Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, June 26, 1809, Image 2

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for information on which jou'v. a i, us propoftd by 4 frcfolu n. For him fell, ucver d*Tirous to aid nunu tSCiutc* without it/oiiiiation on winch he cou d reiv, he did not fcerhimlcif ptepaed to act. f N’r. /yon tcn.atked that twenty years ago a fiudlar rr fcrencc of the luhject had been made to the Sectc'ary of the Treasury, and a lortg leport hid bet n received on v. hich no plot et dings wrtc had. And this would be the case v; iih the piopoled report. h was in tended but to allay by procraf. tu a;icn ti e lrtlc zt al w Inch was row dtfplayed by fhme mem. bets in favor of manufactures. H nothing was done now, he laid he sh ;uld dcfpair ol anv * 0 thing ever being done to tu-, courage manufactures ; and thus motion was evidently intended to give the luhjert the go.by. Mt. I yen move dto amend the re solution by striking out the words •* at then next session,’’ the dm.: at which the secie ary of die Treat SU’ y is directed to ri port to the Hour? a plan lor the cuco.nage ni< nt of manufactures ; v» ith a view to make the icsolurion obit £a'on t n the hecit'aiy to report dun g >lt | i ««< ni session. 'I lit tin.tu ii w»i9 Utga tved with out a (i 11sitm. Mr. J\tn lUrn moved to amend ti e »t »uiu <»!, bv striving out al! that part nq tiling the bi-oetarv ol ihe 1 »ra»...y to report ,i phut iic stau d lit I'icui- to be filial lie V ijl.cd i.O« to V-..c oj ui a put; Ttponul lit .. Ii V llthdl.l |>t p.,rt meiii. In vv« i g-ta ct*i hviuitc lit ti.ighr h.'tV< in .tu in; lot he thought die woe compe tent .h* ititf 1v < s to originate a p.an. IK Kaittl too that tome plan might be proposed whch Would iijuta the agricultural in tt »c>t ; and the weight of a r. coni. u.vt-daUoo Immii bo respectable an authority he well kuttv. lie thought that Congress multi them, •elves by mmnding and rtgulu tirg duties and diuwbatks suffi ciently eutuuiage manufactures, without any specific plan being Lid down. Ar. Fcxcn rt.irl it led long ago, been decided in this govern meat that when a csv«! wis made for information on the Head* «»f Departments, it w.n h i lo within the rule# of co>rtet proceeding to nqutte the officer s( , called upon to prtpare and digest a plan on the sulj<rct mi which intorma’ion wa» Catud for. And hole,rid no in jury which would result fininsuch a course though much good might. After some observations from Messrs Quinty and Dana* against die amendment, and .'ir. liib'i in support of it, A?r. Van Hu'n’s uioiion "at motived, Aye* l 9 Mr, J\( nth tly ha' sng eulKd for dir V i a , and Nays, on the passage ui thr resolution — Messrs (’odinirr and Itan drph opposed <t nt Itngth on llu* F« nrral gn mid ol ’ln* itirxpi <|it n. cv ''f legrslattvr in erlermtefor he «ttroumpc m« in ol manufactures ; each gvnthn nn ap| tHiinp to C() „. sider it ns a pi* dge, or commence m ot <f a syst'in, for flittering l» .M ill; rmu M bv legislative act- Mr Su’nrtj M>ppo,te(| jr l3 ||_ ii r lor .life* main n t n v huh hr 1. 1 use n iuht legiJjitr; as thv \ ecu ,I ~ot pi. pels legislate <-il a i.\ sub ret w*i turn intern*;* ton. • q :est»«*u wa a then decided ®s follow 3 : YEAS Menu*. L. .1. Alstom \V. A! -on, Audi ia.>n, Bacon, ai.at iics It. ui. Boyd, lKtikcn ridge. J. l iown, Robert Pur well, Bade*; Ghllio* r*» J, t. Cht.ii,her la n, W. i hair. Set lin, t hittmden, C lav, dpou*n, Cot k, < < \, C'rawfoid ( visf. lfui,i, D..w aoo, 1 )r>l a. hmott, l.ppcs, l utL Icy, hi: k, Fiankiin Ganu* tt, (...u*. rer, Ghol -uii GoUtw \ u Cold. H«U*. llav r», Hosier, Helms, Holland, Howaitl, Hotly, J. Ci. .Ltk.cn, K. Jacksoc, Jo.kins, Johnson, Ktiian, Key, Knickcit*acker, Live, i'tiuion, i\i*l>«)J.', Al‘Kee M‘- ki.ii. Miller, Milru r, Montgomery N. U. Alouic, 1 . tVcorc, Aior jow, Muni foul, Ntboii, Now bold, #vtw ton, NicMa*, rtarson, Kick u»au, Lukin, L. I‘urtcr Qjiu- j cv, Hhes, (Ton) Hichards, Root, Rost, Sage, Sawyer, Say, Seav«r, >h;<w, ShefTet, G. Smith, John ’'mith, S. Smith, Southard, Stan ford, Stanley, Taimadge, 'I racy, f'roup, WlitehiU, Wilson, Winn, Wnhrr‘ poori 92. NaYs.—M's»rs. Bassett, Bibb, RUiwlell, Campbell, Champoin, Cochran, Davenpott, Fly, | Gatdtnitr, Goldsborough, Hub batd, Jones, Kennedy, I.epts, Livermore Livingston, Macon, Matthews,.Moscly, Nitholson, P. B. Porter, Porter, Kamioiph, Hea, (P.) Roane, Sammons Stephen son, Sturges, Swoope, i aggart, Ia) lor, Thompson, Upham, Van Horn, Van ItcMissclear, Wheaton, Wlmnr.an— IH. And the House adjourned. / hursday, June H. Mr. Nelson tepor.cd .« hill a p. pioprialiuga sum of money lor the completion ol the t. umbel land road. —iwicc read and committed. Atr. love reported a btll to a n»cnd the cn irtcr of Alexandria.— 1 wice re; d and c om tnuted. Mr. Ciardntr pttsmied the pe tition ot sundry manufacture* ol salt, praying an increase of duty on impurt« <1 salt --deferred io the committee of commerce ii. mattu lac ti ts. Mr. Miinor presented a petition of nunrli \ manuKiCturesof hats also pray mg lor an increase of duty on imported hut».—Meferr*-<], A communication, was teceiv. cd I on» iht* .Vcrtiarv (,f the Na. v\ in pursuance of a resolution of the House of the 26 h ult- re. quiring an accoum ol the actual < xpener of the cost and equip ment ol gun boats, a# well a « a staieu.cm. «,f iht ir number ai d the time that they have been actually Referred to the com mittee on navai es ablishments. Go motion of Mr. liuiioell , the House • evolved itsc Ii iirto a com mittee cl the whole Mr, DtanA m (hr chair, on ihe bill to make appropriations to complete the fcrtifii atn ns commenced for the eciuinv ot the poiU and haibuis v/l 'be United Mate,, and to erect ( 'uch fortilicNiiena as m j bo ne cessaiy | r die p*otectiou ol the Northern and Western fioniUis of the Umttd At this m« inunt a b'll w#s re ceived from iho Sen tte ntiikituj an appropriation Jar /orttfi.atLns Hfc. I he committee rose anti the bill from the Senate was committed io (he same committee, which ini. mcdi.v.eiy took it into considera tion. [ l he hill appropriates seven hundied and fifty thousand dollars tor cmnpicung the fori ill* ations j c* muiciitcd, and creeling new fur j < hcations on the nortlicin and • wcHtcrn frontiers ] d-r. NriWe/i moved to amend the bill by instiling the wo.d“ Eas* tent ’’ibciwccu the words** Sor them" and 41 avd with a view to tic erection ul fortihciuions in Virginia and elsewhere. Ncga tv td. Mr Ihttwell moved to strike out sewn *nd uiseu one bundled and Silly &c. i hi* motion wa*. negatived in the ci mtimtee, 6i the bill buv ng bten • tpoi cd iu li.e ILuet, l. was it uuw td. i bis motion gave rise to a de. ba eol iwo oi t. ice hours, % in wliich Messrs. Ross, Gaidiniet, VV . Alston, Newlon, o*n.», Gout, I jl.niage, Q*uuc \, i i#k *k Lmoi., > ppottU ibe niol.on ; uinJ A.ch*i>. .. i dun*i, Lurtvcll and Ghoisot. #Uj | oi led it. on die question of striking out the woid '* j'run" wuh a vt* t. lotiibcri tnc u was negalivcU— y C»h > 7 UuV# 1. co »h«i iiic irouse irfused to to. j set t « - nuiitci so m ill an #».vtu nun | U.eii -v t>u\ u.ouvauil uoliHis. • -‘Vl.u Uit bid was oiducd io b* j |cad a Uii.u iiiuc to mciiow. Jitcuuuiig bliv et suspended. t\ bnl was also received tro i ( the Senate io sufcpt ml lor a i mi | .cd time ihe itcroiung -tivice ol j die* United States. f 1 bis bi i proposes * suspension cl die re cruiting soviet till twenty days alter the next meeting ol bull gicss.J—i wicc ttad ai.u commit* ' tcu. SENATk.—June 7. Ihe bill io ltdpetivij lur a li ' tn;ica u.nc, the fcciuiting fer ! vies was read the fccond nme 1 and oidered to be ccn.grofltd ■ , for a thud reading- This bill fufpeirds until ’wen | ty days after the next meeting of Congress lo much of the act to tatfe an additional military force, as anthorilts the enlill' ing nten for a term of five yeais; with a provifi), authonfing the ; Prcfidcnf to cause enlifiment to recommence, dming the lecels of Congtef*, ts in his judge ment the public ft r vice Ih-II lo J require. The bill making further ap proric-tions to complete the lorn fications commenced tor the le. curtiy of the ports and harbors of the United S;atcs and to e rect inch fortifications as may enectffarv for the protections of the Northern and Weftern | ftonticts of the United States j was like wife oidered to be en grolled fora third reading. June 8. The bill to lufpend for a li mited time the reciuiting service was pa fled. Ihe bill making further ap propriations tor fortification was hkewile pa fled. 1 his bill ap propriates 750,000 dollars. Mr Andtrfon , from the com mittee appointed on the 25th of May, to enquire whethete tt be expedient at this time to make any modification of the laws te. lating to the atmy and navy of the Untied States, reported a , bill, the ofcjed of which is to au* | thorife the Pretident to fell the gun.boats ; whicit was oidetcd to a thud leading. NEW YOUK June 5. The Mun.real Cuurani of the 22 l ult contain* an account of an unpleasant occurrence that took place on the xa ult. at Elizabeth town, in Upper Canada. ah A- , merit an vc*»cl, bound ir<*m Og„ ' denJburg, in ttic state 01 New \oik,io Chwrgo, anchored in a bay on *ihc d>: ttuh tule of Si. L.tar re nee, having on board captain Whi. P. lieuiicit, of tne 6.|] Uni tes butte* regiment of infantry, and some ut hi» men. While ly ing there, captain LS. hea<ik>g of a deserter being in mat seHitriictU by the name ol Under nil!, teaching school, dispatened a Serjeant and! two nun to apprehend nun } which ; they cticCltU, tied m* bands be- < hind mas, find at tite pome of the bayonet drove nun some distance. On the prisoner’* attempting to make h:s escape, the p.nty tired at C* knU d |nu». i nty men tied to their boat, & proceeded to the American side A jmy mac sat on ihe Uody ol Unueruill brought j m a verdict ot murder. i ncu I lollows a correspondence between Nit. lleury Arnold, justice of the i puacc 'u t aiiiiviu, U capt. Beimel, 1 which we shall publish to-inorrow. June 6- J \ LATEST NSWS FROM SPAIN. The sh p Etiza Ann, captain Burr, armed at this port yel teiday in 40 days from Cadiz. Captain Burr informs us ver bally, that ott the morning he tailed ftolll Catl.z an express .timed ihcic from Seville with intelligence that a division of he French at my was within liv e leagues of iFville, and that j die J uiita weie removing to Ca- ' Jtz. Another biench division was marching along the Coait of the Mcdueriduc.m ; and it wa> luppoted ihcle two d.vtL ; 011 s would form a jut.Citun, ml proceed immediately to at- I ach Cautz. I tve iirinih (hips ! f me line were there, pupa. - | ng to take oil die Ftench fleet. All the French prtloueis had been lent to Minotca and Ma jorca. King jotcpti lemamed at Madrid. A dtviboti ol the French army h*d entered Por tugal anti taken Oporto, with all the (hipping in the haibor It was aid that a Jdriufh army pi 25,c00 men were in Lifbun. Lapuux Bun has biough t j difea'ches for the Secretary of S:a;e. TO THE TAMMANY SOCII TY OF THE CITY CF BALTIMORE Your free and cordial faiuta tion>, in my retirement, are re cetved fellow citizens, with grea plealuie—and the happiness o' that reiiiement is much height ened bv assurances of faiiitatfi / on wiih the courie i have pur fund in the tranfattion of public affairs, and that the confidence my feilow citizens weie plea fed t:> repole in me has not bee: difappotnted. Great lacrrficcs of'r»*ereft have certainly been made by our na tion under the difficulties latter ly forced upon us by Tianf At lantic powers—out every can did and reflefcting mind mut agree wiih you, that while then were umpoiary and bicoTeis, they were calculated to avoio pennaiicnt fubjeQion to f ireign law and tribute, relinquifhmeitc of independent rights, and the burthens, the havoc and defo. la ions ol war : that these will be ultimately avoided, we have now lome realon to hope ; and the iuccefsful example tH recall ing nations to the practice of juttice by peaceable appeals to their inteielis will doubtless have la lit ary c fleets on our future couile. As a countervail too to our short lived 'aciifices, when theie ihall no iouger'be felt, we ihall pa iiianently letain the be nt fit they have pronipied, ol fabricating for our cwn use, the materials of our own growth, heretofore carried to the work houles of Luiope, to be wrought and teiurntd to us. The hope you express that <ny lucccifjr will continue in the lame Iyltem of measures, is guaiameed, as far as future cir. cumitances will permit, by his enlightened and zealous partici pation in them heretofore, and by the happy pacification he is now effecting tor us. our willies lor my happiness arc veiy thankfu'iy felt, and 1 etuined by the fin. eeioti desires tnai youilelvcs may txpetience the favors ot the Gicai Dilpenler ol all good. I d: JEFFERSON. Mo.itcello, May 25. It is not a little amuftng to obietvehow arcJuoully the op oppoiition Itrive to purluadc ihe public, that they aic Utisfi. ed wiih the coiiducl of Mr. Madison lince his i.igccfs to the prehdemial chair. 1 hen gentlemen, well knowing the loice ol die dxiom, that tedcr al praile is republican censure, are determined, it poffiole, to cifett Ly tuiioin adulation, what the wram ot their piefles have endeavoured for ye«u to ac conipltUi but in vatn. Mr. M. during ihe eight years of his lcce.euiy ship as well as the pre. ceding yeats of his public hfe, has given the public the pledge of his political fanh; ana he too weii eltinjaies the value of pnncipie, to be diverted from the pain ot tepubucan rectitude by the uaulev us flattery of that pally who intauiouily prociiam cd him a protege ot the empe tui of fiance* lhe biighien mg sky wh:cn now gilos our po luicai atinofpheic, Mr. Madi. ton has himtelf declared, to be accompltihed by the mealurcs of ihe preceding admimttraiion ; hut, not content wuh this his canuid declaiatton, the oppoh. non pci hit in ihetr aflcveidiions with t<is meflage at the open ingot the ieihon itanng them in the fate, that he has uiveitco from the path tiodotn, as thev *‘>glonoufly, by hn pteael tcllor. Upon weak minds adula'ion and flattery have theit do fired °{feci in due season j hut time, which has wiink’ed his vilagc with age, and furiowed his blow with the cares of Rate, has giv.. en us {efficient proofs, that the Ifatefinan, whom a free people has elevated to the highefi hon ors in the gift of a free and in. dependent nation, is not so ea. fy to become the viftiin of falfe ftienofh’tp and hallow-hearted pioltliions. Baltimore Ameiica/u The sloop of War, the Ex. tekprise, wiil fail without delay K m ihe port of New York for Holland, and 'will be Rationed ihe Texet, to afford (nation to the Commanders of merchant veflels of the Unii ed States, as to the ports of Hoi. land and of the Notth,of Eu« :ope to which they may (kfety proceed with their cargoes. Nat. Intel- Edward Uovd is elected gov. ernor of the Rate of Maryland for the teuiainder of the current year. Ibid The votes for Governor and Lieut. Governor of Mafiaahu letts having been'orficially coun. ted, it appears that for Gover nor Chrißopher Gore fed. eral, had 47.91 6 Levi Lincoln, rep. 45,118 And that for Lieut. Governor, David Cobb had 47?540 Jofcph B. Varnum 44 729 Ibid It is with unfeigned regret that we announce the death of Dr. James Woodhoule, Pro. ft {for of Chemiiiry in the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Sci. euce has sustained to mean lols by this early death of one of her ditlinguifhed lons. Gifted with a penetrating observation, and an ardent zea ! , his early labours prooiiied an abuadant j t.aivelt. > Ibid. E. Underwood & Co, T AKE this opportunity of in. I iornii<g their fin nds and the public I 'hat they iuve taktn a house near I the uppertiitl of Uroad-street, and] oppose the Nail Manutactoiy,] '.Un re they have jmst received an I assortment ot Groceries, among I which are, j own aud loaf Sugars, 1 Imperial Tea, ana coffee, I Hit proof Jamaica Bum, 1 v V\sc Indie,'and M. E. do j D n, and Malaga VVtne, ] voided Porter, 1 Jest boned N- E. Cider, ] Philadelphia lieer, I Aluionds dec. | Crockery ware assorted, ] A few boxes of excellent soap &c,B ALo a small quantity sf excellent^ Manufactured Tobacco M All of which will be rolti at very® reduced prices for Cash* I 1 hey invite all those indebted tofl them either by Note or ojren acfl count to call and settle their respcß live accounts immediately. 1 May ‘J9. fl FOR SALE. | THAT place wheroon f^ oc,o George Cltghorn now live?, fitue® miles above Augusta, ne-r thfl tork ot the Washington ai d Peieriß burg loads, containing * cres good land and well improved. i'here is a good dwelling kitchen, store house and other neo ccssaiy out buildings, with a * of excellent water —it is an elig ituatiou for a store or tavern. l u ® mediate possession with inui'P Jta ß ole titles will be given—f or ‘ iiitr particulars application oe made to I Wm. P. BEALE. ■ Columbia County, June i. fl