Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, July 24, 1809, Image 2

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•*'p divisions etmaflirrs’M Non fotjcy and Si. Sulpicr, and the dittfioni. At *.<•. x. he strived before vhe*fibe four corps of the Au. flrwrn army, forming iio,COO •mm, *eic polled under the rnmiTiftnd of ihe' aich duke Chat lev. Ihe duke of Monte bello difiodged the enemy on the left, in conjunction with the division of ilir duke of Gudin. At ihe fitfl the of ' Auerftadt aid Darzic, and the division of light hotfe of gcnetal Montbrun, met together. Then wa* to he *<en the most superb ypeciacle which war can rfTer—•! 10/MJO of the eneiry at tacked on every point overturned on their left, and successively driven from their posts in every po* sit ion. Tly detail of military c vmts wotiln l»e too long ; it t* auf. ficient to sav they were put to •he route. 'I hrtpeiny hah hst the greater part of their cannon, and a great number of prisoners. The 18th regiment of light-infantry, of the division of St. Hilaire, co» vereditsell with glory in attacking the enemy. And the Austrianshe ing driven Irom the wood which cover* Haiithon, were driven inio th* plaius, and cut to piecen l>y the cavalry. Ihe set aior general of division, Detnont, liad * horse kil led under him. The Austrian ca. vulrv, strung and numerous prer* aented itself to protect the reueat of its infantry. 1 hi* division of jSf, Sulpice on the right, and the diviiii n of N’ansouiy, on the left, attacked tlnm. The fine of hus sar* and cuiiasaiers of the enemy wrre put to flight. More than 300 Austrian cuirassiers were made prison-re. Night came on. Our cuirassier* continued the march to Ratisbon. Ihe division of Nan routv met a column of the enemy which fled, charged n and made it prisoners. It was composed of three, Hungarian battalion of 1500 mew. The division of St Sulpire char, prd another detachment, in which the Archduke < hades narrowly escaped being taken. He owed hifi safety oily to the swiftness of his horse. In'he battle of Ktk ft.idil (here was hur one halfnf t/»e Flench troops engaged. The'en ctns’s armv continued to defile all night, by cligrees, taking the Oral fiightful read*. A;| their Wounded, the greatest part of.their artillery, fifteen pair colors, and t0,(.D0 prisoners, have fallen inio our )*mid«. Ihe cuirassiers have according to custom, covered themselves with glory. Cimlmt end inking *f Jfatislon , /Ifni l '2 3. At the down of day, we advatr. ced rgj Rati bon, the advanced guard forwarded hy the division , of Ciiidio, and ihe cuirassiers of Ihe division c.f Nansouty :»wd St. J'tdpice. We were-wot long be fore we saw the en« mv ’* < wain which endenvo**d to Cover the oitv.— Three different attack* were made and nil weje to our advantage.— S"ord in hand we .put to flirht 8000 of the enemy’s cavalry, who precrpitatelv pas-ed ihe llsnubr. in rhe mean time our shsi p*.shoot ets vent towncUs the cm. By an Inconceivable arrangement., the .Austrian general had pi.aed6regi ments to he sacrificed without rea son. The city is surrounded by a had ditch & a worse counterscarp. I ihe as cillery aimed. We be pan to batter with pieces of r_\— We soon knew that bi means of a ladder we could ties*»nd the* ditch mid afterwards mount * breach v.c had made in the wall. Iheduk-ol Mom*hello caused a battalu nto enter the breath, which gained a postern, and from tlu nee the ciij. All that resisted were put to die,sword. I he number of pii-onciH exceeded tiUIK). 11l consequence ct iht lr bad arrange* metits, the *n* u»y had not time to cut down then Or ulgc Jk the Trench patitd it mixed with the Austrsn* to the left side. This unfortunate city, which they had die bar-aun ty to expose, has sutlercd grtawy. It was cm fire pan ul the night, but by the assiduity ol genual XV j oraiid Slid his division, u was extinguished. Thus at the battle of Abembctg the eivpeior heat ttpctainy the two coips oi the atch duke Lewis nnd general Hiller. At the hat tie of Landshut, he topk possession of ihe centre of the communica tions of the enemy and of the geo* eral deposit' of their magazines r 1 Fin.! ,; «,h,. b«. V* ® --.ckmuhl; ihe ioar eorp. <)l Hehenxollern, Rosenborg, Kol lowruth, and. JLiehten«teH> werr tii fcaird and put to the route.— I he corps erf genera! BHlrgardr arrived the motnlng after the bat tle : he could only be a witness to oe taking id Ratisbon, when lie fled to Bohemia. •* 'J he first infometiem of the mi. litary operations which have o peiied the campaign in so briliant a manner, will be followed by a detail nt all the deeds in srnu which have rendered illustrious the French and allied arms. in nil our combats our loss has not exceeded 12000 killed & -jo *o wourded. - J he general of divi sion, Ccrvoni, chief of the rfalrna jor to the duke ol Montebello, w-s struck by a cannon bill, and fell dead upon the field of battle of Kckmuni. He was an officer of merit, and had di»itngiii*-heil trim, seif in our first campaigns. At.thc « ambit of Peissing, general Hcrvo chief of ihr rtat my or to the duke of A*>*tr*f*dt was likewise killed. I hed'.ike Auer-tadt regret* verv much this officer, whose valor, jn. telligence and activity he esteem, ed. Ihe general of brigade of cuirassiers of the division of St Sul pice had his arm shot ofF. fie is an offictr ol courage Ik of distinguish ed merit. Gen. Schram fins br-en wounded. Tile colonef of the 14th chasseurs has been killed in an at tack. In general our loss of of. ficers has been m considerable. The 1000 mi n of the 65th, nhich were made prisoners, have been part retaken. It is impossible to .shew more valor and more good will than is shewn by our troop*. At the battle of Kchmuhl, the corps of the duke of Itivoli, not having hern able to join this mar shal remained constantly near the emperor, and carried ihe order* for the execution of different man oeuvres. At the assault of Raiis. bon the duke of Montebello, who had de*ign'td the place of pasSag**, caused the ladders to be carried hy bis aids-de-camn. The prince of Neufchatel, in order to encodrkge the troops, and ’ogive at the same time a p<-«<.f ol confidence to the allies, in it ched several times in th« viro gu.url with ihe Bavarian rtgiments. The duke of Auerstad. has giv en in these different ass lira as new proof of theiidrcpidiiy which char. acteri»r him. The duke d* Rovign, with as much earnestness as intrepidity, traversed the enemy’s legions Ire. qucntly in order »o make known to | ihe different columns the inten , tionsof the emperor. Os 120.000 men which compos ed the Austrian aimv, all were engaged except the 2o.O(»0 under general Belkgaide. in the Fiench armv on the contrary, nearly one half did not tire a musket. '1 he enemy astonished at the rapid I movements, ‘beyond cului-atio , have found themselves deprived of their foolish hope, ft are Iran* porting from » debt urn presump tion into approaching despair. Proclen:afi(ni of Gnu-JtlfecMc.it, tc tht mhubUon.s oj Tyrol 1 YKOLt ANS !—lf you are vet | what you have been not long ago, I if you remember the happiness, tfu prosperity, and the Hue hberij which you have enjoyed under the h*. m ficet*l sceptre of Austria, it the voice of a general whom you ac knowledge as one ol yours, when in j Isavtsl you ti v>m wu immi nent danger, by the victory ul Fel kinh winch the following year ren deftd secure from atiack y our Iron tiers from Arlcberg to the valley ol Kai-Ikmill, it all this t» not ixun* guishvd from your inciiioiy, hear what lamgvmg to sav, hear and he cenetratcd. Vour IcgitHiiate lord, l ought to say your latlier, seeks you—couie and pkice youisgives under his ban .tiers, bis heart bleeds iu see you j foicigu domination, you, his j laiihlul unis, return to he the tliil j ilrtn of Austria, uo not misunder ■ stativl this precious tide. I Anstriau aiuucs, more numerous , iftan Act,, uicue atumateU inure patriouc will cuter your couuuy. Look *r t>rrthreo, as children of the «;ime l4il<crj unite with them, and follow the example of all the people who ret der hom »j»e to thi? Austrian throne. In a *For<l' treliirve-iiiY?»*ry thinr.an a« vou have done recentw to the ad miration of f ho whole cl Europe. TvrnJiam ! God is with us j we do nor seek new conquests, but we will bring back In the b-vtotn ofeur iii.|>rri tkand graciou? father, bre thren who have breu detached from nothing will resist ns, noth 4in«» can vanquish ns, if we unite for our happiness, wntl fo ! r the preser vation of onr eXt»Hrt»Cc. Bcliirc me, Tvmlians, Cod is with ns. (Sloped) FNANGIS. Daron of J*llacl.»cl» d«* B«.zm, Che valier of the order Maria There, ra and Bold marshal imperial and royal. ' ODDER OF THE DAY’. Spi ntERt !—You hare justified my « xp« ctatiohs ; yt>u have aug mented j cur numbers bra very ; sou have gloriously marked the.d.fForefice between the soldiers of C aesar fit the crowded armies of Xerxes. la a few day's you have * triumphed in three bstrles, with the enemy, at de Aben-iberg, & d'Eck muhl, and in tbe cbrii ats of Pcr„ •dug*' Land.simt and Kati'bon, lOu pieces ot cannon, 40 standards, 4000 primiM rs, 3 equipages, 3000 waggons with baggage and all their military chests, is the result of the rapidity of your marches and cou rage. The enemy deceived by a ((injured cabinet seemed to have lost all remembrance of you. 'I Ins awakening was prompt, you ap peared to thrin more irrnbte th..n ever. TbtV have crossed die inn and occupied tbe o rntoy id our ,d* lies, th> y fl.,tt«red tbemseives to catty 4 he war into the bosom of our country. Today deflated, t«ni fircf lie Hies pr ilismdef. Alreudi my van guard b** crossed the inn Before a month lienfce wcNHmiH b c at Vienna. Done at our imperial head quar ters, HatlAroq,-Apiif.24, *BO9. ( v igued) NAPtdLLON. SECOND BULLETIN. JJtad Quarters, Muhldotf ! ’ ' ‘ dprit 27, 18; p j On il>»- **{ Aptui <h«- »*.. *‘**v • oi «tie bailie ot l.Mi.dsnut, the Em prior leij that city for Kadsbon, and fought the -battle of jLckmohl At iht- satne tmn- fie suit the mar. -hal duke of lama "bh.tlic fi.tsa ruin division tinder the eommsUiO f.General. Di VVrt dc, uniithe Mo • lit*ir'division, to fall ppon tin: lun, and to fallow Hi*. two corps of the Austrian anny, which were beaten at the b.ittlesol Abcusbcrg in Lauu shut. 4 The marshal duke of Istria arri ved. at VVilsbburg and Ncuniark, and louud an equipage of pontoon bridges erected-, more than lout hundred waggons, large cases with “juipagea and took in bis march Ironi la to 18uo prisoners. Tin * Austrian coips met the other suit ot. Neummk, a corj»s of reserve a liicli arrived upon tue Inn. Tlie> r 11 e •*'•', aud upon the 23d they gavt battle at Xeumark to the Bavari ans. Not a iu.standing their great] inletiurtty, the Bavarians o.ttiu. tained tlieir position. On the 2 4 h the emperor or ler. . .•it rhe coi ps ol ti»e tn.irsh.il duae < I Kivoli trom Kati bon to Mraubing, and trom there to P.issau, where nc Hrii' ed the 26th. 'l'he duke ol ftivoli commar.ued a battalion ol : I tie Poto pass the Inn, which made i 3ini pi nonets, raised the blockade ot the citadel and occupied bcluid i no. <.>•l the 25th, the marshal tlukc 1 ot Momcbcho received oiders to I march with his corps trom Kuiuoou io Miihdorf. On the 2*l l h, he pas. sod the tun and came to halxa. { i he 27th, the hmperor is at his f bead quarters at Muhldort. 1 he Austrian tiivisou command ed by General JtlJacinch, which occupied Munich, as followed by the corns ot the tlukc ot Damzic; 1 lie king ol B.ivaru has shewn j | hiinselt at Munich. He utter ward* - . ''t-ut to Augsburg where he will re- j j main acute days, waiting to rc-cs- j tabitsii hm residence at Munich, & j .ill havin' la shouki ue tnuitly Itccu } iium the enemy. (in the side ot Uatisbon the duke 1 i ol Auer»UiUi has in pursuit ot t ihc archduke Charles, vs hose coni., uiuiucatios with the Inn and Vieu tia bring cm od, he has no othei ! rrsocre? but to retire to fhe.mou/i --fair, Bohemia, by H’aldmuncfect and Cham. As for ttie Emperor of Austrip, it appeos that he was before Pa*-, sua, having taken upon Inujseli the siege of that plare with three battalions fiom Land worth. All Bavaria »»»«i 'he Palatinate are freed from the presence -of tne cnetn\*s armies. At Hatishon the Enrjieror re viewed several corps, atrd had pre sented to him the bravest soldier*, and oil whom lie bestowed distinc tions aud pensions, and to the bra" vest officers he gave Baronies and lands. He especially signified hjs satisfaction with the divisions oi St. Hilaire aud i runt. Until row the Ktnperor has m idr tlie war almost without his equipage, and it has been observed thai in the actions of Im guard he has been always >utrounded bv tlie. allied Bavan •in aud Wirtemburg troops, wishing bv so doing to give tin m a particular pioolul his con fidence. Ycflerday arrived at Land fbtn a party of Chafieurs and grenadiers of the guards on horseback, a regiment of fufileers and a battalion ot chaifeurs on foot, Jn eight days lime all the guards will bc arrived. A repot t was current that the emperor had had his leg bioken. I he fafci is, a Ipcoi ball had gra zed the heel of his boor, but had not touched die (kin. Never was his majesty ju rhe midit of ihe gieaiclt fatigues in better < ticaltli. It is remarked a9 a singular thing thai one of die fir it Auf itau c filters made prdoners in this war is found to be aid.de-; camp of the arch duke Charles, I fern to Mr. Ouoto deliver the f fatnons Jctirr laying lhat the j !' relief) anny were compelled to : retreat. The inhabitants of Ratifbon ■ having behaved well, and ill ewn a pairicnc and confederate Ipj,. I that the damages which they had j lultaiiicU.. should he made up i to them at his txpence; and ' . aritculatly theit lloraiion of the houses which had been hut tit, ihe txpence of which will a mount to leveral miliions. All ‘he lovereigiu and all the countiit* of the coiilccciaiioo i evince the molt patriotic Ipirits When the nnndter of Aulliia at Drelden, delivered the de ciaiatioii of bis court to the king of Saxony, that pijnce could not comaiu his iivdigna. tion. ** Do you wish ttar,” laid the King, “ and againti whom P You attack and mfuh huiE, whothiee yearslince, mas er of fate, rcltored to you >our Hates. Ihe proportions which have hren niade to me, nffbet me. My eng gemets arc known all Europe, ]Sio prtnee of ihe coniedcration will icpar'ate himfeif from it.” Ihe grand duke of Wurtz. buig, brother ol the eiuperor | of Aullria, has shewn 4he lame lenuments, and declares, that if; tlie Austrians advance to his* Hates, lie would retire, if it was requtlite, to the other fide ofj the Khine. 1 hus the injuries ' of the court of Vienna are gen etally appreciated. The tegi. i mems of the petty princes, and all the allied troops, anxiously demand to march ugamlt the enemy. A dens womau observed a tailor going by her door, and supposing it to be her son Billy—cried obi to him, lt Billy, where i» im cow gone V* The sailor replied in a ve ry contempuious manner, “ gone to htll lor what 1 know*”—“ \\ ell as you are th«u v. a>, J ’ said the old woman, 1 wish you would just let Upwn the bars.” INK rOWDER F«r t»U- at tbiauttec. Foil tbt Minton or Tot Tim», X The Ciiie*n. Lather, No. 1. 8. 3. I tor, Sed ad Rem: Volunteer, at*! j ru( . *“ ■ the sparring of the Ceiitioi-I ai.d B l-.diror oarisoa- at.thc.jn*ta, anfj V** * partying replica, have tot Foifc w, * I amuf-.d the fubferibers to ihe diff ere , 1( '‘ I pers, and ferred to Iwcd columns itiat c * B net bcfiippbed vuth. intereftiujf doiruft, UUUI B foreTfeli'p&lTticaf hews. * Tlje fcjuib, 0 f ,° r ■ nmn» rditori have confidri ably rntertaj, * Isl while youthful pens have contributed tn fl Buck. Uniniertlied particularly id *i t s * I I had hoped a fin* field wa* opened for ft!' I difplar of taftnt, wit, and humor * B I relict that perfonalitict, iw>ectir t °° fl comparisons degrading to the human ’ f { l ' n, * I ra<aer, have fnppftttl their place_\|,‘ f | ‘ fl more pleasing would it l*e to H irueh more manly and decorous to the **♦ H thorstocrafe futh IfufT: though i ( * u ' B cite a laugli.it never receive* fanriti.*, fl applause from a generous bread. ] t b| T B that nice fetsiibility which iathefunlof W tence, &. familiarizes with Vulgarity, m»o ',** fl otherwise chaftc—But to the purpole ° r * B In a country like our*, where the mind * k d* unbounded m Fpacc—whcre nt» n : * fl ptrferfWy free agent, where honor, huneft * it and morality are generally prelumed to !■ i'l in at pure a ftatr as ou earth—where dm fl ger» from withont do not intimidate, ,* M commotions irom within do not alarm Drf _ m II ant .indeed with rvil mull he be, that c*o B fofpea men, (balking in the Sun *“ B ferent pieafure, witfi every inducement m fl pursue mvirtuous life ) of forming fchemn I of “ levelling” principles, and laying the fl ground work fog enveloping thi• • fair B brie of our republican government in rh». fl otic darknrfi." A'wary writer (for i Uch j B mufl infer from his lignaiiire,,/ ha* covered lli hinileH with gh.tjr in hit firft campa, e „ fl One I prefum - intimately verlant in the R o .’ fl fccruciao myfterics. 1 lie champion of O o fl dcr, conjugal excellence, and fl He ha* read Voltair, Roufli.u, V?,| u ,’ , y S : ami Yam Paine, and ha» lately made an irn' * portant difcov C rr that.Rohinfun’s Illumi„ a „*j B t*aa ; j analogous to the Junta. ■ Rohitifon, I believe, witbed to efbiShfh th* B ; Lack, that the French Revolution grew o« I jof a body or feel whoeallcd themfelvei j|| u . I mined, anil he wai better fupporied than 8 j plagiarist who wiOies tn d, ftr.,y the f a j r 8 i Wntling of a tew young men, why? B j they would not come forward, and 8 tell Mr. Cavcbo th act hey occasionally meet 8 ■ together and arnufr tlicmlelvea in rational I , «wwrf*»i*»n. It may he proper to ohf f ,y, II ! that Ido not belong to that body.de am 8 ** much a Hratiger to the oljecl of their .ff*. 8 elation* as any one; but on the pctfoual H i knowledge J have of some of them I can IB vouch that their views ireiunexiou*. 8 j Purely Cave bo must hve aimed more to B let the public know the extent of liis literary IB refearchcs, than to convince hi* readcriof H I the danger* of tCis Junta; for ot whom i* B ; t( u society eotiapoicd ? Ot young men gent. B j rally; allof them men of bufiuef*—all of theta j* artive v and inouffrioufly, and daily employ. B ,ed in tlicit refpeiftive calliag*--A* lar at I H know fhem, not remark able.for uncommon B , m n CtifcT I nranehes an«) lleppmg Prey IB ried men, conducting a* well a* ifJßtie ntar* H bora—other* a* ym'ag men a* lince?ft?b- B niirert of female worth- many who pay’er- H cry refpetft to religion* worlbip.~not an m- S llau e anumg tbrm of the Lounger, thrDif- 8 fipate, or TJevotee to gallantry. Augusta >• 8 yet too fm.tll, the inhabitant* pretty well H undbi fiand c <ch other, and indeed there it H no-cause for the terrible apprehension from H a colltdtion of a few young men, among 8 whom our eorreipondent might have been in , all probahility ad.nitied, had the fucitiy 8 { known hi? so. great penchant for informatio* 8 t oft! cm. Indeed the geiillepian well deferve* 8 j the compliment paid his tricud Voltaire. ■'j “ Thou art Co witty,fo profligate & thin, 8 & Thou fectjlt a Milton with hit dw.di & tin.** 8 v i J now my leave of Ovebo, advifng 8 If, him to become in luture.tnc Argutof June { 8 < an hundred eve* may he neceiUry to let him ■ L: j do justice to hi > Ration, and a* l.c dabble* ia 8 Itii ; Latin I would recommend’him to attempt a 8 j “ Paulo major* canamu*,” when he may im.Hi f pole iumfeti a fpecimeu t>f the ** hlirvusab in- ■ tegro fccloruin nafcilur ordo,” sent down ft* H watch the devious way* ot man, to ii improve, correct, and regenerate the Junuß v,c »>tlierw>fc circle “ Novi homines" will ■Cavebo « good fubjevT for ridicule Jt fpurt.^B I MIWKTIAI. TRUTH. ■ din notice. I' ■ THOSE gentlemen in arrears ''■vsir this ufScc for newspaper , arc requested »t* cali and dischargß . the same, aUo anticipate one qnarß i( ’* 1 ttr*-pnatage in advance in terms ofl h! gf 1 the law regulating post-olhcea.-BfTcv Sec act sec. 20, and j XVII. art. 6. or the papers will i retained in this ofiice. It is that this notice wiU not be diir® 1 gard«d t as the post roaster U u ' 1 : allowed to give credit lot only at his own risk. H'nou JOHN K. BROWN, ? It Post-Office, Carnesville July l-’-Hiiij;} CAUTION. " W** 11 I HEREBY torwarn alt P ers <* J ' , from tradiiii; lor certain proim'a^B’ : Bl ; | Notes given io Dred Ayict. by ~ iliur Ih.aicily, via. two tltitiy | lar notes bi two twenty dollar Also, two notes given to Ayres by John Juillivan, one 01 ten and the oilier fur seven k f Also, one note gtve.n by L angston to Andicw 1 ai vd ' dollars —no dates recollected. | j above onnututch ootes were t j out of a y trunk, on tlie night 15th of june. 0 fKANCSiJi July n. V)■) V I