Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, May 08, 1809, Image 1

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[VOL. I-] BY DANIEL STARNES & Co. PROPOSALS bY OA NIEL STARNES & CO. . sJßtktb W’P'** • IN THU CITY OF AUGUSTA, TO BE ENTITLED Mirror of the Times." TIIF universal promulgation of . ‘x the central deftribution of know iLVeoMeJbortbefirft importance in i whert; liberty has left traces TEr footftep*. under every government Jhich consult. the happmef* of Man— rilwledrt,” said thc Great Lord Bac ° n ► h oorer,” united with virtue” it certainly . “ ; £: rtv Where ignorance reigns there and despotism governs. As enlightened authority will be Scd& morality rertored- Knowledge & Zc are the bafcs of frcedom-the one SrudUusin our rights, the other teaches Jour duties; the firft fhewa us how to anflruA the billptdhble foini of govern, pent the led requires us to obey it when con fcnied. 11 is therefor e advantageous every w h e rr, butiaa kefuhiic it is ablolutely tc ctiury, that corredt information fliould be widely dilFufed and easily obtained) For tUn 'ti« the people who govern. 7% never intentionally choose bad leaders or approve wrong measures, yet they are liable to error -give them true details and they will judge correctly—for on plain grounds the people al ways form just opinions ; whenever they mis take their own iutcreft ‘tis owing entirely to want of information in the many or want of j honerty in the fnv. But extent-ve political in formston is uot to be acquired without much labour, aud few have leilurc to study the tyfttms, compare the opinions, & peruse the pages of Locke, Sydney, Gibbon, Hume & Vat'd. If an acquaintance with the true principles of government & duties of a citizen could be acquired only from huge folios luliffufe treatises, it wculd be seldom fought or if fought, the plough, the hatchet, and the saw muflftand dill, Rome cheaper and tafier means of fatisfying curioiity and procuring information mult there'ore be looked tor; p.nd where is intelligence theapnrfs and convenience united with more advantage, ban in the closely printed col umn ot the humble News-paper ? Our countrymen appear so well convincedj es the ufetulnefsof periodical prints, ar.d have so very liberally encouraged them, that we deem it umieceffary to iniift on their merit Ifldalmoft hesitate to recucft public pat toingc tor another Newspaper eftablifli utm. CSt can promise little except what atten tion, honesty & iududry can perform. The ptinciples of our Paper, like our own, will be Republican, “but the fame freedom of opin iuu which we claim for durfelves, we wiih all others to enjoy." Civil and Religious kerty h the btrh right of evry man, and htwho will not extend the fame indulpcnce Jo all patties, and all le<£k, which he wiflies Lrhtsown, is already or deierves to be a late. so support Religion and morality will « our pride— to encourage literature our endeavor-no communications calculated to Co either will be refufed ; no hint will be —i eaw should be neither vague nor tosnown, »1) public adh of the State leg <s, ““"OR OF THE TIMES will b e * Canvass public measure with nfj£* n e * amin «g the condudl.of *illkn 8,1 i* S °^ ctrs of government—it CONDITIONS. l i«o! m a R ° R ° F THE TIMES will be L i eve 7, Monda > r> on * ftect of , D excellent quality, £nd go o d B ’dll| C r PriC ' tofllWcrb#r » will be three «dva£e P aillhalf ywrly iu 2L cIiT Pr,C T fnr advc,tifi ng will be fifty « the firft { o ■ *mSr!? y ' a *** * h '" iv Jf«H crwi l! be de,ivered t 0 Town those for * at ,tlßir abode and packer. Wil ‘ l ’ c dt ne «P OfEce. * ‘ aad deaver «d at the Poll -0 J )! ' n M. Jameson G? Co tkciru *J eCtloed in addition tP dj* die following ivht < h »IU be. told * JST CASH or COTTCif. Viz. n «ul» lOQOlb* r 1 l j.,. *• '’teen coffee & Cheene, SltTvAv' 1 " ■ S “S"> i Uoc-! ; " 2r « assoru'd, h-wet'. , ’-lif Vsntuc’sy , ALSO, _ 1V GALLON! i lS ‘ l Whiskey* ’ 4 ® 01<1. bv th#> Tv •• Ueniiiojjn, <t * MIRROR OF THE TIMES Collector’s Sales. WILL BE SOLD , at Columbia Court House, on the 24th daij of June next, the following Tracis of land, or us much thereo f (is | will oay the lax and cost uueJor the year 1606, to wit ; For District No. 1. 350 Acres of land in Columbia county on Savannah river, aujoining Doggett and Pace, ti e property of George t». l aukerliey—ux due 24dollars £7 j-2. For District No. 2. ALSO, 100 acres in Columbia county on Uche waters, adjoining Botweil and C<iett thc property of Thomas Cbambltfs dec. and returned by Sarah Chamblefs, adm'r—tax due 37 1-a cents, Aifo, 100 acres in Co lumbia county on the Little Kiokcc, adjoin ing Ramsey and Moore, thc property of John Matthews—tax due 6 dolls. 61 i-2 cts. Also, 2t7 1*» acres in Green county, wu Richland cre:k, adjoining Cunningham r.rnl others, the property ot James M'Neil dec. and returned by John Matthews adtu'r for faidtftaie—tuX due x dollars 13 cts. For District No. 3. ALSO, 2oa i-a acres iu Wilkinson county, the property of James Lamkin—tax due l dollar St I-4 ctuts Also, t!2B acres in Co lumbia counry, adjoiniug Btunt and Germa ny, on Loyd's creek,vhc property of John Eubanks dec. and returned by Richard Eu banks adui’r—tax due 16 dolls 3-4 cents. I Also, Ho 3 1-a acres m Baldwin county, tlie | property of Patley Wclbourn, returned by : Johu .svery—tax due a dollars lj 3-4 cents, i AlfoJ 100 acres iu Columbia county, on Sa- 1 vannah river, adjoining Dixon, thc property I of Richard Beunett—tax due 1 dollar 7 cts. ! Also, 24 3-4 acres in Columbia, adjoining Bennett aac! Dixon, the property ot Daniel Dixon, returned by Rictiard Bennett—tax due ja x-a cent*. Also, Joo acre* in Colum bia county, on thc Big Kiokcc, adjoining Normeut and Luke, the property of Johu Peeke—tax due 4 dollars jy i-a cents. Al- j so, 202 1-a acres iu the icth Diltridk No, x 553 Wilkinson county, the propetty of! James Conner—tax due 69 1-a cent* aIIo, I 202 i-a acres in Wilkiulou county, the pro- | perty of William Thompson- tax due % dol- ; lars 70 cent*. Aifo, ao2 1-2 acre* iu the 1 17th Dili riot, No 3, Wdkiufou. the property of Enoch Ci abb—tax due 93 cent*. Alto, ao2 1 2 acre* iu the 7th DiAriel Wilkinfon,’ the property of Sion Cook dec. returned by Enoch Crabb—tax due 22 1-2 cent*. Alio, 164 acres iu Columbia county, adjoiuing Winfrey and Roberts, the property oi James Robiufon —tax uue 1 dollar eg 0-4. Also,! 156 acre* in Columbia county, adjoiuing I Farrer and Davie, on Little river, tnc pro perty of Reuben Winfrey—tax due 4 dollar* 9 1-a cent*. Also, by property returned by Reuben Winfrey, Trultcc for Elizabeth Piercey—tax due a dollars 22 cents. Also, aoa l-a acre* in Dilkri& aj, No aa Wilkin- 1 son couuty, the property of Henry Thotnp- j lon—tax due ya cent*. Also, 19& 3-4 acre* in Columbia county, on Little river, adjoin ing Suhvan and 3hip, the property of Abta lom Fart er—tax due 9 dollars 56 1-4. Also, ao2 1-a acres in the 2d Diftridk No 302 of Wilkinson county, the property of Jame* 1 Howard—tax due 69 1-2 cl*. Also, 202 i-» acres in 23d D iff rid, No 163 Wilkinson county, the property of James Smith—tax ! due 69 1-2 cents. Also, 72 1-a acres in Co lumbia county, on Keg creek, adjoining 1 Reed and Wilkins, the property of Elizabeth Freels—tax due 1 dollar 30 1-2 cts Also, 6 acres in Columbia county, adjoining Suli van and Lawrence, on Sulivan s creek, the property of Elijah Echols—rax due 1 dollar 89 cents. Also, 2u2 l-x acres in the Jth Diflrid, No 178 Baldwin county, the pro-1 perty of Abner Roberts—tax due S 4 i-a cts.! Alio, 75 acres in Columbia county, ou Suli-! van’s creek, adjoining Moon and Neil, the property of Benjamin William.—tax due 8 dollars 61 cent* Also, one houfeand lot in Applington, near Columbia Court-house, the property of Richard Matthew* dec. and re turned by Benjamin Williams adm’r for laid dec.--tax due 2 dollar* 50 3-4 cent*. For District No. 5. Also, 150 acres in Columbia county, on the Little Kiokee waters, adjoining Wright and Lamar, the property of Drxtor Gtbfon— tar due 17 dollars 62 l-*2 cts. Also, 202 1-2 acres in fith DifHtt, No j.Oj, Wilkiufou county, the property of Samuel Lazeuby— rax due 69 1-a cants. For District No. 6- ATo, »o 2 1-3 acres in »Oth of Wilkinson county, the property of Cnarle* Lyle*—tax due 6S x-2 cents. ; ' For District No. 7. Also, 300 acre* in Columbia conaty, on Head-stall creek, adjoining Ncwfom ar.d oth ers, the property of Samuel M'Nair—tax due a dollar* 21 1-4 cent*. Also 150 acres in Columbia couuty, adjoining Revel & others, the property of William Smith—tax due 63 3-4 cent*. Also, 400 acres in Columbia county, on the Big Kiokee, adjoining Young blood and Davis, the property of Daniel M‘- Ncit—tax due 1 dollar 90 3-4 ceuts. Also, 100 acres in Columbia county, on Head-fiall crock, adjoining W are and Newfom,the pro perty 01 Dame) Smith— tax due l-4ct«. Also, iou acre* in Columbia county, on thc Big Kiokee, adjoining Fuller and other*, the property of JoAtua Youngblood—tax due “ HOLD THE MIRROR UP TO NATURE.” Shakespeare. i WEST END OF BROAD STREET, 1 dollar 3 1-4 crnt*. Also, 2ov i-t acre* in 17th DiftriA, No US, VVilktafoo, the pro perty of Thoma* Eulman—tax due 6t* t-a cents. AUo, 2o» 1-2 acre* in DiftriA Si, No too, Wilkinfun county, the property of the heirs of William Ayres dec and return* el by Mark Joucs— tax due 37 1-2 cents. Also, 270 acre* in Columbia rounty. on Keg creek, adjoining Gr*\es and G inage, tnc property of Samuel Payne dec. and returned by William Payne—tax due 6 dollar* fco ct* For District No. 6. Also, 300 acres in Columbia county, ad joining Dunn and Tedvell, the property of Kdmtfnd Bugg-- tax due 8 dollars ap 3-4 cts. Alf‘>, 202 t-2 aert* 17th Dillrnif, No 18. Baldwin couuty, the property of Benjamin Fmithfon—tax due 1 dollar 11 cents. Also, 350 acre* iti Columbia, adjoining William property oflgnatius Few—tax due xl s dollars 70 1-4 cents* Also. 202 l-a acres in t*th Dtflritil, No Wilkinfin countv, the property of John SandeforU— tax due 7 dollar* l-i ccuts. /'or District No. y, ALSO, 100 acres in Columbia county, adjoining Dtvereaux and Carter, the pro perty ot iamfon S Sterl—tax due 3 dollar* •8 3-4 cents Also, 87 1-2 acre* in Colti.n bia county on Upton’s creek, adj lining Co ram and Macarty, the property of John Hay—tax due 63 cent*. Alio, ao2 t-4 acres in 16th lliflridl, No b, Baldwin couuty, the property ut William Lawrence—tax due 1 dollar 91 1-4 cents. Also, 2o* 1 2 acres in Wilkinlon county, the property of the heir* of Alex. Mitchell, returned by Jolhua Stan ford— tax due 11 i-i cents. Also 2oal-2 acres in DiftridtiS. No 167, Baldwin c<»un ty, the property of fchildrake Ktndncic tax due 84 1-1 cent*. Also, 20 2 l-» acres in 27th Diftridl, No 169, Wilkiiifon county, the property of Sarah Kendrick -tax due twenty-two and a half cent*. Also, t-a acres in 2d DillriA, No 146 Wi'k’nfon coun ty, the property of Robert Kindrick—tax due 79 and a half cents. Also, jo2 1-2 acres in 7th Diflridt, No 244 Wilkinfun county, the property of Andrew Walker—tax due 69 and a half cents* Also, Soo acre* in Co lumbia couuty, adjoining Harriftm & Jones, ti e property of William Short -tax due 3 dollar* twenty-two aud a half cents. Also, aoo acre* in Columbia county, on Upton’s creek, adj »inmg Johus and Fennel, the pro perty ot Cl-arles l’orter—tax due lo dollars 9I 1-4 cent*. Also, 180 acres in Jacks-n couuty, the property of Samuel Jone*, and returned by Charles Porter, agent—-tax due 3 dollars 37 1-2 cent*. Alio, 102 i-2 acres in 15th Diftridt, No 264 in Baldwin county, the property ot the heirs of Ogdon, and re turned by William Evans, Guardian- -tax due 07 and a half cent*, also, 3_jq acres in Columbia county, on Maddox * creek, ad joining Jones and Marrifon, the property of Dofley Howard—tax due two dollar* 78 1-4 cents, alio, one Houfc and Lot in Wrightf borougb, the property of Geo A. Brown tax due 8 dollar* 86 1-4 cents. /.Ifo, J 67 acres in Columbia county, on Little river, the property ol Auu Deau—tax due I dollar 6 r-1 tents. also, lc» acre* in Warren county, the property of afrnos Wagnor«-tax due 65 3-4 cent*. For District No. 11. ALSO, 100 acres in Columbia county, on Sulivan’s crock, adjoining Beck and Neal, the property of Thomas Worthy—tax due 88 I-4 cents. aIIo, 2o acres in Columbia i county, on Sulivan's creek, adjoining Wil lingham ar.d Jone#, the proncity m John Wiimut- tax due 88 1-4 cents. Also, 411 1 7. acre* in Columbia ccunty, on Green brier creek, adjoining F.irrer and Pitmau, the property ot James Wood -tax due 16 dollar* j 1 i-2 cent*. aIIo, 202 I*l acre* in 2oth Dilfridl. No 22j Wilkinlon county, the property of William altkinfon—tax due one dollar x 6 1-4 ceut* Also, 2oi i-2 acres io 16th DiftriA, No xol Baldwin county, the property of Thomas Richarofon—lax due 2 dollar* 6 i and a half ceau. Property of persons returned in dejauitjor 1808. In Copt. Collin's District No 2. Also, 550 acre* in Columbia county, ad joining Cummingaand Carr, called Shady Grove, the property of James Gardner—tax due il dollar* 99 cents. Also, in Diftridt No 8-— 4 co acres in Columbia county, on Germany’s creek, adjoining Rof* and Few, the property of William Few dec.—tax due 19 dollar* 26 cents. Alio, in Diftridt No to—-I co acres in Columbia county, 6- T art’» creek, adjoining Willis and Lewe, the pro perty of William Hunt jun’r—tax due 1 dol lar 84 cent* tt/“ Those who know tlicmftlves to be in arrears for taxe*, and have no land to levy on, may expedt to fee the Canftables among t hem, in a few days, for the purpose of col ledting. Wm. ZACHARY, Taxes, C. C. Afrit 24 1809. NOTICE rHE Subscriber inteudiuj to leave this mate io a short time requests all those indebted to him* to coroe forward, and discharge their respective account.?, on or before the first day of April next otherwise, they will positively be put in suit without discrimination. JOSEPH W. J AKVIS. March 6* ( j ) TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscribers had the misfor tune of being swindled out of a quantity ot Cotton some tune ago at a store in the City of Charleston, which was made public in South Carolina and Georgia, bv adver tisements m different Newspapers. They have had the greater misfor tune, in their anxiety and zeal, to discover the swindler unjustly, and lashlv to form a suspicion that Dr. George A. Brown of Wrightsb >- rough, in Columbia county ami State of Georgia, was the person "ho committed the fraud ; and at a religious congregation of citizens, at the house of William Halbert Eso. in Pendleton district South Carolina, publicly char bed him with the act. Dr. Brown, Mke tho man of hon or and integrity, has futlv convin ced ns of our great mi.take and j and in consider of our being poor men, that we had been actua ted by mistaken, an 1 not mulevo lent motives, has charitably and generously forgiven us. While we icknowlcdge mat Dr. Brown has at in his powtr to ruin every indi vidual ol iik, and distress our fauii, lies. We voluntarily tome forward and do solemnly declare in open court, at Pendleton Court House, and to all the world, our mistaken and erroneous conduct towards the said Donor George A. Brown— we testify hi* innocence—we thank him lor Ins honorable and gentle manly conduct ; and we declare our regret and sorrow for ihe inju ries his feelings may have susuun ed. We are satisfied that Doctor George A. Brown is a man of the first respectability, of an excellent character, aud that his conduct in life, from childhood, has been irie proachable. We can neither say or do too much to redress the h cl ings of Dr. Brown, or to vindicate Ins name & character.—We never will It rget his honor and generosi ty in forgiving us for tile wrong we have inadvertently done him, which we believe arose from the similarity ol features, between the person who swindled and cheated us out or our property, and the fea tures of the said Dr. George A. Brown. G c desire that this declaration may be made pubtick in the New-papersof Charleston, S. C. and Augusta in Georgia, at our ex pense, loi the space of 3 mouths, aud recorded in the Clerk’s Office in Pendleton district S. C. and Columbia county in state of Geor gia. Given under our hands & seals this 3l»; March 1809. his John X Crump, mark Win. .Mitchell, George Mitchell, Win. Dodion. Signed sealed & acknoviledgcd in the presence of Wm- Brown, John B. Demfy, Wm. Harris, Daniel Mafling«le. April 17, 1809. ]' *n Dollars Reward. tek.- n UNAWAY * JV. in Aug. last, from Abbeville S. |;g£sMEgl Carolina, a dark mullato negro wo. ■ -S roan, named Abbe. ! about go years of age, and ra' | ther delicately shaped. Captain Isaac Wellborn of whom the subscriber purchased i her, found her in the Augulta i jail in July I*P, after an ablence from her owner of 13 months. | Her husband I am told belongs | to Mrs. Walker who 1 elides in, j or near Auguffa. I JELI S. DAVIS. [No. X XX.] MONDAY, May 8, 1809. Land near August a > FOR SALE. A 7 HALT of land containing a u. about seven hundred! acres si tuated in the neighbourhood jf liberty Hill, in South Carolina; lac nearest part of which is within out 1 mile, and the most distant not exceeding three miles from town ; on it ate several excellent springs, a handsome and heahhy situation lor binding: It ls well’ calculated fm the culture of Cotton tf c .~The timber is uncommonly good, hav ing been particularly reserved.— 1 here a:e also about 20 acres in hills of fine marl, which will doubt less, at no very distant period, be come valuable. The toads from Augusta and from Campbellton to the upper country, via the Chero kee roods, pass over and join each other on it, within three miles of Augusta. I here is a pleasant si. tuationat their junction for build ing, and It would be a good place for a Tavern or Grocery. A< it u presumed no person would pur chase wit bout having seen the land, a further description is deem ed unnecessary. Indisputable ti tles will be made. i'oi further particulars enquire of John B. Barnes, Egq. of bum. tnerviile, or the subscriber near Martintowo, Sou'll Carolina. Sam l Hammond jun. April 10. NOTICE. THE Subscriber, returns his sincere thanks to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, for tins liberal encouragement he has re j ceived since his commencement of business in this city, h slid solicits a continuance of the same. Those who wish to employ him in his profession, may find him at all times ready to execute with neatness and dispatch all orders entrusted with him ; hut at the same time he is obliged to add, that it is out of his power to Credit. All favors will be thankfully received and punc tually attended to by the public’s humble servant. Daniel hubbard. QCj* All those who have any demand! on the subscriber, will confer a favor on him by calling and receiving their money, ail those indebted to him are informed, that if they do not call and settle imme diately, their accounts will be put in the bands of an officer for collec tion, without distinction. A pril 6. ' ” —■ i»- -y» Executor’s Sale-/ On Saturday the 20th of May next, will be sold at the house of David Mims, Edgefield d.strict S.C. three or four tracts of land in *a;d ( district, part of the real es tate of Samuel Scott, sen dec. ly ing on the waters of Stepen’s creek near said Mims. ALSO, On Monday the 3th June next in the city oi Aug Ub ti», will be sold on tile premises. Two houses and lot* 0 n the Vest end of broad street, being pari of the real estate of BUld de « Andon luesday the 6'.h June, a tract of land lying m Columbia couuijr, commonly known by the name of Fox’* trarfc ■ • Col, Dcu. 1 lrack > joining And on Wednesday the rth June, at Mrs. Get,ning’s another o?Liul COUUty ’ ° n the watcr ‘ Jutt. Is* ‘ VCr ’ ad - iuinin S William Icrins will b e mat } c knowa on the aay oi BalCt DAVID M IMS. *pdU 4^ ln * Exc,utor TO HIRE, Until the first of next January, Two prime Boat Hands Under good character—Enquire of ROBERT M‘REA, or Richard h. wilds.