Mirror of the times. (Augusta [Ga.]) 1808-1814, October 23, 1809, Image 1

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c [VOL. IL] - vjjQiJS'l A— PHIN Tt L) BY' DANIEL STARNES & Co. WEST END OF BROAD STREET, PROPOSALS bY oANIF.L STARNES & CO. , UStfa ** city OF AUGUSTA, TO BE ENTITLED Mirror of the Times. universal promulgation of k , n d the genera! distribution of know- CV are objeifti of the firft importance in X country where liberty ha* left trace* ‘J footftepi, under every government J c h conf.iiti the happiness of Man *Kno*WK'” fai “ the ? reat „ Lord Bacon naked with virtue it certainly . jiberty. Where ignorance reigns there ‘ ( triumphs and defpoiifm governs. As Bli(1 becomes enlightened authority w.l! be limited Sc morality reflored—Knowledge & the bales of freedom—the one Jutfi us in our rights, the other teaches, y ~,r duties; the firft fliews us how to A>n llnnfl th« belt poflihle form of government, the lift requires us to obey it when conftruc icc, It is therefore advantageous every where, (but in a Htpvblic it is absolutely necelTary th?t correct information fhou’d be widely 'diffubd and easily obtained : For tb.re tis tie p t cplt who govern. ‘lhty never inten tioiiallychoofe bad leaders or approve wrong taeafures, yet they are liable to error—give them true details and they will judge cor r{(.yi, for on plain grtunds the people, at* wiTifrom juAtpinitnj: whenever they mif like their own inttiells ’tis owing entirely to wsut of information in the many ot want cfhonedytn the/kw. But ext'*fvt po'iti cal information Unot to be acquirrd without mucli labour, and few have leifurc to lfudy the fyftemi, compare the opinions and pe ruse the pages of Locice, Sydney, Gibbon, Hume aad Vittel. If an acquaintance with the true principles of government and duties of a citizen could be acquired only from bug* (olios & diffufe treattfes, it would be seldom fought or if fought, the plough, the hitchct, and the saw mud Band ftiil. .Some cheaper and easier means of fatisfying curi cfity sod procuring iuform tion must there fore be looked for ; and where is intelligence chcapntfs and convenience united with more advantage, than in tneclofeiy printed col umns of the humble News-paper? Our countrymen appear so well convinced of llw ufefulnefs of pciicdical prints and have so very liberally encouraged them, that we deem it unneccffory to infifi on their merit, and almofl helitate to requcfl public patron age for another News-paper tftablifhtni nt. We can promise little except what atten tion, honesty & induffry can perform. The principles of entr Paper, like our own, will be Republican, “hut the fame freedom of opin ion which we claim for ourselves, we wifli all others to enjoy." Civil and Religious liberty is the birh right of evry man, and he who will Dot extend the fame indulgence to all parties, and all fedt, which he wifhea for his own, is already or deierves to be a Have, Tofupport Religion and morality will] he our pride—to encourage literature our wdeivor—no communications calculated to do either will he refufedj no hint will be negledlcd. In a free country it is necefTary that the law iTiouid be neither vague nor Boktiown, *ll public adks of the State leg tfature, will therefore be published as they tome to hand. The MIRROR OF THE TIMES will be °P en (0 M who canvass pnb'ic measure with dettney, and in examining the condudt of individuals, as officers of government—it t*''l know—“ No Party tut i*y Country. A r » Tiutl." , , CONDITIONS. I. The MIRROR OF THE;TIMES will be puhliti cd every Monday, ou a royal fi-eet ot an excellent quality, and good Type. The price to fubferbers will be three dollars per anuusi, paid half yearly in advance HI. The price for advertifmg will be fifty ten's per Iquare for the lirtt iefertion it thirty seven aud a half for each ceu timntieo. T he paper will be de'ivered ro Town huoferibs rs at their places of abode aud diole for the country will be d<_ue up •n packet, and delivered at the Post- OfTice. NOTICE. ALL person having anv de mands againlt the Eflate of Da- V 'J It evifom Esq. late of War ren county dreeafed, are re. i 'died to render in their ac- UjUn,s j af id ihoie indebted aie lolicited to make im •iittiiate payment. MARY NEWSOM, atlm’r ,U| . V2 4. . » , i* \ \ ,*'T CAU T1 oil V (j J 1 hereby for warn all pei?n. v trading or comihtling yi; * n y person whatever, wiittjt m y approbation, for any of 1 proper ty, as it will be at thv own rilque. ' Thames Dalt<\ August *B. (3 t) MIRROR OF THE TIMES. * * \ * Lawyers Office. THE Subscribers having enter ed into partnership in the Practice of the LAW, respc’fnKv inform the public ihar then Office is kept on the South ride us Broad Street, two doors above Messrs John Fox A. Co. where all busi ness in the line of their profession will be punctually attended 10. (t is their intention to practice in the Courts ot Colombia, Scriven. Ebert, Warren, Vv asinngton, V\ tikes, Jeff- rson, Richmond, Greene 8t Burke, Liacoln, Hancock Counties, as well »s in the Federal Circuit Court. The arrangement between them is such that one will always be present at the Office whilst the other is upon the circuit. JOSEPH HUTCHINSON KICHaRD H. WILDE Augusta, Angus, iiß. 8 W 4$ Jones & Seimnes, CONTINUES I ftE Factorage & Commission BUSINESS. Their Wart-H ousts ate in com. plete order for reception ct ail kinds of Country Produce, and Gcods conr.ing up the diver: — 1 heir attention wnl be unremitting and ail communications will be promptly attended to. September 4. Dancing School. Mr. COLMESNIL, PRESENTS hi* best respects to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity for the liberal encourage ment ha has heretofore received, and informs them that be will again opeu School in his former house, near Messrs Caitircy iSt Bustin'*, and assures them that the strictest attention will be paid to the ad vancement of those who may be placed under his care. Day School, will commence on Thursday the sth Ottobe:, aud continue Thursday, Triday & Sa tuiday in every week. Niokt School, will be as usu al, to commence on Tuesday the 3d of October. Subscriptions are open at Messrs Calffrey h Busim’s, aud at his dancing room; September 18- St DANCING SCHOOL. Mrs. ROWSON. Respectfully inform, the Inhabitants of Augusta & its vicini ty, lhat her SCOOL will be open cn 'Thursday Oct. the sth wneii she will instruct young Ladies and Gentlemen, a variety of the newest and most fashionable Dancing. l)uy» of Tuition , every 7 hurday Evening, also every Sa turday Morning and Evening, Giecn Street, Oci. 2. if FUR SALE, At Edgefield Court House S* | caiolina, a tract of land contain. mg two hundred and tea acres n i tu** f e and being within out hun dred ya iof tlie Court House. 'lb orovimoil* thereon are .ator 1 cr. . r ble aud convenient. — p,tt, • So s also on the premises an b \ Well, and the watc.r in -1 * ior to uonc in me biajfc v Any prolexbionai chaiacte| d'Anbus- of locating has tire opportunity by applying to Ed .< m d Bacon Lsq. Air. Isaac Ran. doiph, at/ Kdgehtld Court House, or to Uic hatucilbcr ouu UiHc be low »'scuu’s Tcny ou uic Carohua s'der , CHARLLB MARTIN; Scptcnioci 4. “ HOLD THE MIRROR UP TO NATURE.” ShaknpCdrC. CrfABLESTON, OL 12. Captain Taylor of the fchoo- ! ner Eagle, in ten days from St. ' Chriltophe’s, has Fa voter! tu< with a papei printed at that place of the *9«h ult. from which weh ive copied the following highly iu te*effing reports : B'tJl'etcrrt} (St. Kitts ) Sept. 29. j Extrait of a letter l orn a gentleman of the full ref pectabihty in Amigo, a few cbpies of which we threw off haitilv yrfterdav. for the in. formation of an anxious pub. lie ; 14 A vHfel from Glasgow to Martinique, in 28 days :—The following news was vefiei day foiwardtd <o commodore Fa hie, and it is believed. 44 Sir Anhur Welleflv has / * vanquifherl Soulr and Victor, I and the French air cot up.— | l’he combined armies have iur. | rounded Madrid hut thev have 101 l SCCO, the enemy 12,000. “ Hie g«and expedition has taken nine fail oi the line, burnt j 3, taken 14 frigates, (loops and j vessels beyond number, Ar have 1 proceeded beyond Elnlhmg 44 Bonaparte asked and got j an armilticc for some time, but ! the tint <J day khe archduke per. j ceived the crafty Corlican en j croaJiing, which induced the ! archduke to commence the 1 . O which terminated againit the French. 44 (commodore Fahie believes so much that what I have writ* ten is true, that he had his dis patches copied & Icatteitd thro’ the (hipping.” *1 he part of the above intel ligence alluding to the capture of the fleet at Fiufhtng, was re ceived here so early as Monday by an armed schooner, which called in at old road, charged witn ad'fpatch from commodore Fahie for admiral fir A. Coch. rane, at Halifax, brought bv expreft. 25 days from England. Pojlicrjpt — This noon the Try-Again, c apt am Hazed, ar rived from Martinique. He cor. rooorates the glorious intelli gence above mentioned, having i piloted a Spaniih 74 into Mar- j unique on Monday, 18 davs from Cadiz, bound for Vera Cruz, for (applies. From this fotlNce we found the following additional strength to the opini on we have ventured. Cadiz Gazette extraordinary, Augujl 25, 1 809 —We lately an nounced to the public the armif. tice extracted from the London papers; concluded between the empeiors of France A: Auflria, accompanied wuh fuitab'e rr„ flections on the credit that should be attached to it : We have the pleasure now of announcing the news following : On the 24th infl. his Britan. ; nic majesty’s conlul in this city, j received an express from Gib. 1 raltar, referting to intelligence brought hy a packet in 12 days from Palermo, with the agree able news, that the archduke John had formeda junction with his brother prioce Charles, gave the Fiench battle on the 29th : July, in which the defeat of the i latter was so complete, as to ' compel the immediate evacuati. 1 on of Vienna —the iofs on both Tides in this fangutnary Panic | was 6o } 000. i SCHEME Or A NATIONAL BANK. FROM THE AURORA, f Let an act of congrefr pass, eOablifhing one general and na tional batik, and aflutning the flock of all private banks, with their capital and debts due. Let the national bank eflalv lifli as many branches as inay he necedury to fuppjy public wants throughout the several (fates. Let the ffockholders firll draw 6 per cent, and then half the futplus, not exceeding 3 per cent —the remaining hit plus to goto theuleofthc governmelig. The directors to be appoint, ed, one fourth by the prelident, and the rest elected by the (tuck holders within ti e ifate>. Eve. i ry depoflt of calii to draw 3 per j cent inteieif, whether it be pri | vale or public property, with the ; privilege to take Itock at the l end of one year, at a pi ice to be I h*ed at the pieccding annual ; iem» by congreis, and the pro ! h's of the lai£ of new flock to ; go to the ule of the government. [ M inor details omitted] ine ucntfiis artling out of i such an eflabiilhment are many • and important, la the lirtt place jan intereU of perhaps 3 per j cent on 100,000,000 of dollars ! would go to the national treafu. I r y? 3> 000 » 000 dollars per ann. in me next place the (tring of inconveniences arising from ha vmg io many different kinds of paper in citculaiion as iheie aie banks, would be avoided, whiift the alarms of one bank fuffering a ruin from oihers would cease, and aii doubts about the lafety 6t iccui ny of bank paper woutd loon be forgotten, and this pa per become the entire medium, giving ftabiluy to government finances, and attachment to tno. ined interelh. Nor is it of fman importance to bring this subject wubm the gralp of the general government, if only to prevent me abulc into which it will lure, ly run from themcreafe of bank ing inifitutions, from rivai Hates, towns and perlons carrying the I banking buimels to excels, and j from Uetng moie difbcult to de lect counterfeiters, where the kinds ol paper medium arc so numerous and various. Three millions annually to the treasury, with the other public aud private advantages being of lerious concern to the nation— it remains to enquire what are the objections to a. Will the present ffockholders refule to iurrender their chatters & blend their imercfts ui hodge podge ? VVabout entering into the in ! duceißenis winch lfockholders would And in a general amalga mation of bank Itock, under the 1 (offering influence of govern | tnent, 1 (hall conhder the power i of congreis to force them 10 ac* I quiefee, or cease to be (lockhol uers; their choice would there fore be the refuli of necellity, or choice of the lesser evil, which, if not the molt pieafant, is always the molf lure ground to go upon. It is well known, rhat before and during the revolution, bids of credit were emitted by the Hates and by congreis, folciy for public benefit, and no such thing a* banks lutiered, i hele bids oi ! credit fuppoued tbc (tale and i MONDAY, ▼ciob-jr 23, JBO9. general and would W have fudoned the war, but for \ ‘u- IXCVl XC V ° ( ,he Cui *Wioik% ? Wh'ch rA,«,| i, valur, „ ld \ Imally luA mio no value; which j though no without j (s advama. He. «« the U’lic, fc|| veiy I vyoniherUiedanj.fcil. That tu the mfori id* jbe gene— ral union, it was bought' 7 dent igruke from the ?L_i£u3--|S hills in lo p rc „ vent luch another catay o pb hence we find it provide m lec tion xo, article i, “ ijik Ihall coin money, emit hW- 0 f cretin,” &c« Here then xwj» clearly unconstitutional lor\ Itaie to emit bjjiKs.of credit—ana by inference pf lound policy, what cannot he done dnettiy, cannot indirecdy. It therefoie only remains to examine if a ‘>ank note be a bill of credit, to leteimine whether the chaiter* granted to the banking coinpa. mes by the Hates arc valid. To try this quell foil, fuppole the dates to illue a paper cunency in the woickof ,# bank no;e, would such pafer be coniliiuii ynal ? As this question is an. Iwcied, it will follow either that the charters are void or the Hates have ilumefuilv thrown a very iinporiaru intereii from the peo pic into the hands of a monied lew, and which indirectly vio" laics the provilions of the (late conltiiuiions, which dcclates that all laws dull be equal, and yet lutfers thele chautied Itock holders to draw 8, ioor 12 per cent, whiie* other laws toroid more than 6, under the penalty of fncfeituie and line. I cannot, however, think it nccellaiy to continue time in proving wiiat mult be 100 clear to need proof; that a bank note or any piece of paper, purpor ting that the bearer Hull icceive the nominal amount is a bill of credit, no inattei what the words are—or that what a date, can not do in-iis capactiy as a Uate, 11 cum.ot do by third ptilons, and coufequtmiy that everV charter gt anted is unconllitu. lional and void. It then follows to enquire, if such is the cale, can congieia giant a chartei, and ought grels to do lo ( The conllitution has no where given, m'fxprels language, the power to emit bids ol ciedjt**- but it has given, implicitly, all the powers which the Hates are debarred from ufiug, and ex pefsly the power to provide for the general welfare ; to borrow money; to coin money ; to pumlh counterfeiting, dec. Al though it is clear, the right of congiels is better than the right ol the Hates, yet, if a dobt cx iHed, there is no doubt but an amendment might be had to give the power expressly- Bc cauleit is, for the general and particular welfare that banking ihould go on —and it is an in lufferabie abule to give corpo rate atfociauons exclusive pri vileges at the expcnce of the people. The sum that government could raifc i.i this way, would be adequate 10 build a navy; loitity the union; canal and tuiup.kc the union, or giv* genet al education to die poor. Shall then ihele very i.nujjr-/ [ No -