Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, June 26, 1809, Image 1

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[VOL. I.] ~~^KTA- PRINTED BY DANIEL STARNES & Co. WEST END OF BROAD STREET. PROPOSALS bY DANIEL STARNES & CO. , ÜBA&* by Sulfcrfti on a wttilyN'wfp't . IN THE CITY OF AUGUSTA, TO BE ENTITLED Mirror of the Times. THF. universal promulgation of and rh* general deftribution of know- S?are object of the firft importance m Srouotry where liberty hat Ictt trace* 0 | her footaeps, under every government which eonfulw the happmefs of M*n.- ..Knowledge,” laid the Great Lord Bacon -i. po«r” united with virtue it certainly «liberty Vhere ignorance reign* there wice triumphs and despotism govern*. A. ma become* enlightened aut horny will be limited & morality restored —Knowledge Wirt,, are the bafe* of freedom—the one inllrufli ui in our rights, the other teaches „our duties; the fitfUhew* us how to eonftrua the bert poflible form of govern nent, the lafl require* us to obey it when con- IrudM. It i* therefore advantageou* every where, but in a Htpublit it Uabfolutely re leflary, that correct information should be Bid. y diffufed and easily obtained : For tl„, tii the fiofU who govern. 7bry never Intentionally chos fe bad leader* or approve wrong meafares, ». they are liable to error —give them true de.ails and they will judge correctly—for on plain grounds the people al wayi form jul! opinions \ whenever they mis take their <’ »i mtcreft ‘tl* owing entirely to want of information in the many or want of honeftyin the/irw But enttnfiv* political in* formaton is not to be acquired without much labour, and few have kifure to study the fjllemj,compare the opinions, Be perute the pages of Locke, Sydney. Gibbon, Hume Si. Vattel. If an acquaintance with the true prirc plesof government & duties of a citizen could be acquired only from huge folios Jcdiftufe treaufes, it would be fcldom fought or if fought, the plough, the hatchet, and the taw mufl Hand still. Some cheaper and erfier ireans of fatisfying cu'iofity and procuring information must therefore be looked for; and where i* intelligence «h> apnefs and convenience united with more advantage, than in the dofely print d col uniiii (f t l ie humble News-paper ? Our coui’rymeii appear so well convinced of the ufefuhiHsuf periodical prints, and have so vrry liberally tuconr.ged them, that we deem ii unneceflary to insist on their me r >t indalmoft hesitate to request public pat. rrwsgj for another Newspaper eflablifli ••tar. w e tan promise little except what atten tion, honesty & induflry can perform. The pr.u.iple* of our Paper, like our own, will be Republican, “ but the lame freedom of opin «oow .ch we claim for ourfelvc, we wish J othtij to enjoy." Civil and Religious " * be b,rh ri g fl t of evry man, and . ll 0 w .‘ not c*'end the fame indulgence part.es, and all fed, which he withe. livt #Wn * “ a rtad y or deierves to be a Rtl5 P on morality will endeav ' * f ° enco V ra £ e literature our do either “n f k ommun,Ci “» o n« calculated to !eA bC / efufed; n «. will Oe that the law If* ’* is ncrefl * r T •“known b e neither vague nor »<liture ’•». [I publ,e »«» °fthe State leg- * b *P ub,i,hed « ‘ b cy i^ IR J 0R 0F THETIMFS will be ie Y CanVaf * P ljb, ic measure with y n,n f she “>"<*«<* of »'ll know-1" No P???* t’Uoi i 4 7tu "' Far, y bu! "7 taunt, y, No CONDITIONS. pS,d ROR 0F TKE TIMES will be C ofi.r e 7. IVionds, y» on a royal l i' n Pn j , ” f " bfc,km be three "ivantjr nnU ®' ? aidhalf y«rly iu "ceiu ncrV° r ** VCni£n * wi| > he fifty 4 thirty f,- qUarC l° r . tb * firft mftrtion '.»S B^« n aod » half for each con hhfc* ib* r *lj' dc,iv,red to Town tkofe for H '"‘ r I )lilce " °f .bode and in packet. T'V wi " be d “>* "P Oaf,. and ‘ ikl ‘ v «r*d at the Polt v,Kp notice. *PP»/torK ,on t , . hSaUerdate 1 “ hall "”'h»ur t of ! „7° r u b: * ,h ' ln( '- lf»ve tok ti V u,nb,a cl 'U'>‘.y for ’Hand l ,nree a,ul a l,alf acres u *tam. k • COun, y °‘ Hiclunond, ttte 0 | i be,,, g Par* ol the real es »<il ,uari deceased, and Editors e Uie heir* and rcb 2d, isos, msm Cents Cash MU r * iund "« Weight* .u f K ' ven l) X ,he Sub*cri “ro*ll branch. r Ft lr^, S> T MAC » delivtrcd a* I 'Vs. ‘a ay art!.- —Also the J” !*"« ■« c.bh for Get. •!.,«. M WILUE&C. MIRROR OF THE TIMES CONGRESS. SEN ATE, June 6. Mr. Giles from the joint committee appointed on the part of the Senate, to confider and report the business requisite to be a6led on during the pre fect feflion, made a report w hich was read for consideration. The Senate resumed the con sideration of the letter of Gene ral S. Smith, a Senator from Maryland, and Mr. Giles sub mitted a resolution, which was amended, and is as follows : Resolved, That the honorable Samuel Smith, a Senator ap pointed by the Executive of the Rate of Maryland, to fill the vacancy which happened in the office of Senator for that Rate, is entitled to hold his (eat in the Senate of the Unired States du_ ring the feflion of the legislature of Maryland, which by the pro clamation of the governor of (aid flatewa- to commence on the sih day of the prelent month of June; unlels laid iegidatuie (hall fill such vacancy by the appointment of a Senatot, and this Senate be officially inform ed thereof. Mr. Anderson moved to a« mend this motion, by Rriking out all after the word Resolved , and to insert as follows: “ That any Senator of this body, who holds a ieat under an Executive appointment, can not, according to theprovihons of the Constitution of the Uni. ted States, be entitled to hold his leat as a member of this bo dy, after the meeting of the Le gislature of the Rate, from which such Senator may be a mem ber” This motion having pafled in the negative, the original motion was agreed to. Mr. Anderson , from the com mittee appeiraed on the 25th May, to enquire whether u be expedient at this time to make any modifications of the laws relating to the army and navy of the United States, reported in part a bill; which was order ed to a second reading. The consideration of the bill to fix the time lor the next meeting of Congress was relu med, and the blank, fixing the time filled with the ,k 4th Mon. day of Novem bcr.” Mr. Pope reported a bill fora futther cenlusof the inhabitants ol the United States, which was poflponed to the 4th Monday in November. The bill making an additional appropriation for pons <k har bors was read a fecund time. House of Representatives Friday, June 2. Mr- Montgomety prelented a petition fioiu diltillers <Sc oth ers, citizens of the U. Mates, praying Congress to prohiDitthc importation of Ipirits clittiiled from grain, and to impole much higher duties on diUiiaiion from other materials —referred to the committee of Commerce and M a nu failures. territorial government*. Mr. Poindexter observed, that in consequence of (he frequent and wonton exercise of the pow er given by the ordinance of 1757 to the territorial gover nors to prorogue and dtffulvc the general aiicmbly, he thought “ hold the mirror up to naturk.”— Shakespeare. it his duty to prelent a resoluti on. He said he did not expetl it would be afcted on, but he thought it bis duty not to let a : feflion pass over without at ! tempting to expunge this foul j Ram from the flatu'e book of the United States. The follow. I ing is the resolution : Resolved , That a committee be appointed to enquire into the expediency of repealing lo much of the ordinance foi the government of ihe leveral ter ritories of the United States as empowers the governors there of to prorogue and difiolve the Legislature. Mr. Troup had no objeftion to the appointment of a com mittee, but he trufled ihe com mittee when appointed would take special care not to inter feie despotically with ihe arti cles of cession, or any articles of agreement between the Rate of Georgia and the U. S. Mr. Poindexter (aid the gen. tlenran certainly could not wilh to retain this principle, which had been borrowed from the worß features of monarchical government of Great Bmain. When a bill was reported, if the gentleman thought the peo picot the Mibllippi l erriiory weie exclusively to be ruled m this manner becaule that tern, lory had once be.n attached lo the ftaie of Georgia, he might prevail upon the Ho'uie to except that territory from the benefits to be granted 10 other territories. Mr. Troup laid it would be recollefted that th s quell ion had been fluted ai the lait feflion debated at conliderable length, and that the fame p.opoimoii as this was rejected by a iciptda ble majority as he believed, and excluhvely on the ground of such a repeal being an inter let . ence in the articles of compact between Georgia and the U. S. Mr. Poindexter wlined to Rate the fatl, that it had then been poflponed, indefinitely not rejected, by a majority of only three votes. Mr. Poindexter's motion was carried 57 to 32. On motion of Mr. Moni go7nery% a committee was ap pealed to enquue what com pensation it was proper to make to Major Pike and his compa nions for certain expioiing ex. peditions made by them. Monday June g. Ezekiel Whuman, a repre sentative from Malfachuleiis, 6c Richard Winn, a member fiom South Coiolina, appeared and took their feats. A meflage was received from the Senate, informing ihe house of the death of the honorable Francis Malbone, Senatoi from the Rate of Rhode llland, and that his funeral will be at five o’clock this evening. On motion of Mr. Potter, Rejolved unammoujly t That f this Houle will attend tnc tuner, al of Francis Malbone, Elq. late a member of the Senate ol the United States. On motion of Mr. Potier Rejolved unammoujly , That the members of this noulc do wear uape on the left aim lot the (pace ot one month in icftimony j of iheir respect for the memory of the dcceaied. And on motion of Mr. Smi- l*e, the House adjourned, nem. con. Tll ef day June 6* Mr. W. C. Nicholas, from Virginia, appeared and took j his leat. Ms. Sawyer , after some gen ; era I observations on the subject i of manufactures, moved to dis. j charge the committee of Com. j merce Sc Manufactures from so much of the President’s raeflage and ducuments as relate to inanufac.ures, with a view ! to refer it to a cornmiitec to give ; it a mote particular conhdera ! lion. This motion, proposing lo amend a Handing rule of the House which prescribes the du. ties of the Committee of Com merce and ManufaClutes, was ordeied according to the rules of the House, to he on the table for one day. On motion of Mr. Neljon , the meflages of the President of the United States ol ialt feflion, anu the feflion before the lafl, relative to the road from Cum. berland to Ohio, were referred to a (elect committee, Mr. Lewis alked (the third time) tor the consideration of the 1 esotution offered a few days ago to appoint a committee to enqune mio the propriety of removing the military academy from Welt Point to the City of Waihmgton.—For coniiderirrg it 50; againlt it 57. On motion ot Mr. Lewis, the petitions of the Commercial Company of Washington pray ing for incorporation, and of the Bank of Alexandria, pray ing an extension of their char ter, prelented lafl feflion were referred 10 the Committee of the District of Columbia. Various Petitions of mer chants, claimants and others, were received and referred to a committee. Mr. Southard presented a pe tition from lundry hatters of New-Jersey, praying that a du. ty may be laid on imported hats. Mr. H elms reported a bill authoring, the dilcharge of J. Hurd from his imprifoument. Twice read and referred. Mr. Basset , from the joint committee appointed to enquire into the business neceflary to be done before the adjournment ol Congrcls, reported several fub jeCts on which u would be ne. ceifary to act bcfoie she ad. journmem of Congress; Sc re commending an adjournment on the aoth inflam.- Ordered to he on the table. GUN BOATS. Mr. pilkm, after some obser vations on the Rate ot the Trea sury, and the neceflity for dr mimffiing the expenccs of gov ernment, moved 1 “ i’nat the committee on the naval cltabldhmeni be inftruc icu to enquire into the expedi ency of felling such of the gun boats belonging to the Untied States as are not neceflary to be employed in actual Icrvice.” On motion of Mr. Macon , Mr. Pnkm’s motion was lo mo dified as to intert the words “ public armed vessels and 1 be fo*c the wotd “gun boats aim after a liiori debate between MHTrs. Cutis, Dana, Lyon, Randolph, Macon and Ttoup, agreed to, Ayes 70. Mr. Randolph icported a bil. [No. XXXVII.] MONDAY, June 26, 1809. authoring a summary made of procedure against marshals and their deputies, who have receiv ed money by virtue of executi ons ilfued From the courts of the United States—Twice read and committed. Mr. Eppes from the commit tee of Ways and Means, repor ted a bill (dppiemenury to an act entitled “ An act making further provision for the lup. port of public ctedit and for the redemption of the public debt* [ I his bill is reported according to the tccommendation of the fcctetary of the Treasury to ex. plain the act auihonlmg the borrowing of money if necessa ry, to dilchaige the annua! in. Italments of the public deb*..] I wice lead and committed. FOREIGN RELATI, Ms. On motion of Mr. J. G. Jackson the committee of ibe whole was difeharged— yeas 130* Irotn the lunher conlider. auon of the bill lor amending 8c continuing in force the non in tercom lc occ.—And it was ic committed for amendment. 1 wo attempts were made by Mr. Gardenier, the one to refer the bill to a different committee with inductions, and the other to inftrutl the committee of fo reign relations to report the whoic of the ly stem judged pro* per to be retained, in one bill. The houfc ieiu(e*i to confider the motion in both inltances; in the hi it 66 to 5a ; and in the lecond, 66 to 59 Mefi.s. If a (la*, Pitkin, 8c De fiia, iuccelfivdy occupied the chair of the committee of lh c whole on the bill rejecting ih c board of commissioners of Kal. kaskias, the bill declaring the alieru of Congrels to a certain act of the legiilaturc of S. Car. oima, and the bill fupplctncuta* ry to an act for carrying into etfett a treaty with the Chitka. law Indians, &c.~wh.ch w e e levcrally ordered to the third reading to-morrow. Wednesday, June 7. Mr. Bibb preietneda petition of lundry inhabitants of the Uatc of Georgia who were em ployed as cavalry in the expedi tion to the Sabine in 1806, p, a y ing compeulaiion for their ler vices in this expedition—refer red to the committee of Claims. domestic manufactures Mr. haeon called lor the con- Gdcration of the following refo. luuon, laid on the table a few days ago by him : JUithfd, Tbat the fecreiary of the Trealury be directed to prepare and report to this houfc. at Uieir ncx* lefli on , a plan lor ihe application of | uc h mean , «S are within the power ot Con gress for the purpofc of pro tecting and tottering the manu factures of the U. States; toge ther with a statement of the le veral Manufacturing establish ments which have been com. mcnced, the progress which has been made in them, and the fuccels with which they have been attended ; and such other information, as in the opinion of the lccretary, (hall be mate rial in exhibiting a general view of the manufactures ofthe U. S. Mr. Bacon remarked that if the Houle had the difpolition to do *ny thing towards ibe advance, nent of manfacturesof the coun ry the proper courfc would be