Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, May 15, 1809, Image 1

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• (VOL. L] DANIEL STARNES A Co. WEST END OF BROAD STREET. PROPOSALS B y DANIEL STARNES & CO. V *J Stfcripti* « wirily NwW IN THH CITY OF AUGUaT A, T'» BE ENTITLED Mirror of the limes. ® TIIF, uni vers I promulgation n! „,, h and the general dcfir.bution of know- M«’are objects of the Crft importance in very country where liberty h,s leit traces 0[ tier fbotftep., under every government ‘hich coufult. the happ.nefs ot Man— vfocwWgc,” laid the: Great Lord Bacon n )arfr ,” united with Virtue it certainly . ,:£ ttv Where ignorance reigns there vice triumph* and defpotiim governs. A. tninbecomes enlightened authority will be limited k morality reitored—Knowledge & are the bases of freedom-the one inltru<fljur in our rights, the other teaches ttl our duties! the tirft lliews us how to tonfhia the bell pollible form of govern ment, the last requires us to obey it when con |Wkd. It'»therefore advantageous every where, but in a K'public it is ablolutely i c cefTarv, that correft information fliou'd be widely dilTufcd and easily obtained: For iim ti« the people who govern. 7 b,y never intentionally choose bad leaucrs or app.ove wrong measure?, yet they are liable to err r -give them true details and they will judge corredily—for on plain grounds tl e people al ways form jufi tfinions ; whenever they mis take their own interest ‘t i» owing tiinrely to wafitof information i t the many or Want of konefty in the fno But extenlive political in fortraton is not to be acquired wi hout much labour, and few have leiiure to study the <\ items, comp tre the opinions, 8c perule the mjetof Locke, Sydney, Gibb' n, Hume & Vittel. If an acquaintance with the true pnnc'plevotg vfrument & duties of a citizen could be acquired i nly from huge folios &diffule tre&iifes,it would be seldom fought or if fought, the plough, the hatchet, and the law mud (land dill. Sonic cheaper arid tiSer means of fatitfying cminlity and procuring information mud therefore be looked tor; and where it ir.tell'gcnce tinapnefs and convenience united with more advantage, Lan in the closely print d col iuni. ot the humble News-paper ? Our counrjmc'i ap.-eor so well convinced «f the ufelul efsot periodical prints, and have so v'ry liberally tncour ged them, thrit we dtvmu unnecelTary to ii lift ob their mc r 't ana aim,lt tufua e to rtqutfl public pat ro'i.re tor another- News-piper eftablilh- BltOt. Mean pr-'m.fc little except what atten tion, hnnefty & industry can perform. The principles ot our Paper, likeou- own, wiil be Republican, “ but the fame treedom of opin -100 * ,ch we da-m f r ourfHvts, we wifli si l ether.to enj iy.’’ Civil and Rfclijjiom }*7 " tlie b,ltl r 'g' tof cvry man,* and btw , ho w ' ,! tx end the fame indulgence !' »'*P*rti f -», and all fed*, winch he w.flies f ,r huown, ii already or delcrves to be a nave. Tofipport Religion and morality will he our prue—to encourage literature our ZT~ n °r maUnic^on » tabulated to \ be tefufed ; no hint will be thVn d | V free Countr r it is nereflary Jjthelw Ihould be neither vague nor of the Sute leg- BoniSrV orCbepUt>,iftled * MIR , ROR 0F THE TIMES win he Cclta C3nVaf3 P l,hlic with indiviJ' | P m e * anun,B K the conduct of 55, , A * t u triad Lt T,J° yut ” ' i Uunt, y' No CONDITIONS. 1^S R 0 IheVtc'! - e ' er f, Monda y, 0,1 a royal •|,| quality, and good ‘te*'* 1 *" h. three MvlrJ min ’ P a,a ba *t' yearly in elif, tnT will be fifty &tl,im / qUarC l° r the flr(l "demon , JiiSL e ° Mda U,f f ° r ~ch con t 17,7ill hc ,le ' ivfred to Town those forVt* 1 the,r piaecs of abode and in packL la° U , nr , ry WiU be d ' "e up Office. " Ao<i ‘ * l,ver *d at the Poll ,l''nn ' h Jameson &Co L Z% in to lL '*'«/< mu bo Kli ~J‘ r CA ' H °r COTTON. nz, i tbClsr- folate, absort^» ‘"ernejg 2 _ . 4g«ng. Kentuck r Cotton. ALSO, r ’ h 1 Y GALLONS k J nsJl Whiskey, MIRROR OF THE TIMES. Collector's Sales;. VILL BE SOLD , at Columbia Court Houst, on the 2±th any of June next , the jallow ng / racis -o/ land, or as much thereof as will pay tne tax and Lost due tor the year LiOS, to wit i For District No. 1. 3So Acres of land in Columbia county ort Savannah ri/cr, aojoimug Doggett and Pace, the property of George G. i ankertley—tax due J 4 dollars 87 1-2. For District No. 2. ALSO, 100 acres in Columbia county on tJche waters, adjoining Bof-vell and C ieit the property of Thomas Chamblcfs dec. and returned by sarah CUanuilefs, atlm’r—tax due 37 i-i cents. A I’-, tco acres in Co lumbia c unty on the Little K once, adjoin ing Ramsey and Moore, toe property ot John Matthews—tax due 6 dobs. 6t i-2 cts xilfo, 287 J-i acres in Green county, on Ricnland creek, adjoining Cunningham and others, the property ot J tnics AHNeil dec. and returned by John Matthews adin'r for laid >.lLate—t x due a dollars 13 cts. For Distiict No. 3. ALSO, t-* acres in Wilkinson county, the property ot James Lautkin tax uue t do.Ur I-4 cents Hilo, acre in Co lumbia county, adjoining Biunt and Gei ma ny. on Loyds creek,.toe p operty el J ,hn Eubanks dec. and returned by Richard tu ba ik adm r—tax due 16 dolls p‘2 .1-4 cents. Aifo, 2oa 1-a acres in Baldwin county, the property of Patlcy VVcloouru. returned by John ..very—tax due i dollars 15 3 4 cents Alfa, too acres in Columbia county, da Sa vannah river, adjoining Dixon, the proper'y of Richard Bennett—tax due 1 doil.r 7 cts. Also, *4 3-jacies tit Columbia, adjoining Bennett auo Dixon, the property ot Daniel Dixon, returned by Riciiard Bennett—tax aue 5 i i-t cents eslfo, cco acres iu Coin a b.a county, on the Big Kiokce, adjoining Norment and Luke, the properhy ot John Pe-eke—tax due 4 dollars 59 t-j cents Al io, *o2 l-a acres iu the r .th Dillricf No, ißd Wilknlbn county, the proptity of J ,m. s Conner—tax due 69 l-a terns Also, 2j2 t-a acres in W ilkmiun c unty, the pro perty ot William i hompi'on- tax due z dol lars 70 cents aelfi, ao2 i-2 acre, iu tfe 17th D find!, No 3, Vv'dkinfon, the pi operty ot Etiticn Crabh—-tax uue 93 cents /dlo, »o 2 1 2 acres iu the 7>b Diilridl U’iikinfon, tlie property oi S*ou Cook dec. rtturucu by Enoch Crabb—tax due 22 1-2 Cents. Alio, i 64 acres i.i Columbia County, adjoining Winfrey and Robert.,, the property or Janies Ro infon—tax doe 1 dollar C 8 0-4. Aifo, 156 acres in Columbia county, adjoining Fairer a, d Davie, on Little river, tne pro perty oi Reuben Wiufrey—tax due 4 dollars 9 t-a cents Also, by property returned oy Keuocu Winfrey, Trultec for Elizabeth Piercey—tax due 4 dollars 22 cents. Also, io» i-2 acres in D ftridt zj, No 22 Wilkin son couuty, the property of Henry Thompa ion—tax me 92 cents. A,f,, ipa 3-4 acres in Coluijibia county, on Little river, adjoin ing Sniivan and Ship, the property of nbfa lom Fairer—tax due 9 dollars 66 1-4. Alio, 2c2 1-2 acres in trie 2d Diltrict No 302 of Wilkinson county, the p.opeity oi James Howard—tax uue 69 t-2 Cts. Also, 202 t-a ac es iu 23d LMlfnef, No l6:i Wilkiufon county, the pr< perty of James Smitii—tax due 69 1-2 cents. Also, 72 l-z acre, in Co lumbia county, on Keg creek, adjoining Reed and Wilkins the proper;y i»f Euxabetli Frcel*—tax due 1 dollar 30 i-2 cts zilfo, 6 actes iu Columbia couuty, auj.nning Buli - van and Lawiencc, on Sulivau s creek, the pr perty ot Elijah Echo C—tax due 1 dollar 89 cents. Aifo, 202 1-2 acres in tbe sth DiflticT, No 178 Baldwin county, the pro perty of Abner Roberts—tax due 84 i-a cts. Also, 75 acres in Columbia county, on Su i van’s creek, adjoining Moon and Neil, the property ot Benjamin Williams—-tax due 8 dollars hi cents Also, one houle and lot in Appliugtoii, near Columbia Court-house, the property of Ricliaid Matthews dec. and re turned by Benjamin Wiliams adm’r tor laid dec.--tax due 2 dollars jo 3-4 cents. Fur District No. 5. Also, ijo seres in CHumbia eounty, on the Little Ki Wee waters, adjoining Wright and Lafnar, ilie pr* p rty of DoXtot Gihfon— tax due 17 dollars 62 l 2 cts. A so, 202 1-2 acres in nth DiltridF, No rO3, Wilkinson county, the property of daiuuex Lazenby— tax doc 69 1-2 cents. For District. No. 6- ATo, 102 1-2 acres in 40 th Dill rift of Wilkinson county, the property of Charles Lyle#—tat due 63 1-2 cents. For District i\ o. 7 . / Also, 300 acres in C lumbia county, ott Head-lUH creex, adjoining Newfom and oth ers, the property ot Samuel M Nair—tax due 1 dollars 2. I-4 cents Afo 156 acres iu Columbia county, adjoining Revel C other?, the property of W'tl iam Smith—-tax dee 63 3-4 cents. Also, 400 acres in Columbia county, Oo the Big Kiokec, adjoining Young blood and Davis, tbe property ol Daniel M‘- Ncil—fax due 1 dollar 90 3-4 foils. Also, 100 acres iu Columbia o tiriiy, on Hcad-ftall creek; adjoining \V are and Newfom, the pro per y of Dariiei' Bmith- tax duF J-4ct» Also. too arrts iri' CoViAsni’a c.ikntv, on the Big Kirilcec, adjoining filler dtid others, the property of Joibn/ due 4t HOLD THE MIRROR U? TO NATURE.” ShakcSpf.art. 1 dollar 3 1-4 cants. Also, 202 1-4 acres in ly.h Dillrift, No M 3, Wilkinson, the pro perly of Thomas Bultnaft—- tax due 6S 1-2 cents. Also, 2c?, I*2 acres in DiHridF 21. No too, Wilkinson county, the property of the heirs of William Avrqs dec ,nd return ed by Mark Jones — 37 t-2 ernts. Aim. 270 acres in Columbia county, on K g creek, adjoining Graves and G;inage, the property of Sanmei Payne dec. and returned by William Payrm tat elite 6 dollars 60 cts For District No. 8. Also, 300 acres in Columbia county, ad j lining Dunn and l'cdvell. the prop; rty of Edmund Bugg-- tax dUr • dollar* 29 11-4 cu. Also, 202 t-2 acres 17th Dttlrft, No 18. Baldwin Couuty, the property ot Benjanim Smohlbn— tax due 1 dollar 2* cents. Also, 202 1-2 acres in iStli D.drift, No 159, Wilkinson c nr-ty, tlie property of John Sandeford-—tax due 7 dollars x 4 cents. For District No. 3. ALSO, too acres in C himhia cdunty, adjoining Devereau*. and Carter, the pro perty ot camion >3 Btetl-—tax due S dollars 8 3-4 cents Also, 87 i-2acre.in Colum bia couuty on Upton’s creek, aoj iniug Co ram sud Macaity, the propeUv of John Hay—tax due 63 cents. Also, ac 2 t-a acres in ifith Diltrift, No 4i, B idwiu county, the property of William 1 awrencc- -tax due 1 dollar 91 1-4 cents, zdfo, 2,2 1 2 acres in Wilkinlon county, the property of the l eirs of Alex Jtlucheil, returned by |o(l,ua Siian ford—tax due .a i-i cents. Also, 2cal ft acres iu Dillrietifl, No 187, Baldwin c un ty, the property of ohildrake Kendrick - tax due 84 t-ft cents. A1f0,202 l-a acres in 27th D.drift, No 169, Wilkinson corn ty, lie pr* perty of Sarah Kendrick —tax uue twenty-two and a hail cects. Also, 2 2 t-i acre* in 2U Diltrift, No 116 Wilkinson 01111- ty, the prop*, ty of Robert kind sclr. tax due 79 and a half cents. Also, ig2 .-2 ->crc» in 7th Dillrift, N-> 244 Wilkinson ecu ty, the property of Andrew Waiker---tax due 69 and a halt cents Allu, 3-o acres in Co- I uni ita conn y, adjoining rlarnfou & joi.es, tbe property ot William Short —iak due 3 dollars 22 x-2 cts. Also, 180 acres in Jackfju county, the proi>erty of Samuel Jones, *nd returned by Charles Porter, agent -tax due H dollars 37 1-2 cents. Alio, aOi i-z acres in 15th Diltrift, No 264 in Baldwin c iunty* the property ot tlie heirs ol Ogdon, and re lumed by William Evans, Guardian- -tax due 07 and a half cents, also, 35Q acres in Columbia county, on Maddox > creek, ad joining Jones and Harrifoii, the proptrtv of Dolfey Howard—tax due two dollars 78 1-4 cents. Alio 167 acres in Columbia, on Little river, the property of Ann Dean—tax due I dollar 6 1-4 cents. Also, Ico acres in Warren county, the property of aimos Wajjnor— tax due 6j 3-4 cents. For District No. 11. AL- c O, IcO acres in Columbia colmty, on Sulivan’, creek, adjoining Beck and Neat, the property of 1 homas Worthy—tax due 8* I-4 cents aU'o, 2o acres in Columbia county, on dull vans creek, adjoining Wil lingham and J one*, the propeity <>t John Wilmut-- tat cue 88 1-4 cents. aU'o, 4U 1 ft acres in Columbia county, on Green brier creek, adjoining Fairer and Human, the property ot James Wood—tax die 16 dollars 5 f 1-2 cents. Alio, 202 i-2 acres in 2otii D.drift, No 22j Wilkinson county, the property oi William Atkinl'on- -tax doe one do lar 16 (-4 Cent* aIIo, 202 1 2 acres 111 16U1 Diltrift, No 101 Baldwin county, tlie pioperty ot Thomas kicnarjfou—tax due dollars 62 ami a half cents. Property of persons returned in dejauiLjor IdOB. In Ca.pt. Collin's District No 2. * Also, in Did:. No R- -400 acre* in Columbia county, on Germany’s creek, adjoining Ross 6t Few, tbe property of Win. Few dec.—tax due ip dollars 2 6 cents. Alio, 111 Dittnft No 10— Ico acres 111 Colurab’.icounty, ou Hart's creek, adjoining Willis and Lowe, the pro perty ot William Hunt jun’r—tax due i dol lar 84 cents. 13* l'hoie who kuow th?fnf«lve» to be if» arr. ars for taxe , and havcr.o laud to levy on, may expect to Le the Cunßables among them, in a few days, for the purpote of col left; ng. Win. Z.ACIfARY, Coileftor Taxes, C- C. Jlpril 24 1809. NOTICE THE Subscriber intending to leave this state in a bhoit time requests all those indebted to him, to come forward, aud discharge their respective accounts, ot! or before the first day of April next otherwise, they will positively be put iu suit Tvirhout discrimination. JOSFFII VV. JIUiViS. March ©. ( 3 ) TO HIRE, Until the first of next January, Two prime BoCit Hands Under good character—Fnquire ol ROBERT M‘KEa, or RIUttAKU Jbf. WILDE. FROM PRESIDENT ADAMS. To the Printers of ihc Boflon Patriot. S* rs —l 'vas glad to fee in your paper of (he 7th of this 1 month* the rxtratt from the 1 Baltimore Federal Pejmblicon , lor many redons, which m.i\ be explained in due lime, one or two may he Hated now. 1. I was plealed with ihecan did acknowledgment that “ Mr 1 Adams never was a favorite [ with the leading men of'the fe deral party.” Ihe words lend, mg tnen will require lome ex. pianauon, and lorhe limitations and teiti lotions, which mav hereafter appear.—But in gen. eral, this is a tru h which I have known for iwemy years/, though tt has never been publicly a vowed, 10 tny knowledge, till now. 2.1 am happy to fee what I coniider as an acknowledge mem, that tny unpardonable bn againlt the federal party, ot r<uher agamlt thole leading men, was the peace with Fiance in 1&00 : an event Which has giv en diis country eight years 01 us mod fpiendid p olpcnty.— Ihe writer mentions the nui lion 10 Fiance in 1799, as a mcaluie which brou 6 tn odium and ledttuie on my adulimiira lion, it veu wul allow me a lube room in )out Fatiioi* i may he easter pioduce pruois to the latistaction of th„ public, that this Ldcafuie was ucitner o aious nor redicuiuus. At this time 1 will only lend you a com munication horn Gen. Walh ington, by which it will appear, that the subject was not ieen oy that great ornament of his country, in the lame light in which this writer lees it. Mount Ver?ion } ijl Ycb. 1799. Ueaz Sir- i he letter herewith encloled irom Mr. Joel Barlow, ihougn oi old date, came to my hands only yelterday. 1 have conceived it to be my duty 10 tranimit >t to you without acorn mem, except that it mult have been Written with a very good ora veiy b:d design—which ot the two, you can judge bet. ter than 1. For lrom the known abilities of that gentle man, such a letter could not be the leluit of ignorance, in him , nor from the implications which are to be found in n, has it been written with out the privity of the French directory. It is in ct'mbenton me to add* ihat I have not been in the habit of coriclporiding with Mr. B-»r. low. The letter now forwatded is the fit It I ever received from him ; and to him I have never written one. H then you should be of'opmion that this is calcu lated to bring on negociation upon open, fair and honorable g ound, and merits a reply, and wnl inftrufct me as tb the tenor of it, I lhali with plcafure and alacrity obey your orders ; more especially ts there is rea son to.believe that would be come a mean, however fmrll ot rdtoring peace and tranqui lity to the United States upon juft,’ honorable and dignified term 4 -, which. lam perjuadcdis the ardent desire oj all theJnends of this rijitig empire . With [No. XXXI.] MONDAY, May 15, 1809. great con and refpeft; I ft a vet he honor to be, dear hr, vour ihoft obedient and Very humble servant. G. WASHINGTON. j. Adams, prcfiderit of the Un:** ted States. The letter from Mr. Barlow, encloled in general Walhiug ton’s is in tliefe words : Pam, 2d Oft. 1798. Sir—On hearing of yout late nomination as commander in chief of the American armies, l rejoice at it, not bee all Ic 1 believe the war which that no mination contemplates is yet invitablc, and that it will furnilh an occalion for a further display of- your military talents, but becaule it may enable you to exert your influence to a grea* cr effect iri preventing the war, !) y becoming more the centre of information than you could be in your retirement, you will be better able to judge of the dispositions of both count res, Sc to offci inch counlels to your government as may tend to re move the ohlticles that will op pole them (elves to a reconjci lation. Were you now prefi. dent of the UmieQ Stales, L ihodld not addiels you this let t ~ occaule, not knowing my inclination for the trancjuility oi a letned life you might think bn 1 was It; king a place, or nad lome la-ther object in view in n the limp e one of promo** ting peace between the two re* * But I hope under preient tircuuiltances, thatyoU, w.l. believe my motive to be pure and unmixed, and that l .e object of my letter is to call your attention to the true date of faCts. Pei haps few men, who can not pretend to have been in the leciets 'of either govern mem ate in a better fi uaiion than myfelf to judge of the motives of both ; to afllgn ( he tiue causes, and trace out ihe piogrels of their unhappy mil-* undeiHanding, or to appreciate tbtir prelesit dispoh ions, pre tnlions and wilhes. 1 d(I , cer . tain their is none w ho labors more linccrdy for the reltora uon ok harmony, upon tetms honorable to ihe United Slates a,Kj auv a. ageou s to the.caufe oi hbeny. 1 win not in this place, go ovc. the hiltory 0 f pa (t iranL actions, li w oui d be of liLtle !J|f: * * °bjett is to seize the maiady j ls p rc f cnt s tale and U y 10 aTre{l 115 j-fogrels. The bhpute at this moment may be cuaractcrized, fi mp | y and |j ter - a ‘‘y 'peaking, a misunderf/an. 1n & » 1 Ga,, riot perluade my leu *0 give it a harsher name; u a pphes to either govern ment. it is clear that neither °f them lias an interelt »n go if,g to war wnh the other, and 1 ain equally convinced that neither of chern has the inclina tion; that is, I believe the ba. •ance of inclination as well as of fnitreft, on both sides, is m favor of peace. But each government, iho’ fenlible of this truth with respect to itfeff; is ignorant of it, w ith respect to the other. Each believes ihe oth er determined on war Sc ascribes all us condufl to a deep footed holiility. Ihe fealt they cat* do therefore under this nnpref-