The de Portazgo was at Vaimdieda Blake on the mountains near Biiboa—Calldiios at Lojnono, n / <*nd Palafox at Roncevallos. It is Rated that the Spaniards were m high (pints and not diffident of lucceis in calc ofageneial encounter. Gens. Moore Sc Hope march ed on 13• h Oit from Ldhon and were iuppoled to be with the p-titots. Charleston, December 19. Zaie from Europe. The Brtdili ih»p Bacchus, Capt. KENNAN,in 49 days Irom Liverpool, bound to Fiotiua, arrived off this port on Satur day—a gentleman, paflenger, came up to town in one of our pilot boats. '1 hrougn the po litenefs of a meicaniile friend, we have been favored with Lon don papers to the 26th Otio ber, brought by this vedel. The Brittlh naval force in the Baltic, has relinquilhed the idea of an attack on the Ruliian licet in Port Baltic—so Itrougly had the Rulftan admiral fortified himfelf 011 the land hie, and obltruded the entrance of the port, by extending its mouth an enormous w*ia;n, and other obitrudions, that it was thought advtfabie ou the part of the Britilh and Swcuilh ad mirals, to give up the idea of an attempt on mat iqiadoa, while it continued tu mat poii. Paris papers of OBohcr 2, date that the French troops on their march into Spain, are in tie highest spirits and anima tion; they proceed through the departments aondlf the congrat ulations and embraces of their countrymen ; but their chief fed tv it y, t.iey fay, will be, when they shall find thernfelves oppo. fed to the English. Public Meetings held in vari ous parts of Great. Britain, for the purpose of foliating his ma. jelly’s miniders to inllitute an enquiry into the cauler which led to the late difgraccful con. vention entered into by the Bri u(h commanders in Portugal. A very levere dorm was ex. perienced on thecoails of Eng land and Ireland, on the Bth Odober, in which a great num of velfels were loft. A fleet of transports having on boaid a division of the French troops from Portugal, were difpcrleri in the fame gale —one of the ships foundered, and nearly 300 Frenchmen perillied : many others had not been heard of, and fears were entertained for their fate. AN ACT To alleviate the condition of Ptb‘ #*•/ and to rental tin afi , an tit ltd" an aft to alleviate tit con Jitorn as ’cl/tort, and afird them t mfjraiy relief,” p-<Jftd the 13d of May, Jgo 8 I t it enafied ht ibt Sennit ami House of Rt- Vref.-ntntivrs in Central Af.mbly met, and by tie author ify if the fame, That on all j u'ginentl that have been heretofore recovered or that may hereafter be recovered in the fuperioror inferior court* of the several counties, or in the jnflier* courts or other courts of inferior jurifdidtion.the defendant or defendants, may liay execution for and during the period of the continuation of this law, by entering good and fuilicient freehold security, i>f the county in thr clerks office of such court, or* with thejuftice as the case may he, for the ultimate payment of the debt cofh and inter est and upon paying one third part of the judgment and one third part of the cost. And it it further enr.fted, That wliereexecu tion has iltued on judgments already had and obtained or that may lie had and obtain ed after the palling of this law, the defendant or defedants may flop the sale of property, under furh execution, upon paying one third of the amount of such execution, and by en tering good and fofficint freehold fccurity withm the county to the flierilF coroner or justice as the case may be, for the ultimate payment of the balance of the judgment, intcreft and coQ at the expiration of the time for which this law was palled, and all the property of the security, lliall be bound for the balance of the execution and re-delivery of the property at*th« expiration of the time frtr which this law was pal Ted, and in case the said property fliall not be delivered all the property of the security fliall be bound and be fuhjedt to the said execution. And he it farther emitted, That this taw fliatl not extend, to prevent the recovery of taxes, to tori* or wrongs, or to Hues infli&ed by the proper authority. And he it further tna fled, That no conveyance or sale of any property after fccurity entered to the defendant, or his security the beu in favor of the plaintiff. And he it Lfurther enafied, That all judg” menu (hall bear interest And be it further mailed, That this law fliall continue and be in full force *nd cffuSt until he 25th day of December 1809. And he it further enafied, That uo court oflicer or oflners fliall be permitted to enter into any rule so as to authorize them to receive any other cost than the one third, as pointed out by the above recited adt until its final collec tion. And be it further enafied, That in all cases where the debtor will pay one third of the debt due to his* her or their creditor or creditors, and give good security for the payment of the balance, shall exonerate them from being sued during the continuation of this adt. And he it fu’th r enefled, That the treasurer fliall not be authorized to iflue his execution against any purchaser of fradiional surveys for more than one third of his, her or their bonds, when fuclt aforefaid debt shall become dirt, any law to the contrary not withstand ing. Anile it farther enafied, That no ca fa fliall iflue during the continuation of this adt nor lhail any a’ready ilfued be executed or adted oil, provided the defendants in judgment fliall comply with the requifitious of this act. And be it further enafied, That file adt paffld the 2"d day of May last entitled <an adt to alleviate the conditious of debtors and afford them temporary rcleif’ be and the fame il hereby repealed. Ami be it further enafied, That if 20}’ se curity taken in virtue of this adt hath good grouuus to oeiievc that the defendant for whom he is or u»»y be bound hath removed or abfeouded, or it about to remove or ab scond from the county, and mahes oath therof before any justice of the peace, may proceed agaiuft bis, her or their principal as in calcs of attachment. BENJAMIN WHITAKER, Speaker of the H mfe of Repr-feutatives. HENRY MITC HELL, Prcfidentof the Senate. A ffmttd to %iji Deeenl'itr I Sod. J.-iREO IRWIN, Given or TOS IT UN KiViLN i . ' The Sale as the property belong ing to the Estate of Samuel fj. Scott I* postponed until the Ist Febfuiry next. TO €0 R R. V SPC' N DEN TS. “ A Projector” is ii.ceiveti and hall apprar in due lime. A “ Spectator” shall also bo attended to. MARRIED on Thursday evening last, by the R. v. Mr. Marsh, Charles Martin, Esq, Attorney at law, to M s. PRUDECE CoOK, ail of Edgefield District, (S. C.) Thespian Theatre. ON Thursday evening the 29th in ft. will be perfoimcd by the riielptan Society the cele brated 1 ragedy (written by Voltaiic) of Mahomet Oil THE Imposter. After which will be added the much admired Farce, called Village Lawyer . Doors to open at half past five, and curtain to rife precite ly at half pall fix. December 26. Thomas Stokes, Hat taken the houfc jirjl below Ross, Brown & Co. zuficrc he ii now receiving a large Assortment of Dry Goods & Groceries\ lie invites his friends in the up country Sc the public in gen eral to call, as be has no doubt he will be able to supply them on as reafonablc terms as can be had in this place. December 26. Amos Newton, Begs leave to acquaint bis fr’neds and Customers and the public at laige that he has Just Received and offers for sale a quantity of BOOTS k SHOES, nz. Mens Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, and SJ, quality of Shoes, Cadies Morocco & leather Slipper* Negro Shoes, Suwarrow Boots and Bootees, Augusta, Dec. 24* (ts) NOTICE IS hereby given to all those who are indebted to the fubferi ber by note or open account, that no longer indulgence will be given, and that suits will be brought indifcriminatcly if not difeharged by the 15th January next. J. VASS ER December 2 6. 2 NOTICE. ACL Persons indebted to the late Firm of Dill & Mf.tzger, are notified that the books and pa peis are placed iu the hands es the Subscriber for Settlement— All those indeb'ed, are requested to tome forward and discharge their respective dues within the space of two weeks —after that date their accounts will be placed in the hands of Magistrates for collection. A. J. DILI,. Dec. 2t. 3t . Ten Dollars Reward. r— UN AWAY : Tv. in Aug. lalf, vML from s. Carolina, a dark negro wo. Bstfr-r,. man, named Abbe, about 30 year* of age, and ra* ther delicately shaped. Captain lfaac Wellborn of whom the fublcriber purchased her, found her in the Augusta jail in July last, after an abfencc from her owner of 13 months. Her husband I am told belongs to Mrs. Walker who tefides in, or near Augulta. tLI S. DAVIS. Oct. 31.